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Latest revision as of 21:53, 14 December 2014

Date of Scene: 03 December 2014
Location: Void - Space-Time Storms
Synopsis: The Mariage boldly attack a TSAB base. Are they getting more numerous?
Cast of Characters: Maya, 96, 320, 381, 558, 635, 646, 647
Tinyplot: Power Games

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
This isn't a remote outpost or secluded village or town this time. It's an actual military base, surrounded by a community, nestled into the hills of a thriving, busy world. It's the opposite of their usual attack pattern!

This does mean that there's an actual defense force fighting back. Mostly it's mook on mook... many of the drones are taking on groups of Ground Mages, military personell armed with staves that shoot magic bolts. But some of the Mariage, the zombie-like women swarming the town, are tougher and faster, and are cutting down the defenders in a slow but regular fashion. They're taking some losses, but they're also managing to get some mages... it looks like they're winning, and they're gunning for the fortified base on the hill.

At least the Mariage can't fly... can they?

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Another day after classes, following rumors and leads in the hopes of finding something awesome. With any luck, it would work out better today than yesterday for Quentyn. Until-- distress call!? Maybe there's someone out there they can help!

    "Hey, Hywnd, let's go check that out!" Of course, walking into a probable combat situation, the white mage gives the ninja the full complement of buffs: Protect, Shell, Stoneskin, the works.

    Once on site, the white mage fiddles with his glasses and draws his PDW, but isn't too keen to actually start shooting at anyone. Instead he looks to Hywnd to make the calls. "I guess we should, um, protect the town..?"

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro arrives in style today, which is to say that she's got Friedrich unsealed already as they're transported onto the scene in midair, the pint-sized summoner atop the dragon, using the advantage of that height to sweep over the battlefield. Caro herself cannot fly, but given that she's cheating today she's not going to have to worry about it so long as the Mariage don't suddenly sprout wings.

    Of course, it's slightly more difficult from the air for Friedrich to not blast some of the ground mages as well, and even though Caro's got him using less than lethal attacks she doesn't want to hit any of the TSAB forces. As a result, her initial burst of attacks will be on drones that are on the fringes for a moment, or over already fallen mages, limiting the effect a bit in exchange for no collateral damage.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    "Keep them all on the ship. I don't care how much they complain!" Flint says to Mr. Blade as he stomps his way towards the launch bays for his ship, "Those lasses are not stepping foot into a TSAB Base. Not after what we pulled."

    "What about you?" Mr. Blade asks crisply, walking along next to him, "Aren't you about to do exactly that?"

    "Yes!" Flint says, slapping Mr. Blade on the back, "But I'm the dashing rogue. It'll work out for me."

    He grins as he steps into a one-seater shuttle.

    It's not too long before that shuttle is hitting the ground in a hard landing, trying to come in and set down in the middle of the battle. Flint hops out of it, careful to look around as he adjusts his hat.

Noiela (647) has posed:
A small group of the defenders are fanning out into the streets crowded with townsfolk, directed silently by one rather diminutive figure clad in a hooded coat utilising the arm not cradling a leatherbound book. Ushering the panicking citizenry with firm assurances they will be safe.
The hooded figure glances up when Friedrichs shadow falls over them, jerking back in apparent surprise. A moment, then off towards the front lines with little more than a nicked sword and tome after the final orders have been given to the men in accents drowned out by the roar of battle.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Streaking in on a pink contrail comes... a criminal! Well, she is that, but she's also been following this problem and she's not about to let a zombie army overrun a world, even if it's not her own! Besides, maybe they'll find a clue about where the Mariage are coming from!

Also, air support seems like it would be a good thing. "Raising Heart!" Nanoha calls, whipping her staff around. It's a longer-distance shot than she's used to taking, but the pinpoint of light that grows on the tip of her ruby staff is still pretty strong... and blasts off to try to take down one of the Controllers, if she can find one.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
Hywnd, honestly, doesn't really care about helping these people much. She has no obligation to. However, she's chosen to join Quentyn in exploring and as such, has an image to hold up: Leaving the town to suffer wouldn't look very good.

Clad in a leather armor jacket with a pair of armored jeans and slip-on shoes, the Ninja has her daisho set equipped at this moment, long sword on top, short sword below. Strapped to a belt near the swords is quite a few throwing daggers, as well as a couple shuriken, a kunai or two, and a sharp rock. Hywnd's hair is short, a naturally purple pixie undercut, and her eyes are a bright blue, pupils spiral-shaped.

