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Operation Quicksilver: Threat Assessment
Date of Scene: 10 November 2017
Location: The Great Ocean
Synopsis: Recon and Intel gathering mission to a suspected Abyssal Base.

Things go as planned, until they don't, then the group runs away, the brave group runs far away.

Thanks to: Everyone who came.
Cast of Characters: Shigure, Gaonoir, Nagato, 385, Kotone Yamakawa, All-Seeing Eye, 929, Leyanne Mace

Shigure has posed:
    Another day, another sortie. "Fifth Fleet Shigure, Fifth Fleet Yuudachi, sortie, go!" The two girls charge out of the borrowed port facility. The black haired flagship, and her blonde little sister skate out into the middle of the broad river, and signal the support team that sortie is preparing. Neither will be using their Ocean Fit-Out this time, so those who need a lift will have to find someone else to give it to them. "Alright, all points. This is a reconnaissance and intelligence gathering mission. Weapons /SAFE/ unless you get the clear from me." says Shigure, her soft voice carrying an air of authority that brooks no argument. "Air team, keep low to the deck, we don't want them to know they're being watched unless we absolutely have to. Ground teams, if you can find their supply routes it will go far in helping us put this threat down."

    Blue eyes flash faintly in the middling afternoon dusk, the sun beginning to sink down below the treeline, bathing the river delta in an angry red hue. "This will be a Night Battle, so keep your radar and sonar primed, and whatever other senses you might use for low light. Stay sharp, those PT Imps are deadly in the dark because they're so small." This is said with a minor tremor in her tone, like she's trying to keep her composure in check as the light begins to dim and fade away. "Secure searchlights unless absolutely necessary, they'll give us away."

Gaonoir has posed:
Low altitude flight in drawing night with low visiblity necessity for avoiding detection. A lot of airborne types would probably dread having to undertake such an mission. But Gaonoir has hardly your typical airborne unit.

He did however manage to convince Erika to stay at the temporary port for now though. They weren't going to need Umbra for a scouting mission and the conditions weren't really suited for a human tagalong.

Gaonoir was already in Mach Darkgaogamon form, hovering little more than a few feet above the surface water at the rendezvous point. Occasionally there was a flicker of light across his otherwise dark visor as the tactical scans coded into it were recalibrating for the low-light conditions. Between it and his canine senses he should have little trouble however.

Nagato has posed:
    The borrowed port allows Nagato some time to get herself ready. "LInk, Start!" she speaks out loud, the Battleship dissapears and reappears into her little ALO form now, her axe on her back while her gunblade sits upon her hip. "It would be sooner or later before they would know." she mutters, that voice carrying slightly before heading out to the launch bays with the rest. "Air Support Cait Sith, Tana, ready for launch!" she gets the idea of PT Imps laughter in her head and shudders, making the fur on her tail and ears stand on end, "Alright."

    Tana takes to the air, flying low behind Gaonoir, taking her gunblade into hand. With this, she should be able to use her Sword-type sword skills... and smack things with the gun later, in case it came down to it. "Understood, weapons safe until granted. Flagship, we're in your care." she comments towards Shigure, messing slightly with the augma upon her ear. Eyes look up towards the meters... everyone here looks quite good so far, that may change though.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Given the mission parameters - and more specifically, where they'll be searching for the Abyssals this time - Yuna isn't even bothering with her light-cruiser fitout; instead, she's in her battlesuit's Flight Form as she begins her own reconnaissance pattern. The rest of the Matrix of Light is with her, of course - Elner to provide sensor support and data analysis, Marina and Jiina in case Flight Form proves unsuitable for a particular stretch of the mission, whether for reasons of terrain or of firepower.

Then again, Yuna is hoping that this is pure recon without combat, and that 'firepower' will be a moot point. Shigure's pretty clear on the intent being to look around and listen and not get into a shoot-out.

Shigure is also quite clear on staying as low as possible - which doesn't quite cheer Yuna up, but staying low and slow doesn't sit too badly with her; she can hover if she needs to, or move however slowly or swiftly proves necessary. All told, this should - hopefully - be a fairly easy and stress-free exploration. Just don't draw attention to herself - which is not quite as easy as it sounds, but as long as none of the Abyssals chance to look up while Yuna's flying around over their heads, not that difficult either.

