Logs 2018

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Title Date Scene Summary
Potential Psychic Essence January 30th, 2018 Staren invites Miari to RIFTS Earth to discuss the similarities between Essence and PPE, and to see if he can interace with Creation's magitech. The discussion leads to magical cybernetics.
A little more conversation a little less action(Please) January 28th, 2018 Sakuya Isayoi, a Completely Ordinary Maid, goes to talk to the Abyssal Princess at Quicksilver Island.
Visiting Eternity January 27th, 2018 Touta has a few guests arrive in his world and takes the opportunity to show them the sights.
Good Night, Moon - Act V January 26th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part five.
The Knight of the Round Table Alliance January 26th, 2018 The Watch recruits Krusty of the Round Table Alliance.
Ghosts In The Machines January 25th, 2018 A scholar and an inventor have a chat.
System Tower re:BOOT January 25th, 2018 A new drive connects to the System Hub. Conclusion of the System Tower arc.
Glad Tidings, From Hell January 23rd, 2018 Empty Tidings is visited by something about as awful as she is.
Relic Recovery January 21st, 2018 A strange vision haunts Concord personnel sent to recover items from the destroyed Confederate Citadel.
TGSBP: Absolution January 20th, 2018 The final confrontation with the Avenger in Hvergel comes to a head. Finale of The Guilty Shall Be Punished mini-plot.
Winterland Visit January 17th, 2018 Yomi visits a recovering Lexicon, and they discuss recent events
Interview with an Abyssal January 17th, 2018 A group of Elites interview the Demon-class.
System Tower re:DIVINE January 15th, 2018 A labyrinth is created out of the connection between Artifex and the remains of the Sapphire Drive. But how can this defeat the infected DCC?
Good Night, Moon - Act IV January 13th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part four.
TGSBP: Dancing with Devils January 13th, 2018 The Avenger finally reveals himself, and the Hvergel royal wedding goes up in smoke. Part of The Guilty Shall Be Punished mini-plot.
System Tower re:DEVIL January 13th, 2018 A group breaks into the sealed System Tower to confront Artifex
System Tower re:APPEAR January 11th, 2018 The true nature of the System Tower, and the person behind it, is revealed.
Good Night, Moon - Act III January 6th, 2018 A play in five parts. Part three.
Prospektor's Revolt-1 January 4th, 2018 Pending. Submitting logs because nobody has been.
Dead Man's Panopticon January 2nd, 2018 Pending. Submitting logs because nobody has been.
Good Night, Moon - Act II January 1st, 2018 A play in five parts. Part two.

Title Date Scene Summary
Mouse Hunting February 27th, 2018 Friends and allies of Tiny visit her workshop in Hoonah, Alaska to recover something of significance to bring her home.
Wounded Deer Stumbles Home February 27th, 2018 Empty Tidings is missing. The Watch picks up a distress signal. Demon hunters get involved.
MDCC: Enigmatic Emerald February 27th, 2018 Enter the Emerald Drive and assist the local DCC against the viral monster Barbarossa.

Meet Alea and the city of Arcade.

Part 2 of a series of one-shot scenes to introduce more of the setting of the Realm Operation Memory setting.

MDCC: Arcade February 26th, 2018 Social scene set in the Emerald City of Adventure, Arcade, featuring the resident Drive Core Controller-- Alea.
Revisiting the Lot February 24th, 2018 Josuke returns to Windknight's Lot to see how things are coming along. He scares the hell out of poor Anco with his restoration abilities, finds Jonathan in the castle, and offers further assistance in making the castle livable. Jonathan also asks an uncomfortable question!
P:WtWM - Truth-Faker February 17th, 2018 The Pied Piper plays his last tune. Part of the Persona: Were the World Mine plot.
Engagement February 17th, 2018 The final battle of Operation Quicksilver.
MDCC: Alert Amethyst February 14th, 2018 Enter the Amethyst Drive and assist the local DCC against the viral tyrant lizard, Cacophodon.

