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Riva Meets Summer
Date of Scene: 06 April 2015
Location: Afterus Orbit - Olympian Realms
Synopsis: Riva and Summer get together to plan terrible things for Arthur.
Cast of Characters: 441, Riva Banari

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer's moon, the Land of Wood and Haze, floats in orbit around Afterus. It is one of the far more miserable looking moons, in many ways. Once, it was quite a beautiful place. Giant trees were all over the planet, along with massive insects. It was a beautiful place of nature. But, after a difficult decision, Summer decided to take all Life from her planet, to use in battle against the Black King. So, now, it is a barren wasteland. The only noticable structure remaining is Summer's own home, a massively tall tower of black, with most of its features resembling a nice suburban home, copy/pasted to be incredibly tall.

     A magical gate is near the entrance to her home. Around the house are some bizarre trees, rather newly grown, and made in quite an alien manner. Bamboo that looks made of bone, plants that have writhing bits of flesh for fruit. Not super comforting things. As for her house? The windows are blacked out with paint. For some reason, the front door to her house won't open as well. Instead, the current entrance is, for some reason, a tunnel of sofas, with a welcome mat laying in front. Most people would have to crawl to get through the tunnel, which seems to lead to a hole in the house.

     Her living room is fairly decently sized, with a stairway leading to the second floor above. The living room is fairly tall as well, two stories tall, with most of the second floor accessible by balcony. The interior design is mixed, at the moment. Painted black, but with strands of pink paint every now and then. Posters of gothic imagery, and western animation princesses, are posted throughout the room. There are a few nice couches laying about, a nice living room table, and a computer desk.

     And, it's at that desk where Summer is spending her time, currently. She's leaning back in her swivel chair, hands behind her head. Her long, blonde hair flowing behind her, her noble curls hanging down her front. She's wearing a lolita dress today. Bright pink, incredibly fluffy, and with skulls, hearts, and flowers placed into design on various places.

     What's she doing at the computer? Seems she's playing a first person shooter of some kind. Something with aliens, demons, and lots of blood and gore.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva's never been here before. They say that the world of a Sburb player says a lot about the person who it belongs to, so it seems natural for Riva to stop and smell the flowers a bit.

When she emerges, she blinks, looking first at the strangg bone and fleshy plants, and then turning to look out over the world.

As she beholds the lifeless wasteland, she shudders a bit. There isn't much to see out there, so she turns away and approaches the house itself. The suburban home looks pretty normal at first, but the devil is in the details. The blacked out windows, the fact that it's a massive tower... All of this continues to impress on Riva.

She doesn't get confused by the door situation, however. The welcome mat draws her over to the sofa-tunnel quickly, and she crawls into the house with a quick squirming motion. When she arrives inside, she tilts her head at the environment, watching silently and not immediately announcing herself as she watches the gothic lolita princess play some kind of Alien Murder Gorefest Simulator.

The contrast is fairly astonishing, really. After a minute or so, Riva reaches out to knock on the wall, and leans against it in an affected coolkid manner. "Knock knock." She announces, smiling.

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     As the knocking happens, Summer swivels in her chair. She stops playing, though after a moment? There is some shouting coming from her speakers as people start complaining about the fact she just went idle right in the middle of play, unnanounced. Summer, for her part, seems completely unphased by this. Instead, she just stands up, smiling. She's a bit surprised, though it doesn't show. If anything, she finds this as an incredibly welcome change. She used to have random visitors all the time, and that sort of dried up after the Sburb campaign was finished. she pauses, trying to place the voice, though. She's heard Riva on the radio a few times. She lifts her hand to her chin, resting it on her palm, with two fingers touching just under her lips, as she starts thinking a bit.

     "...This voice... Hrm. Riva, i want to say? Is that right? I recognize your voice, at least. Well. What brings about this visit?"

     She walks forward a bit, her steps rather elegant. She's moving fairly well in her pink heels. It's almost like she has had millions of years to practice walking in these sort of things. She walks over towards the couch, taking a moment to kneel over, and reach under the table. Pulling out a couple of shoes. Without warning, she underhand tosses one, than the other, at Riva.

     "Hungry, or maybe thirsty? Just slip one of these on. And, if it fits, you'll get the desire."

