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Latest revision as of 07:05, 22 December 2015

Kawakami City Unification
Date of Scene: 17 December 2015
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: The Union shows up to engage in diplomacy with a new world. Fightgotiations ensue.
Cast of Characters: Maya, Priscilla, 380, 395, 437, 691, 715, 867, Yang Xiao Long, 928

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     In the twilight hour, things were still quiet in the park across from Kawakami City. The wind rustles the grass lightly in the autumn weather, just past some large school-sponsored summertime events. That meant that the semester was starting soon, so Momoyo was getting in last minute training.

    Which was why she was jogging up quickly to the Gate. It could only have appeared in the past few hours, but the natural gate was present, a monolithic figure resembling a Japanese arch that wasn't present before. Not as large as the entrance to a manor but still reminiscient of the same style. Momoyo had to have been the very first to notice it, as anyone else who would have other than random pedestrians wasn't close enough to get to it... or detect it.

    Naturally the fighter dressed in white was walking circles around the gate cautiously, before she leans in to touch the space between the arches with a fingertip. Her finger rested a mere half-inch from the inside arch...

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    FLASH. AAAA... wait, wrong script.

    There's a bright flash as something comes OUT of the gate. "And then I said, that's no Ursa... THAT'S MY DAD!" to some random Regular grunt she was walking with. "Wait, this isn't Beacon." she says, blinking a little and peering at Momoyo. "Hey, uh, can you tell us where we are?"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Right so. A new world just popped up. And that means the usual round of sending diplomatic missions to probe the world, see what kind of government it has, and how to properly acclimate the people, and hopefully engage in peaceful relations, and hopefullt get things running smoothly. Maybe get another world to join the Union to boot.

    Yes well... Amalthea hates these kinds of jobs. It's really not her forte, but the unicorn seems to have drawn the short straw in overseeing tonight's events. Presumably the local government has at least gotten some form of missive to let them know...

    That a unicorn would be coming out of the gate. Amalthea promptly grips Yang by the back of the collar. "No kid, this isn't Beacon. Welcome to diplomacy."

    There is a pause. There is a local girl right there. The armored unicorn knight's lone blue eye focuses on her for a long, awkward, moment.
    "Hi. We come in peace."

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     Kenji Kawasaki looks a lot like most Japanese young adult punks. Reasonably tall, fairly muscular, loose and unstyled black hair, a leather jacket and pants, a white tank top, hands in his pockets - were it not for the fact that he's emerging from the Warpgate, Kenji could probably literally be mistaken for a biker, punk, or bancho from around here. He even carries himself the same way as most punks, with that shoulders-up, head-tilted-a-bit-forward, slightly-hunched turtle look that obscures his true height and breadth. Still, there's something somewhat off about him. Maybe it's the fact that he came through the Warp Gate, or maybe it's the fact that he's a bit more well-toned than an ordinary thug, or maybe it's that despite his hunched shoulders his eyes are still darting around like a trained soldier's, not lingering on one thing for too long.

     Kenji straightens a bit at the mention of diplomacy. Well, it was part of his job with Shinra, too, but... ah, hell, he needed the work.

     Kenji holds up a hand. "Yo. sup."

     He jerks a thumb backwards at the Gate. "You'll get used to it."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at Yang, "You do know that is a bad joke right," he says to her as he stops and looks, "Hello," he states simply as he looks around. "Did you put the wrong warp gate coordiantes in Yang?" he asks her as he looks aroudn and spots some lady, "Hi," he says to her as he listens to Amalthea, "My idea of diplomacy usually involves a fight against people in Gotham," he says to her.

    Terry is wearing a ifferent outfit besides the Batsuit and his normal stuff. He has on the cloths he wears at the Beacon Academy since he is now enrolled at to be a Huntsman-in-training. "Yang, do we need to teach you how to read a map or use a warp gate?" he asks her.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
A new world, and it's Yari Takane's duty to investigate. Dressing up in quite generic traveling clothes, complete with nice horn-hiding hoodie, she looks like a modern traveler for the most part. The tail's even cleverly hidden in her pants.

She even grabbed a bookbag to sling over her shoulders. It is, in fact, filled with ninja equipment and explosives. Just in case. Not long after the group of Unionites step through, so too does Yari. A pause, and she looks rather bewildered at it all. Rather than address the group, or the girl awaiting them all, she makes herself scarce for the moment. Not /quite/ hiding. That would give her away. She does her best to seem shy and a bit wary of a massive diplomatic group.

No Feds here. Promise!

Maya has posed:
Maya Was one to be exploring the multiverse, she'd been more in the habit of scouting for the union and mapping out various worlds than fighting on the fornt line but here she was in a new world which was curious as she stepped out of the gate. The blue haired woman was dressed in something along the lines of Terran clothing and she wasn't visably armed though those who could sense magic or the like? She kinda was clearly far from it.