Meet Saltavi, Cantio, and the city of Cadenza.

Part 1 of a series of scenes to help introduce the ROM theme.

MDCC: Cadenza February 13th, 2018 Social scene in the Amethyst City of Songs. Meeting Saltavi, Cantio, and the city of Cadenza.
What One Values February 5th, 2018 Those who know the missing Count Kord venture into his home to locate items that may be used to find him
Chasing The Sun (1) February 3rd, 2018 Investigators follow up on reports of missing Elites.
Then The Morning Comes (1) February 2nd, 2018 Just another day in Emblem City.

Title Date Scene Summary
P:WtWM - Final Breaker March 29th, 2018 Elites fell the Majordomo, the last member of the Black Queen's Court
MDCC: Stunning Sapphire March 27th, 2018 Assist the Gallery Drive Core Controller, Artifex, against the corrupted virus Leviathan.
MDCC: Vector March 27th, 2018 Social scene set in Vector. Meet the local Drive Core Controller, Struo, and her sister Conati.
MDCC: Gallery March 26th, 2018 Social scene set in the Sapphire City of Art, Gallery, featuring the resident Drive Core Controller-- Artifex.
Good Intentions March 24th, 2018 The Watch returns to the lair of Kinvat, the Threshold's Toil to pay the toll.
Oh You Can Go Straight To Hell March 24th, 2018 The Watch looks for a way into Malfeas and finds the best path is already blocked.
Shadow Boxing March 22nd, 2018 A spate of disappearances, lead to an entire legion of the LDF being corrupted by a Trojan Horse virus.
Retiarius Recumbentibus March 21st, 2018 The Corpus put up a unique prize for winning in their gladiatorial Index: a Tenno. Certain people take exception to this.
MDCC: Orderly Onyx March 16th, 2018 Enter the Onyx Drive and assist the local DCC against the viral monster Omega Panzer.

Meet Struo, Conati, and the city of Vector

The Morning Ends March 10th, 2018 The end of Lumiere's ancient past
ICoT - A N(o)e(l)w(d) Day March 10th, 2018 In a restored Caelondia, Elites track down Zulf with the help of Zia.
Then The Morning Comes (4) March 5th, 2018 Prepared, the party re-enters Lumiere to confront its mysteries
Coal-Raker March 4th, 2018 Die Reisende draws ever closer to the Black Queen, so the rest of the Court bands together to deal with them.

Title Date Scene Summary
Tour and Introduction April 30th, 2018 A chance to met a new person tot he Multiverse and possible the Paladins, Mairead has invited ACT B3-114 to the IS Academy for a chance to have a simple conversationa nd to find out more about her.
Portrait April 29th, 2018 Pending
=A joint Mission April 28th, 2018 Pending
ICoT: Reunion April 28th, 2018 Everyone gathers to plan their next step, with local law enforcement dropping by.
TPT: The Crimson Thought April 27th, 2018 Pending
Three Hots and a Cot April 26th, 2018 Pending
Risen from the Depths-3 April 25th, 2018 Pending
Happy Hour at the Edge of the Multiverse April 24th, 2018 Pending
Lookshy: The Aftermath April 23rd, 2018 Pending
The Pillars of Avarice April 22nd, 2018 Pending
Spellcrafters Day Decorating April 22nd, 2018 Pending
Aftermaths of Other Aftermaths April 22nd, 2018 Pending
And Teeth For Teeth April 21st, 2018 Pending
Prospektor's Revolt-7 April 21st, 2018 Pending
Welcome to the Multiverse, ACT B3-114! April 20th, 2018 Pending
Two Aftermaths April 19th, 2018 Pending
The Blue Light Room April 18th, 2018 Placeholder
Day at the Beach April 15th, 2018 A day at the beach on the Island where Fairyland Hall is located at. Simple, relaxing and a time to have fun and get to know people.
Dark Lady: Hunt 2 April 13th, 2018 Pending

