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Latest revision as of 03:25, 28 June 2015

Freshcat on Campus ft. N'raha and Xiao Li
Date of Scene: 28 June 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: A visit to learn more about Alexander Academy turns into Operation: Touch Fuzzy Tail.
Cast of Characters: N'raha Tia, 823

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The nice thing about linking the Aetheryte Network with the rest of the Multivrse means that at least N'raha can always get back home in a hurry if things go bad. That said, there's... a lot going on for the young Miqo'te today.

    Dressed in a smart looking set of cotton worker's gear, that is comfy and easy to wear, the catman is busy looking at a map as he wanders around in the Alexander Academy. Students mill about and give the catman a few looks to be certain, but none have stopped him so far.

    He is wearing a visitor's badge, at least. He got that part right.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Among those students is Xiao Li, dressed in an ornate green cheongsam over a white, kneelength dress. At first she hasn't even noticed the subtle stir surrounding the appearance of an off-world visitor. Her gaze was fixated upon a tablet device held in the crook of her arm like a clipboard, her other hand swiping across it periodically as she walked. "Hmm...yes...yes that should theoretically be plausible. But hrm...."

     And as she walked through the central court, nagivating other students, she mumbled to herself. She really was off in her own world. Whatever it may have been. Most others at the academy knew well enough to give to dubious intellectual a wide berth. She just simply didn't play attention. It wasn't worth the effort trying to lecture her.

     Which made for an amusing sight as the girl proceeded to eventually walk straight into the visiting N'raha. In the middle of some no doubt burning thought, her reverie was immediately interrupted. "Whu-!"

     She stumbled back a step, but managed to steady herself quickly. ".....?" Blinking in surprise, the girl stared at who she'd just walked into. "...Well, hello there." And slowly a smile began to spread along her face. "My apologies. I'm afraid I didn't see you there."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miqo'te lets out a little 'Whuh' in response as he's bumped into, stepping back a few steps as he reaches out a hand instinctively. Only the young lady in the dress hasn't fallen over, nor has she dropped her stuff. Those ears fold back a bit in slight frustration in general but that's quickly shoved back under a cheerful smile and a sudden happy demeanor.
    "Hallo! I was just sorta looking around and, ah, are you okay?" He gives her a once over, no harm no foul, really, before he holds out his hand. "N'raha. I met a few of the students from here the other day and I figured I'd come check out an Adventuring School. I... uh, it's a pretty interesting idea."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "......" She was silent for a moment, listening to the off-worlder explain his presence at her school. "No need to worry about me. I'm just fine." She flexed an arm and put on a big smile. "It'll take more than a bump to knock me down!" She didn't actually have much in the way of muscle. Not that it could be seen from over those long sleeves of hers.

     "N'raha?" She tilted her head slightly, and then realized. "Oh, your name!" The girl quickly reached and took the offered hand, shaking it. "Well, nice to meet you then, Mr. N'raha. My name is Xiao Li Yu. I'm a student here myself." Her smile persisted and she took a moment to glance back around her. Other students were moving about, intent on getting to their next activities and tasks.

     "Yes, this place can be...quite interesting now and then. What with all the dungeon running, combat practicums, and job theory being bandied about..." Sounded rather intense actually. But she spoke of it so casually. "But nevermind that." Xiao Li's gaze settled back onto the poor guy. "I'm nore interested in you actually."

     She proceeded to walk a slow circle around the lad, observing him from every angle. "...I'm surprised. It seems to be real after all." It became clear she meant his ears and tail, because soon after, she shameless reached her free hand out to try and touch one those ears.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Oh hey. N'raha holds sorta still as he's examined, not really minding the once around. "Ah, well, where I'm from adventuring really isn't a thing that is taught you h-hnggfffbbm."
    His train of thought is cut off as the young lady grabs at his ear. It flicks and twitches and tries to move around but it's caught now. The Miq's hands sorta twitch a bit until he can reach up and gently snag at Xiao's wrist. "Ow ow ow ow. Careful careful with that aaaah that's sensative! And why wouldn't it be real?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Oh! Ahahaha! It's actually real! How cute!" Xiao Li laughed delightfully at N'raha's inherent surprise and discomfort, feeling his ear without any hesitation to her. Once her wrist was grabbed she pouted. "Awwwww..." Well, that was fun while it lasted. She'd have to remember that and record the details later. Maybe it would come in useful. Someday! His question earned him an innocent seeming smile.

     "Well, you know! Sometimes people cosplay! I was just curious is all!" And then her golden eyes brroke eye contact and settled on his tail. "......" If it were possible, they'd have been sparkling with renewed curiosity. Without putting anymore thought into it, she attempted to free her wrist and go for his tail next.

     No concept of personal space, this one.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha's reaction to this is a bit more personal, as he reaches out and plants a hand on Xiao's sternum and puts himself between her and his tail. "Hnnggff ah ah ah please that's personal, please, what the hell? I'm not a cat!" Well, maybe a little but.
    He pulls back and tries to shield himself with that map. "I didn't walk up to you and honk your chest, did I?" Huff puff. "This place is crazy!"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Ahahahaha~" And she just laughed. Other passing students began to give them a wide berth, mumbling something about 'the crazy nerd' being at it again. Xiao Li paid it no mind at all. "Well that's a shame. Simply a shame." She folded her arms into her sleeves, tablet along with it, and relaxed her stance, allowing the poor guy to put a bit of distance between them.

