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Latest revision as of 05:01, 25 June 2015

Dock of the (Vesper) Bay ft Kyra and N'raha
Date of Scene: 24 June 2015
Location: Hydaelyn Reborn <ARR>
Synopsis: N'raha and Kyra make a connection at Vesper Bay! Pray return........
Cast of Characters: 626, N'raha Tia

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Vesper Bay is a nice little town on the coast of Thanalan, without an Aetheryte but with a number of boats leading to it. That means the traffic tends to be a bit more deliberate, and there's not been quite so many tourists from the Multiverse here. Yet.

    It's also the semi-secret home of a extra-governmental group but we'll pray return to that later, maybe.

    It's also got some decent seaside fishing, and there's where the Adventurer N'raha is this evening. He's found a nice coolish bit of seawall to sit on, casting his line between a group a moored boats on the ocean. There's a small basket of fish next to him, and he seems to be keeping some decent sized cod in that basket. Ooooh. That's good eating, later.

    He does not suspect a thing.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    So far, this Hydaelyn hasn't been that dangerous to explore-but Kyra has been sticking to the towns and not venturing off into the wilderness alone. After all, a Backliner like her works best in groups where she won't have to fend off the nastier monsters herself. Nevertheless, cities were safe enough, right? She could come here alone.

    Part of her intentions here were to find this Adventurers Guild that Alwyn mentioned earlier during their mission to Deepcroft. Except...it's completely slipped Kyra's mind exactly what city it was supposed to be in. Whoops. A bit of asking around should reveal the correct answer at least.

    But for now, Kyra slips along the docks, having just disembarked from one of the boats. As she is just about to move deeper into town, she notices a familiar Miqo'te hanging around, and promptly diverts. She comes up behind him, not /intending/ to sneak up on him but it sure may seem like that depending on how much concentration he's put into his task.

    "Hi N'raha!"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miqo'te... well he /hears/ someone walking behind him, but he's REALLY concentrating on his fishing pole. Which is why he nearly pitches himself over into the water when someone calls his name, right behind him.

    He staggers a bit and manages to brace himself with a hand, turning to look at the young lady. He's out of the armor, at least, and is wearing a rather comfy looking sleeveless tunic and shorts. He's even got a toolkit on his belt to fix his line!

    And noe of it gets particularly wet. That's good. "Hnnffggff. K-kyra! I you I hello? What are you doing here?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh shit-" Kyra reaches out as N'raha starts to flail, for sure assuming he's going to fall into the water. She ends up grabbing the guy anyway to pull him back even though he steadies himself, no doubt making things DOUBLE AWKWARD now. She's quick to let go of him with an embarassed look on her face. Or at least what of her face can be seen. Kyra has the hood on her hoodie drawn low, barely affording a glance at her green eyes. It's mostly to shield her from the sun, which her skin does not tolerate very well.

    "Yeah, that's me." she laughs. "Uh, I was looking for the Adventurer's guild and doing a little city exploring. It's nice and relaxing here." she looks to his basket filled with cod. "I see you've been busy. Er. Still are."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miqote does not mind the grabbing at least, bending slightly bonelessly in a feline manner into the tug. He ends up looking upwards, upside downish, at theWhite Mage's hoodied face. "Hah! Well, that's like... you gotta go to the big cities for that. Not Vesper Bay here. I had to hitch a ride on a chocobo to get here myself, so." A grin, and he rights himself again, moving to pull in his line and straddle the sea wall.
    And then he's right back to his happy self. "So, did you find anything interesting? I know a lot of the towns and stuff out here are all trading posts and crap for the outlying settlements, so..."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh, so this is the wrong place?" Kyra doesn't seem too terribly bothered by that. "Oh well, it's not like I've got some kind of time limit on joining the guild, right?" She shrugs her white-garbed shoulders in a nonchalant manner. "I doubt this big popular adventurer's guild is going anywhere."

