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(Outmatched Sanary challenges Momoyo)
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Seriously, A Shieldmaiden Challenges Momoyo !
Date of Scene: 18 January 2016
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: Sanary comes to challenge Momoyo as promised and garners an unexpected audience. Unfortunately, Momoyo who is out for blood, is looking to provoke the Feds in return for Yari's malfeasance...
Cast of Characters: Sarracenia, Nagato, 691, Sanary Rondel, 756, N'raha Tia, 880, 928

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo grunted softly, as she practiced various forms in the Dojo fields. Tapping various spots on a dummy, she was nearly through and it was about time to go on her jog next. Dressed in her white competition gi, the forms were meant for muscle memory rather than power, so she wasn't doing much more than touching the dummy. Milling about the dojo were the various monks guiding tourists through the area, answering questions about history or martial arts, or the samurai bloodlines in Kawakami City. Naturally, many of these citizens were Multiversal now.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
'But when we do? I'm taking you down.'

     In retrospect, that probably wasn't Sanary's wisest decision in a while. She's heard the stories. Hell, she's /seen/ the stories up close. It'd be easy to come up with excuses, but even the pig farmer has her own pride! That's why she arrives at the Kawakami temple today, donning her... No armor?

     Well, at least she has her shields and axe on her. There's a serious look on her face as she spots Momoyo not too far away, holding her hand up in a stiff wave to the warrior. "Hey, Momoyo. You busy right now?" It's clear just from the tone of her voice that she knows what to expect, but she's not going to back down now!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is here as well, right behind Sanary! Or, rather, Chiyo as the school knows her. The ninja is dressed in the local academy uniform, fresh out of one of the classes. She's visibly trembling at the sight of Momoyo, who's caused her equal amounts of admiration, agony, fear, and now pure humiliation. It's hard to pin just /what/ is in her gaze as she looks between the two women, but she crosses her single arm. Right next to Sanary for support!

She leans in to Sanary. "Kick that....that /humiliatingly strong idiot/ into the ground, Sanary! I want to see teeth on the ground!" She hiss-growls. That tail lashes about angrily, her face flushed with all of the annoyance and pain from her boss after last time's little shenanigans.

She then settles against a wall, pulling out a hip flask to calm her nerves.

Nero (880) has posed:
     Among those multiversal tourists is Nero. For once not dressed in her flashy, regal, showy red battle dress, she's dressed in a simpler red dress, smiling and looking all around, the emperor was content to listen to the guide's explanations.

     At least until she caught sight of Sanary wandering in. "...Oh?" And unceremoniously, the Servant wanders off, following after Sanary from a short distance. Surely this would be more interesting then a tour, if she were to trust her intuition. And of course, the shield bearing hero approached Momoyo. Seeing this, Nero couldn't help but grin.

     "What is this? A fated meeting, sure to determine the destinies of both in a mere instant?" She swung out an arm dramatically. "Very well! I shall allow it!" Like it was up to her to allow in the first place. "Lady Kawakami, Lady Rondel. The time has come!"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Turning to face Sanary, Momoyo's thuggish grin twists into her usual arrogant smirk. She even crosses her arms, tilting her head slightly... but she was much more composed today. "My, my. I didn't think you'd actually show up." she murmurs calmly... with the softness of a predator tensing up. The challenge hadn't begun yet, but she did signal to some of the monks that a competition match was about to begin. Other monks... just shook their heads as they looked at Sanary.

They could tell what was the likely outcome just by looking at her as well, but they didn't cheer for Momoyo. Still, there were too many of the Kawakami Ryuu to provoke into a large scale incident, even setting aside the city being neutral territory.

    She glances at Yari, but while she regarded Sanary as a plaything... her expression twisted into a vicious glare, pinning Yari down on the spot. "And you brought the burglar, too... So you're still angry I didn't just bring her to the police station?" she raises an eyebrow at Sanary. She could sense the various auras of other people filtering in unless they suppressed them, but her focus was on the spy and shieldmaiden before her.

    Slowly, the monks began to clear the field in anticipation of a competition match. These were not uncommon when people walked in and addressed Momoyo directly.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The Sundew Princess known as Sarracenia has also joined Sanary. Sarracenia has heard Momoyo on the radio, and seen a few reports, so she has some idea of what the woman can do. But, she is here merely for moral support rather than to try her luck against Momoyo, even though Sarra is certain she could handle the apparently humiliatingly strong idiot.

     Of course, Sarracenia never dresses down. She is wearing the dress Lute gave her a while back. It is a very elegant and flattering outfit. She takes up a spot near the wall as well and holds her hands politely in front of her, her small purse clutched in them.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
Establishing his tradition of showing up places Momoyo is going to fight people, but never drawing much attention to himself, Shin Tokuyama is here. Random flight of New Years fancy saw him check out a relatively new city to go see what the deal was in that world and disposable income saw him taking a day off from training and hobo-ing to take a day off.

That means he's mostly wandering around the city with a japanese crepe (stuffed with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate sauce) in one hand and his phone in the other, taking pictures of things and people and generally looking far more like a tourist than a martial artist of some minor Multiversal fame.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary actually grins a bit when Yari... 'Chiyo' chimes in behind her, glancing back and offering the lizardy student a grin. "Hey, I'm not gonna go that far. I'll put 'em back if they come out." It's not a confident grin, but it's not a joking one, either. Just what is the healer thinking, anyway?

