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Kushiko (Scenesys ID: 964)
My Warframe is the hand, and I am the will.
Full Name: Kushiko
Gender: Female
Species: Tenno (Modified Human)
Theme: (OC) Warframe-1
Function: Tenno Operative
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Syndicate (6-Recruit)
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Physical Age: Adult? Actual Age: Unknown
Still Aging? No Voice Actor: Kushiko: 'The Falcon' preset; Lotus: Rebecca Ford
Height: Variable Weight: Variable
Hair Color: Unknown Eye Color: Unknown
Theme Song: Keith Power - This Is What You Are; Blue Stahli - The Devil


An enigmatic being known as a Tenno, Kushiko wields Void energy to control the powerful technorganic suits known as Warframes, utilizing a wide assortment of supernatural abilities. Such abilities are augmented further by her close quarter and ranged combat skills and arsenal. Rumors and dangerous secrets abound; Tenno themselves do not occupy those Warframes, only silence given amidst the casual ease with which she kills those who stand in her way. Bereft of memories and sworn to the Lotus, Kushiko fights to keep groups like the Grineer and Corpus from gaining too much power over one another in order to maintain the balance. Now that she is in the Multiverse, the mission to safeguard the innocent with discipline and honor has become all the more paramount, even if it is not a world she can truly live in. Regardless of the future however, certain ideals remain: loyalty and honor in all things.








POWERED BY A FORSAKEN CHILD: Incredible power comes at an incredible cost. The inability to control her powers caused a great deal of harm in the past, and it is something that haunts her, not to mention knowing that her existence is being a living weapon. What was done to make her what she is she will never fully remember, but their results remain. What she does remember has warped her psyche irreversibly: only the Tenno honor code keeps her remotely sane and focused, for in the end she is still a child. A child who can never truly grow up nor leave the confines of her Orbiter, something that can serve as a disadvantage emotionally.

LOTUS: As a child, as Tenno, she is sworn to the Lotus. While she may look out for her, if the Lotus feels that a threat to her wellbeing is grave enough, she will order Kushiko to withdraw, to which Kushiko's almost guaranteed compliance may endanger the lives of allies or the mission itself.

AT ANY COST: Killing comes to Kushiko the same way most people see breathing. The wholesale slaughter of hundreds if not more is something that is of little bother to her. While some indiscriminate murder might be necessary, Kushiko kills with a practiced ease without hesitation or remorse. This may bring her into conflict with those who might be seeking a peaceful solution, and in order to further her goals, she will often take a job for what is the most benefit to her.

TRANSFERENCE LINK: Anything felt by the Warframe is in turn, felt by Kushiko herself. This is in part what put the Tenno to sleep so long ago: the cryostasis of the Warframe itself also brought about the same in the user, unable to break the link. Outright incapacitation of her current frame can result in her losing the frame altogether, requiring a lengthy rebuild process if not worse. Furthermore the masking of the link signal is not foolproof: it can be discovered or even interfered with, leaving her or her Warframes vulnerable if the link is broken or worse, traced. While difficult, it is not impossible to find a way to the source and into the Void where the Orbiter is held with Kushiko defenseless. Should a Warframe be completely lost, a week is needed to rebuild and restore it to its original state.

ENVIRONMENTAL: While powerful, Warframes are vulnerable to extreme conditions. Atmospheric conditions need to be relatively stable, and it is possible to force her to evacuate if there is no way of establishing life support to the Warframe if it is cut off or purposefully disrupted. Extreme cold saps her shields, and the vacuum of space or deep pressure will drain the shields and inflict further damage if forced to stay in it overlong. Powerful electromagnetic attacks can scramble her visuals as well, which effectively interferes with the Transference itself.


