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Latest revision as of 19:00, 6 March 2016

A Vow Unchallenged
Date of Scene: 05 March 2016
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: The Wedding of Tony Stark and Virginia
Cast of Characters: Maya, 20, 73, Steve Rogers, 204, 295, 301, 824, 956

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
(Music for those so inclined: https://youtu.be/KAwiyPBlg2k Scene number is +scene/join 3380)

    People are gathering for the wedding. Held on a beach, a sandy stretch accompanied by rocks beneath the early-spring. Wooden chairs colored glossy white are set up in two groups, with ten chairs by ten chairs deep in each row, room for plenty to stand around the sides. There is a grand arbor set at the end of a sandy reddish-tan carpet walkway, decorated with bright red and white roses. The surf gives quiet roars in accompanyment to a pianist, playing through some jazz to set a casual air to the occasion. To the far side, there is a black tent and a white tent, set up opposite from one another for the bride and groom parties to prepare themselves.

    Inside the bridal tent, there is an argument going on. "I'm pretty sure I saw a gray hair," a boistrous woman wearing a dark plum dress states as she finishes pinning a veil to Viginia "Pepper" Potts's hair, set with white spray roses. "Georgia, do you have a red sharpie?" she asks, turning with her lips set in a thin line. A woman in a green dress, holding a squirming sisteen-month-old searches through a bag marked 'Emergency Wedding Fix-Ups (NO TONYS ALLOWED)' "I think I have a silver and a black one," Georgia Jennings (nee Potts) mutters, switching pretty sure I don't have red--"
R    "What about orange?" Carolina Potts asks, fixing in the last bobby pin.

    Potts looks aghast.

    "You are /not/ going to /sharpie/ my hair, Mom!" Potts whispers in exasperation. A older man with a tux and a yarmulke stands to the side, well aware of keeping out of the way of the ladies. He gives an amused look "Ah, so much chaos before the party," he murmurs, "... I hope no one tries anything funny outside..."

    Outside, dignitaries, government big wigs, corperate bigwigs and a few choice Stark Industries employees are mingling, shaking hands and making introductions.

    At the front of the assembled chairs, there is one that has a little 'reserved' placard on it. It has a wreath of simple flowers and greenery set on it, set aside for those who could only be here in spirit.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's somebody else who knows better than to get in the way of certain women too, which is why Toph stands to the side along with Stan, busily picking her nose now while she can. Even /she/ knows that it would be in poor taste to do so at the ceremony itself. Luckily the dress she's wearing seems to be free from dirt and any smudges that her clothes are usually adorned with, and her hair is clean, slightly curled and arranged with two white lotus flowers in them. And while she isn't too fond of jewellery, the earthbender is wearing some metal bangles and an armlet for the occasion.

    "If anybody tries anything, then they're outright moronic," Toph responds to Stan. At least the worst thing going on right now is that supposedly grey hair, which isn't really all that bad in her opinion, but Carolina Potts... well, she's being her typical self. You'd think they would relax a little now considering how much they have stressed the last weeks.

    Seems people are starting to gather outside, and the activity around here is certainly something else.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Gathering in whatever the proper place is, Doctor Bruce Banner adjusts his tie and slacks. As a precaution, he's set aside two extra outfits in case of mishaps, or "misterhaps". He has a confident smlie for a change and a look that appears to display both a sense of pride and happiness, and one of relaxation and comfort. Bruce isn't going to let anything ruin or distract from this momentous and joyous occasion.

Tyrael (956) has posed:
    At the request of Tony Stark, someone else has arrived from another Sector entirely. There are few people whose requests could pull a former Field Marshal from another Sector, working on the reconstruction of another faction, back into Sector Zero. Tony, for his particularly weighted service to the Union during said Field Marshal's service, is one such person.

    And so, the armored and massive frame of Tyrael is rather out of place at the beach, but is here nonetheless. At his imposing height of over seven feet, the massive man is clad in gold-trimmed ivory platemail and has his sword on his belt at his side. The soft surface of the sand, at least, diminishes the loud metallic clanging that happens when he moves towards a reasonable level of sound. He's foregone a helmet, exposing that dark-skinned and battle-worn face to the world around him.

