1242/Faruja's Fitting

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Faruja's Fitting
Date of Scene: 01 January 2015
Location: Tomoeda-865
Synopsis: Faruja gets his commissioned outfit from Tomoyo!
Cast of Characters: 152, Tomoyo Daidouji

Faruja (152) has posed:
Tomoeda manages to fit into that odd little category in Faruja's mind as 'familiar, yet different'. The culture is very much like Ordalia, but the modern amenities give him that far-too-familiar prickling sensation down his spine. Thus, the rat is moving at a reasonable pace towards the shop of one Tomoyo Daidouji, quite possibly the most adorable little tailoress he's ever met.

A swift rap upon the front door, and then he's stepping in with a jingle of a bell. The rat is dressed in somewhat casual attire, similar to last time. He peers to the front desk, all smiles.

"Hail and blessings, young Master and Lady! I hear ye hath completed our little project!" Calls out the rat cheerily.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Upon entering the boutique, Faruja can see Tomoyo sitting at the counter. Multiple sheets of paper lay around her, all with what appear to be heavily notated sketches of outfits on them. When she looks up to greet the priest, she looks a little worse for wear. Her hair is a bit dishevelled, and her eyes a little bloodshot. However, she still gives a warm greeting with a soft smile.

     "Welcome, Father Faruja~ Here for the outfit then? Just wait a moment and I'll retrieve it." She neatly gathers the sketches and slips them under the counter before heading up the stairs. Soon, two pairs of feet can be heard coming down. Tomoyo, accompanied by Yamazaki, who is carrying a large plastic bag with the commissioned outfit contained within.

     "Just step into the dressing booth and Yamazaki will explain the outfit and help you get it on~" Tomoyo says, still beaming.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja pauses, a tiny frown coming into his features. By Faram, he /knows/ that look.

"...Never let it be said that ye art not a dilligent worker. Art ye quite alright?" Poor, poor girl. Tail drooping slightly, he can't help but feel a little bad.

Then he's offering a comb with a wink before bowing to the pair.

"Of course, mine dear. Come, young Master! Let us see what thine most skillful superior hath wrought!"

He then steps over to the fitting room, letting Yamazaki follow in. Time to get dressed!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo covers her mouth with her hand, smiling still behind it. "Just stayed up late celebrating New Years, don't worry~ I'm quite alright." Although, she does accept the comb and starts running it though her hair.

     Once in the dressing room, Yamazaki draws the curtain and opens up the back. "Alright, to start, we have this!" He extracts a white ribbed, fitted singlet, with 6x6 grids of pouches on the front and the back. "This is the singlet you'll wear underneath it all. The pouches contain ceramics that will be the last line of defence against a gunshot. They're a bit thinner than the ceramics used in ballistic vests, but against small arms they should be fine."

     He respectfully turns his back and hangs the singlet on a hook so that Faruja can get undressed and slip it on.

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's a raised brow. Celebrations, eh? Luckily, before the rat can start making any comments he's ushered off thanks to Yamazaki. He does manage a quip, however.

"Rest thineself this night! 'Tis good for thee! Far too young to be burning the candle at both ends mine dear, wait until ye art mine age!"

Oh, hey, a singlet. And ribbed no less. The pouches get examined, before the young man turns about. A minute, and a bit of fumbling with his bad leg later, and he's dressed. Wiggling his tail a bit, he nods.

"Perfect. Ye wouldst be surprised how oft some cultist or disaffected parishioner stoops to foolishness." Tap tap tap. He taps one of the plates experimentally, nodding.

"Bloody good work so far, young Master Yamazaki."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "I probably would be, having never met a cultist or 'disaffected parishioner' before!" Yamazai says with a smile as he fishes out a plum purple tunic. The wrists bear frilled white cuffs, and the hems at the wrist, waist and collar bear golden embroidery, of coiling vines bearing grapes. He also takes out a pair of cream padded trousers with ironed creases at the front and back of the legs. Naturally, there is a hole in the back to accompany the tail. A black belt with a golden phoenix on the buckle comes with it to hold it up. "Okay, these have a mesh of, uh... M5 fibre in them, I think it's called. Stronger than Kevlar, and fire resistant too."