For now, she forms up with Tana and Gaonoir, letting Jiina and Marina hang back further up; Elner sticks close to Yuna, with nothing between the robo-faerie and the ground they're surveilling. "Formation attained with Gaonoir and Nagato, ready to begin recon sweep," Yuna reports quietly over the radio.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone was here and always ready to help out the fleet, she was information with Shigure and the rest of the fleet as they launched. She didn't take long pulling out from the docks just behind them. She skated behind them on the water keeping good time as she went she made sure to have a few scout planes already in the air looking for anything of note. With the warning of night combat? That was still a serious thing even in her world, with it's technology so it was something to be on her guard about.

<<Understood, making ready with further flights of aircraft>>

it was time to get serious and Kotone was looking pretty darn serious.

<<Recon planes already up and scouting.>>

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
On the docks of the port facility, All-Seeing Eye stands but a few scant feet away from the shore. As the cool autumn air toys with his hair, the Exalt extends a hand over the surface of the water. A pair of handlebars erupts from a port in his palm, and from those handlebars a hoverbike slowly assembles itself, until Eye is sitting astride it. With a grin and a flexing of his wrists, Eye activates Tranquil Egress.

     The bike's Essence jets roar to life and carry it above the ground, at which point Eye accelerates and hovers gently over the surface of the water. The purple flames cause a bit of steam and wash to rise up in the wake of the vehicle, his hair and black longcoat billowing behind him once he takes off.

     His assignment as part of the ground team is to locate the supply routes the enemy is using. With his superior powers of perception, he should easily be able to accomplish that without combat. And it's a good thing, too! This murky river water would /ruin/ his clothes. The fact that it's a night mission means he'll simply have to rely equally on his vision and his echolocation. Adjusting a dial on the console of the bike, he turns the jets down a bit, keeping the bike lower to the surface of the water and hopefully making him less obvious.

     Remembering the sound of the PT Imps, he listens above the hum of Tranquil Egress' engines for any signs of their passive operation, or anything anomalous to the quiet night air.

Sakuya (929) has posed:
    A pale woman in a black outfit stands at the end of the pier, looking up at the clouds as the sunset changes their colors. Blue eyes narrow slightly, and the woman turns, glancing over her shoulder when the destroyer girls deploy. Her face remains impassive, however, eyes simply wandering to the others taking off or launching in their watercraft. Head tilting, Izayoi Sakuya cradles her chin in one hand while giving it consideration.

    After a moment, the maid floats up off the pier and out over the water, then descends. She's still 'flying', but her altitude is so low that she skims the river's surface. Cheating like this, the maid skims in pursuit until she is in echelon to the two destroyers, her hands hanging at her sides and no obvious equipment visible.

    There's a reason she's doing this, other than whimsy. Like this, she resembles another of these 'ship girls', instead of the air power she most certainly would otherwise be classified as. Besides. This is as low as anyone could reasonably fly anyway.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
The FMS Leeroy Jenkins joins the shipgirls, matching speed with them. "Leeroy copies, Shigure, we are at red-light on all weapons, do not fire without authorisation or incoming fire." She radios, the little PT boat lifting up into the plane as Tiny lets it stretch its Rolls Royce legs.

THe mice on board look fairly relaxe on their stations, eyes on both sides of the bank. The radar of the fleet - well, that's an added bonus to the Martians on board; when you can 'see' the radio and microwave frequencies with your antennae, it paints the world in a whole new light. "I'm seeing... yeah I feel those returns."

Shigure has posed:
    The ecclectic array of responders has Shigure's nerves calmed a little bit. Especially the familiar faces of Yuna and Kotone. All-Seeing Eye is a bit of an outlier still, though Tana and Gaonoir are very much appreciated additions, as is the Leeroy and crew. Shigure leads the formation, taking point as Yuudachi sits off to one side, in the opposite echelon from Sakuya. The blonde destroyer gives Sakuya a mistrustful look, her red eyes glowing as the dark gathers in, becoming the only thing that can be seen until she suppresses her battle lust and they fade out to a dull glow, like a pair of embers in a campfire.