Title Date Scene Summary
Heavy Robotic Signatures Detected June 16th, 2018 Zek wants a spaceship, so he enlists some help in clearing it out. It turns out it's a bit more complicated than that.
Archaeologist Spars Warframe May 15th, 2018 Pending
Who Defends the Defenders May 10th, 2018 Pending
Prospektor's Revolt-Finale May 2nd, 2018 Pending
Portrait April 29th, 2018 Pending
Prospektor's Revolt-7 April 21st, 2018 Pending
Retiarius Recumbentibus March 21st, 2018 The Corpus put up a unique prize for winning in their gladiatorial Index: a Tenno. Certain people take exception to this.
The Morning Ends March 10th, 2018 The end of Lumiere's ancient past
Then The Morning Comes (4) March 5th, 2018 Prepared, the party re-enters Lumiere to confront its mysteries
Then The Morning Comes (1) February 2nd, 2018 Just another day in Emblem City.
Good Night, Moon - Act V January 26th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part five.
Good Night, Moon - Act IV January 13th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part four.
Good Night, Moon - Act III January 6th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part three.
Prospektor's Revolt-1 January 4th, 2018 Pending. Submitting logs because nobody has been.
Good Night, Moon - Act II January 1st, 2018 A play in five parts. Part two.
Fragments: Venus December 28th, 2017 The trail of Fragments--and troubling Corpus developments--leads to Venus.
Fragments: Earth December 23rd, 2017 Pending. Submitting logs because nobody has been.
Good Night, Moon December 22nd, 2017 A play in five parts. Part one.
Chains and Blood (Finale) November 20th, 2017 Choices are made. Monsters are slain. And fates are woven tightly together, as the Second Marble Guardian appears.
When The Gutters Bleed November 17th, 2017 Elites challenge their second Mausoleum, and the Marble Guardian within.
Chimes October 20th, 2017 Clues are sought about the mysterious Chimes and perhaps where to find Crow, in the lower reaches of the Library of Murdered Knowledge.
Joint Training October 18th, 2017 A fight breaks out to test the newly opened Shrine of Adversity
Layers October 13th, 2017 Carna has been tracked down to a place tied to the myth of Atlantis... In an area once sealed off by an ugly black mold and deep, black waters.
Lost Light October 11th, 2017 Clues are sought about how to find and save Carna after a mishap at Confederate HQ's ruins.
Nine Of Crows September 29th, 2017 In an underground tunnel, fakes battle the real thing, with lives hanging in the balance.
Hands September 29th, 2017 Elites come across a most worrisome clock.
Depths August 23rd, 2017 After escaping a horde of Unlit, the explorers find themselves in worse shape. But at least they gain reinforcements.
Names August 22nd, 2017 The underworld train reclaimed previously has been cleaned up and made usable. Time to see where it leads.
Nova vs. Kid May 28th, 2017 Nova doubts Kid's mettle and capability to lead the Mighty, and sees fit to test it herself.
A Forge Left Cold April 7th, 2017 An attempt to explore Umberdark Tunnels further deposits everyone at a very different place instead.
When The Sun Goes Out January 13th, 2017 The first Marble Guardian awaits in a dungeon beneath the headquarters of the Stone Devils.
The Nature of Darkness December 23rd, 2016 After the Multiversal reordering, the fall of the Super Factions, and many other changes, a return to Lumiere occurs to decide what to do about the Stone Devils.
Operation: Rathuum (2) December 22nd, 2016 Rathuum Phase 2: in which the group discovers Kela does not take loss easily, and the Grineer are respawning bastards.
Building A Better Deathtrap October 15th, 2016 Attempts to build a community for the civilian Lanterns in Lumiere run face first into an obstacle known as the Stone Devils.
Contact: Hookcloaks (1) October 5th, 2016 Oh my god what the hell is this horrific [spoiler]
Exploration: Guillotine Square (1) September 11th, 2016 The sewer level. It is awful. Also, mysterious Lanterns try to kidnap the :D.
Exploration: Pristine Plagueway August 19th, 2016 The Wall of Cruel Customs falls, explorers proceed, they meet :D on the way.
tFSoK - The Hornet's Sting July 30th, 2016 TARGET DESTROYED
Prayer For The Refugees July 17th, 2016 Those rescued from the Wall of Cruel Customs have temporary refuge at the Church of Bleak Mercy. But where will they go from now on?
The Four Symbols of Knighthood - 1 July 7th, 2016 The quartet of sidequests begins, courtesy of the famous Knights of Gwyn.
Unlit Boss (1) June 25th, 2016 The time has come to confront a powerful Unlit that terrorizes the Urban Decay.
Suspicious Minds June 16th, 2016 What happens when a Tenno loses contact with their Ordis and is displaced by freaky Void incidents and can't find their Liset? We go out and find their Orbiter, that's what.
