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Wake-ing a Princess
Date of Scene: 20 May 2015
Location: Great Ocean - Vast Gulf
Synopsis: Nagato launches an offensive operation against Abyssal Forward Supply Base BA. Unknown to the Fleet Daughters, there's more here than cargo.
Cast of Characters: 222, 494, 560, Wo, 637, Lyria Mason, Nagato, Shigure, 710, Sanary Rondel, 739

Nagato has posed:
    Evening. Roughly 0400 hours in the local time. The water is rolling gently, wind is nominal and the weather is clear. The Flagship Nagato is out, using the cover of night and some land formations nearby is where her and the Union Initiaive is to commit to Operation BA. Nagato gives a good look to the allies present, fleet daughters and non and cracks a very brief... very shallow smile before the serious face of an Admiral takes over once more.

    "We are roughly two miles away from the base, thanks to Chitose's scouting and plane, we've been able to find an Abyssal supply base and, to do unto them what they have done unto us, we're going to capture or destroy this forward base and stint their supply lines. Expect heavy resistance. We will have enemy aircraft and submarines here so I need everyone on top of the radar and sonar. Depth charges have been loaded in the patrol boats for ones who can't naturally be on the water. The patrol boats are also armed with anti aircraft machine guns to assist as well. Your orders are as follows. Eliminate hostile entities and capture or destroy Abyssal Forward Base BS. Any questions?"

Samar (494) has posed:
    Off on an island in the middle of nowhere is a rather standard land base, set up on the shore to accomodate planes and ships and whatever else may come along for refuling and supply. Except there aren't really any ships around. It looks pretty abandoned, actually, with a few buildings and planes on the landing strips but almost nobody walking through. It's certainly not run down, and there's probably plenty of supplies in there, but it's obvious this isn't meant to be a place in the heart of combat.

    At least on land. Deeper underwater is where the majority of activity goes on, for this is, in fact, an Abyssal base. Bloated Wa-Class transport ships move supplies down underwater lines, escorted by eerie Ka-Class and So-Class submarines, as well as some Chi-Class cruisers ready in case attacks come from the surface. Once at the island's shelf, supplies are carried up into the buildings, where various types of Abyssals move them to and fro wherever they need to be stored, before loading up more transport ships to send out supplies elsewhere.

    It's covert enough that the naked eye wouldn't notice unless they decided to sit there watching for hours for the glimpse of an Abyssal out of place, in case some random person stumbled on the island, but even then the careful scouting of Fleet Daughters has managed to identify its purpose. It's been set up so that anyone who doesn't know what it is would dismiss it as something out of the way and unimportant, but, unfortunately, the Fleet Daughters know exactly what it is.

    Deeper in the base, a Capital Ship waits, assured that she sits out of the way of any potential conflict and content to bask in extravagance...

Wo has posed:
    How long had she been stranded at this place? Time honestly has little meaning to ones as old as they are, and deep in the bunkers and air pockets beneath the token facade above, where the light of day is barely functioning arc lamps and bioluminescent glows, the passage of it is even less noticed. But the Wo-class aircraft carrier the multiverse had come to know could sense the weeks dragging on, with her heightened awareness. The days of being beholden to the tea parties, and of doing nothing of value except the breaks in monotony that escort sorties afforded, have begun to wear on her. In what passes for her quarters down here, she suddenly starts awake, amidst a pile of tubing and oxidized metal that forms her 'bed'. It's less of a groggy rousing, than an instant switch from one state to another, with her sitting upright and rubbing at her forehead, as the bangs of her silvered hair hang over each.

    Those dreams again... Is this the result of how poorly the last operation had gone? But she had gotten the answers she wanted. Was it a disturbance from her keeping it to herself? Or maybe it was just seeing 'them' again. Those fleet daughters... She pulls herself up to sit with her knees pulled in, as she seems to take a deep breath. It's not so much a respiration, as soaking in the voices of her sisters, calling from nearby. Ironically, a rooting and calming influence now, they let her wash away those feelings, and focus on the fact that this is to be her last day here, truly and finally. Standing, she paces over to an antique coat and hat rack, no doubt salvaged from the wreck of some luxury liner, lifting her cape from it. She next glances to her hat, freshly restored on her work bench, which also has several half-finished planes set upon it, mixed with small hand tools. She will be back for those.

    Nestling her hat into place, her eyes close, and open again - their soft turquoise replaced with glowering gold. The door to her room opens, and the 'head' of a Tsu-class light cruiser peeks in around a massive gloved hand. "Tsu-class.. You wan-ted, to leave, too?" She hadn't received express permission, but typically the non-Flagships are a bit more loosely accounted for. A tilt of her head, then a consenting nod. "..let's go." Better to not be here, when 'it' begins.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     They have had some warning that this attack is coming, so there are no doubt allies of the Abyssals in the area. As the Fleet Daughters close in on the base, the sky above them looks ominous. And...strangely it seems to be glowing soft, sickly green in a couple of places. What is that?

     In the blackness of the night, there is no telling. Whatever it is, it does not seem to be affecting the fleet hidden in the darkness and the islands beyond the base. Perhaps when the attack starts, they will find out just what those glowing phenomenon are.

Ri (710) has posed:
    Ri has not been doing much lately. She has tried to understand the world beyond the deep dark depths, and while there have been some interesting things, there has been much that is simply distressing. Often in ways she can not fully grasp the importance of. But as she has gotten used to being who and what she is, she has regained more of her mental faculties. And she has begun to understand something very clearly... She feels most at home when she is fighting the enemy alongside her sisters.

    The heavy cruiser is somewhere in the area maybe. Possibly just drifting along in a trance-like state if she's in the water, or sitting somewhere and watching other Abyssals at work otherwise. Nothing significant at the moment, unless it's required of her. But maybe that will change soon.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Today seems to be going alright so far. A quiet day of patrols, no hostiles in sight? Sure, it would be more comfortable if Sanary had worn something lighter than the chunky suit of green armor she's decked out in, but it's better than taking a chance and getting caught off guard if a fight really does break out here. Still, the weather's nice, and it's just the right temperature to take a nice relaxing stroll along the beach of that not-so-abandoned island.

     A good, long stroll on the beach. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong here, right?

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Ahhh.. I hope this is a fast operation. There's a show I want to watch tonight." Suzuya skates over the surface of the water, cradling her armament purse lightly in one hand. "Hey, d'you think Maikaze and Yuubari will be okay on their own? I know they're just keeping an eye out for submarines coming in from the sea as reinforcements, but Suzuya still worries, y'know?"

A soft squeak indicates the sound of a yawn quickly hidden behind delicate hands. "Mmm? S..sorry, Suzuya. It's just so early. I didn't expect my beauty sleep to get cut short." Kumano blinks several times and smiles, folding her hands together neatly. "I'm sure they'll be fine. Don't think I didn't see you planning out where best to deploy them."

"Ahaha... busted." Suzuya rubs the back of her head. "I thought I'd seem a lot cooler if it looked like I sent them the right place by accident!"

"Mmm. Well, they trust you. So do I. It's been a while since we've been on true sortie together, so let's make this count, hm?" Lifting her hand, Kumano pats her sister ship on the arm.

Suzuya places her hands on her hips and lifts her chin. "Fu fun~ That's right, today's Suzuya is three times more reliable than usual!"

"About half as reliable as Admiralship Nagato, then?"

"That's righ--hey!"

"Ufufufu~" titters Kumano softly behind her hand.

Grumbling softly, Suzuya lifts a hand. "We're all ready, Nagato! Let's show 'em what for!"

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Golden radars adjust in their positions on the sides of a distinctive headband. Their owner's eyes, closed. Eyebrows knit thoughtfully as Kongou examines the information provided from her surface radar. There's a brief nod before Kongou's eyes open, fixing on Nagato directly, "It seems like most of them are still underwater. We still have the element of <Surprise~.>"

    "Defenses seem heavier than they were during Chitose's recon," Isuzu coments. The radars on her own headband swivel and she lifts her eyes to the distortions in the night sky. "I'm not seeing any stars, just those weird green colors. And my air radar is going crazy. We need to be prepared for an air battle beyond what we were already expecting."

    "Mm..." Akizuki nods once, resting a hand on the head of her right-side Choujuucentihou-chan, she adds, "I'm picking up something big, too, but I can't see it. It's probably above the cloud layer right now, I'll track it with my director and see what it intends to do."

    Beside Akizuki, Hayashimo says nothing. Instead, she slowly checks over the hand-held turret housing she holds, then adjusts her torpedo launchers. Seemingly satisfied, her single visible eye slides over to rest on Akizuki's unoccupied Choujuucentihou-chan. Hesitantly, she reaches out to pet it on top of the housing.

    Zuihou meanwhile counts the arrows in her quiver, then nods once. Steadily, she draws one out, its arrowhead shaped like a fighter, "My little planes are all rested and ready to fight~." Affirming to the Flagship, and then towards Suzuya, "But that's so good, knowing how great our flagship is~!" Then to Nagato again, she asks, "Shall I start with fighters first?"

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma and Shigure are linked up near Nagato. The Light Cruiser and Destroyer check their rigging over once more. "Kuma, make sure you keep us covered from air units, Shigure. We're counting on you, kuma!" says the peppy cruiser girl, beaming at her escort.

    Shigure mms softly, but says nothing as she keeps her air radar tuned towards those ominous green formations, blue eyes glowing faintly in the darkness.

    Kuma looks over at Suzuya and Kumano, then Kongou and the others arriving. "Kuma! You're late to the party kuma!" she chirps happily, eager to fight and give back some of the grief the Abyssals have been handing out lately.

