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The Hunter Or The Hunted
Date of Scene: 03 April 2015
Location: Strait of the Americas
Synopsis: A dangerous Digimon Exile has appeared and is threatening the lives of people. Can the people of the Multiverse end her madness? (Part 1 of 2)
Cast of Characters: 132, Alexis, 695, 707, Duke, 736

Duke has posed:
About a week or two the Strait of the Americas had a strange phenomena break out where nearly all electronics, lights, and computers went haywire around a few block radius before a flash of light impacted the sky. This was later followed by unexplained murders that got more and more serve. ( +bbread 23/9 )

Duke left out about two days ago to see what he could find out about this unknown problem and what he would find was what he feared. This brings up to currents events between two Digimon and a bunch of people trying to capture this all on their smart phones, video cameras, and some being wise to just to get out of the way.

The red Dino-dragon had taken on his Perfect stage form of War Growlmon X in order to deal with the other perfect, but even then, the heavily armored dark purple Cerberumon X was a much perfected fighter, a natural hunter. When Duke went to attack, the smaller digimon at ten feet, quickly got out of the way before its eyes started to take on a fiery green energy from their natural red color, "INFERNO GATE!" her voice, yes a her, ringed out as she slashed her glowing armored claws at the very fabric of space & time.

The slash opened and tries to consume the much larger Digimon, attempting to crush Duke under its dark power, but in the end it exploded and shoved the Digimon right over where a news reporter and her camera man was. The War Growlmon X collided into the building at the end of the street, struggling to get back up to his. "...Nrrghh.."

"Is that really the best you have?" The Cerberumon X asks as a dark smile plays across her muzzle and the white fur around her neck bristles. "At least you could have made this hunt more interesting!" She rears back her head before blasting out deathly green flames across the distance. The camera man quickly throwing the reporter out of the way as he gets consumed by the flames, seeming to just-- vanish, much like the camera.

The flames race for where Duke is, who uses his thrusters to shove himself up into the air, before landing down roughly next to another building. "You were hurting innocent people! I wont let you do that!"

"Hurting innocent people?" She scuffs back before barking into a laughing, "Who do you think you are? A Royal Knight? Well, I know what you will be." Her eyes shimmer "Just as dead has they are!" The Cerberumon lunges and with her large armored claws goes to slam them into Duke's body pushing him hard into the building, before kicking him back into it where it topples down onto of him.. While successful, she laughs until her eyes go wide to see a sudden blue glow emit from inside the rubble. "...Oops."

Then with a massive blue blast a beam fires off that sheers into the sky for miles before the wake of the energy explodes along the sky. The Cerberumon X however has landed on the ground only slight scorched by the heavy blast and fanning off a part of her armor. "Maybe not such a waste after all..." Her eyes then look to the none moving form, before she grins. "...but at least now I can take you a part for pieces of a trophy and a deserved meal."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:

     That's pretty much the foremost thought on Beelzebumon's mind as he races towards the titanic battle upon his hellish machine Behemoth, tearing through the streets and weaving around the traffic with reckless abandon.

     Off in the distance the explosion of Duke's attack ripples in the sky, prompting the demon lord to look up.

     "Damnit Lizardface! At the very least, you could have waited for me to get there before you started the fireworks! I /hate/ missing out on Giant Monster Fights!"

     Then with a sudden swerve, Beelzebumon ramps off the front of a vehicle and launches into the air as he leaps off the elevated highway before tearing off through the city streets.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Given Xiaomu's collection of interests, the prospect of something with the side effect of an electronics-killing EMP is naturally of severe interest to the sage fox - and she's actually taken the precaution of leaving *ALL* of her personal electronics behind, bringing only a Union-issued radio which is designed to function despite that kind of phenomenon. That's how serious she is about this.

Fortunately, when the news report about the battling monsters (not quite kaiju size, but plenty big enough to be trouble) went out, Xiaomu wasn't all that far away via warpgate, and she hurries into the city in question, the rings attached to her staff's headpiece jingling as she emerges at a run, pausing only to backpedal out of the way of a demonic motorcycle with a fight-happy Digital Demon Lord of Gluttony astride the Behemoth. "HEY! Drive safely, there are other people on these streeets!" she calls out at Beelzebumon ...

Then she's on the move again, clutching her staff tightly in her left hand as Xiaomu tries to find a good vantage point to both figure out which monster is which, and what the best course of action is to help protect lives generally.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago is a hero. She is a rough-riding, tough-talking, straight-shootin' daughterofabastard. And when horrible, terrible things are happening to her friends, she will demolish anyone who gets in her way! That's why, when she saw the readings, she tagged one of her closest, dearest friends for a ride and some ammo.

Something large and red ZOOMS by overhead as a blobby yellow ball falls. It bounces once, then shatters into a million little pieces, disgorging an irate GoGo. She gets flung through the air by the force of the bounce, and rebounds off a nearby building, tackling a young boy who was too close to the fight. "Come on kid, keep your head in the game. Get a longer-range camera, or you could get hurt." she says, setting him down in the branches of a tree.

Then she turns towards the monster, and blinks. "GODDAMN IT. I'M SICK OF THESE KAIJU!" she grouses. Her discs spin up, rocketing her towards the beast. <<Everyone calm the fuck down. GoGo's got this.>> comes over the radio.