     She certainly wasn't expecting a familiar audience, for once. Nero's comments actually draw a chuckle from her and she shakes her head for a moment before turning back to Momoyo. "Right, right... Ah. About that, actually."

     The serious look returns to her face as she closes her eye, taking a moment to prepare herself before before offering Momoyo a bow of her head. "Thanks. For bringing Yari to us, I mean."

     There's a genuine softness in her voice as she says that, although it's quickly replaced by a more confident tone and smirk. "Of course I'd show up. I don't half-ass... Most things." She's not lying, at least! "I issued the challenge, so I'm ready for whatever happens. So. What kind of ground rules are we working with here?"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari glares right back, swallowing her fear and gritting her teeth. She wants to punch the woman, but this is Sanary's show and she's caused enough trouble. She finally just huffs.

"That's operative to you, /Momo-sempai/." Snaps the lizard, before grumpily lounging against the wall and drinking away. She lowly mutters alternatively horrible and vaguely complimenting things about Momoyo. More loudly, she's already cheering on Sanary.

"Knock her down a peg Sanary! Show us blood!" Not helping. At least Sanary's confident and she gets the first real grin in a while.

"Believe in yourself, Sanary. I know you've got it in you." Is her lighter words to Sanary!

N'raha Tia has posed:
    It wasn't as if N'raha /didn't/ know how to be a tourist, but it's nice to be in a place where people didn't gawp too much at a Fellow With Cat Ears. That said he /had/ been here to find a nice place to sell off some fish at the local market.

    And then he'd spotted Shin and just sorta tagged along at that point. And so, carrying a set of eel skewers, the catman was flush on some local currency and able to spend /some/ money at least. "Honestly, I am getting used to the Privateer thing, I guess. You should come out and see the No-Name some time, Shin. I'm not sure how much of a sea-goin' guy you are though."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "I heard about Chiyo's little... waterskiing accident with my drill instructor." She was speaking in very general terms, but if she could be even angrier with Yari than her snooping around the 'secret base', this would do it.

    "I know you just opened your mouth without thinking, but I was getting bored anyway. So I'm not letting you change your mind. But... I'm nice. I'm not gonna do to /you/ what she did to my friend." she seethes at Sanary indirectly. She had a different target in mind for that.

    "It's quite simple. No holds-barred, and a standard ten count unless you yield. Normally we use replicas here... but that wouldn't be very fair to you, now, would it?" she muses to the other girl, taking her position in the ring as the monks slowly back the various tourists and Neros out of the ring and into the stands to watch.

    Naturally, very short no-liability forms were passed out that each and every close range spectator needed to sign, which also allowed for removing extremely weak spectators at the monks' discretion. Tesshin was a shrewd sensei, after all.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
"Oh right, yeah, yeah. You still have the ship and all. I haven't really had the time to go back since the whole Ramuh thing," Shin comments, taking a bite out of his crepe with one hand while he-offhandedly signs a liability form with the other, "Mostly because that stuff on Kay's world kicked up. Now I've got Lezard blowing guff at me, but I got a new title out of it all."

He gives a tired shrug and then looks over towards where people are positioning for a fight and making challenges, "Looks like a duel's about to happen. I think that's the girl who fought uh... Kenji. Guy who decided he was my rival."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia listens to all the talk around her, a bit confused. She apparently missed something important, but then she has never been big on current events. "Would you like to borrow my hammer, Sanary?" she asks as Momoyo mentions unfair advantages. When she sees the release form, Sarracenia raises an eyebrow before smirking lightly. She signs, then reaches into her purse and pulls out said hammer. Taller than Sarracenia herself, the hammer looks pretty dangerous. But, she's just pulling it out for show most likely. She sets the heavy head down on the floor before returning to her passive stance.

     "Whatever happened, you can defeat her Sanary!" Sarracenia calls out, giving Sanary a confident smirk. "I know how tough you are! There is nothing you cannot do!"

     Not knowing the others, Sarracenia just offers them a nod of greeting.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "Man, I don't have a title. Titles are cool." A little mopey grump from N'raha, beofe he perks up at the fight brewing and... "Oh hey, that's Yari and Sanary. What... what's going on?" He knows Sanary from the Zaibatsu and Yari because she's a dirty Garlean but the other girl is new to her.
    His tail swishes a bit, and starts to jockey for position for a good spot to watch.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Yari's even more pumped up for this than Sanary is, isn't she? Still, the healer can't help but feel some swell of pride at the confidence the Au Ra's showing. Granted, she does look somewhat confused when Momoyo speaks about waterskiing and.. Drills? "O... Kay." She even glances from Momoyo to Yari for a brief moment with a raised eyebrow, but dismisses it fairly quickly as the successor speaks up again.

     "Sounds simple enough. You don't think I'm /that/ weak, though, do ya?" Smirking once more, Sanary follows Momoyo into the ring and sets the riot shield aside. She does need to maintain some amount of mobility, after all, and keeping the larger shield on her back with the kite shield in hand should still let her manage that.

     "Thanks, Sarra, but I'll stick to what I brought. Don't want to break this place apart too much." She removes the shells from her pockets and gunaxe next, setting those aside as well before finally looking ready to fight. "Whenever you're ready, then, Momoyo. Make sure to keep a timer running for this, eh? And if you lose any limbs, I'll make sure to put you back together properly~"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
After a quick signing, Yari very visibly tenses. She knows. All of that bluster evaporates from before, the the ninja's eyes narrow in. For now, she simply watches, scowling and planning. She'll definitely have to consider Momoyo someone to be taken down, if it comes to it.