Turning to her battle companion, the olive-skinned Levitani remarks in a voice without much emotion to it. "Perhaps the best plan. Try and flank them. Know any stealth spells? Doesn't matter, but could be useful." Drawing her long-sword, she begins sprinting forwards, not seeming to wait for Quentyn.

Maya has posed:
Maya was one of the ones who picked up on the dfistress call and she was fiarly quick to resopnd she'd been lucky really. She'd been near a gate when the call came in so here she was responding it was a military base being hit on a major world. This was even more serious as she arrives on foot but under the effect of a haste spell allowing her to cover ground more quickly.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
The town does look like it needs helped! The mages are concentrating on keeping the civilians safe, and gathering them toward shelters, but they're having a hell of a time keeping all of the Drones at bay. Drones, by the way, are the ones with blades on the arms. The Controllers with the gun-arms are more lethal. Nanoha does manage to take one out with a well-placed shot, though it's struggling to get back up again.

The Mariage react swiftly, though, to the incoming mages and the like. Maya and Caro get a LOT of attention, and Nanoha doubtless will too. It doesn't appear that Drones have memory, though, because only two are coming toward the fallen shuttle.

On the ship, Signum is with Hayate, as is Vita. "Don't worry, we'll stay here." Shamal and Zafira are of course nowhere to be found, and a faint shimmer of green light can be seen in one alleyway.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Boots tred delicately as they can over the bodies of comrades that have fallen, left twisted in a grotesque heap of limbs and arms. Such sights only seem to spur the mysterious officer into a stumbling sprint, bringing out the tome with a flourish before they halt, shoulders stiffening.
Balancing the spine in a cupped palm, illuminated letters swirl out to be accompanied by a pirorette and distinct crackle as an eye searing blast catches the drone just before it reaches her. A deep breath is taken before soldiering on to reach where the men are dying in droves, tattooed hand tightly gripping the precious book.
"Men! Concentrate on the ones with..." The person momentarily struggles, what can be glimpsed of their mouth beneath the cowls shadow moving soundlessly. "The metal wands!"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn shakes his head -- no stealth spells, it seems. He takes a breath and runs after Hywnd, probably not as fast, but the teen is in shape. The white mage will toss out Cures on any civilians or defending mages he runs past, but his priority is, for better or worse, staying with his party member.

    Even if the enemy comes into view, Quentyn won't shoot at them unless he's specifically attacked. To Hywnd he calls breathlessly, "--Anyone coordinating the defense?"

Noiela (647) has posed:
Whoever it is ordering the men around pauses, angling their head to seemingly listen. Hand slipping into a bulging inner pocket, to fiddle with whatever is contained within, energetically.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    Flint is pleased that Vita, Hayate and Signum are going to be staying behind. He will be vexed later if/when he finds out that Shamal and Zafira are down on the ground. For the moment, though, he has to focus on the matter at hand: Two Mariage are charging his shuttle.

    "Ladies, please! I know you always want to come greet me, but really, I've got so many suitors already." He chides, stepping back and drawing a pair of blaster pistols from under his jacket, sending a pair of supercharged beams at the charging assailants in a casual manner, twirling the guns on his fingers.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro is not particularly happy to draw so much attention - if the controllers turn their attention her way, Friedrich is not exactly nimble and dodgey in midair - but she is better suited for taking it than the people who had been being attacked, so she'll count it as a minor win.

    She's not getting any closer to the ground unless forced, however, communicating over radio with the unknown arrivals even as she directs Friedrich into making another run over the line of battle, looking for Miriage that are not close to others that he can breath happy funtime fire at.

    Of course, she may be forced down to assist someone else, and she'll try to keep an eye on those fresh arrivals in particular.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
On the contrary, Hywnd's ignoring the civilians. Instead, she's heading straight towards the drones, aiming to get behind any she nears. Her footsteps are fast, and near-silent for their speed and rate. As she runs behind the Drones, she sweeps her long katana outwards, and slices towards the back of their necks with strong motions. As she gets past the Drones she swiped at, she suddenly turns on her heels, facing at them, as she surveys her surroundings...and draws her shorter blade with her other hand.

"Quentyn, keep me covered if I get swarmed. I can't take an entire group." Hywnd bites her lip, as she waits to see if they'll move...

Maya has posed:
Maya is taking note that the Mariage are moving on her along with the others, she knows others are covering the ship or seem to be but if the hostiles are on her they won't be going after the base now will they. She does keep note of someone new seems ot be on teh scene and is attempting to get in coutch.