Doran (695) has posed:

Doran didn't think much when Duke left Alexis' ranch a couple of days back while saying he wanted to explore the Strait of the Americas. Digimon don't always like to stay put for long periods of time, and he'd been wondering about the disturbances going on there. Doran figured that letting the Guilmon-X investigate a possible Digimon sighting would help with any restlessness.

It only takes one glance at the television, showing live breaking news from the Strait of the Americas, to see that something had gone terribly wrong. The Dorumon's eyes contract to cat-like slits as he recognizes the 'monsters' on the screen and he immediately whirls around to bolt out the door, energy building within him. "ALEXIS! Duke's in trouble!"


Doran flies through the air at his fastest speed in his Ultimate form of Dorugoramon, wings stretched out wide with his 9'-tall humanoid body streamlined like a missile. Thank goodness for warpgates! Alexis would probably find herself on Doran's back, between his wings and shoulders, his horns and forehead crest breaking the airflow. "We should be there soon," he calls back, not bothering to hide his concern over the situation.

The pillar of bluish-white light does not go unnoticed, and Doran adjusts his flightpath to fly right towards it. "...Not that they're making it difficult to find them..."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis didn't want to ride her cycle on the off change the electrical disruptions screwing with the lights or ignition in middle of a giant monster fight. Now she had several monsters that could fly, but most of them were either large and slow, or only fast at short distances.

So when Doran offered to give her a lift the tomboy didn't hesitate to accept.

At least she had experience in riding monsters in general. To the point she almost naturally shifts to lean into Doran's turns. "Yeah, I'd don't think keeping out of sight is on the agenda."

Duke has posed:
Duke was out cold and many who may not know how Digimon work or how at least this War Growlmon X works, they may miss the fact that he didn't Degenerate, but for those who don't understand this--- he may actually seem dead, given when some of the rubble rolls down, showing off the side of the massive monster's head with its mix of metal and cybernetic parts, there is a bit of a red-black liquid dripping out from its steel-teeth maw.

People have to scatter as Beelzebumon comes riding in and some people may capture some pictures of his sweet ride, it isn't long till others get same treatment, but people are starting to get scattered as police and SWAT teams show up.

As for the Cerberumon X, she sniffs the air as Gogo shows up and Xiaomu, "Hmm? New prey? Strong prey? Oh yes indeed." She says licking her chops, but those canine ears perk up and swivel slightly as she hears the roar of a particular ride. This is followed by a very deep inhale, before exhaling from her mouth, as smoke gently rolls out. "...Mmmm... that is a scent I have not smelled for some time."

The Cerberumon X then stands up fully before she lets out a bestial howl into the air, before shaking her body and her tail flicks, with the blade edge of it actually cutting the street. "Hear me! That War Growlmon X is mine!" She then leaps from her spot and then in front of Duke's downed body. "If you want his corpse, you'll have to go through me... and I'm very protective of what is mine...hehe." Those three metallic claws fold back down into place and her eyes follow as Beelzebumon comes around the corner. "And you Demon Lord! I would have loved to have /hunted/ you at one time, but I know your out of my league," She then licks one of those claws, "...at least for now, hmm-hehehe."

That is when her eyes dart over to Gogo and with a slash of her claws straight down, "RARAH!" a green streak goes racing right for her and seeming to consume everything in its path, before suddenly exploding it back into existence with green flames blast upward! "I am Cerberumon X and this is /my/ territory now!"

Thankfully for Alexis and Doran they get to miss this early insanity.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon slows down as he comes around the corner and slowly comes to a stop, then lets out a loud, theatrical sigh as he stares not at the Cerberumon, but at Duke laying unconscious behind her.

     "/REALLY/ man? C'mon! I came all this way to see Giant Monster Fights, and you get your dumb ass knocked out before I even /get/ here?" He dramatically throws his arms out, then just shakes his head and steps off his bike.

     "Some rival you are. Ya manage to fuck up my arm last time we fought, and then you turn around and get your shit stomped by this third rate mutt?" He gestures dismissively to the massive beast standing over Duke, "When this is all over, remind me to whoop a couple of lessons on how not to be a bitch into that thick skull of yours."

     Yes, he's bitching out someone who's unconscious.

     Then he turns his head to /finally/ address the X Digimon standing over him, "Hate to break it to ya, Lassie, but that there dumbshit cyborg is mine, not yours. I called dibs on him long before you ever showed your ugly faces, so why don't you piss off and go sniff a fire hydrant."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu scowls briefly. "That corpse looks too nice to be yours, dogbreath!" she shouts back at Cerberumon, planting her staff in the pavement next to her as she finally comes to a halt. "Of course, if you want to claim a corpse, I'd be happy to see what you look like when we beat the stuffing out of you!"

She reaches into her jacket, pulling out a grenade, and swiftly pulls the pin, winds up, and *THROWS*. The fireball when the grenade detonates a handful of seconds later isn't just a mundane explosion, either - it's been enhanced with fire magic, thanks to Shinra's weapons-development division, so there's a magical aspect to the spectacularly hot explosion. And if Xiaomu could possibly throw it so it'll go down Cerberumon's throat, all the better - otherwise, detonating against the armored dogmon's outside will have to suffice, but she's okay with that too. As long as it hurts the beast.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Attacking GoGo? Bad choice. Claiming 'territory' and terrifying civilians? Worse choice. But when you kill one of her friends, you've just earned yourself a one-way ticket to hurtsville. Unconcerned, she takes out her gum and sticks it to the inside of her helmet, eyes narrowed.