    Shigure mms again softly. "There is something in the air... but I cannot localize it. Isuzu, Akizuki, can you see any better?" her soft voice almost lost in the rolling waves.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Offensives aren't one of Emiya Shirou's strong points, but hampering Abyssal efforts could potentially save thousands of lives. So with his usual lack of either gung-ho grinning or anxious quivering, Shirou looks out at the distant island. Even two miles out he can make out the island's rough shape, thanks to the magic reinforcing his vision.

    The boy's amber eyes scan the seascape for activity, but he's seeing NOTHING so far. Irritating.

    "You're sure these are the coordinates?"

    Not that his question's getting anywhere. He's on one of the patrol boats crouched down next to the railing so that only the upper half of his head's exposed to the island's line of sight. He doesn't want anyone to know he's coming, since the Confederacy's already pretty aware of his abilities.

    except for maybe one surprise.

    Taking in a deep breath of the warm sea breeze, the boy focuses inwards... on shapes and weapons that have no place out on the high seas. "The Abyssals are fierce and twisted. What does it take to get through to them?"

    The wannabe-hero winces briefly, rubbing one of his arms as an unpleasant memory surfaces. Yeah, no getting his arm crushed again. That was un-fun.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason had been stationed on a PT boat to help hunting enemy subs. This wouldn't be like the craft as her world might see them. After all they were hunting being that were twisted mixture of metal, flesh and near mindless rage. The ghost of a long sunk sub lashing out at the world about it.

So she made ready standing on the deck she wasn't alone, the serpent like Remora was there with her and several small spider like machines. She stood ready to get sub hunting but was also keeping an eye on the skies for enemy air units. The Boat is kepeing formation for the moment and then the spiders leap off the deck decending into the water in search of subs. Lyria meanwhile is keeping her eyes open looking for more signs of trouble.

"So here we go."

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato gives a light nod, "Alright. Let's begin. Zuihou, agreed with the fighters, gain immediate air superiority. Mason, Shirou, ready yourselves up and yes, these are the coordinates. Its best if we take this one by surprise for the advantage. We have a good mixture in the fleet to take care of almost any angle." a pause, "There's no way to ... get through with them unless you sink them." She skates over towards Kongou, "I know, but we're prepared this time. I'll need you to use your heavy armaments where they are best, I leave it to your discresion."

    She looks between everyone, giving a light nod. "Kuma, Shigure, Suzuya, Kumano. You four will be part of the main defense line. Shigure and Akizuki, assist Zuihou with air control." she pauses, looking towards Hayashimo, giving a light nod, "Do your best, Hayashimo."

    It's a tense air around the Flagship, Nagato looks back towards the target of interest. "I'll be shelling the location in attempt to damage key structures for defense. Now that orders have been given, let's move out!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     A nice, easy patrol day. It almost makes Sanary regret not bringing her school books with her, actually. She could be using this time to catch up on things or work through that paper. Even if she hadn't actually talked to Rex yet, but...

     ... Wait. What's that? Is that a boat out there? And people sliding over the water? If it was just a random tourist or boat passing by, that'd be one thing. But the way those boats are moving, it almost looks like they're coming closer.

     Oh hell. "... I think we've got incoming." The armored healer squints through her helmet just to make sure before repeating that over the radio. "We have incoming!" She gets into a combat-ready stance, but soon realizes how pointless that is considering...

     ...Well, she's on land. Not a boat. And her shots might not even reach that. There's always the hope that they come close enough, though!

Wo has posed:
    A few moments later, back in the core of the Abyssal base, the Wo-class paces forward through the half-flooded control areas, where the bulk of the activity is. It's a wonder how much work can get done when it's literally your only purpose in life: Cruisers and destroyers are moving crates and miscellaneous containers into and out of the storage areas, as she and the Tsu-class make their way through. Every so often, a container of luxury goods ferried between some Destroyers or Cruisers is seemingly earmarked, and diverted..elsewhere. Skimming off the top has never greatly affected their operation, it is simply an event that the carrier watches, her mask-like expression developing a very shallow frown. She'll be glad to be done with this place, no matter its eventual fate.

    "Do you have..any-one, to say farewells, to," she wonders to the figure following behind her; the Tsu-class that has no visible face, so can only rely on vague body language, and a gargling, staticy growl to express herself. She gives a shake of the toothed head in the negative. "I see..." Then it's fine, they'll leave before the day truly sets in. There's little reason to expect the fleet daughters would go out of their way to conduct a surface bombardment this late-slash-early. The night sea air will also do her head some good. That's before aged klaxons begin to ring out around the base, and all of the destroyers and light cruisers immediately stop in what they were doing to buzz and gargle between each other, as they stare up at the glowing red beacons. As though that might allow them to better know what is going on.

    The Wo-class is no exception, raising her head under the shadow of the rim of her hat, before biting a fang into her lip. So they were this daring, after all. She hadn't wanted to face them again just yet, but she won't neglect the opportunity -- and this is still her duty. The Tsu-class gargles again, enthusiastically. "You wanted..another shot, then. Looks like - you have it." The exits are just a short distance away, the ships inside either quickly securing the facility or also leaving to sortie. A short time and distance later, the Wo-class and Tsu-class emerge from a bubbling area adjacent to the base. The former beckons forward with her twisted steel that passes for a staff, and the mouth on her hat flies open, a wing of six abyssal air superiority fighters emerging, while the Tsu-class sails slightly ahead and watches the skies.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     As soon as the ships and fleet daughters move out from cover, those areas of glowing green in the sky...start to move. Toward the incoming fleet. And a moment later, the radios crackle then squeal as if being overriden before a message is broadcast on all frequencies.

     A message in an ominous, syncronous monotone. "We are the Borg. Lower your defenses and surrender. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance...is futile."

     That is the only warning before beams of searing green plasma start lancing out from those two glowing areas. Each time one of the ships fire, the flash from their beam weapons illuminates the hull. There are two large spherical ships firing on the fleet. And, as the Borg have encountered some of these fleet members before, the ships start focusing on the anti-air power of the fleet. Kongou, Isuzu, and Akizuki find much of that plasma fire focused on them. But, good news for the fleet, at least such big Borg targets will be easy to hit. They are over a kilometer across.

Ri (710) has posed:
    Glowing blue eyes, half-closed, snap open as alarms sound.


    Ri puts her shark-gauntleted hands on whatever rusty surface is nearest and pushes herself up onto her feet. She wobbles briefly before regaining her balance. "Enemies...? ...Enemies!" the pale-fleshed Abyssal determines before rushing out into the hall and starting to make her way to the nearest method of egress.

    A mix of fear and excitement rushes through her.

    Excitement at the chance to fight!

    ...Fear for the sisters she may lose during the battle.

    Soon enough, a masked woman-fused-with-machine Chi-class Torpedo Cruiser, and a pair of large, bio-mechanical Ni-class Destroyers erupt from the waters around the island in a spray of sea water.

    Rising up in the middle of them, water sluicing off of her as she eventually ascends to skim across the surface of the ocean, is a Ri-class Heavy Cruiser. The two Ni-classes begin opening up with 5inch twin cannons upon the nearest enemy target, while the group of four closes the distance with their foes at top speed. The first salvo is likely to miss. But then it might not have been intended to hit so much as gauge distance.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma kicks off, forming up with Suzuya and Kumano. Shigure forms up nearby as well, turning her AA guns on the incoming fighters from the Wo-class. She twirls her cannonfa, and fires airburst flak into Wo's incoming fighter wing.

    Kuma glances to Nagato. "Fifth Force Recon, moving to engage surface fleet. Good luck Flagship." she says, before kicking ahead, her shoulder turret traversing to open up on the Tsu-class. A full six shells fire in a tight spread, high explosives to try and do some damage to those cannons first.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    Moving out of cover in a spread out double line formation, with Kongou in the lead, the Fourth Mobile Unit approaches the island. On either side of her hips, Kongou's main battery turrets swing forward and elevate. Already, the alarms are going off, and she cheers while raising her hand, "Surprise~!"

    Before she can fire, though, a bolt of green slices through the water just behind her, narrowly missing the armored rigging holding her weaponry. Behind her, the Fourth scatters into evasive maneuvers, Isuzu raising an arm to shield her face with the side of her hand-held weapon, "Tch..! So it's them!" The radar profiles HAD felt familiar, but she couldn't place it. Now it's more than obvious. Glancing aside, she barks her orders, "Zuihou, into the wind, give us all your fighters! Hayashimo, screen Zuihou! Akizuki, with me, we're backing up Kongou!"

    Immediately all four girls break away from the main attack force around Nagato. Zuihou and Hayashimo turning west, with Zuihou raising her bow and drawing back the arrow she'd selected. After a moment, she looses it with a cheer, "Raise your cute little legs and fly in the sky~!" Beside her, nearly invisible beside the admittedly petite carrier girl, Hayashimo looks over her shoulder across the distance growing between herself and Akizuki.

    Having turned eastward, Isuzu surrounds herself with silver light and then erupts forward from the growing sphere, suddenly surrounded by the sleek gray hull of her true form. Her high angle guns swing upward, focusing on the most immediately-overhead Borg warship and opening fire in a steady staccato of 12.7cm airburst shells.

    Beside her, gaining range, Akizuki takes a similar glow, bursting forth into the familiar shape of the anti-air destroyer with her long-barrel 10cm guns already raising to the sky. After a moment, guided through the dark by radar and her anti-air director, Akizuki's gunfire joins Isuzu's, rapid orange-yellow flashes in the dark.

    Like Isuzu and Akizuki, Kongou swings herself eastward and engulfs herself in light, bursting forth as the veritable mountain of steel and firepower she's become so known for. When fighting something as enormous as a Borg starship, nothing works better than her Ocean rigging! Machine guns and smaller 15.1cm secondary batteries light up in bursts of light and smoke, hurling shells skyward, but it's her main battery that carries the majority of Kongou's speaking voice in this kind of conversation.

