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Lost Logia Looters
Date of Scene: 30 May 2015
Location: Void - Deep Void (East)
Synopsis: After buying a Lost Logia at an auction, Vivio and Tomoyo stumble upon some thieves stealing the shipment and chase after them.
Cast of Characters: Tomoyo Daidouji, 737

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Mid-Childa, central world of the Time-Space Administration Bureau. Home to most of the elites associated with said organization, including Vivio and her family. It's also the location of today's Lost Logia auction, specifically on the outskirts of its capital city, Cranagan.

    Having met Tomoyo at the warpgate, Vivio proceeded to guide the alien through the city to the auction site, a small concert hall that had been renovated for this specific purpose. As Vivio had been told, and relayed to Tomoyo, the two were met with some apprehension by the other bidders, but thanks to preparation they were accepted well enough.

    The auction itself was fairly uninteresting. There were a number of Lost Logia on sale, on display using holoscreens due to their sensitive nature. Most unsuitable for Tomoyo's purpose for one reason or another. However, the last one on sale proved to have potential and after a close bidding war, Tomoyo won out.

    With the auction over and Tomoyo informed she'll receive her purchase after the appropriate paperwork has gone through, the two are heading back to the garage to leave. Vivio walks along beside Tomoyo in her disguise, grinning happily at the other girl, "So I know this store that sells the best sweets ever! We should go there and celebrate!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Vivio had warned Tomoyo that a lot of Lost Logia collectors tended to be eccentrics, so if she didn't want to stand out, she should go for the eccentric look herself. As such, she's gone for the whole 'old money' look. On her head is a lavender hat with a ridiculously wide brim, set at a rakish angle so that said brim covers her back and points to the sky ahead of her. Around the crown is a white ribbon, accessorised with a small bouquet of white roses. She wears a simple, sleeveless black dress with some sequins here and there, to make it glimmer in the right light, with matching opra gloves and heels. Around her neck, a white mink scarf is tied loosely, the ends hanging down to her knees. And of course, a pair of dark sunglasses, to at least try and seem incognito.

     As for Vivio, she had requested a maid outfit, so she could blend in as she guided Tomoyo about. Happy to oblige, the seamstress had made her one! It consisted of a dress. It's mostly black, with white ribbing around the chest and white lace on all the hems. The sleeves are short and puffy, and the skirt reaches her knees. On top of it is a white apron with poofy frills on the hem, tied up at the back into a big bow. On the wrists go a pair of black elastic cuffs with white frills, and on her legs, a pair of white thigh-high stockings, held up by black garters. A pair of low black wedge heels adorn her feet. And finally, to cap it all off, a frilly white maid headdress atop her head!

     Emerging from the converted auction hall, flush with the success of winning, and flanked by her four guards, she takes off her glasses and beams at Vivio. "Oh, that sounds marvellous~" Arriving at the small limo with tinted windows that Tomoyo and her guards arrived in, the two have the doors opened for them by the guards. Once everyone is buckled in, they begin to pull out!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    The limo doesn't get too far through the garage when it is forced to stop. There's a truck parked rather haphazardly ahead of them, blocking the exit. A strange place to put a truck, but hopefully they won't be there long.

    However, the longer the limo is made to wait, the more suspicious things get. Peeking out the window, Vivio idly asks, "What's going on?" Movement can be seen coming from the truck ahead, though it's hard to make out in the slightly darkened underground structure.

    What isn't hard to make out is the sudden bursts of magic, sending a uniformed man flying away from the truck and into the wall of the garage. He slumps down, not moving. There's another blast of magic and another guard goes flying, bouncing across the ground to a stop. Tires screech, the trucks end swing around as it turns and speeds out of the garage exit.

    Vivio blinks a little in surprise, until she notices her Device waving his arms a lot. Looking at him, Vivio asks, "What was that?"

