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Latest revision as of 04:42, 6 July 2015

A Dash of Lime and Vinegar ft. Kyra and N'raha
Date of Scene: 05 July 2015
Location: Hydaelyn Reborn <ARR>
Synopsis: N'raha and Kyra share clam recipies and chat about life
Cast of Characters: 626, N'raha Tia

N'raha Tia has posed:
    Gridania is the Shroud's major city, and unlike the hustle and bustle of Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah, the Inn here is not nearly as packed during the day. No real need to get out of the sun while one is in the forest, and thus it's quiet enough for a lunch date.
    Off on an edge of the place, N'raha's found a nice table, he's got bottles of something wet looking, and there's another one of his food baskets on the table. Yes he bought the beverages here so he's not bieng a complete jerk to Mother Mioune.

    The catman is quietly poking at a little mobile, a used one from the look of it from the cracks in the glass. He must have gotten it cheap.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    N'raha's message came a while ago but Kyra at least keeps the Miq updated on when she's /actually/ able to show. Eventually, she she does, she tracks down N'raha immediately upon arriving at Gridania. Likely expecting more rain, she's opted to wear her poncho around her shoulders, though for now it flaps behind her like a hooded cape instead of regular rainwear. Along with her usual load-out of chemist stuff, she's brought a big jar with her.

    "Hi N'raha!" she greets as she slides into a chair at the table. "Sorry it took me so long, had to finish up an experiment. I think it was a success." The redhead slides the jar across the table. It's a clear jar with murky brown liquid and bits of fleshy things floating around in it like a snowglobe made out of bits of skin. "Pickled clams." she declares proudly.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It's drizzling, at least, which makes the poncho at least not unneeded. There's a bit of noise around the place as an Airship pulls in and people start disembarking through the inn.

    The Miqo'te smiles a bit up at Kyra, and peeeers at the jar of pickled clams. "Hmmmmm, well, we'll see. And it's alright, I'm not about to be mad! Besides. Food is food and science is science." N'raha's hands move to the basket, and pulls out... well, it's a clam salad of some sort, with avacado and onions and tomatoes, smelling of lime and vinegar. "I asked around and apparently there's something called a seviche, so I made that."

    A grin. "And I got some berry juice, so hopefully that's not gonna taste weird."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    She apparently learned her lesson about bringing rain gear to this world last time! A little bit of drizzle has not seemed to have bothered her too much at least.

    "We'll have to try them later, actually, because they're still pickling. I think the instructions I saw said they had to be in there for a few days. I didn't have a haste lamp around to speed it up either." She leans forward and watches as N'raha pulls out all that food, her eyes widening. "Oh wow, you've been busy."

    She leans back. "'Serviche' sounds familiar. I can't quite put my finger on where I've heard it before. Anyway, let's try this stuff!"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The catkid holds up the mobile, and there's a recipie on the screen there. "This thing is great! It even told me about using the peppers, so it's gonna be a little hot but I think that's cause it's mostly raw." N'raha smiles and unpacks a few bowls too. "So, uh we either gotta eat it or I gotta keep it cool or it's going to go bad. Not that I'm worried, but."

    N'raha's tail swishes a bit in... apprehension, maybe? He does start spooning out the salad. "And it's something like the Limsans cook up. Pirate sorta food, like 'let's dump a bunch of stuff in the pot'."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh yeah, the internet is pretty great!" Kyra agrees, "That's where I go to get all the inspiration for the food I make too. Though I use them more like...guidelines instead of instructions." She leans forward to peer at the screen and frowns, "Oh, you've got some cracks here. You should probably get those fixed sometime. There's a number of stores in Urbania that'll do that for you."

    Kyra waits until they're both served before picking up a spoon. She seems completely undeterred at the thought of eating raw seafood-or she has just yet to realize that the clams are raw to begin with. Unlikely since it's easy to tell that just by looking at the salad.

    Kyra eats, lifting an eyebrow as she chews. "..hmm. Hey, not bad at all. I honestly haven't tasted anything like this before."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The seviche is lime-y and slightly fishy and tart and just hot enough to notice the heat. The avacados offer enough flavor and oil to mesh it all out. And N'raha's ears fluff out a bit at the compliment. "Thanks! I mean, that wasn't the hardest thing to make. i had a bunch of the ingredients lying around from when I was doing some harvesting the other day so... ah..."

    He takes a few bites himself and head-bops a bit as he chews. Yup. Edible and filling!

    The mention of the phone, though gets his tail to flick. "Well, that's sorta why I got it cheap, you know? Didn't want to pay TOO much in case it didn't work, like, you know, all the way out here. The Aethernet at least gets it to work. That's nice." Hey, if Lahabrea can get his stupid iPhone to work, an Adroid will work just as well.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    N'raha might notice Kyra's eyes watering /just/ a little bit if he looked hard enough. Raw hot peppers would do that to just about anyone, really, but the oil in the avacado ensures that the heat doesn't remain clining to the inside of her mouth like it would otherwise. "Haha, you're being too modest of your skills, N'raha. Own your deliciousness." Kyra smirks and pokes her spoon in his direction.