    He's electing to forgo finding a seat, partially due to there not being a chair that could fit him and partially because trying to fit himself into a chair would likely break it. Instead, he's simply milling up and around near the altar area as he waits for the beginning of the ceremony.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora makes a timely entrance, to the outdoor ceremony, dressed in some finery that normally wouldn't be worn on a battlefield. It's clear that her armor is highly ceremonial. Normally, she doesn't even wear much, when fighting. Too much restricts movement, after all. But given the occasion, something more showy is warrented. Both her rapier and main gauche are worn at her hip, while light armor over her chest, forearms, thighs, and hips themselves are all polished. Tall, leather riding boots adorn her feet. These are also polished up, though the armor is a bit more significant.

It's an off-white steel, and any light it catches seems to make it glow slightly. While Toph is deprived of the sight of the armor's exceptional craftsmanship, to include House Laurent's rose-shaped crest embossed on the shoulders, she might notice that the metal is utterly free of any outside impurities. Bending it would be an almost foregone conclusion.

Not only dressed well, there's a younger attendant at her side, carrying a small wooden chest. No doubt, it's a gift for the newlyweds. Fiora, herself, has a tall staff of white wood in her hand, with several pennants attached to the end. The first is Demacia's standard. This is followed by the coat of arms of Demacia's many noble houses. And lastly, the arms of Fiora's own house. She plants the standard near the back of the arrangement of chairs, and bids the attendant stand aside it, while she goes to mingle.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
The groom, for his part, is splayed out on a couch in the boys' tent, with his feet up on a table, his shirt half-buttoned, tie loose around his neck and his tuxedo jacket removed from its hangar but carelessly thrown over the back of a chair. "I'm not sure this is a good idea," he remarks, pressing one hand over his forehead to shield his eyes from the modest light.

Next to him, his best man snores lightly, his face mushed up to one side due to his slumping and jamming his face up against Tony's shoulder.

"I mean," Stark continues, slurring with his usual aptitude of I-am-still-half-drunk-from-last-night-but-I'm-attending-this-meeting-anyway, "the weather."

"We're in Malibu, boss," Harold 'Happy' Hogan informs him matter of factly as he finishes affixing his boutonniere to his suit lapel. "It's seventy and sunny. No excuses."

Tony groans. "Stop making sense."

Rhodey stirs faintly and lifts his head from Tony's arm. There's a moment of confused recollection, and then the military man leaps to his feet, suddenly one hundred percent awake. "Shit! Tony, get up," he hauls at the other man's arm, "I don't know how the hell you convinced me that last round of shots was a good idea."

"Yes you do," Stark mutters, grinning despite being still half asleep.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica is among the well-wishers of course, joining the outdoor ceremony in an outfit that's rather different from her usual. It actually looks pretty good on her, being showy and not at all childish. Not like her usual indeed. She's unarmed, no sign of weapons or armor or anything formal unless you consider her dress formalwear. She's just here as a person, not as a fighter.

    And yeah, Freddie's going to be one of the weeping girls at the celebration. NOT, to be sure, because of the pending unavailability of Tony Stark whatever his ego might presume. She's simply a romantic who thinks the Stark family's precious and all that. They remind her of her own missing family after all.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Dr. Stan Steinmetz, PhD, leans over to his adoptive grand-daughter, and asks quietly "What's the status of the Groom? Think he'll make it to his own wedding?" he asks, making sure that no one else can hear him, but hey, Toph is his buddy in all this mess. The two outsiders.

    "Oh, hey," Georgie says, switching little Liz in her arms again, "I /do/ have an orange sh--"

    "... don't. Even. Think it." Pepper mutters to her sister, polishing up on her make-up, then grasping the edge of the little folding table they were using as a make-up stand. "I don't like this 'don't see the bride before the wedding' thing. I have no idea what he's doing, how he's doing, he could be face-down in a ditch..."

    "He is not face-down in a ditch, dear." Carolina replies, patting Pepper's shoulder. "I would have killed him already~."

