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Latest revision as of 12:31, 25 June 2015

Dress Like a Kingslayer!
Date of Scene: 25 June 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: The imposing MORDRED pays a visit to Tomoyo's Boutique, while Yamazaki rambles about lions.
Cast of Characters: Tomoyo Daidouji, 804

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     It's early evening in Tomoeda. The sun has just begun to set, shadows lengthening along the ground in preparation of the blanket of night that rapidly approaches. Some businesses begin to close now, not expecting to see much business during the night.

     But Tomoyo's Boutique is not one of them! Elites have weird habits and schedules after all, and Tomoyo insists on trying to meet them in the middle as best she can. The lights are still on, making the well-dressed mannequins in the windows spill fashionable shadows out on the streets. The girl herself can be seen moving about through the door, cataloguing the shelves with Yamazaki.

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
Since he's coming to get new clothes, MORDRED has decided to dress up for the occassion. He's in a formal suit, white tie. A variant on early 21st century styles. Custom made out of genuine silk. A knightly sash in the colours of his father adorns his upper body. On his chest, over his heart, a patch has been stitched on holding his heraldry.

He arrives exactly at the scheduled time, knocking on the door not even a second early or late. His face is an emotionless mask, and his eyes, though they obviously follow Tomoyo's movements, reveal nothing of his intentions or feelings.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Punctual! Tomoyo likes that in a customer. And you know what else she likes? Customers who are royalty. Though she tries to be even-handed with all her customers, people of status tend to be seen, tend to be in a position to send more work her way.

     As such, when she opens the door, she greets MORDRED with a proper curtsy! "Welcome, Sir MORDRED. Thank you for coming." The curtsy miiiight be a bit overkill, but he IS a Confederate, and an unknown one at that. He might blow up the store if he's displeased with her service!

     Leading him over to the counter on his right, she slips behind it and stands up straight, smiling up at him. "How can I be of service?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
There's the slightest hint of an amused smile on MORDRED's face as he's greeted in that way. "Thank you for your gracious welcome, miss Daidouji." He responds to the curtsy with a formal bow, calculated to be slightly less deep than it would be to properly match, the difference is, however, miniscule.

He moves to the customer side of the counter, and puts one hand on it, casually leaning. "My wardrobe is, regretfully, quite limited. Especially in the realm of informal clothes, where I have none. I thought I should change this, and you are well-recommended." His face has gone back to that completely emotionless mask, and his eyes glance over the store in a mechanical fashion, like he's scanning it for anything of note. "Can I entrust the expansion of my wardrobe to you, miss?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     As she listens to the intimidating man that stands before her, A part of Tomoyo can't help but laugh as she imagines him in casual wear. Thankfully, the laugh doesn't reach her face, and she only nods while she retrieves a sketchbook from under the counter.

     "Very well Sir MORDRED~" She grins a little at his question. "Several Elites have, and none have walked away disappointed. Just watch and see." Flipping open the sketchbook to the next fresh page, she extracts a mechanical pencil from her apron and draws a male silhouette. After a moment's thought, she begins to draw an outfit.

     "Let's start you off with some beachwear! It's always the perfect season for it /somewhere/ in the Multiverse~" She starts with a pair of cargo shorts in light tan with the traditional four pockets. Somehow, MORDRED strikes her as a man who likes to be prepared, even on his downtime. On his feet, she draws a pair of brown Roman sandals, deciding that flip-flops might be a bit too informal for the gentleman.

     Over the chest, she draws a Hawaiian shirt. She had been musing on the best pattern since his request, and his arrived at a decision. To the side, she does a quick sketch of a thick green jungle, with bright fruits growing from trees. However, here and there, the glowing eyes and lithe form of panthers can be seen in the dark behind the foliage. As a final touch, she draws some dark sunglasses on the face of the figure.

     Upon finishing, she rotates the sketchbook to MORDRED for his appraisal. "What do you think sir~?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"Beachwear?" MORDRED asks as though he doesn't quite comprehend the phrase, but he doesn't otherwise interrupt, patiently waiting for the fashionista to finish doing her designs. He doesn't seem to be intentionally intimidating, just following his own quiet procedures. Once he's done taking in the full store, his eyes settle fully on Tomoyo. He becomes entirely motionless, whatever breathing he does obscured by his clothing.

Then Tomoyo finishes her design, and he takes a look at it. "Why did you include eye protection gear? I have no need for them." That's the only thing he says, apparently he doesn't have anything else to say about the outfit designed for him.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo squirms a little as he appraises her design. At his question, she blinks, and breaks out into a smile. It just gave her a far deeper understanding of him. "Fashion isn't solely about function! Yes, shades protect your eyes from the sun, but they can also make you look dashing!"

     There's a gleam in her eye as she explains, one of genuine passion for her product. "But, if you don't like them, I can remove them~ Or, if you don't like the outfit, I can try again, if you'll let me~ I already have a lot of different ideas!"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"The outfit should be perfectly fine, I was just surprised to see such an item included in a clothing design. You have given me no reason to question your word, so I'll believe you that they are considered fashionable." MORDRED's response just gets a slight bit more guarded, if such a thing is at all possible. He looks at the design again, "I know lions are more associated with savannahs than jungles, but I think I would prefer lions over panthers. That said, I'd love to see your other designs." Finally, "But, what is the occassion at which I'd want beachwear?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo smiles at MORDRED's comment about lions and nods. She lives for that moment, when a customer mentions something about what they like that she can incorporate. She does a quick sketch under the jungle sketch, of a wide savannah of tall, dry grass and blue skies with wisps of cloud. On the back, there would be a high rock with a basking lion. Among the tall grass, the eyes of hunting lionesses can be seen.

