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Lord Of The Inferno
Date of Scene: 15 September 2014
Location: Thanalan, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: Vi'Sharra and the Immortal Flames have hired out assistance from all corners of the Multiverse to deal with a rather large problem. The problem being that of a Primal known as Ifrit. Can they take this massive aetheric creature down? Or will it be they who become BBQ?
Cast of Characters: Maya, 62, 307, 487, 493, Riva Banari, 513, 522, 541, 552, 563

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The expedition team has been put together, not only by Vi'Sharra but some of the Immortal Flames of Ul'Dah. Those who come will be given a heft some of gil for there time out here and the slaying of not only possibly Ifrit -- if he should come -- But also that of the destruction of the Amalj'aa camp. Curious killing Ifrit is what the Immortal Flames want, not so much the destruction of the camp. Destruction of the camp however lies within the hands of Vi'sharra or more correctly-- her mysterious employer.

The Immortal Flames however lead the way everyone is given a chocobo to ride on to cover the distance quickly. The attack itself is set at night, with the knowledge they will have a better chance to getting in close without the knowledge of the Amalj'aa seeing them come in. Though as the Immortal Flames will explain-- this is not their main cap, but it is the camp they have seen the most summoning done from.

It is also where-- they have lost many of their own men to the Primal, not by death-- no-- but by Tempering. Something they hope the group will not have to suffer too. Yet when asked by the group, if any were to ask-- the Immortal Flames would not answer the questions about the tempering. Because to them, if they can end Ifrit here-- none will need to suffer the fate.

The area they come upon is rocky terrain and here they must leave the Chocobos. The Immortal flames show them to the north corridor. It is the main mouth, but they-- they plan to go to the west corridor. There they will draw the attention of the Amalj'aa, so these outsiders may get in. Remember folks. North and wait for the attention to be drawn.

The group does go north they will find a few guards of Amalj'aa standing at the entrance. Spears held in hand and an archer who seems to be snoozing. The fires of in the standing cauldrons along side them burn brightly, illuminating those black sclaes. The Amalj'aa seem very unaware of the presence of the outsiders, but-- there attention does seem suddenly shifted out to the distance.

Where it would seem some wobbling Cactuar runs across the land, spewing out needles at random. Five Earth elements chasing after it, which one could swear that one of them was sweat dropping. Then not far behind them a woman in a white robe, with-- what looks like a baby trent as her staff. That no words come out from it, it seems to be trying to say what she yells out, "Wait little cactuar! We just want to make you better!"

The Amalj'aa can be seen blinking at this, before one looks at the other and just shrugs. Yep. Welcome to Eorzea.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra is already on site, waiting at the point where everyone else was supposed to gather, a trussed up and slightly wild eyed battle drake next to her. "...Hmmph... It's about time we got started on this." Her eyes flash in mild irritation over at the camp, then back to the drake, which she pats once almost proprietarily. And then...

    ...And then the cactuar, elementals, and conjurer go past in a short cavalcade all their own, before she just shakes her head. "...Could they really be..." She shakes her head once more before she crosses her arms and looks back at the camp. "It doesn't matter. Time to lay down the fine print and make certain everyone is on the same page."

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    "Here we go. It works now. See? It was just sand," teases a blonde man atop a rocky hill, handing a soldering iron back to another, slightly shorter man, who looks more in his early 20's than the older, blonde man, in his late 20's or mid 30's. The younger man frowns.
    "I hate the desert. Sand gets in everything," the apprentice says.
    "Learn to adapt. We're not in Garlemald anymore."

    The older man, dressed in ragged desert clothes with a headband hiding something on his forehead, pats the younger engineer on the shoulder and then glances over the hill, towards the Amalj'aa camp. The apprentice slumps down next to the large machine they set up, which looks like some sort of scanning or radar array.

    "So you'll be going in yourself, my lord?"
    "I'm afraid the best readings will come up close. You'll have to be ready to receive them and relay them back to the Castrum. You can handle that, right?"
    "Wouldn't it be better if I went down instead?"
    "All offense intended, dead men collect no readings. Stay here."

    Nero seems in no particular hurry to head down, though.
    Once the adventurers arrive and get loud, he will.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Sparks." Marrik coaxed the doll sized pixie out of where she'd been sleeping. If he had to stand around uncomfortable then so did she. Sparks brushed back her oink hair to glower at him before slipping out of her usual leathers, revealing a dust and dirt camouflage bodysuit. No words were spoken as she took to the air to see what she could from up high. Pixies were good at spotting things and reacted fast. Marrik would have brought a few ghosts to act as scouts, but Xau'ra said primals enslaved things. He didn't want to bet that just because ghosts technically were dead this place didn't have ways of messing with them.

Plus just because he lacked that did not mean he was without weapons. Plus even though he followed orders like a good boy and stayed put did not mean he could not get eyes on where the action was. Magic was all about knowing things, being ready for what was coming, and leveraging forces to your advantage.

Even so it never hurt to cheat a little; because wizardry of any branch, does no good when you get blindsided.

Maya has posed:
Maya is here once more after the last incident this world has got Maya's attention and she gets the idea of what they may be dealing with. It's a heck of a lot like other crouptive forces she's encounted in the multiverse. Well it seems that way, Maya's been riding on Runner whom she hops off and the hulking mecha dog stalks along after her keeping to two legs for the moment.

"You ready Runner?"

The mecha dog does not bark it only nods it's head as it towers over Maya given it's about 8 to nine feet tall and Maya's only five something.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva isn't familiar with Hydaelyn or the various subtleties of a desert city ruled by tiny people. She does, however, understand 'huge flaming horror and a group of lizard cultists making things horrible.' She was more than willing to sign up to help deal with the problem.

Hopefully, she's able to help in her own way. Riding a Chocobo is also a novel thing for Riva, as she bobbles around a bit on the spirited bird-steed. Her progress is moderate at best. She's never ridden a horse, let alone a chocobo.

When they get to the location, Riva crouches behind some rocks, watching attentively. She blinks at the unusual situation of a tiny cactus running away from a woman in white.

She glances over at her friends and comments to Maya, whispering, "Is it always like that here?"

The comment about the Tempered over the radio causes Riva to frown, a disturbed expression apparent. It's clear she's trying to think of something.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise was dubious about the Chocobo. The giant yellow bird looked too much like an ostrich for her liking, but the sandy conditions would make her usual Motorcycle sputter and die before it got her to the camp, let alone get her home again.

    It's thusly that the proud sniper can be seen clinging to the beast as it runs with the others.

    She responds over the radio, then just... kinda slides off the yellow bird, steadies herself before checking her gear. "Sidearm, check. Rifle, check. BanHammer, check. Reaper Rounds, enough to last a prolonged firefight. Carapace armour prototype... here's hoping it holds." She unslings her rifle, calibrates the scope, before grabbing the warhammer in the other 'slot' on her back, hefting it in her hands. "Make it fast, and painless."

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gil! Now /that's/ the ticket. That's what Gaffgarion is here for. After assuring the Immortal Flames that he will finish the job, he will head on with the others. Fortunately he already has his own chocobo to ride-- a large, mean-looking female bird with glossy black plumage. He actually arrived riding atop her. Flying, no less. But he landed when they started heading for the area, because he doesn't want to attract attention.

"Merely go in and see that none lives?" Gaffgarion nods, without batting an eyelash. "Easy enough. Only give the word." There's no trace of boasting there. This is nothing but business to him, and killing everyone in that camp seems something he'll do with no complaints.

And then Vi'Sharra mentions 'fine print', and he raises an eyebrow. "Fine print?" he echoes. "'Tis where ye tell us ye expect a nigh-impossible task, is it? I do charge extra for that." He may or may not be kidding, but his partial smirk indicates that he may be.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave is present as well, but unseen and silent. He is here as a favor moreso than anything, as well as for the purpose of intelligence and outright curiousity. However, a being of his size would utterly negate any semblance of 'stealth' the group may have, so he has taken measures accordingly.

He'll make himself known when the time is right.

Allyn (307) has posed:
It seems one of the indigenous creatures to this world has decided to join the others on this little mission. A strange creature looking like a king cobra, but with four legs and spikes along its back, the other strange thing is it is wearing a necklace of some kind fastened just under the hood portion of his head. What the locals call a deser peiste.

He turns his head at looks to Vi'Sharram "Fine print?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Amalj'aa continue to stand around, even as the people gather. They do-- catch some movement, but the darkness is making it difficult to see what it was. They step slightly away from there post, staring at the direction the group is at. Then they snap there teeth, before going back to standing in there normal position once more.

Yet it isn't long till a loud explosion rocks the other entrance, a massive dust of sand can be seen kicked up, followed by another and another. The guards at there station quickly move, including tail thwapping the other in the snout to wake him up.

The entrance is clear and the way in is made apparent...

Heading in the area is surrounded by high rocky cliffs and a few places that open up. Camp can be found here and there, not all the Amalj'aa went to go act-- they were not combatant types, but they would get in the way quickly.

A few that do not attempt to get in the way, quickly go to run down the cavern corridors, while another goes down another direction yelling out, "Mighty Lord Ifrit! Hear us! Burn these ones who attack our homes!" ...a crap.. a hidden priest.. and he is moving at a good clip. "O Lord of Inferno! Come to us!"

Maya has posed:
Maya looks to Riva for a moment and shakes her head. "In the multivese as a whole no, but there are things out there like this. Things I'd rather not say the names up that croupt like this."

she takes note of Elise and the other she's not happy about this but gets why they got to do this. Sh get an idea of the eldrich horror they are dealing with. She also takes a moment to cloak her self with a spell doing the same to her and Runner. She'll also do it to Riva if she alloiws it, that's when everything goes to hell.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Well! That's the signal! At that, Gaffgarion taps his heels against his mount's sides and charges for the camp. He's not going to be using his magic here. Oh no, this is going to be just pure murder. Simple. Cathartic. Thus it is that Gaffgarion aims to ride into the camp and remove the head of the first Amalj'aa he comes across.

Worthy of note is his blade. Blood red it is, and any Amalj'aa that find itself on the receiving end of it will likely find their strength being siphoned away even as the bearer of that blade tries to cut down any he finds. Running, fighting, praying-- whatever. He'll cut them down if he can catch them.

...Is that a smile on his face?

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise snaps up at the running 'priest' She drops the hammer, takes a knee and unslings her rifle in one smooth action, sighting down the scope before loosing a gunshot that resounds like a thunderclap. A streak of red tracer sails off towards the fleeing Amalj'aa, but she doesn't stay still.
    As the others break off to assault the camp, she slings her rifle again, gathers up the hammer(Which made a small crater on impact) and runs off into the buildings/tents, seeking out any opposition.

Marrik (541) has posed:
At the mention of job details Marrik's face grows hard. Slaves. Prisoners down to the youngest of a population. Brainwashing so deep it went past indoctrination into unmaking who a person is just so this primal could have subjects and a way back to this world if it fell.

That is the fine print. To free these people they had to die otherwise they remain prisoners to this. This. THING. Even without the imprint Odin left that reacted poorly to the idea of imprisonment his anger would be rising to direct his actions. With Odin's mind imprinted into his own Marrik went from a calm neutral mask to slow smouldering rage even as he pulled a wide brimmed peaked cap from his belt of many pouches, to shield his face from the sun. In the process any looking at him would see a pair of smouldering red lights, much like twin coals from a fire, instead of his normal mismatched eyes.

When the word was given he heard Sparks calling targets, with the 'priest' begging for Ifrit to appear. Marrik reached out with his left hand. Threads of magic shot out, twisting and branching as each sought the Tampered villagers, and one seeking to latch onto the 'priest'. Not yet. We will have words with this 'lord' but not yet.

Marrik was I plain view, striding forward as if he did not care if he got attacked. His right hand was extended to try yanking the life out of the damned as his left pulled a forearm length chunk of black rune covered wood out. To counter fire one needed cold, and though it was unused the runes glowed a pale blue and the air around Marrik was noticeably colder than anywhere else.

Then again that chill could just be from the look in his eyes as he called on his magic to kill.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    "I think that's the signal, lord-- is that a rope?"
    "Bungee cord, according to the package."
    "... is that safe?"
    "Absolutely not."

    From atop the hill jumps the man in desert clothing, tied to a hook he secured to the side of the cliff earlier. Mid-fall he produces a long blade, almost six feet in length, thin but with the barrel of a firearm going along the first half of the blade from the hilt, and a distinct gun-shape to the handle otherwise. He seems to be headed straight down towards the camp, letting a few shots off from the gunblade too, blazing red bullets streaking towards a few of the Amalj'aa guards and fighters. It is far too late to stop the summoning, but never too late to put lead in beastmen.