    Shigure leans into the turn as the riven bends around.. then the land on either side falls away, revealing a large lake, easily a mile across from bank to bank. In the center sits a large island, that has a baleful red ambiance around it, and those who are listening on radar, or sonar, and those with other senses, would be able to make out patrols of tiny creatures, clusters of about nine or so, milling around the perimeter about three hundred feet out from the island. Smoke rises from the center of the outer circle of trees, and a faint 'music' can be made out on the edge of hearing, and the equally faint, unsettling giggling of PT Imps.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
Eye pulls the bike into a hard turn, sending up a small spray of water. This is a reconnaissance mission, and as much as he'd like to simply... handle the threats, this isn't his operation. So, he performs his assigned duty to the best of his Exalted ability instead!

     The Exalt's vision zooms in on the island in particular, magnifying the details from his vantage point in the distance. It looks as though there's either a fire or some other source of smoke on the island. This calls for further surveillance!

     Touching a hand to his ear, the Exalt makes a little announcement over the radio. "Deploying Mobile Sensory Drone~"

     Eye advances on the bike. It looks like the lake is a mile wide, but the island's in the middle of it. It might be outside the operational range of the drone, but it's worth a shot! One of the Exalt's eyes just... rolls out of his head, with cybernetic optic nerves weaving themselves into spindly, spider-like appendages. Under his control, the drone crawls into the water, dips slightly beneath the surface, and propels itself as an octopus would. Occasionally, it dips above to gauge its position.

     Eye's goal is to see what's behind that treeline, though the distance may be too great for the drone's operational radius.

Nagato has posed:
    Tana mms a bit nervously, the incoming sound of music and the giggling of the PT Imps makes her cat-like ears twitch. "I don't like the sound of this." she mutters a bit nervously. While she had armor, she didn't have the battleship armor she was used to, or the guns. She thinks a moment... "Hey, Gaonoir. I'm going to fly this way, you take the other way. Let's get a full island lookout here." she comments, "Be careful, Izayoi. Kagurazaka, come join me. I don't exactly have a radar like this."

    Tana soon banks off to the left, keeping at a reasonable height off the ground, both to where she could see and avoid radar. Conversely, her icons aren't showing the imps, but the voice... oh the incessant, brain invading giggling. The giggling that will haunt her nightmares for days to come swirl around in her head. "I hope never to see them on the sea." she mutters, hefting her gunblade a bit, keeping it at the ready just in case.

Sakuya (929) has posed:
    Sakuya's eyes slide sidelong towards Yuudachi when she is examined so distrustfully. Her head turns a moment later, and in a blink, her eyes shift from blue to the same dull red glow. But the expression is a very slight hint of a smile. A wordless 'we are not so different' sort of exchange before she looks ahead once more.

    A magic circle expands around her feet, dragging along the water's surface as she moves. She calmly removes a silver pocketwatch from her blouse's pocket, averting her attention down to it. The circle begins to rotate faster. And just as suddenly as the glowing circle appeared, both it and the maid are both gone.

    In the gray-scale world of stopped time, Sakuya advances past the two destroyers. She lifts up until she is not touching the halted swell of the river's surface, coasting right past the equally time-halted Imp patrols.

    She would inspect the creatures more closely, but the ticking of her Lunar Dial is ever-present in her mind, counting down the seconds she has. Right as the Lunar Dial's ticking ceases, and time resumes around the Maid, her feet touch down on the sand of the island itself. She quickly ducks in amidst the trees and waits for any sign that she may have been spotted.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone has mostly used her rigging on the open water not on a river, and this is new to her and she's finding it's got harder than even it normally was to control herslf on the water. She is going to lag somewhat behind the others but she keeps pushing herself to not be totally left behind. It might be noticed by the others in the fleet that the cyborg is struggling a bit. This could make her more vulnerable to the PT Imps when they engage.

She makes it around the bend to the large lake but she's still having a bit of issues moving she also see hears the Imps before she sees them and she's getting a few torpedo bombers up, but the small little PT Boats might be better prey for fighter strafing runs. They will shortly join the bombers as Kotone draws more arrows from her quiver and launches them.

Gaonoir has posed:
Almost immeadiately Gaonoir's ears slick back at picking the music and the giggling at the fringes of hearing range. Something about the way it sounds is just so... off. Even to him, being the dark-but-not-evil being that he is.

