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Latest revision as of 17:23, 30 June 2015

Brunch, No Chasers ft. Mihk and N'raha
Date of Scene: 23 June 2015
Location: Hydaelyn Reborn <ARR>
Synopsis: N'raha meets up with Miss Lihzeh over fish and politics of world building
Cast of Characters: 573, N'raha Tia

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Five years can do a lot for a city, and for a world and for the people of that world. It is a very busy day in Limsa Lominsa, and the Aetheryte Plaza is awash in new visitors from the Multiverse, gawping and gawking. Tourists here for the first time, merchants moving to ply their trade, and the rogueish types keeping an eye on everything.

    And just up the stairs from the Plaza is the Bismarck, the ancient and Ancestral home of Eorzea's finest cuizine. Which is why N'raha totally isn't at any of the fancy tables. Nope, he's hanging out near the back door of the kitchen, chatting up a Lalafell sous chef and bartering some of his fish for cooked food. Mmmmh. Free Market Trade.

    Warms your heart it does.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk walks through the streets of Limsa Lominsa, peering at the differences between her own world and this one. She strides with a purpose, towards the Bismarck, and the man on the radio who invited her over.

    She keeps her book close to hand, a wariness about her that not many others may have, given the state of the world. She watches the Yellow Jackets especially, and adjusts her glasses as she mounts the ramp up to the restaurant, looking around for someone who seems to be waiting. She asks one of the staff, and gets pointed at the Miqo'te around the back.

    She approaches, and hails, once the exchange is over.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    That gets the Miqo'te's attention, at least, as he spots the young lady miq. A... well. A mutt. A refreshing thought on mind of the Miq as he eyes up the... "Ah! Hello Miss Linzeh, I assume?" He hands a card back to the sous chef. A levemete. Oooo. Free Trade indeed.

    That done, the young cat wipes his hands on the front of his outfit and holds it out. "N'raha, adventurer, at your sevice. And I'm a big friend of the Arcanists, actually. Nerdy folks have been saving my btt for ages." He nods down at the massive book at her hip.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk's eyes widen and she takes a step back on being called out for being an Arcanist. "I know not of what you speak..." she tries to deflect, chuckling nervously. "I am no Arcanist."

    She keeps her hands to herself, and fidgets nervously, as a pair of Yellow Jackets walk past, "Please, keep your voice down about such things..."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The catman's eyes blink a bit at Mihk's reaction, but he shrugs a bit. "Okay, I mean, there's no shame in being a nerd, but alright. You're a pretty lady and not a nerd." N'raha's ears flick forward in amusement, before he shuffles over towards one of the edges of the massive walkways.

    It's there that he pulls out a steaming miq'kabob and hands it over to the Not-An-Arcanist. "And I'm not a punchcat then. Just a pair of miqs. Hungry?"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk sighs softly, and joins the other Miqo'te at the railing, leaning on it and peering out at the city below... and by extension, the Ocean. "Not really... no." she replies, resting a boot on a lower spar, and leaning out in the railing. "I rarely get to see this view... My kind are not entirely welcome in Alliance holdings." she relates, glancing back over her shoulder at the Yellow Jackets. "Surprising they've not stopped me for questioning yet..."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha blinks a bit, and looks over at Mihk. And then snaps his fingers. "Thal's Balls, what are you talking about? I mean..." He grumps and then takes a bit of his meat. "Your kind? I mean, there's plenty of half and half Miq's around. I mean, you're not rare, even though I can see a bit of the desert in you." His nose wrinkles a bit.

    And then pieces start to click in his mind slowly. "W-What? What's wrong with Arcanists?"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk looks curiously at the other Miq, and sighs softly. "This is not my Hydaelyn... I am from a world that is about five years in the past, compered to here." she explains. "Arcanists are heathen scum, tampering with the Aether and viewed as nothing more than Primal worshippers."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha blinks a little bit, and then points down into the crowd.
    There's a little glint below, shining yellow, of a Lalafell napping against a wall, with a yellow Carbunkle nestled up next to her. "They have a bloody guild and everything here. The Admiral hired them and works with them to do accounting of all the shipping, because they are a bunch of number-loving brainiacs who love being right."

    N'raha's eyes come back to the here and now though. "N-not that I've had any problems with the guild... ever, in the past. Ever."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk looks down, spotting that familiar glow of the Carbuncle... "Then perchance there shines hope for my own world... If the Alliance can forgive and accept here, mine may be able to do the same."