    Reaching the end of the rope, before he can bounce back up, he holds out his other empty hand, and a brief surge of artificial magic suddenly nulls all gravity around him. He cuts the rope from above him, and then gracefully lands without a hitch.

    Nero is absolutely not going to stay in front of those caverns though. He glances at something under the clothes covering his wrists, and then bolts deeper into the camp. Aether flows strongest around the priests, so he's going to try to find any that are left.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra glances over in the direction of the explosions, and then at the two runners. Things... Might be about to get more awkward then expected. Her eyes narrow in the direction of the runner, "We can't allow them to even remotely get organized yet..." Her gaze travels in the direction of the priest, and then back over to the 'distraction' and the explosions involved. "And we can't allow them to get organized on us either..."

    With a smooth motion she grabs the heavy-crossbow from her back and points at the one running in the opposite direction of the priest and pulls the trigger.

    Then rushing into the area, she leaps up onto the nearest cliff, grabs something from her pocket and throws it in the direction of the explosions and the distraction, before she speaks up on the radio again.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Well, they came here to do a job and he's there to help. He wanders into the camp after the others, well, at least he's tested this new form out before they came here, so he knows what it can do. He's probably likely to attract a bit of attention, seeing as he looks like one of the creatures from around here and he hisses at the people in the camp. He doesn't attack though, but when enough are in front of him and probably attacking them, he draws his head back slightly and glares coldly as only a reptile can at them, letting the form's ability 'Stone Gaze' affect them.

Finna (513) has posed:

    Chocobo joins the brawl!

    No, really, a Chocobo has somehow managed to stay undetected while following the group. Nobody'd pay any mind to an extra chocobo or so tagging along with the mounted ones, now would they?

    Just another bird, yep.



    Screeching its beak off, the big yellow bird dashes with its feathers all ruffling and bunched up. This thing came right out of nowhere with no warning. No planning on anyone else's part, that's for sure.

    But as it waggles its stubby wings and swagger-dashes through the camp, any of the weaker-willed Amalj'aa will feel the urge. The burning urge.

    Run, chase the bird. Catch the birdie!

    If you only can.

    You've heard of wild goose chases, right? This is close enough.

Riva Banari has posed:
"I meant the... Never mind." Riva sighs. She doesn't like this situation at all, but what choice does she have? This just went from monster slaying to something altogether darker. Riva pulls a pair of pistols as everything starts degenerating, the barrels etched with silvery metals that glow when she holds them. She rushes forward, levelling her guns at the nearest Amal'jaa, and she fires not bullets, but a hail of bolts of emerald energy as Anima strikes out at the lizardmen. Despite the warning, Riva seems to keep her guns on the adults and the lizardmen.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Shadowplay. The thought chills Soundwave to the core as the information about Primals and Tempering correlates with the old Cybertronian practice of surgically altering one's personality. If such is true, there really is no return for the Tempered.

So be it.

The object that Vi'Sharra throws is not a grenade, a stone, or anything else of the sort -- it is a Earth-based microcassette recorder, though it does not remain in that shape for long. As the device tumbles in midair while gravity pulls it down into the chaos below, it splits apart and reforms itself into a 30-foot-high navy-blue robot that lands heavily on his pedes at a crouch. As Soundwave rises, he turns his head as if to look back up towards Vi'Sharra only to tilt his chin in the faintest of nods.

Then, the Decepticon is moving towards the explosions and the Immortal Flames that caused them, long strides eating up distance quickly. He cares not what he crushes under his feet as he moves, whether it be buildings or people, simply because everything is to be razed to the ground anyway. He reaches up to press a button on his shoulder without breaking stride. "-Ravage. Laserbeak. Buzzsaw. Frenzy. Rumble.-" His chestplate opens. "-Eject and follow.-"

Five microcassettes launch out of his chestplate and shift their own shapes -- one becomes a robotic panther, two become mechanical birds, and two become humanoid robots themselves. They match Soundwave's pace without pause, taking potshots whenever possible, but destruction isn't their mission right now -- reaching the Immortal Flames is.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As the Amalj'aa are cut down by Goffard, he will notice that as there bodies hit the floor, they turn into wisps of aetheric energy of a red-orange color, which seems to be quickly drawn down one of the paths. Another slain and it also starts to pull down to a path.

There is also a rumble in the distance and though the sky's above are clear, the starts are slowly starting to lose light in the heavens and the moon is even starting to lose its brightness. For Nero's equipment will see it first-- a massive aetheric pull is starting to take place...

Elise's shot impacts right into the Amalj'aa Priest his hand extends out, "My Lord!!" And Marrik's own magic is what does him in. Vanishing into the aetheric energy, being whisked away to a spot. Elise then find a young Amalj'aa child that leaps at her with a wooden stick. Teeth snarled, "RAR!" Can she kill a child?

Nero puts down some Amalj'aa that have the same effect. Others find themselves finding the same thing. They cut down the Amalj'aa blast them down, and the runner also finds himself being taken down even as he roars out something in the Amalj'aa tongue before he falls to the ground becoming aetheric energy as well.

Other Amalj'aa come right after Allyn, but his stone gaze catches them in mid jump, turning them into stone as they pass by and crash into the ground breaking into a million pieces.

Marrik may then catch in his view an amalj'aa running with what is possibly a child in there arms, moving quickly over a few rocks and trying to duck into what seems like a cave system. Ah crap.

The Chocobo comes racing in and the Amalj'aa /easily/ in that area start to give chase. Grunts, roars, growls, the whole nine yards! They are after that Chocobo and probably be easy pickings for those more combat able.

Riva takes out several of the male Amlj'aa as a few, what one can guess, females quickly make a run for it, including even a few children as well.

Soundwave creates havoc in his own wake. Amalj'aa do try to attack him with their silly primitive spears and arrows. Though a few run up along side the cliffs and do try to rain some fireballs in his direction-- though they may get shot down by Frenzy or Rumble.

Though as Soundwave gets closer to the distraction area, the place is foggy-- it also gets /very/ quiet here. Beyond the thoughts-- the thoughts are very clear. Its /not/ good.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise comes up short, the child leaping at her like a rabid animal. She pauses for only a second, before she brings her hammer up and over in a mighty swing. If the kid moves? They'll get burned in a great crag of hellfire that erupts from the ground. She doesn't waste time dwelling. She has a job to do.

    "I'll go after the child. Cover me."

Finna (513) has posed:
    The way of the Changing Moon is not one of violence. Usually. Sure, sometimes you gotta fight, but the smart Changing Moon lets others fight for them. The cunning one sets the conditions to be just right for her allies. The triumphant one, however, will solve things without fighting. Luna approves most heartily of wits, subtlety, and diplomacy.

    Then again, chaos, war, trickery, and the utterly bizarre and unexpected also fall under her purview in some measures!

    So this will do.

    "*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!!*" One can ALMOST HEAR the silly cartoon music play in their heads if they watch the Chocobo swagger and sway croon and kweh. It's stampeding about ALMOST LITERALLY in circles through the camp, leading Amalj'aa around as though they were leashed.

    That's a bunch that won't be aggravating everyone else. A bunch that are tiring themselves needlessly and exposing themselves to all kinds of pain. Morons!

    Oh well. THEY fell for it. Survival of the fittest is a thing!

Maya has posed:
Maya hate for the primals is very high, oh if one could sense it the hate's about as strong as the flames about her. Maya has been fortunate, Marrik knows just how much magic maya has at her disposal but has he seen her not show restraint with it? Now is such the time she's already bring forth her wrath upon the Amalj'aa and thier mad god. She's letting lose lightning spells hopeing to chain off groups of them and then her rifle comes into play, with a whine it powers up and starts lettting lose burst after burst of ammo while Runner moves to charge into the hostile's ranks letitng lose with yes napalm, the mecha dog has napalm also his jaws but best to not descibe what happens to those he may get them upon save it will be /swift/ with how much oower they have.

Allyn (307) has posed:
As Finna has some of the Amalj'aa chase her around he stalks up behind them, keeping up with the running. Well, it's kind of funny even to him, now it's really like a parade, Finna being chased by the beastmen and Allyn now chasing after the beastmen, in pursuit of them. Well, it's a parade for a few moments at least, because once behind them, he calls out towards Finna, "Dodge" and then breathes out a cloud of sand at the beastmen following Finna.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra looks down from the ledge she's on, recocks her heavy-crossbow, and gestures in the direction of a group of the ones chasing the chocobo, (The Finnabo? ChocoFinna?) and on the wings of lavendar fire, a gaint swarm of ravenous corpseflies appears, and just starts doing their best to chow down on the group of chasers.

    Then her attention is drawn by Nero's statement, "...Dammit." She holds up her braclet and glances at the energy flows displayed in the air above it, "...He's right. The primal is coming."

    A second gesture on her part causes a trio of lavendar wreathed Drakes to emerge in the air above the battlefield, "BURN THE TENTS!" And a moment later, a the group of drakes start swooping down at the tents and showering any of the standing ones with levin-breath.

Marrik (541) has posed:
The word for today is Rage.

Spears and the occasional arrow that were used against Marrik disintegrated into centuries old piles of dust even as he called on yet more magic to try gathering what aether he could. It was not spirits or ghosts as he understood so he was not sure what if any effect he would have.

Yet when he saw a child being carried off he aimed his left hand at the couple to indicate where the ran for Elise to give chase. To give her a corridor through this madness he wove magic around the rod rather than channel through it, using the device as pointer for fist sized 'bullets' of kinetic force at anything he could point at. Flick. Bang! Flick. Bang! Each discharge of kinetic force sounded like a large caliber gun firing.

His face was emotionless and his eyes glowed red as he went about his grisly task. They were slaves. This was freeing them. Each shriek or cry fueled his anger. Lives cut short. Families and clans that loved and depended on each other to grow and thrive turned into servitors for Ifrit.

A drumbeat sounded through the canyon and surrounding desert. Again and again it rang out like a monstrously huge heartbeat as *e cast his magic out to the winds. <We come her not as conquerors or destroyers. There is nothing I wish to take from this land save for the one that enslaved you in life.> He did not know if the spirits of this world cared what happened to the living, but Marrik had to try. This was their home. These were a people they had seen fall to the primal's will. <Please. Help us end this. This is your land. Your home. I give you this chance to remove this wicked and evil being from it.> Magic poured our of him as his net widened and his call filled with anger, sadness, pleading, and a thousand other emotions. To the dead that lingered Marrik would glow like the sun and his call unignorable. However it was not compulsion. They could ignore him. They could turn on him. However he made sure they would at least hear him.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    There's that pull. Ifrit's coming.

    Nero stops, examining the device on his wrist, under those clothes; it's barely visible, a glowing orb like an active computer screen. There's a lot to see on it, if you have it front of you like he does. With a heavy sigh the blonde man in desert clothing lowers his arm, glancing about the camp.

    Looks like the slaughter is just going to be a way to pass time before the Primal shows up. It's not all bad, the data's never unwelcome, especially this close. Being able to observe the summoning process like this will, surely, eventually yield useful countermeasures. Ways to slow it-- eventually, to stop it. That's his goal, anyway.

    The gunblade is raised, and a few idle shots taken towards stray runners; whether they be Tempered people, or Amalj'aa. It's all the same, they're not people anymore. His aim is pretty good, going directly for the heads when it can be helped.

    His focus shifts towards the drakes, and then Vi'Sharra.
    First she turns out to be some sort of horrible undead abomination and now she's a friend to monsters. THAT DOSSIER IS GETTING UPDATED, LADY.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gaffgarion sees those energies, and frowns. Hopefully his Blood Sword, with is lifeforce-draining abilities, will weaken that energy. Since it's obviously not going anywhere good. It's likely going to the primal's summoning, from the sounds of that radio chatter. Oh, he sees the energy, but he's not about to go chase it. He'll work his way towards the paths, and eliminate any Amalj'aa that he finds on the way. Man, woman, child-- whatever. If it's Amalj'aa, it dies. Gaffgarion dismounts his chocobo and sets her to attacking as well, doubling the damage. She scratches with her clawed feet, rips and tears with her beak, coughs large stones from her gizzard at terminal velocity... and may or may not even /summon a Meteor/ a time or two.

