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The Shadows Cast By Flame
Date of Scene: 09 March 2015
Location: Great Painting of Ariamis <PoA>
Synopsis: A test run of anti-Abyss measures encounters the final missing adventurer, and his piece of the truth.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, Staren, Priscilla, 168, 183, 248, Reina Kinney, 395, 560, 570, Lezard Valeth

Priscilla has posed:
    For the second and, unfortunately, not the last time, those who heed Priscilla's summons find themselves awaking from their nigh instantaneous torpor under the miles of shadowy stone that serves as the sky of New Londo; or what is left of it at any rate. The gargantuan hollow in the even more gargantuan cliffside that serves as the city's resting place is in a somewhat more hospitable state this time, with weak sunlight pouring through the opening left by the unlocking of one of the giant, sealed doors at the chamber's far side, providing just enough illumination to see by without external aid. The daylight appears to have banished the vicious spirits of the vengeful dead that roamed the ancient ruins as well, predating the Darksign in their restlessness. Without a hundred meters of pitch black water in the way, the verticality of the city is laid bare across its still glistening streets and rooftops. Mercifully, the place smells more like a stagnant, underground river, rather than the overpowering stench of rot that should be wafting up from it with the giant piles of corpses now exposed to the open air. Such would only be surprising until the astute viewer begins to search for the rolling hills of bodies piled up in the streets, only to mysteriously find none.

    Something else appears to have changed in the interim. Though the vista of New Londo is less unbelievably foreboding than before, would-be heroes doesn't appear to be all the change of scenery has attracted. Previously absent from the ancient, far-flung corners of the world the party has been visiting, the ubiquitous Hollows of the mainland have made their return. New Londo was once a place accessible to and lived in by humans, and so it should be no surprised that the husks of their former selves have managed to find their way back. Though the smouldering pinpricks of Darksign influenced eyes puncture the deep twilight of the cavern like floating embers, not a single soul makes a move against any of the gathered phantoms. In various states of dress and equipment, seemingly from all over the country, Hollowed undead gather at the cliffs, stairs and balconies at the city's highest edge, coalescing into a mob-like whole. Whether sitting, kneeling, lying down, or even prostrate, all of them are facing the heart of New Londo, either seemingly lost in thought, or deep in fervrent prayer. They seem completely heedless to anything around them, so deep is their absolute focus, to the point that Oscar is able to walk in front of them and wave his hands in front of their faces to assure himself of their lack of aggression. Conspicuously, Oswald appears to be absent.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko rises slowly from the ground, blinking gold eyes as she looks upward, taking in the height of the city. She turns side to side, avoiding sudden motions as she finds herself close to a crowd. The lack of hostility is presently reassuring, but given that she does not know the reason for this assemblage, her concern remains.

    While waiting to hear from others, who have been to this city before, she checks over her equipment. A needless action, truly, since the armor she wears and the sword she bears are there specifically because she brought them into existence.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan Hall looks, quite frankly, like absolute shit.

    This particular white phantom looks like a man who hasn't slept in a week and refuses to acknowledge his hunger, and so he has a sickly, exhausted, ragged, and unstable look to him. But his movements and his expressions are as neutral and emotionless as ever. He walks over to Oscar, raising an eyebrow and adjusting his glasses, tilting his head at the hollows. "Oscar." He says. "As an Undead yourself, do you have any idea of why they are behaving in such an uncanny way? Or is this knowledge somehow exclusive to the Hollowed?" He also heads over to Priscilla. "It would seem events are already underway. Something unearthed by the draining process, I would believe. We have our more relevant issue to deal with today, however. What is your intended site to test the countermeasure?" He's going to get them going that way as soon as he can, likely setting off as soon as he's given indication of where to go and suchlike.

Staren has posed:
    Staren appears, and takes a moment to determine his location and match it to the partial automap formed last time he was here. It's a moment before he realizes the bodies are missing.

    And then he sees the hollows. "Okay, /that's/ weird." As he wonders if /anything/ can distract them, Oscar /waves hands in front of them/. That answers that...

    And there's Nathan! "Woah, Nathan! What happened to /you/? Are you okay?"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "Jesus chrust what have I missed."
    It has been some time since Amalthea's last visit to Lordran, and in the interim a lot has clearly happened. For both her and for the world of the curse and the the Undead. This is why the freshly summoned Golden Phantom sags where she stands for a moment, rolling out the joints of her shoulders and re-acquainting herself with the phantasmal feeling of being summoned.
    The unicorn's lone eye surveys New Londo before her as she adjusts the belt of her surcoat, and flexes her fingers in ehr gauntlet. Ready as she'll ever be. At least until she sees the Hollows, the way they all face one direction, their complete apathy for everything else.
    "So uh. That's kind of creepy."

Reina Kinney has posed:
    It's been awhile since Reina's been here too. Once she arrives, she can only stare in disbelief and scowl for a moment. "What in Falz's name happened here?!" She says to herself out loud, eyes darting from side to side a few times as if she's expecting someone to answer from behind her back. Then she spots the Hollows, and her eyes go wide. "Oh this is just real special," Reina comments as she puts one hand on her hip. "Sometimes I wonder why I don't stick to standard GUARDIANS ops..."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    As is customary by now, Mizuki has come along with the group of Multiversal interlopers. Recently, though, she's gradually seemed more and more tired, reticent, and even demure. Her coy smile has transformed instead into the countenance of an ailing person on their deathbed, tinged with just enough cheer as to seem extremely dissonant yet perfectly congruous with the environment she finds herself in. As it was a few times a few visits before, she has likewise come garbed in a thin black robe worn over one of her more usual ensembles that hangs loose on her form and obscures most of her body's distinguishing features.

    She's used to the process of summoning by now, so the moment the process has finished she would simply, fluidly bow to the halfbreed as though she had been standing there in waiting for far longer than would have been feasible. She wouldn't say anything just now, though, preferring instead to pay her an almost surprisingly warm smile before leaving the world to its silence and herself withdrawing to get an impression of how the landscape has changed. Certainly, she would notice the Hollows -- like phantoms, almost, doomed to repeat the cycles of their former lives and to beg, with what shreds of their memories and wills that remain, for something they can no longer label with words. 'There's something poetic about all this,' She would like to say, but there's something vaguely poetic about everything that happens in this world. It makes sense, though; as a world hung in eternal twilight that plays host to legions of undead, one is fairly overtly symbolic of the other. Whatever beings conceived of all this might have intended for such observations to be made.

    And if so, she's more than happy to humor them.

    ... but, ah, she's getting lost in thought again. This world always does that to her. Really, no place in all the Multiverse makes her feel quite so content as this place does, though part of her definition of 'contentment' is a dull, creeping, deeply philosophical throb after all. So it's fitting. It's apt. The world begs of someone to watch and remember as its light fades, and she will... answer...

