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Latest revision as of 04:09, 14 August 2014

Mu - Reforge
Date of Scene: 13 August 2014
Location: Avatar World <AW>
Synopsis: It is time to end it. A group of Unionites set out to the shrine in the Earth Kingdom, their aim? Restore their friend and subdue a hungry spirit who threatens to consume her.
Cast of Characters: Maya, 20, 43, 73, 143, 152, 162, Steve Rogers, 204, 301, 306, 424, Blurr
Tinyplot: Mu

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Previously on Avatar:

        A tired Toph rests in medical, her eyes mostly closed and with a lethargic look on her face. There's IV lines going into her arms.

        The Heart that Corvo possesses speaks in a sorrowful tone, and the man himself looks equally worried. "Nothingness eats at all that she is. It is good that she has so much to give."

    Cut to a furious Ainsley leaping onto a startled Lao Beifong, then to a grim Ezio pushing the man up against a wall inside the Beifong estate.

        "Her bio.. her birth father disagreed with her choices." Potts says cooly, "He tried to stop us from taking her back after we lost contact with her." her hands are shaking. And she connects the dots. "Lao put her in danger to make her docile. He must have made a deal with someone. Some sort of spell."

    The camera zooms around to an elderly Earth Kingdom woman, who holds a small wooden, somewhat creepy doll in her hands as she watches Tony, Pepper, Faruja, Mithos, Haru and Maya.

        "Local legends speak of a spirit that lives in a shrine not too far from here, a spirit that can give and take emotions. If you lack for something, you can ask the spirit for it, for a small offering. If you have too much of something, like fear, pride, love... the spirit will take it from you and help you become a more balanced person. My parents... they wanted to make my brother more balanced, I guessed. A person who got the hole in his heart filled..."

    Darkness gives way to a dark shrine with pillars rising up to the ceiling, with a focus on two twin snake statues back to back; one scratched and nicked to the right, the other smoothened out and covered with moss on the left. A small, greyish yellow snake like spirit rises, resting its clawed hands on the head of the latter statue. Its eyes are pale and white, lacking a mouth. A voice seems to echo throughout the shrine, a somewhat hissing quality to it.

        "I am Ma."

    The Iron Man steps forward. ""A friend of ours is extremely sick. We think it might have something to do with you, or... some other spirit at this shrine. Something's taken away her will to live. Do you know anything about that? Can you help her?"

        "A man came here some weeks ago... and yes, it does have something to do with the other spirit that /used/ to stay in this shrine. My counter part. I am the giver. He is the taker."

    Instant darkness... and something rushes toward the camera. A large maw with several small, sharp teeth lunges.

        "He is Mu. Nothingness."

    Ma floats up towards the ceiling, frills on its head flaring as if the spirit is swimming through water and not air. "Yet as it is now, I doubt I can do it alone. Mu has feasted for how long? Over a week? He will be strong. And I will need you," the spirit states, pointing a clawed finger at the group of Unionites, "to /fight/ him. Unless his hold on her is weakened, I stand no chance. Anything I feed into her he will only take for himself."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It isn't raining /as much/ today at least. Rather, the winds are howling around them, the light rain coming in near sideways as the group makes their way up the rough and muddy path towards the old shrine that most of the Unionites present visited the other day. Today's goal is clear in mind for them all; defeat a hungry spirit that has been feasting for two weeks on a young little bender. A mighty little girl... who the last weeks have been blind in every sense of the world, fumbling... and today she's being carried. Half asleep, Toph is being carried to the shrine on Iron Man's back, her arms around his shoulder and her face pressed against the back of his shoulder. At least it doesn't look like the rain is bothering her. Is she even aware of it? The last days she's spent in Njorun medical, getting stabilized. But after the other day, it was claimed that the self-proclaimed most powerful earthbender of them all would not get better unless she was brought here.

    Like before, the shrine is as it was the last time they came here. Old... overgrown... though perhaps Blurr himself might find it somewhat... small. The speedy autobot will not be able to get into the shrine unless he crawls inside, and he might possibly need the help of the earthbender that's still able to do some bending in the group.
    Time to head inside!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    It's been a long, tiring week... an agonizing month, all told. Zephyr is still tired, her Device still battered from the Tournament, and a hard fought victory. But she presses on regardless. She strides along with the group, axe in hand and Barrier Jacket in place, her mismatched eyes scanning for trouble. "Status report Dee." she asks the weapon.

    <Beam Cohesion system offline. Manaflow control system at 57%. Melee empowerment system damaged but functional. Mistral Form is green, Barrier Jacket Breeze Mode is green. Barrier Jacket Gale Mode is offline. Core System at 89%. All remaining systems showing green. Standby. Ready.> replies the Device dutifully. It almost sounds at tired as Zephyr looks.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    After the last spirit incident, Frederica engaged in a bit of soul searching. Doubt and fear, constant companions to her even at the best of times, are stronger now. They have specific causes, and could easily have made her choose to stay behind. 'Will I have to face that again?' 'Will it be even worse this time?' 'Will the others even want me there?' 'They probably think I'm going to have a breakdown.'

    She doesn't voice those doubts though. She doesn't quite dismiss them, but decides in the end that they don't matter. She NEEDS this fight. Needs it to prove that she's not afraid. She IS afraid though, so what she really needs to prove is that she won't let fear stop her. She has to prove it to the Union, or at least those who saw her failure. More importantly, she has to prove it to herself.

    There was no discussion, at least not any initiated by herself. Frederica was simply waiting there, ready to move when Toph was brought to this world. "Time to get our Pebbles back." she stated, looking ready to fight. Ready to fight not just the spirit, but anyone who tried to deny her the right to come along. Probably no one would of course. That's not the way the Union works, nor likely any of the people here. She's ready for it though, and prepared to make a stand in the unlikely event that someone does object.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Captain America may be far from his own world, not to mention his country ... but he's here in full uniform, nonetheless. He walks with the group as if the rain isn't falling, as if the mud underfoot is solid and sturdy pavement; if somebody in the group needs a little extra help, he falls back long enough to assist them in getting past, over, or around whatever obstacle is slowing them down.

Fighting a spirit that can steal someone's emotions? He may not have magic or energy weapons, but he feels prepared nonetheless; if Mu tries to sink its teeth into Cap's mind or heart, the emotion-taking spirit is bound to get some epic indigestion when it runs up against Captain America's willpower.

But first, the group has to get to the shrine. Steve's focusing on that first.

Haru (143) has posed:
    Haru will indeed open the path for Blurr if the Crybertronian needs it. The temple's made of stone, right? 'Carved out of the mountain' does count as 'made of stone'. Though it may take him a few moments with each bending he needs to do. He is, unfortunately, no Toph Beifong, and most of his expertise is in bending small pieces of earth into something dangerous. Not so much in bending open hundreds of tons of rock and earth. But he'll do his best.

    To that end, he's probably more than a little tired by the time they get to where they're going. But he's not about to let that stop him. He needs to help Toph. And he can't be giving up. Toph would never let him hear the end of it when she woke up from this!

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
Just as yesterday, the rain doesn't bother Fate a great deal. The wind doesn't, either, though it does set her hair whipping around as she walks. "I'm glad you're able to make it," she says softly toward Frederica, giving her a soft smile. There's definitely no judgement in her face or tone of voice. "Ma was a great help to us. It's good to know what we're up against." If Ma and Mu are opposites, that means that if Ma gave emotions, Mu takes them away...

A soft chime sounds from the gem on the head of Fate's poleaxe as they walk into the shrine, and a golden light begins to glow from the Device. "I only hope we don't need to injure him too badly for him to release his hold." Even against something that malicious, Fate doesn't want to hurt it... especially since this wasn't Mu's fault from the start.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    Mithos wasn't at the shrine when everyone met Ma, but he was here when everyone was poking around the market. And since then? He's read reports and spoken to people to get a better idea of what's going on. So now, even though he doesn't know -everything-, he knows that something called 'Mu' has been hurting Toph, and that they're going to have to fight to help her.

    So he's come ready. Drawing his sword and skating his fingers across its steel, a few flames jump from its surface before they settle inside the metal, filling it with the power of fire. He comes to a halt behind the rest of the group, silent but determined, as a gentle chime echoes from behind him.

    Now, Gnome is there, a shovel slung across his back and his claws folded. He may be the spirit of Earth where he comes from, but today his eyes are charged with the same fire that courses through Mithos' blade. Said young spellsword glances back to his partner, exchanging nods before the two breath in... and out.

    Before, Lloyd helped him find a cure for his sister. Today, along with everyone else, he's going to be a part of a cure for a friend in need.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Even good, proper rainy weather can't lift Faruja's spirits today. No, his is the face of grim determination. Find the Daemon-spirit harming his friend. Nor is Faruja alone; a pair of armored Templar in reds and gold march stoically alongside the Inquisitor. The man means business.

One of the rat's ears perks. Faruja turns to Fred. "Bloody right!" Snarls the mage. His companions look at each other, and mutter 'Amen's. Even after last night, Faruja trusts the young pyromancer to get the job done. It's for a friend, after all.

A glance to Fate. Glare! Clearly the rat disagrees with that particular statement. But she escapes a sermon today. They've got priorities. Such as using a bit of Gravity magic to help shove aside what Earth Haru can't get to. Teamwork go.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr's been keeping up with the reports on Toph's present condition. He might not know her that well, but she has a certain charm to her, that's for sure. Thus he feels compelled to help the rest of her friends get her back to normal.

    Granted, he's a little skeptical of this whole 'spirit' business. He's never known anything to make someone sick other than physical injury or ailment, but then again this is the multiverse, and the multiverse is -weird-. As far as he can tell, she's ill because some powerful being has been feeding on her energy somehow without ever touching her. Well maybe it was some kind of nanoscopic implant.

    At any rate, the Autobot follows the path Haru is making toward the shrine. He hopes that it's big enough in there, for him to at least -mostly- stand up in there.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Fear and doubt are not particularly part of Tony Stark's mindset tonight. Anger, though, oh yeah plenty of that. He's mindful of the girl on his back, arms circled around his neck, and he walks carefully, steadily through the mud, metallic footfalls muffled by an even stream of squelching. He can't WAIT to see this thing manifest. He's been wanting to punch something since this whole little drama started, and now it seems his desire is finally going to come to fruition.

