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Dun Realt-or, or: How Inga Became a Landowner
Date of Scene: 26 April 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: Riva, Inga and Harry scout out a good place for Inga to set up shop in Dun Realtei
Cast of Characters: 206, Riva Banari, Inga

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    It's a lovely spring evening on the outskirts of the village. Well, we say outskirts but it's at least a 15 minute walk from town, into the woods, up a deer path. Harry is poking at some underbrush and leaf litter with his staff, trying to kick out at the dirt and such. "Well the ley lines out here feel okay but I'm... we'd need to find a nice stable place to put a fundation down."

    He looks up at the tall trees and sighs. "I'm not sure if trucking in a boat load of dirt to stabilize a place would be good for the feng shui."

Inga has posed:
Now that spring has arrived, it is time to move forward with plans for a cottage at Dun Realtai. A place where she can go when she needs a reprieve from the noise of the city. A peaceful place in a world that feels more familiar to her, with trees and a hearth and a little garden. Away from the packed city with all the visions that go with so many people living in close quarters. Away from technology, too. Which Harry shouldn't really have much of an issue with! Riva would probably complain about the 'bad signal' however.

Inga more or less knows what she is looking for. She saw this cottage in a vision, now she only needs to find the location where it can be built. Thus, they have been roaming, following Inga's inklings and hunches, frollicking through the countryside. Inga's been picking little bits of plants as she goes for her stock of herbs and what not.

They've been out for a while, losing the daylight. Inga looks to Harry, shaking her head. "No...not quite right...but close I think," she says, her eyes a little distant as she wanders vaguely north, leaning on her staff as she limps along.

She stops for a moment, raising a brow. "What is 'feng shway?'" she asks.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva knows that it's impossble toget signal around Harry as it is, so she just gets her social networking time in ahead of time.

Instead, the pair hear a distinctive sound. It sounds kind of like this:


Riva ends up running past the pair, arms outstretched as she practically prances through the forest, tripping over a root with a yelp and hitting the ground. She rolls over onto he back, laughing as she looks over at the pair. "Heyyyyyyyyyyy Inga! Hey Harry! What's up? How's the land search?"

She'll get up eventually.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry grumps a bit, swatting the shod end of his staff against the ground. "Lux." A dull wad of light attaches itself to the end of his staff, and he keeps tromping along. He's not in any hurry tonight, not really. No cases to chase in a while, which is nice, but that means money isn't coming in. Thanks, Union paychecks.

    "Uh, feng shui. Like... the ambiance, magically. The form of the buildings and surroundings accentuating the magic of the place? Uh. Not sure what you'd call that. Honestly though, most of that is woo, but there's stuff that can throw off magic, honestly, like too much-"
    And there's Riva. He sighs and shuffles over to offer a hand to the artist. "Up and attem, silly girl."

Inga has posed:
Inga tilts her head slightly, listening to Harry's explaination. "Ah, I see," she answers. She thinks she knows what he's talking about, anyway. She hadn't known it had a term. Not in her language, anyway.

Suddenly, Riva! Inga ducks out of instinct, hearing the WHEEEE she thought maybe it was some kind of dive bombing bird. But no, it's Riva, excitable and frollicking--and falling over. Inga giggles, shaking her head as she walks over to where she's fallen. "I know the place I am looking for is here somewhere. We're close," she says, smiling softly. Inga's clearly excited about this venture. "Come along then, I'm following the...feng shway," she says, tapping Riva lightly with her staff before she starts walking again, following a little path. A game path? A walking path? Difficult to tell. There a bit of prickling in the air, a sense of /something/ that increased as Inga continues forward.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva gets prodded by Inga, and she giggles some more, clearly not taking /anything/ seriously right now. Is it the clean air and the magical environment? Or are the bees getting to her? Or maybe she's thinking about Inga and Harry. WHO KNOWS. She accepts Harry's hand as he helps her up and she quips, "If you're lookign for a Feng Shui expert, you should talk to Wuyin. He's a Dragon, they're all into that stuff."

She pauses, and quips again, "I feel kind of like we're following our nose instead. If we find a box of Froot Loops at the destination, we'll know what's really up."

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    A look between the girls, and Harry pats Riva on the shoulder as she hops up. "Or you're hunting for honey like a Poo Bear. Is there an Agartha link around here? I hadn't... uh, I'm still not good at sensing your particular bits of the supernatural. The Bees confuse me, frankly."

    He shuffles over to Inga again, willing the little ball of light to a spot about 5 feet from the end of his staff to cast light in a wider area. "I know for me that usually means a ley confluence but those... I suppose those are less rare outside of Chicago."

Inga has posed:
Inga snickers softly. "The Bees are confusing," she states. She's one of the Chosen and generally thinking about the whole thing still sets her head spinning.

She'll let Riva answer about Agartha, Inga has picked up on something. She knows she's close and the excitemet is building.

