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Latest revision as of 21:27, 7 December 2014

Gun Gale Online - Introductions
Date of Scene: 07 December 2014
Location: Alfheim Online <SAO> <ALO>
Synopsis: The Gatecrashers Union enters Sword Art Online and starts to set up.
Cast of Characters: Kirito, 4, Tomoe, 9, Arthur Lowell, 365, 395, Karian Icefang, Riva Banari, 596, 631

Reker (631) has posed:
    After the meeting was over, Reker had vanished from the cafe, quite literally, as he had logged out. It was a short while later when he had logged back in and hoofed it to the SBC Glocken, where all of the new arrivals would be showing up. Still dressed in the same gear he had been in the meeting, this time he would be standing by near where the new arrivals first come in after going through the account transfer/creation process.

    At least the Union was probably fronting the bill for all the copies of the game and subscriptions. Short of putting up a big neon sign that says 'Gatecrashers Union Welcome!' he has opted to spawn his light tactical vehicle in the street and is sitting on the hood. He hopes people will recognize him and not go wandering off into the city.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    After the meeting at the cafe had dispersed, Alicia returned back to her small apartment at TSAB HQ... With a quick stop by the store on the way to grab herself a copy of GGO. Soon after she organised to have her precious ALO inventory stored and then proceeded through the conversion process.

    Soon enough a newbie avatar appears in the world of GGO. Alicia had gone with the random appearance, deciding it might be better for now... So the brunette hair avatar, Aicila, takes a few steps and whistles at the sight of the tremendous city.

    Her attention is soon drawn by the nearby parked vehicle, "Oh cool." As she walks a little closer, she recognises the man sitting on the hood, "Hey, you're that guy..."

Procyana (365) has posed:
The sad thing? Some extra funds for the costs of a MMO game and whatever rig was needed to play it was probably -not- the strangest request from Procyana to cross Miss C's desktop. Then again seeing as it was her employers wanting her to check out how much of a threat these incidents could possibly be, they probably had something set aside already. Sometimes that codgy old cougar just likes making her fill out forms because she knows how much Procyana hates it.

Regardless of that, here she arrives. After having taken a fair amount of time to work out an avatar that at least looks something like herself. Just without the big fuzzy tail. Same bright red hair, a slightly tanned complexion in leiu of pelt, light blue eyes... Maybe later she'll pick up a pair of shades or something to substitute for the face mask. Later. Appearances aren't that big of a matter right now.

After a moment to get comfortable with the set up, she rubs the back of her head with one hand. "I'm kinda having a weird deja vu moment here..." Big city in middle of post disaster wasteland? She's been to a few planets where that's the -good- part of the sightseeing. Nevermind it's not the first time she's been in a recreative simulation like this.

Kirito has posed:
    SPACE BATTLE CRUISER GLOCKEN, or SBC Glocken. Main capital city for pretty much everything in the Gun Gale Online setting. According to in-game lore, Earth was devastated by an ancient conflict, the environment wrecked. Humanity fled in giant spaceships and only recently returned to resettle, but they've been stymied by the presence of mutated monsters, renegade killbots, and even the occasional lawlessness and internal conflicts of the many squadrons of mercenaries and hunters who strive to reclaim territory. In space, heavy physical weapons were frowned upon and replaced with sleek energy weapons, but now that humans have returned to their roots they've found a need for the rare weapons of old which are much more effective at piercing energy shields. But those who can make them are a rarity indeed, so those on the market are often salvaged and refurbished.

    That's the story, anyways.

    SBC Glocken is a city of tall metal spires and corridors that became streets. Walkways criss-cross the sky to link buildings and the aesthetics are best described as 'gothic meets las vegas,' never mind the occasional full metal road that hasn't been paved over.

    KIRITO is nowhere to be found where Reker asked people to meet. He is on nobody's friends lists yet, so in-game messages cannot reach him. Going off to look for him in a city this big probably won't be of too much help...

    But he's here alright.

    Many blocks away, a short figure one could barely believe to be male is staring at their reflection in a highly-polished, gleaming wall - not quite a mirror, but it works for his(?) purpose...


    Yeah. Waiting on Kirito is probably not a good idea.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna had made her way back to the safety of the Union HQ to log in. once there, she deliberates - she had swapped Asuna into her Sylph, Erika, so instead, it is with some thought that she stores her Undine, who is nearly just as powerful as her Sylph, and then converts her over to the new game. Asuna takes care and deliberation when making her decisions in the game set up. There is a long silence afterwards before it drops the crop top and skirt wearing Asuna finds herself in the capital city, and she takes a moment to peer at her outfit.

It's... a little KoBish, which doesn't really bother her too much. She meets up with the group a few minutes later. "Heeey. Where's Kirito?"

Karian Icefang has posed:
    After the meeting, and transferring his gear to an alt, Karian logged into GGO, after finding a copy for himself. With his stuff secured, Thunderwolf walked and set up as room guard, Karian jumped in. Going through chargen, he picked the option to make himself look like the weathered warrior he was. It took a second for him to get used to seeing through one eye, but once he did, he tried to find people he knew.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Kuklos ka Amalthea Schmendrick-Fortuna does not play these kinds of games. She's not an MMO girl. She showed up to that meeting on pure fact that she was hanging out with Psyber at the time he was going. So she's not here when it comes time to meet the group.
    At least that's her cover.
    One of the people who shows up at the union and Gatecrasher rendezvous point already has a few levels under her belt. Not a lot, but enough experience and starter quest gear to show the work of someone who's been casually playing for at least a handful of days.
    Why her gear is all maid themed and wearing an eyepatch is a complete goddamn mystery, but she must have shelled out some cash for that.
    She's sort of lingering by Reker's vehicle, bot not approaching, not engaging, and otherwise wandering back and forth in that 'I am a completely lost newbie manner' way.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila turns around as Asuna soon joins them, "Oh, hey Asuna... No, I haven't seen him yet. Maybe he got in early?" She looks around at the sights, "Very impressive city! A little bit dark, perhaps. But I think it sets the mood well."

    Aicila notices the arrival of an old, worn, one-eyed war vet. Yeah, that would probably be Karian. She gives a wave to draw his attention... But she then blinks at the maid wandering around, lost looking, nearby... Is she with the GU? Odd choice for gear. Though the thought of a maid shooting stuff up does sound fun...

Tomoe has posed:
There'as another here Tomoe had a little thing she'd not tolk anyone but they would be findig out shortly there's a woman of mixed aisen decent with red hair which has some interesting highlights and wearin a form fitting suit of owme soet with a few bits of heavy armour ove ra few more vital area. She'd just taken a trip to the merchan Risen as she's known here was moving to catch up with Reker's craft and has a smirk on her face as she's looking everyone and says.

