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The Evil That Men Do
Date of Scene: 22 May 2015
Location: Paragon City <CoH>
Synopsis: Heroes and villains clash on Valor Bridge over a shipment of ingredients for a medicine that could save the life of Dr. Vasilikos's father, and many other heroes!
Cast of Characters: Maya, 414, 513, 631, 738, 769

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    December 7th, 1941. German supersoldiers attacked Independent Port, the base of the Lend/Lease Program sending war equipment to the troubled British Isles. Despite the huge material and human damage they cause, the hero Atlas single-handedly stopped the attack, but lost his life in the process.

    May 22nd, 2003 (Present Day). In the middle of this zone, Valor Bridge, a symbol of sacrifice acts as a connection between the island that houses Paragon City's nuclear reactor, Terra Volta, and Patriot Wharf. It serves as a life line for maintenance workers, supply trucks, civilian and military transportation, and also heroes who are trying to keep Terra Volta safe from the many super villains who have been plagueing it since before the power plant's construction was even finished. It's a lengthy bridge, over lots of water.

    Vasilikos Laboratories is on a small island off the coast to the north-west of Independence Port. It can be reached by travelling beyond Industry Pier in the far north-west corner of the zone. Three trucks are on their way from Terra Volta, where rare ingredients were collected from the remains of mysterious creatures known as the Devouring Earth, and are to be used in the production of a serum that could possibly save Vasilikos Sr.'s life. With them is a physician from Vasilikos Laboratories who knows the formula and the proper amounts of each ingredient. She has been making sure everything is where it should be, and that everything goes as planned...


    But the expectation of villainous activity also means that heroes have been requested to be on the alert. Captain Blastoff, a rocket-propelled hero with flame powers, is in the area, but OTHER heroes are likely to be needed. Right now, all seems to be going as planned, and a police escort is keeping any suspicious traffic to a minimum, but who knows what will happen in the near future?

    MISSION OBJECTIVE: Protect the shipment, and Defeat enemy leader.



    Villains have been tipped off to what's happening, and not only the gangs of Paragon City but individual villains who aren't part of a group may have developed an interest in making things difficult... Vasilikos Sr. and his son, Demetrios, have saved a lot of good guys with their medical treatments. Making sure the older doctor doesn't get better could not only end one life, but result in the loss of countless more who might have been saved if the doc had still been around.

    Terra Volta is the source of the ingredients needed for a possible cure, but it's also the source of virulent toxins from the same Devouring Earth group. Those toxins are being studied in an outdoor laboratory, behind layers of air-tight plastic walls. Defeating the guards and snatching some of the poisons should be a piece of cake for a capable bad guy. Then it's just a matter of fighting through to the trucks, destroying all but one of them, and contaminating whatever ingredients are left!

    MISSION OBJECTIVE: Steal the poison, Defeat the guards and Hero, Destroy trucks (2 remaining), and Poison the ingredients.

Mordekaiser (738) has posed:
    Information is never hard to come by, including when you hear something on the wind and then can go to the source. The source however wont be able to warn that something very dangerous is on the way, because Mordekaiser has disposed of any such warnings. While villains gather for the evil deeds to be done, all hired no doubt to do what the contract has asked of them... the undead though have no use for money.

Mordekaiser has come not for the needs of evil men or creatures needing bodies to help in this assault, no, he has come for his own personal reasons. To save lives is a tragedy in his mind. To allow them to not join in the wonders that is the afterlife; the wonders that is Shadow Isles.

It would take a few more, interrogations of either straight up fear or soul ripping before he gets a feel for what this little transport is about. Including the complications there in that just simply destroying the shipment wont get the results he wants. More method of... mad science is in order.

This brings Mordekaiser at last to his chosen place and thankfully when you are undead, you don't need to breath. The Metal Wraith rises out of the water after the Convoy has started on its way. Allowing the other villain group to be the main distraction for those will to protect life.

With each step the Master of Metal takes on the land, the ground under him withers away and dies. The air brings a cold chill as he moves ever closer to his objective and those red eyes gleam from the void under his crowned, metal helm.

The only thing he rumbles about as he moves in is that the laboratory is made of plastic. How annoying, a resource he can not manipulate, but that is why he has the massive war mace that he carries on his back, weighing down his own cape for now. The only thing Mordekaiser has to say to the guards in a deep rumble is a simple dark laugh. He is going to enjoy this...

Reker (631) has posed:
    Behind the convoy is a vehicle that looks like it might belong in the city, in about twenty years. Sleek and yet armored, this utility truck has a currently unmanned gun mount on top of it and is being driven by Reker. He's trying his best to look like just another member of the convoy, that way whoever does attack won't expect that it's anything more than another guard vehicle.