"Stay awake, kiddo," he chides his passenger as they head into darkness, the area around him lit somewhat harshly by the glowing exterior lights of the armor. "When this thing shows itself you're gonna have to fight it too. We're all just your backup."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    POtts is following behind Tony, clad in borrowed fatigues and a borrowed shirt, that for some strange reason have the word HILL written on the sleeve. She's looking worriedly up at the girl. She's come along as 'moral support' and to help monitor Toph -- without powers, she's not going to be very useful, in her mind -- but monitoring a sick kid is something she could do.

    She's been doing it since she canceled her business trips and forcibly cleared her calendar.

    Meanwhile, Happy is sitting in the main campus, looking alarmed that Pepper is not in the building, /but her badge says she is/.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Emotional was not a word that someone would use to describe Rainbow Dash. Fiesty, strong-willed and brash, sure. But emotional? No, not really. Unless someone considered 'kicking fear in the face' an emotion.

But while Dash would usually be the first to fly on ahead to the shrine, the pegasus has instead held back. Through the entire trip here, she's stayed back with the group escorting Toph. Maybe a few feet ahead, if anything, but otherwise? Loyalty is sticking close to them.

Dash hovers just in front of the group, keeping barely a foot off of the ground despite the howlign winds and rain whipping about her. Her figure is not unadorned though; Golden armor clings to her athletic frame. Lightning bolts are predominant across the Armor of Loyalty, fringed with red here and there. A crest featuring a lightning gemstone, a pale echo of the Element of Harmony locked away in Canterlot, glows slightly against her neck. Somehow, the winds don't seem nearly so harsh on those behind her, as if her wings are making the winds break apart, giving the group behind her at least a little respite.

A willful grin flashes across Rainbow's muzzle. She nods at Frederica, teeth showing under her lips. "You got that right!" She slaps one forehoof against the other. "This spirit thing's waaay overstepped its welcome!"

Maya has posed:
Maya is here she's ready willing and able to do what she can do she's ready. She's armed sorta but she's not sure how well a full out fight against a spirit will go after all this is not of mortal doing. So she's simpley waits now with the rest of the group.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At the urgings to stay awake the blind girl mumbles tiredly, her eyes closed. Her reply is a mumble that is tough to make out.

    The old shrine seems even colder as the group makes their way inside. But unlike last time... now it seems like there's something hissing as they enter the long tunnel leading inside, and the faintly glowing moss on the wall appears to dim slightly.

    Once the group reaches the main hall, it should be possible for Blurr to stand up to his full height, as the ceiling in here goes up quite a far way, about thirty feet with massive pillars supporting the ceiling. It sounds like the wind is blowing in here, and the mostly dark hall does have some focus of light at least as the Unionites step forward. At the far end of the hall are the same steps and dais, as well as the same twin snake statues standing back to back. But this time... it seems that they do not have to wait as a small, greyish yellow form seems to pour of the leftmost statue, its snakelike form and elongated neck giving it a rather beastly look. Yet the pale white eyes that behold them seem friendly enough. Even slightly worried.

    "You came..." it breathes, its voice coming from around them in the shrine, echoing faintly. Why, it even flies towards them, doing a quick round. And even brushing a hand gently against Frederica's shoulder in passing. It does remember the hurt it unjustly inflicted on the psy user the other day. Even if it did what it could to ease the pain.

    "We have little time. Take her up by the statues... before Mu manifests!" it urges of the Unionites. And indeed... they should feel the hall rumble slightly, some dust falling down from the ceiling. Was the air inside here always this heavy and foul...? And perhaps some people might feel that /something/ is brushing against them... that there is something inside there with them. Whatever it is, it appears to be hissing as well, shifting just in one's peripheral vision, moving just behind them.

    Better get ready indeed.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Don't they WANT Mu to manifest? Whatever, Ma has been helpful so far and Tony doesn't want to jeopardize whatever chances Toph may have here. He takes a step forward and fires his boot thrusters, turning the step into a long, graceful leap across the cavern with the blind girl on his back. He touches down on the dais between the statues and reaches up to cover one of Toph's hands with a gauntlet as he turns to look back over the cave, scanning back and forth for any sign of the creature that surely followed them.

Then he kneels, the better to gently disentangle her from her hold on his neck. "I'll be right here," he promises. But he needs to be able to MOVE, if this is going to be a fight. Another look goes out, seeking Pepper who he really didn't want with him on this one, but she did insist and... well, some selfish part of him kind of glad for it.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <ALERT! HIGH ENERGY SIGNATURE DETECTED!> chimes Divine Wind as it creaks its blades into ready position.

    "It's here! Ready up! Dee! Mistral Form!" calls Zephyr as she flourishes her weapon. Mid swing, the haft shortens, one of the blades vanishes, and a pair of turbine blades manifest around her, beginning to spin up rapidly. "Show yourself! Quit hiding in the shadows!"

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
The glare doesn't bother Fate much. She's not going to change who she is just because the situation is bad... and besides, Ma attacked them first as well.

When the cavern opens up more and the resident spirit appears, Fate extends her head toward him. "Of course we came, Ma. We did promise to bring Mu back... and we have to save Toph." Burgundy eyes shift to look at the girl on Iron Man's back.

Fate can tell Mu is here before Bardiche chimes a warning. "I know. Bardiche..." ~Yes, Sir. Haken Form.~ The axehead on the Device flips back, and a long, curved blade of crackling yellow energy extends from it, converting the poleaxe into a large scythe.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts can feel the electricity in the air as she eases herself down, taking out her datapad. The hair on the back of her neck riased up, but she approaches, reaching out to Tony's arm.

    "I'll keep an eye on her. You do the heavy lifting." she states, giving a wane smile as she knees next to Toph, and reaches up to press a gentle hand to ehr neck, and then her forehead.

    "Hold on, Toph."

Haru (143) has posed:
    So it's about to happen, huh? Haru takes the stance he's more familiar with to wait for battle to commence. He hasn't forget what Toph taught him. But here and now he can't rely on half-formed techniques. And his imcomplete mastery of Toph's technique isn't good enough to stand up against a spirit. Heck, he's not even sure he's strong enough to do it at all. But he's going to try his best!

Steve Rogers has posed:
Cap nods to the spirit, and lets Tony get Toph situated where she needs to be. As for Cap himself, he takes up a position near the altar, his shield ready to block or throw as the situation dictates, and glances around at his allies. He doesn't know much about most of their capabilities - Haru is geokinetic, Blurr is a transforming giant robot, Fate and Zephyr are magic-users, he's not sure *what* Maya or Faruja can do, and he can only guess at Mithos's capabilities.

He also has zero experience in fighting against spirits. Give him a corporeal opponent and he's all set, but - well, no point in worrying about it. Cap positions himself where he can keep Toph and Pepper safe, poised on the balls of his feet and ready for the excitement to start; his attention is mostly on the temple entrance, but he's keeping aware of the rest of the shrine's interior, including - to the best of his ability - the space behind him.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr is somewhat relieved when he enters the shrine and is able to stand up to the full height. Okay, well, the the very top of his head is brushing the ceiling a little, but it's better than having to crawl or duck the entire time.

    The energy readings in this place are crazy, though. He's not quite sure what to make of it, that is, until something comes out of one of the statues. "Whoa!" he starts slightly, not having expected that. But it seems this one is friendly. Well at least it's not attacking them. That -other- energy signature, though...

    There's a low hum and the sound of mechanical parts shifting as the Autobot's weapons are out in a flash, and he takes on a defensive stance, ready to take down whatever's planning on attacking them. He tries to keep track of the signal in an attempt to anticipate which direction the attack is going to come from. This thing won't be able to hide forever!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash only touches down once they make it into the tunnel. But that doesn't last long. Once the cavern widens up again, her wings spread. She takes to the air, quickly darting forward into the center of the chamber. She nods at Fate, and grins at the snake-spirit. "Well duh. Like we'd let you or Toph down after all that!" A firm nod of her head, and the pegasus folds her forelimbs across her chest.

Just ignore the way the fur on the back of her neck rises. Her gaze darts to one side, as if glancing at something just out of her vision. "Hmph, I'm not scared of you. Get out her so we can kick your ghostly tail already!"

Frederica (73) has posed:
    All prepared for people to show doubt or pity at her presence, Frederica sees neither. The complete absence of any sort of resistance unbalances her, leading to an unfamiliarly warm feeling. Well, not wholly unfamiliar. Her family gave her such trust and understanding after all.

    Frederica offers a grin that's probably meant to be fierce. In her current unbalanced state, it ends up being more sappy. She gets serious though when she feels the faint brush of trance energies. It's enough to bring up fear, and that's enough to make the girl angry. She doesn't think Ma will have as easy a time as Mu did, fortunately. Mu had an easy route into her head, through feelings that were already there. She's forewarned now, and forearmed. Her will is strong, and the shields that keep everything within her mind are at times a little TOO good at keeping outside things out. "We're counting on you, Pepper." Frederica says, moving to stand with those who are protecting Pepper and Toph. The way she fights, she prefers not to be close... but better that she be at risk than those who can't fight. She can fight just as well from in front of Toph and Pepper as she can from halfway across the room.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    Mithos... is particularly sensitive to atmospheres like this one, especially considering the links he shares with his summon spirits. So as soon as that hissing starts, he's immediately blanketed with all of the unnerving sensations the others are, if not ones that are even more profound. But still, he steels himself. He's not one to shrink in situations of consequence. Situations like this one. Taking another deep breath, he looks to Ma and nods, tightening his grip on his sword and concentrating in the direction he thinks that Mu will leap from.

    Likewise, Gnome holds his shovel as one would an axe. Now, uncomfortable ancient spirit vibes are something that he's pretty accustomed to given that he lives in a musty temple most of the time, but he still doesn't let his guard down. In fact, after a few more seconds of waiting pass, he begins a premature incantation for a small spell to summon stones from the ground. And if he finishes casting before Mu shows up? He'll save it for when he does.

