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No Sylphing Around
Date of Scene: 04 September 2014
Location: Black Shroud, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: The Black Shroud is in dire need of recovery and the Sylphs believe they know how to do it! Only trouble is, there are darker things lurking in the shadows who wish to make things more interesting for all.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 172, 307, Theo Morrison, 513, 541, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Welcome to the Black Shroud! A place of tall trees, green grass, lush vegetation-- or was, until the Primal Bahamut decided he needed a few toothpicks to clean his massive teeth. Sadly the land has become place of trees slowly being chocked out by the heavy fall of ash and soot that still lingers in the clouds even after it has been several weeks and the rivers even run tainted by it.

Some areas of the shroud even show the dangerous scar, lacking any sign of life at all, but only wood forest that has been burnt down to the core. Much of the land ha also been shifted, as the Shroud itself tries to recover the best of its own ability, but yet with its pain-- it can only do little.

Many of the animals here that were once peaceful have become very hostile and the land itself is willing to show its anger. The only place of safety that is know to the Gridanians is that of there own homes within the walls of the city, and thanks to some aid-- the Central Shroud that is actually bringing in fresh water-- though little it may be-- and life is starting to flourish there like it once was.

Though the wood wailers, Gridanian's own "rangers" as it were, were trying to protect this now area, because sadly-- some peaceful creatures were coming here to rest and seek nourishment and those of the more aggressive were also trying to hunt. There was fine line of balance and that balance just wasn't back to normal yet.

It is actually here, in the Central Shroud where everyone is being brought. Along side a crystal clear bubbling creek, where only a few small traces of soot can be found in the water. The trees here are starting to lush back out again, though never near the height they once were, and small trees are starting to grow from the once ash laid soil. The grass is a beautiful green and flowers of so many colors line the area.

It is here that a woman, perhaps no older then her early twenties stands. Her robe is purist of white, her hair a near platinum blond that has been placed up in a large bun, and the horns on the side of her head, ever as white as her dress, with a opal like 'crown' and a large staff to match made of the same opal-like material.

She seems to be speaking with that of a creature who is not like any other. A being who floats in the air and is no larger then up to a full grown man's thigh. The body seems to be that of leaves, a small yellow gemstone resting in the center of its chest, and a wood-like mask seems to cover over its face.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Yet how does one find find themselves here? This is done by transit of the Aethryte crystal in the heart of Gridania and for those who are not use to the aether, may find themselves feeling a little ill at first, but the conjurers who stand by have just the drink needed for such. Then being lead through the city out to the Central Shroud itself.

They may find those who live in the city to be standoff-ish and most of the people look like elves, but far longer features and standing at tall heights of surpassing six foot and some close to six and half feet. Others who are cat-people, with very human like faces, but feline like ears and tails. Then a few who indeed look human.

The city of Gridania itself would be starting to show some recovery, but was still a long way from it. As for the wood wailers who would help guide those to Central Shroud-- they tend to be the 'elves' wearing green leather armor, some with bows-- most with lances-- and they don't seem to be much in the way of conversations. They too wear either full wood masks.. or half wood masks.

Yet all are being brought to the woman in white and her green eyes will take notice of those who come. She though at last ends her conversation with the flying plant being and casts her gaze fully upon all who have come. "Greetings, I am sorry for not giving you my attention sooner, but I bid you all welcome. I am the Elder Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna." She then bows only slightly to all. "..And this along side me is one of the Sylphs. She will guide you into the deeper part of the shroud to assist with the calamity that has befallen us all." The young woman frowns softly. "For a great darkness has fallen over the Shroud and the land requires succor if it is ever to be healed."

Sadly, Xau'ra Tayuun is no where to be seen, at least no one that looks or sounds like him.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura is here! Wearing a pale green and orange dress today, stylised to look like it's made out of spring and autumnal flowers. In her hair she's evenw earing a pink flower - a sakura blossom, to be specific. Floating by her left shoulder is the adorable bear-cat creature that is Kero - currently with a tiny flower set between his ears, to match Sakura's outfit.

    Sakura seems totally fine with the teleportation! As soon as she spots the Seedseer and the Sylph, she has to force ehrself not to squee. So cute.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik kept quiet after the transition. It sorta reminded him of his gate spell actually. The elves Watching him creeped him out, and his right hand kept straying to a pistol holstered st his hip til a sudden reminder from Sparks hissed through magic she was using as part of her function as his radio caused him to remember that they were not going to shoot him.

Bad memories here. Blighted land. Nature folk with weapons. All that was missing was a circle of nine to begin focusing their energies on transforming him against his will to make this play exactly like the old nightmares that still on occasion would stalk Marrik's sleep.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "And what kind of darkness is it?" Asks Finna, quite simply. She's given up on trying to be too playful, too rambunctious or even playing around too much. This somber, slowly recuperating forest is beyond words and beyond her immaturity. It terrifies her so much that she can't help but quiet down and behave, and even show some maturity.

    She's dressed entirely in natural materials, and seems to have scavenged (or, more likely, traded for, or perhaps simply conjured via shapeshifting) attire more like that of the locals - and thankfully more suited to this area than her northern leather huntress outfit, as that is FAR too hot for this climate.

    And, for some reason or another, her animal features are revealed for everyone to see. Fluffy white fox ears and tail glitter silver like the moon, even in daylight. She's strapped a quiver over her back and a bow's carried in one hand.

Allyn (307) has posed:
While in his cave, resting and recovering from injuries received not too long ago with his side still bandaged and another on the left side of his head Allyn in wolf form found himself summoned here ocne again. It always seems to make him sick when it happens, so of course the wolf does get sick once arrived. He gratefully laps up water given to him in a bowl though and then once things are better he gets to his feet slowly and looks around, mostly off in the distance though and sniffs the air. Well, doesn't feel like things are as bad here as they were, that is good.

After a few moments he pads off towards where others have gathered to listen to the woman. He tilts his head and then goes over to sit down next to Finna once he ahs noticed that she is here as well.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo doesn't have any problems because he doesn't use the crystal. He gets the location from someone while he's a ways away, gets out his Adventuring Gear (and not the card, unfortunately), and 'walks.

There's a pearlescent shimmer very close to where people are dropping in. It peels back like the air was giving way, forming the impression of a doorway with a white, misty glow within its bounds. Theo barrels out, dropping to the ground and skidding to a halt, misty Aether trailing off him for a couple seconds and disappearing into thin air.

Kickotron follows dutifully after. He's carrying the tray table and a backpack, the tiny, silent bird-robot hopping out of the planar portal an instant before it closes without any apparent issue. Theo brushes himself off needlessly.

"Hi," he greets. "I heard there was adventure?" Theo glances aside, raising a hand and giving Sakura a smile and a little wave. Kickotron hops over to him, standing next to him and looking silently at the things around it.

Maya has posed:
Maya has been aware of this place before, she's heard the reports and knew there was something to look at, however she also know there were issues with the land in some regions. She had left Runner behind at this point she was armed but keeping an eye on things as she moved with the rest of the party and she look sat the strange thing for a moment not certain as to what it is. She bows a bit back in turn as she looks to the Sylph and nods a little bit.

"Thank you for the kind welcome."

The blue haired woman might be strange to those who don't know her from the post nuclear war looking outfit to the streatred blue tattoos under her eyes.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Seedseer looks over the group once more before eyes fall upon Finna and Allyn. Those who can sense the elements, will sense that she is very entwined with them, much like the Sylph along side her. Those with magical sense will pick up she is not one to be trifled with in the ways of magic-- at least not here.

She gives a faintest of smiles to Finna and Allyn both, "It is good to see you both here. I have heard the great deeds you have done for our home while I was away-- though," Her green eyes gaze about, "--shame the other is not here. The Earth elements spoke to me of his kindness and that he was blessed by one of our Conjurers."

She though tilts her head ever so faintly, as she looks at Allyn, "..and they have told me of how the forest pains you in equal.." Her eyes then fall to Finna as she asks her question.

Though this about the time Theo makes his dramatic entrance and which causes many of the Wood wailers to suddenly ready there spears, Kan-E-Senna places out her hand to tell them to halt. She studies the man for a moment before giving him a soft smile. "You are a weaver of the aetheric forces and one whom commands beings from it." She says looking at the metal creature that follows along. The Sylph flutters over to the metal Myr and seems to take a far greater interest as the Seedseer's eyes then trail over Marrik, Sakura, and Maya. "So many of you who are also new here, but time is of the essence. So I will keep this plane."

The Seedseer closes her eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply before she opens her eyes. This should answer Finna's question. "The Sylphs believe they may know a source of the darkness. It is a location of great myths and of darker tells of a time long forgotten. Yet they dare not tread there, for it is land they see as forbidden to them."

Some grave concern is in her voice. "Further-- the Ixals have also pushed in closer to the Sylphs homes and need to be reminded of there place. We, of Gridania, would do this service, but we must protect this land that some of you have returned to us and we must protect our people within our walls. Though we do not believe in violence.. and nor do the Sylphs-- action must be taken.. as the Ixal are not as kind."

Kan-E-Senna then looks to the Sylph who is still fluttering around the Myr is curiosity. "She will guide you across the forest with safety and safe passage.. at least for a time."

The Sylph then flutters back from the Myr and then tosses some water towards it. Though the water flutters like leaves. It would seem to be some type of magical protection granted to it. The Sylph then looks at the others. "This one is glad to meet so many tall ones. This one will make sure angry ones do not come close while we head to dark place."

Kan-E-Senna then speaks up again, "For the moment, the Ixals are being handled by one whom was once born here, Xau'ra Tayuun. He should meet up with you on your way-- unless problems arise."

Marrik (541) has posed:
The hits just keep coming don't they? Marrik first had to deal with the whole 'scene straight from nightmare' to now having the blinding beacon of magic in his face. On the one hand it didn't matter because anything he could cast right now was simple enough he could do without seeing the threads. On the other seeing ghosts would be harder for the metaphysical glare, but even if he didn't have enough magic to make them visible he could still see them. Actually spotting magic to diffuse it? Right out the window.

At the offer of guide Marrik stepped forward and bowed slightly before looking to the woman that addressed them. "I will do what I can ma'am." Rituals were less personally demanding, and if he could get Maya to lend her support it would be a non issue. "What problems will we have if things don't go well?" Seasoned adventurer here, wanting to know all the ways he will die. "It is not lack of faith ma'am, but experience that tells me nothing ever goes to plan and I'd like to know what we walk into."

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura returns Theo's smile and wave with one of her own, but she seems quite distracted by the Seedseer. She has her head tilted to one side slightly, and is even blushing very slightly as she listens... until Kero whaps her on the side of the head, making her come to her senses with a jolt. She rubs the back of her head and grins sheepishly.

