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Latest revision as of 16:54, 14 September 2014

The Inverse Express
Date of Scene: 13 September 2014
Location: A Quiet World
Synopsis: Onboard a train headed for the Township of the Black Lace, people chat and social.
Cast of Characters: 2, Kotone Yamakawa, Arthur Lowell, 152, 183, 253, 369, Riva Banari, 555, Eryl Fairfax
Tinyplot: A Chime at the Precipice

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    In one direction lies a maw of monochromatic devastation that some would recognize to be the empty husk of the Historical District. In the other, its twin: a place where life literally hums along, and houses are liable to pluck flowers from the cracks in the roads to offer incoming visitors a token of their hospitality. It would be like a children's cartoon, in earnest, if the sky wasn't the hellish, swirling purple mass that it is. But no one here needs to worry about that for now -- though that's the destination, this is the ride! And your hostess promises that this ride will be quite relaxing and free of monstrous incursions. Probably. As she would put it, 'If one is to internalize the true potential of infinity to defy your expectations, then they must accept the possibility of even the most preposterous of outcomes'.

    Especially if those outcomes aren't so preposterous. The closer the rails trend toward the 'Township of Black Lace' as the locals call it, the more sketchy the pathway becomes. Gargoyles flying in the sky there, some veiny eyeballs with leathery wings there, and even some more nebulous forms that might appear a bit familiar to Homura, Psyber, and any others who have encountered Witchs' Barriers in the past. This -is- Mizuki's world, though, right? So that means she should have some sway over their actions, however limited. Let's just hope that keeps them from sending the train into the same purgatory that seems to have encroached upon the other half of this little corner of the realm.

    All of the potential dangers and atmospheric iniquities aside, though, the train station at which everyone would be boarding looks fairly normal. Just, you know - the front of the train is pointed in the direction of the all-white area that Arthur would understand is -not- their destination. Inverse Express, etc. Oh, and Mizuki is there to greet them, alongside a pink-haired girl who has donned a train attendant's uniform, complete with a cute, oversized little cap. Maybe that means that her sister is the driver? Maybe, maybe.

    For now, everyone is ushered into the main cabin where there are tables and chairs, along with a small kitchen to serve onboard foodstuffs. It's as lavish as the clock tower, sporting crimson, silky banners hanging over the intricately carved wooden windows. This is contemplated well by the floors! They're wooden, but you can literally see your reflection in them.

    Ah, and before the narrative voice forgets, Luther and Laurel are here! The former is a rather ornery looking man with messy silver hair that nearly covers one of his eyes. The latter is a girl with similarly colored hair, no more than 14 or so, who is tied up and being watched closely by a pair of men in long, dark coats and long-nosed masks. Somehow, they blend in quite nicely!

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura is not very good at dressing casual.
    But today she has put some effort into it.
    Wearing black pants and a buttoned black jacket, she doesn't look too special right now. Just another girl off the streets. The outfit might not be very feminine, but then Homura never really was either. She's got her glasses on, even, and her hair is held up in a bun behind her head by bright red ribbons, save for two bangs up front. She seems to be reading some sort of college course book titled Temporal Physics 101.

    She's not very chatty, but she's not causing a scene either! This is just a train ride, right? She'll be over there reading her class material in advance unless someone absolutely wants to chat with her, or Psyber feels the need to egg on her today too.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa keeps wandering into trouble, she asks why does she do it? She could make enough just being a consultant to XCOM and doing mechanic work on the multiversal scale and she'd be fine. Yet here she is? Maybe part of it she can't shake how she ended up in a body that rolled out of a factory rather than one she came into this world with. The thought of leaving someone in the lurch doesn't sit very well with her at all. So here she was and she seemed a little on edge given what happened last time and that strange guy John who'd been lurking about?

Where there's no sign o him this time and soon she's shown in to the cabin she looks about for a moment and moves to sit down. She also did feel a bit out of place here given how to the nines everything seems to be when Mizuki's involved.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber is dressed casually as well, a short leather coat over a t-shirt, jeans, and some high-top sneakers. He's not doing too much beyond looking over Homura's shoulder and watching her study. He's wearing a pair of red-lensed sunglasses over his eyes and is lazily keeping two hands in the pocket of his coat. He likes Mizuki, and is is more than happy to help out in her world.

    He's still quiet for the most part, smoking a cigarette and occasionally pointing at a passage in Homura's book and saying something like, "He always tests people on this." or "Last semester this was a big topic."

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Trains are alright, by Arthur Lowell's definitions of cool and such. And when he winds up wandering in, the boy gives a little whistle, impressed by the interior. "DAMN." He declares. "This thing's PIMPED OUT. Guess you can get away with GOIN' BACKWARDS if you do it in STYLE." A friendly grin, and he swaggers his way to a seat, taking it with an overwrought sort of motion and splaying out in the very picture of confident relaxation.

    Homura Akemi gets a look, and a grin. "MAN," He says. "So, how's it SO FAR? The time math, I mean. You learning REDUNDANT THINGS, or WRONG THINGS?" There's also a friendly wave to Kotone! Arthur doesn't know her very well, but just enough to give some friendly acknowledgement. Psyber, for his part, gets a more familiar sort of friendly silence, but there's nothing much for Arthur to hassle him about, from the look of it, just enjoying the company.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Somehow, one Faruja Senra isn't being as /quite/ as irritated by the surroundings as normal. No, the nezumi is definitely a bit out of sorts; his neck sports a rather thick bandage, and he's shuffling along with a level of limping that any of those here likely hasn't seen in quite a while. Most of all? He's missing that usual spark of barely contained sermons and fury. He just looks /tired/.

But he makes it to the train, strangely not employing his magic, shuffling about with some difficulty. He manages a smile to those gathered, bowing with a painful wince before all but collapsing into a seat.

"Hail, and Lord's blessings, mine friends." He offers to the group at large. Groan. Oh, Faram, someone give him some tea.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl had heard that the strange woman who had to leave his little fireside gathering early required some assistance. He was unclear on the details at the moment, something to do with repairing a clock tower? However, she had taken the time to visit him, so it was the least he could do to help her.

    But upon arriving in this strange universe, he began to wonder if he had made a mistake. Everywhere he looked, there was something his 'Original Face' system had trouble with. A purple sky would have been fine, but the swirling? The flying eyeballs that defied biology? It's a relief when he gets to step onto the train. Thankfully, it seems to be a thoroughly tpical one, giving him some respite from the constant alerts.

    Looking around at the luxurious appointments of the cabin, he feels a little out-of-place in his suit that has seen better days, the black of the jacket and pants slightly faded, shoes with their worn soles. However, he does not let this concern show at all on his face. Rather, a kindly smile lifts the corners of his mouth, bowing his head to the other occupants before finding a seat... preferably not a window one.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    SHIELD has eyes everywhere. One ought to expect something or someone belonging to or associated with them to be watching, wherever one happened to be. Yes, even in a strange place like this one. This time around, it's Natasha Romanova who has come to gather information on the situation here.

    Thus, she boards the train at the station along with everyone else, quietly eying the man with the guarded and bound girl, though no outward suspicion is evident.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    For the rare day (Saturday) on which she has neither dojo nor student council, Shizune Nakamura has come dressed in a casual and comfortable outfit herself, but at the same time one she can move freely in. Jeans, but a loose and comfortable pair rather than tight and body-hugging, and an off-white blouse, with a small purse and her usual pair of glasses rather than anything more fancy. Most notable, however, is that the back of her hand bears the telltale red markings of a Command Seal; she's opted to leave the illusion bracelet made for her behind, being among allies. "Mizuki, it's good to see you again," she greets, bowing politely. "I'm sorry I haven't been available much lately. School started again, and all." The others present all seem to be familiar faces as well, and so they get more friendly nods of greeting - except, that is, for Eryl.

    As they step on the train, she offers him a more formal bow. "Ah, hello, I don't believe we've met. My name is Shizune, Shizune Nakamura. I'm with the Union. It's good to meet you."

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl looks to Shizune, his 'Original Face' taking a snapshot of her appearance as well as making rough estimates of her physical attributes. She seemed to be rather young... Eryl wasn't sure how he felt about her being on a potentially dangerous mission, nor the girl with black hair who seems to be studying.

    But, more observation was needed before he could be sure if they would be a liability or not. So instead of voicing this, he stands up, his right arm going up along his chest diagonally to touch his left shoulder as he bows to Shizune. "A pleasure to meet you Miss Nakamura. I am Eryl Fairfax." He stands straight once more, that everpresent smile beaming at the woman.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Homura produces a highlighter and circles around the sections Psyber points out. This seems to be the extent of her attention. To be honest she doesn't expect to recall most of what she's studying right now, because there's a real chance this ride will not remain a ride, and more important things will spring up.

    Then to Arthur: "A little bit of both. Most of this is theory and aimed at people without the powers to go with it, but you have to start somewhere. I suppose I could skip on the education altogether and just keep going to places where they need help, but school has become sufficiently routine I can't see a downside to this arrangement."