For his part, Gaffgarion employs his fell sword skills, draining the life from those who cross his path with sword or a strange eye that appears in the sky and drops energy like tears... energy that turns into a blade! When that doesn't work, he'll employ magic. Blizzara! And he uses his fell sword skills to replenish his stores of mana from the Amalj'aa. The Fell Knight is truly in his element here, surrounded by murder and death. And it shows.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
It's actually Laserbeak and Buzzsaw who dispose of the Amalj'aa mages hiding amongst the cliffs, laser weapons overcoming the aetherical-based magics of the beastmen. They don't act in time to keep Soundwave from getting hit, but the effect is irrelevant. There are only a few tiny scorch-marks from the fireballs' impact on his paint and minor hairline scratches from arrows and spears alike.

Only when the Decepticon group reaches the edge of the fog does Soundwave slow, and a sweep of his hand to the side signals his agents to watch his back as he takes point. It is eerily quiet to the audios, the sounds of battle melting away beyond even the whispers of background noise, but Soundwave does not simply hear by ear. And it is this telepathic sense that fills him with a nameless dread--

--A telepathic roar sears through his mind like an all-consuming inferno, staggering him almost to one knee from the force. The alarmed cries of "BOSS!" are drowned out by the sheer presence that roars behind Soundwave's optics. 'My servants! I hear thy cries! Dare you tresspass! Dare you come! Burn all that taint my lands in my flames of destruction! I will cleanse all to be anew! All shall belong to me! Thy Soul and Flesh be mine!'

"-I. Am. NO-ONE'S!-" Soundwave bites out, forcing himself to straighten back up and refocus from the telepathic onslaught. There are more minds deeper within, more adjulations praising Ifrit... and the same scorched carbon stentch that comprised the mystery voice has envelops their thoughts as well. "-Decepticons.-" His rifle appears in his hand as he steps deeper into the fog. "-Annihilate the Immortal Flames.-"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva continues to fight, but the conversation on the radio has clearly agitated her. While she is more than willing to fight the crazed adults, the general behavior causes her to get much angrier than normal. Her pistols fire, quickly attempting to kill, She still, however, refuses to shoot at the children. Not that there's any shortage of people willing to kill them.

However, things get more complicated. "What? I thought those were our allies!" Riva says, confused.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The child is killed swiftly by Elise's attack, it too-- becomes aetheric energy. As everyone attacks, more aetheric energy flows to a center point. On readings it almost looks like a giant funnel-- but most of the aetheric energy was coming from the chants-- chants that were canceled, and as they were canceled-- the very beast men themselves started to become the font.

Willing servants that were willing to die for Ifrit to come, a few may even see this as a few actually /kill/ themselves doing so in the name of the Lord Of The Inferno.

Tents burns, Some Amalj'aa can be heard screaming in pain-- others-- so many others-- basking in the fire, allowing themselves to be burned alive while yelling out to Ifrit. Madness. Insanity. Even the Immortal Flames who were once people-- have now become to Ifrit's power, which becomes obvious when Soundwave's own find themselves being jumped from the fog with swords and shields.

Marrik will find spirits not of the Amalj'aa rising from the lands, but the undead of lost souls of this very land. They look-- almost elf-like, armor of a forgotten time. They are under his control-- they will do as he wishes.

Nero easily cuts down a few and those of magic spells tear down several more. Things though-- are starting to quiet down a bit. Many of the Amalj'aa stop running, a few actually kneel down-- even if it makes them for easy killing. It soon becomes clear why...

The ground starts to glow with embers of flame, the dark rock trembling for a moment as a roar is echoed threw the area. The sky now has become pitch black, beyond where the moon was has become a dark sphere circled by a flaming red ring. The very cliff side faces rumble and bursts into flames at the center of this cavern camp, before soon the rocks explode outward like hailing meteorites.

Flames irrupt around the area and an explosion blasts out from the center before it can be seen heading for the heavens. Then like a could of ash explodes out around the black sky, a massive beast of lava red magma, black scales, and horns as red as heated steel crashes down to the ground which shakes under its massive impact.

It could possible stand nearly above twenty feet tall, if it was not down on all fours. Its massive tail sways side to side. Those burning gold eyes stare out at the group, as flames huff out from its dragon like maul. He roars out once more before he speaks. His voice almost reaching into the minds. Its like almost a thousand whispers rolled into a booming male voice. ~"Fiends! Vile Fiends! Whom dare walk upon my lands! You cometh to take my people from me!? You dareth stand against my flames!? I shall burn thy flesh and soul! Thy shall serve I! Lord Of The Inferno! Master of Fire and Sun!"

Ifrit claws tear into the ground as Magma in that moment almost spews up. "Now come and face thy Judgment upon which my fires will burn!"

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7T0PyTc0ds

Marrik (541) has posed:
The radio was Martin's first warning the Immortal Flames had been overcome. Not like it would have been hard to miss. Primals were far from subtle and the near worshipful look in their eyes even as they begged for forgiveness and joined the lizard people was impossible to miss. Ifrit has gained reinforcements. Regrettable, but the young necromancer's face remained a taught near unreadable mask.

He brought backup of his own.

The god-drum continued to sound as Marrik called the elfin spirits to their bones, or in fact any body that remained. <Come forward. Remember your flesh and your weapons. Remember and stand by us.> Those that found shells to inhabit would be aided by his magic to ready themselves for the fight.

The rod of coldness grew a fine layer of frost as his magic continued to flow and tried to use its power to counter the primal's flames.

Yet even as the dead answered his call his eyes sought out Ifrit's. "FALSE GOD." His voice thundered. "USURPER AND DESTROYER OF FAITH AND FAMILY." Fury steeled his voice as he stood in the clear, an inviting target for the lord of flame. "FOR YOU THE HARVEST HAS COME." His right hand moved, palm aimed at Ifrit as his magic shot forward in hair fine threads to chain the spirit, to force it to battle against his magic to act in this world. He was no match against a primal on his own, and would be unable to bind or banish it, but maybe he could slow it down.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise shoots the Amalj'aa with her sidearm, blasting them with .45cal bullets before they make off with the child further. She then runs over, checking the kids pulse, before pausing...

    "I'm no murderer without a cause." she affirms to herself, then pulls out a pair of binders, tying the kid's arms behind their back, then attempting to hide them so any stray Amalj'aa won't find them while the battle rages.

    "Stay here." she states to the child, before turning and running back to the sound of battle. "... Sheisten..."

Maya has posed:
Maya stance and tone changes it's very serious and there's a hard edge s she speaks to it.

"You are but a predender an elemental lord with deluctions of rising above it's station in the universe. You have taken the minds and souls of many and are beyond redeption. You will now /face/ My judgement and it is you are to die for what you have done. Your flames will be snuffed and the ashes scattered to the winds. Your death comes vermin!"

Then the magic starts to surge blue fire she's got cards in hand and Runner is already snarling.

"Runner, sick em."

The magitech machine lets out a howl of rage it's not that bright but it gets that thing /did/ something to everyone here something that made Maya give the order as it charges in? Maya has the blue fire leech out of her body and into the cars. Riva, Elise and Marrik get Maya's attention. They would find the first spell hitting them as the cards hover over maya a barrir that would protect them from flames. THe strange rune fade away but both are left with a faint gold glow, after that she casts again a single card and the two would find a pink aura joining it as they feel stronger faster better.

Maya would also effect herself with it. The cards float back into her hand and she goes for her rifle.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
That's exactly what Gaffgarion expected, that the sacrifice of the Amalj'aa would be used for summoning Ifrit. He whistles sharply to Melody, his chocobo, and directs her to get out of the area of battle. She can take out any Amalj'aa they missed. Himself, he just heads for the Primal, preparing to fight.

He claws his shield hand, summoning mana that frosts his gauntlet a little, and then thrusts out his arm in the direction of Ifrit. Blizzard. Not very strong, but he's gauging the Primal's strength. Because he has a feeling this Ifrit is going to be an absolute /behemoth/ to deal with.

Riva Banari has posed:
The madness hammers at Riva. The horror of what she sees will probably be something she will never forget for the rest of her life.

Madness. Evil. That is the only thing she can use to define what she sees here. Her mind reels with anger and revulsion at what she's seen, the responses and behavior of the Amal'jaa and the people who would kill them.

And then she is thrown to the ground as the area shakes. The massive blast causes her to grunt in pain as she hits the ground, but she struggles back to her feet quickly and looks up, the horrible being that hangs before them. The flames and demonic countenance of the massive primal giving her an outlet. This is the cause. This is a being that needs to pay for what it's done.

And Riva begins charging, Maya's magic warding her against the inferno. She charges, her pistols rising as she begins unleashing a wave of Anima bullets, spitting her defiance in the face of the Primal. "Things like you don't deserve worshippers." Riva says with quiet anger. Her guns speak for her, she's too angry to speech.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    A gesture on Vi'Sharra's part changes the direction that her summoned creatures are going in, the flesh-eating swarm of insects continues well... Eating any of the Amallj'aa that aren't already in the process of offing themselves, the drakes however... ...The drakes take back to the air, circle the camp once, and then come screaming down out of the sky like a trio of homesick rocks at Ifrit.

    They're not aiming to dive bomb him from above, no, they're aiming to hit him all from the same side, to drive him to the ground and pound him into the dirt buying everyone a little extra time to get their own plans in motion.

    Meanwhile up on the cliff edge, Vi'Sharra takes aim with her heavy crossbow, and waits... "Why did the first one have to be fire?"

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave' agents are ready for the Immortal Flames' charge, having moved forwards to give their 'keeper' time to recover. Rumble and Frenzy stand side-by-side and fire their rifles in volleys upon volleys, Buzzsaw and Laserbeak rain laserfire from above, and Ravage blindsides the remainders to finish off those who somehow survived.

But even the Flames can find no respite in death, their bodies becoming reddish-hued aetheric energy and merging with the fallen Amalj'aa... back towards the center of the camp... and Soundwave can sense the building power of scorched carbon...

The Decepticon pivots, crouching down on one knee as his rifle aims back the way they'd come, free arm rising to shield his face and helm. "-Behind me!-" His agents duck down in his shadow just as the ground erupts in the near-distance like a fiery geyser. Stone bounces off of metal plating, lava and flame sears paint, and the shockwave blasts away what remains of the fog.

The voice comes again, the stifling inferno of scorched carbon, but this time Soundwave is ready and weathers the searing telepathic presence without visible discomfort. "-Scatter.-" He rises to his feet as the five Decepticon agents split, seeking high points and weak spots. Soundwave himself opens fire with his rifle, striding forwards to close some distance between himself and the Primal.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    There's the big one.
    A bit more impressive seen from up close than from afar, Nero would have to admit. His first "close" encounter with a Primal, though he's been in the backseat of a handful of encounters-- not just with Ifrit-- in the past. Unfortunately not enough to have full combat data.

    "Are you getting all this?" he inquires, putting a finger to one of his ears, hinting at a radio earbud. Up the cliff, his apprentice replies.
    "Yes. That's... do you need to be that close?"
    "Probably, yes. Is the cannon armed?"
    "Of course. On your signal."
    "Not yet."

    The Immortal Flames and the Amalj'aa have been dealt with for now; it's best to get on with the show and send the Primal back to the Aether, before he can attempt to Temper any of them. He wouldn't say it, but the fact they had to slaughter the Flames brings a smirk to his face. Sometimes things just... WORK OUT, and you didn't even plan for it.

    A dull blue glow surrounds his Gunblade; he lets loose a single shot towards Ifrit's head, the beam of Magitek energy as deadly as any other real spell flung by a mage. Seems he's aiming for one of Ifrit's horns?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn Turns his head towards Ifirt once the primal is summoned and watches it for a few moments, tilting his head as he ponders, well that's not a good thing. He then charges towards ifrit and leaps into the air before slamming into the ground not too far from the primal. "Pleased to meet you, now fall."

Finna (513) has posed:
    This kind of slaughter's not really to Finna's tastes. But it's in the Shroud's best interests that the Lord of Flame and his fanatic followers be dealt with. She'll pick the forest over these assholes. That's what she tells herself, but...

    Even the Amalj'aa children are getting slaughtered. That's not something she wants to think about at all here.

    Then all hell breaks loose. Literally.

    Finna dodges, alright. She leaps far to the left, spins around in midair... and slams back to earth as a fox-woman. A seven-foot tall creature, more beast than woman, with claws that gleam silver when struck by the light of Ifrit's flames.

    She gulps. That's one angry beast. Demon, really, if it were a thing of Creation. And she remembers tales of what the Elders said happened the last time Octavian escaped from Hell... it's enough to make her shiver.

    "Shit! Well, the beast's out of the bag now..."

    If she's gonna survive this one she'll need to crank into high gear, and quickly.

    Finna takes a few moments to do a few stretch-like exercises. Her flesh ripples like waves on a lake, slim but dense muscles flexing and wriggling weirdly.

