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Duke (Scenesys ID: 718)
"While my mind may have forgotten, my heart has not."
Full Name: Duke
Gender: Male
Species: Digimon
Theme: (OFC) Digimon: Great Demon War-1
Function: Amnesiac Knight
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Unaffiliated (-)
Other Information
Physical Age: - Actual Age: -
Still Aging? - Voice Actor:
Height: Variable Weight: Variable
Hair Color: - Eye Color: Gold
Theme Song: Linkin Park "Somewhere I Belong" - http://youtu.be/_iCtpuQvydk


Once a Royal Knight of Yggdrasil, Dukemon opposed Omegamon when he could no longer stand by the orders to kill off innocent Digimon. The price for his mutiny was death by his old friend's hand. Though left to die, fate had other plans for him. Dukemon, given a second chance at life, is now known as "Duke" -- one of the Exiled Digimon with the X-Antibody. The second chance at life has left him in a lesser "child" form known as Guilmon X, with his memories scattered of who and what he once was. Duke now strives to not only remember his past, but to become strong enough to defend his friends and allies. As a Digimon, he has the ability to Digivolve, or transform, into far stronger forms -- Growlmon X, and Wargrowlmon X -- each with their own strengths, sizes, and capabilities. When faced though with unbeatable odds and the life of those in danger, Duke is also able to Digivolve to Medieval Dukemon, his most powerful known form, yet one he can't keep for long. A problem he plans to amend one day when he has enough strength to permanently stay in any of his forms. For now, he'll keep training, keep getting stronger, and keep looking to the future.








AMNESIA: Duke is tormented by fragments of his memory that may explain who he once was, and how he came to be where he is now. Though many of his actions are instinctive, there is no end to the interior turmoil of maybe never having the answers he seeks, and never knowing what truths are locked away in his own memory.

DEGENERATION: As a Digimon, Duke is comprised of data that makes up his entire physical form. When he sustains too much damage or loses proper focus, he can Degenerate back down to his Child form, and he'll have to work his way back up. Even when he can hold a form with ease, he can still be knocked back down to his Child form if he is knocked out hard enough.

BLIND RAGE: Though most noticeable while as Growlmon X, Duke is susceptible to falling into a state of blind wild rage, attacking anyone and anything that gets in his way. This blind rage is triggered by negative emotions and complete frustration while in battle, or by the harming of one of his own friends or loved ones. Once he becomes this way, the only way to end his rampaging is to knock him out.

X-ANTIBODY: Though formerly a Royal Knight, due to circumstances and betrayal, Duke was given the X-Antibody, making him immune to the X Program. Many may see this as a good thing, but by being marked by the X-Antibody in his code, he has become a widescale target by his former brethren and those others who hunt X Digimon. This could endanger those around him if the Royal Knights or those allied to them ever decide to seek him out.

AGGRESSIVE FIGHTER: Duke doesn't back down from a fight, not easily, and when he does leap into a fight he tends to be very aggressive and passionate fighter, even in more level-headed forms. The more he gets into a battle, the harder it is for him to back down, and eventually he'll push himself near exhaustion, if not Degeneration.

VIRUS ATTRIBUTE: Digimon that follow under the Virus Attribute tend to be seen as greedy, wild, selfish, evil, and many other negative beliefs. Even when a Digimon doesn't fit under this stereotype, they are still lumped in with the others. This is a stigma that Duke has to deal with; he has to work hard to prove he is not like the others. Sometimes it's a harder battle than it's worth.


