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(Giant Monster Boss Fight!)
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Latest revision as of 02:59, 13 August 2015

The Missing Lynx
Date of Scene: 12 August 2015
Location: The Archipelagos
Synopsis: Giant Monster Boss Fight!
Cast of Characters: 132, 304, 402, Alexis, Bahamut, Duke, 828

Alexis has posed:
The location isn't too hard to find. If directions alone aren't enough, just look for the old lighthouse atop a rocky seaside cliff, that has a large bird of prey with flame patterned plumage perched atop of it. The Talonflame was specifically there for a reference point and to direct people to the more interesting places.

Like below the cliff, where ages of water movement with the tides had started with a secluded cove and worn down a large cavern in the base of the cliffs. Supposedly within is where the monsterous beast lay, sleeping during the day to hunt at night on the other nearby islands.

Rocks littered the outside of the cave. Alexis sat on a large one while waiting, and while none of her pokemon were out while close to the water, there was a gold-plated, mechanical looking dragon resting next to the stones. The Mechanowyrm was not just from the same 'monster taming' world as the Missing Lynx supposedly was, but probably part of the tomboy's strategy of dealing with it.

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Some people walk, some people fly. Black Arachnia just maneuvers straight down the cliff face in her spider form, just because she *can*.

"So how much of this group actually knows how to be sneaky?" the Maximal spider wonders, once she's close enough to Alexis (from relatively straight overhead, on the cliff) that she doesn't have to shout to be heard. "Catching this monster while it's asleep doesn't work if we wake it up halfway into its nest." A couple of Black Arachnia's eyes focus on the Mechanowyrm; *that* doesn't look like it'll be remotely quiet.

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     Look for an old lighthouse atop a rocky cliff. Look for the large bird of prey with the flaming plumage. Geralt of Rivia keeps that in mind, finding a path down the rocks with his hands and feet. In leather and chain, with a pair of swords over his back, long white hair tied back into a ponytail, he looks like the quintessential monster hunter.

     The mechanowyrm draws his attention and causes Geralt to pause, staring at it. It's a dragon, but not like any sort he's seen before. He gives it a wide berth, trying not to look too concerned. And the giant spider, too, seems to make him wonder about everything. "Stealth won't be a problem for me," Geralt says, voice gravelly. "But what exactly are we lookin' at in the cave?"

Bahamut has posed:
     Unfortunately for the group, there is one member who has never even heard of sneaky. First, a set of runed white spellcircles appear in the sky above, then with a roar a large gunmetal grey dragon comes crashing through them before plumetting toward the ground like a falcon in a dive. He actually looks kind of falcon-like with his large talons and sleek styling.

     The dragon dives right toward the light house, then banks upward to circle it quickly a few times before he spirals upward and floats back down. Although, float might be a generous word, since when he lands at the top of the cliff, it shakes the ground a bit. He looks around, up at the bird, then down at Alexis before he stands tall and crosses his arms over his chest. "Someone mentioned a large creature that needed dealt with." he says in his deep, booming voice, a grin spreading across his face.

Duke has posed:
Duke has been concerning himself over the event unfolding around him, so much so that is probably why Alexis, being Alexis, tucked some information over to him. 'It's something you can beat up on without holding back'.

Yes, beating up on something sounds like a great idea right now, including a chance for some more practice in the future WMAT match after Qualification is over. So, while others may be trying to be stealthy, there is a large fifteen foot cybernetic dinosaur that comes roaring through the skies on jets, before it swoops around the bird with its flaming plumage and then goes to land down on the ground near everyone else as the air is slightly displaced from his thrusters.

"Hope I'm not late, Alexis." His voice rumbles with a robotic undertone due the cybernetic nature of this form. Those gold eyes looking down at her and the group, before he peers over at Bahamut before raising a robotic claw in his direction. That electric blue mohawk mane of his electrifies with a bit of electricity for a moment as he then scans the area. "Though I am going to take a rough estimation and say that I am on time." The War Growlmon X tilts his head gently, "Will this form be a problem or should I digivolve up or degenerate?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Not too long after Duke makes his appearance than the sound of a familiar motorcycle engine can be heard, soon follows by the sight of it and it's demon rider as they crest over the hill. Doesn't look like Beelz is in too much of a hurry though as he follows along after the massive cyberdino.