    He's fully expecting an attack and is waiting, watching. Eyes dart back and forth across either side of the bridge, waiting to see those tell-tale red lines that indicate that someone is about to start shooting. He does his best to use the bullet line to his advantage whenever he can and it's kept him alive (for the most part) so far. Sure he might not be able to block bullets but he has always prefered the good old fashioned offensive blitz to trying to play defensively anyway.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With a general Union alert out for this, and Finna wandering close enough to pick it up, well.. things have gotten a bit interesting for the foxy Lunar Exalt.

    interesting enough that there's a fox where there should be no fox, period.

    A fox that shouldn't even be around here.

    It's riding on one of the rear bumpers of a truck in the middle, fur ruffling wildly in the wind...

Maya has posed:
The Blue Witch wss here, after the mess in the void? This was almost relaxing when she thought about it. Reker had seemed to settle in pretty well, to the multiverse and Maya was perched iun the back of one of the trucks. She's got several cars in hand as she wits on her truck. She seems to be keeping a watchful eye, n things for the most part, but she's really sensing for magic...

Revan (414) has posed:
     Lately, the Prodigal Knight had been arriving in Paragon City by way of smaller transportation than by way of the Ebon Hawk. While the citizens didn't seem to mind, it seemed more polite, not to mention far more stealthy, even if a swoop bike still stood out as alien. But even though Lowri preferred to make as few waves as possible, now as one of the city's 'registered heroes', she couldn't help but stand out. Dressed in the traditional robes of a member of the Jedi Order with her lightsabers fastened to the belt, the Guardian looked, as she overheard at the train station one day, "like someone out of a samurai flick." Not that she was the only one, but Lowri noted that Samuraiko didn't seem to be one of the heroes on the escort.

     Continuing to quietly watch for the trouble that was bound to happen as she rode alongside the transport, the Jedi flicked her gaze to the truck Maya rode on even as she extended her senses out through the Force and listened for disruptions. After the absolute mess that she and the Blue Witch had recently returned from, an escort mission seemed relaxing by comparison, but things were bound to take a turn for the 'interesting' very soon. And she didn't need the Force to tell her what personal experience already did.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    The security guards are no match for Mordekaiser if he uses that mace of his upon them. They might get some shots off at him from their handguns, but they aren't a heavy protection force. Surrounded by security drones, with a more full defensive compliment at the entrance to Terra Volta nearby, they simply weren't expecting a super villain to scale the side of the island and take them out! Once he gets inside, he'll only have some cowering scientists to deal with who flee at the first opportunity. There's a refrigerator cannister full of vials of something black and green and nasty-looking suspended on a series of racks. Grabbing a few should be enough.

    If what Mordekaiser has learned so far is accurate, Devouring Earth poisons are virulent, persistent, and spread like a mix of pollution and disease to corrupt every living thing they touch. Some of it spread or poured on the serum ingredients, or even just splashed on the containers they're in should ensure the creeping fungal growths get into the mix as soon as they're used.

    And wouldn't you know it? While Mordekaiser is doing that, someone else is making a move that will take attention off of his violent acquisition. Now to get to the bridge, on the north-side of the island, and start busting up anyone between him and the trucks!


    Meanwhile, as Lowri on her speederbike, Finna on the back of a truck, Maya also on the back of a truck, and Reker DRIVING a truck (or van. A future van. Whatever it is!) all escort the convoy, the sound of jet engines can be heard growing louder and louder. Thankfully, they never quite reach the level of a plane or anything. But that's only because the jets are much smaller. A metal machine that looks like a flying helmet with a breather grill on the front, and a mix of rocket launchers and vents on the sides, comes coasting up over the edge of the bridge. Then two... Three... Five... Eight more! The flying machines match speeds with the trucks and escorts... And then start shooting rockets at the police leading the way up front, causing cars to crash and resulting in a barrier to further progress!

    Vehicles struggle to stop and avoid making the crash worse, but at the same time this is going on, a pair of metal men of some kind leap down from high above -- the support structures at the top of the bridge, no doubt! And then, men in skull-like helmets and red uniforms start climbing up onto the bridge from where they've been waiting in concealment on its underside with cables! In short order, the 5th Column has begun opening fire with a variety of weapons, ranging from flamethrowers, and missile launchers, to chainguns, and even some kind of rifle that shoots freezing and incendiary rounds!

    Chaos erupts on the bridge!

Maya has posed:
The Junker seme prety chill all things considered but tha'ts when things are going to start get crazy as it turns out there are hostiles. These one are far more organized than she expected. She's caught off guard as the truck skids to a halt and she's sent flying. Maya's thankfully able to land in a couch and looks up to stare down the 5th Column troops would find Maya laucnhing bolts of lighting at the metal men blocking the way.