Her hand squeezes a nearby target dummy. Her frustrations only seem to be mounting. Not a good way to start the week for the ninja.

At least Sanary doesn't get it. She'll have to explain later.

Then, she turns to Nero, and offers her flask over. It's awful, low-grade gin.

"Sanary will definitely beat her!" She proclaims.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
"I think that's some girl that fights people a lot. I saw her martial arts fight that blonde over there," He points in Nero's vague direction, "And Kenji was around watching her then too. Plus I heard they fought through the grapevine," He adds a bit conspiratorially.

"You have titles. Like Catptain. That's a pretty cool title," Shin muses, tilting his head a bit to watch them square off, "We oughta be careful. Fights like these tend to have collateral and I don't really wanna get caught in an explosion today."

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero perks at mention of herself. "AHEM! You may address me as Her Imperial Majesty, Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus!" She smirked. "Despite your scruffy demeanor, I shall allow you the honor! Be grateful!"

     And then Yari offers cheap booze. "Hrm? Is that so? Well...we shall see!" Nero offered no opinion, and took the flask. A huge gulp followed. "Ahhh! It is cheap beyond measure, but I suppose that this sort of drink is fine once in a while!"

     She handed it back and returned to watching.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Giving the customary bow that signals it's okay for the match to begin, one of the monks calls for the match start from aside.

    Slowly, Momoyo approaches Sanary. She wasn't quite sure what the woman was capable of, other than she was talented in defense. Still, Momoyo left no openings in her defense, her favorite way to start a match. Closing the distance this way increased the tension, but it also let her gauge how her opponent would choose to react. Very few people would let her get in arm's length without reacting violently, and Sanary's range was longer no matter what weapon she used.

     "I don't plan on losing any limbs... but your friend seems really intent on pissing me off. I don't know why you challenged me... you're outmatched. I saw you in Lordran. You belong in a team, not an arena." she chides Sanary, shaking her head. "Since your friend tried to kill my friend, I can't be held responsible if you're not able to fix everything I do to you." she continues to chatter murderously, in her soft voice. Momoyo was not subtle, and now that all the pretenses were dropped, she made sure her presence was overwhelming. Even those who had fought or spectated her before, could sense that this time was different. It was personal, now.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     With the match underway, Sanary keeps her own guard up as Momoyo approaches her. She's seen the warrior woman fighting elsewhere, after all, and she's fully aware that getting too aggressive wouldn't work in her favor at all. No, for now... She'll have to play it safe. She keeps the shield ready in front of her and the gunaxe ready to lash out, but she's not going to be making the first move.

     Oddly enough, she's not even firing any ranged attacks, either. That'd be dangerous with spectators around, after all! "You hurt her when she was already injured. That's enough reason, ain't it?" Slowly, that fire is coming back to her eye. Not a literal fire from shooting heat blasts or anything, but a figurative one!

     "So what if this isn't my specialty? I might not be strong enough to take down a dragon on my own, but I can sure as hell take you down." A confident boast, but will that be enough? She does seem just a little confused when Momoyo speaks of past attempts to kill her friend, but she doesn't say anything in response to that. Instead, she keeps approaching the fighter, waiting for an opportune moment to strike!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is all tension, and she nods to Nero. See indeed. As the match grows more personal, anger turns to fear for Sanary. She doesn't want to see the woman hurt. But when Sanary confidently responds, and even backs her up? The ninja smiles to the cleric. She stands a bit taller, more confident, and puts her trust in Sanary. Even if she doesn't win, just beating down Momoyo will prove a point.

Feds stick together, and they fight for each other. The ninja is sure to keep a smokebomb tucked in her sleeves just in case there's the need for a quick getaway.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia doesn't like this. Yari did something, and now Sanary has to face this dangerous opponent who is obviously out for blood? Sarra glances over at Yari, a disapproving look on her face, then returns her attention to the match. She knows Sanary is tough, but she isn't sure Sanary is dangerous enough.

     After listening some more, Sarra isn't sure what to think. Sanary seems fine with taking up arms even with this additional information simply because she thinks Momoyo wronged Yari. Sarracenia can't help but smile at that, but that fades as she thinks about things. Still, she punches into the air and says, "Do not underestimate Sanary! She is tougher than she looks!"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Sword and board was a more European style Momoyo wasn't quite familiar with. It almost never appeared in an arena, but she'd played enough video games to know the gist of what Sanary was attempting to do. Sanary was strong enough that trying to slip around the guard was going to create openings pointlessly, and an axe was a precise weapon... but it created openings for the wielder at most sizes. A solid stance, but only one arm...

    She finally decided how she wanted to approach this. Instead of attacking her or slipping around to her side, she charged Sanary head-on... and gave a flat-footed forward kick with the force of a freight train to try to force her guard aside with the flat of her foot and disrupt her stan<span style="color:e.

    cxterm93">"Kawakami Style: Musou Seikenzuki!!!"</span>

    It was her opening gambit, that battleship cannon force punch intended for Sanary's gut. Like with any fighter, the reaction to this one punch often told her all she needed to know about an opponent past their aura. Luckily, she didn't follow up her attack further after that vicious straight punch that sent wind gusting past the audience.

Nagato has posed:
    Quietly, a certain black haired, tall, twin pronged headband wearing woman slips into the dojo to hang back at the wall. Getting wind of it from some of her girls, she decided to take a visit to see how Kawakami was planning. "Mmm. Seems it's underway..." she whispered, leaning back against the wall, the metal prongs on her headband propping her head up to watch. "Do your best, Kawakami..."