     As Beelzebumon rumbles to a stop, he puts up Behemoth's kickstand and dismounts from his vehicle before pausing to crack his neck.

     "So, I just gotta know, what sort of monster are we dealing with that has Dukeyboy's steel jaw unhinged?"

Alexis has posed:
Alexis has dealt with all sorts of strange looking creatures her entire life, so the biomechanical spider crawling down the cliffs isn't much of a shock. Plus we have a digimon, an actual dragon, and a professional monster hunter (other than herself that is). "Eh, stealth never really been my thing, either. But that just means those of you that can be sneaky can try and flank the creature while the heavy hitters" She gives a gesture in the direction of Bahamut and Duke "keep it occupied." Followed by a chuckle as she stands up. "No Duke, that's probably what you're going to want."

She actually walks across the mecha-dragon's back to get to the dry ground of the cave entrance. "It's called a Missing Lynx," she infodumps for Geralt and the Digimon that wouldn't have access to the Union data she'd had. "You know what a manticore is? Kinda like that, but really freaking big. Poisonous tail, breaths fire, and usual giant monster toughness." Once she's off its back the mechanowyrm gets up to follow her.. and while not particularly stealthy, it at least doesn't clank and rattle as it moves, either. "The idea is to beat the stuffing out of it, and some sense into it. Brakewind here," sigh, her and the pun names, "has some abilities that should help counteract what it did last time while we wear it down."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"Sssshhh," Mutters a voice from somewhere to Alexis' left, "You're all way too loud!"

An anthromorphic, three tailed fox in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt is leaning against the cave wall. Nova's eyes are closed, his brows furrowed as if concentrating. He has one paw pressed up against his forehead, the other against the cave wall itself, using it for support. Those three tails flicker and curl around one another, leaving little sparks of white energy crackling off of them.

If anyone were to look closely enough at the mouth of the cave, they'd see a slight glimmer across it. As if there was something there that they can't see... From the outside anyway. From the other side, however, the Missing Linx would hopefully just see the exit to its cave, and not the party amassing to come and beat the crap out of it.

"I can keep our presence from being seen. Sounds are much harder to dampen than-" Nova pauses, ears twitching back at the sound of the growling motorcycle approaching. "... Oh forget it."

Duke has posed:
Duke cuts a glance over to Beelzebumon as he shows up, "You are getting slow, Beelzebumon." There was a teasing sound in that robotic voice before he looks back over to Alexis, giving a nod of his head as she confirms that this form is fine.

The Cyborg Digimon rumbles gently, "This sounds like it is going to be fun. Do you want me to go ahead and wake it up then? I can easily throw some laser fire down in the cave to smoke it out." Or crush it-- his after thought is after he says this.

"On second thought, perhaps that is not a wise idea." Duke says with a grunt. He does, though walk over toward the edge, at least the safest he can. His gold eyes look over to Nova, "Nova... good to see you here and sorry, some of us prefer action over stealth."

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     The Multiverse is a crazy, crazy place, seems to be going through Geralt's head - not that much expression can be read on his face. He reaches up, behind his shoulders, and pulls one of his blades free. The silver sword practically sings as he draws it forth.

     "I know what a manticore is," Geralt says with a slight nod. With his other hand, he draws a potion from his belt and uncorks it. He gulps it down, face twisting in disgust at the taste.

     And the pain. Geralt grunts as the decoction works through his system, granting him some resistance to whatever posion the Lynx might have - hopefully. His veins stand out against his skin, dark as night.

