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Latest revision as of 02:50, 5 September 2016

The Guilds Meet
Date of Scene: 24 August 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: The Guilds meet.
Cast of Characters: 272, 325, Staren, Corona Arclite, 750, 385, Maya, Theo Morrison, 215, Bahamut, 1037

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Almost a week ago, the Izzet League experienced betrayal at the hands of a high-ranking outsider, someone who had joined the guild under the wing of its founder, the Parun dragon Niv-Mizzet.

    And there were groups still in the midst who could be allied, those who may yet turn... and that disturbed certain members of The Guilds... so they had called a meeting, and Rhapsody had received her summons two days ago to appear as the Guild Leader.

    The fates of thousands hangs in the balance.

    The gallery above the meeting chamber is filling with people from all walks of life, some with a stake in what's decided tonight, others merely experiencing curiosity. A few wear kimono and have on little sigils that mark them residents of the Izzet sector. One old woman, her bun tightly wound, peers down with anxiousness, holding a young boy in her lap.

    The round table here has a variety of seats in varying sizes, from humans to that of giants. Leonos II, the Grand Arbiter of the Azrorious Senate draws the meeting to attention with a rap of a gavel against the heavy stone of the chamber, his stern, weathered face looking over the gathered. A black-haired Angel clad in red and white armor takes a seat, her wings fanning out slightly. She looks nervous. An unkempt human, flies buzzing around his noxious hair sits next to her, clad in skins and a blood-stained tartan. A trio of religious fellows in white and black sit, glancing neutrally around the room, but whispering to themselves in hushed voices.

    A merfolk member walks in, wearing green and blue robes and clad in cobweb-fine gossemer, looking curiously around and is tailed by a slender elf in green, brilliant green eyes peering up towards the gallery. Others are seated around the table, some wreathed in shadows, uncomfortable with the light.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The Guildmaster of the Izzet walks in shortly after everyone else, flanked by her brother, but with her sister clearly missing. The rap of the gavel causes the dragon to flinch, but she takes her seat without further incident. The last time all the guilds were together like this, well, at least Thianel wasn't in the center spotlight again. Any allies within the Union, or across the multiverse, were welcome to join as well. It was entirely possible they would be called on to answer questions regarding the events of Presentation Day.

Staren has posed:
    Staren doesn't have much to say about policy, or diplomacy. His interest in this matter is investigating what has happened to Yunomi and returning her to normal. However, who knows what information might come to light here? Also, maybe he can help stop people being terrible to the refugees.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Let's be honest here. It's likely someone had to semi-forcably drag Corona out of the Izzet forges, pushes her through a shower, and at least get her in a presentable state of affairs. Someone who knows how stubborn the silver vixen can be about leaving in middle of an Important Project, even when she's already been working on it on little sleep and a -lot- of caffiene/booze for pretty much since the Presentation Day disaster ended.

Fortunately, Corona knows her own habits well enough to plan ahead, and made arrangements to have someone here to help make sure she actually got to the council meeting. Not to mention know a bit more about politicin' than the engineer did.

Which would be why the silver vixen is being accompanied/dragged in by a taller (not that it's hard to be taller than Corona's lithe 5'2" in comparison) woman resembling a humanoid collie. She's also a bit more properly dressed, like a western business woman. "I know you asked for help," she also has a much less pronounced accent than Corona's drawl, though it's still audible, "But I don't have much of an idea what is going on here."
"Ah know, Miss C," said drawl almost makes it sound like Corona says 'Missy' rather than the affectionate nickname for Loadstar's administrator. "But ya do know politcs better than Ah, an' Ah'd rather not make an ass of muyself at somethin' so important.
Cassie "Miss C" Cassavhan smirked a little, knowing that considering the state of affairs Corona probably had to pull a few strings as is to get her allowed in, so she just gives her young frined a good-natured ribbing. "I doubt you would any moreso than usual."
"Har har, very funny."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Now that the representatives of the Izzet League are here..." Leonos begins, his voice thin and dry, like crackling paper and ancient ink. He pauses to look down his nose at the dragons, the youngest guildmaster in the history of Ravnica, and then around them, "We may begin this meeting." he sits himself down.

    "Rhapsody Mizzet, Ryxinel Mizzet, would you care to explain, for the record, the reasons behind the three-day closure of your Guild's sector..." he pauses, and he draws out a slight disapproving tone to his voice. "And the location of your third sibling?"

Rebound (750) has posed:
    It was most likely Rebound who forced Corona to come to this. She'd been working almost non-stop since that day, and now she's gotta take a moment out of there, "Hey Corona, I know this ain't exactly your normal deal, I know it ain't mine, but I got a feeling this is gonna be important."

    She looks up at two of the three dragon siblings. She didn't get a chance to really meet with them before everything went crazy, and it's been a bit too hectic to talk to them, but she still wants to support them in any way she can.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
In what capacity is Yuna here?

That was most of her own question when she heard about the guild meeting; Yuna isn't a formal member of the Izzet League, and her connections with Ravnica as a whole are pretty tenuous as these things go. She *is* a formal member of the Union, of course, but she's not assuming that's going to carry quite as much weight with the other guilds as Unionites would like it to.

And then there's the question of how to dress for the occasion. That was actually a little easier for Yuna to answer, settling on her Hikari Combined Fleet uniform - although the predominant scheme of black and white may associate her with a different guild entirely than the Izzet, she doesn't have a good red-and-blue ensemble handy, and too little time to go shopping for anything.

At any rate, Yuna is here, ready to speak in whatever capacity she's able; the little robo-faerie Elner hovers by her right shoulder as Yuna sits, and Elner's colors of white and blue, accented by gold, echo the normal hues of the Light Suit which Yuna wore briefly during the incident. Jiina, Marina, and Erina are somewhere in the general area, ready just in case they're needed - but Yuna is actively hoping that words will be the most dangerous thing exchanged here; if she has to transform in the first place then something has gone horribly, awfully, calamitously wrong.

(Then again, she doesn't know Ravnican guild politicking, either ... but still.)

At least she's not the only Unionite here; Yuna keeps looking about, waving or nodding to the familiar faces she sees amongst the attendees. She's staying quiet until called upon to speak, though - or unless something is said to which she simply CAN'T remain silent.

Maya has posed:
Maya has come Maya didn't meddle in political affairs often. It was a threat on her home world to do so, a means for her to keep certain political factions on Septerra inline. Yet here she was she knew a lot of people might suffer for Yunomi's actions. Be they of her own will or they are not, either way she's going to do what she can to try and prevent that from happening. She sat there waiting.

Maya sits down waiting but it's clear she's waiting she's watching and may have something to say at some point.

