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Latest revision as of 18:58, 6 March 2016

A Stark Reception.
Date of Scene: 05 March 2016
Location: New York-199999
Cast of Characters: Maya, 20, Staren, Steve Rogers, 204, Rebecca Chambers, 300, 301, Inga, Ziggy Grover, 824, 825, 923, 930

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Guests, of the invited or uninvited alike, will all be welcomed aboard Stark's luxury yacht tonight, by means of a long gangway leading from the beach to where the boat is docked as close to land as possible in the bay. The party deck is fully staffed by catering services offering a wide variety of finger foods, an open bar, and a live band set up on a platform at the stern end. Everyone is invited to eat, drink, be insanely merry, and to enjoy the full facilities of the ship. To ensure safety among such a myriad assortment of multiversal citizens, one can ocassionally catch sight of one of the Iron Legion suits, on a casual aerial patrol around the area.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    The Party Boat is now the Love Boat. There's a DJ on deck spinning top 40 m usic from around the Multiverse. The woman in the plum dress and the woman in the green dress (Introduced as Carolina Potts-Steinmetz, Pepper's mother and Georgia Jennings, Pepper's sister) are talking and holding a squirming little girl in a yellow dress.

    Pepper was in the cockpit of the yacht, and she was gripping thew heel, feeling dizzy and giddy and exhausted all at the same time. "Oh, oh god, we're /married/. I didn't think that would happen fifteen years ago." she mutters, mostly to herself as she uncharacteristically hides from everyone.

    Stan Steinmetz, on the other hand, who made the introductory speech, is happily trying to tear it up on the dance floor the way that a a man who looks to be in his late sixties can, waggling his fingers and moving without any grace at all to the music.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a good thing she can actually 'see' something on the deck of this ship, otherwise it would be pretty unnerving until she found an arm to grab on to. No, boats are not usually Toph's thing, but it seems like people are having a good time. The music seems fun and energetic, there's the scent of delicious food in the air. And maybe she can get permission to try some of the grown up drinks too if she asks real nicely... But that means she has to find Pepper first, wherever she is hiding.
    And so the blind girl carefully begins making her way through the groups of people on deck.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Well, yeah, fifteen years ago you thought you were gonna be fired for pointing out my math errors," Tony snarks from the doorway as he returns from the little boys' room. "I think we've come a little way since then." He makes a jerking gesture of his chin over his shoulder. "So shake a leg, Potts, you have a duty to hold up /my/ name now. Can't have you hiding from your own party. Entirely un-Stark-like." He grins broadly at his teasing, but he holds out one hand, palm up, fingers waggling an invitation to come out of hiding with him. "Besides, I think Stan is going to steal the show if we don't get at least one dance in."

Inga has posed:
Inga had been wondering what a wedding party looked like these days. It seems today would be the day she found out. And really, besides the obvious technological difference, she still finds everyone celebrating with lots of alcohol, music, feasting and dancing. This comforts her. The world isn't such a changed place, not in all aspects. People are still very much the same.

Inga has certainly never been aboad a yacht before nevermind attended a party on one. This is delightful to her, judging by the rare smile of plain joy on her face. She's worn her best dress, which naturally stands out as being ridiculously old fashioned, and braided a bit of red ribbon into her hair for the occasion.

Currently, she's standing just to the side of where she'd entered, wondering where she should place the gift. A very fine bottle of mead, as is traditional.

Finally spotting a familiar face, Inga calls out to Toph. "Ah, Toph! Good day! And a happy one it is, isn't it? I don't suppose you know where to put the gifts?" she asks, approaching, leaning on her staff. The motion of the boat is a an unsteadying force, so Inga takes it slower than usual.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Arriving late is something Rebecca Chambers generally dislikes. But she has a job to do for the Union, including doing bio-research when it's needed. Nevertheless, she's finished her tasks and she's managed to arrive on Tony's yacht. She changed out of her uniform for something more formal, even it's more of a boyish thing, but that's just Rebecca's personal preference. Upon her arrival, Rebecca attempts to spot a familiar face within the crowd, but she's not having luck just yet.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden didn't know the bride or the groom, but he did heard about Tony while looking around for information about... stuff, seems he is rather famous!. (he found all good things!). And hearing the party was open to everyone, he just would not resist coming to the yatch to check!. He was not sure what to bring as a gift (he just felt he had to offer something) so he ended up settling with one of the sprouts from his meat plant garden. It does not look particularly special right now, just a generic tiny bushlike thing with healthy green leaves, and a bow.

     He spends several moments just standing near the 'entrance' looking around both for familiar faces, and a place where to place his gift, eventually spotting Toph, and trying to make his way there.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora follows the whole group, with her attendant in tow, who comes along bearing the standard from ealier, along with the box. There's somewhere to leave that standard, at least, which just leaves the poor fellow with the box. How his arms haven't fallen off at the shoulder, by now, is anyone's guess. She makes it a point, to approach the bride and groom, still dressed in that immaculately made armor of hers.

"My congratulations. A gift, if you would, with compliments of the noble houses of Demacia." Motioning to the box in her attendant's hands, he opens it.

Inside, there's chain. Five links, of a heavy chain, forged out of the same steel as Fiora's armor. It almost looks like something you'd use on a boat, given the size. It's no doubt rather heavy. "It's made of Demacian steel. It will never rust, it will never weaken, and will never break. A common gift, among the elite of my country, to remind us of our resolve, the bond we share to our homeland, and to one another. So may it remind you of the bond that was made today."

With that, she takes a bow, and dismisses her attendant. He's apparently not staying for the party.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The familiar voice of Inga does catch Toph's attention, and the earthbender turns slightly towards the woman. "Ah, heya. And sorry, I don't really know. It's a bit fuzzy with all these people around, and the deck," she points out with a stomp of her foot, "isn't the best thing for me to see through. I do think Pepper set it up in that direction though," Toph gestures towards the direction of the gift table.

Inga has posed:
"Ah, I suppose I shall find it then, unless I can just present it myself...hmm. Well, thank you. Yes I imagine it must be a bit difficult on a ship, seeing as you. Bit difficult to move around, myself...but I do love to be out on the water," she replies.

Surely there will be a line to congratulate the bride and groom. Inga can wait her turn, eyes scanning the crowd for other familiar faces. "Greetings to you Miss Chambers," she greets. "And Alden, good day to you," she says, waving to him. More people here she is familiar with than she thought!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts was about to say something to Stark as she leads the way out of the cockpit, onlyt o come across the dignitary! She wracked her brain for a name to put to a face and voice, and she accepts the gift of chain, greatfully and with a graceful smile.

    "Oh, thank you..." she trails off. "Trust me, I don't think we're ever going to forget the bond that was... official today." she replies, dabbing a put at an eye with a tissue. "... oh... it is a bit..." she states,m and the attendant makes his exit. "... it's a handsome gift to add." she gives a bit of a smile.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Between the tuxedo store issues and getting to the ceremony late, Steve didn't actually manage to retrieve the wedding present he'd gotten for Tony and Pepper on his way to the ceremony; fortunately, he has a chance to do so on his way to the 'reception'. Not that it was an easy present to pick out, mind you - but that's another story for another day. Or maybe tonight if he gets drunk enough.

... of course, thanks to Dr. Erskine's formula and process, Steve *physically can't get drunk*, so the secret behind his present should be safe for a while.

"Good evening," Steve greets people as he boards the Seaduction; he's got a package wrapped in white tissue paper and silver ribbon tucked under his left arm, keeping his right hand free for handshakes along the way. "Tony, Pepper, congratulations on your big day," he adds as he reaches the happy couple, smiling as he shakes hands with each of them. "I'm glad we're all here to see it."

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden is a bit relieved when he is greeted by Inga, smiling and waving towards her, "Heya!" he says happily, looking around at the gifts, and down at his modest looking one. "Hope my gift will be good enough." he says, "Then again, seems most people I met never heard of meat plants, so hopefully it will be something new to them at least." he says, finally spotting the place for presents and carefully places the small pot somewhere safe. Of course, he also looks for Tony and Pepper, to offer his blessings!, and approaches the bride. He does still keeps a bit of distance, seeing them busy talking, but gets closer to Inga and Toph.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Weddings! Who doesn't love 'em?

    Ezio couldn't make the actual wedding itself, but he was able to catch it later on stream after the fact. He /does/ make it to the party however, fashionably late of course. His tuxedo is well-tailored, as expected given Ezio's standards in mens' formal wear.

    He grins as he approaches Stark and Potts, bringing gifts. First off is a bottle of finely aged wine, and the next is something more ornate. Pepper will get a jeweled necklace, silver with etched inscriptions professing eternal love and all that flowery stuff. The fun part is what's attached to it.

    There's a sizable sapphire stone that's been attached to the necklace, looking like Stark's arc reactor. Stark himself shall receive a ring with a similar, smaller stone. "It was not easy acquiring the right stones for either of these pieces, but I hope they will be worth the effort. I wish you both a long and happy union, from the bottom of my heart." Bowing his head, Ezio smiles, before giving Tony a friendly clap on the shoulder. "Now, don't let me keep you further. You've plenty of other guests to attend to as well."

    He also nods to Fiora when he spots her, bowing his head. "Madam Fiora, a pleasure to meet you at last. Ezio Auditore, at your service." While he's not formally dressed, he does seem like he's used to aristocrats, as he gently takes the duelist's hand if allowed, and kisses it. So old fashioned and gentlemanly, but he doesn't bother pressing further. "Armored even now, milady? You're quite well prepared for the worst, though appropriate given Stark's own technological advancements."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Another familiar voice, huh? Toph has only spoken with Alden a few times and met him once, but she does grin a bit when the Digimon draws close and speaks up. "Meat plants? Hey, that's certainly something to give to people who have everything they need," she comments. "It's cruddin' hard to find gifts for them, honestly." Seems like a lot of multiversal people have showed up, and not just Union members. Oh well, as long as they don't incur the wrath of the Iron Legion then things should be fine.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    At first, Rebecca is surprised by someone calling her name. But then she looks and recognizes Inga from before. "Oh, Inga!" She says with a big smile. "How nice to see you again!" She seems very happy to have spotted a familiar face. And as for the issue of wedding gifts, she's got something for the bride and groom. What is it? That's going to be revealed soon enough!

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks, looking down to Alden's plant. "A meat plant? Does it truly grow meat? How can that be?" she asks, still holding her present in her free hand. It is in a woven basket tied with a red and gold ribbon.