    As he Sylph approaches them, Sakura smiles and bows to her. "Um. I'm Sakura. ... It's weird to be called 'tall'..."

Maya has posed:
Maya is rapidly taking in all this information and is starting to get a picture of things here. Well she thinks so does, she looks at the Myr and Theo.


She thinks leaving Runner behind ws the best call in this situation. she looks over to Marrik and tives him a bit of a kook. he'd have to ask her for help but she'd likely give him it.

"There's a earth saying, no plan surives contact with the enemy. It's pretty apt, also forgive me I am Maya."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Still so determined to make more trouble.... maybe I should try and persuade them otherwise later." Finna mutters to herself. Luna would totally approve of figuring out some way to achieve pieace between the Gridanians and Ixal in some sort of mutually beneficial arrangement! Because all this violence doesn't do ANYONE any good, and sure isn't helping the forest...

    But oh well. Not for now. She reaches down to scratch behind Allyn's ears, blinks once at Sakura's antics, and lastly... grins at Theo's appearance. "Well, we've got a pretty full party here! Whatever this darkness is won't stand a -chance.-"

    Gotta at least keep spirits up, right?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn bows his head to the Seedseer and his tail wags just a little as she speaks to him, "I can feel the pain and anger of the forest, yes." he ponders for a few moments, still a little ashamed of what he almost did the last time here, "I will try to not let if affect me as much as it did last time, as I wish to help as much as I can."

He tilts his head as he listens to the Sylph, "Will we be in or near the forest for long?" he's curious as he's not sure if in his injured state, just how long he might be able to resist the anger and the possibility that he may become more feral than the last time.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Kan-E-Senna looks to Marrik as he asks what they may walk into. "I am unsure, for the elements will not speak to me out that far." She closes her eyes. "..but I have sensed the darkness the Sylphs speak of.. and it is blinding us." She then looks to him once more. "But you should be ready for great evil and take heed.. not all Sylphs are in agreement."

The Sylph nods to Sakura, "This one is happy to meet tall one. And you are tall one. Taller then this one." The Sylph then looks to Kan-E-Senna, before giving a faint nod and looking at others. "Steel ones have caused unrest. Elder Primal Bahamut caused even further stress." The sylph then shakes her head. "Many are fearful and feather ones do not help."

"They want to summon great one, but we continue to protest." The Sylph adds with a sage nod. "For now they listen-- but for how long.." the Sylph then shrugs.

There is then a roll of the wind that can be seen in the trees, but it yet avoids the area, seeming as if it unnaturally moves around it. Marrik may pick it up about then, a being reaper like creature that swiftly moves by with scythe-like wings. For those more magically inclined, they would sense a dark presence on that wind, but it is gone just as quickly has it came.

Kan-E-Senna places her hand to her forehead when the wind blows. here eyes close gently. Most of her weight can almost be seen placed on her staff. She seems uneasy in that moment, but doesn't stay as such long. Her green eyes though go to Allyn, before she kneels down and motions for him to come over. "I have a gift for you, wild heart. I wish to give you aid whilst you travel here, for it is all I can do for what you have done for us."

The Sylph takes her attention to the forest and whispers something in her native tongue. It is sadly something the multiverse can no translate, but it seems to cause the creature some distress. Did the Sylph see it as well?

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik looked directly at the reaper creature and scowled, "Guys we've got something ugly as hell watching us thataway." He pulled his staff out and gestured briefly in the reaper's direction before leaning on the rune covered walking aid. "What is it? Wings, very grim and dead looking. Not getting good vibes off of it."

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura's head snaps up as the wind blows. Quick as a flash, she grasps the small diary-style key from around her neck, and cries out "RELEASE!" Under her feet, yellow light shapes itself into a magic circle, depicting a star flanked by the sun and crescent moon. As her left hand moves itself into a simple 'mudra', the key grows and elongates into the form of a wand.

    Her left hand darts into a pocket in her dress, producing a thick deck of... what appear to be tarot cards.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn tilts his head a moment at the Seedseer and then gets up and he pads over towards her and since she is kneeling he looks at her. "A gift?" well he doesn't usually take gifts, but if it's something that will help against the anger he could use that. He does tilt his head at her again though and watches to see what she is going to do.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo waves at Maya, a touch distracted while he makes sure Kickotron doesn't get, you know, Instant Hell Murdered. "Yeah, that's right. That's not a problem, is it?"

Kickotron gets doused. The myr is kind of birdlike in mannerism and action; it shakes it off, kind of, and then takes up its position where it was standing before. It peers back at the sylphs as much as they peer it at, but it doesn't say anything. This is probably because it can't. Probably.

"The darkness had better get out of our path, unless it wants to get kicked around," Theo says, grinning over at Finna. His grin fades, feeling a creepy-crawly feeling on the back of his neck. He reaches into one of the hard cases at his belt and fishes out his own deck of cards, plastic sleeved and shuffled immediately. Kickotron walks over in front of him, holding up the tray table. He casts a wary glance around the space they're standing in.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," he mutters.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Mh?" A gift for Allyn? Finna's quite curious! But it will have to wait, for there's business to deal with right now. "Don't worry, Allyn! I'll keep an eye on you... but let's see here. We've got a few mages, two shapeshifters, a summoner of some kind..." That last meaning Theo, naturally... "Looks like if there's trouble, we're best off not meeting it head on up close. So knowing what we're running into is all-important! That means we should scout first!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is keeping with the group as they make it she eyes Finna for a moment, Maya's also keepiung her eyes open now. She is ready for that and she's used toi people she's trying to help not agreeing or worse /trying/ to backstab her later. She hears the warning of a summoning and has a bad feeling about this. She looks to Marik for a moment.

"I see, we're being watched then?"

She reaches not for her rifle but her strange tarot like cards.

She looks to Theo then to the chosen of Luna.

Maya's feeling pretty unsettled her self there' sjust osmehing she doesn't like here.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Seedseer frowns as she is explained what she has been sensing now seen by a few here, her words are soft. "That would be the darkness that is blinding us. Feeding from the chaos and destruction brought by the Primal.." The Seedseer looks at the others from where she is knelt, "But it will not enter here.. it knows it will step into Purified land and the Matron will turn the shroud quickly to our aid."

The Sylph then looks at Marrik as he asks that is it. "Paragon." The Sylph says simply and plainly. "We must go. Go quick. Paragon ahead. Paragon can move faster."

Kan-E-Senna then places out her hand as then a necklace appears. The cord is made of what seems to be silver-- yet it isn't-- some other kinda of mineral. It holds that of a talon of some kind, A white feather and a black feather, and a few snail shell beads.

She then goes to place it over his neck. "So long as you wear this," She tells Allyn, "Your senses will be your own. No cloud of miss judgment will come over you."

One of the Wood wailers then speaks up, "My lady. We should head inside."

The Sylph then moves ahead and motions to the others, "Come. Come. We must go. Be quick. Paragon will not rest. Paragon will only make trouble and more trouble. It will bring forth dark ones to stop healing!"

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura reacts! By... following. Pretty quickly, all things told - she's fairly athletic.

    She draws a card from her deck, but doesn't cast it yet. She just wants to be prepared!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn sniffs at the Seedseer after she puts the necklace around him and then licks her on the cheek. "Thank you." Though he lowers his ears and tail though when it seems she doesn't look too well, "Are you alright?" he asks her. Then glances around and calls out, "This woman needs help, can someone help her?" and looks to the Sylph for a few moments and then to Finna. Yeah, they should follow the Sylph, but something is wrong with the Seedseer, "Go, I will catch up." he tells the others.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Why?" Marrik looked at the reaper like specre and made sure it would hear his question. "What is there to gain by ruin?" He couldn't help asking. Even the cult he was mixed up with thought they were doing the right thing. Nothing goes through being a murdering killing destroying ball of evil for it's own sake.

Everyone, in their own minds, is the hero of their own story.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Wait, what?" Sure, the Seedseer had seemed troubled. Even weak. But in danger? Finna hadn't caught on, and Allyn's sudden declaration of that confounds her. She wastes no time shifting to fox form even if it's right in front of everyone, shrinking down and somehow 'absorbing' her clothing and weapons into Elsewhere when fur sprouts to replace them.

    Animals are much better at sensing another's condition than hmans are. So many telltale signs, like breathing patterns, scent, and heartbeats... she tilts her head at the Seedseer quizzically....

Maya has posed:
Maya is mocing ahead with the otehr she got her cards in head she moves at high speed at this point. Maya's quite fit and seems to have no issue keeping up at this point. She will trust Allyn to tend to the woman she's go tto keep moving.

Theo Morrison has posed:
They get told to go. Theo gets going.

Unlike Sakura, whom he is following, Theo is less athletic. He hustles, and Kickotron does the same, doing their best to keep up. He frowns at the general environment, trying to figure out what, exactly, he should be running here. "Mana's all screwed up," he mutters. "Green all over the place, a little bit of Black, but... ugh, not even a little ideal. Kickotron, fish out the signet."

The myr unzips the backpack with one hand, balancing the tray on the other. It pulls out a triangular artifact, passing it back to Theo, who hooks it onto his belt. The well-read of the Multiversal may recognize it as the insignia of one of the Ravnican Guilds. Theo fishes for cards off the top, pulling his seven as he puts the deck down and glancing at the hand.

"Oh, sweet." He drops one immediately. "Leyline of the Meek!" The card hits the table, and the ground lights up with golden tracery. Snaking bands of light weave out into the trees, a comforting glow that spreads in Theo's wake. They positively hum with energy, empowering the weak creatures of the forest by its mere presence.

And /then/ he plays a land.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Kan-E-Senna is licked on the cheek and she smiles. She gives Allyn a gently rest of her hand along side his muzzle and against the thick of his fur on his face. "Go with them. My Wood wailers will see to of my safety." Her hand then slides away, before she goes to stand back up, even as uneasy as she seems to do so. "For when the forest is a whole again.. so will I be."

One of them comes over quickly to her and gives her his hand, so that she may take a hold and the two Woodwailers go to walk her back toward the gates of Gridania as another group of two follow in with bows ready.

Finna may be pick up that the Seedseer is starting to give a bit of a fever. If her words be true, perhaps then the forest effects them as much has it does the creatures here as well.

Sadly for Merrik there is no answer, for the dark being has moved on. What is concern is that it went the way the Sylph is trying to lead them. Though if the Sylph is right and by how quickly it is trying to move them along-- the 'reaper' may be out to also stop them entirely ahead.

The forest ahead goes from being recovery and growing, to dieing and nearly grayed out by the ash that is resting on the ground and the plant life being snuffed out. The haze above keeping the sunlight from touching the area and though no ash or soot rains down, the destruction here is easy to be seen.