There's a bit of radio chatter, and he nods to Tana. "Copy that. Just don't get too close to the patrols. As much as I love a good brawl, this isn't the time or place for it." Before taking off in the opposite direction as her to scout the perimeter. While fighting may be the Digimon nature, he is trained as a scout and tracker as well, and now was the time to put that to use instead. He remains as close to the surface of the water as possible, his dark coloration giving some extra cover in the rising dusk, as long as he keeps it slow and steady to not stir up the water below him.

Fortunately he doesn't need to get close to the PT Imps, allowing his visor scanner to do the work of sweeping over the island and the patrol paths surrounding it. That smoke is the only visible sign of inward activity, but what else could they be hiding here...

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace listens to the radio chatter, throttling back on Leeroy so he drops out of plane. At the same time, Leyanne idles two of the three engines, proceeding primarily on the middle propeller for stealth. The mice all peer out into the night, watching the patrolling imps on the lake. They shiver, carefully maneuvering towards the island, while trying to keep their distance from the PT imps.

Leyanne looks thoughtful as she drives, carefully jockeying the throttles to move as slowly and carefully as they can. Even the boat's nav lights are quenched right now, to help them stay hidden. This slow, they shouldn't throw up too much of a wake...

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
With the aerial members splitting up, Yuna banks away to keep pace with Tana - actually accelerating a bit, partly for a better 'view' and partly because she'd rather be on point (and potentially first to take fire) than leave Tana vulnerable out front. Or they can just progress side-by-side; that's just as good too.

But the sight of the lake is enough to make Yuna somewhat uneasy, even before Elner starts reporting on sensor returns. The red glow around the island is worrisome enough - the battle of Dark Sky Atoll wasn't that long ago, and the Abyssal-held atoll is still fresh in her memory, quickly recalled at the sight of that 'aura' around the island. It's Elner who picks up on the patrols faster than Yuna's own eyesight can pick them out, and the little robo-faerie is quick to report on them to Yuna and the others.

Yuna's first impulse is to pull away - to pull up and angle out of their approach, to leave the Abyssals be without getting any closer. The Hikari Fleet and allies know they're here now, that should be enough to plan an assault - but that first impulse, and its associated reason, are quickly squelched. They don't know *enough* yet, the island itself could harbor any kind of forces, it could be like the fortifications at Pearl Harbor, or bigger, or smaller but still worse. Maybe that outline of reddish 'light' is hiding what's really going on.

Yuna swerves a bit, reaching out to try and tap Tana's shoulder to get the Cait Sith's attention - and then motions down and to the side. In case the gesture isn't clear enough, Yuna then suits actions to indications ...

And instead of pulling up, she *descends*, moderating her speed and angling her course to steer clear of the PT Imp patrols. Marina picks up speed to fly alongside her - ready to intervene if Yuna winds up in the water for any reason at all, and to switch out with Erina in case the change to Marine Mode is warranted. Yuna is distinctly aware that Tana can't follow suit if it comes to that, but ... well, she's playing it by ear.

Or maybe by the seat of her pants.

Shigure has posed:
    Sakuya's approach wasn't noticed, persay, but at least one group of imps come a bit closer than before, perhaps seeing if the rustling in the bushes was anything to be concerned with. They chirp and chitter amongst themselves, more vocal than most Abyssals, before turning away again and returning to patrol. Probably just a crocodile or something. Further in, the Maid would find a small forge and armory, molten metal and fire, the smell of gunpowder and steel.. and flesh, being worked and molded into form. At the center of it all, sits a tall, slender woman, alabaster skin starkly contrasting the pitch black outside of the forgelight. She has what can only be described as an Abyssal Hawk on one arm, cooing to it as she listens to a shorter girl in a flowing white robe. Steel grey eyes, glowing faintly like quicksilver look from the hawk to the shorter Abyssal, whose own lilac hues dip away from the gaze. Something passes unspoken between them, and the shorter girl heads away, moving towards the inland side of the island and calling a group of Imps with her.

    The others really only find more of those imps patrolling around. All-Seeing Eye's... well, 'eye'. Would likely be able to slip in unnoticed due to its small size. Whether it can get far enough inland to see what the Maid sees, is another story.