To Tophs, she laughs. "Yes they seems like that would be difficult to get gifts for, what with being so wealthy...but custom should be observed so I have brought mead, at least. For the honeymoon," she explains.

Inga smiles to Rebecca, who was looking a bit lost, waving her over. "It is a pleasure to see you again as well, and on such a happy occasion," she remarks, snagging some salmon on crackers as a tray passed by. "Are you good friends with Tony and Pepper?" she asks.

More people arrive. People she doesn't know, but she'd smile and nod in greeting all the same. She'd better enjoy the party while she can, she's not sure how long she'll have the energy to be around so many people without...incidents.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Of course lots of multiversal people turned up. Stark's parties are famous for their excesses; who'd want to pass up on an open invitation like that? Losers, that's who.

He accepts the well-wishes with good grace and the usual Stark charm, though he does seem a little... distracted, and has to keep looking over at Pepper to make sure she's still standing there with him. Steve, perhaps, gets a slightly firmer handshake than most, and a 'thanks for being a good sport' eye crinkle.

"The gifts really aren't necessary," he remarks awkwardly, a little overwhelmed by the outpouring when he'd expected this shindig to be HIS gift to anyone who wanted to celebrate with him. Nevertheless, he accepts the tokens gravely. Or as gravely as he can, when he's clearly getting fidgety at all of the attention. Not that Tony Stark has ever been one to shy away from attention, but this is a different sort that he's not entirely used to. "This is what I have you for, right?" he asides to Pepper as he works a finger under the binding constraint of his collar.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
Weddings wer a curiosity that Nasrin didn't often get to partake in. She didn't often have the occasion to see the... better things in life.

    Unlike her mentor, she was clad in an appropriate outfit. Her dark hair was pulled up and set with an assortment of flowers, and she wore an understated, dark blue A-line dress with spaghetti straps. She looks vaguely uncomfortable with all the people around, and stays close to Ezio, though quiet.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper gives a smile at Ezio, whispering back to him a quiet "Thank you, I'm so very greatful for the effort you have extended' in Italian from the assassin mentor, and gives a smile to Steve, along with a one-armed hug to the Star Spangled Avenger. "Oh, have you met my stepfather yet?" she asks of Steve, until she turns, extending another 'thank you' to a voice she didn't recognize, giving a handshake and smile to others.

    Stan, meanwhile, gawks. And then takes off his glasses as he pauses his dancing, and makes his way up to Steve Rodgers.

    "Well." he croaks, and then he gives a smile. "It... has been seventy years since I last saw you in person." he states, and extends a hand to the good Captain.

Alden (930) has posed:
$t Alden smiles at the question from Inga, and nods, "It does!, there are several types too, this one grows bacon." he says, pointing to it, "I have other kinds too, but this is the only one I had avaiable to gift away... and no, I don't quite know how they work." he says with a grin. Toph gets a great grin and a happy rumble, "Glad to see you again as well, we should meet to do something one of these days." he says, before turning his attention to Tony and Pepper.

     He considers approaching to offer his wishes directly, but is a bit shy about doing such, so he sticks near the faces he knows. He does smile towards the happy couple, if they look at him. Seems content to watch what is going on.

Maya has posed:
Maya had had a good time with the wedding so far has been a very good day though she's hanging back a bit s she gets on board the ship. Maya just seens content to mingle for the moment and she was in very good spirits as she gets onboard the ship and slips into the party iutself. She does however inten to finf Tony and Pepper and wish them well.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio is pleased enough to hear Pepper speaks his language, and he returns the favor. <"I am pleased to provide what I can for my allies, even in sentiment."> He says, before he spies a Cap, Inga, and Toph present.

    "Captain Rogers! Good to see you once more, my friend!" he claps the good captain on the shoulder, grinning. He clearly hasn't forgotten the adventures had in Connor's world, though it's hard not to remember Captain America and King Washington fist fighting in spite of all the chaos of that final battle. "I trust you've been keeping up?" The Assassin nods to Stan as well, assuming an old war buddy...despite the clear visual age gap Steve is /still/ a veteran of the second World War.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Plenty of familiar faces; Steve glances away briefly as he catches sight of Ezio and Nasrin, then leans (gently) into Pepper's hug, returning it lightly. "He was speaking as I came in - sorry about running late, by the way - but I didn't get the chance yet ..."

A chance which makes its own opportunity. Steve slides out of the greeting line to shake hands with Stan, looking him over briefly. "Seventy years ... you were in one of the camps I helped liberate, then?" He studies Stan's face briefly, lips slightly pursed in thought; aging makes it hard to recognize some features, but there are others that tend to remain constant from childhood to old age. Combine that with some mental math, attempting to subtract seventy years ... and accounting for the yarmulke ...

The pieces mostly fall into place, although there are one or two details that elude Steve's memory. "I wouldn't have guessed that we'd meet again like this," he says quietly, smiling. "I'm glad to know things turned out this well for you."

He glances up, nodding a greeting to Ezio; he'll talk to the assassin in a little bit, but Stan has priority on his attention just now.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    "I am acquainted with the two, yes. The invitation was open to all members of the Union though," Rebecca replies, stopping to take a glass of ginger ale from a nearby tray. She's not one to tie one on in general. "Regardless, it's nice to be here. It's really a great time, and I'm so happy for the two!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Excuse me, excuse me," the thin gawky young adult with a shock of wild hair that had not managed to be slicked down enough for this solemn occasion says, as he brushes past to load up his plate of hors d'oueveres. Clad in a rental tuxedo with pants that was maybe a couple inches too short for his lanky frame, wearing white socks to go with barely decent brown dress shoes, Ziggy Grover moves past to spear one of those pig-in-blanket things as well as some fancy -thing- wrapped around some sort of fancy cheese that he had no name for and probably had some fancy name in latin like promiscutto over fuffifticheese or whatever.

Sidling closer to Steve to listen in to everything, Ziggy waggles his eyebrows. "Hi there. Don't mind me, I just wanted to listen to one of those, um, you know.... living legends monologues."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan gets a sort of excited look. His entire face lights up as he notices Steve looking over him, and he takes Steve's hand, and gives it a shake. "I was eight." he confirms, and he nods his head, "You wouldn't recognize me, but yes. /Yes/. My brother and I and -- oh! Here I am, sad topics, very sad on such a good day. I won't keep you long, I know you have things to do..." he waves his hand a bit, "And me, crying like an old woman. Ha! Don't let my wife know. She'd never forgive me." the man gives a smile, and then pulls a yellowed envelope from his tux pocket, and hands it over to Steve. "Here, this one's for you."

    And when Stan spots Ziggy, he reaches over, ruffles any hair on Ziggy's head. "He's better than a living legend, boy! He's a good man, just like my son-in-law! Too bad he's not as good looking!" he jokes, and wanders back out into the crowd.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin (who had grown about five inches taller since fighting against Haytham and King Washington) notices Steve's gaze, and as the gawky, awkward unsocial girl she was, just tries to keep a straight face, not look embarrassed, and just gives a wave of her hand. She slowly begins to move through the crowd, her eyes wandering, and never really straying too far from Ezio. Just in case.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Maybe I can convince Pepper to put you on the invite list for the sleepover or something," Toph replies to Alden. He seems like a decent guy, and plus it seems like he's the type who needs to get to know more people.

    Sure, Toph knew that Stan thought highly of Captain America himself, but to actually witness it... that makes the girl turn away from the other people as she overhears Stan talk with Steve, and it's obvious that Steve knows just how grateful the not-really older man is to him. And that brings a smile to Toph's lips where she stands. Yup, it's a happy day for several people it seems! Though she does walk on over towards the group, punching Steve in the arm on the way before she heads on over to Pepper.

    "So, mom... when do you want to see the wedding present I got you guys?"

Inga has posed:
Inga is obviously dumbfounded by this bacon plant, blinking owlishly. "Really? ....Well, I know what I must get Harry for his next birthday," she comments, shaking her head. Meat that grows. What a mad world Alden must be from. Do they have to slay animals for broccoli!?

Inga will take a class of champagne as it is offered to her. She'll have no guilt whatesoever of availing herself of Tony's hospitality, and perhaps now would be a good time to conduct a personal experiment. Could she get drunk? Riva seemed to manage it...

Inga nods to Rebecca. "Very generous of them. It is quite a fete," she replies. "I am not very well acquianted, but enough that I am glad to come and offer my congratulations. A good family," she says.

Inga scans the crowd again, pursing her lips slightly. Perhaps she's looking for someone?

"Well, I think perhaps I should get in line to present my gift, my arm is growing tired," Inga says, downing the first glass of champagne. "I'll be back in a moment," she says, smilingto her companions before she makes her way over to Tony and Pepper.

At which point, she spots Ziggy. Her eyes widen slightly. "You!" she exclaims, then slowly grins. "You. Do try not to hit me with any cheese today, hmm?" she says, raising an eyebrow. "There is clearly a recieving line, do wait your turn," she scolds Ziggy.

Inga looks to Steve. Living legend? The urge to follow a thread of his wyrd is tempting, but she will not if she can possibily avoid it. Crowds. She's need a little break soon.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony, catching Stan's comment, remarks, "Well, let's be fair, we can't ALL be as good-looking as me." And not to be outdone, he also states in accurate (if American-accented) Italian, "<I can speak Italian too.>"

He grins down at Toph as she tromps up, and fiddles with the ring on his left hand, rubbing his thumb over it as if it's going to take him a while to get used to its weight. "But you already made me a gift, didn't you? I'm not sure I should get so far in the hole; I'd never be able to make it up at Christmas."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper had been attempting to curtail a very uncomfortable conversation with someone who was just a little too drunk and tipping forward for her comfort zone, and she turns, /greatful/ that Toph would interrupt as she looks to Tony, and gives a smile, turning to check out that bacon plant again.

    "Well... I thought the ring would be--" she admits, half embarrassed as she looks to Toph, then curious... "... what kind of gift is it?" she questions, her eyebrows rising and her lips pursing slightly.

    Stan is attempting to get others to dance, starting with his wife -- Carolina Potts-Steinmetz, and attepts to pull her onto the dance floor. It's not working, but she's laughing.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve accepts the envelope, nodding to Stan. "Thank you -"

'Living legend'. He still isn't entirely used to hearing that; deep down, he's still just the kid from Brooklyn who never backed down from a bully. He takes it more or less in stride, though, slipping the envelope into his jacket's inside pocket. "And I won't tell her if you won't," he adds with a grin to Stan before they part ways. "I might tell some stories later," he mentions to Ziggy, "but no guarantees ..."