N'raha Tia has posed:
    N'raha finally gets a good spot to watch just as the fight kicks off, literally. He has to actaully make sure not to suck his eel down the wrong pipe as he coughs and blinks at the speed of that kick, the sudden strike lancing out from Momoyo. "Aiiiiyaahhhh."
    He settels into a low crouch to get comfy, his tail wrapping itself closer so people don't step on it. "That's insane."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     It had been a while since Sanary fought someone that was unarmed. She knows better than to underestimate Momoyo, of course, but something about it still feels a little... Unfair? Then again, considering the caliber of unarmed fighters she's faced before, she can't afford to go easy on her now. That's why, when Momoyo comes in with that massive kick, she swiftly...

     ... Slams her shield right back. This isn't the time to dodge or make a show of things. That's not Sanary's style, and she'd just get dismantled if she even attempted to match her speed against anyone else. Her only option here is to fight Momoyo head on and go blow-for-blow with her! She can feel the bones and ligaments in her arm tearing from the impact, but the magical energy circulating through her body does keep her from dropping that guard from just that single hit.

     "Keh... N-not bad!" Sanary's actually grinning as she slides back a bit from the force of the kick, narrowing her eye at Momoyo when she comes in with the punch next. The healer adjusts her stance to keep the shield braced in front of her before ramming the shield forward, taking that next hit head-on as well. As she does so, however, she also swings her axe upward suddenly, trying to trade hits with the martial artist and cause more damage than she's already received from those devastating strikes.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
And then it begins. Yari watches as Momoyo comes in with that massive hit, and Sanary takes it on the shield! Yari lets out a cheer!

"That's it Sanary! See? You can withstand her! Show her pain and humiliation!" Encourages the ninja as she keeps drinking. This won't end well.

Sarracenia gets a look in turn, but she ignores it. What /does/ catch her attention is a certain shpgirl entering.

All of Yari's cheers stop as she stares openly at the Admiral. Her mouth drops open just a bit. Someone should give her a hand here.

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero doesn't cheer, she doesn't comment at all. She just watches, her arms crossed. And on her face is a smile. One that speaks volumes for how entertained she is right now.

     She doesn't care that people are in danger, and that this is a dangerous situation. This is simply another page in the play known as 'The Multiverse'.

     She does glance aside at Yari, having noticed her weird actions. "Is something the matter?"

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
"Oi oi!" Shin shouts into the ring, raising a fist towards Momoyo. He looks no different than any other rowdy spectator. He's shouting encouragement her way as he hops up and down a bit, "Yeah! Body shots! Get inside and under the shield! Compact uppercut!"

"Rocky Balboa! Inside the guard! Dig in!" He seems to distracted shouting tactics at Momoyo to really address Nero giving him a too-long title to call her.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia winces when that hit lands, but then cheers as Sanary tanks it and keeps going. "Excellent, Sanary! Show her what you are made of!"

     Sarracenia has never met any of these ship girls before, so she doesn't really take notice of Nagato until she notices Yari staring. The princess raises an eyebrow, then looks over at Nagato. "A friend of yours?" she asks Yari cluelessly.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato's eyes scan the area. That awkward feeling of eyes on you courses through the ship-woman's body before setting a gaze on Yari, red eyes staring in a dissapproving manner towards the ninja. "Mmm." her head slowly turns back towards the two fighters, eyes keeping locked with Yari's for a few moments... then those, too, trail off towards Momoyo and Sanary.

    "Kawakami. Do your best." she continues her stoic face, voice barely above normal speaking levels. Best not to interrupt the girl who fought a battleship..'

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Sidestepping the upward swing, it was quite a close retort. But that kick and that punch told her all she needed to know about her opponent's strength.

    "I see." She could tell from the flow of Sanary's aura into her arm that she was healing the exhaustion and strain of blocking the attacks of someone ten-fold her strength. There were a few efficient ways to go about this, but her goal wasn't to just beat Sanary. She had to prove that resisting was impossible. And if she didn't do it right she could easily be backed into a corner herself.

    "Musou Seikenzuki! Musou Seikenzuki!"

    She continued to pummel the shield with measured, regular blows that sounded like cannon shots. It was like a pickaxe to a boulder. Eventually, she would dent that shield and create an opening. Figuratively, even if the shield was fine, all she had to do was run Sanary dry. It wouldn't be that simple, but a shield left very little room to punish an opponent that didn't overextend. Unlike her other matches, Momoyo started to patiently take her time. She was just too experienced to freely make a mistake without Sanary changing tactics soon. She just kept her eyes on the flow of where Sanary was casting as she punched, and kept one eye on the axe... plenty could still go wrong, but there was nothing for it but to continue with this measured pace.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
Moments later, for the sake of fairness to both sides, Shin is shouting to Sanary and giving her advice. She always seemed cool to him over the radio, so he has no reason not to be encouraging both sides of the battle.

"HEY! OI! Rotate your shield! If she hits the flat part, she's just gonna wear you down and just get sore!" He hops up and down a bit, "Get her to hit the rim of the shield instead of the flat! She'll break her knuckles! "

N'raha Tia has posed:
    And N'raha's right there with some axe advice. "FORGET THE EDGE SMACK HER WITH THE HEAVY BITS, SANARY!" Another bite of eel and he tries to watch this a bit closer. The pugilist girl's got an anamzing strength behind her but he knows what sort of punishment Sanary is able to take. This is a classic matchup, if nothing else.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Scoffing lightly at the whiffed swing, Sanary takes advantage of the opening to catch her breath. Staying on the defensive really won't keep her going forever, but the fact that Momoyo's coming at her straight on instead of trying to get around her defenses does give her an idea...

