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Sunburnt Metal Finale
Date of Scene: 12 April 2015
Location: Colosseum
Synopsis: The biggest trial ever to hit Elysium along with the final showdown with Alexandra.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 319, 385, 425, 578
Tinyplot: Sunburnt Metal

Freya (578) has posed:
After a few warp portal and a bit of walking our heroes have arrived in the captial of Ellsium! Medvial achetcutre could be seen a large castle could be see in the distance and well as a large collesium, that's where Freya will be. As you pass thought the streets there are a few stands sellling food an other misalcious goods. They don't seem to be pay too much attention to you at the moment other than a mechrants shouting at you to come over and buy something.

"It's pretty quiet today. I guess everyone at the collesum for the big show..", Chyrs says as she walks down the street. She walks over to a stand. "I'll take on of those.", she says buying some bread. "I love this sweet bread!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Was that joke intentional?" Fayt gives Chrys a slightly confused look as she buys some snacks. Fortunatly for him, Fayt's from a world likely not all that different, meaning he likely doesn't stick out much at all. Just some tiny guy with his staff and well... ok maybe the scarf sticks out, but not too badly.

    Fayt for the msot part simply follows hte group, wondering jsut what kind of trouble they'll have to deal with when ti comes time to make thier move.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Given the amount of walking that was going to be necessary (and hopefully was predicted during the planning), Yuna is in a decent hiking outfit, albeit one that might not be mistaken for local garb: T-shirt, jeans, and decent hiking boots. She doesn't even seem to recognize the maybe-pun until Fayt points it out ... at which point she grimaces, resisting the impulse to facepalm. "It was too horrible to be a deliberate pun, I think," she says to Fayt.

Elner is flitting along next to Yuna as usual; Erina, Marina, and Jiina are casually striding along in altered versions of their civilian guises, their 24th-century clothes (or reasonable facsimiles thereof) more befitting what they know about the world. They may be dressed in a manner largely similar to Chrys - the point is to blend in, at least for now.

Natasha (425) has posed:
It's bustling outside of the Elysium Coliseum. Natasha's watching a pig being roasted on a stick, "No, you're doing it wrong!" She would show the correct way to do so, but she doesn't want to draw too much attention to herself this soon. Of course given the fact she used to travel with the circus means a few people here likely already know who she is. Then again she's suspected to be dead, so they're likely doing double takes.

Maya has posed:
Maya gets an idea of where this is going to be going and she looks over at Fayt and Chrys shrugging a little bit. May was as she normally is really looking much like she wandered out of a dance club on 20th century earth somewhere. She keeps pace with the others and hummmms lost in thought.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Oh! I didn't even relize. I'm sorry.", Chrys offers some of her sweet bread to Fayt. "You shoudn't go into battle on a empty stomach."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt blinks as he now finds himself holding a pice of bread. "Erm... thank you?"" He sort of stares at the bread for a moment, before idly nibbling on it as his follows behind the others.

Freya (578) has posed:
"We have to go this way.", Chrys says leading them to the far side of the colliseum. There is a guard standing next to a door she smiles at him he nods and opens the door. "Quicky this way.", she says leading them inside.

Maya has posed:
Maya nods ot Chrys and follows along she's ready, however for trouble as she's lead inside.

Natasha (425) has posed:
On the far side of the colliseum, one of the vendors is set up far away from the others, "Rotten vegetables, get your rotten vegetables here!" The horrible stench that fills the air would explain why this side is only light guarded, most people were staying away. Natasha pinches her nose as she walks by, sure she may be a fire elemental but she still has a sense of smell.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna was starting to wonder if she should grab a snack too - she ate a good lunch a while ago, so she's not *hungry*, but Chrys seems to think munchies would be smart. Then the stink of rotten vegetables hits her in the nose and she covers her lower face with a whimper of disgust, her eyes watering a bit. "So much for a fair trial, huh?" she asks her allies, her voice muffled and a little more nasal than usual; she's quickening her pace to get AWAY from the stink.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Either that or this place is host to some detritivores." Fayt adds as he adjust his scarf to better cover his nose and mouth. Following hte others inside, he looks to Chrys and Natasha "Where exactly are we headed anyway?"