Then he steals a moment to put his package with the other wedding presents, and THEN it's time to catch up with Ezio and Nasrin - hopefully by way of the snack tables; he hasn't had much of a chance to eat today. "Ezio, Nasrin, good to see you both again! Don't think we've had a chance to catch up since the Washington campaign; how have you been? Is the Order doing well?"

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alde perks one ear, "Sleepover?" he asks curiously, his lizardish tail wagging behind him, smiling to her, and looking at the interaction between Steve and Stan. He is lightly aware of who Captain America is, but he just gets nervous. He does smile tho, looking back at Inga and chuckling at that. "Well, sure, I can get you one!, or another type of meat plant, just let me know when." he offers.

     He does not drink, buuut, he does get some snacks when he can, "This is a rather nice party." he agrees, attention torn between watching towards Steven, Tony, Pepper, and the others.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    And then the story. Ezio's done his research, but realizing what Stan's relation with Cap really was does hit Ezio pretty hard. He manages it with a smile however, when Cap changes the subject.

    "We've been managing well enough, restructuring efforts have left us with more of a stake in the Multiverse now. It keeps us more aware of our off-world neighbors so to speak." He nods, before patting Nasrin. "Now now, sister, don't be shy." She's probably not used to parties, which is understandable, though Ezio does nudge at her a bit teasingly.

    "In any case, yes, it has been quite some time. How have you been since the liberation, Captain?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Sheepishly nodding at Stan, Ziggy makes a sadface at Steve. "Well then, I.... YOU!"

Staring at Inga, Ziggy points a shaking finger at Inga. "I didn't -do- anything, you just happened to be walking -there- when, you know, they had a -cheese wheel rolling- contest. How can you possibly pass up a chance to roll a big roll of cheese, I tell you? It's just, well... you know, I think the end of the line is over there and I will go to the end of it and... is that a chocolate fountain? I love those things. You could dip -anything- in there and it'd still taste good. Excuse me...

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    No, Nasrin always attends superfluous events with people she might have stolen money from at some point in an ill-advised attempt to teach a lesson, because 'four hundred' seemed like a lot. Her gaze snaps to Ezio for a brief moment with an eye narrow at his teasing, and then back to the food. Unlike Ezio, Nasrin doesn't look up at Steve. Her shoulders rise up a moment as her hazel eyes glance over the crowds, and she gives a small shrug in response. "The order survives." she replies, but she listens to Rodgers' response.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony thinks he overhears a good idea. "Pep! Is it too late to organize a cheese wheel rolling contest across the top deck?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper pauses, and turns and looks incredulously at Tony. "You are /not/ rolling cheese across the top deck! That requires the Welsh landscape and they won't let you back into Cardiff after last time!"

Inga has posed:
Inga narrows her eyes at Ziggy. She had made him pay for the offense, of course. It was more that it was a hit and run with a cheese wheel that was /really/ the problem. She was fairly sure he'd learned his lesson.

Still, the urge to arrange to dip /him/ in this chocolate fountain was a strong one. But she wasn't drunk enough for that.


"Mmmhmm..." she says to him, her gaze clearly communicating that she'd be watching him!

Then Tony asks Pepper if they can have cheese wheeling. Inga looks aghast. "Oh dear, no!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    If you want to make up for it you can let me taste some champagne," Toph states to Tony, only half-joking. Though then Pepper asks what kind of gift it is.

    And a big grin spreads across Toph's lips before she turns towards shore and rubs her hands together. "It's best shown." Just you wait!

    Toph extends her arms and reaches out towards the beach, then raises them. At the same time a large boulder rises... and then falls down to the ground. Wait... was that all? It's got to be some of the less impressive earthbending they've seen from the self proclaimed greatest earthbender of them all. And just in case they are about to voice that thought out loud, Toph raises a hand, index finger extended as if asking them to be quiet. "Just wait a little."

    Some seconds pass... and then the beach comes alive as sand and earth get whirled up in a dirty explosion!

    A familiar rumble might be the first thing to give people a clue to what's going on, as the beach is crowded by... badgermoles?!

    Sure, they might have been forbidden here by Pepper before, but hey... this is a special occasion. And it seems like they are working on bending something as they appear out of the ground like big, furry spring flowers.

    Typical wedding gifts won't do in this case, that much Toph knows. As a matter of fact she prepared this gift last year after a specific outing to Wyveria. A special gift that like needs special presentation. With the combined efforts of the badgermoles a metal box six feet tall rises from the beach, and it's far bigger than the other gifts she's given to her adoptive parents ever since she began spending time in Malibu. In addition it's not something that anybody but her can open easily, at least not without something that is able to cut through durasteel.

    Opening the box takes only a few seconds as Toph sinks into a wide legged stance where she stands on deck, though she does rearrange the shawl across her arms. The girl extends her arms, then her hands closes into fists as she tears them down and to the side. The metal box falls apart, whirling up sand and dust as they slam into the sandy beach. And even more sand joins the sand as it slides downwards, obviously used to protect the gift that's been waiting inside. And said gift becomes visible as the sand runs off of something sparkly...

    There's never been anything like it to be seen most places. It's lifesize, it's sparkling in the sun. It's a statue of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, made of irridescent violet and pink gemstone. While their clothes are simplistic, there is a lot of detail put into the pose they are in, waltzing with one another, Tony has his one hand resting at the small of Pepper's back, her hair and the skirt of her dress in motion as if they are in the middle of a spin.

    "I got it from the Jhen Mohran in Wyveria during the Festival of Fear," the master earthbender explains as she brushes off her dress. "Bended it straight off one's back, though it's not solid. Had to use various metals for a frame, but it's still kinda heavy." Luckily the badgermoles doesn't seem interested in the statue itself as they return to exploring the beach itself for stuff to eat.

Maya has posed:
Maya does take a moment as she moves through the party to leaft a small gift on the gift table for both Tony and Peepper and starts to manouver for the food at least for the moment she knows a lot of people are going to want the happy couple's attention. Still she is enjoying herself.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The whole 'I'm watching you' thing is noted by Ziggy, as he makes the two-fingers hand gesture to the eyes, then points those gestures towards, well, up there. Wait, maybe that's actually a British rude gesture...? No, can't be, he didn't hold it long enough, as he immediately darts it towards the ground, pointing downwards.... just in time for Toph's ground-rumbling gestures. Niiiice timing there, Toph. Much love.

Tony gets a whoot. "Just try South Urbania if she won't let you! They have -competitions-!" Ziggy hollers out, as he goes to ponder the possibilities of what to stick in the chocolate fondue. Let's see... how about a chicken leg? They have mole sauce, don't they?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony's forehead wrinkles as if he's genuinely trying to remember the last time he was in Cardiff. "I was drunk, wasn't I," he guesses. "Well hey, can I take you for a spin across the top deck then? I can't let Stan outdo me here, honey." After Toph reveals her big surprise, of course. He grins and pokes Pepper playfully in the ribs. "I'll even, since I'm in a generous mood, let you pick the song."

For now, though, he steps to the rail at the edge of the deck to look across at whatever Toph is working up. He smirks at the boulder. His eyes widen at the sudden explosion of badgermoles. And his jaw drops open when she opens the box. "What in the... uh... wow. Toph. Wow." This is the closest to speechless he's been since... well, since this afternoon. "...Dummy has some catching up to do on his sculpting," he finally manages to quip.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper gives a wry smile to Tony. "You were completely smashed after someone challenged you to a drinking contest. He was almost tripple your weight." she recalls quietly, and brushes a kiss to Tony's forehead. "I will dance with you, don't worry. You're not that embarrassing."

    Then as Toph begins, Potts-Stark watches, her eyes going wide as she comes to the railing of the ship, her fingers sliding around it, feeling the rings she wears clicking against the aluminum rail. She watches as the boulder rises, and just falls. Her head tilts curiously before she glances over to Toph, and then back to the --

    DIRTSPLOSION ON THE BEACH! The fine, particulate dust kicks up and clears with the breeze (oh, it'll be expensive to clean up, and Toph was already calculating the Home Owner's Association costs for such an event if they kicked up a fuss) -- but the woman was more surprised to see the badgermoles. Giant creatures, blind... was... was that Stinky?

    And when the box is produced... she tilts her head to the other side. She drops one hand down, the wind catching in a few stray, errant hairs as she raises her eyebrows, and gives a quiet sound of appreciation, lifting her hands to her lips, realizing how clearly TOph could see their faces with the example. And she tears up.

    "Oh, Toph... it's beautiful." she squeaks. She might be crying.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony helpfully tries to make Pepper cry more, by assuring her, "Only a pale representation of the real thing," with a quick kiss to her jaw just under her ear. And then, "I mean me of course. You just can't really capture my true magnificence in stone."

Alden (930) has posed:
     The digimon is intrigued when Toph moves to face the beach, and moves closer to watch. He did see her earthbending, so at least he is not shocked about that detail, but the badgermoles catch his attention, tilting his head... thinking they kind of remind him of something. Of course, the big draw is how she... tears teh box like that, and spots the statue. He is pretty much speechless, beyond mumbling "That's amazing." towards the earthbender.

Inga has posed:
All fears of cheese reside as Inga's attention is drawn to the beach and to Toph, who is displaying her powers over the earth to raise...giant...badger...things? Inga's eyes widen. "What...am I looking at right now?" she breathes as bizarre creatures pop out of the sand like daisies. Were they the gift? Were they pets? Is everyone in the multiverse inclined to keep giant animals? No, wait, the animals are using the same magic as Toph to raise a box. Inga's lips part in wonder and confusion. Ah, there it is. A stunning statue made of gemstones.

It is the single most opulent thing she's ever seeen.

Inga reaches up to rub her eyes, then takes another glass of champagne from a passing tray, drinking it down without a breath. She really wishes she'd given over her gift first. How is she suppose to follow that!?

Inga gives it a minute, shakes her head, then moved up to Tony and Pepper. She clears her throat, trying to recover. "I ah...well, allow me to...pass on our congratulations. From Harry and I. He sends his apologies that he could not make it," she says, offering the basket. "It is mead. It is traditional to drink mead on one's honeymoon--indeed I believe that is why it is called such. And a necklace of amber," she adds, looking to Pepper. "May Freyja bless your union with love and many children," she adds, smiling as she regains her bearings.

"And a box of fresh made donuts for you Tony," she says, smile growing.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "It /would/ be fun to roll cheese across the deck though," Toph asides as she turns to her adoptive parents. "Just let me know where you want me to place it and I'll get it there after the party." Considering they probably want it inside somewhere.