Mighty trees have fallen, open areas that were once enclosed now void of any life that could be seen. Streams and rivers do not flow.. and everything here slowly dieing. Despair-- has a grip on this land. Despair and the forests own rage.

Sounds can be heard moving in the woods. Branches breaking and what leaves remain rustling. Yet no animal can be heard. Not even a faint sound of a bug. Beasts have fled from here and those of magical sense can feel it. Darkness does loom and is ever watchful.

Yet when a few vines snap from the ground as the earth itself seems to move, it seems to stay its hand as the Sylph moves around the group. Throwing down droplets of water from time to time. Speaking in her native tongue.

Then Theo does something that causes the Sylph to come to a halt. He plays one of his aetheric influencing cards and the Sylph watches as the area takes a glow. the Sylph can feel the comforting power and tilts her head slightly, yet moves on-- well-- at least till two other Sylphs show up.

"This one was not expecting others." She says firmly. "This one does not understand.." She motions for the group to stay back and makes her way over to the other two. One which is moving ash off of itself. "Why these ones here. This one did not hear word of others coming."

"We felt paragon moving." One of the says, then the other one speaks. "So we came to help with guidance of tall ones."

"This one does not need help." She huffs out. "Both in trouble. Both should go back!"

This slowly goes into Sylphic language between the three of what sounds like an argument. At least this may give a chance for Finna and Allyn to catch up.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura glances over to Theo as he plays a card. She glances down at the card text for a moment, then giggles. "Lucky~" she calls in a sing-song voice. Does she... does she actually understand the rules he's playing by, or something? Who knows.

    As the group comes to a stop, Sakura frowns as she looks around at their surroundings. The card she drew is slotted back into ehr deck, and she pulls out another one - apparently without having to actually look. Such a cheater.

    "WOOD!" she calls, as she tries to test something. Her magic circle appears under her feet again, and a green nymph-like being - only about eight inches tall - springs into existence before her, as the card itself vanishes in a flash of blue light.

    The nymph raises one arm... and attempts to raise a new tree.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to the Seedseer, though the wolf looks a little troubled by the news that she wont be better until the forest is. He gives her a wag of the tail and then turns to Finna and pads over to her, "We have to help the forest here more as soon as we can." he ponders, "But guess we should go join the others now." Well, that is what they are here for and can't really ignore the other things going on around anyway. He pads off towards the direction that the others went though, still worried a bit about the woman.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "... Then at least get some rest! We'll do our part. You have my word that I will do my all." And that is a word not given lightly. This situation has truly pushed Finna to the point of utter frustration. She playfully brushes up along Allyn and teases his face with a tailflick, then speeds up with a faint burst of silvery light. Allyn, as a wolf, is bigger and has a better stride than the fox, but not by much - making up the difference isn't hard!

    And there's no way the rest of the group's gonna be getting SO far ahead that two beasts can't catch up!

Marrik (541) has posed:
The advantage Marrik had over most magic users, and he realized it cut into study time, was that he was in shape enough to run when needed without huffing and blowing and about half exausted and half dead after five minutes. This he used to run to play catch up. No raised voices. Just him gripping a scroll in his coat pocket. "That reaper thing's headed probably same place we are." He'd marked his scrolls so that he could tell at a feel what was what. Sure he couldn't attack properly, but he could use his personal magic to cast from scrolls, and plenty of defense and minor healing there.

Maya has posed:
Maya keeps moving as they get near the dead lan they have entered now. She takes in how ruined the place is as they go on. It feel dead she looks about seeing no life here and moves on. It's like shell three.

"humm and it would be very angry at most methods used to restore a forest ... in my world."

Technology could be put to use to /repair/ what mortal hands had done after all or worse She muses to her self...

"... no good can come from that Marrik."

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo assumes Sakura is bright enough to figure out what his cards do by the context of the printed rules. He smiles for a second. "Yeah, pretty much."

When the Sylphs stop to, uh, 'debate', Theo stops to catch his breath and play onward. He feels like something is waiting for them. He'd best be ready. He draws, playing another land -- Plains, like the other, which doesn't match the area -- and then pulls mana from the land he stands on and funnels some of it through the signet he wears. It changes somehow when he draws it back out.

"Intangible Virtue." Theo plays another enchantment. The area around him lights up with a soft luminescence, motes of ash drifting downward as it ever does shining like motes of gentle light instead. It gives the area a sort of peaceful feeling. No, that isn't quite right; not /peaceful/, but... steadfast, maybe. Like it was ready for anything.

Nothing else seems to happen. Theo watches the woods around them, waiting for something.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Sakura summons a nymph and the Nymphs magic does indeed cause a little sapling tree to rise up. Its leaves spring to life, being accepted by the Shroud-- sadly though, it be hard to say how long it will survive in such conditions...

Finna and Allyn probably see the group ahead, as it seems everything has come to a standstill cause the Sylphs be arguing. Yet those winds blow again-- though nothing can be seen this time, it can be felt. Chaotic magic is on the move and shortly after that. The ground rumbles.

This causes the Sylphs to suddenly stop arguing. The one that has been guiding them quickly turns to the group, her hand reaches out, as if magical energy is being casted, but then something far larger then she is swings a wood hand to catch her.

One could follow the massive arm to where it takes the Sylph in that blink of an eye. It a massive tree-like monster. It has dark magic pouring out from it. Its socket like eyes are glowing red with rage and its leaves which were once green, now are the of a crimson red.

The other two sylphs are knocked back by the sudden harsh movements of the tree monster and before anyone can even make a move, the massive tree beast has actually /eaten/ the Sylph. Which after it does so, it turns at looks directly at the group.

Before it lets out a loud roaring bark that causes the whole forest to actually shake around it.

Now the question is-- do you fight it-- or do you grab the two sylphs and make a run for it? Or-- do you forget the two sylphs and /still/ make a run for it? Also this is a shame when no one can do a Black Shroud lore check...

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik's breath caught when he saw the corrupted trents. He could /FEEL/ the corruption off of it. "A delaying action." He guessed as he pulled a scroll from his pocket. Whispers of power went from his hand into the unopened scroll. Light poured from his left hand as he opened it and aimed his palm at the trent. There was light, warm friendly pure life giving sunlight traced out towards the corrupted beast. Back on his home darkness aided corrupt and evil beings. Sunlight weakened them.

The scroll dropped away and crumpled into dust even as he pulled a second scroll and took a deep breath, hoping the sunlight would help, if only to act as bluff. "Protect our guides. We need them."

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura smiles a little bit at Wood, who's currently spiralling around that new tree she made. She's proud!

    And then... treant occurs. Sakura stares, wide-eyed, reaching out one hand - but then the Sylph is gone. Sakura stands there for a moment, staring.

    Then her eyes take on a 'blank' look. She runs at the Treant, pulling a card out while scattering the others to her side. "POWER!" she calls out, leaping into the air. The cards levitate and follow behind the Cardcaptor, forming what almost looks like a pair of wings.

    The Wood raises both hands, branches erupting from the ground in an effort to bind the monster - while Sakura flicks her wrist, as her body is surrounded by a pink aura of energy. A Hidden Blade pops out from her sleeve, extending a full eight inches from her hand as she leaps in to strike.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Aaaannnd there it is.

Theo stumbles back a step when the huge, tainted Treant straight-up eats their guide. His mouth hangs open in stunned horror. Kickotron helpfully kicks him in the shin to snap him out of it, having possibly learned the maneuver from Kero. "C'mon, Morrison, you've faced down worse monsters than this; it's just a tree, like the stupid treefolk deck of--"

Sunlight and a super-pissed Sakura come into his view. Theo blinks and remembers what he's supposed to be doing. He snatches the top card, playing a third land, dropping an artifact and immediately putting it in his graveyard. He's tapped out. "Play and sacrifice Expedition Map," he announces, voice a little uneasy.

A map, old and creased, very briefly appears in front of him. It flickers out of sight. Theo hastily goes through his cards to find the one he's looking for and prays that it doesn't try and eat him in the interim.

Then he thinks about something /else/. He calls to the other Sylphs, "Get behind us! We can handle this!" ...He hopes.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna is there just in time to see the guide get swallowed. She promptly swears, though it's mixed with a loud, shrill, ear-shredding bark! The fox does NOT approve. She wastes little time, IMMEDIATELY zipping across the ashy ground, zig-zagging into position FAR behind the Treant, builds up speed...

    And, to probably nobody's surprise, ALSO builds up size. While she remains quadrupedal, she grows HUGE, easily the size of a Percheron or Clydesdale, but that's no equine. She's a four-legged, feline-esque GREAT TERROR of the north, a beast known to prey on entire villages and small caravans. And yet what does she do with its great girth and weight?

    A BODY SLAM from behind, hoping to force the Treant to regurgitate its meal quickly!

Maya has posed:
Maya is not able to act in time to save the first of their guides the two who still live would find themselves being protected by barrier spell she looks at the evil tree that's coming for them. This is going to be a bad dayu but she has to wonder is that Aura natural? She doesn't know is it an evil creature normally or has it been taited?

"Somwthing's off about this..."

She pulls out another card, it flares with blue fire and Maya teaches out with her mind trying to sense the nature and state of the tree.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn runs along with Finna as they go after the others in the group, but then stops dead in his tracks as the tree creature appears and eats the guide. He blinks, never having seen anything like that before. He looks to Finna to see what she is going to do. That causes him to blin as well, but he doesn't have time to just stand there gawking. Well, if she's going to change into something that large, then there's no reason for him to hold back

But what form should he take? feline? something else? It's a large angry tree they are against, ah well. He shifts forms becoming instead of a wolf a monsterous komodo dragon, twenty-four feet long. He charges at the tree and tries to topple it over with his weight as Finna bodyslams it.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The two sylphs knocked aside look a little dazed. Though one comes too, to see Sakura leaping right for the treant, "No! No!" It cries out. Yet when Theo tells them get to behind him. It uses its magic to lift the one who is unconscious and flees behind Theo.

Sakura's sword comes down and the Treant raises its one arm to block the attack. Her sword shatters its arm and it howls in pain. The ground seems to quiver from the attack. It then spins around with its other arm to actually knock Sakura aside with a heavy blow.

While it does that though, Finna becomes the massive beast and slams into its backside, causing it to nearly stumble forward. It /does/ actually cough out the guide who has yet to be digested by the Treant-- but she doesn't look in very good shape.

Maya will pick up that the Treant is being corrupted, but not from within-- something has-- tainted it. Twisted it, yet a light within it still is good. Just some dark magic is at play here-- very dark, powerful magic.

