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AoH: Intersection
Date of Scene: 02 August 2017
Location: <AOH> Abyssal Pearl Harbor
Synopsis: After the tense encounter at Shirokodai was defused, Hikari Fleet Admiral Nagato wants answers.

If she can defeat the Abyssal Re-class battleship in a duel, the promise is that she'll get them.

Cast of Characters: Midway, 215, Nagato, 385, Leyanne Mace
Tinyplot: Abyssal Operation Hydra

Midway has posed:
    The specified coordinates provided by the Re-class battleship lead to this empty, abandoned place.

    A series of low, squat sandbars forming the loose shape of a ring atoll, a long-extinct volcano where only the corals building up around it remain above water, covered in sand and hardy palm trees. Smaller vegetation is all but absent, some tufts of grass here or there. The rest of the atoll consists only of a deep lagoon, and the wide ocean around it all the way to the horizon.

    And the distinct, hooded figure of Re is already here, seated cross-legged on the surface of the water in the center of the lagoon. Red string winds between her fingers, as she brings them together and then spreads, making gradually more complex Cats Cradle designs, and then starting over when it gets out of hand. Head bobbing from side to side, the pale Abyssal ship seems to be in good spirits, a little grin on her face that shows shark-like teeth.

Iria (215) has posed:
If you look closely, you might spot what looks like a figure swiftly moving from one spot to the next. It happens so fast that you might think you're seeing things. But the truth is you're not seeing things. You did see something moving, and it's moving very fast. Or rather, we should say, SHE'S moving very fast.

The silver-armored bounty hunter known as Iria got the coordinates and came as quickly as she could. It was supposedly abandoned, but Iria knows that something that's believed to be abandoned can be utilized as a great spot for an ambush. Hence the reason she's taking a swift, stealthy approach before finally making her way to the designated spot from Re-Class.

Once she finally finds the shipgirl, Iria joins her in the sand, also sitting cross-legged alongside her. She looks to Re-Class but doesn't say anything for the time being. Iria's not in a bad mood, she's just got nothing to say for the time being.

Nagato has posed:
    Puttering along at a good clip, there's a few figures sailing up, almost as if skating on the water. As details become clear, Nagato is in the forefront, new prototype rigging and guns in place with two more girls at her rear: Akashi and Musashi. "I would be lying if I said I felt comfortable with the results, Musashi." there's a slight sense of unease in the Battleship's voice, giving a side eye to Musashi as the Super Battleship sails forward, a hand upon the 'lighter' Battleship's shoulder.

    "We have your back, and so does the rest of the Fleet and Paladins. Give her hell, Admiral." there's a firm nod towards Musashi from Nagato, her eyes now facing forward... soon falling in visual range to the Aviation Battleship Abyssal. There's a deep breath as she pats her back gently, feeling the steel and carbon of the axe... then a pat at her side, the steel of the Gunblade on her thigh. "Glory and Honor. Even in this.. that's what you'd say, isn't it Takane?"

    Nagato stops short, perhaps a few hundred yards from the enemy side and, in a loud commanding voice. "Aviation Battleship Re-Class. I've arrived." the sound of her guns loading echo through the loud ocean, barrels aiming. "Shall we delay this no longer?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Behind Nagato, in formation with Akashi and Musashi, the light cruiser Kagurazaka comes to a halt outside of the battle zone - the 'field of honor,' it might be called, if this were a duel being fought on land. She does not look terribly happy at the moment - but she's in no danger of flying off the handle, either.

For now, anyway.