     As Faruja slips these on, Yamazaki suddenly starts another story. "Speaking of ceramics, do you know how they came to be called that? There was a married couple called Sarah and Micks who lived next to a stream with clay banks. They found out that they could shape bowls with the clay and leave them to set in the sun. Eventually, they began selling them to the townspeople. But, they didn't have a name for what they were doing. The townspeople would say 'let's go to Sarah and Micks,' when soon was just shortened to 'SarahMicks.' And eventually, when word spread beyond the town, foreigners assumed that what was being done was called 'ceramics.'"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja whistles, peering at the work of the shop's owner. He inspects the frills, tugs the sleeves, and looks over the belt quite seriously. A whistle escapes him.

"...Dear Lord, 'tis exactly as outlandish as ordered. I shall fit right in with those blue blo..." /Ahem/.

He smiles, forcefully shifting away from politics.

Thankfully Faruja didn't bring his Blaze Gun, or he might be tempted to go outside and test it. Probably for the best.

"Perfect. Fire spells art quite unpleasant, I assure ye." And burning fur smell /terrible/.

Then, he's getting dressed, though with more difficulty than previous. He's very clearly a robes kind of rodent. Thankfully, it gives Yamazaki plenty of time to speak.

"Oh ho~. Ahhh, the good old misfortunate of cultural misunderstanding! That the good Lady Sarah and Ser Micks whom stumbled upon such a useful and profitable venture, clearly providence! Let us never underestimate the power of mis-translation, nor hardened clay. Another tap to the chest for emphasis. His ears are perked as though he might just believe it! Yamazaki is /convincing/. Or maybe he's just amused at the young man.

"Why, it reminds me of one of mine visits to Ordalia. Ye see, I was sent to renew a contract between one of the Church's banking institutions in the area and the local ruler. Standard bit of diplomatic exchange, really more of a vacation for all involved. After the meeting, I was invited to one of the native dance halls, where they perform the obvious, as well as tea ceremony. In a bit of inspired cultural idiocy, I attempted to pour the tea /for/ the Lady serving it. Quite the reversal of roles! I return four months later? There I am, treated to the 'Farusa' custom of tea serving."


Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     While Faruja talks, Yamazaki steps behind him to tie a cravat loosely around the priest's neck. It's white, with three layers of ruffles going down his chest. However, he does listen patiently, laughing when Faruja finishes the story. "A lot of people would be happy to have that amount of impact anywhere in the world," he says, as he produces four new parts of the outfit.

     "Now these, Tomoyo just made without prompting. She noticed that you didn't wear shoes, and wanted to try and make some that would fit you." First, a pair of white socks with strategic bends in the length to make them fit neatly over Faruja's legs, reaching to his knees. At the toes, there are four little holes for his claws to poke through. "They're made form rip-proof fabric, like what they put into boat sails, so don't worry about ripping them."

     Next are a pair of black leather boots. Again, four holes at the toes for his claws, but the length of them consists mainly of two flaps at the front at the back. Along the sides of the front flap are 'male' snap fasteners, while the 'female' counterparts are on the sides of the back flap. Once the claws are in the holes, the boots are secured by snapping in the fasteners so the boot encases the leg up to the knee. Along the height of the boots, in between every two pairs of fasteners is an affixed belt with a silver buckle, on the right side of the right boot and left of the left boot. The tongue of the belt wraps around the leg, going through leather loops on the front and the back of the boot before reaching the buckle where it can be fastened to further secure the boot. The loop on the back is a little wider to accommodate the tip of the belt to keep it from trailing.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja straightens the cravat juuuust a bit. Fiddly, this rodent. Then, there's a nod. Perfect!

