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Of Grimm and Warring Lords
Date of Scene: 09 October 2016
Location: Arthurian Britain <AB>
Synopsis: The Grimm are an implacable force. They have no allegiance, no fear nor morals.

A band of Heroes, rag tag and hastily formed, come to protect the town of Caerleon and aid its young King.

Thanks to: Young Arthur for letting me throw Grimm at his world.
Cast of Characters: 1048, Yang Xiao Long, Steve Rogers, 972, Sanary Rondel, Tomoe, Athela Valemore, 1059

Young Arthur (1048) has posed:
Caerleon lies in what in modern days would be called Wales. A modest coastal town, a former Roman Colony that maintains its walls and docks, along with baths and some other conveniences. But, without doubts it has seen better days. The walls have taken a beating by both time and malicious intent, the most recent of which is due a certain offworlder's axe.

In the early evening, the people have taken themselves to their residences, leaving only the town's modest guard and its handful of knights outside, manning the walls, every wary of the possibility of armies of the neighbouring lords... or worse.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    'Worse' seems to be on the cards this night. Baleful, red glowing eyes, dozens of them most in pairs, but one set in a grouping of ten, come barreling over a nearby hillock. The mournful howl of a wolf sounds... though it's less 'mournful' and much more 'bloodthirsty' accompanied by the various snarls, grunts and growls of bears, boars, and the disturbing shuffle-hissing of some kind of giant insect.

    The Grimm have arrived, sensing the ambient unease and fear of the people of Caerleon.

Young Arthur (1048) has posed:
When Arthur sees this threat, he contacts the Union and then incants the words. 'He whosoever draws this sword out of stone and anvil is rightwise born King of Britain.' The blade is drawn and its holy light shines like a bonfire in the dark night.

The blade itself is nigh impossible to see within that light, but at least the blade makes the legs of finding the way towards Caerleon easy to do. The young king, clad in his white tabard, puts on his helmet and leaps down from the walls.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Grimm recoil, but only for a moment as they're bathed in the gleaming light of Calibourne. Revealed as solid black monstrosities with white, bone-like protrusions and armour, with masks etched with red lines where their faces would be. Beowolves, Ursa Major, Creeps and a couple of Boarbatusks, as well as a giant Deathstalker, a massive scorpion as large as a house with a stinger that now gleams an eerie golden hue in response to the Holy Light.

    The leader, the 'Stalker, rears up its pincers and clacks them as it hiss-growls, the Grimm monsters closing in on Arthur from all directions.

Steve Rogers has posed:
There's a motorcycle approaching. Arthur may never have heard one before; the Grimm probably have, but might not remember it meaning anything except 'oh look, here comes another human'. And as far as that simple analysis goes, the Grimm wouldn't necessarily be wrong.

But this human is more than just an ordinary man.

Steve Rogers - better known to most people as Captain America - was on his way back to his own world after a lengthy mission elsewhere when the distress call went up - both Arthur's query on Union channels, and the automated alert on an open channel. There was a convenient warpgate; Steve took advantage of it, focusing on Caerleon in Wales - and a couple of warpgate jumps later, the Star-Spangled Man (With the Plan) came racing through. He's already pulling the shield off the front of his motorcycle, steering one-handed and with his balance as he does so, and with a swift, decisive swing of his arm, Steve flings the shield straight at the dangerously upraised tail of the Deathstalker.

He may not have a way to call the shield *back* to him, but he doesn't really need one; he calculated the angles already, and he just shuts off the motorbike's engine, letting it coast to a halt while Steve jumps to catch the rebounding shield.

He's also got a handgun, a reliable M1911 that a friend gave him, but he's not drawing it yet. The Multiverse is full of things that bullets don't do a whole lot to.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Soon, a small warp gate opens up high above Caerleon. Out of the portal comes the odd sight of a small girl dressed in a surprisingly casual outfit. She appears to be accompanied by four red and white orbs shaped like the symbol for Yin and Yang. As soon as she descends down from the sky, she can see the bright light of Excalibur along with the absolutely out of place Grimm forces.