Maya has posed:
Maya is on edge she knows these spirits are powerful thankfully one is willing to help get things back the way they should be. The other? Greed? Hunger? Those were things she understood very well. She listens their ally nodding moving to cover them getting Toph where she needs to go. Maya does cast a spell of some sort upon her self, as she attemps to open up her mind a bit sensing spell and then moves in to cast a spell to ward Toph and Pepper, every bit can help, right? She has no idea if things will get physical or not but it's something to be ... ready for.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja and his Templar allies remain close to Tony (and more importantly, Toph!). The two knights have blades and shields drawn, while the Burmecian swiftly Summons the hulking, horned form of Ifrit. The Esper of Flame growls and snarls with pent up rage, only held back by the will of his Summoner.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even as seconds pass by, it becomes more and more evident they are not alone in the shrine. Especially not when a voice speaks up, a hissing undertone to it. "... I am nOt hidIng....!" Is that the sound of several voices laughing on the air?

    Following closely behind Tony, Ma trails after him, peering down at the young earthbender as he lowers her down on the dais and Pepper follows, obviously ready to step in. If Toph hears Tony's promise, she doesn't seem to acknowledge it. Though she does squeeze his hand weakly before she leans into Pepper, eyes closed. But at least she is breathing steadily. For now Ma does a round around Toph and Pepper, setting on the latter's shoulders. Hope you don't mind eerie snake spirits, Pepper! Then it leans down and places its hands on Toph's head. "... be careful," it urges of the group at large, clearly not intending to address Mu himself. Whereever he is.

    The spiritually aware people should notice it now. The air turns rancid and even heavier, and there is something not natural all around them.

    "... I am sTill huNgry. And yoU... yOu all smeLl.... deleCtaBle!" The voices blend somewhat as they speak, and that's when Faruja should notice it. There's is something large and white crawling right behind him. Like an oversized slug, partially hidden by purple miasma. And there's something large and white crawling behind Steve as well, coming too close to comfort.

    What's more upsetting however, is how a large featureless face suddenly appears in front of the dais, leaning in closer to Frederica, Toph, Pepper and Ma, easily large enough to swallow them all up. If it had a mouth. Suddenly it appears... the entire form of the spirit that is obviously MU. While it bears resemblance to Ma, it seems like the counterpart spoke true. It's eaten itself fat, and it's not slender. It's enormous. About forty feet in length, large arms gripping into the pillars and scratching them as it pulls itself forward. It's coiled around the peripher of the room, and well... hitting it should /not/ pose a problem.

    "... I haVen't fEasted on feaR in deeeCades," it says. And why look, it has a mouth after all. A large maw with several small and sharp teeth /grins/ down at the psy user... and then it reaches out with a hand that seems to have another similar mouth in its hand, lashing out at Frederica!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <TARGET LOCATED! COORDINATES ARE SPECIFIC!> chimes Divine Wind. The turbine drones flit, then fly out to the extent they can reach in the relatively confined area, filling the entire shrine with buffeting winds. They seem to aid her allies, knocking them away from danger, or speeding them up, while also pushing at the giant monster, slowing its strikes down as much as possible. <MISTRAL SQUALL! GET SET!> "Focus! We can do this! Just believe in yourselves! We do this for Toph!"

    <IMPULSE CASCADE!> calls the Device next, as several dozen purple motes form around the teenage mage. They quickly grow in size, before lashing out, peppering along the monsters central mass.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    It's not about to steal her face. Pepper's pretty OK with Ma. She keeps an even face when she looks to the serpentine spirit, and she cradles Toph protectively, her fungers curling around the girl's shoulders. She exhales quietly, and then she looks up.

    And there is fear -- oh yes, there is fear. Her eyes go wide, her nostrils flare out and the freckled CEO goes pale, but steels her resolve, her eyes narrowing, and the tips of her ears turning red ad she checks her anger and draws Toph closer.

    When Mu goes for them, maw wide, she grits her teeth, and shifts herself around, putting herself between Mu and Toph!

Haru (143) has posed:
    There! Mu shows itself finally, and Haru turns to face the beast. Fear? Oh you better believe Haru's afraid. But that's not going to stop him. Instead, just looking at the thing makes him mad. This... fat, bloated thing... it got this way because of what it took from Toph... He scowls darkly, that same glare he gave the warden of the oil rig prison. That scowl that says his anger overreached his patience.

    And he demands of the spirit, "Give back what you took from Toph!" He doesn't leave it at that, though. He swings his arms, raising a large rock from the ground, and with a stomp of his foot, sends it at the spirit's face.

Blurr has posed:
    Well, he's certainly as easy target. Blurr smirks at the giant slug-looking thing. Though actually it isn't -that- giant comparted to him. "One, we're not very fat when it comes to fear which I would think you'd have already noticed but the way you're talking you clearly haven't and two you might want to reconsider eating us because that might cause you a few physical problems, conservatively speaking."

    His optics widen when the creature goes for one of them. "Look out!" he shouts, and his lightning fast reflexes swing into action as he directs his weapons at the hand...mouth...thing going for Frederica.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Iron Man stands in a ready stance, though the man inside the suit can't help but smile a little wistfully at Potts' declaration that he do the heavy lifting. His fingers flex around the repulosor pads in his palms, fidgety as the atmosphere seems to grow more... sinister somehow, though being completely spiritually UN-aware he can't quite put a finger on why.

Until the great bloated THING appears. That, he understands perfectly well. Bad guy. Hit it until it falls down.

"Fear?" he sneers, and slams a punch into the thing's big bland face when it appears in front of his charges. As the punch flies though, he straightens his fingers into a spear hand, and on impact he releases a burst of orange-white energy into the creature. "Try Stark tech," he suggests. "First one's free."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"I'm afraid we aren't here for you to eat, Mu." If he really -was- Ma's twin, then he's definitely been gorging, judging by his size. Fate glances around the room, taking note of just where the large spirit is... and frowns slightly. 'Everywhere' seems to be the approximate answer to that.

"You'll be much happier if you don't try to eat any of us. This will go -much- easier." Fate's free hand sweeps forward, and several balls of crackling magical lightning float in the air around it. ~Plasma Lancer, Get Set.~ The blonde takes a moment to look for a sign of any other mouths on Mu's body before she sends some of the balls flying at Mu's other hand. "Fire!"

Faruja (152) has posed:
"VILE DAEMONIC PARASITE!" Faruja knows evil when he feels it. Or suspects it. Rightly or wrongly, the Burmecian whirls around. Teleporting back, the rat nods to the two knights. They both step forward towards the great beast. Swords cut air, and icey blades of frost rise from the ground!

"Stasis Sword!" The pair yell, the Holy Knight Mooks preferring violence to more words to the beast. With a wave of the hand, Ifrit charges forward, burning claws slashing at the great bulk of the slug-like Mu.

"Ye hath devoured quite enough of our friend, nor shall ye hath our souls! Unholy beast! I curse whatever Lord-forsaken ritual spawned such an abomination as thee! Return to her what ye hath stolen, and beg forgiveness before the Holy Father! /MAYHAPS/ I shall see fit to spare ye Abysspawn!"

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Of course Frederica fears. She's rarely without fear. Fear of a loss of control, fear of rejection, fear of letting her friends down. Mu may have miscalculated however. If there is any fear from the psychicer towards the gluttonous spirit, it's not something that shows. Probably not even to the spirit itself. Her other perfectly ordinary fears are much more significant.

    Also, Frederica is a psychicer. She may have terrible abilities at using Trance, but she clings to her own feelings with fierce determination. The spirit won't be aiding its own efforts by draining her, by reaping her will. It won't break her, not if she has anything to say about it!

    "Only one problem. I'm NOT afraid of YOU!" Frederica says harshly, glaring. And that glare... is the only attack she makes. She doesn't even flinch back from the mouth-hand of the terrible spirit. She makes a point of facing it, of proving her lack of fear, and of her trust in her friends to defend her or at least preempt Mu's attack.

Maya has posed:
Maya freezes up for a second as she hears a new voice. She gets ready she does noptices as everying gets rancist heavy it's much like the feeling she got around the first necromancer and Lich, Draxx. She shivers a bit how can you not. This is no trival thing they are dealing with here.


She doesn't go for her rifle no, while it can effect lesser spirits and ghosts? Given it's semi magical nature this isn't going to work on something like Mu. She pulls several cards out and blue flames bursts into being about them.

"You shall not have her, return what you have taken!"

Thats when the buest of magic happens as she attemps to turn the water in the air against the spirit.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    When Mu first materializes, Mithos tenses and grits his teeth. That -thing- has been here this whole time, eating away at Toph? At her feelings? He glances to the unconscious girl near Tony, Pepper, and Ma, his face contorting even more as time wears on. This... /monster/ has been hurting his friend, and that's all that he cares about. To see it dead, torn apart, gone; to see Toph back on her feet, smiling confidently, and maybe even pouting when Gnome teases her. That is what he wants to see, and that, Gods willing or not, is what is going to happen if he has any say.

    Gripping his sword tightly, he dashes in just before its inky claws have reached out for Frederica. In fact, in his haste, he almost got whacked by that hand himself! Luckily, though, he manages to stay his course, dashing to Mu's opposite side and scraping his blade across the ground, sending a shockwave rippling in his direction. He doesn't stop there though -- afterwards, he closes the distance, attempting a few swift strikes at Mu's opposite arm.

    And as for Gnome? He stays back for now. He has some casts to finish.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Again there's movement out of the corner of Rainbow Dash's eyes. She grits her teeth, and with a flick of her wings, she quickly turns in mid air. "QUIT it already and come-" Dash abruptly stops, only to find it was no illusion, no figment at the corner of her vision anymore. There's just a brief falter in her wingbeats, her eyes widening underneath the goggles of her armor's mask.

Then the brief pang of fear is pushed back, tucked away underneath Dash's willpower. She lets out a snort. "Whoa. Who hit you with the whole ugly tree?"

Then it lunges. Wings beat harder, steadily. "HEY! No free lunches!" The wind around her wings ripples and coalesses, almost visibly. The more they beat, the stronger the wind seems to ripple about them. "Back off!" Then she brings them down in one powerful swoop, and twin blasts of winds ripple away from them, straight towards the spirit's ugly maw.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Mu appears, lining the chamber's walls from reasonably close to out of nowhere - and as Captain America whirls to face the monster, he observes that it looks a good bit more corporeal than he expected. All for the better as far as he's concerned.