"SO this everyone for Reker's little get together?"

Reker (631) has posed:
    As the group gathers around his vehicle, Reker takes stock of those who are gathered, "Okay so I admit I don't know who most of you guys are...Either in the game or out of it, but this is a good chance for me to get to know you all. So who's not familiar with the menu system in VRMMOs?" He asks, looking through the group.

    Assuming everybody has a basic knowledge of how to use their menus, this'll make his life a lot easier. He does turn his attention to Tomoe as she comes up, and tilts his head curiously, "I know you and I have met before...Night before I figured out how to turn on Wander Mode, in fact..I just thought you were another player."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    "We met out of the game, for the alien event and at the cafe. Karian Icefang." Karian says, hoping that his character spoke with his accent. He folds his arms, and gives a nod to everyone else.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna is, frankly, still horrendously identifiable as Asuna.

"Yeah, but I /know/ Kirito, he should have been the first person here..." She knows how VRMMOs work so she stays quiet as Reker starts the newbie guide.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    For a change, Zwei had no prior awareness of a concerted cross-factional effort to investigate GGO. The Armiger had been drawn to the game after stumbling upon the rumours regarding a certain Death Gun while sifting through the enormous amount of internet data it does every day. It had sounded credible enough to be worth investigation, but, in reality, Zwei is interested in the concept of digitally assassinating someone over a wireless connection. Saving further victims may only be an eventual side effect.

    Of course, the rumour isn't very old, so it hadn't been 'playing' for very long. It had already taken several dummy accounts to test the limits of what the system would allow before tripping cheat protection and getting banned. To compensate, Zwei is spoofing a pair of accounts using two Amuspheres; running them in the background of daily tasks. One is a woman with her hair and skin colours set to zero saturation and maximum lumosity, and the other is a fully-masked male at the maximum size available in character creation; multistat builds each, focusing on agility, and strength plus vitality respectively. Their names: Blanc and Cindre.

    Both of them happen to be there as the party starts gathering around the newbie port. A suspiciously large number of fresh accounts. "What's this, what's this? A company bonding exercise? Classmates? A guild from another game? I'm guessing the first one!" Blanc asks. Cindre seems content to test Reker's vehicles suspension.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    That maid's attention is now on Reker. Is he going to give tips to the new kids?
    Scooting a little closer to find out, she still doesn't say a single thing. Though she is edging INTO the gathering now.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana merely folds her arms and waits while Reker explains some of the more redumentary stuff to the people that may need it. She's familiar enough with the general concept to figure out menus and such. It's the basics of the game itself she's interested in. Professionally and personally. Seriously. The lady does not have much for hobbies outside her job.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila might not be as much of a VRMMO vet as some people here, but she has played ALO for a while. So she's fairly confident in her basic VRMMO skills. It's more this setting that she hopes to learn about. Though of course she's happy to wait for the newbies to get through their lessons, joining Cindre in inspecting Reker's vehicle, saying quietly, "I think this could be fun!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe smirks for a moment "I don't like to make too much noise about who I am. People like me tend to get a lot of attention real fast when they find out you played that one game. Still got to admit I like this avatar I'm not smacking my head on blood doorframes. Seriously I think I left a forhead impression at Kirito houses door frames. It is a good game and Reker forgive me for not telling you sooner, I played GGO to just be able to play something without a repuation."

She folts her arms and looks over the otehrs and hteir avatar smirking a bit.

"It is damn good fun but it is a western game so the design is more set up for western gameers I never figured Kirito, Asuna or most of the otehr save maybe Angil might be interested in this game."

Arthur Lowell has posed:

    Arthur Lowell sits atop his Skull Tower, snapping every so often. Space around him sparks as he does. Snap. it flutters, vaguely. "Come on, fuckin' thing..." He mutters under his breath. "CATCH you PIECE OF SHIT..." He whispers, under his breath. "Gotta be SOMEWHERE that SOMEONE isn't looking..."

    Snap. A manhole in some dark alleyway in Glocken, somewhere, pops open. Arthur crawls out. "FUCK FIREWALLS." He declares, quietly, as he shuffles out of an alleyway. Then there's a lot of wandering through the area. His current clothing doesn't fit, precisely, but it's close enough. When he eventually gets to the agreed-upon location, he sees the lesson in progress. "TUTORIAL MAN, how's it HANGIN? And here's EVERYONE I DON'T FUCKIN' RECOGNIZE." He grins, giving a vague, waving greeting to the assorted visually mixed-up gang. "Which one'a you SCRAMBLED-ASS DUDES is KIRITO? Oh wait, there's only ONE DUDE I don't know." He peers at Karian. Yeah, not Kirito.

    "Well OKAY then. If KIRITO'S tryin'a be more FASHIONABLY LATE than I AM, he's 'bout to get DISAPPOINTED. NEW GUY!" That's Reker, presumably. "Heard you know the STRAIGHT DOPE about WHERE'S WHERE. Gotta get that SPECIAL BUSINESS HID, you up for that while you run the NEWBIES through their NOISE?" He's trying to prompt Reker to do this while he walks with the group; he has to get Reker's guidance to set up the Gate to the physical world here in a secret place!

    This might possibly walk the group dead-on into Kirito while he's having one of those awkwardness-ridden moments or something, possibly, if that's how the lay of the land works.

Reker (631) has posed:
    "Alright folks, looks like most of you have some.." He pauses to look at Asuna, "Varying levels of experience with VRMMOs, so if you guys wanna go ahead, open up your menus like so.." He swipes his left hand down to open up the menu as a demo, "And you can equip your starting weapon. Your gear you have should provide base level stats." He glances at his truck as the suspension gets tested, and laughs a bit. Turning back to Tomoe, he nods in response to her, "Once everybody's got their pistol equipped, we'll head that way." He points towards a big gate nearby, "And hit up the first starting zone. There'll be a couple of quest giver NPCs out there, and you'll be fighting some bandits. Pretty simple AI, they won't be too dificult for you, unless you get swarmed by them."

    "I'm sure Kirito will be joining us out there soon enough. I know a lot of you guys transfered over your ALO accounts, so you don't need to level up, but I want you to get the gist of how this system works before we start raiding dungeons looking for Legendary drops."

    There's a brief pause before he looks at the group, "And make sure your energy shields are turned on. The bandits all use energy weapons, so the shields will allow you to take a few hits before you go down. Once you're all ready, follow me!"

    He hops down from his vehicle and heads for the big gate. The truck will despawn once he goes through it, so lets hope that Cindre has jumped off by then.