    Chris waves some more, which roughly translates into, 'Detecting numerous signals identified as Lost Logia from the retreating vehicle!' Vivio's eyes go wide and she looks at Tomoyo, "You don't think...?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     As the limo is forced to stop due to the truck, the three guards not sitting at the wheel begin to look around, hands slipping underneath their jackets. "Oh, calm down ladies~ I'm sure it's nothing," Tomoyo says reassuringly, having taken off her wide hat. They do settle down a bit, but as the wait grows longer and longer, even Tomoyo starts to look concerned, looking out her own window.

     When the guards are blasted from the vehicle, she gasps, staring at them as they slump to the ground. She almost doesn't hear when George rattles off his analysis, but Vivio's words snap her out of it. "Oh no..."

     Shaking her head, she begins giving orders to her bodyguards! "Two of you stay, look after the guards and call the authorities! We're chasing them!" The four older women look at each other, not even their shades hiding their uncertainty. "Ma'am, I do not think that is wise," the driver says. Tomoyo frowns, and speaks in a more firm voice. "I won't let them get away with those Logia, even if mine isn't in there! Now go!"

     The four communicate a long-suffering look, before the guard in the passenger seat next to the driver gets out, along with one across from the younger girls. Once they're clear, the driver floors the accelerator, the limo speeding off after the truck!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio feels a little bad for the guards, though as the limo begins to speed out of the garage Vivio is fairly sure they're still alive. And thanks to Tomoyo, getting help!

    As the limo bursts out of the garage and onto the road, it's easy to see the truck ahead of them. The road is quite deserted, the concert hall the only thing in this area. This does make it easy to track the fleeing transport, but it also means it'll take a little for the police to get to the area. And unfortunately the road heads straight for a highway!

    Truck versus limo is an interesting test of performance, but for the moment it seems the limo has the upper hand as it begins to close the distance. As Vivio watches them getting closer and closer, she turns to look at Tomoyo, "S-so what do we do when we catch up to them?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     A limo it may be, but this isn't a limo rented to rich teens for prom! This is a limo used by rich, important people. As such, it has a bit more grunt under the hood than most, because you never know when kidnappers will try and take you while you're on the road. So, slowly but surely, the gap is closed!

     Tomoyo glances over at Vivio... a sheepish smile starting to form on her face. "I... don't know. Ehehe..." The driver has to keep her eyes on the road, but the bodyguard across from them barely manages to stop herself from sighing.

     "We certainly can't ram them off the road, it's much bigger than us. And it could damage the Logia. My guards don't carry guns, so we can't take out the wheels..." Tomoyo rubs her chin as she thinks, closing her eyes. "Vivio, do you think you could blow the driver's door off? If you do, my bodyguard could climb in and take control of the truck."

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio nods a little as she listens to Tomoyo... Makes sense. Though, "Well there is at least a mage in the truck. And maybe more than one! So it might not be easy... But we can try it! Just get me up next to the truck."

    The two vehicles follow the slowly curving road until it straightens out again. Up ahead the highway comes into view numerous vehicles travelling at high speed on it.

    In the truck, the driver frowns as he looks in the side mirror, "There wasn't supposed to be anyone following us... And they're catching up!"

    The man in the passenger seat hmphs, "Just keep driving. Once we hit the highway, we can make it more difficult for them to keep up."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo nods to Vivio. The driver overhears, and presses the pedal down as far as it can go, squeezing every bit of power out of the limo's engine! Meanwhile, the other bodyguard begins to prepare herself for the jump from the limo to the truck. She takes off her tie and jacket, and kicks off her shoes, taking out her stun gun and telescoping baton and sticking them into her belt in preparation for the fight.

     When they hit the highway, the limo has mostly closed the gap, now bumper to bumper with the truck! It turns onto the next lane, and begins to inch up next to the driver's door!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio opens the window beside her, looking out to see the side of the truck slowly creeping by. Finally she has a good view of the door and raises her hand. Magic begins to gather just beyond her finger as she begins, "Sonic..."