"Well this certainly is interesting... and hello my name is Maya."

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    Amidst the confusion, another arrival appears. This one is mostly here on purpose, though unfortunately she does not have any read on the area yet. That is probably why she's brought some help! Nothing super strong or anything, just two of her subordinates, dressed in normal(for the Radiant Empire) clothes. That is, they look a little old-fashioned but are casual, complete with things like blue jeans. Madeline herself is dressed a little more nicely, with a nice dress and all, but it's kind of unimportant.

    "Take a look around," she orders the two with her, who split off to just... wander around. They aren't here to be hostile or anything. This leaves Madeline to peer at all the Union members greeting some random person. So she does the most logical thing she can think of.

    She walks up with the group and hangs around like she belongs there. She doesn't even invoke a Charm or anything to help make herself overlooked, she just sort of hangs around like that unwanted kid at the party.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla, today, appears to be by far the most intentional arrival on the Union's part, neither caught in the coincidental hiccup in the local warpgate network's sudden rearrangement, nor essentially badgered into it by rank and obligation like Amalthea. With how much she's been staying out recently, the only indication that she's even gone home in between is that the scorch mark in the chest of her finer clothes is gone, buffed out after fighting Agahnim. The peculiar eye stone is fastened in its cradle of black titanite wire and hung around her neck, apparently the newest addition to what is becoming a habit of wearing these little trophies in one sense or the other, from the flower of moonlight in her hair, to her off-coloured left eye, to the sunburst 'scar' etched into a scale just above her collarbone. As seems to be the final nail in the coffin of its importance however, the crown is nowhere to be seen.

    Stepping through the gate alongside Amalthea, barefoot on the grass, she spares a few moments to look over the massive tori, and then her eyes immediately go over to Momoyo, momentarily skipping over the unscheduled allies for the time being. As the paired gold and orange settle on her, her gaze is accompanied by a brief, completely imagined sensation of cold stabbing indiscernibly placed between the heart and the temple, and a passing feeling of vertigo. It's difficult to be subtle about a really 'piercing' look anymore, when the nature of it is to assess the soul of someone so clearly unusual.

    "Well that is certainly something." she intones quietly, to nobody in particular. "Well met, young Lady. Thou hast exceedingly uncommon fortune, one way or the other, to be here at this instant. Dost thou fancy being a destined messenger of some sort? Thou art perfectly welcome to stay a while and watch. In fact, anything thou hast to tell to us wouldst likely be helpful for now." She has to look askance at the Confederacy arriving here already though. "Be warned that this shalt be difficult to explain both briefly and accurately." She looks to Amalthea, then tilts her head subtly in Madeline's direction.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo has to leap back when Yang comes through the portal. Not strong enough to hurt her, unless she was caught unaware. But it takes a full ten minutes or so to process the sudden otherworldly gathering in front of her. She fumbles briefly for the dog whistle that was meant to summon Kawakami Kazuko, but... that whistle laid at Amalthea's feet for now.

    "Ah- ah-..." she stared transfixed, those crimson red eyes jumping from one figure to the other. In particular, she could scarcely believe her eyes. It wasn't just Priscilla but a near-goddess was bad enough.

    Hurriedly she tried to assess Amalthea, who by all appearances shouldn't have had an aura, but did. And Kenji's aura was too complex to process as anything other than a threat. The others were sheerly overwhelming. The only aura that matched what she was seeing right now was her Grandfather, Kawakami Tesshin.

    "Ah-...! Alright!" she suddenly regains her composure. She was clearly terrified out of her friggin' mind, but even her menacing red aura was boundlessly formidable itself. "You've probably got about an hour before police start showing up. They'll stand back as long as I'm here." she cocks her head a little, trying to figure out who to address. "You." she finally picks the most ridiculous-looking one. She couldn't decide if it was the one she wanted to fight, but it was certainly the one standing in front now, as she nodded to Amalthea. "Heheheh..." she paces back and forth a moment in front of the half-dozen assorted figures, failing to notice those hiding their auras entirely. "Alright. If you come in peace, you may as well tell me now... I'm the strongest fighter here. There's maybe three others close to me." She didn't define 'here' but it wasn't much of a stretch to assume 'the world' based off preliminary radar analysis alone. She clearly was also implying rivals, which meant she wouldn't be calling for backup.

    Only briefly did she glare back at Priscilla assessing her soul level. That was, however, the reaction of a curious berserk personality, and not a hostile one. She couldn't even begin to process the half-dragon, so she focused on the one that looked remotely like Cookie.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    AWK! Scruffed! She hasn't been grabbed like that since she was a little kid. "H-Hey!" she grouses, looking back at Amalthea. "Diplomacy? I... what?" She then glares at Terry. "Hey, it's not /my/ fault the thing brought us here! Besides, didn't you read the primer on the gates? They can be a bit random sometimes!"