     This is one of Summer's storage methods. If the shoe fits, the item will appear. But the items are also somewhat working on predetermination. So if Riva is /meant/ to eat something, one of the shoes will definitely fit.

     And, then Summer just sits in the couch, laying her legs crossed along the table. She motions to another chair, "Feel free to have a seat."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva winks as Summer guesses who she is. "Got it in one! Good guessing, Crowraven? Or do you prefer Summer?" She chuckles, and strolls in. She's not nearly as elegant, being much more of an active and straightforward type. She arches an eyebrow at Summer when she produces a pair of shoes, and she catches them, pursing her lips at them. "If the shoe fits, wear it, huh?" She chuckles at that, kicking off her own shoes and putting one on. A fruit smoothie with a loopy straw appears in her hand, and she looks surprised for a moment. "Well, that's different!" Riva says, pleased.

As she's invited to sit, Riva does so, chilling out on the indicated chair and bringing one leg up. "Thank you for the hospitality." She smiles. "I've been wanting to meet you for a while."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer rests her hands in her lap, smiling at Riva. Well. Seems that she is in fact destined to stay for a bit, then. There is one thing Summer regrets about Sburb being over, and that's the lack of future vision with Skaia being gone. But, still, she clings to these little hints that there is in fact /some/ small amount of fate in the world.

     "Call me either. I'm fine with both. Used to be I hated my birth name, but, well. I got used to it. I get called both fairly frequently, honestly."

     She leans back in the chair, smiling still. "..Meet me, huh? Well. You have been spending some time with a bunch of my friends, from the sound of things. ...Really, though. Why meet me? Something specific interest you? ...Not that I mind. I don't get visitors often."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva takes a moment to srink up some of that fruit smoothie. The loopy straw was of utmost importance for maximum enjoyment in some obscure part of the landscape of fate, perhaps. Either way, Riva leans on one arm of the chair casually, watching Crowraven with a grin on her face. "That's good to know... And you're right, I've been spending a lot of time with Arthur and sometimes Fiora when she feels like showing up." She rubs her chin. "I've wanted to know more about the rest of you. You've been coming up a lot lately, so I wanted to meet you."

She gestures with the smoothie, and emits a sort of self-depreciating chuckle. "Surprise, late to the party, huh?" There's a shrug, then. "But that's all right. There's always another chance. You probably know a decent amount about me. My name's Riva Banari, I'm an American who grew up with a pretty normal and boring life. Went through art school and tried to make it big in Paris, but I failed miseably. Got saved from being a homeless bum by a magical bee."

She waves a hand. "But I'm not here to talk about me. I know the gist of the Sburb story from Arthur, but I want to hear about you. What do you like to do? What did you do during all that? How do you and the others get along?"

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer just listens quietly. Well. This at least explains a lot. She sighs, fairly happily. She's been worried about Fiora. For Fiora to be spending time with others more is a good thing. She chuckles at Riva's little bit about herself as well.

     "Saved by a magic bee, huh? ...Never been to Paris. I wanted to visit it one day, but it wasn't in the hands of Fate for it to happen. Sad you didn't make it, though. I want to see some of your art one day."

     She pauses for just a second, thinking, before continuing, "...I haven't seen cS for a while. I really need to. She's my sister, after all. But, I'm glad you're spending time with her on occasion, and with pB. Neither of them were ever really... social. I mean, we met online, after all. pB was definitely the worst, though. He never had any friends offline, that I know of. He's always had some /pretty/ major self esteem problems that he hides with a layer of bravado."

     She looks at herself, and then towards the posters on the wall. She motions with her hand towards a patch of pictures with eldritch looking beings on them. "I was pretty different at the start of it, myself. See those posters? All I cared about was the dark and the macabe. I did like some of the cute girly stuff, too, but I kept it hidden. That's why I took on the name Crowraven Wolfmoon, though. I wanted a name that sounded a lot darker. My mom always wanted me to be a super pretty princess, and tried really hard to enforce it. So I kept fighting it. I had a lot of friends at school, all of them goth as well. I was a pretty major social butterfly. Very differnt than my coplayers..."