    The Leeroy coasts around to one flank, while Shigure and Yuudachi head off around the other. Radar continues to bath the area, while sonar seeks to find traces of the passage of transport ships.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir pulls himself up into a low hover at the water's surface, frowning when even his advanced tactical scans can't peirce the obscuring aura over the island. Though by the radio that denotes something big and powerful for an Abyssal is there, so that's still useful information.

He remains just out of the range of the Imp patrols, but his engines are still warm. He's ready to live up to the Mach part of Machgaogamon and rocket in should the maid need a sudden extraction.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna comes to a decision, cruising a little further from the patrols' perimeter and waiting until none of the Imps are looking in her general direction; while she's waiting for that window, Marina takes up a position next to - or more accurately, *underneath* - Yuna herself. And when the moment is right -

The purple-and-white armor of Flight Form shines brighter for a moment, and detaches, leaving Yuna's Light Suited form to begin falling; Marina goes translucent just as Yuna's form touches hers, and their own secondary transformation is initiated, a mermaid-shaped 'wireframe' surrounding Yuna before the pieces of a new battlesuit start to materialize, attach, and interconnect. By the time Erina has finished reassembling into her android form, Yuna's conversion to Marine Form is complete ... and she disappears into the water with almost no splash at all, thanks to the reduced distance and a bit of quick but careful maneuvering.

That leaves Jiina and Elner forming up with Tana, as Yuna instructed them to do; Erina stays closer to the water's surface, but Tana can probably see the purple-and-white android trying to watch Yuna's movements below the water's surface.

And while she's underwater, Yuna is slowly approaching the island, watching out in case any of the PT Imps seem to notice her, or even just to be getting closer to her position without necessarily showing signs that they've taken note of her presence. She'd be happier with Elner's sensors right next to her, but she'd rather make sure the robo-faerie is safe. Not that Yuna wants to put herself at undue risk, not when the mission is gathering intel; if she thinks she's about to blow her cover, she'll turn tail (literally) and head back away from the patrol Imps ... not straight towards Tana and the others, or any of her other allies, but away at an angle that'll take her straight towards dry land that *isn't* the island.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Tiny continues to guide Leeroy around the island, matching Shigure and Yuudachi to try and get... even a hint of what's on the island by trying to use their radar to illuminate that aura from the other side. All the mice on that side face the island, closing their eyes and letting their antennae extend to their fullest. Leyanne doesn't close her eyes; she needs to see to drive. But she does extend her antennae too, trying to get a 'picture'.

Of course, the word 'picture' is an inadequate analogy. It's like trying to describe the taste of the colour green to an otter.

Nagato has posed:
    Tana mms a bit, eyes scanning the ground, dropping slightly lower to see if her own 'mob radar' will pick up the PT Imps to give her a better idea, but with Yuna pulling up ahead of her, she moves to reach cruising altitude right behind her. A nod is given, pondering the situation slightly. It's strange, just PT Imps here? There has to be more than just PT Imps here. Though with Yuna's guidance, Tana dives closer towards the water, staying out of reach of radar and sonar...

    With Yuna dropping into the water, she looks towards Erina and Jiina, giving them a brief nod. "Alright, let's see what we can do. OK?" Tana's eyes blink slightly and she just starts to focus, unsure if she should start casting some of her buffing spells... or just wait.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Some of the Imps might have noticed them? Kotone isn't certain there but there's a good possiblity things are about to hit the fan. She has no idea about the forge for she's too far out and she's now getting reports from the socut there are more patrols out there and she's gettingf ready. She keeps from the patrols as best she can for the moment but her engines for a lack of a better term are being pushes here with the odd currents she's unused to dealing with she will keep with Gaonoir for the moment.

<<Getting signs of more patrols bit nothing else yet on my end.>>

Sakuya (929) has posed:
    There are youkai here. As Sakuya investigates deeper into the island interior, the heat and scent of a blacksmith's foundary is impossible to ignore. She does, however, tune out the stench of flesh that accompanies it. No doubt, she reasons, an effect of the monsters which have called this place their home.

    However, as the conversation plays out, she's unable to hear it. Though one is clearly taking place. The maid's eyes narrow from her concealed position. That was likely important, but communicated in such a conveniently secure fashion.