As he gets to the gate he stops and looks back at Arthur, "Don't worry, I have a good place we can set up, but we don't want to put it down in the newbie area, since there'll be way too many prying eyes. I'll give you the coordinates once we find Kirito."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian grins towards Arthur. "I'm almost offended by that look, Arthur." He says with a jovial laugh. He looks into his inventory and gets the pistol equipped. Once the shield is on, he follows suit. "So, how does combat work? I'm assuming that with the emphasis on gunplay it's on a faster pace then ALO."

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila quickly brings up her menu, equipping the energy pistol within her inventory. After the holstered weapon materializes on her waist, she pulls it out and looks at it, "Cool... Reminds me of Teana's." She holsters it once more and begins to follow Reker out of the city, activating her shield as she does.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna grins slightly at the look Reker gives her. Yeah, she knows she breaks the experience base here, so... she is idly however tabbing through her inventory, remembering as he mentions it to activate her shield, her gun appearing in a holster on her left thigh as they make their way out of the city. She glances over at Arthur, then shrugs.

Then she dives through the gate. #yol3.

"Kir-i-/toooo/!" She says in exasperation on her way, though. Damn husbands.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "Man, fuck waitin' for KIRITO, dude can CATCH UP. Let's be STRAIGHT here, like, is there any way he's NOT wound up in some DUMB SHENANIGANS with some FLIGHTY BROAD in a HILARIOUS MISUNDERSTANDING? No OFFENSE Asuna, but your BOYFRIEND'S pro'lly got his shit WAYLAID by FEMININITY, no fuckin' doubt with that guy. Gots the CURSE worse than ME." Arthur rambles irreverently in his usual casually obnoxious way as he's swaggering his way on through the Gate. He's not got anything to set up yet, so no reason to wait! Just gonna get on through.

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Oh! Hi Arthur!" Blanc waves to the space wizard. "That's a creative way of cheating! I was just doing it the boring way earlier! I actually wondered for a femtosecond how you got your avatar to look exactly like you!" Even if he hadn't jumped into the game that way, Arthur's vocal tic would make him impossible to mistake for anyone else. Meanwhile, Zwei should be pretty difficult for Arthur to not notice, assuming he has the slightest familiarity with French. "So these are all your friends? Syndicate buddies? You don't mind if 'we' come along do you?" Cindre inclines his head to look at Reker's username. "Yes. Both of us." Totally two seperate people. Nothing to see here.

    "For some bizarre reason, shields in this world only work on energy weapons. Energy weapons are basically flat out superior to ballistic ones in almost all parameters, but since all smart players have shields on them, they'll always deal way less damage in a player versus player situation, making PvP the exclusive domain of firearms. Makes sense, since it's an American game selling itself on gun culture rather than straight sci-fi." Shortly before going through the gate, Blanc has a shiny white laser SMG in her hands, and Cindre has a heavy plasma blaster, both on the lower end of the price spectrum. Only so much money someone can earn in a week.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna pauses all of five seconds.

"No, you're probably right." She says with a resigned look on her face.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Okay, sounds basic enough. She flicks open her menu and goes through. Starting gear, check. We'll poke a bit more at analyzing stats later, though if it's anything akin to her usual combat style that shouldn't be too hard. Energy shield, check. Starting weapon... there it is. Check.

She pauses to pull the gun out once its equipped and turn it over in her hand. Effective, but very simple compared to what she totes in the Real World. She shrugs a little and restows it until they get to the actual fighting. "I feel so low tech right now," she murmurs wryly, mostly to herself, and she strides out alongside the others.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    So huh, this maid chick? She hasn't gone away. In fact as Reker leads the group to the gate for the starter area, she's kind of... Following. It's at a little bit of a distance, but she's rifling through her inventory slowly while piddling after the group. Everything looks mostly good.
    Still sticking out like a sore thumb, though.

Kirito has posed:
    In truth, Kirito WAS one of the first people to log on. He's been perhaps a full half hour or hour, having started long before he said he would.

    During this time, he's been mistaken for a girl three times, eventually started going with it to get some directions, gotten lost twice, ended up at the market, got mistaken for a girl even more times, and...

    Well, there's at least more respectable things he ended up spending his time on, right? Probably? Hopefully?


    A three-wheeled motorcycle with a camo paintjob comes screeching and barreling down the streets and towards the gate, engine roaring! It skids and fishtails, but the short driver keeps it under control. They blast through the gate and go flying over anyone on the other side, somehow not barreling into anyone. The buggy keeps on screeming forward over whatever rough terrain's out there for some distance... all anyone will get a chance to see at that glance? Long black hair flapping in the wind...

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila blinks for a moment at Arthur's words, but then can't help but giggle quietly at Asuna's response. She briefly pats poor Asuna on the shoulder as the group continues forward.

    Noticing the unknown maid following them, Aicila pauses for a moment to consider her... She still doesn't recognise her. But, no reason to be rude. She looks like a newbie too, so they might as well help her too.

    Aicila gives the maid a smile and waves for her to catch up, "Come on! We're going to shoot some stuff!" At which point Aicila instinctively ducks as something goes flying over their heads...

    Once she's sure it's safe, she pops up again and looks in the direction of the shrinking vehicle, "Uh... What was that?"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "HELL, I'm FAMOUS!" Arthur says, not missing a beat as someone random here knows him. "SURE THING, TAG ALONG, whoever you are! Gotta couple FRIENDS. SYNDIE BUDS. With MIXED NUTS." He's possibly not recognized Zwei yet! He's noticed them, sure, but he's not connected 'white in french' to 'white in german' and therefore is just sort of mentally scrambling to discern who that is. Oh well, at least he's being cool about it!

    There's a grin to Asuna. "You bein' UNDERSTANDING of his DEBILITATING CONDITION is so GREAT, y'know that?" And to Karian, "Man, like HALF the stuff I do, SOMEONE oughta be OFFENDED by--" And then another vehicle goes barreling over the group while Arthur only just now notices a Stalker Maid, which is to say, Amalthea, and is occasionally peering at her, squinting.

    He remains cooly unreactive to all this, mostly. "So, it's been like TEN MINUTES and THREE completely fuckin' WEIRD things have showed up nearby. You think this game's gonna CALM ITS SHIT about now, or...?" He watches the motorcycle go by. "HEY, WATCH THE ROAD, LADY."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian blinks his good eye as he spots the bike and the rider. "Whoever that is is acting just like a Bloodclaw, wreckless." He says. Then he gives a nod to Arthur.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna peers at the two people she doesn't know. She figures they must be friends if they're there, so she just gives them a nod. Maid-Ammie gets a bit of a blink though, but, well... Asuna can't be too discerning, after all. She shakes her head at Arthur, opening her mouth to say something - then her mouth shuts as the 'female' biker goes zooming past them. She turns /incredibly/ slowly, looking at the figure on the bike. She stares at the hair.

