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Urban Danger
Date of Scene: 03 October 2014
Location: The Eastern Ruins
Synopsis: Through the unnatural fog that casts itself into the Eastern Ruins, something wicked is soon to come and those who face its blade, may know of the horrors that is the Dark Divinity.
Thanks to: To everyone who took part in this spur of the moment scene, also for staying up so late to see it to the end. I'm glad everyone enjoyed and I appreciate all the support.
Cast of Characters: 61, 132, Steve Rogers, 236, Karian Icefang, 560, 573, 576, 583, 584

Odin (576) has posed:
The fog has suddenly become heavy in the area. A strange light moves through the air, though faint it is. There is something coming that even the spirits may take notice of it-- and may also learn to quickly move away from.

In the thickness of the fog, a clomp is heard, followed by several others. Hoofs clomp across the roadway, red eyes glow from the silhouette of a dark armored horse. Then upon its backside a rider who is ever in darker armor, holding onto the reigns with simple ease.

His helm though is off, his facial structure seems elven, but he is far taller then any elves known in fairy tales. His eyes glow with an unholy light and his light lilac hair pulled back into a pony tale. The horse continues to walk through the fog, as the darkness seems to make way for him.

One of the spirits of the land come charging at him. Those eyes only peer over as the helment quickly forms from an aetheric fog of darkness that engulfs his face. The sword appears in the same manner in his hand as the spirit gets ever closer.

With the edges of the dark blade glowing a hot white, he strikes right through the haunted spirit, seeming to cleave it in half. When it reforms behind him, it quickly leaves howling away in pain. Soon the other spirits who dared to even think of challenging him all return to hiding.

The people on the edge of this place take notice of the dark rider and what he had just done and when he looks in their direction they quickly close their windows and find a place to hide, all but one who stares at the new entity to this area, before he takes notice of Odin starting to turn his steed in that direction.

At last he closes the window and quickly runs over to the comm. There was something very wrong about whatever that is. The air around them, the fog they brought in. There was something very bad about this and he calls out to let it be known.

A dark being was here-- and if his gut was right--- it wasn't friendly...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Beelzebumon has an incredible knack for showing up where conflicts arise, and today is no different it seems as the rumbling sound of Behemoth's engine can be heard off in the distance, with it's headlight illuminating the dense fog.

     "Fuck, this shit is thicker than sludge. Could end up driving right past the action and not even notice with this obscuring everything..."

     With a mutter, the Demon Lord presses on, following his gut instincts through the dense fog.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian and his Space wolves pick up the alert from the radio and make their way into the area. Karian looks out from his thunderhawk transport, noting the fog. "Interesting...This will either be a large assault or a hunt, it seems." He says to himself. As the ship sets onto the ground, he steps out and quickly mounts up onto the rhino-sized wolf companion he had. "Be careful in your hunt, brothers." He says. He gives his wolf a pat and together, the pair move in, tracking scents.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk was venturing into this, Urbania, to sample the more modern life that this location offers. Then, before even the fog rolls in, she can feel it, a pressure, an Aetheric surge. She quickly pulls her book from her belt, and begins scribbling down notes, as she pulls up a circling rhombus filled with formulae. "Carry the three. Square the root... Impossible. Primal? Here?" she recalculates... "The Aetheric constant isn't being disrupted... not much more than should a powerful Thaumaturge be channeling power... this..." Then the fog engulfs her. "... He is just a legend..."

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia was here on her own will, rather than under Union orders. The Cryophoenix was always highly attuned to the happenings of magic, she could sense when things were... off. However... usually she would have to be in close proximity before she could pick up anything. This... was a rift in the magic she could sense across the Multiverse, or so it felt... expecially the closer that Anivia got. It was a disturbance that in all her eons of life, she has never felt before?

The Cryophoenix beats her frozen crystal wings, her glowing form flying through the air as she attempts to locate the source that has peaked her curiosity so.

She stays high in the air, hoping that if she hovers well out of the strange being's physical reach that she would stay out of harm's way. Yet... there was something... very wrong about this being. A very dark presence...

Anivia's eyes were powered entirely by magic, the Cryophoenix doesn't see the world the same way humans do... and looking at Odin, all she could see was an Abyss.

Dastan (584) has posed:
    Vwwoooooooooommmmm. It seems that another warpgate has opened up whatever noise it makes, with a bizarre substance flowing through it. Flecks of glowing sand and dust waft through the area, moving just a little too fast to be carried by an idle breeze. Then, footsteps. A pair of rapid footsteps and the sound of clanging metal and fired arrows. "I don't even know what that is but the sand is flowing out of it!" a masculine voice says.

    "Well we NEED to make sure that it's not going somewhere else, having the Maharaj's palace cursed like this is bad enough! We're in over our heads, Dastan! We need to get help, or we'll die here!" the masculine voice, apparently Dastan replies, "...Fine! Have it your way!" in a somewhat aggravated but perhaps more from panic than from snippy oppositionality. And thus, out of the warpgate comes a blue-and-white clothing clad figure, wearing a few pieces of leather armor only to look up at the nearby spirits and says, "Oh Auhra Mazda what have I done to deserve this?" as a woman of Indian descent wearing a red outfit with gold trim, carrying a bow looks about as her eyes widen. "...For once, I have nobody to blame but myself..." she notes. Looking back to her, Dastan then says, "What, like I had any idea what the Sands even were? Give me a break!"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron is here on foot, it seems. He wouldn't have brought his chocobo into this fog. It's just too thick to see by. Since he can't really see too well in the first place, he waits, Katana on his shoulder, for whatever's here to show itself. Anivia's words make it clear that there is /something/ here, after all. And it's probably going to use the fog to attack.

    He remains quiet, listening to the words of those around him, hoping to catch something. He hears a word that he's heard before, recently. 'Primal'. And he heads over to the one who spoke it, who just happens to be Mihk. "Did you say Primal?" he inquires. "Is this the work of a Primal?"

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora was still getting her bearings on this new world only slightly stranger than the one she comes from. Wandering, learning the lay of the land, it was nothing new to her and her hunter's nature. Be it luck or fate, such worldwalking had her not far from the massive sprawl simply known as Urbania, just as the fog rolls in and people start getting tense over the comms. This could bare investigating.

With her speed and agility it isn't more than a few minutes for the Draken to reach the ruins, upon which she takes the shortest route possible into the fog by leaping up to bound across the the half broken walls and tilted pillars. Until she finally comes to one to perch upon, half squatting there to grip the edge and hook her tail around the back of the pillar, sitting there like some alien gargoyle.

Eyes narrow a bit. She was no bloodshaman, but even just the kinship her people have for respecting the spirits of the past is enough to feel the 'haunting' that goes on here. Disrupting a resting place of the bygone, even if it is delapitated ruins? As distressing as it is dispicable.

As she hunchs there a holographic HUD lens flickers to life over her right eye as she taps into the capabilities of her nanotechnology to scan for the source of this powerful energy flowing through the fogs.

Steve Rogers has posed:
While Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, still doesn't really 'get' the supernatural, he doesn't need to understand how magic or spirits or eldritch phenomena work to understand that they can pose a big threat to innocent lives. That's all the reason he needs, really, to divert from his patrol route and investigate the situation in the Eastern Ruins, keeping his shield at the ready.

He knows he's not the only one from the Union to investigate this - but the sound of Beelzebumon's voice drifting through the fog prompts a frown to cross Captain America's face under his mask. It's not just good guys coming to investigate, apparently. Hopefully the Digital Demon Lord won't see fit to pick a fight with the Union tonight - or even with Cap in particular; if he wants a rematch (or just to get back at Cap for a shield to the back of the head) then Captain America would rather oblige him outside of a potential crisis. For now, he focuses on seeing what he can through the fog, and keeping his other senses alert as well as he can ...

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Emiya Shirou's not sure what's out there, and this time he's decided to be cautions. Bedivere's tutoring has helped teach him that much. He must work with allies, utilize his strengths, and not charge in headlong. So for the moment he doesn't.

    But he is approaching the foggy zone pretty quickly, pausing only to check his bearings and so on...

Odin (576) has posed:
The Dark Rider continues to roam across the roadway. He can hear the sounds of the motor cycle, a sound he has not heard of. He can sense the presence of a few lesser mages in the area around him and through the fog seeing those starting to come up on his location.

Shortly the horse hellish nigh breaks the silence as it rears up and Odin holds steady on his mighty steed. When the hooves slam back down, the energy of it seems to radiate outward and the fog itself is shoved back to not only reveal the area with flickers of wisps of aetheric energy that have been disrupted by Odin's sheer presence here, but also the dark knight himself.