    Well, besides Psyber being her teacher.
    That's what she gets for annoying him.

    "Likewise, my apologies for not coming to help sooner. Other crises and school keep me tied more often than I like to admit." Her eyes sink back into her book.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber looks up as a few more people he doesn't recognize get on the train, or more likely h e stops spacing out and realizes they're ON the train. He looks slightly awkward for a couple moments before extending his hand to Eryl, overhearing the introduction, "Eryl? Psyber. Paranormal Investigator. Nice to meetcha."

    Arthur gets a ruffle on the top of his head from Psyber, which is the half-angel's form of greeting, "So Arthur, did you leave the old ball and chain behind? I'm sure she'll be upset you're helping some other damsel in distress."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "I'm sure their true love will survive Arthur's need to save all damsels he crosses," Homura helpfully notes with a flat tone, before flipping the page of her book, never looking away from its contents. "Elsa and Arthur will transcend beyond the stars after all, robo."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Shizune's friendly nod gets a tired smile and nod from Faruja, as well as the traditional crossing of his chest. Psyber and Homura get much the same.

"Studying temporal mathematics, Lady Akemi?" Inquires the rat curiously. Certainly one needs a solid foundation!

Then, suddenly Arthur. Faruja can't help but grin.

"Ahhh, the prodigal son of space-time appears! Hail Ser Arthur!"

Seems the appearance of so many he knows is getting his mood up at least.

"Hail, Lady Mizuki! As lovely and possessing of odd meeting places as ever! Doing well, mine dear?"

Eryl and Natasha get a glance. Then, a bow.

"Lord's blessings, Ser, Dame. Inquisitor Faruja Senra, Diplomat to the Union. Well met."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki herself boards the train after the last passenger is accounted for, her little shadow with the mysterious grin sliding the pocket door shut behind her. As she strolls into the main cabin, she retrieves a bubble pipe from the bowels of thoughtfulness, placing it gently to her lips. She's also clad in a raven black trench coat with boots to match, completing her little detective ensemble quite nicely. Go ahead and ask her why she's wearing it! Seriously, she would love the validation. Chances are there's no reason at all, but you know. There might be a murder mystery going on here that no one is aware of. Maybe not even her if that's the case!

    Back on track, though. Mizuki pats Faruja on his shoulder on her may in, giving him a smile that is friendly and cocky in equal measures, as always. "You know, of course," She tilts her gaze upward, "that you could will away all of that pain completely. Your fatigue? Gone! Imagine yourself full of energy and as spry as you were the day your God filled your being with his invigorating light of righteousness, if you so choose. Pain here is as immaterial as everything else! ... at least until you leave." Next he looks, she would, sure enough, have a filled teacup and saucer in her hands that she offers to him. "And if your mind needs some form of concrete catalyst, try drinking that~."

    Then Eryl appears. Noticing his relief as he steps into the main cabin (and likely looks away from the windows that display the devastated skies quite plainly), she would narrow her eyes and add simply, "I told you that you would want to have that looked at. That is, if you want to come to any of my tea parties!" And with a light tap to the little robot's shoulder, she practically runs into another guest: Shizune. After a surprised flutter of the eyelashes, she gently bows her head in her direction. "Lovely to see you as well, certainly. I never had the chance to properly thank you for defending my home that evening. So, thank you! Ever so much." She spreads her arms a bit, gesturing about the cabin. "Consider this my gratitude in pseudo-concrete form!"

    Next anyone sees, she's over there with Psyber and Homura, peeking over the latter's shoulder to get a look at the textbook. At Homura's apology, she shakes her head. "Oh, nonono. You're all very busy, and my issues are not exactly that difficult for me to deal with myself. I've had more than enough help as it is! ... but still, thank you very much for the consideration, Miss Homura." Then, a small bow. And a glance at Psyber, along with the sort of stealthy eye narrowing that accompanies sweatdrops. "... evening, Mister Psyber. Thank you ever so much for being here as well." Armfold. "... just do be mindful that the ceiling is a bit low for you to be carting people around on your shoulders, please." Never gonna live that down.

    Finally, Kotone and Natasha each get small curtsies of their own. And with that, everyone is officially greeted! And a voice sounds over the PA system. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen~. I am Callia, and I will be the gentle voice that guides you on this brief sojourn through the collective unconscious of a very uncollective being. My sister, Palora, will remain in the main cabin for the duration of the voyage. Please do not hesitate to ask her if you need anything." Said girl rolls her eyes and murmurs, 'Please -do- freakin' hesitate. Hmph'. "It is about negative infinity o'clock local twilight time right now, and we expect to arrive at positive infinity eventually! So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the atmosphere. Thank you for joining us on the Inverse Express~."

    They take after her, don't they?

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    For being just a hair shy of 17, Shizune actually has fairly good physical fitness. She keeps in shape, reads as very healthy if Eryl can detect such things, and has the poise and posture of someone who is quite well-trained in martial arts. She responds to his smile with one of her own. Then of all people her attention is turned to Homura, the magical girl receiving a curious look. "You know, I don't think I'd realized you're going back to school. Are you still in high school, or attending college?"

    As for Mizuki, their hostess receives an amused grin. "I can certainly say it's a unique form of gratitude. I don't think I've ever ridden on a backwards train, let alone one travelling through a mutable mental landscape. There was food, wasn't there? I haven't had dinner yet, and I told my parents not to wait up for me." She'll scamper off to get some food as soon as she has the proper direction.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    There's a friendly wave to Faruja from Arthur!

    "'EY BRO! Lord's blessin's, all that. What UP? YOU'RE looking like SOMEONE took a SHIT in your BREAKFAST." He gestures at all those bandages and such. "This one of THOSE TIMES where I should SEE THE OTHER GUY?" A wry, good-natured grin from one spellcaster to the other. And who's this Eryl Fairfax guy? Arthur doesn't know, but he gives him a quick nod in response to that little bow of the head. Natasha Romanova? Arthur doesn't know this lady either, but he sees her eyeballing those two.

    "HEYA. You weren't around the LAST TIME, huh?" He jerks a hand to the bound woman. "One of TWO survivors of the HISTORICAL DISTRICT. THAT'S the other one." He points to Luther. "Don't feel too DOWN about the BINDINGS, it's for SAFETY'S SAKE. Y'know, since she tried to make BOTH the LAST SURVIVORS not survive." This explanaion is also available for listening in by a bunch of others, of course.

    Oh right, and Shizune Nakamura's entry! Arthur recognizes her. "Hey! It's the CHAMP! Haven't seen you in, god, fuckin' FOREVER. LITERALLY, I think? Back in Sburb-- Wait, nope! You were here for that TEA PARTY! Riiiight. Good t'seeya anyway!"

    There's a few nods to Homura. "Well, good they got SOMETHING right." He says, grinning widely and laughing a little. "And good that you're gettin' some ROUTINE and EDUCATION outta the deal. I never-- Ghhhk!" Arthur chokes a bit at Psyber's commentary! His whole brash, arrogant mannerism sorta disintegrates at teasing about that. "H-hey! C'mon, it's not like that at all, I'm sure she's fine with me going to go help out other people! Besides, I owe Mizuki some, and--" Homura joins in and gets more helpless noises. There's inarticulate objectioning sounds stammered out with a good-natured sort of frustrated noise. It's easy to tell he's not really upset by anything, it's just such an awkward topic.

    "Promise not to ABUSE your GENEROSITY too much, yeah?" Arthur says, grinning widely to Palora, Arthur trying to recover some of his composure. Then he relaxes back, arms up on the back of his seat casually.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Looking over at Psyber as he introduces himself, Eryl takes the investigator's hand in his own, gripping it firmly as he shakes. "A pleasure, Mister Psyber." He may note that Eryl's hand feels a little... cool? Anyway. Eryl looks at the cigarette in Psyber's mouth, sensors in his nose analyzing the contents of the smoke as he gets a whiff. Goodness, that is very unhealthy. People in the Multiverse do strange things to their body indeed. Well, Eryl is not one to talk about strange things done to one's body.

    As Faruja intriduces himself, 'Original Face' dubs the faithful ratman as a mutant. Eryl immediately removes the classification. Honestly, he is likely perfectly natural in his home world. As he returns the bow, he begins to wonder. Dealing with religious people is always tricky. Some do not appreciate nonbelievers even thinking about their gods, even if they are open to the idea. To this end, Eryl plays it safe. "A pleasure to meet you Inquisitor Senra. I am Eryl Fairfax, diplomat of the ReGenesis Corperation."

    Ah, but then their host arrives! Their very perceptive host. Eryl deliberately looks a little sheepish and scratches the back of his head to complete the look. "I will be fine Miss Mizuki, but thank you for your concern." Paying close attention to the announcement, he saves the voice as belonging to 'Callia,' picture impending, even as he smiles at the loud brash youth that returns his nod.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses and takes stock of Natasha she's quite different and does get Kotone's attention for a moment, that's until Shizune arrives and several others the young cyborg does not know arrive. She tries to get a feel for them all wondering what's brought them herel.