    "So what's the Aethernet? Your local version of the internet? Do you have Aethernet cafes around here?"

N'raha Tia has posed:
    The miqo'te perks. "Nah, that's the thing that keeps the Aetherytes working, or the thing that the Aetherytes form once they get set up. I think the Linkpearls connect over those as well, or something." The ears droop again. "I dunno, that's just what makes sense to me, you'd have to ask an artificer or whoever for an actual answer."

    He does puff up at the compliments though and pushes over a bottle of berry juice. "And thanks. I mean, I make food cause I gotta make food cause buying it is expensive, you know?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Ahh, okay, so it's some kind of communications and teleportation network that uses the aether here, right?" Kyra guesses, putting her spoon back into the salad to eat some more. "It's probably got some complicated scientific explanation for it so I'll just go look it up on my own time. Or ask one of your artificers, whichever is faster."

    With her free hand, Kyra reaches over and scoops up the berry juice bottle. "Oh yeah, I get that, making food yourself's a lot cheaper. I try to make a lot of my own food but uh..." she looks embarassed, "...I'm not so great at it so I let my friends cook."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "Awwww, well, I know a few people like that, really. It's not for everyone, I mean. I know I'm never gonna win an award for this, but like, one pot stuff like this is pretty hard to mess up." N'rha does cast a wary eye on that jar of pickled clams though, at Kyra's comments.

    The berry juice tastes... fruity, as one might expect. Sweet too, without being sugary, with a bit of fizz. The miq's tail swishes a bit again. "But yeah, lots of the stuff I make is for the road so this is... well, it's not what I'm used to making. Fresh stuff."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...pretty hard. Yeah." Kyra laughs nervously knowing very well she herself would mess up a recipe like this even though there was no actual cooking involved. Just measuring and adding ingredients. She smiles and refuses to look at her own jar of clams.

    "This is good too." she comments on the berry juice, "How do you get it fizzy? Oh, yeah, I bet you're away from towns for days at a time, right? And you need to make stuff that keeps for the road."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha snickers at the last question. "You'd have to ask Mother Mioune. I bought em from her so, you know, we're not just taking up her table space without buying anything." He waves across the room at an older looking elf lady, before leaning forward on the table.

    "So, yeah, that's one thing. I mean, dried food and jerky works out pretty good. Like, plums and fish and dodo and stuff like that." Those ears perk forward. "If you want, I can like, sell you some of my stuff and you can try it out? Or we could do this again sometime?" A hopeful look at either.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "/Oh/. Yeaaaah...you know, I didn't even make that connection. Of...like. Outside food being brought into a restaurant. Normally that won't fly at /all/." she laughs, "I'll ask her later." How do they make carbonation here? SHE MUST KNOW.

    "Hey, I'd be down for either." Kyra grins, "Help out a fellow adventurer, right? I could bring along some of the other Light Warriors too."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It's when Kyra says the words 'Light Warriors' that N'raha's eyes go a little wide, and he coughs. "Ah.. annnggff oh right right not, uh, ah... There's..."

    He takes a sip of juice and then looks at the healer. "Ah, that's... that's what we call the people who helped stop Bahamut and prevented the Garleans from... destroying everything. Only... none of us can remember what they look like or who they were." That tail swishes a bit.

    "But, ah, yeah, I think I'd like meeting the rest of your friends."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh...oh shit, really?" Kyra looks embarassed, "...it's the name of our school club at Alexander Academy. Yeah the name's kind of dorky but...well, we're not a bunch of super awesome world-saving heroes like that." She waves her hands again, "Sorry! I didn't know. A..anyway, yeah, you should meet more of my friends, right? You've run into a few, like Mirielle."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha nods at that. "I'd like that. I mean, I signed up for the school so I might as well start meeting people, right? Only seems like the right idea." He swigs some more juice and then the ears droop. "And you didn't know. I mean, I get that there's some overlap between our worlds, so... I mean, that stuff keeps happening."

    The mention of Miri, though, gets the miq's ears to perk. "Does she get chased by monsters all the time in school too?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Well of course! A number of them have been interested in coming here to help out with some of the missions here, after all. Like our Prince." Sure, she knows him as Landon but lately he's just been 'The Prince' to her. For reasons. "I'll let 'em know you want to hang out."

    Kyra laughs, "You know what? I don't think I've seen that happen to her before but I see it happen all the time /here/. It's pretty funny. If annoying."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha's ears flatten out a bit, maybe to hide a bit of pink. "Well, yeah. But she's cute so she gets a pass on that. She also kept me alive afterwards that one time, so... ah." He huff puffs, and takes a few bites of seviche to try and keep himself from saying dumb stuff.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra suddenly /smirks/. "Oh, you think she's cute?" Kyra teases, "Maybe you should tell her that sometime~ You know, yourself. Hehehhe." She waves a hand, "But don't worry, I won't say anything."