The Treant is then bitten by the massive Komodo Dragon, before being toppled over by it. It then attempts to reach for the large beast and trying to lift it up. For now, its focus seems to be entirely on Allyn.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura sees a giant tree arm coming for her. Eep. "SHIELD!" she cries, getting the spell off just in time to be batted away by the blow, but not smashed into a million pieces. She flips through the air - and runs into a net of vines that the Wood card has created. She bounces to the floor, scrambling to her feet and producing another card.

    "SWORD!" she calls out, transforming her wand into... a rapier, which she flourishes. Her right-hand Hidden Blade is retracted, while her left-hand one is extended. She then grasps the blade - carefully - and twists her hand, detatching the blade and holding it by its hilt as a parrying dagger.

Marrik (541) has posed:
On seein basically no effect from the sunlight Marrik sweeps his left hand over to the now coughed out Sylph as he activated the new scroll he'd dug out. As healing energies poured from his left hand he rushed over to try scooping the Sylph up and rush her to where the other two were. There were other people here for offensive work. He needed to focus on what he could rather than overexert where he couldn't.

Finna (513) has posed:
    With the guide freed, Finna shifts back to human form, now bearing an axe. It's not a very large axe, and clearly meant just for cutting wood. But she executes a remarkable backflip away from the Treant! "Get the guide!" She yells. "Keep the Sylphs away from it! ... what's with this thing? Isn't it an elemental of the woods?!" Well the woods are angry, obviously, but... this is a LIVING TREE...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn makes a growling/hissing noise as he slams into the tree and it topples over, him with it of course as he was trying to 'bulldoze' it over. That of course does leave him open for it's reaching for him. Komodo dragons climb trees though, well ok, usually only when juviniles and at three times the size of an adult komodo dragon, he's a bit large for climbing a tree. Though maybe not this one?Three times the size means the claws on the large lizard are proportional and just as sharp, if not even sharper than normal. he digs said claws into the Treant wherever he can find purchase, hoping that will prevent him from being lifted up by it, "Where do you think you are going?" he asks the evil tree thing.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo has nothing he can do with three mana. Nothing /useful/, anyway. He backs off, keeping the Sylphs behind him. The treant gets thrashed by the incoming murder-animals and surprisingly super-strong Sakura, but it's still coming. Thinking about it, Theo isn't actually that worried about the Treant itself. He's more concerned with what could be following it up the trail.

Untap, upkeep, draw. Theo glances at the card, smiling suddenly. He plays the land he fished out earlier, and then the card he just drew with barely a pause. The Azorius Signet grows a touch warmer while he uses it again. "Springjack Pasture! Springjack Shepherd!" There's a surge of magic, wispy Aether flickering into sight behind him somewhere...

A young woman walks up the path they've left behind them. At first glance, she's easily mistaken for a halfling or a hobbit, being about their size and stature. She wears dark, stitched-together leathers and a darker cape, and her messy black hair is mostly tucked into a black, vaguely-pointed and twice-patched cap. In her hand is a staff taller than she, made of a tall, dark branch with strips of dirty white cloth wrapped beneath the top and trailing off in two tails. The top is like a claw of wood gripping a white orb, casting a yellow-white light.

She looks around her, her big eyes grey and clouded save a white spot where the pupil should be. Frowning, brows furrowed in mild irritation, she makes a sharp, short whistle and plants the butt of her staff. More shapes move up behind her and in front of her, partially hopping and partially loping out in front of Theo and the Sylphs. The springjacks are white-furred, resembling a cross between a rabbit and a goat, with powerful hind legs, back-swept ears and a snout currently low to the ground. There are four of them, intermittently nosing through the ashen ground to take a bite out of whatever foliage they can find there.

They're also each about the size of a bear.

BGM CHANGE: http://youtu.be/WZvnfBTnaj0

"Pass turn," Theo remarks, grinning like an idiot.

Maya has posed:
Maya pauses for a moment, as she feels what' shappened.

"The creature it's not in control of it's action something's trying to take it but it's not ... entirely gone yet." Mind control a thing that Maya sadly has some experiance with in her life.

"... I wonder can we purge it...?"

Because if this thing is being mind controled by this darkness ... it's not the ones calling the shots now is it?

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The treant roars out as as the area seems to shake around it. It is trying to get to Allyn which has clawed onto its arm and then attempts to rip the Komodo Dragon off, with little success beyond allowing the reptiles claws to dig in deeper.

It also sadly missing one of its arms thanks to Sakura's earlier attack and yet the limb-- the limb can be seen trying to grow /back/. The summoned being with her goat-bunnies is ignored by the Treant, because right now-- seriously-- it has to deal with an angry Komodo!

As for the guide, Marrik is successfully able to pull her to safety and the scroll does seem to be working. Somewhat. Her little hand reaches up to him, her gold eyes behind the wood mask look so weak and tired. "Stone...darkness..do.. ..nn... dest.." Before she seems to pass out again. It would seem though she is being healed, she is just exhausted from the ordeal of fighting to stay alive.

One of the other sylphs who came flutters over. "This one does not trust outside ones. This one is skeptical one. But guide one trusted outside ones." The Sylph then looks at the other who is starting to come around. "Dumb one," Yeah-- she-- is that a she? is calling the other one dumb. "Will take back guide one to village. Both need to heal. Both need to rest."

The other sylph looks at the one who just called them dumb as she-- again-- is it a she?? Says groggily, "..who you call dumb one, dumb one."

The one who calls themselves 'skeptical one', looks at Theo then to Marrik. "Wood ones are Guardian ones. They protect forest. Do not kill Guardian one! Or anger, great anger will build toward outside ones." S/he looks down at the guide, "..you help Guide One-- so best advice this one can give.. and this one in turn will also act in Guide one's place. This one know where to go.. but can not cross.. but knows mission."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls and hisses as he tries to hold the treant back from the others. He's not really trying to kill it, but more or less trying to hold it in place with his weight so that it can't hurt the others. Of course he's holding on with his claws, because he doesn't want to get tossed or eaten, so yeah it might be hurting the tree creature, he's not actively trying to tear it apart or anything. He's glad the Seedseer gave him that necklace though, since the anger of the forest isn't consuming him, or else it might be different. "Finna, help me hold this thing down will you?" he asks the other shapeshifter.

Of course, he could probably just shift forms and coil around it to keep it from moving, but he'll save that option for later. "Or see if there is a way to calm it down, so we don't have to injure it anymore than we already have. I don't think we want the forest any more angry than it already is."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Fine," Marrik grunted as he rummaged about. With the Sylph being taken to safety he pulled out a small bag. "Can't be easy can it?" Last possession he had to deal with had a dozen guys holding a frail girl down. When the bag opened a spectral hand pulled a series of small rocks, each carved to have many faces and small runes carved on each face. Deep breath as the rune stones were tossed and made n iron circle around not only the treant but everything holding it down, effectively putting the entire group in the magic circle.

Noises came from his mouth. They had the cadence of speech but were not, themselves, language. As these non-words rolled forward the circle glowed dull. More stones were pulled from the bag by the spectral hand while Marrik's stance widened and threads of power went from his physical hands to his forehead. Then from there power coursed from him to the possessed and corrupted guardian. His chanting sped up as his power connected and started attempting to hook into whatever was pushing the tree-beast to go against its nature.

Theo Morrison has posed:
"Don't kill it?" Theo echoes. He looks over his shoulder at Skeptic Sylph. (It's conveniently close enough to 'smurf' that he'll use it like that.) "Ugh, okay, we'll try and -- I dunno, hold it down. Maybe I'll draw removal, I can just send it away."

He draws his card. The shepherd and the goats are in a cluster in front of him, with the kithkin lass watching the tree and the springjacks kind of hanging out. Theo drops another Plains onto his pile of now-untapped lands, frowning a little. "I need more white mana sources. I don't know how much longer my Signet is gonna hold out." Tap, tap, tap. The artifact at his belt is uncomfortably warm, now. "Glorious Anthem!"

Singing fills the woodlands, filtering down from on high. It sounds like the voice of an angel, perhaps literally, singing a battle song to bolster morale. It has a definite effect; the Shepherd thumps her staff against the ground in time with it, and a couple of the springjacks seem to be kicking the dirt along with her.

"Cloudshift the Shepherd!" One more plains gets tapped. Theo's signet is hot, now. There's a sudden flicker, the Shepherd vanishing into thin air for a span of breaths and reappearing exactly where she was, apparently disoriented. "Chroma triggers... and I get more goats." More of them hop and trot out of the woods behind him. He's got ten, now, the unusually enormous springjacks crowding around.

Theo gestures, and four of them jump forward and upwards, leaping at the treant. They're huge and heavy, trying to get on top of it, biting at it and using size and momentum to help knock it down and hold it there. They bleat when they jump, and they bleat when they land. It's kinda loud.

Maya has posed:
Maya has goes the idea that the huge tree thing is under the infulence of something, even without the warning from the natives. The question is how to purge it there is a spell she has that might be able to do something but it's risky to her. She does have an idea however, she's not sure how well this will work she's not got any proper spells for this but she's got an idea of combinging two spells she can do which may be able to do something.

"Theo I have an idea I'm going to need ot be cover."

If Theo paid attention there was a lot of Mana coming from Maya likely enough for some of his needed. Either way Maya is now working upon a spell as she charges a pair of fate cards with magic, both are glowing with blue flames as she weaves this spell.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Hold it down, huh?

    Before coming to the Multiverse, Finna spent some time acclimating herself to the southeastern forests, where great things roam. The Lunar Elders had suggested she acquire several new forms before going on this quest into the great unknown, and they were definitely right to do so.

    She starts shifting. Skin is replaced with scale, clothing vanishes and her body becomes a mostly featureless tube... though, soon enough, the scale turn greenish tinged, and grow black spots. As she hits the ground, legs vanishing, her body lengthens.

    It lengthens, and lengthens, and STRETCHES to unbelievable lengths, and its big enough AROUND to swallow... well, probably an alligator, or perhaps a whole man.

    There's only one other reptile on Earth that can rival Allyn's Komodo dragon in sheer weight, and Finna's surpassing even that. For the snakes that dominate the southeast forests are not easily trifled with even by the king of predators, the Tyrant Lizard.

    A grand snake, quite similar to an Anaconda, is what Finna's become. And it lashes out with lightning speed, aiming to coil around and bind up the Treant and painfully - but without much real harm - restrict its movements, keep it from thrashing!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Those with that dark sense can pick up something is watching them, but it does not linger around for long. As for the treant it continues to wrestle with Allyn. It tries to pull him one way, and another-- it even tries to bite his big ol' tail!