Finna (513) has posed:
    All the noise attracts Finna's attention likely far before anyone else notices. Her ears are shaaaaarp in this form, even sharper than normal. The whining, screeching jets get her dashing up atop the truck for a look...

    No sooner does the vixen do that than she's barking out in alarm! Again and again.

    And it's a shrill, piercing noise far louder than any normal fox could manage.

    The little creature backflips in place, landing on all fours... but no longer a fox. Instead a young woman in huntress leathers rises to her feet, animal ears and tail visible and glinting silver. In fact, patterns of silver swirl all over her skin - tribal tattoos of the highest ornate design.

    "An ambush? So crude..."

    TOO crude, Finna decides. Crude enough that her Spy Senses are bothering her.

    So while she pulls out a bow from elsewhere and fires some arrows at the intake grilles of the assault machines, she doesn't stay there long.

    Instead, she scurries across the trucks at high speed looking for any signs of someone trying to infiltrate them during the chaos!

    This is how you stay goal oriented!

Reker (631) has posed:
    Reker's form flickers for a moment as he vanishes from the driver's seat of the truck, instantly appearing in the turret. He racks back the charging handle on the big machine gun mounted there, and swings the turret around to level it toward those missile equipped flying drones. It's not the first time he's fought drones, and he knows these things are usually too quick to take effective aim.

    He sort of wishes he'd equipped the minigun instead of the .50 caliber, but a little late to worry about it now, because the fight's already started. Taking aim at the closest of those flying drones, he presses down on the trigger with both of his thumbs, and the machine gun begins to rattle it's battle cry. Big ass bullets go flying from the weapon, quite a decent rate of fire with a tracer every fifth round, the weapon thumping hard enough to shake the whole turret as he fires.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Revan's apprehension was proved quickly enough. Seconds before the 5th column's attack, the Jedi was pinged hard through the Force.

     "That didn't take long," she muttered before starting to call out over the noise of the convoy. "We're about to have..."

     And suddenly the trucks were screeching to a hard stop to avoid the odd flying machines. "...Company. Shards."

     Swoop bike coming to a much smoother stop -- having no wheels makes for smoother movements -- Lowri's right hand was already freeing one of her lightsabers from her belt. Using the Force to reinforce her muscles and leap upward, she activated the lightsaber in her hand and sent it hurling towards the closest airborne Mek Man threatening the drivers of one truck.

     A distraction most likely, but her first priority was to protect the noncombatants.

Mordekaiser (738) has posed:
Mordekaiser continues to walk up toward the guards. Their bullets ping and ding across the heavy metal armor hide. Only scuffing up that unholy armored body of his and doing little effort to slow him down. Even if his gate is not the swiftest; It doesn't have to be.

He swings that massive mace to knock down several guards, before extending out his free hand and causing the metal from the very earth to come to life. Ripping out of the soul and impaling several guards as they tried to run off or seek for cover. The spikes drop back into the ground shortly after, leaving the bodies to just collapses onto the withered ground under his feet as he stands before the fallen officers.

His free hand then glows a ghost aura around it as he extends out his hand, only to find the those he attempted to claim the lives of ushered away. "How annoying." He retorts with a tight clench of his free hand.

It would not be long after this, does a wall get smashed down and guard thrown through in it Mordekaiser's mild continued annoyance to how protected these living beings were. Though the man's gun now in the Metal Wraith's control as he he simply motions with it to fire down several of the Scientist trying to maybe get away but finds it unusable, which only continues to be his ire really. This world was one he'll be happy to see join the undeath soon enough if he can have his way.

He then adjusts the war mace in his hands, before he looks over to where the vials are. Then to the scientist who have perhaps hurdled themselves in proper fear.

If the locks were metal, he easily break it free with a mild motions of his hand and if it takes more force, he can easily provide that as well. As he examines the vials, before shifting his armor to holster the vials. Yet with one he stops, and then looks over to the scientists who remain. "These... chemicals." He shakes the vial a bit in his heavy metal hand. "They kill everything living, yes? No known cure... no... vaccine?"

Mordekaiser walks over to them, his metal feet heavily impacting the ground with each step. The scientist may feel the cold air of death moving around them as he gets ever closer. That chill of something ever so wrong about the armored menace. "And if this is placed in the vials within the convoy? How many lives do you think will pass on?"

Though the convoy is now under attack down further away, Mordekaiser doesn't seem to be in a rush to make his way for the excitement. He will get there soon enough, after all. The more distracted the heroes are... the less chance they will stop him.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    The arrows from Finna slam into the grills of the Steel Valkyrie's, causing them to smoke and drift a bit as internal control systems are disrupted. As she goes looking for infiltrators, she may notice there's something that stands out among the soldiers who are attacking. A pale-skinned creature in a leathre harness, with glowing-red goggles, pointed ears, hairless body, poison-green gloves, and black pants. It looks like a vampire, but is out in broad daylight.

