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Round Two For Destruction
Date of Scene: 17 April 2015
Location: Techno Urbania
Synopsis: The Mad Exile has at last been located once more, threatening the lives of people over Multiverse broadband. It is time to end her, but will the be successful this time? (Part 2 of 2)
Cast of Characters: 276, Alexis, 513, 695, Duke

Duke has posed:
A section of Techno Urbania was a mess. Cop cars laid over on fire, tanks blasted apart and buildings almost in ruins. A loud thump of a robotic foot walked across the ground as a nine foot Digimon stood. The robotic wolf humanoid looked to the skies. Those red eyes narrowing as the pupils narrowed in to small glowing dots. "Where are you..." her voice hisses out with a mechanical rumble. "...I grow hungry, hehehe."

The gems on her body flashes bright blue as her mechanical ears swerved to the sound of thrusters. She observed as some jet fighters started to come in and she then cackled a laugh, "Pathetic!" The missile pack on her left shoulder took aim before several missiles started to fly out for the jets trying to circle in.

They look to be on a collusion coarse, at least until beams of fire blasted them out of the sky. Her attention then drawn as a fifteen foot Draconic-Dinosaur cyborg flies over head and then goes to land down. His heavy feet impacting the ground, as his own eyes narrow and the bluish white mane sparks with electrical energy. The War Growlmon X narrows his eyes sharply. "You have done enough here!" His voice rumbles deeply, "We will not allow you to anymore!"

She taps her metallic hand against the side of her metal jaw, "Oh. Where have I heard /this/ before. Hmm. HMMMM!" She then cracks up laughing. "Save it, you disgusting excuse of a Digimon!" Her cannon gauntlet arm comes to aim at him, "I'll rip you apart and your friends as well! So where are they!? Huh?!!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    What Finna -had- been considering a pretty good day at a casino (not gambling, but instead pigging out at their buffet...) has gotten REALLY WEIRD when the ground started shaking.

    Out into the streets she goes, and she doesn't really flinch much when an angry Digimon falls under full-scale military attack! Instead Finna just lets the hot winds of the explosion blast past here, ruffling her clothes and tailfur. "Seems no matter where in the Multiverse you go, someone's making a ruckus!"

    Calmly and wearing one hell of a poker face she steps out in the streets. Although merely half the size of this wolfmon, Finna places herself downwind and slinks up close quickly only to SUDDENLY POKE the aggressor on the side. As in, poke for attention. "Making a hell of a mess... what's the reason for all the ruckus?"

    Poke, poke.

Alexis has posed:
As if to answer that question it's right after she finishes asking it that a blast of magic fire hurtles at the bionic bitch from behind!

"Aw, did you miss us?" Well that was Alexis, so one can only assume that the magic fireball came from the large gold-plated mechanical dragon that she's sitting on the back of. That and there's smoke still visible whisping from the corners of it's snap-trap jaws as it opens them in a short roar as it comes to perch on top of one of the smoldering building structures. "Too bad none of us really missed you."

The mechan-o-wyrm's claws dig into the remaining structure and its wings click-clack as they twitch at its sides, ready to take off again. The segmented neck cranes a bit lower, leering at WarGrowlmon-X with it's red lamp-like eyes.

"Hell of a lot of gun you've got there. If you weren't a bitch I'd say yer trying to compensate for something."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    There's a shinki hopping across the vehicles that have been abandoned, trying to get to the center of the disturbance. She saw the news! She lives here! And she might be small but she's going to shoot people who threaten her Master's home. Finally she climbs a light pole with her clawed hands and feet, and braces herself by stabbing her bladed tail into the pole's head as she breaks out the Barkzooka rifle.
    "H-hey, this isn't your place to take! You should leave before I call Confederate reinforcements!" Kari says in her loudest voice, though she's likely to be drowned out by the noise around the MetalGarurumon-X. Oh heck.
    The Barkzooka lets out the tell-tale whipcrack of a ballistic weapon and a belch of smoke and fire out its rear as the slug streaks towards the aggressive Digimon.

Doran (695) has posed:
"Right here!"

As if to punctuate Alexis' own greeting, what could only be visually described as a golden missile makes a beeline right for the Metal Garurumon-X in a full body-tackle. Keen eyes would notice that it's designed to force the Metal Garurumon-X away from Finna.

Hit or miss, the large 20-foot long dragon arcs back up into the air and coils as if preparing to strike. "Gairyu Daijin!" His scimitars appear in both hands in a flare of golden light and he twirls them both expertly between his fingers as he continues to hover. "Really, kid. I'm disappointed. You really that far gone?"

