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Revision as of 18:24, 20 April 2015

We Can Train A Bush-mon!
Date of Scene: 17 April 2015
Location: Pokemon Islands - Johto
Synopsis: Duke tests Hana to see what she can do as a monster and also shares some apples!
Cast of Characters: 579, Duke

Duke has posed:
Duke was waiting for Hana out in the open fields not far from Alexis' ranch. It wasn't that far off the path either from the nearest Wargate so it be easy to get too. He also has a basket of apples. The Guilmon X was doing a few claw swipes at the air, followed by a few back flips and a tail swing.

The red dino-dragon Digimon was pretty nimble on his feet and those gold eyes seeming to stay focused as he was going through the motions of a fake fight.

Hana (579) has posed:
    The bush monster's arrival is quite obvious. Flitting flower petals fall off the many flowers all over the flower bush monster named Hana as she runs from the warpgate to where Duke picked for their training spot. Hana's arms hang loosely behind her and a faint 'slosh slosh' noise can be heard from her as if she were a watering can with legs.

    She tries to come to a stop before Duke, and the resulting spill involves several comedic tumbles until she manages to right herself and gives a salute.

    "Hi!" she greets, merrily, happiness in her one big eye!

Duke has posed:
Duke pauses in his training and hears the strange sound. His ear fins perk up as his gold eyes watching Hana come running toward her, then winces a little with a downward motion as she tumbles over herself and then goes to stand back up with a salute.

"You must be Hana." Duke says with a smile before walking over to her and extending out his claw paw hand, "I'm Duke! It's nice to meet you at last!" The Guilmon X says with a big smile on his muzzle and showing off those sharp razor teeth, which is really an afterthought for him.

Hana (579) has posed:
    "Yep!" Hana replies eagerly, and looks down to the paw as it's offered to her. Her smile fades and confusion can be read all over her. She tries to process this gesture, and decides to grab Duke's paw with both of her own and rapidly shake it up and down with a blank look on her... eye? Trying to judge what's the appropriate way to do a monster handshake.

    "Can you teach me how to fight?" she wonders at Duke. Gosh she is LOUD in-person, but it's not grating. She just sounds very excited about everything.

Duke has posed:
Duke laughs a bit as Hana shakes his claw paw hand with both of hers. "Your funny!" He says with a bright smile in his eyes, then once she is done he goes to show her by taking one of her hands. "Humans do this, it is a hand shake." He shakes her hand a few times. "It is away of saying hello to a friend! Sometimes they hug too!"

Hana being loud actually doesn't bother the Guilmon X, because really like this, he is no better then a child himself and children-- they can get loud from excitement and he is no exception. "As for training..."

Duke steps away before he takes a few hops and then turns to face her. The four foot monster getting down a bit low before he smiles, his pawed hands out in front of him slightly. "I want you to smack my clawed hands as hard as you can, ok! Lets see how hard you can hit!"

Hana (579) has posed:
    "Oooh." Hana accepts his explanation, and his jovial attitude does much to keep her in a good mood. And that he accepts how loud she is just keeps the whole situation positive. When his paws get put up, the monster sticks out her blue tongue for a few seconds thoughtfully, watching him. She looks down at her own claws, having never actually... done that.

    But she catches on quickly. She rushes toward Duke and gives a loud and childish "RAAAAH~!" And tries to hit Duke's paw as hard as she can! She definitely doesn't have his level of strength, but she could still give a nasty bruise to the average human.

Duke has posed:
Her own claw hands make impact against Duke's own paws and he grins. The Guilmon X is quick to move around her, he steps agile as if a veteran fighter acting on only instinct of battle, but he wasn't always sure footed and that came across as well. Conflict it would seem.

The Guilmon X kept his paws up as he spoke out to Hana, "That was a good hit, now do it again!" His smile becomes a playful grin, "You have to know yourself in order to fight. To fight you have to know balance and also control. That is why its important to see how hard you can hit!"

Hana (579) has posed:
    "OOP OOP OOOOP--" Hana waves her arms out at her sides as she tries to keep up with Duke's movements, the rotund creature not really built for fighting other monsters by any stretch of the imagination. But she only pauses for a second to listen to what he's telling her. "Balanced, and contrrrrol~" she repeats, distractedly, and then she takes another swing, her tongue sticking out in concentration. She tries a different angle. He might note how she doesn't seem to really have a skeleton, so it's like getting hit with a beanbag in a way.

