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Prelude: Upon The Flames Of Rebirth
Date of Scene: 08 January 2015
Location: Mor Dhona, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: When fate is altered and warnings not heard by all. A new era awakens and demons of old pasts made new. This is the Prelude and the beginning of a new, dark, dawn.
Cast of Characters: 27, 487, 522, Bahamut, 530, 546, 560, Eryl Fairfax, 583, 626, 636, 682
Tinyplot: Dragon's Bane

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Mor Dhona has a bit of clear skies, at least as clear has Mor Dhona gets when the gloom is not in effect. The aether crystals glow brightly against the mountain sides and ground. The Agris stands tall from its resting place with the giant wyrm serpent wrapped around it as a sign of the Garlean defeat so long ago here.

High on a mountain range, not far from the Castrum are orange aether crystals and deep large chasm of them. Below that perhaps treasure lost for thousands of years. It is here that Nox's notorious machine pulls away at the corrupted aetheric crystals, devouring them for energy. Where the garleans have stationed defense towers and automated weapon platforms.

Troops walk the borders of this mountain range up high. Watchful of any activity. Vanguards patrol the area in turn. The Magitek Armors known as Reapers-- walker machines also stand around on stand by waiting for the need to come into use if there should be of reason. For with the truce over, Gaius Van Baelsar desires to not take any chances and any Confederate willing to come aid will be paid in turn either in equal service to them one day or in coin.

Yet the Eorzean Alliance knows that the Garleans are up to something and nothing good if what Inga and Xau'ra have seen to be true. They have made the call out to willing Adventures such as a the Company of Heroes and Union alike. They need to stop whatever the Confederate are up to in Mor Dhona before they create another Calamity in their own wake of perhaps idiocy.

As the sun slowly starts to set, movement can be seen from the camp, as men start to make way for the mountain. The orders are sent and several of the Reapers along with some of the troops go to handle the issue. Yet what they do not see is what comes from behind. That of the Twin Adders and Immortal Flames making their way up the backside, along with perhaps some of the Union.

Which are soon quickly upon some of the guards of the Garlean Empire. With the alarm then called, more troops quickly start to make their way, even as Gaius Van Baelsar himself steps out from where he was waiting.

Though what causes the armored figure to come to a pause is the sudden arrival of wooden steel airships with the Garlond Ironworks emblem on it and that of the Maelstrom's own who quickly take several shots at them.

Including as several of them either leap off into the fray or propel down from ropes. Maybe even Union among them as well. This place quickly starts to become a battlefield between Union and Confederate alike, with the allies of mixed right in.

For while the Confederates fight to protect Nox's machine from utter destruction, it is up to the Union and forces alike to stop the machine and keep from perhaps something being unleashed....

...if it isn't already to late...

( The Music For Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td8Xz9mnYyw )

Nox (546) has posed:
    The machine that Eorzea's adventurers had seen exceeds its description. Nox's home base; his walking fortress; Horologium, stalks among the shattered ruins of aetherytes below. The colossal construction is easily fourty storeys tall, taking the shape of a massive circle of clockworks like the a pocket watch faced with four seperate hands, serving as the body of some sort of mechanical spider. Gigantic legs stab into the ground in precise, rhythmic time, smoothly carrying what amounts to a large building thirty meters off the ground, shattering the rock and pulverizing crystal to dust where it steps. It moves between the giant, glowing crystals; stopping at each one to plunge a quarted of huge needles into their surface, rapidly draining the aetheric light up the machine's arms until the crystal turns grey and lifeless, only to be shattered the next moment as Horologium crashes through it.

    In addition to the walking fortress, the cliffs and chasm swarm with a seemingly endless number of tiny, metal, beetle-like creatures, alighting on the fields of crystals too small for Horologium's attention; harvesting them in the same way with mounted stingers. The loaded ones stand out as glowing points of blue light against the sky, like a constellation of fireflies, moving back and forth out of the central hub of the giant machine. A sizeable circle has been cleared of all crystal out of the chasm beneath; an effort which must have taken days. Anyone with sufficient knowledge would know that the precise location has been chosen for what lies beneath it, rather than what towers above.

    Unfortunately, Nox hasn't left the area all week, and he doesn't like being interrupted. At the sound of gunfire, spell slinging and battle cries, he warps out of Horologium with the trivial ease he always bends space with, teleporting high into the air where he is level with the lip of the overhanging cliff, stopping only to get a good view of the unfolding battle. "Well, well, well. It's only the start of the hero season and look at all the insects that have come swarming in. I'll have to thank the Legatus later for entertaining them. I suppose it won't hurt if I help him wrap this up quickly however."

    Gesturing towards the nearest airship without looking, Nox's hand flashes with a spark of cyan energy. The next minute, the ship is deep inside hundreds of fields of interlocking temporal distortions. Slices of the ship move much faster, while others move drastically slower, and all in irreconcileable direction. The effect is that the airship should be ripped to pieces like paper going through a shredder. "One down. Let's see. How many more to go?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    From the shadows behind the oncoming horde of Eorzeans, a figure in black imperial power armor emerges, the person in the power armor reaches up and cocks a very heavy crossbow, taking aim at one the commander of one of the ground units before they fire... ...And practically disembowels the Eorzean in one shot.

The process repeats as they methodically recock the bow, and take out another officer, and another, in an outright attempt to create confusion in the ranks, and buy the Confederacy and imperial forces time to react to the sudden ... Hero-Horde.

Garen (530) has posed:
5r    Also from the shadows fly a trio of blaster shots into the heads of any poor Eorzean unlucky enough to be in range. It seemd Cipher Nine had found himself a nest to operate from. "Three down." He says to himself, making mental notes on what to submit to the Garlemand command for his compensation.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    There was more than just the Garleans and Nox's robots on site. But sometimes the bigger threats are the ones that aren't immeadiately seen.

    Several enemies back it to the rocky ground, releasing their drop ropes and moving to engage with the defenders, swords and magic casters versus the Garlean magitech. With the advantage of their dropin from above, the two forces in contention seem almost evened off.

    And then one of the spellcasters chokes out a gurgle mid-cast. His squad mates turn to see the blades run through his back, and the reptillian woman their connected to fading into view. One of them lunges at her in revenge, only to get his weapon snared between the matching blades on her other arm. Mantigora twists the blade out of his grasp, then with a wicked grin slams her head into his brow, likely cracking his skull with her horns.

Bahamut has posed:
     As the chaos starts over and around the chasm, there is a powerful roar overhead. Diving around the exploding airship comes the form of a dreaded Garlean enemy. Bahamut, the Aeon of Bevelle and king of the dragons of Spira. He had to change his usual title at the insistence of his allies...

     Despite that, the diving dragon flies in low over the Confederate and Garlean defenders. With another roar, shots of Impulse rain down on the troops. Death from above. The charges of non-elemental energy explode like bombs, outright killing some and risking petrification on those not killed. As he pulls back up into the sky, the forms of Kyra and Ryu are visible upon his back. "Alright, you two. I do not mind acting as an aerial platform, so you are welcome to stay put." he says as he comes back around for another pass.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra definitely is visible upon Bahamut's back! It's easy to spot her due to the white hood she wears. For the purpose of dragon riding, since this is her first time, she's requested /something/ of substance to hold onto or at least hook her feet onto. Feet anchoring was preferred since it gave her access to both hands-which she clearly needed.

    She has a long rifle held to her and several sets of bandoliers with darts in them draped over her shoulders. A pair of strange-looking goggles rests upon her face. "Oh, I don't mind staying up here with you!" Kyra says, her voice brimming with the excitement of someone who is riding on what is technically a holy creature on her world. "This is a perfect backliner spot!"

    As Bahamut comes back for another pass, she starts taking aim, not at the Garleans or even the strange little robots draining the crystals. No, she takes aim at those Eorzeans fighting for their lives down there, in particular those that look to be in terrible shape.