     "I'll let you go this time though." This time, she says. "Now, were you looking for anything specific? Or were you just wandering about in general?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Miq's hands strighten out his outfit in a restles manner, before he calms down a bit. That tail is in fact all poofed up. "Hnng.. I was coming arounf 'cause Miss Hyral said I should come check it out and so I did and then you started yankin' on me." He grumbles a bit, and sighs. "I'm with the Adventurer's Guild from Eorzea and there's like, a lot of similarities, okay? I was coming to see maybe if I could learn some stuff."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Hrm. Hyral...Yes, I do recall that name." Xiao Li tilted her head back and forth as she thought back. That one girl with the fixation on horrid music...what was it called? Mogstep? She forgot. Oh well! "Would you mind if I yanked on you some more? You are the first off-worlder I've met actually! I simply must find out how our biologies differ! Perhaps it's in the blood, do we share the same number or chromosomes? Are they off by one or two pairs? ...Oh it's so exciting to think about!"

     And thus, the girl proceeded to go off pn a tangent all of her own.

     "Oh! Oh oh! I know!" From her sleeve, she pulled out an empty syringe, waving it lightly with a huge smile on her face. "Care to let me have a blood sample? I won't take too much, I promise! Just enough to reliably study and break down! Please? Pleaaaaaaase~?"

     Perhaps it was time to run.

     Run far away.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Blood? Chromosomes? Pairs? The catman lets out a little whining noise. "No no no you may not, are you like a mad alchemist or something? I... a chirugeon? Just... what?"

    There's a suble shift in the air around N'raha, and... well, when Xiao was looking one moment, he was in that comfy cotton clothing. The next he's in... armor. Like, heavy cloth armor and bits of chainmail. There's a ruffle of cloth and a clink of chain as he crosses his arms. Even his tail is wrapped around his waist a bit for protection.

    "Well, I know not everyone around here is like you, at least. Kyra didn't try to... molest me."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Alchemist? Oh no! I'm a scientist! Now, enough about my title. How about-"

     Oh. In the blink of an eye, he'd gotten all armored up. Well. That puts a damper on things.

     ...Or it should have.

     But no, Xiao Li just smiled more, a creepy sort of excitement persisting in her demeanor. "Oh come on! Just a little! This is for the sake of the advancement of biological knowledge! It's for science! Science~! My study of the differences in the DNA between humans and...whatever you are just might prove to be beneficial!"

     Or she really just wanted it for the sake of her own personal scientific curiosity. Regardless, as she pleased, she took steps closer to N'raha. One step. Another step. And then another...

     "Please~?" She put on her best cute look after that.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha's face is impassive. Those ears twitch frustratedly. The tip of his tail flicks against his belly.

    "What are you offering me in return?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     She paused, and then blinked.

     "Ah, yes. Compensation. Of course." She straightened up and folded her arms back into her sleeves, thinking on it. "Hmmmn..." Back and forth for a few moments, she thought. And then she simply smiled and asked.

     "Is there something you want at the moment?" No point trying to read minds. Better to just ask.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha hmmmms, and then pulls out his actual Adventuring Bag, opening it up in front of him and fishing around inside. "I've got a couple of bottles of beastkin blood that I'll trade for some information on how to sign up for this Academy stuff. And not the stuff they put in the pamphlet. I mean like, what actually goes on here, like as a student."

    He pulls out a trio of bottles, and dangles them a bit. The blood is not coagulating. "Deal?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Beastkin blood...." Xiao Li hummed thoughtfully for a moment, raising her joined sleeves over her mouth. After several seconds, she decided. "Okay, that'll do for now!" She smiled and stepped forward. "If you want to enroll, then the place you're looking for is the Administrative Center. You should be able to speak with someone at the offices there and start on the application process."

     She separated her sleeves at that point and pointed off towards the general direction of the destination N'raha should seek. "It's around there. Do you need to be lead, or do you have it under control?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Xiao gets one of the bottle,s an the Catman holds the other two for the moment. "What about what I should expect as an outsider? I hear you've got other people hwere that are... well, not from here. Should i be worried about... hnng, other people trying to poke me with needles?"

    He sort of starts rolling the vials between his fingers a bit. Nimble fellow.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     One bottle is taken. She tucks it away into her sleeves with no real urgency, pondering the questions asked. "Ah, yes. I have heard that others like you have joined. I haven't met them personally yet however..." She canted her head to one side in thought. Then she smiled. "I wonder what their DNA looks like. ...Their DNA. Yes.

     She straightened up after that, continuing to smile innocently. "Oh, no. I doubt you will find others trying to poke you with needles. They will be far too busy struggling under the crushing weight of the school curriculum to pay you too much mind." Really? After saying such however, Xiao Li whipped out an empty syringe from her sleeves once again.

     "But if you happen to be volunteering for needlework, then I am always ready! We can start right away if you'd like! Hmm? Hmmm?"

     She must have been trolling now.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Those other two vials get handed over, and the miq sighs, thsoe green eyes closing in frustration. "Ugh, okay, thanks, I guess. And I'll go looking. Just... bluh, needles, no." He puts that bottemless bag back and then points a finger at Xiao. "You're a scary lady, you know that?" The ears twitch and flick.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     The syringe is tucked back into her sleeve, along with the other two vials. N'raha's parting statement is met witha playful wink however. "Scary? Who, me? Why would you ever think that? I'm cute and lovable!"


     "Bye! Hope to touch your tail soon~!" She waved goodbye, grin on her face the whole while.