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Latest revision as of 13:57, 9 December 2016

Party at Frightmare Manor
Date of Scene: 30 October 2016
Location: Fall
Synopsis: The subtitle of this scene is NIGHT OF THE LIVING COSTUMES!
Cast of Characters: Tomoyo Daidouji, Rebecca Chambers, 1058, 136, 857, 707, 342, Kotone Yamakawa, 437

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Frightmere Manor.

    The someone on-the-nose name is a corruption of Fromeyer, the name of the family that originally owned the property. Unfortunately wiped out in a tragic avalanche while on vacation in the Alps, the mansion and land fell into the hands of the local government. They did their best in hiring some groundskeepers for general upkeep, but the sheer size coupled with limited budget means it was eventually left to rot, gaining a mysterious spooky allure and a new moniker.

    On the night before Halloween, a party is being thrown by a bunch of acceptably rowdy teens. There will be food, punch, and costumes of course! The whole place has been done up with fake cobwebs, fog machines, jack o'lanterns and all manner of kitsch Halloween decorations to the nth degree. They've certainly put in the work!

    Most of the party is inside, centred around the entrance hall and adjacent ballroom. Everything lit dimly with candles and more jack o'lanterns. Teenagers and young adults down punch, eat novelty foods and dance to the spooky tunes laid out a DJ on stage in the ballroom. But of course, people are wandering the grounds and straying into other parts of the mansion.

    Tomoyo leads the way along the foggy path lined with more carved pumpkins. She's dressed in white silken shirt, stained with bright red, along with some black silk pants and black leather boots is framed by a ragged cape, black on the outside and crimson red on the inside, wrapped around her chest with golden chains. Her hair is being held back by a hair band accessorised by bats, and a pair of high-quality fake fangs sit on her mouth. Even her skin has been made up to be more pale than usual! It's a fairly simple vampire costume, but an effective one!

    "Thank you for tagging along everyone~ I've never been to a party like this, so it'll be nice to have some friends along~" she says to the assembled, checking up on any costumes she had a hand in one more time. "I'll be meeting a friend in person for the first time here~ So if anyone sees a girl dressed as a witch with a big jack o'lantern badge on the hat, please wave her down for me? But other than that, do have fun~"

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
Normally, Rebecca Chambers isn't the type to do Halloween parties. Namely because while her friends might have been going to them in the past, she was spending time studying for school. Then again, what do you expect from a girl who graduated from her college at the age of eighteen? Nevertheless, if she's off-duty and isn't doing anything, Rebecca doesn't mind going to a party if she's in the mood. Not to mention it's a chance for those who know her to see her out of uniform for a change.

Tonight, it would look like she's dressed in a simple casual attire, but if one were to get a look at her face, they'd see she's applied some heavy makeup to her face that makes it look like the flesh has rotted a bit, and she wears contact lenses to make it look like she's got major cataracts. A little extra makeup here and there makes it look like she has some wounds to her face as well. The clothing she wears has been modified to look tattered, and fake blood has been applied here and there. Can you guess what Rebecca's supposed to be?

Yup, she's going as a zombie, in a sense of irony. In fact, she has the movements and the make-up done so right that one might think she's a real zombie! Of course once she finds that the shuffling is too slow for her to keep up, she starts walking along at a normal pace. When Tomoyo speaks up, Rebecca responds. "Thank you for having me," She replies politely. "I'm actually looking forward to this!"

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran crossed his arms and walked with Tomoyo. He gave a nod. He was dressed as, well, a japanese zombie was the simple way of saying it. With a scroll on his face to make him 'walk'. He wasn't exactly the most... social of people. But he was trying. He'd actually come without having his arm twisted. Even AFTER he found out Sakura wouldn't be there. For him, that was a step up.

Still, he had brought his sword, which dangled from his hip as just a strange bunch of beads. But Tomoyo would know what it really was. Did he really expect there to be a fight? Maybe. Or maybe he went everywhere with it. "If I see her, I'll let you know," he mumbled darkly. He glanced over at the crowd and... still didn't understand WHY she had a horse. What was the point of the horse? It didn't make much sense. Was this all part of a joke?

Were they supposed to scream until their voices were a little horse?

Rarity (136) has posed:
It was a somehwat common occurance for Rarity to be so busy this time of year doing costumes for others than, unless it's part of another project like last year's haunted house in her shop, she overworks and overlooks herself. This year, she didn't even think about it until she got the message from Tomoyo wanting company. This involved several moments of utter panic, until Sweetie Belle pointed out there was a very simple yet effective solution.

And that is why Rarity is here, in perhaps the least amount of actual costume that she's ever worn for the holiday. Instead she's just had her mane dyed in red and orange and for once NOT proficiently particulately permed, so instead of curled it's just flared up and disheveled, which does a good job of looking like.. fire? The same has been done with her tail to look like a stream of flames rolling off her backside.

"I feel so underdressed for the occasion," she murmurs under her breath. But her sister had been right, 'Rapidash' was a pretty easy look for her to pull off. She even had contacts in to make her eyes appear red instead of their usual blue.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's been to a Nightmare Night party, still a fresh-faced recruit at the time. Has it been a year for her in the Union already? She's learned much, and of course this time she's not QUITE so naive or embarassing in her costume choice.

    This time, Eve's dressed all in black. Black dress, black stockings, black boots, huge black pointy hat. A stereotypical witch, in fact, only not entirely stereotypical. She's a bit more gothic than witchy in costume, having more than her fair share of ribbon and lace (still black) in her costume. Gothic, but not quite goth. She lacks witchy makeup or anything however, but her skin's certainly pale enough.

    Eve also has a few ... added features. A very realistic long hooked nose, and a wart. The wart actually looks more like a beauty spot than a hairy disfiguration, but her nose is pretty witchy and epic. And it doesn't LOOK like it's made of stuck-on rubber either.

    She's not doing a particularly good job of mingling with the various teenagers. She might actually be one now. Officially she's thirteen. Biologically... probably a few months younger. But she'd declared her birthday with no actual evidence, so thirteen she is. She just doesn't have a whole lot of interest in doing typical teenage girl things. But the party DID sound like fun... and it sounded like interesting people would attend. It's just that the local kids, who have little in common with someone like Eve, are a little hard for her to warm up to.

    Yep, Eve's a total wallflower right now. Just a cute little gothic witch girl, watching goings-on unblinkingly over the rim of a glass of punch.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Given most of the attendees, Xiaomu will be rather surprised if nobody's spiking the punch. But what she'll do about it if the punch *is* spiked is anyone's guess; the Shinra agent is here for some badly-needed relaxation, not to play chaperone. She needs the downtime, and gods help whoever tries to make her *work* tonight.

The sage fox is outfitted as a fantasy-style mage tonight, complete with robes and staff, even a jeweled circlet as a head accessory - much like you'd see in an RPG, really. Hopefully Tomoyo will remember her own handiwork, although it's been a while since Xiaomu picked this outfit up from her. There's also a piece of the sage fox's mind that's taking in and silently critiquing other people's costumes, but that's as much a factor of her being an otaku with a penchant for cosplay as anything. At least being able to confirm when someone's dressed up (and gets details wrong) helps her from going 'wait is that an actual ____?' when she sees someone dressed like this monster or that youkai.

