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Advent of the Kingseeker
Date of Scene: 12 August 2014
Location: Great Painting of Ariamis <PoA>
Synopsis: Having rung both Bells of Awakening, Kingseeker Frampt awakens from his slumber to elucidate the fate of the undead.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, Staren, Priscilla, 134, 152, 168, 182, 183, 283, 307, 385, 396, Riva Banari, 513, Wuyin Tsai
Tinyplot: Dark Souls TP

Priscilla has posed:
    As with all things in Lordran, despite all that has happened over the last while, Firelink shrine remains stubbornly resistant to change. Arrivals are greeted with the quiet mountain air, the faint, dappled sunlight, and the glow of the pueculiar, twinkling bonfire that had marked every visit previous, same as always. Even the weather seems to want to remain eternally the same, down to the leaden grey clouds over the burn in the distance. A great many people seem to be leaving the crumbling, moss covered ruins, judging by the groups of human figures a ways from the shrine taking stairs and bridges to who knows where, but none seem to be coming in. It's as if the whatever draw Firelink once held has either disappeared, or been supplanted by a much more driving desire to be elsewhere for all these people. Even the giant crows that nest in the colossal tree above seem to have flown elsewhere, at least for the time being.

    The natural warpgate seems to have shifted slightly in the interim, dumping people out on the solid ground outside rather than knee deep in water. The gathering crowd seems to be the last group hitting the shrine as the clusters of distant pilgrims gradually vanish from sight, one after the other. Accidentally coinciding with the last elite making their way to the bonfire, Priscilla comes down the front steps of the former shrine building, looking happier than anyone has seen her in a while, though in such a way that only people familiar with her tiny range of expression would be able to tell. "I am gladdened to see so many of thee here." she says. "And even more gladdened to say that the Bells of Awakening hath indeed borne results. Summoned by their ringing, one very old and wise hath joined us here in order to provide guidance and direction to the poor souls wandering this land. Pray, be respectful."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    When a certain beanpole of a magus steps through the warpgate, his first instinct is to look down. Something is different.

    Chris's shoes aren't soaked. Huh.

    But it doesn't take him long to notice the distinct lack of people otherwise, and when Priscilla makes her entrance, he regards her with an expression that would look suspicious on anyone else - but for him, mostly just falls into the 'curious' spectrum.

    "I can do respectful. ...have to know how, as a magus. Lot of Old things back home."

Ciaran (396) has posed:
    Ciaran returns to Firelink Shrine. It would seem a great deal had transpired since last she attended to the needs of Priscilla's timeline, and she is eager to learn of the details. To say there is spring in her step wouldn't be quite right, yet today there is an energy of /purpose/ in the Hornet's stride not always present. Head up, gaze alert, her feet quick and silent, she hastens to where Priscilla stands /smiling/, and there at the foot of the shrine, Ciaran stops to offer a slight bow over her crossed hands.

    "Lord's blessings upon thee, Lady Priscilla. 'Old and wise,' you say?"

Artorias (182) has posed:
    As absent as Artorias may have been through the last excursions through Lordran, Firelink Shrine is still somewhat familiar to him. Familiar enough that suddenly stepping into a complete lack of water is far more jarring than anything in the last week. The great knight pauses once he exits the gate, staring down at his feet in vague perplexion until Sif pads up to him and gives a brief, assertive 'wuff'. "...aye, aye, I know 'tis not that significant. Thou need'st not berate me."

    He lifts a hand, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks around the area. The departing groups are noted, as is the strange lack of crow in the shrine. And then there's Priscilla, and while Artorias may not be as nimble as the Hornet, he still follows along after a moment in his own rattling lumber.

    Ciaran's bow is echoed, though the Abysswalker doesn't fold his hands. "Well met, Lady Ciaran. If I may ask...precisely /how/ old art we to expect this individual to be?" Clearly the knight would like a familiar face or two.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja, unnecessarily, enters already Floated. He frowns as he wobbles above the ground. Well, at least he's not wet. Taking in the weather, rather beautiful view of the Firelink shrine, and then the rat walks over to the bonfire itself. Hands reach out, and he warms them.

"Faram be praised!" Is the rat's oh-so-enlightening first response. Crossing himself, and offering a prayer, the rat doesn't bother hiding a grin. To get closer to seeing the Undead freed of their shackles? Faruja would do a dance if he wasn't tryin to be polite. His tail flickers happily however.

Two ears perk. "Nay doubt we shall all be aught but respectful and polite. Whom is this wise person? Their name, title? Any particular ceremony or decor we aught follow that ye know of, Priscilla?" The rat's clearly in diplomacy mode at this point, straightening his clothes and standing a little taller.

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva is here in less formal clothing. After her experience with Blighttown, she was a little reluctant, but it seems she got over it enough to come to Firelink Shrine and find out...

"Well, this place isn't bad. Not bad at all. Very atmospheric." She comments, smiling to those present. "Don't worry! I'll be polite, Lady Priscilla." She takes the cue from the strange masked woman on the title, though the striking appearance of Ciaran also makes her watch her intently, curiosity and interest on her face.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan Hall is here! This time in person, of course, like the rest. "Salutations." He says, as he finishes up the brief walk, and then stares at Priscilla for a moment. Wait, what's going on? She's... Different? What? Nathan has known the crossbreed for long enough to realize something's off about her, but with his emotional obliviousness he sure can't tell what it is.

    Maybe she has a haircut, Nathan thinks.

    And then, more relevant things! "Ah, I see. I will attempt to approach our guide with due respect, Priscilla." As if he's not always respectful! "Are there any particular means of address or similar gestures of respect that we should be utilizing? Or will our traditional approach suffice?" Nathan stops to ask, but as soon as Priscilla waves them on, he'll be heading on further through the main shrine building and such! No sense in keeping this old guide waiting.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki steps through the gate, parasol raised. She's not as likely as some to be surprised by the differences at Firelink since this is her first time being here, but... well. She thinks she likes it here! Glancing off to the horizon, she thinks that she sees the bridge that she flew to after they had spoken with that merchant. And she certainly sees the beautifully stagnant sky, feels the stale air! She breathes it all in, closing her eyes out of respect for the environment.

    She could probably be blindsided by any random hollow that happened to pass by. And as always, she doesn't seem to care at all.

