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Latest revision as of 18:25, 19 May 2015

Paragon Introductions
Date of Scene: 16 May 2015
Location: Paragon City <CoH>
Synopsis: New heroes receive their official I.D.s as protectors of Paragon City!
Cast of Characters: Maya, 414, 626, Reiji Arisu, 761, 768, 769

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Today's festivities are occurring in Atlas Park. A ceremony is being held for those who have completed their courses in law enforcement, bomb disposal, and similar skills expected of a hero of Paragon City. Everyone here today receiving a Paragon City I.D. and registration as a hero is fully-qualified to go out and fight crime! They will be given a medi-porter if they don't already have one, and welcomed to Paragon City officially.

    Though there are also others who may just be here to watch, to enjoy the ceremony, congratulate the new heroes, or otherwise participate without being registered.

    Temporary I.D.s have been issued to various individuals so far that serve a similar purpose to the official ones. But now, those who intend to continue fighting as heroes are expected to abide by the codes of conduct of the city, and the law (even with its allowances for heroes to do a lot of things without heavy regulation). People WANT to see heroes here. After the Rikti War, heroes protecting people is something desperately needed. Restrictions that could interfere with that are rather diminished as a result. But there is a line between heroism and villainy. And everyone here is expected not to cross that line.

    This has been told to those here today involved in the ceremony itself.

    Atlas Plaza is a large, open space, up a flight of stairs. Well-maintained lawns lie all around the plaza, as do tall statues of various heroes. An American Flag is planted atop City Hall, which lies up more stairs and beyond a VERY tall statue of the hero 'Atlas', who carries a huge stone globe of the Earth on his back. Buildings can be seen towering all around, with the ever-present blue glow of the War Walls illuminating everything.

    The sun in the sky is bright, and only soft wisps of white clouds break up the blue expanse. Occasionally heroes flying through the air can be seen in the distance, as can a helicopter or two.

    Various civilians, city officials, and so on line the plaza, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Ms. Liberty, one of the local heroes and one of great renown, stands at the top of the steps leading to City Hall, with a podium nearby.

Cory (768) has posed:
    A hero, huh?

    Cory's been too busy to take all of these darn classes! What with the invasion of Reptilon and the now-frantic evacuation efforts going on, there's simply been no time.

    And now it's a meeting of heroes. "Hero... what a weird word." She's been in it for the challenge. Now, doing good stuff makes her mo proud, but justice hasn't ever been something she's felt strongly about. Not so abstractly.

    Bullies thinking they're hot stuff, picking on the weak? Disgraceful behavior, and an excuse to knock 'em down a few pegs, but justice? Laws, fairness?

    The Saiyan Chikorri's mostly headscratching at all this. Even with the understanding of it brought about by raising on Earth, it doesn't resonate so deeply with her. "Eheheh..."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    REGISTERING TO BE A SUPER HERO SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA why anyone would think otherwise is kind of a mystery to Kyra.

    (She doesn't read comic books, she just watches the movies.)

    Though she's only officially visited once and went heroing by necessity thanks to death-cultist Skulls attacking at the time, she certainly has expressed interest with the Doctor in registering. She does have a temp I.D. she picked up after the last incident here, though, and now stands amongst those here to receive their official Paragon I.D.s. Kyra is /excited/ and has been taking pictures of just about everything with her phone since arriving here. Even Ms. Liberty at the top of the City Hall steps gets a picture.

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    Paragon City is an interesting place. Not least because it's full of horrifying underground mage-cults who may or may not be interested in doing /soemthing/ involving Carthagian Death Gods. In other words, it's a place worth investigating, and doing so requires certain security clearance.

    Fortunately, Reiji Arisu is well equipped to handle most of the requisite classes. Being an Agent of Shinra means that you learn a few things pertaining to basic law enforcement, after all! It wasn't too much trouble to pick up the material specific to this particular world, either- especially considering how often Paragon seems to take on fresh new heroes.

Well. 'Fresh.'

    Reiji waits in Atlas' tremendous shadow, his personal arsenal slung loosely over one shoulder. He scans the plaza, finding several familiar faces- and a far greater number who he has yet to meet. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he considers that something like this would be ideal for a maniacal villain to deploy a dastardly plan--

And then he reflects that he's probably been watching Xiaomu play too many video games, and pushes the thought from his mind.

After all, nothing could possibly go wrong with this many superhumans around, right!?