Exploration: Grand Gallery (1) June 14th, 2016 An attempt to put an end to mimics creating mimics results in an encounter that no one expected.
The Library of Murdered Knowledge June 11th, 2016 A tower supposedly containing the sum total of all human knowledge is being explored. The explorers are not alone.
This Will Be The Day June 6th, 2016 Vale will be hosting the Vytl Festival this time around. But before the event can begin, there are some missions that need doing, preparations to be made, and new Multiversal Huntsmen and Huntresses to inaugurate.
Elimination: Urban Decay (2) June 4th, 2016 Further efforts are made to cleanse the Urban Decay of the Unlit that infest it.
What Lies Ahead May 31st, 2016 Season of Pain - Final Battle. The Return of Death. Drowning Doom march on .. well, March, to scour the world clean of life once more.
Jupiter: Infested Outbreak (Final) May 21st, 2016 The final confrontation with the source of the Infested that have been resurgent in Jupiter's orbit.
Q&A Time With Ren May 15th, 2016 FEARSOME BATTLE WITH GIANT SCORPION happened before this scene, so now for some other stuff. Boring stuff, history of Ren's world... etc...
Jupiter: Infested Outbreak (P3) May 13th, 2016 With less Infested in the way, an attempt can be made to obtain the information necessary to track down PHORID where it has manifested most recently. Surely it isn't a trap?
Slaves to the Metal Horde: Part 4 May 10th, 2016 Let's see what's at the heart of the Metal Horde. Can the steel shell be pierced through, or will everything go down in flames?
Jupiter: Infested Outbreak (P2) May 2nd, 2016 While a source vector has been identified for the Infestation on Jupiter, getting more information to track down it's location is a problem that only wiping out more Infested can help deal with.
Shores of the Void April 25th, 2016 After a rendezvous near Earth of the Origin System, Kushiko explains to Juno Eclipse the inner workings of her world, and shows her the dangerous Void.
Slaves to the Metal Horde: Part 3 April 23rd, 2016 The return to the Machine Factory. And then... meetings.
Jupiter: Infested Outbreak (P1) April 22nd, 2016 The first encounter with the Infested also demonstrates how severe of a threat they are that old hostilities are put aside in a bid to draw attention off other operatives in order to escape.
White Noise April 21st, 2016 Juno Eclipse and her allies raid an Imperial base for information.
In Unlikely Places April 19th, 2016 Juno Eclipse travels to the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa, to enlist the help of the Tenno and the Lotus in her battle against the Galactic Empire.
The Metal Horde Tapes April 17th, 2016 In the process of exploring the conflict between the Metal Horde and the humans, certain individuals were arrested and interrogated by Union and Syndicate elites. This is a synopsis of those interrogations, which took place after either parts 1 or 2.
Slaves to the Metal Horde: Part 2 April 16th, 2016 It's time to explore the Machine Factory of the Metal Horde. Things go completely unlike what you'd expect.
Imperial Acquisition April 14th, 2016 The Rogue Shadow needs a few specialty parts, so Juno raids an Imperial shipyard to get them.
Slaves to the Metal Horde: Part 1 April 11th, 2016 Five thousand dollars will be paid out to the families of anyone who dies during the chilling cinematic presentation of the desert drama!
Corpus: Rescue Operation April 7th, 2016 A rescue mission aboard a Corpus ship; new intelligence and the existence of other factions brought to bear.
A Grimm Tale March 28th, 2016 Grimm are massing for an attack.

Yang sends out a call for help as she tries to hold them off.

Help arrives and the Grimm get routed.

Grineer Derelict March 22nd, 2016 Grineer! Warframe! Violence! All this and more at the introduction of Warframe to the Multiverse.
Spare Parts No. 2 March 22nd, 2016 Attempted theft of some Superconductors from a Union materials facility!


Title Date Scene Summary
Interludes and Examinations (Kushiko) December 11th, 2016 Not long after events in Anor Londo and in the wake of the Multiverse's realignment, the Tenno and the Lotus must make a particular decision about where to go next...
Sin and Absolution (Kushiko) November 24th, 2016 The Lady of Sin's offer and the actions that have been ongoing in Lordran compels a degree of introspection the Tenno did not expect in the ongoing conflict surrounding Priscilla.
Corpus: Intelligence Files (Kushiko) April 7th, 2016 Analysis and compilation of Intelligence files obtained from Corpus systems, cross-referenced with the files obtained from a Grineer system and unified with additional information from the Lotus.
Wind of Destruction (Kushiko) April 6th, 2016 Reflections and meditations amidst the solitude of battle.