    "So... any possibility of tasting champagne today?" she asks again, giving them both a sugary sweet smile. Hey, they like the gift she made especially for them, so it's worth asking, right?

    Though she does snort slightly at Inga's words for some reason. "Well, you can't go wrong with alcohol!" Who knows, perhaps Toph felt obligated to make a special gift for Tony and Pepper. It's not like she meant to make other people's gifts seem lackluster or anything. In the background one of the badgermoles seems to be curious about the gangplank leading up on the yacht, snuffling around at it and most likely picking up some scents. It's a good thing it's actually too large to walk up the gangplank itself.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper tries not to cry. And then cries. "It's your furry face." she replies, "hard to capture in stone." she states, and pulls Toph in for a hug. HUG ON THE TOPH. "You may have /one/ glass. If you promise not to do any heavy bending for a while, and eat a lot of food." she whispers to the kid.

    Carolina, Georgia, Stan and Marty pause as they all watch, agawk.

    "You didn't get /me/ a statue when we got married." Georgia states, poking Marty in the ribs. Marty winces. "I got got you a kennel. It's much better. It is full of barking drool monsters." he states. Liza watches, and claps her hands together. "TOFF!" she calls out, and giggles maniacally in a way that only a toddler can.

    Potts straightens herself out, pulling a tissue from Tony's pocket (where she had stashed them), and gives a small laugh. "And Toph takes after her dad and makes things hard to follow." she explains, and accepts the basket from Inga. "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Dresden couldn't have made it..." and she glances down. Wine, shampagne, mead... it'll be an interesting honeymoon. If they can remember it.

    And she blushes at the mention of many children. And the thought of Thor's mother. Well, she /was/ nice enough...

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony must have gotten a bit of dust in his windpipe because he starts coughing helplessly coincidentally right at the same moment that Inga suggests 'many children'. Indeed he seems to need the fortification of one of Inga's donuts, as his hand rummages around in the basket to grab one. "Uh... yeah. Yeah, thanks," he manages to get out. "And thank you, Toph, it's... amazing. Better bring me a glass of champagne too."

Inga has posed:
"Work has been keeping him very busy as of late," she sighs. "Perhaps he will make it later on," she adds. Inga could hope.

Inga grins as Tony reaches for a donut. "Apple cider donut with cinnamon," she informs, then looks back to Pepper, reaching over to take her hand. "Now, do let me know if you need a charm to encourage fertility," she says, patting her hand lightly.

It is slightly possible she's embarrassing them on purpose.

Inga grins to Toph then. "That was quite impressive. I haven't the slightest idea how you did it but....very impressive. Goodness, I wonder where they shall keep it," she remarks, shaking her head, trying to imagine where she'd keep a giant statue in the apartment or the cottage.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden remains quiet, simply watching the statue, the badgermoles, and being near Toph. He also discovered teh chocolate fountain, so now nad then he moves to dip something in chocolate and eat. One might stop wondering why he is so chubby looking if they saw him eat.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A slight yelp leaves the earthbender when she finds herself yanked in for a hug, and she's slightly wide eyed and limp, not fighting against the hug. Let Pepper be sentimental. And then she grins when Pepper gives her permission to get champagne. Also at Tony coughing, which is the reaction she expected. "Promise!" The food is tasty, so that won't be a problem. The bending part however? Eh, she can handle that. It's not like she's going to drink as much as she did when she tried elven wine that one time.

    Georgia's comment though earns an even bigger grin. "Not his fault he's not the greatest earthbender of all time, auntie!" And yes, Liz does get some attention as Toph walks by, leaning down to tickle the toddler with a grin before she heads on to the bar.

    And soon enough she returns with two glasses of champagne /and/ a large plate of food. "Cheers," Toph states as she hands over one of the glasses to Tony, then takes a sip of her own glass.

    When Inga asks for how she did it though, Toph shrugs. "It's easy peasy, really. The hardest was bringing the badgermoles here, Stinky seemed more intend on touring Malibu at first."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper twitches slightly. "I'll... be sure to keep you in mind if there's any change in my plan."

    And Carolina Potts comes in. "OOH! You're someone who can read futures, aren't you? Can you tell me how many grandchildren they're going to have?"

    "/Mother/!" Pepper hisses.

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs as Pepper's mother interjects. Inga looks to Pepper and Tony again, her expression going serious, the pupils of her eyes rapidly dialating. She seems to stare at them in a most unnerving manner for a few moments, then shakes her head.

With a smile, she looks to Carolina. "The future is not set, I see multiple paths. There /could/ be several. Down one path there are ten!" she replies with a grin.

She's probably just seeing if she can make Tony choke on his donut.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Busy," Steve replies to Ezio with a dose of good-natured chagrin. "SHIELD has had me on missions all over the Multiverse, I haven't even been able to keep up with stuff in my home world as much as I want to ..." His smile gives way to a grimace as he remembers part of what he missed out on because of one mission or another.

Then he's distracted by Toph 'presenting' the statue for her parents. That's pretty impressive - heck, just the way she 'unearthed' it for the presentation, never mind the craftsmanship.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony /almost/ chokes on the donut, but fortunately Toph brought him booze to save him. He gulps at the champagne for fortitude, as if it were water. Good thing he can hold his liquor. It emboldens him, at least, to fire back, "Look, you know how hard it is for me to get her to spend any time with me as it IS? I'm not looking to add MORE distractions to the mix." Anyway he's manchild enough for any one person to have to handle. "No more of the Miss Cleo act on me, thanks."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts twitches. Ten children. Ten. Children. She drinks the rest of her glass as well, as Carrie gives a laugh, and entertains thoughts of throwing her mother overboard.

    That'll be the day.

    "Well. Luckily we have free will... at this time, Tony and I aren't planning on having any children." Potts gives a slight smile, "... please tell me you were joking."

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin watches, with interest, as Toph brings the gift up, unearthing it and opening the box, watching the badgemoles with some curiosity, even trailing a little closer to the railing so that she could watchc it closer... it was an impressive show of power, and she watches the statue, the light playing against the stone and gems, her face giving a slight wince at it before she turns away, and back to looking over unfamiliar foods, and settles for 'meat on a skewer'. At least it doesn't look like it's poisoned.

     "You should keep us in mind." she replies to Steve, turning up and giving him a neutral,blank look. "We are slightly in your debt."

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs brightly at Tony's response. She doesn't know who Miss Cleo is, but she understands well enough. Inga pats him on the arm, snickering. "You must forgive me a bit of fun," she says, looking between them.

Inga takes a breath, sobering. "I was indeed joking--about the last part, anyway. And yes, you have your choices of course. I see nothing set in stone. Happiness though, I see. A partnership that will carry you through good times and bad. A loving, supportive family. I hope this will help you forgive my jests," she smiles. "Truly, I am happy for you both. Congratulations again," she says, then would step aside so that others may offer their regards.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Oh, thank you." Pepper sighs with releif, and gives a small smile to her mother, who gives a pout, and then points at Tony, then points to her eyes, and then him again, and then turns back to the party. "I already have at least two talented grandchildren, what grandmom doesn't want more?" she titters back. Pepper rolls her eyes.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Ten children? Now that makes Toph laugh out loud, raising the glass in front of her mouth to make sure she doesn't spill any from laughing too much. "If you're gonna have any then make sure it's one at a time!" she snickers. Because there's a chance that she has to babysit if that were to happen, and she's just getting used to babysitting Liz.

    For now she seems intent on actually drinking some of the champagne and tasting the food. Well, eating it, since she helped taste test some of the dishes that Pepper ordered from catering. And then she notices that Alden is by the snack table. "Hey, Alden! Bring some snacks over, will you?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden was busy dipping something in the chocolate fountain!. He eats it quickly adn nods, "Sure!" he chirps at the mighty earthbender, quickly grabbing a few, to bring them back her way, "Here." he says happily. "It's quite good." he says happily. He did hear part of the conversation about babies, and tried to not chuckle too loudly.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony makes a 'what, me?' gesture of professed innocence as Pepper gives him The Look, then decides to escape by grabbing hold of Toph's elbow and hauling HER out to the dance floor. "Since you seem to have studied the intricacies of the waltz enough to reproduce them in gemstone," is his reasoning. Of course the song playing is not a waltz, but since when has that stopped him from doing whatever he wants. "We have to stop Stan before he destroys us all."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan, meanwhile, is engaging a beautiful younger woman in dance on the floor, who keeps clapping and going "Toff! Toff! Toff!" Little Liz is an excellent partner and doesn't mind how badly Stan is dancing.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sweet, here come more snacks! Toph grins as Alden brings more stuff to eat over, and while she's only begun eating stuff off of her plate she still has room for more, right? Pepper told her to eat, and so she does. But it seems that somebody has a different set of priorities when she finds her elbow tugged on, and she lets out a yelp, nearly dropping her glass and plate before she can clumsily hand them over to Alden. "What the crud...?" she begins as she does her best to keep up with Tony. And then gives him a deadpan look, though she's uncertain if he sees it. "Oh yeah, you have studied me earthbending so of course you know how to do it too by that logic. And I didn't know this was a contest--" Wait. Everything is a contest for Tony, isn't it?

    Alden better not empty her champagne glass by the time she escapes the dance floor.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden would never drink Toph's champagne, he does not really drink at all. He does eat some of the snacks he brought over, he can always get her some more, simply admiring the dancing couple and smiling to Mr. Stark, chuckling softly. "Didn't know you knew how to dance like that." he says.

Rebecca Chambers has posed:
    Suddenly, Rebecca's communicator goes off. "This is Rebecca, over." A pause, then. "All right, I'll be there as soon as I can." She drops her gift (which happens to be gift cards for the store of the bride and groom's preference, one each) at the gift pile, then says, "I'm sorry, but I'm needed elsewhere. I wish you both the best." She salutes then heads out.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Not only can I dance if I want to," Tony quips back to Alden, as he insists on dragging Toph around the floor to embarrass her at least as much as Stan is embarrassing himself, "I can leave your friends behind." He can also fly, but that wouldn't be a terrible nerd music reference.

He is, shockingly enough though, actually in a really good mood and kind of betrays himself by gleefully twirling Toph around and just laughing along with whoever points and giggles at him.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts smoothly strides up to Tony and Toph's dancing as they come near, and she goes "May I cut in?" with a gleeful little smile -- and before Tony can take Pepper's hand, she reaches for Tophs and 'saves' her from Tony. "Let's show him how its done."