     "Does this seem better~?" she asks, showing it to MORDRED. Listening to his last question... "Goodness, do you not know what a beach is? It's where the land meets the sea, with sand! It's where you go on hot days to have fun!" She pauses for a moment, and asks with an innocent look. "Do... people in the Confederacy have fun together? I realize that you're a... serious organization, but everyone needs some downtime."

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I'm sure we do have fun, but I haven't been among our ranks for too long, and personally I haven't had the opportunity to visit beaches yet." He actually sounds sad when he says this, his eyes focusing on some distant thing only he appears to notice. "Mercury has no natural water, and thus no beaches." He shrugs, and then looks at the new design, the sadness fading back into his neutral mask. "I do like that better. You said you had other designs?"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo smiles and nods. "I hope you get a chance soon, Sir MORDRED." Her eyes widen when he mentions that his home world had no water. Part of her wants to ask how life evolved, but she stops herself. Too invasive for a tailor.

     "Other designs? Yes, I do! Now, we have warm weather wear, but let's move on to clothes for when it gets cold!" She does a new figure on the next page and begins to draw, staring with a ribbed turtleneck sweater, which she labels as 'grey.' Next, a pair of thermal trousers, black with red stripes running down the side. A pair of thick brown boots on the feet, perfect for wading through rain and snow. On the hands, she adds some fingertip-less black gloves, good for keeping warm without compromising dexterity. As a final touch, she draws a beanie on the figure's head, with the stylized side profile of a lion roaring in silver.

     She turns the sketch towards MORDRED to appraise. "All materials used here are of the finest quality! I can promise an outfit that keeps the chill out and the body heat in at all times!"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"We'll see." MORDRED says with that emotionless mask back on, "But, it'd be a waste if I purchased clothes for such an occassion and then neglected to find use for them, so I'm sure I will." He waits for Tomoyo to finish the next design, before picking up the sketch and looking over it with an appraising eye. "The only item that will cover my head is a crown, otherwise this looks good. You don't need to worry about insulation, however. I can handle a little cold."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo smiles at MORDRED's firm statement. "I'm sure it will suit you very well~" she says in regards to the crown. When she gets the book back, she erases the beanie, but she shakes his head at his statement. "Just because someone might not need a feature, that doesn't mean I'm going to skimp on it! If word got out that I wasn't putting my all into every outfit, even into things that the customer won't notice, what would people think of me?!"

     She takes a deep breath and calms herself, smiling sweetly once more. Clearly not as good at masking her emotions as MORDRED. "But, I did have another idea~ Hawaiian shirts are kind of garish, so how about some tamer warm weather wear?" She begins to draw a third outfit, starting with a dark red polo shirt and some black denim jeans. Looking from the page to MORDRED then back, she manages to replicate the coat of arms on his suit on the breast pocket of the polo shirt. On his feet, she draws a pair of orange sneakers with white soles and laces.

     She shows this sketch to MORDRED. "Much more casual and understated, I think~"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"I just hope I won't have to kill too many people to get it." MORDRED says softly, before shaking his head and going back to the subject of clothes. "I understand the sentiment, it's your personal honour as a clothier. My apologies for such a transgression, it won't happen again." He sounds like he thinks insulting someone's honour, even on accident, is nothing to take lightly. As he looks at the next outfit, he smiles faintly. "There's no need for my heraldry on casual wear. Some might think I wasn't confident in the strength of my claim if I felt the need to emphasize it, so please leave that out."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo nods slowly, biting her lower lip. Clearly not comfortable with the idea of death, but she says nothing. But she seems to like the idea of 'the honour of a clothier.' "That's right! Thank you for understanding. It won't drive the price up at all, I promise~"

     Listening to his comment, she nods and erases the coat of arms, starting to replace it with a little crown, but she seems to change her mind. "I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for having a crown on your clothes..." she murmurs. Instead, she does a tree with the silhouette of a lion lying under it in gold. "There, much more neutral~"

     She tilts her head at him, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Is that enough clothes sir? Or would you like to commission more?"

Project MORDRED (804) has posed:
"For a first sample, this will suffice. If I'm satisfied with your work, I'm sure I will come by for more." MORDRED answers the last question first, and then takes another look at the changed design. "Yes, much better. Thank you." He places the sketchbook back on the counter, and withdraws his wallet. "How much will these designs cost, miss Daidouji?" He's back to an emotionless, almost robotic posture and face.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo smiles and bows her head. "I understand sir~ I swear on my 'honour of a clothier,'" She giggles a little at the phrase. "That the clothes will exceed your expectation!"

    She shakes her head when he takes out his wallet. "No money, not until you're satisfied. That's how I run my business~" She waves Yamazaki over. "Please, allow my assistant here to measure you for precise fitting~" Should MORDRED allow the young man to, he leads him over to the changing rooms as he tells some nonsense tale about how a group of lions came to be called a 'pride.' Apparently, a hunter was surrounded by lions, but only one attacked him, and they duelled for five days and nights. At no point did any of the other lions intervene, even when the hunter won. He returned to his village and spoke of the pride of lions, and the name caught on.