     "I'll do my best to get behind it. Are we hoping to kill it or is it somethin' we can talk with?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Hey, just be glad I bothered to stop off here with you goes first instead of barrelling into the mouth of that cave firing my guns into the air and whooping like a drunken hillbilly," Beelzebumon retorts to Duke as he places his hands behind his head, "I've done worse when I'm bored."

     Like the time he completely FUBAR'd a Union party's attempt to infiltrate a compound by sending a gas cylinder rocketing across the courtyard they were trying to sneak through! That was a fun stunt.

     "Oh, awesome! One of those mixed up monsters that looks like something a mad scientist stitched together in his lab!"

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
"So, the big noisy tough guys draw its attention, the sneaky members do their thing from its blind sides," Black Arachnia sums up. "I've been working on some high-potency cybervenom formulations; paralytics should do some good?"

The question is partially but not entirely rhetorical.

"Additionally," the Maximal suggests, "if you all can give me some time, I could spin a web across the entrance to try and tangle this beast up when it comes charging out. *If* it comes charging out, that is ... were you planning to just do this fight inside the cave, where the Missing Lynx probably knows everything about the terrain as well as it can be expected to with whatever brain it's got, and where it'll basically have all of the terrain advantages?" She takes a moment to study the cave entrance proper - the size, what's underfoot, how deep the water is if there's water along the tunnel going in, little details like that. Granted, she's going to be going in on the CEILING, not the floor, but still - little details can be relevant.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut follows after Alexis as she starts into the cave. He waves to Duke when Duke waves to him, but otherwise offers only a nod of acknowledgement to the others. "It sounds like a dangerous creature." he says as he waits to hear just what they are expected to do. He may be a dragon, but Bahamut only kills if necessary.

     He eyes Beelzebumon warily. From what he has heard, Beelzebumon is a wild card. He might help them, he might decide that making it mad and running away while it attacks them would be fun. The dragon stops when Arachnia speaks up, then rumbles. "A large creature in tight spaces can make for a rough time." he agrees.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis pats Nova's shoulder as she steps past him. "Com'n hon, you know I ain't the sort to keep quiet for long."

"Monsters like this are tamable, but it takes wearing them down and proving you're stronger and more tenacious, basically." That's the quick and dirty way of explaining the ways of training monsters. "The idea was to catch it inside, while it's sleeping, and wouldn't have room to fly off like before.... But the spider's got a point, too." Alexis gives this a thought for a moment, then grins. "Okay, you guys wait here, block the entrance. You too, Brakewind." The mecha-dragon nods, and shuffles off to the side of the entrance. Considering it's smaller than the -other- dragons present. "Ambush the Lynx when it comes out." Alexis also lets out her Galvantula to help with the web-spinning.

Then she turns around. "I'll go wake it up and lure it out here!" And before anyone can say otherwise she deploys her rollerblades and skates off into the cavern... Well got to give her credit for being brave enough to do it herself since this was her idea? Nova and the Digimon can attest to her not being afraid to handle monsters personally.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon grins, then glances sidelong at the gathered party before stating, "I like her mojo." Then he wanders over to where Behemoth sits and pops the compartment in back, before pulling out a nice, frosty beer and cracking it open while he waits.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"Hey Duke, good to hear you," Despite keeping his eyes closed in concentration, Nova grins in Duke's general direction. Fox ears are like radar sometimes. "Like anyone does stealth around here in the first place. This is just a cover to keep it from knowing what it's getting into once Lex draws it out. Take it by surprise when it thinks that there's no one else here."

Nova wrinkles his nose in Alexis' direction, but knows better than to argue. Instead he points a couple of digits near the mouth of the cave. "I'm moving the illusion forward about ten feet," He says, as the shimmer in front of the cave shifts. "If you put the webbing behind where I'm pointing, we can keep the Lynx from knowing it's there until the last possible moment."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is about to object to the plan when Alexis races off down the cave. He chuckles, then steps back so that the spiders can do their work before he lowers down, ready to counter the creature if it comes barrelling out and the webs aren't enough to stop it. The dragon rumbles as he waits, watching the entrance intently.

