834/Shedding Some Light
From Multiverse Crisis MUSH
Shedding Some Light | |
Date of Scene: | 20 October 2014 |
Location: | Tefuri |
Synopsis: | Evette reactivates her space station. |
Cast of Characters: | 76, 560, Eryl Fairfax, 566, Ayako Hasekawa, 591, 593 |
- Evette (593) has posed:
Much like last time, the customs gates at the front of the space station are entirely desolate. The long tarnished 'Welcome!' banner sways now and then in response to the final few, raspy exhalations loosed by the ship's decaying life support, and the lights, still their sullen red, are barely capable of illuminating the path before the new arrivals. The pervasive silence is still there. The silence is still there. In spite of all that had happened before they left, it seems as though nothing has changed at all.
At least, until a familiar series of beeps echoes past them. Further down the hall is a blue orb that Sieg, Eryl, and Shirou, are sure to recognize: Monoceros' eye. It swiftly approaches them, yielding to the darkness a few times as the little bot acknowledges the group's presence with a few, elated twirls. Not far behind him is Evette herself, now changed out of the suit that she had been found in and instead wearing something much more... fitting. Hers is an ensemble of frills, ruffles, and pastels; ornamental ribbons decorate her black hair, matching the color of her navy skirt and complementing well her soft white blouse. She could not be any more of a contrast with the environment in which she dwells.
Once Mono gets close enough, his monitor changes to display a pink, happy heart, and he does a figure eight around the heads of both Shirou and Sieg before dashing in to Eryl's chest and giving him some semblance of a nuzzle. Despite the certainly warm intent of the gesture, though, it might leave Eryl somewhat cold; despite his petlike tendencies, Monoceros is one hundred percent metal.
"M-Mono...!" This upsets Evette a bit, likely because she's acutely aware of the potential awkwardness. So, as quickly as she can, she dashes over to Eryl and plucks the errant bot away. Then she waggles her a finger at him. "Bad Mono! You might've scared poor Mister Eryl!" She makes a pouty face, prompting Eryl's monitor to morph to an image of a cyan raindrop. More like a sweatdrop in this case, though, and it comes with an appropriate sound effect. She releases him moments later and the pair bow their apology in unison. "Sorry! Mono will be more careful in the future. Right, Mono?" She glances his way, folding her arms. Naturally, this elicits another series of fervent, vertical bobs to signify the affirmative.
Once that issue has been addressed, Evette's eyes grow wide. "OH!" She stares at them all a moment or two... before tapping her cheek with a finger. "Ummmm... I know there's ~some~ reason I wanted you guys to come back. But... uh..." She folds her hands at her waist, closing her eyes with embarrassment and swaying nervously. "I kinda forgot. Ehehehe... he..." Thankfully, Mono comes to her rescue here. With another, proud twirl, he announces: "Lights on!"
Which is apparently the only cue that Evette really needs. Her eyes regain their normal, wide, bright traits, and she shouts another 'OOOHHHH!!!'. An 'Oh' that would be loud enough to start an avalanche, if this were some horrid comedy film. "THAT'S RIGHT! I was gonna sing daddy's song and turn the power back on! Then you guys can see how pretty this place is when everything is sunny!" She's already bouncing, now that she remembers. But if she was this excited to begin with, then how did she spontaneously forget? Meh. Claiming the minds of children to be enigmatic would be an understatement... unless you're Ayako. Then you might get her struggle.
- Evette (593) has posed:
And the living puddle might also be the only one quick enough to keep up with her when she takes off down the corridor, leading them down the same halls that they had seen before, blissfully unaware of any skeletons that may still litter the area. Eventually, this would land them in front of the elevator that they had initially taken to her room. When everyone has arrived, Mono's eye shifts into the green, rotating 'Please wait...' symbol for a spell until the elevator itself arrives. Evette literally skips inside, beckoning the others inside and resuming her swaying.
"Gooooing dooowwwnnn~!" She deepens her voice playfully for effect, following it up with a giggle.
- Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Strange voices over the radio beckoning for social calls. To many this would be dangerous and reckless, but to a wanderer, who goes where whim and want will take him, Kenshin is made mostly curious. Space is not the usual destination for a man whose concept is at least partially focused upon the use of a geographical phenomenon to prove most points.
And still, wearing his travelling cloak and with his sword in his hand, Kenshin steps out of the warp gate near the customs center. Silently he is grateful that customs is unmanned, lest he have to explain why he will not be separated from the sword that he is carrying by the sheath.
He also has a wide-brimmed straw kasa-hat that obscures the upper half of his face as he walks around. This is definitely an alien experience, which is what he wanted but also very confusing for him. Shoes awkwardly shuffle along the ground as he walks through. Silence is nice, but certain levels of it are most disturbing.
He quietly watches the alien orb rotate and aggressively greet people, keeping himself semi-distant and sticking to the back of the pack as he shifts his stance. He's not fully sure how to react to any of this quite yet. So he's very silent and mostly observing. Particularly the strange girl talking about singing and restoring power.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
Sieg has actually come by a few times to make certain that nothing is wildly out of sorts with Evette. As somebody who is in form and function similar to himself, he couldn't help but be concerned. But, there wasn't much that he could really do about the broken down surroundings or the fact that Evette preferred to remain here. Instead, he'd just occasionally dropped off groceries. Today is one such instance, only... he actually ends up near the person he came to help this time, instead of just being a vaguely distant benefactor. Right now, the suit-clad young man is addressing Evette with some measure of exasperation.
Nope, there she goes. Too excited about what she already has planned to slow down. Sieg makes a face at the retreating girl, but he's perfectly capable of keeping up. The only problem is... the bag he's carrying is kind of full. He doesn't feel like running with it, so he ends up putting it down. The contents are nothing special. Some fruit, vegetables, rice, and some stuff shoved in an insulated freezer bag.
When Sieg catches up to Evette and enters the elevator, he's winded. Rationally, he's not in bad enough shape that he should have such trouble keeping up. But it seems like his body is just that weak, for whatever reason. He slides up against the wall of the elevator and fixes his gaze on Evette, taking some time to get his breath.
"Is it... is it really a good idea for you to keep living in this place?" The homunculus asks, confounded. Technically it is home to Evette, but... well, it's such a weird place to keep on living. There's bodies all over the place, among other things.
- Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
Aoko Aozaki has come along, because one, it's space, she likes space, she feels she should go to space more often, it's great, it's space, it's all spacy, look what other reasons could you possible need? But for two it's to accompany Shirou (although she could probably be seen dragging him by the arm if it came down to it) in the event something breaks out. And if nothing does, then that's pretty fine too!
This is why she is here today, in her amazing white t-shirt and jeans. The first thing she reacts to is Sieg's presence, by putting a hand on his head from behind and ruffling the hair. "Hey, Sieg! You get yourself patched up after fainting the other day?" Evidently yes, but it seemed polite to ask. "Of course it's good idea, we're in space! Space is cool. Everyone wants to go to space." Everyone.
Then they get into the elevator, and she perks a brow at Evette. "Wait, the power's off? This place looks awesome with the power off, you're saying it gets better?" She might be easy to impress, yes. SPACE STATION and all that.
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
"Following, following, following the sound of a voice~." Ayako cheerfully sings to herself as she floats through the warpgate and into and through the halls of Evette's space station. She's currently riding on her broomstick side-saddle, the sunflower growing out of the end of the broomstick bobbing along with the song. No, the sunflower is not mechanical. At least, it doesn't look mechanical. "So that when I find, find, find you, we can sing, sing, sing along~." She pats the sunflower that's bobbing along with her song gently.