Duke has posed:
This is about when Finna pokes the metal wolf, and she looks down at the small fury human. "What?!" She snarls out, "What the hell do /you/ want?!" Her cannon rifle on her shoulder goes to point down at her. "Oh well... you'll just be another to my list of..." BAM! Fire ball to the backside!

The former Cerberumon X stumbles a bit from the impact, before she rapidly turns herself around and opens fire with her missiles in response to Alexis, "All that I need to be rid of all YOU! But I don't see you all /here/... where is that fox and little mechanical girl who messed up my claws!?"

As soon has the Metal Garugarumon X has her attention turned, Duke clenches his metal jaw before stepping back and the two cannons at his chest start to glow bright blue, "ATOMIC BLASTER!" The War Growlmon X roars out as two massive plasma blasts stream right at the mechanical wolf. Yet it only scuffs up her armor as she laughs back at Duke, "Digivolve already you sorry excuse of a--- OUF!"

That is when Ryuu slams his body against her and actually sends her head over heals, she rolls on the ground, before correction herself. Her paw wolf feet skidding back a bit as she growls lowly at the dragon digimon, "How DARE YO--yo.. o-oh..." Her red eyes stare at him. "....how...?"

That is when she is hit by the Bazooka from Kari, which cracks some of her armor from earlier impacts done by Alexis' monster. The Metal Garugarumon X turn the shoulder cannon right toward Kari Wolf and a blast of explosive forces heads for the small little robot. "Pest!"

Her Gantlet cannon arm then takes aim for Duke and opens fire for him, forcing the larger Digimon to act quickly in uses his tail to flip a tank in the way of the hard shells, watching the tank explode in front of him.

Alexis has posed:
"Go get her, Brakewind," Alexis commands as the crazy cyberwolf starts firing off attacks. Yes, that is really the mechanical dragon's name. Yes, it's suppose to sound like it does. There's a reason for it (besides being funny) and the way its spelled though. Alexis crouches down on the mecha-drake's backside as he pushes off the building and arcs just high enough for the digimon to open fire.

Missiles! Looks like Alexis was right on her assumption from the brief view they got from the transmission. Thing is, Brakewind dives right down -into- the salvo. Smoke and explosions fill the air! And then the metal dragon comes diving out of the cloud, smoke trailing off from the edge of his wings. A few scorch marks here and there, but he doesn't look too phased or slowed down by the barrage. Gotta love having one of his technique categories maxed out enough to have Bang Guard.

"Now it's our turn! METAL SLASH!" Brakewind swoops towards Cyber-bitch, and lashes out with his claws to show just why he was brought along. 'Metal Slash' was an attack that was highly effective on metallic monsters back home, lets see what it does to this canned canine's armor!

After what the mutt did before, Alexis is not pulling her or her monster's punches.

Doran (695) has posed:
Ryuu bares his teeth in an unkind grin. "Ah, you know of me. Good!" He laughs at her momentary confusion and the opening Kari subsequently takes advantage of. "Oh, come now. If a little brat like you escaped in time, why couldn't one such as I?"

He suddenly crosses his blades in front of him with a metallic SHING. "Enough talk. You've done enough damage." He charges the Metal Garurumon-X again, positioning himself opposite of Brakewind's charge. However, this time he tucks inwards at the last moment to drive the edges of his wings at her in a descending double-slash. "Gaiba Daimeijin!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's poker face doesn't flinch even as a barrel aims her way. if anything it gets CRAZIER! But she was expecting maybe a bullet or something, not FIRE!



    Yet somehow Finna parts some of the fire around her with a swipe of her fist... is that silvery light?

    Well it's not enough of a swipe. She's still sent tumbling backwards by the sheer pressure, singed and a bit scorched but only on the fringes. Her outfit's kinda charred and now her expressi'ns really sour.

    Paying little mind (at least, giving no appearance that she's noticed the others at all - doubtless she has!) to the ensuing fight, Finna instead exclaims, "I just got done with the biggest all-you-can-eat meal I've had in MONTHS! You piss me off to kick your ass and you're liable to get barfed on! Fair warning!"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari yelps as she's tossed away like a leaf by the explosion, crashing through the window of a wrecked car. Being small does have disadvantages, like being very easy to knock around. On the other hand, less weight to fall on, and her reinforced servoes and stolen ceramite that composes her armor manages to absorb the worst of the impact.
    She tries to think of a different tactic here, and rummages through the ruined patrol car and finds... bullets. Ummm... oh, here's some shotgun shells. She scoops up what's an armful for her and hops back out of the cruiser, trying not to drop one of the three or four that she has. And makes her way towards the angry Digimon.