His glowing eyes seem to scan over all he can see now, though his eyes draw up to Anivia high above, taking note of her own magical energy. He twirls his blade before tapping his heel gently on the side of his steed. Who starts to easily prance in a slight circle, "Leave now, for I will find what I seek and none here shall stop me--- though if you desire a battle," His eyes fall to Shirou-- ah-- the boy-- "..I will not be displeased.."

Though when he notices the warpgate opening some distance away, he spots two running his way. His head only tilting only slightly, before he makes note of the wolf rider and chuckles softly. Then with a swing of his blade in his hand, his steed comes to a halt. The hoof scrapping across the ground, before rearing its head a bit.

"Flee now! Or face thy blade! For none shall keep me from finding her!" He then sweeps out his blade which almost causes a sonic pulse in the air. It flies outward and it would seem the only one safe from this was Anivia who was in the air.

Dastan (584) has posed:
    Buffeted back by the wind and the Sands of Time flowing back somewhat through the gate as well, Dastan skids against the cutting gale as he falls back. "How dare you!" he calls out. "You're attacking a random bystander, and the royalty of Persia itself no less!" then narrows his eyes. "This particularly calls for reprisal. God, man, or demon, will you not consider bending knee and apologizing? Or would you sooner thrash about in anger without cause?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian eyes the large being with his one good eye, and as the sonic blast hits him, tumbles off the giant wolf. He quickly rises back up and glares towards Odin. "I shall know no fear..." He says, drawing his greataxe Abstractum as well as his power sword. "...For I am fear Incarnate." He then points his sword right at the Primal. "Wether your a man or a demon, it matters little to me now. You shall fall in the Allfather's name!" He bellows. His mighty wolf lets cry a massive howl, bounding after the Wolf Lord, who starts in a charge towards Odin.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     As the fog suddenly disperses, Beelzebumon hits the brakes and comes skidding to a stop before turning his head towards the mounted warrior... and his face twists into a little smirk as he dismounts from his daemonic bike.

     "I always desire battle. You could say it's my calling."

     After pausing for a moment to crack his neck, the Demon Lord draws one of his beloved Berenjena Shotguns and twirls it around.

     Then when the blast of wing comes hurtling towards him, he snaps his leg up and sends it swinging down in a fierce axe kick, kicking up a wing of his own that causes the air sweeping towards him to divert to either side of him, before continuing where he left off.

     "Name's Beelzebumon, Digital Demon Lord of Gluttony, pleasure to beat ya." He does a dramatic bow, then grins wildly as he suddenly bursts forwrad from where he stands and launches himself into the air before coming down with a falling drop kick.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk grunts softly as that wind flutters her robes. She grabs for her beret as well, holding it to her head as her ears pin down. "Such power..." she murmurs to herself, before firming her resolve. Her book opens, and she marks on the pages. "I call forth the winds. Emerald!" she tosses a small red and blue gemstone out, pouring what Aether she can into it. The gem floats, then suddenly, as if springing forth from some hiding place, a blue fox-like being erupts around the stone, landing lightly and bouncing on its paws. "Guard me. Obey." she commands, adjusting her glasses as she looks up at the Elder Primal. "It is an honour to meet you, Odin. I only pray I can offer a battle worthy of your strength."

Anivia (61) has posed:
The Cryophoenix continues to circle the figure from overhead, her shadow occasionally passing by the warrior's visor as she studies him. She wanted to keep her distance as she tried to at least figure out what this creature was, before she even considered approaching it. Her glowing avian eyes scanned both his armor and his horse... everything was radiating a thick dark smoke-like aura in her sight. The warrior's steed itself... a construct? Perhaps, but Anivia could sense a presence... whatever the horse truly was; Anivia could at least tell it was alive.

Yet as she sensing the horse's life signs... she was also picking up something else from Odin. She could sense something... mortal? Something stood out, and Anivia's eyes go wide. She had a theory... but... but for now she simply keeps her distance and watches Odin... seeing what move the Primordial One will make first.

When it happened, the very ground itself shattered, sending a powerful shockwave of magic towards her allies. The Cryophoenix gives a shrill bird cry of distress as she sees her allies scatter from the blow. Though Odin spares her, the Cryophoenix doesn't seem to willing to leave her allies... even though truly she feared this magical entity.

"Such destruction? is not ever necessary. See reason, control yourself." She speaks but not to Odin himself. She calls out to the mortal presence she senses within him.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Aha, there it is, the source of this.... hmmmm. Mantigora frowns slightly as her technology scans Odin and his mount, nothing comes through the tactical wireware that is suppose to be capable of pinpointing weak spots in a target. "Moons of Mikros that's powerful..." she practically growls under her breath.

Before it can be mulled farther Odin swings his sword and the shockwave slams into the pillar she was perched upon, causing the ancient worn structure to almost instantly crack and crumble away into dust. The she-draken topples off the top as it tilts backwards, but somersaults as she falls to land on the ground just as it collapses around her, disappearing into the resulting dust cloud. And not there when the billows of rubble start to settle.

But far from crushed, as Mantigora has sprinted off to one side, fading from view within the moments the dust was whirling about thanks to her advanced cloaking technology. She skirts around behind one of the broken walls, metally drawing some of the nanotech from her body and directing it towards her hand.

As she rounds the corner of the wall and pair of nanotech discs, their spinning edges razor sharp for slicing through armor, fly at the mounted warrior. Seemingly out of thin air, as the technique is specifically designed to not disrupt her cloaking fields to launch.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou's staggered a bit by the wind and instantly reminded why getting anywhere near Odin is a bad idea. So for this time, he won't get close. There are LOTS of other people with great strength around. He'll just have to reluctantly trust them to fight while he figures out something else to do.

    Having recently had it beaten to him by Bedivere that he needs to think tactically to win fights without big losses, he studies the landscape and spots a vantage point. So Shirou scrambles for some half-crumbled ruins and climbs up a collapsed wall and partway up a diagonally-leaning tree's trunk.

    "Trace, on."

    Right. He can't possibly face Odin in melee, so he won't try it this time. Gold light flows from his left hand and solidifies into a modern composite bow, complete with elaborate pulleys. In his other hand an arrow forms. he draws, aims... and FIRES.


    This is probably just going to ANNOY Odin, all things considered.

Steve Rogers has posed:
When Odin raises his sword, so too does Captain America raises his shield - not that the vibranium does much to stop a sonic pulse which is big enough to just go *around* the shield. The part which hits the shield directly kind of just stops, the metal absorbing the vibrations from the sonic pulse; however, that only accounts for Cap's upper body, including his shoulders and head - and anyone who happened to be behind him.

"So who is it that you're looking for, and more importantly, for what purpose?" he calls out to Odin as he lowers his shield, still keeping it ready - if not to defend himself (or somebody else) again, then to go on the attack with it. Sure, he's got other weapons on his person, but his shield is so much more versatile than a bullet or a knife ... and words are more versatile still. If it weren't for the fight-happy types leaping straight into the fray ...

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron has no time to ask questions. One moment the rider was simply speaking... and the next there is a sonic boom going through the air just at the mere swing of the rider's sword. A sonic boom that actually /hurt/, Auron noted, taking a step back at the pulse of force and raising his free hand to ward of any more of that. He has a feeling the actual blows are going to be more painful yet, and not quite so easily warded away, however.

    He doesn't back down. He /was/ planning to talk it out, but... blows start getting exchanged. Even the one apparently from Eorzea starts battle! Auron emits a short "Tch" of disappointment Well... looks like it can't be helped. He's probably going to be tanking in this battle, so he mentally prepares himself to take a lot of pain. Pity he didn't bring that coat of his that he Alchemized in SBurb. It'd be a great thing to have right now.

    But he can think of another way to both 'pull that aggro' as well as hopefully assist the others. He concentrates his qi into the blade of his sword, and as he darts at Odin, an odd yellow gleam slides down the blade. Something odd may happen here, should this attack actually hit. If it makes contact, there will be a small but likely painful explosion from the blade, and the place it hit might feel less reinforced...

    This is, of course, if the attack actually hits. If Odin avoids it, or manages to just /tank/ it, this might all be for naught.

Odin (576) has posed:
"Title does giveth no man right to demand of another." Odin replies to Dastan as he calls out to the Dark Divinity. "And only through battle shall I deem such an activity worth of charge." Then with a sweep of his free hand a chain that is normally tied to his lance comes into being. The dark metal steaming with dark aetheric energy.

He swings it out to hook it around Dastan and if it should take hold pull him right into the battle front-- seeming to ignore the woman who may have come at his side. "So show me your strength and perhaps mine shall be yours to command."

