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Gaonoir (Scenesys ID: 765)
"What am I? The shadows of a past you tried to forget."
Full Name: Gaonoir
Gender: Male
Species: Digimon (Gaomon Linage)
Theme: (OC) Digimon: Great Demon War-1
Function: Shadowy Enforcer
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Syndicate (6-Recruit)
Groups: Syndicate Network
Other Information
Physical Age: Varies by Stage Actual Age: Mature
Still Aging? Digimon don't age physically Voice Actor:
Height: Varies by Stage Weight: Varies by Stage
Hair Color: Blackened Blue Eye Color: Yellow-Gold
Theme Song: Disturbed - Animal


Gaonoir was once no different than any other Gaomon digimon, a similarity he constantly strove to rise above. When the Demon Lord army marched over the village he had been generated in, he joined the followers of Yggdrassil for revenge and proved himself a capable fighter. Yggdrassil has been using these desires to its own designs ever since, corrupting the eager warrior with power and crafting him into his puppet enforcer. Gaonoir admires the Royal Knights, but at the same time seeks to prove himself worthy of claiming one of their seats of power for himself. Now he has been turned loose on the worlds beyond digital, tasked with hunting down problematic Exiles, eliminate the followers that fell from their lord's grace, and ensure that corruption does not seep back into paradise of the new hidden Digital World. A formidable and pragmatic combatant, Gaonoir uses his manipulation over shadows to stalk his victims and wear down their spirit before he strikes. Already a naturally proficient close-quarters combatant, the Dark Digitron gives him a considerable boost in strength and stamina at the cost of speed, allowing him to take on enemies greater in strength and still come out on top despite only being able to reach his Perfect evolution of Black MachGaogamon. The power has made him very arrogant though, and his scheming nature is not unknown to his own allies. This often leaves Gaonoir working alone and in situations that he is in over his head despite the power his god' has given him.








ARROGANCE: Strength breeds confidence, and confidence breeds arrogance. This is frighteningly true in Gaonoir. The fact that the Black Digitron infusion makes him more powerful than most Digimon of his stage farther stokes this fire. While there is little question of his power and effectiveness, it does lead Gaonoir to be overconfident in his abilities or underestimate his opponents because of it. On top of that, he is convinced that he is one of Yggdrasil's personal favorites, destined for greatness in his name, even if he is being manipulated by his master to do so. He believes as long as he keeps his master pleased with him, he has little to fear from anyone else, and that makes him cocky and at times more reckless than he needs to be.

LONE WOLF: While a loyal follower of Yggdrasil and the Royal Knights, Gaonoir prefers to work by himself. Other than Yggdrassil itself, the only ones he has to report directly to are Omegamon and Magnamon. It makes using subterfuge easier, and means there's less likely to be other people trying to steal the glory from him. It also means that he's got less assistance to call on if he does get in over his head. Some of the Royal Knights are aware that he, if given the opportunity, would usurp them for their position of power, and are wary of supporting him more than necessary to complete the goals of their overall master. Any other alliances he makes have to keep the same in mind.

ELECTRICAL DISRUPTION: The distortions that Gaonoirs presence can cause in electrical equipment isnt always beneficial. Sure it can cause security systems to fizzle as he sneaks past them and make it harder for scanners and the like to pick up his signal. At the same time, just the disruption in itself can be a sign giving away his presence, even if he cannot be visibly seen yet. When lights start to flicker for no reason and your monitor cant focus properly, its time to start watching the shadows...

BULLDOZER: Gaonoir has little to no regard for 'personal space' or 'private property' when it comes to completing his mission. If it is in his way, he is going to plow through it if he can't use his shadowplay to slip around it. This becomes much more prominent in his evolved forms, which often find it easier to just smash down an obstacle than sneak around it due to size. Collateral damage is not uncommon when you get two high level monsters fighting, but Gaonoir demonstrates a very distinct level of not caring about what or who he has to run over to succeed. Pleasing Yggdrasil means more to him than not breaking someone else's valuable property.

THE SHADOW PUPPET: Yggdrasil is almost literally crafting Gaonoir in an image from the shadows of Dukemon and Alphamon, manipulating him through his desire and pride to be a loyal follower who won't be swayed by illogical emotional or moral conflicts like his predecessors. It is so far working, as Gaonoir will put his loyalty to Yggdrasil and pleasing his master above everything else. Even the Royal Knights that he otherwise admires and aspires to be like (or replace), causing contention between himself and them. Or other alliances he may make, if the needs of his master comes between them. Gaonoir is marginally aware that he is being puppeted by the god-computer, but as it also gets him what he wants he is disinclined to see it at an issue at this point in time.