    Fired upon, they'll discover that Kyra's no mercy killer but in fact hitting them with hi-potion filled darts. Her aim's pretty good.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
     Among the armoured troops descending from the airships is a man in a white button shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and black pants with the legs rolled up also. Yes, Eryl Fairfax is on the scene, looking none too happy about all the impossible things around him, making Original Face buzz like an angry hornet in his skull.

     But, he cannot stand idly by at times like this. Even though he abhors fighting, he signed on to this, in the hopes that some lives be spared by his merciful take on combat. But, as it happens, he was dropping down from the ship that Mantigora chose to camp under. Looking down, he sees her emerge from nothingness (netting him another painful alert) and commence slaughtering of the troops.

     Well. This will not stand.

     Eryl starts swinging his drop rope, building some momentum before letting go, dropping down. He pulled his legs up, aiming for Mantigora, explosively extending both legs for a gravity-fuelled dropkick!

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu loves flying. He does not, however, love the idea of riding on the back of a dragon as it does a bombing run across a battlefield. He visibly cringes as the attack slams into the battlefield below, his mouth wilting into an obvious frown at the sight. His hair, normally tied back as it is, is flowing free in quite a wild manner. His hair-tie got blown out by the gusts of wind somewhere along the way.

    "I think I'll take my chances up here, too!" he tells Bahamut. Once he's gotten a good view of the battlefield, he squints down, trying to find where any Elites are fighting on the battlefield. He manages to spot Garen sniping at the Eorzean troops, and so the blue-haired soldier draws his own handgun and aims it one-handed, while his other hand keeps ahold of the Dragon King so he doesn't fall off.

    He takes several shots down at Garen, resulting in several bright points of light soaring across the battlefield like a pulse blaster, but resulting in a fiery explosion that's more burning than concussion on impact. He's taking several shots because it's very, very hard for him to aim with this distance and the slightly unsteady spot he's clinging to.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Emiya Shirou's no favor of big slaughters. He hates the idea of killing anyone. He wants to save everyone, and that includes enemies. So a position sniping down foes en-masse with Noble Phantasm arrows is too bloody. So is using the best tactics he could using the training bedivere's given him. yeah, he could take a position on a narrow part of the path and use Kanshou and Bakuya to cut down soldiers. But he doesn't want to do that.

    If he's going to halt this conflict with the least lives lost, he needs to force a Garlean surrender somehow.

    Right around now he's very grateful for the hours and hours spent practicing self-Reinforcement with medical around to keep him from killing himself - or perhaps Iianor's workshop. Because right now he needs it.

    In magical sight, emerald light runs in criss-crossing circuit patterns through Shirou's whole body and much of the armor he's wearing. The redheaded magus is dashing and leaping clumsily over conflicts with speed and power humans just shouldn't be able to manage. He hops and leaps over small skirmishes and formations to land on boulders and leap again. Kanshou and Bakuya are in his hands and seem unblooded. He's looking for commanders, no doubt!

    Probably THE Commander...

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
It'd have taken forever to climb up the side of the mountain. Jono went with the ones on the airship. As soon as the airship got there Jono looks to the little robot fairy on his shoulder-- a Shinki actually... specifically a Gabrine-- and then tilts his head to the battlefield-to-be. "Right!" she agrees and then she's off.

For his part Jono gets to where the lot of them who don't jump will be exiting from to rappel. It's true he's not Union. But he knew some people in Eorzea a few of which know him as someone friendly to their cause. So he'd met up with the Alliance and come here with them and agreed to come help.

Once the call to start leaving the ship is heard Jono starts down the ropes with everyone else. But it also happens to be his rotten luck that he's on the ship that takes the brunt of Nox's fine-tuned time manipulation. He's about halfway down the ropes when the ship is ripped apart. He grabs uselessly at the rope as he falls. Luckily he manages to miss any crystal outcroppings-- that'd have been a mess.

But it's pretty clear to Jono that if that bloke over there can play paper shredder with an airship he's probably the bigger threat. So he heads in that direction. Even when they knew they were all going into battle Jono kept his face wrapped up. Until now. The wrappings get pulled down and he's shooting at Nox! Or his machine, whichever's more visible...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
One of the wooden and steal airships with its balloon type assembly above gets torn apart by Nox's own abilities. Many of them quickly jumping ship before the remains of it go crashing below, setting off some of the corrupted aether which explodes in a brilliant orange flash of light.

Shots go firing from the Confederate size of bullets and bolts, with Mantigora slaying another. Though even the Eorzeans have to deal with the onslaught of bullets from the Garleans own as well, though a few manage to leap down on a few Troopers and drive their swords right through the kevlar armor.

The Automated weapons on the Garlean side swing out from their resting positions. The turrets extending out before taking aim on some of the Eorzean's less high tech airships and quickly ramming bullets through them like swiss cheese. Though in turn a few Eorzeans manage to get some arrows and fire ball blasts right into the automated weapons causing them to explode in a flash of blue flames and shrapnel flying across the battlefield.

Bahamut's roar is heard from both the Eorzeans and the Garleans. For some who are not use to such things-- it causes a touch of alarm, but there is enough differences-- even if some slights, that keep the Eorzeans from going into sudden 'Oh gawd, the elder primal has returned!', though it still causes them to quickly stagger back for a moment.

The Garleans get carpet bombed by the blasts, a few Vanguards petrified before exploding, while some troops resist some of the effects of the magic, before unleashing several volley of shots in return, though this doesn't last long as they get tackled by some of the Company Of Heroes who have made it past the wave of defense that went to meet them.

Gaius is somewhere in the mix of all this, claiming lives and throwing some right off the edge. Though the Legatus is easy to miss within the very carnage of the battlefield.

Kyra's potion shots do make their marks and give some aid to those who get hit, but they do not last for long under the barrage, yet every little bit helps right? Some Conjurer's are even out their attempting to weave the aether to mend some wounds, but yet the aether and even potions can only do so much.

While a few Garleans are having to back off a bit and use their own concoctions to get any continued stamina in all the chaos...

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen looks up and starts off, the last shot lighting up the leg of his pants. He smothers it and looks up angrily at Ryu and Kyra. "Here I was hoping you would have the decency of staying on the ground." He says. Still, he takes a knee, and sights up Ryu, snapping off shots at him, and just to be cheeky, fires a warning shot at poor Kyra.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    Mantigora kicks a wounded soldier out of her way, and starts stalking towards another group. After the long truce this was the perfect oppritunity for her to let loose the pent up aggressive, and it showed in the almost gleeful predatory smile she was sporting.

    Only to get intercepted by the swinging entrance. The feet slam into her side with the momentum and knocks her away from her intended targets. There's a bit of a grunt, but she hits the ground with a roll and gets back up onto her feet. Gives her assailant a scrutinizing look as she does so. And then smiles again. "Knew picking on these scrubs would get some -real- interest."

    Powerful legs launch her into motion again, charging Eryl and swiping at him with one of her armblades.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut leaves Ryu and Kyra to their own devices atop his back. If Kyra asked, a foot harness would have been provided so she could just basically hang or stand on Bahamut as he flies about the battlefield. But, Bahamut is going to focus on that machine. He comes in low again, and as he does he brings up his hands, aimed at the crystal gathering machine. Energy swirls around it, then a powerful burst of non-elemental energy explodes around it. A Flare attack.

     As he banks around, Bahamut calls out in his powerful, booming voice. "Eorzean warriors! Fear not me or your enemy! For I am Bahamut! And today, I fight with you! Together, we will turn back these Garleans and their Confederate allies!" He lets out a powerful roar after finishing his little speech and comes back around for another pass at the machine.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'sharra, inside her Imperial Centurion armor, frowns as one of her targets begins to slowly get back up, the armor straightens, and recocks the crossbow, as the officer she had just sniped takes a second healing dart... ...And finishes getting back up.