    The lady rubs her forehead. Thoughts like that are a bit more melodramatic than even she is willing to indulge. This world asks for no such thing, and its fire is not going to fade; not if their lot has any bearing on Fate, anyway. Glancing to Priscilla a final time, she would reiterate that bob of her head in affirmation of her readiness. Veniat quid veniat -- let come what may.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Is that... Nathan?" A gold phantom who thankfully DOES seem to be in good condition - Emiya Shirou - doesn't sound too sure of himself while evaluating Nathan's state. "... You look... almost as bad off as New Londo. Should you be out on a mission like this?"

    Nobody can ever say Shirou isn't concerned about his comrades. Even those he hardly knows.

    "Trace on..." he goes on to mumble. No doubt he's focusing hard on preparing some weapons in case they're needed later, given how his eyes go a little glassy and unfocused here and there.

    The guy's getting better about thinking ahead. A little. Maybe.

    Speaking of New Londo, he's looking perplexed at the surroundings. "... Wasn't this place WORSE off last time? Where did most of the... mess go?"

    More worriedly, where did all of the Hollowed come from?

    "Long-dead don't suddenly rise up as Hollows, right...?"

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard has arrived, his phantom blood-red and black against the darkness of Anor Londo. Were he not summoned here intentionally, perhaps he would be be a herald of something terrible to come.

But then, Lordran hardly requires such assistance. He stands upon a piece of broken wall, looking out over the area and the unusual behavior of the Hollows present with a narrowed gaze, and folds his arms as he looks off in the direction of their worship, like some twisted Mecca. Being not one of the Hollowed, he surely sees nothing of note fromsuch a great distance, but his gaze is speculative nonetheless.

He turns to flick his cloak behind him dramatically, and approaches the others. "Sir Hall surely knows his limits more than the rest of us. If he believes he can proceed, who are we to argue?" Reverse psychology or someone actually backing up Hall? You never know with Lezard. "There is no point in ruminating. We must prepare for what is to come. There is only a scant number of possible logical draws for such a mass of Hollows present in this city."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is now here oncew more and she's here as her ALO avatar, the Salamander is here in full armor. She's quiet oddlya s she looks about the roiom and has to wonder about this place nothings changed that's not shockingm, but the hallowed undead are gathering she stops and looks at them and has to wonder. She also look at Oscar whose actions get a giggle but then a concerned look.

"Oscar let's leave them to their business shall we?"

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad appears with the others, smiling at the group. He looks bold, confident, and brave, as usual. He carries himself with a heroic pose. And, he is trying to hide the fact that he completely has no idea what is going on here. He has a vague idea. They're going to bring some sort of countermeasure thingy to a place to test it, to try and make things better. Or something like that. Really, he /should/ of been paying more attention to the briefing, but he was busy writing out stories about himself in his head, to tell to future generations.

     Still, though, as he looks around, his smile turns into a frown, slowly. Eventually, he brings it back to a smile again, hiding his dissapointment with the location. "...Truly this is a depressing place. Now, what /great evil/ shall we be facing here? What great foe are we likely to face? ...Or are we simply bringing an artifact to someplace to try and stop that... one thing, I forget the name of it."

     He flourishes his sword a bit, for dramatic purposes. He also is trying not to make a disparraging comment on how ugly the Hollow are.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla looks a little exhausted from the summoning herself. It's somewhat peculiar, as New Londo isn't an especially difficult to simply get to, and the area immediately around it has been established as a pseudo-safe-zone by the movements of hundreds of armed pilgrims and the shell of the burg serving as a quarantine. She seems to barely manage the herculean effort of smiling for Mizuki, before immediately giving into a worried look in Nathan's direction; the sole person present who looks worse-off than her. She regards him after his question just long enough for the silence to be awkward, before answering in extremely guarded tones. "As I hath found only one breach into the Abyss within these walls thusfar, we hath little choice but to use it. A place such as this will leadeth not into the heart of the Abyss; merely one of its boundaries. Such shouldst be sufficient a trial." She shrugs helplessly towards Amalthea. She can't disagree about it being unsettling. She's more than used to the idiosyncracies of the Hollowed mind by now, but the strangeness of it isn't lost on her.

    Oscar looks up as Nathan approaches, his visor tilting as he looks the Librarian up and down. "I have two ideas. One is that they're simply attracted by the presence of the Lordsoul. Hollows have a heightened ability to sense souls and an unnatural thirst for them. This is the first of four that has been opened in a way that a Hollow could find. The other is that these might be descendants of New Londo's bloodline. Adherents to the Four Kings, sworn to generations of service. An oath like that might survive generations of Hollowing. Any other explanation is beyond my ability to fathom." Oscar expects that someone will fill Reina in. He's a little tired of repeating the depressing explanation. "As for that, Shirou, it seems most of it left." He leaves that to the imagination. He steps away at Tomoe's prompting, seeing no reason to further bother the Hollows, content simply with the knowledge that they won't become a threat. Assessing something for the potential to kill you is what anyone who wants to survive more than a day in Lordran does.

    Priscilla sighs patiently at Fassad, clearly a little too strained today to tactfully deal with someone so . . . vivacious. "This is the final stage of preparing for our foe. It wouldst be completely impossible to confront them within their chosen territory without our previous labours towards this end. Today we move simply to see if our designs wilst hold." She looks towards Lezard meaningfully, hoping the sorceror has prepared something adequate. She doesn't actually know for a fact how phantom states interact with the Abyss, and would rather not chance the latter outprioritizing the former.

    Despite the unnerving addition to the lost city, the way forward is as uneventful as it should be for a place previously conquered. Despite the seemingly directionless medley of dripping water, stagnant breezes, distant footsteps, and unsettling oozing and slithering sounds, nothing immediately presents itself as a threat. It is only a matter of time before the group stands before the old watch tower; specifically, poised over the unnatural blackness that has swallowed its lowest floors far below. Without the water in the way, the sight of the hole is even more jarring, looking exactly the same even in the brighter ambient light. No particular sound or ominous movement emanates from the understated chasm; more of a tiny crack into something larger. There is simply an unsettlingly ominous feeling that grows in intensity the longer one looks, and the surreal sensation of seeing a blackness so deep that it is somehow darker than the absolute darkness of closing one's eyes at midnight, like a cluster of dead pixels standing out in a monitor displaying an all black image.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki frowns. Is Priscilla always this tired after summoning everyone's phantoms, or is there something she's missed? Likely the latter. And Mister Hall too... although, to be quite frank, she's not as concerned with him. She might be a bit, but he's not, how you say, close. Anyway. She'll inquire about that later. For now, "I might volunteer to be one of the first to enter, if you've not already chosen a better candidate for that. I have long lived in a vacuum of sorts -- perhaps that experience might give me some sort of advantage, or safeguard." Of course, there's always the chance that that is entirely irrelevant since hers is a very different kind of void, but one never knows. Either way, she would like to be helpful in some fashion that doesn't involve fighting.