    As Momoyo starts her little challenge, the blonde looks back at her, lilac eyes sizing her up. Definitely holds herself like a fighter. "Hey, you wanna fight somebody, I'll take ya on. Between Grimm and Classes, this'll be /fun/."

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     Man, just their luck. Literally just their luck. What are the odds the first person they meet is someone like that? Kenji calculates it for a moment, then decides that it's probably some kind of giant cosmic bullshit aimed vaguely in his direction. It basically pans with the rest of his life anyway.

     "God damn," Kenji swears, because of course the liberal Japanese punk swears a ton, "You always just lose your shit at people saying 'hi'?" DIPLOMACY!


     "Anyway, if you're looking for a fight, fine, I'll take you on," Kenji pulls his hand out of his jacket as his lips split in a wide grin, "I suck at this talking shit anyway. Let's dance."

     "But we definitely come in peace," he adds.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at Yang and sighs, "I think she would do you more harm Yang," he says as he glances at Momoyo and studies her as well. "Why not let those who are skilled at talking do that, and if you wanna spar with her, do so afterwards," he mentions as he walks up and places a hand on her, yang's, shoulder.

    Looking at the girl, he ponders but says nothing and can spot things like this, her warrior spirit and fighting stance. . o 0 (She trained and is probably a high level martial artist....) he thinks to himself as he listens to the others but stays near Yang, . o 0 (I should have worn something else then this school uniform. At least I have a few things in my utility belt.)

    Looking over at Kenji he shakes his head, "Ut oh..." he says to himself as he looks at Yang and has an idea what will happen next....

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Yang's glower is met with a shake-shake of the girl's scruff. It is a tried and true means of asserting dominance. "We're not here for that kind of diplomacy." She notes to Terry in a mutter, before Momoko actually gets her composure back.

    "Okay. So the police hang back if you're around?" This could mean one of several things.

    This girl is someone of importance with sway over local authorities.

    She is potentially powerful.

    She could just be a nutjob that even the police are frightened of.


    It's now that Amalthea releases Yang's collar and gives the girl a light shove towards Momoko. "It looks like we have a pair of volunteers. Let's call them Speakers of the Fist, for official purposes. I guess if they're up for it, Kawasaki, Xiao Long? You've got the floor."

    Maybe while Momoko is distracted with them, SOMEONE can find a government official or something.

Maya has posed:
Maya looks Momoyo over for a moment and also gets her first look at Yang but she focuse mostly on Momoyo who had her attention.

"Wait the police? I see I'm no looking for a fight honest. I don't think anyone else is. I'd have to say that's fairly impressive. If your however looking to fight there's no shortage of people who'd be willing to throw down with you. There's a large yearly tournament with fighters from dozens of worlds as well. That might get your intrest as well."

Maya steps back for the moment nd seems to get what Amalthea may be up to. Maya also can't hide her levels of magical energy either even if she wanted to, could someone here pick it up? It'd be very easy to then again with the likes of Priscilla here she might not get noticed as rapidly as she might otherwise.

Priscilla has posed:
    Well the new girl being in exactly the right place at the right(wrong) time leaping out of the way like a cat exposed to a shower, or less humorously, an exceptionally wary fighter, is one thing alright. What she has to say immediately after however, is another thing entirely. Priscilla blinks in such a way as to make even that universally recognized expression of subtle confusion appear obscure, before continuing regardless in a slightly less forthcoming tone. "I . . . see then. Lady Amalthea speaks truthfully. Neither we, nor the covenant we representeth, wish any harm whatsoever upon thee or thine world; now one of many, I may add perhaps without as much emphasis as I wouldst enjoy. Thou may call me by Priscilla, and so I ask of thee a name to address by in return."

    A while ago, an assessment into Priscilla's soulstuff would have come up with a vague approximation of 'pretty strong, somehow not all there', but these days, whatever passes for her natural energy is a roaring bonfire that appears to have perhaps originally been several pieces, fused together without being welded entirely seamlessly, despite all being 'her'. She doesn't give off much of an impression in that sense though. Her 'air' doesn't feel charged or give off any pressure, but conversely feels cold and still, like the subjective eternity before the descent of a guillotine, wheeled out in the dead of winter. It's possibly worth noting that the bizarre pendant around her neck feels like a second entity altogether, faint and elusive, but still there.

    "Mine apologies, but is this . . . usual, here? If thou art advertising thine capability as a warrior, thou art already speaking to those with the connections to find thee more than adequate employ as one, but is it really necessary to engage in combat before even an exchange of names? Be assured that working with the native law is entirely within our domain." This'd probably be so much easier if she had a badge or something. She clearly has some misgivings about the first words out of this stranger's mouth being about fighting, and then Kenji and Yang immediately enabling her. Young, impetuous humans, et cetera.