    Her eyes, or rather the eyes of her armor follow the dart's trajectory back to Bahamut, and a soft snarl emerges from her mouth before she leaps upwards and emerges behind Kyra from her shadow. "Healer. You're needed elsewhere." And a pair of arms attempts to wrap around her, before the pair simply fade back into the shadows... ...And emerge on the ground under Bahamut. "...A pity you picked the wrong side." She shoves Kyra forward, and a blade emerges from under her arm.

Nox (546) has posed:
    The battlefield, as most battlefields are, is complete chaos. There are vaguely distinguished battle lines where the Eorzeans meet the picket line established by the forces of Garlemand, but other than that there are self proclaimed heroes all over the place, either mowing down the rank and file, or engaging in duels with other Elites. It's honestly too much to bother with at the individual level, and Nox isn't about to go wasting energy trying to nuke each part of the battlefield in sequence to try and thin out the enemy cannon fodder. Everything he does is an exercise in efficiency, and Xelors excelt at battlefield control for entirely different reasons than mass firepower.

    Holding his aerial position where he can survey the unfolding conflict, Nox first casts the Xelor's Dial; projecting runic versions of roman numerals in a wide circle around him, each shining with intense, golden light. In a swift, well practised series of gestures, he cycles through the twelve, nine, three and five in sequence, lighting them up on contact. The instant four numbers have been chosen, the circle lets off a pulse of barely visible energy, expanding in a faint blue sphere around Nox. The pulse accelerates to a tremendous speed, washing over the entire battlefield at a scale that not even the most powerful mortal Xelors can dream of, phasing through enemy combatants without effect, but suffusing allied targets with a brief, equally faint glow.

    The result is bizarre. Exactly once every second, the Garlean forces skip 200 milliseconds ahead. A brief burst of action appears completely instantaneous, giving the battlefield a surreal, stop-motion look, timed in such a way that one could set a steady metronome to the tick tock of the warring soldiers. Though it seems strange, the advantage it provides is enormous. An enemy with a haste spell can be adjusted to once one has a grasp on their new speed. Regular instant actions however, are impossible to see, and thus impossible to counter unless one can predict them.

    Before he casts a second spell, Nox is interrupted with a direct strike from a particular Elite from below. The kinetic fire slams into him at full bore, knocking him out of the magic circle, which fizzles out of existence as soon as he leaves its boundaries. Throwing out his arms, Nox immediately arrests his head over heels tumble as if reaching the end of an invisible string, turning his head towards Jonothon with a mechanical click.

    "Impressive aim for an ant. I can barely see him from here." Nox carefully sights in on Jonothon with the magnification from his mask's lenses, levelling one hand towards him with literally clocklike precision. The palm of his hand glows a bright, steady blue, letting off a sound like the warmup of an electric generator, before discharging a streaking bolt of teal energy that rips through the air and collides with the stone at the mutant's feet. The bolt explodes into a towering conflagration of blue fire, kicking up hundreds of pounds of pulverized rock and dust into the air. Unlike Jonothan's fire, it behaves mostly like a conventional explosion, somewhat like the Ceruleum the Garleans use. Assuming his target is at least occupied for the moment, he turns his attention to the dragon as it roars past him, on a direct course for Horologium. Sighing to himself, Nox disappears in a fizzle of blue static.

    He reappears directly in Bahamut's way with an electrical sting, both arms folded behind his back in businesslike fashion. "Bonsoir, sirs and madam. You appear to be heading in the wrong direction. Allow me to give you directions." Without any sort of visible movement from him, spacetime ripples and compresses into a tiny point between Nox, Bahamut and his passengers, folded down to the point that everything looks distorted on the other side. The next moment, it unleashes its potential energy by 'snapping' back, hitting the dragon with a crushing wave of negative gravity just moments after Kyra escapes his back in Vi'Sharra's arms.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    As Bahamut makes passes at the machine, Kyra takes the opportunity to reload and arrange her ammo around her. The rifle, of course, has its own strap which is also draped over her left shoulder so as to not risk Kyra losing the weapon while in flight. A bullet wizzes by her ear and Kyra shudders a little. "Someone's clearly trying to pick us off from the ground." she says to Ryan pretty much at the exact same time he's probably realizing he just got shot at.

    "I'll keep an eye out for who-" her goggles make a faint 'vreeeeee' noise. "-but that's not-oh, hi!" Nox is given a strangely enthusiastic wave before he starts to tear time and space up in front of them.

    Then, much to her shock (and perhaps to her benefit), /someone/ grabs her from behind. The girl makes a startled noise before she's pulled away, vanishing from the dragon's back.

    She staggers forward on the ground when they re-emerge, "What the hell! That was a perfect position! /Rude/!" She whirls around, looking incensed to be separated from the two dragons. "-wait, you-oh. Oh shi-" Realization hits her with Vi'Sharra's drawn blade and menacing one-liner. Immediately, she backs away, both of her hands leaving her rifle, allowing it to hang in front of her as Kyra works a flask free of her belts. The flask is hurled at Vi'Sharra's feet where it immediately explodes upon shattering on the ground. She doesn't stand and face Vi'Sharra afterwards-she runs.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu was expecting a shot or two, but one of the retaliatory shots slams into one of his shoulders, the one that was holding on tight to Bahamut. He switches grasp to his other hand, swapping his handgun over, but it's an awkward motion, and it makes it very difficult to respond to the shot and balance at the same time. His face scrunches against the pain, but he's not out for the count like others would've been from the same hit. While he's trying to adjust his aim for another shot, something very distracting happens.

    Someone kidnaps Kyra, the healer, and the other member of the little group. And Bahamut's headed for a direct confrontation with Nox, another heavy-hitting Monster of a being that Ryu feels intense fear just looking at. The handgun is holstered, the decision Ryan makes next being entirely instinctive. A heavy growl rolls from him as he turns to get a look at where Vi and Kyra ended up.

    He leaps off of Bahamut's back before the explosion hits, guarded only by a flash of white light. This light fades only inches away from when he's about to land, and it reveals a snarling, wide-eyed silvery-white wingless dragon trying to land right on top of Vi'Sharra with only the super tough weight of dragon scale, muscle and bone to attack with.

    He's also roaring. It creates a crystalline keening noise that echoes across the battlefield several times due to his very strange voice.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
     After landing the kick, Eryl rolls on the ground to cancel all his falling momentum, getting right back up after coming to a stop, no worse for wear after such a drop, save the dirt on his clothes. He stands there, dusting himself for a moment before inclining his head.

     "I am Eryl Fairfax, diplomat for the ReGenesis Corporation. I ask you to stand down. Your stealth abilities will not help you against the likes of me, and..." Before he can finish his diplomatic spiel, Mantigora rushes him with arm blade drawn! The false skin on his right arm opens around the wrist, and his own 'Ungraspable' armblade emerges, which he raises to block Mantigora's. The impact likely kicks up some sparks, owing to the high-frequency vibration of Eryl's blade.

     "I was GOING to say that, in an open fight, you are likely not to win against me. But, I will forgive this attack and wait for your answer." Inside, Eryl isn't feeling as confident as he lets on though. Having come from a losing streak, he's started to doubt his own capabilities. But his implants regulate his emotions, not letting them show on his face, which only bears a look of steely resolve.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
YES! He got Nox's attention!


CRAP! Nox's attention is on him!

And then BOOM!

The explosion both tears at him and throws him through the air drawing a loud cry of pain. To those who CAN hear him it's audible despite distance despite the din of battle around him. Because it's not his mouth that's making the sound. He doesn't HAVE a mouth. It's his mind. The front of his shirt is shredded the most since... well there's nothing there behind it. Just more fire. He looks like a demon out there surrounding by his staticky burning red-orange energy.