    However Kongou's main battery is loaded with high explosive ammunition in preparation for shore bombardment. She'll want the armor piercing Type 91s for fighting the Borg. The best option, then, is to empty her guns.

    Thus, Kongou's main battery is already in transverse when her steel form hits the water, swinging their 35.5cm barrels out over the side and towards the island base's surface component. Once locked, they elevate slightly, and the girl's voice calls out, "Shore Bombardment... <FIYAH~!>"

    Compared to the blast of smoke, flame, and metal that erupts from Kongou's cannons, the fire from Isuzu and Akizuki is nothing. A total of eight high explosive shells are hurled towards the Abyssal surface base, spread out to cause maximum damage rather than focusing on any single structure. And now she can replace those with what she needs to face the Borg..!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    With WEIRD BEAMS sweeping past everywhere and boiling the ocean away, Emiya Shirou temporarily hits the deck. Superheated steam blasts past, lightly and PAINFULLY cooking the back of his arms. Hissing through his teeth in pain, the boy flips to his feet and extends a hand once it's clear...

    Amber eyes angle skyward just as power fills Shirou's palms. An impressively thick black bow appears in moments from flowing light. At the same time more light flows from his OTHER palm, the one that's drawing back the bow...

    A strange red, twisted, spike-shaped hunk of metal in the ROUGH shape of a guard-less sword is his arrow. Soon it's glowing from within, flattening, and thinning.

    The sword mage's considerably stronger than he looks, but even he's straining to draw this bow and its unusual payload. Perspiration rolls down his forehead, but his breathing's even (if forced) and focus impeccable.

    "Sorry, we're not here for that!"

    He simply lets his 'arrow' fly. Crimson light engulfs the Noble Phantasm the instant it's released, and a crimson shockwave disperses in its wake!

    The target? One of the Borg assailants above. Despite the insane distance, there's no doubt that this simple bowman's VERY unusual arrow WILL reach the target.

    After all, Hrunting always strikes true. Even if dodged or repulsed, the projectile will SWERVE AROUND and zig-zag back towards its target and try again. Shirou's not too good at it though, so it'll probably only manage it two or three times, not countless ones.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Ooooi! It's Kuma!" Suzuya grins and tosses a quick wave to the light cruiser. "A meeting of the bears!"

Probably at the exact same time as Kuma, Kumano thrusts her fists downward and stomps against the water. "I am not a bear, Suzuya!"

"Ehehe~! I know, I know. Just breaking the ice a bit! Shigure, I'm counting on you, too!" It's heartening to have an anti-air fighter nearby when there are enemy carriers around. "Oh, I think I see something up ahead!" She lifts a hand to shade her eyes as she squints. "Looks like a Ri-class heavy cruiser and some friends! Torpedoes incoming!" She reaches a hand out toward Kumano, who grabs hold of it and immediately digs her heels in against the waves. The pair of heavy cruisers spin around each other before Suzuya releases her hold and accelerates forward, explosions bursting in the waves around her. "Wahoo~! Let's charge!" She lifts her arms and fires the smaller cannons on her sleeve toward the Ri-class as she approaches. "Suzuya's got you in her sights!"

It's not completely reckless, though, as Kumano hangs back and lifts her purse cannon. "I shall silence these smaller ships immediately." Several booms of gunfire sound as her main cannons open up, launching bombardment toward the torpedo-carrying escort ships with an extremely ladylike cry, "ToooOOO~ooo~oo~OOOH~!"

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma looks over her shoulder as her cannon starts to clank and whirr as it reloads. "Kuma is not a bear, kuma!" her arms flailing slightly at the heavy cruiser, as he catapults off into the fray.

Lyria Mason has posed:
the Spiders decent into the deptsh as Lyria has issured orders to them to go hunting. AS the battle gets into full swing. The enemy is coming to meed them both on the water and island it self. She focused her gaz as the borg show up and she hears the message from the borg. She'd heard about them and she cowled. Spawn of the enemy to be sure. She would not be listening to what the borg demanded she do.

The Arrival of the heavy warship Abyssals is darn well notices and she's making ready. Remora meanwhile drops into a ready formation on the deck and transforms partiallyt forming a beam canon out of it's upper body.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato's not the fastest on the water but she makes up for that with her armor and armaments as blasts from enemy fire splash down near her she doesn't flinch from her goal. Training her 41cm guns onto the island, she gives a light nod, thrusting her hand forward and with a loud yell, "FIRE!" the sound of eight barrels of Flagship ring out in the night, creating a bright flash that illuminates the Flagship, sending heavy shells towards the island as she struts herself along the water closer and closer to her goal.

    "We're taking this base down!" she shouts in what could be construde as an order to the enemy side, "All units, pour forth!" Nagato was ready, she was going to... with the immense help from her Daughters and Allies, enact revenge for the base attack earlier last month. "All ships, give cover fire as I approach but do not relent on your target!"

Samar (494) has posed:

    "It's going to be an easy deployment," Samar sighs, not looking at the frill-laden girl floating behind her and glaring at the back of her head with minute, regal fury. The Battleship-Symbiotic Princess is too busy glancing over an ocean map to pay attention to the angry red eyes behind her. "Very much out of the way, the last target the Fleet Daughters would ever think of attacking. All you have to do is sit there and make sure supplies goes in and out without issue."

    The frilly Demon audibly fumes, arms folding over her chest. "'Very much out of the way' is /exactly/ why I don't want to go! What do you take me for, some wild philistine content to live on rusty scraps and tin cans for months? You had /better/ ensure some of that supplies tends to my needs."

    Samar, all too familiar with this kind of tantrum, doesn't end up losing her own temper. She gives the girl a glance over her shoulder, finally pulling her attention away from that map. "Yes, you know I'll stock up the supplies for you-"

    "And company," the Demon interrupts, chin lifted as if to offset her own shortness. "Do you think I can simply sit around there without someone /smart/ to talk to now and then? The rabble are far too.../unstable/ to carry out a conversation. It's like talking to a rock!" Pause. "A somewhat /irritable/ rock."

    Samar pauses at that, eyes lifted upward as if thinking, or praying for the strength to endure this girl. "Fine, I'll send Wo and Ri to deploy with you as well, for the first few months. They'll have to leave now and then to deal with other things, but you'll have their company until then." Red eyes settle on the Demon again. "It's going to be fine, Wake, I promise. All I need is a Capital Ship to sit back, relax, and make sure everything goes smoothly. Nothing could possibly go wrong out there.


    One of the surface buildings of the land base has been taken up by an Abyssal Demon, the interior lavished with excessive finery, delicacies, and even enough electricity to power a variety of entertainment systems, one of which is currently devoted to (loudly) marathoning the dramatic series Diversion of Seats for the girl laden with black frills who sprawls out on a lavish couch, munching on some biscuits no doubt taken from some luxury liner sunk nearby. The warning alarms go unheard (those are probably just the sound system acting up), as do the reports of various cannons (just the bass turned up a little high). The Demon is all too content in her seat, even with the knowledge that her company will be filtering out soon enough.

    Then the entire base shudders with an explosive impact, and, what's worse, the electricity flickers out only moments before someone finds themselves shoved out a window. Wake freezes, a chill running down her spine. Minutes go by in darkness and silence, and a heavy realization settles over the Isolated Island Demon.

    A few minutes later, the wall of one of the bunkers explodes as a raging, swirling crimson beam of furious negative power made physical blazes through the air, accompanied by the sound of a thousand souls screaming their rage in unison as it blasts over the water to threaten the whole array of Fleet Daughters approaching.

Wo has posed:
    All of these modernized, anti-air fittings that the fleet daughters are fielding these days are really making her life more difficult. Wasn't this supposed to be a weaker point for the IJN? ...was was the IJN. More of these weird sensations swim around in the Wo-class carrier's head at the worst possible time, the Tsu-class apparently taking notice and reaching with a humongous hand to steady her, as she reaches a hand up to her forehead. The momentary lapse of concentration affects the incoming fighters, as well, their altitude lowering to be within a bit easier reach of Shigure's bursts - almost as if they were cooperating.

    One takes a clip to the wing, pieces of black metal flying off and a light smoldering issuing out. Another is more severely damaged, and as their controller begins to recovers her senses, doesn't join the other planes in climbing, instead bursting into uncontrolled flames. A wince of pain interrupts the Wo-class further, as the plane slams into the water adjacent to where Shigure is helping escort Suzuya and Kumano. It probably wasn't intentional. Nonetheless, after the moment has passed, she stands back to her full height, directing the remaining craft to meet Zuihou's in the air, the throaty roar of their jet turbines complimenting the buzzing between them as they climb, and then attempt to dive into their formation, mechanized cannons spinning up and firing - a sound just as loud and real as if they weren't a bit over a meter across.

    Kuma is of more immediate concern. The Wo-class, now a bit less distracted, casts golden eyes upon her. She recognizes her..and honestly, would rather not be her opponent, something she vocalizes in her stilted reverb: "You shouldn't..have come - here.." The Tsu-class moves to stand between Kuma and the carrier, its head contorting back as it lets out a surprisingly humanoid scream, considering the situation of its head, before opening fire with each of its three 6 inch gun mounts, in turn. "If only - you had, waited..a little..longer," Wo continues, somehow a mix of anger and also, regret, in her otherwise near monotone. "Now - have no, choice.. Tsu-class.. Sink her.."

    She pauses as the 41 cm fire commences, and her face looks blank at first, then her eyebrows knit inward. "So they - were...that serious..." No matter. Maybe this could become interesting, in its own way. A thought that's confirmed when they've finally managed to wake up the 'princess'.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     The many shells fired at the Borg spheres sail through the air amidst the storm of plasma beams that are scorching the skies and ocean. Some are caught by the beams, and a few miss as the Spheres move through the air, but many of them hit, causing a sudden and quite bright flaring of green energy shields around the Borg ships. The shields protect the ships' hulls from the worst of the bombardment. The first round of shells doesn't look like it did any damage, but how long can shields last against such strikes?