While she's outfitted like any other kanmusu, the little robo-faerie Elner is hovering near Kagurazaka as well, standing by *just* in case something comes up. Both the robo-faerie and the blonde girl are hoping things stay straightforward; the girl in the light cruiser fitout has her hands clasped against her chest, as if either praying, or just making sure her heart stays inside.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
The Free Martian Ship Leeroy Jenkins accompanies Nagato, though it's not able to keep formation. Not because the highly modified PT boat is too slow or anything, but quite the opposite - the crazy Martian has the taps wide open, and all three gas turbines are singing together to keep the boat planing. A ghettoblaster of 1980s vintage is strapped, somewhat precariously, to the front of the open-air bridge, blasting out surf tunes.
The boat today is mostly crewed by mice of many different shades of white, brown or black, with antennae like Leyanne's, though a couple of her crew are humans today. The mouse slows the PT boat to a halt as the pre-duel formalities begin. A barrel-barbecue is produced and hung over the side, then filled with charcoal and lit carefully. The music is turned off to allow the battleships to talk, and not to overwhelm the duel. If asked, she'll supply mood music for the pair of them; the ghettoblaster's tape-deck has a long cable sticking out of it, trailing to a laptop.
A sign, on painted canvas, is erected above the boat: "Tiny's Tunes, Food and Beer"

Midway has posed:
    "Oh, cool," Re-Class remarks when addressed. She doesn't look up from her hands, engrossed in the scarlet thread she's playing with, "You really did show up. Nice an' punctual. That's about what I expected." While her posture does not change, her eyes snap up, glancing towards the towering Battleship through her bangs. Those pink eyes have their own glow, in the shadow cast by her hair, "I don't like to be kept waiting. So that's good."

    While she extricates her fingers from her latest Cat's Cradle, she glances sidelong at the sandbar being occupied by ships, magical girls, and mercenaries, "You brought a whole entourage? Man..." Eyes closing, she gestures in the other direction. A simple I-class destroyer surfaces, then totters out onto an opposing sandbar on stubby little legs, "Now I don't feel so bad letting these guys come watch." Behind the lone destroyer, the Destroyer Water Demon rises, accompanied by the Heavy Cruiser Water Demon and, lastly, the unmistakable silhouette of Dreadnought Water Demon. This trio take various seats in the sand, though only Heavy Cruiser doesn't put her equipment down-- since they're attached to her body and all.

    The I-class immediately invades Destroyer's lap, and she rests one hand on it, stroking the hull in the exact same fashion a supervillain strokes his cat while addressing a captured hero. Unlike the rest of Re's audience, Destroyer's gaze is locked on Yuna instead of the warships.

    "Honestly," Re props a hand on her hip as she rises to her feet, "I couldn't really keep them away anyways." In this posture it's suddenly apparent there's more to her than she's showing. The girl has a tail, sticking down into the water behind her, "But hey-- If you really wanna just start fighting right away..." Pink eyes snap open, ghostly flames erupting from their edges. Her lips spread into a wide, shark-toothed grin. A black shape moves under the lagoon's surface, beneath her feet, then erupts from the water beside her. Like the head of a dragon, maw filled with teeth, covered in tarnished black armor plates and gun emplacements, with a row of overlapping plates leading all the way up under the back of her sweater-dress.

    Re-Class' abyssal rigging.

    As the dragon-head unleashes a roar, Re clicks her heels together, snapping a hand up in a salute, a gesture turned from respectful to mocking by the huge wide-eyed grin on her face, "Don't disappoint me, now!"

DUEL BGM: Beyond the Shore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzvkVxMoGOM

Nagato has posed:
    Nagato's eyes scan the surface... something felt interesting here, but for now, she pushes it out of her mind, there was something more important at stake here. Information. "Punctual is what I do." she replies, flatly, to the Abyssal Battleship, looking at the cats cradles. "My... entourage... is here in case things happen." when the other Abyssal ships make themselves known, she clenches her fists, "Like a possible ambush. Though, I would like to think we are of like mind in this. Your entourage in case I decided to be unfair."

    The I-Class gets a curious look... they wern't /that/ bad when they were acting like little kittens looking for attention... but this wasn't Wo's I-Class... she'll have to find that one later and pet it, but eyes wander back to the now standing Re-Class... and something sticking out from behind her. There's a few goosebumps upon the Battleship's skin as she readies herself. "I would like to take a page out of Kagurazaka's book, but the information I require, I don't think you'll give easily."