    When Priscilla comes by, though, she quietly nods her head in reply. 'Very old and very wise', hmm? That's an interesting introduction. One that piques her interest! So, settling in the shade of one of the walls of the ruin, she waits with bated breath... though to others she might seem bizarrely sedate.

    ... buuuut she can't forget to give Faruja a pleasant little nod before metaphorically fading out of existence. So she does, whether he happens to notice her doing so or not.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    Sakura has shown up in person today, which hopefully means that she will not be seeing any horrible deaths. She has had quite enough of that.

    She's brought food with her; some sort of pork sandwich. There is plenty to share, should people want.

    She'll be quiet as she approaches, though, simply nodding in response to the request of respectfulness. She usually manages to actually be respectful, so it should be fine.

    "It is good to see you in such spirits." is her one comment, before waiting to be led to their guide.

Allyn (307) has posed:
A large wolf wolf limps out of the warpgate and glances around for a few moments, he glances around for a few moments to see what is going on, he'd never wandered this way before. His ears perk a little and he sniffs about for a few moments and then eyes the other wolf for a moment or two, before limping over towards Faruja and leans lightly against him, though he stays quiet as he listens.

Staren has posed:
    Staren arrives through the gate... a few feet off the air, 'energy wings' already materialized... and then he looks down and sees solid ground. "Oh." He lands and looks around, nodding to familiar faces, then looks around for the changes to the area. "Hmm... I see you moved the warpgate. Glad to see everyone here. Priscilla, it's been a long time."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    In short order, Sakura will find that she has a new, six-foot-two pocket magus of her very own, standing closse by and staring at the extra supplies she's brought.

    Chris is still technically a teenager, after all. And she has food.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Tagging along with Faruja in a manner most unusual for the species, an arctic fox in its summer coat - so, dark grey with lighter patches - seems to be enjoying itself. Little healthy lives in this forsaken land, but some creatures are particularly tenacious - or simply too innocuous to garner much attention from the beastly inhabitants.

    The fox dives into some tall grass with great speed after pausing in its steps and emerges scarfing down a mouse.

    Its meal quickly finished, however, it soon hops up onto Faruja's back and sort of bellyflops on a shoulder, tail wagging, ears alert, and eyes locked on Priscilla.

Priscilla has posed:
    Having all these people show up to see the fruits of their labours is just a little bit heartwarming, even for Priscilla. It's even better to hear each of them speak with varying measures of optimism for a change as well, rather than degrees of depression, fear, or unease. Yes, this is indeed a very bright day for the halfbreed. She had long wondered about how her homeworld had turned out, and upon finding it, hadn't been confident that she would be able to do anything for it at all, but in the end, had just enough attachment to it to feel obligated to try. Now, for the first time, there is a clear, guaranteed way to succeed, and she has all the help in the world to see it through. A great weight is off her shoulders already, and there is no real reason not to let it show.

    "I cannot thank any of thee enough for all of thine hard and honest work in making it this far. Perhaps I speaketh prematurely, but it is mine firm belief that the bravery thou hast shown is exactly the key to this world's salvation, as I couldst hath done nothing without it." Having two of the knights of Gwyn bowing to her is a little surprising, but Priscilla is in good enough humour to attempt to return the gesture. "I am certain the two of thee especially will be most pleased." she offers coyly. "I shall introduce thee in a moment." she then offers in way of answer to those asking. "I shall hold thee to no particular customs aside from good manners. Simply offer him the same respect thou wouldst of any elder, and please, do not overwhelm him with too many irrelevant questions."

    With those vague statements, Priscilla gestures everyone in through the open arch that once held the shrine's front doors, leading them "inside" to where the portal had formerly been. Rather than the shallow pool of clear water before the old and weathered statue however, the floor seems to have given way entirely, opened up by some mechanism that leaves a gaping pit so impossibly deep that nothing can be seen down it whatsoever. Rising from this pitch black hole in the floor is . . . well its a thing alright. Some manner of creature in the vague approximation of a snake, easily large enough to swallow a man whole, covered in grey, leathery, slightly wrinkled skin rather than scales. Its head resembles a human's skull structure much more than any serpent's, with a grotesquely elongated face; a large, squashed nose; great, bulbour orange eyes; and slanted jaws that push its teeth well outside of its mouth in a bare, lipless grimace. Loppy protrusions hang from above its mouth like some kind of fleshy mustache, giving the vague impression of a bald old man, if horrifyingly ugly. When the creature speaks, its voice sounds like that of a refined gentleman.

    "Ahhhh, hello! You are the companions of Lady Priscilla, are you not? Those chosen few who have rung the Bells of Awakening. Have you come seeking enlightenment?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is here and has been here the whole time she's just been keeping a lower profile that's all she does speak up now.

"Right keep respectful and don't snark, got it." She follows Priscilla as she moves see just what awaits them. To say she's shocked a bit is a lie but she attemps to get over it quicklty she knows you can't judge a creature by it's looks here. She's still getting a feel for the place and just hoping they can maybe do this poor ravaged world some good.

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    For the moment, Chris is utterly silent. There's not much he can do but stare.

    His thoughts run somewhere along the line of, 'Wow, that thing is certainly... unique.'

Faruja (152) has posed:
Reeeeach! Faruja shamelessly scritches Allyn's ears. There's no words this time, no, he lets the scritches do the talking. There /is/ a smile though. Staren, and really everyone gets a bow, before Finna leaps out with a mouse.

Twitch. Twitch! Faruja only keeps from biting the Fox-Exalt by the joyous news from Priscilla. A deep sigh. Reach! Pet fox tail.

"If ye try that we mineself, M'Lady, we shall hath /words/." Tweak an ear!

Faruja's own ear perks, and he nods to Mizuki! Normally, he'd bow, but he has a fox on the shoulder. Then she fades. A brow raises. Sigh.

"...Ahh, never change, M'Lady." Really, Priscilla and Mizuki aught to have a dissappearing contest.

Priscilla's words get a swift nod. Be polite, don't ask stupid questions. Easy enough.

Faruja peers down the hole. Sudden visions of being devoured whole assault him, and he can't help but squeak. He blames Finna for seeding the idea. Faruja's warm smile grows just a touch shakey.