    And "Girl's just Want to have Fun" comes on the DJ stand. Pepper sings along even!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a good thing Tony knows how to dance, because Toph? Well, she might have rhythm and know how to move in the battlefield, but on the dance floor she's clearly not entirely sure how to dance. Though it helps when Tony leads, even if she does look /slightly embarrassed at the whole thing. One might wonder if she's going along with this only because it seems to make Tony happy, as she's clearly stated she doesn't dance before.

    When Pepper draws close though she looks hopeful for a moment, clearly about to let Pepper take over and dance with Tony like they're supposed to... but alas, fate has other things planned.

    The hopeful look turns to one of surprise for a moment, and she does recognise the song that starts playing. And no, she can't deny Pepper either, huh? So she shrugs, offers a little smile and just goes with it. Though she does raise her voice. "Alden, if you eat any of my food and drink you better replace it by the time I escape the dance floor!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony is, momentarily, taken aback by Pepper's maneuvering, but only momentarily. He looks toward Stan. Menfolk unite? his glance seems to say. He scoops up Liz (who shrieks with delight) and deposits her on his shoulders, then offers Stan his hand in a grave invitation to dance with the both of them. His other hand stays clamped on the little girl's knee to make sure she doesn't wobble and fall. SEE WHAT A GOOD DAD HE COULD BE PEPPER.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden is amused and impressed, smiling broadly and twitching his tail in amusement, just enjoying the situation. He claps a few times too!, only going quiet at the threath from Toph. He chokes for a moment, and looks at the mostly empty tray, before rushing away to restock it... he does not want to get the rage of Toph!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan laughs, and takes Tony's free hand, putting his hand on Tony's hip, and begins to waltz. Gracefully, to "Girls just Want to Have Fun", with a VERY SERIOUS EXPRESSION on his wrinkled, bespectacled face. "You dance marvelously, Mr. Stark."

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin looks at all the dancing. Nasrin attempts to meld into the crowd, and away from the dancing, her eyes going wide as she watches with horrid fascination!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Lesson every Tuesday for the first several formative years of my life," Stark mutters back. Usually with Jarvis. The original Jarvis. Guess who got to lead? "You're not so bad yourself, Stan. Listen though, I saw you cozying up to Rogers and we just can't have that. I gotta have you in MY camp, /Dad/." #CivilWar

Though he's having fun, making a spectacle of himself as usual and playing with Stan and his... his niece, for real now, wow, I guess she is, his eyes keep flicking over to glance at Pepper and Toph, and in those moments, there's something... difficult to describe in his expression. Kind of a mix of joy/pride/terror, all in one. And then Liz yanks on a handful of his hair and it becomes simple, rueful discomfort. "Ow..."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio decides he's gonna do something drastic.

    He brought Nasrin along so she could learn to be social. SHe is not being social, SO he is going to fix that.

    "Sister," He tucks his arm in with hers, before tugging her towards the dancers. "How much experience do you have with dancing by chance?" He's grinning /way/ too much to not be enjoying this, as he begins to guide Nasrin's hips side to side in tune with the music.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Stan just gives an easy smile, and lifts up a hand to gently remove the hair from Liz's fist. "Well, I first met Captain America in Germany during the 1940's, he left quite the impression on me and my brother." he admits quietly. "And as for my dancing, the first thing I learned how to do after my college was dance to impress a pretty girl at the community center that we helped open with a sizeable donation..." Stan begins to drone on about history, "... so no matter what, /Son of Mine/... I'm afraid I will always have high regard for Captain America!" he gives a cheeky smile, and goes to do his best to twirl Tony and Liz at the same time!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There are more latecomers to the party it seems, as there's some sounds coming from the gangplank. And it seems to be several people coming, about eight of them, all clad in formal wear in earthen tones, walking as if in a procession. Mostly men with some women, and all carrying crates. Once those eight people have made their way to the side on the deck however, two other people can be spotted, standing out in their formal clothes and noble mannerisms.

    After receiving a formal invitation, even if things are somewhat awkward between the groom and one of the people showing up, the Beifongs seem to have taken Pepper up on it. Why, it appears that Poppy is wearing even more jewellery than she usually does, and Lao's robes are even more intricate. Maybe that explains why the man looks somewhat uncomfortable being here, though Poppy is all smiles as she holds onto her husband's arm.

    Of course this doesn't escape the youngest Beifong's notice, and Toph halts where she was busy dancing with Pepper.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin was not being socialble because her primary trainer was Altair, who was not being known for being socialable. And she couldn't get her mind around the fact that she could pickpocket everyone here and disappear for ever. And she wasn't sure if the food would be safe for her to eat after days of being ill after pushing her Gift too far and -- Ezio had his hands on her. She glances down, and then glances up, and her eyes narrow.
    "More than you."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio continues to grin, "THat's quite a claim, you'll be surprised how much experience I do have." he says, swaying hips while the music begins to adopt an appropriate tempo for those on the dance floor. For a guy who's above the cusp of being called 'old' he still has some moves, and the swagger doesn't hurt either.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
Potts notices the commotion, pausing in her dancing with Toph as the music changes, seeing people waltzing as a splendid waltz by Strauss comes on so that people can actually waltz instead of listening to top 40.

    "Poppy, Lau!" Pepper greets the Beifongs with familiarity (partially because it might irk Lao a little bit, and she sweeps over to greet them. "I'm so glad you could make it. I hope the trip wasn't too troublesome." she gives a smile to the two, extending her hands out to Poppy to grasp hers momentarily in greeting.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"High regard is fine," Tony uses diplomacy, doing an elaborate twirl around the old man that has Liz shrieking in delight. "Just, you know, so we're all clear that I'm the cool one."

He pauses, noting Toph's sudden grind to a halt out the corner of his eye, and glances around to see what could have put her on alert like that. And sees the Beifongs. "Uh-oh," he mutters. Though she makes noises of complaint, he carefully removes Liz from his shoulders and sets her down by Stan. "I'd better go say hi to some people," he explains, his mouth set in a determined if apprehensive grimace.

As he strides toward Lao and Poppy though, neatly scooping up a fresh glass of champagne from a passing server along the way, his expression blossoms into one of magnanimous welcome. It's his wedding day after all. While he lets Pepper handle the primary greetings, he steps up beside her, one hand resting lightly -- and somewhat proprietarily -- at the small of her back, and smiles graciously at their special guests. "Hope you didn't have any trouble finding the place," he quips, giving Poppy a genuinely nice smile and Lao one that just dares him to be the first to break social convention.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Ezio might have the moves and swagger, but Nasrin is /incredibly embarrassed/ by this display... and a little insulted. HIs loud shirt, his devil-may-care attitude, and she stiffly copies his movements for a brief moment before the waltz comes on. She pauses, and puts her hand on Ezio's shoulder, and draws the skirt up a little bit to not get in the way of her pumps, and she goes to turn /Him/ around her.
    "'Dancing.'" she mutters crossly "Requires grace and ease of movement. Luckily, you still have both."

Inga has posed:
After all that, Inga had needed to get away for a few and clear her mind. Not that she could go far, being on a ship, but she found the least occupied spot and had a seat for a while, picking up another glass of champagne on the way.

She was beginning to feel a bit on the drunk side, but she was fairly sure she would have to keep drinking at a fairly quick rate in order to stay that way. It might not be worth the trouble.

Inga does eventually wander back over to find that people are dancing down. With a small sigh, she sticks to the sidelines, looking for a good place to sit an observe while she avails herself of the various delicious tiny snacks. Had a few people left? Seemed more crowded earlier.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Ezio /does/ have skill and grace indeed. He's more than glad the waltz began, because THIS is more his speed of music when it comes to charming the girls.

    In the corner of his eye he spies Toph's birth-father, the one he came within a hair's breadth of strangling last time they met.

    He's really glad to have Nasrin here, otherwise this would be very, very awkward for the Mentor. In any case, he does speed up as he twirls Nasrin in his arms. "Let's see how much experience /you/ have, Nasrin."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's a good thing that Pepper is the first to walk over to greet the Beifongs, as it does make things less awkward for Lao. Even if he does seem like a fish out of water. He does offer her a polite nod of his head, and Poppy gives a slight bow. "Congratulations on your wedding day, Mrs Stark," she offers. "The trip went well." The moment Toph steps forward though, the Beifong matriarch is quick to wrap up the girl in a hug.

    When Tony joins them too it Lao tenses just slightly, but gives him a polite nod as well. Perhaps he would be even more stressed if he noticed and recognised Ezio. "It would be rude to turn down the invitation from your wife," he states, then gestures to the servants carrying the crates. "We do hope our gift for you is satisfactory, and that it will be of use." One of the servants opens the crate is he carrying, revealing fine china from the Earth Kingdom, and well... it's got to be a large set if it fills up eight crates.

    Poppy in the meanwhile looks around at all the guests gathered, a curious expression on her face as she looks around at them all. Alden in particular seems to catch her attention, as well as Inga's strange manner of dress. Steve she does recognise, and he earns a soft smile from the woman.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler was at the wedding, certainly! Granted, he had been in the back, in a normal suit, constantly looking around a large gaggle of people with the paranoia of a man who expects the end of Malibu, California to come from some bitten closed off patron at the ceremony of the century. But everything went great, so after an hour or so of going over reports in his car, he's walking over the gang plank to the swinging receiption, right on the heels of the large delegation of Earth benders and gifts. Given everything /they/ were bringing, the box he has wrapped looks... well, let's face it. Inexpensive.

He's quickly over to the gift table to drop it off, before walking forward to grab whatever sparkling water was avalible for this event and scanning the crowd one more time. Smile, say high, schmooze, and just pretend you deal with mosquitos for a living.

Alden (930) has posed:
The digimon is still in the party, and he offers Toph her glass and the snacks as she returns from the dance, before he casually moves aside, not wanting to get in teh way of any talks. He is simply paying attention, curious about what was going on.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    "You forget who you dance with, Mentore." Nasrin replies in a quiet voice and when she moves, she floats in perfect time. A heartbeat captured in three breaths, a pciture of grace. Sure, it was a little strange -- she definately would have never thought of dancing with the old Mentor -- but it was ... nice. And she even cracks a smile.

Inga has posed:
Inga, feeling someone's eyes on her, looks to Poppy. She nods a greeting. Yes, Inga is dressed oddly compared to everyone else. She supposes she should have tried to wear something to fit in a bit better. Alas.