Theo Morrison has posed:
Someone else walks right into the meeting chamber like he owns the place. He's dressed in browns and dark blues, tough clothes for adventure rather than politics. His hair's redder than it was the last time he was here. He stands taller, straighter, carries himself with more confidence.

The three-foot bird robot is the same. No hat this time, though.

Theo Morrison, Planeswalker (and ally to at least a couple of the Guilds), drops himself into a seat at the table. Kickotron takes up a position next to him, holding some kind of futuristic tablet. "Stenography, please," he says to the Myr. "Recording, too." The robot makes no indication that Theo's been heard.

Theo settles in, hands folded and expression unreadable. He doesn't excuse himself, or make to provide any identification. There isn't a Ravnican in the room who wouldn't know who he was after last time.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria's also come here as well, namely since she's been friends with Yunomi for a long time, and knows that something's definitely wrong here. She wants to make sure she gets the whole story and has her chance to speak as well. Unfortunately, she's still a bit upset over what happened, so underneath the cape she's wearing over her armor (she doesn't really know what else to wear here,) her fists are clenched as she tries not to let tears come to her eyes again. She does give a slight wave to Yuna, showing her hands from underneath her cape as she approaches another friend, but other than that, she keeps her eyes down for the most part. It's obvious that she's really hurting here and is hoping this meeting will give some answers.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Glancing up and around the crowd, the dragon finds relief in some familiar faces. As Leonos begins, Rhapsody stands to address him, and the room in general. She had been preparing for this for days, so, the first question is entirely what she expected.

    "The reason for the closure of the Izzet Sector is simple. It would have made leaving the area far harder than if the borders were open. The closure of the sector calls upon both the Boros Legion, as well as our Union allies, to secure all exits and prevent people from coming or going. This, in tandem with Sidonia's swift response to begin searching for Yunomi, is the reason the sector was closed and is also why she is absent. She is still searching and felt she would have nothing to offer to the council meeting. Additionally her name was not on the summons." The Azor wouldn't be able to argue the last bit. When around beuracrats, be beuracratic.

    First question answered. A quick sip of some water that was on the desk leads the dragon into the response to the next question. "Presentation Day went as expected up to a point. All permits and paperwork was finished on time. Attendies were allowed through the main gates and were allowed to proceed up the concourse to the main stage where presentations were to take place. There was no restriction on access due to the organized security of the Boros, Union, and other allies. As the first presentation began, Yunomi began her speech, scanned the crowd, and then turned to address me." The dragon pauses, collecting her thoughts and her emotions cause she was not about to give the papers ammunition for their articles.

    "She then proceeded to demand the Izzet League. At this time the Mana Nexus generated a shield and we traded words, and eventually fought. The actions of the Izzet League's allies caused a hole to form in the shield. Yunomi then cast a powerful shatter spell on Thianel and escaped as his remnants rained down." Breath. Continue. "That is what happened."

Corona Arclite has posed:
And almost immeadiately Corona isn't sure she likes this guy's tone of voice. It's sublte, but it's hard for those sharp ears to miss, even if she hasn't gotten as much sleep as she should of before this sort of thing.

"Ah know, Hoppy," Corona replies, giving a nod in the other direction towards, well, her boss as well as friend. "That's why Ah got her for."

"As Loadstar's administrator this is hardly the first political council I have had to sit in on," Miss C chimes in. Then quiets down as the actual proceedings start, staring down at the central gathering of guilds with astute scrutiny.

Staren has posed:
    "Why is everyone so sure it was Yunomi?!" Staren can't help speaking up in the next silence. "How do you know it wasn't something posessing her, or an impersonator?"

Theo Morrison has posed:
"Occam's razor," Theo tells Staren, perfectly levelly. "If she was spotted and identified, the simplest solution is that it was her. We'll do some digging and see if there are mitigating factors or outside influences later, but /now/..."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"It was Yunomi's project," Yuna adds quietly. "The Mana Nexus was very much her baby ... and the way she conjured that naginata was part of her plant-growth magic."

She really, really hates being the one to help convict one of her own friends, and it shows on her face and in her voice - but she's still hoping to *find* Yunomi and start getting some answers out of her. If Yuna herself doesn't find her, maybe Sidonia will, or somebody else.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria has nothing to say for the time being, since she's not an expert on magic or things like that. Instead, she leaves that to the others for now. At the same time, she begins mentally preparing any statements she could use to defend Yunomi if she had a chance to speak up on her behalf. She begins to breathe a little faster as she looks down at the ground, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Reaching up with one hand, lifting her cape a little, she rubs her eyes. "Stay strong, Iria," She whispers to herself. "It's what Gren would want."

Staren has posed:
    "No!" Staren shouts, looking shocked at Theo. "That's not how Occam's Razor /works/! It's not just the answer that sounds simplest, it's the simplest solution that /explains/ all the observed facts! And it /doesn't/ explain her change in behavior! At least posession or impersonation does that! I mean, she was doing something to connect to her own world? Her own world where the very nature of the spirit world tortures ghosts for eternity? I'll bet there's /tons/ of angry spirits there, maybe she contacted one! THERE'S the simplest explanation!"

Bahamut has posed:
     Although a situation at home demanded his attention, the great metal dragon known as Bahamut finally arrives at the council chambers. He first tries to join Rhapsody at the Izzet Guild table, but if he is turned away he would not object. He is a dragon, and a trusted friend of Rhapsody, but he is not part of the Izzet Guild and knows that meetings such as this are often tightly restricted.

     However, he makes sure either way that Rhapsody sees him, wanting her to be able to draw strength from him in what is likely to be a very stressful hearing. He again is in his regalia, a thick armored chestpiece with cloth hanging from it that makes it look like a robe of sorts, with the metal being gunmetal grey and the clothing broken in stripes of royal purple and burnt yellow.

     He looks around at the arguing Staren and Theo, but keeps himself quiet for now.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Theo Morrison." The Azorious member's lips pucker in thought a moment. "The Guilds recognize and welcome your wisdom and input." he offers as a simple greeting to the Planeswalker, and a small nod of his head.

    "We /ALL/ saw what she did. Every one of us present -- otherwise must have been some magic to fake her attempting to kill the poor little dragon -- besides, who cares, she's an outsider. Why are we even allowing them to speak here? This should be a RAVNICAN counsel, for RAVNICAN protection!" comes a shrill hiss of a voice as another representative enters the room. She walks in, striding in a revealing robe in a dark harlequin's motley, and she sets a skull-shaped mask on the desk, her hair unkempt and her smile viscious. She has red eyes, and she glances up to Staren with a smug look.

    The Bloodwitch Murleh, Cult of Rakdos, has arrived, and she settles into her seat.