Provided, of course, that any *actual* youkai at the party are just chilling out amongst the mortals. Like Xiaomu herself, for instance. "Looking as fashionable as any vampire, there, Tomoyo," the 'mage fox' gives a thumbs-up to the girl who invited her along. "If the punch tastes weird, don't drink any more of it than you have to, is my big advice for safe partying."

These are Elites, they ought to know how to take care of themselves. She regards the two zombies - Western and Eastern - and nods approvingly to Becky and Syaoran ... although after doing a double-take at the latter, she can't help but lean in to whisper playfully to him, "The ward needs *just* a little work."

Rarity might make a slightly smaller than standard Rapidash, but she probably wouldn't do any better as a Ponyta, and this looks cooler. It's the blonde goth of a witch who actually provokes a full-on second look, and after procuring a glass of punch, she spends a few moments trying to sort out whether she recognizes the witch or not.

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    If someone ever uses the word 'rowdy' to describe Nozomi Houken, it's a good indicator that their sanity is in question.

    She's dressed in just about one of the most conservative costume choices possible, relatively speaking. Specifically, a magical girl. A frilly, modified seifuku, white with blue trim and hints of green here and there, and even a snazzy tiara and an ornate-looking wand prop with a star on the tip. The star lights up and makes twinkly noises when she pushes a button.

    She's not pushing the button much. It draws attention.

    She is, of course, riding on the back of her perpetual companion, the Technology-Integrated Gensou Engine Rampart. A sleek, cutting-edge military weapon, powered by magic, gifted with sentience of his own, capable of scanning supernatural and psychic energies as easily as natural ones... and with a big yellow ribbon tied around his neck, the bow tied behind the back of his head. He doesn't seem to care.

    Of course, Taiga is doing what he /always/ does, and sweeping the immediate area for supernatural energies. He does, howerver, idly ask Tomoyo, "Will I need to make myself scarce?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
So Kotone was coming to Frightmere Manor for a party given Tomoyo was behind it? It should be a good time and she could use it Halloween seemed to have everything go to hell around here honestly. She wasn't sure if it was the norm or not but she had a horrible feel it might be but for now? She's come to party,be social and to have some fun! She's dressed as some sort of random pirate and hse may have gone shopping where such clothing is still in fashion either way she arries a bit later than the otehrs but Pirte Kotone has arrived to theparty and she seems tobe inpretty good spirits.

"This looks like it will be fun.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
This might have been a bit of an older crowd than Annie preferred to party with for Halloween, but she was here all the same, unable to resist trying out her new werewolf costume ahead of Halloween itself. And as it happened, the maker of the costume, Rarity, was going to a party here in Fall, so Annie decided to tag along.

    "'Howllo', everyone!" Annie announces, followed by a giggle. She looks about with approval at everyone's costumes. Even Rarity's own costume seems pretty neat.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Tomoyo seems quite amazed by Rebecca's authentic shuffle. "As am I~ If your makeup starts to come apart, come find me. I have a lot of things in this cape." She gives it a shake, letting contents in hidden pockets rattle. Looking to Li, she giggles and says, "Thank you Li~" Right before taking off that seal and sticking it on his temple. Yes, middle of the forehead is more authentic, but it's also cutting off his vision!

    To her fellow seamstress, she says "You look amazing as usual Rarity!" in a reassuring fashion. Really though, considering some of the lacklustre costumes inside (oooo a teenager dressed like a punk teenager, innovative), she's still well above average in that area. To the quiet Eve, she offers a supportive smile. And a curious glance at the nose and wart. How realistic!

    In response to Xiaomu's compliment, Tomoyo grins and raises her cape and bares her fangs! "I suppose you would know how vampires actually dress~ But I'm glad to see you wearing what I made!" Nozomi gets a sparkly look from known magical-girl-lover Tomoyo Daidouji, but her robomount's question gets an answer. "I don't think so~ Some might think you're a very detailed costume or accessory, but no one is going to raise a fuss."

    Kotone gets a wave and Annie gets a broad smile. "Happy Halloween~ Let's go!"

=================================PARTY MONTAGE==================================

    It's quite a good night for the first few hours. Xiaomu's concerns are alleviated by the use of a punch bowl that can detect common drugs and changes colour to warn people. All cups have similar things too! Undead types like Li and Rebecca might find themselves dragged into an impromptu 'Thiller' dance mob. Rarity is quite popular with the younger crowd, both for being a pony and being a Pokemon. Luckily, she's not the only one there so she's not bombarded all night. Xiaomu and Kotone certainly gets a lot of attention from the teenaged males, but nothing untoward. Tomoyo makes sure to keep an eye on wallflowers like Eve and Nozomi. Annie too, because she's so young.

    But eventually, someone matching Tomoyo's description finally arrives. She is indeed dressed as a witch with a big light-up jack o'lantern badge on her hat. Her long blonde hair looks a bit stringy and stressed, her eyes are baggy... and it doens't look like makeup either. She looks around, frantically.

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran is stuck in a thriller dance video. He'd rather have fought off real zombies. But, none the less, he TRIED to have a good time. He really did. Sure, he spent the majority of the time around the punch bowl, sipping at drinks, or nibbling at a snack. Possibly might have gotten in a sparring match with someone, but for the most part tried to socialize and be friendly.

Tomoyo could tell Sakura he'd been good, at least.

Then, the woman appeared. Sanctuary. He did the fine, noble, upstanding thing and moved towards her, escap-- leaving the dancers behind as he moved by the woman. "You're here to meet Tomoyo-chan, correct? If you'd follow me I'll take you to her." HA! Now he didn't have to dance. He was an escort. That meant no need to dance about.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
The shuffle should seem authentic, since Rebecca has seen it MANY times. Too many times to be precise. "Thank you, I'll remember that." She smiles and nods back to Xiaomu, whom she comments to, "That's a pretty nice costume also. Some of my college buddies might have liked to see that." Apparently, some of her friends in college played Dungeons and Dragons. Whether they still do today is anyone's guess.

Once she's inside the party, she finds that unlike Xiaomu and Kotone, the teenaged males leave her alone. But then she finds that someone is starting to cue up Thriller, and she sees a few others preparing to dance. Thinking quickly, she moves to join them, standing slightly behind them so she can watch their moves and copy them carefully. She's no professional dancer, but she can try!

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity may of pulled something together quickly on the fly, but that doesn't mean she was cheap and lazy about it. Leave it to a professional to make even the simplest idea something at least admirable for it being just that, simple yet effective. "After last year I decided to keep things basic this time around," she replies to Tomoyo with a coy kant of her head. No one else had to -know- it wasn't entirely intentional to do so.

The kiddie crowd wouldn't of been Rarity's first choice to mingle with, but hey popularity is popularity, right? She's at least use to dealing with kids thanks to the Crusaders and handles the matter in stride. She even came prepared for such, using her magic to toss Embers at the kids while trotting around the group. Don't worry, said 'Ember' is hardly real fire -- it's hot cinnamon candies wrapped in red and yellow tissues to just make them look like fire.

