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Latest revision as of 14:22, 23 April 2015

Enter Space! Rock Lee becomes Comet Lee with Burning Passion!
Date of Scene: 05 January 2015
Location: Asian Plains (AND SPACE)
Synopsis: Rock Lee goes into space!
Cast of Characters: Staren, Karian Icefang, 596, 678

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Rock Lee is sitting on a tree stomp with his legs crossed in a quiet, open space. It's currently quite late, but with the lack of street lights or anything like that, the moon brightens up the field quite nicely.

Right now he simply waits for the Space Wolves to pick everyone up, then stop by and pick him up. Konoha has been informed not to shoot it down with giant fireballs if they spot it in the distance.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Not very long after the discussion, and more then a few angy complaints from the Iron Priests, the Thunderhawk arrives in the planes. It was quite a loud thing, earning the name when combined with it's shape. As it lands, Karian and his Thunderwolf Ygdril emerge, looking about for his passengers.

Staren has posed:
    Staren arranges to be picked up on the way -- He steps out with Karian to look for Rock. Since this is a noncombat space mission, he's not in his power armor. His spacesuit consists of black, skintight spandex-looking material, with a hard helmet with a seal on the neck (A small oxygen tank is behind the neck at the base of the helmet). Over this is worn an orange jumpsuit with a white armored vest for armor and pockets, and matching gloves and boots.

    Staren waves to the young Ninja, and presses a button to open the visor on his helmet. "Hello! You must be Rock."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Wow! You are incredibly large! You must train all the time!" Lee jumps from his tree stomp, then begins to back flip until he's standing in front of Karian, looking waaaayy up there. "Yes!" he says, looking over at Staren. "I am Rock Lee! We can go pick up anyone you did not already pick up, but I do not know where they live!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    While Karian eyes Rock Lee, Ygdril instantly jumps in front of his companion, teeth bared. The Wolf lord sets a hand down onto the canine's head, settling him. "Easy, He's not a threat." He says in a low, soft voice. As for the others, he shrugs as well. "I'm not sure myself. Also, this is all just armor, and under it alot of enhancements. I am built for war, you see. One of the Elite soldiers for my home universe."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Ah, wait a minute!" Someone's voice comes out of the blue, directed parabolically towards the small gathering of Elites so that they don't have to shout. At a considerable speed, what had previously appeared to be a star swiftly grows in size and brightness, taking on a faintly blue-tinged hue before a black silhouette hurtles across the clearing with a scream of jets and a blazing trail of fire. It circles around once, before firing frontal maneuvering thrusters to slow down, slamming into the ground at a much more sane velocity before grinding to a halt.

    Barely visible against the night sky, save for the lurid red glow of his optics, is Asche, apparently carrying Weiss along for the ride. The much larger Armiger lets the human-sized one down, who stands out much more in the moonlight due to her face and hair. She only appears to be casually dressed, rather than suited up for space like Staren. "Wow, so that's a thunderhawk? I thought the name sounded like it was trying too hard, but it looks pretty beastly."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"It does not look very much like a hawk!" Lee points out as he looks Karian over, then reaches out to knock on his armor a few times. "Wow! There are some ninja who go very far to build their bodies for battle with enhancements, like those puppet people!"

He eyes Weiss for a moment, again going into a series of back flips, not appearing to actually -walk- anywhere. Every time he goes to a new location, it's a back flip. "Hello! You are very pretty up close!" He offers his hand to her, not appearing to question the way she looks at all. He doesn't even seem surprised by it like many might be.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian again curiously watches Lee with his one remaining eye. "You are an energetic one. Beyond that, there is a list of the implants and augmentations too long to go over, but I am essentially made to be the edge of the sword. An 'Angel of Death', but that's another discussion." He then watches as Ygdril carefully pads over, sniffing curiously at the ninja. "So...are we all here?"

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Why thank you~" Weiss responds, using her friendliest smile as she takes Lee's hand. She uses significantly more pressure to shake it than normal, surreptitiously aiming to test his muscle definition and bone strength from that gesture alone. Though probably nobody can tell, the Armiger is doing her usual thing of bombarding the two new people with litanies of penetrating scans, looking to pick up on Lee's internal biology, and Kariam's morphological implants and the inner workins of his armour. Asche curls his talon-like fingers together in a fist, popping open his wristguard to reveal the barrel of the built-in multiweapon, speaking in a bass, electronic rumble. "I will ascend to orbit beside you. It likely will not be needed, but I will neutralize any potential threats that would disturb us. The purpose of this journey is to discover useful information, not hard lessons."