"...Hail, and blessings be upon ye, honored one! Quite so, quite so. Most notably, upon the fate of these lands, and those poor, trapped souls whom art so well link and cursed of the Dark Sign. God willing, how they aught be freed at that." Faruja crosses his chest. There's a hopeful, perhaps desperate look in his gaze. Every single avenue of the rat's dried up long ago. All he can do is hope the serpent can help.

Ciaran (396) has posed:
    Ciaran catches Riva's stare from the corner of her vision; turning her head, she stares back in silence, watching Riva for so long as Riva's stare is maintained. The porcelain mask Ciaran wears is carved to look as if it is always smirking. Based on the glitter in the green eyes behind it, Ciaran herself may for once be echoing that expression in good humor.

    But, if Riva is not any good at detecting these subtleties, then perhaps all Ciaran has accomplished is to disturb a human being in unintended ways.

    "Sir Artorias." The greeting given is soft.

    Priscilla's continued good humor -- the claims that Ciaran and Artorias should be /pleased/ by the guest -- then absorb Ciaran with wondering, and so it is she climbs the steps eagerly to discover what or whom awaits within the shrine. Could it be Lord Gwyn? One of his children? His long-gone Lady?

    Oh, no. It is nothing like one of those great figures.


    Is that a chill in Ciaran's voice? She has certainly stiffened. Her voice muffled to monotony, she tries a polite greeting, though in truth she isn't sure how she should react at all. "...Lord's blessings be upon thee, serpent."

Staren has posed:
    Staren gives Priscilla a look, like... the same respect /he/ would show to 'any elder'? Being old doesn't make you worthy of respect.

    Still, he'll try to be polite.

    Staren's eyes widen a bit as he sees the strange snake-man monster. Ooooookaaaaay. He's not sure what he expected. "I have come seeking a way to put an end to the undead plague on this land. If enlightenment would help with that... that's fine, then." he shrugs a little.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    Sakura will follow along after Priscilla, heading in to the shrine to visit what their many struggles have allowed them to reach. Surely, this person will have some idea what to do!

    The medic will stop short as she actually sees who and what await. She'll shoot Priscilla a glance, uncertain how she is quite so thrilled with this, but not wanting to be offensive. Still, she'll stay quiet rather than ask an 'irrelevent' question at first; she'll save one for when she's already been enlightened!

Artorias (182) has posed:
    "Oh, really?" Artorias almost sounds relieved by Priscilla's assurances. "Well, then. We shalt certainly do our best to be cordial to the fellow, whoever he may be." The dark knight nods, then follows along into the shrine, where-

    Where his hand abruptly flies up to his greatsword's handle, but just as abruptly freezes before his fingers can touch it. The Wolf seems to struggle for several moments with himself as he simply stares at the bizarre thing: on the one hand, this creature is a /serpent/, an imperfect dragon, and by that knowledge alone Artorias feels far more inclined to give it his sword rather than any cordiality; on the other, however...it is apparently here to help them, and it wouldn't be the first time some damnable offshoot of those eternal creatures had chosen to do something moderately benevolent.

    No doubt he stands there in awkward, twitchy silence for several moments until Ciaran's greeting strikes some sense into him. His hand merely clenches into a fist, then lowers to his side. The towering knight struggles to stay upright and composed, though...is his voice somewhat less warm than usual, with that ghostly echoing strangely enhanced? "...well met, good sir."

    He looks aside to where Priscilla is. Of course his face can't be seen, but something in those shadows just gives off an air of 'are you kidding me.'

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "I see. I will treat them as such, then." Nathan says, simply. "And I will try to keep my questions relevant." He shuffles on in, to the place where the warpgate used to be. Yeah, you know what? I'm glad the warpgate moved away from this too.

    Nathan stops and stares at the man-headed snake-thing for a long while, trying to process what he's looking at. There's a brief moment of awkward silence before he begins. "Salutations." He speaks in the usual emotionless monotone. "I am Nathan Hall, humble librarian from lands not worth naming. We do come seeking enlightenment. I was made to understand that, through ringing the Bells of Awakening, we might discover the fate of the undead. We come seeking knowledge of how to save this land from the blight that has taken it and protect the people within."

    "Any wisdom you might share would be of great value to us." He says, simply. That was all respectful, right? Nathan's not really sure what passes for respectful for this kind of... Guy, but close enough, probably. Don't stare at the jaw, don't stare at the jaw, don't stare at the jaw...

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    As fate rears its exceptionally ugl -- er... UNIQUE visage, Mizuki doesn't so much as bat an eyelash. She's not tempted to be snide here... though she might be tempted, just the slightest little bit, to pet the as-of-yet-unnamed snake from the black lagoon on the head. Why? She doesn't even know, but for some odd reason this ancient horror/sage/championship snorer seems extremely petable. For now, she just waggles a hand in front of her mouth in a yawn.

     But alas, Disfigurement Snake The Venerable speaks in time. The voice -does- catch her off guard a bit, and she has to fight a moment to restrain a giggle, but she ultimately emerges victorious in her bout with her amusement. Afterwards, she offers a nod of her head. "I am always seeking enlightenment, naturally." Nathan pretty much covered the rest, so she just relaxes for now.

    Ah. But before I forget, Faruja might be wondering why he feels a tickling sensation, a painfully strong urge to laugh about it, and an even stronger sensation of being blanketed by temporal energy. Oh, wait! Nah, he wouldn't wonder at all. Mizuki is just being coy today, naturally.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nuzzles Faruja's hand lightly when his friend scritches his ears. The wolf proably looks in the worst shape the ratman has seen, his wounds not having healed fully. He glances up towards the fox on Faruja and sniffs towards it for a few moments and he gives both the fox and Faruja a slight wag of his tail. He follows close by his friend at least and peers at the creature for a few moments, though not too long, tilting his head some as he examines it.

Finna (513) has posed:
    The summer-coated arctic fox seems to adore the attention Faruja offers, having shaken him or not! The tail does wriggle away from any real grasps though... and, on his little warning, Finna brings her rather small body around and starts lick-tickling Faruja's ear with EVERYTHING she's got the moment he's done talking.

    But then... then she turns her attention towards the ting that's been speaking. Because, yes, THING is a fairly good description of it.