     Until Beelz opens a beer. He shakes his head. "This promises to be a dangerous battle. Are you sure you have time to finish a beer before it arrives?" he asks before returning his attention to the cave. Nova's illusion interests him a bit. "How effective is your illusion? Will the creature realize something is amiss?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon quirks an eyebrow, "Who said anything about finishing it /before/ the battle? I intend to drink /during/ it."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"If you keep the noise to quieter than a dull roar," Nova says quietly, smirking in Bahamut's general direction. "It hopefully shouldn't until it breaks through it. I'm just projecting an image of what the mouth of the cave looked like with no one here."

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     "Don't suppose you've got another?" Geralt asks Beelzebumon, blade in hand. A Witcher should be a professional, sure, but if it's already that kind of party, it'd be worse to not fit in. But who knows if Witcher potions and alchohol mixes well in the first place?

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon takes a moment to fetch another can of beer from within Behemoth's cooler, then tosses it Geralt's way with a smooth, underhand toss, "Knock yerself out."

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Once Alexis heads inside, Black Arachnia skitters down to the mouth of the cave and starts laying down lines of faintly glowing webbing. She doesn't weave webs all that often, but it's a 'natural' ability of her beast mode - she just doesn't find many excuses TO lay down a web. But this is a good one.

Given how strong the Missing Lynx is reported to be, Black Arachnia's making the web as sturdy as she can on short notice - and she's going to keep working on it right up until Alexis returns with the beast in tow. There are a couple of gaps at the lower corners which should let Alexis slip back out while leaving the beast trapped inside - and if the web actually comes loose, she's engineering it so that it'll come loose AROUND the monster, fouling and entangling its wings and maybe its legs for good measure.

Duke has posed:
Duke grunts at Beelzebumon, "I'll be stealing one of those from you when this is over." The cyborg then lazily walks over closer to the cave entrance. "Also, don't worry," His gold eyes look to Bahamut. "This is Beelzebumon. He doesn't miss..." pause, "... Often." There was a teasing sound in his voice again.

Alexis has posed:
To this regard the Galvantula makes a perfect web-making assistant. It's webbing is purportly as strong as steel, and on top of that conductive. The thing is going to get a shock when it hits it, even if it proved to be resistant to paralysis the last time, it was still hurt by the electricity. Add in that both Spider Web and Electroweb are movement reducing moves, and you have a solid combination of spider teamwork!

At the end of the cave Alexis does indeed find the Missing Lynx sound asleep... And finds that the book she had did -not- mention the fact that while it was asleep the serpent was not. ".. Oh, dammit." 'Tall Tale' looms up, only to strike forward as vipers are wanton to do, and it's only by virtue of her skates that Alexis is able to quickly veer to the side and aim for the monster's head....

Several minutes pass before the sound of a very annoyed sounding roar can be heard echoing up to the entrance. Silence briefly follows, then the sound of massive paws slamming into the rock. Then the giant beast comes barreling up from the depths, thrashing about as it does so.

Because Alexis was not running from it, but -on- the monster's head, yanking on lengths of it's mane as she whoops it up as if she was on a rodeo bullride instead. "TOLD YA I'D WAKE 'IM UP! YEEEHAH!"

Possibly the Lynx realizes something is different at the last second, as it tries to veer sideways. But it's size already has too much momentum and it sideswipes the webbing over the entrance, getting it's tail and part of a wing caught, much to the annoyance of the thrashing Tall Tale. Which spasms more as it gets caught in part of the electrified strands of the Galvantula to boot.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The sight of Alexis riding atop the beast's head draws out a riotous laugh from Beelzebumon as he slaps his knee and throws his head back, "That girl sure knows how to do things with /style/!" Then he knocks back some of his booze and takes a moment wipe his mouth before stating, "Probably should help her though."

     Then he pulls out one of his beloved Berenjena Shotguns, and with it in one hand and his booze in the other, he charges off into battle.