     With Kongou firing on the shore for now, the two Borg spheres focus on Akizuki and Isuzu. The beam fire stops for a moment, only for a salvo of brightly glowing green torpedoes to be fired. Three torpedoes from each ship are fired. That means three for each ship girl! When they impact, the topedoes explode in a wave of brilliant green destruction, and cover anything within their blast radius with a burning layer of plasma.

Nagato has posed:
    "Come out now, Capital Ship!" she calls out, the beam of pure hatred and negativity clips her, searing her side armor and causing Nagato to give the barest expression of a wince. Returning that beam with another eight shot greeting, she aims at the area that beam came from, all the while skating closer. As one of the Ni-class moves out of formation to try and delay the Flagship, it makes a grave error and gets close enough for Nagato to give it a swift kick in the face.

    "Pesky Abyssals." Nagato comments, but the delay was there. She pours on the speed to move in closer, which one is going to come out, she doesn't know but she's ready for it.

Ri (710) has posed:
    Shots rain down on the torpedo-bearing escort ships. One of the Ni-classes takes a blow on its front, causing an eruption of flame and smoke, and for the monstrous ship to let out a screeching roar. The other Ni-class suffers critical damage and sinks after a huge explosion! The Chi-class and Ri-class continue forward, though one arm comes up to shield her eyes as Suzuya's shots blast all around and in front of her. The remaining Destroyer starts to fall behind. And seems to be submerging! An escort ship abandoning its flagship? For what reason? Self-preservation? Since when do the less-intelligent Abyssals do that!?

    Since Ri told them to, that's when.

    The half-masked Chi-class, half-riding, half-part-of a bio-mechanical, water ski-looking creature of some kind, orients the fang-rimmed cannon of her symbiote and launches a 21-inch torpedo Kumano. If she sticks close to Ri with the firepower of both Suzuya and Kumano coming her way, the Abyssal might get damaged just through proximity! But for now, at least, she seems to be remaining with her flagship. And the flagship in question...

    Still hasn't fired at all and is going at top speed right for Suzuya. What's she planning!? With the two sides racing towards each other, unless Suzuya stops, reverses course, or otherwise changes the situation, the Abyssal heavy cruiser may be able to close with her enemy in short order.

    And only when she's close enough that shots against her are as likely to hit as her own shots against Suzuya does she raise one of her shark-gauntlets and start blasting away with her 8-inch triple cannon!

    On top of that, she's STILL trying to get even closer!

    ...And on top of THAT some kind of scary Abyssal has just appeared!? Well, scary to the enemy. Not so much to Ri. Who is just glad another sister has joined the fight. A strong one, who can prevent the less of anymore of their number.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Is that a... Woman? Several of them. A few younger girls, too! Sanary draws in a slow breath as she watches who she can only assume to be the Fleet Daughters approaching, along with a few others on more conventional boats. It's hard to make out who's who out there, but there's definitely a few familiar voices out there as well.

     What's a poor land-stranded healer to do in such a situation? Run, mostly. Kongou's long range bombardment isn't exactly the type of thing she's willing to take head on, but it's hard to not get caught up in the blast radius with the sheer size of those explosions. She doesn't get hit directly with anything, thankfully, but it's still enough to floor the axe-wielder for while.

     Hauling herself back onto her feet, Sanary's hoping to get a breather and patch up her wounds from that first blast when she hears and sees Nagato's next volley coming from the distance. Another round of explosions, another bout of tumbling around and terrible, terrible bleeding.

     What a fun day.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     The sword fired at one of the ships also impacts, but unfortunately, this early in the fight the shields are still too strong to allow much damage to the hull of the ship. The energy is dispersed along the shield, causing it to flare even more brightly, before Hrunting is repelled. If Emiya is able to sense such things, he might get the feeling that his attack almost made it to the hull.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    No sooner has Zuihou launched her first flight of Zero fighters is she drawing out another arrow and pulling it back on her bow. Beside her, Hayashimo twists around to skate backwards, raising her hand cannon and firing into the approaching Abyssal fighters as they dive in on the propeller-driven aircraft. There's a tense look on her face, the destroyer not quite accustomed to fighting, and it shows when her shots burst well wide of the enemy.

    The Zero formation, to its credit, breaks apart into a dogfight immediately, though in the dive attack one of them breaks out and down, trailing smoke. As it descends, it bursts into flames and then pulls sharply up. When the plane stalls, the fairy jumps out and floats down on her parachute, while the aircraft responds to gravity and spirals down into the water. A second Zero, firing on an Abyssal, suddenly loses a wing to the abyssal's wingman and tumbles downward, while a third is forced to ditch due to rudder damage. Anti-air emplacements on Zuihou's hips open fire, acting as a deterrant while she looses a second arrow and another half-dozen Zero fighters to reinforce her besieged CAP.

    Machinegun emplacements on Isuzu's citidel and deck swivel around, now ignoring the enemy fighters in favor of the more immediate danger presented by Borg plasma torpedoes. She throws herself into a sharp turn while her weapons bombard the torpedoes with incendiary ammunition. That evasion winds up saving the cruiser, as a beam of crimson HATE sears through the water where she would have been had she not been dealing with incoming. "A capital ship..!"

    Akizuki meanwhile has far fewer machine gun emplacements. Her ten centimeter guns, however, track pretty quickly. The forward pair continue to hammer against the Borg shields while the aft pair cease and transverse, lowering their angles to line up with incoming torpedoes. After a moment, both pairs of anti-air cannons open up, filling the air in front of and around the trio of torpedoes with air-burst ammuntion.

    Meanwhile, the largest and slowest of the Fourth Mobile Unit is clipped astern by Wake's HATE BEAM, which prompts a shout from the girl within the warship, "--HEY! That's no <Laser Pointer> you know~!" Though it has destroyed her seaplane rail, Kongou will have to get by without her scouts. Like the cruiser escorting her, Kongou's machinegun and 20mm emplacements swing around on the incoming torpedoes, though she targets the trio aimed for Isuzu first. Once she can verify the light cruiser is safe, those guns sweep around, blasting the first two threats out of the air. The third also detonates, though is close enough to spray burning plasma across Kongou's aft deck and aft-most turret, metal searing red. Fire suppression hisses to life, and the after section of Kongou billows with steam and smoke.

    The trouble with battleships though is that both ends are the business end.

    The two forward turrets swing around, cannons elevating, while machinery clicks away deep inside. And when the battleship is fully loaded, she lets out a wordless cheer followed by the blast of her main battery, enveloping the front end of the battleship in smoke as well. Hurled from the smoke are a total of four 35.5cm Sanshiki, the famous IJN anti-air artillery shell. Ascending to the altitude of the Borg warship closest to Kongou, each shell bursts at close range into a cone of shrapnel, shell fragments, and blazing magnesium rods all intended to shred aircraft. But how will they do against spacecraft?

Lyria Mason has posed:
The battle is getting into full swing the Abyssal Navy is on the defence and then something else happen a bunker blows out and something powerful can be sensed. Then there's the screaming the inhuman screaming. This chills Lyria to her bones, timbers are also shivered to boot. She sees that Kuma and Shigure are getting into quite a fight.

While she does not have certain levels of naval fire power she can turn the elements against even a ship like no body's business. She's got her pistols out as the patrol boat is heading for fight with Wo she'll turn her own weapons upon anything locked in the skies and Remora opens fire trying to at least gets Wo's attention with a beam canon shot, she may have to change tactics pretty quickly however.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Shell after shell crashes down at the origin of the raging Abyssal beam, decimating the remainder of the bunker with a series of explosions. Fortunately, the beam stops, and silence falls over the place where Wake seems to be.

    Until the air suddenly fills with the drone of swirling Mk.III Abyssal planes, all rising up from the point of impact like a swarm of large bees. Which are only getting larger and larger as the shape of Wake /also/ grows from the cloud of debris where Nagato's shells landed. Draped across her bizarre metal companion's back is the Demon herself, glaring down at Nagato as she enters Leviathan Mode. Those shells already took some effect, it seems: her frilly outfit is already tattered and burned. Even as she's now reached the size of the battleships out at see, her planes have grown, too, each one as large as a standard fighter jet and /still/ as numerous.

    "You want me to come out," Wake shouts, her voice booming with her current size as her companion's still-steaming metal mouth opens to release a long, low, mechanical groan. "Fine! I'm coming out! AND YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!"

    The planes instantly move into formation, swooping down toward the ocean and the Fleet Daughters over it. Nagato suffers the brunt of the attacks: fighter jets raining down bullets, and torpedo bombers loosing their charges into the ocean to detonate beneath her. It's the kind of force one would normally save for an entire fleet, but lucky Nagato gets it all to herself. Such is the result of angering the Isolated Island Demon.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma watches Wo as she skates through the incoming shell fire, pirouetting around oone set of water plumes, then taking a shell to the shoulder, grunting with strain as she starts to emit smouldering smoke from the impact point. "You can still sail away, kuma! I won't stop you if you just leave now, kuma!" she calls back, jinking again to the side, barely escaping another blast plume.

    Shigure kicks off from near Suzuya and Kumano as the two Heavy Cruisers go to work. She pours on speed to try and catch up to Kuma, twirling her cannonfa around to fire blanks behind her, shooting her forward faster. Another twirl, and the large cannons swing back into firing position, lashing out at the Tsu-class with armour piercing shells, all while little machinegun nests fold out of the superstructure, filling the air with tracer fire.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
A quick sinking is best. It's a bit painful to watch some of the Abyssals floundering before they finally go down, and Suzuya winces in sympathy. She still remembers what it feels like to be worried by small threats until finally going down.