    Nagato clutches a hand upon the Gunblade at her hip, the dragon-like maw of the Re-Class' abyssal rigging shows itself and immediately, Nagato starts analyzing the situation... There's a light whisper, "Type one shells, load." and the echoing of reloading over the waves. The salute... that mocking salute is returned with one of Nagato's own, showing respect to her and her Fleet...

    "Keep to your word then." comes the stern words from Nagato as she starts skating off to the side, guns twirling to show themselves at the Re-Class. "Aim..." she whispers, the loading sound finishes and she gets the mental note her guns are ready... "FIRE!" the glorious rapport of ten barrels sing out their praises as they eject blessed, pure white ordinace from themselves, the Type 1 AP Shell, all aimed towards the Re-Class! From behind, a simple Type 0 Observation Seaplane takes to the sky, encircling the area.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Kagurazaka smiles (a bit wryly), waving to Destroyer-Class, but when Nagato opens fire, her attention snaps to the battle between the battleship girl and the Abyssal aviation cruiser. She hasn't seen Re-class in her full armed glory yet, of course, and the sight ...

Well. She's been fighting alongside the Hikari fleet long enough to be more or less used to how Abyssals look as a rule; they're still creepy, but she's pretty good at not screaming in horror at the sight of them. Plus she's learned to 'ignore' the more monstrous parts of their appearance and not let that get to her as much.

What she does see - the important part - is that yes, Re-Class is very well-armed. Her hands clench a bit tighter, her eyes half-lidding for a moment before she resumes watching the battle between Nagato and Re-Class.

Midway has posed:
    "What, really?" Re lowers her hand from the salute, just so she can shrug with her eyes closed, "You don't have any reason to trust us, I understand, but I'm not gonna ambush you. It's not every day I get to fight the grand admiral of the Fleet Daughters one-on-one." Eyes opening as glowing slits, her grin returns, "This is a golden opportunity to see how strong you really are, when everything's on your side..."

    When artillery opens up, her tail jabs downward, interspersing its armored head between the two battleships. Shells that would have impacted her body, instead, stike against the flat top of her tail, the angle oblique enough to ricochet several right over her head. Others strike the sides, scattering into the sea around here. One manages to penetrate, punching through a flat section of armor, erupting out the back, and sending a spray of oily black across the water behind where Re-Class stands. Her tail moves out of the way, revealing the seeping puncture in the side of her chest. And she's still smiling.

    Kicking into motion, she swerves across the lagoon, her tail rising up in an arc. A pouch on the backpack she wears opens up, and little figures start pouring out. These slide along the black plates along her tail's 'spine' until they launch off the flat part of the head, much larger, armed, and airborne-- Abyssal attack aircraft. Launching in groups of four, the airgroups immediately split off onto pre-determined missions. One gives chase to Nagato's seaplane, while the rest soar over the battleship herself, diving on her and releasing bombs from various directions, one after the other.

    "You probably shouldn't have launched that spotter~!" the Abyssal shipgirl teases.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria isn't really saying much, but then Nagato appears, and things seem to literally change at the drop of a hat. For the time being it's been rather quiet and uneventful, just a little bit of dialogue and what not. But when Nagato appears, the fighting starts, and Iria's caught slightly off-guard by this. She watches with disbelief for a moment before shaking her head. She's supposed to be fearless and strong here. Not to mention, Abyssals don't faze her in the least bit either.

This battle between Nagato and Re-Class, though, is what caught Iria off-guard. She wasn't expecting a fight to start, but now it's started, and Iria's watching with slightly narrowed eyes.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leeroy rocks a little in the swell that results after the full broadside from Nagato, the big mouse cheering loudly as the barbecue is brought to full temperature with a judicious application of compressed air. Burgers, bratwurst and all kinds of snacks are prepared for anyone who wants some.
"Woah..." Leyanne mutters, watching the combat with a beer in one hand and spatula in the other. Captain cooks the barbecue.