The Green Blast doesn't concern her, and she barely even tries to avoid it, leaning to the side and letting it pass by her. "Time to woman up." she says, squeezing out a few tears. "I'm sorry I didn't get there in time." she whispers over the radio as she looks at Duke... "I wasn't fast enough.".

Absolute RAGE boils up in her veins. And she goes SCREAMING for the huge monster. "YOU DONE FUCKED UP!" she screams. Whipping around in circles at top speed, she tunes out everything. No allies. No dead body. Just her and the Cerberumon X. Even her radio goes off. She lets the discs spin up, becoming red-hot, leaving trails of fire behind her.

This thing is strong. But GoGo is stronger. Riding the wave of Xaio's fireball, she flies through the air, dropping down onto the things hand. "I'm GoGo Tomago. And I'm going to rip you APART!" GoGo shouts, her blazing discs shearing down into the metallic claws.

            "PIECE. BY. PIECE!"

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran barks a laugh at Alexis' comment. "To put it mildly."

The Dorugoramon takes a moment to circle overhead, too far away to attack but close enough to hear everything... pretty much from the point the Cerberumon-X began boasting onwards. He snorts softly, a puff of smoke trailing from his snout, and seems less than concerned about Duke's apparent death. "I agree with Beelzebumon. This is just embarassing, Duke."

He dives down after the Cerberumon-X unleashes her flames, flaring his wings and landing at a complete crouch so Alexis can jump down. Only when she's safely on the ground does he stand up, tail swaying in non-verbal aggrivation. "This is nobody's territory, Cerberumon-X, and that Wargrowlmon-X isn't yours either." Beelzebumon would definitely recognize his voice as the little Dorumon he happened across recently.

He lifts his hands somewhat and fireballs flare to life in his palms, the flames licking around his hands and forearms. "Stand down." He really doesn't /want/ to fight a fellow Exile, but he's fairly certain she's too far gone to listen to reason, especially given the events she's caused leading up to this point.

Duke has posed:
Beelzebumon yells at the unconscious Duke, who the Cerberumon X thinks is dead and the she /even/ gives the Demon Lord the strangest of looks.

'/REALLY/ man? C'mon! I came all this way to see Giant Monster Fights, and you get your dumb ass knocked out before I even /get/ here?' Beelzebumon says and the Cerberumon X gives him a dead pan look, "Um... your talking to a dead guy."

'Some rival you are. Ya manage to fuck up my arm last time we fought, and then you turn around and get your shit stomped by this third rate mutt?' Then Beelzebumon gets into his next part and her ears fold back with a snarl on her muzzle, "Third Rate!?"

He goes on about something else, but her mouth is steaming smoke right now and her red eyes glowing with a green fire. "THIRD RATE?!!" She snaps back out, only to just bristle up when Beelzebumon at last address her, "HOW DARE YOU! YOU OVERGROWN /SORRY/ EXCUSE FOR A BABYEATER!!!"

Beelzebumon really upset her, but he also /really/ distracted her, because when Xiaomu speaks up, it goes all but ignored that was until her preferial vision catches the magical grenades. "...ah damn it..." BOOM! The explosive force impacts her and sends her skidding back as she digs those claws into the ground. That is when Gogo also leaps in with flaming hot discs and slams it down on one of her metal claws.

The Disc bites in and digital sparks can be seen flying off, the Cerberumon X howls in pain before throwing that hand up to knock Gogo off of her and then swings her body around so that the edge of her blade tail may catch the superhero woman.

Her eyes beat over to Xiaomu, before back to Beelzebumon, then back to Xiaomu. She chooses Xiaomu it seems as she flips around, then leaps straight into the air for the Fox Spirit. Those claws extended out, even the one damaged by the disc and goes to bring both claws down in a hard cleaving slash as she comes down to crouch on the ground, then lunge again with her sharp, razor teeth.

There is a few flickers of lights for a moment as some street lights start to power up, but they soon die back down, yet what was to follow was a bit of a glow from some power gem cells across the War Growlmon X's form. Though they light they were, his body was trying to 'reboot' itself in a since.

As for Doran when he says 'stand down', yeah--- that goes ignored too. She wasn't to be reasoned with it seems, even if Duke was perhaps trying his hardest too.

Yet as Doran stood there, he may notice another flicker of the street lights and this time a few wrecked cars engines trying to turn over... though they don't last long.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Pfffthahaha! Way to prove my point dogbreath!" Beelzebumon mocks as he points and laughs as the Cerberumon X gets blindsided by the other arriving heroes, before snorting, "Please, I prefer booze and hamburgers over babies, now if you'll excuse me for a moment..."

     While everyone else is keeping the raging beast busy, Beelzebumon casually strolls his way over to where Duke lays silent, even as the lights flicker around him. Then he lifts up a boot, draws it back...

     And punts Duke right in the nose.