Duke has posed:
Duke watches as Hana tries to come in for another swing, this time he doesn't let her hit his paw, instead just moves out of the way. His gold eye watching how she moves and how handles herself. It was strange really.

Digimon do though come in many shapes and sizes, so it wasn't to odd to see her, but it was odd to meet a monster that didn't have a fighting bone in them, in her case, almost literally. Duke then slides around before he slams his claws into the ground, his tail flicks behind him. He almost looks menacing as he stares he down, but those gold eyes of his--- there is to much light in them.

"Come on! Keep up!" He says with then a smile on his muzzle, but there was slight furrow in his eye ridge. A feeling... a feeling like he maybe has done something like this before.... long ago. Its a feeling he does try to shove aside and may just give Hana that chance she needs!

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana isn't combat-trained at all. In fact, he can likely tell that, as far as monsters go, the bush creature is a clean slate. She's not really trained to be ferocious or powerful, and each swing is distressingly cutesy. Any impact or miss is punctuated with gurgles, squeaks and the slight *PAP* noise of the monster's paw impacting Duke's own isn't terribly impressive or loud.

    "Bbbrrrahh~!!" Except for the shouting. She's trying very hard not to fall over, most warriors and monsters could easily take her down if they wanted to.

Duke has posed:
Hana comes up on Duke and actually bumps right into him cause of his distraction. He lets out a dino-dragon squawk in surprise, before fumbling over onto his back and then rolling away. Duke laughs a bit, "That was pretty good!"

This has Duke proceed to hop around her, yet always staying just slightly in range, sometimes he lets her hit his paw hand, other times, he gets out of the way. Somewhere in all these games though, he at last comes in, flips over her and then gently head butts her backside. Though if that /did/ cause her to fall over, he was very quick on taking action to prevent her from doing so, probably by trying to take her arm.

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana is more than willing to continue, the very sunlight shining on their heads keeping her energetic and able to keep up with Duke for a while. But she is certainly not fast enough to follow him when he counters and headbutts her, with a *PAFF* of flowers. She is very soft, not a single pointy or stiff spot on her, like headbutting a water balloon. Which comes with a sloshing and her nearly falling on her face, halted only by his timely grab.
    She sort of dangles, dazed and confused. "Rrr?"

Duke has posed:
Duke keeps Hana from going flat on her face and tries to correct her back on her feet. The Digimon grins to her and then smiles softly. "You have a lot of energy! Once we figure out your strengths and weaknesses, you'll be really great at protecting yourself."

The Guilmon X walks over to the basket of apples and picks up one, "Hungry?" He asks, before tossing it to her anyways, then getting out one himself. "I am probably not the best instructor though..." He admits picking out an apple and plopping down on the ground, holding it in his claws. "My own past is... really scrambled and it effects my ability to fight sometimes or... even understand why I do some of the things I do."

The Guilmon X then smiles gently to her, "But at least we can get you on the right path!"

Hana (579) has posed:
    "Why understand?" Hana wonders, because most of her experiences with squabbles with animals have been purely instinct. This training session has been her first 'dedicated' experience with fighting. She catches the apple, and stuff it into her mouth whole to chew on it loudly, dripping apple juice and little bits of apple out of the corners of her mouth.

    Slurrrrp. She considers, for a second, the seriousness in his attitude about his past and his memory. And stands to step over and give him a hug. He mentioned them earlier.

Duke has posed:
Duke hrms softly at her question, "Because it comes down to... more then just instinct, but... knowledge. Its fine you can fight well, but you also have to know /how/ to fight well. A swipe of a claw isn't always going to get it and sometimes others are better at things then you are, so... you have to adapt."

Duke then goes to take a bite out of the apple. "...so juicy..." He licks his chops, though this is about the time Hana walks over and actually gives him a hug. He mrhs in some confusion, blinking his eyes, before he goes to try and hug back, carefully.

"You will do well, Hana and if something goes wrong... I'll try to be there to protect you, because your my friend and that is what friends do." Duke smiles softly. "We look out for one another."