    For now and with little else to do, Mizuki would offer glances and nods to Kimiko, Lezard, Amalthea, and Nathan -- all those whom she at least knows the names of. Immediately after her eyes would return to scanning the city, and she would remain as quiet as ever.

    It's been so long since she was last in Ariamis, she finds herself thinking. Perhaps Priscilla would indulge her a visit if she asked?

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Unfortunately for the sake of bothering Nathan to take care of himself, Kimiko's immediate assumption is that he knows what he's doing well enough that he'd be only here if he were capable. That said, his condition is noted. She'll endeavour, as always, to prevent any lack of care from harming her comrades in these journeys.

    "What is our plan?" Amalthea seems to have also been out awhile--so Kimiko isn't the only one. That makes her a little more comfortable asking. And then Priscilla is explaining to Fassad, so there we go.

    That Mizuki looks like that is a small surprise, until she remembers how Mizuki looked last she saw her, and under what circumstances. Well. That's understandable. Priscilla--she's less sure in her ability to gauge Priscilla's state. But there seems to be a trend, here.

    Kimiko doesn't have the context to know what Oscar means by 'most of it,' but... she can guess a few, murky ideas as to what's happened here.

    "Tell me as my assistance is required."

Staren has posed:
    "They don't /look/ like they're thirsting for it." Staren observes. "So I guess the oath thing seems more likely..."

    He doesn't have a lot more to say on the trip... although, once they arrive, he can't help but point out: "How does /that/ work?! What's holding it up?!"

    He finds himself staring into the abyss for a moment, then decides that's probably bad and looks away.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Having not been here for awhile, Reina is slowly starting to remember some things, but she must be filled in by someone else about what happened. Once she gets filled in, her eyes widen again. "Son of a De Rol Le... " A mixture of emotions flows within her for a moment before she shakes her head and snaps out of it. After all, she's a member of GUARDIANS and doesn't need to be getting all emotional right now.

    When they begin to move, Reina moves with them, not drawing any of her weapons just yet since she doesn't sense danger right now. The way forward is rather uneventful, although the terrain does get a little uneven under Reina's boots, causing her to stumble a couple of times but not fall. She does curse under her breath, though, but that's about it. It's not until they reach the watch tower that Reina can only stare in disbelief at this whole thing.

    Reina starts to open her mouth to say something, but then she closes it, although her teeth remain gritted as she stares at the darkness, not even sure what emotions she's feeling right now. All she can do is stare for what seems like forever, before looking up and to the others with a look on her face that says something along the lines of, "Let's just get this over with and get the hell outta here!"

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan may look like shit, but at least he's listening. "Salutations, yes, this is Nathan." He says, stoically. "Nothing has happened. I am adequate, and there is no immediate cause for worry." He says to Staren and Shirou, nodding briefly at Lezard. He answers Amalthea quickly and concisely. "Flooded city that was flooded to seal a dark, corrupting influence. We had to unflood it, to locate something within. It is currently blocked by the corruption, which we are developing and, today, testing a countermeasure for, which has been collaboratively developed by myself and Lezard"

    "Both ideas trouble me." He asides to Oscar as they take the way forward. "I dislike them heavily. Though the latter especially so, if the four kings do not intend to give up their prize easily." Wordlessly, he follows behind Priscilla until they reach the hole. He makes a soft noiuse of worry, and peers forward, trying to cast some kind of light on it. "I would conclude, from its reaction vis a vis staring, that this would be the abyss, or the start of some measure of its more absolute influence. Lezard, please, if you would, provide your countermeasure. Those of you acting as vanguards, utilize it and enter when you are prepared."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    When it comes to Hollows, by now Amalthea is used to them charging with weapons drawn, hissing, and ready to lunge and kill anything in sight, for just a taste of a few souls, or even more delicious Humanity. Those Hollows Amalthea can deal with. She can put them to the blade, she can kick them, she can shoot them, crush them... These... She's not quite sure what to do with... Strike them down and put them out of their misery? Leave them be? She opts to leave them be, unslinging her shield and keeping it at the fore, though her weapon is not drawn yet, pausing at the edge of the darkness.
    Never before has she feared nor hesitated to simply jump into the unknown, but the depts below are of an utterly different level of ominous than any she has ever encountered before.
    "So do we like... Go down there?" She murmurs with a scuff of one boot, ear flicking as Nathan responds. The slow turn of her head and withering stare she affords the general go on for a painfully long moment before the gold phantom slowly turns back away, snorting steam from her nostrils.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Yeah. But... WHERE..." Shirou's just not happy with this development. It makes NO SENSE. Perhaps he should go talk to the seal's guardian about it later...

    But not for now. he's following Priscilla and keeping watch for others.

    He's startlingly unbothered by walking through the ruins and the wasteland. It's disgusting, reary, and gloomy, but while some might be grossed out by the fact that these pathways were stacked with corpses a few days ago doesn't seem to be giving him any pause.

    The Abyss, however... gets him stepping BACK the moment he lays eyes on the crak leading inwards. The redhead shivers powerfully anhd hops back and away with a yelp.

    THAT freaks him out.

    "... Why would ANYONE go down there... you'd have to be mad for most occasions!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks to Oscar for a moment and nods a bit, she doesn't want to see Oscar get snacked on she's grown fond of him. He's poven to be a good friend and ally in this very grim world. She looks to Nathan for a moment then falls in falling into her body guard role. She nods to Priscilla asn seem to be ready, she then will move in keeping Close to Nathan in the event something might happen.

"I'm pretty much good face trap checking to be honest."

She notes looking over to Mizuki.

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad takes a second to realize just /how/ tired Priscilla looks. How strained. And suddenly, his demeanor changes. He walks to her, calmly. Stepping on his tip toes and stretching a bit, he moves to pat her on the back. A rather calm, friendly pat.

     "...Priscilla, you've been working too hard. You're too strained. Afte this is over, you need to relax. I know this is your own world, but you still must rest. Please, promise me, that you'll tend to your own needs, soon. You look overly tired."

     Yeah, his demeanor changed. But occasionally, you have to drop the heroics act. But, he goes back into it immediately.

     As they arrive at the tower, though? Fassad just smiles at the group.

     "...I will lead the way, if no one else will. I do not mind being at point in our formation."

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard has been working intently on the situation in conjunction with Nathan and other information gathered from elsewhere in Lordran.

The capture of a Darkwraith helped Lezard with his... special talents immensely.

At the request for the countermeasure, Lezard removes a handful of small, familiar-looking crystals on chains. Those who traveled through the caverns near the Archives might remember the like.

However, each of them glows with a certain... dark aura about them. "Through extensive effort I have determined that there are certain... talents... used by those servants that we have captured that allow them to bask in the Darkness and resist its influence. These objects will shield you from the corrupting influence of the Abyss using what I have learned."