Duke has posed:
The Metal Garugarumon X gets gangs up on both sides, the Metal Slash from one dragon and a double slash from the /other/ dragon. Both cut into her armor and tear it apart, which she howls in pain as they do, and uses her thrusters to shove her up into the air. Those red eyes stare at Ryuu, "Legend you may be, but I will not let fear consume me! Because I am the greatest hunter EVER!!"

"GRACE CROSS FREEZER!" She howls out as every missile compartment she has opens up and blasts down missiles at both Brakewind and Ryuu, which explode with a cyro-blast, attempting to freeze them or at least... ice them over.

"...and once I get my territory settled! I will find the Royal Knights and tear them APART!!" Finna then talks up and those red eyes gleam right at her. "You threatening me! Your nothing but a child! A little child digimon..." The Metal Garugarumon X laughs almost psychotically. "... and you know what I do with Child Digimon..."

Duke was shaking off bits of tank off his heavily armored body as he then observed the Metal Garugarumon point her Gatling Cannon right at Finna. His eyes go a bit wide as he listens to her words. In his mind the area almost shifts to a repeated scene in his own nightmares, in his own possible memory, only instead of her Cannon its another Cannon entirely... a group of children Digimon huddled together... scared...

"NOOO!" Duke roared out, as he went to suddenly leap into the air. His body glowing brightly as parts of his body started to become bits of data. Electronics in the area started to go haywire, signs flared to life, and knocked over police cars tried to rev to life.

The barrel of the cannon started to spin and then as it went to open fire, the glowing figure of Duke landed down in front of Finna. His form shifted to a knightly human, to Medieval Dukemon. He pulls his cape around and tucks down low as the bullets blast against his body, tearing through his cape and cracking his armor a bit.

Duke looks over to Finna, those gold eyes looking at her, "Fight or leave, this place is dangerous and she /will/ kill. She /has/ killed."

Kari thankfully goes ignored as the Metal Garugarumon just howls in laughter, "At last! It /takes/ threatening people to get you to actually /be/ a challenge, like your friends! I hate to /kill/ you when you were so pathetic." The crazy Digimon narrows her eyes. "...but you smell like someone I have met before... someone... important." Those red eyes whirl as the pupils narrow to small dots. "...how valiant you act, like /they/ did before Yggdrasil lost his mind! One of their /lost/ little minions I wonder?"

Duke looks back to the almost feral Ultimate and goes to stand up, pushing his tattered cape to the side. "I am no member or was ever a member of the Royal Knights." He places out his hand and the Halberd appears from data energy. His fingers curling around the shaft, before his eyes narrow sharply. "...also... you really should talk less... your leaving yourself open hovering there."

She cants her head, "...what?"

Alexis has posed:
FREEZING missiles? Whoever thought of freezing missiles?! That's kind of insane, even by Digimon standards.

It does, however, prove to be a practical change in tactics. Brakewind expects them to simply explode as he comes back for another pass, so when the blasts start freezing instead, well damn that is annoying, because his tolerance is specifically for explosive attacks.

It gets extran annoying when his wings start to ice up, as anyone knows, is dangerous a flyer. It's also freezing up his joints, making his attempt to land before he crashes into someone an awkward, skidding screech along the street before he finally stops. After a bit of struggling Drakewind cranes his head to use his magic flame to try and thaw off his legs before they lock up entirely.

With a grunt Alexis steps partway up his neck while he's doing so, propping one foot against one of the segments. "I guess we're playing with shooting things. Fine then." She clicks a pokeball, and the energy flash zips up to consolidate in her hands.

"Say hello to my little friend!"

'Little friend' turns out to be a blue shrimp with a not so little right claw. Seriously, the claw is -bigger than the shrimp is-. There's a visible glow from pressure building in said claw, so much that when he points it at MetalGarurumon-X and opens it wide, a massive blast erupts from it. A blast of water, but Clawitzer's tremendous launch power has turned the Water attack into a large version of one of those high pressure water streams they use to cut through heavy metal sheets.