     For a second, there is a bit of a sad look on her face, but it fades fast as she continues, "...I knew the game was coming before the others. I woke up in my Dream Body in the game world before everyone else. So I made sure all of us played Sburb at the right time. I just viewed it as something that... /needed/ to happen. Because if you don't follow the timeline, things go wrong. Fighting fate never worked. And, when the game started, well. I basically just wnet to work."

     She sighs though, "...But, well. During the game, I kind of got over the Goth thing. Some weird... romance stuff happened. But during it all, I basically learned to be more... myself. Not fake the goth thing to the extreme. Be Goth and Dark and a Princess at the same time. And really, I'm a lot better off for it now."

     She smiles, leaning forward a bit. Her arms are close to her body. Some good memories are flowing back, but some bad ones are, too.

Riva Banari has posed:
"That won't be hard to arrange." Riva replies. "The Multiverse is pretty inspiring, all told. Helps when there's actual for reals Muses out there too." She laughs for a moment, her expression them falling a bit shen she mentions the antisocial tendencies of some of her friends.

"Well, I try to pry her out when I can, but she seems to be pretty content in just floating around and doing her thing. I can't judge, really. You guys all have like seven billion years on me, right?" She shrugs again, then looks to the posters when directed. "Huh. That's pretty... I figured you might have been into the whole Lovecraft and Geiger thing. Nothing wrong with that, right? Some people are into that."

The tale of how she was being pushed to be something she wasn't causes Riva to lean forward a bit, setting the smoothie aside as she puts her elbows down onto her knees and prop her head up, listening intently. "That's a prety compelling story. Not a lot of people handle it as well as you did. Most people tend to rebel to the point of hurting themselves, or suppress everything and just give up on being who they really want to be. You seem to have managed to come up with a compromise."

"I don't know if I'd agree on the fate stuff, but my opinion doesn' matter here. You made it work, and that's what matters, right? You get to be a goddess, you've come to terms with who you are, and you can basically do whatever you want." She smiles at that, and then uncurles, looking to one side.

"And yeah, I can see exactly what you mean about Arthur. I..." She fidgets a minute. "I want to help him. I want him to be able to be happy and face the world without having to hide like that. I figured you'd know some things considering how often I hear you messing with him."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer sighs a bit once she hears her sister is content to do her own thing, "...Well... She's pretty happy just being alone with her husband, but. She used to be a lot more cheerful. She didn't do super well during the whole thing, and she has fairly big self esteem issues. She's getting over it, though. ...I admit, how I treated her this one time early in the game did /not/ help. Made her feel... less important in ways. ...There was some incredibly awkward drama that is now more awkward since we know we're sisters."

     She is content to leave it at that for now. Honestly, she almost is wondering if she is saying too much as is, but she hasn't had a chance to talk about the old days for a while.

     A soft smile appears on Summer's face though, as she focuses on better things. "Well, it was really hard to get it where I could accept both. It was only after I died and became a God that I got a lot more comfortable with myself. I'm probably, in a lot of ways, the most well adjusted of my friends. ...Granted, I'm still a bit insane, but."

     She thinks on the fate bit, smiling again. She looks towards the ceiling, and starts reaching up, as if holding her hand towards invisible things. "I used to be able to see the future. And, if we tried to change the future, it always failed. dL helped me figure out why. The game was largely predetermined, and if I broke the vision I saw in the clouds, it'd create a doomed timeline. So say I tried to stop us from entering the game. We would have died in a false timeline instead. And the main timeline, I'd still make the 'right' choice."

     She turns back to face Riva again. This bit? It does catch her attention. She is not /certain/ on this. But. At her heart, she is a bit of an anime fangirl. She used to make charts shipping out her friends with other people, at just the simplest hint of attraction. The bit asking about Arthur. The fidgiting Riva is doing. Summer takes her feet off the table, and leans forward again.

     "...pB is a pretty tough person to help. I can give you a bit of information on him, but even I'm not sure how I could make him loosen up. I do know him /incredibly/ well though. I've known him for ages. But.. Yeah. I'll tell you what I know."