The wisewoman struggles through a particularly dense bit of undergrowth, passing between two particularly tall trees. Ash trees. They stand like a gateway to another world. Here, a big of fog drifts along the ground. It's quiet, as if the forest is holding it's breath.

Inga stops to put her hand on the closest of the tree sentinels, her eyes wide and bright, a smile curving her lips as she looks into a clearing surrounded by trees, moonlight filtering through the leaves.

The place most certainly has a certain feeling of the uncanny. Of perhaps the sacred.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva laughs. "Silly old bear!" She responds, taking an opportunity to futz with Harry's hair under that hat playfully. "Agartha goes a lot of places. I don't know if it has connected out here yet, I just popped by for stuff." She pauses. "And things." Another pause, and then she shrugs. "Don't worry about the bees, Harry. They confuse me too. They were just making fun of me for existing in linear time and only perceiving three dimensions earlier."

Riva follows along Inga as they come upon the ash grove. Here, even Riva seems (a little) subdued, looking around in wonder and awe at this place. "It's beauuuuuutiful." She whispers.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry just grumps. Extraplanar powers annoy him, and more so when they are paired with Shit That Infects Your Head. Though... He stops short of the sacred grove, and just keeps himself one step outside of the sentinel trees.

    He's not stepping inside. Not yet. He bites his lip and shifts a bit, trying to find his footing, it seems. This wasn't a place for him. Not yet.

Inga has posed:
It is a place for Inga. She knew it was her place since she'd Seen in with her Sight. The woman lets out a breath, then reaches into her pouch. Out she pulls what appears to be a bottle of ale. She opens it, says a prayer, then dumps it into a bowl she's also pulled from the pouch at her waist (which is decidedly not actually large enough to hold such things). An offering to the spirits of the land made, Inga moves into the clearing without fear, stepping into the moonlight and turning her face toward the sky. She lets out a happy sigh, then looks toward Riva and Harry.

"It is, isn't it? The cottage will be just here," she says, pointing with her staff.

To Harry, she frowns. "What's the matter?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry... sniffs a bit. "Ah, just... letting you go first. I mean."

    Cripes, Harry, you're going to be living here, might as well. He takes a step inside the grove and sighs quietly, letting the quiet energy of the place wash over him. Relaxing. Calm. Not... not what he's used to, or expecting. "Mmmmh, sorry, felt rude going in without you scopign it out first. This sort of thing... is more of your thing, love."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva, having been Shanghaied To Defend The Earth, is usually pretty cool with earth gaia nature stuff even if she's a modern Future Girl who loves the tech. She hangs out with Harry so he doesn't feel left out, and she watches Inga begin planning things out. "It'll be awesome, Inga!" Although she suddenly gets the feeling she's going to get dragooned into helping build the thing. "And he's right, we don't want to get in the way of you figuring out how you want to do this!" She didn't miss the ritual offering. She'd probably go tromping all over something important with her uneducated feet.

Inga has posed:
Inga reaches out her hand toward Harry, smiling encouragingly. "This is a good place, peaceful, isn't it? Especially if we treat the spirits of the land properly. Establish a good relationship," she says. She knows Harry is very wary of anything resembling the fae. He has good reason to be. Inga was brought up on lore of land wights, trolls and spirits of all kinds. She doesn't feel uncomfortable here. Maybe the spirits of the place were happy to embrace someone that would honor them.

Maybe there will be a bit of trouble. Either way, Inga intends that this will be the place.

Inga sniffs. "I'll set up such a beautiful bone-fence," she says, emotional.

"We'll have to check with Sir Bedivere and Lady Saber of course. I hope they will take no issue with us building here," she says, a hint of anxiety entering her voice. Aaah what if they say no!?

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry sighs and shakes his head, before slipping over to plant a hand in Inga's hair reassuringly. Probably more for himself than her at this point. "I'm sure they'll be fine with it. Just remember, if you do... set up shop here, you're going to have people tromping here from time to time, wise woman of the North." A little quirk of his lips, as he shuffles over to a clearer spot, and kneels down in the leaves. "So, they'd have to know to be respectful of the place. Though, I'm not sure the people here would have a problem with that."

    Harry's drawing a circle in front of himself. A small one.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva Banari has no idea what the two more magically inclined friends are doing. She's better at stomping and shooting things that need to be stomped and shot.

Oh god, she's the dumb warrior of the fantasy novel party. MORITIFCATION. She sort of steps forward, carefully trying to not disturb ANYTHING before she sits down and smiles to Inga. "I guess I'm going to have to learn some things if I'm going to visit too, huh?" She asks.

"And if anyone causes any trouble, don't worry. I can thump them for you if you need it." Oh god, she really is.

Inga has posed:
Inga nods. "Yes, that is the idea. Don't worry. There's an energy to the place, laylines? Something of that nature. There's nothing to worry about. I will keep any spirits appeased as best as I can. It isn't as though I plan to build on burial mounds or anything. This is simply...it is a place where there is good feng shway," she says, winking to Harry.