Simple on the fly costume? Sure. But that doesn't mean she couldn't still be -creative- with it and get into the spirit of it.

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    And oh but Nozomi is certainly a member of the wallflower club. She's probably even sticking near Eve, for the sheer sake of 'strength in numbers', after a fashion.

    Taiga is mostly staying with her, though now and then he'll get up onto his feet and investigate this or that person. On the rare occasion that Nozomi decides she wants punch, he escorts her there and back again.

    And then there's that new person! And... oh she doesn't look so good. Nozomi frowns. Is no one going to...? Hmn. After some hesitation, Nozomi steps up, and murmurs a faint, worried, "Are... are you alright? You look a little..." Stressed? Frightened? Something. Taiga is giving her a full, in-depth scan, meanwhile.

Eve (857) has posed:
    There's a few people here that Eve knows. Rarity for certain, and many of the others are familiar in either voice or appearance from reports. Sadly no, she wouldn't be one of the people interested in sparring with Syaoran. She's rather turned off casual sparring thanks to all the silliness that goes on at her school with that sort of thing. Sparring to train, sure. Sparring with a friend, sure. But not fighting with someone she's just met, and definitely not posturing over strength and ranking. No that Li's doing that of course... but her schoolmates do.

    Eve gives Tomoyo a solemn bow of the head. The 'vampire' girl has interests in common with Eve at least, judging by the quality of her costume. Eve's a bit of a clothes horse after all. And speaking of clothes horses, she's quite happy to be near Rarity and indulge in some cinnamon candy. When it doesn't seem TOO out of place at least.

    And then there's the TIGER. Surprisingly Eve doesn't seem the slightest bit worried about the great machine. She's a good one for judging people based on what they do, not what they look like. Taiga might return a few weird readings of Eve. Technological, not magic, but even so there's a lot more to Eve than meets the eye. Nozomi's outfit even gets a small, very brief smile. Eve does like pretty outfits!

    For now, Eve remains mostly quiet around the newcomer. Studying her, then looking around to see if anyone is giving undue attention to the girl who isn't already in on the situation. Finally she steps up. "Us witch women have to stick together." she states in a flatly sardonic tone. And yes she said women. Despite barely qualifying as a teenager if at all.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie spends some time, alongside Rarity, with the other younger kids, but soon she wanders away from them, in Eve's direction. Annie was hoping to get her in on something fun somehow. "Hi," she says to the witch-costumed girl. "Nice costume. I guess you could say I'm... 'lycan' it!" Another giggle, before she watches as the two witches join up.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Now that is a handy enchantment, thinks Xiaomu. Unless it's some kind of super-science - a reactive polymer that changes color if certain chemicals come into contact with the plastic, or glass, or whatever it's made out of. Either way, it's definitely useful; maybe she can find out where it was procured? Not that Shinra *usually* has to deal with spiked punch at its parties.

As for the boys? Xiaomu's not so aloof that she won't flirt back a little, but it's basically playful banter without really giving anyone a good chance to make romantic headway .... even if some of the guys are particularly cute.

The blonde witch with the jack-o'-lantern badge comes in while Xiaomu is debating whether to get another refill of punch, and pretty much answers the question. And the look on her face - frantic, sleepless, stressed - is enough for the sage fox to wish she'd brought her real gear, or at least her real staff, and not just a prop that's suitable for whacking people over the head but not much else.

.... eh, she's fought off monsters with worse.

The 'mage fox' excuses herself before the next gaping teenaged boy can really start trying to say anything, and makes her way towards the girl with whom Tomoyo wished to speak. Syaoran and Nozomi have already reached her, and Eve and Annie are on their way over, so Xiaomu shouldn't *have* to hurry.

She hurries anyway, sidling through the party crowd and trying not to draw their attention.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
So the wonderful party is fully underway and Tomoyo greets her grinning wildy at her.

"It's good to see you Tomoyo thi8s looks like it will fun party!"

Pirate Kotone wanders into the patey looking about at the various things such as the magic punch bowl? Okay that thing and she doens't mind the attention as most of the teens are behaving pretty well she poses for a few photos and otherwise and she loks over to Chambers for a moment and waves to her int th sear of people she also looks to the mage fox grinning "Nice costume Xiaomu!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    The witch flinches a bit as Syaoran approaches her! "T-Tomoyo? Is that her name? Y-Yes, please do, I have something to tell her..." She actually shrieks quietly at Nozomi, but it might be more because of Taiga than anything. "W-Well... I may have made a mistake, I shouldn't have done something..." Her words trail off into mumbling. As Eve comes up (completing the rumoured x3 Wallflower c-c-c-combo), she smiles a little and seems to gain some resolve. "You're right... let's go." Annie's pun pulls a nervous giggle from the woman, but at least she's smiling now!

    And so Tomoyo is found, patching up a tear on a ninja's mask. He pulls it back on and thanks her as they approach. "Hello every-oh! Costumelover42?!" she asks the witch woman, who bashfully nods. Tomoyo beams and introduces her. "Everyone, this is a friend of mine from a tailoring message board I use~" She waves awkwardly, before saying. "It's um... really nice to meet you all, but I have something really important to say..."

    "So uhm..." says costumelover42, twirling a finger through a blonde lock and bringing it to her mouth to chew on. "I was making costumes, for tonight. And I had this spellbook I bought and thought 'hey, why not make them extra authentic?' But I think it turns out that store-bought salt isn't as good as Himalayan salt after all because uh. The costumes came alive and are hostile... I think they started making more of themselves t-"

    Her eyes go wide, fixated on the entrance. There in the dark of outside is the silhouette of someone in a vampire outfit, with glowing fake teeth. "Can me and my friends come in?" they ask in an exaggerated Transylvanian accent to the doorman. "Sure buddy!" he says.

    And is immediately set upon by the empty costume that was standing there.

    costumelover42 whines despairingly as the night outside is filled with werewolf howls, zombie groans, and a flurry of bat wings. The party immediately comes to a nervous halt, kids freezing up as they hunch down to gather Rarity's candy, the guy who filmed the flashmob video pausing mid-sentence as he tries to get Rebecca's number (to send her the video, of course). "They're here... I think they kept making more after I ran away... we need to hold out until a clock chimes midnight, then the magic will fade!"

    But wait, didn't this mansion actually have a small clocktower built at its highest point?

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran blinked a few times. He glanced to the costumes and... "Oh thank the stars," he said, before rushing forward. The little bauble at his side flashed with light, and then a sword was in his hand. He was on the one assaulting the doorman in a second, the sword slicing down before he took a step back, drawing a few sealing charms.

With a flick of his wrists, he sent them towards the doorway, one latching on each side of the wall and, hopefully, trapping them outside.

Unfortunately, there are still more windows and doors. They had been invited in now, after all.

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    "Or we can force a clock to chime midnight," Taiga observes simply. "Nozomi. Please stay with the others for the moment. I will ascertain their combat strength and determine whether any alternative means are available. I would strongly recommend the group consider some method to forcibly advance the clock on this mansion. I will not be able to halt an entire army of living costumes." Nozomi gives a frightened little nod, and falls back - near Eve, incidentally - while the TIGER turns and lunges his way through the crowd, smoothly leaping through a window to launch himself into the fray.