     Channelling some of that energy into her eye next, she doesn't do anything with it right away as she keeps the shield braced to weather those repeated strikes. The suggestions from Shin and N'raha don't go unnoticed, and she healer waits until the last moment before twisting the shield up at an angle and thrusting it forward, aiming to drive the corner right into Momoyo's fist.

     And that's when she's finally letting loose with the energy. Activating the Break matrix in her eye, she fires a distorted grayish blast at the fighter's legs, trying to limit her mobility and create an opening to strike back. Is she actually trying to fight strategically for once?

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Sarracenia and Nero both manage to get her to come back to reality. A deep, calming breath. She matches nagato's gaze for a long moment, before turning back to the fight.

"No. She just looked like someone else, that's all." She quickly lies her tail off.

But she's not above yelling advice, either! "Go for the legs! Her mobility's greater than it looks! Don't take direct hits, use that power against her Sanary! Bite her ear off! Cut out her knees!" Not helpful, Yari.

Every now and then, however, there's a glance to Nagato. Her tail is tucked into her kimono, and there's a kunai ready to be flung now too. Just in case.

And then Sanary shoots energy from the eyeball!

"Perfect! Drill through her bones, Sanary!" Someone's getting really fired up about this thing.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia doesn't quite believe Yari, but there is no reason to push the matter. She joins Yari in cheering Sanary, though Yari's cheers advice of biting and cutting draws a curious look from Sarracenia. "Bite her ear off?" Sarracenia asks, somewhat unnerved. She shakes her head, then looks back to the battle. "You can do it, Sanary!" she calls out before blinking at the eyebeam from the little white mage. You learn something new about your friends everyday, it seems! And that corner to the fist must have been painful!

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Her fist hurt a bit. She's done worse to it, but the edge of that shield she didn't expect at all. Her eyes widen as her legs go numb, making it quite a bit harder to move. "!!!"

    So dodging would be much more difficult now, but her opponent was open. There was only one thing to do to stop this from being a problem later. Her fist darts in close to the Break Matrix.

    "Secret Technique: Kawakami Style Forehead Flick!"

    It was, exactly as it sounded, a forehead flick with the speed of a bullet and the pressure of a focused blast of water. She had to damage the eye in order to keep her advantages, or else she would be forced to speed this fight up quite a bit faster than she wanted to. Naturally, even if she didn't blind Sanary in that eye, it created a fair bit of distance being as painful a move as it was.

    "Restoration..." she murmured, fixing up her bruised fist, but it only partially helped with the numbing in her ankles. Until she could figure out what to do about her ankles, her speed just dropped from 'god-like' to 'bullet'. Not much of an improvement, but she could now be perceived by people other than the experienced martial fighters in the arena. At least, her movements for the next five minutes, perhaps not her attacks. "Cute." she gritted her teeth. She could dodge, but she would be stronger trading blows in spite of the shield.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Forehead...?" That's all Sanary can get out before Momoyo gets her hand right in her face, and the only thing saving the magitech eye from being smashed right inside her head is the healer's reflex to turn away from the blow... Flick... Painful hit? Very painful. The healer staggers back several feet and grasps her head, looking rather woozy even after saving her eye. The healing magic does help with the physical wounds somewhat, but she doesn't have enough time to really fight off the dizziness or keep it from affecting her aim. The strap holding the eyepatch also breaks from that direct hit, revealing...

     ... A gap where her eye should be. She's not wearing it for show, after all! "Hn... So. You can heal, too, eh? That'll make this more fun, then." Sanary chuckles quietly as she fiddles with the strap holding the massive oval shield on her back. "Just means we're both in the same boat, then." Detaching the strap, she cringes slightly when the shield slams into the ground with a loud thud on the dirt floor.

     "... Good thing that wasn't tile." With only the shield in her hand now, she does appear to be moving a little more freely. It's a strategic decision after noting the lack of strikes at her back, but will the speed boost be enough? She'll have to hope so as she finally goes on the offensive, lashing out at Momoyo with controlled forward steps to try and keep the unarmed warrior within her own optimal range! They might not be as precise as she hopes with the dizziness still affecting her aim, but her footwork is still decent!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The dreaded Forehead Flick!

"Ah! The Forehead Flick! Amazing!" Yup, Yari can't help it. Despite being quite angry herself at Momoyo, that admiration still stands. She catches herself.

"But it's nothing compared to the Rondel-Style Genocide Eyebeam!" Glug glug glug. Yes, Yari is indeed drunk.

"Swing! Swing!" Encourages Yari as Sanary rushes in. Outranging her? Yari looks utterly proud of Sanary as she indeed fights with her head!

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia does have to admit that Momoyo is an impressive fighter, but she is still the enemy of he friend Sanary! "It was not amazing!" she says, almost scolding Yari. "It was simply a thump! Anyone can thump! I shall demonstrate!" And...she proceeds to flick Yari's forehead. Of course, it is just a flick. Nothing special, maybe resulting in a slight red mark but that's it. "See?"