Title Date Scene Summary
Tour of Ga-rei Tokyo May 31st, 2018 Yomi shows Lexicon a little of her Tokyo.
Meet and Greet May 30th, 2018 Mairead meets a new voice for the first time, Penelope Vasquez
And the Abyss May 27th, 2018 A briefing and planning grouping, preparing for the endgame.
One Year Passed-1 May 26th, 2018 The Paladins get an unpleasantly personal introduction to one of their new members through the magic of... Magic.
FateParadox: New Beginnings May 26th, 2018 The new Grail War begins with a battle on a big bridge
The Dark Lady: Black Swords Man's Inquisition May 25th, 2018 Kirito and Tomoe go to dig for information in the Castle Libary and Kirito uncovers a worrying bit of information about the nature of the Castle and the Dark Lady.
Eclipse Phase: Mind the WMDs (Part 2) May 24th, 2018 After the smuggler who tried to sell a gray goo nanoswarm to the highest bidder was taken into Paladin custody and revealed her source, the elusive client from last time has a new mission for the Elites: To brave the TITAN Quarantine Zone on Mars, confirm the smuggler's intel, and determine how to put a stop to this operation.
MISC: Blaster May 19th, 2018 The mechanized virus criminal, Blaster, has been sighted in Vector. News vlogs supposit his intentions, with most seeming to agree that he's planning some kind of robbery.

One in particular focuses on a single photo of him with a blonde program in a white bodysuit, with multiple tabloid-like theories as to who the mystery girl is. An inside contact or informant (Treachary in Vector?!)? A friend (which is immediately dismissed, after all, this is a virus we're talking about)? A kidnapping victim (Could the Four Felons sink even lower!?)? A new Drive Core Controller (Why is she not immediately killing the crap out of a virus?) and many more.

What could the Magikon Interdrive Syndicate of Crime be up to this time?

Eclipse Phase: Mind the WMDs (Part 1) May 16th, 2018 An enigmatic client hires Multiversal elites to prevent a smuggler from selling an especially dangerous weapon. But what could be considered "especially dangerous" on a habitat with no real rules?
Archaeologist Spars Warframe May 15th, 2018 Pending
War in the West-Vermilion May 15th, 2018 Pending
Deus Ex Logia: Travelers May 15th, 2018 Pending
Catch and Release May 13th, 2018 Pending
Poker Night Beta Again May 12th, 2018 Pending
We're just saiyan, super saiyan. May 11th, 2018 Yang and Goku go for a fight.
P:WtWM - Party Time May 11th, 2018 Janine throws a party, Agatha gatecrashes, Hoshi might be in danger?
The Dark Lady: Wavering Heroes May 10th, 2018 Tomoe and her party confront some more of the heroes who have started to question their own existence and just what is actually going on.
Who Defends the Defenders May 10th, 2018 Pending
Worry Never Dies May 9th, 2018 Pending
Downward Spiral-1 May 9th, 2018 Pending
IS Visit May 8th, 2018 Touta makes a trip to the IS Academy on Academy Island to visit friends.
TPT: The Cold Readers May 8th, 2018 Pending
Zergling Rush May 7th, 2018 Pending
Emerald Continuation May 6th, 2018 Pending
Beyond the Emerald Key-1 May 5th, 2018 Pending
An Unlikely Silver Tongue May 4th, 2018 Pending
The Opposite of Unearthed May 3rd, 2018 Pending
Stare too deeply May 3rd, 2018 Pending
Prospektor's Revolt-Finale May 2nd, 2018 Pending

Title Date Scene Summary
P:WtWM: Even Speedwagon is Taken! June 30th, 2018 Die Reisende rush a tower in the Mirror Forest to save Speedwagon
FateParadox - Ruler Sighted June 25th, 2018 The Ruler of the Multiversal Grail War, Nagi Springfield, is met by several interested parties in a sushi bar.
Liberty Bell June 24th, 2018 Theurgus questions the mysterious child Bell directly.
Flowers and Secrets June 19th, 2018 Chasing rumors about demon-pirates and monster-hunters leads to the discovery of a plan of attack.
Ringing the Bell June 17th, 2018 The child found during Seeker's raid in Locus is questioned by various Concord agents.
Heavy Robotic Signatures Detected June 16th, 2018 Zek wants a spaceship, so he enlists some help in clearing it out. It turns out it's a bit more complicated than that.
Stares Back June 14th, 2018 The Fifth Fleet, and a group of others make their first foray into the fog bank hiding a dangerous Demon-class Abyssal.