Freya (578) has posed:
"The main floor of the collisum Fayt.", Chrys sas leading them down a hallway to another door. From the information i've gotten Freya should be out there.as well as few guard the There as well as the prosuctor for the trail, Alexandra will be there too. Thing will get pretty chaotic pretty fast.."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"What about a defense attorney?" inquires Yuna. "Or didn't they invent those here yet?"

Freya (578) has posed:
" I doupt anyone would want to defened her or be allowed to..", Chyrs says sounding slightly annoyed by that. "You coudn't really call this a trail.."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "They're selling snacks out front and I bet people brought ticks for this." Fayt says. "Odds are they're not here to see someone proven innocent." He then looks to Chrys. "Sorry if this comes off a bit mean but... if it's like some worlds I've visited... would I be right to expect lions or something similar?" a pause then, frowning. "That's... not actually a joke by the way."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"...has been accused of mass murder, wide scale destruction and being a freak of nature!" As the group approaches the makeshift court it seems like the trail has already started and the judge is speaking. As Chrys has mentioned there's no attorneys are present. Freya's been chained to the floor in front of the judge and there are a few armed guards present along with Alexandra. The metal mage looks paler and more stiff than the last time they saw her.

"How does the defendant plee?" The judge awaits Freya's answer but it seems like the outcome has already been decided ahead of time.

Maya has posed:
Maya looks over to Yuna for a moment.

"You expected a fair trial given how they are operating?"

She notesd Maya expects a show trial at /best/ seriously that's what she's betting on and she's come prepared for that. She follows them down towards the floor of the arena, as she does so she listens she folds her arms listening and doesn't like where this is going.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
There is a very noticeable and unmistakable twitch from Yuna as she hears the 'judge' announcing the charges against - well, presumably against Freya. She wasn't exactly in a good mood to start with - feigning a casual smile, at best - but she can't even pretend to be relaxing any more. "Elner," she stagewhispers ...

The little robo-faerie doesn't respond, though, drifting further ahead as if to get a better view or to hear better what's going on. "I believe we were going to barge in, rescue Freya, and run like the Queen of Darkness herself is hot on our heels?" Elner asks Chrys softly - possibly just confirming the basic plan before Yuna might try putting it into action on her own.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Not guitly.", Freya mutters out, she covred in dirt in grime sitting on the ground, she slumps over but on of the guard walks over and kicks in the side then picks her up by the chains around her writs and force her to sit back up. she doesn't even react to the guards actions.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "I managed ot get a ship, it'll be ready to pick us up once were out of here. you guys lead the charge, I'll back you up with my seplls." There's a pause as he readies his staff, then. "I call dibs on that guard."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"We have a number of witnesses that have tesitified otherwise to that claim. Your plea has been rejected, the sentence for your crimes is death. Maybe being vivisected will reveal why you have commited such horrible atrocities against humani..."

"Shut up, stop saying such horrible things about Freya. I'm not going to stand here and let you kill my best friend!" Natasha angrily rushes into the courtroom with that.

"What are you doing?! You shouldn't be in here guards restrain this woman!" As the guards approach her the girl bursts into flames in a fit of rage, "What the hell, she's some kind of demon!" The crowd lets out loud boos but they're quickly silenced as the prosecutor explodes in a geyser of flames.

Maya has posed:
Maya nods at the plan, she doesn't look armed but that would be a life, she's got her Fate Deck handy, she does not say anything yet she looks out at the court and thinks for a moment she folds her arms at this point.

She flinches a bit, she had the means to control things and that's what she's gong to do at this point. She starts to channel into a fate card taking note of any guards whom are here and laying down a spell to basically sap them into the point of being usless in a fight she didn't want a bigger body count she just wanted to get Freya the hell out of this pit.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
That's all the cue that Yuna needs - and the same seems to go for Elner, as Yuna's civilian clothes are replaced by her armored Light Suit in a ripple of wind and light. Jiina, Erina, and Marina similarly revert to their armored forms, falling into step around Yuna as she charges out. Yuna hasn't manifested a weapon, though ... ?