Title Date Scene Summary
Catching Up Again December 18th, 2016 Catching up between Pokemon and Digimon
Woodvale Trial: Among The Giants October 10th, 2015 The true Devouring Earth invasion of Woodvale begins!
When Children Cry August 26th, 2015 Lute and the Confederacy go for some Digimon Children in a makeshift village, however they learn that it wont be so easy...
Mysterious Attack! Something From The Dark Ocean August 14th, 2015 A lake monster was beaten into submission via overwhelming firepower!
The Missing Lynx August 12th, 2015 Giant Monster Boss Fight!
WMAT BQ1 Duke vs Mortimer Balman August 1st, 2015 The Digital Knight, Duke takes on the Fire Soldier, Mortimer Balman!
Day in The Forest July 24th, 2015 Duke runs into someone new and slightly fascinating.
Digi Here - Digi Know July 15th, 2015 Duke holds a meeting in hopes to not only alert other Digimon, but to update the Multiverse on what is going on or at least what could happen soon.
A Shepard-mon And His Flock July 9th, 2015 Duke is tending to some sheep type Pokemon and some people decide to keep him some company as he does.
Stand Tall Before The Coming Storm July 3rd, 2015 A game changer has arrived as Yggdrasil has started to take more interest or maybe its just a very curious Royal Knight.
What A Ride June 23rd, 2015 Duke comes back home to the Ranch to tell everyone what he has learned and what could be coming.
Pay Up Or Ship Out June 17th, 2015 A exile needs to pay up, but things go quickly wrong for them both.
Forgotten Ghost June 10th, 2015 Duke runs into someone unexpected down in the ruins. A ghost to the Digital Past.
No Mon's Land June 8th, 2015 Duke goes after Gaonoir to get some answers to what is going on.
Village Fair June 1st, 2015 There is a city fair in a small town and people are invited to take part!
Knight & A Lady May 18th, 2015 Duke is in a mental mess and goes to find the one person he knows, unconnected to it all, that he can fully trust. One lady he knows will never turn his back on him...
Swords Without Cause May 15th, 2015 Gaonoir makes a deal with a Digimon and that Digimon decides to carry out the deal for the sake of his people. Only he will learn the hard way, that you should never make a deal with the devil dog.
Jungle Party May 14th, 2015 Duke meets a new digimon out in the jungle.
Beelzebumon vs Dukemon, Round 3! ... Or 4. Maybe 5 May 13th, 2015 Sometimes you just gotta keep hitting your head into that wall, until either it breaks, or you do...
Radio Mission: Retrieve the Scepter of Mot May 6th, 2015 The organization called MAGI has requested a dangerous magic item be retrieved from a cult of magic users known as the Circle of Thorns. Will the heroes succeed?
Here Comes A New Challenger!/The Audacity of Hiei! May 4th, 2015 A new power arrives in the Multiverse and decides to go after a hidden facility, however by attacking here-- it grabs the attention of several defenders.
Open Heart - Closed Eyes May 1st, 2015 Duke tries to distract himself by remembering the Digital World's alphabet(s), but this ends up being an exercise in frustration. Fortunately, Doran and Alexis help out in their own ways.
The Beast of Shadows Pt. 2 April 27th, 2015 Who is this Gaonoir and why is he attacking a hive of -Beemon?
The Beast of Shadows April 26th, 2015 Investigation of a digital disruption reveals a new Digimon.. But just WHO is he?
Razer Strikes! April 25th, 2015 Razer tracks down rumors of Green Lanterns, only to be intercepted by some Union Elites...
Steak Time! April 17th, 2015 Continuation after "Round Two For Destruction"
Round Two For Destruction April 17th, 2015 The Mad Exile has at last been located once more, threatening the lives of people over Multiverse broadband. It is time to end her, but will the be successful this time? (Part 2 of 2 - Previous Log: The Hunter Or The Hunted)
We Can Train A Bush-mon! April 16th, 2015 Duke tests Hana to see what she can do as a monster and also shares some apples!
Beelzebumon's Wild Gravity-Defying Ride April 10th, 2015 Duke challenges Beelzebumon to a battle, with the hopes that if he wins, he can force Beelzebumon to honor his deal to tell him about his past.
Will You Ever Learn--Wait.. no... don't answer that April 10th, 2015 Continuation of "Beelzebumon's Wild Gravity-Defying Ride"
The Hunter Or The Hunted April 3rd, 2015 A dangerous Digimon Exile has appeared and is threatening the lives of people. Can the people of the Multiverse end her madness? (Part 1 of 2 - Next Log: Round Two For Destruction)
The Wild Is A Dangerous Place March 29th, 2015 This is what happens when you go into tall grass as a Digimon in a Pokemon Island. You upset the local wildlife!
Rescuing Bots and Blind Girls March 24th, 2015 Yari and Duke rescue Ferham and Sanary from a bunch of mobsters!
IT'S SPRING!!!1!1 March 20th, 2015 Social in Gensokyo's Human Village, NO FAIRIES ALLOWED.
Moonlight Meditating March 16th, 2015 Ferham visits Duke to instruct him in transcendental meditation! Also chili's baby back riiiibs.
Are You Ready March 15th, 2015 Duke believes he is ready, he has challenged Beelzebumon, but will he win this battle against the Demon Lord or will Duke learn a hard lesson?
The Duke March 11th, 2015 Ferham comes across a wild Duke in some tall grass--err, forest.
Between a Rock and a Hot Space March 7th, 2015 Alexis goes to teach Duke some tactics, only for his aggression to get out of hand and now the Pokemon trainer has to deal with a raging Growlmon X!
Rock The Ages March 3rd, 2015 Rock Lee answers the call to fight Duke, so the Digimon can try and push himself further.
The Vast Valley March 2nd, 2015 Duke meets a very odd cyborg woman and her pet shinki.
Dream A Dream February 28th, 2015 Alexis comes to learn the truth behind who Duke really is, but if it is wise to hide it from him can only be found out in time.
Kill It With Fire February 27th, 2015 Selaine and Duke try not to get eaten by a giant mechanical insect.
Down On The Ranch February 27th, 2015 After run in with a nasty robotic bug on Cybertron, Duke went to the one place he knew that he could recover at safely... To Alexis' Ranch.
Valentione's Day Massacre February 26th, 2015 Yari Takane corrects a mistake, hires a mercenary company, and draws in the Elites Finna, Ineryon, Sanary, and Ferham into her little hunting trip on her days of leave. In the end, there's dead mobsters and a new beginning for the city and a pair of lives both.
After Effect February 25th, 2015 With the robbery done and Duke at an all time low, some friends go to find him. To pick him back up and get him back on the straight-n-narrow again.
Price Of Repayment February 24th, 2015 Duke carries out Lute's request in the agreement with Caster and Kari Wolf. Only to find the unexpected and the power within himself he didn't know he had.
An Agreement February 23rd, 2015 Lute gives Duke a bit of an assignment so that the Digimon can repay him for his 'kindness' and 'friendship'.
Dropoff at Waterland February 23rd, 2015 Fayt drops off some orders at a city in the Waterland Desert. Shenanigans ensue.
Friend Or Foe: Lets Play--Spar February 19th, 2015 Duke meets up with Alexis and Artyom, while learning a bit about them as well. There is also a spar fight involved.
Friend Or Foe: Decision About Lute February 19th, 2015 Lute wishes to help out Duke and possibly Doran, but Doran is a bit wiser then his other Digimon Friend.
Steak Friend February 17th, 2015 After stealing of the Steak and Kari pays for it. The two have a nice chat.
Intro: Runaway Steak! February 17th, 2015 It was a peaceful day, until a steak thief Digimon showed up!