    "... you are not comforting in the least, mom..." Pepper begins, but tries not to laugh.

Maya has posed:
AS far as dressing up Maya was havinbg a rare moment of dressing quite nice in a formal sense. She was fairly formally dressed her hair was lose and she'd been more formal than she had been in years. The last time anyone saw Maya like this would have been during Amalthea and her wife's wedding some time ago but she'd also made sure to pack a deck of fate cards, after all should someone /try/ the crash the wedding she would jump into help if it was needed.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "If he doesn't, then well..." Toph nods at Carolina, clearly indicating the conversation between the Potts women. Withdrawing her pinkie finger from her nose she makes sure to flick the booger /away/ from Pepper's direction, not wanting to draw the fury of the Potts matriarch herself.

    When she notices that Georgia is trying to help Pepper out she does sigh, raising her voice. "Need me to hold Liz or something while you get Pepper ready?" At least her cousin isn't problematic to handle. "I don't know what you three are so stressed out about, it will be fine. I'm sure you look lovely as always, nobody will notice a grey hair and you've been in here for /ages/."

    And this is a /simple/ wedding by this world's standards? Well, at least all the stuff here is even less complicated than a wedding back home in the Earth Kingdom, so it could be way worse, right?

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Thank you, Toph. Wisdom from the mouth of babes, Mom." Pepper replies, partially smugly. "No one's going to notice, or if they do, they're going to understand that running the house, the company, my soon-to-be-husband and daughter is very stressful, and a single gray hair isn't going to cause the collapse of life as we know it."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Whilst being wrangled into his suit jacket by his best man and his head of security, Stark finds a way to sneak his phone out of a pocket and begins composing a text message to Pepper: 'Not face down in a ditch.' (How well he knows her.) 'Pants missing. Details la' -- and it is at this point that Rhodes deftly yoinks the device out of his hand before he can complete the message and hit send.

"Don't," his best friend hisses. "Man do you want to get ME in trouble?"

Tony giggles a little bit, part nerves, part last night's festivities, and allows Hogan to straighten his bow tie. Then his face suddenly goes slack in alarm. "Wait. The rings. Rhodey, did we--"

"Got 'em right here, buddy," Rhodes replies calmly, patting his front jacket pocket. "All you gotta do is remember your vows."


Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan pokes his head out of the girl's tent. He flags the pianist, who gives a nod, and with a flourish, he finishes the little bit he was doing, as Stan makes his way to the front. The older man looked a little nervous, clearing his throat and giving a little wave to everyone as he pulls out an index card.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, family and..." he pauses, and glances up at Tyrael, looks him up and down a moment, and then back out to the audience "... esteemed friends. You probably don't know me, which is fine. Hello!" he gives another wave, "I am Stan, otherwise known as 'Grampa' to Liz and Toph. Allow me to welcome you to an occasion that I have been trying to hold my happiness under my little hat," and he points to the little skullcap on his head "... but I'm afraid it's leaked out everywhere. It is my honor to welcome you to this wedding, which is only to cement the fact that without one, the other would not be who they are today." He gives a smile, wiping at his watery eyes.

    "So, without adieu, may I present the groom, Mr. Anthony Stark." he states... and then begins to walk speedily down the aisle back towards the tents "... and I've got another job to do, so, good friend, the music!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is just happy to be here and seems amused at some of the talk but Maya does not say a thing she's just here to witness this very happy and very over due day. So she's just keeping back as the wedding gets into full swing.

Tyrael (956) has posed:
    Tyrael, silent and stoic as he is, lifts his head when indicated by Stan, "Greetings," He replies simply. Slowly, with heavy and careful steps (so as not to knock anything over with his large frame), he begins to step up towards the alter into the officiator's spot as the speech begins.

    Deliberately and, as said, making sure not to disturb any particular decorations. He takes his sword off his belt and draws the shining blade, carefully resting the tip of it between his feet and assuming a commanding position while the groom is announced to be the crowd. For now, he's waiting for his part.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony takes a deep breath, smooths down the front of his jacket and rakes a hand through his hair to be sure the former is impeccable and the latter stylishly rakish despite the best attempts of his groomers, steps up to the doorway... and freezes.