Of course, summoning a giant robot means she didn't NEED to.


Yuna was really hoping to stop the trial and get Freya out without resorting to actual violence; since Natasha went out and burned the prosecutor before she had the chance, overwhelming surprise with a measure of shock and awe is the best option Yuna has left. If it comes down to a fight, she *IS* ready to take on Alexandria if it comes to that ... but she's really hoping the display of the Matrix Figure will be enough to stun the onlookers out of fighting any further.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Y-you all came!", Freya says standing up but looking a bit unsteady as she does so. "I thought that.. mabye you woudn't...",she looks like she going to cry...

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As soon as the Matrix Figure appears, Fayt begins to walk towards Freya. Pointing his staff stright at her. "While bolt."

    A bolt of positive energy fires from Fayt's staff, a simple healing spell to hel get Freya on her feet. Which is important because there's likely going to be a LOT of running REALLY soon! for now though, Fayt jsut walks out towards her, hoping everyone will be too distracted by the giant robot to make much note of him.

Freya (578) has posed:
Chyrs just walks over to where Freya is helping her up. "Hello there my little girl", she says. "Mom!", Freya says leaning on her. "Shhh it's okay now.", she waves her hand at appoaching guard his legs getting tangled up in vines.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's standing there in shock about what just happened, she just had intended to set him on fire. Did she just competely lose it, "I...I..."

"Congratulations pyromaniac, I knew you had it in you!" Alexandra can be seen making a mocking cheering gesture, "Though I might be able to salvage this situation, after all it would look good for the council seat that just opened up!" Her attention turns to the Matrix Figure, "But first I have something to take care of." The mage starts to grow greatly in-size and the coliseum starts shake. People begin to flee in panic withe chaos that's unfolding around them.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
If Yuna was already angry (which she was, she was yelling rather than just letting El-Line amplify her voice - although it did that too), Alexandria's response to the situation seems to strike another nerve; Yuna doesn't even wait for the mage to finish growing to her full size before lashing out, trying to scoop her up and sling her OUT of the colosseum, away from the city ... and then El-Line takes to the air, turning to follow the direction it just tried to pitch Alexandria in. She shouldn't have gone all that far despite the throw ... especially if she was still growing.

"You tried to murder our friend *AND* use it to step up your political power?!" Yuna snaps. "How do we know you didn't make that 'accident' in the first place, years ago?" Somehow she's refraining from further attacks just yet ...

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt Keeps camly fireing healing spells at Freya as he appraoches her. "I-white bolt-managed to get an escape vehile. It might be a good idea to-white bolt-Get a move on here!" That said, he takes a moment to look over at Alexandria and Yuna, before sending Yuna a message over Radio. "Keep her busy if you can."

Freya (578) has posed:
"Your the best Fayt!", Freya says smiling. "Don't try and take the shakles off there keeping me small.. Taking them off now would be bad.", Freya says.

Maya has posed:
Maya also finds tht things like this are leaving well her in a foul mood. Poltical things often. She sees what was gong on now at this point she just looks to Naaatasha and sighs there's nothing that can be done now save to keep the body count down at this point.

"A long term plan wouldn't shock me."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"I can't control fire idiot! Besides your friend there was the one who just flambed the judge. Not to mention she was actually at the accident. If I had been there, I would been killed with everyone else!" Alexandria defends herself against the accusations. Her fist suddenly turns into metal as she punches the Matrix Figure angrily. It seems like wasn't going to back down without a fight this time.

The flames around Natasha have vanished at this point as she stands there motionlessly staring at the burnt remains of the judge's corpse.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Cue Fayt going red in the face. "Erm... r-right. anyway, we should get going." He looks over at Maya and Natasha. "You alright there? Come on!"

Freya (578) has posed:
"Natasha!", Freya says trying to snap her out of her shock. "Let's go!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line's hand was already coming up to intercept Alexandria's punch, but Yuna didn't anticipate the transmutation - although she probably should have - and the mecha's hand is pushed back a bit by the blow. "Then WHY?!" yells Yuna as she tries to knee Alexandria in the belly, followed by a (fairly light, given El-Line's size and strength) chop to the mage's shoulder. "Why drag Freya back to the world she ran away from? Why hunt her down to put her on a mock trial for crimes she never wanted to commit? WHY REMIND HER OF HOW MUCH PAIN SHE CAUSED AND SUFFERED?!"