"I'm not sur ebut it looks like I have their attention, hey! Watch it these things burst into flames when they go down for good!"

Maya's learned to get caught up on the rports she wants to help the civilian but she knows she can by keeping the enemy on her and that's where she starts to channel magic, water magic to be exact. It takes a moment as blue energy leaches out of her body and then comes the focused jets of water.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Well that worked! "VESTA! See if you can't help the mages!" Nanoha calls that out while she zips to the side and moves to lay down a withering series of shots to cover for Caro, actually. They're on the same side, for now, after all.. she's going to keep the Controllers from targeting the dragon, since she's seen what Fried can do!

"You got it, Mistress!" The catgirl shimmers into view not long after, landing in front of some of the defending mages to raise some barriers.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Nimbly jumping aside, the person who Maya interprets as a civilian barely avoids a drenching, so absorbed were they in irate fiddling with the device in their spare hand.
"Duly noted. How...how wide an area can you direct your magic?" The strangers tone is direct, verging on brusque as she automatically slips into what is commonly known as 'general' mode. "Select a place of elevation-up on the rooftops. In fact..." A speculative quirks the persons lips upward. "Cover me a moment."

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
Noiela will find that the magic blasts the Drone... but attracts the attention of two more, which beeline toward the officer in blatant disregard to their own health. The more mundane soldiers are given less attention, and though the Drones thrash viciously, they /are/ defeatable by normal troops. One, then another goes down under the coordinated assault before the Controller is reached... and the Controller begins to fire rapid metal slugs toward the incoming troops, while more Drones move to screen her. Looks like someone important!

"THANKS!" one of the officers defenind yells to Quentyn, as the battered phalanx of mages is renewed by the curative magics. This unfortunately gets another surge of Drones, and one of the mages goes down with a shriek, stabbed in the stomach and his magical energy starting to swirl in toward the Drone.

Flint blasts the two Drones down fairly easily, but that's drawing more attention, more Drones starting to move... then suddenly halting, skittering to the side and moving to flank from both directions, in an unnervingly coordinated attack with many more. Weird.

The Drones swarming toward Hywnd are paying a little less attention to her, which is actually making her job easy for now. She has an opening in their formation she can exploit, especially when a coordinated strike from some of the mages blasts a few and draws their attention.

Meanwhile, Caro is getting screened by Nanoha, which means... actually, she'll only have a moment to use Friedrich's fire breath before the Mariage scatter, taking cover behind and inside buildings and going very still, quite suddenly.

Maya's water jets are just getting more and more attention, and a swarm of the Mariage are starting to build up behind her, the aerial groups can see, while a small formation is charging directly toward her in a reckless and pointless attack.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn takes his eyes off the combat just long enough to give the officer a thumbs up and a grin.

    "30 seconds!" Quentyn calls back. FInding the nearest, tallest building, he quickly climbs to the top ... probably using stairs but if he has to climb the outside then he does. Once up top, he slings a case he's carrying over his head and in front of them. Inside? A large rifle in three parts that don't look like they would fit, until Quentyn slots them together and it self-assembles the rest of the way.

    Magazine in, huge rifle loaded and braced against whatever's handy on the roofs here, and Quentyn murmurs into a radio hidden somewhere in his hoodie, "In position." It doesn't go to any frequency most here can hear, however. The last thing the highschooler does is tuck his glasses away into a hard case, then sight in around Hywnd's position.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
As she still has reaction time, and Quentyn is setting up shop, Hywnd moves quickly back to the drone swarm. Using the blunted sides of her blades, she smashes into one of the drones...and sends it towards the others, before dashing to do this to some others in the outside. It seems pretty obvious after a bit she's trying to group them all together...as she dashes away from the swarm, and points a sword at it.

"Fire!" Hywnd shouts this over her radio, to a different frequency than the local one, and dashes away from the drones. She's looking around for the next clearest enemies after whatever happens, gritting her teeth. Things are getting fun.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro frowns slightly as the Mariage seem to have adapted to her tactic, and even if she's at least pinning them down, it's keeping her from really doing any damage. She'll listen on the radio, though, and provide a few objections.. And then turn towards where they're building up for an assault on Maya.

    They'll probably see Friedrich coming, but the summoner figures they can at least disrupt that attack, and causing the horrible creatures to disperse temporarily when they're about to do damage is at least close to as good as actually destroying them. It probably isn't, but she can figure on that!