    With a startled squeak, Finna topples off Faruja's shoulder and ... appears to be hiding from the Serpent.

    For about five seconds, anyways.

    But once she's caught her breath, she trots out before Faruja, passes by Allyn with a sniff and a deliberate gentle whump from her tail, then... eyes up towards the serpent's.... generous.... dental gear.

    Her flesh ripples like shaken putty, and then bulges outward and upwards. As she rises and heightens, she goes from four legged to two, fur receding and replacing itself with a huntress' leather outfit complete with a shortbow over her back in no time at all... but perhaps not quite fast enough for SOME.

    Not that this momentary lack of modesty appears to bother her in the slightest. When the process is complete, Finna's standing there. Somewhere of middling height, of slight frame and nimbler than strong by any guess... just... pay no mind to the array of fanciful, ALMOST glowing silvery tattoos covering her flesh where it's bared, or the fox tail and ears adorning her form.

    It turns out she does, indeed, have words for Frampt. "... What....a.....GRIN you have... have you a name to go with it? I am Finna Snowdancer, from lands far from here."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Aaaah - !! Hang on, I'm coming, sorry I was late!!"

The voice belongs to one Yuna Kagurazaka as she comes running from the warpgate JUST in time to see everyone heading through the archway; she immediately gives chase, stumbling a bit as she has to re-adjust to the terrain here, but she manages not to go sprawling on her face. In fact, she recovers her balance pretty well and settles into a quick jog, catching up with the others ...

Just in time to find herself looking up at the Primordial Serpent.

There's a subvocal 'eep!' before Yuna comes to the conclusion that her best course of action is a deep, polite bow that doesn't QUITE take her eyes off of the creature ... and besides, it sounds VERY polite, so it's probably not going to eat them without some kind of forewarning. Particularly with what it's saying. "I've tried to help where I'm able," she answers as she straightens up, mustering a smile and hoping to heaven that she isn't sweating profusely. "That may not have been as much help as I've hoped to provide, though ..."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Enlightenment," comes a voice from behind, "always comes at a price."

Wuyin arrives, fashionably late and lately fashionable. He's dressed less casually than he was before, in dark green pants and a like-colored coat, bearing light-colored patterns up the sleeves and shoulders. It's got a very Eastern flair. His sword and elementalism focus reside at their usual spots at his sides. No 3D glasses, either. Must be about as serious as he gets.

"I have found that the cost is commensurate with the knowledge or power gleaned. I would hope, however, that our continued aid is more than enough, honored one. I am called Wuyin."

He stops in his tracks, bowing formally. Unlike Yuna, he didn't have any trouble with the terrain or the timing. You just gotta make the best of it!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva is bad at detecting expressions behind masks. She does, however, smile with a quirk of an eyebrow. She seems to not be too put off by the strange mask.

Riva listens attentively to the things said by Priscille, and she blushes a little bit, and bows a little. "It's no problem, Lady Priscilla! I'm just glad to have been able to help." Despite almost causing a party wipe because she got an itchy trigger finger. She still owes Amalthea one for that.

Riva strolls into the area indicated and stands to one side in the courtyard, and gazes in surprise, but she doesn't say anything immediately, closing her mouth. She bows again, but doesn't address him, the others filling in nicely for her. She has /no/ idea who this.. um... being... is. And he looks very odd. Where's the nose? It's like a giant toothy snake. She fidgets for a short time, and then looks back over through the group.

It's at that point that she edges over towards Ciaran and whisper to her,

"Where did you get that dress? It looks /amazing/."

What? Clothing is important to her, okay?

Ciaran (396) has posed:
    Ciaran gives Riva a rather startled look. "These...are the robes of my order. I am Lord's Blade Ciaran, of the Four Knights, and what thou see'st is the mark of my station." A quieter addendum follows, in a warmer tone of one who knows she has been complimented: "I do thank thee for the kindness."

Priscilla has posed:
    Whatever kind of stares the "snake" seems to be drawing, either he doesn't notice, or is so used to them he doesn't mind. In fact, he seems to be staring more at the assembled group than anything. All these different species wearing all sorts of strange clothes and speaking languages he must never have heard before, really must make for quite a sight. His great, bald head looms over the elites lined up by the pit, ogling them one after the other with those slit-pupiled eyes. Unfortunately, for those few moments of brief proximity, everyone is treated to the fact that his breath /really/ stinks.

    "Well met young ones. I am the Primordial Serpent, Kingseeker Frampt, close friend of the Great Lord Gwyn. It is my honoured duty to elucidate the fate of the undead to those with the courage to awaken me. Already many pilgrims and knights have come to seek my council, and gone on their way to seek remedy for the Darksign of which you speak." Pleased by Faruja's politeness, he lingers over Ciaran and Artorias especially, clearly recognizing them. "And I see fate has been kind enough to provide us with his knights of old. The return of such heroes to the stage of time warms my heart." The great serpent's teeth clack loudly together as he speaks, giving off a bony rattling alongside a surprisingly good natured chuckle, amused in equal parts by Yuna's modesty and Staren's nonchalance. "Any friend of these esteemed figures is more than worth my time, especially when time is most of what I have. Your actions are worthy of praise."

    Finally, that big bulbous head drifts over Nathan, Mizuki and Wuyin in turn. "The tasks you have already undertaken are well deserving of recognition. The Bells of Awakening are more than enough of a price for any knowledge I can offer you." It's a little weird hearing the sound one usually saves for clearing one's throat without hands for the appropriate gesture to go with it, but that's exactly what Frampt does. "Now that both Bells have been rung, among all of those who have come to this land, a Chosen will emerge, and gain entry into Anor Londo, the city of the Gods; forbidden to humans for a thousand years. There, they are to claim the sacred Lordvessel, and in doing so, succeed the Great Lord Gwyn. Long have I waited for the day this Chosen would appear, and so too does Lord Gwyn await, at the Kiln of the First Flame, for his successor, so that they may link the Fire, cast away the Dark, and undo the curse of the Undead. Retrieving the Lordvessel from its safekeeping and returning it to this shrine is imperative to the future of this world."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    Surprisingly enough, when Chris next speaks, it's in an even, smooth tone. "Thank you for your guidance, old one. This Chosen, is there a way for us to know them? Have they already been selected, by whatever force chooses such things, or will our own actions have a bearing on that?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
-- oh right, introductions. Yuna bows again, and somewhat belatedly gives her name, "Yuna Kagurazaka, of Shiraokadai ... which is also a long way away from here."