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    A martial artist, hm? Madeline crosses her arms and just listens to this for now. She's going to step back, a half-amused smirk on her lips, and just observe how the Union handles this meeting. No way is SHE going to just get into a random fight with a strange girl for no particular reason. "Oh, good luck," she murmurs.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari, as she's ignored in favor of all of these bombastic types, lurks in the background near the Warpgate still. She quietly eyes the group, particularly the stronger seeming amongst them. But at least there's no immediate violence.

The young woman's gaze instead assesses the native woman, and her red eyes. There's an itchy feeling on the back of her neck. The feeling of power on the woman is obvious to her ninja senses, and she doesn't even need her armlet to confirm it. Instead, she awaits for a fight, ready to slip down the hill and double back if things get too rough. Or pull Madeline back through the Warpgate if necessary.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     The sirens come up too soon. Damn. Smartphones... "Hold on a second." she puts up a hand... before blitzing toward the police cars speeding toward the close encounters of the third kind.

     "Stand... BACK!!!" she was a blur moving to the spot she had in mind. Her aura flared as she punched the ground... splitting the earth badly toward the river. It was a large enough crack for humans to hop over, but large enough to cause big problems for the stack of police cars all now skidding to a halt with the motorcycles in tow. Naturally, the officers dismounted pointing guns at Momoyo and the rest of the crowd both, but they were out of range where the long-haired woman smashed the ground.

    She blitzes back quickly, her arms folded again. God, this was exciting. She hasn't had opponents this strong in /years/. "My name is Momoyo Kawakami. My grandfather Kawakami Tesshin owns the Kawakami Dojo here. We train fighters in arts passed down from samurai blood long ago." she has to speak fast, enough to get a basic understanding of the situation before she had to respond to the challenges in front of her. Her shoulders, however, were visibly trembling. The smile on her face was unbelieveable, the seething, ecstatic grin of a good fight.

    "You stepped through that gate into Japan." she points off in the distance, past the suspension bridge built for pedestrians and cars both. "That's Kawakami City." she looks at Kenji briefly. He looked like he should be from here... but he wasn't. She finally thought better of what she was about to say. "My grandfather has the most influence in this area around the gate before you talk to the federal government. That's them." she nods to the prefecture police. For as remarkably excited as she was, she was at least basically polite.

    "You want to go, blondie?" she grins in that satanic fashion. She knew there was a big potential on her, but needed to test the gap. "I'm gonna give you a fair warning... the last woman I fought with your strength was named Margit Eberbach. She was German special forces. I put her in a coma for a month. He stands a better chance." she points to Kenji. That was only going to egg Yang on, but it was obvious to the strongest fighters in the room that she wasn't lying.

    "...But. I'm excited. There's been no one as strong as you all in years..." she murmurs listlessly. She needed to start this fight before the government got a handle on the situation. Nevertheless, she folded her arms with a provocative grin. "Let's go."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis blinks as he looks at this and watches, then feels the ground, "Yea, you two can handle this," he says to Yang and Kenji as he moves towards Maya, Priscilla as he sighs,, "Yea...." an dhe mutters about not wearing the Batsuit when he knew he should have. "Well, looks liek the diplomacy just went out the window in the way of talking," he commens to the others as he watches this. . o 0 (The fact she fractured the ground with single punch, puts her on the same level as Raditz....) he thinks as he will watch this to learn things on fighting incase he ever has to fight her, which he hopes he never will. "Yang, question for you. Do you really wanna get into a fight?" he asks her and that is also directed at Kenji too.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is released from Amalthea's grasp, and with a bit of a stumble, plants a foot to arrest her movement. She quirks a brow at Momoyo's display of strength, then grins right back at the red eye'd girl. It's the exact same expression on a different face. "Yeah? Lets just see about that! My name is Yang Xiao Long, my dad is Taiyang Xiao Long, and he's known as one of the top Huntsmen in Remnant." She brings up her hands in a boxers pose, then with a bit of a flourish, deploys Ember Celica.

    THe DRSGs unfold from the two bracelets she wears, forming along her forearms and over the backs of her hands. A cylindrical chamber can be seen just behind the wrist with several orange shells with yellow tips. She brings her arms back into place and manually racks the slides on both gauntlets. "Ready to go when you are. Just be aware, I'm not gonna go easy on ya, and I expect you to do the same."

    With that, she swings her arms back, and with a shotgun-like blast, likely to get the police on edge, she launches forwards, aiming a heavy right hook at Momoyo, which also lets off a shotgun-like blast of pure kinetic force at the 'impact' point of the swing.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Punching part of the world in half is highly unusual, even for the stuff Yari's used to. She takes cover behind the warpgate smartly, kneeling, and watching the fight with renewed interest. The ninja uses her armlet to start scanning the fighting trio discretely.