     This young girl happens to be Reimu Hakurei and she descends until the Grimm are within range and from there, she holds her gohei into the air and swings it horizontally. As she flies above the enormous force, the four Yin Yang Orbs begin unleashing a myriad of red homing talismans onto as much of the force as possible. Sure, they are her weakest shots, but their homing is just perfect for situations like this.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Certainly that axe wielding offworlder isn't here tonight! No, not at all. What is an axe, even? Nothing 'Saffron' has ever touched, that's for sure!

     Either way, she's heard the alert, and the new Beacon student is on the scene in her horrible fashion and with a giant tarp-covered log thing on her back. She's not rushing towards that too familiar blinding light just yet, however, opting instead to get a better look at what's going on before rushing in herself.

     It's a lot more Grimm than she was expecting to see. The fact that a certain shield-slinger is around, too, just makes it more tempting to hide. Alas... Sanary's got a job to do as a member of Team MYST. Charging forward with that log thing, she...

     ... Rushes right at a Boarbatusk like she's got a battering ram. It's time to pit the power of her weapon against the most familiar foe!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe was quick to meet up with Isabelle and to lead her to the warp gate and it wouldn't take long for the very tall Salamander woman to lead Isabelle through the gate and towards Arthur's kingdom. It wouldn't be long before she'd summon her almost angel like wings and make ready to take flight she'll grab Isabelle and pick her up to get them both to the site of the attack.

"All right I'm going to set you down when we get there, but keep in mind these things feed on negative emotions, fear, terror, pain and are soulless do not hold back against them and don't worry your not alone in fighting if you need help just call out for it and the name's Tomoe!"

It doesn't take long for Tomoe to reach the site of the attack on Caerleon.

"We're here."

Tomoe will move to swoop in just a bit away from the fighting to let Isabelle get on the ground and to make sure she's ready to go.

"I need to get into the thick of things it's my job to keep their attention."

With a grin she takes off again for the Grimm and is chanting as she goes, in Nordic, badly accented Nordic to be exact the glowing runes dance about her body for a moment before rays of light fire out like the lasers from an Orbital Frame seeking out grim and Tomoe is moving to land int the tick of things summoning her sword Dawn Breaker and the shield known as the mourning wall.

"Dinner's canceled!"

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore was on the move as soon as it was made clear these creatures were a threat to not be left idly alone. She probably would of found her way on that alone, but Arthur's directions and the big glowing beacon provided certainly hasten the journey of getting there quickly.

Slashing and piercing work best, according to the expert on the radio device. This will not be a problem for the young knight-errant of Bayern... Which seems to share a few similarities with this world, but that is not an important aspect right now.

Hopefully no one was expecting the young lady of war to arrive on a galloping steed though. Because it's the large hefty form of a rather well armored sealion-like creature that comes barreling towards the fight riding a small wave of water over the ground. From her perch upon his back Athela holds her own elaborate sword out as if leading a charge. "Begone, ye foul beasts. Your seige shall end as soon as it hath begun!"

Really what the assorted Grimm should be concerned about is the fact that the Samurott they're riding on is coming barreling straight onto the flank of several Boarbatusks with that shining steel lance upon its helmet lowered for ramming staight into their lineup! Even moving out of the way of the charge may not be enough, as Athela slashes her sword at the closest beasts as soon as they're in reach.

And sitting behind her is another smaller humanoid, with what appears to be a giant log strapped to his back. It was said piercing would be more effective than crushing, so instead he as formed a mace-like bulge around one fist with large thorny barbs on the vines to slug any ugly Grimm that doesn't get out of the way!

Isabelle Mercer (1059) has posed:
    Isabelle's first real adventure outside of her world... and she's picked up by the airborne taxi-mander too. "Mmm. I see, okay, so perhaps light magic then?" she questions to the Salamander with a curious gaze. "I appreciate you getting me out here, a mite strange that I'm being airlifted by a winged person, but perhaps that's just the start of my journal, huh?" she breaks into a smile and enjoys the flight for now!