Though when the springjacks start to kick it, bite at it, and be a general pest. The Treant uses one of its other three arms to reach for one of the Springjacks and try to throw it aside with another roar in frustration.

The sylph that is the 'dumb one' apparently, motions to Sakura for her to follow it. After all the forest is a dangerous place and they could use someone to protect them to the land of the Sylphs within the Shroud. Because seriously-- there are some critters out there that /love/ to eat them. Like Giant frilled lizard-like dinosaur creatures!

Marrik goes undisturbed as he places down his barrier and Maya gathering up her power to do whatever she is doing also goes interrupted. Whatever has caused this, if anything has caused it at all, doesn't seem to be making any moves to stop the group.

The Skeptical Sylph watches the activities, before placing her hands together, a spark of electricity flows from her/his hands as it suddenly blasts out a stream of lightning right for the Treant. It wasn't to harm it-- but instead it seems the Sylph is aiding in actually /holding/ it down with the electricity like a rope.

Which-- somewhat causes the Treant to freeze up at times, but not for long.

This is only aided when Finna takes her giant serpentine form and coils up the Treant. It struggles against all odds to undo what is being done toward it-- yet with so much being thrown in its direction-- its kinda helpless really.

Marrik (541) has posed:
The non-language chanting from Marrik continued as the rune stones in the ghost-hand glowed blue. He stepped forward, placing his hand palm first against the treant's bark right as the glowing runestones were shoved in it's mouth. He was attempting to draw the corruption out and hoped the rune covered rocks could hold and contain it. Otherwise it takes the most readily avalible vassel; him.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as he's suddenly joined by the Sprinjacks in attempting to hold the treant in place and then thee's a large snake coiling around it. If he could grin he probably would, he didn't know Finna had a form like that, heck it probably even rivals his winged serpent form, well, maybe not quite when he shifts into a larger form of that shape, but still. "I think that will do it, though just to be safe." he shifts again, changing forms to his winged serpent one and then to strengthen Finna's own coils around the treant, he coils around Finna, never hurts to have something tied a bit more.

Theo Morrison has posed:
The springjacks on the Treant just kind of hang out. A couple of them sniff it, as if trying to detect whether or not they should eat some of its leaves. One totally will if the corruption isn't physical.

Theo goes ahead and draws and plays while other people do the thing where they excise the evil. He notes Maya's Real Ultimate Power status and draws a little off the top, experimentally, perhaps seeing if it even works. When it does, he gives the signet a little rest, using her font and the land to fuel the enchantment. "Cathars' Crusade!"

A colorful banner appears affixed to the Shepherd's staff. It's red and blue and displays a goat of glory. Nothing else seems to happen.

Maya has posed:
Maya is still budling up power now, she's not even sure how well this is going to work. The power keeps builing, she's now starting to focus more upon the spell. Theo is able to tap Maya for a bit of power with no seeming issue, it seems to be a case of how much power Maya can weave into a spell at a time. She's got more than she seemingly could make use of either way she's seeming to be almost ... ready from the looks of her. Also at this point her hair's flying about from all the core energy like she's stuck in heavy winds.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Corruption is starting to be pulled by Marrik's actions. The Treant itself is starting to stop fighting as much and is--actually seeming to become tired. The Sylph at this point actually has stopped what she was doing as the two serpents now are doing a fine enough job... and yes.. the Springjack may enjoy the yummy leaves upon the Treant.

Words can be heard on the wind though, the sound of something far darker speaking as the corruption is pulled. Yet the words are unclear to any, as the language itself is not common to any. ~"Zat to mah lay."~

~"Bu'ley ma ne."~

Curiously after the words are spoken, or perhaps just by the corruption being removed the Treant becomes freed from the corruption and seems to just-- about fall over asleep. They may want to uncoil themselves quickly!

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura has been leading the eaten-and-then-regurgitated Sylph back to her village. So she's not currently here. She's totally having awesome adventures on her own. Or at least marveling at the Sylph Village and taking way too long to realise the houses are up in the air.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn uncoils himself from around Fianna and then slithers down the treant as it starts to fall over. He wasn't expecting that to happen, but its a good thing, right? he then shifts again, back to his dire wolf form, since the snake is no longer needed and bounds a little ways off so he doesn't get caught by the toppling tree, though he does wait to make sure Finna gets away from it too.

Maya has posed:
Maya has had her time she's been able to weave this pair of spells and now it was time to do so the first is simple it's a spell which cna purge outside infulence and other thingfs that can effect the mind or body. This is no simple minor thing Maya understand hance where her plan gets non standards as that spell is cast and the card is glowing bright blue another card glows bright red as Maya attemps to leech away the dark energy from the trent and disperse it. Hopefuly the first spell was able tomake the next part of her plan possible.

Marrik (541) has posed:
the magic circle around the group flaired bright, and for a moment there was the feel of something pressing against it before Marrik turned from the Trent and stomped his foot, causing a thunderclap as the circle briefly grew brighter still before it seemed to go away.

He was sweating as he pulled a black bag from his coat and scooped up a handful of ink black stones that fell from the treant's mouth. As he knelt down the spectral hand seemed to solidify and grow more visible just long enough to make a single rude gesture in the direction the spirits attacked from.

Stones now containing evil essence tucked away Marrik would wait til the Treant fell before putting hand on it's bark to probe in case any corruption still lingered.

Finna (513) has posed:
    ONce Allyn's clear of her, Finna slithers away from the Treant in a hurry. A semi-panicked snake is a bit more unnerving to see than normal snakes, just from the speedy slithery motions. Back and forth, mesmerizingly zigzaggy through the ash-tainted undergrowth. She instead coils partway a nearby tree - or possibly the remains of one - ready for ANYTHING! Hiss!

Finna (513) has posed:
    And oddly enough, the hissing great serpent quiets when words strike the wind. Snakes can't normally hear anything too well, but this one kind of is, and that's what gets Finna confounded and looking all around in a very non-snakelike way.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Maya aids in disrupting the corruption from returning-- if it even does. Actually her ability surges the area around, causing the ash to fly up into the air and away, where some grass trying to regrow can be seen. The corruption does seem tied into the land itself-- into the aetheric flow which feeds the land.

Things become quiet again. Whatever dark presence /was/ there that spoke on the wind has moved on yet again-- was there-- more then one of them??

The Sylph floats around the treant, seeming to not be bothered by the strange words spoke on the wind. Though s/he does gently move one of the leaves aside. "Guardian one will rest fine. Guardian one will soon take root to recover." Sylph may shoo away one of the goat-things though if they continue to nom on the Treant. It isn't good for them!

The Sylph who apparently has taken new job of being the 'guide' looks at the group, "Skeptical one still does not truth outside ones, but better then fearful ones following wisdom of Paragon." Those violet eyes that match the gem stare out into the forest, before looking at the group, "Come come. Its not much further with help of Sylphs."

The Sylph then extends out there hand and those more sensitive to nature may pick up the natural magic starting to pour into the ground under there feet. They-- may feel far lighter actually. "Now you run like wind!" The Sylph declares before fluttering ahead, before turning back to the others motioning to them, "Now come. Follow Skeptical one and prove you outside ones can complete task-- even though I doubt guide one was right that you can."

Such a mean Sylph.

They will find themselves moving far faster then earlier, easily able to leap over fallen trees and twisted roots that have been pulled apart. Through the tunnels and over ledges with ever the ease. From here many can also get a chance to see how badly damaged the forest has become, including even a few old camps from the days of old in the Black Shroud that have been devastated and remains of the old Atherytes-- now orange crystal shards that are slowly losing even that color.

A few animals they may come across bounding along trying to keep up that look something like white deer. A few more creatures that look like frilled dinosaur lizards hiss out as they pass, but do not dare attempt to chase.

If there is any questions, now be the time to ask...

Also the Sylph is leaving behind a glowing trail that other Sylphs maybe can follow, if not maybe some wondering adventures-- Like Sakura!

Marrik (541) has posed:
Oh come on! Marrik groaned soft as he dismissed the magic circle and watched it crumble to dust. No sense leaving it for the corrupted things to study. He gave the Sylph a resigned look and started to follow before stopping. He hopped over a fallen tree then grinned before using his newly augmented speed to gather samples of ash, wood, dirt, and a few crystals. Each went into its own bag and he eventually, probably with goading from one person or another, started following the trail their guide left.

What did these things need to prove they were on the up and up?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn runs along with the others when they find themselves able to move rather fast. Well, it's kind of interesting at least. He glances around at the frilled dinosaur lizard things and ponders for a few moments. Those are kind of interesting looking, maybe once they are done he should spend some time around here and learn the forms of some of the local animals, might come in handy someday!

Maya has posed:
Maya can now see tht level of the darkness that had taken the guardian it seems to have been recovering. She makes one lst look and wonders just what was behind it what was cuaing it? She notices they are being followed and watched by local animals, she doesnot ask she simply keeps going.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The twigs Marrik will get have mostly been burnt. The soil is still very good for growing, and the aether crystal-- is-- interesting. Though it is very dim with light in its orange color and seems so hazed over. Looks like whatever magic it contained or whatever its purpose was for-- it will soon be over.

if Marrik is looking for any corruption hooks. It seems the energy of the world itself is-- struggling. Though each element carries a light within it that fights it back, but there was also darkness there as well. Though once removed, it seems the struggle is fading-- or maybe the energy was simply moving elsewhere.

Like shifting waters really.

As they find themselves being lead down a path, the Sylph turns around sharply, as if to go 'halt' and anyone who runs past her/him may find themselves reared back by a type of lightning spell of some kind-- not painful-- but it may catch someone off guard!

"This one goes no further. This is where outside ones go." She points toward the rocky path and with oddly-- clean water running down it! In the reflection of the water one can almost make out what seems like crystal flowers glowing against the rocks on the other side.

The Sylph then has a bag appear out of no where, before floating it in front of them all. "These ones must purify the area at the crystal. These ones must destroy the evil. Items within will help. Sprinkle. Cut--" pause, "-- and do not anger."

Anger what?

The Sylph then crosses its arms over its chest. "Solve problem. That is what you outsiders do. This one will see if that is true!"


Marrik (541) has posed:
Nevermind Marrik had his own items for dealing with corrupted beings. A quartz vassel lay in his back pocket. Still he would reach into the bag, because one does not offend the locals that are very standoffish as is. Still, "Could you tone the hostility down a notch ma'am? I know we're not from here but look, we're helping. Being snippy with the help is a bit rude and counterproductive."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks at the Sylph as it is going to leave them behind and he nods some, Well, he doesn't want to anger anything that they come across, because that'd probably be bad news for them and for the Sylphs and such as well. "We'll be careful." at least he hopes those words are true. He glances around a moment to see where Finna might be, if she ever uncoiled herself from that tree and came after them anyway.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "So little faith in us, and offering so little advice." The Finna-snake announces. How did it hear? Well, it's grown mouse ears during the trip for some reason or another...