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    Flint blows the tips of his guns ceremoniously as two Mariage go down. But this showoffy moment is short-lived as he finds himself flanked and pressed in upon. He steps back and to the side as the claws of one of them rake over his chest, opening a wound across his white shirt and causing it to bleed a thick, black blood. He winces in pain and then whirls around, trying to take off one attacker's head with a roundhouse kick.

    "Ladies, really, I must insist. Another has already captured my heart~!" Flint holsters a pistol and swoops low with his hand, trying to grab one Mariage by the ankle with a burst of strength and slam her into the ground before swinging her into her comrades to give himself some space.

    "You should just save the lot of us some time and retreat now. You always wind up doing so anyway."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Tracking... tracking... then the fire order comes--

    BOOOOOM! goes the rifle, sending a carefully aimed, large calibur slug right at one of the corral'd zombie's head. Quentyn's rifle also knocks the crouching mage back, despite all the bracing, and nearly lays the boy out flat. But the alacrity with which he gets back into position suggests that the teen is not only used to this, but practiced at it.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"Ehh?" Nanoha pauses, looking over at Caro. "They... it's like they expect it..." Could they be learning? She shakes her head, the pigtailed girl laying down a few more blasts before pondering what to do next. "Why haven't we set up a Barrier? VESTA!"

Vesta pauses in guarding the mages, then nods firmly and steps back to try to set up a Barrier around the fighting.

Maya has posed:
Maya calls back to Noiela

"Pretty far and I got the idea!"

She sees where Noiela is going ot she kinda does she's got more coming fort her however and she starts launching the spells on a widera arc moving to cover the strange woman. Maya herself does see the incoming Mirages and she's forced to twist about and turn her self upon the ones coming up from behind, least she be bumbrushed.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Whilst the enemy is converging en masse the coated figure has been busily muttering at high speed into their radio, before taking a deep breath and unhooking a battered and nicked sword hung low on their belt. "I..." There is a discontented mutter, the words 'incompentent tactician' may be heard. "I can do this-perhaps a narrow alleyway will suffice..." Testing the weight of her sword, she launches herself at the enemy Mirages bombarding Maya with an aggressive outward thrust, just about evading the counterblow aimed for her shoulder. Ducking and weaving in a flurry that is less about racking up kills than clearing space.
"Now, a concentrated blast!" Crouching down, the mystery lady attempts to duck and roll seconds before the water is aimed to hit the group, book tucked squarely under one arm. If she suceeds, then out comes the book to deliver a page turning slammer of a bolt, relying on the conductive properties of the water.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
There are a lot of Mariage... but it's not as huge a number as it first looks. It's enough that the damage they're taking is starting to really take its toll, though they're adapting quickly as well. And now... they're trapped. Because the barrier goes up from Vesta, a pyramid of shimmering force that seals away the battle in an alternate realm, causing the civilians to vanish abruptly and leave only the fighters and the Mariage here.

The Drones on Flint are being more cautious, but it looks like they're just trying to keep him pinned down. They aren't actually trying to win... just keep him busy. He'll have to be creative if he wants to move about!

Noiela's plan will work in suddenly clearing some space, eliminating a number of the Drones and leaving a Controller high and dry. Figuratively, though, due to water and stuff. Unprotected, whatever.

Fortunately Maya is getting some help! First support from Fried and Caro, which causes them to start to scatter... but the sudden appearance of spikes of ice ringing the group stalls their attempt, a helpful little appearance from the lupine Zafira giving enough time to let Fried loose.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
Lining up the Mariage is... easier than it should be. They adapt to tactics, but NEW tactics can usually work a few times on them. This means that the powerful shot rips through several, who like the others melt into a black goo and erupt into flames. Weird. It appears that the two have bought some breathing room for the mages, especially without civilians to protect.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    Flint dislikes the idea of being pinned down and kept busy. So he wags a finger at the drones surrounding him, "Tsk, tsk. So pushy."

    He then twirls around, coat flourishing. More importantly, a dozen or so cubes spill from his sleeves and onto the ground around him. He puts his hand up over his eyes as the cubes all detonate into concussive force and light, meant to disorient all his opponents so that Hywnd can get in her cover fire she offered him.

    Flint himself leaps up and back, the Pure in his chest pushing extra hard as he tries to clear some distance and get to a better position.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks alarmed when things... change. And the civilians disappear... but the radio chatter puts him at ease again. So they have a little breathing room. Until Hywnd needs support again... Quentyn swaps out magazines and reloads the rifle chamber. Next step? He searches through the scope for defending mages, officers, anyone protecting the town that looks wounded and he has line of sight (which can be tricky in urban places sometimes!)...