    That is, until they reach the site of attack... the archetecture practically makes Isabelle's eyes wide in awe... "Such... history here." she whispers, smiling. "Alright, this makes me very happy... now to deal with the problem and then go sight seeing." as soon as she's airdropped to the fields of combat... she blinks and stares at the beasts and how everyone goes in... a frown and she starts backing up to hide... behind a conivnient large rock. "I... what am I doing here like this?"

    There's twinges in the back of her head and she nods, "Is.. it really okay to show them now?" she whispered, and those twinges come again, "Well, if you say so." The nordic gets her and she peeks up over to see the rays of light and she gives a bit of a nod. "Light of the Heavens I summon you into my being... Light Arrow!" behind said rock there's a very bright glowing as something starts floating from behind it... a light pillar burst explodes from it and leaves behind an angelic looking being, complete with halo and two pairs of feathred wings.

    "Light Arrow." is repeated in a chiming voice, drawing her hand back as if holding a bow. A bow of light and similarly, an arrow of light appears in it and is launched out towards the Grimm, on contact, it explodes into a pillar of light, hoping to do something. "Ah... hi everyone..."

Young Arthur (1048) has posed:
As people arrive and the nature of this threat comes clear, Arthur steps forwards, but doesn't approach close, "Allies to me!" He calls, and then adds, "Archers, fire at will!" Under his instruction, the guards on the wall nock arrows and loose them at the Grimm. They're competent, and the arrows are well-made, but no more than that.

Arthur takes another step forward, and swings his blade, way out of melee range. He doesn't need to get that close, the blade's light forms another blade, a cutting wave of holy light that goes for the nearest of the Grimm.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Grimm are an implacable foe. Fearless, dauntless and utterly hellbent on killing. As Reimu's barrage falls on them, the lesser Beowolves and Ursa Minors topple under the weight of the talismans, breaking up into black smoking clouds, which dissipate into nothing.

     Steve's shield, while well thrown and well aimed, glances off the armoured tail cap that surrounds the stinger's base. It does make the Deathstalker's first strike go far wide of it's mark, slamming heavily into the ground next to Saffron's approach to a Boarbatusk.

    Saffron finds the beast an easy mark, the cloth-covered weapon smashing into its mask and forcing it to stagger backwards, toppling over onto its side in a daze and exposing its soft underbelly for a follow-up strike!

    The Iron Lily, Tomoe enters the arena, and a hulking Ursa Major with many boney spikes protruding from its back and shoulders roars in challenge, descending on her with razor sharp talons swinging.

    Athela's charge breaks the ranks of the Boarbatusks and their Beowolf escorts, the boar-like Grimm about to start spinning to assault the town walls! Their charge is halted by the shining lance of the Knight-Errant, however!

    Isabelle's transformation earns attention, but the Alpha Beowolf that comes loping over meets the namesake of this new woman's form face first, impaled by the Light Arrow and toppling over with a death rattle that sounds like the final breath of a demon, cursing the girl's family. It collapses, and begins to break up into black 'dust'.

    The remaining forces, broken and in disarray, turn and start striking out at random, felled by the Young King's shining blade, or prickled with arrows, making them easier targets for the Elites. They're not done yet, and the giant tank-like Deathstalker, though staggered and trying to get its tail free from the dirt, is still dangerous and very much alive!

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     As Reimu begins to make her return trip back to the main allied force, as she continues to fly through the air, she occasionally moves her way around all the various shots that seem to be going through the air. As she makes her way back to the main force, the four orbs align themselves in front of her body. As she flies back to the rest of the group, she grins upon seeing the rest of the fleet.

     From there, the four orbs immediately begin to unleash a myriad of red needles upon the army in her path. The needles aren't homing in, but they are certainly stronger and more of the Grimm can be dealt with as well.

Steve Rogers has posed:
It's not like Captain America's shield *penetrates* everything, it's just impervious to being penetrated or breached by anything known on the Earth where it was made. At least it rebounded at the right angle, and the stinger seems to be stuck for the moment.