Nagato has posed:
    One penetrating hit... and she's not even acting like it fazes her, and that tail causing moost of those shots to ricochet off... her aim was off, it wouldn't do for something like that to happen again... for now, she looks to her seaplane and uses its aerial nature to try and get a good look around Re-Class as she keeps herself moving, can't stop or she'll be a sunk boat. Eyes swerve back to the Abyssal ship and the first of possibly many things surprise the battleship.

    Attack Aircraft. And one's going after her artillery spotter! She radios for her to return quickly, that poor Fairy... "Shake it, get to me alive, spotter!" she mentally radios the fairy, though it probably echoes through any of Nagato's allied fleet radio's. "Gonna blind me in the air, aren't you?" she mutters... she hasn't had any practice against aviation battleships and her own anti air, while plentiful, isn't as dedicated as other ships... and with no carriers behind her to provide... and the Repair Fleet on orders to hold their ground...

    Anti air batteries open up, spewing flak into the air as eyes try tracking each group... and with the anti air batteries going, she draws the Gunblade... "Using everything you got?" she questions.. bombs dropping around her, a few hitting the water around her, splashing up pillars of seawater and foam, and even more land directly on her armament, blowing up some of her anti air batteries and damaging one of her twin turrets.

    There's a loud grunt of pain, a certain Repair Goddess fairy peeks out from Nagato's hair and points. "I know." she whispers in reply as she aims the gunblade... and fires. It's a simple shell with magical qualities to it... battleship still had to reload!

Midway has posed:
    There's clearly damage! Re's bleeding precious oil, trailing black across the lagoon as she maneuvers. Twisting, she arcs herself around the gunblade's round, shreds of her hoodie torn off by the magical round, "Oh, you have a cool sword, too? Japanese battleships are full of tricks!" Her aircraft circle back, two groups circling overhead while the rest come in to land and re-arm their bombs. The group dispatched after Nagato's spotter plane sets about harassing the little seaplane. And their master has no intention of just scaring the fairy off.

    Grinning, Re comes to a stop, her tail arcing up behind her while she throws her hands out to either side. Her fingers curl, ready, like claws, "You're usin' everything you've got. Should you really be surprised that I'm pulling out the stops too?" Above her head, the mouth of her tail splits open, baring its teeth in a roar.

    Along either side of the tail's head, twin gun turrets swivel downward. The triple turret on top of its head likewise levels its cannons, "You knew I was an Aviation Battleship coming in, y'know~!" One by one, the cannons on Re-Class' tail open fire, a total of seven high caliber rounds sent downrange at the opposing battleship.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace winces sympathetically at the hit from Re's aircraft. When Nagato returns fire, the mouse cheers, then makes a few gestures to her crew. With a quiet growl the PT boat's diesel engine putters into life and sends it cruising past the Abyssal spectators, the mice on board offering cans of oil and diesel as opposed to burgers and beer.

Midway has posed:
    When offered snacks, Destroyer Water Demon doesn't respond. She's glowering across the gunsmoke and sea-spray at Yuna.

    Heavy Cruiser Water Demon closes her eyes, holding up her hands in a polite 'no thanks' gesture.

    Dreadnought Water Demon, however, pushes past the offered oil by simply snatching a burger straight off the barbecue, uncaring of how hot it is. Her other hand is held out for a beer, while she builds her own monstrosity of a hamburger.

    These abyssals are weird.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Kagurazaka shows no sign of being interested in food, and only slightly more sign of being aware that Destroyer Water Demon is glaring holes in her uniform. Her attention remains on the battle between Nagato and the Re-Class - a little bit twitchy as she sees the Abyssal fighters buzzing around, but she's still holding her position and not charging in to help Nagato.

Nagato has posed:
    That one shot did more than she expected... and the magical round shreds that hoodie. "A gift from a former enemy." she replies, smoke trailing off the gunblade and the wrecked anti air batteries... She hears the sound of the reload complete and plots a firing solution while her poor seaplane continues to get harrased by the Abyssal Aircraft. The poor fairy inside looks at a picture of Nagato stuck to the gagues and gets an idea on its own... and starts zig zagging! A sassy look on the fairy's face as she loops around, sticking its tongue out at the Abyssal Aircraft!

