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Sunburnt Metal Part 2
Date of Scene: 03 April 2015
Location: Union City
Synopsis: The Union goes to confront Alexandria about where Freya is. Things don't go quite as expected.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 319, 385, 425, 578
Tinyplot: Sunburnt Metal

Natasha (425) has posed:
It's been roughly a week since the fight at Freya's house. Natasha's waiting impatiently for Alexandria to show at the agreed upon meeting spot. The guards said she would be at a Union City, but she wasn't quite expecting her to be so literal. They've gathered at one of the many different incarnations of Union City, New Jersey in the Mulitverse. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake and a tall figure with silver hair can be seen approaching in the distance.

Freya (578) has posed:
"She's really big", the mercenary who you had fought at Freya's house and now was going to meet the person that payed him "So what do you want me to do? Go up to her ask for the rest of my payment.", he looks a bit nervous..

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
There's no way that Yuna wouldn't be here for that meeting ... although she's sticking with her civilian appearance, at least for the moment, rather than being in her Light Suit. Similarly, she's got the full Matrix of Light nearby - Jiina, Marina, and Erina are all in their human guises, while the little robo-faerie Elner (lacking a disguised form) simply hovers near Yuna herself, ready to activate her battlesuit if it becomes necessary.

All of that also gives her one additional option ... although it's an option she's hoping won't have to come into play, even as the silver-haired giantess starts to approach. Yuna cringes a bit at the shaking of the ground, hoping that the footsteps won't set off any full-fledged natural earthquakes ...

Yuna's probably within relatively convenient sight of the mercenaries' meeting-place with Alexandria (and therefore should be close enough to support Natasha, if it turns out this is going to require more than talking). Her partners are a bit further away, and somewhat scattered.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as he feels the ground begin to shake. He had followed Natasha out here to help get some information on where Freya is, and he made sure to come prepaired, holding his staff at the ready, and wing scarf ready to transform at a moment's notice.

    At the Mercenaries comment, Fayt tilts his head to the side slightly, then looks to Natasha. "so, we're here, what's the plan?"

Maya has posed:
Maya is glad the merc is coperating it's going to get him out of a lot of trouble if he lives through it and Maya is quite the healer all things considered. She's also shuffling some cards in hand that look like they are from a Tarrot deck. She's also in he normal junking gear, she mostly hear as support as she's going to let other people take the lead today.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"We make her talk, one way or another." Given Natasha's personal bias against Alexandria she might not be the best person to do the negotiating here. As the giantess gets closer more details of her started to become noticable, her exposed skin has a metallic peach tint to it and there looks be what look to be a cross between bruises and dents.

She doesn't seem to be wearing any armor, just a blue tunic, a matching witch's hat which is folded over and a yellow skirt. Then again given her current state she might not need it, "I thought I told you to come alone..." A booming voice drowns out any other noise present.

Freya (578) has posed:
The merc looks up at her. "These people? There just some other members of my workforce! You can't be too careful these days.", he says soundsing quite neverous.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt winces as Alexandria speaks up. Qucikly, he glance around at the others, then leans back slightly to look up at Alexandria, before finally turning to watch the Merc. He doesn't say anything, he's just watching. Though hopefully the Merc gets the message loud and clear: We're still here, don't do anything stupid now...

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Good thing Yuna didn't plant herself within easy and obvious view of Alexandria, if that's how she reacts to anyone besides the mercs' leader being at the meeting place. She's even more tense now, though, and a quick bit of telepathic touching-base (thanks mainly to Elner) confirms that the rest of the Matrix of Light is standing by.

For now, though, Yuna takes another sip of the tea she's drinking for 'camouflage' at a sidewalk cafe within sight of the others. If they need her help, she's ready to go and pitch in ...

As for who should be the one to negotiate? Yuna doesn't consider herself qualified - she's intimidated enough by Alexandria's size without trying to speak to her directly, and staying put and sipping coffee takes a substantial effort of both self-control and acting skill.

Maya has posed:
Maya is just looking up for a momenr shrugging a bit as she notes. She doesn't say anything as the blue haired woman is going to play along with the merc's quick thinking after all.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha remands quiet, after all if Alexandria notices her the plan will quickly go south. "And I suppose you want me to pay them as well?" Alexandria sounds like she wasn't quite expecting this, "Let's get this over with quickly then. I want to be back in time for the start of the trial." She opens her hand over the merc and giant metallic flat circles start to form in her hand. Quickly, she begins tosses them downwards with maxmium force. Natasha notices what she's doing and moves backwards as fast as she can. As the coins plummet Alexandria lets out, "Oops, I guess you got greedy."

Freya (578) has posed:
"Oh sh..", the merc says looking up and the huge falling coins. THUD. THUD SQUISH! THUD. One of the coins now has a bit of splatter of blood coming out for the edges of it.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Surprisingly, Fayt was ready for this. As soon as the coins appear, Fayt focuses for a moment, his scarf disappearing in a blur of motion as it transforms into a pair of blue and green wings. Quickly, the mage goes airborn, wings frantically as he flies up adn away from where Alexandria is. As he does so, he calls into his radio to the others. "Hey, anyone know this place very well? We got somewhere less populated to lead her to?"