As Karian comes charging in. Odin is impacted by the charging warrior, the man knocking him right off his horse and slamming the dark armored warrior into the ground. Yet Odin reaches up toward the space viking and goes to grab his face, before actually throwing him aside.

Just as he starts to get back up, Beelzebumon slams is heel right into him and slams him back, nearly dropping him to the ground once more. Yet the Elder Primal recovers and with the edge of his sword glowing, he races right in for Beelzebumon, moving in to strike as he goes to pass by.

He sweeps up and pulls himself back up on his steed once more. "We shall see whom beats whom, Beelzebumon." Odin states with and of his head. Though when Mihk address him and summons her Carbuncle, his eyes narrow. "..I has not seen such since.."

Yet his attention is drawn away as the sound of blades coming whirling in. He attempts to deflect the discs, but they cut into the armor, only for Mantigora to maybe notice that the armor starts to rebuild itself. With a click of his heels, the nightmare steed goes charging right for her. Even as Aniva shouts down to him, he does not seem to heed her mind-- for the battle was raging-- the battle was driving him further.

Once he gets close to Mantigora, he charges by and swings his sword to catch her. The horse then comes right back around to try and catch her on another pass with his blade from the other side. As he starts to make his way back to the main battlefield, the lance now appears in his hand, his eyes gazing to Anivia, "Do not speak of reason to me, element. For my reasons are just to my own eyes!"

Odin then throws the spear up at her, but it goes right by at first. Yet with a flash of crimson light in the sky, the spear then starts to come directly down for Anivia aiming for her wing with its crimson light. Perharps to give those ice wings a bit of a clip.

As he races in, He takes notice of Shirou calling upon a bow, as he yells to the youth, "Have you a weapon that be truly your own-- or doesth that be another copy of one stolen?" As soon as Shirou fires, Odin leaps off the back of his steed, and flips right over the arrow shot. Landing down on his feet. His sword slams into the ground. The sheer energy of the strike travels across the ground and if Shirou is not quick, the energy will slam into him.

He slides the blade off the ground as he stares at Roger, "I seek a woman whom you not know the name of and my reasons are mine alone." He points his blade toward him. "Stand in my way and I shall cut you down, Paladin."

Though before Odin can fully turn his focus on the Captian, he has to spin around quickly and attempts to deflect Auron's incoming attack. The blade slams in the pauldron armor, knocking Odin slightly to the side. The area of impact wreth's with dark aetheric energy, almost like a foggy tendril. Those glowing wisp of light eyes look right at Auron with a low rumble from Odin. Then with near inhuman speed he comes right up on the other swordman and strikes upward with a hard cleave.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk watches the Elder Primal, her eyes tracing his motions as he dances through combat. She's murmuring softly to herself, writing in her book without looking at the scrawl. Just as Odin strikes out at Mantigora, he may find himself within a choking cloud of Miasma. The young Miqo'te reshaping the thin Aether into a cloying purple cloud around him. Carbuncle, for now, remains nearby, awaiting its masters orders.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     After planting the successful kick firmly in Odin's back, the Demon Lord Beelzebumon takes the opportunity to vaunt off his body and backflip away to safety... or so he thinks. For someone clad from head to toe in heavy armor, the Primal certainly is quick on his feet!

     Quickly, Beelzebumon throws up his arms to guard as the blade slams against his bracers. The bracers hold against the blow, but the force of the impact is still enough to send Beelzebumon head over heels in a wild tumble before catching himself and skidding to a stop.

     "Tch, old man certainly has some moves..."

     And yet even as he says this, he can't help but grin as he draws his second Berenjena Shotgun from it's holster.

     "Think I'm gonna really enjoy this fight..."

     Then he spins around and brandishes both shotguns and unleashes a volley of fire from his prized weapons.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Even if your reason might be the sort that can persuade us to help you find her?" Captain America replies. There's a hint of tension as the sword is pointed at the super-soldier - tension which doesn't entirely leave him when Odin's attention is pulled away by those who have actually engaged the mounted swordsman in combat already.

Not that he can entirely blame them, really - Odin HAS been openly hostile, and Shirou recognized him as a major threat from the get-go. If force is the only thing that Odin's going to pay attention to, then there's not much of a choice left ...

And with that decision, plus a mildly resigned look, Captain America lets his shield slide down from his forearm to his hand, pivots, and sends the shield flying at the side of Odin's helmet.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Almost as a reflex in itself thanks to the nanotechnology super-speeding her mind as well as her body Mantigora's tactical scanner hons in on where her blades struck the powerhouse's armor. Only to see the armor already patching itself back together via whatever means. While not the first time she's seen such a thing, it is the first time she's seen it done by something that wasn't technologically augmented. Good thing she's still stealthed.

Not that it does a lot of good. Maybe she's just a little too confident due to having always been on the top end of the scales before, or expecting him to have too many targets to focus on, but even not seeing her the demonic steed manages to tample over her. Its enough to knock her to the ground under the animal with a snarl, flashing back into view as her cloaking effect is canceled out by the blows, and while her personal shielding thankfully prevented those hooves from crushing something more important it didn't make it any less painful.

Then the creature turns around and comes for another pass. If it's to stomp her farther or to get to other attackers it doesn't matter, as it looks like Mantigora is just laying there still. Up until it's almost on top of her, that's when the Draken tucks in her legs and whips up her arms, combat blades extending out of them with lightning speed as she aims to gouge the nightmare's belly as it passes over her the second time in an attempt to weaken it so it's a less effective weapon against them as well.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Even for a warrior so heavily armored, Odin's strength is incredible. So is his speed, Auron finds out. He finds this out the hard way... when he's sliced at with such speed. Coupled with the Primal's strength, this is a really bad combination. So much so that it's only through sheer luck -- and probably a healthy dose of Aura -- that he's not cleaved completely in half by the strike.

    That doesn't mean he's unharmed! Oh no, not in the slightest bit unharmed. Not only is he sliced into deeply, but the sheer force behind the slice threw him back, well out of range of Mihk's Miasma, thankfully. He gave a startled, pained cry as he flew back from the strike. Though he didn't try to stop his backwards movement. Because if he'd stayed there, he probably /would/ have been cut in half, Aura or not.

    It takes him a moment to get back to his feet. /Ow/. Bahamut's Fayth, that hurt. But Auron hasn't made a career out of running away when the going got tough. And he's not about to start now. So once he's back on his feet -- and he's sure that all his internal organs are going to remain where they belong, and not fall out of a hole or something -- he hefts his sword again, and darts in to take another swing at Odin!

Anivia (61) has posed:
Everything was worth a shot, and the Cryophoenix always, ALWAYS exhausted all options before turning to violence. Even when dealing with Primordial Beings. In fact, expecially so. Her cry to Odin was certainly a shot in the dark, nothing more. When she reached out, sensed Odin's energy... and sensed a mortal presence within all that raw magical might... she was hoping to find something struggling within.

As it turns out, it was indeed a false-hope, as most shots in the dark are. The Cryophoenix will have to curse her own foolishness later.

Odin's spear rushes directly pass Anivia's head, making the Cryophoenix squawk out in surprise. Anivia didn't even have a moment to consider herself lucky, before a flash of blood-red light above reveals that Odin did not miss at all. The spear comes crashing down on Anivia's wing, and the Cryophoenix was pulled down with it, the spear dragging the frozen immortal by her wing directly into the ground. Shards of rock and ice fly in all direction as Anivia cracks the earth with her impact, the wing struck by the spear completely ripped through. Yes, clipped wings indeed.

Grounded, the Cryophoenix stumbles to her feet. A few words were silently muttered in her native tongue as she scrambles onto her raptor-like legs. As she arises, she throws out her wings at Odin and unleashes a glowing ball of crystal blue light directly aimed at him. The orb of magic flies just inches from the Ancient One's face, before detonating and encasing a small area in a thick patch of Eternal Ice. Hopefully, Odin would be caught in this blast, and the ice would freeze him to the spot, or at least slow him down with a blast of pure magic.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Every weapon I have might be an imitation." Shirou declares boldly from his perch. However he very nearly LOSES that perch. The shockwave shakes him out of his stance and hurls him off the tree. He lands on a very strong branch that ALMOST breaks, and the wind's knocked right out of him. But he still gets back up.

    "Not one of them are mine. But..."

    Man, even if that arrow struck, he's not sure it would've done much. He needs something tougher, with more piercing power. All he can think of is his estoc design from an encounter in Sen's Fortress. How the heck does one use an estoc at this distance though?