He's more than ready to protect Frederica if she needs it, but Mu can't even seem to touch her just yet ... and as their allies begin attacking the emotion-eater, Captain America cocks his right fist back. "It'll be *centuries* before you get your fill of fear if we've got anything to say about it!"

And he swings, straight at Mu's nose - or where it would be, if the spirit doesn't actually *have* one.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Such delicious fear! So many morsels to feast on! The large spirit shudders, more purple miasma running down its chin and palm, dripping onto the floor. Fear. Courage. Is that a gasp that leaves Mu?

    Even as the purple motes strike its arm, it reaches out towards Frederica, and it doesn't seem like it takes much notice of the rock that Haru launches at it. Then again, it is rather large, and crumbles as it strikes the side of Mu's face. And then Captain America strikes it on the nose, distracting it easily enough to allow Frederica to avoid the incoming grabby and hungry hand.

    Haru's words and Faruja's demands do earn a shake of Ma's head. "I told you, Mu does not give. He only takes!"

    There is somebody there that is relatively safe though, considering their very nature. Unfortunately Blurr's attack misses as it sees the attack coming somehow. How? It doesn't have eyes!

    The repulsor blast from Tony makes the spirit wince though, and it lets out a vicious hiss of discontent as it turns towards the party in general, its attention drawn away from the dais. "... wiLlpowEr," it muses, moving to crawl forward. That's when Mithos' swordstrikes dig into its arm, and while it seemingly doesn't react visibly to it, it slices into the white skin there, making more purple miasma pour it. This makes it easier for Fate's attack to hit as well, and the spirit lets out a shrill cry that shakes the walls of the shrine as the lightning balls strike it, pushing it slightly back, especially when Ifrit joins. And then Maya's water attack, making cuts into its pale skin. Steam rises from where fire and water connect, and Rainbow's wind attack causes further slices into the hungry spirit's skin. Mu roars, rearing up!

    What follows is a disturbing sound, as if the thing is /gagging/. It echoes throughout the hall, and then... it regurgitates more of that miasma, purple cloud and sticky ooze that sprays across the room away the dais! Though the people there are in danger of being hit by parts of its body as it crawls around. And should it hit, it should be clear that it's wise to stay away from it, as it burns and itches something fierce.

    One thing should be noticable though... is Mu getting /smaller/?

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grimaces as her strikes seem to have no effect. She draws her weapon back, readying another spell... when the miasma strikes her. She reches, and falls to one knee, holding her free hand over her mouth and nose. "Saints graves, what the HELL have you been EATING!?" she demands, recomposing herself before leaping off the ground. <TEMPEST SABER!> announces Divine Wind.

    The young mage summons her flight spell, four jets of white plasma burning from her back as she soars up at the monster. Axe blade trails purple magic, as her Bit drones continue to aid her allies, blowing that miasma away from them as best they can. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" and she slams her axe around into Mu's face.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    POtts feels the pressure a split second before her mind registers it, and she's shunted into the air, her body turning and striking against one of the pillars. There's a painful cracki, and her body errupts in an involuntary cry. She shudders, and her stomach lurches as her brain tries to catch up with what jjust happened. She's got a long scrape along one of her arms. There's a tear showing blood in the fatigues.

    BUt if you want willpower, Potts has a will of Iron. Tempered by Tony, of course. She gets to her good leg, and stumbles back, protectively putting herself between Toph and Mu again, wrapping her arms around the girl as she wheezes in pain.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr curses when his shot misses, but thankfully someone else stepped in to protect Fred. Thank Primus for teamwork! He moves to keep up the fight, but then the ugly slug thing belches some kind of acidic purple substance. He jumps out of the way, but some of it manages to corrode some of his leg armor. Still, he's certainly had much worse before, and it hardly deters him.

    The Autobot begins to dash along the length of the snake-like thing's body, attempting to put holes all along it with lasers. Or at least that's what it looks like he's doing. The main point of it is actually to run a more in-depth scan, to see if he can determine this thing's anatomy if it has any and thus if there are any vitals and/or weak points.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"So I recall! 'Tis thine job, yes?" Faruja pointedly glares back at Ma. The Inquisitor still can't help but be wary. After all, the two are halves of the same coin. The rat's seen more than one poisonous gift.

Before Faruja can launch into another righteous rant, the creature hoarks up a miasma that first turns the rat green, then blue. Oh Faram, why must such a smell /exist/!?

Excuse him while he crawls into a corner and wretches up his lungs.

The Templar, however, are both human. They don't have their superior's sensitive nose, and so simply charge forth. One of the Templar simply tries to ram a blade into the creature's fat and flesh. The remaining one casts a a protective shield around her fellow knight.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Okay, Frederica's proved herself as well as she needs to, to those who count. Mostly, she's proved it to herself. Courage, after all, is the flip side of fear. It's what happens when you choose to fight despite your fear. If she lacked that courage, she wouldn't be here in this shrine. For that matter she wouldn't be in the Union, putting herself on the line to help others.

    She grunts as she's knocked sprawling by the great spirit, bypassing her to go after other prey. She's quick to scramble up again though, brushing at her skirts. "I've changed my mind." she says, not quite absently. "You can feed on my emotions. Starting with my anger." Frederica ignites her fist, stepping back up to the serpent's side. Anger, after all, fuels her fire. And this damn spirit can EAT HER FIRE!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As Mu's body sweeps up on the dais and knocks into Pepper, Toph and Ma, the smaller spirit lets out a shrill cry of pain, clutching to the two humans. "Be strong...!" it hisses at Pepper, doing its best to feed the woman with whatever positive feeling it can to encourage her, to give her the strength she needs to fight on!

    Because it's clear that without Pepper, then the blind little earthbender would be far worse off. While Toph does let out a pained wince and whimper in her half-conscious state, she only has bruises and minor cuts by the looks of it.
    When Pepper returns to her post as guardian, putting herself between her ward and the large spirit, Ma brushes its hand against Pepper's head, a tender caress before it turns its attention back on Toph.

Haru (143) has posed:
    The rock didn't do much, and then Haru's got purple ooze coming at him. It's too fast to avoid! All he can do it raise his arms to try to keep it out of his face. He's not sure at all what that stuff is. It's /disgusting/, whatever it is, and the smell makes him cough and his eyes start to water. He staggers back, trying to remember how to breathe past that scent. Give him a minute, that was gross. Hurt, too.

    He's not too slow to recover. As bad as that was, Haru's not going to let a bad smell keep him from helping Toph. But throwing rocks doesn't seem like it's much good. So instead Haru turns his attention to trying to immobilize Mu so the others can hurt it. He directs the earth up, trying to grab at and immobilize the massive snake's tail.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    As Mu's putrid mist engulfs the room, Mithos has very little time to react. He -is- able to put up one of his green shields in time to block the majority of the damage... but not all of it. Some of the insipid air slips in, slowly filling Mithos' supposedly safe bubble with toxic gas. And so... he can only last so long before he has to lower his shield, making him completely vulnerable when the last of the bad breath comes rolling past.

    Still, it's going to take a lot more than crappy oral hygiene to bring him down. Flashing fingers over his blade again and calling forth snaking bolts of lightning, Mithos charges at Mu's arm again... or rather, his hand. He aims straight for the palm, attempting to lodge his sword there. If the strike is successful, the blade would stick for the time being, continually sending painful surges of magical energy through the spiritual monstrosity. Afterwards, Mithos puts as much distance between himself and the scourge of emotion as he can, beginning an incantation of his own.

    The camera pans over to Gnome now, who has just finished his casting. Lashing out with his shovel and bringing a mighty paw crashing to the Earth, a series of massive Earthen spines rise from the crust of the Earth directly beneath Mu's face. They're aimed directly at his would-be jaw and rise up with phenomenal might, though there's still plenty of room for error. Still, this isn't intended solely as an attack; just before they've finished rising, they curl around Pepper, Ma, and Toph, forming a makeshift shield of stone to guard them. And after that...? He gets casting again, focusing his energy into his shovel as if it were a wand.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
~Round Shield~ intones the deep voice of Bardiche as Fate thrusts her arm forward. A glowing circle appears in front of her, covered in runes, and manages to catch most of the goop that Mu spits out. A few drops splash on her leg, sizzling against the Barrier Jacket, but doesn't quite burn through. She'll have to be more careful...

"I know you're not a complete monster, Mu... Let go of the girl and calm down before we have to hurt you." There's no fear in her voice, nor is there any anger. Determination and will... and compassion and love? She seems to have that to spare.

~Haken Saber~ Fate swings her scythe, but not directly at Mu. Instead, it launches a crescent of energy from the scytheblade, flying across the cave toward the center of the spirit's body.

Steve Rogers has posed:
One of the first things Steve Rogers learned when he was studying tactics and strategy was the old and well-worn adage, 'No plan of battle survives contact with the enemy.' It's a good thing to keep in mind: an enemy force rarely reacts exactly as expected when combat opens, so tactics need to be adaptable ...

But then, for all that Cap didn't know what to expect when engaging a spirit in combat, the spraying miasma and ooze which fills the shrine was *NOT* anything he could have guessed at or predicted. Not until it happens. Pepper is too close to Mu for Cap to do anything to protect her when the spirit-devouring serpent broadsides her - and in point of fact, Cap's getting slammed himself at the same time, only his shield serving to absorb any of the impact at all.

And when Captain America scrambles back to his feet, he doesn't even notice that a LOT of the shield's patriotically-inspired paint job has been scoured right off, leaving bare, gleaming vibranium alloy exposed with only a few hints of the star-and-stripes design except around the edges.

He has other things to worry about, of course. Like his allies' wel-being, and taking the emotion-eater down as quickly as possible. He unslings his shield and flings it straight at Mu's face -

- judging the rebound angle almost instantly, leaping to catch it -

- and throwing it AGAIN in the same motion that he catches it the first time, still trying to stay close enough to Toph (and Pepper) to safeguard them as he's able. And catching the shield from the second throw, of course.