    Idly, Sakuya tucks her Lunar Dial back into her blouse, and the world around her shifts once more into tones of gray. The flames freeze above the forge. Only then does the maid rise from her hiding place, drifting quickly across the clearing past the smaller of the two 'Abyssal' youkai in a directin she presumes the smaller girl is going. She drifts aside and then rises, concealing herself in the treetops.

    Color returns to the world. Sakuya floats, not upsetting any branches, as she continues observing the Abyssal on the move. The elder one is clearly in charge, and has issued some sort of command. Now she'd like to see what this command is.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
The little drone makes landfall after a few minutes, water sloughing off of its surface. Eye attempts to have it break the treeline, but the video feed begins to pixilate the moment it draws near the first layer of foliage.


     So, that won't work. The only option, then, is to extend the operational range! The Exalt wastes time, removing his jacket and the shirt beneath it (wouldn't want that /nasty/ river water to tarnish them only a week after he bought them). The slacks he can live with getting a little dirty, and the boots... well, they're artifacts! No need to worry about them. Diving beneath the water, Eye walks along the bottom of the river, and gradually sends his drone closer, inch by inch.

     All the while, the drone's saving any footage it captures to the removable crystal within.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure and Yuudachi continue their search... then come up short on an inflow. The current is deceptively slow, and the mouth shows much churning up, like a large, bulky craft had to force its way through, more than once. "Possible supply route. Marking it on the map." reports Shigure. "Look for churning around the inlet mouths... might indicate Wa-class transports being towed through the narrow gaps." That could also explain the multitude of PT Imps. They're small enough to navigate the narrow, shallow channels without help.

    The aura around the island is completely opaque to radar. Noone outside of it is getting anything from the interior. Maybe better to start looking elsewhere.

    Sakuya's appraisal of the smaller 'Youkai' is fairly accurate. She's been given orders, and is heading out of the island, moving inland, possibly to raid some upstream settlements for resources. Likely steel and bauxite from some mining town or other along the river. The Demon is muttering to herself. "I should be running this operation... why did Taffy have to get it instead of me." grumble mutter. Some dissent in the ranks?

    Eye's eye would roll up to find the same forges that Sakuya just saw, boiling away with metal, and being worked over by the tiny forms of PT Imps. The tall, slender figure at the center has stood, and seems to have a frown on her face. She starts striding off towards the treeline, notably, the side that Shigure and Yuudachi are radiating so much radar from. Have they been spotted?

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne continues to circle around the island, looking for inlets and such. Radar's a complete bust; the aura's blocking the radar, rather than scattering it. That prevents the Martians getting even the slightest lay of the land to try and help. So they continue to evade PT imps, scanning for inlets and signs of Abyssal activity inland.

Shigure has posed:
    One thing the Marine Form would note, above other things, are the faint echos of active sonar. The high pitched BWEEEeeee, reverberating periodically from the PT Imps. if one of those gets loud enough, she'd better boogie. Looking at the lake bed, she'd note some resources never made it to the harbour facility. Crates of steel and drums of fuel oil litter the lake bed, luckily none of them ruptured, as yet. There are also a few wrecked ships, actual ships, around the floor, one looks like a destroyer got shrunk.. and another has the obvious flat deck of a carrier of some kind. Could they have been placed there during the multiversal upheaval...

    Pondering that will have to wait. A PT Imp group pings right on top of Yuna, and chitter shriek an alarm. "EEEeee EEEEE! EEHEEEHE!"

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir eventually shakes his head then looks down to Kotone. "There's nothing else to be found here without actually going ashore." A risk there's no need to take right now. "We should go help them search the inlets for use." The Digimon turns and takes off to do that. Once he's far enough away from the island and it's patrols he can go to a higher altitude to check the river mouths from there and avoid being noticed.

All-Seeing Eye has posed:
The drone has seen all its owner needs. This will make good evidence to present to Shigure, should she wish to pursue this through her world's legal channels. Eye recalls the drone just as the alarms start to go off, and the little drone trundles back towards the shoreline double-time. It dips beneath the water, whereupon Eye's prosthetic retracts back into his skull and the original eye replaces it after a brief little journey.