Cap slings his shield onto his left forearm and charges; *now* he draws his sidearm. Once he gets close enough, he's going to shoot the giant Deathstalker in its eyes; if it manages to get its tail free, he'll be ready to block or parry it with his shield.

He doesn't trust anything less to block that stinger.

Young Arthur (1048) has posed:
There appear to be, in Arthur's judgment, plenty of people focusing their efforts on the biggest threat. So, he takes it upon himself to worry about making sure there are no more distractions to remain. Now, he actually wades in, Calibourne swing every time he gets close to one of the Grimm, then moving on to the next.

He cares not if he kills them, he wants their attention, he wants them to focus on him and his big glowy light. The better to give his archers a clear shot at then while they're busy focusing on him.

Isabelle Mercer (1059) has posed:
    Light-Isabelle floats there, those wings beating at a steady pace as the arrow flies and takes out the Alpha Beowolf, she gets a soft smile, "I'm sorry this has to be done." she replies to the name cursing, only to fly towards the group. Reimu might get a sense of divinity radiating out from Isabelle as the Angel-belle flies past her. "Good day." she smiles towards Reimu, following that needle barrage. "Let us back up those holy needles."

    "Holy Cross." she chimes out, her voice carrying a divine weight to it. And, as arrows are flying from those archers, she swings around and pulls an immelman to avoid the incoming fire. With the spell complete, she draws a cross in mid air and soon allows it to fall behind those needles from Reimu, to add a divine smite!

    "These evil beings are tenacious, I shall grant them that one compliment." she voices, "Mayhaps I can ask where they came from so we can put the source to rest?"

Athela Valemore has posed:
Breaking up the ranks is a good first step in stalling a siege. After the pass Athela and her Timburr jump off the Samurott's back. "Help defend the walls. Make sure nothing gets through." Both Pokemon nod in return, as stalwart as the young knight commanding them.

"As for the rest of you..." Athela turns back to the monsters trying to resituate themselves, a sheen gleaming down the length of Resolute Blade as she holds it at ready, almost like the ripples of light across the surface of water. Next to her Samurott gets up on his back legs/flippers, using his tail for support. The front paws grab the prongs and seperate them from the armored sheaths, forming two more sword-like blades as they're drawn.

"Back to the dark pit from which ye came!" Athela swings, not needing to strike directly with the weapon. Elemental energy flows off the blade like water, effectively turning it into a whip-sword that despite being made of water has every bit of slashing ability. In a much wider arc better suited for dealing with multiple foes at once.

Samurott lashes at the Beowolfs to cover her flank, the dual sword becoming a flurry of slicing blows. Between the two of them they can sweep up through the remaining Boars easily, picking off the ones that manage to escape the archers.

Her Timburr on the other hand sprints towards the fight with the Deathstalker. The goblinesque pokemon grabs the log off his back, hefting it with ease due to tremendous stout strength. With a growling warcry of his own he takes a short jump, heaving back with one arm and then thrusting the fist for the center of the Deathstalker's backside! The things may have resistance to crushing, but Timburr is rediculously strong. On top of that he's using Chip Away, an attack that excess and bypassing defensiveness.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary winces just a bit when she bowls that Boarbatusk over, trying not to think too hard about what this creature could have been or might still be under all that armor. It tips over like a boar, it looks like a boar, but...

     No, stop thinking about that! Just run the Grimm through and get it over with. It takes her a moment to control her voice enough to not actually shout anything as she brings that cloth-covered weapon up and thrusts it directly towards the creature's underbelly.

     At the sight of the ALO native, though, she does squeak out a startled "T... Tomoe?" before gripping the handle of her log-weapon.

     A handle? Yep, a handle! That should help get a better grip on the thing as she tries to force it in. Should it find purchase inside the Boarbatusk, Saffron will even try and jam that further in before fumbling around the handle and pulling the trigger inside, triggering a concentrated explosion from the front!