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks between them all. "I guess that's everyone." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of plasticy fabric attached to a torc with a tiny airtank. "Put this on and let the plastic sort of grow over your clothes. It will become a complete spacesuit shortly."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"That sounds very dangerous! But if you are an angel, you must be good! We all seem to be here, so we should go!" Lee seems to meet Weiss with equal strength rather than more or less strength, apparently having perfect control of that sort of thing. A penetrating scan of his internal biology will reveal that he is, in essence, human. But his body has been honed to a ridiculous degree. Bones strengthened from constant training, the typical martial artist microfractures, taken to a ridiculous degree for maximum strength. And his body, which is not actually obvious from looking at his jump suit, is pretty much a sack of condensed muscle.

"Oh, I have the futuristic portable camera I found in a store!" He lifts up an instant camera from the 90s, obviously not the most futuristic camera ever. "We do not have anything like this!" Then he reaches to take the fabric, staring at it, then proceeds to put it on, even if with a big of a struggle. He does not remove his vest to do this!

Karian Icefang has posed:
    "No need for that. Thunderhawks are hermatically sealed and pressurised. They're used for both in space and in atmosphere transport." Karian says. The Armiger would get a good scan of the multiple impants, such as the third lung, and secondary heart. The armor hints at ceramite plating linked to the backpack, but also picks up hints of a somewhat sentient entity inside, the machine spirit. Once aboard, the Wolf lords real toys wait. His bolter, and power sword, stored on the wall. "Have a seat, Lee. I will talk you through start-up, as the machine spirit may get....tempermental with a new pilot.

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks from Rock back to Karian. "And yet /you're/ still wearing your armor, I see. Safety first. Space is dangerous." He looks back to Rock, as the material of the suit spreads over his body forming a safety-orange suit that compresses around his clothes. Except for forming a helmet around the head, complete with transparent visor and a HUD showing how much air is left. "Come on in then!" He gestures for Rock to come up, and steps back.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Both Asche and Weiss are rated for exoatmospheric operation, but Asche is super tough. There's nothing to worry about~" Weiss says, giving the odd affect of seemingly referring to herself in the third person. Visibly, she looks no different, but mentally, Zwei is laughing at the 'futuristic camera'. "Once you show me your taijutsu, I'll get you an even better camera than that! And a radio that can receive pictures!" Zwei feels generous. It likes Lee's spirit.

    Weiss climbs into the thunderhawk along with the other two, dusting down her skirt before taking a seat and grabbing one of the handholds rather than strapping herself in. Asche's boosters whine as they flare up again, building into a low rumble before he abruptly goes rocketing off from the ground, soaring into the air ahead of the transport craft.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"I will be piloting a space ship?!" Lee asks as he looks around his body at the space suit on top of his already clunky vest. Then he begins to back flip his way onto the ship, and takes a seat when and where instructed. "There is so much technology in here, and future things!"

He looks back at Weiss, tilting his head. "I do not understand what you are! How can you be so many things?!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian nods. "Aye. I come from the 41st Millenium. A Far distant future." He says. Then he points and carefully explains each bit. The throttle, the control stick, and such.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Hmmm, I have to explain this a lot. I don't think I'll use the complicated one for you if your world has just developed VHS tapes though." Weiss pauses for a moment to simulate that she's actually thinking. "Both this body and the one currently making its way into orbits are basically puppet bodies. I see and hear through both of them, and can use them to do separate things at the same time. My 'real' body is intangible. Like a ghost. Both of these bodies were specifically created to do a lot of things. Instead of learning a bunch of ninja techniques, I have special abilities built right in!"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"Alright! Let me see... this button leads to space!" Lee suddenly pushes a button and pulls back the throttle. "This thing goes into space faster!" Then he begins to wiggle around the control stick. "And this lets us move through space! I understand, it is time to rocket into space. Everyone, get ready, because Rocket Lee is going to explode into the atmosphere, full speed ahead, and cause the Springtime of his Youth to blossom across the stars!!!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren watches nonchalantly as the controls are explained to Rock... presumably just to satisfy curiousity.

