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Latest revision as of 11:22, 14 May 2015

Fairy Fashions
Date of Scene: 21 February 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Nasa comes to Tomoyo's Boutique to retrieve her outfits!
Cast of Characters: 367, Tomoyo Daidouji

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     It's quite a blustery day in Tomoeda, the stiff breezes carrying a few droplets of rain with it at it blows. The few people out in the streets pull their coats and jackets tight around them, keeping a firm hand on their hats and hoods to keep the chill out.

     At Tomoyo's Boutique, the door is shut, but the sign says 'Open' (with a smaller sign underneath asking customers to please make sure the door is securely shut behind them). Tomoyo and Yamazaki both sit at the counter, with notebooks in front of them, discussing something. Studying perhaps?

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Among the people sheltering themselves and pulling jackets around themselves... there was a fae slowly walking, not seeming to be terribly bothered by the cold, though she did keep her wings folded down so that the wind did not carry her off. She was small, and relatively light. Any particularly small children on the way to Tomoyo's Boutique would find themselves in a small dome of protection against the wind; the rain still falling... but no threats of gusts sending children falling over or anything of the sort!

     Once she arrived at the boutique, Nasa carefully lifted her hand to pull open the door, another one of those spheres of calm wind keeping it from flying open -- and summarily being impossible for her to close behind her, because that would just be rude. Once the door was properly closed, Nasa quietly pulled out a pair of small stones, tapping them together, and then carefully beginning to run them over her clothing. Once that was done, she FINALLY payed attention to those inside, slipping the stones away. Her clothing was now dry, and that was quite important! "Nasa greets~." She says cheerfully towards Tomoyo and Yamazaki, dipping her head in a polite bow.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     The two look up, rather confused when the door opens but it doesn't look like anyone is there. Tomoyo catches on first, looking down at the soft tone of stone against stone. She watches with wonder as the fairy before her magically dries herself off before offering a greeting.

     "Hi Nasa~ Welcome back to Tomoyo's Boutique," the girl says, returning the bow in synch with Yamazaki, who starts moving all the books and notes aside. Tomoyo comes out from behind the counter and kneels down to place her right hand on the floor for Nasa to stand on.

     "Here to pick up your outfits, right~?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa was, while short, totally not in her tiny form! Yet, at any rate. This was largely due to the fact of how windy it was out there and she had to open a door in such conditions. She hshifts her ears a bit as she looks up towards Tomoyo and Yamazaki, watching them both curiously for a few moments. When Tomoyo makes her way over...

     Nasa is suddenly consumed in a sphere of purple light, and her now-tiny self alights upon Tomoyo's hand easily, settling down onto it contently as she does, humming a bit. "Appreciates the welcome. Yes, is here to pick up the outfits~." Nasa says, shifting a little bit from side to side with a barely-contained energy. She totally wasn't excited. Really. Not one bit.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     As Tomoyo picks up Nasa, she may notice that the tailor's other hand has bandages wrapped around the palm. Tomoyo carefully examines the fairy in her hand before beaming with delight and setting her down on the counter. "Oh my gosh, you look even more amazing and cute in person now!" She giggles softly.

     "Hold on, your outfits are upstairs. Be right back!" Tomoyo says, looking just as excited! She slips back behind the counter and runs up the stairs, soon returning with two small bags, carefully carried in her left hand. Again, she offers her right hand to Nasa and indicates the dressing rooms with her head.

     "C'mon, let's get you dressed~"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa's gaze shifts briefly towards that bandaged hand, making note of it. Though she didn't comment just yet, instead shifting a little bit here and there to let Tomoyo get a good look at her. "...Appreciates the compliment." Nasa mumbles lightly, her cheeks briefly flushing a lighter purple. What? She wasn't immune to flattery!

     As Tomoyo whisks off to go and find the outfits, Nasa's gaze turns towards Yamazaki, watching her curiously for a few moments, just kind of silently taking her in, since she didn't recall her being here the last time she visited. She didn't look unfriendly, though! In fact, she gives a smile towards Yamazaki, and little curtsey. And then Tomoyo was back!

     When the hand was offered to her, Nasa gracefully hopped onto it. It seemed the now-strengthened fae side had helped to refine Nasa a little bit. Either that or she felt more refined now, it might be hard to tell. "Okay~." Nasa says, smiling up towards Tomoyo as she settles on her hand. Tomoyo seemed intent to carry Nasa around, and Nasa seemed content to allow this!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Yamazaki just smiles at the fairy. How is he seeing though? His eyes are closed, and he hasn't opened them once! But, Tomoyo has whisked her away before she could question him about this.