Maya has posed:
Maya has some experiance with monsters but not as much as she'd like with spirits and the like. She however seems to have got a good opening and she forms a barrier of magic which gives her some protectyion the stench however is actually causing her physical harm. She redies another spell and this time lightning crackles about Maya's finger tips. She takes a moment focuses and lets lose a powerful bolt of lightning.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"PEPPER!" the cry involuntarily rips from the all-too-human throat of the man inside the Iron Man suit. He falters, as if unsure which direction to move, to try to catch her or to stay on the monster. And then the miasma washes over him, forcing the issue by sending him stumbling back, coughing as the paint blisters over his exterior shell. "Jarvis," he gasps, "switch to internal oxygen supply." Oh man that's foul.

He regains his breath in time to see Pepper rising to a determined kneel, and though every instinct is shouting at him to get over there and protect her and Toph, his brain overrides with the knowledge that the best way to do that is to keep fighting this thing.

Iron Man leaps aloft and flies with swift purpose not toward Mu's face again, but around to the thick, wormy neck behind the bulbous bouf^H^H^H^H head. Slamming both hands downward he releases another blast of repulsor thrust into the back of Mu's head. "How about you pick on someone your own size, you fat fish bait?"

Well, it does look kind of like a giant nightcrawler, if you squint just right.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash shifts her wings back, and the blast of wind goes away immediately. Instead she fans her wings out further. Instead of a burst of concentrated wind like before, the wind flares out wider. It catches the putrid gunk, and flings it it away before it even hits the brightly colored pegasus.

Unfortunately, it still smells. "Ew, that's just gross."

It doesn't take much for Dash to shift her wings down instead. She tucks them in, and angles them forward. Almost immediately she dives, straight at Mu's head. "Let Toph GO!" She flips around in mid air, a hind hoof lashing out at the aproximate point of the spirit beast's forehead. Then the second hoof comes, driven with high speed momentum and the force of someone who's kicked a dragon in the face, harmony energy glowing around the golden shoe.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The axe attack seems to not come as a complete surprise to the spirit, and Mu raises its hand, intercepting the attack as it does its best to swat Zephyr away. In the meanwhile Blurr's speedy shooting strikes true into the spirit, tearing holes into the slick hide and causing it to ooze even more of said nasty miasma. Is the damn thing filled with the stuff? Likewise the Templar's blade proves effective as well. The thing might be large, but it bleeds easily enough! Though it might be nasty as every attack seems to fill the air with more of the foul stench.

    When Frederica launches her fire, it seems like there's something else that happens instead of the spirit getting roasted. The miasma in the air around it catches fire, crackling and burning some of it. While it doesn't injure Mu, it /does/ clear the air somewhat as the fire spreads up below the ceiling, flames dancing about the pillars. "... anGer... is dEliciOus too," it heaves, then lets out a sound of consternation as it feels its tail /grabbed/! "whAt?!" Haru's earthen distraction serves its purpose. Enough for Mithos to safely lunge forward and drive his sword into Mu's left palm and the mouth there. Though sadly it seems like rather than stabbing something, it merely went into the throat there, and while the magical energies strike Mu's hand, the spirit doesn't seem to notice it too much. Likewise the spirit pulls back, barely avoiding the earthen spines raised by Gnome. "... pEsky!" Mu hisses! Only to roar with irritation as the Iron Man flies behind him and sends a blast to the back of his neck, singing the frills there slightly. And then there's the cyan pegasus as well, kicking and stinging by the feel of it. Perhaps not so strangely it swats out at Tony in irritation, then at Rainbow. Flying pests!

    "tHe benDer iS my foOd." No, Fate might have been able to talk sense into Ma, but its counterpart? It's not as easily persuaded in this state. The scythe swing does dig into its chest though, and it gasps as more miasma spills out onto the floor in front of it. Add in a patriotic shield that knocks into its face, and the spirit seems somewhat distracted, hissing with obvious discontent even if it doesn't do any serious damage. No, these are not simple meals, are they? Maya's lightning attack is drawn to Mithos' sword stuck in Mu's left arm, and the energy sizzles slightly up the monster spirit's limb.

    Roaring, Mu begins lashing out with its arms, getting to everybody in sight!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr is smacked. Hard. Eyes go wide as she spins and spirals, until she slams into... and THROUGH one of the support pillars, emitting a cut-off scream of pain before she's buried under rubble.

    The pile erupts and scatters debris in all directions... which is then caught, and lofted at Mu's form, pelting him with sharp chunks of rock.

    "If you won't let her go, we'll just beat you up so much you can't keep hold." she states following the debris up with another barrage of magic missiles.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Even with a slug in the way, Templar gonna Templar. And by that, they mean tank the disgusting, foul miasma that seems to sap their very strength and /definitely/ their nose. The pair can't help but curse their noses over it all as they try to hold the line. They /do/ leave plenty of room for others to strike at the beast. Not that it matters, as the Templar are smacked by sluggy arms, and sent flying. Faruja kneels, checking on them, before dismissing Ifrit. Alive, but out cold.

A glance to Zephyr.

"Dame Windstar speaks the truth, daemon! Ye art overwhelmed and shall fall eventually! Spare thyself the torment and pain! Surrender to our righteous fury, for this day the Looooord is with us! Nay fell spirit such as thee shall stand before our gathered might and purpose!"


Green and white balls surround Faruja as he summons up the flying, graceful winged woman Fairy. She gently floats down, healing Zephyr from the worst of her wounds.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    This isn't just a matter of forcing this spirit to give up Toph's emotions. Frederica remembers what was said last time... a testament to her mental resilience that she even realized there was conversation at the time. Then again, it'd happened just as Ma was restoring her somewhat. Perhaps not so unusual then.

    They have to not only free Toph from this creature, but beat it down to parity with Ma. Only with Mu and Ma in balance are they going to both remain within the shrine, so that Mu's no longer at risk of escaping and feeding again. "We have to beat it up anyways." she points out, not getting into the whole argument outright. If Mu realizes what's in store, he might try to escape. Before that, she wants to be sure the thing's beaten down to size!

    Having seen her fire having some unusual effects, Frederica decides to see what she can see. She directs her hand, playing a stream of flame around the area of the miasma. If she can't punch the freaking thing, she'll purify its foulness!

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
~Sonic Move~

When Mu goes to grab for Fate, the Enforcer is... no longer there. She didn't teleport, but judging by the furrow in the ground between where she was and where she stands now, she just moved -extremely- fast. "I was hoping this would be easier..." Fate lets out a soft sigh, then takes to the air, hovering a few feet above the ground.

"You're not as fast as Ma is, despite all the energy you've eaten." That means that he probably won't be able to dodge her spells like the lithe spirit could the other night. "Bardiche..." ~Yes, Sir. Load Cartridge.~ The cowling right below the central gem slides back, revealing what looks like a revolver cylinder. It spins once, locking a single shell into place with a loud KACHUNK. The cowling slides back, and the cartridge casing is ejected, along with a puff of steam.

"Multiple Lightning Bind." Fate's hand sweeps out, and four rings of golden energy appear around Mu's body. A moment later, they begin to rapidly constrict. One at the end of his tail. One tries to lock part of his body against one of the pillars. Yet another tries to tie its arms together, and a fourth constricts around Mu's neck. But with how strong he is, will the binds be able to hold?

Haru (143) has posed:
    The thing is flailing at them now. Mouths that bite in hands that smack! Haru emits a loud grunt of pain as the hand smacks him into a wall. Ouch! Was that something breaking? Whatever it was, he's still able to stand up, so he's not out yet.

He gets to his feet again, raises another rock from the ground. But he doesn't just fling it like he did before. He pauses, concentrates, and lowers it. As he does, the rock gets smaller and smaller. This he then flings at Mu with a spin and a kick.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Like so much the fly that she is to this thing, Rainbow Dash gets swatted out of the air. "AAAAHH!" She goes flying, until something breaks her fall. The wall, that is. Her armor takes the brunt of it, crackling and magic straining. It still knocks the wind out of her. She slumps to the floor, breathing for air. "Okay, no more miss nice pony!" She huffs, wings spreading. She feels a little strain through them, but ignores it.

Legs tense, and she pushes off as her wings come down again. In several flaps, she becomes nothing more than a blur, speeding straight at Mu. Then past Mu.

Wings angle around, and Rainbow curves around Mu's head, flying in a rapid circle. Again, and again, and again. A rainbow trail follows in her wake, making it hard to tell just where she is.

But then behind Mu, the trail shifts. It goes up abruptly, even though the colors still swirl around Mu's head for a few seconds. Dash soars up above Mu, letting the remaning colors be a distraction, then angles around, and dives straight for the top of his head with both forehooves outstretched in front of her.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony is in full offense mode and is only able to make a token attempt to evade the big meaty SLAP that smacks into his torso with a wet metallic thunk and sends him careening into the nearest wall.

"Yeah, well mealtime's over!" he retorts, as he pushes himself out of the new, vaugely Iron Man shaped indentation in the cavern's decor. "And you are NOT gonna be happy when you see the bill!"

Shoving off the wall he launches himself flying right back into the fray, only this time he doesn't stop at hovering behind Mu's head. He aims to slam right into the thing and HOLD ON. It can't swat him away if he's riding it, right? He claps both hands down on either side of the creature's neck and discharges an arc-powered electric charge through his metal gauntlets.

Steve Rogers has posed:
It's not often that something makes Captain America yell in honest-to-god pain ... but then, it's not every day that he and a bunch of his friends and allies gang up on an emotion-eating serpentine-looking spirit in order to rescue another of their friends from its clutches.

It's also not as horrible a wound as it could be, all things considered - but Mu's handteeth are sharp enough to dig through his uniform and into his leg, and getting swung around by the leg tends to hurt no matter who you are. (Just ask Loki.) Captain America absorbs his impact with a pillar as well as he can manage, favoring his injured leg for the moment; it's probably not broken, but no need to find out the hard way if it *is* ... and he watches the fight for a couple of seconds, looking Mu over and sizing up how his allies are engaging the monster.

Hopefully the beam shackles that Fate is conjuring will help slow the monster down some - and amongst everyone else who's still putting most of their efforts into straight offense, Iron Man grabbing hold behind Mu's head seems to give Captain America some ideas ... but they're nothing he's putting into motion quite yet.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    This time, it's Gnome rather than Mithos that takes the spotlight first. Finishing yet another incantation, he raises his shovel skyward and calls: "STALAGMITE!"