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky, of course, signed up already. He's got his ID card clipped to his chest and a 'HI, MY NAME IS - (unintelligible runes and equations) - Clicky :D' tag on him. The junkdragon (now with Oranbega flavor) is busily skittering around and greeting everyone he can with enthusiastic claw-shakes and a bobbing, sinuous head. Shiny objects seem to vanish in his wake as well, which is surely not a sign of what is to come.

Maya has posed:
Up on Atlas a trio of heroes watch some of the people below one is a androdi yellow mostly but with a black checkerboard pattern in places. A woman with a staff on her back wild blue hair, shader and urban cameo crago pants also watches.

"So some off worlders huh?"

"Yes, Miss West Monk."

"You can drop the Miss, you know, Taxi."

"It would be rude!"

A third onw a woman with bright red hair body suit and a sword across her back comes up and peers down.

"Looks like an oddball crew."

"So you say Jade, and Still we should try to get Taxibot to relax."

Maya goes unaware of the local heros perched up on the massive statue as she walks down the plaza to where she's suposed to meet everyone. She catches note of Kyra and Reuji so she homes in on them, it wouldn't be long before she noticed Cory, adn then Clicky as well.

"Seems we got quite the party forming."

Revan (414) has posed:
     It wouldn't have been the first time Lowri Shan, the Jedi sometimes known as Revan, had needed to spend some time studying before an official position. Studying this world's law was not so difficult, she already had experience in demolitions, and she enjoyed learning, so she might not have considered it the hassle others might have. What seemed peculiar to her was that 'hero' in Paragon City was something closer to what Jedi were than a title, something someone was called after, say, saving the galaxy. It was a fascinating paradigm shift.

     Likewise, this ceremony was wholly different than the one on Lehon following the destruction of the Star Forge and defeat of the Sith Empire, honouring their small crew which had been instrumental in the Republic's war...not to mention recognition of her return to the Light. No, this was not an end, but rather a beginning.

     Today, the Guardian was in her proper robes once more with the hood down, her hair pulled back in a loose braid, and lightsabers affixed to her belt. Her curiosity, strangely, seemed caught by all the civilians who had gathered for the spectacle, observing their reactions. Most ceremonies of this nature were, in fact, as much for those people as they were for those it honoured. Here, she observed, it was with the intent to inspire hope. And, it seemed, largely successful.

     /Good,/ she thought. She had seen people devastated by war before, and they needed what hope they could get.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    There are others among those gathered here, new heroes native to Primal Earth, but not a huge number. Fewer than the six from entire other universes. A purple-haired woman no taller than five-feet, in a bodysuit with what appear to be metal support struts along her limbs and back stands off to the side with a very large man who looks like some kind of bigfoot or something. The Lilac Lascerator and Wild One. They aren't UNFRIENDLY towards the Multiversal visitors, but they also don't seem to be quite sure what to make of them either. For some, alien heroes are a fine thing, even after the Rikti.

    For others, a degree of paranoia and caution have begun to take hold regarding extraterrestrials. Something that might be seen shortly, as after the ceremony, they're going to be going around Atlas Park and then Galaxy City. Maybe people who've been exploring on their own have already seen the evidence though. Bill boards and posters warning that 'they might be among us', and so on.

    It's unclear how many people actually buy into those sentiments, but apparently SOMEONE thinks that way. Alongside the others here for the ceremony are two faces that should be familiar to some here. Dr. Vasilikos himself, and Cortex! The purple-and-black garbed psychic heroe grins and waves if he catches the eye of the new heroes. Dr. Vasilikos seems pale and somewhat distracted, but he is at least smiling as he talks to some official or other near Ms. Liberty.

    Ms. Liberty herself seems to be listening to something on an ear communicator, from the way one hand is pressed to her ear.

    The ceremony is scheduled to begin shortly. Hopefully nothing bad is going to happen to interrupt it.

Cory (768) has posed:
    'Nothing could go wrong' huh?

    Except for maybe a Saiyan dropping in. Spotting Reiji and Maya nearby, among others she recognizes like Clicky, Cory decides to address... well... the last one, in manner of fact.