     Into the dressing booth they go! Tomoyo sets Nasa down on a small bench built into the wall before sitting down herself, crossing her legs and opening one of the bags. This one contains the qipao, and it came out quite well! It's a dark, dusky purple, sleeveless and backless, with high slits and white trim along the hems at the arm holes and the hems of the flaps. The collar is high, with a spider-shaped brooch on the front and snap-fasteners on the back. Up close, one can see spiders have been dyed into the fabric in a slightly darker purple.

     Carefully, Tomoyo unfastens the back of the collar and places the dress carefully onto the bench. "Step into it please, and spread your wings~"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Seeing without seeing is hardly the strangest thing that Nasa has encountered so far! Though it definitely was something she was curious about! But yep, she was whisked away before she could question him... and she didn't have much intention to in the long run. Believe it or not, Nasa was just a tad bit shy when encountering new people!

     And then... they were in the dressing room, and Nasa was on a bench. Once the dressing room was closed, Nasa rather unceremoniously started to get undressed, not seeming to mind too much if Tomoyo saw. Being both fae and drow lead to very little in the way of care for nudity, really. "Ah, does look like put lot of time into it." Nasa murmurs, carefully stepping into the dress as it's held out for her, her wings spreading wide. When they finished fully extending, just the smallest sparkle of fairy dust showed around her wings. "Ah, like this?" She asks softly, looking up at Tomoyo curiously.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo nods eagerly as she starts pulling the dress up Nasa's body. "Oh, I did. I never made clothes this small before! And, well... remember, this is kind of a childhood dream of mine~" she say sheepishly. As soon As Nasa is able, Tomoyo asks her to slip her arms into the armholes. Finally, she has pulled the dress all the way up and refastens the back of the collar. The dress fits perfectly, and her wings have plenty of room to flutter thanks to the lack of back!

     Lastly, Tomoyo produces a pair of slippers, purple with white soles and a spider-shaped clasp on each. She helps Nasa to put them on before indicating the mirror in the booth!

     "What do you think~? Try moving around in it and let me know!"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Does remember that. Still, does show craftsmanship." Nasa says, slipping her hands easily through the armholes, making sure they fit well enough. Okay, that was comfortable, and didn't seem to remove her ability to move... the dress would do the same, it was short enough. Once the dress was fully on, she fluttered her wings a bit. Before she was even directed to fly around, she began to do so -- even before the shoes were offered. Though, once the slippers were offered, Nasa paused.

     She was, briefly, a tiny bit hesitant before the shoes... before carefully slipping the shoes on and giving a little nod. "Is not used to shoes, but these ones are not bad." She murmurs, wiggling her toes a bit in the shoes... before beginning to flit around here and there, testing out her ability to move in it... and possibly showing off a tiny bit for Tomoyo, flying little circles and making quick dashes from one corner of the dressing room to the next, before finally settling back down next to Tomoyo. "Siyo, is good. Can move easily." She says, smiling up towards Tomoyo.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "Aww, thank you Nasa~" Tomoyo says, beaming with delight, her own cheeks going a little red at the compliment. When Nasa starts flying around, she gasps with delight, watching with awe! She really really wished she had her camera on her right now...

     "Oh, don't worry~ The shoes are free, I just made them in case you ever had need for muffled footsteps." Indeed, the soles are cushioned, and make no noise when she walks in them. When Nasa is satisfied that the qipao is up to snuff, she claps in delight... forgetting the bandages. She winces a little and shakes her head.

     "Ahaha... silly me. Anyway, your other outfit now!" She starts extracting the other one as Nasa undresses.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa carefully began to undo the outfit as Tomoyo spoke, her ears twitching as she listens to her. She didn't really waste much time! "Is welcome, though you should expect compliment like that. You have practiced trade. Is what has earned." Nasa says with a small nod, her ears twitching. The shoes were free? She hadn't even considered that much, to be honest. The wince of that clapping hand got Nasa's attention, though.

     Not even worrying about the fact she hadn't put new clothing on yet, Nasa flitted over to her pile of clothing, and pulled out a small potion vial. After that, she flitted up to Tomoyo's hand, even as she worked on extracting the other dress. Nasa gave Tomoyo a look for a moment, before murmuring, "Will sting a little, then pain will fade." After that, she carefully moved to pour the small bottle over the bandaged hand, and then slip the potion back away within her belongings. If Tomoyo hadn't avoided the treatment, it would be exactly as Nasa said. It would briefly sting, before the pain would begin to fade. Not numb, but the pain would be gone.