Then she slowly, /very very slowly/, lifts a finger in the air.


Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is now seeing that others are joining the party and she smirking at Renker she itklt he rhead a bit and the name is differen here just use that I'd appicate it honestly."

With that she'll get in and will take a trid she smirks

"I didn't transfer I been playing since Early March."

She keeps with the group for a moment and checks her weapon load out the newbies would have the energy weapons so she's got the solid slug and has a spaz12 across her back also there's a big old knife on seath on the small of her back.

"Right least it's not bullshit lore wise... and there's someone else humm woah shose the new girl?"

Reker (631) has posed:
    The gate opens up into what looks to be an abandoned town. Urban environment. No skyscrapers or anything crazy, but it was a city at some point. Looks like a group of bandits have set up shop in a store, and the storekeeper is looking for anyone brave or foolish enough to get those bandits out of there.

    Reker had turned around to wait for everybody when somebody goes flying straight over the group on a buggy and vanishes down the road, "Fuckin' newbies always think they can handle the buggies. Hope it doesn't explode when she crashes it." He mutters, as he waits for the group. At the request from Blanc and Cindre, Reker nods, "The more the merrier, especially if you know him." He jerks his thumb at Arthur.

     "Alright folks, get the quest from the NPC over there and then we're gonna mess up some bandits."

    Reker waits near the NPC, though his eyes turn to the maid who's with the group, and has been for some time, "You know if you don't want to admit you play MMOs it's fine. I'm pretty good at keeping secrets." Arthur seems to be doing a great job at coraling everyone as well, which is helping Reker out immensely, "If you think this is low tech, wait until you actually get your hands on one of these." Reker pulls up his own menu and hits a button, his clothes shifting to his combat gear and his weapons appearing on his back and right thigh, "I've finished this quest myself, but I'll keep a look out in case any high level players decide they want to get uppity."

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana just blinks a couple of times as the three-wheeler blasts past. "Some dame is really enjoying herself." What? It totally looked like a girl on that thing. Followed a moment later by "... I wonder were you can get one of those.." Oh well. Future goals is a good thing for this sort of game, right? Right. Something like that.

She turns her attention back to Reker, just in time to catch him showing off a bit. "Now that is what you call a loadout~" Hey she can be a gunphile still, even if it is all makebelieve right now. Okay, talk to artifical person, get mission. "Gee, getting jobs from someone that just says the same generic thing most of the time," she remarks rather tongue in cheek as she gets the NPC's job request. "Story of my freakin' life."

Zwei (596) has posed:
    Procyana catches Zwei's attention. "This makes you feel low-tech? I'd be interested in hearing about your world if this setting and equipment comes off as primitive to you! I mean, it does to me too, but I've sort of accepted that I'm a million standard deviations away from the average as far as that's concerned." It doesn't think to make any comments about Amalthea's otaku-bait wardrobe. "Whoever I am? Do you really not recognize me?" Both Blanc and Cindre speak in perfect, eerie unison, using some version of German rather than English. "Exodus Class . . ." Letting the rest play out in Arthur's memory, Cindre lifts Blanc up onto his shoulders. The fact that the girl is doing most of the talking should probably be the rest of the giveaway. Asche only really gets talkative on matters of philosophy.

    "I'm afraid we've already done that quest, so we won't killsteal or anything." Finally getting the hang of the word 'we' now. "I'm not helping you level by whittling down the enemy HP for kill shots either! You'll never get good that way! But I /am/ interested in seeing friends of Arthur at work!"

Kirito has posed:
    The 'girl(?)' on the buggy DOES seem to be having a little trouble with the ride, but only a little. And only because of the sudden TERRAIN CHANGE. The buggy swerves wildly, but manages to turn down an alley and start looping around. The vehicle soon slows, pulling up towards the group... and only now can peopel get a really good look at the rider.

    The rider who, thank you very much Reker, did not wreck it. Somehow.

    It's a girl? Or a guy? The utterly flat chest combined with the incredibly soft-featured face, lithe and short frame, and beautifully long black hair make it hard to tell. The rider is dressed in newbie clothes - a white, simplistically-designed shirt and pale blue jeans. A newbie energy peashooter rests in a holster at their left side, while the right... a strange metal cylinder dangles. It's not a gun, whatever it is.

    The androgynous figure leaps from the bike and speaks in an equally uncertainly timbre'd voice. "Y-yo!" ... and do they ever sound nervous. The guy(?) gives the whole group an uncertain look until purplish eyes fall across Asuna and hints of relief, embarassment, and maybe ridiculous anxiety all flicker in them...

    'Don't freak out, don't freak out,' they seem to be saying...

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    That maid must have nerves of steel. She doesn't even flinch when the camo trike comes blasting out of the gate and saliing overhead, she's simply busy with the act of equipping a low level SMG, glancing up only briefly.
    "'Allo, yes. That's why I'm coming along." It's a french accent for the record. Kind of a bad one too, but that's her reply to Aicila's super friendliness, flashing her a thumbs up.
    It's when Asuna calls the long-haired rider of the bike Kirito that the meido stumbles in her step with a choke. Especially when she... He? actually responds and looks so nervous.
    ... He looks like a CHICK.
    Snrk... Sn... snnnnicker... Snnnsnsnnsnhhnsnn... snrrrrrrk!
    But snickering is UNBECOMING of a good meido, and she clears her throat.
    Quick. Act natural.
    It's Arthur's peering that she uses as a convenient excuse, glancing back.
    What was that emote again?
    The maid's cheeks heat up as she scuffs one shoe on the ground in a skittish and bashful manner. "Ah... Yes? Can I help you sir?"
    Hopefully no one can see right through her. Though she bristles when Reker calls her out. "Ah! No I just saw a big group and you all- Well I thought everyone was roleplaying so! I mean. But."
    "Ah... I've already done some of these quests. Maybe I can help?" She does offer.

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian narrows his eye at the rider, confused for the moment. "K...Kirito? Either I've had too much to drink or the Allfather played a huge joke on you." He says. He liked a joke, but not at the expense of a friend. He checks that strange cylinder. "What is that?" He asks, pointing to it.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila presses 'Accept' on the quest acknowledgement and then steps aside to let the others get their quest. In the mean time she watches the buggy roll up and its driver greet them, "Hi! We're going to practice, since some of us are new. Care to join us?" Another cute party member joining them, apparently! Combined with miss maid over there and they're already drawing in a group. Unless this is someone they already know...