Title Date Scene Summary
Operation: Crowd Control E-2: Cross Counter June 20th, 2020 Shigure, Hikari Fleet and allied Elites head deeper into the Malacca Strait. They engage a large Abyssal force and come out victorious.

But a small group managed to slip by them.

Operation: Crowd Control E-1A Reinforcement May 22nd, 2020 A simple cargo escort has an unexpected visitor.
Operation Crowd Control E-1(Opening Skirmish) May 1st, 2020 The Hikari Fleet, Paladins and allies make opening moves on containing the new Abyssal Threat in the Malacca Strait.

They also find out that these Abyssals have upgrades.

Operation: Crowd Control E-0(Scouting Party) April 10th, 2020 Several people head out to scout the Malacca Strait to see if they can find out anything about this new threat.
Operation: Crowd Control April 3rd, 2020 A meeting to establish a flow of operations.
FATE: Blood, Augur, Hex, Magicks June 12th, 2019 Offworlder Adventurers join Raha and Inga in putting down a rogue Beastman being powered by a Mysterious Source
Easy Choices at Sea December 28th, 2018 Two cruise ships spring leaks, an Abyssal cruiser makes a choice about who to save, and things get worse very quickly.
Stare too deeply May 3rd, 2018 Pending
Engagement February 17th, 2018 The final battle of Operation Quicksilver.
Interview with an Abyssal January 17th, 2018 A group of Elites interview the Demon-class.
Operation Quicksilver: Assault on Battery December 10th, 2017 First stage assault, break the defenses, open the way for further infiltration of the island.
Operation Quicksilver: Interdiction November 26th, 2017 An ambush of an Abyssal Fleet nearly goes wrong.

Thankfully, it doesn't.

Operation Quicksilver: Threat Assessment November 10th, 2017 Recon and Intel gathering mission to a suspected Abyssal Base.

Things go as planned, until they don't, then the group runs away, the brave group runs far away.

AOH: Dark Sky Atoll October 1st, 2017 The location of the Black Fleet's headquarters and leader has been discovered. The Hikari Defense Force and allies mobilize to bring an end to the Black Fleet's cruel leader, the Abyssal Princess of Progress, Midway.
AOH: Operation Hercules - Pursue the Enemy Fleet! August 19th, 2017 Operation Hercules proceeds out of Pearl Harbor to pursue the Black Fleet's retreat.
AOH: Operation Hercules - Secure Pearl Harbor! August 13th, 2017 Operation Hercules proceeds, pushing into Pearl directly. The Dreadnought Water Demon awaits within.
AOH: Operation Hercules - Harbor Defense Breakthrough Force! August 12th, 2017 The allied operation to re-take Oahu begins!
MISSION: Starwatch (4) July 11th, 2017 A rumble on the moon, including gorilla warfare.
MISSION: Starwatch (3) July 10th, 2017 There are several problems upon arriving on the moon, not only because of disagreements. But because of its current inhabitants.
MISSION: Starwatch (2) July 8th, 2017 With resources gathered, it's time to ascend to the moon.
The Punishing Typhoon April 12th, 2017 A factory for making slave workers is being assaulted by a strange new heroine. Ish.
Dinner AND A Show March 10th, 2017 At the Danger Zone Brawl and Grill, there's always a floor show to be had.
The Diamond Drive March 5th, 2017 The introduction of the reconnected Diamond Drive
Guardians January 13th, 2017 A Grimm incursion brings out guardians for Vale's citizenry. A new Digimon Tamer is revealed.
Operation: Rathuum (2) December 22nd, 2016 Rathuum Phase 2: in which the group discovers Kela does not take loss easily, and the Grineer are respawning bastards.
Sepulchre of the Giants April 23rd, 2016 Beyond the robotic horde is... A robot factory!? The party takes on a giant robot tank and travels deeper into the base, only to find themselves face to face with a relic of the ancient age. One that doesn't want the people of the present to meddle in his domain.
Shadows In The Forest April 4th, 2016 A demonic bunny appears! Is one group of Elites enough to stop him?
Chasing Shadows April 3rd, 2016 Gaonoir, Alden and their partners investigate a creature sighting, only to discover a danger from the past.
Training and sparring between digimon. March 23rd, 2016 Gaonoir spars with some of Alden's digimon friends.
Of Digimon and Tamers. March 19th, 2016 Alden and Gaonoir discuss Tamers with Gaonoir's new Human partner.
When Paths Finally Cross March 15th, 2016 Octomon pirates plunder Telwark Mall... And Gaonoir gets an unexpected new partner.
Grimm Attack in Urbania! March 8th, 2016 Yang finds Grimm prowling a section of Techno Urbania.