She goes back to watching the dancing, eyebrow raised. "A strange sort of dancing," she comments to no one in particular. And this is in response to the relatively old fashioned waltz. Goodness knows what she'd make of twerking.

Inga waves to Alden again, having found a seat. Her staff rests across her knees. "So, how may I acquire one of these meat plants?" she asks.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper Po-Potts-Stark? Pepper Stark now? Oh, there's going to be /so/ much paperwork to file now -- gives a smile, and a bow of her head. "Thank you for the lovely gift... and please. Come, have something to eat, a little dancing. This is a happy occasion," and she gives a smile, though she clearly means Tony "And if anyone proves difficult for you, Lao, please let me know and I will set them straight. You're our guests, this is our wedding, and you are all welcome to partake."

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    Normally Ezio would be gloating at being able to get Nasrin to destress for once, but instead, he just lets the moment lie. He won't lie, she's pleasant company sometimes, and here she's actually having fun for once, he can feel it. So instead, he just takes her hand in his, and the two float across the dance floor, movements in-synch to the last inch of motion.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
#511ooming back up behind Inga, Ziggy Grover comments, waving a chocolate-covered spare rib, "Don't they just let you take things from the reception tables home after the whole thing's over?"

Apparently Ziggy had been testing just about everything on the reception table in the fountain. Why not?

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden was not quite paying attention to Inga, so the sudden approach surprises him!, he turns quickly, smiling broadly, "Well, they are native from the digital world, but I have a bunch growing at home, I can likely get you a sprout to plant in a bit." he says happily.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The arrival of Richard Stadler does make some of the servants move out of the way without a word, and the man does get a glance from the Beifongs before they turn back towards Tony and Pepper. Luckily they are already heading over towards the food tables when Alden returns Toph's drink to her, and she lets out a sigh of relief. "Whew, that was close...!" Heck, her father would probably disapprove of any alcohol, wouldn't he... "Thanks," she says before Inga inquires about the meat plants.

    At least it doesn't seem like her father and her dad are going to duke it out today, and that they both know better than to turn a wedding sour! And Poppy is already curiously inspecting the food and the drinks, with Lao looking around, no doubt a bit uncertain about these multiversal things. And Toph takes the chance to head off in a different direction towards Stadler. "Nice of you to bring a gift, you know how poor the newlyweds are," she greets the man, walking up and sipping her champagne.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony appears to be mollified by the address of Pepper as 'Mrs. Stark'; you can practically see him puffing up. And he might even be a little cowed by the extent of the gift the Beifongs have brought. "I'm... sure it will," he replies, some of the bluster taken out of his sails. "Thank you." And he gives Lao a stiff bow, about the best olive branch he has to offer. Lest Pepper find reason to find fault with him, he demures to her invitation and wanders off to find someone else to pester. He's sure he saw Stadler around here somewhere. Guy probably brought him more guns or something.

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks, then looks over her shoulder toward Ziggy. She looks at the meat in his hand, sniffing. "Did you put chocolate on the meat? That's...disgusting," she says, though the idea of melted chocolate to dip things in sounds /very/ appealing. Just not meat things. Ew.

"No, I do not believe that is how it works...at least, I don't think. I have not attended a wedding since 786," she informs him. Still she doubts that has become a custom!

Inga nods to Alden, smiling. "I would appreciate that. It is too curious not to explore," she replies.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper had been smiling and gives a bow as well to the Beifongs, and smiles, reaching over to ruffle Toph's hair as she hands both Poppy and Lao flutes of champagne, happy that both sides of Toph's families will get along, for now. She floats then between guests, pausing to give a kiss to Stan's cheek briefly and begins to make the rounds, accepting gifts and kind words when she gets to Stadler. "Richard." She greets him friendly, reaching out to take a hand. "How are you doing?" she inquires warmly.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hey, don't knock it till you try it," Ziggy says, offering the plate full of things. "If you pick the right savory and sweet mix, you'll find it awesome. Here, try this chocolate-covered bacon-wrapped scallop."

Attention shifts towards the bride and groom. "They look pretty good together, don't they?" he grins, almost sighing at the occasion. "Wonder when they're going to hold the garter-throwing. Or did I miss that already?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks around, not really sure why Inga dislikes doing that, but he decides not to bring it up, "Sure, I can show you the meat plants at home and you can tell me if you'd like one." he offers with a grin. The mention of 786 makes him look back at Inga, "786?"

Inga has posed:
Inga looks at the tray thoughtfully, skeptically, as if for some reason she doesn't trust the judgement of the man. After a moment, she takes the recommended bacon wrapped scallop dipped in chocolate. Daringly, she tries it.

She makes a face. "I...do not care of it. I think it would be much better with bananas," she comments.

Inga raises a brow. "The garter toss? What is that?" she asks.

To Alden, she nods. "Mmm, that is the year I am from. What is it now, two thousand something?" she asks.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Let him gloat! Nasrin is trying to lull Ezio into a sense of security, the two moving well and in synch across the dance floor, her hazel eyes looking out over the crowd as she dances with the man who heads their order.

    And surreptitiously, she makes an attempt to trip him with a slight sweep of her foot on a turn.

Ezio Auditore (825) has posed:
    And one overtly complicated series of stumbling and clever footwork, Ezio barely averts bumping into anybody else, but he definitely does swirl Nasrin around a few times.

    "You did not think it would be that easy, did you?"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler did give a few nods to the servents on the way through, but tried to keep a low profile. Just enough that no one who didn't already know him would think to ask. Now, he takes a swallow of fancy expensive water with a grimace (why the hell did they need to carbonate it), before looking over to Toph, and nodding slightly. "Oh, no doubt. I mean, I just wonder how the two of them are going to survive on their incomes in a place like this. Have you seen the house? Like a walk in closet." He says, taking another sip before giving up on it and dropping it off on a passing waiter. "It's up to the wealthy public servants to do what they can to support them." A pause, as he realizes most of that was /probably/ heard by Potts, smiling just slightly. "Well, I'm sure you folks will manage. In all serious, congratulations on the day. Weddings are always special times." He says, actually giving something of a warm grin and an outstreched hand.

The glass of champange in Toph's hand was noticed. Of course, if they wanted to have their adopted daughter drink champagne, that was there business. Not that he could complain, given his daughter could drink his base under the table. "Small contribution to your kitchen. It's helped me, and I have no doubt it'll help other people, as well."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Oh yes, I love the wonderful colours, in it," Toph responds with an amused grin as she heads on to mingle with the others. Huh, seems Nasrin and Ezio are having fun too. And Ziggy is here too? And... he's talking about chocolate-covered bacon.

    The green ranger will find another person picking tasty treats from his plate, and Toph looks quite pleased as she takes a bite. "Nice of you to show up! And yeah, they're pretty good together, though I'm hardly one to comment on appearances."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "A terrible, awful walk in closet." Pepper agrees, and takes the shake of a hand as she gives a smile as she greets the 'public servant'. "Thank you for the thoughtful gift... to be honest, it seems like most people are just trying to out-do one another... though the bacon plant is... an interesting addition." She pauses, and looks over the gift table. "... maybe I should have asked for donations instead, for charity?" she inquires quietly, giving a wince.

    "Speaking of parenthood -- how is y our daughter?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Is it a crock pot? It's a crock pot, isn't it," Tony interjects, further announcing his presence by coming up behind Stadler and slapping him amicably on the back. "That's fine, I might actually be able to cook something with one of those." A beat. "--wait we got a BACON PLANT? Shit, why don't I get married every day?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Oh the garter. It's uh, a tradition at weddings like this one... I assume this one is like the wedding on my earth where they celebrate things like, you know, having the groom take the garter off the female and throwing it into a crowd of bachelors... hi, Toph, give me a minute here, don't mind me, help yourself... watch out for the chocolate-dipped jalapeno, that one packs an awesome bite... anyway, whoever catches the garter belt? That's the person who's supposed to get married next. Same thing for the bouquet, whoever catches -that- is supposed to get married too."

Scratching his chin, Ziggy adds, "Usually, though, the garter's caught by men and the bouquet is caught by women. Nothing wrong with the others, but uh, it might cause some issues if a dog caught one or something. I'm pretty sure the results are void and null."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Because Pepper would kill you?" Steve suggests, presumably tongue-in-cheek. He's sipping from a glass of brandy.

One might wonder *why*, given that he can't get drunk ...

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Tony, language!" Pepper whispers, nudging against TOny's side a moment, playfully.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    "If it were easy, you wouldn't be Mentor, would you?" Nasrin replies, giving a serene smile, as if she didn't just try to take out the top assassin for /centuries/ in their world, and as the music ends, she releases Ezio, gives a smile over her shoulder, and goes to melt into the crowd again and become a wallflower.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The explanation of the garter and the bouquet earns a snort from Toph as she munches on chocolaty bacon. "What kinda fuddy duddy tradition is that?" she asks before swallowing it all down with some champagne. "Here I thought people got married because they wanted to."

Inga has posed:
Inga listens to Ziggy's explaination, intrigued. She loves to hear about customs like this. "Interesting. In my time, a couple exchanged swords and swore an oath on a ring, then an animal would be sacrifices so that the couple could be blessed with the sacrificial blood," she replies.

"The boquet hmmm?" she asks, thoughtful. Should she try to catch it? She's sure that would give Harry a fright.

To Toph she smiles again. "Yes I think it's just a custom. A sign of good fortune. Though I likely /could/ tell you who here will marry next..." she says with a shrug.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Oh, uh, sorry, I meant /fuck/," Tony drawls in retort. "Hey, I think I overheard someone talking about bouquets and garters. --Are you even WEARING a garter?" He gives Pepper an appraising elevator look, up and down. Bites his lip lightly in a hint of lascivious smile.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
"Barely enough room for Tony's shoes, I'm guessing." One last deadpan. "And beleive me, I thought about it. The perfect thing to gift to a couple like you. But then-" He starts, before jumping forward at the smack on the back, giving an amicably annoyed look at Tony. "But then I figured that maybe digging into the collection isn't the best of idea, given that there is an absurdity for a soldier with two mortgages and a car payment who lacks the clothing of the class needed to walk into a place you two have a registry at for a billionaire who dislikes guns. So, yes. I went out, to several stores, and priced crock pots."