Doran (695) has posed:
Ryuu twists and plants his legs on the ground as the Metal Garurumon-X flies into the air, preparing to leap up after her. That, however, is when the cryo-missiles explode around and against his head and the upper half of his body. The force of the explosions pin him against the ground and the cryogenic liquid freezes, trapping his body and the ground below him in ice.

His non-frozen half thrashes helplessly for a few moments, the spear-like point of his tail scratching the ice's surface, then he just lies still. His two scimitars, still clutched in his front claws near his chest, begin to glow with bluish-white light. As Duke Digivolves and the Metal Garurumon-X's attention fully turns to taunting the Digi-Dragoon, cracks start to form in the ice as it melts a little from within.

As Duke warns of the Metal Garurumon-X being left open to attack, steam rises from the ice encasing Ryuu as the cracks widen. Suddenly, his tail whips up and around and he drives the point of his tail into the ice above his chest, which shatters in a spray of steam and shards. His arms freed, he snaps them forwards to aim the points of his scimitars up at the Metal Garurumon-X, energy crackling between the white-blue blades.

"EISEIRYUOUJIN!" The air splits with a thunderous crash as a white-blue lightning bolt arcs from the blades towards the Metal Garurumon-X!

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Who's this h--" Finna doesn't get that out because CANNONS! She's tensing up for another lazy dodge but doesn't get the chance. In comes Duke. What the-- "Hey wait--"


    And so the foxgirl's left staring at the back of her transformed defender - who's not exactly unscathed from that.

    Bother it all. Now she has a small debt to pay back, since she CAN fight. Finna clenches a fist and unclenches it testingly, rubs her hbelly while staring sourly at the hostile Digimon...

    A glance is cast at the others who are fighting, then...

    "Excuse me? Child?" Finna brushes some hair from her eyes, grins cockily, and points a single finger at the Garugarumon! "Hope you're hungry for tongue..."

    Little flickers of silvery-blue light stretch from the outstretched finger, then course across Finna's whole body until it's a hazy glow. The Crescent Moon mark shimmers to life on her forehead, but by then... she's getting awfully furry. Her body ripples like waves across a lake, muscles and bones reshaping across a few seconds and making an awful noise of grinding joints and gurgly-flesh. The wavery silver glow grows exponentially more intense, lashing out to both sides of the street and an easy ten yards in other directions though the fringes are rather diffuse. An enormous phantasmal fox erupts from the bonfire display, spinning and curling around the murky figure that Finna's become!

    "'cuz I'm making you eat those words right now!"

    That's when the EIGHT FOOT WHATEVER, figure too indinstict to properly make out is simply RIGHT IN FRONT OF Garugarumon, delivering a prodigious raking uppercut with enough leaping force to crack the pavement!

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari sees the massive assault on the big metal wolf-person and hesitates. She feels small and in way over her head. All these things going BOOM and ZAP around her, what's a 15 centimeter robot girl supposed to do?
    After some of the dust has settled, the shinki hops onto the top of a overturned car, takes one of the shotgun shells she has and hurls it towards the MetalGarurumon. As it flies, the laser turrets pop up from her shoulders and shoot at the projectile, aiming to ignite the gunpowder inside and blasting the 12 gauge slug in the enemy's direction. She does this two more times before diving for cover and looking for something else to use.

Duke has posed:
Duke's warning came true and the Metal Garugarumon X was in for a nasty surprise! Her eyes went wide as she tried to avoid, but the high powered cutting water was impacted by the lightning. The combined power of both attacks slammed into the armored cyborg Digimon.

The water cut across her armor and the electrical current surged over her body as she actually screamed in pain, her body tensing up in the air, as her armor cracked and lines popped dripping down mech-like fluid to the ground.

Parts of her body showing deep enough damage where a blue grid pattern could be seen and the edges slightly pixelated. To top this off and before she could even recover, the eight foot now Finna slams her fist into the under snout of the almost paralyzed nine foot Digimon in the air. There was a thunderous metal rumble in the air as the first impacts metal.

The under line jaw cracks and spins the Metal Garugarumon in the air, before she goes crashing into the ground. Even after such damage though, the Metal Garugarumon tries to get back up. Her body almost crashing back down to the ground, parts of it smoking, sizzling. That is when she sees the shells thrown her way and then the laser shots. "...no..." BLAM!

The shells explode in front of her face and tear up her snout armor, knocking her back onto her side. She lays there for a moment as Duke then starts to walk toward her. His lance tightly in hand. "This time..." he says with a cold tone to his voice. "...you wont get away."