Her questions are punctuated by an attempt to grab Alexandria and fling her *hard* to the ground - and there's a flicker of energies around El-Line's hands just afterwards, as if Yuna started to invoke a weapon and something just barely stopped her.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha comes to but clings to Freya a bit as she does so, "Freya, what did I just do?"

Alexandra cringes a bit as she's chopped in the belly and shoulder. "Didn't you hear, she's a danger to Elysium! She..." That's all that she manages to get out as she's flung to the ground. She tries to struggle against Yuna but doesn't have much success. There's a loud metallic crushing sounding as she makes impact. The places where the Matrix Figure chopped her are already starting to be covered in metal. The mage is clearly having some trouble getting back on to her feet as her body increases in weight.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"SHE NEVER WANTED TO BE A DANGER TO ANYONE!!!" howls Yuna. "If you'd *LISTENED TO HER* you would *KNOW* that!!!" El-Line's fist clenches, arm coming up as Yuna bends the Matrix Figure forward, ready to punch -

/Yuna, hold./

"Elner -" Yuna starts, her voice and that of the robo-faerie not amplified any more but still audible both outside to Alexandria, and to Yuna's allies over the radio.

/You're losing control of your magic, aren't you, Alexandria?/ transmits Elner. /Yuna, let her get up ... if she can. I think she's about to learn what Freya went through ... overwhelmed by magic she doesn't understand and powers she can't control./

El-Line stays where it is for several long seconds ... then, slowly, lowers its arm and pushes itself away from Alexandria.

Freya (578) has posed:
"You were just trying to protect me Natasha that's all", Freya says she gasps seeing Alexandra turing to metal. "Oh no.."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as he heads towards the exit, hopefully with Freya and co in tow, as he walks he's frantically talking into a radio. "Yeah, guys, you found a spot? alright, go ahead and send coords We should be there soon." As soon as Freya speaks up however, he looks back at her. "What? What's wrong?"

Freya (578) has posed:
"She losing control Fayt.", Freya says with some sadness in her voice. "Her powers are overweleming her."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Shut up, I'm in full control here!" Alexandra's not willing to admit defeat so easily. As she slowly gets back onto her feet, her back's exposed and has turned a silver metallic color. She moves closer to the Matrix Figure trying to reach out to attack it. "I'm not like either of you, I can handle my magic!"

Maya has posed:
Maya has been hanging back she does not attack it's strange for a moment. Maya's normally quite the fighter however ther may be a reason she's watching for a moment as she looks at Alexandra hard and coldy she notices the mages is having problems she takes a moment to cast another spell a rather powerful curse of weakness upon Alexandra.

"Power hungry, petty, and you used us as well to your own ends."

Maya's own magical resave are vast and she would be very hard to miss it be like a Leyline was posing as a human woman.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line brings its arm up again, palm flat and aimed towards Alexandria. "LIGHTNING SHOOT!" Yuna calls out -

It's not electrical lightning that lashes out from El-Line's hand, but a crackling bolt of concussive radiance, enough force to knock Alexandria off her feet again. "No," Yuna snarls, "you're *not* like us. None of us would drag an old friend through this kind of Hell for any reason. But I guess, you never really considered Freya a friend, did you ... ?"

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya runs closer to where Yuna and Alexadra are fighting. "Alexandra stop this! Your not in control! We can help you!", she know this is proably pretty stupid but she can let her suffer like this, even after all the stuff she gone throught.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Alexandra's currently quite conductive to lightning and the bolt knocks her off her feet. Maya's spell also has an effect as she starts to shrink in size quite a bit and the metallic parts of her body start to soften. "No, I won't let you get the best of me again! You already humiliated me once." She's unable to get back up this time.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt frowns as he continus to Lead Freya and Chrys towards the transport. "Ok, how bad are we talking? 'Whole city turns to metal' bad? I mean... I can enchant things, maybe I could try to do SOMTHING to keep it from going-OH GODS DAMNIT!"