    There are two things that Taiga is doing. One, is that he's going to town with claws and teeth, claws and teeth designed specifically to kill supernatural entities and carve their way through things like magical defenses. He's also got shoulder cannons, and as long as no one is outside to interfere with his shots, he can use those with impunity. The other thing he's doing, though, is scanning. Trying to get a deeper read on the spell that's animating the clothing, see if there's anything else they could use to stop them.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Tomoyo," Xiaomu says quietly, "if you had told us this was likely to be a crisis to deal with, I would've worn my work clothes under my costume." Or more likely she'd have 'dressed up' via shapeshifting magic, but never mind that.

Swarm of magical costumes, dozens of civilians who probably can't protect themselves against a costume that wants to be worn, uncertain time limit before the situation *SHOULD* resolve itself. If this were a strategy game, Xiaomu would already have been swearing at the stage designer.

Here and now, though, Taiga makes note of something that Xiaomu was already thinking of, and the sage fox nods to the cybernetic tiger. "So, CL 42, is there anything else you can tell us about this spell that's going Sorcerer's Apprentice on you?" Xiaomu inquires casually, giving her staff a twirl to double-check its weight and balance. She's not going to win a war with this thing, but it should be enough to whomp on empty fabric. "And Li," she adds, "if you've got some spare seals, I could probably do something useful with them."

For now, she steps forward, gathering her magic. She's at a major disadvantage without any of her usual weapons, but that doesn't mean she's helpless - not remotely. With a shout of, "BYAKKOHOU!" she hurls a ball of positive energy a couple of costumes that already got inside, partly to see what it does to them - and if it just stuns them, she follows up by channeling power through her staff and trying to hammer the animated outfits hard against the floor.

They need fire or something, she realizes. Or blades. Slicing the animated costumes to ribbons might just make them more dangerous, but blunt force isn't going to do much except slow them down. Burn them, though, and the threat is literally reduced to ashes.

"If anyone's got fire and it's not going to go out of control, use what you can!" she calls out to her allies. "Otherwise, cut the seams and stuff - literally take them apart!"

Fire is a REALLY dangerous choice in these confines, but the risk might be necessary.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
Rebecca's number is unlisted, which means it would be a waste of time asking for it. But there are far more important things to worry about now. Namely the fact that something else is going down. Things have abruptly grinded to a halt, and now things are starting to get crazy. It's not a zombie attack, but Rebecca knows that this is bad... very bad!

Fortunately, Rebecca always comes to a party prepared. Reaching into her jacket, she produces her Beretta, which she already loaded in advance, then opens fire on the nearest costume. "This is one for the record books!" She comments loudly.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve stares at Annie for a while over that pun, realizing something's up. She doesn't recognize the pun at first though, despite her frequent readings. She doesn't understand humor all that well sadly, and puns springing up unexpectedly end up giving her trouble.

    And speaking of unexpected things popping up, this doesn't sound good at all! Eve isn't all that sure about magic and what it can do, but she's read enough stories to accept that anything's possible. And she's ALSO slightly suspicious, having overreacted to a 'zombie' attack last year. She extends a blade - yes, right out of the center of her palm - before looking around and blushing slightly. The blade is a pretty neat looking sword, gleaming and flowing into shape like mercury. But she wonders if perhaps this is far too much reaction to what is, quite possibly, a joke. She doesn't understand humor after all!

    After a moment she compromises. She's dressed as a witch, and a sword is clearly inappropriate. Instead she concentrates, turning the sword into a 'magical' scepter. That is to say, a longish stick with a massive and ornate head suitable for whomping something with. Something that looks decorative as long as the five pound head isn't swinging like a mallet at you. And those magical frills? Well, they might be somewhat sharper than one would normally expect of a scepter. One advantage of having a melee ability that's flexible according to the wielder's will... and a great deal of experience with blades. Eve's weapon may look like a delicate airy scepter, but in impact it's more like a bat wrapped in razor wire.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity politely excuses herself from the mob of children so she can trot over to meet Tomoyo's mysterious friend. Even if she has little idea what this 'board' is, and just assumes its something similar to what the Union posts their reports and such on. Which isn't that far off, but that's not really a point. "Quite the party you have put together, dear, if I do say so myself. What was that about costumes?"

The moment of interest is quickly doused though when it comes up that magic has made costumes possessed in some manner. Sigh. Points for effort, child, but failure in not being thorough about it. Which of course cues a melodramatic moment, Rarity forgoing that she's suppose to be a fully quadroped equine by rearing up to hold one foreleg to her forehead. "Of all the worst possible things," cue the magic couch summon behind her. "This is possibly the wor--" And cue doorknock interrupting her before she can actually flop back on said couch.

Moment gone, Rarity just drops back onto all four hooves. "Annie, move the children somewhere away from the door, please. As for the rest of this madness," her horn flares with it's magic glow as she tries to grab the vampire costume by the cape and yank it off its hapless victim.

"How many times must I insist that black capes are just the laziest way to look edgy?!"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie joins the other kids and tries to lead them to someplace safe. But she doesn't know the building, and given that they're being attacked by living costumes that were now breaking in through the windows, there weren't many places to hide. "W-what are we supposed to do?!" she worried. As she thinks she might be forced into a fight- well, a fight against animated costumes isn't too bad, she considers- she attempts to call on her connection with Magus to give her a powered armor- only to find herself unable to do so. "The social armor isn't working... I knew I should have used it more often." It must not have been kept up in her maintenance. She looked about frantically, trying to find some hiding space that would fit all the children.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
SO here comes Costumelover42, Kotone gets how internet handles go and she seems amused with the nick name but when Costumelover42 says the costumes have come to life and she stares. "Wait have you done? Oh .... this is going to be bad..." Then comes the costume hordes she stares. "Wait seriousl!?" She left all her weapons at home she's just got her fists and maybe a built in taser. Oh god why did she leave all her things at home?

"I don't think magic works that way Taiga!" She wished it did but it does not and Kotone is now trying to get near Xiaomu, help her fend off the costumes.

"You know this is still pretty impressive all things considered!"

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    The doorman struggles at the costume tries to force itself upon him. But when Li arrives and starts slashing... well, Xiaomu's suspicions are confirmed at first, the slashed cloth just spreading more! But eventually, thanks to Rarity pulling on it to open up more safe parts to slash at, he seems to hit something important, because the whole thing falls apart! "Thank bro!" the victim says, scrabbling inside. As for the wards, they don't seem to stop an advancing zombie... but a vampire bat swoops in, but is suddenly repelled, hissing angrily!

    As Taiga goes to town on the costumes, his supernatural detection would pick up the same thing that Xiaomu's does. The costumes are being animated by a single thread, usually somewhere on the back. Once that is severed, the costume becomes inanimate. But suddenly, the droid comes under attack by a werewolf. A seemingly REAL one, but still with the magic thread. Is this what becomes of those who don the costumes?!