He then shoves his foot on her shoulder and pushes her over, for while he may be shorter then her, he had the advantage of being in /far/ better shape. Duke twirls the lance around and aims it to her chest. The Metal Garugarumon X staring at him. "Good. Get it over with! Kill me!" She roars out, her voice cracking from the damage. "Kill us both!"

Duke hesitates at such wording, "...us both..?" It was enough confusion that she needed to do what she was hoping for, before Duke even realizes it, her gems start to glow as she draws in remaining energy before she roars out, "COCYTUS BREATH!" With a blast from her maw, Duke is slammed by a blast of white-blue light.

It shoves him back and his armor starts to freeze over, his final steps his whole body becomes covered by ice and the Metal Garugarumon cracks up laughing as she gets back up. Cackling before she coughs a few times. "...fool... all of you... I knew his smell... I knew it... lies..." She points her Gatling Cannon arm at the figure. "HE WILL BE THE FIRST OF THE THIRTEEN!"

The others can see it spinning it up, she will cut Duke down to ribbons. It seems she wasn't kidding about the 'kill us both', but something lurks in the shadows...

Doran (695) has posed:
"No. He will not."

The deep male voice reverberates from the shadows as a green domed-shaped semi-transparent forcefield envelops Duke, protecting the frozen Digi-Dragoon from the Metal Garurumon-X. Those of keen eyes might see a glimmer of something metallic in the shadows at that area, but whoever it is has hidden so completely that his exact shape is difficult to make out.

"Now. End this."

Ryuu fully breaks himself free from the ice, eyes wide as he stares at the shadows. Something steels in his eyes as he barely nods, then he whirls back into the air as his body coils and twists in his wake. "Sorry, gal! You're the only one dying today!" His twisting intensifies as the blades in his hands and on his back create a whirling dervish of gold-and-black. "Ougai!" He bolts directly towards the Metal Garurumon-X, like a flying drill.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    "That's a really big gun!" Kari comments, worried. The laser turrets lock back down and the micro-grenade launcher flip down as the shinki maneuvers for a better angle. The enemy is much larger, much more armored than the usual human-sized targets Kari has faced. The grenades load in and fire in a series of pops, aiming to obscure the digimon's vision with dense smoke from the grenades.

Alexis has posed:
While everyone else is still fighting Brakewind manages to melt enough of the ice off his legs that he can break them free from the ground. Gives his metal plate wings a few flaps to shake the frost off of them, and then the mecha-dragon cranes his head back up to see how the fight is going.

"Duke!" But the shout to get his attention back on the fight comes a little too late as MetalGarurumon-X unloads freezing breath on him. Dammit! If only he hadn't been frozen down, Brakewind has an anti-breath technique.
But it's at what she's saying that Alexis' eyes widen a bit. Shit, does she really know? Or is she trying to bluff in hopes the other Digimon would turn on him as well? Is it too late?!... Or is it not, as someone or something else interviens for Duke!

Not really the time to worry over it not being a problem. "News flash for you, bitch. Past don't matter if you're using the future to make amends for it. Unlike you, who just keeps doing the same damn thing over and over again with the threats and the killing and the trying to kill. You think you're such a stone cold hardass? Well, okay then." Alexis hops off the dragon's back. "Let's see how you like it. Magnum, Ice Beam!"

Latching onto the dragon's head with his own legs, Magnum opens his claw, waiting for Ryuu to pass, and then fires the stream of freezing cold from his claw-cannon at the same time Kari throws smoke in the monster's face.

"Now Brakewind... Break her!" Free of the ice, the Mechan-o-wyrm launchs off the ground, though it's only using his wings more to propel himself into a high speed jump rather than taking flight. It's enough to build momentum so he can put his bulk to good use. "METAL BEATER!"

You though the metal rending claws were harsh? Just as he's about to drop on MetalGarurubitch Brakewind swings his center of mass around, transferring that momentum and force into his tail, heaving the heavy armored appendage like a metal bashing wrecking ball!

Finna (513) has posed:
    THAT was one hell of a satisfying impact. And the moment that Finna's seemingly run out of momentum she just BLURS out of sight. Not that it's hard to figure out where she went - she's over on the wall of a building, upside-down with limbs spread out like some kind of lizard. Phenomenal power flows and pulses from her whole body, rippling and coursing around wildly.

    Where the light meets reflective surfaces WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN. Someone might catch glimpses of their own surface thoughts or reflection of things that happen to be the next block over...