    Immediately, two more earthen spires rocket from the ground, but this time... this time they're aimed a bit more craftily. Rather than going for a brute force strike at Mu's head or torso, they're placed far out to his sides... where, if they connect, they would have a chance of impaling his hands and/or arms to keep them in place while also dishing out their fair share of pain. Afterwards, though, the big fat mole man is clearly a bit tuckered out; he's panting and wheezing, but he's nowhere near done yet. Collecting himself, he charges with all the he has at Mu's head, intending to hit its teeth but good with his digging device. Not without a witty remark, though, naturally:

    "HEY, buddy! The dentist is IN!"%r
    Whether the next sound people hear is a resounding CLANK or the snapping sounds of a tubby spirit being eaten is, as always, up to our benevolent GM, but there you have it.

    Meanwhile, it would seem Mithos is getting crafty as well. "Wind blade!!" he calls, as the entire room is swept up in a whirlwind. This... doesn't seem to be aimed at Mu, however; rater, Mithos is trying to use the power of wind to air out the region and void it of the horrorterror's toxic spew! There's always the chance that it could toss some stones or such in at the fell being anyway, though.

    ... and man, wouldn't that be fitting. All this time he's been eating an Earthbender, but now he's -really- going to eat dirt! ... okay, no, that sucked.

Blurr has posed:
    If this place weren't so fragging cramped, Blurr would have easily been able to dodge the flailing arms and mouths and...whatever else is striking out at everyone. There's just not a lot of room for him to move around in here. Granted, he manages to evade most of them, but one manages to knock him back into one of the pillars, causing the floor to shudder significantly and the impacted pillar to crack in several places.

    Recovering quickly, the Autobot scrambles to his feet and another weapon is drawn. This one is meant to stun and paralyze other mechanoids, but what effect will the electricity have on this weird creature?

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I'm all right!" Potts had shouted back to Tony, her arms still wrapped around the bender. She breathes hard, cradling Toph against her, as Ma works on them. She puts aside the pain in her legs and her arm, the pounding in her head.

    And then Mu thinks of Food.

    He's calling Toph /food/. Degrading her to a thing. Less than a thing.

    And you know what, that doesn't sit well with Potts. She breathes hard and squeezes her eyes closed, shoulders tensing. "She is /not/ FOOD." she growls.

    And she adds, in a whisper "She's /my/ kid."

Maya has posed:
Maya is an experianced fighter with nearing 20 years of experiance in one form of combat or the others. There might be a way to change things with this spirit but right now it may need to be clobbered upon a bit before that can be done. She does not intend to kill it for it's loss might cause some sort of inbalance. So she's got that in mind however she's moving so rapidly she avoids the spirit evne laying a hand on her and that's when ther's a burst of fire as she uses another card.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As the attacks strike true, it appears that Mu is getting smaller. There's no question about it, as the spirit appears to have become less bloated, and its length is now less than thirty feet long. On the other hand, within their earthen barricade, Pepper should notice that Ma... is getting larger, the spirit now being about the same size as her. And the greyish yellow colour of the spirit appears less dull, the frills on its head growing longer as it leans over Toph, eyes wide and shiny as it concentrates, hard at work.

    As Zephyr crashes through the pillar, the ceiling emits a groan, but fortunately there are pillars all over the room to support it, and it doesn't sound like the mountain above is going to crash down on them. There are some rocks and dust falling down around them however. But it's nothing compared to the rocks that Zephyr launches at Mu. The rocks dig somewhat into his skin, and he grunts. What's more annoying though is the speech that Faruja delivers at him. "... nOisy!" it spits. "SuCh AngEr... tAsty." Wait... is its voice starting to sound more monotone? This time however, Frederica's fire does have effect. Sure, the miasma burns... but now Mu recoils, its mouth open wide in pain as it lets out a hiss. Add in the fire from Maya, and there's a blaze around it, fire crackling along its arms and torso.

    But sadly for Fate, it seems that with its smaller size, the malevolent spirit is able to dodge easier. As the golden rings appear it slithers, just barely managing to make it out between the rings before it constricts around one of the pillars. "...cLoSe!"

    That is when Haru's compacted rock strikes Mu... right in the mouth. And causes the spirit to /gag/, wretching up even more miasma, all while it shrinks more in size, now closer to twenty feet in length.

    By now it seems that Rainbow is becoming a serious bother to Mu, who snarls, its voice carrying /some/ irritation as the air is filled with bright colours. However... when the pegasus pony comes in for the attack, the spirit seems to know it's coming, and it rears up again... and headbutts her! This leaves him open for a man in an iron suit launching at the back of his head and frying his neck with electric charges, and it lets out a snarl... before it intends to slam his head back into another pillar, exposing its neck.

    Attacks from another spirit does appear to have some effect, and the two earthen spires shoot up from the floor of the shrine and into Mu's arms. But the spirit doesn't seem intent to keep still for long, but rather than headbutt Mu, Gnome doesn't seem quite to hit as the feeding spirit is rearing up from Iron Man's attack. The earth summon spirit does make a comical sound as it strikes Mu's chest, however, knocking the air out of it. Wait, do spirits even need to breathe? Mithos has more luck clearing the air however, the purple miasma whirling about along with some remnants of Frederica's fire, creating one hell of an effect throughout the shrine.

    The joint efforts are paying off, that much is clear as while Mu is busy fighting off the others, Blurr is given a clear line to shoot at the spirit. The stun beam strikes Mu, who lets out a deafening /wail/ that makes the halls shake, rocks falling down around the group, some of the unsteady pillars that the people were knocked into earlier tumbling down...!

Steve Rogers has posed:
The emotion-eater's shriek threatens to literally bring the shrine down around everyone's ears, but Steve barely budges, bringing his shield up to try and intercept the largest of the rocks falling around him. The impact still jars him to the bones, and he grunts with pain and exertion ...

But more importantly, he sees Mu with its mouth gaping open as it continues wailing, and he lowers his shield again, glancing at where Iron Man is and adjusting the angle. "Stark! NOW!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony takes the CRACK of Mu's thrashing backward headbutt right in the faceplate, and is jarred loose, barely catching himself on a cushion of repulsor thrust before he can slam into the wall again. Well, he needed to be clear, anyway, in order to get the angle shot Cap is going to set him up.

One problem: static fritzes across his heads up display, as Jarvis's tactical grid fades and re-sharpens. Damn, that thing hit him in the face HARD. At least the cracked HUD protected his beautiful nose from being smashed. Silver linings.

"Sir," Jarvis warns in his ear, "Spatial orientation sensors are damaged. I cannot calculate the precise shot trajectory from Captain America's shield. I don't recommend--"

"Noted!" Tony snaps back tersely. "Switch me to manual."


"NOW, Jarvis!"

And dropping to one knee for the added stability he lifts both hands and a torrent of orange-white kinetic force pours forth to bank off that shining vibranium shield.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr pants for breath. "Ramp it up. Mistral Storm." she states to her Device. <That is too dangerous, Master. In your current condi---> Then rocks start to fall. <RAMPART AEGIS!> Zephyr is quickly covered with a glowing purple barrier, that turns aside most of the falling debris, though it cracks, creaks and groans, before finally giving in, the mage getting pelted with smaller stones, which cut into her skin and draw blood. "You don't just quit halfway through." she reminds herself, lifting her eyes to the shrinking form of Mu. "You press on, no matter what gets in your way."

    Her hands reach for the haft of her Device, drawing it outwards to get a better twohanded grip. "Mistral Storm. Empowerment Mode." YES! HURRICANE THUNDERCLAP! GET SET!> the drones flit in close, circling rapidly around the Mage and her Device, drawing in mana-laced air. <STRIKE! VECTOR ORIENTATION CALCULATED!>

    Zephyr kicks up from the ground again, pouring everything she has left into her flight spell, the white jets roaring to life as the mage streaks forwards.

Haru (143) has posed:
    Haru pauses, wincing a little. He's noticed the effect all their attacks seem to be having. Mu is shrinking more. They have to just keep hitting him until... until what? Haru really doesn't know. All he knows is they have to keep hitting this thing. Only... suddenly rocks fall. On everyone! Including Haru! He's struck directly on the head by a large rock, and falls.

    No. Not like this. Haru remembers what Toph said. Earth is stubborn. An earthbender has to be just as stubborn, or the earth won't give. He is /not/ going to be taken down by rocks. He's not going to let his own element get the better of him!

    So he gets to his feet, wobbling slightly. His vision's blurry and his head is killing him, but he's up. A moment is taken to collect himself, and then he takes that stance again. It's a crane stance, sorry Toph! As his arms rise into the air the rocks around him-- the ones that had almost buried him-- rise up as well. And then with a sudden forward 'push' motion of his hands, /all/ of them fly at Mu!

Frederica (73) has posed:
    "Let's make it eat something it DOESN'T like!" Frederica calls, then yelps as rocks begin to fall from the ceiling, one of them glancing off her shoulder painfully. She's not really having fun here. Oh she's enjoying the cameraderie, but the fight is a painful one in more than merely the physical sense. She's not really sure what's hurting Mu the most. Her fire is doing some damage though, as is some of the other elemental attacks. Makes a certain kind of sense, given the nature of this world. Well, she can certainly continue!

    Oddly, Frederica is losing her wrath. She worries perhaps it's being eaten by the spirit, but that's okay with her. Even without fury driving her fire to greater potency she has plenty of other feelings. Passion, joy, determination, courage. Even fear fuels her attacks, while the diminished fury helps keep her focus tight. She continues to direct flame at Mu now that the miasma's mostly gone, setting her jaw and trying to let a stream of molten emotion bore a hole into the hungry spirit.

Mithos Yggdrasill (424) has posed:
    It's pretty clear at this point that Mu isn't at his best. Why? I'm tellin' you why like Christmas: he just tried to hit an Earth spirit with a bunch of rocks. Sure, a few of them collide with Gnome's forehead and miiight fracture sections of his skull - just as they might have done a number on Mithos' ribs - but that's irrelevant! Now, taking advantage of the opportunity they've been given, the summoner and the summoned come together. Mithos begins casting again and calls out to his bloated buddy.