There's a slight beat. "It's a Hamilton-Beach. All the sales associates said that one was the best in the price range, even the ones not on commision." A cough. "So."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony adds, with just the right clueless tone that he might actually be telling the truth, "I didn't know we HAD a registry anywhere."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "You would not /beleive/ the amount of shoes that man owns. Like, three. THree pairs. Tops." Pepper states with exasperation, ignoring the worse language and the comment about the garter. She instead reaches up and fixes Tony's tie. "We didn't. We don't have a need for anything and it seemed tacky." Pepper replied quietly to him, and turns back to Stadler. "A crockpot is something of infinite use. Mulled wines, stews, perfect for a busy businesswoman who occasionally saves airplanes and crushes assassin droids with their own feet like myself. Thank you Richard, how very thoughtful!" she smiles, and even gives Stadler a hug.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well, it's one of those traditions! I've seen others... a couple could jump over a broomstick together, or you could tie their hands together then yank them apart a bunch of times to show their bond was strong, or smash glass under your foot... I think the best one I've seen is probably the time the Russian cartel pulled a 'Ransom for the Bride.' Whew, let me tell you, that one... uh, Toph, how do you even -know- which one is all the bacon anyway...?" Ziggy says, before turning his attention to the bride and groom.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh right, Inga does crazy space blood magic. "Could you do that without having to sacrifice animals?" she asks, arching an eyebrow. Considering the badgermoles are the closest animals right now...

    Nobody better mess with /her/ badgermoles. Especially not so close to the Stark house unless they want to piss somebody off.

    She does listen to Ziggy as he explains various other traditions. Heh, some of them actually sound a bit fun. Smashing stuff is always fun. When he asks how she knows what to eat, she responds with her mouth full. "Ahm blind, noht stuphid."

Inga has posed:
Inga's brows rise as Ziggy continues. "Interesting traditions. I wonder at the symbolism of these actions--the hand tying I understand, I know that was a custom in other lands. But smashing a glass? Curious," she says.

Inga looks to Toph. "Ah, well, this was in my time...things were different. An animal would be sacrficed and the blood used to bless the couple--then the animal would provide the wedding feast. It was not wasted. I do not know why people seem to think that," she says, shrugging. "Now in this world, in this time...you simply buy meat in the market already butchered. It is quite strange to me," she answers.

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin melts out of the crowd as she pokes her head into the conversation with Inga, Toph, and Ziggy. "Are you going to try and catch the garter then, Ziggy Grover?" she asks, settling next to the chatty group, inviting herself in. "Congratulations, Toph," she adds softly "That was a most impressive display of your bending. Naturally, I'm jealous."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Heya Stabby Girl," Toph greets Nasrin, picking up one more piece of delicious bacon and chocolate. "And hey, if Ziggy wants women's underwear, then let him catch it." Hey, that jab was coming.

    "Bending gemstone is easy, it takes more skill to bend metal, and I've bended some crazy metal stuff before." Here she keeps her voice low, just to make sure that Tony and Pepper won't overhear. "Like this one time when I nearly died in space, and Galen and I had to turn some space debris into weaponry against this huge space ship that was going to blow us out of the sky..." Okay, the entire mission was kinda horrible with the first time she was poisoned by HK-47 and all, but getting to bend lots of metal was kinda cool. Even if she had to spend time in medical afterwards.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"What... no! It's not underwear! ... is it? I've never really thought of a garter as underwear. Just a leg-thing. I mean, it's connected to the stocking, which is connected to the leg, so it's part of the leg-thing," Ziggy disavows rapidly. "Besides, catching it means being the next one to get married, and who -wants- that? It's like... like, oogie? No, the living legend can catch it all by himself. He's bound to outleap everyone anyway."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Nasrin, nodding her head in greeting. "Hello," she smiles.

At Toph's jab at Ziggy, Inga laughs. "Oogie? How old are you?" she asks, laughing still.

Inga will totally try to catch the boquet, damn it.

Back to Toph, Inga shakes her head, frowning. "That sounds...terribly dangerous," she remarks.

And again to Ziggy. "What is this living legend bit all about hmm?"

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin floats off to the side, dodging in and around people until she passes behind Steve, her lips pursed slightly as she finally settles on some harmless looking crackers and cheese. "There's a betting pool on you catching the garter off the new Mrs. Stark." Nasrin states quietly.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Oogie is the word, indeed," Toph confirms with a firm nod of her head. "And it's not Goldie who's supposed to catch it, is it? Considering he's already married. And if you're getting married just because you caught a piece of underwear," she's sticking to that term, "then you're getting married for the wrong reasons if you ask me," she finishes with a shrug of her shoulders before she turns her focus back to Inga.

    "Sometimes Union work and helping friends is dangerous work. I nearly died once before I joined the Union too," the blind girl points out. With her parents, both her biological ones and her adoptive ones not nearby it's kinda fun to brag about dangerous situations. Tony and Pepper are talking with Stadler, and Lao and Poppy seem to be busy enjoying some drinks near the band.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Living Legend? What, you don't know who -that- man is? That man fought off the Nazis single-handed! World War II, anyone who came out of that is pretty much part of the Greatest Generation, and he doesn't look a day over 30. It's a -honor- to be breathing in the same room as him, you know? Hey, if you catch the bouquet, you have to go dance with him, so why don't you try and catch it?"

Inga has posed:
Inga nods to Toph, her expression turned serious. "Indeed. It is good that you do what you can with the gifts you have Toph. I imagine your childhood has been by no means traditional. Neither was mine. We do as we must, as we were perhaps meant to do," she replies. "How your parents must worry for you though," she adds with a sentimental smile.

Inga blinks to Ziggy, then looks in the general direction of Steve, raising a brow before she looks back to Ziggy. "You must know, I do not know what most of those words mean. Nazi? World War 2? Were these...things of Earth?" she asks. Clearly, Inga needs to take history classes as well as literacy...

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    With the finery and frippery, there comes the sound of some mic feedback as Stan, now hosting a crown of flowers on his head and a pair of hilariously oversized sunglasses from the DJ booth taps on the mike.

    "Oh! Hello again everyone, it's me, Stan!" he gives a bit of a wave, and takes another index card out. "NOw, before the night is through, there are two -- yes, two -- time honored traditions. Removing the bridal leg-scrunchie, because it is not a garter -- and the bouquet toss. Now, now, I know what you're all thinking -- 'But Grandpa Stan, I don't want the night to end!' -- well it's gotta. OR else how is poor Tony going to get any sleep -- look at him! He's clearly /exhauuusted/." he motions over to Tony and Stadler.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Is he -really- expecting to get any sleep tonight?" Ziggy mutters to Inga.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler blinks for a moment. "Three pairs? Hell, /I/ own more than three pairs. I take it back, Tony. You're goddamn frugal. And the registry was mostly a joke. Though I imagine if you would, yes, I would need to go suit shopping to even be seen there. But I would listen to your bett-" Cough. "Your other half. She seems to have a few good ideas. Let me know and I can e-mail you my receipe for pot roast. It's rather simple." He says, before being hugged. Well, what's one to do but smile and hug back. "Well, I think a bacon plant would win the day here, but I appreciate that."

He pauses. "I'm sorry, you asked about my daughter. Yunomi's doing fine. She's... a complicated girl. Young woman." He corrects himself. "And she apparantly has complicated relationships I still need to investigate... Ah, hell." He sighs, grabbing a flute of Champagne and taking a swallow.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Ziggy. So he's not that young! She laughs. "Indeed," she replies.

Well, if it is time for the boquet toss, Inga may as well give it a whirl. She stands up to be ready.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler looks up briefly as stan knocks on the glass. Exhausted. Really, he was sure Tony ran on scotch, wheatgrass and palladium.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony cups a hand to his mouth and shouts back, "Who says I want to /sleep/ tonight?" General bawdy laughter from the partygoers. He then backtracks just /slightly/ on the crass by hiding his face in Pepper's shoulder as if he were embarrassed by what he just said and is throwing himself at her mercy. Although he totally isn't. Embarrassed, that is. "Make sure Banner catches the bouquet," he giggles quietly for her ears only.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Ah, Cap is pretty awesome," Toph agrees with a nod. Sure, he might nag about language and all that stuff, but he's got a real heart. Plus he's fun to fight alongside with in battle.

    Inga's comment about her childhood earns a slight huff. "... you have no idea how wrong you are about that. And yeah, my parents always seem to worry about me in some way. All four of them." Oh well, at least things are better now than they were for many years.

    Of course she can't help but yell out at Tony's comment. "OOGIE!" It's obligatory of her at this point, isn't it?

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Ziggy Grover gestures towards Toph. "That's where I learned -that- word from, before I forget."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts knows he's not embarrassed. Pepper just laughs, hiding her face, more embarrassed about Stan enjoying himself greatly. And yes, it was an oogie joke.

    "Well," Stan continues, thoughtfully. "Yes. Like my granddaughter says, 'oogie, Tony'. Such language -- there's impressionable young people out there!" he motions towards Ziggy, Toph, and Inga, and a light's cast on the trio. There's laughter from the crowd. "And without further ado, I have the honor, the pleasure of introducing to you all -- Mr. and Mrs. Stark!"

    THere's clapping, and someones set up a chair at the little staging area!

Staren has posed:
    Staren melts out of the crowd, although before he can say something, Tony shouts his joke and Staren's cackling laugh stands out. He looks between Inga, Nasrin, Ziggy, and Toph. "I dunno if any elites had a traditional childhood. Well, I imagine some must have, for better or for worse." he says somberly. Then he smiles, "But hey, who cares, it's in the past! It's what we do with our lives now that matters! These two have a long and happy life together ahead of them... we all do, I hope!"

    He's remembered that the item he alchemized into the LABSCORCHER'S WHITECOAT was, in fact, specifically bought for attending Mist and Zunzini's wedding so many years ago, and so has had no trouble transforming his outfit into formal clothes. He's got the basic suit and tie thing going. Not a look he likes, but he can stomach it for half a day.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh, heya Staren! Toph blinks when the Unionise shows up out of seemingly thin air, and she reaches out to punch him the arm in greeting. "I grew up in a traditional household, though there's very little traditional about me besides my earthbending, I guess?" And she already knows she's doing something worthwhile with her life. "And they better have a long and happy life together, I worked hard to help them get over their silly fears!" So many spa trips, so many punches to arms...

Staren has posed:
    Staren smiles to Toph, "Good job!" and then claps and cheers at the 'introduction' of the happy couple.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Tophe. "You are still very young...to be a warrior at your age? Not typical," she smiles. Blink. "You have /four/ parents?" she asks then, plainly confused.

Then she is blinded by a light momentarily! "Tch!" called an impressionable youngster, that's a first. She's more often mistaken for an old lady for those who have not seen her face.