"...I'm... not sure I can--" he starts, only to be shoved outside by a friendly but firm nudge to the small of his back. He gives an annoyed glance back, but Rhodey stays firmly on his heels and herds him along up to the altar. This is probably the most nervous anyone has ever seen Mr. Anthony Stark about any kind of public appearance.

The pianist, probably by pre-discussed agreement with Stark, shifts cheekily from the classical music Pepper had contracted into the opening bars of Iron Man before switching back. That seems to help Tony re-center himself and the tense set of his shoulders visibly relaxes as he jaunts on up the rest of the way to his place, even flashing Tyrael a grin though he still clenches his right fist into a tight ball at his side to control his nerves, out of sight of the audience. He can do this.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Is there a superhero alive whose calling *doesn't* run roughshod over his or her social life?

Steve Rogers was out getting his tuxedo (a rental) when a couple of goons tried to rob that exact same formalwear store, and despite being in the process of getting fitted for today's event, he felt it was his duty to put a halt to the robbery. That meant he also had to make sure the employees were all right, and make a statement to the police; he managed to avoid the media at that point.

He wasn't so lucky trying to get onto the beach to join the wedding party; the journalists were there in force for coverage of the Stark-Potts wedding (which at least one journalist has already described as a 'matrimonial merger'; God knows what that'll lead to) but a few realized that Steve had a busy morning, and proceeded to try and make it an even worse afternoon before Steve managed to exercise just the right combination of social and physical grace to cut through the crowd and get inside, without letting any journalists or papparazi in behind him.

So ... yeah, he's late joining the invited guests, but his timing is adequate to give Tony a hopefully-reassuring nod, as if to say, 'you got this, nothing to worry about' before slipping into an empty chair towards the back.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony lets out a long, slow breath through pursed lips, careful not to make it whistle. He catches Steve's nod of encouragement and inclines his head fractionally in response. Good thing Cap showed up. He'd hate to have to start a... #civilwar over the slight.

But matrimonial merger? Really? No, this is just a lazy way for him to make good on his promise to put Pepper's name on the next building they raise. Since it will still be able to say Stark.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    THe press was welcome. At a distance. A far distance. THere was plenty of security to make sure nothing untoward occured during the ceremony.
    After Iron Man is secured to the front, with little doubt that he'd remain, there, the pianist begins on a different song. Still classic, blut floatingly light, hopeful. "Can't Help Falling In Love" (with music: https://youtu.be/RZQNe8IMLtQ).

    First comes the woman in the plum dress, smiling and having a boquet of red roses in her hand -- the mother of the bride making her way and shooting a critical eye over everyone. She doesn't even seem intimidated by Tyrael's presence here.

    NExt comes Georgia, the sister and matron of honor, holding onto a little kid in a bright sunshine yellow dress, who waggles her fist at people, all the strangers around.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
Fiora settles herself near the back, as well. She doesn't sit, being dressed in her more formal armor. She's content to watch the procession, standing across from the attendant she brought with her. He, too, is standing and the pair of them are at attention.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Following all of the pomp and circumstance, Banner falls into a spot reserverd for groomsmen and close friends of the groom. He has left a spot for Steve Rogers, whom he spotted on his way through the crowd as Bruce arrives at this spot. He watches will happiness at this friends on this special day, and stands calmly. At casual glance, one would wonder if this is the most calm the doctor has ever been, between the Other Guy or his frentic lab-ratting. His focus is on Tyreal and the ceremony until the bride walks down the aisle. Then his, like very likely every eye that can possibly watch, will be focused on her.

