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|FullName=Alexis Hanekary
|FullName=Alexis Hanekary
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|Function=Monster Trainer
|Function=Monster Trainer
|Rank=5- Reserve Captain
|Quote="You go long, I'll drop back, fade to the right and then rush the line, and we'll crush them in the middle. Break!"
|Quote="You go long, I'll drop back, fade to the right and then rush the line, and we'll crush them in the middle. Break!"

Latest revision as of 20:19, 28 February 2019

Alexis (Scenesys ID: 459)
"You go long, I'll drop back, fade to the right and then rush the line, and we'll crush them in the middle. Break!"
Full Name: Alexis Hanekary
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Pokemon Trainer)
Theme: (OC) Pokemon-1
Function: Monster Trainer
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Unaffiliate ()
Other Information
Physical Age: Mid-Twenties Actual Age:
Still Aging? No Voice Actor:
Height: 6' 3" Weight:
Hair Color: Bubblegum Pink Eye Color: Emerald
Theme Song:


A bonefida tomboy, Alexis is a rough and tumble girl that would rather be roughhousing than dressing up and twittering over boys. Though she has no problem with swinging a little female charm if necessary, she's usually a lot more likely to spit out snide remarks, and if necessary swing a fist or two. By no means a mean person, she just takes gruff from no one and is bluntly honest enough to say what's on her mind. Energetic, free-spirited, and more of an adventurer than a soldier or hero, but will stand by her friends regardless even if she teases them the rest of the time. A native of the Fallarbor reigon of Hoenn, growing up near a volcano certainly helped toughen her up, and she's been an active member of the Trainers almost as long as the group has been around in general. But while most of her peers have stuck with Pokemon even in the Multiverse, she has expanded her base of familiarity into the various other trainable monsters. Alexis has little problem with getting into a fight side by side with her critters either, throwing punches first and asking questions after. She's best known for her tendency to weld sports equipment and tactics, like her trademark hockey stick and rollerblades, as combat gear. Because of her stubborness and love of a challenge Alexis has undertaken training a few creatures others would never consider, like trying to purify a powerful Shadow pokemon.








Temper: Her hair may be pink in color, but Alexis has the temperament typically associated with redheads. She's not that easy to get angry, but her temper ignites fast and burns hard when it does get sparked, and she becomes increasing stubborn and reckless when it's flared. She takes considerable offense at people who would control and corrupt other intelligent creatures for their own exploitation, even more so than your typical trainer.

Issues with Authority: More accurately, Alexis has issues with -being- authority. Training cute and cuddly living weapons is one thing and occasionally beating a villain senseless is another thing, but she doesn't want more than that. She balks at being in charge of anything remotely military, and most of the ally rank she does have is to help keep other people from going nuts. Because frankly Ash needs all the help he can get. She's not one to disobey orders herself, but she will exploit wording and loopholes when possible to fulfill them as she thinks she should rather than follow them to the letter.

Psych Out: Alexis has learned to accommodate psychic powers to a degree and even trains a few psychic-type pokemon that suit her style, but still has issues dealing with the misuse and exploitation of such powers because of the Mewtwo & Pokemorphs incident long ago, and occasionally freaks a little when a monster shows unexpected psychic powers. They are issues that less scare her and more make her want to viciously curbstomp the exploiter, but Mew forbid if she ever runs into another Mewtwo...

Monster Flaws: Many of her more prominent creatures have personal flaws of their own. Scorch is a semi-shameless flirt. Glitch lives up to his name. Stormpaw can be a cranky stubborn old warrior. Gauntlet harbors a deep resentment towards those who would subjugate and corrupt other beings without remorse. While no longer passive-aggressive Wildfire still has emotional scars that make him temperamental and easily provoked. And so on. In most cases these flaws are part of what defines them as (sub)characters and not just living weapons.

Bigger They Are: Just because the Missing Lynx is a fast and powerful flier that can exploit airborne ambush tactics does not mean it is a particularly evasive one. After the initial jump-scare, it is a gigantic monster that is really hard to miss. Not to mention it would rather just brute force its way through a fight than bother with maneuvering. For all the benefits the size gives it, it also makes him an easy target. Because of it's size, the Missing Lynx is extremely claustrophobic and can become even more unruly if space is limited.