    At the same time silvery light leaks from her skin and out around her, mixed with streaks of darkness and purplish haze.

    Her body's ready. All her muscles brim with Lunar Essence, tuned more for speed than strength... because she'll need to keep that beast's attention if the others can unleash their best shots on it, won't she?

    "Hey, big, red, and horny!" The foxwoman drops to all fours and goes charge-DASHING.... and brings her claws about to rend his arm. No mere keratin - these are the Claws of the Silver Moon, pure Lunar Essence hardened into a physical cutting surface!

    "You've got no room to complain, what with all the kidnapping people and burning away their minds!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Marrik's voice challenges that of Ifrit and the massive primal roars right back in a harsh reply, "SILENCE MORTAL! I AM NO FALSE GOD! NOT LIKE SHE!" He slams down his massive front claw into the ground, before snarling at Marrik. Then as the chains come to try and slow him down, he quickly bites at one of them. The magical chain can be seen being engulfed by flames, shattering it. He can't get all of them, but the flames themselves almost seem to be aiding him.

When Maya challenges him, his attention turns to her and he snarls at her, "Thy think stronger? Mightier?! Then I?!! LORD OF THE INFERNO!?? YOU SHALL BURN FIRST HEATHEN!!" Flames start to lick around his maw as he gets ready to blast out flames right at her. Yet this is halted as Gaffgarion's Blizzard slams into the side of his head. The fires are seen cooled in that moment as steam rises from the side of his face.

He turns to face then Gaffgarion and roars in his direction. His massive clawed hand slams into the ground and then a circle of fire can be seen forming around him as if he is not quick enough, an irruption for fire happens underfoot. Ifrit goes to turn back to Maya, as suddenly he notices Riva taking aim. He snarls at her then leaps aside of her shots, for something so large-- he is quick. Quick enough that even as Vi'Sharra's drakes come in, he finds there claws only catching them for a moment as he then slams his tail around to whip them away with fiery fury.

Those gold eyes look to Vi'Sharra then as he then goes to stand up on his hunches, his voice rumbles lowly, "Come and join the flames of cleansing! Do not be so--" He then swings out his clawed hand, "SHY!" If Vi'Sharra is not quick she may find the ground under her shifting and going to dump her right into the very field and the flaming rocks coming in right after her as well, turning into wisps of fire.

Soundwave's shot however keeps Maya from being targeted fully as the rifle blast nicks him across the side of his shoulder. He turns to face him and slams back down on his two front legs. The ground shakes and a massive flaming wave of rocks goes rushing at him to try and explode on the mighty steel titan. "Your Metal hide can not hide thy soul from me! Ye shall submit and be thy greatest servant!"

Allyn comes charging at him, and Ifrit swiftly moves aside, he roars down at the smaller creature. Those golden fiery eyes nothing but primal and corrupt. A beast, savage, and cruel. No love is in this monster, only the desire of servitude. Yet as he gets ready to swing down at Allyn, Nero's magitek shot slams him in the horn. The impact can be seen as the blue sparks against the bright red to near gold horn. He spins to roar at Nero, his tail lashing at Allyn as he moves around with a whip like precision to knock him away.

Nero gets saved for the moment from Ifrit's wrath, as Finna comes at him. He hears her remark and quickly leaps back as her claws ever come to close, just cutting the edge of his hard scaled magma form. He then in turn takes a swipe at her to knock her aside, before roaring at her again. The inside of his mouth is hot red as Magma, which he then turns around and looks directly at Maya, before he blasts out a massive flaming breath right in her direction.

It would seem some of the others, go ignored for now.

Marrik (541) has posed:
The spirits of the land were angry. For them they could only watch for generations as Ifrit replaced the wills and minds of countless people from would-be settlers hoping to make a living out here to would be heroes hoping to drive Ifrit away only to be consumed when it was re-summoned. This time was different. As the thunderous drumbeat continued to sound they knew this time was different. This time they had the chance to act, possibly prevent what has happened countless times before from happening again. Arrows knocked and spears were readied even as a few stragglers hurried to shroud their bodies in ectoplasmic flesh.

Rock and flame gysered around Marrik and he stood there pointing one hand at Ifrit to keep renewing and adapting the chains of his ward. A few chunks of debris even bounced off of him and, for the lack of reaction, could have been cotton balls or twigs instead of sharp chunks of earth and flaming debris. He was an island unmoving even as hell itself seemed to erupt around him. The ice rod I'm his left hand pointed towards Ifrit and the pale runes carved into it glowed bright.

All along the tops of the canyons the newly risen dead saw their signal and loosed everything they had unto Ifrit. Even before the first volly finished raining down more arrows readied to fire, more spears drawn then thrown. For any that would fall to Ifrit's flames were replaced by others as their bones started knitting together so they could rejoin the fight.

-By my blackened hands the dead do Rise.-

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva finds herself on the edge of the massive conflagaration that is Ifrit. The sheer scale of the hellish inferno staggers her, causing her to focus on staying mobile, staying on her feet, and most importantly, getting the hell out of the way. Thankfully, her pistols allow for this, as she contines to rain fown magical gunfire upon the Ifrit. It might be able to dodge, but there's always more bullets.

After all, she's not firing metal.

"I've just met you and I'm already sick of you. Grabby-handed demon-thing! You're not getting any more souls, damn you. You're getting cut off!"

Riva launches to one side, throwing herself past a plume of smoke as she begins focusing fire upon Ifrit, unleashing a hailstorm of Anima bullets.

Maya has posed:
Maya says "I know what I am, I know what you /are/. If you wish to try, show me what you can do. Better beings have have attempted to do so and I remain."

Maya is not fooling about at all here, no not at all. She's now making ready again the thought to use her rifle has passed and she's palming another card in hanf as she stares the master of flames down.

"I guess I am a Hathen."

She's thankful for the cover she's got and she's going tomake use of it as she starts to charge a spell of her own that' when the flames come, she brings up her arms and attmps to keep her upper body somewhat more protected the barrier works well enough defelcting much of the flames.

"You have had enough souls to claim."

Maya then unleahses the spell she draws upon the water in the enviorment forcing a full blown pillar of water at Ifrit hopefully this will put a bit of a damper on him, the card meanwhile fades with the blue fire covering it and Maya seems to be ready for another go.

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise is ignored for now. This is good. She takes a knee behind a small rocky outcrop, sighting down her rifle sight as the beast leaps about, looking for a pattern or attempting to predict his next leap. She slows her breathing, becoming one with her weapon, before the barrel snaps to a position, and that thunderclap of gunfire reports the Reaper Round hurtling towards the Primal.

    Elise doesn't stay still though, once she's fired, she moves, hauling ass across open ground to another cover position.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gaffgarion tries to dodge, but he's running forward, and in all that armor he's not very fast to dodge. The fire erupts underneath him, tossing him into the air. He lands on a particularly rocky patch, too, denting his armor until it jabs into his back painfully. The jolt jars him even more painfully, and he hisses. But the sound quickly turns into a growl, and he gets to his feet again.

Well, if Ifrit's going to hurt him, Gaffgarion is going to use the Primal's likely considerable lifeforce to replenish his own! Blood Sword in hand, he raises the blade into the air. "Master of all swords, cut energy!" And then with a sharp gesture, points the blade at Ifrit. As before, the eye appears in the sky, opens, and crimson red energy falls to the ground. With snapping sound, it becomes a blade that stabs into the eye. And possibly into Ifrit if the Primal doesn't move.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    No complaints about not being on fire.
    It gives Nero time to observe what the others are doing-- some, he glances at with a bit more interest, mixed in with disgust and a strong desire to put a knife in their back right then and there, a desire he stiffles in favor of GIANT FIRE GOD.

    He reaches into a pocket, producing a few rounds of special ammunition and stuffing them into his Gunblade. The blue glow around the long sword becomes a bit paler and whiter, and the air around it chills slightly.

    "Aren't you haughty, O Lord. Won't you grace me with an answer? How many times have you been laid low and risen again, so far?" Click.

    A few icy shots surge from the Gunblade, still trying to nail Ifrit's horns. These might have a better shot at weakening them enough to break or chip one off, but either way being hit in the head is never pleasant.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's eyes widen, and she growls as the earth underneath her shifts, and starts to dump her into the fires below. "No." And just as the wisps reach her, and set her outer layer of clothing ablaze, she winks out of existence in a burst of lavendar flame and appears above the primal briefly... ...Just long enough for her to level her heavy crossbow at the back of the Primal's skull, before she vanishes once more to reappear some fifty feet away on the top of another cliff.

    "I" She bears her fangs at him and hisses, "Refuse to be invited to your little barbaque on your terms!"

    And with that she ducks behind a nearby boulder and starts rapidly beating at her flaming clothing with her gloves, "...Damnable son of a fire elemental."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave keeps walking forward, his rifle remaining trained on the Primal that stands before him. Not even Ifrit rising onto his hind legs to stand almost as tall as himself gives him pause, much less the Primal's direct attention.

The wave of stone and fire screams from Ifrit to Soundwave, but the tapemaster avoids the wave itself by a quick spinning twist out of the way -- a suprisingly fast move from a being of his size. However, the explosion of superheated stone at the intended location showers his back with lava splatter, some hot enough to scorch metal, but he ignores the annoyance.

"-I submit to no one.-" The chill in Soundwave's low melotone reveals the Decepticon's absolute focus on the task at hand, and there is a noteable furious presence about him. "-Fall.-" The turret on Soundwave's shoulder whirrs before launching a barrage of missiles at the Primal, the Decepticon maintaining his distance at this point. Staying out of melee range is more than close enough.

Finna (513) has posed:

    Finna wasn't expecting to be the most heavily productive fighter here, but to be dodged so easily. "Whuh--" WHAM!

    The foxwoman goes sprawling, tumbling, and rolling over the scorched ground, her wound burning and singed. It closes quickly, enough so that it won't be bleeding, but she's still staggered by it a little. A few more blows lke that and she won't find getting back up so easily.

    "You're not gonna learn until that big head of yours has been stuffed up your---" All the sounds of combat drown out whatever she's saying.

    "Hyahh!" With a single leap she goes flying up, then comes back DOWN with a spearing claw strike to Ifrit's spine!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Hisses as he's hit by Ifrit's tail and he slinks back from the Primal as that really hurts. Yeah, probably shouldn't get that close to it, Alright, so this form isn't quite so useful against this primal, but that's not going to stop him from trying. He shifts forms again, he hasn't been idle in this world afterall. He shifts forms into a Wyrm and breathes frost at Ifrit well at least around him.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The spears gifted to the undead by Marrik slam into the hide of Ifrit. The Primal of Fire rips a few out, and the assault comes at many directions. He roars out with some anger as he bellows, "THY CALL UPON THE OLD TO BE MADE ANEW?! I BURNED THEM ONCE! SHALL BE DONE AGAIN!" Ifrit then leaps into the air as he blasts down flames at Marrik and his zombie hoard of old warriors.

He lands back down as he claws streak across the ground, "For thy not arm them with the weapons of old. Ha! Pathetic!!" Yet such boasts dare get Ifrit in trouble as Riva rains anima bullets upon him. He roars out and then snarls in her direction. Then a pillar of water slams onto his form. He roars out as the water cascades down on him.

Steam rises from his form, the steam itself creating a massive fog in the air, for a moment the flames were not seen and the glow of his form missing. Until the light flickers from the fog and two massive pillars of fire travel right for Riva and Maya both. Soon the mighty Primal walks out of the fog, his body already rekindled with fire. One can-- hear him almost chuckling.

Though his chuckling is halted as a gun shot round from Elise clips him in the side of the head. He can see her running and chuckles again. He then slams his claw on the ground which irrupts into magma around him, before it goes dark. "NONE SHALL HIDE FROM I!" If Elise isn't quick, she will find a fire circle forming around her and then attempts to Irrupt right under her.

Nero then inquires from Ifrit how many times and the Primal stares right at him. Those eyes narrow as he stares directly at Nero. There was an odd shift of color in his eyes. "Thy aether is weak. Thy lack essence of succor of the land. But thy does not have his /taint/.. Perhaps I will indulge your inquiry," The shorts are fired and the chip one of his horns. His head only moves down slightly form the impact as he slowly rises up his head, flames licking around his maw.

"But only once thy serve me!" Goffard's attack serves as a minor distraction as it impales into his hide. No blood is found here, only that of aetheric energy that steams out for a moment from the impact point. Then with a bellowing roar he blankets the are with a massive flame.