Upon meeting up with the group, she switfly hops off her broomstick and grabs it gently with her right hand and positions it with the brush-end gently touching the ground. "Hello Everyone! Oh, so this is the source of the voice? Eh heh... I'm Ayako Hasekawa, a human water witch!" She winks playfully and then sticks her tongue out just as much. "Just kidding! I'm a water spirit!" She quietly listens as Evette speaks... and smiles softly when Evette says she's going to sing to turn the power back on. "Ah, I see, I see. You do have a nice voice!" She giggles softly and once Evette runs excitedly off, she hops back onto her broom, side-saddle again, of course, and floats quickly after her, with a single swift spray of mist coming from the broom to start her off!
Once she makes it into the elevator proper, she hops back off her broom and... well, actually starts absentmindedly sweeping as she waits. "Down, down, down we go~"
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
This time, Eryl arrives by the warp gate within the customs area. He learned last time that outside is NOT Original Face-friendly. Once again, he takes in the oppressive atmosphere, a long slow, deep breath in through the nose and then out again through the mouth.
"Mister Shirou, Mister Sieg. Good to see you both again," he says to the two men, smiling and bowing his head. "And you as well, Miss Ayako." He spots the blue light in the distance and smiles, waving to Monoceros as her approaches.
Only to be suddenly hugged.
Eryl is no stranger to hugs. When you show up to a starving settlement with food? Yeah, you better believe you'll get hugged. But getting hugged by a robot is a new experience, even for him. Once again, he questions the sophistication of this thing. But then Evette arrives and begins to berate the poor thing.
"Oh, it's fine Miss Evette," he says with a small chuckle, giving Monoceros a gentle pat on the chassis. Listening to Evette's excited declaration of what they're here to do, he can't help but smile. "Then please, lead the way."
When they get on the elevator, he looks to the rear wall, hoping to get another glimpse of the garden.
- Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
Shirou's come in his normal clothes. They have been newly cleaned, and he's got a jacket to go with it now! And he's brought a pack, slung over his shoulder. Exactly what's in it isn't so easy to say, but it's clinking and clanking and some lumps stick through the fabric. Not much can be determined from their shape...
But he did promise Evette something last time, and this is the first time he's been able to get a hold of her since then! "H-hold on, Evette--"
He's been tromping through with the group and just got there in time to be nearly accosted by Monoceros, and, well... off goes Evette before he can get a word in edgewise.
The boy sighs lightly.
"...Daddy's song?" He mumbles to himself.
The old space station is creepy, but he catches up soon enough and strolls on in. "What do you mean when it's all sunny? Is the power off?" He asks warmly, voice much gentler than normal when dealing with Evette. He's not really much older than she appears to be, but she's acting way less mature than he is! So... yeah.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
"Space is dangerous, and this place has been emptied of people for a while now. There's a section not far off that looks entirely collapsed. Space itself is pretty interesting, but a derelict isn't exactly the best place to be for anyone." Sieg asides to Aoko, fixing her with an odd look. He doesn't seem to know what she's talking about, so he doesn't address her question at all. An ordinary person might be weirded out by the invasion of personal space, but he doesn't seem bothered by it at all.
In response to Eryl's greeting, Sieg nods at him but says, "Just Sieg is fine." Evidently he doesn't have strong notions of social boundaries, either. Or else he's just too young to want to be addressed quite like that just yet.
- Evette (593) has posed:
Evette -does- notice Sieg calling out to her, at least, spinning around in her run briefly to give the homunculus a biiig few waves, as well as an exceptionally radiant smile. "Hi, Mister Sieg! Bet you can't ~ catch ~ me~!" And he's probably not so inclined to try, what with his bizarre exhaustion. Evette is deceptively watchful of him on their short sojourn, though, stealthily turning around a few more times on her way to make sure that he's okay. He's breathing kinda heavily, isn't he? Her dad only did that when he had been working for hours on end. Oh, and you're totally kidding yourself if you think she missed the bag of food he had brought. Truth be told, she's pretty hungry! And kinda peeved that he didn't at least bring an apple with him, but hell if she'll say that out loud.
Somewhere along the way she finds a good moment to spin around and greet Ayako, too, giving her a slightly less emphatic wave than she gives Sieg. "Hi, Miss Ayako!" Her eyes grow wide at the mention of being a 'water spirit', though. "Whoa! ... seriously? Then aren't you supposed to be made of water or something?" She tilts her head. "You look pretty human to me!" But... waaaait. Wait a minute! She almost had Evette fooled, but not quite. She puts on her pouty face and sticks out her tongue. "... wait. You're lying, aren't you? All of the water spirits died a long time ago! Daddy said so! And if you were a water -ghost-, then I wouldn't be able to see you!" Evette Annalise Elegy: problem sleuth!
After patting Mono on the head, Eryl totally has him sold. The little bot hangs around him afterwards, dutifully levitating by his side as they advance through the station. More and more like some sort of mechanical dog as the moments tick by. And when Monoceros has finished setting up the elevator to travel down? He plops himself right on top of the robot messiah's head. Plop! He relaxes his metallic 'wings' with a mecahnical humming that could only be compared to a contented sigh.
As they begin their descent, though, Sieg pops a question on the girl. That gets a subtly worried tilt of her head. "Why... why wouldn't it be? I've lived here all my life. It would be weird living anywhere else. And when I find daddy again, I want to live here with him." A little more quietly, she adds, 'I want him to have a home to come back to, too. It would be unfair if I did and he didn't'. Atleast her priorities are pretty consistent, huh?
Before the mood can get too somber, though, Aoko happens! Hi, Aoko! Evette -leaps- up at her question, shaking her head up and down at twice the air speed velocity of an African Swallow. "It totally does! You've never seen the park when it's sunny, have you? I dunno how you would've if you've never seen it before!" Her smile only grows as she continues. "Well, it's -really- pretty. There are lakes, and trees, and these pretty things hanging -off- of the trees... dad and I used to hang out there all the time when he wasn't working." A bit more subtly again, she adds, 'Even though he was working almost all of the time... hmph...'
Then Shirou! She shakes her head at his question. "Not... really? I think Mono said something about us being on auxillary," How the crap does she know that word again? "power. And that's almost gone! But in order to switch to the main power source, we have to turn off the emergency thing. And to turn off the emergency thing, I have to sing!" With bubbliness to rival the resident water elemental - that's a lot of bubbliness! - she continues to smile with pride in her explanation. She's smart and stuff!
- Evette (593) has posed:
When things grow a bit quieter for a moment, though, she meanders over to Onikaze and gives his sleeve a tug. Tug tug. "Hey, mister?" She looks up at him with two deep, glittering eyes of blue. "What's your name? You're kinda really big. You look strong! Kinda like the guards that used to be on the station. I haven't seen them lately, but... I guess they're gone, too. Oh well." She giggles, wrapping her hands behind her back. "Hey, maybe you can protect me instead? The old guards used to give me flowers from the garden. Bet ~yooou~ wouldn't do that." That's Evette for 'would you get me a flower, please please pleassee?'.