    Fuzzy, cute mouse ears.

    "This is not just a disaster. Someone... someTHING... wants the forest blighted." Zoom, zoom, through all the forest! But now it's over, and, and --

    She rears up to have a look in the bag, while shifting back to human form...

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Sylph hmphs. "Skeptical one is being /nice/. Skeptical one also sees that outside ones can't tell gender." The Sylph flutters a bit. "This one would go in, but this one can not. Will not. Bad place. Bad Place will not go."

"It is why Outsiders must go in stead. It is why Outsiders must purify. Skeptical one saw you purify treant. Outside ones can chase off evil there too."

"Find the large crystal at top of hill. Large crystal surrounded by water. Large Crystal has taint. Large Crystal is.. is..." The Sylph seems to have trouble explaining itself. "Just don't anger water!"

the Sylph points at the bag. "Make ruin with lightning stone. Impact knife in rock. Then sprinkle dust on knife."

"But do not cut rock. That is all this one can explain. Now go go. Dark ones near! Paragons will not stand by!"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Great. More cryptic manure. Wait, that thing's a guy? Marrik just stared at the sylph cluelessly, right up until Sparks flew out of one of his pockets and punched the back of his head. "Owe! Hey what was that for?"

Sparks merely pointed to the bag.

Make ruin with lightning stone. Hit Knife into rock but do not cut it. Sprinkle dust on knife. Oh and don't make the water mad. WHY COULD NONE OF THESE RITUALS EVER BE STRAIGHTFORWARD?!

Finna (513) has posed:
    "much as I hate saying it, don't do anything until we've let the magic folk have a really good look at this rock and water!" Finna points out, twitching a finger. "Bad things happen to people who anger the spirits!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods in agreement to Finna and pads over towards her, "Sounds like a good plan to me. I don't know anything about magic." he shakes his head, "yeah we have seen what the angry spirits are capable of doing around here. Not just them either." "Ok so no doing anything until the magic people have an idea."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The bag contains one purple shard. A curved bladed knife. A bag of some kinda purple glowing metallic dust, and a blue-white shard. Also a stick.

The Sylph flails at Finna, "But outside ones must! Outside ones are running out of time!"

The sylphs huffs, "Skeptical one explained. Lightning Stone shatter. Ruin make around stone. Impact stone. Sprinkle Dust! Easy! Easy this one say!"

Yet after the Sylph explains then a voice can be heard from above. It looks like an elezen Conjuruer with a hood over his head. "Don't listen to the sylph. It makes lies for their Primal god Ramuh."

"This one does not! This one-- oh.." The sylph stares almost eyes go wide, he starts back up slowly as the two stare at one another.

The conjurer looks at the others. "Half the direction are correct. I will keep the water spirits at bay. But it is not jam the stone, but cut. The knife must be infused with the Lightning stone, for no mere knife can break into an Aetheric stone of its power. If you do what the Sylph says, you will not make anything take place and only waste precious time."

The Conjurer then starts to walk away, before he looks back at the group. "..And the seedseer sends her warm wishes.."

Maya has posed:
Maya takes the wanring at hand and gets the idea there's something else going on here.

"Come lets go, we got a job to do and we have a warning."

Maya seems to be on high alert here she knows the land is taited. She gets the ideas the locals might be at a very high risk of falling to things like the Treant but for now she moves on. As for how she's being treated she doesn't care she's used to being trated like trash.

She moves ahead and she listens.

"Primal ... God..."

Maya's eyes lock on to the Sylph for a moment..."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Primal God, Ramuh? Like the Ixxy's ifrit?" She doesn't remember their full names, so what! Finna grabs the bag - carefully - assuming nobody else does first. Then she sticks her tongue out at the Sylph, and aims a grateful - also mischevious - smile at the conjurer. "Alright! With the land purified, the forest can recover! Let's do this!"

Marrik (541) has posed:
No pressure huh? Marrik took a deep breath to calm down. Spirits tended to be sensitive to the moods of people. Was the Sylph trying to sabotage them? The land was corrupt and they were Oh dear that was not a fun idea. He shuffled about to put Maya out of his line of sight and Looked, then frowned before shrugging and taking point. Nothing so simple as it being corrupt, just prickly natured.

Conflicting instructions. "So all we really need to do is break the stone huh?" Then again break something wrongly and it goes all wombly. Problematic. He grunted but moved on while trying to keep Maya out of his line of sight since he needed to See what was going on. "Don't mind us," He muttered as he moved. "Just cleanup crew, nothing to see Here." His mind was trying to chew through the problem both of ritual and the fact there were complications and no idea who's being honest.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn's ears perk as the conjurer speaks and then looks at the Sylph, then back to the Conjurer. He growls a little though since it does seem like someone is telling a lie, but which one? He's not too sure really. Though when Finna grabs the bag he kind of seems to shrug and follows after her. Well, he'll trust her to know which is the truth and which is a lie. Well, lets see what happens.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Conjurer looks down at the group from where he stands, "Yes. There primal god Ramuh. And you speak of the Amalj'aa's Ifrit. One in the same."

The Sylph huffs at such a remark, "Lord Ramuh is--MPH!" The sylph quickly covers there mouth before he shakes his head. "Dumb ones listen to that one! Dumbs one will doom all! Then-- then..." The Sylph the suddenly flutters away quickly.

The Conjurer shakes his head and then motions with his hand. "The sylphs tend to be peaceful, but even they will go to there Primal if the need becomes great. After all, why do you think they wanted you to draw the ruin? They are fearful-- and they wanted you for there plight."

The Conjurer then turns away from the group once more. "Remember what I said to do. I will keep the elements interested on me.. and do not worry.. I'll have your back." The Conjurer then seems to move around one of the crystals and moves out of sight thanks to the dense area of flower crystals and living forest.

The area within has many streams and waterfalls. The area is breath taking and there is a mystical fog that rolls over the land itself. Some of the rocks can be slippery though, but as they were pointed too, a bit further in, is a path that is leading up the side of the hill what a beautiful waterfall roars down and the crystal that they seek, even from the ground, can almost be seen.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Well muddied alliances never helped make anything clear. "Personally, not going to be treated like a mushroom," His voice was low so it was possible neither heard him. "I trust neither so must rely on what I see." At that he opened his senses both mundane and magical to try figuring out if he could see what was different between the corrupt and uncorrupted lands.

Sparks meanwhile flew after the Sylph. The pixie spoke no words, just glowered at the potential traitor before pointing first at her eyes, then at it before seemingly vanishing into motes of green light.

Marrik sighed, why did that girl have to make things harder?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn follows the others to where they are supposed to go. He glances around some as they wander around. He's curious about the place, but a little bit wary, just in case there are things there to try to stop them. Well, can enver be too prepared and it is always good to be on the alert. So, he wanders around and sniffs at things here and there.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's tempted to take up fox form out of reflex for a run through anywhere. It's much faster! But for now... no. She travels through the new area, breathing in deeply of the cleaner air and stpping by a stream to check the water quality...

    And then she sees it. "There, the crystal. Here!" She holds the bag out to Marrik. "... What do you make of this, sorcerer?"

Maya has posed:
Maya looks to the Conjurer for a moment and nods for a moment.

She looks the Sylphg and hereyes narrow. She starts to wonder about this Primal god, there's questions here a whole lot of new questions it seems. She seems ready and now she goes to pull the rifle off her back, to keep it ready.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Aether here is /very/ heavy. There is a mix of elements between water, earth, even some air. Light and darkness also clash here, swirling against one another in a battle to keep this mystical place uncorrupted-- at least less so then beyond it.

The pools of water are also very crystal clear and highly reflective. It is like a place of dream and beauty. It is a location-- which is home to the water elements themselves it would seem. So in trying to pinpoint anything would be hard and worse, inhale to deeply with those sense open and you may inhale to much atheric energy-- which could in turn-- make you a bit sick.

Allyn will pick up the scent that is /very/ clean, though taint is here too, just harder to pick up on. The smells of ocean, lakes, and stream. The flowers even smell so-- fresh and the crystals close to them let out a beautiful hum sound.

As they at last arrive at the path, they are greeted with a massive circular pool of water which feeds the waterfall that roars now below them. The water-pool itself is only ankle deep curiously and yet-- it just keeps flowing. The crystal flowers line the area seeming so natural. The massive crystal in the center is several jagged pieces. Like the crystal flowers it swirls with magical energy and can not be seen through, all which give off a gentle glow of white and blue light.

It is this crystal that is spoken about and it towers over them. There is a patch of dewed grass that trails up along a smaller piece and the massive crystal, giving some height on it, but-- it is still so large.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn starts to act like a cub it seems, he sniffs the flower crystals and even gives one a lick. Then he bounds over to Finna and wags his tail like crazy at her. It's nice to be in a place that the corruption doesn't seem to be too bad. He can abrely even tell that it is there. "This place is the purist plance I've felt since we first came to this world." he tells Finna. "Though I guess that doesn't mean we should let our guard down. Maybe that is why that Sylph said he couldn't come here?" he's not sure though.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Curious," Marrik frowned as they continued on. "Personally gut reaction is," He scowled when he saw the jagged crystal. "Look if there's any sort of time I'd like to try a few things first." From out of a pocket he pulled a white rope. As he paced around the crystal rope kept spooling out of his pocket until he got back to where the origin point was and cut the rope before tying the ends. "Everyone stay outside of my circle please." He carefully stepped outside of the circle's radius before kneeling and touching it with his fingers. What did he plan on trying? Dampen or cut off the crystal's influance to see what would happen without breaking it.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "De... Demesne?!" Finna blurts, approaching the circular pool but not entering it. She stretches her arms out to catch the breeze, breathing deeply. Too much aether might bother some, but to the Exalted, a place like this is a novel luxury!

    "A powerful one! Or something like one!" It's clearly the work of that crystal, she's sure, but for now she's chering up. Eyes bright with a flood of relief and renewing vigor.

    Still, she skitters away from Marrik, and then bends down to give Allyn a happy hug and scratches behind his ears. "I like this place. Who knows why the Sylph won't come here? Maybe the power is too much for 'em..."

    She lets go, and lands on her rump. From there, she's watching Marrik curiously and trying to focus her senses... as much as she can.

    She doesn't have much to focus for this kind of thing though!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
As the crystal is cut away from the normal aethric patterns which-- are already suffering as is. The water seems to move-- oddly. It lifts just slightly and a loud hum can be heard as the crystal flowers around make gently chime like sounds.