Vi'Sharra's bolt slams into that thick skull of Ifrits and he spins around, to not find her, then he follows her voice and roars in her direction. Then with a slam of his paw, she will get the same treatment as Elise.

Soundwave gets Ifrit's attention as he goes to move away from the shot. It was rather close and grazes him across the snout. He goes to turn in anger toward the deception, only to have Finna leap on his backside and claws scratch across his surface. He arches his back up, even as Allyn transforms once more and catches the Lord of Inferno in the ice. It almost seems like he freezes in place, before suddenly the heat irrupts from his body with enough force it goes to try and knock Finna clean off.

Then as Inferno's massive paws slam down on the ground, here comes those rings to form around Soundwave and Allyn-- and soon to follow, a blasting flame from the very ground.

Ifrit then digs into his claws. His body starts to glow brightly, even as it pulses. The ground below him starts to glow as well...

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    The shout from Ifrit sets Elise's blood running cold. This doesn't last long as she's consumed in the Inferno Pillar. Fabric sears away, flesh cooks on her bones, and she's blasted up into the air to slam down again hard out in the open.

    Any normal human would have been destroyed by that, but Elise is no normal human. Not anymore. She painfully pushes herself back to her feet, clad in only gleaming pearlescent plates of metal, covering her vital areas, and thankfully her modesty. All the fabric has burned away, and she looks like a charred mess that shouldn't be standing, yet she is, and pulls her hammer from the clamp on her back. With effort, she rushes forward, and aims to bring that hammer down on the infernal beast, though should she miss? The earth will shake, and a vast fissure will open, spewing forth daemonic flame.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn lets out a roar of pain as the flames hit him he growls deeply at Ifrit, "You flaming monster." he snarls and then flaps his wigns and takes off into the air and circles around a few times, looking down at the Primal. He then dives down and tries to land on it's back to crush it. "How do you like this, Lord of Flame?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik threw both arms over his head instinctively as flames washed over him. As Ifrit poured flame over him he started to kneel from the pressure and could almost see the primal's satisfaction at forcing him down. Yet even as he was pushed down he was bowed, but not knelt. The dead burned brightly, only to be replaced by others continuing the assault.

Hot air rushed into Marrik's lungs. It was only because of the ice rod that it was merely hot instead of lung searing. Pale runes flared bright as he tried to fight back to a standing position. He /WOULD NOT/ kneel to this beast. His ward was nearly broken, from the heat of flames and the fury of the creature they tried to hold, but they still held, if only just and by a thread. Mentally Marrik ordered a circle of spears to be thrown around Ifrit. His magic connected them together in a makeshift circle of his will.

"You are indeed powerful, but there is no place in this world for you." With his will through his magic encircling the primal Marrik made a gesture with his right hand as he spoke a single command.

"Let the gates of pain be opened!"

Empowered by his magic and backed by his will Marrik attempted to force every nerve, real or otherwise, to experience blinding pain that would not extinguish save perhaps by a focused effort of will on Ifrit's part, focus that might give someone else the opening they needed.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra shrieks as her lower half is suddenly immolated, and once again she vanishes in lavendar fire before the worst of it hits her.

    This time she reappears at a nearby pool of water, quite possibly the Amallj'aa drinking supply... ...And just dives in, putting herself out, and hanging out under the water for a bit, letting it sooth away the burns while she regenerates.

    After a few moments of this, she rises from the water, and reconjures herself back to a point near the battlefield, to take cover behind a nearby pillar of rock.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gaffgarion is hidden by the flames for a long moment, and it looks like he might just have disappeared... been consumed by all that flame. But then... as it fades, there he is, head down, face hidden behind his shield. When he can breathe again, he emits a choked sound, and falls to a knee. His armor's smoking, and it's no doubt he's uncomfortable now.

But it doesn't appear he's done yet. He hisses, and tilts his head back to look at Ifrit. "Uncultured swine. Never cook meat well." Here he stands, slowly. "Do ye not know..." And here he hefts his sword again. "It gets TOUGHER?!" This said he runs at Ifrit, slashing with his sword multiple times. He's trying to get as much of that energy draining property working as possible. It won't heal his body, but it'll give him more energy to keep fighting.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave is utterly unfamiliar with the concept of magic and does not notice the ring around him until a moment before the ground opens up underneath him. Too late to escape, the geyser of fire and lava envelops the Decepticon even as it enacts enough upward force to even knock /him/ off his feet.

Soundwave manages to plant a hand mid-fall and somersault himself to end up in a very low crouch, but the damage has been done. He is more black than navy-blue at this point, and the metal of his legs and pedes looks noticeably melted. In fact, one of his legs looks bad enough that it may very well be all wielded together from the knee down.

And yet, the Decepticon rises once more and aims his rifle at the Primal in outright defiance. "-Open fire.-" Laser fire erupts from the cliffs surrounding Ifrit to join Soundwave's next volley, the five agents having dug themselves in quite nicely as makeshift snipers.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    "I should think not," Nero speaks plainly, before bringing up his empty hand to shield himself from the flames. A shimmer from his wrist, as a very weak bubble of fake white magic attempts to shield him from the flames. This doesn't hold very long, Ifrit's flames much hotter than any poor man's version of a barrier or shell spell, breaking through the protection like glass. She leaps up, discarding his cloak as it catches on fire, landing atop a stray rock on the cliffside.

    The shine of red steel is now much more obvious under Nero's tattered desert clothes, indicating the man may actually be fully armored under those rags. You'd think it gets hot, but spoiler, Magitek makes good A/C for your armor.

    "I already serve a lord, you see, one who foregoes the need for Tempering and earns his followers through displays of honor, strength, and power. You could stand to learn much from him, Primal."

    Nero clenches his Gunblade with both hands, suddenly, kicking off the cliff side and making an aerial dash straight for Ifrit's head. "If you do not mind, I will be collecting a trophy!"

    He attempts to slice with the blade at the chipped and frozen horn, blue light trailing after the weapon. A single clean stroke, but is Garlean steel mightier than a Primal's horn? He might have to make do with just the chip of the horn, wherever it fell.

Finna (513) has posed:
    FIRE! Finna's not used to having FIRE used at her as any kind of weapon. Who'd expect it, in the north? But Ifrit's far too obvious, even so. The foxLunar finds it a simple matter to dance along Ifrit's back betwen the flames, coming out of it with only a singe or two.

    "For such a great god, you're pretty clumsy!"

    She's hanging on alright. That's what claws are handy for! And she takes the opportunity to try and gash DEEPLY into Ifrit's back with the ones on her feet!

Maya has posed:
Maya listenns as the primal goes on for a moment. Maya's however got him quite unhappy anf she does not seem to boither her much. The other han the fire coming for her however does seem to worry her oin some level.

"You can't do anything on your own can you? You must twist enrire races to your dowing because your unable to do anything yourself!"

The barrier holds again keeping maya from the worst of the pillar however Elza isn't so lucky and she makes a note to help her soon as she's bale however she's tgot naotehr objective right now she pulls another card.

"There once was one that desired such power he turned upon the creator himself, the Serphgin fell before him."

She was going to launch another attck but Marrik has informed her his own magic is failing upon Ifrit.

She pulls another card she says nothing but unlsehs of all things an attempt ot curse the primal to weaken him, slow him and otherwise sap his strength even for a moment.

Riva Banari has posed:
Even being near the path of Ifrit burns Riva, the path of the flame trails scorching her. However, her movement seems to keep most of the fire from consuming her. The pillars of fire roar past, and Rive leaps backwards, flipping through the air in an acrobatic lunge, turning in the air in the finest John Woo style to unleash another barrage. Even if she's not doing a lot of damage at once, the cumulative effort might have an effect. At this point, it's an endurance match. as long as she could get the hell out of the way of his hellfire, she can exist.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Primal of Fire is charging for-- something. Though when Elise goes to throw down her hammer, the field of flames actually protect Ifrit. His claws ever digging deeper into the ground. His voice rings, even if his mouth does not move beyond the gathering of fire. "Foolish mortals.." Allyn then attempts to leap onto Ifrit's back-- but finds that same field getting in the way.

"...Thy are blind to the truth.."

Marrik's zombies will find themselves unable to get in, but yet his own magic pulls at Ifrit. This only causes the massive Primal to stir slightly. That tail of his lashing side to side. "Thy do not see how the flames can purge thy soul! Save Thyselves from the corruption of the weak world!"

Goffard's sword swings slash at the barrier, getting past to clip a part of Ifrit's hide, yet the Primal stands firm. Flames starting to spew from the cracks in the ground under him, as the flames in his maw only become more apparent and magma drips from the edges of his fanged teeth.

Soundwave's shot come from all directions, some being deflected from the barrier. Others impact the body. Finna will find herself clawing, but some force makes it difficult for her to /hang on/. The heat is also increasing around it.

Nero leaps right at Ifrit, his sword gets caught by the flaming barrier. It does cut through and the edge clips the chipped area ever further. A crack in that moment can be seen splintering. the horns pulse has slowed some, but the others are ever so bright. Riva's bullets however find themselves dispersed against the barrier.

It is perhaps Maya's attempt to weaken the Primal that may save them from a hellish fate. As Ifrit rises up on his hunches and bellows out a blast of flames into the very ground. The earth quakes and flames consume the entire area, washing up from the ground in spouts of flame and something-like aetheric magma. If one is fast footed, they may escape the dancing fires-- but if one is not....

Elise Leroy (62) has posed:
    Elise is again smacked back by flame and magma, skipping across the ground like a cast stone. She slams into a cliff face, falling to the ground with a grunt. Again she rises, lifts a hand to her ear, and speaks in a raspy whisper. "Knight to Bishop. Checkmate."

    The sound of jet engines scream into being as a pair of sleek attack aircraft come barreling down from the stratosphere. Elise lets her arm drop, then keels over, as the Ravens lock targets and fire a quartet of heavy air-torpedoes, pulling up sharply and evacuating the battlezone. <Bishop to Knight. Queen takes Kings Knight. Returning to Rook.>

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    Small pieces of a Primal's horn aren't a bad haul; with surprising ease he's able to let go of his blade and snatch the small fragments, stuffing them in a pocket. That, however, will not satisfy him. He bounces off the Primal's head, before the rest of his clothes catch on fire. Another second and they would have.

    His landing position puts him just outside the sudden and powerful inferno Ifrit summons, still sorching the metal of his armor and straining his protective 'spells' to their limits. He glances up, towards the cliff.

    The apprentice scrambles to arm the Cerulean cannon, loaded with an experimental Magitek missile. Ice, obviously; never come unprepared when fighting a Primal. Nero gives the signal over radio.

    There's a loud blast, and a massive artillery shell shoots up into the sky and then back down towards Ifrit. It would look no different than the air strike called by Elise/Elza, though the flames are pale blue and frosty, trying to strain Ifrit's natural heat rather than outright damage him.

    Nero makes another leap into the light, using the explosion as cover to deliver another precise slash towards Ifrit's damaged horn. He REALLY wants that sample. Surely, Gaius-senpai will notice him if he brings back such a thing for study.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's face goes white as the huge wave of fire goes coursing past her and melting most of the pillar that she's hidin---taking cover behind. Unfortionately for her, she's still bathed in fire yet again, which leaves her cursing and bashing the flames out once more, "Damnable son of a fire elemental... Enough of taking this head on."

    With those words she stalks out from behind her -- cover point, and vanishes once more in a burst of lavendar fire, to appear on the back of Ifrit's neck, and as a pair of short swords appear in her hands, she tries to exsanguinate the primal, before teleoporting away once more and diving behind yet another patch of cover.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gaffgarion sees the Primal inhale, and whistles for Melody. The black chocobo runs towards him, and sheathes his sword for a moment. As soon as he can, he grabs the reins and gets a foot in the stirrup. Melody doesn't stop running either, but turns a sharp U-turn away from Ifrit. She barely gets them out of the area before the fire fills the area. In fact Melody loses a few tailfeathers to the flames.

Once they're out of range of the fire, Gaffgarion turns the chocobo. "If 'tis the way you wish it, foul beast." Again he dismounts from Melody, standing next to the bird and whistling. It's a very distinctive pattern of whistles. In response, Melody emits a loud 'WARK!' and begins to flap her wings. It's just as he's summoning another gout of ice, this one stronger. He invokes this ice OVER Ifrit... just in time for Melody's meteor to slam down, through it, and hopefully right down onto Ifrit's head!

Finna (513) has posed:
    A serious case of hotfoot's driving Finna back. She edges a few feet down ifrit's back after the slashing and gouging failed to get very deep, and... isn't quite fast enough to get away before FLAMES, FLAMES EVERYWHERE!