     Sarra then turns back to watching. "You have her on the ropes, Sanary! Finish her off!" Sarracenia cheers, even going so far as to clap her hands excitedly. She accidentally drops her large hammer in the process and doesn't move to pick it up just yet.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She wasn't confident moving on those petrified feet of hers (and didn't know the duration) but at least two minutes went by. The forehead flick ate a bunch of time after all, but luckily Momoyo didn't try to follow up because of the petrification.

    Well this was just swell. She'd fought Nero before. This... was just clumsy in comparison to the sword strike.

    Taking a page from Sanary herself, she leans into the wide shield swing. With a loud grunt, her palm SLAMS into the edge of the shield, taking hold of it abruptly with her superior strength and remaining footing. "This /ends/, cutie." she snarls, her red eyes looking like a demon as she wrassles the dizzy fighter.

    "Musou Seikenzuki Midareuchi!!!"

    A dozen of those cannonfire strikes into Sanary's exposed gut, she was going to make her regret not wearing armor today. With the shield pinned down, it was dropping it or dying. At the very least her other shield is nearby, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as effective as the one the monstrous girl just pinned down. She could only perform half this move, with her other hand holding the shield, but a dozen punches would be enough to stall for more time to wait for the pins and needles in her ankles to fade, right?


    Without moving her feet she violently follows up with a massive ranged energy wave, to try to keep Sanary limited to just her axe. Just a bit more time... without the shields her endurance meant very little under the force of Momoyo's attacks.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Grabbing the shield? Sanary probably should have expected that, all things considered. Although she does let go of the shield as expected, she's still not quite fast enough to actually get out of the range of those rapid-fire punches. She toughs out the first few, but the ones following that actually draw pained cries from the healer, and the last few even get her to cough up blood!

     It's really a good thing she's got that self-healing thing going on. Otherwise, she'd probably need a hospital right now! At least with the healing, she can delay it until after the fight. She's still standing, however, and wobbling on her feet a bit as she tightens her hold on the gunaxe with both hands.

     "Nn... Heh... Th-that all you..?" Grinning defiantly and sounding incredibly groggy, she looks up just in time to see the giant energy blast coming her way. She considers dodging it for just a moment, but with the spectators somewhere behind her...

     "... Shit." Sanary braces her arms in front of her in a weak effort to protect her from the absolute worst of the blast, getting knocked back and tumbling over several times before stopping face-down on the other side of the ring.

     That definitely could have gone better. It takes her a full minute just to start moving again, but move she does! Barely. Really, it just consists of standing back up and coughing out blood again, her gunaxe over in one corner of the ring and her clothing in tatters from the force of the blast. She's definitely seen better days, but at least her limbs are all still there! She's even got enough motor control to raise her hand and beckoning Momoyo to approach.s

     "Ain't.. Done yet. C... Come on. Let's finish this!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Wah! Forehead flick! She is still wounded, after all! The ninja cringes. The hangover isn't helping from rather rabid drinking. The ninja stumbles a little.

"...Fair point. I'm being a fool. Sanary is far superior!"

And then she winces as those strikes come. Yari steps closer and closer to the battle area, her every muscle flexed and coiled. Her own anger is long gone, her entire focus on the woman who's made such an impact in her life. She glances to the Unionites present. Indeed, she looks ready to pounce to break things up if Sanary falls.

But neither is she going to just intervene and embarrass her.

"Hang in there Sanary! Don't let this overblown idiot get the better of you!" She calls encouragingly!

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo waves off the ten-count, though the monks ignore her and count it anyway. "Get up." Normally, she wouldn't keep fighting an opponent that for all practical purposes hadn't managed to scratch her yet. But in this case she needed to make a point to a certain lizard.

    She picks up the shield instead of finishing Sanary off. "Hmm. Decent piece of hardware... I wonder how it'll work for me." she quips. Sliding the straps around her wrist, she equips Sanary's kite shield, taking a few practice swings... Sanary in tip top shape was plenty able to get around someone using a shield. Sanary was not in tip-top shape and Momoyo hadn't broken a sweat yet.

    "Oh. Hey. The feeling is starting to come back to my ankles." That was Sanary's final warning and she was not in much of a condition to take advantage of it. For four and a half minutes, Momoyo had been standing still, and now she has control of the entire arena. Sanary would have to get up at the count of nine, but it was obvious if she did Momoyo was only going to be sadistic now instead of merely terrible. She swung that shield around a bit, playing for a moment. Only the Kawakami Ryuu present (and possibly Nagato herself) stopped her from just brutalizing Sanary completely instead of just humiliating her.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia winces as Sanary is pummeled and gasps as Sanary is sent tumbling away. "Sanary!" she calls out worriedly, then quickly stoops down and picks up her hammer. She looks quite ready to use it, but she resists for now because there -is- a count going on and the fight -might- end without further violence.

     But, it is obvious now that Sanary is weakened and Momoyo isn't about to take it easy. If this Momoyo plans on trying to seriously harm Sanary...

     Sarracenia grits her teeth, holds her hammer at the ready, and waits.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Like it...? Heh.. Should take to you to.. Wyveria some day." Even in her unsteady state, Sanary's still managing to hold something resembling a conversation! Staggering from side to side a bit as she watches Momoyo, the healer barely even attempts to move as Momoyo takes those practice swings with her shield on.

     It'd probably make her angrier if she wasn't so delirious at the moment. "Nn... H-hey. Momoyo." The healer coughs at a fist-sized clump of blood and grasps her gut, focusing some of her healing energy there to keep whatever's bleeding from getting worse. "You... Nnrgh. You remember what I said... Before, right?"