    "We will HAVE zhe serum! It will reduce zhe recuperation time from Vampyri converstion to only one-tenth what it is now!" he exposits to those nearby while some of the Raserei attempt to get into the back of and begin unloading one of the trucks. A red-haired older woman in a doctor's outfit is inside the refrigerated truck, and calls out, "No, stop! The doctor needs those for his father!"

    "Ja, Lieutenant Schneider!" A Raserei Ubermenschen Unteroffizier agrees with the Vampyri Commandant, next to his Boss.

    Maya's lightning bolts hit one of the Mek Men, who doesn't seem to take the kind of electrical damage you'd expect of a robot. About the same as a person would take. It's still crackling with visible electricity and writhing in a stunned state for a moment, but it breaks free soon enough, scorched... But still operational. It raises one of its arms and released a focused beam of energy from one hand that may hit hard enough to knock the Blue Witch back if she is struck. If she evades, then it just smashes into the bridge and leaves a shallow hole. While firing, the Mek Man is trying to get closer as well! Maybe it's stronger in melee?

    The machinegun of Reker's pelts the drones, which seem to have omni-directional jets. They can't quite manage to evade in time, while focused on the task of bombarding people with mini-rockets, and several get destroyed. They aren't super durable, just maneuverable. Without an artillery bombardment going on, the defenders on the bridge should have a better chance!

    Revan's lightsaber slashes through the Mek Man's front, leaving molten metal and a clear gouge clear through from front to back in its wake! ...And somehow the machine is still operational!? It must have multiple redundant systems to be able to sustain such damage and keep working! Just like with Maya's lightning, the attack is fully effective, the enemy is just hard to put down!

    The machine turns towards Lowri and charges her, its mechanical hands springing claws from the rims of its cannons, and energy engulfing the focusing blades. It's even moving in a zig-zag pattern to make it harder to hit again.

    Great, so they're intelligent too. Freaking Nazi robo hax. At least the driver is safe!



Scientist's Report

    'One of the scientists told you this, "We... We're still trying to find a cure! But we don't have one yet! The closest thing we have is an adaptive regeneration serum, devised by Dr. Vasilikos! The ingredients derived from the Tree of Life used by the Devouring Earth monsters! Those poison samples are incredibly dangerous! Why would you poison the supplies!? N-never mind! Just let me out of here!"'

    It seems that not only will the poison itself kill people, but it will render the very things that could cure it unusable without causing what they're meant to prevent! It's perfect for Mordekaiser's purposes! Maybe cargo handlers and other physicians will even get infected too!

Mordekaiser (738) has posed:
Mordekaiser listens to the scientist and chuckles softly as he looks at the vial. The red eyes gleaming with delight. "Heh heh, Perfect. Thank you... doctors. Please let your officials know that the Lord of Shadow Isles sends his regards..." Thankfully for them they are allowed to live and speak of the tale of what they have seen.

As for the eight foot armored Wraith he at last makes his way to where the action is taking place. It takes him sometime to arrive there, but when he does he observes the action unfolding before him. Robot Nazi machines and another group entirely, then there are those fighting back. Including the vehicle at which he needs to get inside of in order to carry out the means to wipe out some worthless lives.

With each step he makes his way over. He does not run. He does not jog. He simply walks with precise, heavy steps. The cape bellows out slightly from the ocean wind that runs off the sea. He could see the human scrum of a villains unloading one van. They could have it and the anger of the heroes, have their focus.

He was after his own supply and it would only need a little.

The Metal Wraith continues to move toward the furthest of the vehicles, one that is not compromised he hopes. If none stop him, he will get in closer before extending out his hand only a few feet away to force the latches to unlock in order to get inside-- or at least close enough.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Byyyyy any chance," Finna calls out from directly above the Raserei raiders, having positioned herself at the truck's rear by SOMEHOW crawling along the walls and ceiling like a certain costumed hero of another land.

    "You didn't aspire to snatching it away for free? With a little tweaking it could unlock the secret of EVERLASTING YOUTH! Who knows what else?"

    Finna drops atop a crate and spinkicks the goon away from her new perch. Then she gets to waggling a finger back and forth at the apparent Lieutenant. "You'll be coughing up several million at least, and on the black market to boot! After all..."

    Faster than lightning she pulls something out from behind her back. It's a tiny white metal case with a flip-lid. A flick of the wrist reveals dozens of vials filled with all colors of liquids sloshing around in them. Finna even makes a show of drawing one out and waggling it tauntingly. "Finders keepers!"

    This probably has done NOTHING WHATSOEVER for the redhead's nerves, but on the other hand, she will know better.

    From there she vaults through the air, somersaults, and aims to land on Schneider's head. Which she'll be easily able to do, without losing her balance. Whether he can stand with all her added weight (not that she's very heavy is another matter.)