Inga smiles as Staren appears out of the crowd, greeting him with a one-armed hug. Though his comment about a long life momentarily disperses her smile. "Very long it seems..." but clapping is happening! Woo! clap clap!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Let's go, Mrs. Stark," Tony teases, offering his elbow for Pepper to take. He marches on up to Stan with a big smirking grin on his face. "Thank you," he undertones, "for not saying Mr. and Mrs. Potts." Then to the party at large, he raises his voice again. "All right, ladies, you might want to back up. The ol' ball and chain has quite an arm on her."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What, didn't Inga pay attention earlier? With that Toph points towards the Beifongs. "My birth parents, Lao and Poppy Beifong," she says, then points to Tony and Pepper, "And my adoptive parents."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Don't think too much about it, it might be all some sort of special arrangement. Or polygamy's allowed on this world, I'm not sure which. Just keep an open mind, that's all," Ziggy answers, quietly enough for Inga's ears. Probably Toph's and others nearby as well.

Waving his hands, throwing his arms open, Ziggy proclaims, "Congratulations!" as he clasps his hands together. "Now if you don't mind, much as I'd love to show you my special -shadow- puppets for the occasion..."

And the hand silhouette behind Ziggy shows off what appears to be a horse galloping...

"... shouldn't we get on with the throwing of the -scrunchie-?"

Inga has posed:
Inga had wandered off when that explaination was offered. Still, she looks confused. Her lips thin to a line. "I..see," she says, shaking her head. Well, nothing to it now. Though Ziggy's comment gets a gawk.

Right, There's flowers to catch.

Inga moves into position, wondering if it would be wrong to use magic...likely the only way she'd catch it anyway.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Well, that would just be silly. If you were to take the 'Potts' name, you'd lose all your stock. You already have a bad habbit of appearing to be dead too often, Tony." Stan states, as if it made all the sense in the world. "Changing names would probably just confuse everyone!" And at the shout from Ziggy, Stan laughs. "All right, seems like the young bucks are more eager than the does!" he states, offering Pepper an arm, and then he just sits down on the seat himself. He pats his forehead with a hankercheif -- and then rolls up his trouser leg.

    Potts isn't wearing the scrunchie. She had been hiding that all along, it would get caught in her dress!

    No, no. Stan is wearing the scrunchie.

Staren has posed:
    "I never did understand traditions like this..." Staren mutters, as people get ready for the tossing of the bouquet and the 'garter'. At the comment about bucks and does, the cat-man mutters, "Why wouldn't we be?"

    He actually has to check Multiverse Wikipedia to review how this goes. So Tony will remove the scrunchie and toss it, and the guys try to catch it for good luck? Okay. He may not attribute any supernatural capability to the ritual, but, he can play along for the sake of ceremony anyway, right?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony arches an eyebrow at Stan's revelation of the scrunchie, then shrugs -- he's /obviously/ confident enough in his masculinity to handle this -- and kneels before the chair to remove it from his leg with great ceremony. He has to tug the old man's shoe off to make it work. Finally, though, he rises again and holds up the scrunchie triumphantly. He twirls it teasingly around his finger, garnering a few 'woo-hoo!'s from nearby. Then hooks it on his thumb, draws it back like a slingshot, and *pwings* it out over the heads of the partygoers. He's not exactly sure what the symbolism is here, given it came off of the bride's /father/ but hey, he'll go with it.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Any interest Ziggy had in catching the garter went to absolute zero (-273.15 degrees celsius, -459.67 degrees fahrenheit, or 0 on the Kelvin and Rankine scale, as Dr. K would probably intone) the moment the revelation of the scrunchie's location was made. It certainly wasn't coming off Ms. Potts, and so Ziggy dutifully lines up, and then studiously -avoids- the scramble with the long, practiced melee skills of an ex-Cartel member used to running away from fights.

Staren has posed:
    Staren doesn't remember if they did this tradition at Zunzini and Mist's wedding. It was a long, long time ago. He has the vague feeling he probably would have avoided getting caught up in this silly ritual, much as Ziggy is doing now.

    But times have changed. /Staren/ has changed.

    While he's not willing to embarass himself or make crazy last-ditch leaps, if it comes close enough that he thinks he can catch it... what they hey, he'll go for it!

Inga has posed:
Inga watches, laughing, as the garter is thrown and Ziggy runs away as if his life depended on it. Ooogie, indeed.

Seems Staren may catch it! Too bad Twilgiht is not here to catch the boquet. Wouldn't that be adorable?

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    Nasrin is breezing around the back of the area, and she gives an appraising look to Ziggy.

    "Wuss." she states softly, but makes /no/ movement to get closer to the little stage to catch a bouqet.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Staren gets the scrunchie! IT's pretty, lacy and has blue sequens on its ribbons. It'd make an overly fancy hairtie.

    The former Potts and newly minted Mrs. Stark is up next, and she gives a smile and an embarrassed wave from the stage. "Now, I hear Pepper has a mean arm -- which is surprising, because I know she doesn't have a mean bone in her body..." Stan pauses, and points at Tony.

    "Shush, you."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
As a note, Stadler has his arms crossed, standing to the side as the shots of bouqeut and garter are fired. He certainly wasn't getting married again. At least not with his /current/ prospects.

Inga has posed:
Inga snickers as Staren catches the garter, ready to catch the boquet!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph narrows her eyes slightly. It seems like Inga /really/ wants to catch the bouquet, huh? Perhaps that's reason enough to participate, just to make things fun. It's not like she buys into these silly traditions, but eh, why not if there are lots of women here who actually want to catch the thing? So Toph downs the rest of her champagne, not that there's much left, sets the glass aside and gets ready, reading into Pepper's movements...

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts turns her back to the audience, so she can't be accused of aiming. She takes a deep breath, and she takes the flowers, and toss it it high. High, hiiigh in the air. THe wind picks it up, it draws it nearly to the side -- almost into the ocean! -- and its nearly to the railings when someone gives a gasp at incoming. A tan-colored canine in a blue dress backs up, blinking suddenly and nearly loosing her footing as a man with a purple shirt under his dress coat drops his glass of water, the wind ruffling through his graying swoop of dark hair, and Dr. Bruce Banner blinks as he looks down at the flowers... then glances back around at the other people. "Nooooo, no no no--" he states, and tosses it back into the crowd!

Inga has posed:
It seemed like a fun little thing to do. Inga doesn't put much stock in it or anything. But why not? One should participate in traditions. It is respectful to do so.

But it goes long, far over her head. She looks to see who catches it. Blinks. Then laughs brightly. "Heh! Well then!" she giggles.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"WOOOO Bruce!" Tony hoots, forming a megaphone with his hands. "Own it, baby! You'll be such a pretty bride!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, that is worthy a laugh. When she notices just who caught the flowers first the earthbender can't help but laugh out loud, not really trying to keep quiet. Seriously, this is the best outcome. "Maybe Pepper will lend you her wedding dress!"

Staren has posed:
    The scrunchie soars overhead! It's only a little ways off, Staren can probably reach it -- he turns and takes a couple of big steps... and then suddenly some other guests are in front of him, having moved to catch it themselves! He has too much momentum to stop, he's going to bowl over these people, which would be so awkward and rude... on reflex, he sees a way out!

    And suddenly, a black cat is scampering between legs. Two of the other guests have bumped into eachother ahead of him and are going down. He can't make it under and past them... so he goes OVER, scampering up their back and leaping... His paw touches it...!

    He transforms back in midair and lands, an the feline expression of 'I meant to do that, it was no big deal' on his face as he steadies himself, suddenly looks around, then with a shrug and a smile, holds it up in victory!

    Staren lowers his arm as Pepper gets ready for the toss... He watches the bouquet go... out of sight! He can't see over some tall guests, as he peers around to try and see who got it, just curious.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Considering the bouquet *didn't* land in the ocean, it really shouldn't go *splash* when landing, right?

But splash it did, leaving a very confused-looking Steve Rogers staring at the bouquet which is now parked in what would have been a glass of beer. "Okay, I know for a fact that I cannot *possibly* be drunk enough to imagine the bride's bouquet in my drink ..."

Would have been, if not for the bouquet landing just right to splash most of the beer *out* of the glass. It was probably really good beer, too. Steve fishes the bouquet out, examining it more closely, then looking over at Pepper. "Isn't one of the ladies supposed to catch it? Or did I miss something while I was a Capsicle?" he asks, smiling wryly.

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs more as the boquet it tossed again, ruining Steve's drink. "Alas, I think it was not meant to be," she calls. Let the man keep it then!

Inga retakes her seat, taking another drink. Time to resume getting drunk!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony asides to Pepper, "The fanfic writers are going to have a field day with this." And he applauds for the bouquet catch, both of them, with all of the solemnity that the occasion merits. "Well done. Well done! I wish you both all the happiness that we've found for ourselves. I'm sure you'll be an adorable couple."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, this is getting better and better. The sound of Steve speaking up does make it clear where the bouquet landed, and Toph is left snickering. Though she does punch Inga slightly in the arm. "You have to catch it at Cap's wedding, then," she teases. Okay, off to score some more snacks before she begins on the task of getting the statue into the house and then escort the badgermoles back to Gaoling and before they decide to alter the cliffsides too much.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Let it not be said that we're not equal opportunity here on Seaduction." Stan chips in cheerily, applauding again and wiping at his forehead.

    "There are places I remember~" the Beatles start crooning, and Pepper smiles, slipping her arms over Tony's shoulders, smiling and laughing, as she begins to sway.


Staren has posed:
    A couple of seconds later, Staren sees Steve through the crowd.


    His ears twitch at Tony's words, "H-hey!" he shouts. "The superstition is that we'll get married soon, not that we'll get married /to eachother/!" he sticks his tongue out briefly, but can't help chuckling along with some of the laughs from the crowd.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"True enough," Ziggy catcalls from the audience. "But you also have to dance with each other!"

Nasrin (923) has posed:
    "And that's my cue." Nasrin states, giving a small wave of recognition to Toph before the seventeen-year-old Assassin goes to make her way from the boat, taking off the heels she had been walking in and holding them by the straps of the backs, humming to herself as she slips away from everyone else.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony allows himself, quite happily, to be drawn away from the high school bluster and teasing and just... smiles, softly, down at his bride as he rests his arms at her waist, not trying to take the lead or anything, content to sway with her to the Beatles. He leans his head down until their foreheads rest together, and for a moment, he closes his eyes and lets the rest of the party wash over them unnoticed. For that moment, they're the only people in the world. And he's content with that.