And to add insult to injury? Once he can be seen again past the explosion someone SHOOTS him! In mid-getting to his feet a bullet passes through his back and he arches in pain. It's only through sheer luck that it misses his spine. But he can't worry about a sniper at the moment... he can't SEE a sniper! Instead he searches for Nox... up there in the sky! He moves to another location-- hoping a moving target will be harder to hit until he can find that sniper-- and tries to snipe UP at Nox from the ground.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    By some strange chance, when Kyra started running away from Vi'Sharra, Shirou was in a good position to see the unusual explosion at about the same time that the Garlean troops began their weird timeskipping trickery. This just got weird enough that Shirou no longer feels like this push is going to bear fruit. He pauses with indecision... and ends up having to parry and kick away a soldier lest he get cut up!

    Well, that only partially works. His gleaming knightly plate armor (THANK YOU SANTA) is a godsend there - a few blows spang right off of it.

    He changes direction quickly and ends up leaping back the way he came, across a few tangling tussles and clashing battle lines and hits the ground a good forty meters from Kyra. Ducking low, he charges as fast as his reinforced legs can take him - and that's fast enough to outrun olympic competitors!

    His STOP is a bit clumsy though! He staggers and stumbles, nearly losing his balance when he places himself in Vi'sharra's way - only for...


    "... No way...!" DRAGONS. DRAGONS FROM THE SKY. Is it friendly?! Doesn't look like it.

    Emiya Shirou tenses up and adjusts his shoulder plates. "This is the worst conflict yet! Kyra, are you alright?!" Kanshou and Bakuya are raised defensively, but he's not sure what the heck he's gonna do against Vi'Sharra AND a Dragon!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As the battle continues to rage, some events suddenly conspire. The aetheric crystals at which Nox's machine has been after suddenly explodes into a giant fireball of aetheric energy which races into the heavens. As it does so it then explodes outward with the echo of what sounds like a giant dragon roar almost mixed in with the explosive force.

The energy of the explosion washes over the battle area, knocking Eorzeans and Garleans over, including anyone else not grounded with simple ease. Some of the ground gives way and falls apart, lowering down slightly and dumping a few far down below into the darkness beyond.

Another explosion of aetheric explosion shakes the area, causing Mor Dhona to fall under the gloom effect with lightning striking around in the very sky. It is with this secondary explosion does all of the Magitek of the Garlean Empire in the near by area come to a screeching halt.

Vanguards power off line, Centurions nearly come crashing down to their knees. Automated defenses cease to function, even the Reapers power offline. Gaius Van Baelsar, the Legatus of the very forces here is not even spared.

His own body being weighed down by the sudden rob of his own Magitek powercell. He staggers down to one knee, while gritting his teeth behind his helm. His HUD display flickering on and off as it starts to lose power. In that moment, he squints his gold eyes behind the void lens. For a moment he thinks he sees a ghost-- a ghost whom should be dead.

The very sight of it, causes the Legatus to force himself to stand, even with the sheer weight of his armor's own metal making it difficult without the aid of the Ceruleum cell powering it. He reaches up and pulls of his helm. Even as the wind of aetheric energy rips around the area, moving his peppered black and white hair. His face though looking to still be someone in their youthful forties, some lines show the sign of age over his face.

Those gold eyes of his fierce and almost predatory as he gazes around the area. Looking for what he almost saw. "..where are you..." is all he sneers out, before he watches as one of his Centurions struggles to get up. Gaius tosses his helm to the side while pulling out the comm, before forcing himself to walk over. As he walks over he attaches the radio piece, giving the orders for those whom can to go back into fall back position.

He then reaches over and helps the Centurion to his feet, taking off their helm while ignoring their own pains. "You alright?"

The Centurion man only can give a nod of his head from the momentary surprise. Gaius then gives the man a gentle pat on the shoulder before he pulls off one of his gloves, and then gets back on the comm to do a quick status report.

As even the Eorzeans try to gather up themselves it doesn't take long before the aetheric energy in the air suddenly swirls downward and then from the heavy fog that falls over the area, before covering the very ground, two human sized Dragons suddenly stand before everyone and a man standing between them with a hooded brown robe and some type of metallic device in his hands with a gentle glow of red light radiating from the lines.

He has to be at leas six foot eight, the extensions from the hood says he has pointed ears and his upper face is hidden, but not that of his lower part of his face or chin. He does not smile nor does he smirk. He remains that of neutral. His voice is very precise and clear. Calm and elegant. For those of Hydaelyn, it was easy to tell that man was an Elezen. No words were spoken from him, but the two dragons glowing with aetheric energy seem to stand at his side with an aggressive stance. Seeming ready to strike.

( Music change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEe_r49KllU )

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen smirks as he see's his shot strike true. Then the guy changes into a dragon. "Here I am without my dragonslaying rifle....I need a dragonslaying rifle..." He mutters. Even so, he moves up and starts back on his trade, sniping. He takes aim, sniping down a few officers of Eorza, and takes a few cheap shots at the heroes.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    Sparks fly as blades slide against blades, and then Mantigora pulls away. Where the 'flesh' was sliced is noted, but it doesn't seem to phase her much, holding her weapons back at the ready at her sides. But seeing as we're giving mid-fight introductions. "Mantigora Vertibraeker. Bounty Huntress of the Dominion Empire, ally of the Confederacy and the Garlean Empire." Tail lashes, legs tense with readiness for another strike...

    Except then that happens. Reflexively Mantigora crouchs to the ground and stabs her blades into it to anchor herself as the explosive winds blast across the cliffs, whipping around her hair and flapping the ends of her armored longcoat.

    Once it's passed she lifts her gaze towards the newcomers. ".. I think we might have to put this spat on hold...", she remarks without looking over her shoulder at Eryl, not trusting taking her eyes off this turn of events.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    BOOM! Shards of dirt, glass, and rock explode upward into what would be a ... very awkward location if Vi'Sharra weren't wearing magitech power armor, thankfully for her ... She is. "That was the point. Yes."

    Unfortionately, the burning smoke is ... thick enough to conceal a certain oncoming dragon, until he's almost directly on top of her. "S-" The speakers on the armor his loudly as Vi'Sharra dives out of the way, nearly colliding with Emiya as he comes tearing forward. "...So it's the damsel and the dragon is it."

    She grabs for the front of Emiya's armor and attempts to swing him around in a semi-circle to keep her own balance after the dive to get out of Ryu's way, before giving him a none too gentle shove at the dragon. "You're the hero here boy. You deal with the dragon."

    And then as she starts forward behind Emiya---The battlefield explodes, crystal fragments raining everywhere, the earth shaking and then the giant roar in the background. ...To say nothing of the sudden etheric overpressure, and the fact that her charge at Ryu is completely and irrevocably interupted by her armor locking up... ...And the fact that she just went crashing into the ground after. "--What the hell is it with this place and dragons?"

    Slowly, unless stopped by Kyra, Emiya or Ryuu she works her way to her feet obviously fighting the weight of her armor, to stagger over into the shadow of one of the larger rocks. "You win. Something nasty just woke up and without a can opener..."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is just about to bank away when ...WHAM! Spacial distortion wall. The dragon king has never crashed into anything like that before, and it definitely does not feel good. There is a thunderous boom as the heavyweight smashes into the distortion, followed by a powerful roar. Bahamut starts to fall like a giant bug on a humungous windshield, but his wings spread again. Bahamut is just recovering from the impact with Nox's distortion. His wings spread to catch him before those explosions rock the area. He is unaffected by the sudden drop in magitechnical energy, but he does turn toward where those three figures have emerged from the smoke and dust. As he hovers there, he looks around at the battlefield. The native warriors seem to be having trouble, which makes him wonder if he should continue his attack or not. With those below him apparently choosing to put the battle on hold, Bahamut does so as well, though he growls a warning at Nox.