     It looks like she's still not ready to go down yet! Settling back into something vaguely resembling a stance, she raises her hand again to beckon the warrior forward. She's not in any condition to approach her herself, but she can at least defy the Momoyo as long as she's still on her feet.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is beyond cheering now. The beaten, battered form of Sanary has sweat dripping down her face, fear and concern for Sanary writ into it. If Momoyo wanted to absolutely terrify the ninja? She's succeeded, by how she inches closer to the duo, dithering on whether to get involved. A glance to Sarracenia. A swift nod, and a whisper.

For now, she waits, heart pounding in her chest and face one of pure terror for someone she cares so much about.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato looks between a few people, and the cheering from the lizard girl. Watching her give that nod to the other woman, Nagato makes it a point to move closer towards them, "Pardon me, just moving to get a better angle on the fight." She didn't trust Yari at all, much less most of the people she didn't recognize here. Except maybe Nero.

    Nagato's former Submarine was in there and she's going to protecct her ... just in case that ninja decides to do something she didn't like...

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero meanwhile is smiling wide.

     This is the most exciting part! The true climax of this perfomance!

     What would Momoyo do? What would Sanary do?

     Stay tuned, and don't touch that dial- "Oh, hello Lady Nagato." Nero greeted casually as she kept her eyes on the bout.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Tch." She swings her arm, letting the shield fly away. The pointed bottom end of it sinks into a thick wooden pillar, about a third of the way in near the audience. "Why couldn't you have been stronger." she mutters.

    "Kawakami Diversion!"

    She throws a blast of ki that looks like a large attack of some type that Sanary will need to dodge.

    By the time the energy fades, she's behind Sanary, and clutches at her hair viciously, forcing her chin up into the sky. She tries kicking the back of Sanary's knee to get her on the floor. But then, an idea dawns on her. Mercifully, Sanary isn't subjected to any more abuse, unless she struggles.

    Her head turns... and she narrows at Sarracenia. She could sense the hostile intent from here, see her posture... "...You." she points, at the woman with the hammer. "I'm going to let her leave and you're going to take her place. Don't... and I'll take her eye." she calls out. It was a threat that she could, by this point, convince the Feds she would make good on even if she had no intention of doing so. She was irritated of course, but she was getting enough of a rise from certain people that this was the best way not to cause a brawl in the entire Dojo. "You're going to look like her when I'm done, so you'd better think this through carefully. But this /one/ time, I'll let someone tag her out. It's more fun for me that way." she angrily tosses Sanary forward on the ground, away by her hair several feet away. At this point, she was fine with the healer regenerating... but wanted to humiliate her, and the Feds were absolutely convinced this monstrous woman would cripple her. She really didn't want to do that, but she was still bored.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato gives a brief nod towards Nero, "Lady Nero." she returns the casual greeting, leaning back against the wall once more, mainly to keep an eye on the Ninja and now the hammer wielding princess. Just what was Kawakami up to? Not that she'd mind Yari getting her head bashed in by Kawakami... she keeps her mouth shut otherwise, to keep a good eye on what's going on.

N'raha Tia has posed:
    "OY!" But it's not a Fed that speaks up now. It's the catman, getting up to his feet as he slides the leftover eel skewers into the ties of his shirt to hold them and get his hands free. "I think you've made your point, miss."
    N'raha's tail is puffed out, his ears folded back a litle bit. "A duel is one thing but let it go, you won. Unless you're gonna start killin' people and I I am prett sure folks'll frown on that one in an 'honorable duel'."

    Oh dear.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia hmphs at Momoyo. "Fine! I will gladly take Sanary's place if it will free her from your ruthless attacks! I do not know what transpired between you, Sanary, and Yari, but I will not stand idly by while a friend of mine is tortured for someone else's amusement!" The fiery red-head seems unafraid, even after watching Momoyo. Perhaps she is confident, or perhaps just arrogant, but she steps toward the ring with her hammer raised.

     "But, as the catboy said, this was supposed to be an honorable duel. My honor will not be tarnished if I step in, but yours will if you continue when your opponent is clearly beaten!" Sarracenia says, even as she steps forward. She is clearly ready to fight, but as a princess she still keeps the diplomatic option open. "Either way, Sanary must be allowed to leave the ring before anything else can happen. So...you can release her and allow us to go, or you can prove what a barbarian you are and continue this charade of a duel with me in her place. But, I warn you, I hit much harder than Sanary."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Dodging's not going to happen. Not because Sanary's willing to tank yet another hit, but because she doesn't have enough strength to get her legs to move that much. Even so, she's still caught from behind and cries out painfully from having her head yanked back, glaring up at Momoyo even when she's forced to her knees.

     Well. This is embarrassing. Grimacing painfully, the healer still manages to put up a token struggle before getting thrown back onto the ground, rolling onto her back to continue facing the martial artist. Listening to those words, though, seems to be stirring something in the healer as her magical energy starts to circulate once again.

     "... They're not... Involved in this!" "

     And then everything explodes all at once. Not in the literal sense, but figuratively. All of her anger at Yari being injured, at being underestimated the whole time, at having another one of her friends threatened. All of it fuels the sudden burst of energy rushing into her eye, activating the Fire matrix and shooting a heat-laser upwards between herself and Momoyo.

     She hadn't used it before out of a fear of collateral damage, but at this angle? The only people that could get hit would be the two already in the ring. Detonating the laser early, the laser promptly explodes above herself and Momoyo, amplified by the Psycho Power infusion inside her and turning the normally orange-red explosion of fire into something far more powerful.