Something isn't happy and soon a few orbs of water can be seen rising out of the water. Also within the containment the mist is seen becoming far more heavy, it almost seems to be slowly ballooning out. Which can not be good as well.

Also more elements start to emerge. It would seem-- tampering with the crystal has perhaps pulled the elements away from the 'Conjurer' who had them busy-- or did he never have them busy at all? "Out of the water!" The conjurers voice barks out as suddenly a flare of lightning goes streaking across the water, which turns the water elements attention for the moment away from the group.

Maya has posed:
Maya aura just screams hello magic and there's no way Maya can hide it so she doesn't even think about it. She just accept the things that come becase of that. She looks at the crystal and wonders for a moment she's reaching out trying to get a feeling about this place.

"I can feel the magic here just about. Still ..."

She then gets the heck out of the water now.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura -finally- manages to extricate herself from the Sylphs and take to the air. Sheesh. It's hard to keep the Flower card under control sometimes. She hopes they like the new flowers everywhere.

Allyn (307) has posed:
When Finna had sat down to relax, Allyn had flopped over to lay his head in her lap, tail still wagging quite a bit. Well, that didn't last too long, his ears perk and he lifts his head to watch what is going on. His tail no longer wagging as he watches the elementals until they seem to go back for the conjurer. "I guess there goes not making them mad." the wolf sighs and then stands, just in case something else is needed to be done.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"You heard the guy! Out!" Yet Marrik marched forward, pullimg on everything he had in reserve as he placed his hand against the barrier the circle formed. He could not draw power from this wellspring. That wasn't true. He could draw from the life mingled with the torrent of elements. Yet even then actually doing so would connect him to the uncontrollable torrent of power. Yet he had to try something.

Both hands pressed against the deformed edge of the barrier as he tried to open himself for Contact.

<WHAT ARE YOU?> He tried to send into the barely contained maelstrom, <ARE YOU PART OF THE CORRUPTION?> He could not mantain contact long, and no matter if the crystal was aware or artifact he would take the brunt of the backlash without some sort of miracle. Sure he had spell enhanced clothes to armor himself, but the metaphysical will hurt far worse.

This was a dumb idea.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "I hope you can manage this!" Finna barks to Marrik, skittering away with the pool, probably with Allyn. She's not yet gone very hostile herself, but she's watching the water - and flinches when LIGHTNING strikes it. Can she trust this man? It's quite hard to say, so for now she observes him. Every bit. Expression, demeanor.. the slightest shift in how he feels about things will help her get an idea of his motivations!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Bubble continues to expand even as Marrik pushes against it. He makes contact with the core-- and something-- something with with burning eyes of blue flames looks right back and voice of deep rumbling can be heard speaking back to him in his mind, <..Urth... How dare ye.. will never forgive.>

Sadly for Marrik-- he just met what lies within the very crystal itself...

As for the Conjurer the man swings his arm out and causes all the water elements to explode at least go back down to the water yet again. He takes notice of the action and stares in that direction. Silence befalling him as he watches this very moment.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:

    A wing-shaped kite shield briefly flashes across Marrik's vision. A magic circle appears under him, glowing brightly; it depicts a star, flanked by a sun and crescent moon. The twelve symbols of the Western Zodiac are arranged neatly around the outer edge, while symbols of the Chinese Zodiac are arranged along the inner edge.

    Then, a heartbeat later, Marrik is surrounded by a transluscent, yellow-orange dome. There's a distinct impression of -safety-...

    Sakura comes in to land, borne on pink, feathered wings, her wand in hand. She rubs the back of her head. "...Eheh. Sorry I'm late."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Plug mage into prison of pissed off aeons old being. Add in a hammerwall of magic pressing against his mind. Mix in a dash of stress, fear, cluelessness, and mix well.

For a moment his face contorted, a snarl of rage and pain as he spoke, except the voice wasn't his. "URTH! YOU BRING THIS RABBLE TO CHAIN ME? WAS YOUR PRISON NOT ENOUGH!?" Marrik's body contorted as his legs seemed to give out. As he slid down, body supported by the fraying barrier the not-him voice bellowed again. "IS IT YOU FINALLY THINK YOU CAN KILL ME? I WOULD NOT BOW THEN! I WILL NOT YIELD NOW!"

Anything else the thing with burning eyes wanted to use him as a mouthpiece for was cut off as Marrik's hand touched the rope and intentionally crossed with intent to breech.

Now kids, what happens when you put pin to balloon that's being force fed by a hose?

Marrik just found out.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "S-something's possessing Marrik!" Finna executes a spectacular flip backwards. It wasn't really planned or even athletic. More like a cat getting AWAY from something crazy in a hurry.

    Yet when her feet touch ground again, they're not feet anymore. They're padded paws, with great claws ripping into the earth. She can tell when things are getting bad. So... "I hope you guys aren't expecting me to tussle with an angry Primal! Because that's a bit much!" So she's getting ready. Fur ripples out of her flesh in waves and musces bulge out - sleek, but quite pronounced despite her lean and feminine frame. Gleaming silver claws sprout from her hands and her whole body takes on vulpine features, including a thick coat of white fur. Far too hot for this environment, but she can take it for a while!

    Yeah, she doesn't know WHO is possessing Marrik, but very few things could be stuffed in a giant pile of magic, right? It's gotta be some kind of spirit! ... probably.

    And they're ANGRY.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn watches as Finna transforms well, he knows that if it's bad enough for her to go into beastman mode, then something must really be awry. He ponders for a few moments on which form to go to, then thinks back on one of the creatures they saw on the way here. Well, why not give it a try? He thinks about the form and what it looked like and everything, but it takes a while. His body shifts and changes forms a few times, a blob shaped mass for a little while, but finallyy he's able to take the form. Instead of a wolf, he's now one of those frilled dinosaur lizard things they saw earlier.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Conjurer can only smile at this display and suddenly with his arms raising up. The white robes become black as the blue flames rise up along him, to that of a dark robe with some metal work and clawed metal tip fingers.

When the aether energy explodes out the water elements are blasted part, the crystals glow brightly and in that moment the shroud-- suddenly can feel it all across. The sky across all the shroud takes on a twilight air as motes of magic rise up slowly. Ash is blasted away, along with the soot. The air becomes clear and thunder roars across the sky.

Then as the aetheric wave hits its peek, it starts to roll back in, taking down some trees to wake to withstand the force. Ripping the land apart to alter it perhaps now forever. Causing waters to roll right into the Sanctum of the Twelve.

As the wave rolls back in, the dark figure points his claw down on the group with a dark smile on his face, ~"Lutayen Odin. May'lun."~

Then he raises up his hand as a dark portal appears behind him, as he speaks again. "Our one lord thanks you-- adventurers." Then the robed figure goes to vanish into the portal as the wave comes crashing back in. The crystal chime loudly in a harmonic way, as then a massive light flares up from the center of the dark crystal as the energy goes to ripple back out again in a faster pulse, then back in once more.

The crystal starts to shatter bit by bit, before suddenly with flash of aethric light blasts outward in an almost dark form, the energy forms around in a dark cloud, as something rises up from it. The land falling under a deep twilight effect now in this area. Motes of energy rise up all around from the very crystals themselves.

The figure is dark armored, with a bit of gold detail. The helm though is missing for a moment. His face is humanoid, but a dark blue-ish purple in color. The eyes glowing with blue light. A goatee like beard around his face of lilac color and the hair the same with a few bangs over his face, and pulled back into a pony-tail. Elf like ears and blue marking that go up from the jawline to under the eyes.

As he remains knelt, he inhales the air as his eyes close and then speaks with a deep voice (Maybe like War from Darksiders), "Urth..." His hand digs into the soil, before he goes to stand up, "..Show thy self to me-- for my vengeance will be swift! DO YOU HEAR ME URTH!" He roars out and as he does so, the helm appears over his face in a swift of magic as a sword then appears in his hand that glow with an unholy light.

Those glowing blue flames as eyes now peer at the group as he points his blade toward them. "What mockery is this! How dare she send welps before me!"

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura is knocked back by the extreme aetheric pressure, but seems to have fared better than the trees. Magical Resistance is one hell of a drug.

    She stares at Odin for a few moments. "...Oh boy. This is going to suck."

    She leaps back, pinks wings flaring, as she fishes into her pocket for a card. "Become a binding chain! WATERY!" She tosses the card up before her, bringing her wand down - the card vanishes in a flash of blue light, revealing a humanoid water sprite of some sort. Which promptly splits into several streams of water, seeking to wrap around and bind Odin, anchoring themselves to the pool.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Yea that was stupid. Marrik had a few moments of stillness to reflect on his mistake as he sailed back into the nearest thing that didn't bother getting out of the way. There was a crash then stillness. Whether it was through his own enchantments, Sakura's, or just pure luck but Marrik survived.

Life. He needed Life. His friends were in danger and he got them into this. Reflexively he reached out to the largest source of Life. Never mind it was off Maya. He wasn't thinking that far, or at all. It flowed through him, wrapping around his hurts, taking away his pain as he stood.

Slowly he advanced on Odin, his eyes glowed soft as he shrugged out of his coat and its defensive enchantments. "Hear me!" His voice rang out as he addressed the enraged being. "We are not your enemies. We are not of Urth! We are not even of this land or world! Sheath your blade! Please!"

Maya has posed:
Maya watche as Marrik does something oh she's got a bad feeling about this. A very bad one about this and then comes in Sakura? That's a welcome thing.

"Good timing."

Is all Maya can spare as Marrik is on the trian to crazy town, or something has jacked control of hos body from him. Maya jut flares out as she looks to Finna.

"Won't be the first time something like this has happened."

Then things get worse much worse, they got the one problem soloved but now an ODin has appeared. IF he's anything like the one connected to the various Earths? Oh this is going to get very nordic very /fast/.

Maya's following suit but this time brings her rifle up to open fire upon Odin..

Then Marrik starts to taps Maya and then she staggers from it ugg she's feeling sapped it's not harmful but being tapped in that fashion, well Maya's doesn't get on with necromancy on the /best/ of days.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "I knew that guy was untrustworthy!" And that's why she had strived so to ensure they could -study- the place before doing anything. How could a tiny attempt to study the crystal and local power flows go THIS WRONG?!

    "... The seal on him must've already been weakened to the point of tatters by Bahamut's destruction!" She reasons quickly.

    It's amazing what kind of conclusions you can jump to when you let the Essence flow freely.

    All Finna's fur's standing on end right now. This guy is unnerving. UTTERLY terrifying, really. Her gut's saying run, RUN, you can't take that warrior head-on.

    So how about a different approach?