     "Who are you?" the larger dragon calls out to the man with the two dragons below. Bahamut slowly floats his way down to land a short distance from them, placing himself as the most likely target. He takes his usual stance, arms crossed, wings spread, one foot behind the other, and stares down these newcomers.

Nox (546) has posed:
    Preoccupied by Bahamut and assuming that Jonothon would still be picking himself up, if not blown to pieces by that blast, Nox is again caught by surprise as the mutant blindsides him with another bolt of fire. The kinetic impact shatters the armour up along one side of his arm, already damaged from the previous attack, causing it to flake off in a deluge of metal fragments. He turns around to retaliate with a much more judicious use of force, but before he can act, the catastrophic explosion rocks the canyon. The tremors don't reach him high in the air, but his ability to read the flow of energy is all he needs to understand the magnitude of the event taking place.

    Bahamut doesn't seem to be about to fight him, and everyone else seems to be taking a break from killing each other, and so Nox sees no reason to resume hostilities just yet; at least, not until the new interlopers have either left or been dealt with. He teleports out from in front of the aeon to a position closer to the Elezen, just within the distance he should be able to hear him. "I would offer you a good evening as well monsieur, but you see, you are currently interrupting something. If there is something you must do here, I urge you to get it out of the way quickly so we can resume."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    In the future, Kyra will have to pack some stronger explosives. She doesn't stick around to see how much damage (or lack thereof) the bomb shell inflicts upon Vi'Sharra's power armor. Studying the cool enemy tech seems to be a lot lower priority than not getting knifed. Fortunately, from the sky drops a wingless dragon, which is the strangest dragon Kyra has seen. Of course, Kyra has seen a total of two dragons now.

    "...Ryan...?" she questions, reaching for her other gun on her, the Luna's Resolve. She knows that he meant to stick by her during this fight so they could support each other but she's never seen him in his dragon form before. "Shirou, that might be him!"

    She starts taking aim at Vi when everything completely goes to hell, from the crystals exploding and the ground splitting. Kyra is knocked off her feet and nearly loses her grip upon her gun as she falls to the ground. "What the hell?" Groaning, Kyra picks herself up and takes a moment to stare at the strange brown-robed person and the pair of other dragons with a complete lack of recognition. Yet the three seemed /dangerous/ somehow.

    Kyra looks over at her former assailant and walks after her, curious. "You seriously can't get out of that?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jonothon is minding his own business shooting at Nox.

And then all of a sudden the very ground under his feet starts to fracture and split. The tremors throw Jono to the ground just as easily as the other normal people here. Even if he's not normal. Before he can get up though... he feels the ground under him give way. He's about to fall!

Quickly he rolls to one side just far enough to escape the falling ground. Others are not so lucky and he frowns as he stands. "...What the bloody hell...?" That's when he catches sight of... is that a person? And are those dragons? The person's pets?

Jono can't see too well from where he is and he's more worried about retaliation from some way he can't see. So for the time being he stays where he is. He's got to make sure he doesn't fall in another huge crack in the ground!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    A few seconds of observation wherein Shirou notices Ryu's focused on Kyra's assailant are enough to make him wonder about this dragon. As is Kyra's confused explanations. But that bit of wondering costs him. Vi'Sharra's up in his face before he can react - "HUAH?!"

    And then he's spun about and goes skidding awkwardly. The armor's still too new to him for him to manuever that well! That's costing him.

    He ends up getting his balance again and bringing his weapons up, but then...


    "Uwaghhhh!" Shirou's bowled over with a clank-thunk-whumpf. Kanshou and Bakuya strangely...fizzle, like snow on an old television. But they don't shatter-vaporate like they sometimes do. "What was THAT...?!" He rises easily enough, but he's now kind of dizzy and staggery...

    The boy looks all around him, spots the Garlean's armor being so crippled, the nearby Vi'Sharra limping away...

    "... All their magitech's disabled..." He mumbles quietly, bewildered by this development and showing some slow-wittedness to be sure.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu had slammed into the ground, narrowly missing his target. He is not actually heavy enough to do much in the way of damage to the ground beyond a crushed stone or two. When he stands, it's quick, having felt no sting from the impact due to the excessively tough nature of the dragons in his world. He follows her as she moves, and hesitates when he notes Shirou's presence in the fight--

    Gold dragon eyes widen at the fear response he spotted from the red-haired youth.

    He takes a few steps around Shirou when the young man is shoved in that direction. His tail, almost reflexively, tries to balance the sword-wielder, his eyes instead focused on Vi as she retreats away from the fight, the dragon single-minded about his anger in this case.

    The explosion happens. He braces against it, but it shoves him backwards as well. He tumbles for a few feet before he can find an all-fours position to stand as the wind dies down. He's somewhere near Shirou ended up, staring in the direction of the strange figure and the two dragons. His gaze focuses on him sharply, his tail swaying behind him. The dragons get a more suspicious glare, as they seem to be ready for a fight.

    It's only a brief stare, before he's moving to check on Kyra and Shirou, making sure that they're okay. He washes a gentle white light over them with his hands, trying to mend minor cuts or bruises with novice-level healing magic, but it's nothing that'd make them fight more easily. He seems much more gentle and fretful than he was a moment ago, now that he senses an opening in the battle for this kind of check-up.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
     Eryl was about to thank Mantigora for her introduction. Manners are important, after all. But suddenly, a giant explosion! Dragons! Robed figures, mass hysteria. He widens his stance to steady himself against the explosion, clothes fluttering from it.

     When he looks back up, he quickly scans the area. The enemy troops have been shut down. That's good information to have for a future conflict. He scans the dragons and the figures as best he can, hoping that there is something that someone else might be able to tell him about them after the battle.

     But then, Mantigora comments about putting the fight on hold. "What is this?" he asks her, sheathing his Ungraspables.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The man stands there for a moment, before he goes to take a step forward. His voice calm and collective. Precise and elegant. He talks with a hint of age behind his own words, "Forgive the interruptions to your blood lust activities."

Then another step, and the two dragons follow behind him as he keeps walking. The mist barely moving at his feet. Though a blue shroud of light seems to fall under each step he takes. "However if not for your timely operations, we could not come to light nor plans start to come to fruition."

His steps then come to a halt for a moment. "I suppose /we/ should thank you all for that." He then looks toward all there, a glint of red for a moment behind the shadows of the hood where the eyes would be. "But I must take my leave to see that my master returns in full.. to end the cries of those whom done wrong."

He then looks up toward Bahamut and that is when he smirks ever so faintly. "..and so this new world... understands whom truly rules Hydaelyn." He does not seem to answer the Aeon's question. How rude.

The unknown Elezen then turns on his heel and starts to walk away, even as the aetheric dragons remain behind growling at everyone and their tails lashing slightly. "I suggest you let me walk away, as forces that be out of my control will take great exception to any interference to what is to be. For though time is now been rewritten by the fall, a new dawn will soon enough arise!"

The two aetheric dragons then charge forward for a bit, snapping their jaws at two of the Eorzeans trying to get away, even though Garen's own bullets find them soon enough.

Though as the man continues to walk away. Gaius narrows his eyes before he raises up his Gunblade and roars out in his direction, "That Allagan Technology you hold belongs to the rightful owners of the Garlean Empire! Dare not think you can simply walk away with what is not yours!"

As Kyra tries to follow Vi'Sharra, she suddenly find some Garlean Troops coming right at her with swords point in her direction. Yeah-- they were not going to let her get anywhere /near/ Vi'Sharra or anyone who was trying to fall back due to the odd malfunction. It was easy to see they were not in the same type of armor, mostly leather and kevlar woven fiber.