Title Date Scene Summary
Proudpick's Armor February 7th, 2024 Aidan wants to return the armor Sarracenia lended him during the attack on the Queen. But that is not all that is on their minds
Third Verse: Belief April 11th, 2020 Class VII and allies enter Sachsen Mine to retrieve some hostages from the clutches of the Imperial Liberation Front, and stop the group from casing damage to one of the country's financial staples. The group eventually faces off with Vulcan and the mysterious leader of the ILF, C. In the process, Mikoto and Rean face their suspicions about Crow - and are unfortunately proven right.
Thors Amateur Grand Prix February 22nd, 2020 Angelica Rogner invites multiversal bikers to a race. Things get pretty intense.
Say Alola! December 15th, 2019 Guzma steals an entire bus stop (with help), to the distaste of several hero-types.
The Gallant Hero September 27th, 2019 A JRPG party battles Lezard for the fate of a Princess.
Banzai Bill Solid: Revengeance September 25th, 2019 Lezard and Sarracenia have their duel. It's short and messy, but then something unexpected happens...
MECC: Yomi Isayama vs Alexis May 9th, 2019 Yomi Isayama vs. Alexis
MECC: Alexis vs Alea May 6th, 2019 Alexis vs Alea match
MECC: Shigure vs Alexis May 5th, 2019 Alexis fights Shigure.
MECC: Alexis vs Sarracenia May 2nd, 2019 Sarracenia vs Alexis' Braixen
More On The Rustic Side April 8th, 2019 Sarracenia visits Alexis' pokemon homestead and gets a taste of a little more rustic lifestyle.
Down Time February 18th, 2019 Kebobs and casual talk between two long-time multiversers.
ICoT: Reunion April 28th, 2018 Everyone gathers to plan their next step, with local law enforcement dropping by.
ICoT - A N(o)e(l)w(d) Day March 10th, 2018 In a restored Caelondia, Elites track down Zulf with the help of Zia.
ICoT: The Tazal Terminals December 27th, 2017 The final battle between the Bastion and the Ura.
Steelix-y Resolve November 15th, 2017 Alexis calls for help defending a rare wild Steelix from Teams Magma and Aqua.
ICoT: Trigger Hill July 24th, 2017 Kid, Flamel, and Alexis have a shooting party with the rest of the Bastion crew.
ICoT: Spike in a Rail June 12th, 2017 Kid and co. take the Grand Railroad to deliver the Shard and supplies back to the Bastion. They pick up some extra cargo along the way.
ICoT - Brusher Patrol May 4th, 2017 On his latest hunt for a Shard, Kid and co. are forced to battle with a living myth
ICoT: What's Left Undone March 13th, 2017 Kid invites Elites into the rarely-explored Jawson Bog on his hunt for Shards. What happens next is I N T O X I C A T I N G
Wings of Death January 22nd, 2017 Toph Beifong, Alden and Alexis show up to deal with an ancient World of Ruin threat... DOOMGAZE.
To Find a Home December 28th, 2016 The GU heads out to clean out an castle in the quilt in the hopes of turning it into a home.
League Requisition: Shinki CMS December 20th, 2016 The League pulls off a heist of shinki CMS slated to be wiped clean.
Catching Up Again December 18th, 2016 Catching up between Pokemon and Digimon
A Few Friendly Spills May 30th, 2016 Kappa in Tokyo-52605 hold a sumo tournament; a few Multiversal guests drop by to visit.
Surf Warriors: Final Stage May 29th, 2016 A final showdown! The power of friendship awakens. Wield the Tiki Spirits' power!
We Didn't Start The Fire! April 7th, 2016 The Hellions are up to some kind of trouble again in an office building! And a mysterious second group has gone in after them! Heroes local and Multiversal respond!
ICoT: From Wharf to Wilds April 4th, 2016 "Well... no point in explaining what happens next, right?"
ICoT: The Hard Way March 12th, 2016 Cinderbrick Fort was the home to the Marshals. Now it's only home to Windbags and a Core. And so begins a race between Cael, Ura, and their associates to kill the former and obtain the latter.
Stranger From A Strange Land March 6th, 2016 Count Kord pays the Foxtrot Ranch a visit. With exposition.
Gooey Round-up February 29th, 2016 A distress call? Or just a distorted transmission for aid. Either way, something's up in the Planetary Plains.
Cobalt Mire February 18th, 2016 When they journey to Gorsh to find the cure for Kazuko Kawakami's poisoning, the Union finds more than just the swamp's vicious monsters to threaten their day.
ICoT: Pyth Orchard January 30th, 2016 No use praying to the Gods these days. No time for it, either. Kid says a little prayer anyway. Couldn't hurt, right?
Leve: A Pirate's Life for Mau! December 12th, 2015 A motley band of Elites take sail aboard N'raha's Un-Named Sea Going Vessel in search of Pirates!
Stopping By To Borrow A Cup Of Naaru November 12th, 2015 Lezard Valeth has his sights set upon a singular prize: A being of Light kept by the Draenei of Azeroth, a Naaru. To accomplish this goal, the Confederacy marshals its forces to strike at the Exodar...
Woodvale Trial: Natural Selection October 24th, 2015 The fight to save the Woodsman, who may be the key to stopping the Devouring Earth in Woodvale.