Duke has posed:
Duke hears the roar and lowers himself to peer past the Spiderweb down into the cave, "I think she found it." He says calmly and then watches as the beast comes charging out and goes to slam into the web as things get pretty electric. "Yep, she found it."

There was a whirl of electricity as his power started to crank up and his mane rose up a little as his weapon systems booted up. Those gold eyes start to glow brightly as the cybernetics kicked in. His cybernetic claws open up slightly as the barrel extends out and starts to glow.

He waits for the combat system to lock in on the beast and then opens fire with a low charge, given he is sure they are not to kill it; Even though if it does force his hand...

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Eh, good enough, the web is doing SOMEthing at least. Black Arachnia wonders if maybe she should have been on the other side of the web, all the way outside the cave ... but it was easier to anchor the necessary strings inside the tunnel entrance for the desired effects.

For now, she tries to web a couple of the beast's legs together. THAT is a genuine challenge, though - trying to attach a line of webbing to one hind leg, attach that same strand to the OTHER hind leg, take up the slack without letting the monster break through, and repeat the process a dozen times or so in order to gradually immobilize the thing's hind limbs.

Oh, and she's at constant risk of getting kicked into the wall or stomped flat against the ground while she's doing this, at least until the legs are immobilized ... if they CAN be ...

How did she decide this was a good idea, again? Black Arachnia's not about to run off just yet, though.

Bahamut has posed:
     While it is amusing to see Alexis riding the creature, Bahamut rumbles discontentedly at the prospect of attacking a web-covered creature with an ally on its back. But, he has little choice, and so raises a clawed hand almost in unison with Duke. Electricity sparks over his claws before a bolt of lightning fires from his palm right toward the webbing. He is apparently counting on the webbing's conductivity.

     "This does not seem like a well conceived plan!" Bahamut calls out to Alexis, amusement evident in his voice and in the smirk on his face.

Duke has posed:
"It's Alexis," Duke says looking over to Bahamut, "This is the way all of her plans are and they are always this exciting!"

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
Large vulpine ears flick towards the back of the cavern, and Nova begins to count. "Ten... Nine..." A pause, as his expression shifts into surprise. "Oh crud, that's moving fast. INCOMING!"

The illusion shatters as soon as the giant feline hits it, but by then it probably doesn't matter that much. But at least Nova doesn't have to focus on it anymore. His eyes snap open, and he quickly throws himself up against the wall to keep out of the path of the rampaging Linx. "GREAT PLAN, ALEXIS. NOW WHAT!" Now, they beat the crap out of it. Of course.

A pair of paper slips appear in Nova's hand quickly. They flash with blue, flames quickly rippling over them as he flings them forward, trying to get them underneath the Linx's bulk. They practically explode with water, forming a pair of gysers underneath the cat that spray upwards - And helping make the electricity that much more conductive.

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     Geralt steps forward, silver sword ready, even as everyone else opens up with shotguns, lasers and webs and magic. Maybe the Witcher's just a traditionalist. He doesn't swing at the beast, though, no, he's only using his sword to parry and block, to deflect strikes from the poisonous tail.

     When he gets a chance, though, he brings up his free hand, his fingers dancing in a little pattern. He makes the sign of Aard, and blasts out a wave of telekinetic force at the creature - hopefully, it'll stumble it, and give Black Arachnia an easier time of trying to bind it!

Alexis has posed:
"Those are the best kind!" Alexis shouts in return to Bahamut, clearly enjoying herself. Though it comes to an end when the Missing Lynx does finally manage to shake her off, the tomboy hitting the cavern floor in a tumble. She ends up on her back, but still laughs for a moment before getting back up.

Probably for the best that she got thrown off, seeing as Duke just blasted it in the side, and Bahamut takes advantage of the Galvantula's work to send another powerful jolt spasming through the beast after Nova induces more conductivity with the water. The giant half robotic spider trying to tangle up its back legs are the least of its worries, when it's got more potential attackers that it would care to deal with. The kinetic burst from the Witcher shoves it harder into the webbing. It's not going to be running off this time, that's for sure.