Tomoe has posed:
To say Tomoe is stunned by Isabelle's transformation would be an understatement but she doesn't remain for long. She's got Grimm to deal with after all. Such as the Ursa major which if she recalls right is name for a star in her world, curious that. She now focus ot back up Isabelle as she's normally the one to draw the masses so her comrades can deal with bringing them down. She shifts for a moment her stance chance and she springs forward on the Ursa Major with inhuman speed.


She launches into a rapid combo of sword and shield attacks on the best just not letting up as she's trying to put the things down hard and fast, she's not fooling around here.

"You will not have Remnant nor will you HAVE HERE BEASTS!"

She doesn't stop going she'll just keep attacking trying to bring the Ursa Major down without any mercy. There's a lot of Grimm out there and it's her job to try and focus as many of them on her as she possibly can.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Deathstalker squirms and writhes, yanging on its tail with all of its might. The gunshots richochet off of the armour around the things eyes, though a few rounds find their mark, making the thing jerk and twitch... and an oily black ichor to run down the white armour plate. The scorpion's sting might be stuck, but its pincers are still free, and it shows that even though it's big, it's not slow. It lashes out at the Star Spangled Avenger, looking to grab him in its vice-like grasp, as it finally gets its tail free and aims to impale him as well!

    Reimu and Isabelle manage to clear a good swath of the remaining Grimm, their combined effort from above unchallenged. Tomoe's battle ends with the Ursa falling into a smoking heap under the assault of the Iron Lily.

    Athela's strikes, and the Timburr's attacks clear more of the lesser Grimm, leaving Arthur with only a handful to deal with. Saffron's lance blast causes the Boarbatusk to detonate quite satisfyingly, spraying black ichor over the ground, which begins to smoke and dissipate away rapidly.

    As Arthur's last remaining foes fall, only the Deathstalker remains, poised to finish off the First Avenger!

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     She glances back Light-Isabelle and she smiles, "Well, as long as you aren't getting in the way of taking them out, than I'm fine with it." Immediately, the other four orbs begin to change to the color of white and silver and three extra Yin Yang Orbs appear as well. Soon, they begin to glow white as she rushes toward the large deathstalker. As soon as she is close enough, she begins to dodge and weave around the various strikes of the Grimm. In the process, she begins to whack several of the Grimm with her Gohei. Each hit actually manages to cause quite a bit of grievous harm to them and upon each hit, the orbs begin to grow brighter and brighter.

     As soon as the orbs have been fully lit, she is next to the deathstalker. All of the orbs shift their position around her body and rapidly begin to shift rotate at incredible speeds around her body.

     "Fantasy Heaven."

     The orbs begin to emit enormous violet pulses of energy at a rapid pace. Each powerful wave will certainly impact any Grimm around her. On top of the rapid onslaught of waves threatening to tear off just about anything near her, several hordes of violet needles also burst forth from her body as they threaten to impale and rip apart anything caught within the waves. As an extra touch to absurd degree of overkill, several streams of violet talismans all burst forth from the orbs as well. All of the waves of holy powered projectiles are being unleashed at speeds equivalent to machine gun fire as well. The odds of anything weak to holy elemental attacks surviving this is abysmally low.

Steve Rogers has posed:
And Captain America goes down hard, with a yell that's more surprise than pain. He should probably have been ready for something like that, but he was too focused on trying to get the giant scorpion's eyes ...

No help for it now. And this IS why he had his shield on his forearm; as the stinger comes down, he brings the shield up to block it - just taking the stinger straight on the shield's convex surface. It's probably going to make a heck of a loud noise, Steve's kicking at the Deathstalker's pincers for good measure, and MIGHT manage to break free - but he's actually more than happy to hold the thing's attention; nobody else could block that stinger without paying a heavy price. Besides, if he's flat on the ground, he should be out of his allies' way - and if he's holding the thing's attention, it won't be moving around as much.

Young Arthur (1048) has posed:
Arthur hasn't come here to see any allies die. If it's up to him, no-one has to die, not even his enemies. The realities are different of course, and it's hard to see this Grimm as anything more than powerful beasts.

Thus, when the young king stands victorious among the corpses of his enemies, with only one left standing. The Captain falls, and he acts. He rushes to take place in between the Captain and this last Grimm, shield raised to protect a fellow champion of justice.