    Suddenly, Fayt takes off, scarf disappearing in a blur of motion as it turns into a pair of blue and green wings. Quickly, he flies up towards Alexandra. "Alright you, we need you to answer for what you did and that means no karmic dying on us, now quit thrashing about so I can see to this!"

TYes, Fayt is very much pissed right now. Yes, he's going to help anyway. Because as mad as he is, he's not about to let a potential disaster go off in the name of revenge.

    Even if he really, REALLY hates this place.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line's fists clench, but the Matrix Figure's arms fall by its sides. "She wanted a death ..." Yuna begins, then trails off into a long moment's silence.

"... I guess ... making sure everyone lives - everyone we can still save - letting her live with the knowledge we thwarted her ..."

She doesn't sound terribly convinced.

Freya (578) has posed:
"Of course..", Freya says. "Mom help me takes the shakles off.. If we can get them on Alexandra it might stop her from blowing up..", Chrys nods and starts to take the shakles off.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt quickly flies, aiming to land on top of Alexandria, namely, on any piece of cloths that hasn't truned to metal yet. He then bows down, places his heads on it, and focuses.

    The plan is a simple one. exhant her cloths to grant hte wearer protection against transmutation, namely, to try and halt or alt east slow her turning into metal, while Freya works with her shackles. Hell if he's REALLY lucky he'll start reversing it!

    There is however, one little snag. Fayt's never made something like this before, and Alexandria is HUGE. Almost immeidatly, there's a loud buzzing sound as multicolored electricty starts to build up around Fayt's head at an alarming rate. "So help me if I surge from this you will be loading crates for centuries to pay me back!"

    Again, Fayt is not a happy camper.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"How are we going to get them to stay on? Stick them on her pinkies?" Natasha notes that's Alexandra is still fairly large despite shirinking somewhat

"Oh no, keep those things away from me. I won't let you reduce me to some magic-less commoner!" Still she's not in much of position to resist anymore. She looks at Fayt, "I don't think making your head explode is going to help here. But I could use a good laugh right now."

Freya (578) has posed:
"There..", Chrys says as the shakles come off Freya arms. "Thanks..", she rubs her wrists. "those things really hurt..", she turns to Natasha. "I haven't thought that far yet.. I doupt she can shrink anymore.. Oh dear."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
El-Line's fists clench tighter - apparently they CAN at this point - and the armor on its hands glows, flaring and crackling with holy radiance. "You deserve far worse than to be stripped of your magic," snarls Yuna, "and if you make Fayt's head explode -"

And then the Matrix Figure's hand comes slamming down on Alexandria's chest, above mammary level this time. "- then you WON'T get to gloat about it!!" Yuna finishes. "Now hold still and take your loss like a big girl! Not that you know anything about maturity ..." she adds, less shouting than grumbling.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Hey. HEY! Ease up on the bad cop routine! I don't want her thrashing around and I need her talking!" Fayt speaks up without looking up form his work. "Gods the thing this job makes me do..."

    letting out a quick grunt, Fayt addresses Alexandria, "Alright, can you still if you're still turning to metal or not? and for Gods sakes cut the ego, seriously, how dense can you get."

    There's a small pause as Fayt considers those words. He frowns. "DON'T ANSWER THAT!"

    He then glances over at Freya and Chrys. "Any progress on that?"

    and the whoel time he's working, that electricty keeps on building up...

Maya has posed:
Maya looks at Alexandra still the others are doing a good job at this point.

"Hubris tends to be the leading cause of death in mages."

Maya notes idly it's a thing he's seen. She looks to Frya for a moment and just sighs. "Yes enough of the bad cop humm we don't want to stoop to her level also ... I didn't know you could get angry Fayt."

Freya (578) has posed:
"We got them off Fayt!", Chrys says. Freya surpised to. "I didn't know either.. I think it best we don't itterupt him right now..