The Inquisitor's smile is a bit sad. "I make far too little of the sort of change I desire for mine homeland. But ye art not here to listen to bitterness. I see /ye/ at least art faring better after the new year." Grin!

The socks and boots are stared at in utter wonder! Faruja blinks several times, taking them, before he's helped to fit the things on. With some minor grumbling upon his bad leg, he eventually gets sorted. Then he's up again, walking, and looking down in utter amazement.

"...She is a bloody genius." Is that a tear in his eye.

He wiggles his toes experimentally, walking about in a circle or two.

"Genius I tell ye! I hath never felt so warm. Ahh, where were /these/ when I was up to mine waist in snow in northern ivalice!? Truly. Boots for a Burmecian." Then, there's a growing grin.

"...Hath ye and the good Lady ever considered a mail order business? I know quite a few persons whom might benefit."

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "Oh, been fine so far. Spent some time with my lady friend last night," Yamazaki says conversationally, bending down to help with the shoes and boots. When he looks up and catches Faruja on the verge of tears, he politely looks away to retrieve the last garment from the plastic bag.

     "If you think there might be a market for them, run it by Tomoyo, she's the brains of this. I'm just the good looks." Turning around, he holds the red robes that Faruja requested. The shade of red seems to shift under the lights. The hem hangs down to his ankles. A row of golden buttons go down the front, and the sleeves are loose and billowy with hems in white with the symbol of the Church in gold around them. The back of it bears impressive embroidery of Saint Ajora in all his glory in golden threads. It also comes with a stole in white, trimmed with gold and the symbol of the church at the end. When dressing Faruja, Yamazaki makes sure that it forms a cross over his chest before securing it with a yellow cord around the priest's waist.

     "Now, this is made from spider silk, which is apparently really strong and light. It's been dyed in red elemental dye, which confers some fire resistance to it."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja outright laughs. "Good, good! Nay doubt ye charmed her near to heartbreak!"

Then, there's a nod. "I certainly shall."

Out comes the robe, and the rodent smiles. Eye closed during half of it, he looks upon himself in amazement. Turning about to better see the back, Faruja turns to the young man, and bows.

"Ye two art wonderful. I cannot find a single flaw! Indeed, 'tis better than mine imagination dared give light upon!" Straightening, he's then offering a handshake, vigorously. He all but waltzes out of the fitting room.

"Tomoyo Daidouji, shouldst anyone find fault with thine needleplay, I shall personally be insulted! I am amazed beyond words, mine dear." The look in his eye, still slightly blurry, might just say more than his words do.

He, of course, deposits the payment in typical solid-gold gil coins. 'Neglecting' to take back the copious amount of change. Someone's impressed.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     "I dunno about 'near heartbreak.' She's more likely to break me sometimes." Yamazaki nods, clearly happy that Faruja is pleased, returning the vigorous handshake with one of his own. He follows the priest out of the booth, where a slightly neater Tomoyo stands waiting. When she sees Faruja, resplendent in her efforts, she claps her hands together and beams.

     "Oh goodness, it suits you so well~!" She takes the coins, and returns the box he delivered the materials in, along with the gun. "Now, I was hoping you could do me a favour and let me take a photo~? I want to have a board of satisfied customers in here somewhere, you see~"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja grins, ears folding as he's hit by a one thousand watt smile.

Who could say no to /that/?

Faruja does a deep, courtly bow. "Mine Lady, take as many as ye please!"

Then, he straightens, and straightens hair and fur alike to perfection. It takes him a minute. Only once he's sure that everything is in place, does he tilt to the side slightly, smiling happily! The Ajoran symbols, of course, showing prominently!

"To the greatest tailor in all of Tomoeda!" Smiiiiile!

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
     Tomoyo giggles demurely before taking a digital camera and taking the photo! "And there we go~! Thank you for your patronage, tell all your friends," she says with another smile. Yamazaki goes to get the door for the priestly rat.