    "Gnome!" He's immediately met with a nod and some semblance of a salute. "Aye aye, cappin'!" Mithos finishes his cast, calling forth yet another whirlwind... but this time, the effect is different. This time, the wind holds the rocks in place... as Gnome twiiirrlls his shovel and swishes his hips, getting in to a baseball stance.


    Gnome starts hitting an unholy heckload of leftover boulders at Mu's face, primarily, eventually adding in a staggering battle cry as his hits become more and more fervent. Pretty soon, true to his cartoon style, his body has begun to blur from how fast he's moving. Another, and another, and another, and -another-... until, finally, Gnome raises his head with swirls in his eyes. And then he staggers helplessly a few seconds before he falls into Mithos' arms.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
Rocks fall from the ceiling, but Bardiche is ready. ~Defenser Plus~ A hemisphere of golden energy snaps into being around Fate, protecting her from the falling rubble. She looks around quickly, corners of her mouth pulling down as she sees that many of the others weren't quite so lucky.

As the dome of energy fades, a magic circle appears in front of her, not too different from the shield earlier. Crackling energy begins to form around Fate's armored gauntlet, and she pulls her arm back... but then pauses. "Hurricane Thunderclap?" For a moment, her gaze follows Zephyr's flight, a smile on her face. "Perhaps I should give her some pointers... later." Clearing her throat, the blonde refocuses on Mu. "Trident..." With a shift of her weight, she thrusts her energy-covered gauntlet toward the circle. As soon as it hits, it blasts out the other side as a trio of beams. "Smasher!"

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash's eyes widen almost comically when Mu abruptly lurches its head upwards. Dash's hooves miss their mark, overshooting. Instead, she gets the spirit beast's forehead to her belly. She goes 'whoof', as air is pushed out of her lungs. Then in the next instant, she's flying straight at one of those pillars. The pillar goes CRACK when she hits it, a split running right across it from where she struck it.

The shaking floor and ceiling only helps the crack along.

"She's not food you jerkwad! You major suck-lord!" Dash pushes away from the pillar, her wings flapping to keep her upright. There's a slight wobble to her flight, and her jaws are set in a slight cringe. "She's our friend!" Dash is hurting; her insults are getting more creative.

Dash loops around the pillar, putting both forehooves against it. "Come ON." She pushes, but it doesn't budge. The pegasus pushes off of it, flying back the other direction for a second. Then she twists back around, and with wings blurring, soars straight back at the pillar with a hind hoof outstretched.

CRACK. The pillar comes free when her hoof impacts it, and it goes flying straight for Mu.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr grins slightly with satisfaction as the electric bolt strikes true. And it seems the big ugly slug thing is getting smaller. Does that mean they're winning? Must be.

    But then rocks are falling everywhere! The Autobot grumbles again at the lack of much space to move around in here, and some of the stones that he doesn't manage to dodge make dents in his armor.

    Still, that doesn't keep him from continuing the assault on the creature. Hm, that piece of pillar that had fallen over just now looks pretty heavy. He picks it up and swings it like a baseball bat at the enemy's head. Hey if some of us are going for the baseball player thing...we might as well go all the way, or something.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"NOISE, WRETCH!? FINE! WORDS SHALL BE THE LEAST YE FEEL STING UPON YE THIS NIGHT! TO THE ABYSS WITH YE!" For such a small rat, his voice sure does echo with the force of his zealous rage. Hopefully the Inquisitor isn't losing sight of their purpose tonight!

At least it's shrinking. Progress! Faruja does, however, have to deal with wailing slugs and falling rocks. His sensitive ears /bleed/ from the sound, and he's pelted with lesser rocks. A shadow falls over him, and one of the Templar shoves him out of the way. She screams as her leg is crushed beneath the heavy boulder. Her fellow knight, a white mage in part, works to keep her alive.

Faruja winces, torn between helping his fellow Faithful and Toph. With a prayer on his lips, he teleports away in a blue flash. The two knights, mooks or not, are good at their job. He trusts one to heal, and the other to live.

Right atop the spirit Mu.

"Fell spirit Mu! For the crime of theft of the soul, as well as the injuring of a Holy Templar, in the name of the Lord and the power vested in me by the Holy Spirit do I pronounce ye GUILTY of HERESY most horrid! Pray! PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! That thine soul might be SAAAAVED!" A glance back. That is one fast, powerful shield. Faruja grins. A motion of the hand. Powerful gravity magic thrusts the shield forward, adding to Tony's own boost. Then, Faruja pulls out a pocket watch.

His clawed hand squeezes, and the enchanted timepiece snaps and shatters. He tosses it aside.

A grey sphere spills out around Mu, Time itself ceasing to move.

"Time is stopped!" Pronounces the rat, will, magic, and pure righteous arrogance combining to hold the most primal force of the Multiverse still. It's hard to miss with a shield when time refuses to budge. Mu, if he can even feel during the time stop, would see that Shield of Justice and Righteous Fury hover as it streaks forward, halting.

But the rat isn't done. He closes his eye. Drawing the last three of his time pieces, he crushes them all. Rather than merely forcing time to stop, he /wills/ it to retreat. To a time when the beast was still wailing. It's mouth, open for the great blistering vibranium disk spinning towards it.

"IN THE NAME OF GOD, GIVE US OUR FRIEND BACK YE KNAVE!" Even more than magic, Faruja pours the love for everyone present, and most importantly, the mere girl that's so inspired, frustrated, and lifted up his life.

Maya has posed:
Maya cuts lose with the magic there's a surge of power fgrom her as she casts a spell upon her self the red card in hand glows with blue fire and she gets a faint green aura, she's not fast enough to acoid what the rocks but she does lessen how hard they connected by how fast she was responding to it. Sjhe mvoces at rapid speed now, not quite like blurr but well beyond what she was doing before hand. Maya now is pulling another card out it's the air one again and she now moves to close in.

"You have taken that from a child...you will not have her creature. Do you hear me?"

That's when she lets lose a combiation of lighting, water, fire and even earth at the spirit. She's no avatar and never will be but she's certainly got quite a bnit of magic at her command and she's not afraid to use it!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts is still guarding Toph. She breathes out. And breathes in. "I won't let him get you." she promises quietly to the teen, reaching up to give an encouraging pet to Ma as she shifts the small grouping a little more to the protection, aware of the falling debris.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Pepper's determination causes Ma to turn its attention towards the woman, its long frills billowing about it as it leans forward, taking one hand to rest on top of her head. "... there is balance in you. Keep that. And remain vigilant." Somehow Ma's voice seems louder, stronger. Not to mention brighter as it steadily grows larger. In Pepper's arms, Toph draws a sharp gasp for breath, though she's still out cold, otherwise unmoving.

    The joint attack between Iron Man and Captain America is risky, which becomes clear as the vibranium shield is thrown, and the repulsor shot richochets off of it and into Mu's face. However, as it grits its teeth together the attack does not hit as intended, merely singing the spirit's face and causing it to pull back, its hands tearing free of the earthen spines that Gnome erected earlier, rubbing at its face.

    That is when a rat suddenly is standing on top of its head. Frustrated, Mu makes a hissing sound of confusion and is about to trash about... but then it finds its massive jaws /torn back open/ against its will... and the beam attack repeats! Searing power strikes down into its gullet, causing it to let out another horrific sound of pain and pure anger, what little it has left in it anyway. Smoke billows out from the joined attack of the three, and miasma bleeds from Mu's mouth as its head falls forward, momentarily stunned and open for further attacks.

    Zephyr comes in with great speed, the jets making nearly as much sound as the pained sound that leaves Mu as it trashes about, hitting back and forth between the pillars are more debris falls from the ceiling above. Except Haru turns them to his advantage. Perhaps if Toph was aware of this happening, she might even punch him in the shoulder and berate him for using crane stance... and then admit it was a wise tactic. The rocks scratch Mu further, and the miasma that pours out now seems far less foul. The other elemental attacks do the trick, and the fire from the willfull psy user scorch and burn into Mu's chest.

    What?! More incoming rocks?! Mithos' whirlwind keeps the rocks still, and as Gnome hits them into Mu, it does seem like the spirit winces and is pushed back just slightly. Even more when Fate's triple beam attack strikes it in the chest.

    What follows is a pillar as Rainbow manages to kick it over, and it crashes into Mu's face, which is already hurting from the previous attacks, and Mu /hisses/. "... hUuuuuUnGryyyyYYyyyy!" It does seem to have lost a lot of weight by now, as it keeps on shrinking and shrinking, its length now down to about 15 feet. The incoming pillar that Blurr swings at it does take off another feet or two, and it roars as it's knocked into another pillar by the now much larger autobot.

    As Maya's attack hits and strikes Mu with all of the elements at her disposal, the spirit seems to become somewhat more dull in colour, writhing its now slender form up against the pillar that Blurr knocked it up against.... The water splashes over it, only to conduct the lightning better as it wails in pain, the earth knocking into it and the fire adding to the scorch marks left by Frederica.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Up on the dais... something happens. The earthen barrier formed there by Gnome starts cracking, and then it falls down around the three forms inside. Sure, there is Pepper, hugging into Toph's still form, but behind them rises a now much larger form, easily twelve feet in length, long frills flowing slowly about its shoulders. While Ma was small and slender before, the spirit seems more defined, slightly more feminine in shape. Its skin is a clear yellow, with undercurrents of blue to it, and it flies up high, long tail trailing behind it, long arms spread out as it commands in a voice that emanates from the entirety of the shrine.


    By the pillar, the now equally sized Mu coils up, quivering, even as its own voice is monothone, although panting. "... not now. Still hungry. Still need..." But the counterpart spirit will not have any of it, it seems. Without warning it launches itself forward through the air, lunging at Mu. A shriek vibrates through the walls, and the two spirits grasp and flail at eachother, curling up into a coiling ball.

    Then they disappear.