    She blinks, "Anything interesting? No, not yet, not really. I just got off the boat, actually." she gestures towards the docks. "Why, what am I missing in this town?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "Oh! Okay! Well. This is Vesper Bay. It's sorta a trading outpost, like a lot of stuff out here. Uh, there's the docks, obviouysly that's one of the big things, they do a lot of trade with, uhh..." N'raha's ears flick a bit as he does some heavy thinking. "Doooomus? I think is the name? It's way off to the east though, an island and crap. Neat people out there." He puffs up. "There's a bunch of mansions around here that the nobles live in, and then there's like haunted mines and stuff."

    And he holds up the basket. "And Fish! I'm catchin' these for one of the chefs in the Shroud. Pays top gil for out of area fish, so long as you can get them to him fresh!"

    The tail swishes again, and the catman pulls out a piece of jerky, offering it to Kyra. "Hungry?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh! Huh, I should really get a map for this world. I'm guessing the Adventurer's guild has those too." And she'd probably scan it and put it on her mPad if she could. "Trade you say? What sorts of things do they usually trade here? Besides fish." Kyra looks thoughtful. "Because I can make potions of all kinds. I bet I could trade that stuff."

    There is a brief moment of distraction-that tail.

    "Yeah." Kyra accepts the jerky. "Are you done fishing? How do you preserve those to keep them fresh, by the way? Ice spell?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The jerky is some sort of meaty salted fish, like a tuna or something. It is slightly greasy, peppery but edible. Just like a jerky should be.

    Oh, uh, here it's a lot of like, import stuff. They get stuff from all over, it's hard to move... you know, things besides people through the aetherytes and that gets really expensive so they do have to ship it by ship."
    He turns away from Kyra to point out into the harbor. "Okay, so that one is the Maiden's Purity, that's a ore boat for the Syndicate. That there's the Lock and Thimble, they do a lot of like fabrics and stuff. Military armor and stuff like that." He catches himself sorta rambling again, and those ears fold back. "Uh, so like.. lots of stuff. And then people bring their stuff here to sell, uh... where the Aetheryte would be if they had an aetheryte."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Oh right, the fish! N'raha's green eyes light up, and he holds up the basket. "It's got ice crystals in there, I got those cheap by beating up a bunch of baby elementals. Not big ones, but it does the job."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    There is an immediate look of surprise on Kyra's face after she bites into the jerky. "...fish?" she asks, looking at it a little more closely. She'd immediately assumed it to be something akin to beef or turkey. "Huh..." she takes another bite. "Hmm, imports. Then potions are probably a little too pedestrian for the traders here."

    She turns to watch the ships, nodding at the Maiden's Purity, "The same Syndicate that you were talking about yesterday. Run by old money, right? Murasame seemed interested. Hm, yeah, it definitely sounds like potions would be too pedestrian. Lots of raw materials coming through here by the sounds of it."

    Kyra peers into the basket with interest, looking for the ice crystals. "Ah! Of course, that makes perfect sense. You're lucky to have access to them, actually. For me they're a little hard to come by. Ice elementals live in a place not all that convenient to me. Like...double so with the war that just started up there."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    More nodding from N'raha as he closes the top of the basket, propping it shut with a twist of twine over some fasteners. "Well, that's sorta the way it is, isn't it? Those crystals power... well, a whole lot of things here in Eorzea. Magical devices practically run on the stuff and so do a lot of the stuff that we use all the time."

    He blinks at the War stuff though, drooping faintly. "Bluh. I hope everything doesn't turn to crap. That... that really messed up our world." He points farher up the shoreline where a massive, elegant, wrong-shaped crystal formation just out of a cliffside, rending it in two and opening up a cave system within. "That's what the Cataclysm left behind for us. Corruption and crap. Still getting it all figured out."

    More perking at the qustion about politics. An Ul'dan is never more than three sentences away from the stuff. "Yep. Buncha lalafell and their retianers running the goingson of the city, at least. The rest of the countryside by proxy thanks to business interests."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "So these crystals function as your power sources for things?" Kyra looks pretty fascinated by this, in fact, "Hmm, I'll have to collect some of my own for samples. Very interesting! Yes. Until recently our own world was lacking in any kind of magical battery."

    She pointedly doesn't mention Murasame or Zwei for credit for this. It was a small sore spot.