Tyrael (956) has posed:
    Tony, the woman in the plum dress, and Georgia all get slight smiles from Tyrael. He's not a man who shows much emotion outside the battlefield or heated moments of debate, but despite his huge size and warrior a nature, he's a gentle soul. He seems rather at peace and pleased to be able to preside over a ceremony like this. Despite the awkward shift in his footing that shows a slight trace of impatience while he rehearses what he wants to say in his head. It is rare that he gets to be at an event so positive.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Following the Potts women out of the tent comes Toph, following in their trail as the flower girl for today. In her hands she's holding a simple bouquet of white lotuses and roses. Once she nears the altar area she does offer a brief nod to Tyrael before she steps to the side.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Dr. Banner," Steve greets Bruce with a stage-whisper and a brief grin. There should be no reason for the 'Other Guy' to make an appearance today, unless perhaps Bruce needs him to remodel a mountain as a last-minute wedding present to the happy couple. That seems unlikely, though.

The Potts women are acknowledged by Steve with a more formal bow of his head; they're dressed nicely, but if it's necessary to dispense compliments, he can do *that* at the reception or something. Besides, they're not the center of attention right now; Tony and Pepper are .... or at least, Pepper will be half of it once the bride makes her entrance. Toph's entrance prompts a short-lived tapping of Steve's toe on the ground - not that vibrations are likely to travel that well through sand, but if Toph's paying enough attention, the Morse code should still make some sense. If she knows Morse code in the first place.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    THe music continues. Pepper looks like she might be close to crying. Stan grasps her hand, "It'll be all right, Pepper." he pats her hand, giving a nod to Toph, and they make their way to the altar.

    When Potts exits the tent, Stan is holding her hand. The veil, adorned simply at the edges with light spray roses in pale white is drawn over the back of her hair. She was a simple ankle-length dress in white, simple in design with fabric that pulls up slightly to the waist that blows slightly with the breeze rushing to the ocean. All of her reddish hair is pulled up into a twist, set with lotus and roses. She's barefoot, a rarity for someone so enamoured with shoes and heels, but it felt right.

    Today, Pepper was a woman with a beautiful family, with goodness and positivity all around, and today was their day to shine. Through losing TOny so many times...

    And she felt the tears beginning to well up in her eyes as she and Stan made it to the altar.

    Stan grasps for Tony's hand, a simple gesture, and sets it atop Pepper's. "No take-backsies." he whispers conspiritally to Stark.

Maya has posed:
Maya does catch note Steve is arriving late but if he is /clearly/ something happened as he'd not do so otherwise oer so Maya thought of him. She looke back to watch the wedding and is smiling she's happy to see Tony and Pepper finally get together like this. . She does catch sight of Bruce and gets a lot of people have shown up today and this is a wonederful day or so she thinks.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony's clenched fist unfolds just enough to shift into a thumbs-up gesture as Toph takes her place. Ironically, she's probably the only one who can 'see' it, via her magical feet. She'd also be the one best able to sense the panicked thumping of his heart, so the gesture is probably meant to assure her that he's fine, he's got this. Oh god.

He manages to restrain his anxiety to a mere show of nervous swallowing when Pepper appears. Jarvis had, of course, conspired with her to prevent him getting even the slightest hint of what the dress would look like. Much less the full effect of her actually WEARING it. He's definitely not crying though. He just... needs a moment to process. And his eyes are always that shiny, shut up.

He grips Pepper's hand almost convulsively tight when she finally reaches him. She's always been his anchor, why should this be any different? "No take-backsies," he agrees quietly, his nerves evening out into an excited grin. "You look amazing," he adds in the faintest of whispers. To Pepper, not Stan.

Behind him, Rhodey bobs his head in a confident nod of affirmation and a little wink to her in a clear signal to 'knock 'em dead.' He also jams a thumb into Tony's back to make him stand up straight.

Letting out another long breath, Stark turns his head toward the freaking Angel of Justice he got to officiate, and gives him a nod. They're ready.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
Fiora, as Pepper passes, draws her sword and raises it in a salute. Likewise, her attendant hoists the banners he had been carrying in a simliar gesture. Once both thee bride and her father pass by, she sheaths the weapon, and her posture relaxes. She gestures to the attendant, who plants the standards back on the sand, and holds them upright, again.