Angry and not really sure what's going on, the Missing Lynx opens it's maw in partially a roar and partially spew out it's fiery breath.

Which is what Alexis was waiting for, even as she dives under her Mechanowyrm for cover. "Now Brakewind, just like we planned!" The dragon swings around to slam it's tail upside the Lynx's head, hitting the giant with it's Breathtaking Bash to disable it's ability to breath fire. Somehow. Monster abilities are weird like that.

The behemoth creature is still thrashing about though, and between the huge paws, the large saberfangs, and just it's sheer size, it doesn't have to be precise. It just swings about widly, trying to hit anyone getting close to it.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "DAMN RIGHT THEY ARE!" Beelzebumon adds as he leaps into the air, and then in mid jump, knocks back the rest of his beer, does an acrobatic twist as he inverts himself, and then /flings/ the empty bottle at the head of the Lynx to smash the bottle over his head.

     Oh, and he might have also righted himself after that and did a Goomba Stomp on his skull too. But the important thing is he busted that bottle over his head like a proper drunken brawler!

Bahamut has posed:
     Thrashing beasts are something Bahamut is familiar with, and with his thick hide he hopes he can weather the storm of blows. He leaps into the air, then flying tackles the poor freaky cat thing. He aims for its back, hoping to knock the wind out of it with his bulk, then tries to pin it down. His tail slaps the the snake tail to try and keep it busy while he wraps his arms around the monster's neck, attempting the good ol' sleeper.

     Even if it doesn't work, it should at least expose the creature for more attacks from Bahamut's allies while he is thrashed about like a cowboy on a gigantic bull. "Such plans do usually make for either a very entertaining time, or a very destructive loss." he replies to Alexis, grinning.

Duke has posed:
As everyone starts to move in, Duke holds back the next wave of shots, as he observes the melee fighters. His tail sways side to side gently, as he observes what he can, where he can.

The beast was also thrashing around as everyone seems to be moving into melee range, which could be an even larger problem soon. With a low rumble, Duke then reared up his head and let out a mechanic, draconic roar at the very beast, before stomping his foot down on the ground which may shake the very area as if demanding dominance over the creature.

This roar was followed by a low growl, before he barked out another roar, before those steely robotic teeth sneered at the Chimera like creature. What was Duke doing? Perhaps it was some primitive War Growmon to display dominance and a slight show of power. After all, primitive creatures respect the bigger predator, don't they?

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
Okay, so the hind legs are more or less tethered together now. That was probably the insultingly easy part, by comparison to what else Black Arachnia figures she has to do:

Tying the FRONT legs together the same way.

For the moment, the Maximal spider climbs up and along the Missing Lynx's belly. That should keep her *relatively* safe from her allies for the moment - maybe - while giving her an easier way to the front legs than if she skittered along the ground or a wall to cover the distance. Once she gets there - possibly having learned more about the monster's anatomy than she ever would have wanted to - she starts trying to lash the forelegs to each other, starting near the torso and attempting to work her way down. It'll be slow going, but ...

Well, if the phrase 'playing it safe' has ANY APPLICABILITY AT ALL in a fight like this one, that's what she's hoping to accomplish by being slow and methodical, if slightly counter-intuitive.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
As that head swings every which way, Nova ends up in the path of it. He leaps to the side on nimble feet, but there's just so much of that head to actually dodge. The Linx clips him, and the fox boy goes flying - Until the cave wall stops him. With a groan, he rolls over onto his hands and knees, tails hanging limp behind him. "You think I'd be used to this by now," He snorts, pushing himself up onto his knees.

A couple more slips are pulled from the pouch on Nova's waist. These flare with brown light as he slaps them down on the stone beneath him. The floor rumbles, shaking just in front of Nova. Then it begins to split.

The rock splits open all the way down to where the Missing Linx is struggling. There the split widens rapidly, and stone begins to fall out underneath the Linkx's back paws, hopefully to try and throw its balance off even further with Arachnia binding its front legs.