But after a few moments, she peers to the cops, and finally decides to get something slightly more useful done. After walking down the hill, leaping over what remains of the chasm while hopefully avoiding Union detection, she'll then rather calmly try to find whoever is in charge of the police. One arm is already in the air, and all of her weapons are well hidden.

"Excuse me. I'm a traveler, but not with that group. But I think I can give some information on the situation."

There might be a truce, but she's not exactly being outright aggressive. A bit of slander of the enemy always helps.

"That group up there is what's known as the Union. Feel free to draw your own conclusions, but I think their violence more than shows their intent. Be wary."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo initially continues to block the strikes. This becomes a problem quickly, while she was obviously superhuman the sheer kinetic force was shredding her unarmored skin a bit on the forearms. "Hmph. You've got potential..." she growls. If she took a direct hit those gauntlets were going to be a problem.

     "Kawakami Style, Musou Seikenzuki!!"

     Her signature move comes out fast. It was a simple, straight punch. But it came out with the force and speed of a battleship cannon. If an opponent couldn't survive this move, they weren't worth fighting. Her feet brace themselves in the grass, fighting on a downward slope from where Yang has backed her two steps toward the river. Her arms were already shredded with small scratches from the kinetic force.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang's fast, she's super strong even without her Dust enhanced strikes, but being hit by the equivalent of a battleship cannon is going to hurt. She crosses her arms in front of her, and that punch slams into the metal, bending it in a little, even as an angry orange-red light manifests, softening the blow. The blonde is send rocketing backward though, digging up furrows in the grass as she skids back, then tumbles in a partially controlled backflip to land in a panting crouch... "Heh... heheheheh. Nice hit... I think you broke the slide on the right gauntlet with that one." she then looks at the underside of her left gauntlet. . o O (Wow, from full down to 43 percent in one hit...) she thinks to herself, as she checks her Aura level. "I yield." She adds, as she stands up, but doesn't dismiss the gauntlets... likely because the mechanism is damaged.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks around and blinks as the fighting starts and observes, but than he notices somethign and blinks and looks at Priscilla, "Priscilla," he says to her. "I think we might have a small problem," na dhe nods towards the figure talking to the cops. "I do not think she is with us, but she might be a local," he comments to her as he watches the fight.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Someone new emerges from the gate... a fairy of some kind, or so she looks. Annie was once again taking her digital avatar, Silverbloom the Puca, out for adventures in other worlds. And, just as she arrives in this new place, she spots... a fight. She touches down, keeping her distance as she watches what looks like the end of it. Was it serious, or some sort of friendly spar or competition? It was difficult to tell, given that she'd missed much of it. It was impressive to watch at least.

Maya has posed:
Maya Sees that the fighters have got Maomoyo's attention and she's fine with that she does tilt her head a little bit. She does wonder how hte fight will go she does however bow to Momoyo slightly.

"I'm as I noted Maya and I'm from the planet Septerra."

She now leaves ht to enage in the fiht and she looks over to Terry for a moment with a bit of a nod.

"I think they are going to talk with their fists and that was a heck of a punch."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari, with her slander-job done, is still down there with the cops. She's sipping coffee one of the officers gave her after they realized they were out of the fight. Holding up a pair of binoculars she borrowed, she has her lizard-rump perched on a police-car hood, watching the action even as she occasionally takes in the layout of the city with a few scans of her armlet.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Your right Maya, even Batman would be hard to take too many of those punches, and he has taken a few," he mentions as he looks at Yang, "You ok?" he asks her as he looks to Momoyo and bows as well, "Terry McGinnis," he says to her as he says nothing else.

    "I think we need to go talk to the authorities, as this is gonna turn into a bad situation and a slight smear on the Union," he adds.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Clapping her hands together, the long-haired girl leans forward in a gracious bow to Yang. "You did well. Come by the Dojo sometime, and we'll spar more." She gave a reasonably elated grin to Yang. No insults, and still boundless energy. But then, she turned to Kenji.

    "Attack me." she states flatly, holding her right hand up open with her fingers pointed toward the air. Once again, no openings.

    Obviously, as the cops chat with Yari, some of the ones more used to Momoyo's antics finally start to chat with her more casually despite the interdimensional invasion.

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     "Turns out," Kenji observes, "My fists are really fuckin' loud."

     Kenji cracks his knuckles and snaps his fingers. His hand bursts into flames. Momoyo can tell that the secondary aura in his body is surrounding his hand after that snap. Anyone magically-sensitive gets a full blast of Kojin, Lord Of The Stove. "I'm down. Let's do it. Just so you know who's about to throw down with you - Kenji Kawaski. My grandparents didn't own shit, my parents didn't own shit, I don't have samurai blood, I don't have a fighting style, I don't have a dojo, but I'm still gonna do my good goddamnedest to fuck you up just like you want."