    So is whether he can stand having her peer down at him with one hell of a taunting grin.

    Of course, should anyone with a will harder than iron or tremendously powerful magic have a look at Finna, she's not carrying any case of vials.

    It's a coffee mug, filled with wet leaves.

Maya has posed:
Maya makes a note these guys actually put money into surge protectors. She's going to take note of it as the machine is sitll coming at her and that's going to force her fade back from the thing and keep moving. The Mek Man clearly wants to get into melee. Given the claws on it's hand it's pretty obvious just abotu what it's up to. This is where Maya changes tatics and starts using focused blasts of water to at least try to knock it down and set it up for Revan to put her light saber to use. Maya seems to have experiance dealing with allies who like to get close up into melee.

She's not sitting still and she's just managed to dodge the beam. She has to wonder who had the design forsight and budget to build things like this for a raid. Seriously who are these guys?! She doesn't know the markings or uniforms at all.

Finna's own stunts gets some notice but she's going to have the Lunar some questions later. She's sadly lost track of Reker a bit but she's confident he can hold is own in this furball.

Revan (414) has posed:
     Even as the Jedi landed nimbly, the lightsaber came back to her right hand as she switched on the second one. Now armed with both, she dropped into the en garde stance for Form IV as the Mek Man attempted to close the gap. Damaged though it was, the bizarre 'droid' wasn't about to short out, not to mention the loss of an arm didn't seem to slow it down. Its zig-zagging movements were tougher to follow than those of a human being -- given that it /wasn't/ one -- but Revan channeled the Force to be able to keep up, her own motions becoming a blur of blue light and characteristic humming as the energy blades. Whoever the builders were knew their craft. And a ridiculous amount of redundant circuits didn't hurt, either.

     "My /word/, that's overengineered," she quipped dryly.

     Glancing over at another kind of commotion, what seemed at first to be Finna taunting the Raserei with a set of vials. Fortunately, something seemed 'off' about the image, and with a bit of concentration the Jedi was able to see through the illusion. Not that she was about to say anything about it, though. The Lunar's seemed to be working pretty well.

     But yet, something still felt off. "I have a feeling things are about to get considerably messier," Revan commented over the din.

Reker (631) has posed:
    With the ongoing gunfire from Reker's machine gun taking down the drones, he thinks he's going to need to move in and get a little closer aquainted. These are Nazis, or at least relatively modernized Nazis, and if there's one thing in this whole Multiverse Reker would say he specializes in, it's shooting Nazis.

    He jumps off of the truck and it phases out of existance as it returns to his inventory, moving towards where the facists are gathering up those vials of syrums. That's not gonna fly.

    Reker jumps on top of one of the trucks, holding his Devastator HCAR in one hand as he looks down at the Fifth Column troops, "Alright you jack booted assholes, listen up. I've killed more Nazis over the years than actually existed in the actual World War, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stop now." He reaches up and racks the bolt back on the weapon, which is a modern version of the Browning Automatic Rifle, a weapon designed specifically to shoot Nazis.

    "Normally I'd give you guys a chance to surrender, but hell, that rule doesn't apply to Nazi scum like you. Lets do this!" He jumps off of the truck and fires a burst of shots from midair. The barrel of the weapon has a blue muzzle flash, indicating that he's currently firing stun rounds. It'll change when he swaps ammo types.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Some of the Raserei seem to take Mordekaiser for one of the heroes, and break off their fisticuffs with the police officers to take shots at him with those weird ice/fire-laser rifles of theirs. The cops do too, because the fight they were having moments before is clearly not as important as this new guy.

    But the majority seem to be focused on the heores being more active combatants, and the fact that Mordekaiser doesn't QUITE look like heroic material means he is largely ignored. Even if he's making every spot on the bridge he steps turn grey as the color and any small amounts of moss or weed growth is killed, it's not the 5th Column's problem! For the most part, he has a direct path to one of the trucks in the rear, and only a couple mooks mistakenly trying to stop him.

    But then, who should appear? But CAPTAAAAAAIN BLASTOFFFFF! A super hero in a metal helmet, dark-red leather coat with the buttons on the left side of the chest, slacks, and a rocket pack on his back descends from the sky amidst jets of flame, and lands directly in Mordekaiser's path. "Hold it right there, villain! You don't get any closer to this medicine!"

    Mordekaiser has completed one objective. Now he just needs to defeat the hero protecting the convoy to get objective #2 out of the way!


Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Finna has chosen the worst person to try to get onto the head of and use mind trickery on. Because moments after her maneuver, she may feel her own mind getting assaulted with psychic power! Dark-purple energy radiates from his head as psionic claws and fangs try to tear their way into the Lunar's head. If successful, she may be momentarily impaired and held in place! Even if she's resistant to such an effect, the attack would probably still hurt and deal hefty 'psyche damage'!