As they complete their journey down into the deeper fathoms of the ship, Evette hops out with Monoceros, probably still sharing in Ayako's chant. Never skipping a beat, though, she beckons them further still. "Come on, come on! This way~!" Off down another corridor. Forgivingly, this one has far fewer human remains than the other sectors. Since this would appear to be a maintenance section, it's primarily characterized by weaving pipes, wires, and low ceilings. It's cramped, and reeeaalllyy unpleasant, but there aren't any dead things. Plenty of living things, though -- some glow roaches can be seen skittering to and fro, but mostly they keep to themselves underneath the various bits of machinery.
Even more mercifully, the walk before Evette reaches her destination is rather short. Another circular door stands before the group like the one that guarded her room before, and when it opens, it spirals out into the same metal sheets, its pieces hiding themselves in the sides of the wall in precisely the same manner. What they open to reveal is nothing short of spectacular, though -- a large, spherical affair with computer consoles lining the walls, wires running between all of them to connect to a chandelier of monitors that display various statistics. The most prevalent one is blinking red, cautioning that emergency power is currently in use. Another warns that the water reserves are critically low (4, to be exact). The lone resident outright ignores these things, though, instead taking up a position in the room's heart, clasping her hands together. Monoceros, in the meanwhile, navigates to one of the various terminals, powering it on.
And Evette... begins to shift uncomfortably. She's definitely blushing. "Hey, uh..." She looks to the ground. "I've... never sung in front of anyone but daddy before. This is kinda embarrassing. So..." She takes a deep breath, picking up her gaze. "... be... be nice, okay?"
- Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin finally introduces himself when Evette is tugging on his sleeve. His voice is soft, like a breeze, but deep. He looks to her and he says, "Onikaze Kenshin, wandering swordsman. It is nice to meet you. If you need a guardian, I can serve as one temporarily." And then she's requesting a flower! He looks perplexed, not knowing his way fully around here.
"Ah I... do not have a flower. But I can do this for you, since you will be singing," He says, before his hand comes up. Now it's not holding a sword. Where did that sword even go, come to think of it? He spares a look over at Sieg, noting the worry the young man seems to have about her living here.
A moment later, he ahems and rubs his hands together slightly before cupping them together and placing his thumbs over his mouth. There's a ripple of wind around him before music starts to escape them!
It's a high-pitched and musical flute noise. A single flute, to be precise, emulating a japanese instrument in both tone and song rhythms.
It's a lot like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsihxORASks
It's also very clearly a magical effect.
- Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
"Oh come on! Exploring a derelict station is on every kid's wishlist! Living in one must be awesome as long as you can get food and supplies delivered to you. I wonder how long it would take to explore this would place," Aoko answers Sieg idly, as they continue forward in the maintenance hallway. Crappy-looking or not, it's like being in a movie for Aoko. She's loving every moment of it. She is far too excitable and evidently loves everything.
Then they're in a control room! Look at all those consoles. This really IS the future! Her mind trails off, and she wonders how good a captain's uniform and cap would look on her. She could be Captain Aoko of the U.S.S. Blue! Nah, too wild. Maybe she'll stick to her briefcase and going places on foot.
"It's fine, it's fine! I like singing. I'm sure you're very good. You and your home, you're too interesting not to be. I'm Aozaki Aoko, by the way, sorry for not introducing myself. I love space. Huge fan. Stars especially."
The red-headed magus does eye Kenshin, briefly, as he makes use of some magic or another, but doesn't make a big deal of it. Using magic to produce good music, now there's something she wishes more magi thought of doing. Helpful stuff! Not... lame stuff to reach the Root.
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
"Un!" Ayako smiles brightly, "I am made of water. All of me!" She stops sweeping and blushes, quickly pulling the brim of her hat down slightly to hide her blushing face. "Th-thank you... I've been practicing and studying how to look like a human for a long time so... it's a pretty big compliment for me when you say I look human..." She giggles softly... and then shakes her head. "I'm not lying... I am a water spirit. Honest." Her amber eyes peek out from under her witch hat's brim.
Once the elevator has stopped, Ayako cheerfully steps out and walks down through the maintenance corridor, once in a while eyeing a glow roach. Once they arrive at their destination, Ayako's eyes very quickly go over the monitors and what they're displaying. "Hmm..." And then she looks back to Evette. "Of course I'll be nice!" She smiles brightly to her.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
The fact of the matter is that Sieg's body really isn't strong enough to keep up with a regular healthy human a lot of the time. Strictly speaking it's not because it isn't as good as one anymore -- his frailness is more a result of recovery than it is a permanent condition. It wasn't so long ago that he nearly died, and was revived only through the sacrifice of a selfless heroic spirit. With that in mind, it's taking quite a while for him to realize his full physical potential. The fact that he is even able to do this much would be mind-boggling out of an ordinary person. Up and about, running around like this after a heart transplant?
Some people never recover their full strength.
Despite the fact that he doesn't try to keep up with Evette, Sieg manages not to look aggravated at the whole affair. It's not even that bothersome, really. As to why she shouldn't be here though, he straightens up and shakes his head. "It's natural that you would consider this your home. If that's the case, then the problems with it need to be fixed. There's a lot of damage in this place, and there are also bodies scattered throughout. The remains need to be disposed of properly, and the resulting debris needs to be cleaned up. That isn't something a single person is able to do."
The elevator's journey ceases, and they step off. Sieg follows after at his own relatively slow pace, and when they come to the room where all of the displays are present and Evette plans to do her "thing"... he frowns, and looks at all the warnings. All of those things are extremely critical in a facility floating out in space. There's no way for somebody to live out here without some of that being fixed.
"You'll do fine." Sieg reassures Evette. Even if she doesn't do fine, it is a stepping stone on the way to doing fine. There is no shame to be found in that.
Kenshin gets a faint look in response, with a visible jerk of Sieg's head indicating the monitors. As for Aoko, he says, "Objectively, exploring a derelict in space is probably one of the most dangerous things anyone could do. We're definitely underequipped for it. She insists on living here, so there's nothing I can really do about it if I want to help."
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
"Seig then." Eryl smiles to the homunculus and nods, smiling softly. He blinks, surprise apparent on his face when Monoceros decided that his heed makes for a fine place to roost. With another laugh, he straightens up his posture a little bit so that he doesn't dislodge the robot.
When they come to the tight, cramped corridors of the mantainance areas though, he reached up and takes Monoceros in his hands. Holding on to him, he navigates carefully. It won't do to accidentally walk him into a pipe, after all. Original Face takes high-detail snapshots of the few corpses they pass, so that they may be remembered.
When they reach the control though, Original Face goes into overdrive, taking in all the details that the monitors are giving. "Seig is right Miss Evette. From the looks of things, this place cannot support life much longer. Unless it has some means of resupplying itself..." Of course, that might not be so farfetched. Maybe it does...
But, then Evette gets stage fright! He offers a comforting smile and kneels down to look her in the eye. "You'll do great. No one here would make fun of you, okay?"
- Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
Shirou's not sure how exactly Evette is paying so little attention to the skeletons. Maybe she just has no idea what they are... which would make sense, he figures, but still... he's silently going over everything Sieg is saying. And agreeing.
"Don't worry," He tries to reassure her with a smile. "I'm sure he'd be happy to see you stepping up."
He asides to Sieg, "We can ask the Union or Syndicate for some help. I'm sure someone would lend a hand with it. I'm hoping to get her to come to Dun realtai for a while though." He's then forced to look sideways at Aoko. Such a seemingly great magus and...