"Torpedoes incoming. Evasive maneuvers!" Kumano swerves through the waves, letting out smaller arms fire from the guns on her arms and legs. She blows one torpedo out of the water, but the second detonates close enough that the spray of water soaks her. "Hya~! You're getting my uniform all dirty!" A quick glance forward gives her an idea of where her sister ship is, and she lifts her purse cannon to take careful aim. "I apologize, but I'm going to have to sink you now!" Twin shots ring out, followed by the fwoosh of torpedoes firing from the launchers that extend from the sides of her purse.

"Oh? Meeting my charge, are ya? So gross~!" And yet, Suzuya is still grinning. "Suzuya will take that challenge!" She throws up one arm to guard her face from the incoming fire, hoping that her armor can hold up against the assault. It tears her sleeve apart as explosions ring around her, obscuring her in smoke.

And then Suzuya charges right out of the smoke, lifting both hands to try to grapple with the Ri-class. "Suzuya's not just all guns, y'know? But if ya back down, Suzuya promises not to shoot at you."

From her vantage point farther away, Kumano has a much better view of the Isolated Island Demon. "Oh... oh my." Her eyes widen as she looks up... and up... "...what a pretty dress."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Even though nothing so far's firing directly on Shirou, the massive counterattack from the bunkers and huge waves kicked up by the fight's forcing him to duck for cover, lest he get cooked by another jet of superheated steam or something.

    Sci-fi tech and naval battles make for weird combinations, don't they?

    Oh and there's also that stray shell that just went off near the patrol boat, rocking it awfully. Shirou's battered and tossed about, slamming into a protruding cabin wall and dropping to a knee. "Heh."

    His answer to seeing so little damage as a result of all that effort is a fierce frown. "Once again!"

    Wrenching himself up despite NOT having much in the way of sealegs is... DIFFICULT.

    So Shirou just ends up flailing on the rocking ship and slamming face-first into hard deck. THUMP! "Grrrgh..."

    Once the waves settle down some he braces himself better and again draws the bow back. This time a weapon of black iron appears and stretches out. Its ancient, whatever it is. Only real experts would know it is the true form of the sword of myth...

    "Howl, KUSANAGI!"

    Once THIS 'arrow' is released it enters a rapid spin, dragging the winds along with it. The air gathers at its tip, leaving a roaring vacuum in its wake. The strange projectile drills through the air with a sound much like a jet engine's overdriven death wail, a a small hurricane of force packed into a space no bigger than a human body or so!

    As the storm-arrow flies, Shirou's left panting and rubbing at his arm.

    That wasn't a full activation of the holy sword, but it DID take a lot out of him.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Even if none of the torpedoes make it through, the attack did serve to relieve pressure on the ships themselves and on other air units suffering from the Fourth Mobile's AA attacks. The Borg ships suddenly move apart, attempting to flank Kongou's group.

     Unfortunately, this does not save ship 1 from those shredding shots from Kongou. The shrapnel shell explodes against the shields, and while the shields still flare to deflect the force, this time sparks fly from the area around where the multitude of smaller shells hit. The ship may not be shredded, but it was definitely hit.

     This draws the full attention of Borg Sphere 1 on Kongou. Beam after searing beam of plasma is fired at her. Borg Sphere 2 continues firing on Isuzu and Akizuki, showering them with the same burning beams that are harrassing Kongou. With the Fleet Daughters in their true forms, the Borg beams seek to carve a path through the water and into those ships.

     The weakening of Sphere 1's shields thanks to Kongou means that when Emiya fires his second shot, it impacts, causes the shields to flare, then breaks through. Green fire erupts from the side of the Borg ship as that tornado arrow punches into it, drilling a hole into the hull. But, the damage doesn't seem to slow Sphere 1 down. It keeps firing on Kongou, and spares only a plasma torpedo for Shirou. Of course, in that little patrol boat, a powerful plasma explosion may be all that is needed.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato grunts from all the aircraft fire raining down like hail upon her chassis and body attepting to cover herself, albeit without much help, with her hands and arms, two of her cannon barrels denting and bending from the hail of gunfire. Nagato's eyes close and she frowns, "So she's going to force this, isn't she? I'll be glad to do this." She looks around herself, nodding, before shimmering herself, growing larger and larger, until the full 'flesh' of the battleship Nagato enters the water. Her turrets at the ready and facing the target, Wake.

    An echoed voice from the hull of the Battleship, "I'll be glad to take everything you throw at me, Isolated Island! This is for the supply base your kind destroyed!" with a turn, a slow... agonizing turn.. She brings her broadside to face Wake, as all of her turrets shift and with a loud bang, send the shells flying towards Wake, lighting up the full sized battleship for all to view while the AA Guns from her deck start filling the air with fire, the machine guns moving to attempt a helping of anti air fire, though less effective.

Wo has posed:
    "You don't...under-stand... Anything," comes the matter of fact statement from the Wo-class. How could Kuma, really? She's been hanging around the fleet daughters, presumably so long, that she's forgotten the pain and even the voices. She can't even hear them, that's right! It's uncertain whether the Tsu-class shares the sentiment, or even has enough intelligence at present to truly make such a decision, but it's obvious that she's not backing down, which is answer enough. She bravely, or foolishly, closes ground with Kuma at full steam, her helmet-like head craning around in that squelching cry while the massive arms raise once in range, casting an ominous shadow. Cannon fire is all well and good, but why bother when you can just as simply physically crush your enemy?

    This plan is interrupted as a shell from Shigure impacts the raised arm, the flexible outer covering blasted away to reveal a mix of armor, flesh and tendons beneath, instead of just being fancy gloves. A fresh, curdled howl emerges from the abyssal light cruiser, but it seems to honestly be more in annoyance than in physical pain, levelling and turning the three torpedo tubes on its free arm towards the approaching Destroyer. All the while, the Wo-class watches. Her planes are occupied, helping to keep Zuihou's own from controlling the air, though between their newly emergent demonic overlord and their Borg allies in the skies, it's become slightly less of a pressing concern. After a few more moments, the fighters turn to return to their ship, leaving the slightest of openings.

    However, she's not completely left to her own devices. Lyria Mason, in her patrol boat, casts an obvious bit of engine noise, causing her to turn in the sea with minimal effort, considering she seems to be hovering inches over the average height of the lapping waves. If her look was a bit less of a stare down, it might even manage to be a bit incredulous. Presumed Elites should never be underestimated, though. The returning fighters bank downward; not really made for sinking even patrol boats, but they can certainly open fire with their cannons and strafe them! One catches flame from the return fire and slams into the water, the others enter a holding pattern around Wo. That is, considering she's busy on her own terms.

    The beam - actually strikes, squarely in her body in fact. Wo's entire body tilts backward in the water, and lists. Shortly after, though, she stands back up, casting a glance over the burnt hole in her torso like it is any other cut, bits of her ribs - a mix of human-like bone and shards of rusted steel, plainly visible around congealed oil. The planes finally return to her hat, to be replaced with planes of a similar make. Each one has a single 'missile' mounted beneath. Torpedoes. Her stare down of Lyria continues. "Wo..."

Samar (494) has posed:
    Wake just so happens to be one of the few Abyssals that's less of a ship and more of a harbor. Dodging simply isn't built into her abilities, and since she assumed she wasn't going to be dealing with combat here, the Escort Fortress is nowhere in sight for shielding. To say she's at a disadvantage here is...an understatement right now.

    Shells fly at her, and all she can do is duck behind her mechanical companion and let /it/ tank the explosive fire. Shell after shell blasts against the creature's hull, sending it dragging backward against the ground and blasting holes into its dark metal armor. A low bellow rumbles up from it, a purple tongue lolling from its toothy maw. The planes aren't faring too much better, either: that anti-air fire blasts down several of them, their bizarre forms buzzing and swirling down to crash into the ocean.

    Many, however, endure, swooping and banking to break formation and make it that much harder for Nagato to shoot them down. More fly out of Wake's companion's mouth, as well, building up their numbers again to assault the battleship with an array of assaults. Torpedoes are dropped into the water to explode from below, and bombs are loosed from diving runs to explode from above.

    And as if that weren't enough, Wake peers up from behind her companion's sturdier form and delivers a commanding shout. "FIRE!" The giant thing's various cannons immediately start shelling Nagato from afar, blasting her again and again in conjunction with the aircrafts' relentless assaults. "Sink her! Blow her up! Make her pay!"

Ri (710) has posed:
    Ri clashes with Suzuya, meeting the grappling attempt with her shark-toothed gauntlets. It seems it was her intent to get into melee range in the first place. The deathly-pale Ri struggles against the Fleet Daughter, her expressionless face easily capable of passing for a corpse. Her eyes burn with a phantasmal blue energy as the heavy cruiser devotes all the considerable strength she has to trying to overpower her enemy physically.

    It's truly a dramatic struggle!

    Kumano's shots strike the Chi-class, who is thrown back from the impacts and the damage suffered! Though her body language indicates injury, shock, and possiby pain, she makes no sound whatsoever. Ri tries to silently order the Torpedo Cruiser to submerge and escape, using the not-quite-telepathy of the Abyssals. But it's already too late, and the Chi-class sinks slowly beneath the waves, limp and dead once more.

    <<Chi-class. Respond.>>




    <<...Don't... leave me... Again.>>



    Ri finally shows a sign of emotion. A growl, rumbling up out of her throat, like tortured metal twisting and grinding. And then she bares her teeth. The blue in her eyes slowly shifts to gold, as flame-like energy of the same color pours out of them. Like twin angler fish lures turned up to 11, they blaze.

    And then Ri spits out in reverberating tones, "DIE, MURDERER!]" Then, her shark-gauntlets attempt to bite down on Suzuya as golden light builds within each mouth. The cannons gather power, concentrated misery, hatred, and despair.