And his sword moves forward, the light of Calibourne aimed straight for this monster, thrust with a force way beyond the boy's slender frame. He is substantially more than he looks.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
That's one threat out of the way! Only... Oh. Huh. Saffron blinks slowly as she realizes that the other Grimm have already been dealt with, leaving the large scorpion beast remaining and poised to rush another familiar face. Oh, how easy it would be to just not go to his aid...

     Alas, maintaining a cover here is paramount, especially if someone from the school is watching! Or even worse: Taking VIDEO EVIDENCE. Saffron's not going to be the one letting Team MYST, no sir! Drawing her gunlance out of the ground as the cloth it was covered in falls apart, the girl in the bucket hat lines herself up with the Deathstalker as it's pinning Captain America down before going into another charge.

     Saffron still isn't saying anything, of course. She /is/ moving much faster this time, though, thanks to the magic energy coursing through her body to give her a burst of enhanced speed and power, fully intending to ram the gunlance right through the Deathstalker and detonate another round of explosive shots inside it!

Athela Valemore has posed:
They've manage to clean up the riffraff of potential mob adds, but doing so has kept Athela and her cohorts a bit farther from the big battle brewing over the Deathstalker. Which is now the only monster remaining. Athela considers this for a moment. Even with their aquatic boosts neither her or Lancer could speed wave that far in effective order.

Time for an alternative method.

"Mizzen, I need your strength! Get me over there." That seems to be all the understanding needed. Despite being smaller than her Timburr has little trouble in picking up the armored knight, his entire body glowing faintly as he hoists Athela up over his head. He leans back as far as he can without tipping over, then heaves with all his tremendous strength to catapult her towards the Boss Monster.

As she's flung into the air Athela grips her weapon in both hands, the pronged blade starting to shimmer with something akin to divine energy. "This is not our land, but we protect it the same. None shall fall to darkness beneath the watch of the Justice!"

Resolute Blade almost seems larger in itself from the divine power as she hurtles at the monster. "SACRED SWORD!" Momentum from the throw as well as the strength of her strongest smiting blow hopefully enough to tear into the monster.

Isabelle Mercer (1059) has posed:
    The combined aerial assault with the Shrine Maiden pleases the Angelic-formed Isabelle, but there shall not be much rejoicing with one ally down and about to become Dust Food. She takes to higher air, away from Reimu and her ungodly barrage of danmaku and focuses upon that Deathstalker. "Oh heavenly light fill these wings with your might..." she starts to chant, those wings of hers starting to glow a pure white...

    "Grant me the power to smite the deadly foe in front of us." as if light started to make a third pair of wings upon Isabelle. "The power you shall grant me will be used to save the life of one." a veritable flare of holy energy erupts and encompasses the wings as she starts a dive bomb down.

    "Oh holy light, smite my enemy! Photonic Revelation!" she quickly arrests her speed, those wings of her flaring wide as streams of piercing light fall rapidly from those outstretched feathred appendeges!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe doesn't even pause for long as the Ursa Major falls to her brutal assault but there's still other things to worry about now, there's only one beast, left and she looks at the Deathstalker. She breaks into a run for the beast, she's going to charge it. She does have a lot of 'mass' and she's going at a good clip too, even as she runs she's chanting now causing runes to dance about her again, and once more something happens but this time? Her blade catches fire as she makes a blazing sword after a fashion.

She'll slam into the thing trying to drive her blade in as deeply as she can, then twisting it before trying to rise up. Note this should only be if she manages to impact with the Grim. She may end up having a very bad time against the Deathstalker. She's also yet to spot Sanary, so she's got nothing to fear /right/?

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Deathstalker chitterscreams, rocking under the concentrated bombardment from all sides. Reimu and Isabelle's aerial assault smash it down against the ground, Saffron's gunlance slips between scutes of armour, and the explosive bolt sears through the thing's body. Arthur's shining blade, Athela's assault and Tomoe's charge cut deeply into its weakened armour, and the beast staggers, punch drunk as it skitters from one side to the other.