And she's acting alomost like Fuji-nee.
if sweatdrops were real, Shirou'd be struggling really hard to hide his.
- Evette (593) has posed:
Evette is clearly satisfied with Onikaze's response, a significant upturn at the edges of her mouth following his pledge of protection. She falls quiet with unbridled curiosity as he cups his hand around his mouth as if it were some kind of magical harmonica. But it's not a magical -harmonica-, she soon finds -- it's a magical flute! The moment he begins playing her mouth opens in astonishment, and her hands clap together. "Wooooow~~! I've never seen anyone do -that- before!" She gradually calms herself to better fit the tone of the melody, but even then she still echoes herself: 'You're amazing, Mister Kenshin... this is waaay better than a flower.'
As the song completes, Aoko is quick to make Evette even more exuberant. And blushy, but she tries her best to hide that. "W-Well, thank you... I hope I'm as good as you think I will be. But it's good to meet you, Miss O... Ao... zaki!" A little more trouble pronouncing her name, for some reason. "I'm Evette! Evette Elegy." And you would think, given that a form of poem/song is part of her name, that she would be good at this sort of thing. But then there's always irony. Then... topic jump! SPACE! Evette loves space, too. In fact: "Oooohh! You like space, too?" Then she says she likes -stars-. "You like stars, too??" Now she's bouncing on the balls of her feet again, barely holding back a hug. "So do I! They're so pretty! When I was -really- little, dad would lift me up to the window and help me see out of them! Those were always the happiest parts of my day. Even if he couldn't play with me, he would always let me see the sky." From anyone else, this would sound overbearingly reverent. From her, though, it's filled with all the earnest excitement feasible.
Then she turns back to Ayako, grinning. Finally, she's not the only one blushing! That's... kinda refreshing, honestly. "You're welcome, Miss Hasekawa!" Smiiile~. "You look really pretty, too!" Her expression twists into one a bit more critical when she insists on being a water spirit, though, despite the fact that she didn't even bat an eyelash at her claiming to have perfected a transformation. She... didn't exactly put two-and-two together on that one. "Hmmmmmm... well. Okay. If you say so, I guess I'll believe you." Sagenod! "But I guess that makes you... like... the last water spirit in the world. That sounds sorta lonely." She's stationary for a few moments, and her expression evens out considerably. Then she mutters under her breath, 'I wonder if I'm the last one of my kind, too...'.
And her expression remains somewhat unusually sober as Sieg addresses her. She doesn't seem too surprised here, though, for a change. "Yeah." Sigh. "... I know. I was trying to pretend that it was the same as it was when I went to sleep, but... it's really not, is it?" That was rhetorical. "But this has to be the first step. Once the power is on, then maybe some of your friends can come and help clean up. It's too dark to do that sort of thing right now." To others, her lucidity may be shocking. To Sieg, though, it might be more reassuring than anything to know that she's not entirely unaware of her situation. Might make him wonder why she makes it seem like she is, though. When she skips over to the room's center, though, she flashes him a renewed smile all the same. "Thanks, Mister Sieg. I'll do my best."
- Evette (593) has posed:
Having awareness doesn't sway her from obstinate, though. At the mere suggestion that this place be abandoned that Eryl makes, she shakes her head resolutely. "I'm not leaving. We'll just have to find a way to get more stuff here. I never want to leave until all of you can see how pretty it was before I fell asleep." Stirring, and even more heartbreaking. Eryl is no stranger to stories like this, though, is he? She thanks him for his support, too, though, allowing her smile to resurface long enough for it to seem genuine. She shows Shirou the very same as well before folding her hands over her chest and drawing in a deep, deep breath.
"Okay, Mono. You can start it now." The little robot bobs up and down once, the rest of the monitors in the room coming to life at once. Lights turn on in the room, and something else that had previously been hidden in the shroud of darkness surfaces: a pipe organ, wired to the rest of the technological extensions in the room, its pipes curling against the ceiling. It bellows loudly enough to wake even the dead from their sleep, the reverberant sounds shattering the glass of silence that has, for so many years, held this place within its grasp. That quickly, the airs of stagnation have been expelled.
The organ doesn't continue to play past that, though, yielding instead to the rapture of a soft, synthetic murmur that comes from the trio of consoles about the room. It is soft, quiet, mourning; its tune could be no more repetitive, nor more earnest. After several moments without lyric, Evette begins:
The world grows cold,
our bodies do, too,
days of old
today's to rue.
Mourners are few
when the coffins are full;
'least we've the solace
of silence.
There's a brief pause while the synthetic hummings resonate quietly throughout the room, unaided by Evette's voice. It isn't long, though, before she continues with the chorus.
So sleep away in your pale cocoon,
wait for the sun to eclipse your moon;
sleep away, but some day you'll wake,
wake, in remembrance.
The song continues on in a similar fashion until she has passed the second verse, and repeated the chorus. It is clear that there was likely more written, but no more need be sung -- the organ bellows once more, and the lights in the room brighten further in that moment, all of the dormant technology lying in the adjacent rooms striking up at once in a cacophony so deafening, and so noisy, that one would begin to curse under any other circumstances. Meanwhile, Evette holds her position, shuffling her feet bashfully. Monoceros meanders over to nuzzle her as he had Eryl earlier, helping her to know that it wasn't as bad as she might've thought.
And really, for one so young, she wasn't that bad. It's pretty obvious the lyrics were written by a scientist and not a professional composer, though.
- Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin lets his hands fall to his side after some time, looking to her as she seems so astonished. He gives her a slight, if honest, smile and says very simply, "The music of the wind is that of the soul, free and flowing, without form. To master the wind, the disciple must understand this lesson. Understanding grants one the ability to do such simple feats."
Kenshin nods to Sieg, though. He can see the moniters and they are, indeed, disturbing. But Evette seems to know that there are problems, judging by her own reaction to Sieg's statements. The man slowly brings a hand to rest on her shoulder and says, "Resturing the life of this place will be your first step, next will be bringing a wind to sweep the old and sweep in the new." He states in his vague senses of wisdom.
"But at the same time, one should be careful not to trap themself in their current state. An attachment to what is gone will only stifle what is yet to be. To move forward, one most not walk backwards." He pauses and then adds, "But cautious steps forward will be better than to rush with wild abandon."
- Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
"Of course it's dangerous! That's why it's EXCITING! It's ADVENTURE, Sieg! Now, I'm not saying you should run head first into danger, but if you risk nothing in life, you gain nothing. Important lesson! People like us, magi, creations of magi, we get swept up in adventure whether we mean it or not. If you don't get used to it, if you don't find a way to like it, you'll never survive. Even if it's for selfish reasons like 'adventure allows me to get stronger' then that's fine. But you have to enjoy life! It won't enjoy itself for you, but it'll force itself onto you no problem."
With her great wisdom dispensed, the magus smiles, and turns towards Ayako, now observing her instead. "A spirit, huh? You don't feel like just any old spirit. Ah, ah, it would be rude of me to pry though, yes? If you'd like to explain I won't say no!"
To Evette she nods, still grinning. "I use stars, galaxies, novas and fireworks for my magecraft. Every magus has some sort of image, or a sound, that makes it easier for them to use their magic. I was always better with those. I'd like to see a real star up close, one day. The solar winds, the spots, everything! But that's way too dangerous, huh? And let's not even talk about witnessing a nova."