The woman herself once more takes up a place, behind the chairs, and watches as the ceremony proceeds to the most important part.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan replies, "It's the hat." quietly to Stark, and takes his place on the side of 'Bride's family, humming happily to himself.

Tyrael (956) has posed:
    Tyrael takes a slow breath and then speaks. His voice, deep and powerful as it is, also has a calm undertone to it. Toph is given a slight nod of acknowledgment as he speaks, as well, "It is so often that when we think of someone finding Justice in their life, we imagine the Wicked being punished for their actions and those who commit atrocities having their crimes brought to trial. But Justice takes many forms."

    "For it is also Justice when two people are able to find completion in one another. There is Justice found in the understanding they share of their hearts together. It is a beacon of what is right that shines through the dark times that so often hang over our lives," He continues, looking out over the crowd and then letting his amber gaze settle back on the two people standing before him.

    "And we must celebrate these moments when Justice is shown to us as a good thing, as something which is not violent, but understanding and gentle," The former Archangel continues, hands resting on his sword as he states, "And the commitment they enter into together is one that completes them. One that brings each of their hearts together to be forged in the fires of their devotion until what emerges is perfection."

    He looks to Pepper, "Tony Stark is a man who has given great things to the Union, at the cost of himself to a grievous degree. In you, he has found someone who understands that while he may never be fully healed, that his scars are not that which he must bear alone. One that keeps him from fleeing to isolation or falling to pain like so many would in his position. You are that which calms a storm of pain, that which tempers a burning fire, and that which soothes an aching wound."

    Then he looks to Tony, "Pepper Potts is a woman who has given much for your sake, in turn, Tony Stark. And for the sake of those she cares for. She has, despite being in many ways naught more than a woman, stepped into the world of Titans and Gods to support someone dear to her. You provide her with a purpose, a focus, and you bring adventure to her. You are a protector, a leader, and a champion for her. You act for what she would normally be incapable of doing, and in doing so you empower her to act on her own as well."

    He looks to them both, "In this, you both find yourselves at a center. You create a balance in each other that is stronger than your individual natures. This balance is what is right. It is what is Just."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
Pepper had been a little teary-eyed, but as Tyrael speaks of justice, she listens. The gentle, the good side of thew orld, that kept her steady when she had lost him. Her hand squeezes at his as she takes a deep breath, and turns to Tony, beaming at him, trying not to tear up any more than she was.

    Thank you, inventer of waterproof mascara. You're the real MVP.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    While Toph is indeed able to notice that Steve is tapping his foot on the sand, she sadly doesn't know Morse code. But she does turn her head slightly towards him, as if letting him know that yes, she does know you're there, but no, she has no idea what you're trying to communicate. Tell her later!

    Because now it's time for the serious stuff with vows and grand angelic speeches, it seems. And nobody better disturb the moment, otherwise they will have the most dangerous flower girl so far in history on their asses. Sure, she might not be tearing up at this not seemingly react much, but she's listening intently as Tyrael focuses on the happy couple, talking about how they complete each other and all the stuff everybody knows already.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
That's it, cover blown. A genuine, single tear rolls down the curve of one of Tony's perfect cheekbones and catches glistening in the corner of his beard. The perfect paparazzi moment, only none of them were allowed within any kind of camera range short of satellite. He closes his eyes briefly, to control his emotions and to try to recollect exactly what the hell it was he had even wanted to say. It had seemed so simple when he'd written it up.

"So, uh..." he starts off shakily.

"Believe me, Pep, I... I know what kind of crap I've put you through. And I know how incredibly lucky I am, and how incredibly /amazing/ you are, to have stuck with me all this time. And all I can really promise you at this point is that I'm going to continue to be a huge pain in the ass and make you do that exasperated eyerolling thing you do on a pretty regular basis. Mostly because I think it's really cute when you do that." He pauses, for a mild ripple of laughter to pass through the NPC portions of the audience.

"But I ALSO want to promise," he continues, in a slightly louder and more determined tone, "that every day from now to the rest of my life, my first priority is making sure that I can be the kind of guy who /deserves/ having you in my life. More than anything else, I want you to be happy. So, if you... really need to run off with Steve, or something--" more snickers, to which he smirks and gives Cap a quick teasing glance, before turning back to Pepper with a rueful smile, "...well, we're going to have problems." #CivilWar.