Then the Kingseeker begins telling his story ... and as Yuna listens, she seems to relax. The Primordial Serpent may be creepy as hell to look at, but he's clearly an ally to those who would lift the curse. That lets her focus on the 'why' more than the 'what,' but she's still somewhat ill at ease actually looking at Frampt.

Chris's question covers most of what Yuna was thinking to ask, so she keeps on listening.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja, is in fact, quite ticklish. His smile widens painfully as teeth grit, trying to hold in the laugh. Wiggle wiggle wiggle! The rat steps from foot to foot as his skin goes slightly red under the fur. Finna's own ear-tickles aren't help the matter at all! Snicker. Snickersnickersqueak! At least it's quiet, as the rat puts a hand over his muzzle. The glare that Mizuki and Finna get is both heavily amused, and /very/ annoyed. He's so going to pay you two back!

Luckily, horrid breath does much to stop his impending giggles. Faruja has more sensitive smell than most. Faruja goes from red, to /green/.

"...Our th...thanks for thine wisdom, Ser Frampt." Faruja's voice is very, very squeaky.

But Faruja digests it all. Chris asks the rat's initial question. "'Lord Gwyn'? The...deity" Someone praise the rat, he manages to not choke on the word.

"Whom watches this world, yes? Then, the Chosen shall inherit this place, as well?" Faruja may just look a little disturbed here.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe bows slightly introducing her self afte rthe others do so she says "I am known as Tomoe."

No title no true name but then again she's more apt to respond to Tomoe than she is Sheena at this point. She goes quite once more to listen as thier strange ally speaks to them. She's got her own, it sounds like they are in the home streatch however she wonders whom will beThis Chosen will be.

"Humm I see thank you sir you are most kind and yout straight forward nature is appicated."

The age old being is not speaking in riddles or cryptically. She's going to darn well thank them for it.

she looks over to Farja she moves and places a hand on Faruja's shoulder in an attempt to calm the Mouse Inquistor

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    That gets Sakura to speak up, finally, her own question following after Chris' rather more immediately pertinant question. "Will the chosen end up having more power than Lord Gwyn? If not, how will they throw back the curse if he has not managed to do so?" She's not entirely certain how long it has been going on, but it seems to have been for quite a while, after all.

Ciaran (396) has posed:
    The effusive praise is a startling thing to be heard, all told; Ciaran's stiffness is no longer the posture of a woman gone aloof, but one struck by the strangest thing she's ever heard. "By Gwyn's beard," she murmurs to herself. The oath will be only audible to those closest to her, or by the keen ears of a wolf like Allyn or Sif.

    "I beg your pardon, Sir; the Bells of Awakening unlock the way into Anor Londo? And the Lordvessel is to be taken from it?" Now Ciaran is perplexed by more than compliments alone. A certain guardedness comes over the Lord's Blade, her protective instinct riled on behalf of her beloved city. Taking a step forward, her stiffness replaced by a sudden defiant flame, she asks more of Frampt: "Thou wouldst have us lay siege to the very dwelling of our Great Lord? And where is thine proof, serpent, that Lord Gwyn himself issued these orders? Where is he now to be so content by awaiting this /Chosen/? What has happened to Lord Gwyn -- thou hast spoken to him, or so thou claims! A close friend indeed -- where is thine proof?!"

Faruja (152) has posed:
The look Faruja gives Tomoe all but screams, 'Why am I surrounded by heathens?'. His ears fold back. Squeak.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Stylish as well as prestigious!" Riva chuckles. "It's no problem, I just really like your style." She says, but she straightens up as Frampt starts talking. She wrinkles her nose as she gets a dose of that exceptional bad breath. She listens attentively, nodding, before turning and starting to take notes on her phone. Some terms might need definition later to deal with contextual issues.

"So we need to find someone to claim this this Lordvessel and become the successor, which will break the curse. Got it."

And suddenly dissension! Riva looks surprised, and just goes quiet, looking between Ciaran and the Kingseeker with confusion. This might have just gotten complicated.

And with that, suddenly she looks over at Wuyin. Oh god. He /loves/ complicated. This is going to get even /more/ complicated in a minute.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki gives all of those preceding her, spirited or not so much, the opportunity to speak before she offers her own words. "Forgive any indiscretion on my part, Sir Frampt," Her eyes dart up to the serpent, "especially since my understanding of this world is fairly limited, but this sound cyclical." She lets the words linger in the air a while. "Were we to link the flame now, would it just grow dim again? You need not dignify my question with a reply, of course, but I would be delighted to know as much. Also, if I am not overstepping my bounds as it is, I would like to know more about what 'linking the flame' entails, exactly, beyond killing beasts of yore and braving horrors untold." She widens her smile just slightly, allowing for a pause. "I admit, I ask some of this more out of personal curiosity than in the interest of practicality, but my inquiries stand."

Staren has posed:
    Finna transforms without modesty. Oh no, he can see a naked human female, whatever shall he do. He's not scandalized -- perhaps it's part of maturing, or maybe it's because something warped when he learned to see bodies as meat machines that people ride around in. Actually, he's starting to think about offering his coat as he did for Winry, because perhaps someone /else/ might be put off, but oh hey her clothes appeared. Okay then.

    The snake explains. Staren turns off his sense of smell. Still a robot, for now. An experiment to observe the long term effects, and also he's waiting for his clones to mature. Soon.

    "My questions are theirs -- how to find the chosen and help them. But I do have another: If something should happen, is there any way for /us/ to complete the Chosen's mission?"

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    The others seem to have covered a majority of Nathan Hall's questions. He keeps himself quiet and contemplative for the most part, trying to assess the questions and any potential holes in them. Hmmm, okay.

    "What is the best means for this Chosen to gain entry into Annor Londo, and what would you believe to be the most proper manner of claiming the Lordvessel be? And, once acquired, what is to be done with the Lordvessel itself, and how can our group assist the Chosen Undead in doing it?"