    She executes one heck of a somersault, leaping over whoever's in the way and landing flatly in Clicky's path. "Heeeey. You again! Never had a chance to ask... just what ARE you anyways?" From anyone else the question would be rude or maybe demeaning, but this young woman manages to inject pure curiosity into it as she stands there with black eyes wide and tail twitching behind her.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Clicky! Hey!" The junkdragon doesn't get a simple handshake from Kyra, he gets an enthusiastic hug instead. "It's great to see you here! How are you doing?" Current events elsewhere in her life aside, it seems like just being here has brought a lot of the cheer back to the white mage. Seeing some familiar faces amongst the crowd of heroes-to-be did help as well. "Hey, hold still for a second by the way."

    Kyra puts an arm around Clicky's neck then gets out her phone, holding it far away enough to get them both in a picture together.

    Maya gets a cheerful wave too before she lowers her voice. "Hey is it just me or do people seem kind of...on edge here a little?" she's not immune to the wary looks some of the locals are giving people like her, even if she can easily pass as a human here. She'd even snapped a picture of one of those billboards earlier during her photo spree.

    She did understand, after all, the whole 'wariness of extraversals' thing since her world displayed a good deal of that for a while. "Oh! Hey Cory." Speaking of wariness, though...

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    At least Reiji has the advantage of being completely and utterly human by most metrics. Even if he's still definitely an 'alien' by multiversal standards, he can mostly pass as ordinary if push comes to shove. The costumed heroes get either curious looks or acknowledging nods from the exorcist- though he hasn't personally met...

Any of them, really?

Or at least, any of the the ones he sees out there right now. That should change soon- hopefully.

    Still, for some reason, he just can't shake that feeling. There are too many people of note here, out in the open. The bit of his brain that's always on the job emits low, cautious warnings. But everything should be alright, right? It's not like they'd plan something like this and then not bother with security.

    Oh, but there are people here who he does recognize. A good portion of his team from that run into the depths of Perez Park are here. Reiji offers them an acknowledging nod. Good to see he's not the only one going through the whole song and dance today.

Revan (414) has posed:
     As secure as Atlas Park was, as many heroes as there were gathered, the sight of Ms. Liberty appearing to be listening intently to whatever it was through her earpiece. It could be nothing, but then again, it might not be. It would hardly be a good idea for one of the cities' villain groups to try anything, but whether something was a good idea or not didn't necessarily stop everyone. Still, she wasn't getting any 'bad feelings' about this...yet.

     Miasmatched eyes moved back towards the native heroes. The idea of costumes was something she doubted she was ever going to understand; they seemed so impractical. But then, it was clear enough that such things were more for the intention of PR, she suspected. It seemed to work well enough in Paragon, and for all she knew, they had different, more practical 'costumes' for more intense missions where stealth was necessary.

     And she in turn was probably earning a few odd looks, herself. She was indeed fully human, but Jedi robes stood out against the sea of colour. And while mismatched eyes were no indication of an alien nature, they could be unsettling nonetheless.

     Then, there were some familiar faces, those she recognised both from the first mission to rescue the Doctor -- as well as the Doctor himself -- as well as that rudely-interrupted conference. One in particular stood out, in fact.

     "Hello again," she greeted Clicky. "That hat has really come in handy."

     The others earn a friendly smile. "Nice to see you here," she greeted those she had met previously. As for Demetrios, he earns the same smile but a different greeting. "How are you holding up?"

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky gives tender fresh hugs! It seems odd that a mechanical thing like that would be adept at giving them, but Kyra gets a big one, the head curling around her back to add to the hugnitude of the event.

When Kyra takes a selfie with Clicky, Oranbega Edition, the junkdragon is seen giving the peace sign while a party blower toots from his mouth. It rolls back up and is retracted back into his head as he skitters back into place and smiles. "Everything is wonderful here! So much interesting material, so many interesting people! I might spend a lot of time here!"

Revan approaches, and Clicky smiles brightly, as much as a mouthful of fragments of rock and gem can anyway, as he claps happily. "That is good! Very good! It is best when things are useful. And fun! Definately fun."

Cory asks Clicky The Question, and the gem eye puses for a moment while the camera eye click-whirrs in a pseudo-blink. "Well, Cory, I... I'm not sure! Do you know?" They ask, tail tapping out a rhythm on the floor in antiticpation of Cory's answer.

The events of the surrounding area don't seem to intrude much on Clicky's mindspace. He seems to be utterly carefree at the moment!

Maya has posed:
Maya is just relaxed for once and she looks at the group.

"Hello Cory."