    Too late does he realize, as Rock sits down and starts flying, that he's being allowed to FLY THE SHIP. "What?!" He frantically grabs for something to hold on to. "Wait, we have to strap in! And you can't just hand the controls over to someone untrained!!"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian looks back to Staren. "This is how all Space Wolf pilots learn to fly." He says with a wild laugh. "In reality, I have controls as well, worry not."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Oh come on! Give him a chance! What's the worst that could happen~?" Are Weiss' words for Staren, followed by an unconcerned laugh as Lee begins mashing at the controls. Her body is built more than strong enough that she doesn't need to worry about being thrown out of her seat as long as she has something to grab, though she might crumple the handlebar in her grasp if the ride gets too rocky. Asche seems to have slower his climb into the upper atmosphere to let the thunderhawk catch up. At the first sign of trouble, he'll dive under it and physically grab hold to prevent it from falling.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Lee pulls the throttle all the way back, which probably would have dragged the ship directly into the ground if not for Karian to make the save. But then the control stick is remembered, and he pulls them up, rocketing hard up into the atmosphere. If Zwei is still scanning, she'll be able to note that Lee seems to not be bothered by high g-forces at all, as if it doesn't even surprise them when they start going at those insanely high speeds. "Woooo! This is easy, I just have to pull it all the way back to make it go as fast as possible!!!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods to Karian, somewhat reassured.

    Then he hears Rock speak about 'going as fast as possible' and is rather deassured.

    He just stares at Rock in horror.


    He's seriously considering just teleporting away and leaving the others to deal with Rock.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Oh Weiss is still scanning alright. She does that /all the time/. She isn't about to make a huge deal about Lee's exceptional physiology to everyone in the space craft, but it's very interesting to say the least. She also doesn't have anything like organs or blood, so the acceleration does nothing to her but make her sway in her seat slightly as inertia does its work. "I like your style! You just keep jamming on that throttle! Take it wherever you want to go~" Asche slowly begins to accelerate as the thunderhawk catches up, taking up position to its port side at a comfortable distance away, extending his personal interception field to cover the transport as well. The result is that the wind begins deflecting off of it, creating a small vacuum ahead of the craft with immediately drops turbulence.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Once they're in space, Lee keeps his hand on the control stick, and pulls out his camera to begin taking pictures of things. "That is a space thing, and that is a -different- space thing... I see! This all seems like very valuable information!" His photos are falling down to his feet rapidly as he snaps pictures. then suddenly he thrusts the throttle into reverse. The only thing that keeps them all from getting flung forward to certain death is the fact that Karian is on alternate controls, so instead they very carefully come to a stop. "I believe I have captured many photos!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren is never sitting in while someone learns to drive again. At least, not while Rock Lee learns to drive. Aaand he's taking polaroids. "How much... do you know... about space, Rock?" he asks, breathing quickly still in the suit.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Zwei inwardly snrks at Lee taking photos of absolutely everything. Feeling charitable, it begins taking photos through Asche's many exterior micro cameras, wiring them to Weiss, who then prints them in the traditional Transience way; stripping down atoms into neutrons, protons and electrons, and then using them to build custom molecules. She doesn't use the air in the cockpit, since there isn't a whole lot of it, so she instead prints from the sliver of degenerate matter she keeps stored for these occasions. A stack of glossy photographs of the same material as Lee's appear in her hands without much fanfare other than a dull hum, though the pictures on each of them are far higher definition than Lee's camera is capable of taking, and are zoomed in to an extreme extent. "Here, I took some too~"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"There are stars in space, and you can use space to navigate, and the moon is up there, also the sun! Oh, and there are meteors and asteroids!" Lee stands up and begins to gather his photos, then his eyes light up and he smiles wide as he sees hers. "Good job! Now we have plenty to show the ninja scientists of my village! Up close space pictures so that we can prepare for what might come in the future!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren sweatdrops. "..." He doesn't know where to begin. "Maybe... maybe it'd be better if we talked to those scientists directly... So we can work out exactly what they want." He looks out the window. "Do you even understand whiuch dangers you need to prepare for?"

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Weiss begins counting on her fingers. "Meteor impacts, gamma ray bursts, especially violent solar flares, being hit with a moving black hole, and alien invasion. I think that covers it. Though, it may be best if you really do take someone from the Union along to talk it out. The photos will be good proof at the very least."

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"This is general information gathering. Recon! That is my current official mission. I am exploring different things about how the Multiverse works and bringing the inforation back for proper study! They cannot accept this information from unverified sources, and the elders do not necessarily trust the Union as a verified source yet! Ninjas are very particular about information." Lee explains as he heads over to Weiss, reaching for her photos. "Once they have photos, they will probably put other teams together to come out and explore points of interest!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens as Zwei lists off things there is no way Rock's world is prepared for. Except maybe certain kinds of alien invasion. "So, you want to learn about the Multiverse. What do you want to do with it? Are you concerned only with the harm it brings, or also the opportunities?"