    Schneider is one of those with a strong will.

    The Raserei around him? Not so much. But they also have been trained quite thoroughly to have fanatical loyalty. So they do as they're told when Schneider calls out, "Keep unloading zhe truck! I will deal with zhis one!" The one who was kicked was hit hard enough that he's having trouble getting back up, and seems disoriented.

    The red-haired doctor does something unexpected then, when no one is focusing on her. She draws a hand crossbow from inside of her lab coat, and fires a dart of some kind at one of the soldiers who was about to hand a crate off to a Raserei clinging to the side of the bridge, ready to hand it down to a boat situated in the waters below. The soldier gets nailed in the back with the dart, and seems to convulse almost immediately and start to move much more slowly as he turns sluggishly to try to figure out who is shooting him. In that time, the red-head has rapidly fired several more darts into the other Raserei, rendering them similarly slowed down. "Don't worry, Hero! I'll keep them busy! They'll regret crossing Doctor Faith Maccabe! No one will get in the way of Dr. Vasilikos's work!"

    The water blasts unbalance the Mek Man and send him spilling to the ground. His ball-joints reverse direction while he's on the ground and he starts crawl-walking his way towards the Blue Witch like some creepy four-legged spider. The Mek Man is beeping and smoking as he keeps trying to close with Maya, but she's being quite evasive, and the continued bombardment of water upon both this Mek Man and the one that Lowri is fighting is having a cumulative effect. Their metal bodies crumple, bit by bit, under the deluge. And when the one to attack Maya is finally damaged enough, it shuts down. It doesn't explode dramatically like one might expect a robot to in a world like this. It's not engineered to explode. It was built QUITE well, thank you very much. Because GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE WORLD'S GREATEST, obviously.

    As Revan uses the Force to match blades with the energy-charged claws of the other Mek Man, dealing damage even as it seems to be learning her movements, the water blasts it's getting in the back are hampering its reaction time. Eventually, when it gets plasma-speared in the face, enough of its redundant systems have been destroyed that it slumps to the ground, molten in many places and nearly carved into separate parts.

    Tough customers. These must be the droids that many bad guys have been looking for.

    The third truck is leapt upon by Reker. The 5th Column don't wait long when he starts speeching at them, and instead open fire. Thankfully, Reker leaps down from the roof and pelts them with stun rounds, simultaneously evading the shots (hopefully), and reducing the number of people who can keep shooting at him. Combined with the heroes and the police, the number of 5th Column soldiers is gradually being reduced. No new reinforcements are showing up, just the ones below, waiting for crates to be delivered that aren't getting delivered.

    It's likely that if they're stalled for much longer, then the defeat of their leader could herald 'Plan: Get Out Of Herr'.

Mordekaiser (738) has posed:
The mooks attempt to stop Mordekaiser and he ignores them for a bit, before at last having enough of the nonsense. His eyes glow brightly and along with his hand, as he swings it across. Any lose metal laying around near him is suddenly flung knocking aside the mooks and cops alike.

Mordekaiser grunts gently as he goes to turn around to only get called down from above by a hero. If he had a jaw-- he would pop it right now. The armor where it had been scorched starts to repair itself slowly and the frozen parts seeming to absorb the ice away as he looks at Captain Blastoff before him. His hand opened and flexed a metal as the metal pieces rubbed against one another.

The man had metal on him, metal he could use to his advantage, but he was starting to grow weary of the activity from having to use a great deal of his power already to get to where he is. He could simply swat the man aside perhaps or fling a door into his backside. Maybe even test one of these vials before it is mixed in? Oh would that not be ironic-- a hero who causes the destruction and not him. Yet he was running out of time and patience...

"I would think wiser of your.. hah motives." Mordekaiser says with a low rumble. "As I don't have time to play with... such living heroics." Mordekaiser then looks over to the metal suspension cable attacked to the bridge. He extends out his hand and the metal starts to creek, then their is a groan as parts start to snap free and pop off.

Mordekaiser then peers at Captain Blastoff before he points his claw index finger at him. His voice growing deep and steely. "Now begone from my sight, fool." Not long after those words are spoken, the Metal Wraith closes his hand then swings it to the side. The cable yanks out from its holding and like a whip, it rears around and goes to swat the super hero away, much like perhaps one with even do with a fly swatter to a bug.

Finna (513) has posed:

    Finna loses her balance, a one-in-a-million occurence. She simply topples to the ground with hands on her head, the coffee mug shatters, its payload of wet leaves scattering in the wind of explosions.

    But Finna's left hissing and chittering gibberish briefly...

    But not for long.