Inga looks to Riva, smiling. "You know what is needed, but I am always willing to teach you if you wish to know more," she says.

Inga raises a brow to Harry, worried. "Will you be alright here? You seem so on edge. If you won't be comfortable here..." then, assumably, she would find somewhere else.

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry rolls his eyes a bit and slumps his shoulders. "I am... uncomfortable because this place is comfortable and I don't live here yet. Which is new and spooky. Just not used to that." Comfort is for good people.

    But the Wizard's circle finishes, and he flips out his k-bar to slice his thumb, dropping a bit of blood in the circle to pinch off a small globe of magic. He's probing the place, just idly get a feel of the magic here. Nothing... too invasive. Just maybe a little noisy. It is Harry.

Inga has posed:
Inga gives him a curious look, then sighs. She would get with the hugging except that he's just closed a magic circle and perhaps she shouldn't breech it. "Well you should get used to it. Our country home, yes?" she says, smiling anew. "Over there will be the little garden. There's a stream not far, for water. We could perhaps dig a well. Riva, you are so good with drawing, perhaps you could help me draw what is in my mind? So I can give it to a builder?" she asks, looking to Riva with such naked excitement it makes her look, well, perhaps as young as she actually is.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva giggles then, apparently getting over her unease with the area as she gets out a paper pad and starts looking around. "Architectural drafting isn't quite my deal, but I'll try!" Riva says, unable to say no in the face of such a happy Inga. She starts examining the area in detail, carefully beginning to make a sort of map of the area, trying to sure the relative spacing is proper and positions are correct. She pesters Inga and Harry every so often to make sure that they think it looks right. "Do I really know? I guess I am interested in learning more of what you have to teach though." She asks as she works. "But then, we're both learning a lot about each other. That's how it works, right?"

Harry Dresden (206) has posed:
    Harry's eyes flicker a bit as he settles into the spell, but he's got enough attention at least to answer people. "I got guys, you know. The fellows what helped rebuild the keep. Though we probably won't need quite the outfit that came in for that. Also I'm assuming 'heavy ass stone block' isn't your prefered construction."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks over Riva's shoulder, giving her input now and then as she sketches. Inga has a very clear image of what it will look like. While she's explained many times that the future she sees can be changed, she obviously wants this vision to be a reality.

Speaking of visions. "I heard you went with Ainsley again to deal with things in her world...how did it go? Did...Ainsley tell you about my vision?" she asks.

Inga looks to Harry, a look of wry amusement taking over her expression. "Well, it may well need to be stone with you around," she says, smirking. "That is what I saw. Stone. Moss will gather on the stones, and ivy will creep over the building. A good roof, with a chimney, a good hearth that keeps a strong fire for when the weather is cold," she explains.

Riva Banari has posed:
"No, I don't think she did!" Riva replies when Inga asks about her vision for Ainsley. "What did you see?" At the thought for the house, Riva smiles. "I've seen buildings like that. They're very pretty. They have a nice sense of age to them."

Inga has posed:
Inga sighs softly. "In case there was any doubt...what is happening in her world...it could well be the end. I saw two futures, one...everything is swallowed in darkness. The other...the world is saved. There is...a wizard, a guardian, a warrior...a priest. Five paths....a great serpent in the sky with eyes of blue--Ainsley thinks this refers to herself," she explains.

She shakes her head. "It isn't good. Yet another world...why is it, that so many seem to be creeping toward that moment? That moment that could be the end?" she asks.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva looks up from her drawing, listening attentively. "That's pretty enigmatic. I hope we can figure out what it means before the end." She sighs. "There a lot of forces out there who want to do terrible things. We're the only things standing between those forces and people who can't protect themselves. It seems to be why we're here, right? That moment is the counterargument. We are the counterargument."

Inga has posed:
Inga nods, sighing. "Mmm...the Sight does not seem...well, I only wish it could be more helpful," she replies. For all it puts her through, it could at least be more useful in the important situations. "All I can do is try to be there--then maybe I will know more. It is from /our/ world, that darkness...we have to deal with. The gods chose us--yes, to be the counterarguement," she agrees, putting a hand on Riva's shoulder. "We should investigate more on Solomon Island. I think I will go back to that Academy. Get Ainsley into the library. Maybe there will be something useful there."

Riva Banari has posed:
"It's a plan." Riva nods. "But for now, let's focus on better things. Like you and Harry." She grins at that, and gets back to drawing. "This is going to be an awesome home for you two." She winks at that. She's never going to stop.

Inga has posed:
Inga lets the smile take over. "I hope so...he doesn't seem too keen at the moment. He's cautious. Understandable," she says, shrugging.

"Riva, come for tea soon, yes? We haven't spoken really in too long. I'd like to know what you've been up to," she says. "Thank you for the sketch. It's perfect. I'll give it to...whoever Harry has in mind."