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Weiss hands the photos over eagerly. Zwei's first contact protocols are most satisfied here, where they involve aiding a unique civilization in its advancement into space, without trying to 'uplift' them. "There are a lot of opportunities too! You could build a secret ninja base in space! Or you could mine rare materials out of different parts of the solar system to invent new tools! If it's a matter of trust, I'm pretty sure the Union will earn that quickly by working some missions for you. Give them a shot to prove their integrity and you'll benefit a lot. Of course, I could say the same thing here~"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"We do not have a particular objective! This is information gathering, we are trying to understand what it is that we are dealing with so that we will know what to do! We do not know if the Multiverse is an immediate threat to our world, or if there are useful resources, or other unknown things! The only way to know is to gather information!" Lee looks down at the photos, shifting them through his fingers. "She understands! We do not know what our opportunities will be yet, or dangers. That is the primary concern of a ninja in an unknown situation! Gather as much information as possible."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Outside the thunderhawk, a flash of light traces across the cockpit as Asche swiftly vapourizes a stray piece of comet debris in orbit with a point defense laser, otherwise having little to do seeing as Lee's world has very little in the way of satellite infrastructure to leave more substantial space junk around. Inside, Weiss nods along with Lee's spirited explanation of the circumstances. "You're from Konoha right? If you want, we could make a trade. I don't know how comfortable they'd be with doing it, but if they showed off some of their nijutsu and genjutsu techniques, I could arrange for your village to get a ship of their own."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods. "A secret ninja space base /would/ be cool." He looks back to Zwei. "You haven't joined the Union, why are you reccomending us?"

    He looks back to Rock. "All of those things. There are threats. There are useful resources. There are allies and enemies. But I can't tell you about everything at once. Pick a type of information to start with, and I can tell you lots!"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"That unfortunately would not work! The mechanics of a village's ninjutsu and genjutsu are kept a secret. Even dead bodies are considered top secret and villages will often race to collect one, because it will hold many secrets of that village." Lee explains, before he starts to take the ship back down to the planet, which is yet another full throttle rush. "And I cannot accept information -told- to me, it would not be reliable! But I will compromise and show my taijutsu, in exchange for one of those special VHS computer phones!"

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Hmmm, I expected it'd be something like that. Well, I'm not surprised. I'll still take that deal though." Weiss seems untroubled by the rumbling descent downwards, Asche keeping pace to adjust the ship's course to prevent a crash if need be. Weiss herself uses up another chunk of matter to fashion a device no larger than the hook that should fasten around Lee's ear, built with a standard multiversal communicator into it, but more importantly, with a tiny projector lens that will create high-res holographic images a short distance away from his face should he push a button at the back. The 'screen' is motion based, meaning he should be able to scroll through frequencies and open image and video files with a simple visual interface. She hands it over to Lee as soon as he has his hands free of the controls. "You seem like an honest guy, so I'll hand this over first. I don't expect you'll try and weasle out of your end of the bargain~"

Staren has posed:
    Staren shrugs at Rock. "Okay. You can't take my word for it," he leans forward slightly, "but maybe I can help point you in the right direction, hm?"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
"That is fine! Now that I have space photos, I will need to know the major resource points between the Union and the Confederacy. It will help us understand the needs of both factions and give us other insights!" Lee finally comes in for a -hard- landing, which is once again aided by Karian. But at least the nightmare is over!

He slips out of his chair, then goes back flipping again. He has yet to actually take a normal step, he's been back flipping the entire time. And he does so straight out of the door once it's opened. "And I would never attempt to steal from someone! Even when the taxi driver attached a bomb to my ankle, that was simply the way of his profession!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "Resource points? Do you mean the Target Zones they're fighting for control over? Or something else?"

    Staren unbuckles his seat and stands up. "That is NOT what taxi drivers are supposed to do!"

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
He stops back flipping and suddenly stands up, watching as the ship starts to lift off. Perhaps they're going to leave Staren behind when he gets out? That seems to be the case. "Well, that is what this taxi driver did! But I do not know, perhaps yes? But any point of interest, if you can give me a list, I will check them all and gather information!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren sighs. "The target zones are Mining Station Zephyr, source of mineral wealth and studying of space, The Rookery, source of dragons, Phase Rock, source of power, Zone 92, source of... easily breakable stuff I guess, the Caverns of Prophecy, source of... prophecies, and The Factory, source of endless little doodads that just sort of grow out of the ground basically." Staren blinks. "We're leaving? Ah... well, I guess we can always talk more on the radio! See you around!" He waves.

Rock Lee (678) has posed:
Lee starts to scribble into a notebook when Staren begins to list zones off. "Oh, whoa! I guess you are leaving! I will see you later, though! Thank you for this space suit!" He waves Staren off as he rises into the sky with the Space Wolves.