    The driver of the truck turns his head and spots the limo beside and Vivio inside. Her smirks, "Not so fast, little girl." He spins the wheel, the truck sliding to the side and smashing into the limo.

    Vivio yelps out in surprise as the vehicle shakes from the impact. She loses her concentration, her spell fizzling.

    The truck driver hahs, then turns to his comrade, "Do it." The other man nods, looking forward and reaching his hand out towards one of the cars ahead. A triangular spell circle appears beneath the other car and it suddenly turns, apparently going out of control and right into the path of the limo.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     When the truck suddenly swerves to slam into the limo, the driver shows her chops! She turns as well, pulling away from the truck and minimizing the damage it causes, spinning the wheel to keep it under control! In doing so, the limo has to slow down, and falls behind the truck once again.

     "Vivio! Are you okay?" Tomoyo asks with concern, checking on the younger girl, when another car suddenly spins out into their path! Again, the driver spins the wheel, putting a lane between the truck and the limo, slipping past the out-of-control car by a mere inch!

     "Miss Takamachi. Will you be able to blast the doors from this distance?" the bodyguard preparing to board the truck asks as the limo keeps pace with the truck, staying a lane away this time to avoid another sideswipe.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio looks a little sheepish as she says, "Ehehe, I'm okay! It was just a little surprising..." However, she quickly pumps her fists as she says, "I can do it!" She leans over again, pointing, "Sonic... Shooter!" The blast of iridescent light launches from her finger and explodes against the door of the truck.

    The truck swerves briefly due to the driver's surprise, but recovers. What remains of the door falls of, screeching across the ground with metal sparks until it stops. The driver grunts, saying to his comrade, "I'll try and lose them."

    The truck swerves hard to the side, just barely making the off ramp down into the city proper. Unfortunately the limo doesn't have enough time to follow, missing the exit.

    Watching the truck quickly escape from view, Vivio whines, "They're getting away!" She quickly turns to her Device, "Chris! Find us a shortcut!" The plush bunny nods, an expression of concentration on his limited face. He then turns forward, a holoscreen popping up with a highlighted path for the limo driver to follow.

    However, Vivio turns her head to look and her eyes go wide, "Chris, that's crazy!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo peers over at the solution Chris puts out. His suggestion... to smash through the guard railing on the side of the highway and drop down to the streets below. Vivio is absolutely right, it is crazy.

     So why does Tomoyo look so damn excited?

     "Take a hard right, now!" Tomoyo yells! The driver turns right away, either not thinking on what this means, or confident in her ability to keep the car going after such a drop! Either way, the car barrels towards the concrete guard rail!

     Once again, this is a limo similar to those that world leaders get around in. Thus, the front is reinforced, smashing through the railing without damaging the engine! The car flies off the highway, wheels spinning in the air as Tomoyo assumes a crash position, the other bodyguard hastily buckling herself back to her seat.

     On the street below, the limo lands with such impact that it bounces back into the air for a moment before landing properly, once again behind the truck! The reinforced wheels hold together, allowing the pursuit to continue!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    The two hijackers had relaxed after they lost sight of their pursuers. The driver slows down now, hoping to make it look like they belong. He turns his head to give his comrade a smile... Only to wonder at the look of shock on the other man's face. Quickly turning his head to look out the window, he too is shocked to see the limo flying towards them!

    Vivio holds onto her seat tight as the limo hits the ground again! She gives out a squeak as they are thrown around by the impact, but then things settle and Vivio breathes a sigh of relief, "And I thought mama's driving was rough..."

    Back in the truck, "Who the hell are these people!?" The sound of sirens begin to get louder and the hijacker swears under his breath, "Aw hell... Just blow them up already!" His passenger nods, unbuckling his seatbelt.

    The other door of the truck suddenly flies off its hinges as the man kicks it open. Gripping the edge of the opening he swings himself out and onto the roof. Getting his balance, he moves his hands close together and begins to gather orange magic between them, triangular spell circle appearing beneath him. He calls out, "Plasma..."