Title Date Scene Summary
Fragmented Dream III (Duke) April 30th, 2015 Duke's dreams continue to haunt him as he argues with himself.
Fragmented Dreams II (Duke) April 8th, 2015 When the mind can not remember, it tries to make sense of things, and even when you don't remember your past, the mind knows what to fear...
Fragmented Dreams I (Duke) February 25th, 2015 When the mind can not remember, it tries to make sense of things. The question is-- what is reality and what is a dream?


Duke may not remember who he once was, but the virtues and values still remain there in the choices he makes and where he stands on his own ground. In his heart of hearts, he is still a Royal Knight and will still do whatever it takes to protect others; So long he is right of mind. Because while he believes in doing what is right, being knocked back to his prior forms and having to deal with the "growth pains" again, represents a conflict in his own personality.

While he will fight for others, stand his ground, and never surrender until he can't move-- he has a predatory nature that lingers as Guilmon X and Growmon X. This predatory nature can cause him to fall into moments of rage, losing all sense of self during that time and causing him to lash out as a berserker, with only his friends and those he trusts maybe being the guiding force to bring him back. Though prone to this state of mind, he is less to fall into it as Wargrowlmon X and can completely avoid it as an Ultimate. Yet unless he can reach those two higher forms, this state can be triggered by heavy aggression and tense moments during combat.

When he becomes enraged by the acts of others, one of his friends becomes heavily injured, or when he is pushed into a corner is other forms of triggers into this berserker state. Though when he comes out of it. He tends to come out of it, he normally doesn't remember what he has done and when he does start to remember the events, he tends to become very disconnected for a few days. Hiding away in fear that he could do it again, until someone can bring him back out with some comfort.

As Duke doesn't want to hurt others and he doesn't believe in truly harming anyone. Yes, he'll fight and yes, he'll pick fights to get stronger, but to kill-- to cause needless destruction? That is something he can not do or stand by. Though if he is forced into battle and the other is willing to kill, willing to harm innocents on the field of battle--- He will take proper action. That is when he will throw away the avoidance of harm and give it everything he has; Even if it means killing them.

He will also kill knowingly if someone has injured one of his friends or harmed an innocent. Though in his higher up forms, to becoming a Ultimate, he is more prone to show mercy. Hold back from the killing blow and just make sure to scare them enough so they think twice about doing it again. Perhaps this because as he "grows up", he becomes able to think more clearly and isn't blinded by primal actions and virus attribute traits. Becoming more and more like the Royal Knight he once was.

It can even be easily seen really, if someone observes him as he moves between the forms. How as a "Child" he starts out so, well, childish and very confused where some lines are crossed. Then as an "Adult", he shows more aggressive side, the more Virus Attribute traits and far more willing to fight for the sake of fighting. Yet then as a "Perfect", he is more refined, better at talking and a bit more reasonable to deal with. Then it is when he is in his "Ultimate" form, is he truly the Royal Knight. Able to shove away all the aggressive thoughts, primal notions, and focus everything into true cohesion, logic, and not let his emotions fully get the better of him.

Though like any grown man, he can still become angry in his Ultimate form, yes. He still has a great deal of emotions-- as he is a passionate Digimon-- but he isn't going to lose control nor will he be so easily tricked by gestures of others. Able to see clearly and reason just as clearly about things.