    Tomoyo actually looks a bit sheepish. "She promised she had it under control..." she says, glancing at costumelover42, who just looks deeply shamed. "It's a strand of my hair animating them... I guess I shed more than I thought for there to be so many..." she murmurs, tugging on a lock of it. The positive energy stuns the costume, but the magic animating it isn't sufficiently negative for that to take it out. And slamming it just makes it wrap around the staff!

    Rebecca's gunfire tears through the costumes easily, but they just keep coming! Until a shot rips through the centre of the back, severing the hair. But a child's scream cuts through the air, as a REAL zombie pounds on the boarded-up windows, trying to get in. This is no costume either!

    Tomoyo meanwhile, is just musing on everything that is being said or might be needed. "The basement... it has a wine cellar if we want to try burning the costumes! But it also has sturdy locks to keep everyone safe! We should try and get everyone down there... but we also need to stem the tide, and also get up to the clock and set it off! Quickly, who wants to handle what?!"

    The basement door is under the stairs, already bearing a sturdy lock to keep people from the aged alcohol within. That will have to be dealt with. The clock tower sits above the attic , theoretically safe, if it weren't for costumes being light enough to climb, and those turned into vampires fluttering around as bats...

    What's the plan folks?!

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran slashes wildly at the costume, before finally destroying it. However, there were still more. He took a slow deep breath before pointing it towards the creatures. "The destruction of unquenchable flames, I bid thee, come to my aid! Burn!" he yelled. Flames shot out from his sword and enveloped the nearest costumes, hoping to eradicate them.

"I don't know what kind of magic this is, but if it works, do it! I'll help stem the tide! Tomoyo-chan, you help get the kids out of here and down where it's safe!" He looked around. "You, fox girl! Try to get up to the clock!" Of course he was delegating now. Because being a bossy brat was what he did. He then stepped back outside, his blade slashing out and trying to cut through another one of the cloth monsters before he sent out another burst of fire with the incant. He tossed a few seals towards the others, while tossing down a few around the entrance. once more of the creatures came, he'd activate them, triggering a wall of fire between them.

Rarity (136) has posed:
In the end it turns out that Rarity didn't have to put much into a physical costume, because that means no costume to be destroyed when she summons her Harmony Knight armor instead. Which really, in itself kind of counts as a costume. The only reason she didn't do that in the first place was because it would be a silly use of the power she was given through it. "Dahling, do you need to ask?" A pair of large crystal-edged scissors are pulled from the cloak, held in her unikinesis. It's locked open and then launching spinning at another costume with exceptional precision to slice through the back and cut apart the hair.

"I am -so- on top of this wardrobe malfunction."

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    This is a panic-ridden fray of the first degree. People are terrified. People are getting hurt. The confusion of it all has Nozomi about halfway to panic herself, alternating between birdlike glances at the exits, the people, and where Taiga has begun fighting outside. They've got enough people here to potentially stem the tide, but that leaves woefully few to cover the stragglers or the people going up to the clock. Just the thought of one of those monsters leaping through a window to attack her while they're trying to get people to safety...

    A child shrieks, and Nozomi stops dead.

    What if one of them attacks the kid?

    Fists clench. Lips press into a thin line. The next moment, Nozomi is almost surprised to find her own voice speaking up, loudly, to just about everyone. "Get... get everyone to the basement! You've got to cover them. There could be more. I... I-I'll handle the ones up here. ...it's what Taiga was made for."

    Needless to say, Taiga heard that. He comes crashing through the window, in a roll that becomes a skid, regarding her with a look that questions silently. Her response is an equally silent nod, and then-

            "Disengaging Independent mode. Rerouting Gensou Engine            
                     power to motive and combat systems."                    
                           "Rampart Mode engaged."                            

    Panels shift and reconfigure. Armor locks into place. Taking up the EM Zanbatou in both hands, Nozomi rushes - no, /jets/ out the door into the horde, and begins slashing, slicing, and blasting.

Eve (857) has posed:
    While Eve has little qualms about slashmauling magical costumes (beyond the possibility of looking foolish that is), the more substantial costumes give her pause. People, inside the costumes. She can't just tear through those!

    A slight amendment to her costume is in order, it seems. She shrinks the razor-tipped scepter somewhat, turning it back into a bludgeoning weapon. She has no problem thwapping a few bystanders, so long as they're not seriously damaged by her attack. Permanent wounds are unthinkable however. But she has to deal with the costumes after all. A few moments of thought produces a solution. Frowning, she extends the nails of her left hand into a set of long metal claws. It's still kind of witchy, right?

    "NO!" Eve cries out, hearing Nozomi's plan. "There's PEOPLE in some of those!" she insists. Claws and blasts and slashes are BAD when there's people involved. Well okay, not slashes. Not if they're judicially-chosen. She demonstrates by smacking one of the costumers up hard, then cutting the 'costume' off. If she can do so without bloodshed at least. She's got a very delicate touch and a deft eye for anatomy, so she should have a good chance of knowing where flesh ends and costume begins.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie stays with the children, leading them towards where the cellar probably was. If all they had to do was set the clock to midnight, she thinks, did it absolutely have to be that clock? She tries setting her internal chronometer to midnight, to no apparent effect other than confusing her a bit before she undoes the change. Well, she doesn't have a chime, so that makes sense. "Isn't there any other clock we can use?" she called.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa hears the call for teams, one needs to heads up to the tower, one is needed to make a safe zone in the basement and one needs to hold off the hordes of animated costumes. Well Kotone htinks for a moment. She's going to attempt to do what she can to help keep people safe, there should be many people able to help with both but while she's physically strong? She's not exactly set up for dealing with costumes at the moment.

So that's what she's going to do and she pauses at Rarity's comment gets an actual laugh out of Kotonea s she rips a costume in two as she starts making for the basement.

"I'll do what I can to make a safe zone!"

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
Part of being with S.T.A.R.S. means you have to rescue people at times. Hence the 'R' standing for 'rescue.' And Rebecca's intending to do just that! She looks around for those who need help, and attempts to gather them as close together as possible. "Everyone with me! You're going to be fine! Just stay calm!" Rebecca says in a voice of authority.

Upon locating the entrance to the basement, Rebecca begins guiding the partygoers towards there. "Get down there, you'll be safe in there." By this time, Rebecca's makeup has worn off due to her sweating from the action so much. Meaning that it's plain to see she's a human and not a zombie (thank heavens!)

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Okay, so the costumes DO have critical weak points. Kind of. Of a sort, anyway. You'd pretty much have to pick the whole thing apart to *find* that strand of CostumeLover42's hair in the first place, or you could just slash wildly and get it practically by accident, but it's still a weak point that immediately 'kills' that particular costume. Syaoran also has fire magic at his disposal, which is even better.

On the downside, bludgeoning damage clearly is not going to do the trick, which is kind of what Xiaomu figured. But the way it wraps around her staff *does* give Xiaomu the chance to claw at it with her fingernails, ripping off layer after layer of cloth until she finds the offending hair and yanks it in half. She might use her teeth to do so, if push comes to shove. But that's still only one animated costume, and there are a whole lot more of those.