     She straightens up. Her posture starts mimicking Arthur a bit. And she starts talking, "Well, the IMPORTANT thing to know about ARTHUR is that a lot of his stuff is an ACT. He was fairly LONELY back at home, and his only friends were ONLINE. He covers his SELF-ESTEEM issues by acting overly cocky. He's probably the one of US who is the most TERRIFIED of social contact. If something REALLY bugs him he'll even DROP the EMPHASIS stuff he does. And that's when you get to see a bit more of how he really thinks of himself. Which is not much."

     A frown appears on Summer's face, "...and he's also terrified of romance. Which is largely my fault. I started dating a girl, named Crepe. It was a /really/ bad relationship for many reasons. She and I really liked eachother, but a lot of things lead to the relationship... exploding." Summer is not sure if Riva has heard of Crepe. So the reference to Crepe's explosive nature as a humanoid creeper might go over her head. "...And to make matters worse, we both somehow ended up with amnesia removing eachother from our memories. And then Crepe's best friend killed me. This isn't the /only/ terrible bloody end to a romance pB has had. So it's fairly terrifying for him."

     "...And, well. At the least? He has been growing a bit. Getting more used to being himself. He still has the self esteem problems, but I think he /might/ be realizing romance isn't all bad. He has other... oddities he needs help on, but those are the two biggest emotional problems he has. I have some ideas on how to /help/ him with these, but.... They're hard to act out. Part of why I keep tormenting him, though? He actually fights back against it. He defends himself. And he reasserts to himself that he is, in fact, pretty cool."

     A pause.

     "...Plus tormenting him is fun." %

Riva Banari has posed:
"Something I learned in college is that /everyone/ has self esteem issues. No one is ever as awesome as they think they should be. And most of the ones that do just have the problem in reverse. It's pretty hard to find that whole zen center of self-awareness, you know?" She shakes her head. "You're handling it pretty well though. And people make mistakes. You guys made up for it, I'm sure." So maybe she's not sure, but who knows, if she didn't maybe Summer will take it as a suggestion.

"So like Arthur, you died and gained godhood, huh? What's it like being a god? I mean, Arthur told me his view on it but I bet your take is pretty different. Godhood seems to be a really personal experience."

"And don't worry too much about being totally sane. We're all a little crazy in our own ways, I think." She frowns for a moment, though. "Huh. so you kind of were stuck in a kind of predestination paradox thing where you succeeded a lot because you took the path you had to take, and spawned a ton of doomed timelines where you tried other things? That's kind of..." She pauses. "Super complicated. And maybe a little depressing, in a way."

When Summer starts paying close attention to her, though, Riva blinks, running a hand over her mouth. "What? Do I have smoothie on my face?" But when Summer clarifies, Riva relaxes. A little. "Ah, okay..." She says, listening intently. She nods when she gives her overview of Arthur's mindset. "That's a lot of what I got from watching him myself. Good to know I seem to be on target." she replies, and tilts her head, squinting as she hears about the Crepe debacle. "That's the first I ever heard of that. Arthur would always gloss it over. That's really messed up, why would someone kill you over a relationship breakup?" She really doesn't seem to understand what the deal was with Crepe. Perhaps it's for the best. "Well... I think he's worrying too much about it. He's a good guy, I think, and I feel he's doing himself a disservice."

When Summer reveals her ideas on why she torments him, Riva considers this. "I don't know if it's helping or not. He still thinks pretty highly of you regardless, so it's not doing any damage to that, it seems. I'm just worried that constantly prodding him about his problems instead of giving him time to confront and come to terms with them will prevent him from growing. Even if it would be a lot of fun."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer sits back a bit, thinking on the whole 'self esteem' thing. Mostly, reflecting on herself. Hrm. Maybe she herself has a bit more self esteem than she needs. Or not enough. But still, she moves on, more important things to think about.

     "Being a God is... boring. And not that big of a deal. Yeah, I mean. I created all life on Afterus. But still. I'm just me. Anyone else get the powers I have, they'd have to create life too. I just won the lottery and got Godhood, not any different than anyone else otherwise. ...Though I do God it up a bit sometimes. Because hey, sometimes a girl has to brag."

     She sighs a bit. Riva... Probably needs to know more details on the Crepe thing. "Here's how it wnet down, with Crepe. I dated her. She was polyamorous, I was not. She eventually decided to go steady with me, anyways. ...and then I tried to open up for her. And things got messy. We fought a lot. And Crepe's friend, Gespie? ...Well, she's the one who made me try sharing Crepe. Because she tried to blow me up. That time failed, though."