And then she will fall silent, to quietly take in Evette's singing. She couldn't comment, really, she's not a singer herself. Maybe karaoke in a pinch but she'd probably not be very good. So something on Evette's level, that might as well be miraculous for Aoko. Her eyes do wander off the singer as the station seemingly starts coming alive, power flowing through it, but she isn't worried. This is all pretty cool.
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
Eryl gives a little nod and a reassuring smile. "Alright. If you need a hand with cleaning up, I can help." He stands back to his full height and moves back as much as he can to give Evette her space to sing.
He flinches at the foghorn noise made by the organ, eyes wide. But then the monitors begin to play a simple tune. Then Evette begins her song. Original Face records the whole thing as best it can, trying to block out any ambient noise made by the others, or by the station.
When the song ends, and the station seems to become more alive, clanking and groaning as century-old machines begin to turn on. Despite them, he speaks loud enough to be heard. "That was lovely Miss Evette."
- Sieg (566) has posed:
Again with the 'Mister'. Sieg makes an aggravated face this time, though it isn't much different from his usual expression. He's rather flat about expressing himself in all ways, and this is no different. He shakes his head, "We're around the same age, Evette. Why are you calling me 'Mister'?" It isn't actually completely true. Strictly speaking while he was born effectively an adult, his chronological age is only in the months. It's not something that he really minds, and he understands that it's easier to just pretend to have a lifespan measured in years instead. Still, in this case it's as close to true as can be given the unusual circumstances.
His expression softens, though. "If you understand how things are, then I won't press the issue. Just don't put it off too much. This really could end up being a very dangerous place if it isn't cared for better than it has been. I'm sure that's possible with your help, though." Sieg gazes around, and lapses into silence as Evette sings her song. Evidently he doesn't really know the etiquette for letting somebody know that they've done alright, because he just sort of...
Continues to observe in silence. That is, until...
"I don't have a problem with adventures or danger." Sieg says to Aoko, and it's fairly evident that it's true. "But I do have an issue with low-reward risks. If I'm really trying it would be incredibly hard to kill me now, but that doesn't mean something like this can be addressed without any sort of caution... and in this case, it's perfectly avoidable. If I believed that, then I wouldn't be here at all."
"Which is to say," Sieg continues, "that I think she should live elsewhere until this place is repaired. But I don't have a problem with repairing it, or with being here to help."
"But, you know..." He eyes Aoko critically, "eventually I'm going to get old and be tired of adventure. There has to be a stopping point."
Evidently he realizes that he's glossed over Shirou, because Sieg turns to him abruptly, "I don't have any such resources to call on apart from my own minor talents as a magus. So, um... if that's what you can do, it's probably for the best. My talents aren't enough to fix this place."
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
Ayako winces slightly, "Umm... please call me Ayako, Evette!" She smiles softly and then blushes deeply when she's suddenly called 'really pretty'. The hat goes completely down to cover her face, the pointy end pointing at an angle. Muffled, "A-ahmm... Umm... thank you..." Still muffled, "The last in the world, huh... Hmm..." She pushes the hat against her head, as if trying to make sure her face is properly obscured by her hat. Ayako becomes unusually quiet and still for a good few minutes.
The hat does eventually come back up and is placed normally on Ayako's head. She takes a deep, shuddering breath and exhales just as shudderingly. Her head shakes... and she repeats this a few times. Once she's properly calmed, she quietly smooths her clothing down and adjusts her hat.
Ayako smiles softly at Aoko, "Hmm... Aoko was it? Eh heh... it's not rude to pry at all... in fact... I like people who ask good questions... but, I don't care to drown out Evette's song, so... maybe later?" She smiles cheerfully as she nods her head once.
Her attention falls back to Evette before she starts singing and she smiles softly again. Once the the room seems to light up and the organ bellows she nods encouragingly to Evette and closes her eyes to listen. Once the song finishes, Ayako opens her eyes again and claps her hands together happily. "Oh oh, very nice, Evette!"
- Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
"You have at least one friend, that Rider Servant. Well, I don't know if he'd care about helping... but I don't have the means to fix a space station either. It's what friends and allies are for." Shirou points out, as if this should be at least a little obvious.
But other than that, he doesn't have a lot to say. Sure, he's been listening toe verything being said... more or less. His focus has been on Evette's song. It's a simple tune, in a language he's not too good at (hoorah, translation effect).
geeze, did her dad really write that? He's not so sure having her sing that is very nice after what happened....
Norrrrr is he so sure about this sudden rumbling. "Wh-what's this?!" God. Is this ancient station even able to power on?! It's not going to blow up, is it?
- Evette (593) has posed:
Evette eventually breaks out of her self-induced shyness coma, hugging Monoceros closely to herself to relieve some pent up anxiety. And when she's finished with that? She turns to face the group, looking as radiant as ever. She miiight be brushing a little tear out of her eye, though. You know, the kind that you get when you know you're intensely shy, or worried about someone else's opinion of what you're doing? Yeah. Like those. "S-See? I told you that it was prettier with that lights on!" Smile~. "Even if... even if this is just the control room." Annnd, sweatdrop.
And then Onikaze makes the already frazzled little girl's eyes go '@_@' a little bit. Something about wind being free and flowing? OH, waaaiitt -- this is one of those ANALOGY things! Or... maybe it's just flowery language. Whatever! Her dad used to do this sort of thing all the time when they would talk after work, too, so she's sorta used to this. "Sooo... you mean that you should let the wind do what it wants, and follow its guidance instead of trying to force it to do what you want it to?" She bobs her head a few times. "Uh... huh. That makes sense." She stifles a giggle, here. "I thought you were just doing some fancy trick with your fingers. Like whistling or something! ... but I guess not."
But the next thing he says is -definitely- an analogy thing. She ponders that for a minute. "So this is sort of like that other thing you were saying. I should... let the wind show me new things, instead of trying to get back the old ones?" She frowns faintly at that notion. "... well, I guess so, but that won't keep me from missing all of the people that I used to know. I want to find them, too... so we can enjoy the new things together." If they can even be found, anyway.
Aoko brings back her smile completely, though. These two seem to be on the same page, at least! "Hey, hey. Um... can I come with you when you go to see the star? A supernova sounds kinda scary, but I've always wanted to see a star up close, too." 'Dying in a celestial body of fire' probably wasn't what Onikaze was getting at with his 'let the future in' spiel, but still. If it's what she wants, I guess? She does look quite earnest and hopeful, though.
Then Eryl brings her blush back. Damnit, Eryl. Evette's hands wander to her waist again, and she resumes her nervous swaying. "U-Um... thanks. Daddy used to say that I was good, too, but I always thought he might just be saying that to be nice. Or because he was... well. My dad." Eventually, she musters the courage to look him in the eyes again, though. "But hearing it from somebody else makes me kinda happy. Do you... um." She bats her lashes a few times. "Uh... think I'll get any better if I keep practicing? I have a box of old records in my room. I could try to learn from those."
It's probably a good thing that Sieg doesn't express himself that loudly, though, because when he gets her attention it's still enough to make her cringe slightly. "U-Uh... daddy told me that I should do that to be polite. I dunno, it's a habit of mine." She studies the ground for a moment, apologetically. "... sorry. I won't call you that in the future, Sieg." She attempts to form a smile, here. "Was that any better?" She continues to listen to him with rapt attention as he cautions her about procrastinating with maintenance, which elicits a tiny salute from her, and from Monoceros as well. "Y-Yeah! Like I said, I want you guys to see what my home was like when it was pretty! I'll do my best to fix things up, no matter how long it takes!" She's nothing if not dedicated. She continues to listen as he turns his attention to Aoko, but eventually... stops. Whatever he was saying was starting to sound scary.