     Kenji shoves his burning hand into his chest, and bursts into flames. The blaze is staggering; heat rolls off the young teenager in waves. The fire crawls up his arms and down his pants, burning away the black of his leather jacket and the blue of his pants. It burns up his head, his hair going from laid-back black to burning fire. His eyes burst into flames as he lifts off from the ground, hanging in the air under his own power as a circle burns its way into his white tanktop - the only bit of black on his otherwise-white body, like ashes ritually-painted.

     The ashes take the shape of a stylized flame insignia.

     Kenji stops floating like a Castlevania boss, setting down in front of the gae. He takes up a stance, that same wild grin on his lips.

     "I live for this shit," he tells Momoyo (and presumably everyone else), and his voice is like crackling flames, "Here we go."

     There's a burst of light and smoke and fire as Kenji vanishes.

     He reappears in mid-swing, directly in front of Momoyo, his fist ablaze with...well, literal fire. He's wild and untempered, but he's still a hell of a natural fighter.

     Kenji roars a generalized shouty kiai. He's not talking at this point because talking is for people who aren't designated Fist Speakers.

     Secretly he is proud of this, because this is good diplomacy.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo has no choice with an attack like that. Her aura flares as she has to add it to the attack to match his flames, her lustrous loose black hair flared out behind her as she attacks the punk back.

     "Kawakami Style, Musou Seikenzuki!!"

     She straight punches again. Naturally the force of the two attacks creates a 2km shockwave, as she engages in a raw contest of strength with Kenji. She could do something fancier, and so could he, but neither had the space at the moment, and she wasn't willing to make it while she was testing her opponent. "Gggghhhhhh~!!!!!" her teeth grit, as she glares the demi-god in the eyes.

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    Most of this time, Madeline is watching the fighters. Her eyes dart back and forth, the quiet and subdued-looking Confederate representative staying well out of this. She doesn't try to do any slandering like Yari is doing, that isn't really her style. She only begins to act as the escalation of the fight starts to blast the earth around and everything.

    That being, her act is to wander off and make sure no civilians wander into the fight, if they should happen to miss all the spouting flames and the like. "Dangerous area ahead, please avoid. Nothing to see here."

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     So that's a hit.

     Kenji is strong as hell. When their fists meet, the ground ripples around them. Fire blasts outwards, a burst of flame that rings Kenji's hand.

     It takes him a moment to realize he's getting forced back.

     "FUCK THAT!" Kenji roars, because he has no fancy attack names to shout when it's a contest of pure strength. There's a lot of things he could do that are smarter, a lot of things he could do that are more tactical, but he's been *challenged*, now. There's a wild, raging bonfire inside him, one that the god of the stove that lives within his soul has only barely been able to channel, and it refuses to give up from one blow. Kenji might be good at tactics, and he is, but there's pride on the line here, too.


     The hand clashing with Momoyo's suddenly goes slack. Momoyo might think she's pushed through his defense, as his arm makes a noise that arms probably aren't supposed to, an ugly *crack*. Momoyo may believe that she has broken him.

     Kenji is not that easily broken.

     The Shinra rookie uses her own force against her as his left hand swings around, both his own natural strength and Momoyo's strength bent into the punch. There's no fancy magic or trickery here (although his hand is still *on fire*), nor is there polished martial arts of any sort going on - just Kenji, being Kenji, someone who lived on and dominated the streets around his home for longer than he'd care to admit. This is street fighting, pure and simple, and Kenji is really, really damn good at it.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Naturally the redirection of momentum throws Momoyo off-guard. She had no chance, not without having observer her attacker prior. He pulled it off perfectly. Stumbling forward, she only took one step forward, only to be hit by the other fist. "Gghhh!?" she grunts. The hit was still enough to get her to cough blood briefly, as her red eyes flashed wide in frenzy.

    It's been a long time since she was hit like that. Her shoulders shake as she blitzes out of range, chuckling madly between coughs. Regaining her footing enough to stay out of Kenji's range for more attacks, but she was going to recover from that quickly enough. "Hahahahah~!" she giggles happily with glee. "I LOVE IT!!!" The fact that the punch only seemed to rejuvenate her more despite the wounds was probably surprising for everyone but the two fighters.

     "Kawakami Style, Musou Seikenzuki Midareuchi!!"

     She blitzes in. Kenji would have a hard time redirecting the punch this time... because there were in fact, two dozen of them. Near-simultaneously, both her arms are involved in the attack finally, kicking up more dust as the grass gets torn up in front of the gate. Her irrationality was reaching fever pitch, but she wasn't dangerous to bystanders. Yet.