    "Since it has shape, altering that shape shouldn't be too hard..." Oh well. If an arrow won't work...

    The golden light of Projection lives again, solidfying into the shape of a finely crafted thrusting sword. A few moments of focus later, and the weapon's shape distorts. it doesn't lengthen exactly, but its balance changes, the simple hand guard flattens a bird's wings folding up, and a notch for his bow's string splits open in the considerably thinned pommel.

    The sword is now an arrow.

    Shirou draws it back fully, taking aim with the unfamiliar projectile and Reinforcing his eyes to sharpen that aim.... then he FIRES.

    The sword flies through the air like a missile, straight for Odin's chest!

    "These skills are mine!"

Dastan (584) has posed:
    "You call for me to bring a contest of arms to you then, horseman?" Dastan asks, grinning as he draws his sword and the Dagger of Time. "This will have to do then!" he says, "Such glory as to command a djinn as yourself would surely serve me well." and dashes towards Odin as he skids beneath him and attempts to slash at sleipnir's underbelly in a sliding attack before righting himself much as a cat might be expected to when surprised. He is certainly agile, this one. Farah conversely, simply looks at him and sighs as she nocks an arrow to fire into sleipnir's thigh.

Odin (576) has posed:
As Odin goes to move away from Auron to get ready for another strike, Mihk then goes to poison the air around the the Elder Primal. His gaze goes over to her in the distance and then with a pull out of his spear once more from the aetheric flow he himself generates, he goes to slam it into the ground.

The area around Mihk may glow, before a thousand aetheric spears of light try to rain down onto of her. Perhaps a bit overkill-- but this was Odin. Yet while his attention was over on the Archanist, the Digimon gets his opening he needs. The shot gun shells slam into his armor and each point causes a disperse of black ink fog to explode outward, before it is seen reforming.

He staggers with the impacts and then stepping into a sudden warping of fog around him, he then steps right of the fog nearly on top of the Digimon Demon Lord and goes to hook punch him right in the face, with dark aetheric right behind the force which may explode like a shockwave should his fist strike true.

Thankfully for Mantigora, the steed was seemingly gone when she goes to strike, unluck for her, the horse whom no longer has a rider at this point realizes that the woman wants to have it out for him. Those red hell eyes look upon her and it then comes racing back at her, before it goes to vanish before it tries to trample over her, vanishing into a wash of fog. Perhaps it was that fire arrow that did it? One may never know!

Yet with the eyes of his steed upon her on that moment, Mantigora may find a black chain snapping out to snag her, as Odin from where he stands after he striked the Demon lord lashes out for her and goes to pull her ever into the battle.

Though as he goes to step away from the Digimon, Roger's shield slams into Odin's helment. The sheer force nearly rips the helment apart, but it quickly reforms as Odin then swings that chain around. His lance then appears on the end if as he sweeps it around. Moving to slash for the Captain America before his shield can return to him.

As he swings the lance around, he spots Auron coming in and with a sharp pull, not only does he go to avoid the strike, but aims to have the butt of the lance slam into Auron's backside before it returns to the aether, though once that vanishes. Odin then goes after Auron with his blade. The strikes were quick and fast in a rapid succession of downward cuts, upward cuts, and rapid across slash.

Odin finishes with the last strike and then flips back away from the two he is so close too. Once he lands down on his feet. He spots the Cryophoenix sending a ice ball his way and when it goes to explode, the very sword his glows with unnatural light as he goes to cleave the very magic that bursts outward.

The sheer cut in the air, breaks the ice to form around him and sends it out to the side. That same wave though travels right for Anivia to strike her dead on if she doesn't act fast. Though by her distraction, it leaves him open to Shirou whom he spots to late. The sword seems to slam into the chest of the Elder Primal, knocking him back with the sheer force of light.

Yet Odin does not stand still for long as he goes to remove the sword from his armor, if it does not vanish on its own and then slashes the air, sending for the youth the same strike that was sent for Aniva. Only to find another coming at him about that time. The Prince goes to slide by and Odin acts quickly, their blades meet and the Prince's though clips up high enough to catch the armored hand. Yet this does not halt the Dark Divinity, as he follows up as soon as the Prince tries to get back up to his feet with a rapid turning slash.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk cries out in pain as those spears slam into her, she staggers back for a moment, then points with her free hand. "Sic." is her only word.

    That's all the Emerald Carbuncle needs. It shreiks shrilly, before leaping into the air, gathering itself up before unleashing a cutting torrent of air at the Primal. Mihk herself gathers more Aether into her book, then points the open pages out at Odin, sending a sphere of ruinous energy at him also.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     A smirk comes to Beelzebumon's lips as he watches each of the shells strike true, only to have that smirk turn into a frown as Odin disappears into the mist, "Shit! Where are you..." He quickly turns his head from side to side, only to sense a presence behind him and whips around with a fist raised to strike.

     Only Odin literally beats him to the punch with a hook that sends the Demon Lord staggering back.

     Surprisingly though, he doesn't fall as he shows a bit of true grit and remains on his feet after that hell of a punch that has left him with a visibly broken nose and a few chipped teeth.

     After taking a moment to rub his tongue across his broken tooth, Beelzebumon turns his head to one side and spits out the broken chip, before calmly holstering his shotguns and lifting his fingers to his mouth and letting out a sharp whistle.

     From back in the fog, the light of Behemoth's headlight once more comes to life as the possessed bike revs it's engines, then bursts from the haze. At the same moment, Beelzebumon backflips and comes to land squarely in it's seat as rider and bike tear across the battlefield, only to turn back once they've build up enough momentum.

     And then like a freight train, the two come hurtling back towards Odin with every intent of leaving a tread mark going straight up his body and across his face.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora rebounds back onto her feet when the demonic horse disappears without actually stomping on her. Almost immeadiately she spins to face the direction it disappeared in, expecting it to come back for another pass yet again.

Instead something painfully snags her from behind, getting a cuss out of her as she's yanked away and slammed into the ground admist the chaos of combat that roars around the Primal being. That was even more annoying than the damn Warriors and their damn energy harpoon tethers.

On the other hand, getting closer to him is exactly what she wanted. Just hadn't intended for it to be in such a painful manner, but what works works right? Briefly rising from the floor into a crouch, her arm blades start to glow faintly as she charges nano energy into them, and bares her fang-like teeth in a snarl. "Prehaps you should be more careful which beast you try to leash..." Then she darts in, attempting to use the barrage of other attacks coming in on Odin to make a quick stab with her claw-blades.

But it's not the stab that is to be worried about. It's that if it successfully connects the focused nano-energy will discharge from the blades, attempting to flash adapt to the target and disrupt the primal energies composing the supernatural warrior.

Followed by getting the holy hell out of the way before the manic biker demon runs over the rest of them as well!

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia struggles on her feet, the Cryophoenix turning her head from the chaos to her broken wing. A distressed look briefly passed her by, but she quickly pushed such thoughts from her mind. This was not the time for that, she can mend her wounds later, and will fly again another day. But now more than ever, the Cryophoenix wished she could take to the skies again. She really felt vulnerable on the ground like this...

Odin's deflect of her attack catch's her attention, and the shockwave that follows... no, Anivia wasn't fast enough to dodge it sadly. She was a great deal less mobile without her wings, and though she tried to jump out of the way, the shockwave of magic was too fast and rips the Cryophoenix from her feet, sending her tumbling back several feet more.

Funny, for some reason all Anivia could think about right now was Braum...

Once she was able to shake the stars from her head, the Phoenix hops back onto her feet, holding her injured wing delicately to one side. If Odin seems capable of deflecting a ball of magic, she will try another approach.

The ground under Odin begins to glow and crack, that was his first and only real warning, before massive spears of ice come flying out of the ground in all directions, attempting to impale him in the back, sides, knees, and so on.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Odin's counterattack ALMOST beats the shield's flight - but Captain America catches his shield just before the spear comes slashing in. It's close enough that Cap *can't* interpose the shield to block Odin's attack ... but neither does Cap get directly impaled or eviscerated; the spearhead just slashes along his side, opening a gash in his uniform and in the skin beneath.

And then the mighty shield is thrown once more ... not actually aiming for *Odin* this time, though. No, Captain America is aiming lower - namely, trying to nail Odin's steed in the flank, hard enough to possibly spook the mount and throw Odin's rhythm off ... if not to force the unearthly warrior to dismount entirely.

Why not aim for the horse's legs, you might ask? Partly because Odin and his horse are moving around too much to be sure of a good shot ... but mostly because Cap's trying not to REALLY tick Odin off, and maiming his mount with a broken leg would probably do exactly that.

