Zero Kiryu

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Zero (Scenesys ID: 527)
"If... I don't hunt vampires at night, I feel like I'll do something horrible."
Full Name: Zero Kiriyu
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Vampire)
Theme: (FC) Vampire Knight-1
Function: Vampire Hunter
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Union (A-Ally)
Groups: None
Other Information
Physical Age: Young Adult Actual Age: Young Adult
Still Aging? Slowly Voice Actor:
Height: 5'11" Weight: N/A
Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: Lavender
Theme Song:


As the last living remnant of a powerful family of vampire hunters, Zero is a young man whose life has been plagued with tragedy, loss, and absurd volumes of high school social drama. As an act of revenge against his family, Zero was transformed into a vampire as a boy, leaving behind a bundle of issues that would surely have been worse if not for Yuuki's efforts to ease his suffering during their childhood. A composed, intimidating exterior conceals a deeply wounded, but kind person who has become mired in hatred and resentment that does not altogether exclude Zero himself, or his loved ones. The revelation of Yuuki's origin as a pureblood shook him deeply, and he has immersed himself in his career as a vampire hunter ever since. Trained from a young age to hunt monsters and transformed into one himself, Zero is not only as adept as a professional soldier but also monstrously physically powerful. With his handgun Bloody Rose, he wades through foes like a demigod wreathed in thorny vines, unmatched by all but the most absurd enemies.





Vampire: As a human-turned-vampire, Zero has categorically superhuman physical traits, regenerative powers, extendable claws and fangs, and an enhanced lifespan. His sense of smell for blood is very sharp, allowing him to locate anyone who has even scraped themselves in a very large radius around him, and also identify who it is if he's met them before. Because he has taken blood from three of his world's most powerful vampires, Zero is much more powerful than other vampires of his category.

Vampire Hunter: Zero's lineage as a vampire hunter lets him wield anti-vampire weapons, and endows him with a long-distance "radar" for supernatural beings. The latter trait is much sharper with vampires, allowing him to identify different types of vampire, even without visual contact.

Empathic Consumption: When Zero drinks someone's blood, he receives limited impressions of their thoughts and feelings at the time. (OOC: Consent required.)

Legendary Willpower: Zero's will is so strong that even absolute and incontestable mental domination fails against him, even if it should be physically impossible for him to overcome it. The time required to shake mind-altering effects varies based on urgency; If it must happen now, it will happen now. If not, it might take quite a while and external prompting for Zero to shake it. This trait allows Zero to ignore many of the drawbacks and nuances of the vampiric condition and live an approximately human life.




Combat Training: Zero is proficient with most forms of modern firearms, of which the handgun is his weapon of choice, but he also has some proficiency in the use of garotte wire, swords, and hand-to-hand combat.

Good With Cranky Animals: Zero is strangely competent at handling animals that could be described as difficult.




The Bloody Rose: A handgun made to kill immortals. It can take special ammo, but doesn't need it to be used, usually firing symbols wreathed in purple light. Attacks made with it can kill even immortals, and are PARTICULARLY brutal to vampires and vampiric beings. In addition, Bloody Rose can sprout seemingly endless masses of controllable, blood-drinking vines, which integrate into Zero's body and drain his blood while augmenting his combat power to the point that he can utterly overwhelm almost any enemy. This weapon doesn't work against humans from its home universe, but off-worlders are usually valid targets. (Death consent still applies. The anti-immortality effect is purely narrative.)

Misc. Equipment: Zero has access to conventional weaponry, as well as less powerful magic weapons that nevertheless have the ability to pierce through the defenses of immortal beings. They otherwise have no special powers, being his world's equivalent to +1 Swords.

Blood Tablets: A cheap, portable, and nasty means of sating a vampire's hunger. Zero keeps tons of these with him at all times and eats them like pez so he doesn't start treating people like walking Capri Sun.








Fantastic Racism: Zero hates vampires, and vampire-like beings. Prolonged exposure to individual vampires who prove themselves harmless can mellow him out towards them over time, but his initial reaction to all such beings is the same: Give me a reason to kill you here and now. He does not spare even himself from this prejudice entirely, reflected largely in his habit of starving himself painfully.

Hunter's Brand: A tattoo on Zero's neck which helps suppress his vampiric nature, and bind him altogether if need be. A bracelet, currently held by Yuuki Kaname, is the other piece of the restraint. When the bracelet is brought into contact with the tattoo, Zero is immediately immobilized by a powerful spell. It doesn't harm him by itself, but it does render him utterly helpless until cancelled.

"Issues": Zero was turned into a vampire against his will, and it's lead to a number of tics and problems that are not necessarily immediately obvious. He has some issues being touched, particularly by vampires or anybody who has had physical contact with vampires (see above), and experiences disturbing phantom sensations along his neck where he was bitten.

Socially Inept: Zero can hardly passably deal with his own feelings and impulses. His ability to deal with others is similarly stunted, and for the most part the best he can manage is to project the image of a 'scary guy', or a jerk.