Priscilla has posed:
    Priscilla sighs forlornly as the first five minutes of checking out a new world turns into high-powered fisticuffs before they so much as speak to two people. If this is how it's going to play out, so be it. Stopping reckless teens from smashing each other's faces in is something she saves her energy for when it's on the clock. Far be it from her to not at least pay attention however. It's their first new contact, here, and one who claims to be representative of the top-tier of the local power structure. That kind of detached perspective serves her better for assessing another's strength than getting punched by them, especially with her more exotic senses getting the full show as all three fighters tap into a similar sort of well; Yang's and Momoyo's auras (or Aura in the first case) and the sudden, momentarily overpowering appearance of Kojin lending more than snark as a change of pace, all being practically impossible to miss. It seems neither of the more senior members want anything to do with this either, though she can hardly blame them.

    "Somehow I believeth there is little worry of that." she remarks drily to Terry, already looking over to the gathered police, seemingly as content as the others are to sit way back and watch, even chatting with the suspicious traveler rather than trying to intervene. And why should they? "Such dismissal, or rather such jadedness, speaks to a certain history of this particular girl being known for this, and it being yet to be viable to correct it. They seemeth neither desirous to dissuade her nor to defend her. Perhaps such is simply the way of things here. It wouldst not be a complete first." She begins to step down from the hill, edging around the developing warzone in the opposite direction of Madeline, ill-disposed to heat into that much fire and chaos. Her eye lingers overlong on Yari, a faintly unnerving whine filling the Au Ra's head, though the bulk of her attention is focused on Kenji, waiting to see if he needs to be bailed out, or at worse, /tagged/ out. Though she's willing to humour youthful hot blood, she's not having all the Unionites on scene beaten up one after the other.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari can't help but peer right back at Priscilla, but her eyes eventually close as that whining gives her the worst headache she's had since the morning after the Human Resouces thanksgiving party.

Still, she keeps a wary sense out for the unnerving woman, just in case. Truce or not, paranoia keeps you alive. Much of her attention similarly remains on the battlefield, however. Sip. Some small talk with the local cops too. She suggests selling tickets.

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     Two dozen punches at once is something, alright.

     It's like something Reiji or Xiaomu would do, something well beyond Kenji's tolerance level when it comes to 'total bullshit', the kind of thing Reiji would nonchalantly shrug about and explain that it took 'practice' and leave Kenji sitting there trying to figure out how the fuck you even START practicing a trick like that. It's something that he has no real response for, because, like, ordinary thugs do not do that. Ordinary thugs cannot shoot twenty-four fists at a time. Unfortunately, besides OGRES AND OTHER THINGS NOT APPLICABLE HERE, most of Kenji's fights have been with, well, ordinary thugs, and it shows.

     But he's just so fucking stubborn.

     Kenji dives into the punches. The first one gets him on the cheek. It's a nasty, bruising hit, one that may or may not have dislodged a tooth.

     He has more.

     He continues pushing forward as the second gets him in the shoulder. The third catches him in the stomach and nearly knocks the wind out of him.

     "NOT YET!" Kenji roars as he keeps pressing forward. He ducks the fourth like a boxer, diving around the fifth in the other direction. The sixth, the seventh, the eighth - he's starting to see the pattrn, starting to see that simultaneous isn't *quite* true, that it isn't *quite* that perfect. If it was...

     Well, if it was, he'd be dead already.

     Kenji doesn't care. He doesn't need or want a tag. He doesn't need or want a bailout. What he wants is one more hit, one more destructive, all-encompassing hit. As she pelts him, as he gets more and more battered, more and more hammered, Kenji's roar gets louder and louder. He forces his arm backwards on pure instinct at this point, blood rolling from his lips and probably some internal bruising going on too.

     But he has one chance, because an attack like this...it's gotta be hard to put up your guard after something like a rain of fists, right?


     Everything - /everything/ - Kenji has is focused in the very tip of his knuckle. Rather than a blazing inferno, rather than roaring, white-hot fire, Kenji concentrate the full force of an explosion, of that raging wildfire, into a single point, and attempts to deliver it *through* the rain of punches by weathering the storm with his body.

     He will probably need medical attention later.

     Right now he is too full of pride to back down. And Kojin probably wouldn't let him die anyway.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Talk about great balls of fire." quips Yang as she watches Kenji go at it. "Yeah, if she'd pulled that second attack on me, I'd be out of Aura and beaten to a pulp. Outta my league." she shrugs. "Dad'd have fun with someone like that though." who is she talking to? Who knows. Who really cares either.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo didn't stop to recover, instead falling around his fist to grab around his neck. It would be like a lover's embrace if it weren't so quick... and there was a good reason for it. The next few words could be heard by everyone at a high level who was already worried about Kenji's aura output. "Hey, you know what happens when you throw an aerosol can into an oven, right...?" she whispers to Kenji, while they're both angrily quivering. The world goes silent, as Momoyo's next technique could only be predicted by those who had faced many many battles before. She cackles madly, her hair continue to fly about her sweat-drenched figure as she continued with full force right into an insane next move.