Woodvale Trial: Call of Nature October 19th, 2015 Investigating heroes locate a mysterious enemy force engaging the Devouring Earth in Woodvale... But what are they after?
Woodvale Trial: Among The Giants October 10th, 2015 The true Devouring Earth invasion of Woodvale begins!
ICoT: The Sundown Path September 26th, 2015 In all his toil Kid keeps coming back to an overwhelming question... Who else could have survived the Calamity?
Adamastor Rising August 15th, 2015 The Banished Pantheon's summoned monster arises in Dark Astoria.
The Missing Lynx August 12th, 2015 Giant Monster Boss Fight!
Researching Preventing Cat-Astrophe August 10th, 2015 Researching the true nature of the Missing Lynx.
Gonna Get Flocked Up August 9th, 2015 Monster hunting? More like a monsterous hunter!
Digi Here - Digi Know July 15th, 2015 Duke holds a meeting in hopes to not only alert other Digimon, but to update the Multiverse on what is going on or at least what could happen soon.
What A Ride June 23rd, 2015 Duke comes back home to the Ranch to tell everyone what he has learned and what could be coming.
Husks Pt. 2 June 6th, 2015 The exciting conclusion to this story arc! A confrontation with the Banished Pantheon!
Husks May 30th, 2015 The Banished Pantheon steal the Scepter of Mot. Heroes have to hunt them down before they can escape back to Dark Astoria with it!
Open Heart - Closed Eyes May 1st, 2015 Duke tries to distract himself by remembering the Digital World's alphabet(s), but this ends up being an exercise in frustration. Fortunately, Doran and Alexis help out in their own ways.
Dragon Watching April 24th, 2015 Random meeting of folks while observing the Rookery from afar.
Steak Time! April 17th, 2015 Continuation after "Round Two For Destruction"
Round Two For Destruction April 17th, 2015 The Mad Exile has at last been located once more, threatening the lives of people over Multiverse broadband. It is time to end her, but will the be successful this time? (Part 2 of 2 - Previous Log: The Hunter Or The Hunted)
Will You Ever Learn--Wait.. no... don't answer that April 10th, 2015 Continuation of "Beelzebumon's Wild Gravity-Defying Ride"
The Hunter Or The Hunted April 3rd, 2015 A dangerous Digimon Exile has appeared and is threatening the lives of people. Can the people of the Multiverse end her madness? (Part 1 of 2 - Next Log: Round Two For Destruction)
The Wild Is A Dangerous Place March 29th, 2015 This is what happens when you go into tall grass as a Digimon in a Pokemon Island. You upset the local wildlife!
Between a Rock and a Hot Space March 7th, 2015 Alexis goes to teach Duke some tactics, only for his aggression to get out of hand and now the Pokemon trainer has to deal with a raging Growlmon X!
Dream A Dream February 28th, 2015 Alexis comes to learn the truth behind who Duke really is, but if it is wise to hide it from him can only be found out in time.
Down On The Ranch February 27th, 2015 After run in with a nasty robotic bug on Cybertron, Duke went to the one place he knew that he could recover at safely... To Alexis' Ranch.
After Effect February 25th, 2015 With the robbery done and Duke at an all time low, some friends go to find him. To pick him back up and get him back on the straight-n-narrow again.
Price Of Repayment February 24th, 2015 Duke carries out Lute's request in the agreement with Caster and Kari Wolf. Only to find the unexpected and the power within himself he didn't know he had.
Friend Or Foe: Lets Play--Spar February 19th, 2015 Duke meets up with Alexis and Artyom, while learning a bit about them as well. There is also a spar fight involved.
Team Aqua Attacks Camerupt February 10th, 2015 Team Aqua attempts to attack a number of Camerupt, and various people come to figure out what is going on.
Wings In The Big City January 15th, 2015 A Swarm of dragons decide to pay visit to Urbania-- and not in a nice way either.
Metal Encounter! January 3rd, 2015 Dex faces a new and formidable foe, who severely underestimate his allies.
TZ: Machines In Dragon Land September 6th, 2014 The Garlean Empire come to make another strike for The Rookery-- this time though, they send in the Vanguards to do the job.
Rescuing Gomamon From Prison August 9th, 2014 The Confederacy makes an assault on a Union prison, to free a Gomamon and the other prisoners.
Digimon MMO! Let's Go! June 25th, 2014 The first scene in the Digimon MMO of the Digimon-1 universe, introducing several people to the concept of Digimon for the first time.
Primary Village Seven June 20th, 2014 Primary Village Seven, in Tatsuto Satou's Digital World, seems to be under threat of attack by a Mothmon flying above its tower. Heroes gather to protect the baby Digimon of the village, but not everyone's there to be a hero!


Title Date Scene Summary
Sleepless In Woodvale (Alexis) October 25th, 2015 Doing the right thing for the future doesn't exempt heroes from nightmares of the past.