    Clumsily the foxgirl wobbles upright, and FINALLY regains her balance. "Fine... ya wanna do things the hard way? Let's /boogey!/"

    Silver power visibly crackles through her tattoos, then expands outwards in a billowing display of raw, swirling power. Full of every shade of swirling purple, silver, and blue, the light casts eerie shadows in every which direction. Shadows that move on their own without strictly following their light source, shadows that depict lashing tails, slashing claws, and fanged faces. Surrounded by the scents of the night air, Finna ducks down low like a beast ready to pounce... and then...

    "HUUUUUUUUOOOOARHH!!!" Strikes upwards. The blow resembles an uppercut, but it's executed with a massive clawed paw trailing silver light, sharp enough to rip through steel!

    Once delivered (successful or not) the paw shrinks back into Finna's normal hand, only for her to transition into a grandstanding series of brutal knifehand swipes, swinging kicks to the knee joints and other savage blows!

Maya has posed:
Maya is trying to set things up at this point for her allies uisng her powers and now she's going to start focusing on supporting her allies. With the Mek-man finally going down from seemingly a combine effort form everyone else. Maya's now focusing her allies now. She looks baout to see what's left of the 5th column's force and now is going to get into some more wider area magic. She's got two cards in hand, one blue and one red, blue fire leeches from her body into both of them.

She focu rthe spell and then unleahs her own magic against as many of the enemy near her as she can to slow them down. The magic is clear it's obvious and the victems would gain a fiant red aura, and the world would be seeming to slow down to them or is it speeding up?

Revan (414) has posed:
     With the Mek Man dispatched, it seemed a good time to help a certain fox out, particularly after a psychic attack. Those Lowri was quite familiar with. And with Finna that close and to say nothing of collateral damage, she wasn't going to be able to casually toss a grenade. That left the Jedi one particular option.

     Calling on the Force again, she leapt the entire distance from where she had been to Schneider's location, even slashing at the psychic Nazi vampyr with both lightsabers.

     "Thanks!" she called out to Maya.

Reker (631) has posed:
    Reker takes several shots as he jumps down off of the truck, rolling over onto a shoulder a couple times before he comes up onto a knee. He reloads the weapon, the glow shifting from blue to red. Now the weapon is firing incindiary rounds. Every time he takes a shot he doesn't bleed, but winds up with glowing red spots on his body. He returns fire on the troops with his HCAR.

    He moves for cover after firing several shots off before he swaps his weapon out for his grenade launcher, popping out from behind cover to fire off a shot from the multi-shot grenade launcher, trying to take out a group of guys with a single shot.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Mordekaiser's bridge suspension cable whip attack is super effective. It snaps into Captain Blastoff right as he's preparing to blast off, with flames gathering around some kind of heavy bracers on his wrists that spin at high speed. He is hit hard and sent flying (and not of his own free will) right off the bridge, and into the water. He is hurt by the blow, but as a mid-tier hero, he is probably not going to be knocked out that easily! And yet... For some strange reason... He doesn't come flying back up to face Mordekaiser again. Maybe his rocket pack shorts out in water or something. WEIRD.

    Either way, rockets are being fired by the 5th Column as they seem to decide that if they can't have the serum ingredients, no one can. Two trucks are taking heavy damage. One is intact. And it is that one which Mordekaiser is able to make his way to without further interference, having dispatched the cops and soldiers who attacked him before. There are crates and cannisters and bags of red granular material and so on. All of this could save a life -- or many lives. All of it has to go, so that the dying may begin. And no one is there to stop Mordekaiser.


    Finna's shadowy claw slash hurls Schneider back with deep gouges in his ghastly pale skin. When he gets back up, he's being attacked with a barrage of martial arts moves that leave him off-balance and in pain! But when the attacks finally top, the Vampyr takes only the time to stop and focus -- WILLING his organs to speed up their passive regeneration, and instantly causing several of his injuries to close right back up. But it wasn't enough to heal him completely, even if he's still visibly healing quickly. Then he starts to reach out for Finna, with a hand shrouded in shadows...

    Revan lands with a Force-enhanced leap and double-slashes the Vampyr Commandant with her lightsabers. He is knocked back with blistering skin, hissing and cursing in German. His makes a grasping gesture at the air, attempting to steal life force from Revan and use it to heal himself further!

    Meanwhile, Maya's magic, combined with the sedative darts that Doctor Maccabe keeps shooting into the soldiers, is keeping any allies from helping the vampire. With Reker then bombarding them with grenades and scattering them all over the bridge or hurling them right OFF of it and into the water, it's only a short time before the Vampyre Commandant is alone. Two of the trucks catch fire from the combination of previous damage taken and area-of-effect damage from the grenades, but they are not wholly destroyed.

    This appears to be the final stretch! If only this freaking vampire didn't have like four different ways of healing himself. Such an annoying Boss.