She now grins a bit at Clicky as the junk dragon makes himself a bit more known. Maya had seen the billboards and got the Xenophobia. This world had been attacked pretty darn hard by aliens after all. She doesn't think too muych on it and is more focused at the task at hand. They also seem to be getting greeted as well.

"Yes the planet was invaded recently I'd be on edge too honestly."

She looks over ot Reiji giving him a slight look of understanding. They have been dragged into PR or maybe poltical affairsd and poltical affairs with Maya tends to end /poorly/. So she's always on edge about such things on some level. She also does not catch Notice of Cortex whom it took a moment for her to ID generally she's met up with him in the middle of fights so she wa often distracted and she waves to the experianced hero. She'll get a chance to talk to him in a moment.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    The short, purple-haired heroine apparently decides to make the first move and approaches the other heroes (or at least the ones who haven't gone to talk to the doctor). Stopping near Maya and Reiji, she looks up at them from behind her face-concealing mask and lens-covered eyes and then over to Kyra, Clicky, and Cory. Then she thrusts out one hand to Maya and says, "I hear you guys are kinda' a big deal. Lilac Lascerator. Nice t' meetcha'. Whaddya' call yourselves?" Then she looks over her shoulder and waves her other hand towards the big guy she was with.

    The sasquatch-looking hero lumbers over, small 'booms' accompanying each step. "Wild One. A pleasure to make your acquaintance," he offers in a deep, gravelly voice. His ape-like face, with sharp teeth protruding up from his lower jaw, makes him seem bestial and primitive. But he speaks so eloquently and his eyes shine with intelligence. Perhaps he is used to being judged on his appearance, because he turns to face Clicky and treats him as an equal right away. "You have a very interesting appearance. I mistook you at first for one of those Clockwork robots. If it would not be too forward, might I ask if you have any connection with them?"

    Dr. Vasilikos looks over when Revan greets him, excusing himself from the conversation with the City Planner. Then he smiles as he focuses on the Jedi. "I'm glad to see you again! Thank you again for your help and that of your friends. If you hadn't been there when they attacked, I'm not sure if we could have dealt with them on our own. I have been... Under pressure. But I believe I have a lead on a possible treatment. Taken together with what the rest of you have shared, there may still be a chance to save the patient."

    Demetrios then looks somewhat embarassed for a moment as he says, "But perhaps we shouldn't be discussing such heavy topics on a day like today. We're here for you, and the other heroes who are being welcomed as protectors of Paragon City. So, have you been enjoying yourself so far?"

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    Reiji scans the two heroes with an appraising eye. He idly wonders if the costumes are mandatory around these parts. Spandex really isn't his thing- costume design is more Xiaomu-ish than Reiji-ish. Still, he inclines his head politely when the two heroes come up to greet them. "Nice meeting the both of you. The name is Reiji. Exorcist, spiritualist and keeper of the peace. I... do I need a secret identity or a costume, or something?"

He gives a bit of a shrug, "I'll admit, I feel kind of out of place."

    Wild One's feral appearance doesn't seem to bother Reiji too much. He's been around enough youkai and similar monstrous creatures to know that appearances are often deceiving. "Though I suppose the city's not going to fuss too much about what its protectors are wearing," he chuckles, "I hope, anyway."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...hmm." So Clicky doesn't know what he is?! Kyra tries to supply an answer, "Clicky, I think you are stuff!"

    She puts her phone away just as the Lilac Lascerator and the Wild One approach them. Kyra quickly looks to the Wild One and smiles, fondly reminded of her friend in the Starbound Flotilla-Albert. The Wild One would fit in pretty easily with the Apex.

    "Hello! I go by Moo-gal, the White Wind. I'm also not from around here so...do heroes share true names with each other or do we just keep that to ourselves?" It was worth asking, at least, instead of just assuming so she'd get it straight the first time.

    She looks to Reiji with a frown, "Out of place? Why? You're one of those action exorcists, right?" Kyra looks meaningfully towards Reiji's guns. And his firearms.

Revan (414) has posed:
     The junkdragon was answered with a soft chuckle from the Jedi. In a way, Clicky reminded her of an enthusiastic droid. "Just be careful out there, with those...'Clockwork', I think they're called...running around."

     Revan's smile remained constant, as if she was used to keeping a steady expression when she addressed Dr. Vasilikos. "Not at all, just part of the job. Or...so I've heard. I'm still a little green when it comes to how this 'hero' business is here."