    Though with Re coming to a stop, she skids a bit and kicks up a wave of water. "You're unlike a lot of people I've met who insist on holding back and building up." she cracks her knuckles and... politely ignores the whole 'Aviation Battleship' comment, best not to let her know. "One has to do what she can." the sound of cannon fire meets her ears, sequential fire too.

    She quickly holsters the blade and takes off at a... slow clip. Battleships stopping is a bad idea... as the shells plunge towards her, five of them splashing down around her while the other two punch right through her armor and tear a chunk of her side out! She grabs her side and lets out a loud pained scream as 'oil' leaks out... her eyes shooting a glare towards Re. She reaches behind her... pulling out her axe. The double bladed monstrosity Staren gave her and she pours on the speed... TOWARDS Re with a rapport of eight turrets firing back in sequential.

    Let's see how she likes to operate up close....

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria is not interested in food either. She still keeps her eye on the fight, not sure what to make of it, but knowing that it can go either way. She's not even sure who to root for right now. All she can do is stay there and watch, her heart beating faster and faster by the moment, her breathing getting faster and faster.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Heavy Cruiser gets a thumbs-upo and a now worries from the mice on board. When the Dread wants a burger, they all look at eachother and shrug - who're they to argue? A beer is placed in the extended hand and Leyanne grins, watching the Dreadnaught build a burger - looking for ideas, perhaps. "Sauces are here - Ketchup, mayo, relish, barbieskewer..." she gestures to a very well-stocked sauce/salad bar "Rabbit food's here, help yourself."
Leeroy rocks in the swell of the next flurry of attacks, the mouse watching with awe. "Woah!" She holds on to the frame to support herself.
With an apologetic shrug, a few of the mice wave Imperial Japanese flags, in support of Nagato

Midway has posed:
    "No, I like it!" Re insists, her lips still curled in a wide, sharp-toothed smile, "In war, you cling to every advantage you can get! It shows you're a competent leader! Though you've made a few mistakes--!" Heavy artillery sails past and through her, surrounding the Abyssal battleship's figure in smoke and explosions. Black oil sprays across the water behind her, some of it on fire, leaving little flames burning on the lagoon's surface for some time after the explosions themselves subside.

    Hauling itself up out of the smoke, Re's tail froths from the corners of its mouth. When it leans back down, jaws agape, there's a hacking sound. Just under the turrets on either side of the head, small holes that might have been drainage valves, suddenly discharge torpedoes with a hiss of steam and compressed air right into the path of Nagato's charge.

    Following the torpedo attack, Re erupts from the smoke herself, eyes glowing a bright pink shade, trailing blue flames, wide and intense. And she's still smiling. Despite the damage marks, the black sections of her body, and the thick black seeping from places where her body has been pierced, Re-class' smile is as eager as ever. Her fingers curled like claws, the Abyssal ship's tail lunges ahead of her body, in an attempt to bite down on that axe before it can get through enough of the swing to be dangerous.

Nagato has posed:
    "And you're treating war like a game with that smile." There's no smile upon Nagato's face, just stern determination. "Mistakes?" is the single question she asks as her shells fly through and past... as if she wanted to get hit. "Something's not adding up..." she mutters a bit loudly, eyes watching that tail as it writhes... and foams up like a rabid dog. The hacking sounds are heard and the telltale hiss and the spotting of torpedoes entering the water catches the Battleship's immediate attention.

    She's familiar with torpedo runs but for a /battleship/ to be tossing torpedoes out? THere's a bit of a panic as she diverts herself off course, missing a few of those torpedoes, save one that catches her leg and covers the battleship in an explosion... and deeper into the water, only to turn and try and press her charge once more. This time, she's ready for that tail, bringing up her axe for it to chomp on like a bit to the bridle.