     She looks down, sighing, before continuing, "...I... still don't know how this happened, but. After that, while Crepe and I were having our spat. We somehow ended up losing our memories. Mine came back, recently. But. While my memory was gone, Gespie finally stabbed me through. ...She was trying to help me in her way, but she also was still mad. I had to be stabbed and killed to become a God. And she was really the best choice for it. She was the one who had the most reason to stab me."

     She leans forward again. She's thinking on the fact that Arthur thinks highly of her. That's a bit of a surprise. Granted, she thinks pretty highly of Arthur as well. She considers him like a brother, in man ways.

     "...The best I can suggest is that, if you really want to help Arthur? Be there for him. He basically has PTSD over this whole thing, I think. Or something close. ...He has been loosening up. I can tell, he actually doesn't mind the attention from that robot girl /too/ much. If he did, he could force her to back off more forcibly. Talk to her creator to fix things. I don't think she's really his /match/ though."

     A sly smile crosses Summer's face.

     "What he /really/ could use is a nice, felsh and blood girlfriend, who is mostly stable. But you... Apologies, I mean, whoever would move in to do this role? They have to be subtle. Just get close to him first. Hang out with him. Don't bring up actual romance. And he'll fall for them with time. Hell, that's how romance /works/. You don't just 'start dating'. People sneak into your life, unexpectedly, and then you become a couple."

     Summer honestly doesn't really have enough info to know that Riva actually is planning to court Arthur. But she is assuming this is the case still. At the least, though? Riva seems nice. She's already friends with Arthur. It's a /perfect match/.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva nods. "I guess there's that whole... eternity thing to deal with, huh." She pauses. "I wouldn't say you just won the lottery. Fate might be a thing for you but you still had to go earn it, right? You could have failed at any time and been doomed. Nothing wrong with flaunting it a little if you've got it." She smiles mischeviously about that. "But yeah, life isn't a thing that stops, though. Why does a god of Life live in the middle of a wasteland? Can't you just..." She handwaves, probably indicating some magical god power or something.

The details on the Crepe and Gespie situation causes Riva to just kind of tilt her head a bit. "You know, I don't think it's really the romance that killed you, but the fact that Gespie was pretty kooky. I mean, there's no need to get violent over..." She pauses. "Actually, never mind. People hurt each other over relationships all the time. Yours just went all the way. I'm just sad that it happened that way even if it had to for your purposes."

But then the topic goes back to Arthur. It's clear that this is something she's heavily invested in, because she's significantly less casual about listening to Crowraven about it. Is it just how she feels about Arthur, or maybe she feels like she can open up to Summer some more? Or maybe she's just one of those people who wears their emotions on their sleeve... Or some combination of all of the above. She nods, though. "Yeah, I'm planning on hanging out with him a lot more. I have some plans... And I've met Elsa. She's..." She pauses, looking off into the distance for a moment, perhaps looking for a good way to put this. "She's... unique. But I agree, I don't think Elsa is really that good for him."

The 'accidental' slip from Summer causes Riva to smirk a little. "That's some interesting advice. I'm going to have to make sure whoever would be suitable makes sure to..." She pauses, and just throws her hands up. "Okay, hell with it. I'm planning to move in on Arthur. I'm trying to do exactly what you're advising. I see exactly what Elsa's doing and it causes him to go avoidant, hard. I figure if I can slide him towards it over time he won't flip out, as opposed to some ridiculous anime-trope robot clamping down on him and proclaiming her robot love." She eyerolls a bit. "Look, I like Elsa enough but she's a few processes short of a cluster. And people keep inferring she's pretty jealous, so it puts me on edge."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer sighs. She looks to the black painted window, and then away. Even after so long, she still instinctively wants to look towards the window to look outside, "Well. I haven't gotten around to it. The reason my planet is empty is because I stole /all/ life from it. I'm not just the Goddess of Life. I am the Rogue of Life. I steal Life, and can use it for other things. So I stole all life on this moon and used it in an attack. ...I'm planning to bring life back soon, though. I'm thinking of heading out to find more."