    And then she fires both in a blinding, emotion-laced laser. If she gets caught in the blast or not herself, Ri doesn't seem to care, as she just unleashes everything on this enemy who came to clash with her in honorable battle.

    She just keeps blasting, almost continuously, as she yells, "Sink! SINK! SINK, SINK, SINK! SINK, DROWN, AND STOP KILLING MY SISTERS!"

Kongou (637) has posed:
    The shields have failed! Shirou's arrow striking Sphere 1's hull is all the proof Kongou needs, throwing herself into a starboard turn that, after a few moments at her top 31 knot speed, bares her broadside to the heavy Borg warship. A beam slices through the water just shy of her armor belt, hurling up a spray of water while her guns elevate. Even amidst the steam and smoke from her damaged fantail, the telltale muzzles of her main battery can be seen, elevated.

    "You think I'm <Finished~?> Think again~!" Another beam carves closer, crossing the deck, scoring the armor over the aft Y turret's roof, and slicing through one of the 20mm triple gun emplacements, while Kongou's teasing voice suddenly gets serious, "You're not going anywhere once I lock on to you~!"

    All four turrets open fire, a roar of cannon reports and a total of eight shells in the air. Without the shields in the way, Kongou has once again switched her ammunition, this time favoring the Type 91 armor-piercing shell. Her goal is that, with the shields weakened-to-nonexistent, these heavy capped shells will bore into the vessel and destroy something important, while her high explosive or anti-air munitions would only do surface damage.

    "Akizuki!" Isuzu calls out, her voice echoing. When beams cross each other in an attempt to scissor the cruiser in half, she suddenly glows with a silver light. It's this illusion that the beams cut apart, while the human-sized kanmusu skates out under cover of the water spray thrown up by the beams, trailing smoke from moderate damage.

    The nimbler destroyer Akizuki swings herself around sharply, increasing her speed to 38 knots. Like Isuzu, she flashes silver and then disappears, emerging from the guise as a girl. The twin Choujuucentihou-chans reach upward with little frowns, grabbing at the smoldering, angry red barrels of their guns. Eyes squeezing shut, both turret-bunnies eject their turrets into the water with a hiss of steam, and Akizuki reaches down to collect her spares and slot them in place. Digging a foot down, she breaks formation from Isuzu, the arc of her course clearly aiming her at backing up the flagship.

    Meanwhile, Zuihou closes her eyes with a small smile, "They're fighting their hardest, huh?" A third arrow is drawn out, another wing of fighters launched into the sky. As the arrow separates and the six aircraft bank away, Zuihou surrounds herself with silver light as well. As the sphere grows, the body of the carrier emerges with a great splash. The airborne Zero fighters, banking into the dogfight breaking out above Nagato, also begin trailing silver light and swell out into their full size.

    "It's okay~! Please continue to take care of me," Zuihou's voice sounds out through the ship's PA. On the flight deck, Hayashimo now stands rather than on the water. Hesitating, she slowly lowers her gun, and then nods once, "...Okay."

Nagato has posed:
    The shells continue to fly at the Battleship, speed wasn't her best and dodging really isn't something she's capable of doing in full on ship form, the shells crash in and the planes guns pepper the deck of the battleship, ruining a few of the machine guns and her radar tower. "I've lost radar coverage." she grumbles, that echoed voice still resounding on the radios. Torpedos crash right into the hull of the battleship and the explosion rocks it slightly, tilting it.

    She has to end Wake, or at least force her to go.. The anti air guns and the remaining machine guns focus themselves onto Wake and with another resounding explosions, eight more shells and a veritable hail of gunfire from the turrets move to pepper Wake in return, hoping that the salt of the ocean will make defeat taste good. "It will take more than this to sink this Flagship! I will not falter in the wake of your onslaught, Isolated Island!" as another explosion resounds, sending another set of shells towards Wake, as the anti air turrets once again, swivel to try and take out planes, without radar detection.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma digs in her heels, crash-stopping and trying to backpedal away from the advancing Tsu-class. She glowers up at the taller cruiser, and reaches up for her ahoge. A firm grip, a twist and the clatter of chains signal her revealing her ultimate weap--- well maybe not /ultimate/ but certainly her melee weapon, a three-section-staff. Setting her feet again, she lashes out with the staff at the Tsu-class, twirling once and sweeping for the cruiser's legs, then rising in the follow up and aiming a heel kick at that mishappen head. It's not just a heel though, two torpedoes spall off from the ankle mount, sailing through the air to add explosive surprises to the close melee.

    Shigure nnnns, as an order comes over the radio. She notices that Wo is busy elsewhere, and just nods to herself. Kuma is strong, she can take care of herself... but just in case, Shigure's thigh torpedoe tubes angle down, and fire a tight spread at the Tsu-class, before turning to help Nagato. As she powers towards the vast bulk of the Flagship, light engulfs the destroyer, and the full size of the Shiratsuyu-class emerges. "Radar room, full scan. Anti air guns, angle and fire. Watch targets." she echos, as the multitude of AA guns and her primary battery angle, soon lighting up the sky around Nagato with tracer fire and exploding flak. "You will NOT sink our Flagship. Not while I am here." her voice is soft still, but the firmness behind it makes her words project far further than they ought.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
On second thought, this may have been a bad idea, given those toothy gauntlets the Ri-class has. "Yow! Man, that feels all slimy..." And yet, she's still grinning as she pushes back against the Abyssal heavy cruiser. "Y'know, I never really got to talk to an Abyssal ship up close like this before. It's a little scary... but we don't hate you, Kumano and I. Nnn.." Suzuya shifts her weight on the waves and tries to bring the cannons on her arm forward, but the angle is slightly off. At least Kumano is keeping the other ships away!

"Hya~!" calls Kumano as she focuses on the matter at hand and fires another volley. "Did I get her? I got her!" It's her first real combat situation since returning from being an Abyssal herself, so the implications of sinking one of the Abyssals this way aren't fully there for her.

Up close, though, Suzuya gets to see the reaction a bit more clearly. "Ah... W..wait, hey! That hurts!" She tugs her arms back, but the gauntlets are holding firm. "That's not how it works--waaa~!" Unable to pull back, Suzuya takes the full brunt of the angry shots from the Ri-class, letting out a shriek of pain.

"...Suzuya, I'm coming!" All she can see is a massive cloud of smoke from the explosions, but Kumano begins to charge forward... until a voice calls out from inside the smoke. "Belay that, Kumano! Suzuya.. Suzuya will be fine. Go help Nagato!" "But--" "GO!" A bit reluctantly, Kumano turns away and begins to wheel to the side, glowing briefly as she expands out into Ocean fit-out. "Begin cover fire... Fire one!" The full complement of cannons on the heavy cruiser light up, sending a rain of shells toward the Isolated Island Demon. Maybe she can take some of the heat off Nagato!

"Hehe... all alone now." Despite the pain, Suzuya grins at the Ri-class. "Will you listen to me now?" Another explosion. "Guess not... huh.. Nnn. This is embarrassing. Suzuya can't sink here or Kumano will cry... so calm down!" The guns on her legs swivel forward and fire, even though she knows she'll get caught in the explosion as well.

Clenching her jaw, Suzuya suddenly rips her arms back, leaving behind her torn uniform sleeve in the jaws of Ri-class' gauntlet. With all the damage from thos epoint blank shots, her uniform is in tatters already, and she's already shin-deep in the water. "I said..." Reaching down, she grabs hold of the purse that holds her main cannons... and swings it with all her might, trying to clong Ri over the head with it. "CALM DOWN!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Picking herself up off the sand for a second time, Sanary coughs out a mouthful of blood as she braces herself for a third round of explosions. It's not until she confirms that she's actually safe from harm for the time being that the healer starts letting that magical energy circulate through her body, mending the more serious internal injuries and patching up a nasty crack in her ribs.

    If only it could take the taste of liver out of her mouth. Oh well. She winces slightly at the sounds of explosions coming from the sea, and grimaces when she can hear Ri's shouts even from the shore line. She scans the beach to try and find something she can use to get into the fight proper, but even if she could get out there? It's probably not the best idea for her to fight battleships and Fleet Daughters or... Whatever they are with what's primarily a melee weapon.

     But she can try shooting them, at least! And so, she readies her gunaxe with Bolt shells and takes careful aim, scanning her potential targets. So many of them seem to be a little too out of her league, though, but she does spot a few potential targets. Namely, those that appear to be riding boats instead of being them! Taking careful aim at Lyria with the gunaxe and attempting to compensate for the wind by aiming higher, she fires off a few of the Bolt shells!

     Of course, the lack of depth perception and not being used to firing at such long distances means Sanary might not really hit anything but the ocean with those shells.

Samar (494) has posed:
    It seems to have turned into a battle of attrition between Nagato and Wake. Nagato suffers the full force of the Isolated Island Demon's rage and aggression, something that would decimate large swathes of enemies on any normal day, and in response, Wake is assaulted with relentless attacks that she simply finds it difficult to endure on her own. Such is why she would normally be deployed with the durable tank known as Darwin: where Wake lacks in defense, Darwin succeeds, and where Darwin lacks in firepower, Wake reigns.

    But Darwin isn't here right now. Wake finds herself forced to duck behind her companion again as Nagato switches all her fire to /her/, all shells and machine guns and anti-air peppering against the metal hull of her poor mechanical beast and sending up plumes of smoke through the holes blasted into it. Wake's fury is quickly abating into squeaking, cowering fear; her options are becoming more and more limited as time goes on.

    The power of the Big Seven is nothing to scoff at.