    "Oh, no, we weren' here for you at all. But it looks like someone tricked us into setting you loose because it's convenient for THEM." She points out. "How awesome, being used!" Finna's voice drips with sarcasm, and she's hoping... HOPING... to redirect Odin's anger on a wild goose chase, for the moment!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls at the being that points a weapon at them. The dinosaur lizard thing stands by Finna and glances at her for a few moments and leans down, "Let's see if there's any other anger around here. Take the necklace off me?" he tilts his head at Finna. Though he does nod in agreement to her words though, "I agree."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Odin actually goes to look at Marrik. "You are the one.." Then suddenly water spirits try to chain him up. His voice bellows with anger, "What?! What Sorcery is this?!" He then takes notice of the weapon being pointed at him, though Maya doesn't seem to hold it long.

The chains start to wrap around him as he looks directly at Marrik. The 'primal' was just imprisoned-- and now chains again. There was the swelling rage once more, as the there is a soft laugh. Then he looks sharply at Finna, "And /YET/ you bind me still?! DO YOU take me as a FOOL!??"

The magical binds start to seen be broken as Odin snaps the binds free. Marrik could sense it. The distrust, the rage, the anger. How long as this being imprisoned?

Odin then looks directly at Sakura and the others. He twirls his blade in his hand. "Where /is/ Urth?! Where do you HIDE HER?!" He goes to swing his blade, the very air seems to respond to his command and the massive sweep goes to knock all back-- all-- but Marrik.

Marrik instead gets the blade pointed right at him. "I only will spare you-- for you aid in freeing me-- but if you stand with this rabble-- I will cut you down as swift!"

Odin then looks upon them all, "Now who shall be first?!"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"You are attacking us," Marrik's voice is level in the face of a being capable of cutting him to shreds and could stomp him flat in a contest of wills. "Would you do different if you were in our shoes?" There was hardness to his voice. Deep breath as he tried to find his calm. "Lower your weapons." Swallow as he tried to keep from shaking. Anyone looking at him would see both that he was afraid, but not backing down even without his magical protections. "Please. all of you. no weapons. No killing. This land has enough death."

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura is thrown back! She lands on her back, but quickly scrambles to her feet all the same. She's wincing somewhat from all the being-thrown-around.

    "That wasn't even a sealing spell!" she complains with a huff. She glances at Marrik - then sighs, and lowers her wand.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo has been here the whole time. He's just been herding goats. Bunny-goats.

Like now! He's got his bunny-goats, his gigantic bunny-goat /horde/, which is apparently just sort of milling around. They and the Kithkin girl hang out next to and behind him. The springjacks bleat now and again without warning, making the dramatic moment mildly less tense. He's trying to catch up, to get close enough to see Odin do his thing.

AND THEN EVERYTHING EXPLODES. Air and water and trees and people go everywhere. It looks like it's the end for the goat-horde --


The wall of springjacks forms up in front of Theo and the Shepherd before the wave hits them. The ground swells and roots shoot out, twining around the springjacks and parting the wall of wind and force like it was a gossamer veil. A wide V-shaped swath behind them is spared, the blast erupting out around the rooted creatures.

They don't move an inch.

"So, uh, hi!" Theo pokes his head up from behind them, raising his non-card-holding hand. "I'm Theo. I don't have any idea what's going on, but it sounds like someone is trying to trick you. You're, um..." He heard the chanting. The weird language. He fishes around in his backpack. "...Odin, right?"

He holds up what looks like a big metal tankard with his previously-free hand. "Could I invite you sit down and speak with us like civilized people? I've got mead and summer sausage!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "... Nooooo. My companions are just pretty spooked with you swinging that sword and being all loud!" Finna yammers tensely. So much for negotiations. Circumstances just aren't for it today. She quickly shakes her head at Allyn. "Are you kidding? If you're that sensitive...but... if you're sure..."

    Her tail flicks about, and yanks off Allyn's necklace... Marrik's urges probably won't work if others are gonna open fire on him.

    And it's not. She digs her feet into the ground and goes down on all fours to hold on and weather the storm. It tears at her fur, taking all her strength to not be blown utterly away.

    So, having managed to hold on that ONE time, she gives Odin a rather infuriating mischevious grin. "Oh no, you're the only person doing that! All on you!"

    She whispers Allyn's way, "I'll try and keep him occupied. Worry about the others, okay? If he moves, I'm gonna show him why Luna chose me."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods his head to Finna, "Well, if we end up fighting that person there, if there's any anger of the forest around here. I'm going to need it to fuel me, right?" his tail twitches some, but he nods to Finna again. "I'll keep an eye on the others then, for as long as I have my wits about me, we'll put that necklace back on me later." the dino lizard thing nuzzles Finna in her beatman form. "Good luck and be careful."

Maya has posed:
Maya is too stagged by what Marrik does, she was reeling not from the amount of drain but from Marrik's powers. Who is Urth? She has no idea, she does not make a hostile attack. She stagges holding her weapon at the ready.

"So you are Odin? I see how did you come to be sealed...."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Odin holds his sword still at ready, even as Marrik tries to talk him down-- everyone down. He listens to what all are saying around him. "You-- none of you know of Urth..?" His sword hand starts to lower. "..then.. she and the other.." He eyes drift from them, he looks toward the forest.

Theo offers drinks and food, but Odin doesn't seem to respond to such things, his attention seems now to the forest itself. "Then I have no need with any of you." He states plainly. "It is the village I now must seek. For they hide her."


Odin also does not answer who urth is-- or why he was sealed. Instead his helmet vanishes to display that elven like face once more as he then whistles. It actually a pretty sharp whistle. Soon the air changes and an armor horse arrives, as he rides by him, he swings himself up on his horse. Though as he does he grits his teeth. Pain? Weakness? Something was not right.

Sakura Kinomoto (172) has posed:
    Sakura grumbles, mostly to herself. "Seriously what do you expect people to do when you point a sword at them..." Grumble, mumble.

    She then spreads her pink, feathery wings, and leaps into the air. Following from above, just because she can.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna FROWNS fiercely at this development. Her tail whips about again, slipping the necklace back where it belongs on Allyn, and she nods at him. "Follow, but don't get too worked up until the last moment!"

    Off Odin goes, and Finna wastes no time switching to fox shape. off SHE goes, hot on his mount's heels.. hooves?
    Well, no she's keeping a few horselengths of distance from him in case he does something unexpected, but she's able to easily keep up... for now.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Wait!" Marrik went to retrieve his coat. "The world is not as it was." Franticly he shoved his arm shoulder deep into a pocket before pulling out the same 'welcome to the multiverse' pamplet he had gotten before holding it up along with another pamplet detailing how to get to his shop. "Haste is not the best approach. You're newly free. Rest a bit, talk, learn of what has cone on with the world before you act." Hastily he added, "It will not do to be free only to blunder into a trap." He was afraid in his anger Odin would start killing everything. Try pressing his advantage while he could. He desperately didn't want there to be a bloodbath if he could avoid.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Finna again, "Of course, that is why I said put the necklace back on me. I don't want to fly into a blind rage at the moment." when she shifts back into her fox form to follow, Allyn himself shifts forms again, becoming a cheetah. He knows he can keep up with speed in that form, though he probbably could as his fox form too, but for now he chooses the feline form, not really made for running in a forest though.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Odin pulls on the reigns to halt his steed. Those blue glowing eyes peering at Marrik. The horse stomps its black hooves against the ground. Those red eyes glowing like fire. It was almost like a nightmare-- but yet-- not really.

"I have no interest in the land or my former home. All I desire is the blood of the hero who aided Urth in trapping me and her own head for betrayal." His eyes narrow dangerously. "Now move aside and dare not follow. Or I will no long hold my hand."

And yet---

Odin for a moment closes his eyes, with a huff of his breath, the area starts to descend into night-- just-- how much time has passed?? His hand on the reigns shifts softly. The horse bobbed its head and let out a soft nigh in concern.

The armored figure then reached up and gently rubbed the side of the neck of the horse. He did so with a show of care. "I will rest.. for now.. and then I will seek them." Odin then pulls the reigns once more. "And-- perhaps-- in some gratitude for freeing me.. I will grant you /one/ favor." His eyes peer at Marrik once more. "...and maybe a drink." he looks at Theo. "..also can you cook those specimens?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik slowly grinned before grabbing his coat. "Good. Going campaigning empty is not something to do." He relaxed to the point the only reason he didn't collapse was effort of will. From his coat he pulled a pouch from his coat and tossed it at Theo, "Breads, cheeses. Got another one with crockery after food's ready." He didn't know if Theo could cook, but if not he was familiar with prepping and cooking goat. Bunny goat couldn't be that different right.

Maya has posed:
Maya is moving to follow Odin now, things are about to get bad here or so she thinks. She hears information from XT that puts her on edge and she wonders how much of the old myths here are true that is the crux of it all, for now she moves. She keeps ready for the toruble that will happen. Then he slows for the moment and is willing to grand them a favour. She has an idea where it can go but first let them food Odin. She's now thinking about the boon...

Theo Morrison has posed:
Theo seems disappointed that the mead and sausage didn't work. He tucks it all away.

Meanwhile, his goats appear to be... stronger. Faster. THEY HAVE THE GOATNOLOGY. Well, that's probably the +1/+1 counters talking. Theo mutters, "End of turn... Restoration Angel," and summons in a beautiful winged woman in a flowing blueish-white garment. She picks up the Shepherd, disappears for a moment, and brings her back down. Even more goats appear.

There are a lot of goats.

Then, he actually stops. Theo blinks up at Odin, and then grins. He doesn't make the catch for the pouch; Kickotron, the silent myr carrying his card table, grabs it instead. He looks between Marrik and Odin. "Uh... I've never cooked springjack before. But..." He jerks his thumb at the young kithkin woman with them. "I bet she has!"

The Shepherd rolls her grey-and-white eyes, picks out a springjack, and leads it off for slaughter.

"Kickotron, clear us a space. She'll, um, butcher one, and we'll handle the rest." He fishes out the tankard and what looks like a tiny keg. They're marked with some kind of brewer's mark from an unfamiliar place. "So, uh... have a... seat?" There are probably felled trees and things nearby after the energetic release, right?

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Odin then dismounts from his mighty steed, and the horse-- actually aids him in standing. He then sits down on one of the rocks near where his crystal prison was. His horse goes up behind him and actually lays down.

He will eat, he will drink. He might even talk some-- or he may just listen. Yet for those sensitive to the natures of beings. There was something just /off/ about him. As if he was a man, yet not. As if if he was part of the aetheric flow-- yet-- so alien from it. Then there was the anger-- the rage-- even if he may laugh-- it was still there.

It be hard to say how long this Odin will remain 'peaceful', because the desire of blood for blood-- was ever still there.