    In the limo, Vivio gulps as she watches, "Look out!"

    "... Eruption!" He pushes his hands forward, the magic launching into the air and arcing over to explode, possibly against the limo if they're not careful enough!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Once the car is steady once more, the bodyguard stands and prepares herself for boarding! As the passenger bandit climbs up onto the roof, Tomoyo spies opportunity! "Pull up on the passenger side! Get ready to board through there!"

     The driver nods, and as the spell flies at the limo, the driver spins the wheel to the right, slipping through a small gap offered by the car next to them! The spell blasts the spot where the limo once was, the force of it stripping paint and sending a jolt through the car! Judging by the sudden dip and loss of handling, it seems that the tyre was damaged.

     But, they're alongside the truck now, and the bodyguard takes her chance! Throwing the door open, she leaps from the limo to the door left open by the mage on the roof! She has her stungun drawn, and she stabs it at the driver, prongs ready to deliver an incapacitating shock!

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio watches impressed as Tomoyo's bodyguard jumps from one speeding car to another. And she doesn't even have magic! The initial stungun jab is dodged and the driver attempts to backhand the bodyguard in return.

    While the two struggle inside the truck, the other hijacker is already charging another spell. Thankfully though the limo also has a mage! Vivio unbuckles her seatbelt, crawling across the car to the other side. Just as the hijacker unleashes his blast, Vivio raises her hand to the limo window.

    A spell circle appears just outside. The magic impacts the Round Shield and explodes, the blast shaking the limo up but thanks to the shield it is left mostly unharmed. Vivio frowns at the man trying to hurt them and simply says, "Ring Bind!"

    The hijacker attempts to escape the rings of light that appear around him, but at that very moment Tomoyo's bodyguard finally manages to overpower the driver and jab him with the stungun. Reacting badly to the jolt of electricity, the hijacket accidentally swerves the truck left. The one on top is sent off balance, the binds contracting and catching him.

    The truck smashes through a food cart on the side of the road, and then swerves right suddenly. The turn is too fast, too sharp, the truck's wheels leaving the ground. The trucks rolls into its side, sparks flying as it skids into the path of the limo!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo watches proudly through the window as her bodyguard clashes with the driver of the truck, the backhand only clipping her shades, knocking them off her face. She gasps as the rooftop mage blasts them again, the driver starting to swerve away onto the pavement, but Vivio's shield makes that unnecessary!

     But then, the scuffle for the wheel takes a turn for the worse (no pun intended). Tomoyo cries out in horror as it swerves off the road, crashing through a stall before turning too sharply and tipping onto its side. The driver turns the wheel sharply as she slams on the brake, turning the car to present its side to the truck.

     Here, the damaged wheel actually helped a little. Because of it, the limo was slower, so the impact isn't as horrible as it could have been. The reinforced windows are smashed in, but they do not shatter, and the panelling is heavily dented, but everyone inside would only be slightly rattled by the impact. "Ooohhh... is everyone okay?" Tomoyo asks woozily.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio took the sudden stop a little harder than the other two, since she didn't have her seatbelt on. However, Vivio groans quietly, "I think so... Thankfully had my magic defenses up..." She crawls back up into a sitting position... Then suddenly jumps up, "The Lost Log-" Bang!

    "Owowowowow~" Vivio rubs her head where it hit the limo roof, but then looks up at her Device, "Chris, sense anything?" The plush bunny tilts his head ever so slightly, then shakes it. Vivio breathes a sigh of relief, "Good." Last thing they need is a chain reaction of unstable Lost Logia in town.

    For a rather spectacular crash, no one was actually all that hurt. The hijacker driving probably suffered more at the touch of the stungun, still unconscious from its effects. And the other, while thrown from the roof of the truck, mostly just received a few scrapes. He continues to struggle against Vivio's binds as he tries to escape.