Yeah, they need to fast-forward this thing; Xiaomu may not like being bossed around by a kid not even old enough to drink, but she nods to Syaoran anyway, scrambling towards the stairs. She's going up through the inside of the house, thank you - and if any costumes (or possessed-costume-wearers) manage to get in her way, she'll just toss them out of the way with wrestling moves. A wrenched shoulder or a sprained neck will heal without too much trouble.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie joins the other kids in the basement, but isn't sure they can relax just yet. From the sound of things, if the costumes got a hold of people, they turned them into the real thing they represented... who knows what sort of powers the costumes might develop that might even allow them to get down there. Still, it was better than the alternatives.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    FWOOSH! The costumes go up quite easily, the hair cooking right away to leave the whole thing a smouldering pile of rags. But there's a lot out there, and some of them are wearing people! The fire trap on the doors is triggers almost immediately by a massive horde, their cinders scattering throughout the wooden entrance hall.

    This could be a problem.

    Rarity's scissors sheer through the costumes with ease, finding that weak point and snipping it! It's a shame that Tomoyo is helping with guiding everyone into the basement (already unlocked by the party organizer, thankfully), or it could have been a tailor duo! Nozomi flies outside and rips into the costume hordes, hours of hard work taken apart in seconds by her blade!

    Eve slams a werewolf mid-lunge and slices up the hair! Immediately, he reverts into a confused human, looking around in shock. "What happened?!" Rebecca assists in the evacuation, some actually scared away by her makeup until Annie urges them on. In response to the young girl's suggestion, Tomoyo produces her digital watch, sets the time to midnight, and then an alarm for the same time! Just as a zombie lunges for the closing door, it sounds... and he reverts! "Good thinking Annie! Someone spread the word!" Tomoyo says as she pulls the confused former zombie inside.

    Xiaomu meanwhile rushes upstairs, letting foxgirlmania run wild on whomever tries to get in her way. The clocktower is inactive right now, but there is a gas generator set up to power it. Based on its age, it might take some time to warm up... but the hands have stopped at 11:59, so all she has to do is get it running and it's her win!

    But now werewolves who have climbed on the rood are clawing at the glass, same with vampires! By now, the number of costumers are outnumbering the number of empty costumes, making things far more treacherous!

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
While all is being said and done, Rebecca is trying to make sure that everyone is herded safely into the basement, while trying to keep them calm. "Things are going to be OK, I just need you to listen to me," She explains while showing her badge identifying her as a member of the Union. "Stay here and wait for further instructions, OK?"

Yet, at the same time, while Rebecca is trying to keep a straight face, she feels as if she's not doing enough by being up there for her allies, and is worrying something bigger might be happening. She checks her Beretta just in case things do get out of hand.

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran frowned and then decided to try another tactic. "Spirits, leave these hosts!" He tried tossing a seal out on one of the costumes, attaching it to the things forehead.

It likely had no effect. After all, they weren't spirits. But hey, if it worked that'd be useful.

Either way, though, fire wouldn't work. So instead he pointed his sword out. "Petals of wind, I bid thee, come to my aid! Gale!" A burst of wind shot out, attempting to scatter the creatures before he rushed in again. He cut out with his blade. He wasn't above seriously hurting people if he had to but... he at least TRIED not to. To limit it to superficial cuts and the like. And no, he's never been one to use the flat of the blade. He wouldn't use it against a ten year old girl possessed by the sword card, he wasn't going to use it on werewolves.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Okay, fairly reliable technology, even if old, right? Xiaomu does a few quick checks - make sure the generator has fuel in its tank, a quick once-over to see if anything is very obviously going to be a problem, check the clock's workings to make sure THOSE aren't going to suddenly fall apart at the critical moment ...

She's ignoring the werewolves for the moment, she can go 'hold the line' mode on them while the generator's warming up and advancing the clock to the stroke of midnight. If eveything checks out, she starts up the generator, makes sure power is going to the clock, then checks to see just how many windows she needs to worry about. Hopefully, once *one* window is open they'll prioritize getting in that way ... but she should be able to (wo)manhandle them well enough without tossing anyone clear off the roof, at least until the clock tolls.

That said, she picks a window (if there's more than one) and makes with the wrestling once more. Mostly bodyslams.

Rarity (136) has posed:
That some of her companions are a bit more on the, uh, aggressive side with actual weapons doesn't escape Rarity's notice. Right, best to let them deal with the costumes not posessing actual bodies. The unicorn bolts to the side, getting a better position between the horde and the guests fleeing to the cellar. "Normally I would not resort to such measures, but you have left me no choice. En guard!" To which she rears up to reach into her cloak and pull out... an umbrella. Not the most formidable of 'weapons', but it's less lethal too. Especially when she opens it like a shield to protect herself from several of the people-wearing costumes trying to lunge at her. The collapses it again and jabs it point down to the floor to whip herself up and spin around to knock them aside again with a few well-placed kicks.

After the display Rarity drops back to the floor and holds the umbrella to her shoulder. "Never underestimate the strength of proper accessorization~" Followed by using her magic to pull the costumes off any that she managed to disable and strip the enchanted hairs from them.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve moves among the werewolves and such with a certain ruthless precision. Her weaponry isn't much suited (hah!) to dealing with unbodied costumes. Finger-claws, razor sharp, still aren't very long. Her 'magical scepter' is long enough to hold teeth and claws at bay, but isn't any good at cutting things. No, she'll happily leave less-discreet fighters like Li Syaoran to carve their way through empty costumes. Less chance they'll hurt living people. She'll try to take the burden of as many of the werewolves as possible.

    With Li and Nozomi both using blades though... Eve has a hard decision to make. She makes it in but a moment. Angrily she charges towards Li, throwing herself bodily into his path. Willing to risk taking a sword to the back while she batters the poor werewolf he was about to cut. She doesn't KNOW he would be willing to hold back, to wound rather than dismember, but she doesn't know that he wouldn't either. And if she's cut by accident or because she's in the way? Well, that's just the price she'll have to pay. She's chosen to fight after all. It's her risk to take, not that of the poor defenseless costume-wearers!

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    Eve will be relieved to see that the swinging EM Zanbatou does not cleave through a single costumed opponent, and the blasts from either gauntlet do not wound one innocent. Not yet, at least. Her full-power, jet-assisted swings are reserved for the clothes themselves, and she's quite efficient about doing so. When one of the more normal people comes in, well... okay, so she's rather rough. The flat of the Zanbatou is slammed into their head to knock them senseless, and then she grabs a handful of clothing on their back and cuts it right out. They're going to have hellish headaches, but they're going to live, and hey, it's efficient.

    But it does slow her down enough once the clothing thins out that, after her fifth rescued person in a row, the cold eyes of the armored warrior take on something vaguely resembling frustration. She looks up towards the creatures up on the roof - and there's a moment of hesitation.