     The Exalt then does an about-face on the riverbed, momentarily caught off-guard by the surprisingly strong current. Perhaps this is why these Abyssals decided to make a base out of the island! With determination, he strides back to the approximate spot he left Tranquil Egress.

     And with luck, he can surface, board the vehicle, and be back on base without any further incident.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yyyyyyyeah that's the 'time to go' signal by any measure. Yuna turns around and starts 'swimming' away, the mermaid-like tail of her Marine Form battlesuit propelling her through the water with a dolphin's swiftness. She didn't even realize the Imp was getting THAT close to her - which is basically her own fault.

But there was some interesting intel, and she describes what she saw to Elner while she's trying to 'lead' the pursuing patrollers away from the rest of the recon team. She's also leaving a few surprises behind her - specifically, a spread of minitorpedoes, which only rev into motion a few seconds after they've been left in Yuna's wake. Mostly they're going up and back the way Yuna came - and if any Imp gets too close, or blunders right into one, then the minitorpedo will detonate. Possibly the explosion won't be strong enough to even do that much damage ... but they should discourage too much pursuit. Which is all they need to do.

Rather than rendzevous with any of her friends to leave the area, Yuna has Erina and Jiina fly away on different courses, while Elner simply teleports away. Once Yuna 'runs aground' - or rather, pulls herself up onto something akin to dry land - the two androids will converge on her location and lift her out of the water; once she's clear, Marina can disengage while Yuna re-combines with Erina, and then they can fly out.

After all, the intel Yuna's managed to procure - if it's any good at all - will be of greater use if the Abyssals don't have a reason to suspect it's in the hands of an enemy who can REALLY use it against them ....like the Fleet Daughters, for example.

Sakuya (929) has posed:
    Dissent amongst the ranks. This gives her something important, as well. The leader's name is 'Taffy'. An unusual name, but perhaps fitted to the type of youkai that the elder belongs to. Speaking of--
    The Elder youkai has also started departing the island. Sakuya lifts slightly above the level of the trees, squinting out across the lake. Someone has gotten themselves spotted, judging by the sudden surge of activity amidst the patrolling Imps. Turning slightly, she observes the smaller youkai's depature upstream, then turns back to the foundary manned by imps. The world goes grayscale, as everything including time pauses around her.

    The maid relocates to the middle of the encampment, and time resumes. She drops into the immediate center of the workspace, heels clicking on stonework. "I apologize for this intrusion," she states out loud, voice raised to be heard over the construction machinery, "But I simply must attract the attention of your entire force to this most vulnerable and important of places." One hand tucks against her middle while the other sweeps out, and Sakuya performs a sweeping bow, more like a butler would than a maid.

    Her outline shifts suddenly, like a frame skipping on a film projector.

    Quite suddenly Sakuya is surrounded by dozens of knives. The blades hesitate, then launch out from her in every direction, amidst the Abyssal encampment.

    And then she's gone, just as suddenly as she'd appeared. Slipping away through halted time until she is safely out of sight.

Nagato has posed:
    With imps at a good distance from the island, Tana gives a small confirming nod, and with everything now going tits up, Tana sighs, "Jiina, Elner. Meet back up with ..." Tana pauses, "Aaaand they're gone..." she shakes her head a bit and starts flying towards the temporary port they were able to get. "Alright. Flagship, Tana's heading back to port. I got some decent looks in the air, I think we can come up with an attack plan once we get back to base." she comments, high tailing it out of the zone, at least, until she can meet up with Gaonoir. Better to have a shadowpuppy to be a wingmon for.

    At least Tana's suspicions are confirmed, there's a Princess and Demon Class abyssal here, thanks to the Maid's clean reports... She turns back, only to see the glint of knives.. "Wait..." she mutters, "Where did that barrage come from?" she questions to herself, only to face away... alright, time to figure out a good plan of attack with Shigure.

    And to log out.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
She listens to Gaonir for a moment nodding. "Right with Rigging I'm not so suitbale for land at the moment we should get to that."