The more attentive might notice he has nothing to say about the captive they took.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla looks to Fassad with a faintly astonished expression. She doesn't really know the knight very well, so this is definitely a first for her. All she can do is nod in stunned silence, stopping to rub at her brow to try and ease the tired expression off of her face. "The Abyss cares not for our physical laws, Sir Staren. It is a universe unto itself, in which creation took a different path altogether. Nathan speaks mostly truths, Lady Amalthea, Sir Emiya, however, this is but the boundary line. No matter how corrupted, a being born of this world couldst never endure the heart of the Abyss for long. Not even Knight Artorias. It is likely that the Four Kings and their Darkwraiths inhabit this twilight straddling our world and its mirror. I cannot absolutely guarantee thine safety, but I am reasonably certain that thou shouldst be safe as a phantom."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Without any warning power sizzles out from Shirou's palms and quickly congeals into Kanshou and Bakuya. He hurls the yin blade past the boundary while retaining the yang one... clearly his intent is to see if the sword manages to return. Or if it explodes in there or something.

    Probably not the best test of the Abyss' effect on living things, but it MIGHT prove educational?

Staren has posed:
    "We're... going down there? It's not nothingness?" Staren takes the crystal, curious. He slips it into a pouch at his belt. "So... these Four Kings... compared to the guy we fought before, with his endless teleports and walls and endless killzone hallway... how tough are they?"

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad just smiles. After the bit of calm with Priscilla, he just smiles down at the Abyss. He is trying to hide just how /terrified/ he is. He flicks back his long blonde hair as he looks down. His sword and his Mirror Shield are out.

     "Alright! Everyone, if you are scared... I suggest staying here. There is no dishonor in admitting that. But... I shall lead the way for us all!"

     And, Fassad starts taking the path forward, trying to lead the way. Yeah, this whole thing looks /super dangerous/, but. It is a hero's job to lead the way.

     It's notable that he has goosebumps from fear.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki would shuffle along the steps, likely at the back of the group. She would mind the gap, pulling out her wings and slipping on the impromptu necklace as insurance should she happen to slip and fall. These are all just precautions, though -- things like this actually don't make her very nervous. Just, you know; more existential. But what doesn't make her existential? Still, she can't help herself as she muses on what must be down there. 'Nothing and everything,' she presumes, and not just for the sake of making an oxymoron. The conceptual Abyss is a bit of a misnomer if you ask her: 'darkness' suggests 'undefinition', and within undefinition, only sensation is destroyed. The lack of that perception also creates a realm of infinite possibility in which the Devil's Proof posits that anything you could ever dream of exists down there, too.

    She cracks a smile. Okay, yeah, she's just throwing around a bunch of BS logic terminology to pass the time.

    Once that smile fades, though, she would turn to Fassad. Her eyes would scan him up to down and down to up. Her expression remains perfectly neutral as her eyes would attempt to make contact with his. In an idle tone but with words still certainly directed at him, she would quip, "Ah, I chanced upon a lore tome regarding the Abyss whilst we were in the Duke's Archives. I believe it said something about gigantic flesh eating ravens that swoop in to assault anyone unfortunate enough to fall inside. I'm quite sure those are all just tall tales, though. All malefic, dubious, groundless tall tales."

    Huh, caustic teasing. That's a new one for her.

    At least she sucks at it.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    The sudden toss from Emiya Shirou catches Reina off-guard slightly, but other than that she's not too fazed. In fact, when Fassad suggests anyone who's scared stay behind, Reina scoffs at that. "Scared? If you're easily scared, you'd never be cut out for GUARDIANS!" Reina comments half-sarcastically, before snapping the fingers on her right hand, causing her sword to materialize in her hands.

    "Laia once said that the first step to being successful in GUARDIANS is learning to put fear out of your mind entirely," Reina comments to herself as she goes forwards as well. "May not be easy to do, but once you learn to do it, it becomes second nature." Yet one might notice her eyes darting from side to side occasionally, but that's just her way of keeping alert on her side flanks as well as her front.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    "Don't worry," Kimiko assures Fassad, "even if dying is painful, you'll just return to where you were summoned from." The worst that can happen is death! No worries.

    She'll head down, as well, though only after taking one of Lezard's trinkets, fixing the Necromancer with an unreadable stare for a moment. Probably nothing.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Reasonably certain that she should be safe as a phantom is one thing. That empty darkness down into the depths of a black so vividly deep and dark the likes of which Amalthea has never seen before... Still give the unicorn a MASSIVE case of the howling gribblies.
    "Nruh." She merely grunts, pointedly making herself not care about captured Dakrwraiths. She gingerly takes a crystal from Lezard, the look on her face akin to someone who's just about been handed something patently unpleasant.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla and Oscar are in the enviable position of not having to go anywhere near the hole in the ground. If the crystallized soulshards imbued with Dark were to prove inadequate, the outcome for them would be far more disastrous than only temporarily experiencing whatever kind of existential death awaits at the boundary line of the Abyss. Shirou is the first to test its limits, hurling Kanshou into the silent dark. The whooshing sound of the spinning blade splitting the air vanishes abruptly as soon as it dips past the shattered stones, despite the fact that the light from outside leaves it visible for a few feet before it quickly fades from view. A second later Shirou can feel the prana invested in the traced blade abruptly disappear, not so much as if he'd simply lost connection with it, but as if it had been snapped up by . . . something.

    Fassad and Kimiko are first down the hole. Nothing feels amiss as they step over the lip of the destroyed tower floor, only once they cross the same line at which they cease to become visible from outside does the sensation hit them straight in the heart; the feeling of expecting one more stair in the dark, and the impending sense of being about to run into something with one's eyes closed. Both are heightened to almost debilitating levels as they accelerate in free fall, only to suddenly vanish as they achieve terminal velocity. The speck of already dim light vanishes behind them completely, flying up and away from them until popping out of view. No wind rushes in their ears. Nothing blows past their skin. The only way it is possible to tell that they're falling is that their bodies rotate towards their center of gravity.

    After what feels like eternity, though only a minute in length, the two of them abruptly land. They don't hit anything in particular. They just . . . land. Their feet touch down on nothing in particular, allowing them to walk without feeling a floor. Here, there is at least a sense of up and down. Here are at least directions to define the world's infinite dimensions. Here is also the feeling of 'another'. The all too human paranoia of being watched, present from all angles and none at all. The surety that someone is saying something despite the utter lack of sound. The unnerving sense of some kind of . . . intent, but taking no form that the human mind can recognize.

    It is very, very dark.

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad is shocked as he begins to fall, plummeting down below. As Fassad falls through the darkness, he attempts to keep himself right. But, he has a greater fear at the moment. Though Kimiko is in fact a respected member of the Union, the fact that she is still a young maiden in his eyes pushes him towards a viewpoint he holds as simple common sense: He must protect this girl. Those that love her would be hurt at her loss. He attempts to grab for her arm, laying his across the top of hers, and grabbing tight. He even sheath the sword in his right hand midair, so he can then clasp it with the other hand as well.