    He noticably doesn't say he's GOING to do any of this, but he's looking for specifics in how this is all gonna be handled, assuming that might give some insight.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "A CHOSEn Undead?" These words mean slightly different things to Finna, who takes a few steps back... nose wrinkling, lips pursing. "Faraway lands indeed. By Anor Londo, you mean the great city in these parts, Kingseeker Frampt?" She is TRYING to be respectful, but the're's strain in her voice. The strain of youthful, brash impudence trying to take everything less serious than it is.$


    This involves undead. It's very serious. That's why she's frowning!

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin straightens, nodding at the response. As long as he doesn't have to swallow any more bugs.

Things get complicated. Wuyin does not quite grin like a cat when he hears the dissension start. It's practically music to his ears. All of this seemingly-blind cooperation was grating on his nerves. Come on, shake things up a little! He doesn't see any good ways to, other than to murmur into his radio.

He asks a different question aloud. "Why was entry forbidden?" There's a slight pause. "There is a place where I am from that the common man, blind to the secrets of the world, is forbidden from. It is for their safety, rather than simply exclusion because they are 'lesser' or somesuch."

"If there is a danger to entering it beyond what may lie within..." Well, he doesn't really fancy dying to ancient wards or something unless he's gotta.

Priscilla has posed:
    "Haha! A very good question!" Frampt replies rather jovially to Chris, though what he is actually amused by is a mystery. "Fate does not mark its favourites for all to see. The worthy are chosen by the tasks they must undertake, seperating the strong and the weak, the resourceful and the dull. In doing so, the one most suitable to succeed such a great being, is the only one capable of succeeding in the first place! The Chosen shall reveal themselves through their actions, not through signs and prophecies." Tomoe's flattery makes it seem as if the great snake would be stroking his "mustache" had he the appendages, but for the time being he is more occupied by Faruja and Sakura. "The Great Lord Gwyn is the most powerful of all the Gods, and indeed, of all four Lords. It was by his strength and benevolence that Lordran was founded, and by his honour and sacrifice that it continues to exist. Ten centuries ago, when the First Flame began to dim, Lord Gwyn gave up his kingdom to journey to its source, and link the Fires all across Lordran to it. By his power does the First Flame continue to burn, and thus give life to the world. However, a thousand years is a very long time. Lord Gwyn has undoutably grown weary from his vigil, and requires someone new to pass down his legacy to, so that the First Flame may burn for another thousand years, and thus noone need guard it in seclusion."

    It's very difficult for something so big, old and stately to look taken aback, even by Ciaran's sudden almost hysterical demeanour. "Calm yourself, brave knight. There is no need to mount any sort of offensive upon Anor Londo, nor could it be done if one were to try. Arrangements have already been made to bequeath the Lordvessel onto the Chosen who comes to retrieve it. Lady Gwynevere, in her father's absence, has taken the role upon herself. Certainly you will meet in due time, and she may tell you the same. Lord Gwyn has been patient to wait so long for an heir. I am certain he will be gladdened to see you as well, once necessity no longer demands he guard the Kiln." Frampt manages it all in the calming tones of a wizened old man.

    Mizuki draws more of a curious look than anything, reigniting some enthusiasm in the serpent's voice. "Indeed, no one being may give light and life to the world for all eternity. As all great kingdoms, the role will pass to another deemed suitable, and thus maintain balance. Surely you have seen the many Bonfires about this land, correct? All of them owe their origins to the First Flame, and exude its power over the lands they bless. Once it was the sacred duty of a Firekeeper to guard each one, however many have fallen to the curse, or otherwise deserted their duties. Rekindling the First Flame is necessary to reignite each of these sacred sites, and return its influence. Frampt seems particularly amused by Staren. "How do you know you yourself are not Chosen, young one? Aha! Any of the humans among your number could possibly be the one, for you have all come here in search of them! I would never discourage you from trying for yourselves!"

    Nathan is all business as usual however. "Those who seek the Realm of the Lords must brave Sen's Fortress, a deadly house of traps devised by the ancient Gods. Many have gone before, but none have returned for a hundred years. Only the Chosen may reach its end. If you seek entry into Anor Londo for other reasons however, victory in the ancient tournament, the Battle of Stoicism, will deem you worthy of entry as a guest." Frampt merely nods (vaguely sleepily) in Finna's direction; all that is needed to answer her. Wuyin finally manages to elicit a blink from those protruding eyeballs. "If just anyone were allowed to enter, selecting a proper successor would be impossible. Anyone would fight most bloodily for the right to carry the Lordvessel. Rather than turn Anor Londo into the battleground of outsiders, they have chosen a policy of isolation."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"So just our efforts to reach the Bells and ring them could have made us these 'Chosen'?" asks Yuna. "You did say 'among all of those who have come to this land' ... although," she admits, "you also said 'a Chosen,' as if there only *will* be one."

Although even as Yuna asks her questions, she finds herself wondering anew - it CAN'T be that simple, can it? "Or ... at least helped narrow it down somewhat?" she adds, looking a bit sheepish.

Ciaran (396) has posed:
    Ciaran falls back a step, mollified, and feeling embarrassed for her outburst. Gathering her dignity, she picks up her chin, and answers the serpent in a regal, solemn manner, her voice no longer a defender's righteous peal but nevertheless exerting the echoing trait of the divinely-powered: "Then the Lady Gwynevere's counsel shall be sought, and her grace shall guide us in the absence of our Lord." After a pause, she continues, a bit more awkward of tone. "Thy patience in the face of my demands is...a welcome kindness. I thank thee."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods in agreement when the serpent explains the nature of the choosing. Still, when it supposes that /he/ might be Chosen, his eyebrows go up as he's rather surprised for a moment. Then he smirks. "You know... with your definition of Chosen, you just might be right." His smirk spreads into grin. "I like it. Much better than prophesies and omens." He looks up at the sky. Is this 'heaven' up there somewhere? After a moment, he looks back down at the snake. "I see it as my duty to be ready to be the Chosen if noone else steps up, then. Although... Mm..." he shrugs. "We'll see what happens, I guess."

    He blinks. "What's the difference between the entrance granted by beating Sen's Fortress, and the entrance granted by winning the tournament of stoicism?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja takes it all in, and finds himself with a splitting headache. The idea that /he/ could be the Chosen isn't even one that crosses his mind. He'd no doubt fall into a frothing rage at the pure Heresy of it all.