With that she'll follow after the Digimon to try and keep up with him and aid him in scouting out th inlets nad hte like as Yuna gets spotted she makers ready for more trouble but she clearly ready for it she does have her planes in the air and they will act the moment they are called for, for now though she's going to try to get a bit more information work done before she and her Digimon pal get spotted themselves.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
With the call to fall back being heard, the mice accellerate, continuing their circuit around the island to hook back up with Shigure and Yuudachi. Leyanne gives them a brief salute on her way past, keeping the boat -just- below plane to minimize the wake. Hopefully with all the imps around, it'll just be ignored as the wake from a fellow PT Imp. It's not THAT far from the truth, after all...

Gaonoir has posed:
"Sounds like we gotta cut this short." But first Gaonoir dips a bit closer to the water, grabbing Kotone with his massive metal gauntlets. "Hope you don't mind a ride missy, it's the fastest way to get out of here." Once he's got her he cranks his engines to full, opting to just rocket straight up into the higher atomsphere where the Abyssals won't be able to easily track him, and then head back towards the port they're using for a ops base.

Shigure has posed:
    That piercing shriek gets both Hounds attention at once. Blue and Red eyes flaring to life in the darkness, turning toward the island. They're met with the silvery gaze of the Abyssal Princess, who bellows shrilly. "Find them! Destroy them! Sink them as many times as it takes!" spurring the Imps in hot pursuit of the one detected contact. They eat the micro torpedoes, falling back and peeling off, to be replaced by fresh ones... but they won't be able to keep pace with the flying Yuna once she gets airborne.

    Sakuya's assault on the inner sanctum gets the Princess' attention far more cleanly than the comotion outside. "DEFILER!" she screams... impotently, as the knives slash through the worker imps, making them squeak and jibber as they turn to open fire with their light caliber guns... only to end up shooting each other in a nearly comical series of errors as the maid vanishes. a bunch fall over, bleeding that horrid black ichor, before the Princess gets them to stop.

    Eye's egress is unmolested. Yuna has the vast majority of the patrol force's attention.

    Shigure and Yuudachi skip out up one of the inlets, likely aiming to juke off and cross land to get to another waterway down stream, to shake off any pursuit. They're just as adept on land by walking as any biped, even with their gear, though the weight of it and bulk will slow them down in the foliage.

    The rest manage to get clear by their own means... leaving the Abyssal base in a seething, hissing state as they tend to the damaged, and fix the minor damage to the forge works and foundry from the multitude of knives.

Sakuya (929) has posed:
    Curiously, while there is damage and injuries to repair, the knives quite suddenly all disappear at the same time, some even plucked from the hands of imps.

    Izayoi Sakuya flickers back into normal time a few hundred feet above the base, tucking her Lunar Dial into her blouse pocket as she ascends, a black-clad maid against the dark sky. She stayed behind long enough to clean up her mess. As any maid is obliged to do.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
As far as Yuna could tell, she was the first 'intruder' detected. Collecting as much attention as she could on their way out was the least she could do for her allies ... even if Sakuya was generous enough to give the Abyssals something ELSE to react to, and Yuna can practically hear the increased commotion behind her.

But once she's out of the water and airborne under her own power, Yuna is quite happy to leave the Abyssals behind. The Imps aren't equipped to keep harassing her once she's airborne, never mind pursuing her.

Once she's safely away from what might qualify, however loosely, as Abyssal airspace, Yuna leaves the navigation to Erina and starts trying to focus on recalling what all she saw underwater. Steel and fuel drums, the wreckage of some ships including at least a carrier and possibly a miniaturized destroyer.

... miniaturized ships. That's worrisome in its own right - Abyssals tend to do the same thing as Fleet Daughters, just with different aesthetics, in that they 'wear' components of the ships they embody. Sometimes they're parasites like Wo's hat, sometimes they're just armor and armaments, or some hybrid thereof.

Everything that Yuna can recall, she relays to Elner; it may be somewhat disjointed, but she trusts the robo-faerie's recall better than her own, especially when the subject is this disturbing. And Elner is in turn instructed to make the information known to whomever is working on reports for this mission.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
it was time to bug out and now she becomes airborne, carrying by Gaonoir and the two are up and away she'll call her planes back but if it comes to it they can be replaced she will attempt to noe panic though because iof Gaonoir somehow drops her? It's going to be a heck of a long way down!

"Agreed just don't let go of me!"