    Up on the dais behind Pepper and Toph, the two snake statues shimmer slightly, and while the right one was nicked and scratched, it seems restored to its former glory, and the moss on the other seems to wither. Finally, the shrine is silent. A bit wrecked, but quiet. Quiet enough for the group to hear a content sigh echo throughout the hall. Namely Toph as she leans more into Pepper, although she still appears to be asleep.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    That strike used up all of Zephyr's mana, and she doesn't have anything left to catch herself as she soars past the now much smaller Mu, and into a wall. CRUNCH. THUD. "... ow." She picks herself up, dismissing her Barrier Jacket and leaning against the wall, before pulling out a candy bar to wolfishly munch on.

Faruja (152) has posed:
The Templar with a leg manages to rescue her fallen companion, Faruja almost immediately walking to the poor knight's aide as the shrine falls silent. At the end of the day, the poor man will need a good month of recovery, but he'll be fighting fit eventually. And with one soul saved.

The knight may just be happy with this. Particularly when both Templar get a promotion out of the deal.

A sleeping Toph. One who seems content and happy.

"Faram be praised!" Comes the rat. Then he collapses, unconscious. Apparently, reversin time itself is very draining.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony stands up, and there's a mechanical grinding noise as he tries to open his faceplat, and then an annoyed noise emits from within the helmet and he reaches up to tear it off manually. Beneath, he looks dazed and sweaty and there's a thin trickle of blood along the side of his nose where physics did its job on that headbutt. He squints puzzledly around the cavern. "Is that it? Did we kill it? Pepper, is Toph okay? Are YOU okay?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    There are a few times in her life that Potts has shed tears of releif. This is one of those times. As Toph relaxes, and just leans into her, the injured Pepper leans back against the remains of the pillar, and heaves a shakey sigh, cradling Toph against her, and she looks up. Tears wear trails in the dirt down freckled cheeks. "Vitals are returning to normal. She's exhahusted, but she'll get better." she states, her voice thick before she clears it. "I might need a hand getting back to Medical... I... my ankle and knee..."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "But the important thing is -- we have Toph back. And she's /safe/."

Haru (143) has posed:
    And then suddenly...

    Everything stops.

    Well, the spirits are gone. Haru's tired from the exertion of fighting, and he pants as he waits for something else to happen. A few moments pass, and nothing. "...Did we... win?" he breathes. He's still in his stance, though, just in case there's something else that's going to happen. He hears Toph sigh... and then Faruja falls over.

    Haru relaxes then, breathing a sigh of relief of his own. He steps back to the wall and slides down it to sit on the ground. He's still conscious. But really tired. And his head still hurts. But it seems like they did it. So he's happy with the results.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    One nice thing about not being a mage, Frederica has no worries over mana. Her power source is essentially infinite. Of course long before she could tap anything approaching infinite power it would consume her... but then all power has its price.

    The price of this battle has been paid in pain and in other emotions. Emotions, after all, seem to be what this whole thing was about. Frederica streams out her fire and lets out a sigh, rubbing at her shoulder absently. Her gaze was caught by the statues, but in the end it's the sight of Pepper and Toph that holds her. She smiles again, and again it ends up rather sappy. No one tell her... she'd have to stop out of embarrassment.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve lowers his shield, taking in the situation after the spirits have disappeared. "Thanks for the assist, Faruja," he says to the clerical rat fellow. "And everyone - good work."

There are a few other things that probably ought to be said ... but for the moment, Cap/Steve walks over next to Toph ... and gently grounds the edge of his shield on the rock next to where Toph is sitting, *easily* within her reach.

Even though Toph's asleep, he has a feeling that she'll be able to recognize it, and him, just by that. A reminder that her friends - her family - are close by.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
Rainbow Dash slowly hovers down to the ground. Her shod hooves clip lightly on the floor, her wings sagging slightly once they're no longer needed to keep her up. "Someone say that did it," She says, glancing from one statue to the other, "Because I'm seriously going to find a way to kick that thing again if that's not it."

When Pepper announces that Toph is recovering, Rainbow's wings flare out again. Despite a little pang of pain, she launches herself up into the air and does a quick loop around the dias. "Whooyeah! Alright team!" She pumps a hoof into the air. "I knew she'd hang in there!" Then, the pain catches up with her and she cringes. "Owowowow." She carefully drops back to the ground, ears splayed back.

Maya has posed:
Maya is breathing heavy she watches as things come to an end in no small amount of awe, she understands the two are suposed to work together alone eveyrthing gets out of wack. IT seems that is no longer an issue as they seem to go on their way, she does see the shrine is in need of repair, and she will likely help with the repairs later.

Right now she goes to check on Pepper and Toph to see if they are allready she is also thumbing a healing fate card.

"... Those who ... need help I will get to all of you I am a healer..."

Dash is next on her list after the check with Pepper and Toph is done.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Pepper hurt her ankle? How very damsel-in-distress. Tony focuses on that, to the backdrop of 'she's okay, they're both okay' and manages a weary grin. "Hey, no problem honey. I'm sure Cap would be happy to carry you, he's gallant like that."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"No, it's not dead..." Burgundy eyes widen as she turns to look back at the restored statues. Stepping quietly, she moves toward them and places a hand on each one. "Thank you, Ma. Mu... please rest with your brother." At least that's what she assumes is going on.

But there are more imortant matters at hand. "Is everyone okay? Is Toph?" A relieved look comes over her face as she crouches down next to Toph and Pepper. "I don't know any healing spells, but..."

Fate pauses and slowly turns to stare at Iron Man for a moment.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "... don't make me get up there." Potts warns, though she's still smiling.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frederica frowns, looking around. "I ... I could try to heal you, I suppose. But it's a very slow healing." she says. Then she glares at Tony. Jerk. "Maybe I should carry you instead, Pepper! Or I can carry Toph." she suggests. Or, you know, Cap can carry her because Cap's a big strong man and Frederica is pretty wimpy.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
NOT TO WORRY, people, Tony is picking his way across the cavern floor with his mask in hand, and wearing a shit-eating grin in its place. He makes the final hop over to Toph and Pepper with a low-power burst of thrust from his boots, and lands relatively lightly beside them, to hunker down and reach out, first to put an arm around Potts and hug her to him, planting a relieved kiss in her hair, and then to ruffle Toph's hair.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    By now it's clear that Toph is clearly asleep, as the only reaction she makes to all that's going on around her is a slight mumble. Why, Tony and Pepper are allowed to be oogie, and she doesn't protest the hair ruffling. Nor Frederica's suggestion that she could carry her. One thing is clear though, she does look somewhat better than she has been doing. But when will she wake up? And what effects might linger from these two weeks?

Steve Rogers has posed:
Captain America gives Tony a very dry smile at that. "I can carry somebody if they need it, but Ms. Potts is *your* fiancee, Stark." He's still waiting to see if Toph wakes up enough to 'acknowledge' by some gesture that she's aware of him/his shield.

If she's too deep asleep to respond, though, he won't disturb her further, and goes about helping people whom he can assist - including carrying somebody who might need the physical lift.

Blurr has posed:
    Teamwork for the win! Thanks to the combined efforts of the Union, the evil slug thing...disappears? Along with its counterpart. Blurr stares at the space where they had been grappling only moments before, then glances down at Toph. "Huh, where'd they go?" he wonders aloud. "Is Toph okay now, then?" he asks, not sure if she's still ill or not.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
"Oh, yeah," Rainbow turns a little to look back at those serpent statues, "Thanks and stuff!" Comfortable in the fact that Toph is going to be okay, the pegasus then turns back, and begins walking towards the exit to the shrine. "Come on, let's get out of here. I'm starving!"

Dash pauses next to the unconscious Faruja. She lets out a huff through her nostrils, and rolls her eyes a little bit. Wings spreading, she takes off in a light hover to grab Faruja by the shoulders and carry him towards the exit.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"No way to tell for sure," Tony calls back, then catches himself and belatedly turns down his volume in deference to the sleeping girl. "But I think so. I mean, we saw the spirit go back into the statue, so... she probably just needs to rest and recover now. Steve, for reals you can help me out here if you can carry her. I'll take Pepper home."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"She -seems- to be sleeping more peacefully." Fate will let Tony and Steve do the carrying. She gives one last glance back to the statues before walking over to Zephyr. "Well done today." With a soft smile, she pats the young Mage on the head. "Let's leave the two spirits in peace now. And hopefully they won't be disturbed again."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr looks up at Fate, and blinks a little at the head pat. "We can hope, yeah." she pushes to stand, shakily, before she sets her Device into her bracer again, the axe having returned to its standby coin-form. She blushes a bit. "I... hope you don't mind..." she says softly, looking away from the older mage.

Blurr has posed:
    "Well I hope you're right....Mr...?" Blurr asks, watching the man in the suit expectantly. Hm. Not bad for human tech. "...Toph's father? Surrogate father? Guardian?" He's acting kind of fatherly right now, anyway, and has been the entire time, what with carrying her on his back and everything.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"Why would I mind? You've put your own spin on it." Fate gives Zephyr's head another light pat before walking along toward the others. "You should train with me sometime. I'd like to see what you're capable of doing."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"On it," Steve nods to Tony, attaching his shield to the magnet that's sewn into the upper back of his uniform, and gently lifting Toph up to carry her back to Njorun Station's medical wing.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr falls into step with Fate, blushing at the compliment. "The name just... fit." she says, as if offering explanation. Then she perks up. "I'd like that, but I'd never be a match for the Golden Flash herself."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Stark," Tony replies to Blurr absently as he gathers Pepper up into his arms, careful not to crush or pinch or put any pressure on that ankle. "We'll get you home and iced up and I'LL play nurse for once," he whispers teasing. Then louder again, "I'm not Toph's father. I'm her supervising officer. Her /father/ did this to her."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "... actually, Tony... we need to talk about -- ah!" Potts winces, and she's lifted and cradled against him. "Potts. Stark Industries. Liason. Hi." she introduces herself with a pinched expression.

Blurr has posed:
    "Blurr," he nods toward the two new acquaintances. "Nice to meet you, Stark, and Potts."

    "...oh." He replies to the comment that her father had been responsible for this situation. "I see. So the biological father is actually less of one than you are, then." He says, his body folding up even as he speaks, until he's down into his vehicle form again. "Well anyway she's got us, so she doesn't need him!"

    ZOOM! Off he goes. Hopefully the sonic booms don't knock the shrine down on top of people.