Maya has posed:
A grim end for a guy trying to make amends even if he was under duress pisses Maya off quite a but there's nothing she can do at this point. Sje's forced to move at this point rapidly as she can, she holds a prendant and etherial wings from from her back and she takes flight.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna cringes as coins the size of UFOs start dropping from Alexandria's hands, forcing her friends and the mercenaries alike to scatter - and at least one mercenary doesn't make it.

Somehow, Yuna's tea stays in her stomach despite the sight of that splatter; it helps that she averts her gaze in a hurry, but she rises from her seat and steps out into the street, Elner following as the Light Suit materializes on Yuna's body, replacing her clothes. "That's going too far ..." Yuna says softly, her voice in between a whisper and a whimper - but not for her next words, spoken as three more 'girls' leave their waiting/hiding places, transforming as they go into armor-clad androids.


A pillar of light erupts from where Yuna is standing, and the three android girls fly straight into the pillar at their current heights. Within the shaft of radiance, they expand and transform, as does Elner, before their shifting shapes merge and combine, forming a massive, gleaming shape which is revealed as the pillar fades ...

The Matrix Figure, El-Line, with Yuna already seated in the cockpit.

El-Line immediately moves to grab Alexandria's shoulder, never mind that the Matrix Figure is closer to sixty feet than Alexandria's fifty. "What do you mean, 'trial'?!" Yuna challenges the giantess, her voice amplified by El-Line's external speakers. "Who's being tried for what?!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt halts once he thinks he's high enough, grinning as the El Line shows up. "You know I forgot you can do that? Hear, let me help a little." He suddenly points he staff right at the el-line and says calmly. "Fortune."

    A small white coin suddenly appears above Fayt's Staff, before turning into a bolt of gloying energy and flying straight towards the El line. If it hits? The el line would everything it does works better. it ca move a bit faster, hit a bit harder, as Fayt's spell takes whatever it does, and tries to push it towards the best result possible.

    In other words? Yuna just got one hell of a boost to her LUCK stat.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Alexandria is caught off guard by the mecha, she wasn't expecting the hired help to have anything like that. She struggles a bit as her shoulder is grabbed, "Why do you care what happens to the coward? Aren't you just the help? Is not getting paid really that big of deal for you?" She has no clue what they're doing there to begin with.

At the point, Natasha can't just stand by anymore, "Where did you take Freya?!" The fire element flies upwards until she's eye level with the giantess. She's keeping some distance between them after remembering what happened last time.

"Freya...oh is that what's she calling herself now..." Alexandria's laugh bellows as she grabs the Matrix Figure with her opposite hand.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line doesn't budge as Alexandria counter-grabs it; Yuna, on the other hand, just gets angrier. "Yeah, Freya's the name we know our friend by! Now WHERE IS SHE?! Is she the one that's going to be forced to stand trial, with none of her friends there to help her?!"

Yuna *isn't* going on the attack, though, for a couple of reasons. One is that she doesn't want to start a giant-scale throwdown in the middle of the city, and she's waiting for Elner to calculate which direction to try and move in to get out of the collateral-damage-is-too-risky zone, if there *is* a direction for that. Of course, El-Line CAN fly ... if push comes to shove, Alexandria could probably be grappled and carried, rather than having to go through the city. It would be risky, though - and Alexandria won't be answering any questions if she's unconscious, or worse.

The spell cast by Fayt sinks into El-Line's armor and through the Matrix Figure's systems; if Yuna is aware of it, she doesn't take her attention off Alexandria to acknowledge it (although she'll have to thank Fayt later).

Maya has posed:
Maya doesn't have that much to say at the moment. She looks at her for a moment. She fdolds her arms for a moment she looks at them for a moment as Natasha spills it. She just hovers there her wings flapping a bit as she hovers off the ground.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Why would I tell you where she's at? Do you know how much trouble I went through to bring her in?" Alexandra struggles with the Matrix Figure a bit, but she's certainly not going to talk so easily.

"If you don't, I'll burn you more severely than the last time!" Natasha's losing her cool quickly. With that Alexandra releases her grip on the mecha and sends several metal lances flying at Natasha. Knowing what to expect from the giantess she lets loose a blast of flame. The resulting mixture of magic sends molten metal onto the street below.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:

When the spears go flying at Natasha, Yuna just tries to grab Alexandra in a bearhug, attempting to pin her arms to her sides so she can't throw any more spears. "Do you even care that Freya's our friend?!" shouts Yuna. "Do you understand that we're going to do everything we can to help her?! You're our only clue to where she's gone - I don't care what you spent in money or time or energy to CAPTURE her ... WE'RE GOING TO RESCUE HER NO MATTER WHAT!!!"

And with that, El-Line's engines start to throttle up ... not QUITE to the point of lift-off yet, but anyone who knows giant robots, or aircraft in general, should be able to put the pieces together as Yuna prepares, from all available evidence, to carry Alexandra into the sky. To do what ... ?

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt winces as molten metal falls to the streets below. Things are off to a bad start and Fayt would perfer they not get much worse.Quickly, he starts sending messages over radio.