As for those scans. Eryl may notice that the dragons are not-- truly solid. They are made of the say energy in the very air itself right now. The man himself-- there is something off about him, but the scans can not tell with all the aetheric energy in the air making it hard to determine.

There may also be something else.. here...

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen watches the events occur through his scope. For once, he was glad he wasn't out there in the field. Still, after a quick conference with the Legatus, he locks his scope on the main guy with the artifact, but doesn't fire just yet.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns inside her armor, before she reaches up and pulls the helmet off slowly, revealing an Elzean woman with platinum blond hair. "It your problem now heroes." Her expression is a bit disgusted, and really, really irritated, "Soldiers. Move onto the next group." A golden brown eye fixes on Shirou, and then on Kyra and Ryu, "Retreive my armor later if people can be spared. For now concentrate on rescuing as many of the people close to here as you can."

    The disgusted expression continues as the Elzean woman melts into the nearby shadows, leaving her armor behind, before she walks around the rock. "If you really want to stop this foolishness-" Her eyes narrow, "And mayhaps earn an explanation later, then I suggest you destroy that artifact that-" She gestures at the man in the robes and her voice is venemous, "-person- is carrying."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    Mantigora pushes herself to her feet, shaking off some of the dust from the explosion. Eyes narrow as the cloaked man speaks words that bring flashes from her previous outing to mind. Particularly the things that were described of prophet dreams by the Unionites she had been spying on. And that is not a reassuring prospect.

     "A problem for this world," she replies to Eryl. "A problem bigger than the fueding between factions."

    Her dour mood is only made worse when her datacrom bleeps obnoxiously at her. Fortunately she can activate the communication mentally, but still gets a rude greeting in ranting from Skuzzler. <<What going on out there?! Heard big explosion. Big explosion NOT caused by Chua. Totally not fa-->>
    <<Not. Now.>> Mantigora's reply signal cuts him off. <<Just stay down there. The Garlean troops are retreating because their armor is inactive, help get them out of here.>>

    That said, she takes a few steps off to the side, out of the main field of view while everyone is focusing on the white clad arrival and his cohorts... And fades out of sight again. Out of view and making nothing but the faintest of sounds the Draken circles the side with all the capacity of a stalking predator.

    Until she abruptly comes rushing from the side, not even decloaking back into full view by the time she's lunging, taking a swipe with her clawblades at to try and knock the device out of the hooded figure's hands.

Nox (546) has posed:
    "I suppose you should. Don't worry, we're quite modest here. We'll accept your thanks humbly and wish you well on your way." Even through the tinny reverb of Nox's mask, anyone can tell he isn't pleased. He doesn't like being interrupted, he doesn't like being ignored, and he HATES when people waste his time. He is completely ready to simply let the figure leave on his own, not particularly caring about who he is or where he's going so long as he stops delaying everyone's work. Listening to the radio for Gaius however, makes it obvious that doing so would be a mistake, especially since he personally suspects that the man has been 'tempered'.

    Floating idly by as the man moves on, Nox counts down the seconds as Mantigora moves, estimating the precise moment she'll strike with significant success. Almost the same moment that she makes her grab, Nox hits the Elezen and his two dragons with a localized sphere of temporal distortion, hitting them with a fairly standard, mid-level slowdown to prevent them from chasing after and intercepting the Draken.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra immediately backs off, retreating away from Vi'Sharra and the other Garleans back to the draconic form of Ryan. "Yeeesh, touchy." She mutters, getting close to the dragon's shoulder, looking him over and...getting healed? Now that was a surprising turn of events for her since it's generally the other way around.

    Slipping the Luna's resolve away, Kyra reaches out to pet Ryu's side with one hand. The other grabs her phone off of her so she can take a few pictures of the mystery guy and his transparent aetheric dragon bodyguards. She even takes a moment to zoom in on the artifact the mysterious figure is carrying. "HEY!" Kyra calls out at the man as he walks away, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ARE WE GOING TO GET A NAME TO GO ALONG WITH YOUR FOREBODING BULLCRAP?"

    Even as she yells, she's sending along the pictures to the Eorzean alliance channel.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's going to try to go over to the yelling guy. He's not going to get far very likely due to the soldiers trying to keep him from getting to him. "Tell 'im ter shut 'is cake'ole!" he 'says' tone almost desperate. "That bloke managed ter blow up this WHOLE BLOODY PLACE! What d'yer think 'e's gonna do ter YOU like THIS?!" He means of course with the magitech failing.

Though he pauses as the attempt is made to grab the artifact. Part of him hopes they don't succeed... but then he realizes something. This bloke just BLEW THE HELL OUT OF THE WHOLE CANYON. People died on BOTH sides. And Bahamut... didn't they say this world's Bahamut blew up the world? This fellow said something about a 'true ruler'. So... what if...?

He scowls, then backs up so he won't hit any guards who might be covering him. "MOVE!" he growls. And then fires a blast in the direction of that man with the cloak. He's trying to miss those that are going after the artifact.

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
     Looking down at the scene from his vantage point, Eryl frowns. It seems that this man is an important figure in this world's history. Someone who has aspirations for bringing about a 'new dawn.' And both sides are turning against him.

     That tells him that this person was likely a villain from history. In the distance, his ears pick up Gaius demanding that he turn over the artefact he holds. Well now, if it's so serious, perhaps he could...

     No. It seems that Mantigora is already making a run for the artefact. In that case, Eryl directs his gaze to the dragons, lightly bouncing on his bare feet. They're not solid, so he might not be able to hurt them... but perhaps an explosion might disperse them? He is not willing to take the first shot though, unless he has all the information.

     So he waits, priming his 'Golden Wind' launchers, just in case.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut snorts as the being starts walking away. "You think you can unleash such destruction and simply walk away?" the big dragon roars. He charges up, then unleashes an Impulse attack on the mysterious man. The trio of explosive non-elemental charges rocket across the battlefield to impact and unleash their destruction upon the herald, and his dragons if they are close enough. "I am Bahamut, and though I may not be of this world, I will not stand for such threats and violence without retribution!"

     Bahamut doesn't know what the others are waiting for, but he is not going to let this guy just walk away.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryu's gaze lowers to the hand that pets along his side. He looks up at Kyra-- up, because he's actually shorter than most people on the battlefield. Without his menacing growling and the gnashing of teeth, he seems almost serene and harmless, like he was never meant for the blood and fire of war like this. He looks at her for a few seconds, and then on toward the strange aetheric dragons and the figure in the cloak. Growling lowly, creating a crystal chiming noise...

    He starts rushing toward the aetheric dragons, howling at them, because the others are already attempting to attack him, and these things are exactly the kind of dragon he doesn't want to be. He's just blindly barreling toward them, claws glowing with his fury and his desire to slice them up.

Nael Dues Darnus (682) has posed:
    A deep resonant voice chuckles as a man in 'working magitech armor' fades into being behind the 'Cloaked Elzean'. "Well, well, well. Would you look at this?" He leans on his lance for a moment, "You just met them and they already want to kill you L." He snorts, "I guess you can't really blame them, but I really think-" He raises his left hand, and there's a pulse of magic that travels across the battlefield, "-That they should pay attention to the wishes of the Eorzeans in this matter."

    He chuckles darkly as the Eorzean strikeforce stops persuing the Imperial one, and begins turning back towards the Multiversals, and the other people that are moving towards the 'robed Elzean' ... and then a wave of arrows follows in their wake coursing up into the air before they come streaming down at Jono, Mandragora, Nox and any of the others that are trying to interfere with the retreat, it's followed by a horde of their other soldiers charging up to get in the way, swinging swords, hammers, axes and just about anything they can at the people in range... While having absolutely no concern for their own casulaties.

    Up in the air Bahamut simply gets a glare, and a heavy compusion to go back to fighting Nox. That's what he came here to do right? "Didn't you come here to do something else Bahamut? Shouldn't you be," His lips curl into a smile behind his helmet, "Attending to the business of helping yourself AND your fellow dragons?"