     And purple. It's very purple. She's not going to be a pretty sight by the time everything is said and done, but it's the only hope she has left to end the fight without anyone else getting involved!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The brutal beating to Sanary is too much, even for someone like Yari. She very nearly draws a gun and just shoots Momo, but realizes the power of that forehead flick of hers. Instead, N'raha calls out, Sarracenia is ready, and then Sanary gets up.

Yari screams in terror and rage as her own lazer-ability explodes, sending up that power that's purple and horrible and frightening. A swift nod to Sarracenia, and something falls from her hand.

POMF! A smokebomb obscures much of the audience, mostly aimed at a certain Admiral and Nero. Then, the ninja is over like a flash, rushing onto the battlefield with reckless bandon. She'll try to snatch up Sanary from the wreckage of the two's battle, kunai in her tail, ready to use it if necessary should Momoyo be anywhere near touching the woman! She'll try to haul her back!

"I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS MOMOYO KAWAKAMI, I SWEAR ON THE EMPIRE!" Howls Yari, voice full of anger, terror, and pure sadness as seeing her friend so hurt and even harming herself in the process. She's more like a snarling animal than a person at this rate, protecting her pack.

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato frowns, part of her wanted to see more torture on the lizard girl but with N'raha's calling, Sarracenia's willingness and Sanary's up, something's not right.

    And then that laser.

    "Forgive me, Kawakami..." Kicking off the wall, through that smokebomb, Nagato moves to tackle Kawakami and pin her under the Admiral, to cover that psycho power infused blast. Kawakami was part of her fleet before, and she said she'd protect her fleet.

    Wincing through the explosions, Nagato turns her head back, "And your empire shall fall!" she waits a moment for the explosions to cease... but for now... she's doing her best to cover Kawakami from Sanary's explosion.

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero's smile grows

     Yes, good. Very good. This is the kind of dramatic climax she was waiting for. And Nero is not disappointed in the least.

     Even as that explosion from Sanary is fired forth. Even with Yari dives in. Even with Nagato does the same. Her smile is wide.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
Dust, explosions, flying debris, smoke in the air, vows of vengeance, talk of honor duels. All of these things are flying through the air in a huge flurry. And amidst all of them, Shin is calmly sitting on a bench with a crepe in one hand and his phone in the other, tapping away at the screen with his thumb.

Shin Tokuyama ?@CombatVagrant 9m
    Today I watched a street brawl turn into a street war. Crazy shit. All I wanted was a crepe. #JustMultiverseThings #HungerIsABattlefield

Of most present, his reaction is possibly among the least dramatic. He simply sits on the bench and swings his legs a bit, watching all the action unfold as he takes another bite.


Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia's eyes widen as Sanary herself sets off that explosion of purple power! Yari takes off, and Sarracenia rushes in to cover her and Sanary if she can from any counter attacks that might arise. But, she is not lightning fast like the others. Her run speed is pretty normal, and she can't see in smoke.

     That doesn't stop her from trying, though! She follows Yari as best she can and helps get Sanary out of there, trying not to cough from the smoke in the air. She isn't sure if she is proud of Sanary or angry at her for pushing herself so far!

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo saw Nagato's aura move... so since there was no hostile intent she didn't bother to dodge. She didn't expect Yari to practically jump into the explosion, though.

    Nagato's armored body slams into the martial artist as the pressure cooker finally blows. Nagato's body was much better at taking an anti-army attack like the one Sanary just cooked up, so she's simply a tangle of limbs with her would-be battleship doppelganger. A furrow is dragged into the ground where the Admiral gives her cover, and even Momoyo winces. "A-Admiral!?"

    If this chaos was any indication it was now obvious what sort of unpredictable behavior Kawakami tends to stir up in her opponents. Trying to do anything to help or hurt the situation would only make it worse, so she's forced to watch the laser shoot into the air from several feet away as the worst of the beam's burns sears Nagato's armor with the indirect hit. She starts at the laser, but with the weight on top of her, gave up trying to process that many events all at once.

    Welp, NASA would know that wasn't Momoyo at all and would be calling soon...

N'raha Tia has posed:

    It would appear that N'raha's call for snity has gone UNHEEDED as lasers and smokebombs and explosions and VITAL THINGS take place and... uh.

    Well. He's no longer directly involved with anyone here so he lamely applauds at the street show for what it is and shuffles back and out of the crowd before people start coming around with questions like 'oy what's all this then' and 'are you a witness sir, also what's with the cosplay'.
    Oh hey, Shin's still here. He shuffles into place next to the older fighter and murmurs. "...Does this happen a lot around you?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Meanwhile, Sanary is... Good at being unconscious. She had put all of her energy reserves into that literally emotion-charged explosion, after all, and the wounds building up along with no magic left to fix those wounds has left her a little limp. Also, she's bleeding some from her eye.

     That's normal after this sort of thing, right? Right.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari's back sizzles from the after-effects of Sanary's own explosion, shielding the fallen cleric. Her lovely kimono is ruined, and people can clearly see the results of back-tanking a horrible anger-bomb bodily by a squishy ninja such as her.

Hauling Sanary to her, cradling the woman protectively, she sends a scathing glare towards Momoyo and Nagato. There's venom, anger, and tears running down her face.

"Let's go, Sanary." She whispers, gritting her teeth as she leaps off towards the nearest medical facilities, tears in her eyes and anger in her heart.