    Immediately, she yanks the axe up and hopefully the tail's head with it as secondary fire starts ripping out from her armor, trying for a 'death from a thousand cuts' measure on that damnable, torpedo launching, gun toting tail! "Aviation Battleships don't have torpedoes!" a complaint... "WHat the hell are you truely?" and a question for clarification... over the sound of that rapid firing from her secondaries.

Midway has posed:
    When the axe is used to pull her tail up, Re-Class immediately closes the distance. Nagato's secondary battery bites into the pale flesh of her tail, her face, and her chest. Shreds of black cloth and flecks of oil spray off from numerous impacts, while she keeps her eyes intensely focused on the Shipgirl flagship.

    "A game? You think so?" Aircraft start pouring out of her backpack again, traveling up her tail and launching off the head even as Nagato holds it at bay with the haft of her weapon, "We're war machines, aren't we? Isn't fighting what we were built for?" Her legs flex, and she leaps, pouncing on Nagato directly to get right in the battleship's face, stoic frown to wide-eyed smile, "Don't you think we should /enjoy/ our job?"

    The girl laughs, "What am I? I'm a lot of things." Her hand draws back, fingers flexing, curled like claws with her pink nails gleaming, "Am I a destroyer? I've got the torpedoes! Am I a battleship? All these guns, right! Am I an aircraft carrier? Lots of planes! Could I be a cruiser? Maybe! I prefer my classification to be multiple-choice..!"

Nagato has posed:
    "THe only thing that should be played like a game, is an /actual/ game!" Nagato scathes, oil from the secondary battery wounds splash across her body, her coat, her arms keeping the head-tail-thing at bay. "Nnngh..." she grunts, her legs sinking into the water a bit more. Her turrets try to aim in but she'd catch herself in the blast if she decided to fire now... so she continues to let her secondaries go. She may have to just 'saw' through that tail with the spray.

    But that's when Re-Class gets on her and pounces on her! Then the 'war machine' comment... "I've heard that many times, Re-Class..." she starts, glaring into the Aviation Battleship's eyes. "We /were/ war machines. We /were/ built for fighting." she scowls a bit... then joins this wide-eyed smile. "But I think I can enjoy my job here."

    She /let's go/ of the axe... she'll requisition another from Staren later if it gets lost... then grabs onto and clings to Re-Class tightly. "See. There's something different here. This place is familiar... but I can't quite put my finger on it... so I'm going to beat it out of you... along with the rest of the information!"

    Oh how she wished she had her sister's forward facing headpeice... but for now, she leans her head back and rapidly moves it forward, slamming her head against Re... before LIFTING her up and out of the water. "You fucked with the /wrong/ Admiral." and cue BATTLESHIP SUPLEX!

Midway has posed:
    When the axe is released, Re's tail immediately yanks it out of reach, releasing it in the arc and hurling the weapon away. This causes her to pull on Nagato's torso for balance, but the battleship soon makes it clear she doesn't want Re going anywhere. Trapped, she laughs again, which is cut off suddenly by a headbutt. At long last, Re's eyes actually close, a natural reaction to slamming noggins, "--Gh!"

    Stunned as she is, Nagato has a relatively easy time hauling Re up overhead and slamming her down against the water in a suplex. Her head snaps forward, shoulders hitting the waves with a solid and satisfying noise. She lets out a strained 'hrrnk..!' sound, arms and legs splayed out, and she finds herself unable to extricate herself from the position. There's a brief, frustrated look on her face, just for a moment, before her grin returns.