"Hello I'm Kotone Yamakawa I'm a mechanic at least offically."

She pause at Faruja.

"Temporal mechanics?! That's way beyond me."

She quiets up as Mizuki starts speaking.

"Pain is something I find is the world's way of reminding you your alive That's me some pain in the long run is good. "

She's seems generally set on her form here unless need dicates otherwise though she does seem fond of the mechanical wings.

SHe will however partake in what's offered she just being honest about things. She smiles and nods to the woman bowing slightly.

"Thank you, I will do that if I need something."

She takes not of ARthur as he enters and smirks a little bit.

"It's good to see you as well Arthur."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Yes," Homura notes to Faruja.
    She is so chatty.

    Then to Shizune, she nods. "College. Well, university, really. I've been in high school for the last decade or so of my life, I figure I can afford to skip ahead a bit. With some help from Psyber that was a bit easier than I thought it would be." She's sixteen, so doesn't really look any older than Shizune. Physically she's a whole two or three months younger! Not that that's readily obvious.

    Then to Arthur, the Puella Magi glances at him from the corner of her vision. "Your denial is cute. True love certainly is something unusual to look at," she comments, mostly to jab at him. He's a Cool Kid, he can take it.

    Finally, she raises her voice a bit, mostly towards Mizuki. "Where are we headed, anyhow? I may have skipped over the full briefing. I would not mind an in-person catch-up session and accompanying exposition."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber nods his head to Eryl and then also nods to the bowing Faruja. After shaking the man's hand, he goes right back to hanging out near Homura and Arthur, not seeming to have too much to say or do for himself at this exact moment.

    "Always happy to help you out where possible, Mizuki. My own matters keep me busy a lot, but I'm happy to make time to come aid where I can," He notes to her when she appears next to him. He places his hands back into the pocket of the short jacket he wears.

    "Careful not to rib him too hard, Homura. I'm sure I have a silver bullet or two about you hidden in my jacket somewhere." He wags a finger to Homura teasingly in Arthur's defense before immediately teasing Arthur with, "Just don't ask me to be a weird space-time grandfather to any kids."

Faruja (152) has posed:
A fuzzy brow rises, a mixture of irritation and fondness for the 'young' lady before him. He accepts the pat, groaning lightly. Ow.

The tea is taken with a thankful nod. Siiiip. Ahh, perfect.

"Ye art a Lady and an Eccles..." He stops himself before finishing the old compliment. That would be Heresy. Ahem! "/Scholar/ Mizuki, mine dear. While ye raise an excellent point, that way lies sloth and Heresy! Fatigue and pain art the wages one must pay for using...fah.../legends and faerie tales/." A shake of the head, and he sighs. The rat looks more than a little conflicted here.

Arthur, however, seems to hit a bright spot. A hand goes to his chest. "A foul vampire thought to make a meal of me. Admittedly, they didst rather well at that pursuit. Let us merely say I hath realizes certain...old legends...were not as untruthful as I once believed, much to mine good health. I seem to recall the shambling, blackened remains of a vampire being shuffled off by Heretic Gorgon. Ye seem in good spirits as ever! I do so pray ye art well! Any excitement as of late?"

For now, at least, Eryl seems to have committed no offenses to the rat! Smile! There's a card offered to the man, with a multiversal number, and an address in Ivalice. "Well met, Ser Fairfax. Shouldst thine Corporation require the services of the Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, I shouldst be /delighted/ to ensure the proper channels art found, and that all communications art suitably...inspected to prevent any 'incidents'. May the Lord ever light thine path. And welcome, Lady Mizuki is quite the hostess!"

To Kotone? Faruja laughs. "Ye wouldst be surprised! Well, at least that whic I am familiar with. 'Tis an offshoot of calculus in mine world. The actual /casting/ and implementation of said mathematics, Lady Kotone, is the true art to it."

Smile! Homura doesn't seem to offend the rat, not-chatty even as she is.

"If ye wish a few Ivalician tomes upon the subject, doth not hesitate to ask, mine dear."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Psyber earns an idle glance. "In the event I were to consider you a sort of father and you consider me a sort of daughter, wouldn't Arthur be my half-time brother? I feel I'm entitled to the ribbing," Homura says, completely casually, as if none of those notions actually bothered her in the slightest. Which they don't! She's kind of mellow like that.

    "But, sure, alright. I'll save it for their honeymoon."

    To Faruja, she glances, finally closing her book. "I could be interested. And yes, it's heavily based on mathematics," she confirms to Kotone, before adding: "Which is one of my fortes, so it comes naturally. Though I suspect when I get into the later years I'll be struggling as hard as everyone else around me."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Laurel glances up at Arthur briefly, but doesn't say anything. She just sighs, studying the ground afterwards until Luther chimes in. "Don't bother with her." Such a bitter tone. "She hasn't responded to a single inquiry in the entire week since we've captured her. She's still giving us the silent treatment now, and if someone with my degree of tact couldn't get through to her," His eyes narrow slightly, "I doubt someone -more brash- would be able to get anything out of her." Has he become even more caustic, or is it just you? Probably not just you.

    Mizuki drifts away from the gathering group by Homura briefly to point out some food for Shizune... literally. At her gesture, an entire buffet table of assorted goods - finger sandwiches, fruit salad bowls, punch, steak samplers, the works - appears just a few steps away. The rest of the tables that form a semicircle around that one are blanketed with 'salad bar' goods, including cheese, bacon bits, iceberg lettuce... you get the idea. Lots of food! More than she would ever want, probably. "I strive for uniqueness in everything that I do, Miss Shizune." She bows her head. "Bon apetit~."

    Eryl gets a follow-up nod. "As you say, dear friend. But if you begin to feel nauseous, simply let me know and I will secure for you a room with no windows and realism aplenty." How someone manages to sound so sincere and sarcastic all at once may be just as much of a shock for his processors, really. Or would be if he hadn't heard it all before. And Homura... well. Homura wakes the beast, and Mizuki's eyes light up. "-Well-!" She clasps her hands together. "I never have been one to decline a request for self-indulgent exposition." Ahem! A clear of the throat, followed by a rumbling of the cabin. As if on cue, the train begins to move with her words. Some more observant sorts might have noticed the caption on the entry door: 'POWERED BY VERBOSITY-TECH: LINGUISTIC KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.' Literally, apparently.

    Soon enough, though, she continues. "We are bound for the Township of Black Lace, the most chaotic and reasonless of all of the areas of my home by its nature. It is watched over by the capriciously benevolent sovereign, aptly named The Demon Queen. We are going to trek through the town once we arrive and seek her audience. There, I will ask if she will willingly hand over one of my clock's numbers. If she will not, then confrontation happens." She nods. "Of course, if you want to know why we are seeking the numbers, or et cetera ad nauseaum at any point, I can elucidate all of that as well." Smile~. It's obvious that she enjoys this very much. Probably /too/ much.

    Then, Psyber and Arthur. Their teasing of him earns a very obvious grin, and one of her sleeve-to-mouth gestures. "Lovely to see I am not the only one who gives him all of the prodding he so obviously deserves~." The grin burns into his soooull. Or tries, anyway. "Though I could always be the flower girl if you hold some form of formal ceremony for your union." She leans in to Psyber to quietly ask, 'Flower girls are prevalent in marriage rituals where he comes from, yes?'. Even without any context whatsoever, she can still join in on the teasing. Absolutely. -Especially- if it's inordinately invasive.

    Faruja's reply, accompanied by Kotone's own commentary, earns a slightly more sober grin from the girl. "Mmm." She nods. "If that is what you wish." Obviously a little underimpressed with the justification, but then, she's not exactly well-equipped to understand where they're coming from.

    Meanwhile, the train climbs a small hill, giving the group a nice, wide angle view of the ruptured horizon. A few magnificently oversized butterflies that appear to have been brought into the world by the hands of a two-year-old with a crayon whizz by, accompanied by some odd tinkling noises.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    "Yes, it has been a little while, hasn't it?" Shizune says to Arthur. "It's good to see you're doing well. How /have/ you been, anyway?" She does have curiosity towards Homura's schooling, but it can wait until she comes back... with a plate full of Japanese foods - some vinegared rice, some sushi rolls of assorted types. Did the buffet have Japanese food? Well, it does now. Or maybe Shizune just took advantage of this place's nature. "It looks absolutely delcious, Mizuki, thank you."