Information is gathered, but the abyssal force is stronger than expected. forcing a retreat.

MISC: Seeker June 10th, 2018 The mystical Viral criminal Seeker has been sighted in Locus. Various news feeds are already blowing her presence out of proportion on supposition of what she is after in the City of Magic.
One Year Passed-2 June 8th, 2018 The walk down someone else's memory lane continues with post-depressing park scene.
Dark Lady: To Catch A Thief June 2nd, 2018 Yuuki tries to defeat a foe without actually fighting!
Shrine of Adversity: Bones of Contention June 1st, 2018 Septette and Penelope spar in the Shrine of Adversity.

Title Date Scene Summary
Red Talon Reprisal July 31st, 2018 Red Talon attack a town. Elites stop them and then Grimm show up.
Red Talon Investigation July 29th, 2018 A group go to a village. Talk to some folks, then find the Red Talon operatives.
A Spirited Discussion About Technology July 23rd, 2018 Riva attacks a genetics alteration clinic for Reasons. Staren happens to be on hand to stop her. A deep and intense discussion about technology ensues.
Dog versus Mouse July 22nd, 2018 Wandering Dog spars with Leyanne Mace.
Undone - The Mancers Dilemma July 22nd, 2018 It all becomes done.
ICoT - The Mancers Dilemma July 21st, 2018 It all comes to a head.
FateParadox - Duel July 19th, 2018 Saber Gwyn and Archer Shogo Arisu fight in a courtyard while several curious Elites try to track down their Masters, and chaos ensues.
Just a Single Servant July 11th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
Never Powerless July 10th, 2018 Empty Tidings meets with a now powerless August Kohler and makes a bargain.
Cat Fight July 8th, 2018 Silica confronts one of the 'heroes' with the intent to take him down on

Title Date Scene Summary
Hamon wholewheat August 28th, 2018 Yang asks for help healing lingering wounds from the fight with the Saint of Glass. Josuke answers the call.
Operation Dogged Pursuit August 26th, 2018 A massive signature is detected heading straight for a coastal town. A group of Elites muster to infiltrate and either stop, or divert the fortress.
Intro to spear-fishing August 18th, 2018 A boat, a bull, and a bknight go fishing with spears. Hijinks and team building ensue.
Red Sky At Morning August 9th, 2018 Heroes attack a Lintha barge to rescue hostages. It turns out to be a little more complicated than that.
Escape From Facinaturu August 5th, 2018 Elites from multiple factions as well those unaligned try to rescue Asellus and White Rose from the tyranny of Chateau Aiguille, run by Mystic Lord Orlouge.
Dark Lady: Mouse From Above August 4th, 2018 Leyanne acting on a tip from Brick Slabmeat goes after a horrible dark lady who turns out to be none other than her friend Tomoe. Whom she crashed in on leaving her and Silica quite shocked.
Gold Gathers Greed August 2nd, 2018 The Golden Brothers eat, drink, be merry, and plan the next move against the Lintha.

Title Date Scene Summary
Dogged Betrayal September 24th, 2018 Yuudachi has been kidnapped and converted to the Abyssal's side.

At least that's what it appears to be.

The Foreigner Is Coming Home September 14th, 2018 The Foreigner comes home.
A Grand Tour September 10th, 2018 Gilgamesh comes to Remnant to get a motorcycle or fifty.

Yang is there to give him some guidance.