- Evette (593) has posed:
And then -another- person who doesn't like being referred to with honorifics? Well. It's not like she -minds- or anything, but she's starting to feel kinda bad. "Sorry, Miss -- er, I mean, sorry Ayako!" She does a quick little bow, tossing her hair forward. "I won't call you that anymore either!" She certainly notices when she shrinks into herself a bit, though, skipping up to her and ever-so-lightly tapping her on the cheek. Poke.
... she was totally not doing that to test whether she was really made of water or not. Really.
Rather than Evette answering Shirou's question this time, though, Monoceros comes to the rescue. Sweeping in beside him, the robot announces: "The installation's systems have suffered significant degradation. Any abnormal sounds or sensations you may feel are a result of the subsystems booting up and stabilizing. Thank you for your understanding." Is there some reason everything he says sounds like a PA speaker/public service announcement machine? Maybe those are the only things that it can say after all.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
"Jean? I don't think he'd be useful for something like this." Sieg says to Shirou, neither confirming or denying that Rider is in fact a Rider-class servant. Even with people he knows to be perfectly trustworthy, it seems that the homunculus isn't likely to tell much about his servant. Even the name they've put forward is incredibly false. A french equivalent of John Doe, so to speak... or at least, common enough as to raise no interest. Truthfully, he's not sure that any hero has that exact name. It's probably not very plausible, whatever the case is.
Evette, in the meanwhile, seems upset as Sieg's reactions. He looks at her in puzzlement and replies, "I'm not upset with you, so you don't have to be so nervous. I guess I must have a scary face or something..." It's not a stretch to say so. Sieg isn't very expressive, and he has a rather regal look to him. It's not hard to imagine an adult version of him being a King and passing judgement over people harshly. He's probably too nice to come off quite that badly, though.
"You're right that it's correct to speak that way to someone you're unfamiliar with, so don't apologize for it. We're friends, so you don't have to go to the trouble with me, is all." He wonders if she'd even thought of them as friends to start with. More like acquaintances, he supposes.
- Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Evette can understand him! Which is actually an incredibly rarity for Kenshin, who is used to people staring at him blankly when he gives them advice. Kenshin nods his head when she's figuring out his advice on her own. He even smiles at her a bit while she responds to the second part.
"The winds of renewal do not always mean change. Many times, they can bring us the same sights, reimagined. But we must also, at times, accept that some things simply blow onward off this path we mortals walk," He advises to her, folding his hands in front of himself, "Sieg will likely be an excellent source of advice on your journey, due to experiencing a similar one himself."
Kenshin doesn't have too much to add, though, looking around as the place starts to boot to life, "Repairing a facility such as this is far outside my ability as a sorcerer or swordsman," He confesses.
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
Ayako smiles softly, "Yup. It's definitely nicer with the lights on." She raises her left hand and smoothes the hair in front of her left ear. "Even if it's only the control room." She giggles brightly.
"No no, it's alright. You didn't know." Ayako smiles brightly at Evette-and blinks her eyes quickly when her cheek is poked. Seems like a totally normal cheek. "But! If this space station needs anything water-related, you can count on me to help!" She swiftly points outwards with her broomstick's brush dramatically! And then giggles brightly, returning the broom to her side. Her gaze does briefly return to the computer console warning about a water shortage, though.
- Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
"Sure, sure! If I figure out a way to go watch a star or nova up close I'll invite you. I could make a tiny one... but doing it here isn't a good idea. Don't ask a magus who's only good with explosion and star imagery to give you a demonstration in a space station, right?" She sheepishly continues grinning, not worried in the slightest she's saying upfront 'I suck at stuff that doesn't explode, don't ask me to do it here'.
Then to Sieg, she hms, not quite losing her smile but almost. "Maybe, maybe. I'll do my best not to get old. Knowing my luck I'll die long before that happens. But, you know, I've met someone who's really old, and I think he might be even more excentric than me. I never asked him his real age, but he's probably close to a millennia old. Acts like a child, sometimes! I hope if I live that long I'll be at least half as much of a goof as he is. He has his super serious moments though. Going places with him is kind of awkward." She shrugs. "Still! The fact you might get old and outgrow adventure is all the more reason to enjoy it while you can. I know you didn't have a childhood, Sieg, but if you're going to learn anything from me, let it be this: don't die with regrets! If you want to do something, do it! Don't wait until it's too late. But you probably already knew that, hahaha..."
Aoko scratches the back of her neck awkwardly, as the party now starts investigating the awoken space station. It's true, it looks even cooler like this. No argument there. The magus distracts herself, addressing Ayako. "Sure, I'll sit down with you over some tea or something later. No worries." And then Evette. "Blue is fine, by the way. I don't like my name that much. Any nickname you want is fine! People typically call me Blue, or... a couple other exciting but less appropriate titles that make me sound like bad news."
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
Eryl can't help but smile when Evette blushes at his praise. He's never encountered someone so innocent. Someone who can take genuine, embarrassed joy at a simple compliment. So he decides to follow it up.
"Well, I'm sure that your father was telling you that because he loved you, but also because it was true." He follows this up with a confident nod. "So, you wish to improve? Singing, like any other skill, is something that can be improved with practice. So, of course you can get better, if you put your mind to it."
He pays close attention to Monoceros's statement, crossing over to the monitors. Reading the screens carefully, he attempts to find out exactly what systems are coming online.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
"Thank you... I think." Sieg directs to Kenshin, uncertain as to whether or not his journey is one that should be mimicked. The number of times he's gotten into trouble is quite numerous, and he'd probably advise Evette not to follow in his footsteps exactly. So far though, he thinks she'll likely make her own decisions and put on a happy face while she does it.
To Aoko he replies, "I don't think I could ever be powerful enough that I wouldn't need to worry about aging... but even if I was, I think that I'll get tired eventually. Right now my body is actually at its worst, but I expect that will change with time." It doesn't hurt that homunculi have a better idea of what's going on with their own bodies than most do. "... But I don't think I'm the sort to end up with a lot of regrets."
"We'll have to see, I guess. I haven't been a real person for very long." He admits, uncertainly.
- Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
"Oh... phew. So it's not falling to pieces on us?" Shirou's just a bit weird. He knows machines somewhat. Those sorts of noioses are NEVER good. And that was LOUD.
"P-probably not," He then asides to Sieg, still a bit shaken. "....He can't be the only person you can count on!" Shirou then blurts, realizing how he hasn't seen Sieg with anyone else...
"It's a big Multiverse out there too, Evette. You should come see our worlds too. In fact, you're welcome to stay in Dun Realtai." And he can even say that with official backing, as Bedivere agreed.
- Evette (593) has posed:
S-Scary face? Nononono. Evette waves her hands somewhat wildly; it's the most emphatic method of saying 'nope nope nope' without words that she can muster. But she goes ahead and adds words anyway. "Y-Your face isn't scary at all! I didn't mean it like that!" And she means it, too -- she's used to far more critical, far more haughty faces than his, in earnest. You see those a lot when you're surrounded by companies of paranoid scientists day in and day out. But... friends? Did he just say that they're friends? That gives Evette pause while a smile slooowly spreads across her face, and she seems ready to begin jumping again. She doesn't, though, instead grabbing his hand and squeezing it to vent some of her excitement.