     The pale-haired Guardian nodded slightly. "That's good to hear. Take care of yourself, though...it's a lot harder to get things done in a healing tank."

     Her eyes flicked to the other heroes gathered, from Cortex to Lilac Lascerator and Wild One to her fellow outworld visitors with a slight grin. "The multiverse might have opened up avenues that were unavailable previously, so I'm confident you'll be able to find a cure soon."

Cory (768) has posed:
    Blink blink. Staaaaaaaare.

    Boggling in disbelief, Cory just ends up shaking her head. "N... nooo idea, was hoping you knew." Helpful moment of the day, really.

    Maya gets a wave, then Kyra... a peer. "I'm not even bothering with that silliness. Not from around here, don't gotta worry about it." Yeah, she just shrugs... but then takes note of the ones who approached them. Her tail's still twitching.

    "Just Chikorri! Cory for short, s'my Earth nickname. Everyone keeps thinking I'm a guy for some reason though! Name-wise, I mean."

    Of course she's soon staring up at the Yeti-man who's joined them... and sprouts a grin, arms folding as she turns her side his way. "Bet YOU don't have that problem."

    The only thing that could utterly destroy her assumption is if Wild ONe is in fact actually a girl. That seems ulikely.

Maya has posed:
Maya accepts the hand and shakes it.

"I go by Blue Witch here. Though that nickname has a very long story behind it. Actual name's Maya."

More locals are coming to say hit and there's nothing wong with this at the talk ot Clicky from Wild One and thinks about her last encounte with the cogs.

"As for a group Eh we're more adhock most of us are not from world where Capes exist or are comon. For examople my world which is called Septerra everyone born there can use magic to some extent even the higher order animals and insect life."

Yes giant cloaking spiders people.

Clicky (761) has posed:
Clicky immediately shakes hands with the Lilac Lacerator and Wild One with delight, pumping hands up and down with both claws. "It is a /pleasure/ to meet new friends, yes! I do not actually remember my name, but people call me Clicky! I made a tag, see?" He points at the nametag on his front torso area, and then looks to the Wild One as Revan supplies their own warning. "Clockwork! Very zappy. Very diligent, recycle, reduce, reuse!" He pauses. "I like their style!" He beams brightly. "But no, they seem to want to take parts of me! The nerve, very impolite, yes." He tilts his head. "Their parts make wonderful additions though. Maybe some kind of equivalence? I am not sure!"

Kyra provides an answer. "Stuff! Yes, I am stuff! I like stuff. It makes wonderful piles" The junkdragon laughs for a moment, but nods to Cory. "It is okay. Some people call me a dragon. Maybe I am a dragon! Maybe I am a kitchen appliance, I am not sure!

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Lilac waves off Reiji. "Nah, nah. The main reason for a secret identity is, like... Mebbe' ya wanna' keep two lives separate or summ'in'. Make sure the goons ya' put away or their buddies don't get the bright idea ta' come after ya or the people ya care about when yer at home or summ'it like that. Mebbe' ya don't want people showin' up at yer door tryin' to get interviews, or yer autograph, or bein' creepy stalker what stalks at midnight types. Mebbe' ya' just prefer the privacy, or have fam' who wouldn't be keen on ya' riskin' yer life every day against world conquerin' were-dinosaurs or somethin'. Ya' can wear whatever or call yerself whatever. Lord knows I've seen enuffa' heroines wearin' practically scraps held together with dental floss." Lilac seems to realize she has to make a good impression on the public as she looks around at reporters and onlookers and politicians and police and various important people lining the plaza. "Err, I guess I shouldn' talk about that kinda' thing 'round the civvies. The point stands though. Anyway, nice t' meetcha', Reiji. I heard there's some trouble with zombies o' all things over in Talos. Mebbe' ya can give 'em summ'at exercisorism and spiriwhatsit."

    Wild One smiles slightly. Not a lot. Probably because he has some sharp teeth and not everyone finds baring them to be endearing. "An honor, Moo-gal. Some are careless with their civilian identities, but most of those who separate the two do so for a reason, as my friend mentioned. Even being on the same team or part of the same super group is not always adequate justification to reveal one's identity. Ultimately it depends on one's comfort level and trust in another. It is a personal choice. Keeping in mind, however, that if the wrong person finds out your identity, it can result in... Difficulty. Even someone you trust can wind up revealing who you really are or other information. Even if they may not want to."