"You, are... the reason I am still alive. In so many ways. You are my /purpose/ for living. And I am happier today than I ever thought I could be, in my entire life, just knowing that every day going forward we're gonna be tackling together." He pauses a beat, giving himself a slight grimace as this is not at all as eloquent as he'd planned it to be. "I love you, baby," he concludes, simply, and quickly swipes the back of one hand across his nose to prevent embarrassing snuffling. "I will never not love you."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "So, after an angelic proclomation and making Tony Stark cry, how do I top that?" Pepper begins breezily, and she purses her lips a moment. "I don't think I could ever run off with someone who isn't as infurriatingly frustrating as you are, because there's no challenge in it, and even though you think those eyerolls are cute, thank goodness you like something deeper than the eyes. Or my legs." She states, and she grips his not-snotty hand.

    "Every time I thought you lost, you came back to me. Whether because wormholes, or working in caves, or the workings of creatures I'll never understand or... joint operations regarding dragon balls and working with sapient dinosaurs, you come back." she looks up to him. "I might be the light in your dark, but you are the driving purpose in stagnantation. The moment before the jump, the whisper in the quiet. There will never be a time when I will not be with you, to make sure your post-mission gatorade is cold, to make your coffee just the way you like it, to be that moment of calm in the storm of our lives." she pauses a beat, "I love you. I will always love you."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve hadn't expected that Tyrael would be officiating, but it's not unprecedented for a commanding officer to officiate over the marriage of two subordinates. Granted that Tyrael has stepped down, but still, it's good to see him here, and his support of both Tony and Pepper in this is nothing but good in Steve's opinion.

Opinions aside, Steve is watching, quietly and politely. Tony and Pepper *look* like a good couple - both dressed up as they should be for the occasion, and the bride as resplendent as any woman can expect to be on her wedding day. Tony's joke about Pepper running off with him just prompts a faint smirk and a subdued shake of his head - he wouldn't, and he's pretty sure Pepper wouldn't, so one less set of problems to negotiate.


At any rate, the seriousness behind both Tony's and Pepper's vows to each other, even if Tony's are mildly tongue-in-cheek, underscores just how strong their bond already *is*. Even if Steve *was* inclined to compete with that, he'd be out of the running before he started. They have each other, and Steve Rogers is here today to bear witness to the strength of that bond, as two of his friends make official what's been true in their hearts for a good long while - arguably, since long before he ever met either of them.

Tyrael (956) has posed:
    "Two hearts, forged as one. Accepting of eachother, strengthening eachother, reinforcing eachother," Tyrael begins sternly, letting his eyes fall over the two of them and then back up towards the crowd that has gathered to watch the two. He waits to continue until they've both made their speech, because for all the words he could muster, he cannot put the words in their hearts out to the air better than the two of them on their own.

    "An unbreakable bond has been forged this day, one which will tie these two together in the face of all adversity," Tyrael says sternly, "And which secures them to one another in a powerful tie that can overcome any trial." He looks out over the crowd, "Understand that if there was any who would object to what is occurring here today, your complaints will fall on deaf ears. It is not your place to declare the Justice of these two people, it is not your role to question what they have found in eachother. This is their Justice, and it is what is Right to accept it or remain silent."

    He lifts his sword up, the blade glowing a bright white that shines out even against the sunny weather. He places the flat of it first on Tony's head and then on Pepper's head, "It is with the greatest Justice in all Sanctuary, it is with the righteousness of your lives, and it is with the fierce power that you bring out in one another that I declare you forged as one."