"I agree with Ser Ciaran. Finding the Lady and more importantly, the Chosen aught be our priority. As will be doing everything we may to assist them." From the rat's tone, it's clear he's not about to just stop after coming this far.

Artorias (182) has posed:
    Artorias is simply standing there with his arms folded as all this goes on. The Wolf was never one for negotiation; his tasks have always involved 'go here, smash with sword, block with shield.' Things like /this/ were always for those he viewed as wiser or more clever than he, such as...well, /any/ of the other Knights of Gwyn. It doesn't help that this whole matter is bringing a strong sense of conflict to him, ensuring that he has no idea what he should even be saying at the moment.

    He doesn't like the serpent. Indeed, he's never been a fan of any descendents of the dragons, no matter how benevolent; even Seath has always been given a wary look. Still, if what Frampt says is true...it has been ages since Artorias last saw Lord Gwyn. To see him again would be the greatest relief he could hope for.

    The Wolf doesn't say anything, but his hand does fall to rest lightly on Ciaran's shoulder. A reassuring squeeze is given to the small Hornet. Whatever comes of all this strangeness, at least he is still there with her.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "oooh.... a fortress full of traps. just my style!" Finna remarks in a tone that oozes enough sarcasm to drown a whale. ".... Really, maybe I'd be the best one getting through a mess like that! .... but this is a bit more than I bargained for." She glances sideways at Faruja, hopefully he'll catch the meaing.

    She might call for favors... might...

    Again wrinking her nose, she now folds her arms. "If nothing else thouggh, I'd like to see these gods... and if it helps take care of the Undead problem, all the better, right? So it's worth a try."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe keeps silent now as there's even more information revealed about this world and what they must do. She wonders about the chosen for a moment. There's a lot of useful informatio she's checking on Faruja again concerned but poor Faruja. If Tomoe was a legit Paladin she'd be so of another God than the one Faruja bows his head to. All your friends are Hersay Faruja...

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    "A new person to pass his legacy to?" Sakura asks, frowning to herself. Still, she will seem to fall quiet and back of the other questions, not seeming entirely satisfied, but certainly willing to listen.

    She mostly just doesn't like the form of the messenger to some degree; she doesn't really have any other basis to set it on. "Most of us are not undead. I thought you said the chosen would be?" She'll state, in response to his assertion that any of them could be the chosen.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki miiight just notice some of the rat's pent up anxiety, walking over from the wall to give him a gentle pat on the shoulder. Likewise, she gives Frampt a grateful bow of her head, allowing the others to do the talking from here. Once she's done comforting the rat, she actually... turns away from the kingseeker to see if she can catch a glimpse of the sunset when she's fairly certain no one else is looking.

    Priorities, man. Priorities.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan Hall, of course, immediately goes right to business. "Right." He says. "Only the Chosen Undead reaches the end. So, Frampt, would you say that the proper approach to this matter may be to offer our assistance to Undead passing through this Fortress as Phantoms, and assist them in gaining entrance. And for us to gain entry via this... Wait, what did you say?"

    FOCUS ON THIS NOW. "Did you say 'Battle of Stoicism'?" He says, almost emphasizing his own monotone subconsciously. "I am also interested in what manner of test this might be." He doesn't mention that this sounds like a test of the ONE THING he's best at!

Priscilla has posed:
    "It is not that you would /become/ Chosen. The Chosen is a figure who bears all the qualities deemed necessary to succeed the Great Lord Gwyn. The trials of the Bells, and of those ahead, are meant to turn away all but those who could potentially be such a figure. Only one may succeed Lord Gwyn, but having powerful allies is as much a quality as strength or intellect. There is no reason a Chosen should be forced to face every obstacle alone. After all, how would someone so solitary come to manage a kingdom?" Nevertheless, Frampt seems satisfied with the grip everyone seems to have on matters, and more than content to talk the day away (exactly like any old geezer would). "An advisor must be patient in all things, Lady Ciaran. For no reason would I take offense at your passion for your homeland."

    Then on to Staren. "Those of Anor Londo have a passion for all manner of tournaments. The honour of being among them is the prize that attracts knights from all lands. There may be many victors of the tournament, and thus many new lives to live within the city of the Gods, however the Battle of Stoicism is far older than the right of the Chosen. Its purpose is to allow the worthy entry, and nothing else. Sen's Fortress is what has been designed for the sole purpose of finding the Chosen. Besting it allows one into Anor Londo for the purpose of taking the Lordvessel to its new resting place." The serpent's head swings over to Sakura in bemusement. "You will find that I have said no such thing. It is a common belief that the curse of the undead exists to draw the Chosen to Lordran, however it is a misinterepetation to say that the Chosen must be /one/ of the undead. After all, you have been drawn here by the curse, have you not?" A satisfied chuckle follows with more of that noisy tooth-clacking. "I had not thought you, Sir Hall, as one disposed towards the tourney! Forgive me for my misjudging of your character. The Battle of Stoicism is an event where any man, knight or beggar, noble or outcast, may prove their worth in combat against the phantoms of all else who wish for a new life within the walls of Anor Londo. It is part of a long tradition of determination through personal merit. If there is one you rightfully believe to be the Chosen, by all rights, make it your duty to sponsor them. I will not prevent you. In fact, it may be fate that you should desire to."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja squints at Finna. "Mayhaps 'tis more to gain here than meets the eye." Offers the rat. Yuuuup. Seems the rat's willing to pay if it'll get the Undead freed.

Faruja leans a little against Mizuki's pat. A shake of the head. "Faram give us strength, that we may complete the tasks He hath set before us." Prays the rat.

Frampt's words cause more than a little relief on Faruja's features. "Then our course is set. Where is this Fortress? Know ye anything of it's interior? And most importantly, may one enter and leave freely?" The rat's clearly pondering something.

Faruja can also hear stoic emphasis when he hears it. "Ahem! I doth not mean to impose, Ser Frampt, however if /I/ may make a suggestion regarding this tournament?"