    And Quentyn shoots them!

    Fortunately, these aren't normal bullets--every time Quentyn fires, aether visibly gathers around him, and on the targets lands a Cure spell! Unfortunately, the recoil on each shot is as bad as the first time around, so this isn't a weapon the boy can use in quick succession.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    And Friedrich won't waste the opportunity that's provided by the support of Zafira! Seeing the monsters slowed, the dragon will take a deep breath, giving an exceptional burst of fire, trying to blast them all into the black goo they tend to end up in.

    This'll keep her from offering support elsewhere for a few moments, of course. She doesn't have the ability to occupy the entire battlefield at once. But she'll do the best she can with what she's got.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"Captain!" Nanoha calls out! She's starting to help him, but then the other girl is already doing that. That's good. That means she can help out Maya, who seems to be collecting a lot of the things. "Raising Heart, go!"

<DIVINE BUSTER,> the Device chimes, slotting a cartridge with a loud clatter. A moment later, a massive PILLAR of pink light roars down upon the cluster of the creatures. Not the large one, the spearhead that were intended as a distraction for Maya.

Vesta is bounding over toward Noiela, though she's not going to reach the Controller. Instead, she's going to slam into any Drones that may come to the defense of the leading unit.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
After her plan takes out several of the Drones around her, Hywnd dashes forward with both blades and slices into the remaining drones, aiming for the necks for each, without pausing in her run. Without taking a break, she makes a firm turn, dashing towards Flint's position. Several feet from the Drones that were surrounding him, however, she stops, speaking clearly.


As she speaks, two bursts of wind suddenly spiral out in front of her, forming into two rapidly-spinning circles of wind. Lifting both arms up, the wind blades raise with them, as she slams both arms forward, causing the blades to spiral towards the drones. Razor-sharp, she begins rotating her arms, each arm for a blade, moving them to control the blades as if they were her appendages. The blades are merciless, capable of cutting straight through bone easily, and she's slamming them back and forth through the drones. A minute or two later, the wind will vanish, however.

Noiela (647) has posed:
"In Nagas name..." Breathes out the by now slightly rumpled and dirtied tactician, light from the shimmering barrier reflecting in her widened stare. "What power. How..." A little, sharp shake of the head brings her back to the present.
A few lines spoken into the radio to bring up her tome with a loud snap it bursts open, streaming lines of slanting letters pouring out and encircling the caster, she spins furiously left and right to emit short, sharp bursts of lightning. The pervasive smell of burnt ozone fills the air, accompanying the twitching sword arm of Noielas spare hand attempting to cleave through the neck of any foe invading her personal boundaries.
Then when she is close enough, the girl takes two, faltering steps back before dashing headlong, bright streak of light trailing like a comet after her, using the momentum to help aid her risky leap into the air, legs akimbo.
"Thunder, strike down!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is very happy for the help and she does not care where it's coming from right now, be they Fed, Union or on thier own. She's hopefully not going to get overwhelmed here. She fins Nanoah's coming in with some pressy ipressive abd it's welcome it gives her some breathing space as they are starting to scatter. Caro's support along with Fruied already add to things and she's got a moment to breath and ready another volloy of spells.

Noiela (647) has posed:
The target is the Controller and the surrounding area, elevated as Noiela is to deliver a barrage of orbs that she aims at the ground, twisting during freefall so her landing is a scraping skid over a far more injurous bone snapper. Directing the last and largest torrent towards the Controller itself.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
Flint's leap, thanks to the roaring wind clearing the Drones away, carries him to a rooftop where he can see some of the earlier retreated Drones trying to regroup, next to another Controller. The Controller won't see it coming, and can be eliminated at Flint's leisure.

Quentyn's shooting gets a startled cry from the mages... then they realize they feel better. "That's not a documented magic type, is it?" "Actually, healing blasts-" "Okay okay." Apparently they know something kinda like it, so are figuring out what happened.

With Nanoha and Caro searing away a huge dense cluster each, reducing them to that flaming black goo, there's a large gap again... and now the remainder are in disarray, milling about in confusion.

This is because they're starting to lose a lot of Controllers. A couple have gone down, and one more is soon lost. This is due to Noiela blasting another one, crackling power lancing through the ungoarded 'general' as it convulses, then starts to melt as well. It's looking like one or two more Controllers and the Mariage will rout again, because they're running out now that the one Noiele took down is out.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    "Don't worry about me, lass! Take care of yourself!" Flint shouts mid-leap to Nanoha. As he lands on a rooftop, he raises his hand in a cordial wave to Hywnd, "Thank ya kindly! Most grateful."