Mordekaiser (738) has posed:
The trucks are under attack, but the Metal Wraith's eyes focus on the superhero he swatted away. Those red eyes observe the scene and yet--- he does not return. There was a slight head tilt of some disappointment, before he slowly turns back to the cargo at which he came to sabotage. That is-- until the attacks came from the mooks the others were fighting.

Mordekaiser ignored the attacks though and any stray bullet that hit him, either skipped off his armor plating or dented into the metal, at which only popped out as the armor repair ed itself. he reached for the canisters and took the vials he had tucked away. Then with popping one open after the other he started to mix what should be to save lives, with that which can destroy. Then closed the canister, before shoving it back into place.

The Master Of Metal then lumbered back as he held three vials in his fingers, looking at them with some slight awe and fascination. Yet he did not remain, instead as he made his way for the edge of the bride, his heavy foot came to rest on the railing bending it, then with a loud grunt, he used snapped free another cable, before whipping it toward some of the Nazi's and heroes alike. Why?

A simple distraction perhaps, or attempting to aid in the destruction of those crates as the cable was even threatening those. Though after the lash out, he shoved himself off allowing himself to fall with the three vials into the water below. Thankfully Mordekaiser being what he was, after that 'failed' attempt, he probably would not be rising from the depths of the oceans any time soon. What if he released those into the ocean? Or into a waterway? That should be the real concern, because it too-- was also an option while he was down there. Though that was never his plan, but he'll let them all consider it, because he /just/ might for curiosity sake.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With a suspension cable swinging her way at tremendous speeds in one direction and a freaky psychic coming at her another way, Finna does the best possible thing she can think of to deal with this dilemna.

    She ducks down, legs bunching like springs... and SPRINGS FORWARD and down, rolling between Scheider's legs just as the suspension cable's coming her way!

    So he'd probably be better off aborting that manuever.The moment Finna's righted she's once again a fox instead of a human, a much smaller and faster target.

    A small creature that leaps up atop a truck further to the rear overlooking the flying cables and departing MOrdekaiser.

    "Dammit. I can't be EVERYWHERE!"

Maya has posed:
The Blue Witch aka Maya is doing her thing with the magic support he allie and she watche as the enemy is going scattering. OR being tossed into the water. She however is going to attend to the fires. Maya's from a city built around industial work so she knows about how to handle fires like this. She's moving to chant an earth spell to smother the fire, it's going to be a bit messy but it will get the fires out and prevent the gas tanks from cooking off, or so she hopes.

Revan (414) has posed:
     The Life Drain was certainly an unpleasant and rather painful surprise, something which was a particularly rare Dark Side power in her own universe. And particularly annoying when the blasted Vampyre Commandant healed himself with it. This fight was dragging on longer than it had any right to.

     But then, Lowri preferred fighting in unorthodox ways, using more than just her standard weapons. She heeded the sudden warning of the whip cable coming their way, but did more than simply dodge it. Leaping backwards and out of the way of its trajectory, the Jedi likewise guided it through the Force right at Schneider and adding some extra 'oomph' for good measure. Fortunately for her, the foxgirl seemed to have bailed in time, which gave her a nice, open target.

     Of course, there was something of a worry about /how/ the cable snapped, but first, Schneider needed a nap.

Demetrios Vasilikos (769) has posed:
    Mordekaiser is successful in contaminating one of the medical supply trucks. Maya manages to put out the fires on the other two, but there's no telling how much, if any, of the ingredients are salvageable. However, Finna and Revan manage to finish off the already-weakened vampire boss by working together, sending him flying from the impact of a Force-enhanced steel cable (which was already being enhanced by magnetic control). Because of Finna's maneuver, he wasn't able to detect it incoming in time.

    Doctor Maccabe has stopped shooting darts at people following Reker taking out most of the soldiers with his grenades, and has gone back to acting more like you'd expect a doctor act. She's scrambling to check the ingredients in the truck, and helping anyone she can find who seems injured along the way. "Thank you, heroes!" she calls out, though she is understandably distracted by the urgency of making sure the things needed to cure Dr. Vasilokos Senior are intact.

    Captain Blastoff even makes a sudden appearance, erupting from the water! He seems to have a rather torn-up outfit, and some black fluid smeared all over him.

    He lands nearby, staggers, and says, "Good to see you all succeeded in defeating the villains... But you'll never believe what just happened!"


    Captain Blastoff's Tale

    'According to Captain Blastoff, after being knocked into the water, he was restrained and attacked by some kind of creature under the water. It seemed to have some kind of black fluid that kept him from flying and to have powerful limbs... Possibly tentacles.'

    Dun dun DUN dunnnn.... DUN!



    Dunnnn DUNNNNN DUN DUN dun dun dun dun DUN!