     "Careful! We mustn't be seperated!"

     He'd try to grab her in his arms and carry her as they fall, but he doesn't know how she would take that, even if he meant it in the best possible way. But, to make things a bit safer, he also attempts to surround himself with a soft magical light. He's a skilled user of Light based magic, and so he's trying to turn himself into a human flashlight.

     And, as he lands, he would let go of Kimikos arm, making sure she is still near him. He stands tall, looking around in each direction. Darkness as far as the eyes can see. A rare thing occurs: A frown on his face. This is not the sort of thing he likes. He is a man who thrives in the light. But, he looks around, casually poking at the ground with his feet.

     ...At least it is solid, and not muddy.

     "...Shall we wait for the others, or continue ahead on our own?"

     He looks up towards the sky, from where they fell. ...How far did they fall? And how are they still safe? He's assuming magic is at work.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard is more than happy to allow the Fassad and Kimiko to test his design first and foremost. After all, should it fail, they shouldn't be losing anything important.

He is watching the gem on the remaining necklace he holds intently. "If the light goes out, it means the protection garnered will not longer be in effect. I wager if it does end, it will probably begin with whatever is the greatest burden for it to handle... Or all at once." He seems delightfully unconcerned despire the yawning Abyss below obviously being as much of a danger for him as it is for anyone else.

In fact, he seems to be quite anticipatory.

He watches the crystal intently, waiting to see if sustaining the first pair is causing any fluctuations. "Ahhhh.... It seems to be working as designed." Lezard comments with a pleased tone. "At least, I do not hear any screaming." He leans over slightly, as if to listen for Fassad and Kimiko...

Before he shrugs, putting the necklace around his neck, then spreading his arms out to tip backward into the Abyss in freefall.

Falling through darkness. The all-enveloping black...

And Lezard lands, the crimson phantom having flipped completely to land on his feet once more bending and coming to straighten himself. He seems to soak in the environment. Not so much in pleasure as... trying to /feel/ the nothingness around him. The flaring light of Fassad causes Lezard to raise a hand. "Be cautious. You are making yourself a beacon." He warns.

But he knows Fassad won't listen.

They never listen.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko's arms spread, her blade placed away, hands free and ready to catch herself, trying to pierce through the darkness with her gaze to catch sight of something. Anything at all. And yet, there's nothing. Her concern grows into wordless anxiety, uncertain whether this will be a quick and ignoble death, useful only in demonstrating to the others that this approach was not tenable.

    Then Fassad is grabbing her arm, which she regards as a reasonable precaution, provided he let go if required. Then he is grabbing it with both hands. He probably can't see her frowning.

    She lands before that goes on too long, not at all heavily, and steps back. "Seems there was no danger of that." She taps the ground(?), and her head turns swiftly, switching side to side, still trying to catch sight of something. At least she can tell when she's turned completely around, since she isn't the only one here. But there IS something else here. She knows it. She assumes it's dangerous, which is a far safer assumption than otherwise. She draws her sword.

    "Come out."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Normally it's Psyber who quotes the bible, Mizuki realizes, but today she recounts a verse of her own as she prepares to descend from the lowest step of the crumbling tower:

"And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning - the first day."

    But what, she wonders, would this darkness be called? Certainly, it could not be called night; this blackness is a primordial presence, and something that has been here far longer than the cycles of the day have been distinct of one another. She supposes that it would feel 'ancient', if indeed it could feel as anything at all, but she is very likely to be less uncomfortable here than some for a plethora of reasons. Firstly - and of course, most obviously - is that she has wings. Regardless of how little they matter to possess in a void, they do much to curb the psychological stigmas associated with falling. Secondly, she has lived in a void for many years already. This very sense of eternity and absence is something that exists everywhere in her home underneath a prettily wrought curtain. So, the sensation of nothingness is not an unusual one, for her.

    Still, this does little to help her eyes adjust as she touches down upon some invisible 'ground', and her alight upon the indistinct crust of the abyss would not be without incident. She would not have time to prepare her wings for a gradual descent because she would not have any advance warning to do so... beyond seeing Fassad and Kimiko land before her, that is. But she has only just begun to stretch out her wings when her feet touch the ground, and so her landing is far from graceful. Thankfully, though, it seems non-painful; likely due to the peculiar physics at work here, and she won't be so brash as to question them. After all, she does not question the physics of her own world, and again, the similarities are evident. Thankfully so, too, because she would acclimate rather quickly once she's had time to cope with that horrible fall.

    With her own, good time, she would rise from a kneeling position and dust off her robe. A swirl of lights would gather in her hand and solidify as she grasps at their extreme edge, immediately forming her weapon of choice. She isn't going to take any chances down here. She's glad of the light Fassad provides, sure, but she reminds herself: this darkness is not so easily conquered as that of the surface might be. It is fundamentally different. It is a force of the Earth, here -- a necessary contrast to the world of figure with which it intersects.

    Though as much as she repeats that, she does not presume to understand its meaning. She hopes to glean some information in that vein, however, as she picks up her pace to gather behind Kimiko and Fassad. Idly, she responds to Lezard's final warning: "I believe we would be beacons either way in a place like this."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "Oh come on, are you gonna start doing the bible thing, Mizuki?" Amalthea complains as she crouches at the edge of the hole, the golden phantom chewing on her thumb as the 'testing phase' of Lezard's machinations begin.
    Down go Fassad and Kimiko, and the sudden complete enveloping darkness that just swallows the pair makes her brow furrow. Then down goes Lezard.
    Not so much as a geronimo, but a 'god dammit', and Amalthea hops into the darkness. The feeling of freefall in the pure blackness of the edge of the abyss is a terrible feeling, having no clue when to arrest her momentum, she lands anyway.
    And looks about as disconcerted as she feels by this whole damn venture.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is on edge here she loks as she's now letp in with everyone else, maybe it will drag her soul along with it should she get lost here? She's howver well aware many people even her self owe Pris her life, so if it's the end now. SO into the night she goes and she can't really use her wings but she does try to grenerate some light with the others she doe snot want to get seperated. She was just out of high school techinally. Yet here she is into this hole more to speak.

"I never thought I'd be doing something like this?!"

She can't really argue with the quote that Mizuki brought up however it's too late now.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Calling this darkness makes the night sky look like a fireworks finale." Shirou grumbles uncertainly, scratching the side of his head at the odd fate of his weapon. But soon power blossoms from his palm again, congealing with a crackle-clank into a new Kanshou.

    With Lezard proclaiming things working though...

    "Here goes nothing...!" Shirou plunges into the Abyss himself at a slight diagonal, with power pumping through his limbs and body to strengthen it for the inevitable impact!