    "I say we gather them all up -- for our protection and theirs. You know that /SOME/ unsavory group is going to want to get their hands on those pretty people that the Izzet have stashed away under those trees~" she lilts, glancing over to Rhapsody.

    "The outsider has also been skulking around in the Undercity." one who was wreathed in shadow says, leaning forward. She has a long scar, and is missing an eye. The empty socket simply is empty, the skin sunken in.

    "A pity your sister did not let me take that creature's head. We could have avoided this... Guild Master." she hisses, greasy hair hanging in her face. Vlrash, the Golgari Swarm.

Theo Morrison has posed:
There's a nod from Theo at the Azor member in the room. It's just enough to be respectful and acknowledge the acceptance of his seat at the table.

"You're still guessing, Staren." Theo might as well be a robot for all the emotion he's showing on his face. Actually, that's insulting to the actual robots. (Sorry guys.) "Do you have any actual proof any of these are actually the case? Because it sounds like we've got eye-witnesses saying it was her up against emotional denials of the apparent reality of the situation, and I know which one seems more likely."

A slow, deep breath. He looks to the person in the biggest chair. They're likely in charge. "Are we to discuss steps to take regarding the lockdown, or the situation surrounding Yunomi Stadler's outburst," that's a word for it, "first? I'd like to know when and if I should begin questioning."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna's right eyebrow starts twitching at the newest arrival - not that Yuna recognizes her off-hand, but the skull mask is enough to set her nerves on edge, if the way she was talking about Yunomi didn't do that all on its own.

"The Izzet League has long opened its doors to the Multiverse beyond Ravnica's borders," Yuna points out, directing a practiced glower at Murleh. "And Yunomi herself had long earned her place amongst the magewrights of the League; doesn't Ravnica benefit by her development of mana vines to distribute energy where it's needed? And haven't the other guilds benefited from the League's association with the Union, saving your city from threats that could have sunk it beneath the ocean, or worse?"

She's also entirely sure that Murleh herself is one of those 'unsavory groups' who'd love to get their hands on the people of Namamura. And whatever Yunomi may or may not have done, Yuna will place *HER* life on the line to protect the Namamurans, if it comes to that.

Staren has posed:
    Staren sighs and tries to calm down. He presumes Theo is playing the crowd, but it still needles him. "There may be emotion involved, but people don't just /change/ like that. It still needs to be explained. And that explanation is important. Maybe, just maybe, she went crazy. Or maybe something else happened. Maybe some enemy of Ravnica, or the Izzet, /changed/ her, I don't know. Mind control magic can do that, right? Leave her in charge of all her faculties and skills, so she could still use her magic, but... change her priorities? If she were commanded to take over the guild... Anyway, I do have /something/: Her collar changed color after the backlash accident. I didn't notice at the time, but I've been looking for /any/ clue... What does that mean?"

Rebound (750) has posed:
"Look you can't just up and off her just like that." Rebound snaps, "As much as I want to get my hands on her too, we need to find out just what in the hell is going on. If you kill her, and she was working with others," A pause, as she looks to Staren, "Or was being controlled or manipulated somehow," She turns back to the council, "Then that information dies with her."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Oh, I'm sorry, if not for outsiders dragon's would be extinct and your master wouldn't be 'napping'. Please do not tell me that you are sore about the fact I exist," Rhapsody jabs, a little irritation showing through at Murleh's reaction. Then she looks to everyone else, responding in general. She notes the argument that Yuna makes and pushes the point forward.

    "We are not the only plane that exists. The 'capital' was seperated over a decade ago and broght here. This is the -multiverse- we now exist in. The 'outsiders' you all seem to hate so much are not limited to just Namamura. A count of ALL the immigrants from the multiverse reveals that the population has doubled by having many of them moving into the outskirts. The outskirts that -used- to be flooded due to unification which they -repaired- for the city. Each and every guild has benefited from 'outsiders' so if you want to speak against them? Return the positive influence they have given to each and every one of you. Every. Single. One." Rhapsody says in a stern tone. She got -that- arguement from her father.

Corona Arclite has posed:
A faint snort emits from Miss C as she tries to keep up with the meeting already going into back and forth between guilds and audience members. "I almost need a program to keep up with who's who arguin' wha--"

She stops as Corona holds up her C-PAD. "Took liberty of gettin' one of the Izzets to give muh the basics on which guild's what."

"-- Well that is efficient. Thank you Corona." the collie woman takes the device in one hand, while pulling a pair of small brass frame reading glasses out of a pocket and slipping them on.

A moment later Miss C lets out a low whistle. "And I thought Loadstar was a melting pot of strange people."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The Arbiter -- the man in the biggest seat -- rises. His robes shine, and his pale, watery eyes turning and glancing first towards Rhapsody, and then towards Staren.

    "Compose yourself. Repeated outbursts will not be tolerated... but... Murleh has a point..." he sits back down, considering a moment as he looks around.

    "If an outsider can rise so quickly within the Izzet," Vlarsh purrs, her voice phlegmmy -- and she spits. Specifically in an Izzetly direction, but not oooobviously at Rhapsody, "... who is to say they can't rise elsewhere, and rob from ourselfs our autonomy?"
    "Oh. The Swarm considering autonomy." coughs the merfolk, and Ishla rises to his feet.

    "I have worked with the Izzet Mage Yunomi on many occasions in regards to the original Manavine Project. Her love for Ravnica, and for her Guild is without a doubt one of the most sincere forms of devotion I have witnessed. The constant burns on her hands are testimony."

    "Hands red with the blood of her guildmaster!" Murleh interrupts, and the Arbiter raps his gavel again, glaring at everyone.

    He hated it when the guilds got together. So much work for so little pay off.

    "The point has been raised in regards to those who are from beyond Ravnica," he gives a curious look to Theo, and then to the rest of the gathering. "Murleh mentioned... containing them. I would reccomend limiting their activity within the guilds themselves until we can be sure there are no more... bad eggs."

    That was not an intentional dig at Rhaps.

    He then turns to Theo. "If you are not already questioning, then what are you doing?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "WITH NO MOTIVE," Rhapsody barks back at Murleh, "You're simply serving your master by trying to incite the anarchy you and the other 'black' guilds constantly try to incite!" The dragon's bravado drops when the Arbiter speaks once more. The dragon heaves a breath, sits back down, and re-iterates her point. "Again, each guild wants to put an end to 'outsiders' when the city as a whole has benefited from them being here in the long term. Being short-sighted will only drag us back down to a point where the DIMIR will try something again." Yes. She just mentioned the tenth guild, and despite how often they have recently been dealt with, the gallery still reacts with gasps and murmurs. "Twice broken, but they will -never- be destroyed, despite what any one wants to believe."