    Kyra gets a smile, right before Nael simply appears in front of her, "And you my dear," Amusement dripping from his voice, "Speaking so kindly about good old L. Why it's so incredibly obvious that you've been through situations like this before, and you know how to treat him with the respect and dignity that he deserves..." He looks at Ryu, pausing for a moment as the young dragon launches himself at the other dragons. "Hey Kid!" There's a smile, and there's the same sensation that Bahamut received behind his words, an incredible urge to listen to this being, and follow his directives, "Shouldn't you be stopping them from harming that ... defenseless old man? Isn't that what good dragons do?"

    Shirou gets his own measuring gaze before Nael simply remarks, "You smell like Paragon. With allies like that-" He chuckles darkly, "-You'd be better off walking away."

    Finally Nael's helmet turns to gaze at Gaius, "It's been a long time ... old friend." There's the sensation of a smile, "I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to catch up later." His voice deepens taking on a deep draconic undertone, "I know you'll enjoy that, almost as much as... I will."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The hooded man keeps walking, even as Kyra calls out to him. She may find that suddenly one of the dragons is going right after her!

Though as the elezen raises up his hand and blue flames starts to spiral around him, creating what seems to be a portal. That is when Nox's distortion does the trick however with slowing them down. The portal opening comes to an almost crawl in its spiral.

The Dragon leaping for Kyra suddenly seems to almost be in slow motion, even the one turn for Jonothon as he aims his blast for the hooded figure.

This all allows for Mantigora to get in close and go for the very artifact in the man's hands... Though perhaps successful on the impact, she'll find a strange field suddenly blast out around where she hit at, seeming to block the very strike. A force-field perhaps?

Ryu thankfully will have no problem slamming into one dragon going after Kyra. Knocking it full aside and as he does so, it seems to dissipate for a moment, before reforming on its feet, sliding back a bit with a low growl of annoyance.


Though as Jonothon roars at Gaius Van Baelsar, the Legatus narrows his gold eyes coldly. The emotion is kept in check, even at the bark he threw toward the unknown man. "You have little understanding of what is taking place here-- for I remember you and your.. mistake." He says simply in still a calm voice. Though the anger still there.

Though Gaius also knows right now, there is little he can do, even as the others move to attack. Powerless, powerless and can only watch again as things unfold before him.


Then Nael Van--excuse us-- Dues Darnus happens.

'L' as he seems to be called comes out of his slowed down state and quickly goes to step around Mantigora. His red eyes hidden in the shadows peer over at Nael. "I did warn them.. seems little has changed.."

The portal then finishes open and the hooded man steps through. If not for that damn forcefield, Mantigora would have had it. He knows it too-- so does Nael considering all those arrows. It is also that just moment in time that perhaps Jono's own blast almost gets him, but Nael once more seems to be the cause of things just not going to plan for anyone.

They have enraged the dragon it seems


Gaius though can only watch as Nael moves about the field. His teeth gritting as his eyes narrow to sharp points. Nael suddenly comes up to him and the Legatus stares down his former equal in rank. There was no words. Only sudden movement from the Legatus, ignoring the sheer weight as he roars out in rage to actually strike Nael with a sweeping back hand.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou finally gets his bearings and decides to hurry over towrds Kyra. Ryan's draconic form is no longer so shocking to him but he does cast a rather uncertain look his way, briefly. He's just never seen anyone wander around like that before.

    Nor, for that matter, has he seen weird spirit-dragons appear like this before. He meets the gaze of Nael with an even glare, his lips pressed tightly together. "...Paragon?!" What the heck is Paragon?

    Everything's just gotten way too chaotic for him. The Eorzaean and Garlean forces being all a-clatter, all of these dragons, the machinery... and no idea what their current objective even IS right now...

    Shirou banishes his weapons, stands up straight and calls out towards the newcomers, "Are you guys behind the Garlean machinery shutting down? What do you want?" His tone's a bit fierce - this is not a situation he can be friendly in.

    Though his attention soon wanders over towards the strange behavior of the Eorzean forces... coinciding with that big pulse of magic. "...Mass compulsion?!" He's never seen Tempering, and so this makes him freeze in place. No way, what kind of power...?!

    "... Who the hell is this guy... we should get out of here before anything even crazier happens, regroup with Xau!"

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan manages to slam into the dragon, sending it it away from one of his friends and sprawling off to the side. It growls, but he growls right back at it, giving it a clear challenge that he's going to fight it if it dares continue to attack the people around him. Mostly he just tries to look big and tough at the aetheric entity.

    This stops abruptly like he was just frozen in place when a command is issued to him.

    His eyes go distant, and his arms fall lax, as if some part of him does want to give into it. He turns his head to look at those that are attacking the man Nael is talking about. But it stops. He doesn't attack them, or move from his spot. His body twitches once. Again. His mouth cracks open, and his golden eyes begin to glow. He forces back against the command, that plucked on his raw heart so easily.

    He begins a howl, a draconic scream, defying the command as loudly as he possibly can, his wrath boiling over until it burns him up inside.

    A shimmer of light shines and the draconic form is forced back inside his human shape with a sound like crackling crystals and the blue-haired young man collapses onto his bottom, drawing his knees up to his chest, his face full of a mortal horror, his blue bangs hanging over his gold eyes as they stare forward, empty.

    Ryu isn't going to be of much use tonight, not after that.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    Claws collide with... not quite their target, as there is some sort of defense resisting her strike. She lands on her feet, but doesn't get a chance to strike at it again as she's forced to take evasive measures to avoid the arrows being lobbed at them.

    It's just long enough for the damnable beings to slip through their portal before she can regain bearings on other strike. Leaving her glaring at where they had once been, hands still balled into fists at her sides, what is clearly a growl eminating between her clenched teeth. And the dragons and the 'man with a lance' still there.... She hates the thought that comes to mind, but she didn't make her reputation as a bounty hunter by diving idiotically into such situations.

    "The day will come you will rue the day you decided to come back," is spat in Nael's general direction, before she turns and disappears again, withdrawing back the same way the disabled Garleans had before.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen was planning to take out the item, but the man with it managed to escape his eagle sight. Cursing his bad luck, the sniper opted to take a new target. That being Nael himself. Sighting him quickly, Garen took a single breath. With rehearsed precision and drilled practice, he squeezed off round after round at Nael's head, bent on putting him down. "Back to the grave with you."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"I'm tryin' ter keep yer from gettin' killed!" Jono fires back at Gaius. Yes, he was trying to help by telling Gaius to shut it. He didn't know what this hooded guy who just blew up the whole damn place would have done if Gaius's words had ticked him off. Hell... had the soldiers allowed Jono to get close? He'd have stood with his back to the man to try to protect him.

But then suddenly ARROWS! What the hell?! "'Ey wait--"

It's all the time he has to speak.

Too many arrows, too many archers, and not enough armor (in Jono's case none at all actually). As if that wasn't enough to contend with there's a DRAGON coming after him! He makes to turn and run but the arrows slow him down. A LOT! Enough for the dragon coming after him to catch up to him. And then he is knocked aside with a mighty strike from the dragon! Jono feels the bone in his arm snap, and emits a surprised mental yelp of pain.

The tumbling on the ground probably doesn't help. But at least it breaks some of those arrows so they're not sticking out of him so much. He doesn't immediately get up... hurts too much. But he's trying to crawl back to where the others are.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    A squeaky, involuntary sound of surprise escapes from Kyra once Nael suddenly appears in front of her. His words only barely register as some kind of lecture about respecting the cryptic robed guy. Since he's /there/, she takes a picture of him too before shoving her phone back in her pocket. "Ryan..!" she says nervously, backing away from Nael.