     Aand then Nasa stood calmly, settling down and looking up at Tomoyo expectantly, as if she hadn't just made an attempt to heal her. Back to business!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo freezes up at Nasa alights on her wounded hand and administers a potion. She does wince, as it soaks through the bandages and gets to work on whatever wound she has under there. She blinks away tears as the pain fades, before giving Nasa a soft, thankful smile. "...thank you Nasa. That feels a lot better."

     She finishes extracting the top, almost like she just pulled it from the page. The top is a little revealing, orange and brown cups held together with a gold emblem. The sleeves are the same, puffy with white fur trim. A hood is attached, also with white fur trim. The shorts are puffy, orange on the front and back with brown on the side. They go up to her waist, but the front is open to reveal the navel. On the front is another gold emblem, and they are secured with ribbons on the back that tighten them when pulled. Lastly, there is a detached collar with yet another golden emblem bearing a pair of wings.

     "This one was pretty tricky I admit~ I guess I'm not up to snuff on fairy fashions!" Tomoyo says with a smile. "But, I did my very best! What do you think?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "To not thank Nasa. You are strong, working with injured hand." Nasa murmurs softly, giving a small nod. "Did earn it, in own way." Nasa murmurs softly. She's totally avoiding making eye contact with Tomoyo right now, and trying to keep her own smile a bit hidden! Aw, shy little faerie! Once the top was done extracting, Nasa shifts her gaze up towards Tomoyo, moving to carefully begin to pull the clothing on.

     "Is okay. Nasa is not good with faerie fashions. Was just ... thought that did come to mind." Nasa mumbles softly, as she ensures that the clothing was carefully carefully put on, almost as if Nasa was putting a delicate flower together, rather than pulling on clothing. Which in and of itself might hint at how much Nasa respects Tomoyo's work on the clothing. Once it was all in place, Nasa shifts a bit, hopping around some as her wings fluttered. "Strange."

     "Is strange clothing that Nasa did to help design." Nasa says, shaking her head with a soft laugh. "Is good clothing though, and well-made, does like it." Nasa says, looking up towards Tomoyo and flashing a quick grin. "How much will cost?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo shakes her head when Nasa compliments her for working with an injured hand. "It's the least that I can expect of myself..." she mutters, plucking one of the straps of her apron awkwardly. She too, is avoiding eye contact, letting Nasa get dressed, but ready to help if she needs it.

     She gives a nod when Nasa comments on the strangeness. "It's really unusual, even for me! But, it looks really good on you~ Do fairies have an innate fashion sense or something?" she asks teasingly as she offers Nasa her right hand to stand on again.

     Carrying her out of the dressing booth, she places her on the counter as she rings up the cost of the outfits. Quite reasonable! "Uh, can I ask one last favor~? Can I get a photo of you in that outfit for my 'Board of Satisfied Customers~?' It would mean a lot!" She produces a digital camera from under the counter and looks at Nasa pleadingly.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Gasp, has Ladykiller Nasa become a thing?! Probably not, she just happens to think highly of those who show strength, which Tomoyo has. At least in her eyes. Nevermind the fact she has no idea what Tomoyo actually did to get her hand hurt! "And that is form of strength in own way, yes." Nasa says with a firm nod, her ears twitching.

     "Eh-heh. Yes, is very unusual, but supposes is fitting, since Nasa is unusual~." She says, twirling a bit. "Mmm... fairies are good at using what they do to have to make clothing, so supposes so... but Nasa is only half-fairy, so probably has to not inhereted that, especially since was born Drow." She says softly, stretching out a bit as she settles on Tomoyo's hand. Once the cost was rung up, Nasa produced the card that her union payments were made to, which would become human-sized the moment Tomoyo took it!

     If it was reasonable or not was really not something Nasa could judge though, the card looked almost brand new, like it was hardly used. Nasa really didn't tend to use money much, being a survivalist type! "Ah? Does want picture? Supposes can allow this." Nasa says, before standing pointedly on the counter, her arms kind of resting in a relaxed state at her side, legs slightly apart comfortably. After a few moments, she took a breath, waiting for Tomoyo to show she was ready... before she suddenly flashed a grin, her wings spreading wide as she waved towards Tomoyo. Around the edge of her wings, a trail of pixie dust surrounded them, which would likely make for an excellent, sparkly picture!

     Now if only Nasa was better at making poses to accentuate that, since other than the wings, her general stance and such was kind of boring, and her mouthful of sharp teeth might be a bit scary~. But she seemed happy enough. After she'd gotten her picture taken, Nasa would hop off of the counter and flit out the doorway into the wind and rain, a small sphere of air forming around her that keeps her from being disturbed by the wind and rain as she made her way back to the place she was temporarily calling 'home'.