    "hyaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Finna's blasted off Ifrit and goes tumbling through the skies. It's a wonder her eyes didn't boil, because all of her fur's on fire. Nasty, horrifying burns that would be lethal on any mortal cover her whole body, and several fingers have been completely reduced to ash. They'll regenerate, in time, but not this fight... she extinguishes those flames with an amazingly swift midair spin and hits the ground somewhat sloppily, gasping and panting. That HURT. That hurt horribly.

    "I hope one of you has some bright idea! My best trick's not piercing his hide! it's tough as rock!" She calls out to the others.

    Drawing her bow from Elsewhere, and deciding to stay far away from Ifrit, Finna launches several arrows in a blur of motion. The arrows glow silver and several spang off of the camp's ruins from odd angles to each approach Ifrit from different vectors... but most are aimed at his eyes.

Riva Banari has posed:
Well, Riva was doing a good job until then. Hellfire billows up through the area, and Riva launches out of the way of the first blast... Only to be caught entirely in the next. Flames roil around her, flash-burning her as she falls to the ground, hitting the superheated surface with a scream of pain. It seems that she was phenomenally lucky that the blast didn't instantly incinerate her... But at the same time, one might see the faint energies dancing around her through the small charms and talismans on her clothing, keeping her alive through these travails.

With effort, she levers herself up and glares at Ifrit, and gets laboriously back to her feet. She closes her eyes, and focuses, the energy building within her pistols. The power rolls up one arm and into the other pistol in her right hand, leveling the weapon at Ifrit. There is a sizzling noise, and then a crackling explosion as Riva pulls the trigger, the recoil yanking her arm back as she blasts a huge bolt of Anima straight at the Ifrit.

Maya has posed:
Maya is able to slow the Primal down she looks at him for a moment.

"... Heh, your blind then."

Is the only thing he gets out of Maya for a moment she pulls back as the others start their attacks and she unleashes more power as she takes two cards in hand one glows bight blue the other green even as the blue flames dance about them. Mayas channelling a large volume of power now her hair is whipping about like it's caught in a wind she looks right at Ifrit and her eyes narrow at him for a moment. She starts muttering something it's not in her world's primary language which is pretty much English it's something older, those who might know it sounds a lot like Babylonian if anything a she speaks.

<Sedna lady of the tides, Pilitak ruler of the depths, I call upon you both aid this child of the shells as she attempts to purge darkness from this land. Drown this evil in your depths.>

The power flares up now, full force at this point and Maya seems to fade almost while standing there a massive portal appear and there seems to be water exploding from it a Huge hulking whale like thing with more flippers than something naturally like that should have. It could be the Leviathan of earth legend appears water cascading down it's back and sitting upon it's massive head is a mermaid with bright read hair. It lets out a sound like whale song and dives towards Ifrit bringing a n immense amount of magical power and water right at it at Ifrit seems to /dive/ into the very ground it self. Vanishing a moment later and Maya fades back in fully.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
The nice thing about the Decepticon agents being positioned where they are? They aren't in direct line of sight and are able to avoid injury besides getting toasted. Soundwave himself isn't so lucky.

He shifts his stance as if thinking about dodging, but his half-melted leg is dead weight given the nature of the situation. He braces himself the best he can, but the ground heaves beneath him and he's thrown forwards a step. However, while bent forwards, a jet of fire and aetheric magma drills upwards from the ground right into his chest. His glass-like chestplate shatters as the suddenly-exposed fine workings of the microcassette housing melt from the intense heat, but he immediately twists away to fall on the ground, which saves him from getting pierced straight through.

Soundwave rolls onto his back on the ruined ground for a moment, one arm shielding his smoking and ruined chest. He's left reeling from the heat-related damages he's sustained already, but every error cleared also clears his mind accordingly. He rolls over and pushes himself back up, refusing to be left cowed before the Primal. Pride? Perhaps, but it's motivation all the same.

"-Frenzy. On my mark.-" Frenzy's purple-and-blue humanoid form rises above the protective stones of the cliff above Ifrit, frame shaking slightly from sonic abilities kept in check. Soundwave himself presses a button on his arm and crouches, his own frame shuddering a little as well. "-MARK.-" Immediately, Frenzy unleashes a horrifying sonic scream upon Ifrit from above the exact same time Soundwave releases a sonic attack of his own from where he crouches before Ifrit.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn roars in pain again as he is once again is engulfed in flames from the Primal and he writhes in agony for a few moments and then takes off for the sky once more and snarls down towards the ground. "Lord Ifrit is right. We can't defeat him, so why should we bother trying?" He flys off, looking like he is going to retreat and leave the others behind, but then turns around and hovers in the air for a few moments.

"Lord Ifrit, spare me and I will serve you. Let me show you my loyalty, by getting rid of these pests for you." He then flies in a straight line towards Ifrit, spitting balls of ice at the Primal as he goes.

"Sorry Lord Ifrit, you're not the forest." the wyrm chuckles softly.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ifrit comes down on all fours an roars at everyone. The missiles then come in and slam against his body, causing him to stagger a bit to the side, but he turns around and chomps on one, shattering it within his very maw.

The Magitek Ceruleum cannon fires and the enhanced shell crashes into Ifrit. The beast roars out in /pain/ for once as the ice tries to adhere to his form and his own internal flames starts to cause it to steam. Evaporation of such fills the area once more in a hazy blue fog thanks to the Ceruleum enhanced ice.

Nero at long last gets his chance to claim his prize. The horn clips off but not without notice from Ifrit himself. Ifrit roars in anger and lifts up his massive clawed hand, "YOU DARE TAKE WINCE IS MINE!" Those claws ignite red hot as he goes to swing them directly at Nero. "MAY THY FALSE GOD FEEL MY WRATH THROUGH THY OWN SOUL!"

Vi'Sharra attempts to cut Ifrit's head off by the neck and the swords cut in deep, but not enough to actually get him. She may find her blades glowing with heat from such a strike! The Ice from the chocobo also covers over him as he roars out. Then the Meteor slams into him, knocking him nearly over to the side.

He turns about quickly and slams his claws into the ground, before ripping the ground up. The group ripples and heads right for Vi'Sharra as it actually turns to come get her with heated rocks. The knight would also find himself under the same situation!

Riva then fires her massive shot at Ifrit which slams into his body, cracking some of the magma-rockish scaled skin. Then impact is enough to allow for Finna to claw right at his face, getting at his eyes. He thrashes his head and then swipes his heated claw right at Finna to knock her aside, before blasting a Fire Ball at Riva where he had last seen her and could /sense/ her.

Ifrit continues to shake his head, as the claw marks on his face are visible with the magma red glow, including the damage he is even now starting to take. Magma oozes from the cut horn as it is trying to actually reform itself. Then when Maya unleashes her massive summon attack, the very waters collide into him, super cooling his body for that moment, before he explodes out of the shell, a great deal of his body no longer shielded by that outer magma-scale skin.

Flames leaping from the exposed sides and magma hissing as it drips down to ground.

The Sonic attack then slams into Ifrit and causes him to buckle down. Yet he can hear Allyn's mockery and it causes him to roar a far more primal sort then he has thus far, he breaks from the Sonic attack. Allyn flies right by as he leaps into the air as the ice melts against impact of his super heated body.

"SILENCE HERETIC!" Then with a sudden irruption, flames spew from his maw and rock the area around the others. The fires blazing across the air and ground like a massive wave from the very ocean.

Riva Banari has posed:
Well, the good news is she hit. The bad news is... "OH GOD IT'S HEADED RIGHT FOR ME!" Riva yells as the fireball launches across the hellscape. She lunges to try to escape the deadly impact, but the blast wave catches her regardless. Had that hit head on she might have vaporized immediately. Even so, just getting winged by the blast sends her crashing into the ground. Unpleasant popping noises are heard with a choked cry of pain. She forces herself to sit up, sitting there and trying to keep herself conscious

She can still fight.

She hasn't bothered trying to engage the Ifrit in conversation. The beast simply continues to rave, making speaking to it pointless. There is only one solution for something like this. Thankfully, it's one she fully agrees with. Riva's guns bark once more, sending another salvo of powerful shots streaking back across the field towards Ifrit. She has to keep fighting as long as possible.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    Snatched! Horn get.
    Unfortunately, Ifrit anger get too.

    The Primal's massive claws tear into Nero's armor, not all the way to his skin, but they leave three large claw marks in the chest, tearing his ragged clothes off and revealing the bright red and gold plate underneath. He considers himself fortunate none here have brushed up on the leadership of the Garleans, or they might catch on to his identity, if the Gunblade hadn't been enough of a tell already.

    He slams onto the ground, holding firmly onto his prize though, with quite the cocky grin. He eventually rises, glancing down to the still red-hot dents in his armor. Ifrit is no joking matter, but rather than lament the damage he'll just consider himself lucky to be alive and unTempered.

    "Your wrath will have to come later, Primal."

    Nero sheathes the Gunblade on his back, slamming his now empty hand atop his armored wrist. An orb glows underneath, and electricity crackles in the air. For all intents and purposes it would feel like black magic, though anyone with finer senses can tell Magitek isn't quite magic. More an emulation of it. "I am sure you will return to ensure that, won't you?"

    Whatever his wrist thingy is, though, the end result is a series of several lightning bolts all streaking towards the now one-horned Ifrit.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave really has nowhere to go, once again, and twists away from Ifrit to protect his chest. The wave of heat and fire washes over his back, threatening to bowl him over, but he maintains his balance if little else. The sheer heat also manages to start melting the armor on his back, exposing the first signs of metal indostructure within, and this much exposure to extreme heat cannot be good on the electronics and mechanicals of a robotic being.

Meanwhile, high above, Frenzy gets bowled over backwards with his face and chest scalded and scorched from the heat. At least the rocks protected him from the worst of it. "AW FRAGGIT, that hurts!"

"'Ey, Boss has got it way worse than us! Suck it up!" Rumble calls over from an adjacent cliff, having no sympathy for his fellow agent.

Ravage snarls as he rock-hops to get closer to the two humanoid Decepticons. "We need to do more." He turns his head from side to side, regarding all of his brothers-in-arms. "Let's do what we do best."

All of the Cassetticons disappear for a few long moments, then outright chaos breaks out above the Primal. The rhythmic pounding of Rumble's dual piledrivers herald huge rocks falling on top of Ifrit's head, themselves hiding a set of bombs courtesy of Ravage. Frenzy unleashes another sonic scream as Laserbeak carries him down to ground-level, and Buzzsaw initiates strafing runs with firepower and talons alike.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Once again Vi'Sharra tries to get out of the way of the sudden burst of fire underneath her, and once again the dodge turns into an acrobatic accomplishment that could be described as stop, drop, and roll. But when the rolling and and the sizzling are done, and the flesh underneath starts to visibly mend itself, the Vampiress stands slowly, and glares at the primal.

    Before she makes a hand gesture, and from pools of lavendar fire across the scorched earth, hundreds of small floating globs of water begin to rise, then start merging into larger floating globs of water, until ten huge water elementals are left.

    Her lips shift into a slightly psychotic grin before she whispers, "Extinguish this bastard." And Ifrit, is suddenly the recipient of lots and lots of streams of highly pressurized, and cold water.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
It's a massive wave of fire from Ifrit! Melody is smart enough to get out of the way when she sees it coming, taking to the air quickly. Unfortunately Gaffgarion has no way of flying, so he's rather caught in the blast radius. At least he pulls his shield in front of his face before it's burnt off completely. He's going to be trimming singed areas of his mustache, though.

Honestly, that pisses him off more than anything else. He puts a lot of effort into making that 'stache stay as neat as he can. All this burning is going to burn it right off if it keeps up! He raises his sword into the air again, this time just charging the sword with pure negative energy. Then he swings the sword down, with a growl, the swing carving a furrow into the ground.

Suddenly a wave of what looks like blacklight blasts out from his position. It's just pure negative energy. Interestingly enough, a small trickle of blood runs from his lips after he does this...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn roars yet again when he gets hit once more by more fire, he's scortched and smoldering and probably smells like cooked lizard. He's going to be in a lot of pain. Well, he's already in a lot of pain, but he going to be in more tomorrow probably. He collapses on the ground, not quite unconsious yet and glares at the Primal, using the last bit of strength left in him to breath ice in Ifrit's direction.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna misjudged Ifrit's speed and resilience. A mighty claw rakes across her body, carving deep gouges into her flesh and shredding chunks out - and half-cauterizing the wounds, so they don't bleed much! But oh lord, the pain. She Chokes down most of the pained scream that blow squeezed out of her, but a howl of agony still echoes through the fires.