     "WAKE UP YA GIT!"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Oh, you're going to give the speedster MORE momentum? Yes please! GoGo rolls with the blow, before grabbing the offerred tail. Even as it cuts into her suit, she rebounds into the air, leaving the monster with a FIERCE slash along the tails joints. Then she's skating up the whippy thing. Her face, whenever anyone sees it, is a flat mask. She looks to those who appear to be holding back, especially Doran. She slides a finger across her throat before jerking a thumb down at the beast. It's lucky she didn't seen Beel, or she'd have startedhurting him too. As she zooms up the mutt's back, she releases the safety locks on her foot-discs, allowing them to become as razoredged as her hand-discs.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran does not act immediately, golden eyes watching the Cerberumon-X's patterns and noting the disturbances to the area around them. "Hmph. Battle-blinded fool." His gaze cants over to Duke's prone form, eyes narrowing in consideration. "I wonder..." Beelzebumon walking over and kicking Duke right in the muzzle cuts him off, though he only indicates his disapproval with a low rumble and stare at the former Demon Lord.

He'll let it slide if it actually works.

He does not voice his thoughts any further, but casually steps onto the battlefield with the fireballs still smoldering in his hands. Usually, a Perfect-level like her would be hard-pressed to defeat an Ultimate-level like himself, but he knows better than to assume such will be the case now. He hasn't been in this form in quite a while. His arms snap up, throwing the two fireballs at the two extra heads -- the ones over each shoulder. Should provide a good distraction for GoGo and Xiaomu's efforts, if not a decent chunk of outright damage.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Oh right, the fact that Cerberumon is 'only' fifteen feet tall or so also means she's a VERY convenient size to actually attack human-size opponents. Xiaomu grabs her staff and bolts as soon as the giant armored mutt leaps in her direction, and actually brings Suiren up over her head to try and deflect the strike -


- which only works insofar as nothing of Xiaomu's body gets sliced off by those wickedly sharp swords Cerberumon counts as 'claws'. The impact is still enough to smack her flat on the ground, and she was running fast enough that she actually slides to a halt, gritting her teeth in pain. "That's ... do you have ANY IDEA how much that *STINGS*?! And my breasts are small enough to start with ..."

(Not that she looks remotely flat-chested, mind you.)

Fortunately, the presence of other opponents for the attacking Digimon gives Xiaomu a chance to get back to her feet, dusting herself off - SOMEhow her clothes didn't take much visible damage from the slide-out on the pavement, although her thighs and arms look scraped and a little bloodied. "Fine," snaps Xiaomu. "You wanna play rough?" She thrusts her staff out at Cerberumon, the rings on its headpiece jangling once with the movement.


And wind-driven snow, flakes big enough to pass for miniature snowballs, starts whipping at Cerberumon X - particularly trying to encase the monster's claws in a thick and blunt layer of ice.

Alexis has posed:
At some point in the developing madness Alexis had jumped off Doran's back and had found herself a rooftop for a better view that wasn't going to be looping around in middle of a fight. That doesn't really work well and she didn't want Doran to have to hold back because of her.

So what did she do?

Then answer comes in the form of a large gauntlet-like fist hurtling at the CereburmonX from literally nowhere like the sort of ROCKET PUNCH you would see from a japanese giant robot.

Or close to it, as after the attack the gauntlet reforms on the arm of the rest of the large ghostly armor golem that fades into view.

What, we've got giant monsters already, and Golurk is the closest pokemon to a super robot (ghost armor) to fit in.

Duke has posed:
The Cerberumon X can't really keep up with this many people, she was a hunter, a stalker. She trapped her attended target and then made a quick meal of them. Her attention like this can't keep up with them, but she is sure trying.

When Gogo comes to meet her as she tries to deal with Xaiomu, those blades cut across her backside and she howls out in pain. Her eyes glowing brightly as she spins around, to snap that tail around and barely misses Xaiomu.

What really stings is when those two fire balls impact the Demon Beast Digimon, cracking her armor and the flames for a moment engulf her, she roars out and then blasts a heavy field of green flames right back at the Ultimate dragon Digimon, which explodes on impact with anything it comes in contact with.

This gave Xaiomu enough time to freeze up the heated claws and we all know what happens to metal when it freezes when suddenly hot right? It becomes very brittle and so when she tries to break her claws free, the right set shatter in the ice and her eyes go wide. "My-- My claws!!"

Her eyes narrow down sharply, "How dare all of you!" She howls out, her body starting to glow, before the ground around her starts to degenerate to pixels and green liquid of some kind, then raising up her hands, the 'liquid' seems to form up, before she throws her hands outward and then slams down on all fours.

The sheer digital energy explodes outward and green flames rain everywhere like comets, attempting to consume and explode everything. Building walls explode in green fire as the parts of it seem to go missing into the digital abyss and normal people have to get out of the way in general.

During this display, the Cerberumon X back flips away from the group and slams her normal claws into a building, before starting to rapidly climb up the side of it, though she slides down it for a moment, before continuing her way up to the roof.

Meanwhile during Gogo's anger in believing Duke has died and the Cerberumon showing having some difficulty dealing with many people. Beelzebumon goes to kick Duke in the snout right above his metal jaw plate. The impact causes the Digimon's eyes to snap open as blue light flickers in the pupils, before the massive Digimon tries to move, but seems the building has Duke a bit stuck and as soon has he tries to move, the rest of it starts to fall over.