    Still, Wake does her best. Her companion fires its shells again and again...until its cannons are blasted off by Kumano's additional fire. Planes swoop down to discharge their explosive payloads and rain down machine gun fire...until they get caught up in Shigure's crossfire and plummet down to explode on the beach and in the ocean. Diver bombers and torpedo bombers try to bank around to blast Kumano and Shigure as well, but that takes away fire from Nagato. With so many attacking her all at once, can Wake really make it right now?

    "...no, no, no! Obstinate little girls...!"

    Suddenly, Wake's biomechanical companion suffers an abrupt explosion deep within its hull, flames and smoke starting to pour out from its mouth. Its guns are ruined, and it barely seems able to move on its own right now. It's then that Wake comes to an unfortunate and infuriating conclusion.

    With a sharp, enraged snarl, Wake grabs onto her metallic companion and /pulls/. It's not a graceful egress, but it's all she can manage under the circumstances; the metal beast is dragged off into the sea, and Wake goes with it, shouting her pledges to the Fleet Daughters as her planes do their best to cover her escape.

    "Next time! Next time you won't be so lucky! I'll get you all, I /swear/, and you'll wish you never came here...!"

    Bold words for someone slipping under the ocean's surface and diving into the deep to flee back to Iron Bottom Sound.

Wo has posed:
    There definitely won't be any regret to Shigure's decision. None at all. The Tsu-class might be an even match, one on one. But the addition of a Destroyer to the mix has her briefly reconsidering, insomuch as she can reason. 1.7 is greater than 1, isn't it. No worry, she won't fail this time! The staff impacts solidly against the already damaged arm, that reaches to block it, which by itself does little. It does leave her head, or what passes for one, completely exposed to the dynamic kick. The initial hit, yet again, seems to not phase her terribly - but the added blasts rings through the steel and flesh. It threatens to splatter Kuma with that same black crude that the Wo-class was dripping from her wound.

    Somehow, the Tsu-class is still up - and howls again, with a touch of gargling from the half-sunken, toothed helmet. With the range so close, she once again makes a grab for Kuma with her remaining good hand and arm, intending to take her by the leg and slam her into the water, as repeatedly as necessary. She's done playing by the rules! While she's raging so intensely, her anger overcoming her, a red aura can be seen to blaze around her form, her head now hanging sickeningly limp. This pre-occupation on Kuma means she missed the present that Shigure had left behind for her, a torpedo slamming into her and ripping a large hole. Regardless of what had become of Kuma, there's surprisingly little fight left, after that. The Tsu-class simply remains standing, frozen, before lapsing backwards into the sea, shortly nothing left but a bubbling and a curious, red afterglow.

    Wo-class, for her part, doesn't seem utterly upset by this, as she might otherwise. The red glow had told her all she needed to know, and confirmed suspicions that this Tsu-class had...potential. Besides, Wo currently has her own problems. All of the fleet daughters are currently moving to back up Nagato, in their proper ship bodies no less. She had thought to send her torpedo bombers at Lyria's boat, half out of spite, but supporting fire soon comes from an unexpected place - the shoreline. She'll take it. The bombers are instead diverted to the sudden line ahead of full size ships of practically every description. Seemingly not interested in choosing a particular target, the abyssal bombers hug low to the sea, before dropping their payload into the water and climbing.

    Other than that, she drifts closer to where Kuma might or might not already be broken, glowering her eyes in the direction of their boss' sudden escape act. "...fig-ures. No won-der..she's not, a princess class." Could it be that even the abyssals have some room for disagreements between each other? She lifts the cannons on her hat into an obvious non-firing position, for the moment, "Thank you - for helping, Tsu-class.. Ku-ma, was it."

Ri (710) has posed:
    As Suzuya bashes Ri in the face, there's a loud *KLONK* and the Abyssal goes staggering backwards, off-balance. One shark gauntlet comes up to the place she was struck. Then the heavy cruiser turns to look at her enemy. Is she going to listen to what Suzuya is saying!?

    Her visible eye contracts to a pinpoint as she bares her teeth in rage. The golden blaze in her eye glows brighter momentarily, but then dims, as does Ri's anger. Her own attack did heavy damage to her. She lost herself in one of the berserker furies she is prone to, and that one melee strike from Suzuya did some heavy damage.

    It takes all the experience and clarity she has gathered so far from having ascended out of madness to not thrust herself right back into combat. She struggles to understand why Suzuya is different from the others she has fought. Even after what Ri did to her, the other Heavy Cruiser wants to talk?

    Ri withdraws. She lowers her shark-gauntlet from the left side of her face, revealing it is cracked and broken, with a viscuous black fluid leaking from the hole. A gaping black abyss with a yellow circle of an eye that is no longer in a socket hovering in the darkness.

    "We... Will talk... When you have remembered... Who you really... Are." she offers dully as she begins to sink beneath the waves. "I will... Rescue you... Soon. And only then... Can I... Forgive you... For killing my sisters."

    The water froths around her as oil clouds the water. Unless prevented, she retreats into the depths as she communicates to her fellow Abyssals.

    <<Heavily... Damaged... I am... Withdrawing.>>

Nagato has posed:
    With the backup of her Daughters, the peppering of fire and all of the ammunition used... Only then does Nagato go from Ship to Girl as Wake retreats, leaving a panting woman where the ship was. All but one of her guns are wrecked from the concentrated fire from Wake's planes and Wake herself, the superstructure is badly damaged and now she's got Torpedo bombers to deal with. Fortunately, her allies are screening her from such terrible fate. She slowly makes her way forth to the abyssal base, that one gun trained on the island...

    It's here, she cracks a smile, in a position to not show it to the other Daughters. "Fielding Isolated Island here... either Samar is clever or she's got access to our data." that frown comes to her face once more as she trains the gun to one of the hangars and with a loud bang, lets the shell fly towards it. As the hangar accepts the shell, a loud explosion erupts from the area, sending billowing flame up and into the sky. Its here that day is slowly breaking, the sun rising from the east and showering the area with much needed sunlight from the night fighting...

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "If those things hit the sea it'll be a tsunami! Hope they just retreat--" WHOOOOOOSH!

    A rather HUGE plasma torpedo's heading his way. It's much, much bigger than he is, and the closer it gets, well. The sea starts boiling. "That weapon's insane!"

    And if he doesn't stop it, he'll probably just end up vaporized. If he ditches his ride, it'll be... bad. If he dodges, the ship'll go KABOOM.

    There is clearly just one answer.

    Take it head-on!

    Shirou grits his teeth, tosses the bow down and instead spreads a hand out in front of him. Power gathers, all he can muster.

    "RHO... AIAS!!"

    unwavering to the end, Shirou deploys his best possible defense. A filmy pinkish-purple expanse of pure energy spreads across the space before him, blossoming just like a flower. This thin film has 4 petals and honestly, at a glance, doesn't look like much.

    But the shield of Ajax has withstood much more than a single plasma torpedo, even in the weakened and imperfect state Shirou's called it in.

    The torpedo's impact boils the sea, melts chunks of the railing and burns away all of the nearby air. A violent maelstrom engulfs the whole area, but something odd indeed happens to the torpedo itself.

    The shield halts it. A conceptual weapon impervious to most conventional attack, it handles it like a champ.

    That is to say... three of the petals, each containing the defensive power of a masterfully-crafted fortress, shatter to pieces and the final one cracks. As the explosion dissipates, Shirou collapses to his knees, gasping and panting. Rho Aias fades from existence...

Suzuya (739) has posed:
As the Ri-class finally backs off, Suzuya lets out a breath. "Th..there. Now, we should... uh..." She winces as she sees just how hard she hit the Abyssal. "Ahaha.. sorry about that. I... hope you can fix it?" Of course, Suzuya herself is pretty banged up as well.

"Yeah, we should talk! S..soon, right? Before Suzuya sinks, right? Right?" She really hopes that the retreating Ri gets the idea that she wants to talk -before- turning back into an Abyssal. "Ahh...that was... close." She takes a step back and collapses, splashing down to sit on the surface of the water. "Suzuya thought she was done for." Just as a precaution, she checks her cannon purse to make sure the torpedoes within aren't damaged. There's no need to tempt fate.

Even as the Abyssals begin to retreat, Kumano remains in her Ocean fit-out form, at least until she's certain that Nagato is able to make it to land. Only then does she return to her smaller form and rush over to see to her flagship.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason had just wished to help, she soon finds that she's got Wo's attention and this is perhaps the worst thing she could have done. She may be facing a very bad life choice here. The fighter come at her and she's able to take down one of the fighters. There's not enough she can do here and she may end up getting in her allies way. What's next is something she doesn't expect. She sees the innards from Wo's wound and is about to bark another order for Remora to fire, when something unexpected happens.

That something is called Sanary Rondel. Lyria is too focused with the stare down with Wo to see what Sanary is doing at this point. It's going to cost her it costs her quite a bit. Rounds go flying into the Patrol Boat some hit Remora and Sanary gets a lucky hit, the thing's beam canon is hit at such a way?

That Remora is forced to aborts the weapon's firing least, it do damage to it self when it does so. Lyra sees she's got a hostile on the shore. She leaps off of the PT boat and dives into the water leaving Remora to keep the craft out of trouble.

It's a good thing Lyria had her goggles down as she swims into shore she starts to manipulate thing going a quickly as sh can so when she's in the shallows, she'll rocket at Sanary like a human bullet!

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma erks as she's grabbed, flailing wildly as she's bashed into the water. She grunts a little, pushing herself up a bit as Wo comes over. She's battered, but not broken. She's riding low in the water, the waves lapping around her waist as she 'sits' there, but she's not sinking. "Kuma is Kuma, kuma." she replies, holding her right arm as it hangs at an odd angle, and the turret on her rigging dangles by a couple of cables and a 'thread' of superstructure.

