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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Ziggy Grover |Color=#0099FF |Char_id=535 |Img=http://i.imgur.com/k2feKw2.jpg |FullName=Ziggy Grover |Gender=Male |Species=Human |Theme=Power Rangers...")
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|Height=5' 10"
|Height=5' 10"
|Weight=160 lbs
|Weight=140 lbs
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|Profile=Ziggy Grover hadn't intended to be a Power Ranger. When the world had seemingly ended, with only the city of Corinth left against the Venjix mechanical army, Ziggy had found a way to survive, sucking up to Fresno Bob, the leader of the Scorpion Cartel. Clumsy, awkward, gawky, Ziggy's wisecracking and storytelling abilities kept people from coming down on him too harshly for his screwups. And then his soft heart got him in trouble, as he sacrificed what good-will he had among the Cartels to donate medical supplies to an orphanage and disappear lest they find out the truth. A series of misfortunes and troubles brought him back to the city (totally not unexpected from those who knew him), and towards one more mission: to find a new Ranger Green. Unable to protect the morpher, Ziggy did something desperate: he activated the morpher on himself, to avoid -another- failure. Now the unwanted, unexpected Ranger fights on for the city of Corinth.
|Profile=Ziggy Grover hadn't intended to be a Power Ranger. When the world had seemingly ended, with only the city of Corinth left against the Venjix mechanical army, Ziggy had found a way to survive, sucking up to Fresno Bob, the leader of the Scorpion Cartel. Clumsy, awkward, gawky, Ziggy's wisecracking and storytelling abilities kept people from coming down on him too harshly for his screwups. And then his soft heart got him in trouble, as he sacrificed what good-will he had among the Cartels to donate medical supplies to an orphanage and disappear lest they find out the truth. A series of misfortunes and troubles brought him back to the city (totally not unexpected from those who knew him), and towards one more mission: to find a new Ranger Green. Unable to protect the morpher, Ziggy did something desperate: he activated the morpher on himself, to avoid -another- failure. Now the unwanted, unexpected Ranger fights on for the city of Corinth.
|Powers=TELEPORTATION: Activated only when Ziggy is a Power Ranger, he can teleport an undetermined distance, for a limited amount of times depending on how much energy his suit has. Unfortunately for Ziggy, his control of the teleportation is, shall we say, erratic, as he's ended up in bank safes, upside down dangling on rails, and other places he most definitely did not intend to be. (In other words, don't expect to see it actually used successfully ICly in combat at all, and likely to fail in 90 percent of other occasions.)
|Powers=TELEPORTATION: Activated only when Ziggy is a Power Ranger, he can teleport an undetermined distance, for a limited amount of times depending on how much energy his suit has. Unfortunately for Ziggy, his control of the teleportation is, shall we say, erratic, as he's ended up in bank safes, upside down dangling on rails, and other places he most definitely did not intend to be. (In other words, don't expect to see it actually used successfully ICly in combat at all, and likely to fail in 90 percent of other occasions.)
|Skills=SHADOW PUPPETS: Ziggy is an expert at forming shadow puppets, the better to help his storytelling abilities.  
|Skills=SHADOW PUPPETS: Ziggy is an expert at forming shadow puppets, the better to help his storytelling abilities.  

Revision as of 04:20, 16 August 2014

Ziggy Grover (Scenesys ID: 535)
"Sometimes when I morph, I can't help but notice this gigantic explosion right behind me for no apparent reason."
Full Name: Ziggy Grover
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: (FC) Power Rangers RPM-1
Function: Ranger Series Operator Green
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Union (20)
Other Information
Physical Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Still Aging? Yes Voice Actor: Milo Cawthorne
Height: 5' 10" Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJFv1mSCn2E


Ziggy Grover hadn't intended to be a Power Ranger. When the world had seemingly ended, with only the city of Corinth left against the Venjix mechanical army, Ziggy had found a way to survive, sucking up to Fresno Bob, the leader of the Scorpion Cartel. Clumsy, awkward, gawky, Ziggy's wisecracking and storytelling abilities kept people from coming down on him too harshly for his screwups. And then his soft heart got him in trouble, as he sacrificed what good-will he had among the Cartels to donate medical supplies to an orphanage and disappear lest they find out the truth. A series of misfortunes and troubles brought him back to the city (totally not unexpected from those who knew him), and towards one more mission: to find a new Ranger Green. Unable to protect the morpher, Ziggy did something desperate: he activated the morpher on himself, to avoid -another- failure. Now the unwanted, unexpected Ranger fights on for the city of Corinth.