Bahamut has posed:
     Apparently turned away from the Guild tables, Bahamut heads up into the Gallery and takes a seat in an appropriately sized chair, then sits quietly. He rumbles lightly at all the arguing, then hmphs at the supposed point about those outside of Ravnica. "It is either ignorant or arrogant to say that only those from outside of Ravnica may be trying to work against the Guilds. You cannot judge the many by the actions of a few. And while I do not claim to know much about the Guilds, it seems the norm rather than the exception that one guild is always looking for a way to weaken the other Guilds so that they might gain more power. This city seems to need integration and cooperation, not more segmentation and discord."

     The Dimir. Bahamut has not heard of them before, but he has not had a lot of experience with the guilds as a whole, much less specific guilds.

Maya has posed:
Maya listens and tolts her head at Theo and Staren. It has another name on her world but she knows the theroy. She however listen and looks at the Bloodwitch she has not forgot the fights the Union had with Rakdos long ago. However she's not spoiling for a fight today. Maya makes a motion she'd like to speak when it would be a proper time for one such as her.

Corona Arclite has posed:
After a few moments of browsing over which guild is primarily what thanks to Corona's notes, Miss C peers up over the brim of her glasses at the gathering below. "Stars above and sands below, I've seen more cooperation between parties at hostile ta--" And then stops herself as she realizes that would be a bad choice of words. Uh. "--investor meetings," she quickly amends. "What do you think, Corona?"

Pause. No answer. "Corona?"

Again no answer, mostly because the vixen has dozed off in her seat. Probably not really a surprise, betweem how much she's been working and that this is probably really boring to her.

Miss C sighs softly to herself, but again, isn't really that surprised. "Look at this. Different people of the same city, unable to get along other than their blind hatred for something different from them. Yet these 'outsiders' manage to cooperate better when hard times come, and we're from -entire different worlds-. A terrible example for any leadership to set."

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    "She wants power. Why do you think she killed Poor Kaeruhime?" comes a voice, and a man in a business suit stalks in.

    Anyone with magical senses may know that this man feels /WRONG/. Every bit of him feels wrong. Every inch of his being, fiber in his clothing. Is. Wrong. A black hole walks into the room, clad in a charcoal suit with a red shirt, "why she built a huge, energy-sucking device right beneath the Izzet's noses... Yunomi wants power."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    While Rhapsody wouldn't be able to feel it, Ryxinel visibly grips the council table as this 'person' walks into the chamber with no announcement. Rhaposdy hears what is said, stares at the man, similarly clutching at the table, but leaving -visible- claw marks. "That has not even been reported. Who are you and how do you even know that happened?" She can feel that 'thing' that was found at the Shrine and the urge to ask about it at the council meeeting has suddenly lunged upward.

Iria (215) has posed:
When the mysterious man suddenly arrives, Iria looks up at him and glares at him. She narrows one eye and is about to ask who the hell he is, but thinks better of it. She's no magic user, but the way he just walked in like that and then made that statement out of the blue really has Iria feeling very suspicious about him. Her teeth begin to grit as she sneers a little, her breathing speeding up a little bit.

Theo Morrison has posed:
"Investigating the scene and the suspects," Theo tells the Arbiter, still stone-faced. "In simpler terms: I am watching."

Theo leans back in the seat. He looks at each of the Guild representatives, one at a time, fixing their faces in his mind. He doesn't need to, in most cases. He knows them already. He looks to the 'outsiders,' the friends and allies of Yunomi and the Izzet. Do they have something to gain, or to lose?

The man in the suit enters. Theo's mask of calm cracks minutely. The corner of his mouth twitches. A little tension grows in him, barely perceptible. He feels it. It's impossible to miss. "And what do you suppose she intends to do with that power," he asks, voice still even and level.

Corona Arclite has posed:
It's a testament to how sharp Corona's ears are that, even in a noisey council chamber with plenty of talk and argument going on, it's the faint screeching of claws on the table that snaps her out of her snooze. "whowhazzat?" She fumbles in the chair a bit, grabbing her hat to keep from dislodging it as she jerked upright. "What'd Ah miss?"

"A strange arrival." Miss C's reply is composed, but she's raising a brow at Rhapsody's sharp response. "Apparently knowing this that should not be known."

"That's kinda supicious..." Corona actually stoops a bit at her seat. It looks like she could be reaching for something hidden.

But Miss C reachs over to lightly grab her arm before she can. "Let's not make this a bigger fiasco than it already is. He might give away more than he intends if he's confident in himself."

Rebound (750) has posed:
Who the hell is this guy? Rebound doesn't know all the players in this game. Talk about playing without a full hand. Makes it kinda hard to keep track of everyone and everything and who's supposed to know what. She frowns as she looks at the new arrival, not enjoying the idea of him just showing up late, "We started a while ago, dude. Maybe next time try to be on time. Or would that have ruined your dramatic entrance?"

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    "Hardly. I've only just arrived from finishing my own investigation at Namamura, though, suspiciously the murder weapon /was/ missing... considering she should not be able to call upon that pretty naginata of hers, it does make it all the more curious as to the /hows/... but the only one that the kami might have been showing herself to in all Namamura would be her erstwhile guardian."

    He gives as charming a smile as he can.

    "Allow me to introduce myself, esteemed Guild Leaders, Masters and Representatives -- and to Ravnica, and the Union."

    The man gives a courteous bow from the waist before he straightens, and rebuttons a sleeve on his jacket.

    "Like my quarry, I hail from the lands of Japan, the village of Namamura has long been my home, hiding among the people there, protecting them where I can from yokai -- from the spiders that murder men as they sleep, to roaving tanuki who murder children in cradles, and eat the flesh of humans...." he pauses, and his lips purse, and he turns to those who are glaring at him, hi gaze ending at Rhapsody. "Or did she not tell you about what secret wars she fought before she Unified?"

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    "I," he continues, and he brings his hand to his chest, "am Ijiwaru."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
At the moment, Elner is not actually by Yuna's shoulder; the robo-faerie has taken notice of Corona's C-PAD, and takes the liberty of flitting over. "I don't suppose," Elner 'whispers,' "that I might pull a copy of that data for myself and for Yuna?" It won't even take physically copying the information; Elner can pull an electronic copy without interfering with the C-PAD itself.

Yuna doesn't really notice Elner's absence, though; she's too busy hanging onto her temper, as the non-Izzet guild representatives dig in their heels and double down on their bigotry. Because that's what it comes to - xenophobia, automatically distrusting outsiders simply BECAUSE they are outsiders, and justifying it by the most prominent example of an 'outsider' wreaking havoc. Also, Rhapsody just mentioned the 'black' guilds as a category - which gives Yuna momentary pause, looking down at her Hikari Fleet uniform. Okay, so this is NOT a color scheme she wanted to wear here ... well, there's one quick remedy for that, except it means stepping up to a combat footing.