"Y-Yeah! We are!" If he said anything 'wrong' before, he certainly made up for it here. "Thanks, Sieg! I wasn't sure if it was okay to say that because I haven't known you very long, but you're my friend, too! I mean, even though you just met me, you've been bringing me food, and coming back, and..." And other things that he probably didn't want her saying to a large group of people. Oh well. She eventually releases his hand, at least, staring up at him with completely boundless joy. "Thanks for being so nice to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Very, very quietly, she adds, 'I wonder if this is what having a big brother is like...'
Evette looks to Onikaze again when she has had some time to calm down, his words causing her gaze to lower to the palms of her hands. Slowly, they begin to emit a soft, ethereal green light. "Do you think I could be the winds of renewal, Mister Kenshin?" Mister still seems appropriate when addressing him, at least. "I mean... do you think I could become strong enough to find the people I like, if I tried? I..." Idly, she looks over to the rest of the group for a moment. And when she looks back to him, her expression is far softer. More understanding, he could almost say. "... but I won't let my search for father get in-between me and my new friends, either. You're right. I shouldn't... throw away the new, good things that I'm finding either. No matter how much I miss him." That's a tough pill for her to swallow, but she seems to be getting his point at least.
Evette nods happily to Ayako. "... space is pretty, but light definitely is, too. And, thanks for not minding about the 'Miss' thing!" She still gives her a little bow for good measure, though. Here's hoping she didn't makes her feel old or something! ... if water can feel old. Thinking about that gets kinda confusing. The offer to help with water issues causes a quick glance to the monitors, which now emanate a soft golden hue rather than red. Still, she sways a little. "Hehe... yeah. I think we just need a -lot- more. If you could find some water that doesn't talk and isn't as pretty as you are, then maybe we could move some of it here!" Never short on the compliments! It's probably a sign that she likes her, though.
And Aoko -still- has her way of getting her riled. Bad influence? Good influence? God only knows. "Really? I can go??" She clasps her hands. "Thank you, Miss Aozaki! Wow, this is so exciting...!" Possible or not, she probably just gave her something that she will look forward to for the rest of her (un)natural life. Any sweatdropping she can't do in response to the bit about explosions, though, Monoceros does for her. "H-Hehe... yeah. We just fixed this place, so we probably don't wanna... you know... break it."
- Evette (593) has posed:
Thinking about it now, though, Sieg is certainly not the only figure like a big brother that Evette has accrued in recent days. Eryl fits that bill fairly well, too, and what he says to her next is just further proof of that. She nods her head several times when he confirms her thoughts on singing. "That's what daddy always told me: practice makes perfect! He... used to say it when we were reading really tough textbooks though. I'm pretty sure singing will be a little more fun." Then her look turns to one of curiosity, though, and her mouth to an 'o'. "... hey, do you know how to sing, Eryl? I-I mean, you don't ~have~ to, but I thought it would be neat to have you as a teacher if you could..." Nope, sorry. That's probably more Ayako's thing.
And when Eryl glances at the monitors, he would see all that he needs to: oxygen levels throughout the entire station are rising dramatically, and electricity is coursing all throughout the station's proverbial veins. With his observance, he might also notice exactly /what/ is providing that energy: solar power. That would mean that the people of Evette's civilization refined solar power to the point where it could power a miniature continent. Quickly, he might begin to see arguments in favor of restoring this place rather than letting it fall further into ruin.
To Shirou, Evette gives another tilt of her head. "Dun Realtai? Well..." She seems like she's about to say 'no', but looking to Sieg, she seems to reconsider. "... what's it like? Is it pretty? Can I see the sky from there? I have to be able to see the stars."
Yep. Veeerryyy consistent in her priorities.
- Aoko Aozaki (591) has posed:
"Magi can live pretty long... but not millenia, I don't think. A lifespan like that is more the realm of Dead Apostles and such people, and that's not really something I want to try myself. I guess you're right, getting old's not something you can just postpone as long as you want. I'll still live fully and worry about it when my first grey hair shows, though!" is Aoko's answer to Sieg. She can't be entirely honest there without showing what she's hiding in her sleeve, sadly. Well, metaphorical sleeve. T-shirt and all.
"Ah well! This isn't the time for lessons from me to you or you to me. We're in space, let's enjoy the view! It doesn't look like the floor is going to cave in under us anytime soon, so there's no use thinking about the risks of being here."
The magus actually just up and wanders off, on a great quest to find a large window or viewport. Let's take a look at what's outside this station and where it is!
- Sieg (566) has posed:
The whole exchange that just occurred with Evette confuses Sieg intensely. He had assumed since their last encounter that they were friends, but this assumed friendship was largely borne out of similar circumstances. So it doesn't occur to him that maybe validating the notion with an exchange like this was necessary, or desired. He stares flatly as his hand is squeezed, but doesn't object or really express anything throughout. It's less that he's scary and more that he doesn't seem to know what to do with himself in some cases.
Like this one.
"Two people assisted me when I was in a similar situation. If they hadn't, I would be dead. It would be unfitting for me to conduct myself otherwise." In other words, Sieg regards his courtesy as far more basic than friendship. Perhaps it is a duty to him, but regardless it appears as if generosity is simply his nature.
For a time he's silent, and then Dun Realtai comes up.
Sieg looks towards Shirou for several long, still moments. Then, bluntly as anybody can imagine he declares, "It's cold." A few moments pass before he follows that up with, "... But you can see the sky, and there are good people there. Another friend of mine is there... actually, somebody I do think that I can count on." He looks towards Shirou.
"Her name is Mordred." This is probably not what Shirou had in mind.
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
Ayako smiles happily at Evette, and curtsies back to her in exchange for the bow, letting her broom float in place for a while. "Un. I can help with that." And then blushes again when she's complimented again! She doesn't hide her face with her hat this time, though. The broomstick resumes floating lengthwise by Ayako and she swiftly sits down on it like a floating bench. "J-just tell me where to put the water, and I'll do it!" She slowly fights off the blushing. "A-after all, I still want to prove to you that I'm really a water spirit."
Ayako's right hand raises cheerfully when Evette brings up singing. "Oh oh, I can sing, but... well..." Her hand slowly goes down and she glances off to the side for a moment. "It's not really something I do much nowadays... also, it takes a lot, lot, lot of practice!" She nods her head quickly.
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
Eryl's eyes widen as he reads the monitors. This whole place powered by solar energy? He quickly goes over all three screens again. That level of efficiency is... staggering. Back in his world, they do have solar power, but not as advanced. He quickly sends this information to ReGenesis, something they would be deeply interested in.
But then Evette catches him utterly off-guard. Can he sing? "Well, uh... I have recovered many books on music... I have undergone extensive speech therapy sessions during my upbringing... I have near-perfect recollection... hm. I guess I could probably sing." He's folded his arms now, tilting his head to the side as he mulls over this.
"But, ah, I don't plan to sing right now. Don't want to steal the spotlight from you, hm?" He smiles at Evette and chuckles softly. "But, if you ever need advice on anything, I'll help as best I can. Please, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"
- Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin nods at her several times, "You should focus on the future, and if that brings you pieces of your past, that will be fortunate. But also prepare to accept that you may not regain that which is missing," He confirms for her. He does add, "If you choose to be that wind of renewal, then yes, I think you could. It is possible with sufficient dedication."
