Power Copy

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This file delineates acceptable boundaries and practices for the Advantage of power copying, as-seen in characters like Megaman or Kakashi from Naruto. It also delineates the acceptable boundaries of the reverse, in the form of Contracts that allow the user to give others powers.

1) All Advantages obtained by Copy are presumed to be weaker than that of the originating PC. If the copier directly contests the original PC's action with their copied version, the copier loses by default.
2) What Can I Not Share/Copy?

Contracts - Quantum Solution, Resurrection, Power Copy & Share Powers The Advantage, and Split Actions
Share Powers & Power Copy - Immortality, Intrusion or Control Immunity, NPCs, Quantum Solution, Resurrection, Power Copy & Share Powers The Advantage, and Split Actions

3) Players should write an +info (+info PowerCopy or +info Contracts) with the details demanded in the Power Copy or Contract Advantages. Additionally, Contract recipients are expected to make an +info Contracts file that matches the Contract dispensed to them. If the Contract grants Copied powers, the beneficiary of the Contract marks the uses of the Copy instead of the Copier.
4) Neither Power Copy or Contract can be put into force "off-screen."
5) No PC may be held to more than one Contract at a time, unless a second Contract is purely punitive.
6) Sharing & Contracting Power Copy

Sharing Power Copy - Derivative copies: Identical to a standard use of a Copied trick - it costs one use if it has not been brought into the scene already.
Contracting Power Copy - Derivative copies: Costing a use from the Copier, the Contract Copy is loaned to the Contract beneficiary. The beneficiary gains 4 total Scene-uses as if they copied the trick fresh themself.
Sharing Power Copy - Mirror copies: Mirror-Copied Advantages may be Shared as long as they are legal to both Copy and Share. This otherwise functions identically to sharing Power Copy - Derivative slots except it grants 3 uses, like Mirror.
Contracting Power Copy - Mirror copies: Identical to the Power-Copy Derivative case. The advantage is given to the beneficiary to control until used up or retracted.

7) Benefitting from a Contract or Share never grants someone the ability to sub-contract the powers they gain. This is the purview of characters with those native advantages.

Power Copy - Derivative

Derivative Power Copy is a limited-scope ability to steal an attack or similar limited-scope "something" from your target. You may target eight (8) items at a time, which go away after being used in four (4) scenes. Consent isn't required, but the target dictates the specific effect the copier receives.

Note that this is not the same as four USES.

Power Copy - Mirror

Mirror Power Copy gives you 9 pips to spend on Advantages copied from other players. Except where otherwise noted, these Advantages are received exactly as written by the copied target. When copying uprated (4-5 pip) Advantages, they cap at 3 pips, both in cost and "what you get". Consent is required from target players, who may dictate entirely what can or cannot be stolen. Copied Advantages expire after being used in three (3) scenes.

Note that this is not the same as three USES.


Contracts are the reverse of Power Copy. A character with Contracts is able to share (Rating) * 3 Pips worth of Advantages with up to (Rating) * 2 targets. This models Faustian bargains, boons and curses, magical geases, and simple commitments of aid. Contracts expire after 3 months. Pushing Contracts to Rating 4 or 5 increases the number of targets as normal, but only provides another 2 then 1 additional shareable Pips, for a maximum of 12.

To be clear, the cap is per recipient. Someone with Contracts●●● can, for example, offer 6 different people 9 pips worth of advantages for a grand total of 54 between them.

Contracts can establish terms under which the Contract is validated, and the conferred Advantages are activated, and can establish terms, under which failure to meet them results in a penalty or punishment; usually revocation of conferred Advantages, and subjecting the penalized beneficiary to one or more of the benefactor's advantages as if they were present when the terms were broken. Penalties are commensurate to the Investment in the Contract.

Time-based expiration does not apply to NPCs, and there is no limit on the number of NPCs with which you may establish bargains.

Contracted Advantages are not subject to the consent of the beneficiary. They may be withdrawn by the benefactor at any time.