"Beelzebumon! Move!" Is all Duke gets out with his deep mechanical voice, before that tail actually flicks the Demon Lord back. Then all that building at last comes down to hide the very form under it all. That couldn't be good right?

Though as the green comets start to sail down, that is when suddenly all the cars actually turn over, lights start to flicker even from knocked out light bulbs. Computers in some of the houses a bit further away start to go crazy with data. ATMs start to randomly display numbers and traffic lights, along with crossing signs just go nuts...

The Cerberumon X gets up to the roof and notes everything going crazy, her ears flick up and her eyes go wide, "Oh no. Nononono. How could he?! How COULD he?!!" However this distracts her when she finds out the roof was the wrong choice and a rocket punch comes out of no where and smacks her side of the face. Her tongue hangs out for a moment and it knocks her completely off the building and directly into the street below, almost sliding back into Beelzebumon really.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Oh fuck me."

     As the building starts to topple over, Beelzebumon looms up at the looming massive, before Duke's tail lashes him hard in the side and sends him hurtling out of the path of the collapsing building and into the side of an abandoned van, which crumples as he hits.

     "Owww... bloody hell..." Looking a little dazed, Beelzebumon extracts himself oput of the van moments before the Cerberumon comes careening across the ground behind him, crushing the van entirely in her passing.

     Beelzebumon somehow does not even notice this.

     As Beelz tries to get the ringing in his ears to stop, he mutters to himself, "God damnit, you had better not be dead, you jackass... cause otherwise I am gonna kill the SHIT out of you."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Engulfed by fireballs, zapped by numerous comets... GoGo's armor is starting to crack. First to go is her helmet, leaving the short-haired tomboy without head-protection, roasting inside of her suit.

And then the electricity starts to go nuts. As GoGo cracks into a distant wall, she hears a familiar whining sound. Dazed, disoriented, and still spitting mad, she hears the sounds of her discs spinning. This in and of itself is not unusual. What IS unusual is that the last time the started spinning so fast was when she was deliberately overclocking them in the lab.

Ripping herself free, she zooms over towards the building just in time to see Cerberumon X fall. That rocket punch was great timing! "Thanks Hiro!" she yells up, unaware that it's not the 'hero' she knows.

There's a nearly psychotic grin on her face as she slides down towards the spot where she's sure that the beast will land. "This is for Duke, you bitch." she spits as her suits sensors start blaring a warning that it's overloading. She'll only have one shot. Clapping her hands and feet together, she jumps. Spinning in midair for a moment, she unleashes all four overclocked discs. They hit... And rather than snapping back to GoGo, they detonate in four small (compared to the powers already being tossed around) explosions, leaving GoGo utterly defenseless and with a huge Digimon bearing down on her.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"What, you're losing it 'cause you broke a few nails?" Xiaomu yells, coming back up from the evasive roll she went into to help dodge a swinging tail. "You pick a fight with Elites, you better be worried about more important things than your manicure -"

Huh. There's a video arcade, maybe she should stop by after the fight .. aaaaaaand then code starts raining from the sky, and everything remotely electronic goes completely on the fritz.

At least one game cabinet in the arcade actually explodes from it.

"YOU TINFOIL-PLATED BI--" Xiaomu's staff is planted in the pavement again as she draws her paired handguns, Silver and Platinum, and starts firing repeatedly at Cerberumon X. She's not bothering with dodging or fancy poses, just trying to land as many hits on the armored dog Digimon as her clips and aim will allow.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran crosses his arms over his chest and tanks the green flames as they lick over his armor, his wings twitching to ensure nothing behind him gets roasted as well. His arms and upper torso are slightly blackened, save a bright uncharred 'X' where his arms had been crossed, but he doesn't seem injured.

He smirks as Alexis' Golurk makes itself known with a well-timed punch to the Cerberumon-X's face. "It comes with the territory," he comments cryptically. He sounds like he's being enigmatic on purpose, almost smug.

The electronics in the area start going absolutely nuts as Duke gets buried by the building, but even then the Dorugoramon doesn't seem concerned. "You would 'kill the shit' out of him regardless," he comments over to the dazed Beezebumon. He flares his wings and leaps into the center of the area, energy crackling in both palms as he turns his gaze upwards to the hail of green brimstone. "DORU DIN!" He snaps his hands together, encasing the energy within, and a shockwave blasts upwards with a tight enough cone to clear the buildings. Clearly it is intended to simply get rid of all that green brimstone before someone really gets hurt.

Alexis has posed:
When green 'comets' start crashing down the Golurk repositions itself in front of the rooftop Alexis was perched on, and with a rumble it's entire form reflected a metallic sheen as it used a defense move to increase it's toughness to protect her.

The collisions still leave bursts of green blasting against his form, but it's less intense than it could of been without the extra buff. Even as it is being bombarded Golurk turned it's head to peer at Alexis through oddly shaped eye slots.

The tomboy huffs into her bangs. "There's been too many disappearances and deaths already. No going easy on this one."

With a nod the Golurk turned back towards Cerberumon-X, wading through the stinging shower of brimstone. GoGo might not have to worry much about the giant digimon as the ghost armor steps right in front of her, and swings a hefty Hammer Arm at the beast. Combined with it's Iron Fist Ability, this is going to really sting if it connects, even if it renders him slower in the process.