    Aicila looks closely at the buggy driver... Hmmm. There is something familiar... She glances at some of the others calling the girl Kirito. Really? She looks closer...

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks to the girl for a moment she takes a good look at =this strnge woman sne tilts he rhead and stares eyes narrowing. Kirito was usposed to come along but did someone gank the name? She pauses looking at them for a moment she's looking really hard the quesiton to Kirito is whom is this woman. She's looking at them be aweful supicous of them, she is going to check names at this point it seems humm.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna accepts the question mindlessly. She is much more focused on the 'girl'. She stares the figure up and down, the strange voice throw her a bit... but that look, that /look/ of relief/embarassment/anxiety, that's all someone she knows very well, and she just *stares*. This goes on for a few minutes, before Asuna looks down at her own feminine frame... then back at the person...

"K-kirito...?" She asks, again.

Then ... /then/... then does Asuna step forward... she takes the figure by the shoulders... and then she leans in, face close, eyes wide, intent, and staring. Jiiiiiii. "Jiiiiiii..."

Kirito has posed:
    "Y-yes?" 'Kirito(?)' gulps with Asuna comig up so close... and givimg them that STAAAAAAAARE. All the strange-looking person can do is stare back, an INCREEEEEEEEEDIBLY nervous smile appearing on their face...

    Is this... REALLY... Kirito?

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Hi!" Blanc waves from on top of Cindre's shoulders at Kirito. Zwei would probably be invasively scanning his character profile if it actually cared about sexual dimorphism in any capacity other than the scientific. "Don't help them too much, maid lady! Well, I mean, that's what maids do I guess, but if you pamper them too much, their skills will fall behind their level and they'll be butchered in matchmaking!" Amalthea is pretty adorable right now though, as far as one can objectively determine the value of cuteness. "That's an energy sword." She answers to Karian. "Though I have no idea why anyone would actually buy one!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Blink. Blink. Blink. Aicila just stands there, staring a little slack-jawed at Kirito once it becomes evident that that's who this is, "B-but... You're... So... Cute!" Aicila must resist the Testarossa urge to hug the adorable Kirito. An act that requires much of her willpower!

    Hoping that a change of subject might help, Aicila turns and says, "S-so! Should we get to some bandit thrashing?" A good distraction, she thinks, for poor Kirito.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur stares at the two new people here and then snaps. "FUCKIN' HELL, you two! That's GREAT, good t'have ya ONBOARD, I guess! You in on the ADVENTURES here too? I'll get ya linked up with the GATECRASHERS in a while, after this!" He gives a thumbs-up!

    And then the maid is /roleplaying/ at him. Somehow this makes ARTHUR feel like the weird, awkward one! He gets a little awkward too, looking away in a brief bit of sheepishness, mumbling something about, "SORRY, just didn't RECOGNIZE ya." Then he's looking over to Kirito, Asuna, and he's closely watching. His cheeks puff briefly with a restrained noise, and then, lightly, from the back of the group, Kirito will be able to hear it. Distant, derisive laughing.

Reker (631) has posed:
    Standing near the NPCs, Reker watches the bike come roaring back up to the group. He's about to tell off the driver and make them be more careful, but then he spots them. While he doesn't know Kirito enough to make the connection instantly, it seems several of the others do. He puts his hand up over his mouth and turns around. This is mostly done so Kirito won't have to see him laughing.

    He's trying to not laugh too hard, and he leans against the quest giver NPC, who seems a bit shocked by his action. After a few moments and several deep breaths, he turns back around, "Heh..Okay...Looks like the gang's all here.." He rubs his face a bit trying to stop himself from laughing again, "I take it you didn't want to pay extra for customization, Kirito."

    Turning back to Amalthea, Reker nods, "If you want to help them out, do it. But make sure you save first shot and the killing shot for them, so they get credit for it." He looks up at Blanc, "Exactly what she said. But you've been playing for a bit, so you should have the gist of how the skill system works. Anybody else got any questions?" He asks, looking over the rest of the group.

    His eyes do fall to Kirito's side, however, and he arches a brow, "Where did you get that?" He asks, as he motions to the strange cylinder on Kirito's hip.

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna looks at the saber on his hip. Then she looks up again.

"It's Kirito--" She says, before she pauses- then asuna starts /laughing/.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    An energy sword? In a game all about guns? This gets the eyepatch'd maid glancing at the object on Kirito's hip.
    Moving on though, she beams. And rather brightly at that. Save the first and last shot for the starters, that's easy enough. "Understood!"
    "Ah, but it's my duty to help! A good maid is quick, efficient, seen only briefly, and gone once the job is done." She replies to Zwei with...
    That is a curtsey. She just pulled a curtsey.
    Of course she moves right along. "Ah? Recognize- how could you not recognize moi- are you-" GAAAAASP. "Is it amnesia? Oh no! I will make it my -SWORN DUTY AS A MAID- to help you regain your memories!"

Kirito has posed:
    "Where did I get it?" His speaking style is not quite as masculine as usual. Maybe that's a trick of the appearance. Or maybe it's the extreme hesitation behind everything he says. "From the marketplace. These things are really expensive! So I had to get some money for it first..."

    ... newbies start with 1,000 credits.

    That thing costs around 150,000 credits.

    Yeah that can't possibly be a thing a newbie could buy no matter WHAT they did.

    'Kirito(?)' continues scanning the group with worry in their eyes, perhaps trying to palce faces... "I can't have the wrong group. Who did you gang up with..?" That, of course, he aks of Asuna.

Asuna (9) has posed:
"Hi. I'm As-s-suna--" Asuna gasps, trying to breathe. "That's Arthur laughing."

Shen points and names Alicia and Reker, just to really prove her point. "K-kirito-kun, did-- did it just /randomize/--?"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur's laughter dies down. Wait, is this NOT Kirito? He can't tell, Kirito should have only been able to get some rinky-dink newbie gear. Also his attention's been being hijacked for a moment; there's... Roleplay happening, at him. "W-wait. What? Hold... Hold on." He says, trying to catch up. "I lost... What? Wait, what are we swearing duties about now? I don't remember losing any memories."

    He seems to be temporarily disabled in awkward distress for a moment, until he can manage to get all this stuff worked out. Kirito's Laugh Torture will have to hold for a while, Arthur will be back to that later.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila may not be laughing, but she is grinning quite widely at the sight. Of course her avatar isn't anything like her previous one, or her real world appearance, so she gives a wave as she is pointed out, "Aicila." A name Kirito knows well enough!