    Lilac Lascerator, who had been fairly chatty so far, seems to be looking away and being quite silent suddenly. It's likely that there's some history that might explain that reaction, but they don't appear to be about to share the details. Instead, Lilac refocuses on Maya and says, "Nice name. A whole world of magic-users? Sounds like it gets kinda' hairy there." Then she turns, side-hops several times and tries to elbow Wild One in the side. "Get it? Get it? Hairy? Cuzza' magic?" She's sort of too short though so just wind up elbowing him in the knee a bit.

    Wild One seems somewhat put-off as he looks down at Lilac askance. "Your wit is as astounding as always. I need that knee to stand on. Please stop jabbing it with your boney elbow."


    Wild One pulls his attention away and back onto Cory. He quirks a furry eye-ridge at Cory and says, "People do indeed assume I am male, but it is not necessarily a problem. However, assumptions are endemic to the human species, I admit. Assumptions and presumptions... I strive to learn more, but I am probably as susceptible as anyone else to leaping to conclusions. For instance, your friend here, 'Clicky'. I assumed he had some connection to the Clockwork initially." He nods his head to Clicky and says, "I am fascinated with these little robots as well. While their actions are troublesome, their nature intrigues me."

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Earlier, when Wild One and Lilac Lascerator were discussing the topic of someone unwillingly revealing information about someone's identity, a wave of guilt and anger emanated from Lilac. It took a bit for her to get it back under control, but she clearly felt very strongly about that subject. Revan may have picked up on that. However, when Revan assures Demetrios he will be able to find a cure, she may sense a sudden surge of emotion even more potent. Fear and despair. His smile doesn't falter, but this man is terrified of something. He just says, "Yes. There must be some way to help him."

    Cortex, meanwhile, walks over to where Demetrios and Revan are and says, "It's just about time for the ceremony. Have you guys noticed that Ms. Liberty is--" He stops when Ms. Liberty says something inaudible, smiles, and finally removes her hand from her earpiece. "--Oh, whoops. Never mind. You guys should get in line! We can talk later!"

    Ms. Liberty claps her hands together and says, "All right! We're all ready. Let's get you sorted out so you can learn about Paragon City, and officially become its newest protectors! I got word from the Back Alley Brawler that he's made sure our route is clear of any nuisances. He and some friends are going to do the same for Galaxy City while the ceremony takes place."

    The blonde heroines gives a thumbsup to the others, and the ceremony begins once everyone is in place!

Reiji Arisu has posed:
    That sure was an explanation. Reiji barely has any room to get a word in! So he just listens instead, and idly wonders whether were-dinosaurs are common enough in Paragon City to be a valid example of a thing that tries to conquer the world. He remains mum on the costume choices of certain local heroines though, and considers the possibility of slapping some of them with public indecency charges or something similar.

That's technically law enforcement, right?

    "Zombies in Talos, huh?" Reiji considers, rubbing gently at his chin. "I'll look into it. Zombies anywhere tend to be a bad sign. Best to nip that kind of thing in the bud before it becomes a problem." Which is to say, 'as soon as they show up.' Preferably even before then!

He glances between the two heroes as they start getting into some... Pretty obviously personal stuff. Reiji decides to not press the issue- it's not his business, and it seems to be a sore subject besides. "People do jump to conclusions. We like to think there's a pattern to things," Reiji says to Wild One with a shrug. "But usually, rushing to find one means your answer comes up short. And that sort of gap between truth and fiction is where the trouble starts."

Trouble like youkai. And, you know, misunderstandings.

    It's not long until the ceremony starts, though. Reiji looks up towards Ms. Liberty and nods, making his way over to his assigned place in the plaza. Time to get the nitty gritty over with, yeah?

Maya has posed:
Maya gets the idea about idenities but Maya's not in a situation to worry about that her life has been one big ball of trouble really and she's used to it.

"I respect thsoe who keeo their personal lives and work lives seperate."

She knows about stalkers and such too, some bad memories surface but as quickly supressed she'll never see that person agian either way.

"It can get pretty interesting there was devstating war about ten years ago there we're still recovering frm. One artifact that should have been left burried was found."

Maya likes the joke even as honestlya s bad as the pun.

"One gets the puns where they can, Wild One."

Their Comments bout people assuming about thier gender. She's glad she didn't say a thing on that.