    Once she can, she'll park herself standing not far from Homura, where she can easily converse. "What are you majoring in, anyway?" She doesn't actually plan to move on to college herself, as surprising as that might be to her friends and allies, so some curiosity is natural.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur grumbles and gets flustered now over being called 'cute' and the general ribbing. "Guh, it's... It was /just/ a coolant misunderstanding." He urges. And then Psyber drives it in. More straining helpless noises. "She's a /robot/, man! I don't think that even works." And then Mizuki joins in on it and he makes a good-natured, exaggerated look of despair. "Noooooo..." He says, overdramatically, then sighs heavily when he leans back. "Goddamn it Miz." He then wrings his hands with more drama. "Don't ever mention it to her, she'll start actually thinking about weddings." He says that as if it's a terrifying idea.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is now looking to Faruja and nods a little.

"I can see that honestly but magic's still something that's alien to how I think and my own world works to be honest, Faruja."

She looks to Homura as she asks a imporanty wuestion anfd is now curious to hear the answer. Psyber is another notable elite whom she gets to have a close encounter with.

"It seems your pretty much got an armory in that coat, don't you?"

She's mostly joking but she couldn't be entirely sure that wasn't the case. She also will dig into the food as it's offered and she looks over to Shizune and Eryl.

"Hey there good to meet you both."

she looks back to Mizuki.

"It's just a bnit about my self, Kotone has been in a situation where the pain is what kept her going is what kept her alive for lack of a better term. She did not mean any insult however.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "MAN, fuckin' VAMPIRES, right?" Arthur laughs, trying to restore his composure and be more cool at Faruja. "Good t'hear you PULLED THROUGH. Sounds like you GAVE better than you GOT, and that's the IMPORTANT PART. And ME? DAMN." Arthur seems to think a bit. "Been gettin' in plenty of FIGHTS myself! Got in a FIGHT with some ZOMBIE DUDE made out of DEAD STUFF, got in more FIGHTS around HERE, been doin' a LOT of adventure just ALL AROUND! That, and, y'know, still workin' on that SYNDICATE stuff. PLENTY to be EXCITED about!"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "UP and DOWN! REALLY GOOD and then REALLY BAD in RAPID CHANGES and shit like that. Better than just fine, I guess!" Arthur says, now turning to Shizune, leaning over on one elbow. "How about YOU? I keep RUNNING INTO YOU, never really TALKED much. Keep hearin' you're BUSY BUSY BUSY, though. S'up with THAT?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I'm not sure what the Afteran wedding ceremony is. I assume it's a bareknuckle boxing to establish who is the leader in the relationship via martial prowess, followed by cake and dancing," He guesses, looking to Arthur for confirmation since he's not fully integrated into the robust culture of Arthur's world.

    Kotone gets a reply to her tease, "Actually, I keep most weapons in my notepad these days. Handy having a Sylladex." He taps a pad of paper in the breast pocket of the short jacket. The only visible weapon Psyber has on is a pistol holstered at his side. Still, he gives Kotone a slight smile.

    To Faruja, Psyber says, "I'm sure she can get extra credit for studying off-world tomes in her classes." He confirms to the Inquisitor. He hadn't seen Faruja in person since the meeting over Psyber's rather unique acquisition of some Church-exclusive powers. So Psyber politely asks, "How have you been, Faruja? I heard you got rather roughed up."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha listens to the conversations around her, but for now it is in her best interests to keep a low profile. She sits down in front of one of the buffet tables, crossing one leg over the other and helping herself to a small salad.

    She glances over at the bound-up Laurel again. So, they were having trouble getting her to talk, eh? The redhead continues to enjoy the salad, but keeps looking at Laurel.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl accepts the offered card from Faruja, giving it a quick look before tucking it into a pocket in his jacket, nodding his head to the knight of faith. "I will certainly bring this to their attention. Thank you sir."

    Eryl can't help but let his smile grow wider when Mizuki calls him 'dear friend,' even in that snarky tone of voice. "Do not worry, my systems will suppress any nausea that I may experience. But thank you for the kind offer." He bows his whole upper torso to the woman. "You are a gracious host."

    When the buffet just appears? Whoops, another alert pops up. But he is learning to cope with Mizuki's extravagent ways by now. A quick sheck of his KOAN Core's current charge indicates 68. Not bad, but if there is even the slightest liklihood of combat, he would ideally want to go in at 100. To that end, he begins loading up a sandwich with many fillings of meats, salads and cheeses.

    Sitting back down, he begins to eat slowly, taking in both Mizuki's explanation of their mission and the conversations of everyone else. From these conversations, he begins to build up profiles of his fellow passengers. The girl with black hair is the quiet sort, Psyber is the fatherly type, the loud youth is, well... loud. That sort of thing. But in particular, he notices Natasha, who is not participating in the conversations and seems to be observing the same as he. Interesting...

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Luther gets a look and a raised eyebrow. "BRO." Arthur declares. "You're REALLY underestimating a guy like me. You look like you ain't ever tried! You know what people can build a TON of defenses against? THE SMART PLAN. You know what fuckin' NOBODY can expect? The plan where you just substitute MORE SOUL where the BRAINS are supposed to go. If y'want, I can GIVE IT A SHOT sometime! Not like it'll HURT anything, right?" More fingerguns, Arthur stop that.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Psyber at least isn't teasing HIM here. "The BOXING mostly comes up on some of the KISMESIS stuff, bro. So, SOMETIMES? But I'm PRETTY SURE Elsa doesn't hate me, DEFINITELY don't want any of THAT going on." There's a sheepish look about this.

    Kotone gets a grin too, talked to alongside Psyber. "Some of 'em are HELLA INCONVENIENT, but Psyber managed to pick up one of the only GOOD ones there are still KICKIN' AROUND."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Two ears waggle, and with a thought, he summons up a quill, inkpot, and parchment. The rat gets to work between sips of tea, writing down a litany of book names for Homura.

To Kotone, "And I with thine technology. Lady Kotone, I sympathise. Ye shall...mayhaps not understand, but at least come to terms wtih it in time."

Arthur has him nodding. "Bloody knaves art so troublesome! Refusing to remain dead, sucking blood from the living! Truly, such /pains/ in one's tail!" agrees the rat.

"Ye speak the Lord's own truth! Ahh, purging the undead, assisting Lady Mizuki! Excellent! Shouldst ye ever require mine assistance, ye hath but ask."

To Psyber, Faruja slinks a little in his chair, devouring his te at this point.

"Ivalice, good Ser Psyber, is ever the hotbed of political strife, Heresy, and corruption. This job shall be the death of me. But, one cannot simply abandon Faram-given duties. I...hath encountered a rather odd phenomenon during the assault upon Lady Klum's domain, however. Hath ye...ever encountered mortals gaining the power of the divine without explaination?" Inquires the rat of the half-angel Who better to ask than him?

To Mizuki, the rat turns. He smiles. "How art ye doing, mine dear? Ahh...care to bring me up to speed regarding the status of thine clock-numbers? And...why is the girl tied up? Hath ye suddenly taken an interest in prisoners and justice-systems?"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    Shizune nods to Arthur. "I do tend to be fairly busy, yes. I'm the president of my school's student council, I'm senior student in my dojo so I have a fair bit of responsibility helping sensei, I have my Union duties, I have a new student who's transferred in from the Multiverse that's been a handful..." A soft, self-effacing chuckle as Shizune gestures with her food. "There's always a lot going on in my life, but the past couple of weeks in particular have been hectic."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "I see. Thank you," Homura tells Mizuki, taking mental note of the details. She recalls something about repairing her tower, so she'll for the time being assume that's what the number is for.

    "Temporal physics," Homura answers Shizune, not actually fully specific but close enough to draw a picure. She'll happily take book recommendations from Faruja, as well, because at this point more reading material can't hurt.

    She otherwise stays quiet, not helping herself to any food. Presumably she ate before coming, and she's not much of a big eater.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki joins her hands and bows her head to Shizune. "You are quite welcome. Please, do enjoy! But be mindful that all that you consume will vanish as soon as you leave, in whatever form of biological matter it translates to. Probably best to eat some food from another world soon after to circumvent any health-related complications." Of course, all of this is said with a smile! When it comes to being a host, she is simply the best that there...

    Speaking of poorly-timed, theme references, there's Arthur! Hey, Arthur! She returns his fluster with an evil grin that could rival Medusa's, finger on her cheek and all. "Oh, don't worry. I wil just do some subconscious surfing to discover whom all of you are referring to and then subconsciously plant notions of weddings involving yourself into her mind. See? No direct mention of anything." Semantic nazi.

    Psyber gets a contemplative nod of her head as she sips from a cup of tea. "Hmm." Still nodding. "So like a WMAT, only oriented toward finding suitable mates. Instead of catching an errant bouquet indicating who is next in line for the lofty goal of holy matrimony, it is flying teeth." A very missable smile creeps upon her countenance, and she rewards herself with another sip from her glass. "So very curious these others worlds can be." Eryl draws her gaze for a moment, and easily inspires a quirk of her eyebrow. "Oddly convenient mechanical adaptations, I see. Or perhaps not so odd. Especially seeing as I live where I do, how I do." She makes a shrugging gesture with a single arm. "But if your highly augmented being needs any nourishment, there is always food. Not anything of 'substance', though, if you'll pardon the poor attempt at humor."

