Touta Konoe

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Touta Konoe (Scenesys ID: 1143)
I don't care about getting stronger. I've got a dream that's a little bigger than that.
Full Name: Touta Konoe
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Theme: (FC) UQ Holder-1
Function: Eternal Dreamer
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Unaffiliated (N/A)
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Physical Age: 14 Actual Age: Chronologically: 10 Mentally: 20
Still Aging? No Voice Actor: N/A
Height: Short Weight: N/A
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark-Brown
Theme Song: N/A


A member of UQ Holder (a mutual aid organization for people beyond the human world comprised of non-humans and immortal-beings), Touta Konoe is tasked with responsibilities that most normal fourteen year olds would not be able to handle. But with an optimistic attitude and an immortal vampire body he's not too worried. Having only two years worth of memories, Touta makes an effort to learn everything he can whether it be singing, writing, mechanics, or cooking. While he tends to be a bit of a quick study, the one thing he picks up better than anything else is how to fight. In terms of combat Touta has plenty going for him beyond his immortality. An innate battle instinct, the ability to use Ki to strengthen his body, a magical sword, and the mysterious magical entities of the Black of Venus and the White of Mars that inhabit his body. Yet when he compares himself to his like he has a large pair of shoes to fill.



Magia Erebea:

Magia Erebea is one of two magical powers dwelling in Toutas body. This dark magic is the primary source of his immortality.

Immortality···, Remote Manipulation: Touta can survive fatal wounds due to Magia Erebea. A limb torn from his body can still move, though only as much as a dismembered limb could be expected. His immortality can be severed if his connection with the source of his immortality on Venus is disrupted through forms of magical negation. Regeneration···, Remote Manipulation: Regeneration allows him to heal from wounds instantaneously, capable of reattaching lost limbs from a distance or growing new ones at his discretion. This healing is so spontaneous that when regenerating from the smallest speck of blood it seems like he appears out of thin air, giving him the appearance of using teleportation.

Blood Magic: Using blood as a catalyst, Touta can use Magia Erebea to create clones of himself from drops of his blood as if he were regenerating, or even large quantities of a black mist/mud-like liquid that he or his clones can can manipulate and spawn from. NPCs···, Split Actions···, Field Shaping··: Accelerating Touta's regeneration, he is able to create a demon-like creature the size of a skyscraper, multiple clones of himself in the same way a starfish can be made from a torn limb, or even a miniscule amount of blood. The clones have the powers of the original, including the power to make more clones. Doing so splits their power for each new one made. To deal with this, clones need to re-merge. Any knowledge they acquired is accumulated into the reformed Touta. If a clone is truly killed, the power that went along with it is lost, losing a degree of fighting capability until Touta gets back that power over time. Field Shaping··, Teleportation··, Entry Methods·: Touta can cover terrains in a dense black mist. He is also able to generate mud-like liquid to create geysers, or tsunamis capable of washing over a wide area at once, flooding them and destroying buildings in the process. Because the mist and mud are created from his blood magic, he and his clones are able to spawn from it, appearing instantly anywhere the fog or mud is spread in an area. Using this surgically, he can access areas by passing the mud or fog through crevices or vents to gain access to more secure areas as well. He can trigger this 'teleportation' manually by giving himself a wound that draws blood, causing his body to fade into what looks like ash before regenerating from a different spot where blood, mist, or mud is in an area. Field Shaping··, Invisibility··: Within the black mist, visibility is null, to the extent one might experience full loss of sight. Because the mist is also magically infused, it makes sensing magic energies difficult in the same way heat vision goggles might be impaired if one was surrounded by flames. This makes it a boon to anyone hiding within, but a bane to ally and foe attempting to enter or exit it without Touta's assistance who can traverse and manipulate the mist like an extension of his body.

Demon Advent Armament:

A form created after learning how to tap into his immortality as a source of power, and changing his perspective. By acknowledging that while he perceives himself as human, he's actually an immortal monster he's allowed himself to garner a more demonic form that he can alter whether it be additional limbs and claws, wings, tails, and even tendril like appendages.

Strength···, Superhumanity···, Flight··: Tapping into his infinite magic source at an explosive rate, Touta adorns a demonic black armor that grants him additional arms, a whip-like tail, and even wings that allow for dynamic maneuvers mid-air and raises all aspects of his fighting prowess exponentially. Extraordinary Senses - Magic·



Using a hula-hoop, Touta can control the flow of his blood and Ki, allowing him to separate the two magical powers in his body. Though this is mainly used to gain access to the second magic in his body Mars Album.