    Another motorbike can be heard in the distance, growing rapidly closer before it's flying overhead. It sails off, and autopilots away without a rider... so where is the rid--- WHAM, BOOM.

    Yang drops in and smashes her right fist into the top of the weakened armour plating, smashing the beast back down into the ground, and cratering the area as she unloads a full clip of shells into the beast. "Got here as fast as I could... did you get'em all?" she asks, as the beast starts to smoke, and she hops off of its evaporating corpse.

Athela Valemore has posed:
Leave it to Yang to combine Fashionably Late with Dynamic Entry and make it work.

Athela is, admitablly, a little wobbly from the speed of being thrown and the intensity of the attack. She takes a few steps back to resituate herself, which turns out to be perfect timing for the Huntress to drop in and finish off the scorpion-esque monstrousity. Blinks twice.

Nope, she did definatelly just see that.

"I.. believe that was all of them, yes." She turns around a little to look. Nothing but her pokemon still standing where she left them. "Peculiar beasts."

She... doesn't mention how they kind of reminded her of Hollowed. That's creepy in itself to consider.

Isabelle Mercer (1059) has posed:
    With the beast getting it's armor, and it's full self, destroyed by a flying yellow woman, she slowly floats herself down, the Light-infused Isabelle lands near Steve, offering a hand to get him back up, "You fought valliantly, dear warrior. Come, rise and get your rest here soon... Restoration." it's not much but a simple bit of healing light, assuming Captain America accepts the light. Regardless of it all, she turns to look at Yang and give a slight nod.

    "With every warrior's attempt, the threat has been eliminated. May I ask, what were those damnable beasts of hatred?" she questions, an inquisitive look in those cross-pupiled eyes of hers. "Though, I believe everyone here, however, is okay, physically."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Despite being so zeroed in on her target, Sanary-er. Saffron's still taking note of the unfamiliar faces among those she's working with. She's seen light-users before, and she's seen wings before, but both at the same time? That might be someone to keep an eye on, for better or for worse.

     Just... Probably not at this moment, what with so many projectiles coming the Deathstalker's way. Of course, with as far into the Deathstalker as she's jammed that gunlance, actually getting away from it in time isn't quite the easiest thing to do even without a shield to weigh her down. Of course, without a shield and not being the fastest person even with magic, that means poor Saffron's left to weather some of those stray projectiles and blasts coming her way! She's not quite sure what's even hit her, but there's definitely searing pain and some battering involved, but like hell she's going to know where it's all coming from.

     All she knows is that by the time she's stopped tumbling around and trying to keep her healing light cloud from being too visible outside of her body, Yang's standing over the fading Deathstalker triumphantly, and her gunlance is a little less solid than it was moments ago. Maybe lying on the ground is her best plan of action for now.

     It's safer, at least.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe gets a bit of the back sooty from the Deathstalker on her givne how close she was, but the thing is down and she shakes it off. She looks to Yang smirkng abit. "You always do know how to make an Entrance Yang, this is no exception. We should spred out and see if any of the citizens here are in need of medical aid or any other help. There's likely some messes to clean up as well."

She looks to Athela and nods curtly at her comment.

"Worse off they feed off negative emotions so an attack will draw even more of them to feed."
% She now goes to checkon Isabelle as he's new right?

"Yang would be the best one to explain the Grimm honestly Isabelle. I'm only a little roughed up I should be ... all right."

Steve Rogers has posed:
That hurt more than Steve expected, but he's been subjected to worse injuries. Maybe none quite as all-encompassing, though.

He's certainly not inclined to complain about who finished off the Deathstalker. "Yeah," he grunts as he sits up. "I think that was the last one. Everybody okay?" Captain America asks, slowly getting back to his feet. Yeah, he aches all over but he still has an everything to hurt in, so - call it a win.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Soon, the absurb attack comes to an end and orbs dematerialize from view. Afterwards, the young Miko lands on the ground and looks at the thoroughly dead Deathstalker. Soon, she calls out from behind the Deathstalker, "It's okay! The giant scorpion is dead!" From there, she flies to the side of the scorpion and she immediately manages to see Steve Rogers getting up to his feet along with Sanary Rondel laying on the ground without showing any signs of movement.