And then somebody walks in who practically makes Yuna transform *anyway* - Ijiwaru's presence practically SCREAMS at Yuna's untrained instincts, and the Savior of Light is on her feet as soon as she can leap from her chair, the Light Suit flaring into existence about her in place of that classic, sailor-style uniform. There are two things she doesn't do, though: materialize a weapon or leap to attack ... because as much as she'd love to lash out at Darkness incarnate, particularly Darkness who's fanning the flames of others' hatred and fear, this is still a 'battlefield' of words, not arms.

And as Yuna learned early on after Elner first came to her, words are a maiden's proper weapons (although a sword or rifle can be handy too).

"Your logic needs to be re-examined," Yuna snaps at Ijiwaru. "I was there when Kaeruhime's skull was brought to Yunomi; it tore her heart to shreds just to see it. And Kaeruhime was of Namamura - one of the people whom Yunomi has been fighting and struggling to protect, to keep safe against the depredations of the Confederacy, or worse."

The blonde looks around at the guild representatives, and if any of them dare to meet her gaze, she locks eyes with them, even if just briefly, before her attention shifts onwards around the table. "We won't know for sure why Yunomi went so far as she did until we find her and get a chance to talk to her ... but I can tell you this with near-certainty: if you would make Yunomi Stadler your enemy for all time, singling out the Namamurans - isolating their population, holding them prisoner, 'investigating' them with this kind of open suspicion - is going to make great strides towards turning her into a dangerous enemy. And Yunomi won't be the only problem you have to worry about. You're talking about, to all intents and purposes, a group of refugees for whom Yunomi was trying to make a new place of safety - and her village's people would have made Ravnica stronger, richer, for their presence. I will stake my own reputation, meager though it may be, on the premise that the people of Namamura will pose no threat to Ravnica unless you compel that threat yourselves. But lay finger, claw, fang, or spell against the people of Namamura, and even in Yunomi's absence, *I* will stand to defend them."

Staren has posed:
    Staren's said enough, for now, so... he waits. And some dude walks in and says tanuki eat people. He's never heard a story like that.

    Secret wars? He's known Yunomi since she was a little tanuki that slept in the Doctor's sock drawer. But... this doesn't seem like the time to put that card on the table just jet. He folds his arms and frowns at Ijiwaru.

    Like Theo: Watching.

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut doesn't have any particular magic sense without casting a spell, but he still takes notice of the strange man in the business suit. Even moreso when he mentions things that only a few in this room should know. Is he from Yunomi's world? Bahamut watches Ijiwaru with suspicious eyes from his seat among the crowd. He then sighs softly at Ijiwaru's words about wanting power. "That does make sense, assuming that Yunomi is still the Yunomi that you all know and hasn't been possessed or replaced. Or worse, assuming Yunomi hasn't been planning this event for a long while."

     Bahamut continues to listen after that, and when Yuna speaks up he nods in agreement. "The people of Namamura were just as betrayed as the Izzet. After the event with the Mana Nexus, they came under attack from understandably irate guildmembers. None of Yunomi's actions on that day match with what she was apparently trying to do for years. We cannot ignore that all the information available points to Yunomi going rogue, but we also cannot dismiss the possibility that she was controlled or replaced. However..."

     Bahamut stands at this point, then sighs. "I heard her say something that disturbed me, that suggested she -had- been planning this. She said to Rhapsody that she was tired of serving under someone who could not even use magic. Considering her history with Niv-Mizzet...it is unfortunately possible that she felt Rhapsody was not worthy of the Izzet Guildmaster title. I can only speculate on her motivations, but she seemed to be focusing on Rhapsody specifically, not on destroying the Izzet as a whole."

     Having said his peace for now, Bahamut seats himself again, listening once more. There is apparently a lot of information to which Bahamut is not privy, and he can't make any more determinations without it.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The suited man causes Rhapsody's gaze to narrow as he speaks, but when the name is stated, her claws dig even further into the table. She knows that name, it shows on her face as clear as black ink on white paper. The few times -that- name had come up, it was with fear. However, rather than dignifiy the man's question with a response, she turns to the guilds, "I would like to point out," she begins, looking at each representitive in turn before looking back at Ijiwaru, "If you have so much hate for outsiders? Then remove this one or prove how hypocritical you are,". Then to Ijiwaru, "I know stories. Stories of men that kill spirits only made to protect. Harmless kodama that would rather give a begger a final copper for a meal. Your stereotypes reek of such bias that it is obvious all you care about is your hunt of these spirits rather than what the spirits actually do.."

    Yuna's sudden transformation causes the Izzet Guildmaster to wince. While no weapon is presented, at least, the sudden transformation may cause people alarm, or give the newest person in the chamber additional verbal ammunition. She's quick to inject an additional point, "As for your claim of 'power' for a motive?" she turns back to Ijiwaru. "She could have easily had as much power as she'd like through the human military via Richard Stadler. She has passed up multiple opportunities to gain the 'power' you suggest. She has only now made this decision, so your motive is too vague."

    When Bahamut speaks, however, Rhapsody goes -pale-, her gaze looking up toward the other dragon looking extremely distraught. At this point the gallery bursts into a much louder buzz and some of the Orzhova reporters start scrawling madly. What did he say..?

Staren has posed:
    "Rhapsody can't use magic?" Staren mutters. He's surprised! Rhapsody says what he's thinking about Ijiwaru, though.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "-- can't use..." The Grand Arbiter blinks, and he stands, the crowd begins to buzz, alight with talk now as he bangs his gavel. "ORDER! /ORDER/!" he calls out, trying to gather the grouping to order as reports go out, whispers are said -- and maybe even a few spiders crawl their way to the underdark.

    Up in the gallery, in the far back, a hooded figure leans a little forward, gathering a brown cloak around itself as if cold.

    "Demanding he /leave/ Dragon, is to be hypocritial yourself. Don't let your /emoootions/ get all locked up." Murleh rolls her eyes. "I want to hear what he has to say. If she's off murdering people and eating the flesh -- heh. Might be she and I would become /real/ good friends!"

    The other representatives pause, and turn to the bloodwitch with surprised gazes... and then one or two shudder.

    THe Golgari representative just smiles.

    "Very well. The others have had their chances -- some repeatedly. Speak." The Grand Arbiter motions.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"I get the feeling this man is specifically -trying- to rustle this gathering's collective jimmies," Miss C notes in a low, musing tone. She's seen the tactic used many a time for business negotations. And sure, NOW the council is actually willing to quiet amongst themselves.

She tightens her grip a little on Corona's arm, just to keep the fox from doing something impulsive. "And doin' a fine job of it too," Corona retorts back in a sour whisper.