DR. K: Without Dr. K, the morpher and the Zords cannot be powered up. If she's ill, unavailable, or not at her terminal to power up the morpher or the zord, then Ziggy is, essentially, left to his own devices.

The CARTELS: Ziggy was a former Scorpion Cartel associate, working under Fresno Bob. Entrusted to do a mission for the five major Cartels of Corinth, he failed to accomplish his mission. As a result, all five Cartels are seeking his head, none more so than Fresno Bob.

UNEXPECTED RANGER: Because Ziggy was not chosen to be a ranger, but rather forced into it by circumstances, he lacks the gifts that the others had - he's not a leader type, he's not a soldier type, he's not even a fighter type. As a result, his combat skills are lacking; he's more prone to think 'flee' first rather than 'fight'.

FLAKE: In general, people who don't know him well have difficulties trusting him to complete tasks - he's, essentially, a clown, unable to take things seriously, and is that guy in the classroom who always has to quip -something- even during deadly serious moments. He seems extremely unreliable at first glance. And second glance. And third glance.

SIMPLE-MINDED: He tends to look at things with a very simple outlook at first, an impromptu analysis based on what he sees immediately, and sometimes doesn't think ahead far enough, including being a little bit careless. A bit of an 'Okay, let me have the spare key' followed by 'Um, that was the spare' and then one suddenly understand just how Ziggy ended up failing a lot of missions for the Cartels when left to his own devices.

CLUMSY: Ziggy is not the most physically gifted individual to begin with; he's a lanky, gawky person whose coordination is more reliant on sleight of hand to keep himself out of trouble. When morphed, his suit amplifies this lack of coordination -more- so; as a result, he fights with the grace like a flopping fish early on before the suit catches up with him.


Title Date Scene Summary
Nerdy guys and the girls who love them February 1st, 2017 Ziggy stops by the Beifong Metalbending Academy and meets Sokka!
Digging for Talent August 28th, 2016 Ziggy Grover runs a talent show to help Toph find metalbending students.

It goes about as well as a Ziggy-run event does.

The Beifong Metalbending Academy August 22nd, 2016 It's the grand opening of the Beifong Metalbending Academy!
Striking Ore - Foundations August 2nd, 2016 Ziggy and Toph work on clearing up what will become the Beifong Metalbending Academy. Eventually.
Friends of Different Sizes April 15th, 2016 Toph drags two of her friends along to meet a new batch of badgermole babies.
Musings about Metalbending and Magic April 3rd, 2016 Discussions of magic tricks and seismic senses alongside metalbending.
A Blast in the Earth Kingdom March 27th, 2016 Unionites come to investigate reports of kidnapping, and what they discover is a sinister scheme!
The Quest for Sustenance March 22nd, 2016 Three BRATS walk into a grocery store...
Teleportation Troubles and Space Station Shenanigans March 18th, 2016 Ziggy and Toph have to handle an emergency situation when testing of Ranger Green's capabilities don't go as planned.
One Night at Maison Stark March 13th, 2016 While Tony and Pepper are away on their honeymoon, Malibu is still bustling as Toph celebrates her fifteenth birthday with a sleep over.
A Stark Reception. March 5th, 2016 NO ONE PLAY RAINS OF CASTAMERE!
The Cheese Stands Alone December 13th, 2015 Ziggy gets punished for almost knocking Inga over with a giant cheese wheel. Blurr and Staren are stumped. Hilarity ensures.
WMAT Preliminary: HOMURA vs. SEIKOU! July 28th, 2015 Homura Akemi and Seikou Starks, champions from last year's WMAT, honor the ring with a friendly battle to see which champ is best!
Bridge Carson Arrives!/Parachute Pants Over Angel Grove June 2nd, 2015 Bridge introduces himself to the other Rangers! They beat up robots. Bridge gives an aura reading! Annie is adorable.
Bar Fight June 1st, 2015 A bunch of Confederates enter into a Barfight with a bunch of Union people. And Beelzebumon.
Exploring Njorun May 31st, 2015 Sarah explores.
Tony's 45th Birthday Bash May 29th, 2015 Tony celebrates his 45th birthday in style... in DISNEY WORLD! Karaoke, food, silly gifts and happy guests, what more can a billionaire superhero want?
Go for the Green May 25th, 2015 In Corinth, some Power Rangers encounters Tenaya 7
Three Humans Walk Into A Bar May 23rd, 2015 Ziggy and Kimberly decide to grab a bite to eat, only to run into Peter.
Pretty in Pink May 20th, 2015 Introducing Kimberly Hart to the Multiverse
Clash of the Green Rangers May 10th, 2015 Discovering a blip in the Bio-Universal Field, Ziggy, Cory, and Peter Quill investigate, for different reasons.