Anti - Battle Magic···: By direct contact with him, use of his blade, a non-damaging beam from his fist, or creating a magical barrier,. Touta can nullify offensive magic such as magic projectiles, or enchantments on weapons to increase their proficiency in battle. Can impede by stopping him while he uses his hula-hoop or taking it. Anti - Magical Construct···: Touta can negate constructs formed solely of magical components. Such examples would be magical barriers, magically forged weapons, structures built solely of magic, and entities summoned or manipulated by magic. This does not negate entities like demons or angels that might use magic, but aren't created from it. Can impede by stopping him while he uses his hula-hoop or taking it. Defensive Paradigm··: Touta's able to absorb elemental attacks (water, fire, earth, air, lightning, wood, light,dark) into his body to then redirect the attack back at enemies. This can also be used with his mist or black mud since they act as an extension of himself.

Ki User:

Through constant martial arts training and continuously bringing the body to its limits Touta is able to use Ki to perform superhuman feats.

Teleport·, Strength···, Superhumanity···, Defense Paradigm··:Even before awakening to his immortality, Touta had been training in martial arts to the extent that his strength had become abnormal for someone his age. Since then, he's trained constantly and the results have allowed him to perform feats such as lift trailers with ease, jump the height of small buildings in a single leap, run on walls, jump mid-air, blunt bladed strikes against his body at pin-point locations, and even use flash steps to traverse short distances faster than the eye can see. Weapon Mastery - Hand To Hand··: Touta has a natural sense for martial arts that has surprised those who have fought for years. Originally taught how to fight in order to train using his Ki, he improved his physical abilities to unnatural feats.

Gravity Blade:

A sword that was sealed under the UQ Holder base until Touta claimed it for his own. The blade is able to alter its weight from being that of a normal katana, to that of thousands upon thousands of times its original weight. By imbuing this blade with his magic he can alter its form.

NPCs·: Kurobo, a.k.a Sable Sidestick is a sentient blade capable of speech and flying to Touta's side if Touta needs it. Arsenal - Melee··:Acting as Touta's weapon of choice, he's developed an entire fighting style around manipulating the weapon's weight. Whether it be keeping the weapon at its base weight to perform swift strikes, or adding an obstructive amount of weight to the blade for powerful and staggering strikes. The blade can even alter its form into a large hammer-like weapon with a surface area wide-enough to completely flatten a truck.

Black of Venus:

Magia Erebea, while granting Touta Immortality seems redundant considering he's a vampire, it has granted him assets that strangely benefit his vampire physiology.

Imperishable: Toutas body is completely fueled by the magical powers inside him. While he is able to eat and breathe, he does not need to. It has also relinquished any vampiric desire for him to drink blood. Disguise: Touta's immortality prevents him from aging. To better encapsulate his mental age Touta has access to a magic item to give him the appearance of what he'd appear as a young man. Beyond having him appear taller and matured, it does nothing to hide his identity. Adaptation - Common Terrestrial·, Adaptation - Space· Knowledge - Law and Customs··



No One Deserves To Die <Trouble>: One would think that obtaining immortality would diminish one's own value of life, but in Touta's case it was the opposite. Once Touta had become a vampire one of the first things to come to his mind was how his abilities could help people. While that can mean just playing with the orphaned children at the UQ Holder base, usually it means fighting to protect those who can't protect themselves. Touta goes out of his way to make sure that casualties are at zero. While that's good in regards to protecting innocent civilians, this ends up extending to people he is fighting against too. Even when dealing with murderous individuals, he refuses to kill. Instead Touta would try to see them locked away in hopes that they may contemplate on their actions and have a change of heart. It is to such an extent that even if he were to go berserk using Magia Erebea, he would rather rebel against the powers that grant him his immortality, leaving him incapable of healing than to potentially kill someone.

Soft Spot for the Dreamers <Significant>: Due to Touta's memory loss he feels as though he has less than others, this is especially true when it comes to ambitious goals. Where many people have detailed desires they want, Touta's goal is merely to "Make it big." For that reason he finds people who have large ambitions and goals that seem challenging as admirable people. It is for this same reason he dislikes it when others would think it is okay to ridicule them for those dreams. Depending on the severity of the taunting he may just give the person a discouraging look to persuade them to back off, to completely butting into the conversation and threatening the individual. If the person was to do something that went beyond simply teasing, and more towards the disruption or sabotage of an individual's dream, Touta is more likely to go beyond just simply throwing threats around taking actions to help the person whose dream is being squandered or taking down the person who is trying to ruin it.