    He takes a moment to holster his other pistol before adjusting the cap on his head, "My oh my. But adventuring with this lot does always keep me busy. I don't even get to loot much when they're around," He murmurs to himself under his breath, "Bad enough I upset her once, don't need her thinkin' ill of me more." Probably in relation to Nanoha being upset with him the other day.

    With a tired sigh, he then hops down directly on top of the Controller Mariage, trying to crush it with a powerful downward stomp directly on top of it. This also puts him right in the middle of those drones next to it, so he's a bit vulnerable for it.

Hywnd Eblan (646) has posed:
After the wind vanishes, Hywnd's turning towards Flint's next attack as he leaps onto the Controller. Sheathing a blade, she's quickly reaching for a throwing knife...

And is lobbing it straight at the head of a Drone. She's not sure how effective it'll be, but her throw is amazingly good for the distance, and the hit would be rather powerful for a throwing knife. She does this two more times for two other Drones, before dashing besides where he's fighting.

"Don't mention it."

And she keeps moving. Who knows to where now, but she'll likely slice any Drones down in her path, taking her short sword back out of the sheath.

Caro Ru Lushe (96) has posed:
    Caro looks rather more cheerful as she manages to help wipe out one group of the drones; she'll finally sweep around to point Friedrich towards a place to land away from so many of them, thinking that they've cleared out enough that she might be safe on foot while Friedrich supports from the air.

    There's a good chance that it'll be just mopping up once she's on foot; if not, though, she'll start looking for and targetting controllers, having a tiny fraction of Friedrich's firepower, but much more precise control than the dragon.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Mopping up seems to be what's going on... and Nanoha isn't going to help. She's instead going to fly over toward Flint, blasting away at any Drones in the way before landing nearby. There's a reason for this!

"Captain Hawke! It looks like they've got it under control... we should get out of here! I'll have Vesta drop the barrier when you tell me you're ready and we'll make a break for it while they clean up."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Happy at this vantage point and that the enemies, or whatever's left of them, haven't spotted him, Quentyn just keeps up what he's doing. The others are cutting through the enemies pretty well, so projected white magic it is. He pauses only long enough for the conversation on the radio... sounds like the teen will get to meet some of the defenders when they finish up.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    Flint ahs and nods his head to Nanoha, "Ah, very good, lass!" He reaches out and pats her on the head when she lands nearby, "I'm quite grateful for that. I'm ready to leave when you are." He notes, smiling at her. Inwardly, he's glad she doesn't seem to have held a grudge.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Taking full advantage of a timely breather, Noiela jams a thumb down on the radio concealed in her pocket, lifting it to speak in short, clipped sentences. Aiming presumably to disguise her laboured lungfuls inbetween. Whatever is being exchanged scores a heavy line across her hidden forehead.

Maya has posed:
Maya is very lucky with all the help she's got for the most part she looking about now they need to find the last controller and hopefully and they can end this. Maya keeps at the water spells hoping to keep teh fire under control when the enemy goes down. She notices Noiela and humm taking a moment again to ready her self a much larger than the previous gouts of water form trying to keep the enemy's remaining numbers off balance.

Yagami Hayate (558) has posed:
When the Barrier goes down, everything is under control. Thanks to Caro's support, Maya's spells, Noiela's prep, and the two teammates working together, the mages have rallied and the Ground forces are mopping up the Mariage at last. Also when the Barrier comes down, some Air Mages immediately swarm in to help support them, though the sudden influx of civilians means it's possible for Vesta and Nanoha to slip off with Captain Hawke.

From a further distance, one Controller watches silently, almost... intelligently at the various groups. With a small nod, it turns away and rips a small black gate in the air, stepping through to vanish from the city.

And the Wolkenritter? "Were you seen?" Shamal asks the large wolf. Silently, Zafira shakes his head, though he's sure his spell was recognizes. Unimportant, as they have deniability now. Shamal nods, smiling faintly. "I think we can take care of this very soon, with the TSAB and those girls helping. And I know the next target... Master Hayate will be well again, soon. Let's get back before the Captain realizes we've left."

In a flash of green light, the pair are also gone.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Time to go, sort of. Quentyn fishes out his glasses, flicks them open and slides them back on. Then, carefully, he disassembles the rifle (which self-compacts a bit) and puts it back in the case. Case, in turn, gets slung over a shoulder, and the student makes his way down and follows the directions he got over the radio... Turn left once clear, third house, back entrance, buried key. Once the last is recovered, he opens the door and steps through...