Go-Go a-go-go in Ponyland April 25th, 2015 Ponyland - a land of mystery, to be investigated. Much to the regret of Ziggy, GoGo and Rarity provide illumination.
Fresno Bob's Revenge! The Debut of Peter Quill. April 14th, 2015 Peter Quill attempts to kidnap Ziggy Grover!
ZigZagZoe February 26th, 2015 Robots make Ziggy extremely uncomfortable about underpants.
Secrets E'en Walls Won't Keep January 21st, 2015 Archadia advances on Nelveska island, off the coast of Zeltennia, to use its temple as a staging point for an assault against the Black Lion. Unfortunately for them, Zeltennia uncovers their plans and sends forces - aided by the Union - to deal them a decisive blow.
Friendships Across Lifetimes January 16th, 2015 Ziggy and Toph find themselves in the Earth Kingdom, but not the one Toph is familiar with. In this newly unified world they stumble across a certain Avatar...
Cogs, Dolls, and Glorious Moustache January 13th, 2015 Alexandria sends a party of Black Mages and the mercenary Goffard Gaffgarion to seize a few engineers from the Clockwork City Goug. They run into some trouble along the way however...

Meanwhile, Fuki becomes embroiled in the battle amidst a part scavenging run!

Enter the Beautiful Green Beast. Rock Lee Returns!!! January 3rd, 2015 ROCK LEE ARRIVES!!!
A Little Help From Her Friends November 16th, 2014 A mysterious distress beacon is activated, leading several interested parties to a newly converged Earth on a mission to save the Human Anomaly.
Lost on Pioneer 2 October 26th, 2014 Auron and Ziggy take a heck of a wrong turn and end up on Pioneer 2, much to Crys' amusement.
The monkey wants a demonstration September 22nd, 2014 Ziggy and Dillon ask for an earthbending demonstration from Toph, though it starts off somewhat awkwardly.
Grindin' ain't easy September 20th, 2014 Dillon and Frederica get dragged out by Ziggy. Unfortunately for them, old friends from the RPM universe greet them...
Clash of the Egos September 5th, 2014 A race fueled by rival egos has an ignominious end.
Tinker Ranger Captor Spy September 3rd, 2014 Poor little Kaede has a couple of visitors...
Monsters and Candy Don't Mix August 30th, 2014 A village in the Eastern Valley is harvesting their crop of gumdrops (which are literally gumdrops) when a very hungry Spiran fiend decides to crash the party.
Down in Afterus August 29th, 2014 Kotone meets up with a few friends namely Annie and Ziggy. However Dillon joins things and that's where there's a bit of confusion about Afterus. Then again given the people who created this world? Is this any wonder?
Playing With Fire August 24th, 2014 Ziggy tries to make friends with Frederica. It's... awkward.
Welcome to New Port August 22nd, 2014 Kotone gets a visit from Ziggy and Annie. Both guests learn about a problem Kotone has due to her prosthetic and how some people in society see her.
Maiden of the Skies August 18th, 2014 Coming on the tail end of the decision to give Burmecian refugees sanctuary in Ivalice, Alexandria decides to bring its own brand of diplomacy to Limberry courtesy of the Alexandrian air fleet and the Red Rose. Though the diplomat herself has a respectable reputation, it's certainly not for her skill with a pen...
Battle at Riovanes August 15th, 2014 After weeks of war in the dukedom of Fovoham, with the end result being that the Duke Barrington's forces were forced back into their own capitol, the Archadian army begins to march upon Riovanes itself. A grand, bloody, battle is sure to occur as the Duke's forces give their last in resistance... but will it be enough? <Boss Battle>
Meeting New Allies Over Ice Cream August 14th, 2014 While she is recovering in medical Toph gets a visit some of her new allies in the Union. Ziggy and Michael even bring gifts!
Red vs Green August 14th, 2014 Noble Six's training session is interrupted by an explosion. It's Power Ranger vs SPARTAN in a close quarters combat training session.
Friends In The Faith August 8th, 2014 Jeanne d'Arc invites some of her new allies to come meet her in person.
Trouble in Harajuku August 7th, 2014 Black Tailmon gets into some hijinx, causing a small riot in one of the countless instances of Harajuku, Tokyo. Gawain, Kotone, and ... a sentai cosplayer show up to stop it. :P
Ranger Recruitment August 7th, 2014 Sir Gawain meets up with Ranger Green and Kotone Yamakawa after their previous encounter, and come across several others as well.


Title Date Scene Summary
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