    "You're just starting to get it, huh?"
    To try and break free of the suplex hold, Re's tail coils around, then dives down. The bulb-shaped section of metal on its 'chin' is driven down towards Nagato's midsection, exposed by the suplex, like a punch to the gut with a metal ram. Even if it's evaded or mitigated, that should free Re up enough to get back to her feet, and she takes a moment to pop her neck, rubbing the side, "You should know this place. This is where you died." Hands lowering, she chuckles, spreading her hands to indicate the Atoll, "Welcome to your own grave! That's not a threat, by the way, I never intended to /sink/ you here." Hands lowering, she closes her eyes with another laugh, "That'd be kinda redundant, anyway."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace cheers Nagato on as the battleship headbutts and then suplexes the Abyssal. When the comments about her own grave, and it being redundant to sink her here, the mouse blinks a moment, and then pulls a cable out of the side of the laptop and plugs it into her datajack.
Mouse needs to do some Googling, this is familiar to her but she's buggered if she knows why.
After a few moments, the mouse blinks and goes below decks, returning a few moments later with a dunkable geiger counter. She dips it into the water on a cable, peering at the screen.

Midway has posed:
    As the geiger counter is brought out, it clicks rapidly near Dreadnought Water Demon as she munches her burger. Glancing at the noise, she squints at the device until it calms down.

    Once tossed over the side... The surface seems rather safe, but the deeper the instrument goes, the noisier it gets, until it hits something metal a few dozen meters down and completely loses its electronic mind.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace blinks up at the water demon and clicks the geiger counter to 'silent' mode, as she wants to keep her new friend. Leyanne inhales sharply, staring at the screen for several seconds. "Phobos..." she whispers, then peers at her crew. "Guys? Just a suggestion and all here, but unless you wanna end up taking some serious radiation, I really don't suggest going for a swim. The screen's reading NaN+"
The mice all nod in agreement, before some smartarse comments. "Don't you mean GLOWING for a swim?", to general laughter from all on board.

Nagato has posed:
    Finally shut that laughing face up with the headbutt... and the suplex. She starts to go for another, she wants answers! But the tail smashing right into her midsection causes her to gasp and reel back, releasing the Abyssal from her grasp. "I knew why I was getting that feeling..." She sails backwards slowly, she knew this place quite well. /VERY/ Well... even more so as Re-Class explains it. She spits a bit into the water, glaring at Re-Class... guns aimed... but not firing.

    "A bit... considering my former self is under here." she circles the Aviation Battleship some, eyes looking down at the water, then back at Re-Class. The axe? It lands safely on the beach, though... right near Tiny's boat. "Bikini Atoll... the site of the Able test." she comments loudly, "Why, then, did you bring me to the place I DIED!?" Nagato's fists clench up... she waits... looks at the ocean, looks up towards Re-Class. Then... she lowers her guns.

    "You have to have a reason you chose this site in particular. Indulge me in that."

Midway has posed:
    Abyssal aircraft circle overhead, armed but holding their distance. When Nagato starts circling her, Re returns the favor, moving slowly in the opposite direction, circling around the edges of the lagoon at a steady pace. Her tail remains at the ready, jaws slightly parted but not quite in an attack posture.

    "Actually, I had a pretty good reason," Re admits, eyes closed. With one hand, she gestures, "I thought bringing you closer to your body might make you stronger and then we'd have a more intense fight. Otherwise it wouldn't be very fair. I mean..." Her eyes open, narrow slits, as her grin returns, "You're fighting four versus one, here."

    Just what is she talking about? None of the Water Demons show any interest in jumping into the battle.

    "You wanted names, right?" Re closes her eyes again, gesturing to the trio on her side of the atoll, "The little one is Destroyer Water Demon. The tall one is Heavy Cruiser Water Demon. The fat one is Dreadnought Water Demon."

    "You mis-matched whore!" Dreadnought calls out with a laugh, throwing her drink. The can is caught in midair by Re's tail, and promptly disappears behind those teeth.

    "And the Princess at Oahu is named Jellyfish." Leaning forward a bit, the Abyssal battleship says, "/She/ came from here /too/."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace listens over her radio, holding a conversation with the Admiral. At the end of it, the mouse looks stunned, sitting down quietly. As she understands more about Abyssals, and about Nagato, she looks up at the Water Demon next to her, then resumes watching the fight, deep in thought

Nagato has posed:
    "You knew this location had my body.... and the bodies of others." she starts, the Battleship opens up a small compartment for the seaplane to try and run away to. "I'll let you in on a secret. I turned Abyssal here too." though the comment about being four versus one... "YOur allies aren't assisting you. I believe your math to be wrong." She continues the circle, keeping Re-Class at distance...