    "Ah...yeah...that. It's too early to tell." Kyra looks uncomfortable. "This is...really, the first war we can say that has occured between our plates. Before there was just not the way or the will to do that. But now..." she trails off, "...well maybe cooler heads will get it together but I kind of doubt it." He follows the Miq'ote's finger to the shore and cliff with the massive crystal with the warped appearance. "Corruption? What do you mean by that, N'raha?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miq's eyes fix on the crystals a bit and he sighs. "Okay so, when I said they dropped a moon on the planet, the Garleans dropped a moon on the plant. Only it wasn't a moon it was like a big prison for one of the Elder Primals. And when that opened up, the pieces of the moon prison thing broke apart and started raining down all across Eorzea, doing awful magical shit to the place... you know, and they were also giant pieces of crap that had been next to a primal for like ever."

    That tail flicks listlessley and N'raha wilts a bit. "Sorta... sorta half the reason I left home."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Following N'raha's explanaton really cemented this world as a potential future world of others. It might be an unfair judgement to make so she keeps this observation to herself. "Being giant pieces of crap raining from the sky is pretty bad on its own. Making it magical fallout of some kind of degree is frankly even worse. Still.." she looks back to the cliffside, then pauses.

    "Did one of these pieces fall on your hometown, N'raha?" she aks quietly, almost as if she was afraid of the answer she might get.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    That tail flicks rapidly again, and the young man wilts a bit. Then puffs up. Hmmm. "Not nearly, but close enough. Wrecked our hunting grounds, we had to relocate like, a bunch of times. The tribe's leader just... just kept moving us. Never tried to help anything, never..."

    N'raha's youthful anger is peaking, though he's got a kettle on it at least. Something angry down there. It's quickly shoved back though. "So, I left. Just... well, now I'm off exploring the world and that's that."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...I'm sorry to hear thatN'raha." Kyra's super quick to offer, picking up on the vibe that this might not be a subject that N'raha will want to talk about for very long. "Though...was your tribe nomadic? It kind of sounds that way eventually because of corruption. Anyway..this subject is depressing." She turns away from the cliff, "So how about you show me around instead? Do you have much to do at the moment?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The miq's face lightens a bit at that. "Ah, yeah. It's all my moms and aunts and the Nuhns and stuff and we move to follow stuff or get away from storms and all that. Some of the bigger tribes have settled roots but we're... well, we're out there, you know?"
    Kyra changes the subject and N'raha is only too happy to follow. "Sure! I gotta head back to Bentbranch anyways. That's where we were the other night with the skeletons nad you saved me a bit." Cough. "I just like Vesper cause it's usually quieter and sometimes you get leads on stuff that needs to get done from the sailors."

    The Miq limbers out a bit, an impressive stretch. And then he retracts the fishing pole, slides it away... whereever it just went, and slides a pair of daggers on his hips. "Come on, we can get out faster if we teleport. Besides, I gotta drop these fish off anyways." He holds out a hand to Kyra, and it's got a round, worn oval gem in it. "I'll teleport us over there, if you like?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Just not as big, huh." Kyra seems pretty pleased for her correct guess on the nomadic thing. Even then, she's still up for changing the subject to something that doesn't make the young Miqo'te that frustrated.

    "Oh yeah, that. That's no problem! I am a healer, after all. Like I told Alwyn the other day, it's what I do." She is practically tittering at the thought, enjoying the praise immensely.

    Having seen the magic of the Adventurer backpacks, the disappearing fishing rod is assumed to have gone in one of those. "Ooh, do it. I'll never get tired of teleport spells either, those are impressive." she says, immediately taking up the Miqo'te's hand.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    There's a fangy grin from the catman as he nestles his hand with Kyra's, and...

    There's a tingling, lifting sensation between the two of them. N'raha murmurs. "Hold on to your tail." And the lifting suddenly turns into a gentle /shift/, as if the two of them are starting to move in a direction that doesn't exist. The pseudo-motion picks both of the youths up into the air and t-

    Zzzzzzzooop. Gone in a cloud of aether.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:

    Shortly afterwards, Kyra starts teasing N'raha just a little bit: "Oh no!" she gasps in an overly dramatic manner, "I didn't hold onto my tail enough! It's /gone/! What am I going to dooooo~"