    Whatever power Finna's drawing on, it's a weird one, and a SAVAGE ONE.

    "What's this monster yammering about?!" Oh well. She has a debt to repay. That means defending Duke!

    It's almost too late to do that, but then IN COMES A SAVIOR?!

    Finna leaps from the building again with enough force to crack cement. A streak of blazing light swoops down and around, into a whirling dervish of claws of fangs and roaring giant phantasmal fox right into the supposed hunter!

Duke has posed:
The green field comes to life as the Metal Garugarumon X goes to open fire, but she hesitates as she hears the voice and sees the shield. Her red eyes look to the shadows. She can see his outline, she can see the figure and she almost trembles. "No... Nonono! Out of all of them! HOW COULD YOU BE HERE!! YOOOU!!!"

Her arm weapon quickly turns in that direction, all of her weapons coming online, "RRAAAHH!!" Kari thankfully has good timing with the smoke grenades as they explode to obscure the Digimon's vision and while everything fires, it goes everywhere but where it was attended.

Like a well timed strike, Ryuu rolls in while she was blinded and hyper focused on where the other was. He drills right in and cuts across half her body. Bits of data go flying out as he passes through. Her eyes going wide as her body starts to crack, fracture across her whole form.

Alexis' own team work freezes her gun arm and Brakewind smashes through it with his sharp tail, cutting it right off. Words escape from her broken and tattered robotic muzzle. "...I... wanted to avenge... my hunting grounds taken... everything... taken... because of... because of..."

As everyone gangs up on Metal Garugarumon, the ice around Duke starts to crack and fracture, and as the attacks comes from Breakwind, Duke shatters out of the icy prison, with a battlecry of defiance for such a cheap trick. Even so, the humanoid knight can only glance over as he witnesses the death of the very Digimon gone crazy.

Her eyes start to dim slightly as she can feel her body starting to come undo. "...Why Alphamon... why... did you... allow this...?"

She then cries out as Finna comes toward her, "ANSWER ME!!!" The phantom fox however tears around what is left her and around her, she screams in pain. A robotic scream of pain as her body starts to break down back into light and bits of pixelated data.

Duke stands there, watching this with some look of cold horror on his face, before he says softly, "...Alpha.." his gold eyes look toward where she was looking, "...mon?" That is when his eyes narrow, before he suddenly feels like the air around him trembles, like his core misses a beat, and then with a sharp yelp in his own pain, he takes hold of his head, before going down on his knee.

The area around Duke blurring in his own vision, as he watches as the Cyber digimon vanishes, he can almost see himself though on a building's broken glass near by. While hidden from others, what he sees causes his eyes to go wide and he suddenly falls over backwards, as if trying to run away from what he sees. "No!"


"Impossible!" he says then trying to stand up looking at something in the reflection of the glass.


"I AM NOT!!" He then roars out, before his actual body shakes, becoming static almost as if his own form is confused which way it should go. For a moment Medieval Dukemon and then with another shift it is like Dukemon X, as power gathers in his hands, a massive air and fire blasts out across the way, before shattering what remains of the window and several windows around it. His body once mroe stabilizes as look of horror only remains in his eyes. Horror and disbelieve, "...I am not... one of them..." before he actually falls over onto the ground, his data giving way and reverting back into a Guilmon X.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis just has one thing to say to the final rantings of MetalGarurumon-X as the digimon is in her death throws.

"You know what? -You- going around -murdering innocent people- out of some ass backwards idea of revenge made you -NO BETTER-."

Actually she might of had more to say, but she's distracted by Duke collapsing and devolving. Screw the bitch. She hurries over to the raptor-mon's side. "Duke, you okay?!"

Doran (695) has posed:
The deep voice rumbles a heavy sigh as the Metal Garurumon-X demands answers. "I no longer had the ability to stop it." Whether or not the crazed Digimon was able to hear his reply before Finna's assault tears her apart for good is neither here nor there.

The green forcefield dissipates once Duke frees himself from the ice and the threat has been fully dealt with. Whatever Duke sees under the influence of Finna's strange energy field is clearly for his own eyes only -- Ryuu isn't entirely sure /what/ he's looking at, and no telling what the mysterious figure saw. The violent reaction Duke has to... WHATEVER he saw... is enough to cause Ryuu to duck for cover temporarily.

Once the energy disperses and the Digi-Dragoon returns to Guilmon-X form, Ryuu immediately scrambles to Duke's side. "Easy, there." He looks over at the shadows. "You should leave."