    You all are a bad influence, seriously. She's become an even more prolific snarker lately.

    In another corner of the room, much staring ensues. The Abyss (Laurel) stares back at Natasha. Luther sneers back at Arthur. But not a lot of talking really happens! One is just pretty quiet in general, and the other is just... Luther. Meanwhile, Kotone. "Oh, it didn't come off as an insult. I just don't see any reason why you should allow yourselves to endure the pain now when there will be so many other 'opportunities' for that later. Emotional and psychological punishment teach. Physical punishment? I suppose, but I would venture that nearly everyone here has learned most all that they can from physical torment already." Faruja gets a glance of his own soon after. "Ah? No. No, she is a Seeker - a foreign being who I allowed to live in my home world - who decided of her own volition to aid Apathy, and the Arch Curate. I merely want to know why, and would rather not release her until she tells me." She shoots the girl a somewhat severe look. "... but Luther, it would do for you not to be so harsh. I am certain she had her reasons." The man scoffs. "Yes, I'm -certain-. Aiding those blithering fo -- MMPH!" The man's mouth is soon bound shut by a weaving series of stitches. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain, but that still looks kinda... visceral. "-Luther-."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva's been here, just conveniently in the background the entire time. She's dressed casually like the others, wearing a t-shirt and some slacks, and a black coat that does nicely to hide her weapons. It's handy for when she doesn't want to be seen packing.

BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT IS IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. She had been observing the luxurious train and marvelling at the amazing things one can forge with one's imagination.

Well, they do say that the mind has an unlimited special effects budget, right?

She's also been listening in and mingling, but hasn't had a lot to input yet. Luther getting his mouth sewn up causes Riva to blink, and then make a silent 'oh'. Right. Imagination is still at play here.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl's eyes focus on his own sandwich when he overhears Mizuki mention that food consumed here will cease to exist when you leave. That likely means that he could potentially run out of power if he expends too much, any left over suddenly vanishing from his core. That could be bad for him. However, by the time Mizuki speaks to him, he has managed to compose himself once more and smiles. "Thank you Miss Mizuki, I have already gotten something for myself," he says, indicating the sandwich. "But, you did mention that this mission is to retrieve the numbers of a clock tower. Is there any reason that you simply could not create new ones?"

    By now, he has managed to build up a small psychological profile of everyone on the train. Just something to try and shape his approach to them. Although, he seems surprised at the sudden sewing of Luther's mouth shut. Hopefully that wasn't painful. And did she say that the bound woman had yet to explain her betrayal? There's something he could help with... but best to see how others might try it first.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "DIESEL," Arthur declares by way of happy exclamation. "I'll give you a CALL sometime! TIME MAGIC is always a good bit of BACKUP for a guy like me." Solid, friendly nods of approval go to Faruja. "As for UNDEAD? Yeah, some of 'em. I can't rag on them TOO MUCH. I'm technically HALF DEAD. On my DAD'S SIDE!" That grin makes it sound like a joke, even though it's truth.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "OHHHHH BOY, MULTIVERSAL TRANSFERS. You were BUSY before but SHIT, that sounds like you DOUBLED IT UP." Arthur says, now turning to Shizune with a bit of a boisterous sort of tone to the laugh that follows up. "Shit bein' CHAOTIC is usually GREAT if ya can get a HANDLE on it though, lotta REWARD to pull out of it. So, anyone I'D KNOW doin' those TRANSFERS?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha lets Laurel stare back at her for a moment, their eyes locking briefly. Finally she shrugs casually and takes another small bite of salad. "So I hear you have a knack for killing people," she comments. What a way to start a conversation, eh? Sure, but this time the spy thought it appropriate. Everything has a time and a place. Then with a small shrug she continues, "Me too."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki looks to Eryl, arms folded behind her back. "The only things in this Universe that I nor anyone else can change are the numbers and the clock tower. I could create new numbers, certainly, but they would not... how you say... 'fit'. And if I forced them, they would not really help anything. So here we are." A sigh, followed by thoughtful closing of her eyelids. "Why that is so is a bit of an enigma to me, really. But I have to assume it is important because of that. E-Er, I mean that must be a facet of its being important, rather." Nice save?

    Mizuki fades back into existence behind Riva now, patting her on the shoulder. And when she looks back, she'll be in front of her with a playful grin. "I trust that everything is to your liking?" She stares at her a moment before nodding her head. "Ahhh, yes. I see it is so. The wonder in your eyes, the discovery... all delectable. More so than any of the various confections on my tables, to be sure! But do let me know if you require any assistance at any point, won't you~?"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    Temporal mechanics? That's more than a little impressive. "It's certainly over my head, but if anyone can grasp it, it's you, Akemi," Shizune says with a little nod, before replying to Arthur. "I'm not sure if you'd know her or not, no. She's a robot girl, but there seems to be as much cat in her as there is human. She's a difficult student on her own, but on top of that, not long after she transferred in, the ex-wife of her creator decided to send military hardware into Akita and shoot up my city and school trying to 'recover' her." There's a bit of grump in Shizune's tone about that.

    Surreptitiously, the martial artist also reaches into her purse and pulls out a candy bar, which she quickly opens and begins to eat. That should cushion her body against any issues when she leaves, at least.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    More OVERDRAMATIC HAND-WRINGING was Arthur's response to Mizuki's commentary about surving into Elsa's subconscious and planting ideas there. True, it's much more convenient than the inevitable need for him to make the first move there, but still! STILL! But her commentary about afterus gets his composure back. "Yeah, TROLL HATE ROMANCE is fuckin' BRUTAL and WEIRD. Definitely not somethin' I suggest indulging, anyway." He sticks out his tongue in casual faux-grossout.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    There's a wince from Arthur when Luther's mouth is sewn up. He tries to pass it off as the start of a grin, a quick response to that sneer. Then there's a bit of an aside over to Laurel. "You ever wanna talk to anyone about that's not THAT NERD, you wanna gimmie a call? I'm ALWAYS up for some LEGIT COMMUNICATION yo." Then he's back to talking to other people and getting teased endlessly and suchlike.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Arthur gets a low bow. "It shall be mine pleasure, good Ser!" Responds the rat, before he's off to get more tea, and sliding HOmura the books list.

As for their captor? Faruja finds tea, and then steps forward, seemingly appraising Mizuki's work. "I see. Mmm. Not /bad/. Ye aught use a few leather bindings. Tight ones. Or rope. Give them a few abraisions to think about. Makes them more pliable when ye go to interrogate. Oh. Also, try keeping them in a darkened room for a few days. Enter every few hours, at random intervals, shout questions at them. They usually break swiftly enough." Interrogation cues from teh Inquisitor, fun times.

Riva Banari has posed:
Mizuki arrives behind her and Riva jolts. She's not used to this. She does, hwoever, react quickly, turning to smile at Mizuki. "Oh my goodness! Everything is wonderful! This is the nicest train I've ever been on." She grins, and gestures to Mizuki. "I've had people tell me that it's impossible to truly know themselves. But then, with a world like this, that's not so impossible now, is it? I've never experienced something like this."

She does lean over, though. "I am going to point something out, though. If none of the things you eat here will stay in your system, it means you can eat /anything you want/ and it won't ruin your figure..."

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    The cyborg mulls over Mizuki's words. The numbers are some kind of universal constant then? That seems to staisfy his question. He nods and says, "In that case, I will do my best to aid you in the recovery of these numbers Miss Mizuki. I am quite adept at negotiation and diplomacy, and fair in a fight if needs be. Let us hope it does not come to that, eh?"

    His 'Original Face' continues to passively build profiles of the passengers. It notes down Homura's major, Natasha's past killing(s?), and saves terms he is unfamilair with for future definition. Terms like 'troll hate romance.'

    Looking at Faruja as he gives advice on extracting information, he breaks his passive observation and speaks. "Certainly, sensory deprevation and harsh treatment can break someone, but polite rhetoric and discussion can make an ally of a foe. Someone interrogated in your way would say anything if they felt it would get them out of it."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grins back at Pysber for a moment.

"Huh thats anazing I was joking but to thnk you can store that much in there."

She seems suitably impressed by it and she looks over to Arthur for a moment and he listen to Arthur.

"That sounds pretty nuts, I can only guess how crazy they might get, given what I seen you do, Arthur."

She understands about the food it's more she can just enjoy the tastes and that's enough for her after all. She lisens for a moment she just kinda gets some very strange thoughts. She does reply to the comment on her eariler comment.

"I have a bit of a strange view on it, being able to feel anything... is good to me."

She flexes her hand looking at it for before contiuning on.

"I also think I miss understood you as well, and I'm sorry."

She looks over to Riva for a moment.

"Hello Riva, it's good to see you for once not knee deep in horrors or muck. OR both. Also it's true I never have to worry about my figure again."

She looks to Eryk and has to agree.