    The sounds of sirens get really close now, several slick looking police cars coming into view and rolling to a stop. Even a couple of police VTOLs fly into the air to come to a hover above the crash site. Vivio looks a little sheepishly at Tomoyo, "I think we're in trouble..."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     The bodyguard climbs out of the door of the truck, bearing some scrapes and bruises, but not looking too banged up. She's dragging the driver by the collar of his shirt, and throws him down onto the ground before jumping down. The driver emerges from the limo, rolling her neck and tossing the bodyguard a fresh pair of shades, which she slips on.

     Tomoyo also climbs out of the limo, wincing as Vivio bangs her head. She offers the younger girl a hand to help her out, looking around at the approaching authorities. However, she does not look sheepish, only calculating. Her mother always said that a good businessperson can turn any fiasco to their advantage, if they look at it the right way.

     Admittedly, a lot of damage was caused as a result of their chase. But who knows how much damage an array of Lost Logia could have caused in the wrong hands? It could have been far worse. If you look at it that way, Vivio and Tomoyo's guards are heroes. And who is to blame for the truck being so easily snatched?...

     When the police finally arrive, Tomoyo already has a story in mind. "Don't worry Vivio~ Leave the talking to me." She walks right up to the most important-looking officer and begins speaking. "Oh, thank goodness you made it! Two men stole a truck of Lost Logia! Who knows what they could have done if we hadn't stopped them? Honestly, whoever managed that auction should be put on trial! Who leaves a truck full of dangerous artefacts in the hands of only two guards?!"

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    As Vivio, Tomoyo and her bodyguards seem to be cooperating, the majority of the police officers swarm the two who are not. Namely the hijackers. Vivio releases her binds on the one she captured, then walks up to join Tomoyo.

    The police officer speaking with her doesn't seem impressed, simply responding with, "It's not my job, or in my jurisdiction, to question TSAB operational security." He moves forward a little bit to essentially loom over the two, "It IS my job to deal with people inflicting damage to city property and unauthorized use of combat grade magic." He eyes Vivio with this last one, who shrinks a little at the look. He then snaps, "Identification!"

    Vivio jumps and stammers, "R-right!" She taps the air in front of her, a holoscreen appearing with her ID.

    The officer looks through it, then sighs in mild frustration, "Damn elites... That's just what I need." He looks around for a moment, then spots Chris, "Is that a Device?" Vivio nods quickly. The officer hmphs, "Its visual data will be a sufficient replacement for your statements." Vivio turns and nods to Chris. The plush bunny's eyes flash briefly and the officer looks down at his tablet, "Very well. You're free to go. Try not to cause any more trouble." He walks off muttering something about a long night.

    Vivio sighs in relief, then looks at Tomoyo appologetically, "Guess it's not been the best visit to my world for you... Sorry!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo visibly deflates as the officer walks away, easily rebutting her attempt. "Aw... I guess I have a long way to go before I'm as good a businesswoman as my mother." She scratches the back of her head as she examines the limo. Not a total write-off, but it will cost a bit to get it road-worthy again. "Oh, she's not going to be happy..."

     When Vivio apologizes though, she musters a little smile and shakes her head. "Well, it was exhilarating at least! And I did get something that will be of great help, so it wasn't a total loss!" She pats the younger girl on the head. "So it's okay~ No need to apologize!"

     She pats her two bodyguards on the shoulders (having to get on tiptoes a little to reach). "You two did marvellously though. I'll make sure that mother doesn't take it out on you." She sighs softly and shakes her head. "But now, I suppose we have to wait for the other two to catch up, and for a new car... Vivio, you mentioned a sweet store? I could really use some right now."

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Vivio nods happily as she's petted, "Who knows what would have happened to those Lost Logia! Thanks~" She looks at the two bodyguards, "Thank you too!"

    At the mentions of sweets, Vivio ohs and nods. She looks around for a few moments, then says, "It's not too far away. This way!" She begins to walk off down the street. Then stops as Chris tugs on her clothes. She blinks, looks around, then turns and starts walking in the opposite direction, "Yup, definitely this way!"