"Aye, that is best." There's the grinding of metallic plate and the faint swish of cloth as the shadows shift. "Take care of him."

Ryuu snorts. "'Course." And with that, the figure disappears, likely walking through connecting shadows to keep himself hidden. Or maybe he simply teleports -- no telling, really.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari hops her way over to where Duke was and looks around for the red saurian. "Duke? Is everything alright?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    With the Metal Garurumon X eviscerated into ... what the heck WAS that anyways, Finna might wonder... the fox-creature stands upright in the middle of the street and shrinks back down to a slimmer - but still hard to really distinguish - form.

    "I really hate when that kind of thing happens..." But unfortunately Finna lacks all the context necessary to know what the hell's going on! She glances around confusedly at the others, still glowing like a beacon. Apparently that ain't something she can just turn off, although it does seem to be veeeery slowly losing intensity. A few simple leaps take her next to Duke. "You change forms nearly as much as me... you alright?"

Duke has posed:
Duke lays there and doesn't respond to anyone, but he is mumbling something, his body shivering. It actually may feel cold to the touch, as if fully drained or maybe it was just the effects of being frozen for awhile.

Even as Kari calls out to him, he can only murmur, his body shivers, and a tear rolls down the side of his face. Not even Finna is getting a straight answer out of him. Looks like he is very lost in himself right now...

Thankfully at least the threat is gone, even if this area is now ruined and in no shape right now.

When it seems like Duke isn't going to snap out of it, his eyes suddenly snap open as he roars out with a raptor draconic like cry, those gold eyes wild and then CHOMP! He bites down on Ryuu's sword. There is a low growl, before he blinks a few times, then realizes...

...he is in this place, biting down on a sword... surrounded by people. "diwth iwth wealy hwapen?" He asks not letting go of the sword yet, but when he does he flops back down on his behind and winces a little. "...Sorry Ryuu.." blink blink. Then he looks around the area, his ear fins perked up, before they suddenly lower down, sadness finds his eyes.

"I was hoping it was a bad dream..." He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, before looking at everyone again and almost leaning back to look at Kari and Finna upside down, "...is everyone alright?" He then flops over onto his backside. "...cause I am really... really... hungry... and my head hurts... allot."

"...also cold."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis stops chatting over her comm when Duke responds to others finally. Though with the brief concerned look she gives Ryuu, he can probably guess who she was talking to.

Then she glances over her shoulder a moment as she starts taking off her hoodie. "Good job you two," she says to her own two monsters, before turning back and tossing the jacket over Duke's shoulders. "Com'n, we'd better get you back to the ranch so you can warm up and eat something. Soup or something else warm."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ooohs and looks around at the people who came to fight. "Um... thank you for coming to defend this city... I live here and all Master, Harriet, and my stuff's here! So it would've been bad if nobody had tried to stop that weirdo..."

Doran (695) has posed:
As Finna joins them in her fading Exalted glory, Ryuu doesn't seem to be bothered by the fox-like being and all her visible strangeness. He even asides, "We Digimon have a habit of changing our shapes sometimes. I'm sure he'll be--"

That's when Duke snaps awake with a feral screech and chomps down on the sword in his right hand, Gairyu Udaijin. The Ouryuumon's immediate reaction is a deadpan stare down at the Guilmon-X -- he even lifts the blade slightly to pull Duke off of his feet and dangle there. "Really, kid?"

It doesn't take long for Duke to snap out of it and let go, and Ryuu casts a cursory look over the scimitar's undamaged surfaces. "Eh, don't worry about it. Takes more than a Child's teeth to put a scratch on my Gairyu Daijin." He grins down at the itty-bitty Shiki with a pleased chuckle. "No problem. Glad we got here before it got any worse. Thanks for your help too."

He nods to Alexis, catching the look and understanding it from there. The swords disintegrate in golden light and he flattens himself on the ground so Duke (and Alexis, if needed) can climb on his back. "C'mon, hop on. I'll fly ya back."

Finna (513) has posed:
    OH HEY DUKE'S BITING A SWORD! Finna... just... stares. Her reaction isn't too much different from the others to this ODD development. "Swords aren't... normally... edible..." She's still glowing like a beacon and that doesn't seem likely to change. The huge radius of the glow shrinks maybe a single foot every minute, if that. "Guess I didn't need to pull out all the stops after all!"

    But she does something ODD just next. Her tail stretches out several times its normal length and displays AMAZING prehensile abilities, wrapping Duke up like a blanket!