    She hits the ground with great force, knocking up a dirt cloud, but gets up... and sees Allyn take a terrific blow that leaves him staggering.

    Finna leaps his way, interposing herself between him and Ifrit after his frosty breath passes, taking a defensive stance. She will NOT let Allyn fall here. Her claws burn with silver flames as she gathers Essence for SOMETHING...

Maya has posed:
Maya has managed to do some damage she looks at Ifrit and she says.

"No don't think so."

Maya seems to be showing no signs of slowing down, she pulls her rifle off her back, but is caught in the flames the barrier save her from the worst of it, thankfully she's alive but burned a bit. She keeps the rifle leveled and it's core engine starts to draw upon her Maya just lays down a focused stream of fire and she notes while she does so over the din.

"Upon my world the likes of you were slain by mortal hands."

Maya keeps on shooting.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The shots slam across Ifrit's shoulder and side. The Primal roars in Riva's direction, before Nero then comes in unleashing the Lightning which crackles around the Primal, seemingly holding him in place for a moment. Soundwave's minions then unleash there attack on Ifrit, as he tries to pull away from the Lightning surging around his form.

Once he does break away, does he get blasted by water Elements. He snarls at them, even swats at a few of them. He tries to leap over a few and steps right in the path of the furrow of darkness that slams into Ifrit. The force slams him into the side of the mountain wall.

He staggers himself back on all fours and shakes his head. Then Allyn attempts to breath ice at him and Ifrit quickly leaps aside, even as a few ice shards try to form on him before being evaporated away. His claws dig into the ground as he lands back and huffs out a bit of flame. Then when Maya comes attacking with her bullets, he quickly moves and leaps back a bit, before his gold eyes narrow.

"PREPAIR TO BE CONSUMED BY HOLY FLAMES!" Ifrit roars out, as he back flips into the air and slams his front clawed paws into the ground. The sky rips open and four talon nails slam into the very ground, a wave of energy crashes out from it. The very heat can be felt from the ground.

And Ifrit can be seen summoning up power yet again as his claws dig into the flaming earth.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    Ifrit's looking angrier and angrier.
    Not to mention the heat, which Nero could deal with earlier on due to his armor's cooling, is starting to ramp up. Those claw marks in his armor aren't helping-- systems have been damaged, or rather conductivity has been. The armor's not evenly cooled anymore, and heat is seeping in around his chest. It's extremely uncomfortable.

    At least, not deadly yet.

    An idle glance at his wrist and the four large nails light up like Christmas trees on it; now there's not just Ifrit showing up on the readings, those four things are... well, whatever they ARE doing, it looks like bad news. If only he'd brought Mjolnir with him, those things would not have been as big an issue. But then, Mjolnir is a little bit too obvious to carry around.

    He grips his Gunblade again, electricity still arcing from the device on his wrist, bleeding into the sword now. He dashes forward towards one of the nails, and then thrusts the blade forward like a fencer. It releases a piercing shockwave, trying to skewer through the large nail. The force might be enough to uproot the nail and knock it away as well, but odds are higher that it's firmly rooted in place.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra grunts as once more ... heat and fire ... Wait. Where's the heat? Where's the fire? She blinks and then reaches up to tap at her temple for a moment, before she looks down at her bracelet and then blanches at Nero's words.

    Well. There are two ways to deal with something like that. The first is to...

    She gestures at the water elementals, one of which is busy putting itself together, "Suffocate him so he can't concentrate." And all 10 large... Well. Nine large and two medium sized water elementals converge on Ifrit's head, and try to smother him.

    Meanwhile... She tosses aside both of her slightly heat-warped short swords, to draw her heavy crossbow, before she takes a shot at a nail, and starts running for one of the nearby caves.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave watches his agents harry the Primal, knowing that their time is growing short before Ifrit lashes out once again. And sure enough, as the Primal roars his own defiance, Soundwave issues an order for his agents to scatter once more. Though they immediately obey, the energy wave is still enough to send the five of them crashing to the ground--or against a rocky wall, depending.

Rumble groans as he rubs at his helm, having taken a tumble from fairly high up. "Boss, what are those things?" He points at the obsidian spikes that had just appeared.

"-Nothing good.-" That is an understatement given the amount of malice Soundwave senses from Ifrit himself. The taste of burnt chrome and charred carbon... "-Focus fire. Destroy them before the Primal attacks again.-"

"Yes, Boss!" The five reply in unison before running off to attack the nails directly. Meanwhile, Soundwave begins pressing the buttons on his forearm and his waist, while what almost sounds like alternating frequency levels of tones emit from him. Sometimes the sound gets so low or high you can't hear it, but the volume is quite loud in order to reach the entire combat zone if possible. In fact, it may even affect Ifrit himself!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva is once more buffeted by flame, but compared to the other intense maelstroms of burning force this is almost tolerable. Almost. The massive nails that smash into the ground are clearly signaling a shifti n combat, however. He's changing tactics. "What the hell..." She says, trying to think of what she's going to do.

But well, when all you have is a (gun) hammer... Every problem is a nail. She finally forces herself to her feet, breathing heavily as she forces her way through the pain, and focuses her fire on another nail, focusing a sizzling salvo of shots towards another of the nails, trying to break it before Ifrit succeeds in whatever he's trying to do.

Maya has posed:
Maya Says "Holy? Your flames? Your little more than a pale shadow of the fallen one Gemma." %R Is the reply Maya has she takes a moment to see that his claws are digging into the earth. She sees the nails she's got a very good idea of what's going on here. She levels her rifle and takres a moment the machine makes a stange noise, why? It's generating a high explosive grenade she waits for Nero and anyone else to be clear before she fires iuntending to try and bring down the nails and thus mess up whatever Ifrit is doing there.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Augh, that's a lot of heat. Also tells Gaffgarion that Ifrit's building up to something big. Something that he needs to try and stop him from doing. At the moment, though, all he can do is pull his shield up to block that heat from getting into his face. Because he can't breathe! Well, behind his shield, enough of the heat is blocked that he can breathe, at least. He just can't get close!

There's no way he's calling Melody into this. She'd be fried chocobo before she could do anything. And training Ivalician chocobos is difficult work; he's not going to risk her. Instead he's going to cast Blizzara as many times as he possibly can from behind his shield! It won't be very many times-- he's no mage-- but he can't close the distance due to the heat.

Finna (513) has posed:

    Talons aflame with silvery light, Finna moves the instant that Ifrit does. She slams her own claws into the ground, and a surge of silvery light and twisting shadow flows from the strike. The heat wave doesn't quite reach - like water parted by a rock in its way, it flows mostly AROUND finna and Allyn, forced aside and unable to build. Allyn won't feel a thing, but some of it does get through to scorch Finna's legs.

    She can feel what's up with this. Ifrit's setting up for something BIG. That's a terrible amount of power being gathered in one place. She's only got ONE last trump card that might take him down, and it's an ugly one.

    Her body ripples and flows weirdly. Flesh bulges and reshapes and--

    My, that scorpion tail looks positively LETHAL. So do the antlers that sprout from her head, the great snowy owl wings that grow from her back and sprout a myriad of feathers. But then, topping the whole matter off, SIX OCTOPUS TENTACLES sprout from her sides, all strong enough to move and support themselves out of the water.

    Bending forward, she moves like lightning, all her limbs glowing with the enchantments of the Silver Moon, just like her claws...

Tand when she reaches Ifrit...

    Have you ever seen an animal tearing into prey? With prodigious strength, coordination, and voracity, almost frenzying?

    It's like that. Her whole body becomes a speedy buzzsaw of activity with limbs lashing out to batter, slash, stab, and rip faster than the eye can see. She's aiming to cripple those limbs of his, striking hard and deep.

    And most of the blows bear a nasty neurotoxin, not that this is likely to bother a Primal.

    It's not pleasant. It's not even cool. But everyone should be glad that Ifrit's the one on the receiving end of that.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as Finna jumps in front of him blocks the heat from reaching him. He's not looking too good at all, but when she does that, he touches his snout to her should before she shifts and runs off to attack again. "Thank you, but go, don't need you getting too injured as well. Just don't leave me here too long after I fall." The wyrm chuckles softly and winces from that.%He still has enough strength at least for a final attack again, he inhales sharply and then exhales to blanket the area around Ifrit in ice again.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Nails are being assaulted. The one Nero impacts, cracks a bit, but it does not budge. The Sonics from Soundwave and the combination of his minions start to shake up all four, causing fissures to form up along them. Even Causing Ifrit to hunker down a bit.

At least until the water elements come and try to suffocate him, Which he shakes his head, snaps his jaws and kinda would remind one of a dog trying to bite away a pest. The Grenade from Maya however shakes the area and at least two of the nail starts to break a bit around the edges.

The sheer force of the explosion washes over Ifrit and shoves him back, the claws dug deep though into the ground.

Ifrit manages to get his face free enough to slam his claw into the ground to send up a barrier as Goffard attempts to further compromise the nails and Ifrit as well. The ice does manage to stick to the nails, but they don't seem to do much as one would hope.

The shot's fired by Vi'sharra chip off a bit more from one of the other nails, but it isn't looking good. Finna then goes in all super combo and though Ifrit does not move. One of her attacks does take down one of the Nails which crumbles to the ground.

Allyn's the freezing attack also does not get Ifrit to move, even though the Primal grows, but another Nails falls to the onslaught-- only trouble is-- two remain.

Two.. is enough.

Ifrit roars out, before he suddenly leaps into the air. Burning spheres form around the two nails and encircle the area. It sweeps around wide, blocking any exit, until Ifrit lands down, his full force slamming the nails into the very ground.

The area the irrupts with a blaze of fire, burning hot and rushes across the whole area, blasting straight up into the aetheric rainbow sky in this very climatic moment of destruction.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn doesn't even have time to roar out in pain this time as flames engulf him again. He's rather fried and just doesn't have the energy to do much of anything other than writhe in agony as his skin blisters more and more. He quickly goes unconsious though, evident by the fact that he reverts to his human form as he continues to smoler and writhe for a short bit, before he lies still.

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    Not enough.
    Lesson learned for the future, though.
    That's going in the Frumentarium file on Ifrit.
    ... if Nero doesn't get burnt to a crisp first.

    Engulfed in the Hellfire, there's not much he can immediatly do. His ragged clothes are burnt right off his armor, revealing the full red and gold platemail that he's wearing underneath. His headband burns off too, showing the small, round, white-ish birthmark on his forehead, typically called a third eye-- though it's nowhere near the size of one. But would people here know how to recognize it?

    With quite the scorch marks all over his armor, and some of his exposed face burnt as well-- thank god for magic, he won't keep a scar from this-- he settles a fair distance away from Ifrit, to catch his breath.

    'You should have worn your helmet,' Livia will say.
    Yeah, probably.

    He raises his Gunblade. It clicks several times.
    Really, did he empty it already?

    He glances at his wrist-- the device is now obvious. Over one of his hands, in the bulky bracer, is a dark green orb with lines going over it, like a radar screen. Looks like the armor can shut over it to cover it if needed, although right now it's emitting yellow and purple light, still producing electricity.

    "Low power, huh. All or nothing then."

    He angles that wrist towards Ifrit, closing one eye to wave.
    "Safeties off. This'll be tricky without Mjolnir to channel it, but... ah, well, what's life without science? Collect the data on this too, won't you?"
    Up on the hill, the panicking apprentice nods.

    Nero fires, and six or seven foot wide ball of lightning shoots from it and towards Ifrit, arcing blue, purple and yellow, and looking rather unpleasant to be caught in. Some of it catches him, too.

Maya has posed:
They have done what they could to stop Ifrit's attack, it might have been worse had they not done what they did, Maya thinks. Well it's a short thought as oh Fates! She's on fire even with her ward, she drops she rolls trying to putt the flames out as best she can before rising, she knows a lot of people here are a lot worse off than her. Everyone here's a very dangerous fighter but she's not sure how many can heal? She may be the only one, it's time to get to work.

Maya starts to focus again as she rises her rifle now over her back. One card in each hand, one flares up bright pink and is enveloped in blue fire, the other is glowing a bright blue, the cards rise from her hand.
Maya's speaking in that language again.

<The light of the world the angel Kyra I ask for your aid, help those who wish to bring an end to this madness so no other soul is consumed by the horror we fight>

A portal appears forming and it's a silvery blue energy like before the being that comes through is humanoid very much so she's got long feathery wings identical tattoo work to Maya and the resemblance between the two is quite a bit uncanny she spreads her wings wide and feathers fall upon those whom are still in the fight against Ifrit would find their wounds starting to heal even those that Maya might think it would have no effect upon. All would be covered in a faint pint Aura for a moment after the spell had finished.