"Your right very dead right on that."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki drifts back over to Psyber and Homura eventually, a cheek cupped in her hand. "Don't suppose you have any spare textbooks lying around?" Headtilt. "I'd be curious to see how such a subject is described by another world. Or a collective of other worlds, quite probably." There's a momentary pause. "... same reason I've been trying to teach myself Calculus of late, actually. My interest in how the temporal and spatial are handled elsewhere has begun to interest me as I've been researching other ways I may gently alter the fabric of reality in other worlds as well as my own. And for personal interests' sake." She's actually entertained the idea of going to school too, but hell if she would ever say so out loud.

    Arthur gets... a look. "Troll... hate romance?" Blinkblink. "... I still have so much to learn, don't I. So very, very much to learn." Then, the camera focuses in on Laurel and a fuming Luther in the background. She glances feverishly between Natasha and Arthur. The mention of 'killing' from the latter just elicits a sigh, and Arthur... well. She's quiet for a minute, but eventually, she actually mouths an 'Okay.'. It might have been audible, but if it was, it was just barely a whisper. The crowd might have her a bit spooked.

    Faruja gets a giggle, but also a shake of her head. "Given how this world works, leather may as well be as tough as unbreakable diamond filament. Also, she's... a bit young to be tortured. A rather new arrival, you see? And I'm certain she'll come around if we give her time. This isn't a formal inquisition or anything like that; just a waiting game." She gives the girl the most gentle look that she can to drive the point home, only to have her look to the ground again... and then to Arthur and Natasha. Even if she doesn't say anything, she might be warming up to them a little...

    Mizuki's eyes go wide at Riva's exuberance, and then her smile follows suit. "Well! I am -always- glad to cater to imaginative spirits such as yours. Please feel free to experiment to your heart's content~!" Her second comment earns another, large nod. "And yes, it does indeed mean that. That quirk has some downsides too, but feel free to exploit the benefits as much as you wish!"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Shizune gets a nod and Arthur's hand goes contemplatively to his chin. "CAT ROBOT with THAT kinda stuff goin' on? I think I DO know her! Not, y'know, WELL, but I DO KNOW HER! Good luck with her, yeah? Sounds like a HANDFULL. ALSO sounds like you're the BEST PERSON AROUND to be handlin' it! I know, from my experience, I'm AWFUL at handlin' RAMBUNCTIOUS MACHINE DUDES. Plus, you can PUNCH STUFF that's trying to SNAG her, right?" A brief laugh from the kid, again.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    To Faruja, Psyber says rather simply, "That varies from world to world. It's not that common in mine, but I dunno. It's worth looking into if it's a trend that's ongoing, I definitely agree," He puts a hand to his neck and lazily cracks it while he thinks, "You should make sure it's definitely heavenly, though. Oftentimes demons will bestow powers to people under the guise of a holier power."

    Mizuki he doesn't really have a response to, "Uuuuh, shoot. Text books would be her department. I only have extras of the one for the classes /I/ teach, which I doubt you have interest in."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Or annoying white cats," Homura adds to Psyber's warning to Faruja, crossing her arms and glancing about the room. Come to think of it she doesn't know half of these people, but then she's not much of a social butterfly.

    "I don't have spares for my courses, no. The only spares I'd have are from when I first learned advanced math. I think some of it might not be legal to share since it's military books, but," she shrugs. She can hand those to her later.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    There's a smile. "Well, you need not have 'spares'. If you bring but a single one here one day, I could probably make a dream copy of it. Granted that might take some time, but I have a dedicated librarian who excels in that sort of thing." Then she swivels her gaze to Psyber. "And I wouldn't be so certain. My interests are quite a lot more varied than my attitudes might suggest!"

    Then Eryl. "Mmm. Your pledge to help me is quite appreciated, then~. Though it is somewhat unfortunate how often things must devolve into violence." She shakes her head. "My thoughts can be so -obstinate-. Nothing like their source material, yes?" Another smirk.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva waves to Kotone. "Hello again, Kotone. But that's not what I mean! Just think about the potential! You could have the most hilarious desserts and it /won't make you fat/." She says, eyes bright.

She does, however, calm down, instead nodding to Mizuki. "I think I have some ideas already, Mizuki. But what about you? How are you doing after all this?" She looks over at Luther and Laurel over in the corner and ponders for a moment, before looking back to Mizuki. "I'm looking forward to seeing how this is going to work out."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja can't help but chuckle a bit towards eryl. "'Tis true enough in certain cases. However, 'tis why one must first find evidence of crimes. Ye see, in this one's case, we art quite certain of what she hath done. 'Tis the confession of the sinful we require. An Inquisition is far different than a diplomatic effort, Ser Fairfax. Gentler methods art reserved for those whom doubt retains some hope of redemption."

Faruja mmm's as Mizuki speaks. "'Tis thine realm. I /suppose/ ye hath something of a point. Mine offer of Ivalice's facilities shall remain, however." Cleary, the Inquisition isn't much on mercy or defense lawyers.

Psyber and Homura has Faruja summoning up a very, very large bottle of alcohol.

"'Tis...well. There art legends of such. I merely hath not believed them. In Ivalice, there art certain individuals whom art able to empower themselves through force of will when danger to their lives art greatest. Merely...the power I felt...'twas like...well. I shan't speculate, for fear of violating Ecclesiarchal law."

"Nay felines." He tries, half-heartedly. There's sudden silence from the rat, and a nod. Seems Psyber has given him something heavy to ponder. Cue much drinking.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    "Well, I did have some help," Shizune admits to Arthur. "My world is pretty deep in Union territory, so response time was quick on both occasions. But I did help deal with both problems, yes." Which is to say, she and her allies beat the crap out of a rotor-powered VTOL and then some days later stopped a tank rolling through the city, but that's a bit less modest than Shizune tends to be.

    Of course, something Eryl said catches her attention. "Ah, you're a negotiator too, are you? I feel like the Union could always use more of us. I look forward to working with you, if we get the chance."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha notes the sigh and the nervous glancing between her and Arthur. Okay. That's progress, at least. Looks like she's got a bit of a crowd phobia, which isn't unexpected. Finishing up the salad, Romanoff stands, moving over to Mizuki since Luther seems to still have his mouth stiched shut.

    "Mind if I talked to her in private?" she requests of the hostess, her voice low so as not to interrupt the ongoing conversations. "I could get her to talk, but not out here."

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl nods to Mizuki, the corners of his mouth... going down? Is that a /frown/ on his face? Even a fleeting one? Amazing! "Indeed. Violence is the easy path. To bring someone around to your point of view is hard, but the ultimate victory." He smiles. "Hopefully, this 'Demon Queen' is a reasonable sort."

    He looks to Faruja, tilting his head as he considers his words. "So you believe there are those who are beyond help? I respectfully disagree." He gestures at Laurel. "She has done wrong. Everyone is capable of doing wrong and seeing it as right. But if someone is rational, they can always see the error of their ways. It may take some work, but it is possible. Is it not better to have someone trying to redeem themselves over having them stew in a dungeon?" He grins once more at Faruja, awaiting his answer.

    But, when Shizune introduces herself as a fellow diplomat, he smiles. "Oh yes? Always happy to meet another who understands the importance of talking before resorting to baser methods. I also hope to work with you in future." He offers the girl his right hand to shake.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki gives Riva a thoughtful look. Her question takes a moment to process, but once it does, she's quick to answer: "How the recent events have impacted me, personally, you mean? Well..." She shuts her eyes. "I don't believe they've impacted me terribly much for richer or for poorer. Don't fret over it." Faruja, as always, is met with a smile. "I shall keep the offer in mind, Faruja. Thank you." Finally, Natasha. "If you believe you can get through to her? Of course." She gives the woman a nod, and then another nod to Laurel... who reluctantly stands. She would proceed to follow her to whatever more private area she chose. Maybe the next cabin over? Or maybe the balcony at the 'front' of the train? Whatever works! On her way, though, she stops to stare at Eryl a moment before moving on.

    The train has covered a good bit of distance by now, and the once tamed, 'plains' regions have turned into a more volatile wilderness. Blades of tall grass wind and twist throughout the area, some of them even wrapping themselves around the tracks. This makes the ride fairly bumpy for a time, which apparently merits another response from the PA system. "Greetings, passengers! We're experiencing some ground-based turbulence, so we're going to complete the rest of our journey in the sky! Once we get to the end of this hill in three... two... one...~!" And there's liftoff! The backwards train streaks across the sky, tilting just enough to one side to give the group a panoramic view of the city they've been traveling to all this time. It looks a good bit closer now, at least.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "GOD." Arthur starts, with a light bit of frustration. "YEAH, you don't wanna LEARN about TROLL HATE ROMANCE. Just, TRUST ME on it." He puts his hands on his head in a brief frustrated gesture. It's not that Mizuki wouldn't love to know about Troll Hate-Romance. It's just that Arthur doesn't /want/ her to love it.