    Then an outfit lunges at her in an attempt to replace Taiga as 'outfit that alters her mental state', and that simply won't do. She grabs it with a hand, slams it down to the ground, and repeatedly blasts at it with her gauntlet. Blast blast blast. Bad clothing.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa keeps making for the basement then again that's not the best idea, given there's a risk ofd the place catching fire? Kotone's going to do what she can and then she hears that yes setting a clock to Midnight seems to work once she's heard this? She's going to take her watch to 11:59:59 and it starts beeping the beeping does seem to work well and whelp several costumes fall over but there's too many of them and the place may be burning down. She's going to try to hold out the down here but she's really worried at this point given how things might be going. The watch hopefully will get her and the people she's trying to protect a breather "SET your watches to 11:59:59!" Hopefully she can get some help as well from them with keeping the costume horde at bay.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
"I don't have a watch," Annie says. "What should I do?" She looked around the basement, wondering if there might be something else important down here that might help.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Down in the basement, people are babbling in terror, crying and huddling together. But they're safe, right? Even as something slams on the door, trying to get in. Even as something else slams on the outside cellar doors, thankfully locked on both sides... but then, black rats scurry through some vents and shift... becoming vampires! The shrieks become renewed! Tomoyo fiddles with her watch again, but one of them reaches out and grabs her by the wrist! The place is filled with wine bottles, planks from broken barrels... but not much else!

    Li starts swinging for serious! Only for Eve to interject herself between he and the target. Unfortunately, this leaves them open to be rushed by a pack of wolves! Rarity performs some fancy acrobatics and dips the costumes from her targets! They writhe in her telekinesis until she plucks the hairs... leaving her open for a big lumbering monster of Frankenstein to swing a meaty fist!

    Nozomi incinerates a costume, only to be dogpiled by skeletons! Being real skeletons now, they have some flimsy rags, but no real clothes! The hairs must have moved, or maybe even be inside their spinal columns! What is she going to do?!

    Xiaomu revs up the generators, getting it to splutter and slowly come to life. She has four windows, one on each side as a werewolf smashes in, followed by a vampire! The floor underfoot groans and creaks under the extra weight...

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran was not known for stopping. So when he stabbed in, intending for a NON-FATAL blow, all of a sudden someone was between him and the target. His eyes went wide and he stabbed her in the back. He pulled the magical blade free a moment later, his eyes wide.

"What the HECK are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Aaaaand then he was distracted.

A distracted li was... not good. He doesn't notice the wolves until it was too late. He's hit and sent back, his sword flying from his grip. Within moments he disappears under th pack, holding his hands up. "BURN!" Fire would erupt all around him, attempting to scatter the creatures.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:

Xiaomu's squawk is PROBABLY audible all the way downstairs, but she digs out her smartphone and scrambles to set an alarm, then the time. She'll have to resync it to normal time when she gets back to her Tokyo, but it does that normally anyway. And in the meantime, she starts clubbing at the costumed 'monsters' with her staff.

Alarm set: 12:00 AM
Time set: 11:59 PM
She can't add 59 seconds, so start the clock -

And pray the floor doesn't collapse out from underneath all nine of them either before, or even when, the costumes' spell is broken. She only has to hold out for a minute or so, but right now it's just a question of whether the clock tower hits midnight first, or her phone does. In the meantime ... well, when you're getting dogpiled by four werewolves and four vampires, drone jam is your best defense. Too bad she's surrounded - and that the vampires in particular can probably attack from further away than 'right next to her'.

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    Nozomi's response is to kick her sensors on full power again, taking in-depth scans 'on the fly'. Her armor projects a 'holographic' readout in front of her eyes, a glowing yellow HUD to pinpoint where the hair is on each of the skeletons. If it's somewhere easily reached, she'll reach in and tear it out without batting an eye. If it's not... well, hopefully Eve is watching her, because this might get dicey otherwise.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
When the rats come through and start changing form, Rebecca does the best she can to get everyone to stay as far back as possible. "I'm going to take care of this! Just stay back and don't move past me for any reason!" She then opens fire on the rats-turned-vampires, wondering if this will work or if she should be making bullets out of garlic instead.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Just how many different snarky responses could Eve give to Li Syaoran? Many, no doubt. But her first reply's going to be a cry of pain. Actually it's not as bad as it could've been. She's hurt, but the blade's sharp and the wound is probably fairly clean and reasonably shallow. Pain will set in later... she doesn't have time for it now.

    "Sparing lives!" she finally hisses furiously, once able to breathe properly. She lashes out with her scepter, flailing at the oncoming horde, trying to keep them back, and to keep herself between them and Syaoran. It hurts, but she's actually rather tough for a little girl. Surprisingly so. Pain is just that; pain, not a reason in itself to give up.

    As the swarm of costumed werewolves begins to overwhelm even Eve's defenses, she drops down to hands and knees, tucking herself into a ball. A panic reaction, it appears to be, until her hair abruptly animates. It fans out in a forest of long spikes, a thousand thick golden needles, making it a painful act to try to close within about three feet of her head and back. Her hat goes flying, but ... well, she's almost completely convinced this isn't a joke. Maintaining costume is the least of her worries.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
One of the vampires turns on Annie. "Wait, I don't even have any blood, why are you..." Oh, the werewolf thing. That might be part of the problem. I mean, the ones that were already transformed couldn't do anything otherwise. Anyway, she stands her ground, trying to keep the vampire away from the kids who did in fact have blood, and hoping an uninhabited costume didn't show up before the others straightened things out.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity tosses the now still costumes aside. "Normally I would make a fuss about having to split hairs."

Unfortunately the moment of witty repitoire is ruined by a massive fist slugging the much smaller unicorn and sending her tumbling along the floor with a yelp and a yowl before she finally manages to drag her hooves to stop herself and get back up. Shakes off as she stands, which looks really weird with her hair still being dyed in flame colors, her costume powerup didn't change that.

Then lowers her head with a snort and stomps the floor with a hoof. "Oh, now it. Is. ON!" And charges back towards big, beefy Franky!

Except at the last moment she ducks down, taking advantage of being smaller and faster to slide under his hands and between his legs. Jumping up on the other side she animates her battle scarf with her magic and whips the two ends up to grab onto his head and maybe even cover his eyes.

Then pull herself up onto his back to look for the magic hair, all while trying to hold on to a likely thrashing monsters... On the other hand, maybe he'll smack the other costume-monsters around with said flailing. Not being picky here!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is just putting her watch to use now setting it back to 11:59:59 like a weapona nd it's working pretty well hopefully the thing on the other side of the door? Cna here it but as the rats come in and turn to vampires? Kotone is trying to abuse the watch weapon for all it's worth. Hopefully she can effect enough of them to slow them down and worse comes to worse she willuse her body as a a shield. "GET BEHIND ME" She Calls out to the party goers and willuse her self to take hits for anyone close to her, and if she has to she'll start to ... rip and tear too with her hands if the watch becomes unworkable.

Tomoyo Daidouji has posed:
    Things are looking a bit grim.

    Vampires in the basement, overwhelming costumes on the ground, and a creaky belltower as everyone's last hope.

    Li is knocked flying by a werewolf, his pack scattering as flames are thrown about. Eve curls up and spreads her hair into needles, warding them off as they paw at her, aiming to rip her apart! Nozomi finds the hair in the skeleton's rags, even as their boney fingers reach for her eyes! Rarity expertly clings to the monster as it flails about, the recently freed victims scrabbling for cover!