"They are right though. Let's see what this mystery man has to say."

Maya has posed:
Maya doesn't like the new arrival and she's a bit on edge as it is. This situation then comes Yuna Maya knows what it means for passions to take hold of someone. Maya has seen people of her own blood line go stark raving mad from power. She's not sure about what is up with Yunomi sadly yet? Should her people suffer? No they should not and the Junker's faces tenses, a bit she had planned to bring up the subject, yet. She's gong to have to speak now with how things are going but she will wait for a moment longer.

"I request a moment to speak, when Ijiwaru's has been able to say their peace.

She will become silent now and she shall see how it goes from here.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna's glare descends upon Murleh like a solar coronal mass ejection - but since she doesn't have enough magic to actually kill with a look, the worst the Golgari representative is going to suffer from is a very angry blonde girl in a holy/light-elemental battlesuit looking strictly-metaphorical daggers at her.

She'd really rather not give Ijiwaru the chance to sow more lies and distrust here, either, but there's no way she can stop him ... at least, not without shining the light of truth on his lies, and he has to SAY them before she can possibly do that.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    In stark contrast to what was just said, Rhapsody quickly stands, holds an arm out, and a very -fast- lighting blast cracks out, charring the ground of the chamber, "I'd like to dispell what was just said!" she barks suddenly, desperate to stop any report of what was just said. "My spellblades are NOT with me," she quickly says before she's certain the Arbiter will probably have a heart attack considering the spell that was just cast into the ground. With her point proven, she just scowls at Murleh, "Don't twist my words. I didn't say to have him leave. I simply want you all to prove your own words," she mutters, going quiet as she has to let the man speak despite the venom she expects to drip from his words.

Iria (215) has posed:
By now, Iria's really scowling at Ijiwaru, clenching her fists underneath her cape. If it weren't for the fact she'd more than likely cause more trouble than need be, she'd be throwing that cape off and charging at him, trying to tackle him and administer an improvised interrogation. By now, though, her breathing is really rapid, and she's got her eyes really narrowed to avoid more tears coming to them. "Whoever this guy is," Iria says to herself, "He'd better watch himself!"

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut hadn't considered the repercussions of that information, as he himself had already assumed Yunomi had been exaggerating. And so after the room had erupted at his tidbit of information, he is relieved to see Rhapsody dispel the misinformation. He will have to apologize later, but he felt that all information should be analyzed before any decisions or courses of action were decided.

     "I am glad to see that Yunomi was wrong." he says after the Lightning spell. And, with what little he could contribute to the proceedings contributed, Bahamut returns to the silent, regal statue he has been for much of the hearing. He does level a curious gaze on Yuna for her transformation. Is there something about this Ijiwaru that he cannot sense? The thought gives him something to ponder.

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    Ijiwaru gives a little smile.

    "Well. That would certainly add fuel to the fire, wouldn't it, Guildmaster?" he breathes as he passes behind her, and circles around the table.

    "My logic is sound. Umehana Odanuki -- her birth name, the name of my enemy -- had her powers stripped because she failed to protect Namamura from an alien force. I watched, helplessly as she brought in her friends, and failed. Our people were under the rule of a foreign group... and without purpose, following the death of her mentor, the seeds of this incident were sewn. I was willing to let her go. TO let her live a life she had built... I had even considered that she was changing... until I felt a change in Namamura. After the Union representatives, including your guildmaster, here, left, I went into the grotto -- a place ordinarily I could not. I saw the result. I saw the poisoned waters, and felt.... nothing. The only person a weakened kami dare show itself to would be its guardian. It would have been Umehana."

    Ijiwaru's face turns serious, and he looks around the room.

    "But monsters do not change. This... creature wears the face of a human but throws her magic around to prove she is better than any of us, including our electrifying young guildmaster." he motions to Rhapsody, and then looks up and around.

    "I ask of you this: Temporarily impose your sanctions on those who do not swear their fealty to a Guild of good repute, to a representative seated here, among you. Too long has this tanuki built herself up as a friend to you all... will you be able to strike true when it comes to fighting her, or will your words fall on her ears as her blades fall your allies?"

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    "I will hunt with the dragons for her, and bring her to Ravnican justice for these crimes." Ijiwaru continues, his voice quiet.

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens to the tale. Powers stripped? He doesn't recall that... then again, Posessed-Yunomi /didn't/ use her ability to make copies of herself when she attacked Rhapsody, and maybe that's why.

    He frowns more as Ijiwaru describes Yunomi as some monster.

    Still, he wants to make sure he's following this tale correctly: "So you are insinuating," Staren asks, "That before last Monday, she went back to Namamura and killed it's guardian, as revenge for her powers being stripped? Why did she bother continuing with the project, then? Why wait until presentation day and a crowd of witnesses, rather than assassinating Rhapsody in a private meeting?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Thinking. Constantly thinking. Both Rhapsody and Ryxinel are racking their brains on everything that Ijiwaru has said. Not the ridiculous parts that assume she killed the spirit of the shrine, but the rest of it. Much to her dismay, her brain can't find away around the man's logic. Ryxinel has plenty of ideas, but nothing that isn't insanely farfetched. The one clue they had, that metal pin, is starting to feel like false hope.

Suggesting the sanctions, Rhapsody quickly enters in her vote, "Absolutley not. The majority of immigrants and refugees in the outer districts could still be making a decision on which guild they support, or are seeking merchant liscences. They do not deserve to be treated like criminals when they have done nothing wrong." That is her vote! Ryxinel nods.

    "As for Sid--" the dragon pauses as a note simply manifests on the table in front of her. Rhapsody picks it up, reads it, and sets it back down at the center of the table so anyone can see it. Sidonia's signature rests below a simple message:

        I hunt alone.

    "I think you have her answer. And that said, I will not raise a finger against Yunomi because she has not been -convicted-. She is a suspect, but there is evidence leaning," a sigh, "In both directions. She has a right to a trial. Not to be hunted and killed by someone that would act as judge, jury, and executioner. That is not how Ravnica works."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"You couldn't enter Namamura while Yunomi was still around to protect it," Yuna states, looking levelly at Ijiwaru. "And you admit freely that she is your enemy. I'm not sure how this convinces any of us that you're trustworthy in this matter. Justice isn't served properly when the one who claims to serve it has a personal agenda in play."

She looks around - at her allies and at the Ravnican representatives. "The 'foreign group' which Ijiwaru speaks of would be a gang of world-stealers, allied to the Confederacy. Yunomi staked everything she had to protect Namamura from their depredations ... and she lost. Yunomi doesn't take her failures very well; I can relate strongly to her in that ..." A wistful little smile flickers across her face. "I've been known to take it just as badly when the people I care about are wounded or killed. Possibly worse than Yunomi herself has done."