    Of course, Aicila agrees that Kirito is the kind of person to go for a sword in a gun game. Glancing at the cylinder hanging from Kirito's belt, Aicila chuckles, "Couldn't resist, could you?"

Reker (631) has posed:
"I know how much it costs." Reker says, "That's why barely anybody would use one..How did you get enough money to pick one of those up? Newbies don't even start with enough money to get a good gun." Now he really wants to know how Kirito was able to get that sword, because honestly even a transfered account shouldn't keep it's money, right?

Zwei (596) has posed:
    "Huh, sounds like being a maid is sort of similar to being an assassin." Blanc taps her chin for effect. File that for later. "I guess it makes sense if you're one of Arthur's girlfriends though. That guy has a lot!"

    At hearing the name Kirito, Zwei pulls up some files. It's not hard to find basic information on someone that famous. "Oh, I get it now! Either you were really lucky or really /un/lucky with that avatar! Congratulations on the statistical anomaly anyways~! I still don't know why you'd actually buy a sword though."

Karian Icefang has posed:
    Karian smirks softly. "How do you not recognize me? Karian Icefang, wolf lord? Ahh, just being cautious." He then pats Kirito(?)s shoulder. "Not surprised you'd get a sword."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Just like that the maid is clasping Arthur's hand in both of hers.
    "Do not worry... I will take care of EVERYTHING. It's what I was created for, young master!" An exaggerated sigh. "After we were separated in the explosion I thought we would never find each other again, but it's in my programming to always seek you out and aid your every endeavor, or I'm not..."
    Dramatic pause.
    The second pause is for fluster as Blanc makes things worse. Many girlfriends? The maid's cheeks flare a brilliant crimson.
    "A-ah!? No! That's forbidden love! I'm a robot! He's a human! It can never be...~!"
    So why is she swooning?
    The act comes to a brief halt though.
    "Young master, you mst have some impressive friends, if they use swords in this day and age."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks t Kirito for a moment she narrows her eyes at them. She gets up in their grill all 5 foot 5 of her.

"So wait a moment you even grabbed that name?! Okay I'm not going to be taking this. This can't be Kirito it's gender locked we got some impersonator damn it is tht why he's running late."

She seems to think that this can't be Kirito.

"IF you are them then Duel me and prove it."

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "I don't have a lot of girlfriends!" Arthur says, in a distressed tone. "There's the one, and it's a misunderstanding, and... Gaaaaah. You know it's not like that! Damn it, you /know/!" Arthur wrings his hands briefly, but is interrupted with a clasping!

    The scenario going on just kinda breaks his brain a little bit. Dude looks like he's bluescreening. "Thhhhhaaaaaaanks?" He says, slowly, trying to navigate the maze of confusion. He's got no idea how to navigate this situation in a way that is at all cool! "Wait, a robot? How does..." He starts, squinting. He shakes his head, then, trying to focus on that last part. "YES. Or some POSER I guess. My bro KIRITO has a FANGIRL or something, I think? I'm havin' trouble keepin' TRACK of what's GOING ON. HEY GUYS, is this a KIRITO FANGIRL or WHAT are we dealin' with? I've TOTALLY LOST TRACK."

Kirito has posed:
    Oh dear.

    Kirito could deal with Asuna laughing. Maybe. that gets him frowning in a hurry, but what can he do? He can deal with a few girls calling him cute. he can even deal with some of these people getting jumpy over this strange appearance. Or Karian trying to be sympathetic.

    But what he can't take is... Tomoe. And Arthur.

    He could say so many things. he could say a hell of a lot of things. But just as he's opening his mouth to say these things to Tomoe... Arthur goes and adds even more fuel to this fire.

    NOW he grits his teeth. "Khu... I'll make you eat those words." The guy(?) declares, SCOWLING, and immediately futzes through his(?) menu with extreme finesse, then gestures at EISEN BLUMEN and ARTHUR at once.

    He leaps back away from Asuna, still scowling like a punched puppy and lands in a fairly confident stance, unclasping the little cylinder and flicking it on with a *SNAP-HISS.*

    A purple beam blade extends from it, hissing and crackling.

    And for both ARTHUR and EISEN BLUMEN, duel messages pop up, presenting:


    Accept? O/X

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen seems amused at the woman's ressolve at this point, no way this could be Kirito right? She humms for a moment and is going to accept it.

"Oh that cocky are you? Okay then let's do it shall we?"

She goes for the shotgun and her body tenses now as she moves to accept the duel. The asian woman with the german name seems very confident about thing she is experianced and seems to be ready.

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    The commotion from Arthur and-Amalie the robot combat maid?-draws Aicila's attention for a moment and she can't help but be impressed by Amalie's dedication to the role... Assuming she's not doing it for real.

    But drawn back to the matter at hand, Aicila recognises the challenge Kirito has put out to the two, "Ooooh... This should be interesting!" More so than killing some bandits! Aicila steps to the side to watch.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Arthur is being challenged?!
    A GASP, and Amalie covers her mouth with one hand. "Young Master, your honor is being impugned upon! I'd take up the banner and fight in your name, but only you can prove your own worth as a man!"
    Where was that emote again, what was--
    The maid now has a pair of pompoms in her hands as she begins hopping up and down.
    "Young Master! Young Master! He's the best! He defends his honor and doesn't afraid of anything!"

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna gets a cunning glint in her eyes.

"I love you Kirito! You can do it!"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "OH HELL." Arthur says. This is something he can handle! This is something he can understand! This is what he LOVES. "ALRIGHT THEN. You wanna GO, fangirl? SHIT YEAH I got the MAD WORTH with ALL KINDS of MANGRIT." One foot stomps, heavily, into the dirt, as he POUNDS his fist into the accept circle, a softly glowing digital broom abruptly and urgently summoned into his hands, humming softly.

    "Well we got the MAID gettin' MAD DEDICATION on up in her ROLE, let's see if YOU'VE got the SKILLS to live up to the NAME, huh?" He strikes a powerful, aggressive stance, ready for Kirito to come at him after any duel countdown.

Kirito has posed:
    Once ALL PARTIES have ACCEPTED the duel, a window appears in the air showing the participants on both sides and a 60 second countdown in the middle. Throughout this countdown, Kirito deepens his stance. One leg extended forward, knee bent. The rear leg turned slightly sideways, beam saber out behind him. It's a stance Tomoe and Arthur might've seen once or twice before.

    Strangely this challenger does NOT freak when Arthur summons his broom. Another sign that maybe... maybe this is Kirito? Somehow?

    The third sign would be how he twitches and looks over his shoulder at Asuna, showing a smile... "Yeah. I'll kick their asses as proof!"