    ... A duration of time his heart can't count later...


    He lands, but it's much softer than expected physically. There was no need for the slightly clumsily executed forward roll he managed to bleed off that momentum, and he almost screwed it up anyways - upon crossing into the Abyss his very soul quivered!

    But maybe he should've just kept his eyes closed a bit longer.

    "u-u-uwaaaaaoh?!" For once he rises and does so, Shirou flails his arms and falls over backwards onto his rump. "What the heck?! There's no floor..."

    Well, THIS is purely terrifying. But as always, fear doesn't budge him. He just stands up again... "Spending who knows how many years down here... that would drive someone mad if they weren't already."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan Hall stays back, out of this nonsense, for quite some time. The braver, more resilient individuals head forward. He speaks up on the radio, briefly. "Fassad. Kimiko. Report." Concise, simple. He listens to static. It's a more concise response than he wanted. Then he swaps frequencies. "Union Medical. Have Fassad and Kimiko awoken?" He confirms that they haven't, and considers the hole. "Transmission interference. Non-lethal effects. Or they are being trapped non-lethally." He says, tilting his head. A glance to Priscilla. "Please dismiss me, specifically, within the next two hours if I do not do so myself. I will report on whether or not the others need dismissing."

    The sickly, exhausted, run-ragged librarian is going to be the last one down among those heading down. He steps on in, down the stairs and into the Abyss. The terrifying feelings slam through him brutally, the uncanny drop unsettles him thoroughly, the landing is clumsy and he doesn't stick it well, and the paranoia sets him intensely on-edge. But throughout it all, he remains completely stoic. His monotone's as quietly level as ever. "Worrying." He says, simply.

    "Absence of all air resistance. No tangible environmental sensations. Amplified emotional rersponse. Null environmental elements." He says, completely still. "We are not in a physical location. This is an environment beyond our ken, or rather it is no environment at all. I have the impression that the universe in this particular space no longer exists in the way we traditionally understand it. Be cautious, and immediately abandon all things you have previously believed about cause and effect. Judgement and plans should be conceived by way of a conceptual thought-mode until we encounter any fragments of a universe obeying rules with which we are familiar."

    The others are attempting to light things up with a flashlight. Nathan figures that what appears to be a conceptual environment will have another response to a more conceptual action. He snaps his fingers and summons a small flame. FIRE seems to carry a certain conceptual weight in this world. Best he can do.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla nods towards Nathan, clearly a little on edge from the loss of radio contact, and perhaps from Lezard's gleeful examination of what could possibly go wrong with his design, but perhaps having expected as much. Oscar doesn't use the radio anyways, so he has little idea what it means, getting only the impression that good Sir Hall is on top of things as always, peering over the edge as the group vanishes from sight one by one, until only he and the crossbreed are left up above; if 'above' can even be considered the correct direction at all.

    Fassad, Mizuki and Tomoe summon their lights without issue. Almost immediately, the others around them are brightly lit up, standing out as the only characters on an unpainted, black canvas, but nothing else reveals itself. The light works just fine. Unlike the Tomb of the Giants, nothing here works to actively oppress or stymie it. There simply isn't anything for the light to fall upon, leaving it racing off into the darkness for miles and miles. Possibly forever. There is no difference until Nathan has the idea of summoning flame, after which the 'intent' of their surroundings immediately shifts, as if a speaker had suddenly changed tone of voice without changing the words.

    From out of the dark before the Librarian, twin points of light appear exactly level with his face, or rather, twin points of white, equally as dark as the colour black that surrounds them. They are spaced just at the right width and height for the human brain to immediately label them as eyes, but they are utterly featureless and substanceless, lacking any definition other than contrast. At first, it appears as if a pitch black hand has emerged over the fire in his palm, but looking more carefully, there is nothing there at all. The flames simply cease to exist in such a way that they outline human fingers, slowly closing around the burning ember until it is snuffed out entirely. The 'eyes' vanish, but the feeling of being watched does not. It begins to feel like many, many gazes, rather than an implaceable sensation.

    It is therefore welcome when a human voice greets them from the distance; the shape attached to it resolving into view at a pace completely disjointed from how fast it is walking. Judging by the armour forged to resemble human bones, there can be no doubt it is a Darkwraith, but as it removes the mask, the unaltered face beneath can only be recognized as the last of Oscar's wayward companions; knight Sebastian of Carim, the sullen and cryptic swordsman who had yet followed him all this way despite never once expressing a positive word.

    "I see. Then you have found this place too. You are welcome to it."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko does not know what is going on. She therefore moves into position with her shield half-raised, in protection of Nathan, as the man both most likely to figure out what is going, and most likely to need protection to avoid death until he does figure it out. When Sebastian removes his mask, there is no overt relaxation in her stance, though she does spare the moment to necessary to again glance over the vast, endless expanse of darkness.

    If there is truly no one else here, have they come for naught?

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard is not impatient. He simply waits, calm in the darkness. There is nothing to see, and no point of reference, so motion becomes irrelevant. "Perhaps you are correct, Lady Mizuki... It appears that we have already been found."

Shirou's assertion causes Lezard to chuckle. "If your mind cannot conceive of such nothingness, how can you hope to master filling such a void? How far can creation extend without understanding what it contends with? This is not madness, magus. It is a learning experience."

As one might expect, distance means little here. When the figure appears, Lezard watches studiously, turning his gaze to the reaction to Nathan calling up flame.

A flame in the darkness, quickly snuffed out. The Necromancer of Midgard considers this reaction, adjusting his glasses and looking back to Sebastian. "Greetings." Lezard states, giving a bow of greeting. "You appear to be intact, an impressive feat for one residing here. Have you found anything of note?"

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki would be cautious in much the same way as Kimiko as the group encounters Sebastian, and is likewise unwilling to allow her guard to slip as his helm is removed. Before, people - or creatures that might once have been people otherwise - clad in those suits had assaulted them as mercilessly as any monsters. She presumes it was either their duty to collect souls, to guard the Abyss, or both, and she sees no reason why his aims would be any different if he is with them. The fact that he is human makes no difference whatsoever to her, but for the sake of maintaining civility, she would at least refrain from leveling her sword at him. She wants to make them -feel- trusted even if they are not, that they might have a better chance of avoiding conflict if possible. After all, treating someone as though they had already fallen to darkness when they had not seems a good way to foster madness.

    "Welcome, he says." Mizuki would give a conversational smile, and yet her shoulders would maintain a pronounced, rigid tension. "Quite a funny thing to say to one who has entered an Abyss. Nevertheless, thank you." She would only pause a moment before continuing to say, "Ah, but this is not a place frequently visited by those of our... particular disposition. So tell me, if thou wouldst: how have you come here? And why, praytell," She would make a nodding gesture, "are you wearing that armor? It's rather distinctive, and it's made me curious. The whole affair of finding another human down here has, really, but those things in particular." One question is far more direct, but this character's answer to the latter should tidily answer her true second curiosity: whether he has indeed formed a bond of sorts with the Abyss, and if so, how.