     "Kawakami Style, Ningen Baku- (Human Bo-)!!!"

Maya has posed:
Maya says "Bats is known as the great dective after all. Even his successors has been more about his wits, right?"

She notes She looks for a moment to Terry nodding. She does not want this to end up turning into a bad situation but part of her is also curious to see how this fight turns out with which has caught her intrest.

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:

     Kenji finds himself trapped in a lover's embrace that he most definitely did not ask to as Momoyo attempts to blow herself the fuck up. The fact that she soaked his explosion instead of flying backwards has him less concerned than the fact that she's trying to *blow both of them up*.

     Again, he's just too damn stubborn to stop.

     Kenji's hand goes for her mouth. It's a vague, last minute attempt, but Kenji's just not the kind of guy to stop struggling, /ever/. Not even in a situation like this.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "...Crap." Yang quickly racks the slide on her left gauntlet with a fist pump, then starts running towards the two. She's not quick like Ruby, her Semblance lay elsewhere, which she channels now into what she's about to do. An explosion of flames surrounds her as she leaps into the air, focussing into her left gauntlet.

    There's no fancy attack name, just a faint glowing within the barrel of her shotgauntlet, which she then aims to slam into the ground between the two fighters. She dumps all the built up kinetic force she has into a single strike, causing a 'ripple' of the ground to try and separate the two away from each other.

Priscilla has posed:
    "At the very least, she is likely not fabricating grandiose lies to impress or cow us, if that is the case." Priscilla says to Yang. "Or else at least she wouldst hath made some set of demands." She's getting closer and closer to those police lines now, keeping a comfortable distance from the percussive waves of heat and force rattling off the two engaged in hand to hand combat, either feeling nothing, or unwilling to outwardly express any signs of worry she might have. She only finally takes action as the melee dies down so abruptly, followed by those ominous words, and the swell of power she can feel building up inside the girl's soul.

    "That is quite /enough/." she suddenly barks, somehow managing to sound authoritative despite that snowy voice, twisting on her heel and fixing her eyes straight on Momoyo, slit-pupils contracting as Yang dives back into the fray to break them up. The instant the martial artist's grip looses, her left eye flares up in a cruciform blaze of molten orange light, harsh and scathing enough to be physically felt. The subtle whine in the background of Yari's mind suddenly becomes possible for all to hear, rising up into a harsh, screeching crescendo of nerve-splitting psychic sound, setting off all the least pleasant physiological error stimuli at once.

    The girl is bodily ripped away from Kenji as the Dust explosion hits, severed from gravity and hurled straight up into the air where she'll come to a jarring halt, spread-eagled as she is temporarily pinned against the fabric of reality by the inexorable willpower of the Everlasting. "Thou hast had more than enough to be satisfied. I shalt not tolerate any further escalation with such complete disregard of time and place and basic common sense."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Down at Cop Watch Point (TM), there's a thud. This is the sound of Yari's lovely horns vibrating from the pure psychic suffering that only makes her headache quadruple, and the ninja smacking her head on the cop car hood as she falls off.

Ow. One of the cops will stumble up, and help the poor Au'Ra into a seat to sleep it off.

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     Kenji gets flung backwards by the Dust explosion, and not a moment too soon, as Priscilla tears Momoyo away from him. This is, ultimately, for the best, because Kenji isn't entirely sure how that would've played out, but it probably wouldn't've been good for him. It definitely wouldn't've been good for her, either.

     He skids to a stop along the Warpgate ramp, brushing blood from him lips. It takes him a moment to stand. He probably shouldn't be.

     The look on his face is not a pleasant one. It isn't directed at Priscilla, nor Yang, nor even Momoyo. As Kenji wobbles for a moment, trying to stay standing out of sheer *stubbornness*, the look on his face is directed entirely internally.

     Because he lost.

     He lost. He wasn't strong enough, again. And even worse, he lost while relying on Kojin. His normal strength would've been nothing.

     Kenji slams his hand into the warpgate with a loud and furious cry. The gate shakes a little as the Kojin Shintai comes undone; his eyes stop burning, his hair and clothes go back to normal, et cetera. The god of the Forge is visible for a brief instant, a little puff of fire at the end of his hand, before it vanishes back into his arm.

     He stumbles. His eyes shoot back at Momoyo, locking onto hers as she ragdolls through the air under Priscilla's power.

     Then his knees buckle, and his ridiculous stamina gives way to the exhaustion of the Shintai and his own injuries, and he topples forward, falling onto the warpgate ramp with a thud.

     He's not unconscious.

     He just can't stand up anymore.