Vampiric Urges: Though he hides and suppresses his vampire nature, Zero can't escape the physical realities of his condition. He suffers debilitatingly painful episodes when he doesn't drink any blood, which is basically all the time. Blood tablets act as a supplement that keep him from attacking people out of hunger, but don't actually fill him or stop the aforementioned episodes entirely.


Name Standing Thoughts
Armsmaster Poor Mafia-esque.
Arthur Lowell Indifferent Loud.
Sir Bedivere Acquaintances Diplomatic.
D Target Eventually, one of us isn't going to walk away.
Sir Gawain Indifferent Strong.
Kirika Poor Over-emotional.
Medusa Gorgon Target Interloper.
Milla Maxwell Ally? Somebody Yuuki wanted to help.
Saber Undecided Strange being.
Tony Stark Friendly Sharp tongue.
Toph Beifong Friendly Wiseass.
Yuri Stinson Indifferent Violent.
Yuuki Kuran Angst-Ridden Attraction Useless.

Summary of Relationship with Yuuki





Title Date Scene Summary
A Shining Introduction December 12th, 2018 The Titanic Exalted God-King, Xianren, invites his Concord allies to a gala to introduce himself.
The Scouring Rush-1 October 28th, 2018 --
Perspective In Potentia January 11th, 2016 A return to the Land of Steel, where a Liner settlement is revealed and a few new actors take the stage. Feat: FIRETRUCK RED, THE TRUE MAIN CHARACTER.
After Count December 2nd, 2015 An A-RAY named Akkinas offers pay for locating and securing ancient texts in a ruin plagued by a particular kind of monster: a Servant, unconnected to the war of Babel's Tale!
The Group November 17th, 2015 After meeting up with a new Persona user, various conversations happen over the radio bands. Among discussion of names and shadows, the Alberichstadt investigation team chooses what to call itself.
HALLOWEEN 2015 October 31st, 2015  ????
Airfield Assault April 14th, 2015 Eliot Ness recruits numerous people to assault an airfield owned by Capone.
His Haunt of Old February 20th, 2015 D leads a party of friends on a grand adventure into one of those horrible old castles so common on his world.
A Meeting with Oinari January 16th, 2015 The Union and allies enter Takamagahara to meet with Oinari on the subject of Kagenashi and the troubles spreading over Azuma.
Return to the Tomb January 16th, 2015 Put on your Indiana Jones replica hats, boys! It's time for an ADVENTURE! D leads a party back to the Northern Frontier and Village Rosa. The nearby castle has been restored, but why, and by whom?
Soul Duplication December 19th, 2014 A rogue magus is willing to sacrifice countless lives for a noble goal, but must still be stopped.
The Forest of Einnashe December 7th, 2014 In which various people fight a vampire forest and Yuuki is completely normal.
Who Is That Masked Man November 1st, 2014 Mordred seeks out the mysterious superheroes Mourning Cloak and Ruri.
Forsberg Gallery Raid October 25th, 2014 Things don't always go according to plan.
Bank Robbery! October 5th, 2014 The Undersiders rob a bank in Brockton Bay, with a new member at their side. Several Elites show up to stop them..or assist them.
Salvation's Last Stand September 28th, 2014 Finale to the Hunter's Curse TP. D is ambushrescued by the Union, who attack him into becoming a good guy again.
Hunting the Princessu September 23rd, 2014 D goes hunting for vampire princess superblood. Zero doesn't like that very much. Yuuki is a popsicle.
Brockton Bay PRT Fundraiser September 12th, 2014 A light social scene revolving around a fundraising bound!
Picking Up the Pieces September 9th, 2014 Sir Bedivere puts out a call for his Union allies to help him with the reconstruction of the fortress of Dun Realtai.
The Rising Black Sun August 20th, 2014 Kagenashi sets out to steal enough power for her fifth tail, but things don't go exactly as planned.
The Lance of Kresnik - Prologue August 17th, 2014 Milla calls for help to destroy a Spyrix, and it doesn't end well.
The Wall of Dregs November 21st, 2007 {{{Synopsis}}}

Miscellaneous Information

  • Zero's status as a vampire is privileged information. It is available in his Union medical records to those with proper medical or psychiatric qualifications. Accordingly, while it is not extremely difficult to acquire, it isn't common knowledge and cannot be obtained trivially.
  • Zero's official psych evaluation correctly establishes him as a kind person who is horribly damaged. He dislikes most physical contact and self-identifies as human rather than as a vampire. His hatred for vampires is highlighted several times, and notes include that this extends to borderline suicidal self-hatred. Tendencies towards self-starvation and the simple act of living an approximately human life (and therefore having an irregular sleep schedule for a vampire) leave him in a constant state of low-level irritation.
  • Zero's attitude towards children is more agreeable than with other adults.
  • Zero's attitude towards other vampires and beings that are "close enough" is extremely negative, and given that he can sense such beings quite sharply he often has a seeming inexplicable dislike of them even on cursory contact. Yuuki Kuran is the only total exception, with a small selection of other vampires having earned some small measure of trust over time.