    He sheaths his sword with a single, swooping, definitive click, "This is what has transpired. This is what is right."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan leans over, and taps Toph on the shoulder a moment "This is where they're going to be oogie. Want me to lift you up?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Badass. Tony beams, feeling kind of like he's getting knighted at the same time. "The rings?" he asks, sotto voce, and upon presumably receiving the slightest of nods of approval from the Angel he accepts his token for Pepper from Rhodes, and can't help but smirk a little bit as he slides it onto her finger. As with the engagement ring, it's not nearly as ostentatious as one would expect a billionaire's marriage token to be; just a simple golden band without device. Actually it's a gold-titanium alloy; actually he had melted down a part of the damaged Mark 3 in order to forge it. And it's no one else's damned business how much it's actually worth in dollar signs. It means a lot more than that. "All yours," he murmurs.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Up until now Toph has been quiet through all the talking, the ceremonial speech about justice and union. It's Tony and Pepper's day after all. Which is why she lets out a suffering sigh when Stan points out what's to come. "I'll survive, they're oogie on a daily basis anyway," she whispers back, fiddling a bit with the bouquet in her hands.

    They have been pretty oogie in their little vows too, but hey... it's a wedding for two people she cares about. She'll tolerate it without making too many faces.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Rhodey may have had the ring for Potts, but Pepper has a different plan. She gives a little smile, taking a ring from Toph, a special comission. Fashionable and beautiful and made by someone they both loved -- since Potts can't just melt things and build sentimental bits. She takes Tony's hand, and slides the ring onto his. "For always." she replies to him, her fingers trembling. She almost doesn't make it to his hand.

Maya has posed:
Maya is just sitting back and happy to watch the whole thing play out, though she is getting a bit misty eyed at the moment with everything that is being. It's good to see people end up happy. She just sits back and seems to be lost in thought slightly as she watches. The Wedding has so far been wonderful day.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark can't resist. It's all official, she can't get rid of him now -- and so he indulges in the childish impulse that's been gnawing at him all day, in lunging forward to sweep the veil away and tug her in close with his arm around her waist, as he leans over her for a fairly ravishing kiss. God, he'd been waiting for this.

Rhodey, shaking his head in amusement, raises his hands to start up a round of applause.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper Potts-Stark gives a smilie, and then a surprised little 'eep!' sound as she's swept up into Tony's arms, hers reaching up, wrapping around his shoulders as she kisses back, holding to him, feeling the warmth of his body against her in the light of the sun. THey're married. They got married, and there was an Angel there and no one showed up to make a mess of things.

    Best. Wedding. /Ever/.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora watches, a smile tugging her at her lips, as the ceremony concludes. She, like the rest of the guests, joins in the applause for the newlywed couple. No doubt, there will be some festivities, afterwards.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Aaand there it is. While Toph is rolling her eyes just slightly as Tony tugs Pepper close for the Kiss, she does shift the flowers to her elbow and joins in on the applause.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve joins in the applause immediately after Rhodes begins clapping, and with undeniable enthusiasm. Honestly, he would have started clapping at the vows if it were appropriate to do so, but since it wasn't, he refrained.

*Just* long enough.

He's also beign polite enough not to stare at Tony and Pepper locking lips as if they *didn't* have an audience; he just looks around at the others ... albeit wondering if Tony declaring the party on the general open channel was the smartest of moves. Maybe he ought to bring his shield just in case ... ?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony takes his sweet time, too. When he finally has to come up for air, he helps Pepper to retain her balance by keeping one hand around her waist, and childishly pumps the other in the air in a 'YES' gesture. He points at the pianist, who is suddenly joined by another guy who had been hiding with an electric guitar, and they start in on a bizarre cover of Highway to Hell.

"Party on my boat!" Stark bellows out, "everyone's invited!"

A beat, as Rhodey tugs on his arm and speaks quickly to him. "Right, right, we just need to let the press take some pretty pictures first." He waves an arm out to gesture across the bay where his yacht has been precariously docked close enough to land that it is accessible via a long gangplank. "Everyone, please, drink my booze and eat my food. Our booze. And food," he corrects himself. "We'll be along in a little bit."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pep feels a little dizzy, and as Tony comes up for air, she leans back slightly, laughing, holding on to her roses and lotus. She gives a couple of waves, obviously a hally half of a newly wed couple. "We'll see you on Seaduction, everyone!" she calls out.