    "Can someone explain just... WHO that was and what happened? Haven't seen most of you people around. I'm Finna!"

Duke has posed:
When the jacket is thrown over to him, he puts it on, but it almost swallows him up really. He grins a bit at how silly he probably looks right now and his tail sways side to side behind him. Its nice and warm!

Duke looks over to Kari and waddles over to her, given the Jacket is big on him and he has to like, becareful where he steps. He then hugs the small Shinki. "It was no problem, Kari! I'm glad to see you again... just wish it was under better, um, conditions!"

Kari may notice there was something off about his eyes, they were dull in color and hiding some kind of internal pain in them. Seems for all his act, he isn't a very good bluffer. Then Finna wraps her tail around him for some extra warmth which helps warm up the Jacket. This means he'll be nice and toasty for the trip back home!

Duke looks at Ryuu as he readies himself to leave, and then looks at Finna, "She was a Cerberumon X, but digivolved to a Metal Garurumon X." Duke tries to explain as he scratches the side of his face gently with those long claws of his. "I don't know what her deal was, but she was hurting people... and we had to stop it. She got away... cause of me... but not this time!"

Duke tries to smile about that, but it was very fake, his gold eyes looking over at his reflection, then at Finna once more, still trying to smile. "Its nice to meet you Finna, I'm Duke! A Digimon!" He then pokes her tail gently. "...your also very glowie." Poke poke.

His ear fins then perk up, "Why not come with us! I am sure Doran is back there waiting for us at the Ranch and he can explain... or Ryuu here... but I am getting tired... and I need to eat. Digivolving takes up a bunch of energy and while I'm getting better at holding my forms..." He huffs a bit of smoke from his nostrils. "I still have to work on finding ways to store energy..."

Duke then looks over to Kari, then to Finna, then to Alexis, "...Though... if Alexis is ok with Visitors... it is her ranch."

Alexis has posed:
"Yeah, good idea. Brakewind isn't quite built for speed." Though Alexis does look in their direction again for a moment. Magnum is still latched onto the Mechan-o-wyrm's head. "Why don't you two make a circle round the city. Just to make sure she really was the only thing. She keep screaming about a pack and it being dead... And I don't want to overlook the fact other 'wild' ones may of come looking." Brakewind was at least careful to not dislodge the other 'mon by nodding, before flaring his wings and taking off again.

She doubts they'll see whatever the 'other' thing that was briefly here was, but she's more worried about other psychos possibly trailing the deranged bitch as well.

That done she climbs up on Ryuu's back, then leans over to help Duke up. "Yeah, barn's plenty big. A few more stopping by ain't gonna hurt nothing."

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari ohs... "There's a steak place I know about, Duke, we could stop by there and get something! I'll buy it because you helped stop the metal wolfman from wrecking the city! It's even on the way to the warp gate!" Kari adds.

Alexis has posed:
"Now THAT is one of the better ideas I've heard today," Alexis replies with a snicker.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Sorry! That'll take like an hour or so to die down to nothing! But it should be manageable soon long before then. I got a bit too worked up!" Finna grins a bit oddly. Sheepish, maybe?

    But she just gives him a blank look after the explanation. "Not sure what a Digimon is or most of what you just said, so I'll have to take your word for it! But I get it. You blew everything you had early. Least we got the job done... more or less."

Duke has posed:
Duke goes to get free of Finna's warm fluffy tail and hops up on Ryuu's backside. Then when Kari says 'Steak place' Ryu remember 'Bar & Grill' from Twilight Sparkle where he dropped off some apples and then suddenly with a wide grin, "Bar & Grill! Bar & Grill! Lets eat Steak! At the Bar & Grill!" He may in fact be chanting this in a cute, child like way.

Seems Duke really wants that steak and possibly /at/ the Bar & Grill.

Doran (695) has posed:
Ryuu laughs deeply. "Basically. I'm sure someone will be able to fill you in a bit better, Finna." He lifts his head off of the ground as people start to climb onto his back. "By the way, I'm Ryuu, an Ouryuumon Digimon. Nice to make everyone's aquaintance."

He hrms softly as he taps his chin in thought RE: Steak. "I can carry everyone to the steakhouse, but Iiiii --" His head turns to look over his sheer size, " -- think I'm a bit too large to enter a human building." He shrugs with a grin. "No matter. I can drop everyone off and go check on other things." He's worried about Doran himself, and also curious as to why Beelzebumon didn't show up this time around.