    She would take a moment when there is a break in conversation to glance in every direction she can fathom, including up and down. She senses prying eyes everywhere. Something dastardly could set upon them at any moment, and she suspects the only reason they haven't already is due to their sheer numbers.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    This place is eeeeeeerie. Shirou's finding it hard to not take backsteps... they only stop when a voice calls out, and then... "You?!"

    ... He'd all but forgotten about him...

    Shirou blinks a few times, disbelieving, but lowers his weapons. "How did you get in here when we only just unsealed it?" Blurts the redhead... only to shake his head a moment later. "No... better question. How long were you down here? You couldn't get out?!"

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan's eyes remain level with the twin points of light. He does a soft, silent staring contest. And he accepts the hand extinguishing the flame. "If that is your wish, then." He says, simply, to whatever entity may be particularly responsible for the gesture. He doesn't try it again. This isn't just an unreality, it... Is exerting a force, maybe? Maybe fire seems to it the way it seems to Nathan? This is entirely incomprehensible. But it seems to tolerate him, extinguishing the flame rather than the man. Thank goodness.

    He turns on Sebastian now. "What was it you said before? 'To be alive, to walk this earth. That's the real curse right there.'" He approaches now, keeping Kimiko between him and the man. "Well. It would appear you have solved that problem, at the very least. We found Indra in a covenant with Alvina, out of necessity. He assisted us, that one day we might finish our task and free him. Do you find yourself in the same position, Sebastian?" He's very cautious about this, but still respectfully so. And then he glances to Shirou. "No. There is no bonfire here. No fire, in fact, at all, I believe. Something has decreed against it. Sebastian would not be here without cause." He tilts his head at the man, prompting explanation.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is able to get some light and she looks about wondering about it. The light works there's nothing here to snuff it but there's nothing here for the light to fall upon save themselves. There's a slight moment that is unsettling to her. There is nothing here but them there is /nothing/ total nothing. It's not like space where there's some things but very sparse there is nothing here.

Thjen something happens she takles a moment did she spot the eyes she's not sure however someone speaks and she pauses for a moment.

"Wait your have endured this place if it can even be called as such?"

She does move a little bit to guard Nathan as best she can it's become her job at times and she doens't mind the role of body guard one bit.

Priscilla has posed:
    Sebastian remains impassive as he is addressed. He was never a terribly expressive one, but now it seems as if that he just doesn't care to react, as if even going through the motions to look displeased were too much effort for nothing. "The feat is not my own. I am not still here out of bravery or cleverness, but out of weakness. It is truth that I arrived with those kinds of aspirations; with the knowledge that the others were trying their hardest, and so I should offer my very best as well, sure that seeking this fire would allow us to master the curse."

    "A lie. But I knew no better."

    He turns to Shirou. "Though all the ways in and out of the Abyss have been sealed, there is still a place where it . . . intersects. I went there seeking the shard claimed by the Four Kings . . . but I never met them. The Darkwraiths answered to them, but their relevance has long since passed. I am elucidated by the Kingseeker's brother. The true primordial serpent. It is by his grace that I am sheltered here, awaiting the last of the flames, and the emergence of our true Lord." He then turns to Nathan. "We are feeble vessels with feebler souls. Even when we discard the prop of life, we face nothing but hardship. This Dark . . . this is the quintessence of humanity."

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard considers the words of Sebastian for several moments, and nods, taking an absent glance at the necklace he wears. He's keeping an eye on this. And if the spirit breaks, well...

Maybe he can acquire a new volunteer.

Regardless, Lezard nods, and simply requests, "You have learned much in your time here. Please, could you show us to the Kingseeker's brother, the Primordial Serpent?"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "TRUE Primordial Serpent?" That gets the projection mage blinking a few times. And pursing his lips. "... oh! I remember, someone said something about his brother! Talking to him might help shed some light on this..."

    But then... then he stares. "... What do you mean, THIS is humanity...?!"

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki's expression would even, and her arms would wrap behind her back with just a hint of discomfort. She has no desire whatsoever to provoke some fanatical babble about 'faith' and 'truth' and whatnot. She has long since forsaken the universality of things like this which, in her eyes, invalidates them completely. Even if this were the true lord of this realm, they would never be hers, and so they have no relevance to her whatsoever. Simply put, she does not care, and she has no desire to be 'humbled' or 'taught' or 'enlightened' where she has so many times before heard mortals swearing fealty out of uncertainty and fear more than wilful faith. This is why she can tolerate Faruja's brand of piety where she would likely loath this person's -- it's born of devotion. That gives it merit. Desperate clinging does not good fatih make, for her.

    So in the interest of expediting things, she wouldn't breathe a word. Lezard speaks for her to request an audience with this 'prophet' of his. Meanwhile, she'll just be doing her utmost to refrain from scowling.


Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "I understand." Nathan says, nodding. "I will leave you to the Dark, if that is your decision, and I hope that you will find it rewarding as you think it may be. My knowledge is not sufficient that I might judge one way or the other, and so I will not. I would ask that you assist me in rectifying that. The brother of Frampt. You said that he has helped you understand something. Please allow us to learn what you have understood as well. We continue to seek the shard, regardless. If this true primordial serpent knows so much, then we will undoubtedly find insight into our quest. We will hope that there may be insight into locating the shard as well, but I have no intent to demand."

    He's supporting Lezard a little bit there. And then Shirou gets a raised eyebrow. "Have you seen the sort of things humanity wrought on earth? I hold little skepticism that its most pure form is rather dark. We can find out more about this at the source." He looks to Sebastian. "Could you please guide us? In as much as directions could be said to be given here."

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad just stands, listening.

     He has no fucking idea what is going on but is nodding and pretending he does.

     The fact the darkness is the pure essence of humanity, though? It causes him to smile a bit. A smile of /denial/ for what was said.

     "Ah! This dark could in now way be the true essence of humanity. The true essence of humanity is THE NOBILITY OF OUR SOUL, and a desire to make the world a better place! Do not worry, heroes like us shall prove that HUMANITY IS THE BEACON OF LIGHT THAT HELPS THE WORLD!"

     He unsheathes his sword, pointing it to the sky, and he /bursts/ with a massive amount of Light Magic, specifically for effect.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe would be lying if this place didn't scare her, she's a bit floored by how Pious this man is but then again they may just have an alien master and she nods a little bit as she looks to them. She bows her head slightly for a moment and wonders what he means.

"The true Primordial Serpent?"

She seems curious and she pauses for a moment at the mention of the void being humanity she starts to think on this. Shirou's brought up a point too as have Nathan. SHe has some choice words to say but now isn't the time to deal with sniping between memebers of the team and she leaves it be, still it makes her wonder about some things on Nathan. She does however have a comment on the nature of humanity.