    Laurel's quiet response gets a little twitch of the grin, just the slightest acknowledgement. Well! Looks like she'll have a better time talking this out if she can get into private. Looks like Natasha Romanova already is handling some of that, though. Arthur lets a trained professional do some of that talking, though he might wind up following up on it.

    There's also a lot of sarcastic, one-sided discussion that he makes sure to have with Luther while he's stuck with his mouth sewn shut. Just to rub it in, slightly, in a friendly, good-natured way.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha nods and motions to Laurel to follow her toward the balcony at the front of the train. Nicer view there, no doubt. Maybe it would be more relaxing. Once they're on their way out there and away from the rest of the group, Romanoff reaches over and unties the ropes quickly and expertly. Heh, she could've gotten out of those if -she'd- been the one bound by them.

    Upon arriving on the balcony, she sits down and pulls up a chair next to her for the other woman. "Figured crowds weren't your thing." she remarks, leaning ack slightly. "So what's your story?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
"With all due respect, Ser Fairfax, I too must disagree. There art crimes for which the only redemption might be sought in the arms of the Lord. Witchcraft, cavorting with Daemons, creating cults, desertion and traitors to the Church..." It's rather easy to be named a Heretic, in Ivalice.

"There art crimes where people, much like a disease, become a hazard to all around them. They cannot be saved. Merely cut out lest the infection spreads. People art sinful, Ser Fairfax, and easily led to corruption and Heresy. One must guard thine soul against it! Else, one might fall to idolatry!"

Then, he looks to Laurel. "....However, in this one's case, mayhaps ye speak the truth. I admit, I know little enough of her exact circumstances. ONe must at least investigate these things. Though throwing her in a cell for a few days might still make her more pliant."

Pause. "...When didst ye enchant a train with gravity magic, Mizuki?"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "YEAH, know how that is. Much as I give the Union CRAP about a buncha stuff, they're QUICK on HELPING OUT with stuff like that." Arthur says, nodding to Shizune in a fairly pleasant sort of way, very casually. "Way I HEAR IT, you've got some HEAVY CONNECTIONS up in the UNION, makes you even BETTER QUALIFIED. KEEP ON AT IT, if I remember right about what she can DO, it'll be good t'get MORE FRIENDS and MORE FAVORS for callin' in, yeah? That's some CRITICAL STUFF."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gives Riva a smile and doesn't rain on things for her, after all Kotone's problem is not most people's problem.

"At the very least you don't have to pay for it too. That much is quite the intereting little plus isn't it?"

She pauses for a moment about the mention of Troll Hate Romaqnce.

"...I heard something about that and most people say that way lays madness."

S?he loks to Faruka for a moment she looks at Faruja for a long moment she gets the demon bit in the multiverse she is scared shitless they exist or at least prowl the material world.

"...the latter remind me of my own faith when ... it was far more extream there was ... much suffering then, Faruja."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
    Eryl receives a handshake, and a good firm one at that. "Likewise." Then the train announces takeoff, and Shizune just has to turn and look out the window. After a moment, she even adjusts her glasses, eyes a bit wide. "This is... certainly the most unique train I've ever been on." Not a bad thing to judge by her tone. "And that would be our destination, I think," she adds, somewhat amused. It really is travel in reverse - they're even ascending instead of descending as they near their destination.

    "Heavy connections?" Blink blink. Modesty mode: engage. "Well, I suppose that's not entirely inaccurate, at least. I prefer to think of it as 'friends and allies pitching in for each other whenever we need it', more than anything." She settles back in her seat again, and adopts a wry look. "Although I'm not above bartering favors and other little methods like that if I absolutely have to."

Riva Banari has posed:
"Hmmmmm...." Riva thinks audibly, leaning in and looking over Mizuki with a mischevious grin. "Well, I'm sure everything will work out. We'll get you all spic and span soon enough, right?" She stumbles a bit at the turbulence, and then moves over to a window, peering out at the landscape as they pass, watching in fascination as they crest the hill and take another step closer to that city. Kotone interrupts Riva's thoughts, and she nods. "It's true. But I'm not quite in the mood to go binging, as fun as it would be."

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    When the train suddenly takes flight, that's another big alert for poor Eryl. Now his brain is worried that his inner ear is ruptured. It takes a look out the window to convince it that, no, we're flying. Which is a whole other can of worms, but anyway. He looks to Faruja and shakes his head slightly. "That is... an easy way of thinking. 'People do harmful things because they are inhearently bad?' In my experience, people do bad things because they do not know better, or are driven to it by circumstance. But, neither of us has seen the other's world. Perhaps I am correct in my context and you are correct in your context." He smiles again and bows his head to the ratman.

    Having shaken Shizune's hand, he pays attention to the balcony that Natasha and Laurel have moved to. The casual way that the former spoke of her ability in killing has him a tad worried, though he does not let his face show this.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Train gets a bumpy ride. Then, train lifts off! Arthur wanders briefly over to a window and peers down. "DAMN." he says, articulately. "AN EVER-MORE-PIMPIN' RIDE." He seems to enjoy the idea of this train flying, taking no issue with it. He's the God of Space, after all, this sort of Gravity Shenanigans are something he has an appreciation for! He also loves the view of the city.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Yeah. Witchcraft. Absolutely awful. Bluh bluh."

    Homura seems to have mostly gone quiet for now, resuming her reading. Her tone at Faruja wasn't sarcastic or hostile there, either, more... a mix of agreement, sadness, and a bit of dismissal? Maybe it was just disinterest in general.

    She idly looks out the window as the train shifts from tracks to the sky, but promptly resumes looking into her textbook.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Then he's turning back away from the window. "HONESTLY," He says, simply. "There ARE dudes who are just AWFUL. Guy that are just TOTALLY BAD TO THE CORE, y'know? Doesn't mean they all gotta be MURDERED or anything like that. But it means y'gotta approach it REASONABLY and with some PRACTICALITY, work with whatcha GOT, do the best y'can. HEY, sometimes the BEST Y'CAN DO is MURDERING A DUDE! I like the TURNAROUND IDEA though. Done a few MYSELF. Needs more people TRYIN' it." A thumbs-up from Arthur to Eryl Fairfax.

    Then there's a bit of a look to Faruja. "HMM. Can't say I can think the SAME on THAT end of things. But, y'know, just kinda HARSH for my HUMBLE HANDS, not really the kinda dude into KILLING IN GENERAL. That kinda stuff, sometimes I guess you NEED it if it's one of those GREATER GOOD things." He shrugs. "PLENTY of dudes to handle the GREATER GOOD KILLINGS so dudes like ME don't gotta, so HEY, works out. Another thing I can GIVE YOU A CALL FOR sometime, yeah?" A bit of a wink there. Very casual discussion of this sort of thing.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Laurel leaves the main cabin behind, but not without lingering glances back at Arthur and Eryl. She's quickly ushered through another of the train cars to the balcony, where her bonds are promptly released. At that, her eyes go wide, and she flutters her lashes at Natasha without so much as a word. She would be lying if she said she didn't contemplate making a break for it, but... she doesn't. For now, she leans against the wall, and...

    "... um." She keeps blinking rapidly, clamping a hand around her opposite wrist. A lot more nervous than dangerous, it seems like. "... Mizuki took me in a while ago. I got to know Miss Nightingale. And when the two of them started fighting, I thought Mizuki had more friends so I helped Miss Nightingale." She glances up at Natasha briefly before averting her eyes, focusing her gaze... anywhere else for the moment. "... dunno. Just wanted them to stop fighting." Her head droops a bit more. "... didn't work."

    There's a long pause between both of them while more distorted hills roll by like waves on the sea. "I thought it was like a game, that's all. I didn't think anything bad could ever happen here." Her voice is quivering. "B-But people died... a lot of people died... and I..." Her hands start to rub at her eyes. Looks like Natasha really struck a nerve somehow.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Back in the main cabin, Luther does everything that he can do sneer at Arthur while he tries more casual banter. Noticing the struggle, Mizuki meanders over... and painlessly twists the stitches into some semblance of a smile. A bit morose, maybe, but she gives Arthur a little smile anyway.

    And regarding the gravity train? She raises a finger in the nezumi's direction. "Since I willed it so, obviously. Perhaps we may not alter holistic gravity, but we may make reasonably-sized objects resistant to it at least~."

    And to Riva, an appreciative nod. "Yes. Thank you. I believe all will eventually return to normal with all of your aid." Tiny smile. "Thank you."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha quirks a brow as Laurel seems to prefer standing. So she stands up as well, walking over to her near the wall. She listens to the story, frowning contemplatively. As far as she could tell, Laurel isn't bluffing or putting up any kind of act. She's good at detecting deception in others, given that she's an expert at it herself, but this is a strange world after all.

    She nods slowly once Laurel is finished. "Hey," Romanoff says softly. "I've got red in my ledger too. Probably a lot more than you do, in fact. I...try not to get let it get to me, now. Just try to do whatever I can to make up for it." There's a moment of silence as the strange landscape rolls by. "What were they fighting about? Maybe evening the odds wasn't such a bad idea after all."