    She informs her allies over some subvocal radio and she stares... looking at the trio on the atoll. Wait, mis-matched whore? There's more to Re-kyuu than meets the eyes it seems... and soon, Nagato slows in front of the 'enemy' atoll, grabbing her beached axe. She pays no more attention to the Abyssals on the beach, they didn't have her ire... at the moment.

    Sailing around, circling until she is in front of her Repair Fleet... she looks away. "Fighting at a gravesite. At /my/ gravesite... and /hers/." she turns around, offering her back to Re-Class. "You want to play a game, right? Here's a new game."

    Nagato turns her head, looking over her shoulder towards Re-Class. "It's simple. I'll teach you how to play. It's called count the days before Hikari Fleet takes back Hawaii and sinks your Fleet."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace looks up at the Dreadnaught Water Demon with a shrug. "Gotta go, I'm afraid."
She is at least given another beer and a burger before the mouse brings Leeroy's three gas turbines into roaring life. Before she goes, she looks up at the Water Demon. "When the war's over, and we've all moved past the hate, come swing past Hoonah, we can have another beer and shoot some shit."
And with that, the FMS Leeroy Jenkins rejoins Nagato and her fleet. But this time, it maintains its place in the formation, the mood onboard is, if not sombre, a lot more thoughtful and reserved. The conversation on board revolves around 'the pinkies nuked her' and admiring the size of the Admiral's 'stones' for choosing to turn her back on hate. It's fairly likely that Nagato will become something of a minor hero figure on Mars, when news gets around.

Midway has posed:
    "Nah, my math is right," Rey holds up her fingers, "If they joined in, you'd be fighting seven at once. I don't think even you can do that." Well. That's a pretty straightforward claim.

    Destroyer Water Demon regains her feet when Nagato gets close, but doesn't stop the battleship from claiming her discarded axe. She stands there, instead, staring at the Hikari flagship while clutching the I-class in both arms, her expression neutral. As Nagato sails away, Destroyer drops her 'pet' to the sand.

    "Like I said," Re-Class states with a shrug, "I wanted to make sure you were strong enough to not lose right away. Who knows, maybe it doesn't work that way and you're this strong all the time." With a laugh, she leans forward again, folding her hands behind her back, "But I think you have a misconception. I don't treat war as a game, so much as I just like what I do. Not that I'll complain if you come after Oahu." Her eyes close again, "I'm counting on it. The Americans weren't much of a challenge without any shipgirls to help them."

    As Re talks, Heavy Cruiser and Destroyer wander off their sandbar, sinking into the sea. Their little I-class follows them. Dreadnought waves after Leyanne's boat as the Leeroy motors off, then joins her comrades beneath the waves.

    "Bring us a good fight, Admiral Nagato," Re-class states before she, too, descends into the lagoon's oil-splattered waters.

Nagato has posed:
    There was a lot of things off with this woman, but that latest figure is a bit much. "I've always been strong, Re-Class. You have to be. To show weakness to those under you... is foolish." says the woman who plays a cute catgirl. Nagato takes a few breaths, "I would suggest you find a new hobby to like... you won't live long enough to fully enjoy being on the battlefield all the time. Perhaps one day you'll learn."

    Nagato starts speaking upon the radio and she gives a brief nod. "I will see you... and Jellyfish... on Oahu." she comments, "You will have your good fight. And we shall have closure... and the Americans will have their island back."

    With these words spoken, she stops... and with Re-Class and the rest gone... she sails back over and above the ocean, looking down. A sigh is given. "Never thought I would be at this site again... and to whomever you are... who is Jellyfish... I make it my solemn promise to rescue you and bring you home."

    The battleship stays for just a few more moments until she finally turns around and leads her Fleet to home... "We shall make plans."