    She sighs softly, looking over at the other Miqo'te. "Never had a problem, hmm? Then why do you look so guilty right now?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha takes a few more bites of his kabob, slightly evasively. A swallow, and then his ears and tail droop a little bit. "Buh. Because... they wouldn't take me. Thal knows I tried, really. I... I can punch I can sword I can hit but I can't magic." A finger points at his temple. "lady what runs the Arcanists said I don't have the head for numbers, the lalafell borthers who run the thaumaturge's guild say I don't posess the capacity for their ats and I'm not a big enough hippy to be a conjurer. There, I said it."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk chuckles softly. "Not everyone is suited to the Arts." she replies. "Such as I am ill suited to punching, swording and hitting." she replies. The Arcanist then pulls her book from her belt, and flips it open, taking a sheet of paper from within. "We were going to exchange recipies... this is a copy of Mother's recipie, a Lominsan traditional dish with a bit of a Keeper twist."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Oh hey. N'raha smiles and takes the recipe, flicking over the Pipira preperation with a fangy bite at his lips. "Interesting. I mean, I'd stuck with the old tried and true but... sure. Peppers. Mmmmh."
    Another glance, before he nods and fishes around in his own bag for a little notebook full of his own creations. "I gotta admit I don't write most of these down, but I can manage. Ah, sorta... uh."

    The tail flicks again. "What's it been like for you, I mean, out in the Outside? I haven't really. gone anywhere yet. What should I know?"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods a bit, then produces a blank piece of paper, and a quill with an ink pot. "Be careful of those who would seem to be your friends. They can turn on you in an instant." she offers in advice.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    /That/ gets N'raha's attention as he flicks through his book. "I... uh, is that really... is there that much intrigue about stuff? i didn't think... well. I'm still sort of new to all this in general, I mean..."

    A glance at the older miq, and N'raha's tail flicks a bit. "What happened, or... or shouldn't I? Uh."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk shakes her head. "You are best not knowing." she replies, setting the ink, paper and quill down on the railing. "Suffice it to say, even those who seem antagonistic, can turn out to not be." she looks back to the napping Lalafell. "And vice versa."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "...well that's a bit grim." N'raha's green eyes look a bit downcast for a moment or two, before he perks up again and smiles. "Well, hopefully that won't happen just yet. I don't think people are going to crap on the new guy all that much, so." Hope and fervor my friends!

    The young miq's tail flicks again. "Okay, so this is my dodo eggplant surprise. It's a surprise because while I was out in Griandia, it turns out that eggplant was like the only thing I could find in Fallgourd markets that wasn't really expensive." He plants the little notebook against the railing, and tears out the page, handing it over to Mihk.
    There is a doodle of N'raha kicking Behemoth in the nose on the reserse side.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods and takes the piece of paper, slipping it into her tome before clicking the lock shut and returning it to her belt. "Thank you, for inviting me over... I would extend the same invitation, but as I said... I am not welcome in Alliance territory on my world."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha's ears wilt a bit at that. "Well, that sucks. But there's a lot of places that aren't... you know. All that heavy on the Alliance stuff. And you got the whole Multiverse!" More life. "And that's okay, right?" Hope and fervor.

    The miq sits and dangels his legs over the side of the path, looking down over the Plaza again. The little arcanist has wandered off somewhere, and the afternoon's warm sun is spreading over the city. "Mmmmm. And I mena, I know it's not your home, but you're welcome to come here if you like too. Think of it... uh." He bites his lip. "Think of it like a vacation, maybe?"

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods a little. "I shall keep that in mind, Ser Tia." she holds up the little note, doodle facing outwards. "I shall try this next time I pass through Fallgourd." she offers, a little twinkle in her eye as she 'pinches' the Behemoth's head behind her thumb. "Navigator guide your feet... and may you walk in the Light of the Crystal."

    With that, she turns, and sets off back to the Aetheryte plaza with a renewed vigor, and a sliver of hope for her own beleagered world.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The Light of the Crystal. N'raha's eyes twinkle in return, and he doesn't even remark at being called Tia. Though, maybe that's because he was busy watching Mihk go. Yay swishy tails. "Happy returns! And the Light is bright, let me tell you!"

    And then he's right back to watching the Plaza, making sure Mihk gets out okay.. Once she's gone though, he leans against the railing for a bit. That could have gone better. And... turn against you? Thal. What have you gotten yourself into, Raha?