Faruja (152) has posed:
A nod to Eryl. "Indeed. Ye aught visit Mullonde. 'tis...well. One must see it."

To Arthur, Faruja nods. "I do what I must, that those such as thyself shan't needst dirty their hands." Explains the rat. Greater good. Faruja smiles. Someone /gets/ it.

To Mimi, Faruja rubs his head. "Right. Imagination. Heh. Seems that fight with D took more out of me than I imagined, Lady Mizuki." Then, he summons up more booze. For reference, this is his third bottle. Of dream-booze. And yes, it's making him drunk.

To Kotone, he huffs. "As there is in Ivalice, Lady Kotone."

Squint! Faruja raises a free hand. Suddenly, a giant, inflatable hammer appears. It reads 'Ajoran Hammer of Smiting'. Bonk! Homura will get bonked on the head.

"Doth not be cheeky, Lady Akemi, 'tis unbecoming."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "So long as your alive you can do something about it, right?" She looks out a window to see what they are pasing it's quite interesting as she comments back and she laughs.

"For the best but it's nice to be able to have the thing you know you shouldn't ever really eat."

She looks to Homra fpr a moment then to Arthur and isn't going to press the Troll issue no she's tyring to shove thatout of her mind and Arthtur's general style is quite good at that he's very distracting.

She also looks voer at Natasha and then pauses for a moment.

"Really I'm not sure to think about myself around most of you somedays. I have nothing ... amaqzing in my past and far as my world goes I'm mundane."

She looks back to Faruja for a moment musing over some point and thinking it's best to leave it there for now.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Finally feeling as though she has the situation in the main cabin under some control, she meanders over to Homura for what is likely to be the last time this evening. Her tone is much less... erm... generically social and pseudo bombastic, too. "I hope the atmosphere provided decent enough background for your reading, Miss Akemi." She gives a small bow of her head. "It's a small thing, but if ever you seek a secondary reference for any of your studying, my library is always open to allies. Or if you ever have a particularly destructive skill you'd not want to risk using in a public place, using them here is relatively harmless." For once, she doesn't really smile, but there's some modicum of warmth there still. "That is all, but for reference, we should be arriving in the station shortly." With a bow of her head, she lingers back over to Faruja, Arthur, and Eryl.

    "There are some offenses I really can't forgive, personally, and there are times when I'm not willing to allow people the time they might need to change. But I can guarantee all of you that Laurel herself is just misguided. Really, the only reason I had her in binds at all was to satisfy the grouch." She shoots Luther a look. "... so don't fret. But Faruja, for future reference?" She turns to face him more fully. "Think of my thoughts as children. All of them are missing something vital that would otherwise make a person 'whole'. Some spend their whole lives searching for those missing pieces, and many of them are driven to despondency or madness over it. The Curate was one such child who sought some way to better herself. You see... and bear with me here -- this is a bit of unwarranted exposition." She cocks her head slightly and gives small, almost apologetic smile. "Each Sentinel represents two prominent... 'aspects' of my personality. The Curate was a rather volatile combination: Growth and Self-Loathing. The latter subsumed the second and gave rise to a blind belief in anything, or anyone, that would inspire change. Simply because difference could possibly mean betterment. And so she clung to Apathy." Pause. "... so you see, none of them are 'evil'. I doubt they even exist in a way that would allow them to ever meet your God. They are just malformed concepts that, with phenomenal degrees of luck, can evolve into something more."

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    Eryl smiles at Arthur when he joins the conversation, stating his wish that others try to do things his way more. "Thank you sir. I do my best. Naturally, there are times where I too have had to kill to protect others. But, I consider those to be failures on my behalf." He lets his hands curl into fists, letting some emotion leak into his face. "Had I done things differently, perhaps I would not have left them in the position where they could try. Then they might still be alive." He gives a small sigh and brings that smile back. "But, what is done is done."

    He smiles at Faruja and says, "Perhaps I will take you up on that offer to visit someday." When Mizuki speaks of people she cannot bring herself to forgive, he nods in understanding. "Oh, of course. I understand that my... position on the topic is a hard one to follow. But it is what I am built for." He gives a grin that could be described as 'cocky.' "And my successes do outweigh my failures."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja ponders Mizuki's words. "Lost fragments, hardly even able to be called 'living'." Mutters the rat, shivering in utter horror.

"...Mizuki. Thine world is utterly terrifying." Not words that come lightly from Faruja.

A deep breath, and a nod. "Then I shall pray for them, regardlessly, that they one day might find some manner of...wholeness." Faruja if nothing else, is stubborn theologically.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki almost smiles at Faruja. A sinister kind of smile, maybe, but still mostly playful. "Oh, and have I told you how all of the shades that fight with Apathy are actually the fragmented souls of people who remained here for too long and were consumed?" She lets her words hang in the air as a metaphorical tumbleweed rolls by someplace. "... but yes, I am certain they all appreciate your prayers. Many people here are quite religious, you know? We haven't even gone to The Plains yet, nor have we seen the Theocracy of Echo." She hides her expression with a sleeve again~. "... but one day. I am reasonably certain that there is a number there as well."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Most would likely be scared at Mizuki's words. Faruja? The rat starts trembling. In anger. Bright, powerful light starts to engulf him at the mere /thought/.


Just as that light hits its peak, Faruja's eye rolls in the back of his head. It seems, for now, that he's still too weak from last time to even unconsciously tap into his newfound powers. The burst of energy fades, and Faruja collapses.

At least he's had enough alcohol to at least excuse passing out later. No, he /totally/ didn't just OD on divine energy.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Back on the balcony, Laurel is uncomfortably mulling over Natasha's questions, shuffling her feet across the floor and fiddling with her fingers. "Um... uh... I never really knew what they were fighting over." She looks even -further- away. As far as she possibly can. "I-I think Miss Nightingale said something about wanting to help Apathy? I think she thought Apathy was right about something and that Mizuki was wrong. And... oh!" In a moment of rather sudden epiphany, Laurel turns to face Natasha. "Miss Nightingale used to call Apathy by another name. Started with a 'S'. She said it to her face once though and Apathy said never to say it again, so... she didn't." Laurel takes off her beret and hides her mouth with it. "... it was weird. Miss Apathy never really gets mad, but she's never happy either. But sometimes I still feel like she seems happy or sad anyway."

A gust blows by the train as it begins to descend, messing Laurel's already somewhat dishevelled hair. At that, she tugs lightly on Natasha's sleeve to get her attention. "Um." She blinks a few times. "Can we go inside? It's getting -really- cold. Actually... I'm just gonna go inside. Follow me if you want to, I guess." Then she disappears inside, heading for the main cabin.

    ... where a voice is coming in again over the PA system. "Hello, everyone~! We're at an elevation of about 200ft, and we're about to begin our descent toward the tracks at the Eastern Black Lace Station! As we begin our descent, we would like to remind you --" Static. She's cut off, only to have her voice replaced by her sister's. "Kay, so, uh. Wanted to make this go a little faster. What do they say in those military movies? Oh yeeaahh." The whole train rocks violently. "COMIN' IN HOT! SHHHHHHEEEEEEWWWW~!" The descent hastens by quite a bit after that, but the turbulence gets pretty miserable. Lots of food goes flying, and there's a pretty good chance that a pie ends up in someone's face just because. Some of Homura's study materials might scatter, but they wouldn't go far, and she would be able to find them fairly quickly before disembarking. Whatever the damage is for each person, though, they arrive 'safely', and are greeted once again by the pleasant voice of Palora when they do.

    "W-Welcome to Eastern Black Lace Station, everyone! Sorry for my sister's interruption earlier. It is currently positive infinity Eastern Twilight Time here. The sky is purple, ominous, and swirly as usual! Please check to make sure that you have aaaallll of your belongings before getting off. Thank you, and we hope that you will join us on the Inverse Express some other time!"

    After a comprehensive facepalming and a good brushing of her dress, Mizuki shuffles off to the side of the exit door to watch as everyone disembarks.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Also, if no one else does, Callia would come to retrieve Faruja with a handkerchief ready. He was probably frothing at the mouth, after all.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
    "Oh dear."

    Eryl looks down at the unconscious Faruja, kneeling down to check his pulse and breathing. "Hmm... seems to be unconscious." And then suddenly, their slow, gradual descent becomes... well, the opposite of those things! Eryl falls backwards, trying to catch himself and takes a basket of breadsticks to the head for the trouble!

    When they finally stop, he tidies himself without a word. Smiling at Callia, he says, "Thank you for the smooth trip," to the maid before disembarking.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha listens to what Laurel as to say. Hm. "Well I suppose I'd expect that from someone named 'Apathy'." She's still not quite sure what exactly it is that Mizuki had been arguing over with this 'Apathy'.

    She follows Laurel back inside, and disembarks along with the others.