"undead on Talos? I have a good deal of experiance at dealing with the undead I admit."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Wild One even talks like her friend Albert, endearing the big, shaggy superhero to Kyra even more. "Oh, that would be a bad thing here, I guess, especially if there's some motivated villain that wants to follow me out of this world." Kyra rubs her chin, "I think I'll be keeping my real name to myself for now-aww, but it's /fun/, come on." Kyra pouts at Cory a little. "Besides, I can't afford to have stalky stalkers that stalk at midnight coming after me like you can."

    Kyra just assumes that the BIG SCARY SAIYAN can just beat up anyone that comes after her.

    Kyra frowns with concern as the Lilac Lascerator suddenly gets really quiet, as if someone in her past had betrayed her secret identity. Kyra's polite enough to not ask this since it's clearly a touchy subject amongst heroes.

    "I tend towards more healing and awesome support tricks." She explains to Wild One, "And I work best with a team. I'm not really set for soloing things. Well, unless they're zombie hordes, I got that covered. And-" Ms. Liberty speaks up and Kyra looks up, "Ooh, time to great, it's time for the tour!" Kyra claps her hands together excitedly, "Excellent!"

Cory (768) has posed:
    "Oh boy. Those little nuisances! I remember those. Came out of completely nowhere--" Although she wanted to finish talking about the Clockwork, Kyra essentially labeling her a wet towel. "Let 'em come! My home's just about impregnable and it saves me the trouble of heading out hunting!"

    Is this girl crazy? She -enjoys the idea- of being jumped by freaky people out to make her life miserable?

    Yeah, Kyra has it about right.

    "Huh? Tour? Oooh!" Her attention turns swiftly to Ms. Liberty!

Revan (414) has posed:
     Strong emotions tended to be discomforting to traditional Jedi, who were trained to regard strong emotions and the attachments which many times incurred them as dangerous, overwhelming their senses and disorienting them. But for Revan, such emotions were her proverbial bread and butter. As a Sith, she had -- apparently -- even trained special agents specifically to maintain strong surface thoughts and volatile emotions as a way to disguise their intent from Jedi...and to be capable of killing them when necessary. Now, as the Prodigal Knight, she found then immensely useful.

     Her head jerked slightly in the direction of Wild One and Lilac Lascerator at the sudden wave of guilt and anger, though she was too far away to have heard the conversation. Making a mental note of it, Lowri decided to ask about that conversation later. On the other hand, the fear and despair from Demetrios were something she could follow very well. There had been previous hints before that his 'patient' was more than simply someone under his care. "Don't lose hope," she tried to reassure him instead of commenting on her observations.

     She turned her head toward Cortex when he addressed them, acknowledging with a short nod. Looks like she wouldn't have the chance to discuss the Vindicator, however. "Sure thing. Thanks!" she replied before turning back to the doctor. "and that would be our cue. I'll talk to you later, Doctor." She flashed another reassuring grin that said that she wasn't merely saying that before taking her place for the ceremony.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Dr. Demetrios smiles and nods back to Revan. He has a possible treatment, he said. Maybe he isn't confident it will work? But there's only one way to be sure. He'll have to try, and hope.

    Cortex taps the doc on the shoulder and motions they should get to the side with everyone else, rather than being up on the steps with Ms. Liberty. Once everyone is back in their positions, in a line down on the platform, Ms. Liberty begins her speech.

    "Good afteroon, people of Paragon City, and visitors from beyond. As many of you know, I'm Ms. Liberty. It's my duty and honor to welcome you all today, and also to welcome eight new heroes to the number of our fairy city's protectors. We are only a week away from the one-year anniversary of the conflict that brought great destruction and suffering to our world, and cost us some of our greatest champions. It also, however, inspired new heroes to take up the mantle, and to uphold the ideals of their forebearers."

    She reaches to her side, where a sword kept in a sheathe attached to her built rests. "I myself carry the sword of Hero-1, the legendary Excalibur, until the day he returns to claim it. But I also work to defend Paragon City and help teach and lead new heroes to find their own destinies, just as I have. On this day, we welcome two of our own as official protectors and upholders of the peace, and six new heroes from the Multiverse at large. I trust that they will be as dedicated as those who came before them. As I call your names, please come forward and accept your official registration card."

    This she does, each in turn, and the audience applauds for all of them quite enthusiastically, and with much cheering. This is truly an event that inspires hope for the City of Heroes.