Duke has posed:
The Cerberumon X flips back up to her feet to hear Beelzebumon yell toward the now possible /great/ threat in that rubble, she tsks at him. "I thought you Demon Lords didn't care about the helpless." She may regret those words very soon.

The Demon Beast then turns herself on all fours, before actually back flipping over one set of the discs, and then flinging some of the van scrap into the next set, watching it explode. Though just as she starts to go in for the possible kill, that is when that Pokemon shows up and swings its hammer at her.

The Cerberumon X gets slammed by it and howls in pain, as it knocks her aside, before she flips with the force and slams down on top of a car, before rolling off it for cover as bullet hell comes in. To only then observe as the Dragon Ultimate ends up ceasing some of her rain of terror, though it is starting to die down now anyways.

Her red eyes gleam over to a photographer starting to take some chances. A dark smile plays on her muzzle, as she leaps out and then pounds between one building then to another. Moving right for the human.

That is when something breaks from the fallen building, a massive bright flash of light that blasts up into the air as clouds form from the sudden spike of electrons in the air, as the light comes right back down, the rubble explodes away. Thankfully all electronics seem to return back to normal after the display and an armored figure then walks out from the rubble, standing around seven foot six and gold trim over his armor. The white armor looks banged up and even the gold a bit tarnished, the red has some scratches in it, but he flicks his cape around him and the dust suddenly settles in the wind.

At this point the Cerberumon X snatches around the smaller male human and holds one of her sword claws to his throat. She wasn't in very good shape, that was easy to see now she stopped moving. "Make a move! Any of you and I'll /kill/ this human!"

The armored knight, seems to stare in that direction with his gold eyes, they narrow sharply at what the Cerberumon X has to say. "...that isn't wise. Now let him go..." The voice is calm, but it is easy to tell for those who know him he is masking over some of his pain.

"SHUT UP! Our world is gone! We make our own rules now! I was the greatest of hunters! I had to /kill/ to survive what /they/ did to us! What they did to /my/..." There was hidden tears in her eyes before she growls lowly. "...How can you stand there so easily! Act so just! I will kill! I will kill /everything/! Hunt it /all/! To get my revenge! My revenge for it all!"

Those gold eyes narrow even more sharply. "...You disgust me.." He says lowly.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu lets out a soft growl, drawing her index fingers out of her handguns' trigger guards; that's the only movement she makes. "What did anyone in THIS world have to do with the destruction of YOUR world?" she calls out - reining her temper in with some difficulty, but if there's a chance to end this without further violence, injury, or property damage, it's a chance that's probably worth trying.

Of course, if Cerberumon kills her hostage, all bets are off again.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
Heroism isn't what you do when you are strong. Heroism isn't courage when you have all the advantages. Courage and heroism come in those moments when you are weak and fearful. When you DON'T hold all the advantages, but would still give up everything just to save one person.

That's what GoGo does right now, creeping through the debris, eyes fixed on the poor reporter. Hopefully, without her weapons or armor, the bitch won't even notice her as a threat. All she needs to do is get close enough to swap places with the reporter...

Leaping to the claw holding him, she finds the smallest, tiniest bit of purchase she can, and SHOVES. She tries to yank the claw open enough for him to slip free. "Run, you idiot." she hisses as she feels the sawblades cut through her clothes and into her skin. "Shit..." she says, feeling her outfit growing damp with blood. She's pushed herself too far, and she's too tired to go more than a few feet before the bitch has the opportunity to grab her... "Damn..."

Alexis has posed:
"Yet if we let you go now, you'll just kill more and more. You just said so yourself," Alexis replies with a frown. She takes a pokeball off her belt and holds it out. "You're trying to force us to choose one life of uncountable more, just because you're mad?" She clicks the pokeball to recall her pokemon, the Golurk fading out when she does.

Though those present that have been around her and her pokemon would notice there was not the usual flash of red energy...

"Look at the other digimon around you. Sure, losing your world sucks. But so does taking it out on this one. These guys have learned to live with this one. Even that jackass." She nods towards Beelzebumon.

"Maybe you should of tried. But now it's a bit too late."

And that's when the Golurk reappears suddenly -right there next- to Cereburmon-X, having faked being recalled to use disappear into using Phantom Force, allowing him to jump the monster a few minutes later with the unblockable attack and smash her hard enough she loses her hold on the human.

"Sorry bitch," Alexis snorts. "We don't deal with hostage takers. We kick the cowardly asses."

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran slowly turns as the Cerberumon-X takes a hostage. "I see." His voice doesn't change from the child-like high pitch, but it does deepen a little. He says nothing else, instead letting Alexis speak for him, as he gauges the situation. Waits for Golurk to reappear, for GoGo to attempt to free the hostage --

-- And his body suddenly erupts in flame as he bolts like an arrow right for the Cerberumon-X. "BRAVE METAL!" Hopefully, this full-body tackle will drive the Perfect-level Digimon away from everyone. Especially GoGo and the cameraman.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Hey, I got my own reasons for wanting that asshat alive, so shut your bitch mouth." Beelzebumon says as he looks over his shoulder at the very angry dog, before snorting aloud even as she lunges for the human. Not that he cares.