Gaonoir, Alden and Sanary happen to be around too.

They beat stuff up.

Operation Rei-Go! E-1 March 5th, 2016 The start of a major operation, Nagato wants to eliminate the Abyssal Threat.
Kanmusu Hinamatsuri! March 3rd, 2016 It's time for the Hinamatsuri!
49°51'S 128°34'W March 1st, 2016 You know what's even worse than giant, futuristic battleships? Horrible coral monsters. In this episode: Will gets scarred for life! Mel and Maaka make a friend! AWFUL THINGS ARE UNLEASHED.
ShipWoman and JetWolf February 25th, 2016 Nagato has a chat with Gaonoir... and makes an offer to join the fleet.
Black Ship in the Harbor February 21st, 2016 A mysterious black ship emerges near Hikari Seaport from within a tremendous fog. The vessel proves itself to be INCREDIBLY well-armed, but not invincible. But the depths of the sea hide terrible things indeed.
Lost Logia Hunt February 19th, 2016 A distress call rings out from the Planetary Plains.

A giant blob monster is being attacked by a group of TSAB mages.

Elites arrive to help.

ASW Training January 9th, 2016 More training this time, and with Momoyo's submarine antics, time to teach the destroyers how to better use Anti Sub gear.
A Grimm endeavour November 6th, 2015 A newly Unified World has some /very/ dangerous fauna. Some of it has escaped into the Multiverse at large.

Two girls venture out of their world to track down a group of these monsters, to prevent the Multiverse from thinking this is some invasion.

WMAT B2 Fiora Laurent vs Gaonoir September 18th, 2015 Fiora Laurent takes on Gaonoir in the WMAT!
WMAT B1 Nagato vs Gaonoir September 2nd, 2015 Nagato the Ship-Lady versus Gaonoir the Jet Wolf. It's an Air and Sea battle in the ocean around Papaya Island!
When Children Cry August 26th, 2015 Lute and the Confederacy go for some Digimon Children in a makeshift village, however they learn that it wont be so easy...
WMAT BQ2 Tomoe vs. Gaonoir August 17th, 2015 Qualifier Round 2 Match: Tomoe vs Gaonoir
Mysterious Attack! Something From The Dark Ocean August 14th, 2015 A lake monster was beaten into submission via overwhelming firepower!
WMAT BQ1 Gaonoir vs Wesley Wilson August 4th, 2015 WMAT BQ1 Match Ganoir vs Wesley Wilson
Pay Up Or Ship Out June 17th, 2015 A exile needs to pay up, but things go quickly wrong for them both.
No Mon's Land June 8th, 2015 Duke goes after Gaonoir to get some answers to what is going on.
Cold Blood May 19th, 2015 The second reagent for the Magnum Opus is gathered from a fierce fire breathing dragon that has terrorised the country side.
Swords Without Cause May 15th, 2015 Gaonoir makes a deal with a Digimon and that Digimon decides to carry out the deal for the sake of his people. Only he will learn the hard way, that you should never make a deal with the devil dog.
The Beast of Shadows Pt. 2 April 27th, 2015 Who is this Gaonoir and why is he attacking a hive of -Beemon?
The Beast of Shadows April 26th, 2015 Investigation of a digital disruption reveals a new Digimon.. But just WHO is he?


Title Date Scene Summary
Any Crash You Walk Away From (Gaonoir) December 15th, 2019 Recovery after Gaonoir fell from the crashing Paladin airbase.
Shadows In Space (Gaonoir) July 9th, 2017 Gaonoir and his Tamer stowed away on the Starbound Flotilla's ship to find out where they were going.
Exposition Epilogue (Gaonoir) April 5th, 2016 Gaonoir, Erika and Magnamon go over the previous events and analysis.
Get It Out Of My System (Gaonoir) March 9th, 2016 Gaonoir has a 'discussion' with one of the few people he can.
Early Morning Introspective (Gaonoir) February 22nd, 2016 Personal musing in the early hours.
Release the Shadow Hunter (Gaonoir) April 25th, 2015 The Beast of Shadow, Yggdrassil's personal hunter, is sent after the Exiles hiding in the Multiverse.