Noiela (647) has posed:
Most of aftermath for the militia is divided between mopping up the debris and establishing order amongst disorientated civilians. Directing them only mildly is their local tactician, her cowl still blanketing most of her features in shadow.
Gradually, streets clear and those injured head for the clinic. Wounds ranging from minor gashes to mages clinging on to consciousness by a drooling thread is present within the shuffling queue that is beginning to form.
Ahead of them sprints Noiela, breaking away to slip into the alleyway previously mentioned, stopping only to transmit a message.

Maya has posed:
Maya looks to Noiela and shake her head a bit and she sighs while she's not too badly done up? Maya would find that she's heading off to help with the wounded but who was that woman?

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn, meanwhile, is just going to look around the place while he waits. Perhaps doublecheck the contents of his medkit. ...And hope whoever these people are, they aren't too short staffed. White mage he might be, walking hospital for a whole battle zone the boy is not.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Lightly entering the clinic by way of the backdoor, Noiela drops her radio into one of numerous pockets lining her coat. Closing it again with a soft click to alert Quentyn, the hood is at last pulled down to reveal features belonging to someone far younger than her deep intonation might suggest. Pale hair, dark eyes presently trained on the would be healer.
"So..." Trailing off as ears catch wind of mutters filtering in from outside. "I'll deal with them, a moment." Out the main doorway via a shoulder push, to arrange the troops.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn turns, fairly quick but not in a startled way. Just to see who's there. He flashes a quick smile in greeting--but keeps his own hood up, although it only frames the mage's face rather than obscures it. His eyes go distant a moment and then he murmurs into what must be the microphone of his radio, obscured in the hoodie.

    He leans a little as though to catch a glimpse outside the main door Noiela heads out towards. "No one's critical?" Quentyn asks, fiddling with this glasses and sounding a little anxious.

Noiela (647) has posed:
Rummaging in her pockets yet once more at the noisy squawk of lively exchange over the line, Noiela quietly mutters what sounds like an unpleasant word. "Dastard techno-gadgery" is said with feeling, if not grammar. However, her frustration is quick to temper itself and she gets a rudimentry queue formed up for both Maya and Quentyn, congo line snaking both ways.
A brief glance inside, voice lowered to a pitch presumably intended to assure the bespectacled mage.
"No critically injured. One mild concussion...I am confident you and the other healer won't be overloaded." Wedged in the doorway, the girl lingers a moment longer, to add "The clinic and I are at your disposal...but I must ask, what a robot?"

Noiela (647) has posed:
Automatically the radio is salvaged from the obscurely placed pocket within the coats inner lining. Noiela herself seeing fit to frown in open irritation as her fumbling inexpertise with technology show up the whole casual lounge against the doorframe pose.

Maya has posed:
Maya is busy at this point with strange card in hand as she's going to work over the wounded at this point, she knows these things are very bad news. Some necromanic vonuman machine more or less is what they are. Ugg Maya had no love for necromany or that which was akin to it really given her world and she's being very free with the blue energy that's just bleeind out of her body into the card and then she casts a spell shortly after.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn lets out a slow breath of relief. One of those times that wouldn't be too stressful then. At first he looks puzzled, but then it dawns on the student. "Oh, Staren..? He seemed nicer when I first met him..." He gives a lopsided, helpless shrug.

    He glances over to whoever's first, giving them a reassuring smile and beckoning them over to a room. But before he goes in to set up, he looks back to Noiela. "Um... if you won't be too busy, could you tell me about what was going on while I..." He gestures to the patient in explanation.

    Once in there, well, Quentyn will do this thing. Lay out the contents of his medical kit. Introduce himself and make some friendly chat with the patient. Only a few quick spells needed for the simpler wounds. For the more complex ones, he has a scalpel that seems to have some kind of ice blade, extractors, some injected painkillers if needed, as well as a few other tools--but less than one would expect from a conventional doctor, white magic apparently fills a lot of gaps.

Noiela (647) has posed:
A slight look of confusion pinches Noielas features before she acknowledges his request with a faint bend at the waist. Discreetly stepping away to gather both her thoughts and marshall language suitable to the occasion.