     Then the rumble where Duke was begins to shudder, and the Demon Lord smirks, "Besides, he's anything but helpless..."

     Then the rumble explodes and Duke emerges in his Ultimate Form, all noble and heroic.

     "About god damn time you stopped fucking around, ya platemail pinhead, now hurry up and redeem yourself already. You're making me look bad, being my rival and getting your ass whooped like that."

     Beelzebumon turns to leave... then stops for a moment and looks back.

     To see everyone just standing there, afraid to take action because of the hostage.

     "... Oh for fuck's sake..."

     And then without even turning around to face Cerberumon, the Demon Lord pulls out one of his beloved Berenjena Shotgun and aims off to the side, before firing a single shot at a nearby building.

     The brick shatters as the slug ricochets and rebounds down the street, before deflecting into the wrist holding the human from the side.

Duke has posed:
It seem like a good plan at the time for the Cerberumon X. A bunch of 'heroes' right? They wont act? Right?? Only find out this is hardly the case, because everything goes to hell when Beelzebumon starts the show with a sudden shotgun shot that impacts her wrist. "Hey!" She roars out, then Gogo shove the hostage away, "What!?"

That is when the pokemon suddenly shows and smashes her aside, before Doran comes rushing right in at full speed to slam her fully back and right into a wall of a building.


As the Knight Digimon stands there, he only glances over to Beelzebumon before he flatly says with may a hint of a sarcasm in his voice, "Didn't know you cared, Beelzebumon. I'm touched." He then looks back at the female Digimon. "...and I had my reasons. I was hoping that she could be reasoned with, maybe... just maybe..."

His eyes close, even as Beelzebumon opens fire. "...but that was a mistake, wasn't it?" He asks perhaps to himself as his eyes snap open. "Beelzebumon. I will find you later for kicking me in the snout and make sure to give you a swift one in return, then we'll be even!" There was that fire in his voice as kicked off with his boot.

Duke has posed:
As soon has Doran made his impact, the Knight Digimon quickly closed the distance, the halberd lance formed in his hands as he leaped up into the air and then brought it down right for the Cerberumon X. The tip coming inches from her face.

Yet something happens right about then. His grip is stiff, his eyes out of focus.

    Why can't I...

    "We are innocent!"
        "Don't... don't do this!"
            "All of us? But... But I am not even with...!"

    "You killed THEM..."
        "We TRUSTED you...."
            "You are nothing but a MONSTER!!!"


"RAAAH" Duke roars out as he then goes to drive the very weapon down with a hard cleaving slash in order to only hit rock. His body tenses, his hands tight enough to cause the shaft to crack on his sheer strength. His breathing heavy as he then just falls down to his knees. "..ah... ah... hahaha..." He then starts to laugh gently before he lowers his head. "...I... I couldn't do it..."

"...and this will now be all my fault."


During the time that Duke comes racing in and suddenly stops with the dual bladed halberd the Cerberumon X has accepted her fate. Yet, the knight digimon can't finish her off as he freezes up. "Hmph. Maybe calling you like a Royal Knight was wrong...hehe..."

Before anyone can react, she shoves through the windows of the building, crashing through a few doors and out the back, before seeming to vanish into the shadows of the back alley. Anyone was to race back there to find her, would find she is long gone and it take a bit before Duke snaps out of it, enough time that when she did get to the alley, he already snapped out of it...

Alexis has posed:
By the time Alexis gets down from the rooftop everything has already gone done and in the end the three-headed mongrel has made her escape in the brief opening she had.

Screw that bitch. As much as everyone wanted her out of the matter, at least the idiot with the camera was safe.

Walking up next to Duke she patted his armored ankle. "Don't sweat too much over it. Now that we know she's out there it won't take long to nail her down again. As soon as she even tries something like this again she'll give herself away."

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo... Looks like hell. As fresh as everyone else seems to be, she was just a little human girl with some tech that now lies in ruins, strewn across the battlefield. She takes a few staggering steps towards Duke, grives him a bloody-mouthed grin, snd punches him in the shoulder. "Damn it. I wasted a perfectly good 'My friend is dead' rage on her. Ass." she says.

About this time is when she collapses in bloody heap. Her clothes are ruined. Her body is mangled... Things could be worse, but not by much.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Pffft, hardly. I just got a reputation to maintain," Beelzebumon says as he spins his shotgun around before reholstering it on his back as he turns halfway and leans up against a building to watch with amusement as Duke goes in for the kill.

     And then doesn't take it.

     Beelzebumon can't help but shake his head though as he pushes off the wall and starts walking towards where Behemoth is parked, while muttering to himself, "Figures, he always did have a soft spot... right between his ears." Then he slips into the seat of his hellbike and revs the engine loudly.

     "If ya ever need another good asswhoopin', Dukey, leave the mutts alone and come see a /professional/! I'll be more than happy to introduce your face to the pavement again!" Then he gives a two fingered salute, "Later, lizardface!"

     Then with screeching tires, Beelzebumon whips around and takes off into the distance.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Well, the good news is that the hostage is safe, thanks to GoGo's fast work and faster skating. Or vice versa. The important thing is, the cameraman didn't get his throat opened. The bad news, of course, is that Cerberumon got away.