Magic Malfunction?! <Minor>: Touta is incapable of using normal forms of magic or any sort of magical items due to White of Mars within his body. When attempting to use magical items he may even end up breaking them.

Getting My Head On Straight <Minor>: When Touta's head gets completely blown off and his head begins to reform during that time he feels out of it, and becomes momentarily unaware of his surroundings. Generally he will feign awareness of the situation but it takes him a moment or so to get his bearings back on the situation.


Title Date Scene Summary
Unwanted in the Undercity January 16th, 2024 Solty Revant and Roy Revant take a few friends down to the Undercity to catch a bounty
Intermission: Returning Home May 23rd, 2020 Class VII and Allies go to Rean's hometown of Ymir for some relaxation...only for a certain phantom thief to ruin everything far more than anyone would have expected. Secret identities are revealed (again) and the worst happens to Mikoto...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Gaiden Ch.1 March 28th, 2020 The dig begins in the Fertile Crescent, but, two unexpected visitors put an end to the progress. What's the purpose of the Golden Rhinoceros Beetle? And just who is it that sent the deadly forecast duo out to collect it?
The Gallant Hero September 27th, 2019 A JRPG party battles Lezard for the fate of a Princess.
Hearts Of Glass: The Annealing September 3rd, 2019 A tale about three friends who tried to cross the sea. Because the debt has not been paid.
Fight on the beach August 29th, 2019 Theurgus wanders into enemy territory. Fights Touta for control.
Police Not So Brutality August 6th, 2019 Lory Thumper and Nanoha Takamachi have a good sparring session, and Touta Konoe treats them to dinner after.
=Pool Party in The City June 29th, 2019 A pool party for Solty and her friends is crashed by a jewel thief!
MECC: Yang Xiao Long vs Note May 14th, 2019 Note and Yang's bout
Immigration Control January 26th, 2019 Two dozen victims of human trafficking freed August and Corona. Touta obtains the Hand of Evangeline, with the power to cause regret in Touta. Small vampire still at large.
FateParadox: Ruler's Decree January 12th, 2019 Ruler has made some waves, and more than one person wants to sit him down to find out more.
A Weird Sort of Christmas December 26th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
Berserker vs Immortal December 19th, 2018 Touta challenges Yang to a match in the Shrine of Adversity for the 'lulz'.
FateParadox: Burning Saber December 15th, 2018 Saber tries out the device made by the Concord. Ruler takes issue
Tower of Santaga - Floor 6 December 10th, 2018 Santam celebrates Christmas with Saber Santa with a Arthurian game show twist.
Angry Guests November 24th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
Slightly Late Turkey Day November 23rd, 2018 A late thanksgiving party at Archer's home
A Lost Hero October 29th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
The Foreigner Is Coming Home September 14th, 2018 The Foreigner comes home.
An Avenger In Paris September 9th, 2018 The FateParadox Avenger blasts his way into Paris, out for blood
FateParadox - Duel July 19th, 2018 Saber Gwyn and Archer Shogo Arisu fight in a courtyard while several curious Elites try to track down their Masters, and chaos ensues.
Just a Single Servant July 11th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
FateParadox - Ruler Sighted June 25th, 2018 The Ruler of the Multiversal Grail War, Nagi Springfield, is met by several interested parties in a sushi bar.
FateParadox: New Beginnings May 26th, 2018 The new Grail War begins with a battle on a big bridge
Poker Night Beta Again May 12th, 2018 Pending
IS Visit May 8th, 2018 Touta makes a trip to the IS Academy on Academy Island to visit friends.
Beyond the Emerald Key-1 May 5th, 2018 Pending
Day at the Beach April 15th, 2018 A day at the beach on the Island where Fairyland Hall is located at. Simple, relaxing and a time to have fun and get to know people.
MDCC: Gallery March 26th, 2018 Social scene set in the Sapphire City of Art, Gallery, featuring the resident Drive Core Controller-- Artifex.
Chasing The Sun (1) February 3rd, 2018 Investigators follow up on reports of missing Elites.
Visiting Eternity January 27th, 2018 Touta has a few guests arrive in his world and takes the opportunity to show them the sights.
Seeing the sights November 23rd, 2017 Mairead just got her new IS, Clota and is flying around the Multiverse trying it out after a year without one due to an incident and who will she meet that she has never met before?
Mall Raid 1 June 12th, 2016 Shopping day at the mall!


Title Date Scene Summary
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