     With it being on Gespie again, she sighs, "Well. A lot of that relationship was my fault. Gespie isn't human, either. She was very two dimensional in mindset. So, she either loved you, or wanted to stab you. And since I tried to take away something she loved... ...She forgave me, though, I think. And I don't think it could have gone any other way. I hope Crepe will remember me /one/ day, but who knows. And even then, we'll just be friends. And I'm happy with that." There is actually a smile on her face, there. "...But I need to find an actual partner /sometime/. I've been single for ages, though I've had an on again off again relatioship with someone for a trillion years. It's currently 'off', and haven't seen him in ages, so."

     And now, Summer just smiles, "Alright, awesome. My Shipping Sense is completely on the ball. I am /fully/ in support of you going for Arthur, and if you need /any/ help? I will help. But, for now, just keep getting close and friendly with Arthur. He won't expect a thing. He isn't that aware, unless you're blatant about it."

     But, a pause. And a smile. She has thought of an idea.

     "...But. I think I know how to deal with Elsa. She's an anime-trope robot, huh? Well. I think I know a way to remove her from Arthur. I could challenge her to a battle. A battle for Arthur's love. I'm the childhood best friend. That trumps 'chance encounter'. So if she is based on anime tropes... It should override it to where I would win. And then Arthur will think he is free of relationships. And then, /bam/. You come in while he isn't expecting it."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva follows Summers' gaze to the window. "All life, huh? That's wild. That must have been a hell of an attack... Well, if you ever want some help looking for something to use, just ask! I don't mind helping you out if I can." Riva nods, smiling pleasantly. "Then maybe you'll have something to look out of your window at, you know?"

Summer, naturally, continues to defend Gespie. Riva shrugs. "I can't... and shouldn't, judge. It's your past, you made your choices and in a way, you paid for them. No one can say jack about it. You are who you are, right? I'm glad it turned out for the best in the end, I think I would have been pretty sad if you ended up staying dead or something." She smirks at that. "As far as finding you a nice guy... I'd help you out there too, but ugh, all the decent guys I've found so far are taken. The Union has a /terrible/ dating pool, and well, I don't even know who would be a good choice in the Syndicate besides Arthur. Talk about conflict of interest, right?"

Riva chuckles at that, and swings one leg up to cross her legs, stretching out casually again. She brightens considerably at Crowraven's approval. Being in good with Arthur's friends is /always/ a bonus in a target relationship. "Awesome. I'll keep on keeping on. He was going to take me to the amusement park with the tickets you theoretically were going to have him use with Elsa. He thought it would be a super dangerous romantic situation." She giggles at that for a moment. "Joke's on him, I guess! Regardless..." She pauses. "You'd do that for me? Dang... But what if Elsa wins? Or Arthur mistakes it for you being interested in him?"

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     "I'd really like it if you helped me find more plantlife," Summer says. She smiles at this bit. Not many people have offered to help on this. "I've got some... bizarre plants out there, but some normal plants would be awesome. Turn the whole planet into a garden for myself..."

     She smiles, though, "Well, if you hear of anyone good, let me know. I mean, I had a crush on Psyber for a bit, but now I view him more like a dad, so that'd be weird. Plus I would guess he's taken, anyways. And there is no way in hell I am dating Arthur, god, it'd be like dating my brother."

     But, really, her main focus still is on the Arthur dating front. She smiles widely as she talks about this. She is getting really animated, making lots of hand motions as she speaks. Romance is something she is is super interested in.

     "Alright, so. Totally fine with him going to the park with you instead of her. I didn't tell him this, but it's totally a romantic lovey park. Definitely pretend not to be prepared for it, and show him sympathy for being tricked into going to such a place. Possibly visit the haunted house. He can be a wuss with terror sometime, so he might cling to you in fear. I can alchemize you some really cute outfits if you want, too. Then we can keep getting you two into awkward situations where you're both alone, just by 'chance'. It'll be great and awesome and work out."