Kenshin has little opinion about Dun Realtai, saying, "It is not a bad location. I have only been on its border lands, though, during my passing travels. The group of individuals who inhabit it seem very close-knit." He notes in a factual tone.
"If I can help you at all, feel free to call upon me. Sieg and I swapped frequencies some time ago, so you can reach me through him."
- Evette (593) has posed:
She does, eventually, ease off of poor Sieg, but she knows better than to fuss over his reactions at this point; she actually learns fairly quickly. So instead she just maintains her smile, keeping her arms folded behind her as he explains the reasons behind his actions. She nods her head along with him slowly, if a bit confusedly. "Uh... huh. So, you're doing what two of your other friends did for you... for me? Well..." She lets her hands rests at her sides, swaying those a little, too. "... it's still really nice of you. All that means is that you had really good friends, too. That doesn't make what ~you're~ doing ~now~ any less special to me." And there's really nothing more heartfelt she could say on the matter.
Then she hears the word 'cold'. Rather than dissuading her, this just gives her more excuse to be interested. "Cold?" Blink blink. "Does that mean there's -snow- there?" She balls her fists, wriggling her fingers in an effort to contain herself. And you thought /Aoko/ was easily entertained. "I love the snow! It's so pretty! I've only ever seen pictures of it, though. The surface world was actually really hot... and... and I never got to go there. Daddy said that it was way too dangerous. Oh, and... actually. I had a question." To no one in particular, she asks, "Why is it in little pieces? It used to be one big ball before. Did it..." Her eyes grow wide. "It didn't -explode-, did it? Planets don't explode!"
And Ayako... gets a long, long stare. "Wait. -Wait-. You mean you can, like. Create water out of -nowhere-?" Blink blink. "WOW! You're like a living OCEAN! We would never, EVER have to worry about water again if you would help us!" She takes a deeep breath. "... thank you, Ayako! This is amazing..." You know, Evette, there are people out there who can -become black holes-. But... meh. There's still a lot that she hasn't seen. She doesn't falter at the mention of 'lots of practice', either, instead tightening her fists with yet more of that ~resolve~! "I don't care how much practice it would take! It would be okay if it was with you! And maybe you would get better by helping me, too!" Wow. She, uh... seems really serious about this. So apparently this little girl is going to (1) learn to sing, (2) save her space station, and (3) top it all off by swinging by a star. Quite the agenda, there, Evette. You think you might want to slow down just a liiitttllee bit? Maybe Onikaze will have a proverb for patience handy.
And then Eryl makes her blush -AGAIN-. Eryl. Eryl, stahp. "T-There's no spotlight, silly! I just... sang a little to turn the power back on. It's like flipping a lightswitch. Which has nothing to do with SPOT lights!" She folds her arms here. Totally serious! But... then he offers more advice. Well, she's been getting plenty of that tonight, but she could always use more, so... she nods to that, too. "O-Okay, Eryl. I won't." But then comes another griiin~. Retaliation time. "... but I realllyy think you would have a pretty voice if you sang. Like a princess!"
Trusting that her understanding of his flowery language is well communicated by now, she doesn't parrot him in simpler language this time. Instead, she just nods. "I will, Mister Kenshin! And... thank you. If you make up any more songs with your hand whistle," You mean flute? "then you have to let me hear them! Okay?"
- Evette (593) has posed:
Then, something happens. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Aoko sneaking off. So, without a second thought, she grabs Onikaze's hand and, if he lets her, drags him along with her in hot pursuit. She weaves through the pipelines and wires of the cramped maintenance section, likely following Aoko's trail somewhere midway between the control room and the elevator. Should she find her there, she would grab her hand, too, leading her back to the elevator. "Here, here! I know allll the best places for watching stars. Trust me!" If she allows her to also, she would lead her back to the elevator. Monoceros, never far behind, would set it up to move as they enter, sending them soaring upwards towards Evette's room.
On the way, Aoko (and Onikaze, if he came) would see an overgrown, poorly kept garden illuminated by a rotating dial bearing the likeness of the sun on the ceiling. Evette would likely point to the glass at this point, saying, "See, see? It was all dark in there before! It is -way- better with the lights on!". When they finally come to their destination, though, it stops a bit short of Evette's own area of the ship. Rather, it stops in an oddly well-kept office room whose lights emit a soft blue hue rather than the typical yellow. Evette would drag her party members over to a massive, rectangular glass on the far wall, pointing outside again with a wide, wide smile on her face. "See? I told you! The absolute -best-!"
And there, they would see the broken landmasses of Tefuri rotating around a metallic central point. Beyond the cluster is the sun, the same as it is in any other world, and the moon, built over with sattelite towers and all manner of prefabricated homes. A strange place, to be sure, but bizzarely beautiful.
- Sieg (566) has posed:
"The area IS pretty snowy..." Sieg eventually gets around to saying, having stalled out on any further response to why he's doing what he's doing. Evidently he just doesn't know how to handle somebody that's so hyperactive and excited about... well, pretty much everything. By the time Evette takes off to the viewports with Aoko though, his cellphone rings. The ringtone is pretty generic, and a moment later he disappears off to the far side of the area from the rest of everybody else. The last thing he can be witnessed doing is writing a note before taking off, disappearing back towards the warpgate.
This time around, it's Sieg who gets out of there expediently. The note explains it easily enough:
Something dangerous is happening back home. Have to go make sure Jean is alright and doesn't need help. Contact me with this phone number or this radio frequency. If you want to go to Dun Realtai, you can talk to a number of people...
The note goes on to list "Bedwyr of the Perfect Sinew", Saber of Red, and Emiya Shirou as well.
Strange names, these people...
- Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
Ayako smiles softly when Evette becomes excited about snow. "Ahh... you really like snow? But... only pictures? Well, I can do something about that!" She cups her hands together in front of herself and floats on the broomstick over to Evette. A snowball materializes, floating above Ayako's hands-which lands softly in Ayako's hands and is offered cheerfully to Evette. "Here you go." She shakes her head slowly, "I don't know what happened to your surface world, though..."
Ayako's eyes just blink in return to Evette's long, long stare. "Well... yeah, I can. I'm a water spirit, after all." She nods her head once. And winces, albeit with a smile, at Evette's sudden outburst. "I... well..." A soft smile crosses her face when she notes Evette's resolve. "You're very welcome, Evette." She giggles brightly, "Alright, I'll look forward to it, then!" A playful wink is given to Evette, "Just... don't try to do too many things at the same time. There's only one you, after all."
When Evette suddenly runs off, Ayako floats after her on her broomstick. "Oohh... star gazing, huh? One of the things I like doing too!" She giggles softly and floats aver her. Her gaze takes in the overgrown garden on the way up for a moment... and then nods slowly. Once Evette rushes over to the rectangluar glass window, she floats after her and takes in the view. "Ah... that's what you meant... being broken..."
- Eryl Fairfax has posed:
Eryl's eyes go wide when Evette suggests that he would sound 'like a princess' if he sang. While he doesn't have a swollen sense of male pride, that doesn't mean he has none. He actually kinds of... freezes up for a short moment, snapping out of it when Evette starts to go after Ako.
"Er, Miss Evette? I unfortunately, have other duties to attend to. I must be off. If you ever need help, do not hesitate to get in touch, okay?" He bows before getting Monoceros to get him an elevator back to the exit.