    The instant the counter ticks down he's off! Almost FLYING across the ground straight for EISEN BLUMEN. He's sadly not able to recognize a shotgun. He does vaguely know what they are, but he can't identify them on sight. A gun is a gun to him, really!

Riva Banari has posed:
In the post-apocalyptic future, only the brave souls of the SBC Glocken can stand between dissolution and civilization.

It is on this day that a new brave soul stands forth, ready to take up the challenges and stand defiant against the hordes that await in the wastelands beyond. Gifted with the latest in optical firearm technology, this recruit will now attempt to change the face of the world...

There is a huff from the middle of a crowded area, a flat-haired redhead trying to peer around people. "You guys around here? Hey! Uggggh why did I not get their usernaaaaaaaaaames?" The woman mutters, and looks at the raggedy clothing she's wearing, then over at the super awesome future gear everyone else is using. "Maaaaaaaaaan." She shakes her head. "Where's a map or something?"

A tiny stormcloud seems to grow over her head, before there is a thunderous roar from the middle of the crowd.


Cue a bunch of people randomly telling her to shut up and stop yelling in the common areas.

Today is not the best first impression for BulletArtist Riva.

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen says "Well even if it's true I guess your Pretty Princess Kirito now."

She readies her seld and Kirito might just find she watches him close in and she fires off a blast form the shotgun it's a bit wild but what comes next? She moves with inhuman speed and aglity flipping up into the air and over Kirito and will make use of some of the terrain to bounce again landing a bit from kirito.

"Come on now come at me!"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur blasts off, leaving a solid, brilliant, tron-esque green trail of light coming out of the bristles of his broom as he rockets forward. He's not even particularly caring about if this is Kirito or not anymore, he just loves getting to get in a fight. "Don't BITE OFF more than you can CHEW, FANGIRL! Eyes on BOTH TARGETS!" He's coming in from the side, his broom's thrusters suddenly disengaging!

    He figures duels don't have friendly fire... Or maybe he doesn't care if he gets hit? He's planning on testing the swordplay directly, by using his glowing energy broom to swipe repeatedly at Kirito in heavy, cudgel-like swings, the kind that slam jarringly hard on blocks and that are so quick you'll need lightning reflexes to parry! It's a rapid flurry of blows, an intense rush intended to break Kirito's momentum from the start and let Tomoe chip chunks of HP off.

    Or, you know, it could just show Kirito's the real deal, possibly.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalie is still bouncing and shaking those pom poms. "Maul 'em! Maul 'em! Go Young Master, go! Go Young Master, go!"

Alicia T. Harlaown (4) has posed:
    Aicila cheers from the sidelines, "Come on Kirito!" She's fairly certain now that it's him, "Show them you can kick ass in any world!"

Asuna (9) has posed:
"Let's go Kirito!" Asuna shouts, before she stands back, arms crossed over her chest, a Kirito-like smug look on her face

Kirito has posed:
    That kind of ridiculous speed is not unfamiliar to Kirito. he's dueled Asuna before, after all. He can deal with speed. What he can't deal with too well, however, is a shotgun.

    The moment Tomoe aims at him, Kirito's vision wills with red lines. COUNTLESS red lines. Overlapping red lines-- "WH-WHOAH!"

    He does the only thing he possibly CAN do.

    Predicting EISEN's move is easy. He just has to watch her footwork and breathing. She can't possibly hope to compete head-on, right?

    His hunch is proven right... and so is his gamble. He doesn't try to parry a shotgun. Instead...

    He SLIDES under it.

    His footing returns just in time to deal with Arthur.


    The beam saber dances and twirls in his grasp, deflecting several of Arthur's strikes while he swerves about some more. Arthur's hitting more hair then he is flesh, only managing to get a few grazes in. The advantage in melee right now goes to Arthur, power-wise. Kirito's got him easily matched through pure skill. Sparks fly every time the weapons collide in a breathtaking display, but Kirito's forced to put tremendous strength into his arms just to fend it off. In the end he disengages, putting some distance between himself and Arthur.

    He doesn't know shotguns, but the BULLET LINE of Eisen's weapon was pretty straightforward to him. It's not so threatening at a distance!

    But... nor is Kirito, with that peashooter he whips out in his offhand. It's the newbie energy gun and he doesn't seem too certain about it. He firse again and again, sending a handful of shots at Arthur and Tomoe. Most of them are gonna go wide, the rest will probably be easily dodged...

    "You just keep saying that..." he grunts bitterly, anger building up.

    Yeah. He's about to blow.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is following up she now start moving in some way that are differne she's almost always been the tank right as most people ha seen her. She sees as she watches him deflect some of the shot but she does have an idea she knows what her gun cna do and she shefts but one or two shots com close she darts at high speed again not sitting still and this time fires off a rapid blast the momeht she gets close, not one shell but three with in less than a second, before she ducks away once more. Well this impersonator seems to be fast at least.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur falters a little, occasionally, at Amalie's cheering, his rocket slightly sputtering briefly, before he sort of gets into the groove of things and is already rushing back in towards Kirito! The energy shots slam into his body, impacting with heavy bruises against his astoundingly resilient form, but he just barrels through it, shouting.

    "HAHAHAHA, HERE WE ARE! Credit where it's DUE, got your FRAIR SHARE of SWEET SWORD SKILLS to go with the NAME, but ya can't just SWAP!" He rushes in, attempting a vicious overhand strike to try to force a weapon-clash that comes right as Tomoe's rushing in! An ENFORCE DUAL-WIELDING TACTICS SCENARIO!

Kirito has posed:
    This is NOT working out in Kirito's favor. In comes Arthur with great speed just as Tomoe's leveling that weapon. His beam saber comes up to catch the blow and as before it takes ALL the strength in his arms to accomplish that. "Ghhhh---!"

    The weapon has no WEIGHT. Parrying things is INCREDIBLY hard. And an overhand parry is the least helpful situation to be in.

    Making matters worse, Kirito doesn't have two swords right now. He had to drop his gun in fact just to hold onto the Kagemitsu's handle! "Actually that sounds like a /GREAT IDEA!/"

    ONly those with incredibly speedy perceptions will see what happens next. EISEN fires, and a bunch of shot slams into Kirito's side as he twists about strangely, arms LURCHING to force Arthur's body weight towards the incoming Tomoe. At the same time Kirito spins on a single leg and KICKS with the other!

    If that connects? Tomoe's shotgun will become Arthur's problem, not his.

    And Kirito will go spinning away by a whole leap's distance with half of his HP gone...

Riva Banari has posed:

When we last left our brave young heroine, she was seeking her friends in a new and strange land.