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Ack! Are you trying to kill me here?" Alexandra cringes a bit at that, "Well, I can still feel pain so I'm completely metal yet. Hitting me certainly isn't going to help though." Metal is already starting to cover where Yuna punched her. "Like I said, I can't control fire. He's doing a pretty good job of making his head explode on his own. And what I'm suppose to without magic? Do you think having me sit in a jail cell all day is going to accomplish much?" That's likely not going to reform her.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
There's no response to the 'bad cop' comments from Yuna; however, she's keeping Alexandria held down physically unless Fayt says to let her up.

Neither does she reply to Alexandria's question, whether it was meant as rhetorical or not. In fact ... Yuna is completely silent right now.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Pain? right, Pain is good in this case." He looks over to Freya. "Can you get them on her?" Then to Maya. "it happens, it's rare but it happens!" Then finally back to alexandria. "Speak up if anythinh changes!" with all that said he goes back to his work. mutter mutter stupid mission mutter...

Natasha (425) has posed:
"So you want to turn me into some magic-less nobody. Why don't you just shoot me in the head and get it over with? Oh wait, you're those types who believe everyone is worth saving?" Alexandra snorts a bit at that. "And I bet you're laughing right now even if you're trying to hide it." She clearly doesn't sound too grateful for what they're trying to do.

Freya (578) has posed:
"I can try..", Freya says walking a bit closer growing to normal 50 foot size. "This fells a bit wierd.", she attempts to try and put the shakles on two of Alexandra's fingers..

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna tries to move El-Line far enough out of the way that Freya can do that, although it's ... kind of dicey. And Yuna STILL isn't saying anything - not to Alexandria, not to ANYONE. On the plus side, El-Line's perfectly still other than moving to make room for Freya.

... although it's possible that isn't as good a sign as it seems. Maybe.

Natasha (425) has posed:
As soon as Freya slips the shackles which are more like finger-cuffs to Alexandra she starts to shrink and the metal that's taken over her body starts to transmute back to flesh. She lets out cries of pain as this happens but as much as she tries to free herself she's unable to do so. After a bit of time passes, the now mostly powerless mage is reduced to human size. There's still small amounts of metal visible where she was hurt but she's no longer in danger of being covered with it. She tries to conjure metal to attack with, but all she can manage is small flakes which fall to the ground. "Dammit."

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya looms over Alexandra now. "I could just step on you now.. But I won't.. Just go. I don't want to see you ever again!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "You still with us Yuna?" Fayt sounds a bit worried . Though he's distracted by alexandra shrinking, as he hops off of her.

    Then it happens.

    There's a LOUD buzzing sound as the electricty around Fayt's head dissappears, hsi entire body glowing yellow befroe he suddnely... flops over, landing face down in the dirt.

    There's a long, awkard moment of silence, before fayt, slightly muffeled speaks up. "No letting her go, we're taking her in, she's answering for this... someone please pick me up. I can't seem to move."

    He's not joking either, he's not in fact, moving at all. weird.

Freya (578) has posed:
Chrys goes over and picks Fayt up. "There are so many puns i could make right about now.. Chaos magic..."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Not worth killing."

Yuna finally breaks her silence, bringing El-Line back to a standing position - and gently drawing Freya back from the shackled Alexandria ... and then, for all the Matrix Figure's power in combat, Yuna instead uses El-Line to give Freya a hug, much as if the giantess - probably older than Yuna - were a younger sister, given the height difference. "It's over," Yuna says softly, "and you're back among friends ... let's go home. Leave Alexandria to the Elysians - if she's broken the laws here after all, they'll deal with it. She won't hurt you again, Freya, that much is sure ..."

She trails off, then moves to slowly let go of Freya. Chrys gathers Fayt up before Yuna can do that, though. "Let's get back to Njorun Station ... Fayt, which way is the ship?"

Freya (578) has posed:
Freya nods lightly takingthe hug from El-line. "Yes let's go home.."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
"Don't. You. Dare." Fayt... well that was probably ment to be menacing, but that's hard ot do when you can't actually do much of anything. "The ship? It's that way."

Fayt says that, but he doesn't actually point out where to go, it takes a few moments for this to sink in. "...over that hill."