(Then again, Cap may be the only one who's thinking in those terms right now. Particularly given what Beelzebumon does with his motorcycle.)

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    No, Shirou's sword arrow will not vanish on its own, but it probably snapped and part of it's slowly eroding. Just... not eroding quickly enough.

    He spots the wave incoming and immediately extends a hand. A filmy projection of pure light in the vague shape of a tower shield forms in front of him! Energies crash and war violently as Odin's slash wave slams into the projected shield. Eventually, the 'shield' bursts into tiny pieces and remnants of the wave slash across Shirou, drawing a bloody line across his arm... FAR deeper than he'd prefer it. It also scores him in the leg and gets him staggering where he perches... but now he has an idea.

    If a mere estoc did THAT...

    "Trace, on...!" The boy focuses, shuffles through his remembered designs... in a matter of moments, a dazzling and brilliant longsword befitting royalty is in his grasp. Crimson and silver, with ancient lettering along the blade's flat.

    In a few seconds this weapon ALSO alters shape in his grasp, thinning into an arrow. He nocks it, draws it back... and FIRES.

    This time, the launch isn't so mundane. Clarent whistles through the air, wisps of prana gathered around the blade!

    Right for Odin. Again.

Auron (236) has posed:
    It's a complete miss! Not only does Auron's swing go wide, but Odin takes advantage of the overextending to push him forward. Auron stumbles forward at the strike, bracing himself for pain. And he's not disappointed, several slashes are applied to his back, forcing a cry of pain from him as he is flung farther away. He gets back to his feet, already bleeding like he hadn't done since the Calm Lands. His breastplate and coat aren't any barrier to that blade, though whether it's the blade or the strength behind it is anybody's guess.

    This time, he stays away from melee combat. Shirou seemed to do well with his sword-arrow, so Auron employs his own bow -- which he had to pick up off the ground thanks to the harness binding it to his back being sliced right through. This bow is made for fighting giant monsters that are hundreds of times more powerful than the wielder of it anyway. Perhaps it will avail him some here.

    He nocks an arrow and takes aim. He has to tilt his head in an odd way thanks to only having one eye. And then he lets the arrow fly, in an upward arc. If it hits there will be an icy explosion where it hits! That's why it's called the 'Ice Crest'. Hopefully it'll at least catch Odin in the blast radius....

Dastan (584) has posed:
    And the acrobatic leap back to his feet, swift though it is in fact is not quick enough to avoid being tossed back further by Odin's strike. "...Quite the sword arm you have there..." he notes, chuckling as he moves slightly faster, his afterimage blurring in the mists as his acceleration stutters. Perhaps he's trying to simply accelerate and can't concentrate... Or else confuse his opponent. Farah conversely dives behind a rock and grabs for another arrow before popping up to aim once more and fire.

Odin (576) has posed:
When Mihk sends in Carbuncle, the elder primal seems to know what is to come, vanishing in fog as the aetheric creature goes to attack, as if reading its very movements. When Mihk goes to cast though, it is her energy that slams into his form. "You are starting to annoy me, child." He says with a low rumble in his voice.

With a swing of his sword, he sends a blade wave right toward her, maybe Carbuncle will protect her though-- or maybe not! Though her distraction is enough for the demon lord to ride right on in and the Motorcycle slams into Odin, shoving the six foot five armored figure hard back and sparingly away.

The impact to the ground is equally as painful as Odin rolls along the ground, before he can get back up on his feet once more, he slashes the air to also send a wave for Beelzebumon. Though the wave is clearly visible this time with some type of energy field around it as it builds up during the span of space it crosses till it threatens to collide with the Digimon with an explosive force.

When Anivia summons upon the ice to come forth and impale him, the Elder Primal has to be quick and goes to teleport out of it in dark fog. Though as he does, a few do seem to get him on the way out and he tumbles out of the other fog portal he created, holding his sword arm for a moment. Thankfully for Captian as well, the Dark Rider wasn't on his mount-- actually that horse was no where to be seen. So when the shield comes in, he tries to actually back hand it away. Not the wisest of ideas, as it slams into his under arm. This too also leaves him open to Shirou's whos own attack seems to slam him back even further, as he nearly missteps.

Which leaves him open when Auron lets loose with ice arrows which falls down on top of the Elder Primal, freezing his armor for a moment, until he shatters himself free and nearly goes down on his knee.

Odin grits his teeth under the helm, out of sight from all to see.

The Elder Primal then summons out his lance and throws it into the air. Soon the area around Captian America, Shirou and Aniva start to rain lances of unnatural light upon the area.

As he tries to recover though that is when the Prince of Persia comes rushing in and he manages to swing himself around to mostly parry the speeding strikes and nearly do so flawlessly it seems, before returning just as quick of a strike in return.

Though it is Mantigora who gets Odin by surprise. The woman slams her weapons into him and he actually roars out in pain. The Armor around him seems to wether around her attack, as he nearly goes down on his knee. "..How.." He hisses out, "..Dare.. the..."

Aniva may sense it-- that mortal light? It is quickly fading out, being fully consumed by whatever that dark energy is, but for Mantigora, she finds Odin reaching around with Inhuman speed even as his armor restructures itself and if his grasp holds, he lifts her up with that one hand and then goes to slam her into the ground with every ounce of physical strength he has...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The wave slams into Beelzebumon and Behemoth with intense force, throwing the demon lord from his metallic steed and sending him skipping across the ground like a stone over water. Finally though, he comes to rest and groans as he rolls over and pushes himself up onto his knees.

     "Damn, bastard doesn't give an inch, does he...?"

     As he stands up, he draws both of his shotguns once more, then steps back and fades into the mist, closing his eyes to listen for signs of his opponent through the heavy fog.

     There, the rattling of heavy armor, unmistakable through the din of battle.

     In a sudden flurry of motion, the Demon Lord fires off three shots into the misty darkness, in seemingly random directions. Yet as the slugs veer off into the foggy night, they begin to ricochet across the ruin buildings, before converging upon Odin from three different directions.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk braces for the blade wave, Carbuncle leaping into the way, though this isn't the defensive variant, and is neatly carved in two, without even mitigating much of the impact. Mihk skids back, feet digging into the ground with a soft grunt, before she topples over onto her ass. "Nothing is working... Perhaps..." she narrows her eyes, reforming Carbuncle with an outpouring of energy. "Operation Ricochet." she commands, the little blue creature dashing off to get on the far side of Odin. Once there, it gathers a quick surge of wind power, and BLASTS Odin with it, hoping to knock him away from it, or at least stagger him. The real threat comes as Mihk draws in all the Aether she can muster, filling herself with it and beginning to glow softly from within. She says no definite words, but three things happen all at once. She siphons off all the Aether she can gather... then starts trying to absorb that coming from Odin himself, her book held out as the gathering point.

All that Aether? Gathers into a large sphere of Ruin, which then simply explodes out in a raw burst of energy, a Ruin Cannon, as it were.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
It's the trying to avoid potential friendly (so to speak) fire of multiple ice blasts and the Demon Lord's motorized rampage that lands Mantigora back in the danger zone again. Even her augmented reflexes can only dodge so many times in rapid succession and she comes right back up within Odin's monsterous reach.

The Draken HRRKS audibly as a powerful hand clamps down around her neck and hoists her off the ground, teeth gritting in a weezed snarl from how much the grip in itself hurts, tail lashing as she's lifted over his head...

Unfortunately for him, what he intends to do is pretty clear to anyone with half a mind to realize it.

Just as he makes the seemingly faint shift in his arm and balance to throw her to the ground Mantigora abruptly twists in his grip, proving well that she has much of the flexibility of the feline-like aspects of her form would suggest. The twisting motion thrusts one of her combat boot clad heels at the elbow of the arm holding her with just enough force to break herself free before he can actually slam her down.

It results in looking almost like a mid-air dance as she spirals off that kick to bring her other heel whizzing for the Primal's face. Followed by a final turn as she recoils off the kick to drop down behind him, darkened nano-energy radiating around her claws as she brings them both in a downward slash as she drops, then cuts outward in opposite directions as she hits the ground.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Lances of some kind of light rain down! And one stabs right into his forearm, drawing a growl of pain. He drops his bow to deal with that -- does the lance need to be pulled out of his arm? If so, he will do that -- before picking his bow up again. He's definitely going to feel THAT tomorrow! Heck, he feels it now. He might not be able to draw his bow again yet...