"Look, have you seen a cool kid with a rocket broom? No? How about girly-looking swordsmen? Yeah, I KNOW this is a 'gun game', but... Okay, look, how about um... I dunno, a detective-type guy who likes coffee and explosions? Loves shotguns? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, BE MORE SPE-"

BulletArtist Riva continues flailing as the highlevels walk off. "GOD DAMMIT!"

Cue more people telling her to stop yelling.

Asuna (9) has posed:
"C-come /on/, it's Kirito, will you guys knock it off?" Asuna yells from the sidelines.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalie has slid over to Asuna in all the confusion. "OH I GET IT. True love really DOES overcome everything! Even after getting bombarded by cosmic space rays that made him really pretty instead of a hulking monster, you still recognize your lover that you haven't seen in years! And now he's in a duel to the death with Young Master in a matter of honor!"
    Amalie falls to her knees. "It's so touching! I wish I understood love, but I am just a robot, and have no feelings until I slowly develop them over time as you all teach me."

Asuna (9) has posed:
Asuna peers down at Amalie. "Why is one of my real life maids playing a maid in Gun Gale Online and is this some new trick of my mothers to test my resolve and dedication to Kirito, the Black Swordsman, and so such and so forth?"

A-asuna might be throwing things for a twist.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur Lowell takes the bullets heavily in the back, a small spray of blood gushing out of both the back and the front of his torso. He goes twisting and flailing as he slams into the ground, but it's right back onto his feet, panting and bloody and with death in his eyes. "SHIT YEAH." He says. "Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about. No DOUBLING UP, but hey, at least we got some FOOTWORK to it!"

    Then Asuna is interjecting! "Man, don't they GENDER LOCK in this game? For some kinda ETHICS SHIT or something?" He wrings a bloody hand in Kirito's direction. "You see the PROBLEM here? With THAT." He's not attacking, though!

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalie is back on her feet, both hands suddenly clasping one of Asuna's, "We have to stop them! For the sake of love, and so I can help my Young Master regain his memories! He can't overcome his amnesia if he's dead! Use the power of your amazing singing voice to warm their fiery hearts with a spicy island song! ... Or was it cool their icy hearts with a mellow island beat... Or... Thaw their icy heart with... Um..."
    She pauses.
    "Look, can you please stop breaking immersion...?"
    Ah but then the fight's up
    "Oh you're still alive." That's to Arthur. "Don't worry, we'll have that amnesia fixed in no time and you can teach me how to be human!"

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen pauses as it's blood oh damn it Arthur you didn't come as an avatar and and that makes her halt in her attack she's got a what the hell look on her face. She' not suer what to say at this point but she's lowerin her weapon at this point given she's shot someone else i and it was really then she did get caught with the kick and she's holding back for now.

"They did... for health reasons... brain starts going wiggy if it gets input for something it doesn't actually have."

She seems to not be attacking either.

Kirito has posed:
    Seeing so much blood gets Kirito freezing. He knows Arthur, however. He knows very much that he can take a few blows... right? even blows that should kill anyone else.

    Worry flickers about on his face, and he shares the look with Asuna briefly. The beam saber's twirled about artistically before he flicks it off... and addresses Arthur with masked worry in his voice.

    "What was that about not bleeding all over the place, Arthur?"

Asuna (9) has posed:
"This /is/ immersion." Asuna mumbles faintly to Amalie.

"For me, at least, but fear not, sweet maiden, we will help these two overcome the- uh, the ice in their hearts." Asuna trails off. She's REALLY BAD AT THIS.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "You kiddin'? I eat BUCKSHOT for BREAKFAST. Literally made some CINNAMON TOAST SHELLS a while back actually." Arthur says. "My ORGANS are REINFORCED WITH MANGRIT. That means I can do THIS." He flexes intensely and makes an aggressive noise, and several pieces of shredded munitions eject out of wounds in his torso.

    "Anyway yeah, but THAT one, you can't BLAME on me! Oh hell, WAIT A MINUTE, it IS you." He just referenced something Arthur was saying around Kirito IRL! Arthur seems to take a resigned, accepting posture. "Come on man, can't BLAME me for assuming the FANGIRL THING. You attract 'em like MAD." Then he seems to understand what's going on. A smile spreads wide over his face. He begins to laugh.

    Arthur Lowell, the guy who was assumed for years by one of his best friends to be a girl, has finally, FINALLY found a scenario where he can make fun of the other guy. "Hahahahahahaha." Despite the duel still going, his broom is suddenly gone. "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" He swaggers on over to where Kirito is standing now. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" And then gets kinda in his personal space. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

    Then he puts a hand on Kirito's back and stops laughing abruptly. "I feel your pain, dude. Don't worry. I can teach you to make sure this shit never happens." He grabs a bit of his own excessively long hair with one hand, and shows it, as if to indicate to Kirito that he's a survivor of malignant trap-ism. "I'll teach you how to be SO MANLY that NOBODY ever makes the mistake again, like how I AM."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Amalie has slid on over, also joining in the invasion of personal space. She helpfully starts braiding hair any hair presented to her.

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen shrugs a bit "It seems I was wrong but there's one thing?"

She conceeds the duel at this point before going on at this point she looks at them.

"Your so pretty now you make me jelous well at least Asuna's not got a Pretty Princess."

Then again maybe Asuna is amused by that she looks to the battle maid and wonders just /who/ she is.

Kirito has posed:
    "....." Kkrito finds himself glaring at Arthur throughout all of the laughter. Him and Tomoe both. though he half-steps backward when Arthur's all up in his face. "E-er... thanks?" Yup, back to the awkward, but for slightly different reasons.

    Hurriedly, he flickers through his menu, makes several equipment selections and steps circularly about to place Arthur between himself and the approaching maid.

    Then, in a flash of cerulean light... his proper outfit appears. A thin metal breastplate, a black shirt, black pants, and a black coat over it all... "This would've been avoided if I'd not forgotten to equip this after I bought it..." Grumble grumble.

Riva Banari has posed:

A plainative wail comes from within the main hub. "GUYS? GUYYYYYYYYYS! I FOUND A QUEST GUUUUUY!"

By now everyone who cares has got BulletArtist Riva on mute. She sniffles.

"Where are you guys... We were gonna kill weak mutant rats together..." ;_;

Asuna (9) has posed:
There's a sudden panicked noise from behind the main group. "Oh no, I've forgotten, Mother's going --"

Uh, Asuna? Try explaining? "I'msorryI'vegottago." Well, that explains where she went as she bails to disconnect.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur is apparently the one being presented to Amalie. Let's hope she doesn't feel like braiding his hair, there's certainly enough of it in a huge mess.

    Well, anyway, that's enough of that. Arthur lets the duel time out, now!