     It does not take her long to put two and two together and she groans,

     "Why does this happen every single time I use that attack without telling someone first?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks to Steve first, making sure he's still in one piece. She then looks over at Athela with a big, dopey grin, before turning finally to Isabelle. "Creatures of Grimm. Soulless monsters from my world... the fact they're even here is troubling, cuz that means they've either learned how to use Warpgates... or someone /brought/ them here... both possiblities are equally bad for different reasons."

Steve Rogers has posed:
For the record, Steve certainly didn't reject the healing magic from Isabelle; he didn't really need the hand in getting back to his feet, but he does at least nod in acknowledgement - and maybe accepts the hand just long enough to show his appreciation.

"How intelligent are these 'Grimm,' anyway?" he asks Yang, dusting himself off. Yeah, the healing magic DEFINITELY helped.

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore lets out a small but sharp sigh as Yang elaborates on them being soulless creatures that just happen to have some resemblance to animals. "So they -are- like the Hollowed then." She grunts as she sheaths her sword at her side. "All the more reason to dispose of them quickly then... and yes, them showing up in other worlds is definately something to be conserned with."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Even if Sanary's not particularly invested in the safety of this area, the notion that someone could be drawing Grimm through the warp gates is worrying. Possibly useful, if she could learn how to do that herself, but more worrying than even that. Sitting up and rubbing her head slowly, the disguised Confederate makes sure her bucket hat is on properly before staggering back to her feet.

     Saffron still isn't talking yet, of course. She's got a cover to maintain, and she's trying not to draw too much attention her way even as she shuffles over to pick out the salvageable chunks of her weapon from where the deathstalker had been moments earlier. It might even look like she's trying to avoid direct eye contact with Yang, Arthur, Tomoe, and Steve! At least Isabelle's an unfamiliar face, and Athela's not someone she's crossed weapons with yet.

Isabelle Mercer (1059) has posed:
    Yang gets a nod from Isabelle, the angel-looking woman hmming slightly and giving a brief smile to Steve for the appreciation. "I may just be an archaeologist, but if you're needing assistance, I will be glad to assist in this... Grimm hunting. Perhaps I can use this knowledge to help my library." she gives a soft smile before taking a quick flight over to Saffron, offering a hand up and some light magic for healing.

    "You fought recklessly but valiantly, good work there. We may not have done it without the combined efforts of everyone involved, including you." she gives Saffron another smile. "If you're needing more healing, it may have to wait until I make my rounds on everyone else."

     To that, she flies over to Athela and offers another bit of healing there, "Your noble intentions assisted a great deal here, thank you for assisting and coming out when you could."

Athela Valemore has posed:
Athela Valemore merely makes a small bow in return to Isabelle. "As a knight it is my duty to protect others from evil intents, regardless of who or where. All the same your assistance is appreciated." Both in the fight and the contribute to recovering afterwards.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Oh crap SHE'S BEEN SPOTTED. 'Saffron' freezes up when the angelic archaeologist approaches her, getting that deer-in-the-headlights look for a few moments before pocketing the remaining bits and taking her hand with a slow nod.

     "Th... Thanks." Part of her quietness is coming from genuine hesitation, but the rest? That's just her trying not to draw even more attention. She does manage a small giggle at the compliment, though, even offering her a light wave just before Isabelle heads over towards Athela.

     It's also Sanary's opportunity to get the hell out of here before anyone recognizes her.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe finds Yang's words troubling now at this point but what else can they do for now? However she moves to clean up for a moment but Steve does hit on something she has learned going to Becon. "They can be very cunning but it depends on the type honestly and how old a Grimm is." Sanary is missed it's just plan gone over her head and it may be for the best. She looks to the Angel like woman known as Isabelle. "To everyone here thank you for your help, everyone here kept it from becoming worse."