    So instead Auron ties the bow to him in a makeshift way, to keep it out of his way. He draws his sword again -- /augh/ and that hurts to move like that -- and resorts to charging the primal again, trying to dart in for another strike. Auron, sadly, is a chocobo of few tricks, and most of them involve using that sword to bash and/or slice things up. If he gets much weaker, though, he may have to start pulling out the bigger tricks...

Anivia (61) has posed:
The Cryophoenix had only a split second to react when Odin threw her lance in the air. Just like last time, a spear comes crashing out of the air... and another... and another, the skies were filled with more spears than a Rakkor's Shield-Wall.

Anivia starts running as the lances rain down around her, looking quite similar to a chocobo as she runs. Though she was surprisingly fast on her feet, she couldn't get out of the radius of the spell in time. Thankfully none of the lances seemed to impale her, though some came quite close, raking across her frozen tail feathers, sides, and one able to nick a few frozen feathers off her neck.

Before she could be turned into a pin-cushion, Anivia was able to leap out of the spell's radius. Alive, but certainly not unharmed. Still, she had quite a bit of mana left in her reserves. She wasn't going to retreat quite yet.

With so many Champions of the Union and Confederacy attacking Odin at every angle, it was easier for the wounded Cryophoenix to start conjuring something big... she was hoping the other Champions could hold his attention just long enough, that he might not notice the expanding shadow around him.

If Odin were to look up, he might notice the giant Icicle that was conjured directly over his head. The massive spear of ice seems to hover in the air for a brief second... before simply dropping down and attempting to drive the pointed tip into the Warrior.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Aurgh!" LIGHT SPEARS. LIGHT SPEARS everywhere. Shirou does what he can to dodge several. He takes graze after graze, barely avoiding a direct strike. Kusanagi appears in his hands and moves on its own, deflecting some of the strikes. But eventually it shatters, and even grazes are crippling to him.

    The boy's blown backwards and hits the ground like a ragdoll. THUMP. But.

    "Gh...." While he was grazed many times and his body's wracked with pain, he didn't suffer any blows to vitals. He can still fight.

    The boy rises to his feet, panting and gasping... "My body is made of swords. It's suitable only for this one crazy trick. Creating blade after blade. Yeah, they may be fakes, but they'll cut you to pieces just like the original. Trace, on...! Begin production..."

    Now he is feeling defiant towards the overwhelmingly powerful Primal.

    Prana courses through his body, through his Magic Circuits, and out into the world around him. With a multitude of shimmery-clank noises, weapons appear in the air above and around him.

    Clarent, Ornstein's Dragonslayer, Priscilla's gargantuan scythe, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, and Auron's massive Katana.

    "Production complete, trace off. FIRE BARRAGE!"

    ALL the weapons fly at Odin with tremendous speed. Each bears a special attribute that will prove pretty troublesome iff it strikes! odin's Zantetsuken for its pure cutting force. Auron's katana is heavy and mighty, and will crush through armor if it hits at the right angle. Ornstein's spear crackles with lightning. Clarent bears a faint affiliation with light and holy justice. Priscilla's mighty scythe will cut into and rend apart Odin's very spirit with the Lifehunt!

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin steps back as the lance returns to his hand. His fingers clasping against it tightly. It starts to glow gently. When the Digimon goes to attack, Odin tries to spin around to deflect the very bullets as they came in. However his swings are miss timed and the bullets clip across his form and some bite directly into the armor. This is followed in time with Mantigora's great escape! Though when the final strike comes he grazes across the armor plating.

"I will---" His eyes glow brightly, "--not fall.." He then notices what Mihk is doing and as she tries to draw upon the aetheric energy that is his. Odin's eyes engulf the whole helm's eye slots. Anivia may see it again--the man crippling to the beast, but this time there is nothing left, "RRAGH! URTH!"

As the Ruin spells comes, he actually back hands it, it blasts across his surface. The area around his disrupting for a moment as the ground around him actually trembles as the motes of white light start to become that of red. "DARE THEE ATTEMPT TO IMPRISON ME ONCE AGAIN?! I SHALT NOT BE DENIED! YOU HEAR ME URTH?!!"

Good ol' Cap may see it coming. Odin doesn't throw the spear, but instead he goes to slam the very spear into the ground. The sheer ground shatters around him, exploding upward. Before the sky darkens and red lightning flashes in the sky. Then with a clash in the sky, a massive obsidian lance comes down and slams near Mihk first.

Others may already see the Captain rushing in to quickly move into to save her, but the area flashes with the pulse of the Obsidian lance, before a blue dome forms over them, seeming to almost freeze them within it.

Odin pulls the lance free before he stares at the dome. His words spoken are not even a language that can be understood, they almost have a cryptic echo to them. Though whatever he says quickly ends when Auron attempt to charge in. The slash comes close, clipping away a piece of the armor, which instead of reforming, actually vanishes into aetheric light.

When he takes note of the shadow, he goes to leap back, but is to slow. The massive spike goes to slam into him and nails him hard in the shoulder-- almost literally. Yet the sheer force may bite in deep, but the rest of it seems to shatter as it continues to come down, the shards of ice cutting across his form-- but that glowing lance--- the Gungnir never leaves his hand. Shirou's blade barrage then comes in. Odin quickly uses the strength he has, no longer able to pull further from the atheric coils of the area to deflect at least one of the blades, though the others run right into him. The armor snapping in spots, cracking around the edges.

As he speaks this time though his voice echos almost. "Ye shalt no thy anger. None shall stand. For I amth Odin and not even the heavens shall avoid my fury."

He motions to the dome, "Defeat me-- and they will be freed-- and the favor earned.. lose to me.. and their lives shalt be mine to do as I please." One could even see the damage slowly trying to rebind itself, but it is far slower then what it was earlier.

Odin then rears back and then throws the lance into the sky once more. Yet again crimson lightning strikes before Obsidian lances go to slam near all. They too would soon share the same fate as Captain and Mihk, only differences is, when Odin goes to pull the strings that form in his hand-- theirs explode with a great deal of energy and power.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     With a final twirl of his weapons, Beelzebumon holsters his beloved shotguns once more and emerges from the thick fog, just in time to see Captain America and Mihk incased in the dome. Not that it matters to him as he cracks his knuckles, only to glance up just as the spear comes falling from the sky.

     Instinctively, he leaps back from the falling spear, but doesn't expect it to, ya know, /explode/ after it lands, engulfing him in hellish energy.

     Moments pass with nary a motion from the cloud of dust and debris, then without warning a badly scorched and injured Beelzebumon erupts from the cloud and charges towards Odin with a look of gleeful madness on his face.


     And then as he rushes in under Odin's defenses, his hand thrusts forth, aimed for the very center of Odin's chest with every intention of impaling him.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron scowls as he notes Cap and Mihk being frozen in some sort of orb. And he shifts about to try to break that orb... except suddenly he's treated to the same. Frozen in place, he is unaware of what happens... until suddenly...

    Fire is all he sees.

    He gives a loud, surprised, pained cry as he's thrown Fayth knows where. He hits stuff. Ricochets off stuff. It's not pleasant. And when he comes to a stop finally, his sword had been flung into the air, and lands next to him, point-down in the ground. Auron doesn't move. He's still conscious, but... only because he's fighting it.

    He can hear the battle going on around him as he lays there. It's been a while since he's been injured like that. And the idle thought crosses his mind that he might be getting soft. But right now though... he just needs to endure. But can he take another attack like that from Odin? Can he really force his body through that kind of punishment again?

    Yes. He can. And he will. There are people whose lives are in danger.

    It's a long moment. But finally, Auron manages to get his hands under him. Pushing up with weakened arms that tremble mightily, just from having to support his own weight, he first gets to his knees. Then he uses his Katana to push himself to his feet. And to support himself. He looks like absolute hell. He doesn't look like he should even be standing, much less still able to fight. But he's not backing down.

    Instead he raises the jug at his waist, appearing to be merely taking a drink from the jug hanging at his waist. Seems a bad time for a drink, doesn't it? Except he doesn't drink it. Instead he spits it onto his blade in a fine spray. And then he holds the sword aloft, where fiery energy appears around the blade, circles of characters in old Yevon script. It gathers into a fiery aura around the blade, and then Auron swings his sword down, carving deeply into the ground.

    The strike does not hit Odin. Doesn't even come close. Instead, as it carves into the ground, the strike releases four fiery (that's a word that's used a lot here!) spirit orbs that home in on Odin and attempt to strike him. Surprisingly, they are not fire elemental, and do no fire damage. If by some chance they do strike Odin, the Primal may feel the qi in those orbs trying to seal his power....