Her gaze shifts back to Ijiwaru, her expression hardening. "I see no reason why the people of Namamura should be forced to bend the knee to a guild whose representatives openly distrust and hate outsiders. I wouldn't want to pledge my good faith to anybody who hated my guts, I'm not going to suggest that anyone else should suffer that compulsion. If it's agreed that you should help hunt for Yunomi, Ijiwaru, then know this: justice will *not* be administered by your blade or your powers. We find her ... we *arrest* her, and we bring her back to stand trial here, in Ravnica, under proper Ravnican law."

She looks at the guild representatives. "I trust none of you are inclined to speak against the proper, open, and faithful administration of justice? If the Guilds would stand by and allow the execution of a girl whose guilt and whose motives are not yet known, then it bodes ill for your city."

Iria (215) has posed:
Now Iria's stood up and is glaring daggers at Ijiwaru. She throws off her cape, revealing the armored bodysuit underneath as if she wants to fight or something. But she doesn't move at all. Instead, she just breathes faster than usual, fists clenched and eyes still narrowed. "Just who the hell is this person?!" Iria says through gritted teeth to no one, until Yuna finishes speaking, at which point Iria speaks up as well. "She's speaking the truth!" Iria cries out finally. "There's no way Yunomi could've intentionally been trying to do what happened! We know her too well!" She turns to face Ijiwaru more directly. "I don't know who you are or why you spew this crap about hunting her down like this, but we're not going to let it happen!" She points at Ijiwaru and narrows her eyes even more. "I don't trust you at all!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "No. They can swear fealty to the Izzet, and it would be an acceptable compromise." the slender Elf swathed in green speaks up. Aeta's head tilts as she leans forward, her chin resting on her thin fingertips, her green eyes peering over to Rhapsody as she calmly replies: "At least while they dwell within Izzet protection, it is harmless..." And she leans in towards Rhapsody "... and we are behind a veto for the use of his... service."

Bahamut has posed:
     Bahamut hmphs at Ijiwaru. "Yunomi must be found, but she will not be hunted like a fiend and slaughtered like a rabid dog. We will find her and bring her back so that we might get to the bottom of this. There could be more going on than simply a rogue tanuki, and if so she may be our only way to find out. If it was merely Yunomi acting alone, then she will face true justice, and not field justice at the blade of an unknown who we have no idea if we can trust."

     Bahamut lets out a rumbling sigh after that. "However, I will join the hunt for Yunomi. Because she seems intent on ending Rhapsody, judging by her actions on Presentation Day, and the Izzet do not need to face the loss of another of their Guildmasters. Nor do the rest of us."

     He is quiet a moment, then adds. "If the people of Namamura are not trusted to stay within Ravnica during this difficult time, I can offer them refuge at the Temple of Bahamut and Home. The Al Bhed were once an outcast race, and we know what it is like to be persecuted unjustly. The Namamurans will be well defended and among like-minded people."

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    "I do dream of restoring my family's honor, but killing her will bring neither my father nor my brother back. Killing her will not restore Namamura to the land it was in my youth, nor will it heal the broken hearts of those who stand by her. I'm sure she would be pleased to see that she has tricked those around her -- Rhapsody." he begins, and he turns towards the dragon, "Can you say, with all honesty, Guildmaster, that you are without doubts of her innocense, given what she has done to you?" Ijiwaru replies mildly as he draws up, and he looks around. "My conscience, of course, would be clear if I had to choose between her taking my head or me taking hers, but as these crimes were performed in Ravnica, and she is likely here, hiding in Ravnica and waiting for a chance to show herself -- I will bear my blade for Ravnican justice, and return her to her guild for punishment -- /if/ that is the wish of the council." he states, and he gives a bow.

Maya has posed:
Maya looks at Ijiaru his demand is not as bad as she had feared but still it was not very good. It could be a lot worse however she listens to everyone else and has to remain silent for a moment as she moves to speak.

"Fear of this city's own people, has no place in a city land that has been made strong by such a wide selection of races and people. To treat a portion of the population for the actions of one? Would only serve to spark. Additionally if she is acting not of her own will killing her would nicely bury any chance of finding out who or what was behind such a radical change in her behavior."

It would not be the first time a Guild had acted against the best interest of this city after all. Though Maya wisely does not voice that.

"Whatever disagreements we may have I feel we can agree that Yunomi must be found and the truth of this matter uncovered."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A thankful nod is given to Aeta as she supports the Izzet League's vote. When she's spoken to by Ijiwaru once again, the dragon scowls. "My thoughts are my own. I have many of them, swirling like a storm in my mind. "What is more important, now, are her thoughts. Until we have them, and we have -all- of the evidence, I will reserve providing my impulsive ideas, as should everyone here," the dragon notes as she begins to address the council room. "We have the tools and the resources, through the Izzet and our Union allies, to locate -Yunomi Stadler- so that we can learn the full story. We do not need assistance in locating her. When found, it will be reported and we will have a trial if needed. We do not need help from a man with a -clear- and -biased- agenda. That is all I have to say."


    Back in the chair again with a sigh. Again she can feel the pin in her jacket but showing it now? No.. he would just accuse the Izzet of having important evidence. She would continue her own little bit of research. She just had been having trouble remember exactly which pipes to roam down to find O-Hiko. After today? She'll make it a point to get down there. It was far too important, now. She only hopes that the spider can help since, well. She really doesn't want to have to try and find Sakiaro. She has -no- idea how that 'chat' would go..

Corona Arclite has posed:
Miss C feels the tug that jerks Corona's arm from her hand, but is disinclined to try and stop the vixen from standing. She knows that posture, that twitch of the tail. The girl was much like boilers she often worked on; there's a point that the only way you're going to stop the build-up is to let the steam out.

"HOOOOOLD ON A MINUTE!" .. Wow, who knew that small fox could get that much volume out of her lungs when she wanted to. "Ah can understand y'all bein' upset that yer city was threatened. BUT." That tail is still lashing even as she gestures a hand towards where the Guildmasters are gathered. "Nevermind the strange fella shown up, tryin' to tempt ya all just by claimin how evil the one most of ya are projectin' yer hate either fer outsiders or fer the other guilds ya ain't fond of on. Nevermind that this is a big knot of a mess that ain't gonna get sorted out in one sittin with too many pieces still missin' from the puzzle."

Then her voice goes back up to -that- volume again, dripping with accusation as hot as any one of her forges. "NOT ONE OF YOU SHOWS A SINGLE BIT OF CONCERN FER YER FELLOW GUILDMASTER AND WHAT TRAMAU *SHE* HAS BEEN THROUGH IN ALL THIS? Yer all too worried 'bout yerselves and yer parts of the whole to at least have some consideration fer another person?!"