    Down in the basement, Kotone's watch beeps, detransforming the vampires, causing them to release Annie and Tomoyo. Everyone sighs in relief... even as smoke begins to rise from under the door, the entrance hall having been left to burn. The screams begin again.

    Upstairs, Xiaomu sets her own alarm, detransforming her assailants. But in doing so, they flop to the ground, putting more strain on the planks, as the gears slowly move into place...




    The chimes ring out, audible even in the town below. Instantly, every costume falls inert, everyone turning back to normal. A mass exodus from the basement ensues as fire extinguishers are produced to put out the flames. It certainly will make for a memorable Halloween, at the very least!

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran got bit a few times and was cringing. But then, slowly, they began to get off him. And those that didn't get off him on their own got FLUNG off him. Slowly, shakily, he got to his feet and grabbed his sword, sheathing it. He'd use his water magic to help with it and... once done...

"Hey, Tomoyo-chan. I had fun. Great party." ... Of course he did.

Rarity (136) has posed:

Rarity abruptly ends up on the floor. Or more so on top of the now detransformed fellow that was the Frankenstein monster. It takes a moment for her to realize this, at which she actually blushes a little. "My goodness, I am so sorry dahling." She slips off and picks the guy up before letting go with her scarf, and dushes him off lightly. Adjusts the now entirely normal costume to fit properly. "Now run along. Certainly there is still some party left to be had."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Hey, don't fall asleep now ... !" Xiaomu grimaces as the floorboards creak still more alarmingly. And there's a fire downstairs - she can smell it even if the smoke hasn't started wafting that far up in visible concentrations yet.

She grabs the heaviest-looking pair of former-monsters and starts lugging them downstairs as quickly as she can go, not stopping in the party room/entry hall but heading straight outside with them. "Six more of these guys upstairs, somebody get them out too! All the way out, not sure how intact this building is right now!"

She'll catch her breath, then go grab another person or two.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie sits down, glad that the whole thing seems over... until she hears someone upstairs shouting about the building not being intact? "That... sounds like it could be a problem. Let's get out of here..."

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
Rebecca's already upstairs helping fight the fire as best as she can. "Too bad I wasn't a fireman for tonight!" She says with a slight smirk, spraying the extinguisher from side to side. "This would've been perfect for me!"

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    Her sensors confirm it the moment it happens. The spell has ended. Nozomi tosses the scrap of cloth aside as its former owner returns to normal, and then turns to look at Li and Eve. There's several moments of that cold, hard stare, before the armor she wears emits a hiss of pressurized air, and-

           "Disengaging Rampart Mode. Restoring power to cognitive            
                       functions and sensory hardware."                      
                         "Independent Mode engaged."                          

    The TIGER's machinelike 'system voice' announces the deactivation of that armor, and one by one plates peel back and lock out of the way, allowing Nozomi to step out. The black color drains from her hair, returning it to its natural brown, and the yellow color fades from her eyes, while the black skinsuit disappears in favor of her Halloween costume.

    And if Eve is watching, she'll get to see the exact moment Nozomi returns to 'herself', and the wave of quiet, horrified revulsion hits at how unflinchingly she'd been operating. Immediately, she drops down to her knees, quietly shuddering.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Of course Eve had a plan beyond cowering and using the hedgehog defense. It didn't have any long-term benefits after all, right? The sharp hair-thorns kept her safe enough, making it impossible for werewolves to attack tender flesh, but they would've eventually been able to get through or around her defense.

    Well, her plan is probably going to remain her business. Eve straightens up, getting to her feet, adjusting her outfit and smoothing her hair back. She grimaces when the movement tugs at her injury, though she's surely faced worse in the past. But no... it's not the severity of the wound that bothers her, it's the cause.

    She watches Syaoran turn to address their host. Seriously, is THAT all he has to say? Not 'sorry for stabbing you'? Just... great party? That gets her seriously annoyed. Abruptly she reaches out with her scepter, extending it into a short staff, and whaps Li across the back of the head sharply. Not HARD, not exactly. She's not trying to give him a concussion. But neither does she hold back and make it just a tap.

    The staff, as fast as it was created, vanishes just as swiftly. And Eve turns her back on Li Syaoran with a sniff. She goes to help the injured, not saying another word on the matter. In her own mind, taking the moral high ground here and not wasting precious words.

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran was suddenly thwacked in the back of the head and, well, shocked. He turned around and grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her around roughly and moving in close, staring into her eyes with a fury.

The kind of fury people usually had right before they stabbed someone for real. "What the heck is wrong with you? First you get in my way in that fight and then you swing at me?! If you want me to slam your face into the ground, all you have to do is ask," he snapped, glaring at her.

Hey, Sakura's work was paying off! He hadn't taken a swing at her, after all.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's pink eyes blaze for just a moment as she's grabbed by the shoulder. Or perhaps it's pain as her injury is twisted. But she's not an inherently rage-filled person. She has a temper and she gets annoyed quickly, but both blow over quickly to cool reason.

    Her eyes narrow, and she gives Syaoran a scowl. "Haven't enough people been hurt already for you?" she asks in a biting tone. "Haven't you hurt enough people yourself?" Unspoken, she might have asked if he hadn't hurt HER enough... but she's not really that vicious.

    Instead Eve turns away again. Nozomi looked ... not just upset, but like Eve herself felt from being used as a weapon, more than a year ago. The difference of course was that Eve had been told that a weapon, an oni, had no need of emotions. She couldn't feel revulsion, or at least couldn't show it. But she knows what it feels like, surely. She walks over to Nozomi, to put an arm around the older girl. To offer quiet comfort, or quiet assistance. Either way... she'd much rather help someone tonight than hurt someone. Even an annoying boy who probably deserves it.

Li Syaoran (1058) has posed:
Li Syaoran growled low in his throat, but then walked past her. "Maybe you should be more careful, then. Children like you that walk into the battlefield will find themselves getting hurt when they get in the way."

He then headed towards the building to help those who were hurt, his mood fouled up after that whole ordeal. If she hadn't wanted to get stabbed she shouldn't have been in front of his sword!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
they are trying to hold out, and she's able to get Annie nad Tomoyo relased thankully but there seems to be smoke from under the doll. Oh hell the fires, the moment hte big clock hits midnight? She'll open the door if it hasn't been and will be trying to go deal with the fkames or find a way out. "It's over come now we need to get everyone out of here in an orderly fashion and Tomoyo? Annie I'm glad your both okay."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu looks between the two teens - Eve's a teenager, right? It's a little hard to tell at a casual glance. "Check for anyone else who needs to be dragged or carried out of there, okay?" she says to the two kids. "If you've got energy enough to bicker ..."

Nozomi Houken (342) has posed:
    When the arm settles around Nozomi, she jolts, faintly surprised. But she leans into it almost immediately afterwards, and Eve can feel her shivering faintly. "I-I... I'm fine," she murmurs, her voice quieter than usual. "...I'm... I'm used to it." There's a soft padding noise as Taiga walks up next to the two, speaking gently in that deep voice of his - a voice no longer machinelike, but full of life again. "The process of transformation is somewhat hard on Nozomi. Not physically, but... it isn't something to do lightly."