Mantigora (583) has posed:
A bit of quick footwork manages to avoid being actually hit by the spear, but that matters little when the impact causes that slowing effect, catching Mantigora mid-air in mid-evasion. A terrible position to be in, getting a wide-eyed stare in slow motion before Odin yanks back on his connections and the building energy detonates violently! A seeting roar of pain and rage alike echos beneath the explosive rage as Mantigora is flung by the shockwave, through one of the walls of the runes and sending it collapsing down around her as she hits the ground with enough force the leave a small rut in the wake of the landing.

Fuck that hurt. If it wasn't for how much of her body was reinforced by alien nanotechnology, that would of certainly broken more bones than one cares to think about.

Extreme pain in itself is hardly a stopper to this hunter though. Apparent as the battered and bruised Mantigora comes charging out of the settling clouds of dust from her impact, claw-blades glowing all the more brightly as she channels energy into them.

At the same moment -another- Mantigora seems to appear from thin air, rushing at Odin from behind. An illusion? Yes, and yet not. It's a holographic projection, but one given its own solidity by an infusion of nanotech energy. Enough for the doppleganger to try to leap on Odin's back to strike, trying to stagger him just long enough for the real Mantigora and others to move in.

"You are going to wish you had taken the sealing when we are finished with you!" Mantigora ends her dash with a sort of uppercut motion with one set of blades, only to reach the relative height of Odin's chest as she takes the momentum and spins around like a manic dervish, sending cutting streaks of energy spiraling around herself from the sweeping arcs of the charged blades.

Anivia (61) has posed:
This was an example of the magical energy that Anivia sensed at the very beginning, the one that made her shake to her very core at the mere sight of Odin. She knew he was capable of great power... she was afraid of him unleashing it in full force. It seems however, her fear was coming true.

Anivia could barely give off a scream of surprise before Odin's attack completely engulfed her. In her eyes the world just exploded... and took most of Anivia with it.

Crystal feathers shatter like glass an scatter in all directions in the force of the arcane explosion. The Cryophoenix falls smoking and mostly broken to the ground, limp for several seconds as she simply tries to register what just happened. It took a thousand years of self-discipline to get her back onto her feet, but even though that last attack almost tore her in half... Anivia rises to return to the fight. Though she could theoretically be struck down by Odin, die right here, and be around the next day... so long as Odin doesn't interfere with her Rebirth cycle; and something tells her that Odin wasn't exactly going to just stand around and watch.

Grounded, limping, with most of her feathers shattered and jagged... yet her magic was still as strong as ever. No matter how beaten her body was, Anivia's spells never lose their strength so long as she is conscious.

As the others rush in and unleash their wrath on Odin, the Cryophoenix does the same... but tries to keep her distance and keep a close watch on the skies.

As Odin was being attacked by the others, Anivia conjures a simple spell to create an orb of thick ice around the Primordial Being's head. A simple start, but Anivia continues to increase the amount of her magic she was pumping into the orb, turning a simple fish-bowl of ice around Odin's head into a brightly glowing ball of magical energy, and nearing lethally cold temperatures.

Anivia pumps almost all of her remaining mana into the orb, leaving only enough for one last spell. One last wave of her broken wings, and a giant glowing spear covered in blue runes appears and rockets towards the dome around Odin's head. If pulled of correctly... it would cause a massive chain-reaction and shatter, creating an explosion... but of ice and absolute-zero temperatures, and all concentrated around Odin's head.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Oh crap. Just WHAT is Shirou supposed to do to defend against THAt?! One moment he's planing his next move, the next... everything turns red. "Wha--"


    Torrents of energy far beyond his level come at him like a tidal wave. There's nowhere to go, nowhere to dodge, no way to parry. He crudely tries to guard his face with his hands, but the crimson lightning scorches chunks of flesh from them. His legs sizzle. The sheer kinetic force cracks ribs, forces his lungs to empty, rattles his consciousness into blipping off for a second or two. he's thrown back like a ragdoll into the ruins he was just standing on with a sickening CRUNCH-THUD, leaving one arm wrenched about in a highly unnatural way... yeah, bones should be IN the body, not out. But his right arm's REALLY not looking good, by that standard...

    When he comes to a few seconds later, he hisses. teeth clenched, brow furrowed, blood mixed with sweat. He nevertheless rises by keeping his back to the ruins.

    The sheer CONCENTRATION it's taking to NOT keel over and whimper. This is utter agony. His brain's on fire, his body's screaming at him. Every nerve has the same message: STOP, REST.

    He ignores them all. "Shut up, I can still fight..." He grumbles out to nobody.

    With his one good arm he balances out a fighting stance - knees bent and good arm at his side with fingers clenched into a fist.

    "Production lines set, load blueprints... continuous replication...!"

    These words are entirely unnecessary. They're not a spell. But they help him focus. And that's good, because he needs it.

    More swords appear behind him. It's the same ones as before, minus Priscilla's Lifehunt Scythe. they launch like before, but-- as soon as they're out of the way? Another appears to replace it, and also launches.

    DOZENS of magical swords converge on Odin in rapid waves. It's like a rapid-fire shotgun, there's just no easy way to dodge the swordstorm!

    Swords rain down upon him with formidable accuracy. Many will break at his feet, but can he possibly avoid them ALL?!

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin stands as the spheres all break but the one. He is tired, his energy is near all but spent. So when the digimon comes in, Odin can't deflect his attack in time, instead the claw seems to pierce right into his armor, gripping into the chest. The area cracks further-- a man should be dead by that, but Odin-- Odin is no man.

The Elder Primal pulls himself free. The sword he holds starts to glow brightly, pouring what energy he has left into his sword, trying to charge it for its final strike, even as he feels his body wanting to let go. As he feels his form wanting to slip away back into the aether.

When Auron then attacks, the spirits of fire, slam into Odin, and he is nearly brought to his knee by it, as the energy can be seen trying to wrap around him, trying to bind him. It almost seems to be working, until he shatters it free.

Which is just in time to meet Mantigora's blade strikes match for match. That blade of his though sparking with each hit as something was happening to it. Shirou may be fully aware if he is paying attention what Odin was getting ready for. It is the simple question of if, if the Elder Primal has time enough to execute the attack.

When Anivia freezes the area, Odin nearly gets frozen in place but he shatters himself free and when Shirou unleashes all the swords. Odin starts to use that glowing sword to actually deflect a great deal of them as they jam down into the area around him.

Though the Elder Primal by the end of it, almost takes a knee, he holds that sword of his in front of himself as he seems to close his eyes, a field then forms around him as he tries to draw upon what aetheric energy he can. The field though almost acting like a barrier, but a barrier that is pulling on him.

"I have the power to cleave heaven and hell. None can withstand my blade.." His eyes then look outward, "Do you have the final strength to stop me?"

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Run through on his claws and still going? Damn, this Odin guy is a fucking /boss/. He certainly has earned Beelzebumon's respect this day.

     With that in mind, the demon lord calmly steps back as he pulls free his beloved shotguns once more, crafted by the greatest Weaponsmith in the Digital World for his hands alone. With expert skill he twirls the guns around on his fingers, beforecrossing them in front of his chest.

     "Only one way to find out."

     Then he levels the shotguns at Odin as he focuses his energy and squeezes down on the triggers.


     And then with a concussive blast with enough force to send the demon lord rocking back on his heels, the twin shotguns thunder and unleash their payload with enough force to shoot clear through your average tank.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron didn't think the sealing was going to work. He mainly did that for the actual pain and damage it would cause, rather than expecting it to bind or seal the Primal. There's no sealing something this powerful, at least not by one lone monk. Auron's breath comes raggedly now; between the thrashing he's taken and the energy he's expended, he's not sure he has much left either... but he's got to try.

    Whatever Odin's doing, it's got his Union allies worried enough about it to resort to throwing everything they have. So Auron will need to do the same. He takes a step back, pulling back his sword as if to strike. But he waits. Pauses. And suddenly the wind begins to kick up around him. It forms a visible whirlwind with him as its epicenter. Then he takes a step forward and FLINGS the whirlwind at Odin. With luck this should pick the Primal up off the ground.

    And then? Auron casuall flings his jug into the whirlwind... where it IGNITES the whirlwind, creating what's probably little more than a fiery tornado of pain and heat if you happen to be inside it...

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Blades collide with blade until Mantigora realizes her blows aren't doing any good, and as soon as she drops back to the ground she leaps back away from Odin, clearly expecting a counterattack.... That never comes. Instead he appears to be ... charging something. That is never good. She's seen what Ahnniliators can do when they have a chance to charge up, and she has seen nothing to make her doubt that this being can easily do as much damage as those titanic constructs if given the chance.