    Shigure's ship-form breaks hard starboard, barely dodging a dropped bomb, while her guns continue to fill the sky with tracer fire and flak explosives. She turns again, trying to avoid a torpedo run, but grunts as it strikes near the bow. "Gnngh... this is nothing." She targets those bombers, aiming to shoot them down in revenge.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Once those shields are down, the armor-piercing shells do their job, punching deep into the Borg ship. But, it is a large ship. It will take several more of those kinds of hits to bring it down. It fires all weapons on Kongou as she starts causing actual damage. Plasma beams and torpedoes rain down on Kongou, turning the water around her into a swirling mass of boiling entropy. The other sphere, still in good health, keeps its attention on the two destroyers. As Akizuki moves to assist Nagato, Sphere 2 unleashes all its fury on her. A full spread of torpedoes and beams are unleashed on the skating ship girl, threatening heavy damage.

     Emiya's display of defensive power does not provoke a response from the Borg. But, he can be sure they recorded it. Such information is imperitive for developing better offenses. But, magical powers such as his are hard for the Borg to analyze. For now, his secrets are his.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary looks about as surprised at Lyria might when she sees that her shots actually managed to hit something, squinting her eye just make sure she isn't hallucinating it. Nope, she really did hit something! Not entirely sure what, but whoever was on that boat isn't on it any more. Silently cheering to herself for actually accomplishing something, her expression quickly drops once she notices something coming straight at her.

    Something distinctly... Recognizable. "Is that... L-Lyria?!" Although she's not necessarily caught flat-footed or anything like that, the sight of her senior torpedoing straight at her at such a high speed is enough to knock the armored healer right off her feet even after catching her. She skids along the sand while trying to keep a firm hold on Lyria just to keep her from getting too far, although the impact does reopen some of those wounds again.

     And cause her to cough out some blood, whether it's onto Lyria's back or face if she's still being held. "What are you-urgh. What are you doing here?"

Wo has posed:
    It's mostly over, at least on her end. Wo puts in a silent call over the radio, a briefly far away look in her eyes. Some explosions can be felt, more than heard, deep under where the obvious pieces of still-standing structure are. It was regretable, but better it be destroyed than stolen by their enemy, or even worse, reverse-engineered and used against them. Hopefully, Kuma won't hold that against her, or the torpedoes incoming against her allies, as the Wo-class drifts closer to her. She actually reaches out a gloved hand to help her back to her feet. "No use..to keep fight-ing now. ..I had..hoped to leave, be-fore you got - here." There's something in her voice that suggests she knew they were planning this operation, perhaps going back to the exercises she observed, interrupted, before.

    If the gesture isn't soundly kung fu kicked, she'll reach out a hand to place it on the more petite Kuma's head, briefly, before beginning to sail off, stopping for a moment at the ceasing bubbling and fading red glow from before. "...I'm - going to Boston," she calls out, "This assign-ment, is now over." Fleet daughter sonar would soon confirm any suspicions that they were clearing out in numbers, as a coordinated evacuation is now under way, but being conducted beneath the surface to try and minimize any further losses. With a raising of her staff, even the torpedo bombers that remain - after Shigure's fire had taken one out, sending it spinning frisbee like into the waves where it remains floating, but bubbling and aflame - climb to return to her. The hat's mouth opens to gobble them up.

    If there are no more pressing concerns, she'll be departing the combat theater.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma blinks... but this Wo-class is the same one she yanks back up from sinking during that combined assault on the crashed space ship... So she accepts the assistance to her feet, though she's still knee deep in the water. The headpat is half-rejected, the cruiser-girl instead taking Wo's hand and holding it for a moment. "I'll see you there when I get out of the docks, kuma." she offers, letting Wo go when she turns to leave.

    Shigure mmmns, 'watching' the planes breaking off with her radar, before swapping to sonar. "Flagship, multiple detonations subsurface... multiple contacts leaving the area at speed. Abyssal fleet is in full retreat." She then turns her guns upwards to the Borg ships, firing her cannons to add to the weight of fire against Sphere 1.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason has become the Senpai Tornado it seems. Lyria was doing quite the crazy stunt as she flies from the water right at Sanary. IT takes a moment for her to realize whose she's about to impact into and well? She didn't think this plan fully through at this point. She's grabbed and now dazed, she's staring to come too however and she's struggling to get lose now.

"Let ... go of me... what?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

She's not even thinking of how embarrassing this might be for both Sanary and her. She's wondering what in the name of Leviathan is Sanary doing here? It seems someone's missed some bits of the Union's reports on Sanary or just had never quite connected. Either way this is quite the mess isn't it? Heaven help them both if this gets on to the school's social network in image form.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    The sea boils around Kongou, all of her functioning anti-air emplacements filling the air around her with machinegun tracers and airburst flak to intercept incoming torpedoes, though the Borg vessel is simply too large for even a battleship to counter everything. Her main battery elevates one more time, hurling out their explosive opinion of the Borg warships while energy beams carve across her armor and decks and even the citidel.

    Amidst the black smoke of Kongou's guns, there's a silver flash. Shooting out ahead, hitting the water on her feet, is a significantly smaller target. Trailing smoke and with two of her main battery turrets mangled, her outfit tattered on the edges, Kongou balances herself into a sharp turn.

    Akizuki, meanwhile, is an even smaller target than Kongou right now. Because Kongou is a grown woman and Akizuki is in her mid-teens, by appearances. She weaves from side to side as beams carve through the water around her, her Choujuucentihou-chan turrets raising their guns skyward. However, when Akizuki opens fire again it's not against the Borg, but the lingering torpedo bombers Wo had launched, as well as the aircraft still buzzing around from Wake's offensive against Nagato earlier.

    The same dogfight that ties up Zuihou's fighters. For most of the battle, the light carrier has been unharassed, and so Hayashimo trots to the after end of her companion's flight deck to watch Zeros diving and turning, dancing in the sky as they exchange fire with the Abyssal planes abandoned there by Wake's retreat.

    "...Amazing. ...but also sad," the raven-haired destroyer murmurs, "...They know they will lose ...with no mother-ship to return to ...but they fight anyway."

    "Mm... It is sad. I'd happily let them land if they wanted to go home," Zuihou's voice sounds from within the carrier's hull, "But they don't trust us so they won't." She lets out a little sigh, "But~... I'm going to skim the water after the battle and see if there are any cute little Abyssal fairy pilots. If I can save them, I'll give them back to that Wo class next time I see her~! She'd be happy about that, I think."

    "...That... Wo class..." Hayashimo murmurs, falling silent as she watches the air battle unfold.

    On shore, Isuzu skates to the beach and then hops from water to land, stepping up beside Nagato. Though also damaged, she's in better shape than the flagship who opted to tank a pissed off Abyssal Demon. Her presence, it seems, is entirely supportive. All without actually asking if Nagato wanted help. She knows the answer already--Both the spoken answer, out of pride, and the unspoken one. Instead of asking, all she does is wrap a hand around Nagato's mangled port-side rigging and heft it a bit, eyes fixed on the burning hanger, "So that was the Isolated Island Demon, huh. Never saw her up close before."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Even with her natural strength, Sanary has quite a few obstacles in trying to keep a good hold on Lyria, the internal injuries being the big one. She only manages to hold onto her for a little while before losing her grip, rolling onto her side to cough out more blood and struggling to keep herself from falling back over.

     "Oh geez... Ach. D-did you really have to come in that fast?" The healer holds a hand to her chest as she mends the wounds in her ribs for the third or fourth time this week, panting slowly while looking over at Lyria. "I was patrolling this place when the... What's the name. The Fleet Daughters attacked."

     And then it dawns on her. They're technically supposed to be enemies out here, aren't they? Readying her buckler and adjusting her hold on the gunaxe, she starts backing away slowly while keeping a close/only eye on her senior. "B... But I've got the order to clear out of here, so. Wanna just call it draw?"

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     With the base lost and the resident defense forces retreating, the Borg ships cease fire and ascend quickly, one trailing heavy amounts of smoke and fire. Resistance is still futile, they just didn't want to force the point home today. However, if the ship girls have long-range sensors, they would notice that the less damaged ship is still close by, awaiting a signal from Sanary. They are not going to force Sanary to leave, but they suspect that with all other Confederate forces now disengaged or disengaging, she will not stay long.

     But, until that time, the Fleet Daughters and their allies are no longer subjected to Borg plasma attacks.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato stays silent, the arm from Isuzu is felt and she gives her another silent nod. She shakes her head some and moves to sail off towards the recovery island, wrapping a hand around Isuzu. "It was. I do not think that's the last we'll see of her though. But if Samar's fielding the Demons, we need to be more prepared. This means she is getting serious or we lucked out." she shakes her head a bit. "We will come back to salvage what we can then make sure they can never use this again.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is still very shaken up, she hadn't through her attack plan through fully at this point. It seems that she is with it enough to click to Sanary is with the feds and was on patrol here. She's slippery as a sea creature as she does break free and she's now trying to go for a weapon at this point.

"...your working with Lute's psycho murderous ship spirit friends?! We're trying to help them by knocking sense back into them if we can! Just ... go, just leave your allies are departing."

There's enough fighting they have their objective.

"I accept your Parley now go."

Parlay it's a pirate thing it seems on more than one world, lucky for Sanary it holds true on Lyria's world.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary breathes a sigh of relief when it appears that Lyria's willing to let her off, although she does frown slightly at the mention of the Abyssals. "They're just trying to help the Fleet Daughters remember what they forgot. Even if the way they're trying to do it is kinda... Like a suicidally huge trust fall."

     Probably not the best way to try and convince Lyria, but it did sound better in Sanary's head than it did coming out of it. As if the whole situation needed to be any more awkward than it already was. Glancing at the Borg ship, the healer takes a long breath to steel herself before dropping her stance.

     "I'll... Uh. I'll see you at school, then." And then she gestures at the Borg to signal her exit!