Smile! "Shouldst the good Ser assent to it, I wouldst like to nominate Ser Hall for the event. He shall make an excellent competitor, and nay doubt is more than resourceful enough to assist the Chosen in Anor Londo. 'Stoicism' fits the man perfectly, at that." You're welcome Nathan.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna rubs the back of her head, grinning sheepishly. "I don't know who would be the Chosen, but I can stay ready to assist him or her ... I think."

Admittedly, out of those in the group whom she knows from the Union, she's also aware that a bunch of them have other obligations - obligations which might mean that even if they're suitable as Lord Gwyn's heir, they wouldn't be able to stay in Lordran and continue in those duties. But then, Lordran and its denizens might not CARE ... so things could get interesting in a hurry if a conflict like that comes up.

Staren has posed:
    /Chosen undead/?? Does it have to be? Staren's eyes widen with the realization that /he's/ 'died' a couple times now... but then the serpent clears things up. Staren listens. "Having allies is a trait of the Chosen, hmm? So, we can enter Sen's fortress together and emerge together. Good to know."

    The tournament is explained. "So, if you want to go on to the afterlife instead of going insane, you have to win a fight against everyone else who does too? Mmph. Well, I suppose there could be worse arrangements. Why is it /called/ the tournament of Stoicism if it's a fight, though?"

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    Sakura rubs at her head. "I must have heard that from one of the knights, then. I apologize if it is in error." But she's distracted from that for one of her favorite hobbies - annoying Nathan while saving his life.

    "...Perhaps you need to stoically let them hit you until they pass out from exhaustion?" is Sakura's suggestion. It may not be tactically sound.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe listens to the being speak on what the Chosen needs. She understands that they may have to find this chosen one, that's fine by here. Anything they can do to help, right? So she contiunes to gather information by listening. He makes a good point, still she wonder she does not think she would be the chosen, but she will do her damnest to help find them. She just is keeping near Faruja for the moment.

"It may be the frame of mind you need to have to succeed in the tournament."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    A hand comes to rest on Nathan's shoulder.

    "You can do it," Chris Rothschild says simply, in a perfect deadpan. "I believe in you."

    Is he... smiling? No, couldn't be.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki, for once, is the one to ask the more immediate and practical question. Once she's turned back around, of course. "I hate to be a bore, but could you reveal anything pertaining to dangers we may face inside of the fortress? Hostile life, perhaps? Traps? Tricks? Architectural instabilities?" She folds her hands behind herself and looks warmly up at Frampt. "We'd like to know as much as we can now, so that we may prevent as many deaths as possible later on."

    Sure, there are more interesting things she could ask... historical things that he might know, given his apparent age, or more personal details about the so-called Gods here. Meh. There will be time for all that later, probably.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan's expression doesn't falter in the slightest when he finds out that this damn thing is just a combat tournament, nor does his monotone waver! But damn, that sure does sound intimidating, and it frightens Nathan a fair bit. "I am beginning to think," Nathan says, simply. "That this might actually be named incorrectly. That sounds less a test of stoicism and more a test of combat prowess. Stoicism I pride myself in having in spades. I lack combat prowess entirely."

    He makes worried noises at Faruja and Chris Rothschild. "You seem more confident in my ability to address this than I am." The slightest bit of frankness to the monotone.

    Back on subject. "In any case, it sounds as though, whether we approach this with our own interests as Chosen in mind, or the interests of another as Chosen, we can approach this in tandem with the other groups rather than in competition. Except for the tournament, I suppose." More worried noises.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Between the traps and a tournament? iiiii'll take the traps." Finna singsongs, sprouting a smirk. Yeah, she's made up HER mind over this. "Traps won't complain if you cheat past them."

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva listens attentively, back to taking notes since the possibility of shenanigans seems to have been mostly averted (Wuyin must be /so disappointed/). "Stoicism, huh? Well, Mister Hall certainly seems to be pretty stoic." She nods, agreeing with Faruja. "Dealing with thie Fortress will be a major issue in itself." She just had her first siege last week! "Well, do realize that stoicism is more than just... um..." She looks over to Nathan and pauses. "But it's also the ability to accept and overcome hardships without complaint. I think it's more that."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Super disappointed.

Wu was kind of hoping for a dramatic confrontation he could ref.

Priscilla has posed:
    Whatever Frampt thinks of a rat person praying to someone he's never heard of before, he isn't letting an iota of it show. "Sen's Fortress lies just beyond the castle keep of the township you see in the distance, in the woods to its north. Just beyond it, rise the steep mountains that surround Anor Londo on all sides, visible from the Parish above. You will know it when you see it." The wizened old snake seems mighty amused by the insistence that Nathan should participate in a tournament of any kind. "The Battle of Stoicism is so named because it is inevitable that, even as a phantom, any would-be victor must experience the pain of death many times. It is nearly impossible to gather the required number of victories without tasting defeat even once, and that once is more than enough to drive many aspirants away. The tradition is far older than the Curse of the undead, and so such an idea was entirely novel at the time."

    "As for the fortress itself . . ." Frampt continues. "I have never been inside of it. It was constructed just prior to my slumber. I hear the Duke Seath directed its construction in tandem with many lesser Gods, and that its interior is a marvel of mechanical invention, and guarded by beings creately solely for such a purpose. It is likely that applicants are not meant to know the Fortress' perils ahead of time as part of its testing. The presence of the undead means its secrets could presumably be spread by one who has died inside, but finding those few who have not gone Hollow from the ordeal should be difficult indeed."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Rat ears droop a bit. "I should hath known 'twould be too much to scout the bloody place before our erstwhile Chosen ventures within."

Nathan gets a smile. "Humility is a virtue." He speaks simply. Then there's talk of death to win. Pause.

"'Nearly'. Many within the Union art quite adept at performing the impossible for a good cause. Methinks /this/ more than qualifies." Faruja still believes in you, Nathan. Don't you dare become a Hollow! Faruja squints meaningfully at Nathan.

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
    With his hands shoved into his pockets, Chris takes a few moments to consider. They've got to get through a fortress filled with unknown traps as part of a trial to judge worthiness for entry into a city of gods. This could almost be some sort of doing by one of the magi back home, or at least the ones from centuries past. "If more than one of us are allowed in," he says, turning to look at the others, "I think I wanna go too. ...kinda like puzzles."

    In its own way, hacking is a sort of puzzle. It makes sense, after a fashion.