She exhales sharply, mentally channeling as much energy as she can spare into her augmented systems. Legs flex, and then with a powerful kick-off send her leaping back towards Odin. This time she forgos the fancy tricks and sticks to what, in the end, her people do best.

Beat the bloody everloving shit out of something.

Claws slice again and again in alternating fashion, hoping the disruptive energy she's pumping into them will have some effective on that barrier like charge he appears to be gathering. The very nature of this attack technique makes it highly destructive, but every blow she makes sucks up larger and larger amounts of her nanotech reserves.

After four swipes Mantigora pauses briefly, right claws glowing even brighter as the last of the charges gathers in them. "But the weapon, no matter how strong..." Those overcharged blades come in a final vicious forward thrust towards Odin "Is only as good as the weilder!"

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia had next to nothing left, she was already tapped and put almost everything she had in that last attack. She was already fading, dizzy, could barely stand... she wasn't exactly built for trading blows like this, and it was obviously taking its toll.

Nothing left but a small pool of mana, Anivia had to utilize it as best she could, do as much damage with what firepower she still had. Though she couldn't conjure enough mana for a spell-combo, she might be able to use what was left from her other spells. The ice that Odin was shattering and shaking off of him all fight? It didn't exactly go away, Anivia's ice seems to never melt so long as the Cryophoenix is near by.

Odin happened to still be standing in a large pile of Anivia's magic ice from her last spell. A slight mistake... but Anivia wasn't going to correct him.

The shards of ice around Odin flashes blue briefly... as the Cryophoenix mutters another spell under her breath. Slowly the ice-shards begin to rise from the ground, hovering in the air around Odin for several seconds... before all converging on him. The shards of ice in various sizes, some the size of a pebble, some the size of a fist, others much larger than that all brush and collect harmlessly, but annoyingly around Odin's armor.

Anivia's next spell was similar to her previous Shatter spell, creating a small series of needle-like spears in front of her. As the needles fly at Odin, every ice crystal around him begins to explode in a violent magical chain reaction. The ice shards as small as pebbles go off like bullets, the ones the size of fists explode like subzero hand-grenades, and the larger ones... hopefully will be enough to take Odin out before he unleashes his next attack.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou's in no better condition after launching all those swords. And seeing most of them being deflected and shattering is enough to put a little despair in his heart. But he chokes down on it the instant Odin begins drawing in extreme aether. No, he can't be... crap.

    "Crap, I don't have a choice...!" Unless SOMEONE brings out a miracle answer, the only way he's going to survive is running or stopping Odin where he stands. And if he runs, that'll be saving himself, but not the others...%R    That choice is forbidden him. He can't ever be such a coward. It will betray everything he's working for.

    "...Trace, on." The boy solemnly chants. His one good arm extending in preparation and reaching for the sky, he forces the design for Odin's own weapon through his tired Magic Circuits. It appears in an upwards surge of golden light, grasped high over his head.

    Even before the weapon's fully formed, however, the same aura Odin's showing flows around Shirou. Aetheric energy mixed with what's left of Shirou's own prana flow into the sword. Its ferocious edge glows molten white, with crimson lightning added to the display after the tip finally forms.

    This is by no means quite the same practiced skill Odin's displaying. Shirou's whole body is trembling. It's screaming from pain and the abuse he's currently heaping on it through prodigious prana output. The blade's glow intensifies, growing brighter and brighter while the crimson lightning arcs more sinisterly... and Shirou brings the weapon back... "The obsidian blade that cleaves even reason itself... here we go, ZANTETSUKEN!!!"

    Shirou's swing is not horizontal, but diagonal. The ultimate slash is an arc of lethal white that carves a great trench into the ground and splits several small boulders that happen to be in the way. Extremely focused down to only several times the height of a man in width, but aimed right for Odin in his most vulnerable moment!

Odin (576) has posed:
Odin goes to rise to his feet slowly. When the Digimon fires, the shots blast through his left arm, black aetheric energy wisps out from the impact points, yet he does not seem to flinch or even falter...

When Mantigora comes into attack. Her claws find some field for a moment that seems to be acting like a barrier, but a few her strikes manages to get in and cleave at his armor, as more aetheric energy gives way...

Auron's tornadoe rips around Odin, tearing away at his armor, burning away the outer layers. Those eyes glowing brightly still, even in the fires. His blade ever looking ready to strike out....

Aniva unleashes her winter blast, which actually freezes Odin for once and when Shirou unleashes the might of the copied blade of Odin-- the sheer strike slams into the frozen form of Odin and shatters it into shards, before those shards explode with dark aetheric energy.

The blue shield around Captain America and Mihk fades away.. it seems they have won and in turn, if his words true-- they have earned his favor. Except for Shirou-- cause he keeps KOing himself!

Yet in the distance on a building, with no shadow under him, a white robed figure with a red mask claps his hands. He claps his hands to those who have been victorious, before only in that moment letting himself be seen.

Then walks away from sight to seemingly only vanish...

Shirou though who has been knocked out may find some type of magic cast over him, one that helps him come back around and at least give him the strength to stand. Though whee it comes from or who casts it is hard to say beyond a soft whisper only in his ear, 'You have much potential to use the weapon of a god. Perhaps we can aid you grow further-- if you wish it..'

Though who ever owns the whisper and where-ever it comes from, Shirou may never know.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
Mantigora takes a few wary steps back, breathing heavily. And yet, for as much as she hurts, feeling rather invigorated. So much power, such spirit, so much effort just to strike him...

And the moment is somewhat ruined by just how hard the exhaustion hits her, HUD warnings flashing that she expended pretty much all of her nano-energy on that last strike. Shit, she's pretty vulnerable at the moment, and surrounded by what otherwise would be enemies.

"Well," she murmurs as she retracts her blades. "That was interesting... But I think I shall take my leave before people remember than normally we're on opposite sides."

There's a displacement of energy briefly as she summons her uni-wheeled motorbike, quickly hops on and speeds away amongst the ruins before someone comes along to try and take advantage of her weakened state.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron watches as the Primal discorporates. Fayth, he just wants to /collapse/. He has used so much energy, taken so much damage. His body is very loudly reminding him that he's not a young man anymore, with screaming pain in every limb, every muscle, every bone. But the clapping sound gets his attention, and he forces his body to move. He's aiming to get between that man and Shirou, since he has no idea what that man's game is.

    However, the man is soon retreating, for whatever reason. The whisper is lost on Auron, as it was not meant for his ears. He does make to tend Shirou, though, since he seems to be pretty bad off. And because people appear to be leaving before anyone else can render aid to them. He does not to Mantigora, however, even if he'd have recommended staying for a bit of medical care.

    Now. Shirou. Auron has heard of this problem happening to Shirou before. He does have one very precious item he can use to assist Shirou. And if it looks like he needs it, even when whatever magic was cast on him goes into effect, Auron will attempt to use it.

    Ultimately, the feeling of someone using a Hi-Ether is the equivalent to an espresso with double shot, mixed with Red Bull, and a sprinkling of the waking-up aspects of a slap in the face, without the pain, right in one's mana. Or in Shirou's case (if Shirou has not indicated that he does not wish the item used upon him), right in his prana.

Anivia (61) has posed:
Anivia watches as Odin falls, the Cryophoenix wobbling back and forth on her legs... then simply collapses with a sigh of relief. Now that she didn't have to worry about an Elder God rampaging across the Multiverse, she could finally focus her magic to mending herself... right here seemed fine... yeah, moving sounded like a bad idea for a while.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Hoooray. Odin... is gone. Again.

    Shirou's in a rough spot, having drained nearly all of his prana - and by that definition, his body's life energy - to fire off that crappy imitation Zantetsuken. Gasping, panting, and shivering, he struggles just to not topple over. This, he manages for only a few seconds of lopsided, delirious staggering. One step forward, another step forward, leaning on Zantetsuken for support as his consciousness starts fading... yes, his body forcibly shutting down so he won't die.

    But then several kinds of magic hit him. Enervating power from two sources. Still intensely pained from his gruesome injury (which, oddly enough, is slowly setting itself - painfully, for that matter...) he now has some energy. "...H-huuuuagh...."

    He does get a look at Auron, but his vision's pretty blurry from a pounding headahe and all the pain. "A-auron? What did you say just now...?" It's not that he doesn't want to thank him. He just can't yet spare the breath.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron blinks. "Me? Nothing." Pause. "Did you... hear something?" he inquires. He looks to the place where the man with the red mask was seen last. Of course there's nothing there now. Pause. His remaining eye narrows. Then he looks back to Shirou, and to the others. "...We should get to medical. I'm sure we all have injuries that need tending to...."