"Humanity is over coming the base drives that nature saddled with us to move beyond the base desires to do something more than that. The possiblity we can be more than that is what makes us human."

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko looks between Tomoe and Fassad. "The Dark of this world is not present on other worlds, nor the Flame, in the same way. I would not be so quick to assume understanding of it. The humanity of this world is also different."

    That's all she has to say. She's just going to stay on guard until all danger has passed, which will mean leaving this place entirely.

Priscilla has posed:
    "Darkstalker Kaathe." Sebastian states plainly. "One of the few beings who remembers a time before Fire and Dark. Before Lordran or the Abyss. The Four Kings have long outlived their usefulness, and so he no longer dwells here. Conquer them, and you will perhaps draw his attention. You have done more than enough to draw their ire, after all. I suspect they will be here very shortly. Challenge them, if you wish, or marshal your forces and try another day. It matters little to me. I am powerless to lead you to him on my own. I still wear the form of man chosen by the gods. The soul, no matter how noble or sophisticated, is not the nature of humanity. A soul is a prop we carry. A mask we wear. Something that allows us to exist in the world that we were not meant for. When the Fire fades, and when the Lords of the First Flame are no more, only then will Dark be truly upon us, and this curse lifted."

    "Then . . . men will take their true shape."

    Sebastian suddenly looks downwards, as if having heard something emanating from below, before turning around and walking into the distance. It feels more as if everything he had said had been a manner of soul baring. Of speaking jumbled thoughts until they fit correctly, rather than any kind of explanation meant for someone else's benefit. As he disappears into the nonexistent horizon, the various magical lights assembled by the party suddenly flicker, like a lightbulb momentarily losing power. The all-encompassing presense seems to retreat back, as if stepping aside to make way for something else, and yet remaining close enough to stare, making for an ominous sense of something's passage through the infinite black beneath them, like the current that follows a stalking shark.

Fassad (248) has posed:
     As the man vanishes, as things return to normal, and as the ominous presence appears, Fassad just smiles, lifting his sword and looking around. Yes, this is supposed to be a test run. Yes, they should prepare for this better. Thankfully, odds are good that someone can keep the shit from hitting the fan, right now. But Fassad holds his sword to the sky.

     "LET US FIGHT THEM ALL NOW! There are more of us than them. We can stand up to the challenge! It'll be a grand and heroic final confrontation, to finally bring peace to this world!"

     And, in truth, he means it. Knowing how bad things are here, he wants to end the misery, as fast as possible. And what better way than to call out the Four Kings all at once, and try to wrap it up as fast as possible?

     Thank god there are other people here to prevent this noble but idiotic idea, and to drag him away so they don't anger the Four Kings all at once.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard simply looks to the others as Fassad hauls off.

He gestures. "We could just leave him here." He offers. "I know a fine restaurant, mayhaps we could stop for a time on our way back. I am sure our hero will be fine."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "We came here to test what Lezard has crafted, no more." Nathan says, not pursuing the man who decides to walk. He contemplates what he said, though, turning it over in his mind and worrying incessantly. "We should not fight them now. We have further preparations and we did not come here for sustained combat. Many of our number have yet to prepare more appropriately. We will, however, fight them soon. There is nothing to gain by waiting longer than we must to prepare, but nothing to gain by acting too quickly, and too rashly."

    He then gives a look to Lezard. But Nathan only has one look, and it's a blank stoic face, so it's the same look he gives everyone. "I am trying my best to find an objective fault in your plan, but regardless of its logical integrity, I feel that it would not be appropriate to leave my allies behind to test themselves in combat alone. If Fassad particularly wishes to engage the Four Kings in combat alone, I will not object, but I feel that it is not appropriate to do so without advising that we retreat and face them together."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    'Something that allows us to exist in the world that we were not meant for.'

    That strikes at least a gentle chord with Mizuki. What world were humans meant for, then, she wonders? And what of this dark? What sort of a world would one of pure dark be? She had suggested to Priscilla, once, that the shroud may not be so repulsive a thing as all the legends had made it out to be, but she had rejected the notion - or at least the notion of a completely dark world - rather quickly. She trusts her friend's judgment, but be that as it may, she has a bit of a vested interest in meeting with this other serpent. This 'Kaathe' may well have even more insight into these affairs than Priscilla herself, though that would be tempered by a potential... guile; a bias, especially with a title like 'Darkstalker'.

    She'll contemplate this, at least, until they have a chance to speak with them directly. Any further thoughts she might indulge for the moment, however, are soundly interrupted by Fassad, who... well. Who screams his proclamations of duty and honor and goes barreling off into conflict. She would quirk her brow at this, but would otherwise not budge from her current, rigid position with her arms locked at her back. Eventually, though, she might respond to Lezard without so much as twitching the direction of her neck: "Do they have good flatbreads? Maybe scones? Creation knows I've no -need- of such things, and yet I feel such an exceptional craving at the moment. Far too compelling an urge for me to remain here too much longer, surely..."

    And yet she doesn't budge. She would just continue watching Fassad, wings perhaps fluttering in idleness here and there, eyes maybe stealing a furtive, bemused glance at Lezard.

    She never said she was a moral paragon, after all.

Kimiko Shinobu (570) has posed:
    Kimiko straightens, watching the figure retreat, and then returning her gaze to--nothing. There is Nothing all around, so this is rather easy to do. It's an oppressive lack of presence, and she strongly dislikes it.

    To Fassad, "We do not know whether we will have more than one chance to fight them. Let the preparations finish. We will be going into an unknown danger in either case, but we make these preparations for a reason. It would be one thing to die here, but another to prevent our victory through some mistake."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has nothing else to say and she just now keeps a respectful silence at this poiont she hovers there for the moment and she says nothing else. She hover there now waiting and listening to everything.

Fassad (248) has posed:
     Fassad sighs, sheathing his sword.

     "...Alright. I'll be ready for the /real/ battle then."

     He is obviously dissapointed.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Coming here again... I'd sooner just deal with these guys now!" Shirou mutters, but he knows that's not the best idea right now. So he banishes both his weapons with another flicker of mana. It's swallowed up abnormally fast down here...

    "What does this mean? Humans weren't meant to live in the world we just left?" What kind of sense does THAT make? NONE if you ask him.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard seems almost disappointed when Fassad relents. He was kind of hoping to see the man get murdered.

Maybe with a little work...

He ponders this idea, turning it around in his mind as he watches Fassad intently. Naaaaaaaaah.

He turns to nod to Mizuki. "Indeed, their selection of baked goods is extraordinary." He replies, smiling. Nathan's response draws a comforting clap on the shoulder. "I understand, Master Hall. You certainly cannot approve of such action." Publicly. "But as it seems he has seen reason..." Unfortunately. "We will take our leave and prepare for the true battle."