An Avenger In Paris September 9th, 2018 The FateParadox Avenger blasts his way into Paris, out for blood
Dogged Escape September 9th, 2018 Lexicon sets off a chain reaction that will blow a massive hole in the fortress, and cripple it for future assaults.

Unfortunately, an old enemy of the Hikari Fleet returns, one of Samar's old lieutenants, Leyte.

Dinnertime at the Apartment September 6th, 2018 As thanks for saving Roy, Solty invites her new friends to dinner!
Payback is a *bleep*! September 5th, 2018 Solty Revant's intro scene! Roy is in trouble and needs help, and several Multiversals show up to help him!
Dogged Execution September 2nd, 2018 A group of Elites infiltrate the Dogger Bank Leviathan Base in an attempt at crippling the fortress's ability to defend itself from future assaults by destroying or crippling key defensive systems such as ammo storage.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Good Spook October 31st, 2018 A trip to retrieve some kind of 'Engine' turns out to be a whole different kind of trip. (TSW Halloween '18)
A Lost Hero October 29th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
To See the Path October 29th, 2018 Nie Li holds a cultivation examination in the Shrine to discern the natures of his fellow Concord members.
The Scouring Rush-1 October 28th, 2018 --
Dogged Finale October 28th, 2018 The fleet and its allies finally corner Dogger Bank, and bring the fight to her.

After an intense and bitter struggle...

RIFTS: The Garnet Town Gambit (Part 2) October 24th, 2018 Having tracked down the brodkil camp, our heroes slay the demons, save the prisoners, encounter a human collaborator, and learn who was truly behind the attacks.
Dogged Engagement October 21st, 2018 It's time for the final battle. But first a path must be cleared to get to the Mistress of Deception, Dogger Bank.

A single group of Abyssals stand between the Hikari fleet and their goal, thanks to efforts of local military forces.

RIFTS: The Garnet Town Gambit (Part 1) October 19th, 2018 Answering a call for help, our heroes find a small town suffering from demonic raiders and caught between two factions offering help with strings attached.
At least I Have Chicken... Wait, No I Don't, Let's Get Some Chicken October 11th, 2018 Staren and Seifer are tasked to buy chicken. Concorders tag along for a grocery trip, and run into some friends. Nyrinel and Inga win hearts and minds for creepy magic.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Tanker Out Of Time November 30th, 2018 In which Aoko makes a peace offering to the Demon Raider, along with some company.
Angry Guests November 24th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
A Blood-Red Sun on the Rise November 24th, 2018 Due to Abyssal presence in the Red Sea, and the princess Suez's stranglehold on the Mediterranean, shipping companies have resorted to rounding Cape Horn at the south end of Africa to keep worldwide trade in motion.

The increased shipping has drawn the presence of a new Abyssal, tentatively called the Raider Demon.

Slightly Late Turkey Day November 23rd, 2018 A late thanksgiving party at Archer's home
Gentle Days Vanish One By One November 20th, 2018 Wherein our intrepid heroes follow the strange hallucinations and save a holy guardian beast.
Heroic November 20th, 2018 Archer discusses some things with Jeanne d'Arc Alter in an attempt to "help" her.
Scavenging the Hulk November 18th, 2018 Orchid gathers a team to loot one of the Refineries that lay along the Line
RIFTS: The Garnet Town Gambit Part 3 November 7th, 2018 The party returns to Garnet Town with the freed prisoners. The town has a decision to make... and one last loose end to wrap up.
A Meeting With Mercy November 5th, 2018 Mercy talks to Staren about immortality and those who seek to share it with others.
Fetch Quest November 3rd, 2018 Taiga NPC accidentally bugged an area trying to spawn in some items, but luckily a few brave adventurers answer her distress signal to help her retrieve some valuables before the area gets deleted.