    "Natasha? We need to make sure this place is evacuated, can you od that? Maya? You're the other support besides me here, one of us needs to help with evacuations while the other backs up Yuna. Which do you think you'd be better at?"

Maya has posed:
Maya looks to Fayt for a moment noding in agreement to Fayt.

"I can do that."
ER She looks back to the other one who doesn't seem to be wanting to talk and Maya speaks up after a moment. She's move focusing on other people right now she'll leave things to deal with other people.

"I'll get on that."

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha figures that all the noise has likely drawn most people away by now. Still, clearing the area wouldn't be a bad idea. As much as she wants to hurl more fire at Alexandria, she would likely just counter again. The two could spend all day fighting each other and all they would cause is more destruction, "Okay, you better make her talk though or I'll do it my way!" She flies across the sky leaving a jet of fire behind her. That should get people's attention

"Why should I care, what's important is that she's brought to justice before she hurts anyone else." Alexandria sees herself as right and not much could be said that would change her mind.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"You could at least tell us who's trying her, where, and for what!!" snaps Yuna - and she brings El-Line's thrusters up to full power. Unless Alexandria is a LOT heavier than she looks, she's going to get pulled into the air along with El-Line.

"If you're right about her deserving to be tried for some crime, Freya at least deserves to have her friends there to support her! You'd want that much if you were standing trial for the murder you just committed, right?!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As Yuna goes skyward, Fayt flies right behind her, trying to keep both behind and slightly above her, close enough to see what's going on and throw spells around if needed, but far enough away to hopefully get out ouf the way if things go south. He doesn't say or do anything just yet though, just quietly watches the two talk it out.

Freya (578) has posed:
"I think you done enough for today Alexandra. Why don't you give up and we can call this a draw?", a female figure dressed in a green robe with a hood covering her face She says this while standing on El-line shoulder. She points her wood staff at the gaint. "If you don't I'll have serious."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Oh no, that voice...okay put me down, I'll talk!" Alexandria suddenly looks terrifed upon seeing the woman suddenly appear. "They took her to the Colosseum and she's on trial for attacking the captial...you already know how to get there."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Well, at least Alexandria is appropriately scared of SOMEthing. Yuna reduces El-Line's engine output, coming back down for a fairly gentle landing. "*I* don't know how to get there, but presumably someone in our group does ... ?"

She's not going to let go of Alexandria until somebody confirms that we can get there - even if it's the robed female who just teleported (or something) onto El-Line's shoulder. And that sudden appearance is exactly why Yuna is being careful with her maneuvering - she doesn't want to dislodge her unexpected passenger.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Almost immeidatly, Fayt takes aim at the new arrival. "GAH!" As Yuna asks that question however, Fayt gets back on Radio. "Natasha? Does 'The colosseum' ring any bells? Apparenty they took Freya there."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Yes, but I haven't back to my world since I got here. In fact I don't know where it is!" Natasha's pretty much in the dark here.

"Let me go, I told you what you want to hear!" Alexandra's still struggling against the Matrix Figure at this point.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line's head turns to direct its gaze at the woman (sorceress?) on the giant robot's shoulder. "Unless the warpgates are 'smart' enough to get us there with just 'The Colosseum' in mind ... could you direct us?"

Freya (578) has posed:
"Of course I could Child of light.", the socresses says looking at the robot's head.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
'Child of Light'? That's not Yuna's actual title, but she likes it better than 'Savior of Light' - and she's certainly not about to correct a total stranger, or at least somebody who seems to BE a total stranger.

At any rate, it's good enough for her to let go of Alexandria. "We'll probably see you at the Colosseum," Yuna states - actually ready to help make sure Alexandria keeps her balance when released. "Especially if you intend to be there for Freya's trial."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt tilts his head to the side as The new arrival speaks up. "Ok... thank you for the help but..." There's a long, awakwrd pause, before he finally starts speaking again, and when he does, he actually sounds a touch annoyed. "You know, I just realized, if I ask you anything I'm just going to get a bunch of cryptic non-answers, or stuff about things being revealed 'when the time is right' aren't I?"

    Yes, Fayt is being snarky. His friend is in trouble and the new arrival popped up out of nowhere, so he's a touch testy at the moment.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Alexandria is a bit surprised that Yuna's letting her go but she's not going to argue about it. She certainly doesn't want to stick around while the sorceress is present. Plus, she's sore from being grappled. Natasha's almost tempted to go after her, but she's distratcted by the familar voice, "Auntie?!" She hasn't heard from her 10 years after all.

Freya (578) has posed:
A tower of vines grow up to the height of El-line shoulder 'Aunite' climbs on it shrinks down bring her to the ground. "Hello Natasha. It been a while hasn't it?", she says this as she removes her hood revaling a older woman with short blue hair with a few streaks of grey throught it. She looks a bit like someone you know. She turns to Fayt giggling a bit. "I'll try and answers as many questions as you have as I can. You may not like the answers thought.

"Oh! I should introducce myself. You can call me Chrys. I'm Freya's mom. I think we have much to disuss..."