Duke is also very protective of those close to him. He will stand by there side-- no matter what and no matter the cost. He will do whatever it takes to be there for them and help them in matters. Even if he doesn't always fully understand it. This means that poor Duke can be taken advantage of by the right people while he is in his "Child" state, even as an "Adult", because of his inability to reason things out and see clearly what they may be trying to do.

Though when he is betrayed, he also doesn't forget it either-- nor does he forgive easily those who trick him. Easily upset by such behavior of betrayal, and yet-- he can forgive others. Perhaps if he can see where they too were mislead or lost. Such as with Omegamon-- if he could remember the events fully and when he does, he'll forgive him. In some ways, he already did even when Omegamon laid in the final blow that day; He forgave him. Why? Because he knew Omegamon was carrying out orders of another.

Now as Yggdrasil goes-- Duke has not forgiven the govern force. Deep inside he is internally angry at the 'god'. Knowing fully well, inside, that this is all Yggdrasil's fault. Everything. The fall of the Digital World, the tearing up of families, friends-- everything. Though Duke in his current state may not understand why Yggdrasil's name angers him. One day though, one day he will remember and he may even plot out a way to make Yggdrasil pay.

For while Duke may be a Royal Knight and while he can have trouble forgiving, but eventually can forgive-- he will not stand by idly when something like Yggdrasil, or any force-- just lays waste to things for what seems to be illogical reasoning. When others are hurt in this manner, even those he may not know well-- he will avenge them and avenge them to the very death if he has too.

it is also all these hidden feelings that surface that can cause Duke also some frustration as well. These unawares to why he feels the way he does and why some of the things make him angry. His amnesia frustrates him and is perhaps one of the driving forces to why he does what he does. He wants badly to remember, to put together the puzzle pieces so he can be 'whole' again. Be truly /himself/.

Yet sometimes to him, it feels like no matter how much he digs, the more things seem to be confusing and don't make sense. Leading him to moments of internal turmoil and inner frustrations that he may take out on someone, then swiftly apologize once he does. It is also this very reason he does fight. Not only to get stronger, but because in fighting-- he finds himself with a sense of purpose. A sense that maybe in battle he can figure things out better-- as it is battle that feels right.

That and a good fight, even if a spar, allows him to let out some of those frustrations and anxieties out, so he doesn't blow up on someone and he doesn't accidentally injure someone in a moment of anger. As talking does little good, because talking only leads to more frustration. After all, what is the point of talking about something when you can't even remember the details.

He knows that this is something he'll have to solve on his own and he knows one day-- one day he will solve it. It will just, well, take time.

Yet sometimes patience is hard for him as a "Child" and easier to come by as an "Ultimate". He has trouble just sitting around as a "Child" and twiddling his 'thumbs' as it were. He also has trouble as a "Child", keeping his nose out of things and tends to find trouble-- or trouble finds him. Much like his best friend Duran, whom he is extremely protective of.

Though as he does follow Duran's steps-- sometimes even getting himself lost while trying to figure where Duran ran off too. He has come to have a great curiosity for the Multiverse. He likes to see if he can learn more about the people, spar fight the people, and even manage to find ways to get himself into trouble.

He doesn't really understand the way between the Union and the Confederacy. Though he does equate it to something like the war between the Royal Knights and the Demon Lords-- or even with the Exiles. As a "Perfect" he does fully understand the concept of the war and yet, he finds no real reason to take part.

Though if he does make friends with one side or the other; Perhaps both; he may find himself being swept up into the war and taking part /only/ to support his 'friends'. Though as for the Confederacy side. They will need to hide their objectives well, if they desire to keep him-- as Duke would not agree with some of the Confederates standards of operations. Where he probably lean more toward the Union side of the fence.

Yet, friends are friends-- and that is something Duke doesn't have much of these days. Something he does want to amend, as much has his memory, and he wants to try to find the Exiles a new home-- a safe home. A home while they can all live in peace, instead of always feeling like they are on the run. To achieve this, perhaps, he is even to take some drastic measures-- if he is ever pushed that far. Though hopefully that day, will never come any time soon.



Digievolutionary Attacks


Friendship Meter

Here is a listing of those Duke has met and where everyone stands with him. Everyone gets 5 •'s at first, but you can either gain 5 more or lose the 5 you have. Depending on where you are on this scale, also effects on how much Duke trusts you and other factors as well. So as RP progresses, feel free to check in!


Linkin Park "Somewhere I Belong"
Nickelback "Savin Me"
Digimon Tamers "One Vision (Dukemon's)"
Groove Coverage "The End"
DragonForce "Soldiers Of The Wasteland"
Idina Menzel "A Hero Comes Home"
Cruxshadows "Winter Born"