     And, an evil smile on her face, "If Arthur thinks I'm romantically interested in him? It'll throw him off guard. He's rather narrow on his focus sometime. If he thinks I'm into him, he won't see you coming in. And I'm pretty certain I can take on Elsa. Worst case, I've got some tricks I can use on her, to set it up to play against her romance stuff. I'm totally sure we can make this work, though."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Normal plants, check. Seeds good, or do you want the whole thing?" Riva asks. COLLECTION QUEST GET. "Yeaaaaah, I know the feeling about Psyber. I thought about trying to go out with him too but... yeah. Very dadlike. Much awkward. Wow." She pauses. "If I find someone who would be a nice fit, I'll point them out for you. I gotta do you a solid, after all. One good ship deserves another, right?" She winks, grinning with much mischief.

She then nods as Summer outlines her own plan involving the park, which neatly dovetails with her plans. God, it's like they were in cahoots the whole time and didn't even know it. "Wow, you've got a great handle on this. I'll be down with some outfits, but we need to stop short of cosplay. He'll get suspicious if I show up in one of those magical girl outfits." She gives a thumbsup. "This is going to be the /best/."

but then Riva starts hearing the full situation with Summer's Elsa Plan. Her eyes widen a bit as a bit of stunned horror sets in. "Oh man. This is going to get crazy." She foretells. "Just remember: No death. We don't need to traumatize him /more/."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer nods, smiling, "Psyber is... A really charming man, but he simply has too many women wanting to stake a claim. But yeah, I'm not expecting anything. ...Though, I'm not limited to men, as a note. ...Hell, I'm not even planning to actively search, honestly. If it happens, it happens." Really, she used to actively seek out romances. she handles it a lot better now.

     "...And as for outfits. I have a /lot/, and not all of it is cosplay. Don't worry, we can get you something really cute, but not too forward! Something nice."

     And then, she lets out a bit of a chuckle. "Don't worry, no death. I don't want him to think romance always leads to Death. Beisdes, robots aren't quite alive, anyways. So. Don't worry. I think we have a /really/ solid plan here."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva claps her hands. "All right! Man, meeting you is basically one of the best decisions I've made in a while." She gets up and calmly walks over to Summer, and gives her a big hug. "Thank you for everything." She says, before letting go. "I just walk in out of nowhere and introduce myself, and a little later, you're helping me plot how to help out Arthur. You're a really good person, you know that? If you ever need anything more, just ask. I'll help you out however I can."

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer, of course, hugs right back. And, fairly tight. Honestly, for a split second, she considers keeping Riva for /herself/. But, really, if she's interest in Arthur? That'd be a better option overall. And besides, she isn't overly serious on actual dating right now.

     "Yeah, meeting you have been great. Feel free to drop in any time, though! I'm up for scheming like this in general. Used to be quite an anime fangirl and really like shipping people together. And you and Arthur? You'd be a /great/ match. He has a lot of friends, but not many are willing to help him on this angle. ...Or are seriously interested in dating him. So if it works, be good to him, alright? He's a lot like my brother, really."

     "And, you need any help on anything, and I can help too, alright? I need more stuff to fill my time anyways." There is a bit of a bounce in her words, she's obviously quite thrilled with all of this, and making a new friend.

Riva Banari has posed:
If Summer had met Riva a few months earlier that might have been a thing. But divergent timelines will be divergent, and Vruasa has no interest in poking around in them to see how weird human relations pan out. Because trolls gotta troll.

"Don't worry. I really want him to be happy." Riva says, smiling. "And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. He's suffered long enough. Besides, sometimes it takes a woman's touch, right?" She chuckles and winks at that again, then heads back to deliberately drink down the rest of that fruit smoothie. "That was delicious." she comments offhand. "Don't worry, I'll be stopping by again soon. Or if you want, come by my place in the Heaven or Hell building! Or if you want to go out someplace, that's fine too. Variety is the spice of Life, right?" She laughs, and then takes off that shoe of Summer's she's been wearing. "I should get going for the moment though. It's been awesome meeting you, Summer. I'll be in touch, okay?"

Summer Powers (441) has posed:
     Summer just grins a bit, standing up. She cracks her knuckles a bit.

     "Well, yeah, woman's touch, completely needed in this case. But yeah, have fun! We'll meet up again. I don't really care where, though getting out of this tower might be fun. See you!"

     And, Summer walks over to her computer. She sits down, still looking at Riva as she leaves. She'll wave goodbye, as well.