The Angel lingers a moment looking at the whole affair and has a sad look on her face before she vanishes. Maya fades back into view after Kyra departs.


Riva Banari has posed:
Riva had a bad feeling about those nails, and once they impart their power to Ifrit, she finds out just why she had a bad feeling about it.

Everything becomes fire. Pure, obliterating, annihilating, all-consuming flame. Even if it is only for a few seconds, the pain extends for what seems like forever. Riva is dropped once more, her body scorched and blackened, her hair seared, her clothing black and ashen. Her pistols have melted away in the blast, becoming puddled of bubbling metal on the ground. Her guns are destroyed. They were not magical, nor technolocally advanced. Their only notable feature is that they were etched with an Anima Circuit. But her body screams at her, her vision red and her heartbeat low and faltering. Everything tells her to run. To end the screaming, horrible pain. For a moment it seems like she might turn and run, quit the field as fast as she can.

And then she remembers. The horror, The screaming, the dead looks in the eyes, the horrible praises. The children. Cracked and parched lips open slightly, as she whispers, "No... No more."

And then she reaches into the remains of her coat and puts her hand on a smouldering blade hilt. The weapon hisses in her hand, the blade hot to the touch... But she shoves the pain into a corner and draws the steel. The sword is no weapon of legend, just a broadsword etched with the needed circuits. But it will be enough. There, with the sword in hand, she pours everything she is into the weapon. There is a resonation... And then an explosion of golden energy as the Anima burns forth across the blade.

One step forward, and then another... And then another. The wash of healing energy from Maya's invocation invigorates her, allowing her to pick up speed. Riva charges herself forward, throwing herself at the massive demon as she pushes through the agony and leaps forward, charging as she drives the blade forward, trusting that the charged weapon will strike lethally.

For the destiny of a blade is blood.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Attempt failed!

    Winded from her own assault, Finna has but a few seconds to feel her gut sink in dread. "No way--"


    She's FLUNG back like a bloody ragdoll, which is an awful sight to see considering all of the bizarre animal features jutting from her tall body. She hits the ground. An antler breaks. Several of the grown limbs are fried and charred to cinders.

    She ends up crumpling as the flames subside some, just collapsing into an exhausted heap.

    It'll be a while before she can move again...

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Somewhere. Somehow, there are ten water elementals that got completely and utterly steamed by Ifrit's attack. Literally. We might see them again after a hard rain. Somewhere.

    Vi'Sharra's mad scramble for the safety of a cave is cut short. It's cut short by a massive wave of fire, that blasts her into the cave and sends her careening off of each of the walls inside to land in a smoking heap in a pool at the end of it.

    And the vampire gives off a soft groan, before rising to her feet slowly. A bad parody of her normal grace as burns and abrasions across her body heal sluggishly. "Ugh..." She rubs her head as she limps slowly towards the entrance of the cave, "At least getting bounced off of the walls put the fire out."

    There's another pause as she waits for the worst of her burns and wounds to heal before she gestures, and a trio of werewolves emerge from the shadows behind her. "...I don't care how. But we're killing it..." She glances at one, "You're going to hamstring him. The other two tackle him."

    There's another pause as she reaches into her conjuration space and pulls out a driping black blade, "And I'm going to explore his skull."

    Three werewolves come streaking out of the cave, and three Drakes, circling since the begining and long forgetten come diving down out of the sky at Ifrit, attempting to drive him into the ground through their sheer weight. Meanwhile, two charging werewolves come rushing forward, to tackle Ifrit to the ground, while the third literally starts gnawing on his ankle.

    And finally, While Ifrit is Ifrit is hopefully tackled by everything else, Vi'Sharra conjures herself right above his head, attempts to grab ahold of one of the horns with her left hand, and ... Well. The black dripping dagger falls repeatedly into his eyes. Skull. Everything in range that looks like it'd be sensitive.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Yeah, see... that's what Gaffgarion was figuring, that something like that was about to happen. And he's not pleased to note he was right. Ladd is going to be very worried, because the only thing he'll be able to hear for a very long time is roaring flames and Gaffgarion's scream of pain. The flames are soon the only thing keeping him on his feet. And once they fade he slumps to the ground into a heap, with a clang.

He might not have gotten back up. But for Melody, who runs in as she notices him fall. She begins to flap her wings again, and as she does, green shimmers begin to float up. Then as she turns in a circle, the shimmers fall back down, over both her and Gaffgarion. It's only a very small amount. But it's enough to get him back on his feet. He grips Melody's saddle tightly and pulls himself back up. Maya's healing cements it, though. And he's back in the fight! Though who knows how long that'll last.

That series of whistles happens again, and Melody once more begins flapping her wings. At the same time, Gaffgarion raises his sword into the air. And as Melody's Choco Meteor comes down, the energy falling from the 'eye' that his Night/Sanguine Sword snaps up into a blade. Hopefully this will be a good 'pincer' tactic.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ifrit was tired. Very tired. So when he went to charge forward for the next attack, he did so-- at a price. Nero's overcharged attack slams into the Primal, nearly pinning him in place once more. He roars out in anger. Aetheric energy can be seen starting to wisp away from his physical form. "NOO!" He bellows out. "I AM THE LORD OF THIS REALM!"

This sets him up for Riva who comes in and slams her blade into his body. The blade causes him to nearly jolt up and the body cracks, if she doesn't hold on, she may lose her blade, but-- it remains in his chest. The area cracks further around the blame, aetheric energy pooling out.

Then as the werewolves come, the summoned beasts of Vi'Sharra. They tackle him and he swings a few aside, but then Vi'Sharra leaps up there.. or teleports up there, and starts going to town on his head. He makes an animalish scream in pain.

Yet it all soon comes to an end...

The last attack comes from the dark knight, as the eye appears and when the blade slams down of energy into Ifrit. The mighty Primal at last falls. As his body crashes to the ground, it blasts out in aetheric energy.

Soon the starts start to appear and then the moon once more settles over the Amalj'aa camp that is no more. The flames even die out one by one, before at last long silence... beyond the crying sound of a child and someone-- something trying to hush them.

Yet when one peers around to see about the crying child, they would find an Amalj'aa getting on a Battle Drake. They have grey markings over there body and there eyes-- there eyes.. there eyes are different. There is a few clicks and then the Battle Drake runs with the Amalj'aa and child...

Nero Tol Scaeva (563) has posed:
    Instinctively, Nero angles his Gunblade at the fleeing beastmen. He pulls the trigger several times, audible, empty clicks coming from the weapon. He'd already forgotten, apparently. Short memory span, when getting blasted by his own lightning like that. On the other hand, SCIENCE!


    The weapon is slung over his back again, and red and gold armor covers the orb on his wrist, shutting in place. He gives an idle waving gesture to those still standing, turning his back on them to walk back towards the cliff side, where his cut bungee cord still waits. Miraculously, not burnt.

    "Good to see Eorzea still has a glimmer for hope for itself. You should ensure that isn't extinguished, but it might be problematic in the future."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Soundwave had gotten close, but couldn't find the frequency in time. The stinging taste of failure is quickly overwhelmed by the all-encompassing inferno of Ifrit's Hellfire Burst, and all goes white.

The five microcassette agents wake up one-by-one, scattered in all directions after the nail they'd been attacking got pounded into the ground. All of them are fairly well-charred with sections of their armor melted, but they had been relatively undamaged beforehand.

While the rest of the group moved in to finish the drained Primal off for good, the five Decepticons regroup around a large hole in the canyon wall... underneath the rubble of which Soundwave is buried. While heavily damaged with armor plating outright missing and his chest compartment utterly slagged, the large Decepticon is severely stunned but still functional. Somehow.

Maya's healing actually does work on the six Cybertronians, the metal melding and knitting together like quicksilver. It isn't a lot for Soundwave, but it seems to give him the strength to break himself free of the burial of stone and cooled lava. He shakes his head, reveling in the relative quiet of the canyon depths as he remains kneeled on the stone floor, and looks to his agents nearby. They survived, Ifrit is defeated. All is well.

Riva Banari has posed:
As Ifrit begins to dissolve, Riva collapses back, sitting on the ground. They achieved something major today... But the cost leaves a taste in her mouth. A taste like bitter ashes. Nevertheless, as she breathes, the grave wounds in her flesh begin to heal visibly and rapidly. She looks up at the Amalj'aa that flee, but she doesn't even move to pursue. She's not nearly that fast, nor can she fly.

But the intention is clear enough: This isn't over.

Riva looks away, grimacing as she picks up her sword. The weapon was base metal, not truly worthy of a battle against a Primal; the weapon is warped, the circuits broken. She shakes her head. "Need to get new gear." She mutters, and flumps down and rests.

Goffard Gaffgarion (493) has posed:
Gaffgarion waits as the Primal falls, shield raised and ready to continue on for whatever amount of fighting he can do. The explosion of energy forces him to take a step back... but then Ifrit disappears. Gaffgarion heaves a sigh of relief, and points his sword down into the ground, leaning heavily on it. Still he has the strength to shout, "AND STAY IN HELL WHERE YE BELONG!"

Suddenly he hears the sound of shushing. "Damn," he hisses. There's no time, and he has no energy to go after the retreating Amalj'aa. That might mean this process will have to be repeated. Well, if it does and Gaffgarion's on the team, he'll be sure to get more help!

In the meantime, Melody begins to walk along the battlefield, healing people where she can. It's only the equivalent of a tier-1 healing spell, but it should help people feel better.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Grrrrrffff..." Amazing though it might be, Finna is wobbling to her feet now that the flames are out, there's clean air to breathe 9ashes somewhat, but at least there's more oxygen...) She stumbles, staggers, growls and groans. She's bruised, battered, and blemished with all kinds of dirt and rubble and ash and char and looks horrible, but through some force of will or Essence she's escaped unconsciousness and her body's slowly mending before everyone's eyes.

    Body, maybe, but there's still all that exhaustion. "Auuurgh.... now that's a story to tell about later. The great fire demon, Ifrit... whew. Is he dead? Banished? Whatever?"

Maya has posed:
Maya watches with visable satisfaction as she sees Ifrit goes down and she sees there's no sign of it getting up. She tilts her head a bit anow knows there's wounded left to tend to right now she's going to tend to the fallen but she says with a grim tone to her voice.

"Do you hear that...?" She's still got healing magic to spare and Finna would be the first to be treated she sets a hand upon her there's a pink glow and she should be kicking up her healing now.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra would keep stabbing but... ...Well. The problem with that is that Ifrit has dissolved into etheric energy dumping her onto the ground, where she lands in a crouch and just pants slowly for a bit. "Return."

    Her eyes close for a moment, as all six of her summons vanish back into lavendar fire, "...Finna. He's just banished for now, as for the rest of us we're just a bit extra crispy." She lays back into the dirt, and scorched rock, "...But for now. I think I'm going to..."

    There's a pause as she sits up and looks at the retreating drakes and the Amallj'aa, "Son of a... That was the drake I captured earier. Ugh... We should probably go after them."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Unlike Finna, Allyn's body doesn't heal itself, though whatever healing is done is probably enough to keep him from dying at least. Other than that he pretty much just lays there, nice and crispy, he'll probably have to be carted off somewhere for more heaing and such.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Focus that on Allyn!" Finna's quick to point out a few moments after she feels the healing power striking her. The other shapeshifter's FAR worse off than her, and doesn't seem to be empowered to heal from wounds like she, after all. "he took a much bigger hit..." And she sounds quite worried for him. "But thanks. Whew. I'll be okay... with some time..." She's still missing half of one hand, although the burned flesh has -FALLEN OFF- and is slowly, visibly, growing out anew.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
The five microcassette Decepticons share a look as the issue of the escaping Amalj'aa comes up. With Soundwave still in no physical shape to do anything more, even with the healing from mages and Chocobos alike, Rumble takes over as impromptu 'leader'. "'Ey, Laserbeak, think you can spot 'em from th' sky?"

The red-and-black bird bobs his head. "Could. They might be too far away for that by now, though. I'd probably need a tracker to know where to start, if the trail's not too cold."

Two pairs of red optics and two red visors turn to focus on Ravage, who pretends to ignore them for all of three seconds... until he emits a deep sigh upon realizing the tactic wasn't working. "I shall try." He hauls himself up to his feet and pads over to where the fleeing Amalj'aa were last visibly spotted while Laserbeak takes to the skies. The other three remain at Soundwave's side.