Title Date Scene Summary
The Aurora Shell and the Blast Fall December 30th, 2018 A team of Watch scientists try to learn something about the Aurora Shell and the destructive lightning that falls from it.
Oh I Just Can't Wait December 29th, 2018 Archer meets Rhongomyniad face to face.
Easy Choices at Sea December 28th, 2018 Two cruise ships spring leaks, an Abyssal cruiser makes a choice about who to save, and things get worse very quickly.
Heavensturn 2019 December 28th, 2018 Raha hosts a party for Heavensturn
P:WtWM - A Hurried Pursuit December 28th, 2018 Die Reisende cause urban destruction in pursuit of a member of the Wildekinder
Punzerker vs Punishlugger! December 27th, 2018 Yang gets challenged by Solomon!
A Weird Sort of Christmas December 26th, 2018 {{{Synopsis}}}
Divinity of Camelot December 26th, 2018 Gilgamesh meets Rhongomyniad face to face.
The Minstrel's Ballad: Gaius's Ambition(2) December 26th, 2018 The Minstrel's Ballad focuses now on the Ascian Lahabrea, and the Light's intervention in his defeat
Berserker vs Glass Cannon Rd 2! December 24th, 2018 Sarracenia wants a rematch with Yang!
Techno-Wizard Introduction December 23rd, 2018 A bunch of people get hungry and end up at the Bar & Grill. Reyes meets people. Discussion turns to the subject of Staren's hometown and its noninterventionist policies.
Berserker vs All-Star December 21st, 2018 Solty challenges Yang to a match.
The Minstrel's Ballad: Gaius's Ambition December 19th, 2018 The Wandering Minstrel spins a yarn of the fall of Ultima Weapon, told in a way only Yoshida-san can, and the Adventurers get pulled right on in.
Berserker vs Immortal December 19th, 2018 Touta challenges Yang to a match in the Shrine of Adversity for the 'lulz'.
A Pacific War December 15th, 2018 Orchid's tracking devices have located Midway. Converge, and teach that Princess the error of her ways!
FateParadox: Burning Saber December 15th, 2018 Saber tries out the device made by the Concord. Ruler takes issue
A Shining Introduction December 12th, 2018 The Titanic Exalted God-King, Xianren, invites his Concord allies to a gala to introduce himself.
Loot Boxes Are Evil December 12th, 2018 No one likes loot box economy. Especially when it a booby trap.
A Simple Meeting ft. Watch and Scions December 12th, 2018 The Watch meet with key members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and Morgan tries to step up to the Queen.
Tower of Santaga - Floor 6 December 10th, 2018 Santam celebrates Christmas with Saber Santa with a Arthurian game show twist.
Mystery On A Brimsteel Express December 9th, 2018 How do you pull a Wild West 'Train Robbery' and still be the 'good guys'? Like this! (and a few plot twists)
Tower of Santaga - Floor 9 December 9th, 2018 The Tower of Santaga houses some fantastic places.

This one appears to be an abandoned festival with a monster in the middle.

Far From Shore December 8th, 2018 Parting somewhat peacefully previously, the Raider Demon returns in an inexplicable rage. Who could be responsible for this?
Alpha and Omega December 7th, 2018 Metal Man has a run in with Zero and challenges him to a spar, he also talks to Zero about why he fights and gives his answer to Zero.
A Chance to Catch a Breath ft Raha and Inga December 7th, 2018 Raha and Inga catch up and discuss some serious stuff.
FATE: It's Not Lupus December 6th, 2018 The Heroes obliterate a poor FATE Boss, and then kibitz over crabmeat and shipwreck tossing. Raha returns to the Multiverse, too.
Berserker vs Icon December 3rd, 2018 Yang says she's bored.

A certain purple pony comes to make her less bored.

Things explode

It's the Naval Way December 1st, 2018 Foiled by a clash of personalities and powers beyond her understanding, and sated of her need for oil by the magic of Aoko Aozaki, the Raider Demon now turns her sights on more resource acquisition. The ore refinery down the coast from Cape Town is her target. Her goal: Steel.
Yuletide Wine-Tasting December 1st, 2018 A big wine-tasting convention ends in trial by fire and nuclear dragon explosion.