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     When the Missing Lynx opens its mouth, Geralt seems to be able to guess what's coming! He drops to one knee, making a sign with his free hand, and slaps his palm against the ground. A golden hemisphere envelops him, protecting him from the beast's flames before Brakewind prevents it from exhaling in such a fiery manner again.

     Usually, with the creature bound and disabled, this'd be the time where he'd slay the beast. But that doesn't seem to be the objective. He makes a sign with his hand again - a different one, the sign of Axii - and tries to hit the creature with a mental compulsion to calm down. Hopefully, it'll give Duke an easier chance of intimidating it!

Alexis has posed:
For the trouble of disabling that fire breath Brakewind gets too up close with those wicked fangs as the beast's thrashing gashes against its body. It's a good thing he's made of metal, and while not doing the most damage here, was certainly living up to looking like a dragon shaped tank. And not a slime shaped tank. That's an entirely different spinoff franchise.

The Demon Lord boot to the head hurts!.. The bottle that preceded it was just rubbing salt in the wounds beforehand.

The big powerful monster wasn't so much being outfaught as it was out-thought- and that's what was making the difference.

The Missing Lynx growls and tries to snap at Duke, but despite all it's struggling and straining, between Arachnia's binding webs and the equally sizable Bahumat trying to wrestle with it, it can't quite reach. Especially when the rock behind it's back paws starts to crumble and it slips farther away from him.

"I think it's time we... well, spider-lady already has him tied up a smidge on the tight side, so I can't make a wrap it up joke here, dammit." Moment lost. Alexis triggers two of her pokeballs, though the choices shouldn't really surprise anyone. You have Scorch, her Typhlosion starter and near constant companion, on one side. On the other, the Entei she put so much time and faith into purifying from the Shadow corruption. If this doesn't prove her capacity as a master of monsters, nothing will.

She clenches a fist, and the Tamer ring she wears on one finger starts to glow a bit as she holds it out. "Alright you three, show 'im what we're made of!" Seeing as Bahamut is giving them a nice big opening. Brakewind is already in too close for comfort range so just slams his own body back into the beast to help shove it over. Scorch does the spinning fireball thing his species does, charging in tandom with Wildfire using his own sizable bulk to tag team tackle the much larger monster.

Maybe the strange magic of the Witcher helps some too. In the end it all gets the results as the Missing Lynx thumps to the ground -- Arachnia probably wants to be quick on getting out from under it. It's not unconcious, but by the way it's mrrrling in a subdued faction it clearly doesn't want to fight anymore.

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     As the creature falls to the ground with a resounding thump, Geralt looks it over and then sheathes his blade. "Now what?" he asks, "We got some rope or chain?"

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
All it takes is the SOUND of Alexis deploying two Pokeballs, and Black Arachnia decides it's time to absent herself from the Missing Lynx's vicinity for a while. Her mandible grapnel launches towards one wall of the tunnel, her legs release their grasp, and the Maximal reels herself swiftly out of the way - and then scurries up towards the tunnel's ceiling. Not all the way up; heat rises, and there's about to be a LOT of that to judge by a pair of fire-type Pokemon being added to the fray ... but far enough up that Black Arachnia can avoid being at the same level as any of the Lynx's body mass.

She's tempted to vacate the tunnel entirely, but she stays put for the moment. She might need to help out further; she hasn't even used that cybervenom she was 'brewing' in preparation, and if the monster has any fight left in it, she may need to apply her cybervenom after all. "If it's rope we need," she replies dryly to Geralt, "I can spin some more webbing around it."

Duke has posed:
Duke snaps his own metal teeth back with a resounding 'chomp' of the metal. It seems to work in the best interest of all perhaps, because the Missing Lynx does go down thanks to all that.

The Cyborg Digimon inhales and exhales a few times, as his eyes are trying to debate on remaining human like or going fully dragon-draconic, this forces Duke to close his eyes in order to refocus himself. "Well..." He says as he reopens his eyes. "That worked out."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     As Beelzebumon comes down for a landing, he whips around, his claws poised to strike... and then stops.