The leather of her gloves can be heard crunching as she clenches hands into fists. Tail lashes again... but then slumps still, as that was apparently the 'steam' she needed to get out. Dips her head forward for a moment, to there her hat actually hids her face a bit. Exhales slowly. "Ah know some of ya might not like her. Or respect her. But at least have some courtesy for how much all this has gotta -hurt- her."

And with that all said Corona turns on a heel and stomps for the exit, as if realizing a farther outburst would do no good. "Ah'm through with this circus act. Ah've got more important thin's to do. Like re'ssemblin' someone that act'ally cares 'bout the whole damn city." Which you can pretty much consider her swearing or whatnot with the Izzet lot. The last thing one can hear is a mutter under her breath of "Funny how a machine has more empathy than some of the livin' in the room..."

Miss C... actually just sits back in her seat again, readjusting her glasses to finish reading while listening to the rest of the ongoings. "That went better than I was anticipating."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
And there Ijiwaru goes, basically admitting openly that he has a personal stake in fighting Yunomi. Even more openly than what he'd already said, for that matter. Fortunately, the elven lady in green seems to have spoken for the guild representatives - vetoing the use of Ijiwaru's 'services' - and Yuna breathes a little more easily for it. "I will gladly join the search for Yunomi, if I hadn't already stated my intentions clearly enough," the Savior of Light states. "If she forces us to fight her, I know that I can capture her alive."

And then Corona blows up at the Ravnicans. Yuna winces a little, her butt plopping back into her seat (finally - yes, she's been on her feet ever since Ijiwaru showed up) and she reaches up to cover her ears, at least partway, against Corona's shouting. The foxwoman makes some really good points, though, and Yuna can't really argue about any of what she says.

Iria (215) has posed:
"I'll help with that!" Iria yells. "We'll make sure she's captured alive and brought back for a fair trial! We're gonna see to it that everything's gonna be fine!" She clenches her fists.

Staren has posed:
    Staren is... surprised at Corona's outburst. Even /he/ obviously got that the guilds don't get along. "I agree that she must be brought back to trial. Accidents happen... but this man with a pre-existing vendetta against Yunomi seems far too likely to have an 'accident' happen if he finds her first. While the guilds can consider his... anti-yokai expertise in making plans, I don't think he should be sent after her with the guilds' blessing."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Aeta gives a soft smile to Rhapsody from across the table, while she gives a small nod of her head.

    "A /vote/ then!" calls up the Gruul representative, standing in his bloodied tartan. A night of firsts -- the GRUUL called for a vote.

    Aeta, the Selysnea Conclave representative looks positively distraught. Ishla, the MErfolk from the Simic Combine looks suspicious.

    The three cardinals from the Orzhov give a nod to one another. "We second the motion." one states; "We vote to let this Ijiwaru on his hunt. If he knows the quarry better than even her Guildmaster -- he should make short work. We also vote 'yes' to sanctions on any within Ravnica who have not claimed membership in a Guild."

    Murleh stands. "The Culd of Rakdos votes to let him hunt, and for sanctions on any Guildless. ALl the better to protect them within custody, huh Wings?" the witch gives a toothy smile to the angel, who up to now has been quiet.

    "The Gruul CLans vote for an /open/ hunt. Let any who want to hunt the creature down do so, open the boarders! Let /us/ hunt her!" he toothily smiles. "Bringing down a beast that bested a Guildmaster? What a hunt -- so says Grumsh!"

    "The Golgari vote to let the hunt begin, and to impose sanctions on any Guildless." Vlrash croaks. "We will continue our duties in the meantime, and search for this Yunomi in our sector. /We/ will execute any tresspassers, as is our right."

    The angel stands, and she sets her hands delicately on the table, and glances over to Rhapsody before up to the Arbiter.

    "The Boros Legion will abide by any rule by the council of Guilds, but let it be known we are against sanctions, and against Ijiwaru's right to 'hunt'. This is a situation that merits justice, not just... vigilante chicannery. The Guildmaster of the Izzet was wounded... but there are still many questions we have yet to answer."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    After slumping into her seat, Corona's outburst comes as a surprise to Rhapsody. Hearing such words nearly causes her 'Guildmaster' mask to shatter into pieces, however, that would -have- to come later. The papers already had enough stories to write, she would not add more to it.

    As the vote is called, the dragon looks around the table, counting as everyone speaks. The Orzhova vote causes a wince as they are VERY OFTEN the swing vote in a lot of things. Them, plus the 'dark' guilds all voting for Ijiwara's use results in her count reaching 5. Her body language says -everything-, at least for a moment. Even when the fifth vote for this man comes, she simply stands. "You're all bloody hypocrites," she says, nearly spitting the words before showing herself out. As -soon- as she's beyond the doors, her comms crystal surges to life. The Izzet League, or their allies, had to find Yunomi -first-.

Bahamut has posed:
     Corona's outburst leaves Bahamut feeling a bit introspective, but he doesn't feel he has done anything wrong. Hasty perhaps, but not wrong. However, when the vote is taken and the unknown man gets a majority vote, he rises and growls lightly. However, he doesn't say anything. It seems the guilds have made up their minds, and his voice carries no weight with them. He stands once Rhapsody has gone and heads out of the council chamber. Once he is clear of the building, he searches out Rhapsody to make sure she is alright.

Ijiwaru (1037) has posed:
    Ijiwaru just gives a small smile, and bows. "I will happily begin immediately. I look forward to working with the Guilds of Ravnica..." he smiles, and he looks up to the gallery, and then to those the Izzet has gathered.

    "I will bring her to you, alive, for justice. I would hate to lower your opinions of me further, goodness." he states, and turns to take his leave of the chamber.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
What hope Yuna was beginning to nurse - that the Guilds' representatives would see reason hand-in-glove with compassion - are not merely dashed, but detonated. More than half of the guild representatives seem to favor letting Ijiwaru join the hunt for Yunomi; the Gruul go so far as to declare it open season on the tanuki magewright, if mainly so that *they* can test their skills and their luck.

And then Ijiwaru all but boasts of bringing the other 'Magic-Eaters' into the hunt ... and Yunomi herself finally speaks up on the same open radio band.

For all that Ijiwaru says he'll bring Yunomi back alive, Yuna just doesn't trust that claim - because he's as much as SAID Yunomi is already his enemy, and he SAID that if it came down to a fight to the death, he'd kill Yunomi without hesitation.

It's a race, with Yunomi's life hanging in the balance ... and Yuna barely knows where to start looking. She only knows that she can't let Ijiwaru or any of his ilk be the ones to find her - for Yunomi's sake, more than anything else.