Noiela (647) has posed:
As for the men, most of luridly painted wounds do not reach the bone itself, so Quentyn may relegate himself to supplying the role of magical stitching in the rather spartan clinc. In the event his powers do not extend to resetting bones, the metal frame shelves are piled with basic aid to construct the requisite medical attention.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Fortunately, Quentyn does seem to be capably equipped with the help of white mage... although he might, in some cases, need to close out with a regen spell and let them recover over time. And when they're eventually finished, the teen comes out--looking a little tired, but content, at least. He'll wander around and try to find Noiela.

    He'll give a tentative, awkward smile, with a hand reaching into his hoodie to scratch the back of his head (this being after he's cleaned up, of course!). "Um... I don't think I heard your name.. "

Noiela (647) has posed:
Easily located is the other teenager-at least, her mannerisms aside the girl looks no older than him. He would discover the tactician outside reclined against the stone wall, head titled to study the gathering sunset.
It takes a few moments for her to register and react to his hesitant query, twisting her shoulders to turn and regard him. "Oh. I forgot to give you a name...it's Noiela. Seeing as we are in another world entirely." This obscure remark is not followed up on, paired with a dismissive flick of the wrist as the white mage becomes her new focus of interest. "What...are you a resident of another...universe?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn gives a nod with a polite smile at her name. He keeps himself facing away from the sun. Being that pale... maybe he sunburns really easy?"Nice to meet you." He nods again to her question, "Um, I guess. I'm from Galianda. We've only..." He curls a finger and taps it against his chin, "'unified?'-- Um, not even for a month yet..." He scratches the back of his head again, flickering an embarrassed smile, "So we're still pretty new at this."

    He turns, facing the rest of this town, and he lets out a breath and wedges his fingers under his glasses to rub his eyes. "I still don't really understand what's going on here..." And the student looks back to Noiela. "...But you're a commander?"

Maya has posed:
Maya is busy working at this point she's looking to the wounded and she looks ot the other two as she start to finish up.

"A weapon of mass destruction unleahsed by some dying nation basically."

Maya notes as she comes up on the pair. She's tallish has streak tatooss under her eyes oddly but seems friedly enough long blue hair and a big damn rifle to finish it off.

"They kill people and make more of them sevles and keep going for eer until they are all wiped out."

Noiela (647) has posed:
"Not that it is-I..." Noiela adds with a pained frown, "Sorry. My head feels fit to burst from all the information." It'd be pleasant to not encounter new enemies-the new cultures are fascinating. Trying to unravel the unifying points far as basic reality is for another day." Appraisal over, she begins to respond properly to his questions whilst shifting subtly to the left so her shadow casts a suitable gloom over her companion. Joining her sleeve covered fingers together, the equally ghost pale girl mulls over it for a minute.
Maya's arrival has her composed absorption ruffled momentarily as she swerves round to take in the vivid sight. "Thats...sort of. Unofficially. No match for...given if half of what has been discussed tonight is valid."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks over and greets the newcomer with a nod. Then he nods again to Maya after her explanations. "That much I heard..." He chintaps with a curled finger again. "But um, all that talk about dimensional space and empires, and who did we just protect from the weapon..." He shakes his head uncomprehendingly.

    Quentyn seems to relax a little more once he's standing in a shadow, or maybe it's just that he doesn't have to awkwardly avoid the sun now. He tilts his head a little at the commend about her head feeling fit to burst. "Um... did you just unify recently too? Or is just this place new to you?"

Noiela (647) has posed:
Just like some people have an innate sense for others mood, Noiela seems to reflect the overall sombre mood. Alternatively, it may simply be her default setting, lending itself with aplomb to her almost colourless skin and hair. Spectres do tend to err on the melancholy side.
"Yes. Unify...this word dimension is not-beyond the theories put forth by a few discredited sorcerers, it was always one world in peoples understanding. Aside from the Divine Dragons own realm." Her tongue fumbles a tad on the pronounciation of dimension, placing a decided emphasis on the d, captialising it.
Looking over at Maya triggers a sudden smothered exclamation when she pats the empty space at her hip. "My sword...and tome." All the carefully cultivated poise seems to desert her movements as she cranes her neck to stare anxiously around the place. "Damn it."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks a little lost at some of the technical talk from Noiela, but he smiles politely anyway. "Yah, um, well--welcome anyway. We'll figure all this out..." His gaze slides back over towards the doors of the building. "Did you set them down when you were inside?" the white mage suggests tentatively.


    "Anyways um... I have to get going," Quentyn smiles apologetically. "Classes tomorrow..." he explains. He holds up a hand in a wave of farewell to the two, then turns and starts on his way back towards the warp gate.