That still comes down to a net win in Xiaomu's book, and she re-holsters her handguns with a sigh of relief - although that relief is pretty short-lived when GoGo collapses. Xiaomu hurries over to where she collapsed, reactivating her radio along the way.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran jumps to the side to get out of Duke's way at the last moment as he charges in... but then Duke freezes just inches from making the final blow. "Duke, what--?"

Then the Cerberumon-X continues on through the building and disappears. Doran tries to follow, ducking a bit as he moves through the building, but she's gone by the time he makes it through. He could try tracking her... but he can already feel his energy levels dropping. If he wants to fly back, he'll have to make priorities.

Beelzebumon decides to take his leave just as he re-emerges from the building, and he only stares after the Demon Lord with an unreadable look on his muzzle. GoGo collapses next to Duke even before Behemoth's engine fades and he flinches as if about to check on her -- only Xiaomu beats him to it. He instead reaches over and rests a hand on Duke's shoulder. "What's done is done, Duke. We will correct this next time."

Duke has posed:
Duke continues to remain on his knees. Through the gently touch of Alexis and even Doran's more firm one, Beelzebumon's own words. He knows they are there, but he failed and it is bothering him what he heard--- what heard in that moment.

It is when Gogo, the most injured punches him in the shoulder, does he look over in some confusion, only to watch her collapse, but Xiaomu is quick to her side. His gold eyes glance between them all and then fully to Doran. "They will not stop." He says with a surety to his voice. "They will just find a new hunting ground and kill more."

The knight then forces himself to stand up and then the halberd lances vanishes from his hands. "Will... will Gogo be alright?" He asks looking to Xiaomu. "At least tell her that I am sorry." His gold eyes dim in light, before he places his hand up to his forehead. "...Nrrh..." before he shakes his head, then looks at everyone, "Is--- everyone alright?"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo's eyes flutter open a bit. "Oh shut it..." *wheeze* "And woman up, you pansy. Shit happens. I'll be right as rain." she says with a grin that's, oddly, not missing a single tooth. Superheroes, am I right folks?

Alexis has posed:
"You're missing the point, Duke. This happened because she was an unknown. That's not the case anymore, now that we know what she is and can watch the signs. Before this happens again."

Alexis glances over here shoulder at the other tomboy. Smirks a little at her weak outburst. "Yeah, she'll be fine. Xiaomu's calling a medvac for her, anyways."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Heheh ... does that answer your question?" Xiaomu asks Duke, grinning as GoGo comes around enough to snark at the digital knight. "I'm Xiaomu, by the way - don't think I've met most of you yet, if any. Can you stand?" she asks GoGo, starting to get to her feet and offering the superheroine a hand to help her do the same.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran huffs some smoke at Duke's face. "I'm fine." Never mind the scorched arms and chest, that's cosmetic. Really. Or he's just ignoring it for the time being. "Beelzebumon was perfectly fine too before he raced off." He waves a hand in the vague direction the Demon Lord had gone for emphasis. Though he does cast a brief concerned look down at GoGo, he doesn't argue with the 'she will be fine' comments. If only to put Duke's mind at ease.

He tilts his head slightly as he straightens up. Oh right, in the heat of the moment, they all kinda just converged here, didn't they? "I'm Doran." His voice really doesn't match the 9-foot dragonoid, and he flexes one hand as if silently acknowledging it himself. "It's been a while since I Digivolved to this form. Was almost wondering if I could remember how it worked."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis gestures to her Golurk to pick her up. "But we'll go take a look around, see if there's any indicator where she ran off to. Catch ya guys back at the ranch later." As it leaves the ground the Golurk's legs 'retract' into it's body and a release of energy like a rocket engine boosts it into the air.

Yes Golurk can learn Fly.

Duke has posed:
Gogo tells him to stop being a pussy and the Knight gives her a dead-pan look, "You and Beelzebumon would get along great..." He then looks over his shoulder to where Beelzebumon left too. "...fantastic I even bet..." His eyes narrow just slightly at his own thoughts. It also helped that Doran guided that gaze a bit as well, giving a simple nod to Doran, before he reaches over with his index finger and slides some of the burn soot off the other Digimon's body. "Yes.. fine..."

Duke doesn't have much of a response for Alexis, but at least he wasn't arguing either. His attention though turns to Xiaomu and Duke narrows his eyes in thought. "We... might have met before, just... perhaps not like this. My name is Duke." His eyes by this point are looking dimmer in color and there is an odd flicker to them.

His hand simply clenches a few times, as if trying to fight something back, but there is a little bit of glow around his finger tips. "...we really should get going, I think." His gaze looking at Alexis, then to Doran.

Doran (695) has posed:
Doran ignores Duke's subtle attempt to call him out on his own injuries. /He/ wasn't the one who had a whole building fall on him!

He rumbles a bit as he studies Duke for a few moments, then his wings unfurl on his back. "Agreed. We could use the rest. And food. Lots of food." He watches Alexis depart to make sure the area is indeed clear, then looks back at Xiaomu and GoGo. "Are you sure you'll both be alright?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"I've been hurt worse," Xiaomu answers, waving a hand. She's still looking kind of scraped up and bloodied, but she's in decent spirits despite that. "Rest and food sound like a really good idea, though."