     "... What, you mean it's over already?"

     His arm lowers, before he places both hands behind his head, "Ah well, guess I shouldn't go off too hard after all. Still got the qualifiers to go through after all."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
Nova lets out a breath, and pushes himself back up onto his knees. He pauses to brush brown dust off of his paws, before looking back up to the downed linx. "Now, this is where Lex proves that she's the alpha," The Kitsune says with a smirk. Pushing himself upright, he starts to approach cautiously. "She's crazy enough, it might just work."

Alexis has posed:
"Hopefully rope won't be necessary." The three monsters are still standing by just in case, but the Missing Lynx doesn't do much more than grumble a bit when Alexis walks up to it to rest a hand on the muzzle that's bigger than she is. "Easy there big fella. You were just fending for yourself after straying so far from home. But you can't just go picking off farmer's sheep like that. We're gonna have to find something else to feed yo--ack!"

The Lynx yank her with a paw, but Alexis waves her arms a bit at the others. "Stand down, stand down! It's not attacking! It's--"

A deep almost purring rumble emits from the giant beast as it shoves a cheek against her.

"Like I said, just gotta prove you've got strength and spirit."

Duke has posed:
As soon as the Missing Lynx moves, Duke goes to take a step with those gold eyes of his flaring to life with brilliant color, but thankfully, Alexis tells him and the others to stand down who may make a move. The Cyborg Digimon rumbles lowly as he narrows his eyes. "Fortunate for it..." He says lowly, as he goes to look out toward the ocean.

He then looks back at Alexis, "I guess the ranch is going to need some upgrades now, huh?" Duke then looks to the large cat. "I'll go ahead and make my way back then..."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut hangs on until the Lynx settles down, then rumbles deeply as he lets go. He tenses when the Lynx yanks on Alexis, but ends up chuckling when it decides to cheekrub against her instead of attacking. He gives the creature a pat on the head, then steps away. He is not its tamer, after all. "Well, that certainly got the blood pumping! I should be quite ready for my WMAT matches after that!" the big dragon says as he steps outside the cave again and stretches his arms and wings before looking around at the others. "Is anyone injured?"

Black Arachnia (304) has posed:
"No damage here," Black Arachnia replies to Bahamut. "Can't speak for the others."

She makes her way back out of the cave, detouring long enough to slice away the rest of the webbing where it was still attached to the tunnel's entrance. It'll disintegrate in a little while, having been severed from any kind of supporting power supply.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
Nova relaxes slightly when, instead of swiping at Alexis, the giant feline tries to snuggle her. And he can't help but grin at the sight. "And beat the tar out of it," Nova says, sarcastically, "That's the true way to a monsters heart, apparently."

He stops at a cautious distance away. "I'm alright," He says, glancing back to Bahamut. Nova then glances back, eyes flickering over Alexis briefly in concern. "What about you? Anything worse than the usual?"

Alexis has posed:
The Mechanowyrm has plenty of dents and scrapes, but it's typical battle wear and tear. Indicator of a good job tanking if he's beat up more than others are.

"Roughed up, tossed about, nothing out of the ordinary that a good night's rest won't take care of." Alexis pulls herself out of the Lynx's grasp, if only to climb up onto his shoulders. "Thanks for the help guys. As much as I like a challenge that would of been one hell of a tough fight on our own." Once the webbing is cut and starts to break away the creature pulls himself back up onto the less broken cave floor, and shakes the various clinging bits off. "Gonna have to give you an actual name now."

Geralt of Rivia (828) has posed:
     "It was no problem," Geralt says, taking a seat on a nearby rock and, seemingly, trying to keep his golden eyes on the robot spider, robot dragon, the- Well, everything and everyone he's encountered today. Finally, he cracks open the beer can (after spending some time trying to figure out how you open it) and takes a long, well-deserved drink.