    She sees one of the Aetheric dragons coming at her and she shrieks in alarm, scrambling so not only Ryu is between her and it but Shirou and Nael as well. Fortunately, Ryu is able to intercept the dragon before it gets at her. To make matters worse, the entirety of the Eorzean strike force they came in with starts to turn on them. Then Ryan has a complete meltdown, leaving him in human form, looking completely traumatized.

    Kyra moves to him and bends down quickly, checking his eyes, making sure they still respond to normal stimuli. Shirou offers to take him out of here and Kyra gladly nods in acceptance. "Please. I can't carry people, but you can."

    She takes up her rifle in her hands again and scans the field, immediately zeroing in on the distant form of Jono. Without any hesitation, she fires upon him with one of her hi-potion darts. Admitted intravaneously, the potion pretty much immediately recovers the damage done to him seconds ago. "Come on!" she calls out to him, clearly growing more rattled by the second as the Tempered Eorzeans close in.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut is just about to attack again when that mental attack hits him. The dragon growls and stumbles back, then lets out a short roar. Then chaos worse than the battle before hits. It seems the troops have turned on them! Bahamut roars again, his mind still a bit fuzzy, then takes to the skies and swoops in to try and pick up his comrades and Jonothon. He doesn't want to massacre mind-controlled soldiers, after all. So, rather than a devastating spell, he uses a Gravity spell to try and weaken them while locking them in place.

     Bahamut lands near Kyra and the others, then bellows, "My allies, to me! We must get out of here!" He moves toward them once he has landed, picking up those who cannot walk on their own and letting those that can climb onto him. With all those scutes and spines on his body, he is easy to hang on to. If and when he gets everyone, or everyone who will accept a ride, he takes to the skies again!

Eryl Fairfax has posed:
     Things just get more and more complicated now. Long dead men back to life, ominous words being shared... but now, the dragons are being sicced on his allies. This, Eryl understands, and he will have none of it.

     But, it's clear that they stand no chance now. People are being mind-controlled left and right on top of the dragons. Time to beat a hasty retreat. He bellows, his voice bouncing across the canyon walls.

     "Pull back, any who retain their own mind! There is no glory nor profit to be found here now! If you value your lives, get away!" Now, to try and deal with the dragons. Scanning each, Eryl kicks with his right leg, something blasting from his heel at one dragon. He then follows up with a kick with the other leg, another shot firing from his left heel at the other dragon.

     Then, the rolled-up legs of his pants are punctured by multiple holes, his 'Unmoving Tongue' system firing off each of its rockets into the air. The afterburners on them engage, directing half at one dragon, the other half at the other.

     Even if it turns out that the dragons are intangible to his shots, each one is primed to explode while within their forms, in the hopes of disrupting them enough to ease their escape. An escape which Eryl then proceeds to make.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra blinks as the whole thing goes insane in front of her, before she frowns and vanishes into the shadows. "This is... More problematic then expected." A moment after she vanishes, her armor disappears in lavendar fire.

Nox (546) has posed:
    Nox makes a noise of irritation as Mantigora is repulsed by the artifact. It was a sound move on her part, but in the end, both of them had wasted their energy. In an exceptionally annoying turn of events, not only had the operation been derailed, but the remainder of the aetheryts in the area had been destroyed, leaving nothing left to continue harvesting. As absurd as it is, Nox arrives at the conclusion that there is no point in staying around. Despite being on friendly terms with the Legatus, staying around to fight the Eorzean battle group would just result in expending some of the energy he had been working all week to collect.

    A section of glowing, clockwork holography interposes itself between Nox and the storm of arrows, comprised of layers of interlocking, steadily turning gears wrought of seemingly solid light. The projectiles rattle against the shield to little effect, broken shafts piling up on the ground below as Nox maintains it just as long as necessary. While waiting for the volley to subside, the Xelor raises one of his hands skywards, issuing a bolt of cerulean lightning from his palm that races up over the clouds and out of sight, and then descends back upon Horologium like a stroke of thunder, momentarily bathing the machine in roiling energy, jumpstarting its emergency teleportation drive.

    Just like that, the collossal clock begins to fade from view, shimmering away as if descending under the waves of a rippling pond, returning to a safe location elsewhere. A small number of Noxines expend their payload to open up their minature portals, creating openings for the bulk of the swarm to retreat through in a surging torrent of buzzing wings. A handful of them home in on the remaining Confederates, opening up man-sized portals directly beside them, allowing them to leave the field at their leisure. Nox waits only as long as it takes the archers to fire again, before teleporting out himself, leaving the Unionites to their fate.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
What? Wait. Why is Kyra aiming a gun at him?! He winces... and then suddenly finds himself being healed somehow. How did...? Well, this isn't really the time for that right now! Instead he stands up-- gingerly since he's not sure just how much pain was healed. And then suddenly GIANT DRAGON! Not the one that tried to pulverize him thankfully. It's Bahamut.

Hopefully that statement of helping out was aimed at him too. If so he is not going to say no. He also calls Gabby on her personal radio to make sure she knows they're getting out of here. Cue zooming robot fairy flying RIGHT THE HELL into Jono's coat. Nope! Nope nope nope nope! So much nope!

Nael Dues Darnus (682) has posed:
    Nael simply frowns for a moment inside his helment after 'L' escapes. "Well." He chuckles, "I suppose if L has escaped then there's really no more need for me to be here." He glances at the small horde of oncoming Eorzeans, "Or for them to be." He raises his left hand and there's another pulse of magic, before they simply fall over en masse, "They're all incredibly useless anyway, so why don't you take them back."

    And with that Nael vanishes into the ether.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The aetheric dragons don't remain around to much longer. Thankfully for the group. It seems with this 'L' gone or perhaps because of the blasts from Eryl's own weaponry. They do their attacks, including even the one that gets Jonothon and then seem to vanish right back into the aether itself.

As for Gaius' men. They are already on retreat and Gaius can only watch as Nael simply vanishes away. His eyes narrowed still as he sneers, even as it seems Garen's shots may have made it if the former Legatus didn't just-- vanish away.

So many questions, so little answers. Just as how far was this going to go? Was the Elder Eikon Bahamut really awake? ..why now??

Why did /you/ have to come back and be alive?

..and how far would you go for what your after... whatever that is...

The questions rattled in the Garlean's head before he simply turned away, even as the Union members also retreated. Nox was at least somewhat successful here, that was the most important part. Whatever Allagan Ruin laid below /might/ still hold answers-- or none at all now.

But what /was/ this all about?

That part was going to drive Gaius Van Baelsar mad..

Including how was he going to explain this to his Radiance...

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra will happily climb atop of Bahamut in the name of retreating. Even as the the tempered Eorzeans seem to have the process reversed, which is actually quite strange according to what she was told earlier.

Ryu (636) has posed:
    Ryan Bateson was experiencing something of an emotional breakdown. He didn't want to move, and part of him would want to welcome getting trampled, stabbed or destroyed. But he also accepts Bahamut's help, climbing onto the other dragon and holding on tight because the paradoxical feeling of safety that flight seems to give him. He still has vacant eyes, but most of the initial shock is starting to fade away and he's become coherent enough to answer questions... for whatever that's worth.

    He closes his eyes as the throbbing pain of the gun shot wound distracts him, a welcome reprieve from his otherwise dark thoughts. He can't really do anything about it yet, so he looks to Kyra again, wondering with questioning eyes at her. She is a healer, right? She only stopped because he was healing her earlier, from his perspective.

Bahamut has posed:
     With everyone aboard who is going aboard, Bahamut takes to the skies. The soldiers of Eorza may need assistance, but he is sure that assistance can be provided by their own healers. "Well...this was an interesting day." he says as they fly away, back toward Njorun Station. He is careful in how he flies, not wanting to dump anyone off. "Are you all alright? Ryu?" He seems a bit worried about the younger dragon.